ENGLISH NOTES BY LIVEENGLISH 12 The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet (Detailed Study) Background The story is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian war. The French district of Alsace and Lorraine were captured by Germans. The new master was to come the next day in a school in Alsace to teach German in place of French. The story tells the effect of this news on the life at a school in Alsace. The story at a glance The prose ‘The last lesson ‘ written by Alphonse Daudet narrates about the year 1870 when the Prussian forces under Bismarck attacked and captured France. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went into Prussian hands. The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the schools of these two districts. The French teachers were asked to leave. The story describes the last day of one such French, M. Hamel. Mr M. Hamel had been transferred and could no longer remain in his old school. Still he gave his last lesson to his students with utmost devotion and sincerity as ever. The story depicts the pathos of the whole situation about how people feel when they don’t learn their own language and then losing an asset in M. Hamel. One of his students Franz who dreaded French class and M. Hamel ‘s iron rod, came to the school that day thinking he would be punished as he had not learnt his lesson. But on reaching school

English Notes by Liveenglish 12

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ENGLISH NOTES BY LIVEENGLISH 12The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet (Detailed Study)BackgroundThe story is setin the days of the Franco-Prussian war. The French district of Alsace and Lorraine were captured by Germans. The new master was to come the next day in a school in Alsace to teach German in place of French. The story tells the effect of this news on the life at a school in Alsace.The story at a glanceThe prose The last lesson written by Alphonse Daudet narrates about the year 1870 when the Prussian forces under Bismarck attacked and captured France. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went into Prussian hands. The new Prussian rulers discontinued the teaching of French in the schools of these two districts. The French teachers were asked to leave. The story describes the last day of one such French, M. Hamel. Mr M. Hamel had been transferred and could no longer remain in his old school. Still he gave his last lesson to his students with utmost devotion and sincerity as ever. The story depicts the pathos of the whole situation about how people feel when they dont learn their own language and then losing an asset in M. Hamel. One of his students Franz who dreaded French class and M. Hamel s iron rod, came to the school that day thinking he would be punished as he had not learnt his lesson. But on reaching school he found Hamel dressed in Sundays clothes and all the old people of the village sitting there. It was due to an order on the bulletin board. That was the first day when he realised for the first time that how important French was for him, but it was his LAST LESSON in French.Bit/Bits 1890, the year Prussia conquered two states of France Alsace and Lorraine. A boy from Alsace is on his way to school. He is unwilling to school and scared of his teacher, Mr. Hamel. The boys name is Franz. Very lazy and very illiterate. While passing the Town Hall, Franz sees so many French citizens overcrowded in front of the bulletin board. They are reading the latest order from the Prussians, their enemies. The order said, No French school will hereafter teach French. All French teachers are hereby ordered to leave the country. Students should attend their schools and learn German as their language. Teachers are already appointed. Franz is illiterate so he cannot read the order. After halting for a while, Franz runs off to his school. In the school Franz is told of the new order and of his teachers leaving the school. Although never interested in learning, Franz for the first time felt like blaming himself. He listened to Mr. Hamels last lecture. Wonder! He understood every word, every grammar, every rule. The last class transformed him life and aptitude. He saw how important it is to be literate, how essential it is to love ones mother tongue and how painful it is to be denied the right to learn ones mother tongue!Dominant Theme raised in the textLINGUISTIC CHAUVINISMChauvinism is a devotion for or against something, just based on what you feel (not necessarily what you may know). So, Linguistic chauvinism is the idea that ones language is superior to that of others.This happens generally when the language is that of the ruling class.Linguistic chauvinism is the overt preference for one language over others. Language is considered to be the cultural identity of a particular group of people who use it. Hence, imposing some other language on the people hammers their emotions and is a step to annex their relationship with their culture. The language of any country is the pride of that country. It not only defines theculture butalso tells us about the people,literature and historyof ofthe country.Language for some people is just the medium of communication but for others it is the question of life and death.The Last Lesson very prominently raises the question of linguistic and cultural hegemony of the colonial and imperial powers and their lust for controlling the world and influencing their cultures and identities.The Last Lesson raises the burning question very innocently through the words of little Franz that Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons? This raises the question of immorality of imposing imperial languages and cultures on the colonies. The child questions that when even the birds and animals cant be forced to abandon their language and speak others then what forces the man to think that it would be prudent force other human beings to forcibly accept any language other than theirs.The language of a country is not only a medium of communication for the people but also the link for identity, once the native language is snatched away from the people. Its not only the loss of convenient communicating medium but also the loss of identity for people for what they have been and what they might become. When a small child like Franz can think of the irrationality behind snatching away the right of language and identity from people then why cant the war lords and colonizers understand the fact?Sub ThemeAttitude of teachers and students towards learning and teachingMain Characters1. M. Hamel Sincere French teacher knows subject well Passionate about French considers French-clearest, most beautiful, logical feels-key to persons sense of freedom advises to hold on to French Proud of being French upset by occupation of Alsace by German attached to town, school, people Hard Task Master particular about discipline and learning students scared last day exercises on all aspects of language Sensitive, Honest blames himself for selfishness emotional by sound of Prussian soldiers2. Franz Sensitive, Honest Blames himself for ignoring lessons Wonders if pigeons will coo in German Understands feelings of Hauser Loves outdoors, sunshine, birds, butterflies, collecting birds eggs As a student,repents, Good observer, notices changes. Empathizes with M. Hamel Understands emotions, accepts him with faultsWhat did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?Ans. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. But it was all very still that day. Everything was as quiet as a Sunday morning. There was no opening or closing of desks. His classmates were already in their places. The teachers great ruler instead of rapping on the table, was under M. Hamels arm.What had been put up on the bulletin-board?For the last two years all the bad news came from the bulletin-board. An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans had put up this notice on the Bulletin board.What change did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?Mr. Hamel had put on his best dress his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and the little black silk cap, all embroidered. The whole school seemed so strange and solemn. On the back benches that were always empty, the elderly village people were sitting quietly like the kids.How did Franzs feelings about M. Hamel and the school change?Franz came to know that it was the last lesson in French that M. Hamel would give them. From the next day they will be taught only German. Then he felt sorry for not learning his lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier were now old friends. His feelings about M. Hamel also changed. He forgot all about his ruler and how cranky he was.When a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they have the keys to their prison. What could this mean?Ans. Language is an important aspect of the culture of any nation. Native language unites the people of a particular area or nation. During colonization colonizers enforce political domination by exerting their rules and regulation over the people of colonized nation and enforce cultural domination by imposing their own language on them. In some cases, colonizers prohibit the teaching of the native language and try to deprive the people of their identity. In such cases ,when people are attached to their native language, their identity would be kept intact. Their language is the key to their prison as their language keeps them united against the invaders and urge them to fight against the enslavement.Q Franz thinks, Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons ? What could this means?Ans.Alphonse Daudets The Last Lesson very prominently raises the question of linguistic and cultural hegemony of the colonial and imperial powers and their lust for controlling the world and influencing their cultures and identities. Prussians acquired the districts of Alsace and Lorraine in Franco-Prussian War , but they were not satisfied with mere political domination ,they desired to enforce their own language on the people of the defeated nation. They released the order that from now German would be taught in schools rather than French. Franz wondered whether they would make even pigeons sing in German. It means that they had grown up using French as their language and now snatching away their language from them would be unfair and unkind. The language was as natural to them as cooing is to the pigeon. So, compulsion to speak another language is like dominating the force of nature and enslaving it. As it is next to impossible to alter the way pigeons sing, in the same way it is difficult for people to accept a language which is forcibly imposed on them. Adopting a new language causes pain and discomfort.VALUE BASED QUESTIONSThe Last LessonQ. Franzs feelings about M. Hamel and school changed gradually by the end of the text, though he had a great disliking for both the beginning of the story. It is said that first impression is the last impression. Is it true in context of The Last Lesson? Definitely not.Write a small paragraph of about 100 words penning down your views on, A person can be best judged in his first appearance only.Ans:A well-known dictum states that appearances are deceptive. In fact, it is true that one cannot be judged in just one meeting. Actually, one or more meetings are not enough to judge a persons personality. Every person reacts differently on different situations at different times. So it is not a matter of single appearances to form a judgment about a person. It might be a prejudice. Now-a-days every person appears to be social and gentle. They want to be presentable in the society. No matter what their background is. Ones clothes, gestures, habits, etc. do not define ones personality in just one appearance. Due time should be taken to form opinion about a person. Different situations reveal different aspects of ones personality. Sometimes a life remains short to know a person. But sometimes even a few seconds are enough to know ones real face. Hence, it is not a matter of first or last impression but the issue of time, needed to know one in ones right colours.Q. While speaking his mouth choked and wrote, Vive La France and finally by gesture he said: School is dismissed you may go.These lines show that M Hamel was greatly attached to his motherland, profession and mother tongue. In other words, one should be attached to his own land, cultures and customs. But todays Indians are drowned in the western colours. It shows that there is need to spread awareness about the feeling of patriotism and other related factors. Write a paragraph in about 100 words highlighting the issue.Ans. Patriotism-An Unmatched SpiritPatriotism is defined as ones love for ones customs, culture, mother tongue, motherland and everything what is associated with ones motherland. One should be proud of what ones country has given to him. In Indian context, people have started adopting western culture. They are in the race of being Mod. This is really surprising as well as pathetic. As an Indian, we own a rich and diversified culture which has attracted foreigners too. Many patriots have sacrificed their lives in the name of their country which has attracted foreigners too. Many Patriots have a feeling that cannot be filled in the hearts of Indians but it should be arisen and inculcated among the future generation of the country. The students or the youth of the country need to be indianised. Adaption of different cultures is not bad. But forgetting our own culture for sake of other ones is not done. The need of the hour is to inculcate the moral values, virtues, love for humanity and motherland among the Indian youth. Patriotism is an undying and unmatched spirit that cannot be sacrificed for anything.Q. Read the following question and answer the question that follows:Then he turned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk and, bearing on with all his might, he wrote as large as he could vive la France!Abraham Lincoln, a former president of America saidI like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.After reading the lesson and the above quote of Abraham Lincoln you being to reflect on the lost spirit of patriotism amongst the youth in India due to which there is no respect for once countrymen and no determination amongst the youth to lead the country to be a better future.Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need for revival of patriotic spirit amongst the youth of India.ANS:The Need for Revival of Patriotic Spirit amongst the Youth in IndiaIndia has been the land of proud martyrs who embraced the gallows for their ideals, where every drop in freedom fighters blood fought not for itself but for nation. Today, the same India stands famished and starved of the true patriotic spirit. Our youth appears to be driven more by a crazy love for a superficial self-advancement than anything else for our young boys and girls, country holds on better value than just a geographical identity. Undoubtedly, patriotism needs to be redefined and revived in India. We probably find our patriotic spirit stirred up when there is an Indo-pak cricket match or when terrorists bomb our trains. But we definitely forget it when we cast our vote in the elections, when a hungry beggar asks for a rupee, when we shamelessly throw garbage on the roads and so on. Patriotic emotions cannot be engendered in a windfall. They will have to be engraved on tender hearts that will remain placid. Our education policies thus needed to be revalued and reformed. More national awareness and respect should be embedded into the scholastic curriculum. This could be nothing more than a sincere devotion for making a peaceful-loving, uncorrupt, crime-free, unpolluted and patriotic India. Small actions persuaded with a notion of doing good to other countrymen is true patriotism. Today, our country wants awakened citizens to move forward and it is in this sphere where we have to exercise our true patriotic spirit.Short Questions:1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?Ans. That day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles . Franz did not know anything about participles.2. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?Ans. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street. But it was all very still that day. Everything was as quiet as a Sunday morning. There was no opening or closing of desks. His classmates were already in their places. The teachers great ruler instead of rapping on the table, was under M. Hamels arm.3. What had been put up on the bulletin-board?For the last two years all the bad news came from the bulletin-board. An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans had put up this notice on the Bulletin board.4. What change did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?Mr. Hamel had put on his best dress his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt and the little black silk cap, all embroidered. The whole school seemed so strange and solemn. On the back benches that were always empty, the elderly village people were sitting quietly like the kids.5. How did Franzs feelings about M. Hamel and the school change?Franz came to know that it was the last lesson in French that M. Hamel would give them. From the next day they will be taught only German. Then he felt sorry for not learning his lessons properly. His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier were now old friends. His feelings about M. Hamel also changed. He forgot all about his ruler and how cranky he was.LONG QUESTIONSQWhen a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they have the keys to their prison. What could this mean?Ans. Language is an important aspect of the culture of any nation. Native language unites the people of a particular area or nation. During colonization colonizers enforce political domination by exerting their rules and regulation over the people of colonized nation and enforce cultural domination by imposing their own language on them. In some cases, colonizers prohibit the teaching of the native language and try to deprive the people of their identity.In such cases ,when people are attached to their native language, their identity would be kept intact. Their language is the key to their prison as their language keeps them united against the invaders and urge them to fight against the enslavement.Q Franz thinks, Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons ? What could this means?Ans.Alphonse Daudets The Last Lesson very prominently raises the question of linguistic and cultural hegemony of the colonial and imperial powers and their lust for controlling the world and influencing their cultures and identities.Prussians acquired the districts of Alsace and Lorraine in Franco-Prussian War , but they were not satisfied with mere political domination ,they desired to enforce their own language on the people of the defeated nation. They released the order that from now German would be taught in schools rather than French.Franz wondered whether they would make even pigeons sing in German. It means that they had grown up using French as their language and now snatching away their language from them would be unfair and unkind. The language was as natural to them as cooing is to the pigeon. So, compulsion to speak another language is like dominating the force of nature and enslaving it. As it is next to impossible to alter the way pigeons sing, in the same way it is difficult for people to accept a language which is forcibly imposed on them. Adopting a new language causes pain and discomfort.Answer the following in 30-40 words each.1. Why was Franz afraid to go to school that morning?2. What temptations did Franz overcome to proceed to school? (p-2 ,para-1)3. What was the significance of the bulletin-board in the town hall? (p-2, para-2)4. Why was Franz blushing and feeling frightened when he entered the class room? (was late ,easily noticed as everyone was settled)5. How and why was M. Hamel dressed differently that day?(p-3 ,last para)6. Why were the old men of the village present in the class room? (p-5 ,1stpara)7. How was the order from Berlin going to make a difference to the lives of the students?(not study the native language , will be compelled to study a foreign language)8. How did Franzs attitude towards his books change after he heard about the order from Berlin? (p-4 ,2ndlast para)9. What happened when Franz attempted to recite the rule for participles in class? (p-5 ,2ndpara: But i got mixed up.look up10. What does M. Hamel find wrong with the attitude of Alsace towards learning? (puts off learning till tomorrow)11. How does M. Hamel held parents and himself responsible for students neglecting learning?(p-5 ,2ndlast para)12. How does M. Hamel praise the French language? (p-5 ,last para)13. How is the mother tongue important for the enslaved people?14. Why was Franz able to understand everything?(Franz- listening carefully ,Hamel-explaining everything with patience)15. How had the school changed in the forty years of M. Hamels stay ?(p-8 ,para-1)16. I never saw him look so tall. Who is the person mentioned? What does the speaker mean by the above statement?17. Why did M. Hamel make a gesture to the students to leave?(was choked up ,overwhelmed with emotions)18.How does M. Hamel evoke feelings of patriotism in the class ?Answer the following in about 150 words each1. Justify the title The Last Lesson.2. In the story M. Hamel emerges not only as a dedicated teacher but also as a sensitive andunderstanding human being. Elaborate the character of M. Hamel in light of the above3*. The importance of a thing dawns upon us when it is no longer with us. Do youagree ? Give reasons based on the text ?1. Language becomes a tool in the lands of the conquerors to establish their superiority over the loser. Critically analyse the statement with reference to the lesson.The Lost Spring by Anees JungTHE LOST SPRING by ANEES JUNGSpring is the Season of optimism and hope. Spring is the metaphor of childhood stage in a persons life. From birth till late childhood, life for every child is almost the beginning of a bright and a shiny future. Childhood is featured by innocence, physical stamina and vitality, tremendous urge for the outdoors and a tremendous appetite for fun and play. Activities have no limits. It is also the stage for gaining skill and knowledge, learning and going to school.The lost spring by Anees Jung is an expression of national shame of children condemned to poverty and a life of exploitation. The two protagonists of the chapter, Saheb-e-Alam and Mukesh lose their childhood in carrying the burden of poverty and illiteracy. In their bleak stories of exploitation, the author finds glimpses of resilience and fortitude.Sometimes I find a Rupee in the garbageSaheb and his family have left their homes and green fields in Dhaka to settle in Seemapuri. They had left Dhaka because of storms and floods. They feel it is better to be without identity than going hungry.Seemapuri is geographically close to Delhi, but its traditions, standard of life and people are far away from Delhi.Seemapuri was a deserted area when the Bangladeshis arrived here three decades ago. They were forced to come here due to the natural disasters in Bangladesh. They loved Seemapuri because they could survive here. They had food and shelter here.The authors description of the life of the rag pickers in Seemapuri is touching. 10,000 people have come as squatters, staying in structures of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water.Squatters are persons who unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building or unused land.They have stayed there without any identity but food is more important than identity. Their fields in Dhaka could not give them food whereas being rag pickers, they dont go hungry. In Seemapuri survival means rag picking. The elders have made it their profession for a fixed wages whereas for the children rag picking is a game of treasure-hunting. They work through the garbage with a hope that one day they would get a gold coin or a rupee note from the garbage heapThrough years rag picking has acquired the proportions of a fine art.Like any other art form, rag picking possesses certain talents and rules. One needs guidance and inborn talents to be a successful rag picker. He should know where to find garbage, what to take, what to ignore, what time is best for it and so on. In Seemapuri every child is skilled in this art form.Saheb-e-Alam doesnt know the meaning of his name lord of the universe-which he is not. He was a rag picker. He and his fellow rag pickers are barefooted and the reason one of them gives is his mother does not bring his shoes down from the shelf. The author has met many barefooted children roaming around. The reason is that it is not lack of money but a tradition to stay barefoot.According to Anees Jung, it is just an excuse to explain their state of poverty.Education has brought timely changes in many peoples lifestyle like the priest from Udipi and his son. A man from Udipi once told the author his own story when he was a boy and his father a priest in the temple. As a young boy he would go to school past this old temple and stop briefly to pray for a pair of shoes. Thirty years later when the author visited his town and the temple, she saw a lot of modern instances in the town and lifestyle of the people. The priests son now goes to school, wearing shoes and socks carrying a school bag. The author means to indicate the timely changes education brings to people and how the illiterate rag pickers remain unchanged, carrying the rotten traditions.The rag pickers have no way out of poverty since they have no chance to go to school and be educated.Saheb is now employed in a tea shop with a fixed wage of 800 rupees and all meals.He is not happy as he has lost his freedom as he is bound to the owner of the tea stall who is his master. He is no longer his own master.The title Lost Spring is justified in the first part as Saheb-e-Alams childhood his spring time is lost first in picking rags and then in working for a master.NCERT QUESTIONSQ.1.Who is Saheb? What is he looking for in the garbage dumps and where has he come from?Ans: Saheb is a rag-picker of Seemapuri. The writer encounters him every morning scrounging for gold in the garbage dumps in herneighbourhood. He hails from Dhaka and he was migrated from Bangladesh in 1971. His house and fields were destroyed by storm.Q2. Why did people migrate from the village in Dhaka to Delhi?(Better education, job opportunities and living conditions)Q3 What explanations does the author offer for the children not wearingfoot wear?When the author asked the children why they were always barefoot,one said it was because his mother had not pulled his shoes from the shelf while the other explanation was that it was a tradition in their community to walk barefoot. The author did not quite believe it and realized that it was their perpetual state of poverty which was responsible for their moving around in that manner.Q4. What makes the city of Firozabad famous?Firozabad is famous for bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. It is thecentreof Indias glass blowing industry where families have spent generations working around furnaces, welding glass, making bangles for women all over India.Q5Mention any two hazards of working in the glassbanglesindustry( .-glassfurnaces with high temperature-darkand dingy cells without air and lightthechances of losing ones eye- sightThere ispossibilityof skin burn too)Q6.Why was not Saheb happyongetting a job?A. Saheb was not happyongetting a job intea stallfor a salary ofRs.800/- per month as he lost his freedom. He had to carry the stall owners steel canister in place of his bag. He lost his carefree look He was now no longer his own master.Q7What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?Lack of education and awareness, stigma of being borninthe caste ofbanglemakers,vicious nexusofsahukars, middlemen, politicians and police suppresses the bangle makers and keep them poverty stricken. Broken spirit, dormant initiative, fear of being beaten and dragged to jail, absence of leadership are the other forces which conspire to keep them in poverty.EXTRA QUESTIONSQ1How did Saheb manage to embarrass the author?Ans.Theauthor like manyothers who gave hollow advice had told Saheb to attend school, only to be informed that there was no school in his locality. She jokinglyenquiredwhether he would enroll in her school if she happened to open one. Saheb happily agreed and a few days later when he met the author heenquiredabout the school. The author was embarrassed because the promise was not meant to be fulfilled.Q2What prompted the author to remark that promises like the one shemade aboundin every corner of Sahebs bleak world?Ans.The author had promised to open a school in which Saheb couldstudy buthad no intention of doing so. She says that hollow promises like hers guaranteeing a better life were made to the deprived section of the society all the time but were never fulfilledQ3What was the full name of Saheb. Describe the irony of his fate?1. Saheb-e-Alam lord ofuniverse-but had to pick rags was not the master of himself.Q4. What is special about the story of the man from Udipi?Q5.Why do the rag pickers have rationpermits butno identity?(canvote,get food at subsidized rates)Q6. Why did the rag pickers have to leave their green fields in their country?Q7Garbage to them is gold. Why does the author say so about the rag-pickers?Ans:More than 10,000 rag-pickers of Seemapuri live in squatters. For them is garbage is gold and it is wrapped in wonder. For a child, it is their bread. Sometimes a child can find a silver coin or more in a heap of garbage. For the elders it is a means of survival.Q8Why does the author say that Seemapuri in spite of being on the periphery of Delhi was miles away from it?Ans.The author remarks so to highlight the economic disparity between the people of Delhi and the rag pickers of Seemapuri. The opulence of Delhi is in no way related to the dire poverty of the residents of Seemapuri.Q9How do children of rag pickers become equal partners in survival?Q10Through the years rag picking has acquired the proportion of a fine art in Seemapuri. Justify the statement.Ans..The means of survival of migrants of Bangladesh in Seemapuriisrag picking. Garbage to them is gold. Like a fine art that has no end in appealing the sense of beauty the rag pickers scrounging the garbage is a never ending process which provides them their daily bread day after day.Q11How did garbage hold different meanings for adults and children?Ans.For adults rag picking was only a means of survival but for children a lot of excitement was associated with the same for they often found unexpected things as a ten rupee note in the same. There was always a hope of coming across unexpected surprises and so garbage was wrapped in wonder for them.Q12How has a dream come true for Saheb but what is out of his reach? (got a pair of shoes, playing tennis was out of his reach)Q13 Who is Mukesh? What is his dream? Why does it look like a mirage amidst the dust?Q14 .How is the bangle industry of Firozabad a curse for childhood ?Q15How does Mukeshs grandmother view the family occupation of bangle making and its poverty?Ans.Mukeshs grandmother views bangle making as the destiny of her family. Her husbands blindness, their misfortune and impoverished condition, she feels, are ordained by destiny. Years of suffering makes her accept everything in the name of karma or fate.Q16What do bangles symbolize? What is ironical in making of bangles by Savita and wearing of bangles by an elderly woman who has no light in her eyes?Q17Has Firozabad changed with time ? Give reasonsQ18Why did not the bangle makers organize themselves into a co-operative?Ans.Banglemakers did not do so because if they tried to get organized they would be beaten up by the police and dragged to jail for doing something illegal. They had no leader who could show them the way.Q19What are the two worlds that the author talks about?Ans.The first one was that of the families of the bangle makers, caught in a web of poverty and burdened by the stigma of the caste to which they belonged. The second one was that of a vicious circle of sahukars, the middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the politicians.Q20Why does the author say that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web? (Lost Spring)Q21.How is Mukesh different from Saheb?Ans.Saheb sacrificed his freedom when he took job at the tea stall but Mukesh insisted on being his own master. Though Saheb wanted to study but he was not ready to make effort to get educated, rather he accepted his fate. On the other hand Mukesh was determined to become motor mechanic and was ready to make every possible effort to accomplish his dreams.LONG ANSWER QUESTIONSQ1 Lost Spring, is a sad commentary on the political system of our country that condemns thousands of people to a life of abject poverty. Comment.Saheb, optimistic and enthusiasticprospect of finding gold in garbagelikes going to school but no opportunityfreedom and joy of childhood to burdens of job at tea-stall.Mukesh, born at Firozabad (bangle maker)works under inhuman conditiondark room, hot furnacescaught in web of povertyvicious circle of sahukars, policemen, politicians, bureaucrats and moneylendersresigned to fateunaware of child labour actstifled initiation and hopelose eyesight before becoming adultsQ2 How is the line few airplanes fly over Firozabad symbolically significant? The author finds a spark of motivation in Mukesh who is quite determined about realizing his dream of becoming a motor mechanic He is ready to walk to a garage far from his home The author asks if he ever dreams of flying a plane- the question embarrasses him and Mukesh replies in the negative He is satisfied with the more tangible and attainable dream related to the fast moving cars that he saw on the streets each day Airplanes symbolize something distant, just like a far-fetched dream people of Firozabad were not exposed to grand dreams like that.Q3 The life of bangle makers of Firozabad was full of obstacles which forced them to lead a life of poverty and deprivation. Discuss with reference toLost SpringValue Points: Bangle makers born in poverty, live in poverty, die in poverty. For generations people have been engaged in this trade. Work in inhuman conditions. Although they work hard but the profit is meagre. Their hovels have crumbling walls, wobbly doors and no windows. They are overcrowded with humans and animals. Social customs, traditions, stigma of caste and people in authority combine so thatthey remain poor and uneducated Money lenders, middlemen, politicians and policemen are all against them. Unable to organize themselves into a co-operative due to lack of a leader. They have lost the ability to dream.They can only talk but not act to improve their lotQ4 The bangle-makers of Ferozabad make beautiful bangles and make everyone happy but they live and die in squalor. ElaborateValue points utter poverty generation after generationbelieve they are destined to work in bangle factories-make beautiful bangles but live in darkbright furnaces to do welding-they lose their eyesight-victims of vicious circle of middlemenlaw enforcing authorities prey upon them bleak futureQ5 Give a brief account of the life and activities of the people like Saheb-e-Alam settled in Seemapuri.Value points: poor rag pickers / unschooled / barefoot / sometimes taking up odd jobs likeworking at tea stalls garbage to them is gold, it is their daily bread migrants (squatters) from Bangladesh, came to Delhi in 1973 their fields and homes swept away in storms live in structures of mud with roofs of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage,drainage or running water have lived for more than 30 years without identity, without permits but with ration cards no intention of going back to their own country wherever they find food, they pitch their tentsQ6 Lost Spring explains the grinding poverty and traditions that condemn thousands ofpeople to a life of abject poverty. Do you agree? Why / Why not?Yes duly supported by examples from text both caught in the vicious cycle of poverty, apathy, affected by the greed ofothers, injustice lost childhood spring of lifeMukeshs story bangle making industry caught in the web of middlemen, politicians, policemen, the keepers of law, bureaucrats lose all spirit and ability to dreamSaheb-a-Alams story rag picker, scrounging for gold, walking bare foot, got job, not happy becauseno freedom, lost childhood any other relevant pointQ7. Explain the significance of title Lost Spring.Ans: In this lesson, the author Anees Jung examines and analyses the grinding poverty and tradition that condemn children to a life of exploitation.Saheb as a ragpicker whose parents have left behind a life of abject poverty in Bangladesh. His family, like the many other families of rag pickers lives in Seemapuri. They live in miserable condition. The writer is pained to see Saheb, whose name means the ruler of the Earth, lose the spark of childhood. She then proceeds to tell about Mukesh who does want to be his own master. Hailing from Firozabad, the centre of Indias bangle making and glass blowing industry, he has always worked in the glass making factory. His family does not know that it is illegal for children to work in such close to furnaces with such high temperatures. They are exposed to various health hazards like losing their eyesight as they work in dark and dingy cells. The family of bangle maker of Firozabad are so burdened that they have lost their ability to dream. The writers observation is that these poor hopeless people are but pawn in the games that are played by Sahukars, middlemen, the policemen, the bureaucrats and the politicians.The title is meaningful as they lost their spring (childhood). The writer has beautifully essayed the story of stolen childhood with a view to sensitizing us to the plight of these poor unfortunate children.Q8 Seemapuri , a place on periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it metaphorically.CommentQ9 Bring out the significance of Mukeshs dream of becoming a motor mechanic.Q10 There is a vast gulf that separates dreams from reality Discuss with special reference to Mukesh and Sahib.Q11 Bring out irony and pathos in the story of Anees Jung.Deep Water by William O DouglasValues Raised: Determination, optimism, perseverance, diligence, openness to challenges, courage, persistence, endurance etc.William Douglas, one of the most popular and powerful American Supreme Court Chief Justices in the history, had an enemy since the childhood. He tried to defeat this enemy in all possible ways. First he tried to overcome this enemy all by himself and later with the help of a trainer. Though he took years to defeat the enemy, finally Douglas killed his enemy. He was not arrested or sentenced for this murder, not because he himself was the chief justice, but because his murdered enemy was his fear of water!Bit/Bits William Douglas had great passion for water. He longed to learn swimming. When he was three or four years, he was taken to a Beach in California by his father. While surfing on the shore, a huge wave knocked him. He feared water. That was his childhood fear. After some years he longed to swim in the Yakima River but his mother warned against that idea. the yakima river is treacherous. Then he found the YMCA Pool the safest place for swimming. Its deepest end was six feet deep, the bottom was tiled, the drop towards the deep part was gradual, water was clean and there were other children swimming. He went to the pool and started swimming by imitating other boys. One day, while waiting for the other boys to come, a big boy threw him into the deepest end of the water. Douglas had the courage to face the situation. He went down and down with a hope to reach the bottom to make a big leap upward. Three times he went down and on the third time, he lost consciousness and almost died! Douglas gives a vivid description of death which is peaceful. Douglas body floated on the surface. Someone dragged him out of the water and provided first aid. After this incident, Douglas tried to avoid water and water sports as much as possible. When he grew up, water began to tempt him again. He got a trainer and learnt swimming. After the completion of the training, he went to various rivers, pools, lakes and swam alone and got rid of his fear.Instructor In October Douglas got an instructor for swimming. In three months, his fear began to fade. Bit by bit he shed his fears. The instructor engaged his feet and hands into swimming.Getting rid of Fear After the instructor was done, Douglas started a self training. He went to the following rivers and lakes: Lake Wentworth (New Hampshire) Triggs Islands Stamp Act Island Tieton Conrad Meadows Conrad Creek Trail Meade Glacier Warm lake He conquered the fear of water for ever.SummaryThe story, Deep Waters tells us how the writer overcame his fear of water and learned swimming with sheer determination and will power. He had developed a terror of water since childhood. When he was three or four years old the writer had gone to California with his father. One day on the beach, the waves knocked the child down and swept over him. The child was terrified but the father who knew there was no harm laughed. The experience bred a permanent fear of water in the childs sub-conscious mind. Still another incident, more serious, increased his terror. The writer was trying to learn swimming in the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool in Yakima. One day while he was waiting for other boys, a big boy suddenly played a dangerous prank and pushed him into the water. The writer was terribly frightened. He went down nine feet into the water. His lungs were full of the unreleased air. When he reached the bottom, he jumped upward with all his strength. He came up but very slowly. He tried to catch hold of something like a rope but grasped only at water.He tried to shout but no sound came out. He went down again. His lungs ached, head throbbed and he grew dizzy. He felt paralyzed with fear. All his limbs were paralyzed. Only the movement of his heart told him that he was alive. Again he tried to jump up. But this time his limbs would not move at all. He looked for ropes, ladders and water wings but all in vain. Then he went down again, the third time. This time all efforts and fear ceased. He was moving towards peaceful death. The writer was in peace. When he came to consciousness, he found himself lying on the side of the pool with the other boys nearby. The terror that he had experienced in the pool never left him. It haunted him for years and years to come. It spoilt many of his expeditions of canoeing, swimming and fishing. It spoilt his pleasures in Maine Lakes, New Hampshire, Deschutes, Columbia and Bumping Lake etc.But the writer was determined to conquer his terror. He took help of a swimming instructor to learn swimming. The instructor taught him various actions necessary in swimming part by part. He put his face under water and exhaled and inhaled raising it above water. He practiced it for several weeks. He had to kick with his legs a few weeks on the side of the pool. At last he combined all these actions and made the writer swim. He learned swimming but the terror continued. So deep goes our childhood experiences! So fearful is the fear of fear! Whenever he was in water the terror returned. Hence forward the writer tried to terrorize terror itself. He tried to face the new challenge. When terror came, he confronted it by asking it sarcastically as to what it can really do to him? He plunged into the water as if to defy the fear. Once he took courage the terror vanquished. He faced the challenge deliberately in various places like the Warm Lake. He conquered it at last.The experiences of the writer throw some important lights on certain aspects of life. Experiences of pain or pleasure in childhood remain in the sub-conscious mind and influence our feelings later too. The fear of water acted on the writer in that way. Even after being an expert in swimming, the writer felt terror. There was no reason at all. Once he took courage, the fear vanished. That shows most of our fears are baseless. Fear creates dangers where there is none. The writers experiences further confirm the proverbial truth, Where there is a will, there is a way.How did William Douglas overcome his fear of water?With an instructor and an overhead cable connected to his waist, Douglas began to learn to swim. He dipped his head, exhaled underwater, inhaled on surface, kicked with legs, and even swam in isolated or treacherous waters to overcome hydrophobia.Describe the misadventure that made Douglas hydrophobicOnce, a bully pushed Douglas into the deep end of the YMCA pool. Gripped by paralyzing fear, in vain, Douglas tried to spring upwards to the surface twice. He almost lost consciousness before he was saved. This misadventure made Douglas hydrophobic.All we have to fear is fear itself. Discuss.Indeed, William O. DouglasDeep Waterjustifies President Roosevelts assertion that all we have to fear, is fear itself.William O. Douglas aversion to water began with his mothers warnings about the Yakima river and a childhood sea holiday where he first experienced the power o water.The misadventure at the YMCA pool, where a bully pushed Douglas into the water nearly drowning him, turned the fear into a phobia. However Douglas decided to challenge this handicap.With the help of an instructor, and using a pulley connected by a belt to his waist, Douglas re-learnt how to swim in a pool. He learnt to dip his head, exhale underwater and inhale on resurfacing.Even after the trainer declared success, Douglas tested his skill in treacherous and unfamiliar waters till his phobia vanished completely. Thereafter, William O. Dougla realized that once the fear of fear disappeared, true success awaited.Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: How did the anxiety towards water develop in Douglas? Which misadventure turned Douglas anxiety into a phobia? How did Douglas challenge his hydrophobia? Why does Douglas say, But I was not finished? What opinion of William Douglas do you form from this extract and what values can one learn from him?Answer the question in 120-150 words:Describe the misadventure that initiated Douglas hydrophobia.Draw a plot line for the chapterwith an exposition, rising action, falling action and resolutionQUESTION BANKShort answer questions 1. What was the misadventure that William Douglas speaks about?2. What was the writers first reaction on being flung into the pool?3. Why did William Douglas hate the idea of getting into water?4. How did the instructor build a swimmer out of William Douglas?5. How did William Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?BROAD QUESTIONS1. It is Douglas will power that enabled him to overcome his fear of water. This reveals that with a strong will human beings can overcome all kinds of fear. Explain with two illustrations from real life.2. Which experience made the writer feel terrified of water?3. Explain in brief William Douglas attempt to come out of the pool.4. How did the instructor help the writer learn swimming?The RattrapThe RattrapBy Selma LagerlofCharacters1. A tramp with rattraps.2. A crofter3. Master Smith in the Ramsjo Iron Mill in Sweden4. Helpers in the Mill blacksmiths5. Iron mill owner6. Edla Willmansson daughter of the Iron Mill owner.Justification of TitleThe Rattrap is an appropriate title as it is the story of a rattrap peddler. The author has used the metaphor of a Rattrap to highlight the human predicament. Just as a rat is fooled by bait and gets trapped, most human beings also fall into the trap of material benefits. The story revolves around the incident of a man getting trapped due to his greed. Hence, the title is an apt one.THEMEThe human beings are prone to fall into the trap of materialbenefits. It is thehuman tendency to redeem oneself from dishonest ways. Hence, the whole world is called a big rattrap which tempts the people towards its materialisticbenefits,and brings about their doom and never ending predicament.It also highlights the themes like human loneliness, status and treatment meted out to have-nots and callous attitude of society and government towards such people.One of the themes is that man is inherently good by nature. The society and environment make them bad. Human goodness and kindness can bring about the change in their attitude.CRITICAL ANALYSISThe Rat Trap written by Selma Lagerlof is a short story about an old disheartened beggar and thief who is taken in and shown generosity by a young woman, her kindness changes his bitter attitude about life. The peddler is a man who has fallen upon misfortune and now resorts to sellingrattraps, begging, and thievery. He is very pessimistic about the world around him and sees the world as merely a rat trap. He believes that society tempts us with riches and fine things, and when we accept, we are caught in the trap and are left with nothing.The warmth of compassion extends its rays around the world, engraving mankind with its characteristic. Selma Legerlof supports the theory of compassion in her modern day short story The Rat Trap which depicts thepowerfuland positive impacts of such care. In the story, cynicism grips the protagonist rat trap peddler until the old man and the blacksmiths daughter infect the protagonist with their altruism. Thus, the peddlers inner soul experiences a rapid transformation form an ugly duckling to a dazzlingswan.Legerlofsfirst scene of compassion is from the old mans hospitality. Despite the fact that he did not know the peddler, the old man still opened his arms and acted charitableby providing food and shelter. This action is not typical in the todays world; a majority of us would turn a blind eye. However, although the old man showed a sign of compassion, it was not appreciatedthe protagonist stole from the old man. As the peddler ponders on the road of guilt, he soon receives a second action of care from a little girl.Compassion is illustrated when the blacksmiths daughter takes pity on the protagonist. Although she knew the fact that he was not Captain von Stahle, whom he claimed to be, the girl said, I think he ought to stay with us today. I dont want him to go. The girls compassionate words cracked the foundation of the protagonists cynical world. Throughout the story, the protagonist only believed in the dismal side of human nature, survival of the fittest, and viewed the world as a battlefield. His whole belief system was shattered when he received the girls pity and an opportunity to enjoy his first true Christmas.LagerlofsThe Rat Trap strongly validates the concept that compassion revolves around humankind. She provides evidence when the old man and the blacksmiths daughter show compassion towards the protagonist. As a result, the girl acted as the North Star, guiding the protagonist out of the trap of cynicism.Another lesson the mendicant learns throughout the course of the story is to be considerate of others. At the end of the novel, he makes amends with the old man by returning his money and writing Edla a thank you note. He understands what he did to the man was wrong and that was not returning the kindness and trust given to him. He apologized for lying to the girl and her father and leaves her a present, a rat trap and the stolen money(thirtycronerbills)of the old man to be returned.Main points The Rattrap is a story that underlines thebelief that essential goodness in human beings can be aroused through sympathy, understanding and love. Once a man went around selling small rattraps but he took to begging and thievery to keep his body and soul together. One day he was struck with the idea the whole world is a big rattrap and it offers riches as bait. People let themselves be tempted to touch the bait then it closes in on them bringing an end to everything. One dark evening the rattrap peddler sought shelter in an old crofters roadside cottage. The old man gave him food, tobacco they enjoyed the card game too. Next morning the peddler stole away his thirty kroners. The rattrap peddler escaped into a big confusing forest and got lost. While resting on the ground he recollected his idea that the world is a rattrap and thought his end was near. Hearing a thumping sound he reached Ramsjo ironworks for a night shelter. The owner came on his nightly rounds and noticed the ragged wretch near the furnace. He took him as an old acquaintance Nils Olof. He invited him to stay with them for Christmas but the stranger declined the offer. His daughter Edla Willmansson persuaded to go home with him. She requested him to stay for Christmas Eve only. On his way to the Manor House the peddler thought that he had thrown himself into the lions den. The next day in broad day light the iron master realized the stranger was not captain and threatened to call the sheriff. Edla pleaded for him and asked him to stay back. Christmas Eve at Ramsjo was as usual and the stranger slept and slept. She made him understand that if he wanted rest and peace he would be welcome next Christmas also. This had a miraculous effect on him. Next morning they went for early church service leaving behind the guest who was asleep. They learnt at church that a rattrap peddler had robbed an old crofter. Edla becomes very upset. They reach home immediately and learn that the peddler had already left but had not taken anything at all with him. Instead, he had left a small packet for the young girl as a Christmas present. She opens the packet and finds a rattrap, three wrinkled ten-Krona notes and also a letter with a request to return the Kroners to the crofter.1From where did the peddlergetthe idea of this world being arattrap?While plodding along the road, left to his own meditations,the peddler was struck by the idea that this world around him with its lands and cities is a bigrattrap.It had never existed for any other purpose than to set baits for its people.2Why was he amused by this idea?The peddlers life was sad and monotonous. Since the world had never been kind to him, he was full of bitterness and malice against it. He peddler experienced unwonted joy at everyone elses discomfort, pain at being ensnared by the devilish ways of the world. It gave him sadistic delight to see others caught in the snare and still othersciclingaround the bait.3Did the peddler expect the kind of hospitality that he received from thecrofter?The peddler was accustomed to being greeted by sour faces or betterstill berefused help of any kind if he approached someone. Thecrofter,on the contrary was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. Thecrofterserved him with porridge for supper and tobacco. He also played a game of cards with him.4Why was thecrofterso talkative and friendly with the peddler?Thecrofterwas an old man without a wife or child. He was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. He valued the presence of the peddler so much that he shared his confidences generously with him. It was probably a way for thecrofterto infuse a sense of joy in his otherwise dreary life5Why did he show the thirty kronor notes to the peddler?Thecroftertoldthe peddler that he had earned a reasonable sum of money from his extraordinary cow that gave him so much milk for creameryeverydayand had earned thirty kronor last month. The peddler seemed incredulous to acknowledge this piece of information.So, in order to assure his guest of the truth, he showed thirty kronor to him.6Did the peddler respect the confidence reposed in him by thecrofter? crofterofferedhospitability sharedhis secrets, showed him the money nextmorning peddler smashed window panes gotthe pouch, stole the notes hungthe leather pouchatits place smartlywalked away with the money7What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into arattrap?When the peddler realized that he had been walking around in circles in the forest, he recalled his thoughts about the world and therattrap. He felt that now his own time had come and the forest was like an impenetrable prison, arattrap. Since he had taken the bait, the thirty kronor, he was caught and escape may not be possible.8Why did theironmasterspeak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?Theironmastermistook the peddler for his old acquaintance,the regimental comrade, Captain von Stahle. He was shocked to see that his old comrade had fallen on bad days. So,he invited him to his own house to give him company at Christmas and to make his futuresecure.9Why did the peddler decline the invitation?The peddler declined the invitation as he was afraid of being detected as a thief. He felt that by accepting the invitation to go to theironmastershouse, he was voluntarily walking intolions den.He only wished to sleep in the forge and sneak away as inconspicuously as possible.10What made the peddler accept Edlas invitation?Edlas kindness, persuasive nature, friendly and compassionate manner allowed thepeddlerto have confidence in her. Her assurance that he would be just as free to leave as he came left him with no option but to accept the invitation.11What doubts did Edla have about the peddler?When Edla approached him and lifted his hat the man jumped up abruptly and seemed to be quite frightened. She noticed that the man was afraid as if he had either stolen something or escapedfrmjail. Next morning she went on to express her reservations about the man and told her father that he did not seem educated at all.12When did theironmasterrealize his mistake?When the stranger had been bathed, shaved and had his hair cut by the valet, he appeared truly clean and well dressed.Theironmasterlooked at him with puckered brow, and it was easy for him to understand that when he had seen the strange fellow in the uncertain reflection from the furnace he might have made a mistake.13What did the peddler say in hisdefencewhen it was clear that he was not the person theironmasterhad thought that he was?The peddler insisted that it had not been hisfault forhe never pretended to be anything but a poor trader, and begged to be allowed to stay in the forge. He offered to put on his rags and go away.14Whydid Edla still entertainthe peddler even after she knew the truth about him?Edla did not think it proper to chase away a human being whom they had invited to their house and had promised him Christmas cheer.She also felt pity for the peddler, who she felt had no place to rest without the fear of being chased away. She wanted him to have a day of peace and rest with them. She wanted thepeddlerto enjoy the Christmas festivities with them.Hence shestill entertained the peddler even after knowing the truth about him.15Why was Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?16Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahle?The peddler signed the letter as Captain Von Stahle to vindicate his stand and prove that it was Edlas kindness and compassion which enabled him to behave in a manner worthy of her trust. Signing his name as Captain Von Stahle was an acceptance of the exalted stature of the captain that the peddler had been placed at.17How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by thecrofter, theironmasterand his daughter?Answer:Legerlofs first scene of compassion is from the old mans hospitality. Despite the fact that he did not know the peddler, the old man still opened his arms and actedcharitableby providing food and shelter. Showing scant regard to thecroftersgenerosity and violating the trust the old man reposed in him, he stole thirtykronorsfrom his house. Feeling no compunction about robbing him of his hard earned money, the peddler thought he had acted very smartly.. As the peddler ponders on the road of guilt, he soon receives a second action of care from theironmastershospitality which also did not touch the peddlers heart. When the iron master mistook him as an old acquaintance he did not clear his doubt in hope of getting a couple of kronor notes. When he is invited by theironmasterto his house to celebrate Christmas, he feels a sense of entrapment and thus,declines the invitation. On realizing his real identity when theironmastershows him the door, the ungrateful vagabond gives him a piece of his mind saying that he too might be ensnared in therattrapof this world.However Edlas warmth, friendliness and hospitality touched him. When the girl treated him like a Captain, he spontaneously behaved like a real Captain. He left arattrapas a Christmas gift for Edla and enclosed a letter of thanks and confession in it. Leaving behind the stolen money to be restored to the owner, he redeemed himself from his dishonest ways and emerged an altogether transformed person.18What are the instances in the story that show that the character of theironmasteris different from that of his daughter in many ways?Answer: Theironmastermisunderstood the peddler for an old acquaintance,whereas his daughter could make out that the man was afraid, which was suggestive ofhimhaving stolen something. Though the father and the daughter express compassion for the vagabond both do so for different reasons.Theironmasterwas sure to help the vagabond get over his tramp manners because he had mistaken the latter for his old comrade. Thedaughter howeverwishes to feed him and welcome himinspiteof knowing that he was not Captain Von Stahle. The father acts impulsively and casually and invites him without confirming the strangers identity. On realizing his mistake he recklessly wants to hand him over to the sheriff. Only when he is threatened to be ensnared by therattrapof this world that he thinks otherwise. Edla on the other hand shows a strong sense of observation. She rightly judges him to be a tramp without any education. She persuades her father to let him stay because they had promised him Christmas cheer. When the blacksmiths daughter infects the protagonist with her true altruism the peddlers inner soul experiences a rapid transformation form an ugly duckling to a dazzlingswan.19The story has many instances of unexpected reactionsfromthe characters to othersbehaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises.Answer: The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others.Used to being greeted by sour faces thecrofterseems taken aback at the peddlers request for accommodation for the night. Then the peddlers act of stealing does not match the readers expectations. The breach of trust comes as a bit of a shock.Then theironmasterssudden invitation to the tramp comes as the next surprise. The peddlers vehement refusal to accompany him and later on accepting the invitation at Edlas insistence all generate surprise. Edlas readiness to entertain the peddler even after knowing his reality was quite unexpected.The most unexpected of gestures is when the peddler leaves for Edla a Christmas gift, a letter of thanks and the stolen money to be returned to the oldcrofter. His transformation is that which completes the chain of unexpected reactions.20The story The Rattrap focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Comment.The Rattrap tells us the story of a lonely peddler who has nothing and no one to call his own. He wanders from place to place mistreated and mistrusted by the world..Then we come across the oldcrofterwho leads a solitary life and hungers for company. He accords a warm reception to the peddler as he views him as someone to talk to and pass a few lonely hours with. It is his need to bond that makes him trust the peddler and show him his money.Similarly, theironmastershows his eagerness for the peddlers company mistaking him for an oldaquaintance. His wife is no more, his sons are abroad.and he has no one but his eldest daughter at home. He offers his hospitality to thepeddlerwanting some suitable company to ward off his loneliness. Even his daughter, a shy and modest girl, persuades thepeddlerto stay with them on Christmas Eve as she has no one to look after and make comfortable except her father. She looks forward to some company to make the occasion more festive. Finally the peddler is also enticed by the kindness of theironmastersdaughter and the proposition of peace, rest, good food and excellent company for a change.The theme of loneliness and the need to bond is projected strongly in all the characters in the story.21The story is both entertaining and philosophical. DiscussThe narrative enthralls the reader toning down its philosophicaldidacticism. The fast paced third person narrative together withgraphic descriptionof characters, elements ofhumour, drama and irony make it an interesting read(Give examples). The element of surprise with regard to the flow of events holds our interest. This is true of being accepted as a guest by thecrofter, breaking his trust, getting lost in the forest, being invited by theironmasterand subsequent refusal together with Edlas insistence and peddlers final submission.The final acts of transformation and redemption make the narrative quite gripping and entertaining.The author has used the metaphor of arattrapto highlight the human predicament.Just like the rats are trapped by cheese andfood similarlymen are lured by land, food, shelter, clothing etc.theseare baits. Those who touch them are trapped by material benefits. Therattrapbrings home the fact that human goodness is an intrinsic part ofonesnature. It can be forever kept alive through love and understanding. No one is infallible and in ones weak momentsissusceptible to falling to temptation. There could be some individuals with the strength of character to break through therattrapand discover the essential human goodness.Thus the story comes across as both entertaining and philosophical.22.The readers sympathy is with the peddler right from the beginning of the story. Why this is so? Is the sympathy justified?The peddler wins the readers sympathy for his way of life and how the world treats him. The vagabond moves about selling smallrattraps. As his business is not rewarding,he takes to begging and petty thievery to keep his body and soul together.His life is sad and monotonous. He plods along the road lost in his own meditation. HE CONSIDERS THE WHOLE WORLD AS A BIG RATTRAP. The world has never been kind to him and it gives him unwonted joy to think ill of it.Whenever he asks shelter for a night,he meets sour faces. He is an unwelcome,unwanted and undesirable figure. The blacksmith at forge glance at him only casually and indifferently. The master smith nods a haughty consent withouthonouringhim with a single word.His sympathy is justified not only because he was a victim ofcircumstances butalso because he redeems himself in the end. Edla Willmansons kind and compassionate behaviorarousesthe tramps goodness. He thanks her for her sympathy and returns the stolen money.23.What made the peddler finally change his ways?The peddler had been living a despicable life of poverty, despair and frustration without ever coming across any soul to understand, sympathize, love and guide him. Neither thecroftershospitality nor theironmastersinvitation to the manor house made any impact on him. Infact herepaid thecrofterby stealing his earnings and theironmasterby giving a piece of his mind when the latter talkedoftaking the matter to the sheriff.However,the meeting with theironmastersdaughter was the turning point in his life. Thekindness,the concern and the understanding that she showedhim touchedthe core of his heart and transformed his way of thinking. Theironmastersdaughter understood that he needed security and succor and convinced her father to allow him to stay on in their house to share the Christmas cheer. She restored his dignity and self worth. She treated him like a captain of thearmy thoughshe was aware that he was a common tramp.When the girl treated him like a Captain, he spontaneously behaved like a real Captain. He left arattrapas a Christmas gift for Edla and enclosed a letter of thanks and confession in it. Leaving behind the stolen money to be restored to the owner, he redeemed himself from his dishonest ways and emerged an altogether transformed person.24.How does the metaphor of therattrapserve to highlight the human predicament?The author Selma Lagerlof tells a universal theme through all her stories. Onecan notimagine how dull and sad a vagabond might be walking slowly along the roads for his bread. The metaphor of therattrapstruck on one such occasion. He was plodding along the road, duly lost in his own meditations. The whole world about him- the whole world with its lands, seas, cities and villages was nothing but a bigrattrap. The world had never existed for any other purpose than to set baits for people to trap them. The world offered riches, joys, food, shelter and clothing like a bait offering cheese and pork in arattrapfor the rats. As soon as anyone is tempted and he totouchesthe bait, it closes on him and then everything came to an end for him in life.The peddler remembered his thoughts about the world and therattrapwhen he was lost in a huge,confusing forest,with the stolen money in his pocket. He felt now his turn had come. He had let himselfbefooledbybait. Now he had been caught and there was no escape. Once again the metaphor ofrattrapgets relevant in connection with the peddlers encounter with theironmaster. Theironmasterinvited the peddler to his house. He refused to go there thinking that going up there would mean throwing himself into the lions den.Whenever a person finds himself at the crossroads of temptation and righteousness, the mirage of materialism fools him and he gets entrapped in the worlds dangerous snare. This is wherehuman predicamentfollows suit.The metaphor of arattrapreveals mans helplessness in pursuit of lifes ambitions. The world thus becomes a hugerattrap. Though one cant see the bars and wires yet one gets firmly entrenched in the quagmire of situations and circumstances. The pettiness and triviality of lifes situations pull an individual deeper into the abyss of loss with no scope for deliverance.INDIGO by Louis FischerPOINTS TO REMEMBERRajkumar Shukla- A poorsharecropperfrom Champaran wishing to meet Gandhiji. Raj Kumar Shukla- an illiterate but resolute hence followed Gandhiji Lucknow, Cawnpore, Ahemdabad, Calcutta, Patna, Muzzafarpur & then Champaran. Servants at Rajendra Prasads residence thought Gandhiji to be an untouchable. Gandhiji considered as an untouchable because of simple living style and wearing, due to the company of Rajkumar Shukla. Decided to go to Muzzafarpur first to get detailed information about Champaran sharecropper. Sent telegram to J B Kriplani &stayed in Prof Malkani home- a government servant. Indians afraid to show sympathy to the supporters of home rule. The news of Gandhijis arrival spread- sharecroppers gathered in large number to meet their champion. Gandhiji chided the Muzzafarpur lawyer for taking high fee. Champarandistrict was divided into estate owned by English people, Indians only tenant farmers. Landlords compelled tenants to plant 15% of their land with indigo and surrender their entire harvest as rent. In the meantime Germany had developed synthetic indigo British landlords freed the Indian farmers from the 15% arrangement but asked them to pay compensation. Many signed, some resisted engaged lawyers, and landlords hired thugs. Gandhiji reached Champaran- visited the secretary of the British landlord association to get thefacts butdenied as he was an outsider. Gandhiji went to the British Official Commissioner who asked him to leave Trihut, Gandhiji disobeyed, went to Motihari the capital of Champaran where a vast multitude greeted him, continued his investigations. Visited maltreated villagers, stopped by the policesuperintendent butdisobeyed the order. Motihariblack with peasants spontaneous demonstrations, Gandhiji released without bail Civil Disobedience triumphed. Gandhiji agreed to 25% refund by the landowners, it symbolized the surrender of the prestige. Gandhiji worked hard towardssocial economicreforms, elevated their distress aided by his wife, Mahadev Desai, Narhari Parikh. Gandhiji taught a lesson of self reliance by not seeking help of an English man Mr. Andrews.NCERT QUESTIONSSHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSQ1 Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being resolute?Ans. Rajkumar Shukla,an illiterate sharecropper, came all the way from Champaran district to Lucknow to invite Gandhi to visit his district. When Gandhi mentioned about his prior engagements to go to Cawnpore and other parts of India, Shukla accompanied him everywhere. He also followed Gandhi to his ashram and stayed there for weeks till Gandhi asked him to meet himatCalcutta. Because of his strong will power and determination, he is described as being resolute.Q2.Why do you think the servants thought Gandhiji to be another peasant?Ans. As Gandhi was in the company of Rajkumar Shukla,a poor yeoman,the servantsatRajendra Prasads houseassumed that he was another peasant. Moreover,Gandhis emaciated looks and simplicity could have led to his mistaken identity.Q3.List the places that Gandhi visited between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran.Ans.Between his first meeting with Shukla and his arrival at Champaran,Gandhi visited Cawnpur,Calcutta,Patna and Muzaffarpur.Q4.What did the peasants pay to the British landlords as rent? What did the British now want instead and why? What would be the impact of synthetic indigo on the prices of natural indigo?Ans. The British landlords compelled the peasants to plant 15% of the land with indigo and to surrender the entire harvest as rent. Now that Germany had developed synthetic indigo,Britishers wanted the tenants to pay them compensation for being released from 15% agreement.As the demand of the natural indigo would reduce due to the advent of synthetic indigo, its price would go down.Q5.Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of25 percent refundtothe farmers?Gandhi agreed to a settlement of25% refundtothe farmers to break the deadlock between the landlords and the tenants. For Gandhi the amount of the refund was less important than the fact that the landlords had been forced to return part of the money and with it, part of the peasants prestige. He wanted to establish that the landlords were not lords abovelawand their rule could be challenged.Q6.How did the episode change the plight of the peasants?The Champaran episode made the peasants aware of their rights and taught them courage. Apart from getting 25 percent of theircompensation theygot back their prestige. Withinfew years,the British planters abandoned their estates,which reverted to the peasants. Indigosharecroppingdisappeared.Q 7 How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? Give instancesGandhi chided the lawyers for charging hefty fee from the peasants to fight their case.Later hiswords encouraged the lawyers to court arrest in case he was arrested. He also dissuaded them from seeking Charles Andrews assistance in their battle against the injustice of the Britishers in order to be self reliant.Q8.What was the attitude of the average Indian in smaller localities towardsadvocatesof home rule?Being afraid of inviting the wrath of the Britishers, the average Indian in small localities were reluctant to show any sympathy towards the advocates of home rule.LONG ANSWER QUESTIONSQ 1 Why do you think Gandhi considered the Champaran episode to be a turning point in his life?Ans. The Champaran episode began as an attempt to alleviate the distress of a large number of poor peasants. But it became a turning point in Gandhi life.Itbuildup Gandhi confidence that the British rulers could be made to bend and concede a popular demand. He declared thatBritishcould not order him in his own country.It was during this struggle in 1917 that he decided to urge the departure of the British. When he came to Champaran, he was appalled to see fear stricken peasants and injustice oflandlord systemin Chamaparan. His readiness to go to jail for the sake of seeking justiceinstilledcourage among ordinary people and motivated the lawyers for court arrest.He led civil disobedience by refusing to leave Champaran even after he got the official notice. Civil disobedience triumphed for the first time when the case for disregarding the official order against him was dropped. Britishers agreement to pay 25 percent of the compensation made him and the peasants confident. It made the peasantsrealisethat they had rights and defenders and he established that the authority of the British could be challenged. He taught the lawyers a lesson of self reliance by dissuading them from seeking the assistance from an English man, Charles Andrew.Gandhi never contended himself with larger and political solutions. He also madeendeavourto bring about cultural and socialupliftmentin the village.Q2.How do we know that ordinary people too contributed to the freedom movement?The author mentions several ordinary people who contributed to the freedom movement.Rajkumar Shukla was instrumental in arranging Gandhis visit to Champaran.ProffesssorMalkani,despite being a government servant,harbouredGandhi when he arrived at Muzzafarpur. When the news of Gandhis advent spread through Muzzafarpur and Champaran,Sharecroppers from Champaran began arriving on foot to see their champion.Theirgathering in huge number at Motihari was the beginning of their freedom from the fear of the British. The lawyers also agreed to court arrest in case Gandhi went to Jail.Gandhi and the lawyers conducted a detailed inquiry into the grievances of the farmers. They prepared cases for about ten thousand peasants and collected relevant documents.Moreover the masses volunteered to help in bringing cultural and social reforms in the village. The two young men,Mahadev Desai and Narihari Parikh and their views volunteered to work. Several people came from Bombay,Poona and other distant parts of the land.Devadas,Gandhis youngest son arrived from theasharam.Kasturbaitaught ashram rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation.EXTRA QUESTIONS:SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSQ1.Why did Rajkumar Shukla go to meet Gandhi? (CBSE 2008)Ans. Rajkumar Shukla came to meet Gandhi at the December1916 Congress Session inLuknowto complain about the injustice of the landlord system of Bihar and to invite him to visit his district.Q2. What was the conflict of duties in which Gandhi was involved? (Question Bank,NCT)Ans. In court, Gandhi pleaded guiltyforhaving disobeyed the official notice to quit Champaran. He read out a statement claiming he was involved in a conflict of duties. He clarified that he disobeyed not to breaklawand set a badexample butto render thehumanitarianand national services for which he had come to Champaran.Q3.When did Gandhi say The battle of Champaran is won?(Question Bank,NCT)Ans. When the lawyers reconsidered their decision about their course of action in case of Gandhis arrest and volunteered to court arrest for the cause of sharecroppers, Gandhi felt pleased and said The battle of Champaran iswonQ4.Civil disobedience had triumphed the first time in India.How did it happen?(Question Bank,NCT)Ans.When Gandhi disobeyedofficial orderto quit Champaran,a case was initiated against him for disregarding the orders. The spontaneous demonstration of thousands of peasants around the courtroom baffled the officials. Not knowing how to handle the case,the judge postponed the judgement forfew days. Thenfinallyfew dayslater, the case was dropped by Lieutenant Governor himself.So civil disobedience triumphed for the first time in India.Q5What did Gadhiji say to his friends when they suggested that Charles Andrews should be retained for the sake of the Champaran movement?(Question Bank,NCT)Ans.Gandhi vehemently opposed the lawyers suggestion to seek Andrews assistance and said that taking the support of an Englishman would reveal the weakness of their hearts. He urged his friends to rely upon themselves to win the battle.LONG ANSWER QUESTIONSQ1 Justify the appropriateness of the title Indigo to this extract.The title Indigo focuses our attention on the central issue of the chapter exploitation of indigo sharecroppers at the hands of cruel British planters. Britishers compelled them through a long term agreement to plant indigo on 15 percent of their land and surrender the entire harvest as rent. After the development of synthetic indigo by Germany,The British planters extracted money from the peasants as compensation from being released from the 15 percent agreement. The peasants who wanted their money back filed civil suits. Rajkumar Shukla persuaded Gandhi to take up the case of Indigo sharecroppers.So indigosharecroppingexemplifies the injustice of the Britishers and Indians submission to British authority. The exploitation of indigo sharecroppers led Gandhi to arrive in Champaran to alleviate their distress. Peasants not only got back thecompensation butalso became courageous and confident. They learnt the lesson of self reliance.The Champaran movement thatcentredon indigosharecroppingled to social and culturalupliftmentof the peasants.Their education,health and hygiene received due attention.Thus the title Indigo is highly suggestive and appropriate.Q2 How did Gandhi use Satyagraha and non-violence to achieve his goal?Ans.Non violenceandsatyagrahawere the weapons used by Gandhi to secure justice for oppressed peasants of Champaran. He adopted legal,moral and democratic path of negotiation.Gandhi refused to leave Tirhut division in which Chamaparan district lay despite being told by the British official commissioner to do so. Later he defied the official order to leave Chamaparan for which he receivedsummonto appear in the court. When the British authorities could not regulate the unmanageable crowd at Motihari,he pacified the crowd inpolite and friendly way. Thus he gave concrete proof of the power ofsatyagrahaand non violence.In the court he clarified that he did not want to set a bad example as a law breaker but intended to render humanitarian and national service..His convincing argumentation baffled the magistrate who released him without the bail.Later he fought the case of the peasants peacefully by collecting evidences and the documents pertaining to the case. When the Britishers agreed to pay the compensation he peacefully negotiated with the landlords and accepted 25 percent of the amount due.So the peasants got a partial refund of the compensation with the use ofsatyagrahaand nonviolence.Q3. How did Rajkumar Shukla prove to be an important link between Gandhi and his Champaran campaign?Rajkumarshuklawas a poor and emaciated sharecropper from Champaran. Though he was poor andilliterate hewas determined to oppose the injustice of the British planters. He used to seek legal recourse to get justice and was in constant touch with Rajendra Prasad,an eminent lawyer. He came toDecember 1916 annual conventionof the Indian National Congress party in Lucknow to meet Gandhi as someone had told him that Gandhi Gandhi could give a solution to their problems. He complained about the injustice oflandlord systemin Bihar and invited Gandhi to visit his district.When Gandhi mentioned about his prior engagements to go to Cawnpore and other parts of India, Shukla showed tremendous patience and perseverance and accompanied him everywhere. He also followed Gandhi to his ashram and stayed there for weeks. Impressed by his determination and tenacity Gandhi promised to meet himatCalcutta on a particular date.Few monthslater Shukla arrived at Calcutta and took him to Champaran.So, Rajkuma Shuklas strong will power and painstaking efforts were instrumental in arranging Gandhis visit to Champaran and thus improving the plight of the poor peasants.Short Questions1. Why did Rajkumar Shukla go to meet Gandhi?(To complain aboutinjusticeof the landlord system in Bihar.) (SP)2. How did Shukla pursue Gandhi to visit Champaran. (2008) (showedgreat patience and perseverance accompaniedGandhiji wherever he went waitedfor him at Calcutta impressedhim with his determination)3. What proves that Gandhiji was an unknown figure in Patna?4. Why was Gandhi not allowed to draw water from the well of Dr. Rajendra Prasads house?(p-47 ,2ndlastpara,last 4 lines But Gandhi was not permitted.)5. Where did Gandhi stay in Muzaffarpur?How does he comment about it?(p-48 ,1stparaGandhi stayed there...home rule.)6. What was the conflict of duties that Gandhiji underwent?How did he resolve it?(p-50 ,7thpara Gandhi protested against the delay)7. . What did Gadhiji say to his friends when they suggested that Charles Andrews should be retained for the sake of the Champaran movement?(2009) (p-54 ,3rd last para)8. MY MOTHER AT SIXTY SIX by KAMALA DAS9. Summary: The poets driving from her parents home to Cochin by car, her mother by hersidesleeping open mouthed very pale, colorless and fraillike a dead bodyindicating that her end was near.10. The poet looks at her and feels intense pain and agony to realize that soon deathwill cast her mother from her.11. Tries to divert her mind, looks outside at the young trees and happy childrenbursting out of their homes in a playful mood (a contrasting image)12. After the security check at the airport looked again at her mothers facepaleand cold.13. Familiar acheMy childhood fear the poet has always had a very intimate andclose relationship with her mother and she has always felt the fear of beingseparated from her mother hence it is familiar.14. The poet reassures her mother that they will meet again.15. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS16. 17. 1.Driving from my parents home to Cochin last FridayMorning, I saw my mother, beside me, doze,open mouthed, her face ashen like thatOf a corpse and realized with painThat she thought away.18. a)Where was the poet coming from? Where was she going?The poet had gone to her parents home to visit them. She was now going toCochin airport.19. b) How does the poet describe her mother?The poet describes her mother as old, pale, cold and senile. As she dozed off besideher, the mother looked almost like a corpse, for her face was colorless and seemedto have lost the fervor of life.20. d)Who does she refer to in the last line? What thoughts had she driven away?She here refers to the poet. The thought of her mothers approaching death whichshe wanted to put it away.21. 2. and looked but soonput that thought away, and looked out at youngtrees sprinting, the merry children spillingout of their homes.

a)What was the poet looking at? What did she notice?The poet was looking at her mother. She noticed the mothers ashen and almost lifeless face distraught with pain.22. b) What thought did she try to drive away?She tried to drive away the thought of her mothers approaching death.23. c)Why did the poet start looking out? What does her gesture suggest?The poet started looking out of the window because she wanted to drive away thepain and agony she experienced on seeing her aged mother. She wanted to driveaway her helplessness in the wake of her mothers ageing and approaching death.24. d) What did the poet see from the window of the car?The poet saw young trees running past her car and merry children sprinting out oftheir homes to play.25. e) What did the images of young trees and merry children symbolize?Trees and children symbolize the spring of life, its strength, vigour and happinesswhich contrasts with the lifelessness and helplessness that sets in with age.26. 3. but after the airportssecurity check, standing a few yardsaway, I looked again at her, wan, paleas a late winters moon

a) Where was the poet standing?The poet was at the Cochin airport waiting to board the plane after the securitycheck.27. b) Who does her here to? How did she look like?Her here refers to the poets mother. She was an aged lady and hence looked pale,cold like a corpse and colourless.28. c) Why does the narrator look at her again?

The narrator looked at her mother once again for the last time before she left toreassure herself about the well being of her mother. She had tried to drive away thepain she had felt on seeing her weak and aged mother. One last time she looked ather to wish her goodbye.29. d) Explain: wan, pale as a late winters moon.

In this simile, the poet compares the mothers pale and withered face with thewinters moon. The moon seems to lose its brightness in the winter season as it isveiled behind fog and mist. The mothers face also seemed to have lost its radiancewhich was now misted by age. Winter symbolizes death and the waning moonsymbolizes decay.30. 4. and felt that oldfamiliar ache, my childhoods fear,but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,all I did was smile and smile and smile.

a) What familiar ache did the poet feel?The familiar ache refers to the poets fear of losing her mother and the realizationthat she has not cared and cannot care for her ageing mother. It is an ache ofhelplessness. It is also a fear of separation from the mother or the mothers death.31. b)What could have been the poets childhood fears?I think the poets childhood fear was that she would lose her mother or be separatedfrom her and that death would consume her mother.32. c)Did the poet share her thoughts with her mother?The poet did not share her fears and agony with her mother. She only bid good bye toher with the hope of seeing her soon.33. d) Why do you think, the poet did not share her thoughts with her mother?I think the poet did not share her thoughts with her mother because they werecaused by her fear of the unknown. Sharing them with the mother would haveworried the frail old woman to death.34. e) Why did the poet only smile?The poet only smiled to hide her guilt, anxiety and fear of the unknown. Also, shewanted to bid a cheerful farewell to her mother before boarding the flight.35. QUESTION AND ANSWERS36. 37. 1. What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?When the poet looks at her mothers face she found that it had become pale andwithered. She realized that her mother was at the edge of her life and her end wasnear. The thought that her mother would be soon separated form her causedunbearable pain and ache in the poets heart.38. 2What does the poet do to shrug off the painful thought of her mothersapproaching end?To get rid of painful thought her mothers nearing the poet looked out to see thesprinting tree and the happy children, bursting out of their house.39.