ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao 1,2 Chen Wang 1 Jing Guo 1 Guanglin Yang 3 Mi Liao 3 Hongyang Ma 1 Jingnan Liu 1,2 Received: 3 September 2016 / Accepted: 27 January 2017 / Published online: 3 February 2017 Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract A key limitation for precise orbit determination of BeiDou satellites, particularly for satellites in geosta- tionary orbit (GEO), is the relative weak geometry of ground stations. Fortunately, data from a low earth orbiting satellite with an onboard GNSS receiver can improve the geometry of GNSS orbit determination compared to using only ground data. The Chinese FengYun-3C (FY3C) satellite carries the GNSS Occultation Sounder equipment with both dual-frequency GPS (L1 and L2) and BeiDou (B1 and B2) tracking capacity. The satellite-induced vari- ations in pseudoranges have been estimated from multipath observables using an elevation-dependent piece-wise linear model, in which the constant biases, i.e., ambiguities and hardware delays, have been removed. For IGSO and MEO satellites, these variations can be seen in onboard B1 and B2 code measurements with elevation above 40°. For GEO satellites, a different behavior has been observed for these signals. The GEO B2 pseudoranges variations are similar to those of IGSO satellites, but no elevation-dependent variations have been identified for GEO B1. A possible cause is contamination of the larger noise in GEO B1 signals. Two sets of precise orbits were determined for FY3C in March 2015 using onboard GPS-only data and onboard BeiDou-only data, respectively. The 3D RMS (Root Mean Square) of overlapping orbit differences (OODs) is 2.3 cm for GPS-only solution. The 3D RMS of orbit differences between BeiDou-only and GPS-only solutions is 15.8 cm. Also, precise orbits and clocks for BeiDou satellites were determined based on 97 global (termed GN) or 15 regional (termed RN) ground stations. Furthermore, also using FY3C onboard BeiDou data, two additional sets of BeiDou orbit and clock products are determined with the data from global (termed GW) or regional (termed RW) stations. In general, the OODs decrease for BeiDou satellites, particularly for GEO satellites, when the FY3C onboard BeiDou data are added. The 3D OODs reductions are 10.0 and 291.2 cm for GW and RW GEO solution with respect to GN and RN solution, respectively. Since the OODs in the along-track direction dominate the OODs reduction, no improvement has been observed by satellite laser ranging, which mainly validates the accuracy of the radial orbital component. With the GW BeiDou orbit and clock products, the FY3C orbits deter- mined with onboard BeiDou-only data also show improvement in comparison with those determined with BeiDou GN products. Keywords BeiDou Á FengYun-3C Á Precise orbit determination Á Multipath combination Á Code measurement Introduction Currently, the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BeiDou) consists of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites C01, C02, C03, C04 and C05, Inclined Geosyn- chronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites C06, C07, C08, C09 and C10, and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites C11, C12 & Jing Guo [email protected] 1 GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, No. 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China 2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, Wuhan University, No. 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China 3 National Satellite Meteorological Center, No. 46, Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100044, China 123 GPS Solut (2017) 21:1179–1190 DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0604-y

Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen

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Page 1: Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen


Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satelliteswith FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data

Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen Wang1 • Jing Guo1 • Guanglin Yang3 • Mi Liao3 •

Hongyang Ma1 • Jingnan Liu1,2

Received: 3 September 2016 / Accepted: 27 January 2017 / Published online: 3 February 2017

� The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract A key limitation for precise orbit determination

of BeiDou satellites, particularly for satellites in geosta-

tionary orbit (GEO), is the relative weak geometry of

ground stations. Fortunately, data from a low earth orbiting

satellite with an onboard GNSS receiver can improve the

geometry of GNSS orbit determination compared to using

only ground data. The Chinese FengYun-3C (FY3C)

satellite carries the GNSS Occultation Sounder equipment

with both dual-frequency GPS (L1 and L2) and BeiDou

(B1 and B2) tracking capacity. The satellite-induced vari-

ations in pseudoranges have been estimated from multipath

observables using an elevation-dependent piece-wise linear

model, in which the constant biases, i.e., ambiguities and

hardware delays, have been removed. For IGSO and MEO

satellites, these variations can be seen in onboard B1 and

B2 code measurements with elevation above 40�. For GEOsatellites, a different behavior has been observed for these

signals. The GEO B2 pseudoranges variations are similar

to those of IGSO satellites, but no elevation-dependent

variations have been identified for GEO B1. A possible

cause is contamination of the larger noise in GEO B1

signals. Two sets of precise orbits were determined for

FY3C in March 2015 using onboard GPS-only data and

onboard BeiDou-only data, respectively. The 3D RMS

(Root Mean Square) of overlapping orbit differences

(OODs) is 2.3 cm for GPS-only solution. The 3D RMS of

orbit differences between BeiDou-only and GPS-only

solutions is 15.8 cm. Also, precise orbits and clocks for

BeiDou satellites were determined based on 97 global

(termed GN) or 15 regional (termed RN) ground stations.

Furthermore, also using FY3C onboard BeiDou data, two

additional sets of BeiDou orbit and clock products are

determined with the data from global (termed GW) or

regional (termed RW) stations. In general, the OODs

decrease for BeiDou satellites, particularly for GEO

satellites, when the FY3C onboard BeiDou data are added.

The 3D OODs reductions are 10.0 and 291.2 cm for GW

and RW GEO solution with respect to GN and RN solution,

respectively. Since the OODs in the along-track direction

dominate the OODs reduction, no improvement has been

observed by satellite laser ranging, which mainly validates

the accuracy of the radial orbital component. With the GW

BeiDou orbit and clock products, the FY3C orbits deter-

mined with onboard BeiDou-only data also show

improvement in comparison with those determined with

BeiDou GN products.

Keywords BeiDou � FengYun-3C � Precise orbit

determination � Multipath combination � Codemeasurement


Currently, the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

(BeiDou) consists of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)

satellites C01, C02, C03, C04 and C05, Inclined Geosyn-

chronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites C06, C07, C08, C09 and

C10, and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites C11, C12

& Jing Guo

[email protected]

1 GNSS Research Center, Wuhan University, No. 129 Luoyu

Road, Wuhan 430079, China

2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology,

Wuhan University, No. 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079,


3 National Satellite Meteorological Center, No. 46,

Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100044, China


GPS Solut (2017) 21:1179–1190

DOI 10.1007/s10291-017-0604-y

Page 2: Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen

and C14. BeiDou satellite orbits, as determined with

observations from ground stations, suffer from problems in

attitude control mode (Montenbruck et al. 2015), solar

radiation pressure (SRP) modeling (Guo et al. 2016a),

systematic errors in pseudoranges (Wanninger and Beer

2015), and geometry conditions (Zhao et al. 2013).

For BeiDou IGSO and MEO satellites, which use two

attitude modes, namely yaw-steering (YS) and orbit-nor-

mal (ON) mode, dramatic orbit degradation can be

observed when satellites switch the attitude mode or are in

the ON mode. Based on studies with the yaw attitude

model for BeiDou IGSO and MEO satellites (Feng et al.

2014; Guo et al. 2016b), efforts have been made to con-

struct a better SRP model for these satellites in ON mode

and at the attitude transit epoch (Guo 2014; Guo et al.

2016a; Prange et al. 2016). Although the orbit accuracy in

ON mode can be improved, the orbit quality for the orbital

arc containing the attitude transit epoch is still poor. Guo

et al. (2016a) further identified the deficiency of the purely

empirical CODE SRP model (Beutler et al. 1994; Springer

et al. 1999) for BeiDou IGSO satellites in YS mode, and

proposed the box-wing model as a priori SRP model to

improve the CODE SRP model. In addition to this attitude

and SRP issues, Wanninger and Beer (2015) identified

satellite-induced variations in code measurements, termed

code biases hereafter, which limit the ambiguity resolution

when using the geometry-free approach. Furthermore, they

also proposed an elevation-dependent model to correct the

satellite-deduced code biases.

Compared with IGSO and MEO satellites, the BeiDou

GEO orbits have relative poor quality as shown in Guo

et al. (2016b). The main reason is that the GEO satellite

ground tracks are relatively static, resulting in almost static

observation geometry. Also, the ON model has been

applied to GEO satellites (Montenbruck et al. 2015), but it

makes the SRP acting on the satellites hard to model. Guo

et al. (2016b) identified errors that noticeable depend on

the orbital angle, i.e., the argument angle of the satellite

with respect to the midnight point in the orbit plane, and

large bias of about -40 cm in satellite laser ranging (SLR)

residuals. These errors are a result of using the empirical

CODE SRP model. Liu et al. (2016) reported that GEO

orbits could be improved by estimating six parameters

instead of the typical five parameters of the empirical

CODE SRP model. With this model, the bias of SLR

residuals is only about -7.8 cm for 28-day solutions.

However, no significant improvement has been observed

after incorporating the model into the Position And Navi-

gation Data Analyst (PANDA) software (Liu and Ge 2003).

Although elevation-dependent satellite-induced code biases

were identified for IGSO and MEO satellites (Wanninger

and Beer 2015), such biases cannot be seen for GEO

satellites using ground tracking data only. The cause is

mainly the relative static geometry between GEO satellites

and ground stations. Hence, it should be possible to

improve the GEO orbits with onboard BeiDou tracking

data from Low Earth Orbiters (LEOs), since the relative

movement between GEO and LEOs results in the desired

rapid change of observation geometry.

The idea of overcoming GNSS POD weakness due to

small number of ground stations, poor distribution of

ground stations, and poor geometry condition using LEOs

onboard tracking data has been assessed previously (Geng

et al. 2011; Zoulida et al. 2016). When onboard GPS data

of GRACE A are combined with data from 43 ground

stations, the 1D GPS orbit differences with respect to the

IGS final orbit decreased to 5.5 from 8.0 cm (Geng et al.

2011). Also, when more LEOs are used, less ground sta-

tions are needed to achieve similar orbit accuracy as

obtained without LEOs onboard data (Geng et al. 2011).

The LEO onboard GPS data can also be used to estimate

phase center corrections or to improve the reference frame

(Haines et al. 2015). Previous research has focused on LEO

onboard GPS data since there were no onboard data

available for other GNSS systems. Thanks to the FengYun-

3C (FY3C) satellite, onboard BeiDou data are collected

and can be used for these investigations.

The aim of this study is to improve the BeiDou orbits by

combining ground data and FY3C onboard tracking data,

called here enhanced POD, and to analyze the elevation-

dependent code biases of BeiDou satellites, particularly for

GEO satellites. Following the introduction of the FY3C

satellite and its onboard GNSS receiver, the quality of the

collected data and the multipath errors will be investigated

and analyzed. Afterward, the POD for FY3C with onboard

GPS-only data or onboard BeiDou-only data will be pre-

sented, followed by a section on POD for BeiDou satellites

combining ground BeiDou data and FY3C onboard BeiDou

data. The thus determined BeiDou orbits and clocks will be

validated by overlapping orbit comparison, by SLR, and by

determination of FY3C orbits.

FY3C satellite

The FY3C satellite was launched on September 23, 2013,

and developed by the Meteorological Administration/Na-

tional Satellite Meteorological Center (CMA/NSMC) of

China. This satellite is in a sun-synchronous orbit with

orbit altitude and inclination of about 836 km and 98.75�.The primary mission of FY3C is scientific investigation of

atmospheric physics, weather, climate, electron density,

magnetosphere, and troposphere as well as stratosphere

exchanges (Bi et al. 2012). A GNSS Occultation Sounder

(GNOS) has been placed on the satellite to ensure that the

objectives can be achieved.

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The GNOS instrument was developed by the Center for

Space Science and Applied Research (CSSAR) of the

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Three GNSS

antennas, namely the PA (Positioning Antenna), the ROA

(Rising Occultation Antenna), and the SOA (Setting

Occultation Antenna) were installed on GNOS. The PA can

track up to six BeiDou satellites and more than eight GPS

satellites. The collected pseudoranges and carrier phases

are used for real-time navigation, positioning, and POD of

FY3C. The along-velocity viewing antenna ROA and anti-

velocity viewing antennas SOA are used for rising and

setting occultation tracking; however, only four BeiDou

and six GPS occultations can be tracked simultaneously

(Bai et al. 2014). In this study, we only used data from the

PA for analysis.

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the FY3C satellite.

Table 1 lists the coordinates of the PA antenna reference

point (ARP) in the satellite reference frame (SRF). The

phase center offsets (PCOs) for GPS L1 and L2 signals in

ARP are also presented. CMA/NSMC provided these val-

ues. Since no PCOs for BeiDou signals and phase center

variations (PCVs) for GPS/BeiDou are provided, we

assume that the BeiDou PCOs are same as those of GPS;

the GPS/BeiDou PCVs are set as zero. As to satellite

attitude, we simply assume that the satellite is flying with a

fixed orientation coinciding with the SRF. The SRF is

defined as follows: the origin is at the center of mass of the

satellite, Z-axis points to the earth, the X-axis is perpen-

dicular to the Z-axis and points to the direction of velocity,

and the Y-axis completes the right-hand reference frame.

Quality of FY3C onboard GPS and BeiDou data

In this section, we will assess the quality of FY3C onboard

GPS and BeiDou data with emphasis on the elevation-de-

pendent satellite-induced code biases, particularly for

BeiDou GEO satellites.

Data availability

We use 1 month of data during Day Of Year (DOY) 60–90,

2015, kindly provided by CSSAR. These data are recorded

in the RINEX 2.1 files with 1 Hz and 30 s sampling rate for

BeiDou and GPS, respectively. The following measure-

ments for GPS and BeiDou satellites are available: (1) L1

C/A code, (2) L1 carrier phase, (3) L1 signal amplitude, (4)

L2 P code, (5) L2 carrier phase, (7) L2 signal amplitude,

(8) B1I code phase, (9) B1 carrier phase, (10) B1 signal

amplitude, (11) B2I code phase, (12) B2 carrier phase, and

(13) B2 signal amplitude. According to Bai et al. (2014),

the precision of pseudorange and phase observables is less

than 30 and 2 mm, respectively.

Figure 2 shows the number of measurements in DOY

60, 2015 for GPS and BeiDou. Compared to GPS CA/L1,

more tracking losses in GPS P2/L2 observables can be

observed. This can probability be attributed to the weak

Fig. 1 FY3C satellite

Table 1 Coordinates of the PA ARP in the SRF, and PCO for GPS

L1 and L2 signals

X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm)

Coordinates of PA ARP in SRF -1275.0 282.0 -983.7

PCOs of GPS L1 -5.0 0.0 15.0

PCOs of GPS L2 -3.0 0.0 15.0

Fig. 2 Observations collected by the FY3C onboard GNOS receiver

for DOY 60, 2015. Top BeiDou B1I (blue) and BeiDou B2I (orange)

code measurements, as well as BeiDou B1 (yellow) and BeiDou B2

(green) phase observations. Bottom GPS C/A (blue) and GPS P2

(orange) code measurements, as well as L1 (yellow) and L2 (green)

carrier phase observations. No measurements for G26

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Page 4: Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen

acquisition of P2/L2 measurements in low elevation. In

addition, the lower designed transmitting power for L2

makes the signals prone to loss. For BeiDou, there is more

tracking loss in B1 than in B2 due to the relative greater

transmitted power in B2. Also, we see that the number of

BeiDou code measurement is less than that of the phase

observables. For the GNSS receiver, since the satellite

transmission signal structure is known, the code measure-

ment is used to acquire the phase. Hence, generally, the

number of phases should not be greater than that of pseu-

dorange measurements. The lesser number of code mea-

surements is caused by a bug in the decode software.

Figure 3 demonstrates the ratio of lost epochs to all

epochs for each day as the indicator of data loss. In general,

GPS observations are available 31 days. The loss per-

centage is less than 5%, except on DOY 063, 065, 074,

075, and 088. Among those days, the greatest loss per-

centage reaches up to 29.1% for DOY 074, which has a

negative impact on orbit solution. By contrast, the BeiDou

data loss percentage is about 20% for most of days, and

reaches 87.5 and 65.0% for DOY 061 and 076. There is

almost no data available in DOY 074. The relative greater

data loss percentage for BeiDou indicates that this receiver

has lower performance tracking the BeiDou signals. This

will affect the quality of orbit determined with BeiDou-

only data.


The multipath combinations (MPCs) are constructed based

on algorithms used in TEQC (Estey and Meerten 1999)

using single-frequency code measurements and dual-fre-

quency phase measurements of a continuous ambiguity arc.

The constant biases, such as ambiguities, hardware delay in

satellite and receiver are removed by averaging the MPCs

of an ambiguity arc. Using MPCs of BeiDou measurements

from IGS MGEX stations, Wanninger and Beer (2015)

identified that elevation-dependent biases influence the

pseudoranges of BeiDou MEO and IGSO. Since the GEO

satellites barely move relative to the static ground receiver,

the biases in MPCs can absorb the biases in code mea-

surements. Hence, the biases of BeiDou GEO code mea-

surements cannot be identified with data from static ground

receivers. The FY3C provides an essential way to over-

come the dilemma.

Figure 4 shows the MPCs time series for FY3C onboard

observations during the time 20–21 h of DOY 283, 2013,

in which the 1 Hz onboard GPS and BeiDou observables

are provided by CSSAR. In the figure, the interval between

two consecutive PRN numbers along the vertical axis is

1 m. Panels (a) and (b) show the MPCs of BeiDou B1I and

B2I, whereas the GPS C/A and P2 MPCs are plotted in

panels (c) and (d). In general, the tracking duration for GPS

and the different types of BeiDou satellites is about 30 min.

For BeiDou, the MPCs of B1I are larger than those of B2I.

For GPS, the MPCs of P2 are smaller than those of C/A in

the high elevation, but much noisier in low elevation. The

larger MPCs of BeiDou compared to those of GPS are also

caused by the larger noise of BeiDou observables. A

noticeable phenomenon is that the BeiDou observations are

easily interrupted at high elevation. This problem is caused

by the decode software developed and run by CSSAR.

Contrary to BeiDou, the MPCs of GPS C/A and P2 are

rather stable, and no gaps are observed in high elevation.

However, GPS P2 MPCs show dramatic variations during

the ascent and descent of GPS satellites. This is caused by

the larger noise of P2 pseudoranges at low elevation and

indicates that the onboard receiver has poor GPS L2 signal

tracking ability in low elevation.

Figure 5 displays the MPCs variations for FY3C

onboard BeiDou B1I (a), B2I (b), GPS C/A (c), and P2

(d) code measurements as a function of elevation and

azimuth in the sky plot for 1 month (DOY 60–90, 2015).

Overall, the large multipath errors are mainly found in low

elevation areas, particularly for GPS P2. This is an indi-

cation of the poor GPS L2 signal tracking ability men-

tioned above. Also, it is easy to see that the MPCs show

different patterns for BeiDou B1I and B2I code observa-

tions. The BeiDou B1I multipath errors depend primarily

on elevation and vary only gradually with azimuth. How-

ever, the distribution of errors is not strictly symmetric in

azimuth. Considering the different behavior of the B2I

MPCs, the origin of errors cannot be readily contributed to

the cross-track between osculation antennas and PA, and

needs further investigation. In general, the averaged RMSs

of MPCs for FY3C onboard BeiDou B1I, B2I, GPS C/A,

and P2 code measurements are 0.69, 0.62, 0.38 and

0.820 m, respectively. Due to contamination by the larger

noise of GPS P2 in the low elevation, the precision of

pseudoranges is assessed with the MPCs above 40�. Theyare 0.50, 0.43, 0.28, and 0.37 m for BeiDou B1I, B2I, GPS

C/A, and P2. The precision of GPS code measurement isFig. 3 FY3C onboard BeiDou (blue) and GPS (orange) data loss

percentage for each day during DOY 60–90, 2015

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consistent with the reported 0.3 m value, but those for

BeiDou are slightly worse.

Figure 6 shows the MPCs for BeiDou GEO C01 (a),

IGSO C06 (b), MEO C11 (c), and GPS G03 (d) as a

function of elevation. As demonstrated in Fig. 4, the noise

level of BeiDou is greater than that of GPS. The BeiDou

B2I and GPS C/A signals are better than BeiDou B1I and

GPS P2, respectively. Compared with GEO and IGSO

satellites, the MPCs of BeiDou MEO satellites show the

clear elevation-dependent biases, particularly in higher

elevations. To analyze these biases further, the elevation-

dependent piece-wise linear models are estimated by using

the approach of Wanninger and Beer (2015). We fitted the

models for each BeiDou satellite and for the respective

group classified according to the satellite types (i.e., GEO,

IGSO, and MEO), with 1 month of MPCs data, and for

each of the two BeiDou frequencies. Figure 7 shows the

fitted elevation-dependent models. The upper (a and b),

middle (c and d), and bottom (e and f) panels show the

results for each satellite and the corresponding group,

respectively. The left and right three panels demonstrate

the results for B1I and B2I. For comparison, the IGSO and

MEO group models from Wanninger and Beer (2015) are

also illustrated. Since the B1I MPCs of C05 and C08 show

significant departure compared to others, they have not

been used to derive the corresponding piece-wise model for

GEO and IGSO group.

Figure 7 shows similar variations for the fitted eleva-

tion-dependent models. Specifically, the bias is near zero at

zero elevation, and gradually varies to reach maximum at

about 40�, afterward decrease to the minimum with

increasing elevation. However, the biases depend on

satellite-type and frequency. The B1I biases are larger than

those of B2I, particularly for MEO satellites. Compared

with B1I, the B2I piece-wise models for individual BeiDou

satellites show better consistency, particularly for MEO

satellites thanks to the lower noise of B2I. It is interesting

to note that the derived B2I MPCs model for the GEO and

IGSO groups are almost the same, though the GEO and

IGSO’s B1I models show different results. However, the

variation of the C05 B1I model is similar as that of IGSO

satellites. The different behavior for B1I and B2I can be

contributed to the relative larger noise of B1I, which

contaminates the elevation-dependent model estimation.

Also, the differences between these fitted elevation-de-

pendent models and Wanninger and Beer’s models for the

Fig. 4 Time series of MPCs of

BeiDou B1I (a), BeiDou B2I

(b), GPS C/A (c), and GPS P2

(d) code measurements of

FY3C onboard GNOS receiver.

C02, G20 and G30 are not

tracked in the selected period.

The time is in minutes

Fig. 5 Sky-plots of MPCs of BeiDou B1I (a), BeiDou B2I (b), GPSC/A (c), and GPS P2 (d) code measurements of FY3C onboard GNOS


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IGSO and MEO group are also clear, particularly for low

elevation from zero to 40�. In the Wanninger and Beer

model, clear linear variations are seen, whereas almost

stable variations are derived from FY3C onboard BeiDou

data in the low elevation. However, once the elevation is

40� and higher the two models are consistent, particularly

for IGSO B2 MPCs. This may be attributable to the fact

that the FY3C GNOS receiver smoothed the BeiDou sig-

nals for elevation below 40�. Repeating this analysis for

one week of data from DOY 283–289, 2013, shows similar

results and the differences between corresponding model

parameters are only marginal.

Fig. 6 MPCs of BeiDou GEO

C01 (a), IGSO C06 (b), MEO

C11 (c), and GPS G03 satellite

as a function of elevation. The

red and blue dots represent B1I

and B2I for BeiDou as well as

C/A and P2 for GPS

Fig. 7 Elevation-dependent

MPC biases for BeiDou code

observations. The upper (a, b),middle (c, d), and bottom (e,f) panels show the results for

each GEO, IGSO, and MEO

satellite and each group of

BeiDou satellites, respectively.

The left and right three panels

demonstrate results for B1I and


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Precise orbit determination for FY3Cwith onboard GPS and BeiDou data

Two sets of FY3C precise orbits have been determined

with onboard GPS-only data and onboard BeiDou-only

data from DOY 60–88, 2015. For the case of GPS-only

data, the IGS final orbit and 30 s clock products were used.

For the Beidou-only solution, the BeiDou orbits and 30 s

clocks determined with ground station data, i.e., the GN

solution discussed in next section, were used.

Since no SLR measurements are available for FY3C, the

determined orbits will be validated by orbit comparison in

radial, along-track, cross-track, and 3D direction. For

FY3C GPS-only solution, as the length of a POD arc is

30 h, i.e., from 21:00 of the first day to 3:00 of the third

day, the 6-h overlapping orbit differences (OODs) of two

consecutive orbit solutions are used for validation. In case

of BeiDou-only solution, we directly compare the entire

30-h orbit positions of each the GPS-only and BeiDou-only

POD arc.


We determine the dynamic orbits for FY3C, and carefully

model the perturbation forces acting on the satellite to

achieve the best solution. Table 2 summarizes the strategy

used for POD in detail.

Results and analysis

Figure 8 illustrates the daily RMS of orbit differences for

the two solutions. For GPS-only solution (top), the 6-h

OODs are quite small. Except in DOY 075 and 088, the

daily RMS in each direction is below 30 mm, particularly

it is about 1.0 cm in radial and cross-track component. The

larger OODs are clearly dependent on the percentage of

data loss, particularly for DOY 075, when about 29.1 and

5% data are lost in DOY 074 and 075. In general, the RMS

of OODs reaches 1.9, 0.7, 0.8, and 2.3 cm in along-tack,

cross-track, radial, and 3D, respectively. The good orbit

quality indicates an excellent performance of the FY3C

onboard GNOS receiver.

Figure 8 (bottom) shows that the orbit differences for

BeiDou-only solution are worse compared to GPS-only.

The main reason is fewer BeiDou measurements, and lower

accuracy of BeiDou orbit and clock products, particularly

for GEO satellites. Also, the fewer data limit the dynamic

parameters to be estimated in shorter duration. The mis-

modeled dynamic force errors are reflected by the orbit

differences in the along-tack component. For most days,

the 3D daily RMS varies between 10 and 30 cm. However,

the orbit quality degrades significantly for DOY 061, 073,

075 and 076, as more than 60% data are lost in DOY 061,

074, and 076. A relative low performance is also seen for

solutions in DOY 079 and 080 as 35% BeiDou data are lost

in DOY 080. On average, the RMS of orbit differences

with respect to the GPS-only solutions is about 13.6, 5.8,

4.9, and 15.8 cm in along-tack, cross-track, radial, and 3D,

respectively, once the arcs with greater data loss percent-

age (i.e., DOY 061, 073, 075, and 076) have been removed.

Enhanced POD for BeiDou with FY3C onboarddata

Two steps have been used for BeiDou POD. First, we use

3-day GPS data from the IGS MGEX network, the BeiDou

Experimental TrackingNetwork (BETN), and FY3C onboard

GPS data. Using IGS final GPS orbits, 30 s clocks and IERS

Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) products, we produce static

PPP solutions for ground sites and FY3C dynamic orbits.

Second, the ground BeiDou data and FY3C onboard

BeiDou data are used for BeiDou POD. The station posi-

tions and FY3C dynamic orbits, troposphere delay, and

receiver clock obtained in the previous GPS-only PPP and

FY3C GPS-only POD are introduced as known parameters.

The estimated parameters for this solution include BeiDou

satellite orbital parameters with respect to their initial

broadcast ephemeris values, satellite clock offsets, float

ambiguities and inter-system biases (ISB). We follow the

recommendations of second IGS reprocessing campaign

regarding the specific measurement model, reference

frame, and orbit model. However, the earth radiation

pressure and antenna thrust force are not included in orbit

models for all solutions. The attitude model for the satellite

bus follows the description in Guo et al. (2016a). Since the

length of BeiDou tracking for the FY3C onboard receiver

is less than 40 min, the data interval is set to 30 s for data

processing to use more onboard BeiDou data.

We use global and regional data to analyze the contri-

bution of FY3C onboard BeiDou data to BeiDou POD.

Figure 9 illustrates the ground stations, where the blue and

red cycles indicate the 97 global and 15 Asia–Pacific

regional stations, respectively.

Results and validation

Four sets of precise orbit and clock products for BeiDou

satellites were determined from DOY 060 to 090, 2015

based on the global or regional ground stations with or

without the FY3C onboard data. The corresponding acro-

nyms are listed in Table 3. Since the length of BeiDou

POD arc is 3 days, there are 48-h overlapping orbits for

any two adjacent 3-day solutions shifted 1 day. Hence, in

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Page 8: Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen

this study, the 48-h OODs and SLR have been used to

assess the BeiDou orbit quality. Furthermore, the POD for

FY3C with its onboard BeiDou data is also used for vali-

dation of the determined BeiDou orbit and clock products.

Figure 10 illustrates the averaged 3D RMS of 48-h

OODs for the four solutions. For the RN solution, the 3D

RMSs of GEO satellites are above 100 cm, particularly for

C02 and C05 the RMSs reach up to 700 cm. By contrast,

for IGSO and MEO satellites, the averaged 3D RMSs are

about 20–30 cm and about 20 cm, respectively. Once the

FY3C onboard BeiDou data has been used for BeiDou

POD, the 3D RMSs of OODs reduce due to improving the

observation geometry. Compared to the RN solution, the

averaged 3D RMS of RW solution reduces from 354.3 to

63.1 cm for GEO, 22.7 to 20.0 cm for IGSO, and 20.9 to

16.7 cm for MEO satellites. As excepted, the greatest

improvement has been achieved for GEO satellites, par-

ticularly for C02 and C05, since the inclusion of FY3C

onboard BeiDou data strengthens the observation geome-

try. The improvement of IGSO orbit consistency is less

than that of MEO, because the inclusion of FY3C onboard

BeiDou data improves the MEO tracking capacity outside

the Asia–Pacific region. For the two solutions with global

stations, their OODs are smaller than those for the cases of

regional stations. For GN solution, the averaged 3D RMSs

of OODs are 53.3, 10.4, and 4.9 cm for GEO, IGSO, and

MEO satellites; they show significant improvement with

respect to the RN solution as excepted. This indicates the

Table 2 Summary of POD strategy for FY3C

Geophysical models Description

Static Static part of EIGEN-6C up to degree and order 150

Temporal Temporal part of EIGEN-6C up to degree and order 50

Secular rates for low degree coefficients IERS Conventions 2010 (Petit and Luzum 2010)

N-body JPL DE405

Solid earth tides IERS Conventions 2010 (Petit and Luzum 2010)

Ocean tides FES2004 (Lyard et al. 2006)

Ocean pole tides Desai (2002)

Relativistic effects IERS Conventions 2010 (Petit and Luzum 2010)

Satellite surface models and Attitude

Atmospheric density DTM94 (Berger et al. 1998)

Solar radiation pressure Box-wing

Attitude Nominal

Tracking data

GPS/BeiDou Undifferenced ionospheric-free phase and code (interval 30 s)

GPS orbits and clocks IGS final orbits and 30 s final clock products

BeiDou orbits and clocks Orbits and 30 s clocks determined with 97 ground station data (i.e., GN soltuion)

GPS antenna phase center correction IGS08 (Schmid 2011)

BeiDou antenna phase center


Calibrated values (Guo et al. 2016b)

FY3C PCO and PCV PCO listed in Table 1 for GPS and BeiDou; No PCV corrections


GPS/BeiDou 2 cm for phase and 2 m for code measurements

Measurement parameters

GPS/BeiDou Real constant value for each ambiguity pass

Epoch-wise receiver clock offset

Dynamical parameters

GPS Drag coefficient every 180 min

One-cycle-per-orbit-revolution (1CPR) empirical accelerations in along- and cross-track every

180 min

BeiDou Drag coefficient every 360 min

1CPR empirical accelerations in along- and cross-track every 900 min

POD arc length 30 h

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inclusion of more ground stations can improve the BeiDou

orbital quality. Once the FY3C onboard BeiDou observa-

tions are used, the 3D RMS of OODs can be further

reduced to 43.4 cm for GEO satellites. However, almost

the same RMSs of OODs have been found for the IGSO

and MEO orbits. In contrast to the RN and RW solutions,

the BeiDou data from 97 global ground stations have been

used for GN and GW solutions. These ground data play a

important role in the GW solution and decrease the con-

tribution of FY3C onboard BeiDou data for BeiDou POD,

particularly for IGSO and MEO with good global tracking.

Hence, almost no improvement has been observed for two

global IGSO and MEO solutions, and the improved per-

centage of global GEO orbit solutions is less than that of

regional solutions. Also, only six channels have been

assigned for BeiDou tracking, resulting in less data avail-

able for BeiDou POD, and the tracking is easy to be

interrupted when BeiDou satellites are in high elevation, as

illustrated in Fig. 4. These two issues further weaken the

contribution of FY3C onboard BeiDou data for BeiDou


Since the length of a POD arc is 3 days, only the orbits

in the middle day are used for SLR validation of C01, C08,

C10, and C11 which are tracked by the International Laser

Ranging Service (Pearlman et al. 2002). The SLR residuals

exceeding an absolute value of 100 cm for GEO and 40 cm

for IGSO and MEO are excluded in the validation. The

corresponding results for GN and GW solution are listed in

Table 4. Although inclusion of FY3C onboard BeiDou data

has reduced the OODs of BeiDou orbits, the SLR valida-

tion indicates that almost the same accuracy has been

achieved for all three kinds of BeiDou satellites, no matter

whether or not the FY3C onboard BeiDou data are used.

The same phenomena have also been found for RN and

Fig. 8 Daily RMS of orbit differences for FY3C GPS-only solution

(top) and BeiDou-only solution (bottom)

Fig. 9 Distribution of ground sites used for BeiDou POD. The blue

and red cycles indicate the 97 global and 15 regional stations,


Table 3 Acronyms for POD solutions of BeiDou satellites

Solution Ground stations FY3C onboard BeiDou data

GW Global With

GN Global Without

RW Regional With

RN Regional Without

Fig. 10 Averaged 3D RMS for 48-h OODs of four sets of FY3C

BeiDou orbits. GEO (top), IGSO and MEO (bottom). The blue, red,

gray, and orange one indicates the GN, GW, RN, and RW solution as

listed in Table 3

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RW solutions. The reason is that the OODs reduction in the

along-track direction plays a dominating role, and almost

no improvement is in the cross-track and radial compo-

nents. However, the SLR is mainly used to validate the

accuracy of radial orbit.

We determined the FY3C BeiDou-only dynamic orbits

with GN and GW solutions to further assess the quality of

BeiDou orbit and clock products. The daily 3D RMS of

orbit differences for the two sets of FY3C BeiDou-only

orbits with respect to the GPS-only solution is shown in

Fig. 11. The improvement can be clearly observed for

FY3C BeiDou-only orbits determined with GW solution.

On average, the orbit differences have been reduced from

13.6 to 10.6 cm in along-track, 5.8 to 3.1 cm in cross-track,

4.9 to 3.8 cm in radial, and 15.8 to 11.7 cm in 3D, when

the arcs with greater data loss percentage (i.e., DOY 061,

073, 075, and 076) have been removed. Hence, we find that

the FY3C BeiDou onboard data contribute to improving

the quality of BeiDou orbit and clock products.


We use the FY3C onboard code and phase data to inves-

tigate the possibility of improving the geometric condition

and BeiDou orbit as well as clock products. First, the

satellite-induced code biases have been investigated based

on MPCs. It was confirmed that code biases are only seen

in the onboard code measurements of BeiDou IGSO and

MEO satellites with elevation above 40�. The consistency

with the Wanninger and Beer (2015) model is quite good

for those high-elevation observations. For GEO satellites, a

different behavior has been seen for B1 and B2 signals. The

variations of GEO B2 elevation-dependent errors in code

are similar as that of IGSO B2 signals, whereas no eleva-

tion-dependent errors have been identified for GEO B1

signals. This is possibly caused by the contamination of

greater noise in GEO B1 signals.

Using the onboard GPS and BeiDou data, the FY3C

precise orbits have been determined with GPS-only data

and BeiDou-only data. However, the orbital quality is

easily affected by the available tracking data. The 3D RMS

of 6-h OODs reaches 2.3 cm for GPS-only solution. The

3D RMS of orbit differences between BeiDou-only and

GPS-only solutions is about 15.8 cm with removing the

bad POD arcs.

Also, the precise orbits for BeiDou satellites have been

determined with ground data from global or regional sta-

tions, in combination with or without FY3C onboard data.

The 48-h OODs demonstrate that the orbit consistency

improves for BeiDou satellites, particularly for GEO

satellites, once FY3C onboard data are added. The

improvements are mainly in the along-track direction.

When fewer ground stations are used, a greater improve-

ment can be achieved. With the enhanced BeiDou orbit and

clock products, which are determined with global ground

and FY3C onboard BeiDou data, the determined FY3C

orbits with onboard BeiDou-only data show remarkable

improvement. This provides a promising and a possible

way for improving the BeiDou orbits and clocks with more

LEO onboard data in the future, particularly in those sit-

uations where there is a small number of limited ground


Acknowledgements The IGS MGEX, iGMAS, and ILRS are greatly

acknowledged for providing the Multi-GNSS and SLR tracking data.

The research is partially supported by the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41504009, 41574030). Finally, the

authors are also grateful for the comments and remarks of review-

ers and editor-in-chief, who helped to improve the manuscript


Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea

tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give

appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a

link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were


Table 4 Statistical results of SLR residuals for GN and GW solution

(units: cm)

C01 C08 C10 C11


Bias -43.1 -43.1 -8.6 -8.6 -1.8 -1.7 -1.7 -1.7

STDev 12.3 13.1 3.4 3.4 4.6 4.7 8.9 8.9

RMS 44.8 45.0 9.2 9.2 4.8 4.9 9.0 9.0

Fig. 11 Daily 3D RMS of orbit differences for the two sets of FY3C

BeiDou-only orbits with respect to the GPS-only solution. The blue

indicates the result for FY3C BeiDou-only orbit determined with GN

solution, whereas the orange represents those determined with GW


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Qile Zhao is a professor at

GNSS Research Center of

Wuhan University. He received

his Ph.D. degree at Wuhan

University in 2004. In

2006–2007, as a postdoctoral

fellow, he did his postdoctoral

program in DEOS, Delft

University of Technology, the

Netherlands. His current

research interests are precise

orbit determination of GNSS and

low earth orbiting satellites, and

high-precision positioning using

GPS, Galileo and BDS systems.

Chen Wang is a Ph.D. student

at GNSS Research Center,

Wuhan University currently. He

received his bachelor degree at

College of Geology Engineering

and Geomatics, Chang’an

University in 2014. His research

focuses on GNSS data process-

ing and orbit determination.

GPS Solut (2017) 21:1179–1190 1189


Page 12: Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites …...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Enhanced orbit determination for BeiDou satellites with FengYun-3C onboard GNSS data Qile Zhao1,2 • Chen

Jing Guo is a postdoctoral

researcher at GNSS Research

Center of Wuhan University. He

received his bachelor, master

and doctor degrees at Wuhan

University in 2009, 2011 and

2014, respectively. Currently,

he works on GNSS data pro-

cessing, particularly the precise

orbit determination for multi-

GNSS satellites, and is also

responsible for the routine data

processing of MGEX and

iGMAS at Wuhan University.

Guanglin Yang received the

M.S. degree in atmosphere

physics from Peking University,

Beijing, 2002. He is currently a

senior engineer in ionospheric

observation, working in national

space weather center (China

Meteorological Administration).

His research interests include

GNSS radio occultation, GNSS/

MET and coupling of upper

atmosphere and ionosphere.

Mi Liao received the M.S.

degree in atmospheric physics

from Chinese Academy of

Meteorological Science, Bei-

jing, China, in 2011. Since then,

she has been one of the mem-

bers of radio occultation team in

National Satellite Meteorologi-

cal Center, China Meteorologi-

cal Administration, Beijing. Her

research interests include error

analysis and application of RO


Hongyang Ma is a Ph.D. stu-

dent at GNSS Research Center

of Wuhan University. He

obtained his M.S. degree with

distinction in Geodesy and

Engineering Surveying at the

Institute of Geodesy and Geo-

dynamics of Chinese Academy

of Surveying and Mapping. His

main research interests include

precise orbit determination of

GNSS satellites and precise

point positioning.

Jingnan Liu graduated from the

former Wuhan College of Sur-

veying and Mapping in 1967

and received his master’s degree

in 1982. He was elected Aca-

demician of the Chinese Acad-

emy of Engineering in 1999.

Since 1998, he has been in

charge of the National Engi-

neering Research Center for

Satellite Positioning System. He

has been a member of the Sci-

ence and Technology Commit-

tee, Ministry of Education of

China in 1997–2009 and as an

editorial board member of GPS Solutions in 1998–2000. He is cur-

rently an executive member of the council, Chinese Society for

Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography; the editorial board

member of GPS World; and the coordinator of IGS.

1190 GPS Solut (2017) 21:1179–1190