Date: 07/07/2014 Version 2.1 Enterprise Project Management (EPM) & Project Portfolio Management (PPM) Software Applications Global Business Management Consultants Project Management Consulting & Training Business Management Consultants s.p.r.l Avenue Lieutenant Frederic Boon 7, 1332 Genval, Belgium. [email protected]

Ennte rrppriissee PPrroojjeecctt MManaaggeemmeenntt ... · PPM (Programme & Portfolio Management): The PPM module enables organisations to associate and align projects to strategy

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Page 1: Ennte rrppriissee PPrroojjeecctt MManaaggeemmeenntt ... · PPM (Programme & Portfolio Management): The PPM module enables organisations to associate and align projects to strategy

EPM & PPM Software Applications

GBMC - RESEARCH [email protected] 1 of 32

Date: 07/07/2014 Version 2.1

EEnntteerrpprriissee PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((EEPPMM)) &&

PPrroojjeecctt PPoorrttffoolliioo MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((PPPPMM))

SSooffttwwaarree AApppplliiccaattiioonnss

GGlloobbaall BBuussiinneessss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt CCoonnssuullttaannttss PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt CCoonnssuullttiinngg && TTrraaiinniinngg

Business Management Consultants s.p.r.l Avenue Lieutenant Frederic Boon 7,

1332 Genval, Belgium. [email protected]

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Business Management Consultants (GBMC)

Founded in 1985 & specializing in Global Project Management Training and Consulting

GBMC has become one of the most respected project management consulting firms. GBMC's experienced consultants conduct organizational development, management training and consulting in project management in 50 countries and in 14 languages throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

GBMC works with top management at leading organizations in tackling their most difficult and unique organizational development challenges. GBMC's consultants then design and structure appropriate consulting or project management training addressing those specific needs at each level of the organization. This can be as basic as introducing project management tools and techniques to new managers, or as complex as assisting a company's transition into a true project-based company. This emphasis on Global Project Management, that is, consistent, cross-functional project management application at all levels of the organization on a global basis, is GBMC's speciality. GBMC's international corporate policy to customize its programs at no additional cost to the client further demonstrates its commitment to professionalism and customer satisfaction

Since 1986, GBMC has worked with NASA's Academy for Program and Project Leadership (APPL) and has been an integral part of its Program and Project Management Initiative (PPMI). GBMC's Fundamentals of Project Management and The Art of Project Management remains basic elements for the NASA-wide training. In addition, GBMC is a Globally Registered Project Management Institute (PMI) Provider and its courses carry Professional Development Units credits (PDU's) for continuing Project Management Professional (PMP) certification by PMI.

For more information on this report or on EPM and PPM Software Applications please contact Mr. Nicos Kourounakis ([email protected]).

http://www.bmc-global.com [email protected]

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EPM & PPM Software Solutions

Tenrox Online Project Management .................................................................................................. 4

AtTask .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Clarizen .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Daptiv PPM ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Genius Inside ........................................................................................................................................ 8

EWORX PROJX - http://www.projx.gr ............................................................................................... 9

Projektron BCS ................................................................................................................................... 11

Teamwork Live .................................................................................................................................... 12

Journyx ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Workspace.com .................................................................................................................................. 14

Planisware 5 ........................................................................................................................................ 15

EPM Live .............................................................................................................................................. 15

Easyprojects.net ................................................................................................................................. 17

Project.net ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Redmine ............................................................................................................................................... 19

VPMi Suite ........................................................................................................................................... 20

EStudio ................................................................................................................................................. 20

MICROSOFT - Enterprise Project Management Solution ............................................................ 21

CELOXIS – Celoxis PM ..................................................................................................................... 23

COPPER – Copper PM ..................................................................................................................... 23

KIDASA – Milestone ........................................................................................................................... 24

MINUTEMAN SYSTEMS – MinuteMan .......................................................................................... 25

EXPERIENCE IN SOFTWARE - Project KickStart ....................................................................... 25

Daptiv PPM Spring 08 ........................................................................................................................ 26

Clarizen v.6 .......................................................................................................................................... 26

PROJECT INSIGHT ........................................................................................................................... 27

Intervals ................................................................................................................................................ 28

Projecturf 3.0 ....................................................................................................................................... 28

Central Desktop 2.0 ............................................................................................................................ 29

Easy Projects NET ............................................................................................................................. 29

MindView 5 Business ......................................................................................................................... 30

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TTeennrrooxx OOnnlliinnee PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

Tenrox is a software provider whose cloud-based, workflow-driven software automates and optimizes project planning, resource planning, project management, time and expense tracking, billing and cost accounting.


Outstanding time tracking, cost accounting and billing capabilities

Project plans are interchangeable with Microsoft Project files

Intuitive project planning tool that's easy to use (TopTenReviews, 2009) Features

Graphical project scheduling with GANTT charts

Build a project plan, create a project team, assign the work to team members

Earned value analysis (including cost and schedule variance)

Actual work (effort) versus remaining work versus budgeted baseline

Task constraints and dependencies

Import plans from/export plans to Microsoft Project

Workforce planning (resource scheduling; can search by skill, availability, location, bill rate, cost, preferences, and other attributes)

Time and expense tracking

Cost and revenue accounting with billing and chargeback capabilities

Workflow-driven issue, risk and scope management

Powerful analytics and dashboards for better visibility and faster decision-making (TopTenReviews, 2009)

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Its flagship product, @task 4, is a platform-independent, web-

based project management suite which includes task management, issue tracking, document management, time

tracking, and portfolio management.

Benefits Powerful collaboration features Gantt Charts Over 50 standard reports The resource utilization grid (TopTenReviews, 2009)


Profile management

Program management

Project management

Demand management

Resource management

Capacity planning

Time management

Process improvement


Task management & scheduling

Reports & dashboards

Real-time projections

Document management (TopTenReviews, 2009)

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Clarizen is a completely web based collaborative work and project management solution. Clarizen offers a full range of project and work management tools including project scheduling, collaborative planning, time tracking, task management , budget tracking and Reports and

Dashboards. Benefits

Personalized dashboard Resource allocation features Smart email alert notifications Project mail (TopTenReviews, 2009)


Core Project management features

Budget management

Task management

Resource management

Team collaboration

Time tracking

Customization features

Reports & dashboards

Integrations (TopTenReviews, 2014)

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DDaappttiivv PPPPMM

Daptiv is one of the most integrated online project management solutions in the industry. It continues to add new compatibilities and now provides more than 150 direct integrations. In terms of project management, Daptiv PPM can manage any type of project, size of team and type of task. It provides

complete visibility, highly customized reporting and interactive offline reports. (TopTenReviews, 2014)


Increase productivity across organizational roles

Reduce the complexity of managing diverse projects and teams

Gain maximum visibility into the mid-office operations

Collect project requests

Create accurate project cost estimates

Create and model portfolios to support business strategies

Manage resources

Get visibility into resource pool Features

Demand management

Capacity planning

Resource management

Portfolio management: Monitoring

Portfolio management: Value Management

Adopt a Consistent Approach to Planing and Managing projects

Time and expense for project management (TopTenReviews, 2014)

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GGeenniiuuss IInnssiiddee

Genius Project is flexible and adaptable to your business. It supports a variety of deployment options, generates more than 500 reports, has traditional and ad-hoc workflows, and incorporates modern enterprise-level social media tools. Genius

Inside provides solutions for new product development, IT departments and professional services, as

well as other types of project teams. (TopTenReviews, 2014). Benefits

Automatic email notification

Budget planning dashboard

Complex, informative charts

Easy to use interface (TopTenReviews, 2009) Features

Cost and Budget Management

Planning and Gantt Chart

Resource Management


Document Management

Social Team Collaboration

Agile SCRUM Support

Demand Management

Genius Connector

Help Desk


Phase Review Support

Risk and Change Management

Dashboard and Reporting

Project Portfolio Management

Project Tracking

Time and Expense Tracking

Workflow Engine (TopTenReviews, 2014)

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EEWWOORRXX PPRROOJJXX -- hhttttpp::////wwwwww..pprroojjxx..ggrr

PROJX is a highly customisable Enterprise Project

and Portfolio Management Suite featuring a

number of separate but tightly integrated

modules each of which offers specialised features and functionalities that can help an

organisation to manage, monitor and track a wide range of information and data concerned

with its processes and workflows. PROJX modules:

PM (Project Management): The PM module offers complete and advanced features that allow an organisation to manage, track and monitor an unlimited number of projects.

TCM (Tender & Contract Management): The TCM module facilitates the automatic generation & management of contracts, allowing the storing of all the important data concerned with the entire contracting process, including invoices and expense reports.

PPM (Programme & Portfolio Management): The PPM module enables organisations to associate and align projects to strategy. This is achieved by allowing users to insert the organisation’s annual strategic goals and planned activities, create programmes and portfolios and link them to proposed and/or running projects.

ABB (Activity Based Budgeting): The ABB module allows organisations to implement an Activity Based Budgeting approach by monitoring the real human effort consumed in the various Project or other activities.

STM (Subproject Templates Management): The STM module enables organisations to create an unlimited number of categorised templates for the provisioning of subproject structures for recurring projects, whose structures are similar.

PROJX Benefits

Provides a unified working environment where all organisation members have instant access to critical information.

Strengthens collaboration and knowledge sharing across the organisation.

Helps manage an unlimited number of projects/portfolios/tenders/contracts with large amounts of supporting information and shared resources.

Can be securely accessed both from within an intranet environment and via the Internet.

Supports flexible workflow and role management as well as complex review and user-defined reviews and approvals.

Can be customized to model an organisation’s existing Project Management or ISO processes and achieve paperless documentation.

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PROJX Benefits

Project Type to facilitate PMI’s OPM3® improvement projects.

User-defined project/portfolio/tender/contract types and templates that define stages, workflow and the starting structure of a new project.

Flexible, comprehensive hierarchy of sub-projects, tasks, budgets, supporting information and reviews.

System and user-defined reviews and approvals.

Web-based user interface with easy access to core system functionality from within one main screen.

Advanced project and cross-project report generation.

Multiple application and user-defined project roles.

Project baselining and full action logging.

Rich set of supporting modules, including client profiles, staff profiles, timesheets, file repository, events calendar, intranet/extranet, Wiki.

Data porting and easy interfacing with other popular software.

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PPrroojjeekkttrroonn BBCCSS

Projektron BCS is a web-based project management software for planning, managing and controlling a multitude of projects simultaneously. The software covers multi-project

management and includes features for time recording and quality management, resource and contact management and provides a ticket system. (Wikipedia 2014)


Multi-project management from A to Z

Fully Web-based

Team-driven with complex and flexible assignment of permissions

Open, platform-independent, state-of-the-art technology with documented API and a wide range of import/export options

Can be adapted to specific business requirements (Projektron, 2009) Features

Project planning

Resource management

Document management

Time recording

Project control (Projektron, 2009)

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TTeeaammwwoorrkk LLiivvee

Teamwork is a web-based and groupware management tool developed by Open Lab. It has widespread use in universities as teaching tool in project management

courses (Wikipedia, 2014). Benefits

Implicit team or workgroup definition (see shared agenda, send messages, operator load,) together with their security settings

Active work log recording, and hence cost control

Personal dashboards

Task based issue tracking (Twproject, 2009) Features

Project management (with Microsoft Project and Basecamp import/export)

Time tracking

Issue tracking

Portal configuration

Message boards

Scrum module

Meeting and minute management

Agenda (Integrates with iCal, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Entourage, and Google Calendar)

Subversion integration (Twproject, 2009)

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Journyx is a web-based employee time tracking software solution for automating payroll, billing, project accounting and project management. The tool integrates with QuickBooks, Microsoft Project, and a number of other systems in order to facilitate business processes. The company's newest offering, Journyx

ProjectXecute, is a resource management solution that enhances and extends Microsoft Project planning functionality by enabling users to track actuals and understand resource allocation (Wikipedia, 2014).


Control project costs & schedules using real-time status information

Track activities & expenses back to detailed cost centers

Access data anywhere via internal reporting engine and standard integrations such as MS Project and QuickBooks

Reduce billing disputes by allowing clients access to workflow approvals

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Workspace.com is a provider of an online collaborative workspace for information technology teams. The workspace includes traditional project management software elements such as task management, gantt charts,

resource management, issue tracking, and document management as well as application lifecycle management features such as change management, requirements management, test management, and bug tracking. Workspace.com is offered as a service. It does not integrate into version control systems or integrated development environments; it acts as standalone software.


Synchronize activities

Analyze performance

Optimize results (Workspace, 2009) Features



User Management





Web based (Workspace, 2009)

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PPllaanniisswwaarree 55

Planisware, Inc. is the editor of the Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM) software solution Planisware 5 targeting multiple industries – including energy, medical device, high-tech, aerospace & defense, government,

pharmaceutical, and automotive (Wikipedia, 2014). Benefits

Balanced portfolio, for short- and long-term projects, risks and project nature


Strategic alignment

Gain maximization (Planisware, 2014) Features

Project management (cost, resource, planning)

Project portfolio management

Idea management

Business intelligence (Roadmapping, simulation, scorecards)

Collaboration and time tracking (Wikipedia, 2014)

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EPM Live is a provider of project management software and Enterprise Project Management solutions based on the Microsoft SharePoint

platform. EPM Live solution is web-based, so it enables teams to publish and share Microsoft Office Project schedules and documents, identify issues and risks, manage action items, and create dynamic reports (Wikipedia, 2009). Benefits

Project management solutions for everyone

Deliver quality work: on time, on budget, every time

Dynamic, feature-rich, and cost-effective share-point project portfolio management (Epmlive, 2009)


Portfolio management

App Market

Cost Management

Resource management

Social collaboration


Work management

Workflow and Governance


Reporting and Business intelligence (Epmlive, 2014)

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Easyprojects.net is a web-based project management solution that can be either installed on the customer’s server or hosted on the provider’s server for a low monthly fee. It is also fully customizable; it offers a full source code edition, so it can be altered to fit a company’s needs. Easy Projects released its newest version, version 9, in March

of 2013. (TopTenReviews, 2014). Benefits:

Can be web-based or hosted on company’s own server

User license is perpetual

Source code edition available

Export/import abilities

Accessible from any computer

30-day money back guarantee included

Web-based System Available 24×7, 365 Days a Year (TopTenReviews, 2009) Features

Portfolio management

Project management

Task management

Request management

Issue management

Time management

Resource management


Billing & invoicing

Team collaboration


Usability & customization

Import & export

Security & SOX compliance


Professional services

Support (easyprojects.net, 2014)

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Project.net is an open source, enterprise scale project management application. Support and training are available from Project.net Inc.


Empowers teams

Drives collaboration

Maximizes accountability, visibility

Aligns goals and priorities (Project.net, 2009) Features

Personal dashboards

Team assignments


Time management

Unified blogs

Project-based wikis

Built-in document management

Integrated discussion groups

Project dashboards

Project workplans

Activity logs

Time submittal reports



Phase review

Organization dashboard

Project templates

Resource management

Recording work


Portfolio scoring

Extensive reporting (Project.net, 2009)

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Redmine is a free and open source web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. It includes calendar and gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines. The design of

Redmine is significantly influenced by Trac, a software package with some similar features. It is cross-platform and cross-database (Wikipedia, 2014). Benefits

Multiple projects support

Flexible role-based access control

Flexible issue tracking system (Wikipedia, 2009) Features

Multiple projects support Flexible role based access control Flexible issue tracking system Gantt chart and calendar News, documents & files management Feeds & email notifications Per project wiki Per project forums Time tracking Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs) Issue creation via email Multiple LDAP authentication support User self-registration support Multilanguage support Multiple databases support (redmine.org 2014)

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VVPPMMii SSuuiittee

VPMi is a suite of Project Portfolio Management software used by companies to gain visibility into their project portfolio to manage schedules, budgets, scope, alignment with strategies, balanced scorecard, resources, and documents. The VPMi suite was created, in part, to help prevent miscommunication between business units and IT staff (Wikipedia, 2014).


Project management (time, earned value, MS project integration, issues, changes, risks, documents, financials, status reporting, feedback/collaboration, email updates, prioritization, and financials)

Program management (multi project management and reporting)

Portfolio management (workflow, by strategy, by organization, by location, by business value assessment)

Resource management (supply & demand, project staffing, roles, skills, forecasting, and actuals)

Governance (innovation management, balanced scorecards, CapEx, lifecycle)

Personal management (manage time, roles, skills, forecasts, and project performance), (Vcsonline, 2009).


Version: 7, Link: http://www.same-page.com/eStudio_7_info.html

1. Ease of use Easily installed since the program resides on the eStudio servers Product tour Clicking on links sometimes brings up a javascript error; it often takes several

clicks to actually get where the user wants. When runs in secure mode the program slows down Workspace area is where the user can upload documents for review or

approval. The files are then stored there (as a secondary backup location). That means that each user has complete access to everyone else’s documents; it also leads to situations where team members could be working on obsolete versions of a document

2. Help / Support Several forms of documentation and tutorials Flash demos and a walk-through the program Email and toll-free phone support

3. Collaboration A collaboration tab offers five different methods of communication: Live Chat,

Discussions, Presentations, Quick Notes and Web links.

4. Project Management EStudio comes with a task manager that allows you to build tasks, add notes

to each task and assign specific resources to each task. Several different options for displaying goals, timelines and priority are also offered.

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It lacks on several features

5. Resource Management Assigning resources to several tasks and adding notes to the tasks is very easy.

The set-up for budgeting resource time is somewhat awkward though

6. Promotion Free Demo (sales promotion)

7. GUI (Graphical User Interface) Simplified design for the workspace area Not clear of where the various functions and tools are located and how to use

them Gantt chart is very basic and rudimentary; while the chart is customizable, the

graphical representation is lacking of imagination.

MMIICCRROOSSOOFFTT -- EEnntteerrpprriissee PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSoolluuttiioonn

Version: Standard 2013, Link: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/project

2. Ease of use Easily installed. Product tour available Four different primary areas (Tasks / Resources / Track / Report) allow the

easy navigation through the program as well as information searching. Input data with spreadsheet-like interface interactive Gantt chart The help sections are written in simple, non–technical wording, so that

anyone can easily make use of the software. Project management tools facilitate costumer to keep track of tasks or task

assignments or weave multiple projects together and control their every aspect.

Availability in 23 languages 3. Help / Support

Excellent help features including a step-by-step tutorial, detailed help section and a plethora of online documentation covering the product.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and Discussion Groups Possibility for phone and email support through fees

4. Collaboration Does not have a centralized collaboration center Supports ASP Modules but requires the purchase of the Professional version

to do so Lacks on executive dashboard function, which allows managers and

executives to log in and see how the project is progressing. lacks a dashboard it does integrate with Microsoft Outlook

5. Project Management All the standard project management tools are provided (ex. milestones,

Gantt charts, critical path methods, resource allocation etc)

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Recurring task: makes scheduling team meetings or regular maintenance simple

Version tracker: a tool, which provides a quick, graphical comparison of the changes taking place into the project plan

“Expand and hide” tool: allows to easily find the task needed from the long list of tasks included in the project

Microsoft Project’s scheduling includes calendars for a day-by-day breakdown of tasks, timelines for an overall view of the project, and events for specific milestones within the calendar.

Up-to-date reports keep track of different aspects such as employee work loads, and financial status.

interactive Gantt chart document management is needed improvement

6. Resource Management Great resource functionality: customers can quickly create project members

as well as project groups. From there, they are able to customize individual team members or assign resources to various tasks/projects.

Document management gaps: while the functionality to hyperlink documents to certain tasks is available, there is no version tracking for documents.

adding and managing resources (both employees and material resources) Resource details, skill sets and resource notes let you keep information (such

as resumes) about your employees Is keeping track of employee working hours, your materials and supplies, and

your project costs. Easy adding and managing resources Optimal allocation of resources Helps project keeping within budged

7. Promotion Free Demo (sales promotion) 60 days trial

8. GUI Familiar operating environment due to customers’ habituation with Microsoft

interfaces Visual representation of the project where choice of colors and layout may

provide a rather personal character to the interface User-friendly interface, similar to the familiar Microsoft one The screen is divided to several working interfaces, helping the user to have a

complete view of the procedure Colored diagrams indicating tasks’ status

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Link: http://www.celoxis.com/

1. Ease of use Dashboard is completely customizable well-designed and easy to use, especially with their new user-friendly


2. Help / Support User manual (not well-designed) FAQs Email and phone support. Since Celoxis is based in India, phone support can

become somewhat pricey.

3. Collaboration Forums Email services that can compliment the user’s current email client by allowing

him to email tasks and comments to other team members

4. Project Management Includes lead and lag time: Lead-time allows users to begin portions of future

projects that rely on completed portions of current projects. Lag time helps to compensate for the “lag time” between the completion of one project and the start of the next.

missing the ability to create recurring tasks

5. Resource Management It isn’t very easy to calculate materials that will be needed for tasks and

projects. address book as well as user login status within the project management

software ability to create recurring tasks is missing

6. Promotion

7. GUI (Graphical User Interface) A rather complicated working interface full of boxes, indications and

diagrams, all together on the same screen


Link: http://www.copperproject.com/

1. Ease of use Very clean and easy–to–use navigation system Available in: English / Deutch / French / Chinese (simplified as well as

traditional) It is web-based so its installation is easy Lack of features

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2. Help / Support FAQs Forums providing four choices: News / Features Discussion / Community

Support / Developers Email and phone support There is no convenient help button on each page though

3. Collaboration Copper has no central collaboration point, which is a serious drawback with

the program.

4. Project Management A springboard/dashboard system gives quick view of the overall progress on

various tasks Some screens and tools aren’t connected very well. For example, the Account

Manager screen doesn’t link to projects; it only shows statistics.

5. Resource Management It is very easy to use document management program, including check–in and

check–out capability. It tracks documents using a clear version number

6. Promotion Testimonials (public relations) Discounts for charitable companies and educational foundations (sales


7. GUI (Graphical User Interface) The workspace area is simply and purely designed

KKIIDDAASSAA –– MMiilleessttoonnee

Link: http://www.kidasa.com/

1. Ease of use Easy to install Even once the user understands how the program works, some functions are

not very intuitive

2. Help / Support Manual Movie Helpful links White papers On site training (Kidasa Product Specialist) On line training (Microsoft Office Live Meeting)

3. Collaboration Purely provided

4. Project Management Includes almost every feature that big competitors (such as Microsoft)


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5. Resource Management

6. Promotion Testimonials (public relations)

7. GUI Excellent for graphical project management and tracking by colors and



Link: http://www.minuteman-systems.com/

1. Ease of use Easy to install It is a very simplified version of Microsoft Project (includes almost half of MP’s

features) The schedule and Gantt chart are rather unintuitive to use, as the screen

often resizes itself and covers the work area. 2. Help / Support

Video tutorial Technical support provided by product updates FAQs

3. Collaboration Provides pure collaboration

4. Project Management 5. Resource Management

Users cannot see who has been assigned to each task. 6. GUI

The design of the workspace area could be characterized as “old-fashioned”, not very appealing to use.


Link: http://www.projectkickstart.com

1. Ease of use Easy to install easy to navigate

2. Help / Support On line training (fee payment necessary) As soon as we downloaded their trial product we were instantly sent an email

with instructions and contact information. direct line of their Global Sale Manager for additional questions. free 24/7 customer support by phone

3. Collaboration Provides pure collaboration

4. Project Management

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Although it helps users to put together a new project, it isn’t very focused on the management of existing larger projects

Gantt chart 5. Resource Management

It helps users focus on which human resources should be assigned to each task.

easy user interface which includes tabs for every aspect of a project, with the exception of a resource tab

6. GUI User-friendly working interface

DDaappttiivv PPPPMM SSpprriinngg 0088

Link: http://www.daptiv.com/solutions/daptiv_ppm/index.htm

1. Ease of Use: completely customizable dashboard features easy manipulation of data using the dashboard's intuitive interface

2. Help/Support: FAQs manual knowledgebase tutorials support by phone or email

3. Collaboration:

email notifications when an issue is edited, completed or deleted forum contacts by name, organization, email, are quickly sorted by Contact Manager collaboration with Microsoft Project

4. Project Management:

check–in/check–out process of document management keeps a history log in addition to sorting documents by version number

5. Resource Management: ability to view resource allocation resource details and skill sheets

CCllaarriizzeenn vv..66

Link: http://www.clarizen.com/v6-mini/

1. Collaboration: Integration with Microsoft Project cloud-based platform continual updates (real-time updates and email notifications, internal and

external resources) Asynchronous discussions, write wiki-style notes, and share documents.

2. Resource Management: add or delete resources for the entire project or just a given task tasks assigned to individual resources can be viewed

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3. Project Management: The interface lets you add and delete tasks and milestones with the ease of a

word processor. Large icons provide update of tasks, add notes, upload documents, insert

dependencies and add various resources. Dashboard, provide supervisor of projects and their states of progression. Easy navigation with mouse Roadmap—a linear timeline of projects’ milestones, their progress and

projected completion dates 4. Ease of Use:

Email-style interface Large icons eliminate the mess of scanning cluttered lists Customization of interface Keyboard navigation

5. Help/Support: The online tutorial Online demonstration Help index Email support Online chats and forums

6. Promotion Free trial

PPrroojjeecctt IInnssiigghhtt

Link: http://www.projectinsight.net/ 1. Ease of use

email-like interface, similar to Microsoft Outlook Web-based software; team member can log in from anywhere using an internet

connection and their web browser It is highly customizable and flexible

2. Help / Support Online training Webinars Telephone and e-mail support Automatic error monitoring Free updating

3. Collaboration It provides workflow and approvals for every document, project, task etc. It

also saves a templated approval process for future use. It maintains the entire project history and discussions in a centralized place customizable dashboard Email integration with Microsoft Outlook forum

4. Project Management Status reports are available just by logging in

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task management features includes progress tracking, goals and deadlines and task dependencies

Gantt charts not interactive Gantt charts Custom reports It provides Microsoft Outlook and Office integration

5. Resource Management human resources tracking email integration with Microsoft Outlook

6. GUI Simple and clear workspace


Link: www.myintervals.com/

1. Ease of Use: the programs are well labeled web based program

2. Help/Support: telephone email some tutorials, tips and tricks forum

3. Collaboration: full Internet-based project management service do not provide forum module or RSS feeds

4. Project Management: projects, tasks, budget, invoices and time can be easily managed by Intervals reporting (pie charts, weekly trends, project activity, summaries, break

downs, cross charts, balances) report filtering

5. Resource Management: Does not provide a way to manage physical resources, like computers,

company cars, projectors, equipment or supplies. E-mail tracking

PPrroojjeeccttuurrff 33..00

Link: https://www.projecturf.com/

1. Ease of Use: streamlined interface easy navigation

2. Help/Support: online demonstration FAQs email support

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forums and blogs 3. Collaboration:

Interface customization Forum

4. Project Management: Advanced design section includes display logos, graphics, layouts and designs

requisite Easy accessibility of Calendars, milestones Email

5. Resource Management: easy navigation with icon and tabs easily update of human resources via e-mail

CCeennttrraall DDeesskkttoopp 22..00

Link: http://www.centraldesktop.com/ 1. Feature Set 2. Ease of Use:

Easy to use Easy navigation on the interface Easy update of resources

3. Help/Support: Online video demo FAQs email and phone online chat section wikis

4. Collaboration: Central collaboration center include dashboards, calendars, timelines and

email integration. 5. Project Management:

Typical project management features email notifications

6. Resource Management: Poor management resources tools

EEaassyy PPrroojjeeccttss NNEETT

Link: http://www.easyprojects.net/ 1. Ease of Use:

Quick project start tool. Email notification Easy installation Automatically update

2. Help/Support: Extensive online support files Downloadable version Online chat support

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FAQs Tutorials Tips and tricks Forum Not a 24-hours support

3. Collaboration: Highly functional dashboard Web-based

4. Project Management: Useful filters for sorting information Charts for at-a-glance Offers numerous types of reports, including resource, billing, project,

milestones and Gantt charts Customized reports Lack of risk/benefit analyzer or capacity planner Not offering a mobile or cell phone option Only available in English

5. Resource Management: Typical resource management capabilities Free trial

MMiinnddVViieeww 55 BBuussiinneessss

Link: http://www.matchware.com/en/products/mindview/default.htm 1. Ease of Use:

Easy to learn Easy entering of data with keyboard navigation Easily update information by clicking and dragging the mouse MS Office 2013 Interface Legends and Map navigation

2. Help/Support: Forums A FAQs phone number and address of their U.S. office on the company's Website

3. Collaboration: Standard collaboration Forums Email integration Integration with Microsoft project Lacks of dashboard

4. Project Management: Standard stock of project management elements Lacks some nice-to-have features like recurring tasks and automatic

notifications Ability of different views of projects through, list, Gantt chart, mind map,

timeline and outline A unique feature is mind maps gives to a project visual reminiscent of

brainstorming bubbles, milestone and its related task

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5. Resource Management: Simple data entries Cooperation with Microsoft Outlook Lack capability of grouping resources

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December 27, 2009, from http://online-project-management-review.toptenreviews.com/index.html

A collaborative workspace where teams:. (2009) Retrieved December 27, 2009, from Workspace website: http://www.workspace.com/workspace/benefits.html

Advanced Web Solutions. (2009, Nov. 19). Project management Software Solutions. Retrieved from http://g-hwebdesigns.com/web-design/project-management-software-review.htm

Comparison of project management software. (2009). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved, December 27, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_project_management_software&oldid=334235659

Planisware Project Portfolio Management Overview. (2009) Retrieved December 27, 2009, from Planisware website: http://www.planisware.com/main.php?docid=15357&plw=98feb68a6d26583357bb496cb8f82266

Portfolio Management. (2009). Retrieved December 27, 2009, from EPM Live website: http://www.epmlive.com/

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Project Portfolio management. (2009). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved, December 27, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Portfolio_Management

Project.net maximizes productivity. (2009). Retrieved December 27, 2009, from Project.net website: http://www.project.net/overview

VPMi Overview. (2009). Retrieved December 27, 2009, from VPMi Suite website: http://www.vcsonline.com/VPMiPMSoftware/VPMiSaaSOnsiteProjectManagementSoftware/tabid/105/Default.aspx

Would you like to use Teamwork for Project Management?, (2009). Retrieved December 27, 2009, from Teamwork website: http://www.twproject.com/projectManagement.page

Curt Finch. How to choose a PPM tool. http://www.theicpm.com/articles/portfolio-management/portfolio-management/3258-how-to-choose-a-ppm-tool

Mark Perry.Top 10 Tips for a PPM Software Selection Project. http://www.gantthead.com/blog/PMO-Setup-T3---Tips-Tools-and-Techniques/1308/




