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  • 8/6/2019 ENT-Ex


    ENT Exam


    Tonsillectomy indicated for all of the following except: acute tonsillitis

    Facial nerve: from the second brachial cleft

    In the 2nd brachial cleft cyst, all except: Ranula Cystic hygroma Thyroglossal duct

    Radical neck dissection all except: vagus nerve

    Kessel bactres plexus caused by anastomosis of all of the followingexcept:

    posterior ethmoidal artery Superior laryngeal nerve:

    above vocal cords sensory and motor to cricothyroid Submandibular space infection:

    ludwig's angina Collection of pus between tonsils and superior constrictor muscle: In general traumatic rupture of membrane:

    waiting until spontaneous recovery All are criteria for chronic tonsillitis except:

    membrane on tonsillis

  • 8/6/2019 ENT-Ex


    Tympanic membrane by otoscope in secretary otitis media allexcept:

    loss of con light Tympanic membrane:

    small upper paros flaccid part and large lower paros tensapart

    Greater anular nerve: c2-c3

    Tonisllar artery branch of: facial artery

    Case of unilateral blood tinged mucus: rhinoscleroma

    Anterior sinus group open into: middle meatus

    Treatment of choice for acute epiglotitis: ampicilline

    Nasolacrimal duct open into: inferior meatus

    All derived from 1st brachial arch except: stapies

  • 8/6/2019 ENT-Ex


    What to do before considering surgical treatment of sinusitis: history, physical examination and coronal CT

    The end sensory organ for semicircular canal is:

    Absolute indication for tonsillectomy is: obstructive sleep apnea

    A common cause of abstructive apnea in adult:


    3rd molar carries, infection enters deep and tonsillis displacedmedial:

    parapharyngeal abscess.

    Chordatympani: parasympathetic innervations of submandibular

    One about sinuses is correct: all lined by respiratory mucosa

    Most common mucosal disease of nose is: allergic rhinitis 30% of population

    All cause grey, white membrane except: adeno-viral pharynx

  • 8/6/2019 ENT-Ex


    One of the following causes of hearing loss can be treatedsurgically:

    otosclerosis Meinierre disease, all except:

    Sensory neural loss Tinnitus Vertigo

    Eustachian tube one is correct: lined by respiratory mucosa

    Rasenmuller fossa: most common area of nasopharyngeal cancer

    Initial sign of nasopharyngeal cancer: unilateral secretory otitis media

    Case of obstructive sleep apnea, mouth breather and snoring: adenoid

    White oral cavity lesion one found in all of the following except: Addison syndrome

    Posterior to tonsillar fossa: palate pharyngeal muscle

    Ludwig's angina: diffuse submandibular cellulitis

    Plummer-vinson syndrome all are true except:

  • 8/6/2019 ENT-Ex


    An esophageal web Malignant potential Koilonychias