ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)

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  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    .. 424 Girls Exam of ENT Cycle ..

    (1428 29)

    1. A cleft lip patient is more likely to have:-

    a) Hypernasality.b) Hyponasality.

    c) Hoarseness.

    d) Staccato speech.

    2. To the surface of which of the cells IgE is attached:-

    a) Small lymphocytes.

    b) Eosinophils.

    c) Plasma cells.

    d) Mast cells.e) Large lymphocytes.

    3. Menier's disease is mainly characterized by:-

    a) Sudden in onset.

    b) Conductive hearing loss.c) Episodic vertigo.

    d) Brief vertigo with movement.e) Bilateral hearing loss.

    4. Nasal polyps are most likely present as:-

    a) Unilateral and single.

    b) Bilateral and multiple.

    c) Unilateral and multiple.

    d) Bilateral and single.

    e) Mainly in children.

    5. Cochlear implant is indicated to replace the:-

    a) Function of the hair cells.

    b) Function of the cochlear nerve.

    c) Function of the middle ear.

    d) a + b.

    e) All of the above.

    1 a

    2 d

    3 c

    4 b5 a


  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    6. Sudden unilateral complete loss of vestibular function with hearing

    preservation is:-

    a) Acuostic neuroma.

    b) Miner's disease.

    c) Vestibular neuritis.d) Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

    e) Perilymph Fistula.

    7. Most common complication of laryngotomy (cricothyroidotomy):-

    a) Hemorrhage.

    b) Subglottic stenosis.

    c) Recurrant laryngeal nerve injury.

    d) Pneumothorax.

    e) Great vessels injury.

    8. Asymmetrical lower lip in a patient after a submandibular gland

    procedure is caused by injury to:-

    a) Hypoglossal nerve.

    b) Buccal nerve.c) Lingual nerve.

    d) Mandibular branch of the facial nerve.e) Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve.

    9. All the following are tracheostomy complications except:-

    a) Subcutaneous emphysema.

    b) Subglottic stenosis.

    c) Pneumothorax.

    d) Apnea.

    e) Intubation granuloma.

    10. The sensory innervation of the ear doesn't include:-

    a) Hypoglossal nerve.

    b) Glossopharyngeal nerve.

    c) Facial nerve.

    d) Trigeminal nerve.

    e) Vagus nerve.

    6 c

    7 b

    8 d

    9 e10 a


  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    11. A recent nasal bone fracture is corrected by:-

    a) Immediate rhinoplasty.

    b) Reduction within 2 weeks.

    c) Reduction after 4-6 weeks.

    d) Antibiotic and observation.e) Screw fixation.

    12. An adult presented with unilateral acute otitis media with

    effusion. The first cause you have to think about is:-

    a) AIDS.

    b) Carcinoma of the nasopharynx.

    13. The histological lining of the nasal vestibule is:-

    a) Stratified columnar epithelium.b) Cuboidal epithelium.c) Ciliated columnar epithelium.

    d) Stratified squamous epithelium.e) Ciliated squamous epithelium.

    14. The muscle responsible for opening the Eustachian tube is:-

    a) Tensor palate.b) Stapedius.

    c) Tensor tympani.

    15. The best treatment of attico-antral otitis media:-

    a) Systemic antibiotics.

    b) Topical antibiotics.

    c) Mastoidectomy.

    16. The immediate management of a perforated tympanic membrane:-

    a) Systemic antibiotics.

    b) Drop antibiotics.

    c) Tympanoplasty.

    d) Non of the above.

    11 a/b

    12 b

    13 d

    14 a

    15 c



  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    17. The best management of thyroglossal cyst to avoid recurrence:-

    a) Excision of the cyst, its tract and the anterior part of the hyoid.

    18. The best site for tracheostomy is:-

    a) Between cricoid and thyroid cartilages.b) Between 1st and 2nd tracheal cartilages.

    c) Between 3rd and 4th tracheal cartilages.

    19. A 62 year old heavy smoker presented with painless unilateral

    level 2 neck mass. Which of the following you have to instruct


    a) Excisional biopsy.

    b) Incisional biopsy.

    c) FNA.

    20. Bell's palsy:-

    a) Is mainly caused by trauma.b) Is upper motor neuron lesion.

    c) Majority of cases resolves spontaneously.d) Cause conductive hearing loss.

    e) Needs surgical intervention.

    21. Bilateral choanal atresia needs immediate management becausenewborns are:-

    a) Obligate mouth breather.

    b) Obligate nose breather.

    c) Obligate mouth and nose breather.

    22. Exostosis

    a) Immunocompromised.

    b) Smokers.

    c) Old diabetics.

    d) Alcoholics.

    e) Swimmers.

    17 a

    18 c

    19 a

    20 c

    21 b

    22 e


  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    23. Blood diathesis ---- epistaxis:-

    a) TCP.

    b) Chronic leukemia.

    c) Sickle cell anemia.

    d) Hereditary hemorrhagic telangectasia.

    24. Parotid most common tumor:-

    a) Pleomorphic adenoma.

    b) Adenocarcinoma.

    c) Muco p

    25. Cholesteatoma:-

    a) Skin with aggressiveness.

    b) Malignant tumor in the middle ear.d) Containing cholesterol.

    26. Complications of ethmoidal sinusitis except:-

    a) Orbital cellulites.

    b) Obstruction of lacrimal duct.c) Periseptal abscess.

    d) Cavernous sinus thrombosis.

    27. acute sinusitis treatment:-a) surgical (emergency).

    b) Antibiotics for 24 hours then operate.

    c) ------- then operate.

    d) Antihistamins + humidifier.

    e) Analgesics + antibiotics + oral decongestant + nasal


    28. Medicamentosa caused by:-

    a) Steroids.

    b) Antibiotics.

    c) Decongestants.

    d) Antihistamins.

    23 d

    24 a

    25 a

    26 b

    27 e28 c


  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    29. Sphenoid sinus has a direct relation with all the following


    a) Optic nerve.

    b) Eustachian tube.

    c) Cranial nerves III, IV, VI.d) Cavernous sinus.

    e) Internal carotid artery.

    30. Neuroepitheliam of saccula and utricle:-

    a) Ampula.

    b) Copula.

    c) Macula.

    d) Crista ampullaris.

    31. Fistula test:-

    a) Erosion of semicircular canals

    32. Type B tympanometry indicates:-

    a) Otosclerosis.b) Tympanosclerosis.

    c) Otitis media with effusion.d) All of the above.

    e) Non of the above.

    33. Site of anterior epistaxis:-

    a) Floor of the nose.

    b) Medial wall of the nose.

    c) Inferior turbinate.

    34. otitis media with effusion:-

    a) + flat tonometry.

    b) Negative Renee test + --- + gap.

    c) Negative Renee test +

    d) Otorrhea +

    29 b

    30 b

    31 a

    32 c

    33 b



  • 8/2/2019 ENT MCQs (Girls 1428-29)


    35. Organism causing otitis media with effusion:-

    a) Pseudomonus + staph.

    b) Pseudomonus + strep.

    c) H. influenzae + strep.

    d) Pseudomonus + H. influenzae.e) Strep + staph.

    36. Toxic drug to the middle ear:-

    a) Streptomycine.

    b) Aspirin.

    c) C

    d) Penicillin.

    e) Gentamycine. ?????

    35 c

    36 a

    .. Good Luck ..
