ENTREPRENEURIAL BRICOLAGE AND YOUNG FIRM PERFORMANCE: THE MODERATING EFFECT OF TEAM COMPOSITION. Senyard J 1 1 Queensland University of Technology Submitting Author Contact Information Julienne Senyard Queensland University of Technology [email protected]

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Senyard J1

1Queensland University of Technology

Submitting Author Contact Information

Julienne Senyard

Queensland University of Technology

[email protected]

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Entrepreneurial Bricolage and Young Firm Performance:

The Moderating Effect of Team Composition.


Many young firms face significant resource constraints during attempts to develop and grow.

One promising theory that explicitly links to resource constraints is bricolage: a construct

developed by Levi Strauss (1967). Bricolage aligns with notions of resourcefulness: using

what’s on hand, through making do, and recombining resources for new or novel purposes. In

this paper we further theorize and test the moderating effects of ownership team composition

on bricolage and firm performance. Our findings suggest that team size, strong network ties,

and functionality enhance the effects of bricolage in young firm performance.

Keywords: Bricolage, Venture Performance, Team Composition, Team size, Network


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Many new firms experience resource challenges in attempts to grow and develop.

Unlike established firms, young firms often lack legitimacy, and face financial, social,

temporal and other resource constraints (Wiklund, Baker, & Shepherd, 2010). As a

consequence they attempt to make do by applying existing resources to challenges and

opportunities (Baker & Nelson, 2005). Often considered a theory of resourcefulness,

bricolage is defined as ‘making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new

problems and opportunities’ (Baker & Nelson, 2005).

Bricolage has been shown to be one way that firms can innovate and grow in the face

of constraints (Senyard, Baker, Steffens, & Davidsson, 2013), often leading to “brilliant

unforeseen” results (Levi-Strauss, 1967). However, other research suggests it can also lead to

poor performance and stagnation (Hatton, 1989). Teams may enhance the better performance

of young firms using bricolage (Banerjee & Campbell, 2009). Delmar and Shane (2006)

found approximately 50% of start-ups are attempted by entrepreneurial teams, making

founding teams and their compositions an important context to study bricolage. But to the

best of our knowledge, the impact of teams using bricolage and its impact on performance

has not been specified or tested in prior research.

In this paper, we draw on the mostly inductive theorizing prevalent in the bricolage

literature to hypothesize that team structural characteristics influence the relationship between

bricolage and firm performance, using data from the Comprehensive Australian Study of

Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE) project (Davidsson, et al., 2011). Our work

contributes to the behavioral theory of bricolage by beginning to identify the conditions under

which team structural characteristics may enhance or negatively influence performance in

recently established young firms using bricolage.

Theory and Hypothesis

Young firms face many challenges in attempts to grow (Shepherd, Douglas, &

Shanley, 2000), especially making resource decisions. Some firms attempt to reduce the

constraints they face through bricolage (Baker & Nelson, 2005). More generally, the

literature suggests bricolage has a positive relationship with firm performance through, a.

enabling action rather than resource seeking or inactivity (Baker & Nelson, 2005); b.

instigating the potential for fast response to challenges and opportunities (namely through

improvisation) (Bechky & Olsen, 2011); c. taking advantage of more opportunities in

comparison to doing nothing by going where “others fear to tread” (Baker & Nelson, 2005);

and d. more novel idiosyncratic solutions, given the reliance on the means on hand, or

through multiple inputs (Garud & Karnoe, 2003) and resources scavenged “cheaply or for

free” (Baker & Nelson, 2005). Bricolage outcomes are often celebrated for their ingenious

reworkings of existing resources on hand to get the job done. For example, bricolage was

used to generate a solution for the Apollo 13 space shuttle crisis, saving the astronauts

(Rerup, 2001).

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Other literature however, suggests that bricolage solutions may be “just good enough”

(Berchetti & Hulsink, 2006) and has been associated with “second best solutions, maladaption,

imperfection, and inefficiency” Lanzara (1999: 347), or at best, a temporary coping

mechanism (Powell, 2011) to the challenges these firms face. Given that the relationship

between bricolage and performance is unclear, it is worthwhile exploring the mechanisms at

play that may influence this relationship. In this research we take an exploratory approach by

evaluating the use of bricolage in teams and its potential influence

on firm performance.

The few extant studies on bricolage and teams do not examine team structural

composition. As bricolage tends to be considered a solo activity there has been a focus on the

individual “tinkerer”. Levi-Strauss (1967) describes the bricoleur in these terms: “Consider

him at work and excited by his project. He has to turn back to an already existent set made up

of tools and materials, to consider or reconsider what it contains and… to engage in a sort of

dialogue with it and, choosing between them, to index the possible answers … to his

problem.” Others have provided evidence of bricolage in small teams and suggest the use of

teams provide valuable access to resources that enable “momentum” in bricolage (Garud &

Karnoe, 2003:278). Alternate arguments exist that the use of bricolage in teams may more

generally create confusion, delays and conflict, and that too many individuals within a team

attempting bricolage may well be akin to “too many cooks spoiling the broth” via resource

behaviours, creating difficulties in both managing resource troves, and confusion within

bricolage recombination and resource deployment activities. A lack of consensus within

teams and the use of bricolage at its most extreme, as seen in the case of Mann Gulch

disaster, produced dire consequences (Weick, 1993). In entrepreneurship literature, Ruef,

Aldrich and Carter (2003) found empirical evidence of the importance of team structure

including mechanisms of network ties and functionality but these team structural mechanisms

have not been applied to bricolage literatures. We begin to explore such themes in this paper.

Team Structural Composition

The relationship between teams and firm performance in entrepreneurship is the focus of much interest and research (e.g. Steffens, Terjesen, & Davidsson, 2012) and studies have

examined structural team composition including team size (Heavey & Simsek, 2013),

network relationships ties, (Phillips, Tracey, & Karra, 2013), and team functionality (Ruef et

al., 2009). These studies show that team mechanisms can often be a double edged sword (Loane, Bell, & Cunningham, 2013), with mixed effects on team performance.

Team Size

Resource availability and resource combinations are critical in bricolage as they shape

the solution deployed in response to opportunities and challenges, influencing firm

performance. Several studies highlight the benefit of large teams. As Hambrick and D'Aveni

assert, “the resources available on a team result from how many people are on it” (1992:

1440). Large teams may offer more resources for bricolage in both scope and scale

(Wiersema & Bantel, 1992) and enable quicker collection of resources (Amason, Shrader, &

Tompson, 2006), enabling concurrent resource actions, creating more time in evaluating

resources, and time to tinker and experiment with existing resources and their combinations.

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This may assist in generating different ways to combine and recombine elements, or develop

several alternate bricolage choices for resource deployment. Having a suite of solutions on

hand to choose from may lead to stronger firm performance.

H1a: Team size will positively moderate the relationship between bricolage and firm

performance, strengthening firm performance.

Others however, suggest difficulties with large teams. Larger teams face problems in

their ability to communicate, coordinate and recombine resources as the team size increases (Hambrick, 1994) which may be critical for young firms attempting to initiate bricolage

(Weick, 1993). Further, attempts to improvise in bricolage resource combinations becomes

problematic owing to pockets of knowledge asymmetries and potential group conflicts with

resource deployment (Amason & Sapienza, 1997). As such, we propose an alternate, competing hypothesis:

H1b: Team size will negatively moderate the relationship between bricolage and firm

performance, weakening firm performance.

Network ties

Research on teams in entrepreneurship studies which tests the influence of network

ties show divergent findings. Similarly, we find divergent findings of the use network ties

composition in bricolage. In the two papers we found in using bricolage/improvisation and

team compositions, one argued the importance strong ties to achieve better performance

(Berliner, 1994), the other proposed diverse inputs (Garud & Karnoe, 2003), including weak

ties (Granovetter, 1973) for better firm performance.

We hypothesize here that strong ties have a positive influence on the relationship

between bricolage and performance in four important ways. First, agency theory arguments

suggest strong ties create and confirm trusting relationships, reducing monitoring costs and

opportunistic behaviour (Ouchi, 1980). These team members often allow unfettered access to

resources used in bricolage; it enables fast recombination and resource deployment owing to

trust (Tsai & Ghoshal, 1998) and improved communication flows (Beckman, 2006). Second,

team members with strong ties tend to be family or friends who are often willing to assist for

free, enabling the young firm to retain the limited resources they do possess, for use on other

critical tasks. Third, close ties with customers that have become team members enable both

a. highly relevant solutions via specialised co-creation behaviours, and b. tolerance for the

“good enough” bricolage solution produced. Finally, strong network ties enable greater use

and familiarity of team member’s skills, abilities, resources. This familiarity is critical during

resource recombination and experimentation through improvisation activities in bricolage

(Miner et al., 2001).

H2a: Young firms that apply bricolage with strong network ties will attain stronger firm


On the other hand, an alternate argument exists that teams composed of strong ties

may instigate group think (Janis, 1972) owing to the stress owing to the challenges they face.

As a consequence of group think they may instigate less robust evaluation of resources often

going with the most acceptable known solution within resource decisions: with incomplete

assessment of all resource alternatives, or selective experimentation of resource processes.

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Strong tie teams using bricolage may provide access to very similar types of resources,

reducing resource scope, limiting resource combinations, and novelty, impacting firm

performance. As such, an alternate hypothesis suggests:

H2b: Young firms that apply bricolage with strong network ties will attain weaker firm



We could find no literature on functionality of teams in bricolage. Entrepreneurship

research provides contradictory findings regarding effects of functionality on teams

(Chowdry, 2005). Teams composed of individuals with functional breadth are often

promoted as one way entrepreneurs can fill the “gaps” in resource and capability deficiencies

leading to broader perspectives and team effectiveness (Knouse & Chretien, 1996).

H3a: Young firms that apply bricolage in teams with high levels of functionality will attain

higher firm performance.

Others however, argue that it is unclear whether functionally broad teams always

improve outcomes. Functionality in teams using bricolage may initially have a negative

influence on the relationship between bricolage and firm performance for a number of

reasons. First, when facing resource constraints, bricolage behaviours in teams which have

functional breadth may instigate untenable resource decision conflicts between members.

Conflicts may exist in resource use, and recombinations, effectively trapping the team in

repetitive cycles of improvisation or “going back to the drawing board” until some standoff

or team consensus is reached. This wastes valuable financial and human capital resources

(Ciborra, 2002; March, 1991). Second, there is the potential for generating too many possible

solutions owing to functional breadth, which exacerbates problems of bounded rationality

(March, 1978).We therefore suggest an alternate hypothesize that:

H3b: Young firms that apply bricolage in teams with high levels of functionality will attain

lower firm performance.

Data, Measures and Analytic Strategy

Sample and Data

The data for this research was drawn from the CAUSEE project, a 4-year longitudinal

study studying firm emergence (Davidsson, et al., 2011) administered through telephone

surveys. This study builds on the general empirical approach, and some contents from the

Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED) studies in the US (Reynolds & Curtin,

2008). This analysis uses the randomly selected young firm sample (514 YF cases), the

criteria for inclusion was that the respondents had to confirm that they were owners, or part

owners of the young firm and that they started “trading in the market doing the type of

business you are currently doing” in 2004 or later. The final sample used evaluates young

firm teams (n= 259 cases). As CAUSEE is a 4 year longitudinal survey it enables us to study

firm development over time. We time separate our independent variable wave 1 (W1) and

dependent variable wave 3 (W3). Wave 2 tests (not provided here) show similar results.

Additional tests for a curvilinear direct relationship between bricolage and performance (not

shown) did not yield any significant changes in the results.

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We use a recently developed bricolage instrument and scale to measure bricolage

(Senyard et al., 2013). The questions were designed using Baker and Nelson’s (2005: 333)

definition of the bricolage: “making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities.” The items use a 5-point response scale from 1 “never” to 5

“always”, rather than levels of agreement, in order to reflect the behavioural nature of the

phenomenon. Reliability testing using the team sample indicates the reliability of the scale is good (.84). Refer to Senyard et al. (2013) for further discussion of the bricolage measure.

Moderator Variables

Team Size

Team size is calculated as the number of team members including respondent on the

team. The range of this variable in this sample is 2 to 6 person teams.

Network Ties

We use a scale which is an elaboration of the scale developed for the PSED and PSED

II (Ruef et al., 2009) to measure the relational composition of the ties by studying the

relationships between the owners of the young firm. We ask respondents if any two owners

are related as spouses or partners sharing a household, relatives by blood, friends or

acquaintances from current or previous work, friends or acquaintances who have not worked

together, strangers to each other before joining the new business team. This scale identifies

three categories of the network ties (Ruef, Aldrich, & Carter, 2003) Strong network ties

(spouses or partners sharing a household, relatives by blood) weak network ties (friends or

acquaintances) and two of the owners strangers to each other before joining the new business

team. A continuous variable was computed for these responses and summated to develop the

overall network tie measure used in this research.


To measure the functionality, we considered the team members education and experience

and whether the team could contribute to the firm in a range of functional business areas. For

example, the experience question asked “Based on the work experience you or any other

owner had prior to starting this business, can any of you help the business with knowledge in

any of the following areas?

Sales, marketing or customer service Finance or accounting

Administration or Human Resource management

Knowledge needed for producing

products in your industry

Knowledge needed for developing products/services in your industry

The variables were coded as yes (1) or no (0) and summed up to generate a 5 item scale.

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We use four categories of control variables. The first category aims to capture the

overall level of resources available for the firm. Specific variable include age of the firm

product or service firm (dummy), and running a concurrent or parallel firm. A firms’ past

performance may have a strong influence in following years and will also influence resource

availability (Bradley et al., 2011). Therefore, we control for past performance using sales

from the year immediately preceding the measurement of firm sales (W1) for Wave 2 sales,

(W2) for Wave 3 sales. The second group of control variable aims to capture some of the

heterogeneity concerning the ability the firm has to develop resources including human

capital of the start-up team: education (number of owners with a university degree), prior

entrepreneurial experience (number of previous start-up attempts) (Davidsson & Honing,

2003), and management experience (number of years). We control for financial investments

(amount of money invested in firm (log)) available to the venture. The third group of control

variable aims to capture some of the heterogeneity within the teams including spousal teams

(Davies et al., 2009) and team size (Steffens et al., 2012). The fourth group of control

variables relate to other influences including preference for business size “I/We want this

new business to be as large as possible” (dummy) as this influences resource behaviours,

service (versus product dummy) and industry controls.

Analysis Technique

We used hierarchical moderated regression analysis to test our hypotheses. The

independent variables were mean-centered prior to the formation of interaction terms (Aiken

& West, 1991). Table 1 provides descriptive statistics and correlations among the variables

used in the regression analyses.


Table 1 reports the results of the regression analysis that models bricolage in

relationship to firm performance. The first hypothesis proposed that team size may positively

(H1a) or negatively (H1b) moderate the relationship between bricolage and firm

performance. Table 2 provides the results for the moderated regression. Our results indicate

there was a significant positive moderation effect of team size on the relationship between

bricolage and venture performance (sales) (β=0.267, p<0.05) in young firm teams. Thus the

effect of bricolage on venture performance (sales) becomes significantly stronger if the team

size is larger. Our results for Hypothesis 2a suggests strong network ties positively moderates

the bricolage- sales relationship, 2b suggests strong network ties negatively moderates the

bricolage sales relationship. Our results were positive and significant (β=0.249, p<0.05),

finding support for hypothesis 2a. Results of the moderated regression are shown in Table 3.

Finally, Hypothesis 3a and 3b proposed that higher levels of functionality would have a

positive (H3a) and negative (H3b) influence on the relationship between bricolage and sales,

and we find it has a positive significant moderation effect (β=0.156, p<0.10) finding support

for H4a (Table 4).

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In this paper, we developed some early theorizing based on prior descriptive and

inductive research on bricolage and considered the influence of structural composition of teams

on the bricolage sales relationship. The team structural elements of team size, strong network

ties, and functional breadth all had a significant positive moderating effect on the relationship

between bricolage and sales in young firms.

Our findings open up additional important theoretical questions about bricolage

and young firm team composition. The positive effects we find for team composition on

bricolage and sales, suggests that young firms flush from first sales success and when engaged

in bricolage, attempt to focus on gathering relevant resources. These results are in line with

Baker and Nelson’s (2005) notion of developing “diverse resource troves” to take advantage of

new opportunities and find solutions to challenges. We believe that even though young firm

teams should focus on resource scavenging and developing resource troves, teams also need to

be concurrently developing strong resource recombinative capabilities for bricolage so that

solutions developed via bricolage behaviours may extend beyond just “good enough”, enabling

stronger firm performance.

We note here that the firms in our sample were young (6 years or younger with

the modal firm being 4 years), and the maximum size of the team was 6 individuals, with over

90% of the teams being 2-3 person teams. As a consequence, our results are not indicative of

what we believe may occur in larger, more established teams. Curvilinear relationships may

exist in team compositions, leading to significant negative effects of bricolage on firm



We believe that ours are the first systematic empirical tests evaluating team

composition and its influence on bricolage and firm performance. The results underline the importance of team structural compositions and bricolage on young firm growth. Although

our results have important implications for the further development of bricolage theory, we

stress that these results represent only tentative first steps in providing a greater understanding

of bricolage and its influence on firm performance. Further waves of data exist in our

longitudinal survey, which we expect to examine in the near future.

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Table 1 Sample Description and Correlation Matrix

Sample Description

Mean Std. Deviation N

Bricolage .1205 4.99841 143

Ownership Team Size 2.2238 .66523 143

Strong Ties 3.3566 1.65472 143

Functionality 3.1818 1.58619 143

Retail-Wholesale .1119 .31634 143

Hospitality .0350 .18434 143

Consumer Services .1049 .30750 143

Health Education .0559 .23062 143

Manufacturing Mining Utility .0420 .20120 143

Agriculture .0769 .26741 143

Communication Transport .0350 .18434 143

Construction Real Estate .1608 .36867 143

Business Services Financial

Insurance .2168 .41350 143

Other .1608 .36867 143

Services (Dummy) .6713 .47138 143

Prior Sales (W2) Log 5.1113 1.20993 143

Young Firm Age 4.2098 1.08025 143

Growth Expectation .1818 .38705 143

Education (Degree) 13.2168 14.94598 143

Business Experience 12.2727 13.27827 143

Management Experience 20.9790 12.22239 143

Concurrent Business .3217 .46876 143

W1_Log_Invest 4.4151 1.16751 143

Spousal Team .6853 .46602 143

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

1.Wave 1 Bricolage 1

2. Team Funct. Div. .364** 1

3. Team Relationship Div. -.097 -.245** 1

4. Team Demographic Uni. .033 -.039 -.163* 1

5. Ownership Team Size -.083 -.013 -.045 .231** 1

6. Retail-Wholesale -.079 -.063 .020 -.013 -.093 1

7. Hospitality -.017 -.035 .226** .023 .063 -.076 1

8.Consumer/Services .052 .066 -.110 .002 .032 -.123 -.074 1

9. Health/Edu//Social Serv. -.084 -.051 -.079 .084 .065 -.092 -.055 -.089 1

10. Mining/Manuf/Utilit. .019 -.035 .021 -.008 -.074 -.076 -.046 -.074 -.055 1

11. Agriculture .002 -.009 .116 -.045 -.111 -.115 -.069 -.111 -.083 -.069 1

12. Commun./Transport -.048 .024 -.034 .001 -.074 -.076 -.046 -.074 -.055 -.046 -.069 1

13. Construct. Real Estate -.007 -.086 .141 -.017 .142 -.150 -.090 -.145 -.108 -.090 -.135 -.090 1

14. Financial Insurance .019 .183* -.238** .028 .084 -.178* -.107 -.172* -.129 -.107 -.161* -.107 -.210** 1

15. Other Industry .095 -.052 .040 -.034 -.088 -.146 -.088 -.141 -.106 -.088 -.132 -.088 -.172* -.205** 1

16. Services (dummy) .008 .060 -.061 .007 .053 -.450** -.167* .121 -.031 -.167* -.128 .090 .193* .263** .071 1

17. Prior Sales_W2 -.041 .076 .029 .063 .137 .054 -.004 -.089 .006 -.015 -.069 -.014 .223** -.033 -.093 .030 1

18. Age of Firm -.118 -.008 .121 -.191* .004 -.022 -.104 .020 -.056 .097 -.070 .068 .040 .009 .011 .058 .168* 1

19. Growth Expectation .000 .027 -.041 .001 .120 .133 .054 -.062 -.058 -.103 -.045 .054 .022 .000 -.014 -.091 .034 -.059 1

20. Education (Degree) -.108 .090 -.184* .087 .188* -.110 -.186* -.014 .192* -.063 -.107 .184* -.048 .196* -.069 .019 .030 -.047 .067 1

21. Business Exp. .234** .102 -.129 .085 .193* .036 .048 .055 0.000 -.055 -.073 -.021 -.024 .007 .012 -.208** .110 -.229** .199* .040 1

22. Management Exp. .186* .220** -.108 -.066 .167* .001 .048 .110 -.059 -.064 -.153 -.064 -.049 .050 .111 -.092 .103 -.074 -.032 .051 .316** 1

23.Concurrent Ent. .137 .002 -.120 .052 .283** -.031 .050 -.062 -.066 .050 .148 -.015 -.024 -.040 .026 -.267** .036 -.048 .152 .054 .427** .185* 1

24. Money Invested (Log) -.054 .056 .003 -.102 .048 .048 .108 .024 .016 .032 -.004 .028 .074 -.234** .024 -.210** .085 .058 .040 .074 -.006 .120 .037 1

25. Spousal Team -.011 .014 .363** -.531** -.510** .112 -.119 .057 -.104 .012 .124 -.054 -.019 -.135 .084 -.005 -.082 .108 -.160* -.148 -.244** -.126 -.262** -.034 1


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Table Two Team Size n=143

Dependent Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Level of Resources Controls

Years Active









Spousal Team -.167† (.239) -.179* (.237) -.182† (.262) -.144 (.258)

Financial Investment (Log) .059 (.090) .060 (.089) .060 (.090) .067 (.088)

Growth Expectation -.069 (.273) -.076 (.270) -.076 (.272) -.099 (.267)

Services/Products Dummy -.009 (.286) -.010 (.283) -.009 (.287) -.004 (.280)

Prior Sales (W2) .372*** (.000) .379*** (.000) .379*** (.000) .361*** (.000)

Resource Heterogeneity Single/Parallel Entrep. .047 (.250) .037 (.248) .038 (.253) .041 (.247)

Education Level .021 (.007) .053 (.007) .054 (.008) .078 (.007)

Industry Exp -.068 (.009) -.098 (.009) -.097 (.009) -.066 (.009)

General Manage.Exp -.069 (.009) -.089 (.009) -.089 (.009) -.101 (.009)

Industry Controls Retail-Wholesale -.001 (.452) .021 (.449) .021 (.452) .017 (.441)

Hospitality .034 (.618) .033 (.611) .034 (.615) .024 (.601)

Consumer_Services -.133 (.384) -.135 (.380) -.135 (.381) -.131 (.372)

Health, Education Social -.048 (.479) -.040 (.474) -.040 (.477) -.019 (.468)

Manufacturing Mining -.028 (.583) -.024 (.577) -.024 (.580) -.022 (.566)

Agriculture -.159 (.473) -.143 (.469) -.143 (.471) -.140 (.460)

Communication Transport .002 (.575) .004 (.569) .003 (.578) .004 (.564)

Construction Real Estate -.072 (.342) -.068 (.338) -.067 (.343) -.066 (.334)

Other -.074 (.341) -.075 (.338) -.075 (.339) -.094 (.332)

Direct Effect Bricolage .163† (.021) .162† (.022) .198* (.021)

Team Size -.006 (.188) .164 (.218)

Moderating Effect Bricolage x Team Size .267** (.036)

F 1.902** 2.029** 1.916** 2.244*** Change F .127 -.113 .328 R2 .227 .250 .250 .291 Change R2 .023 .000 .041 Control entries represent standardized regression coefficients.* P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, †P0.10 (two-tailed).

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Table 3 Network Ties n=143

Dependent Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Level of Resources

Years Active









Team size .036 (.170) .071 (.172) .087 (.169) .070 (.163)

Financial Investment (Log) .067 (.091) .068 (.090) .048 (.089) .044 (.086)

Growth Expectation -.055 (.276) -.065 (.274) -.072 (.267) -.046 (.260)

Services/Products Dummy -.011 (.293) -.017 (.290) -.023 (.283) -.018 (.274)

Prior Sales (W2) .378*** (.000) .384*** (.000) .384*** (.000) .387*** (.000)

Resource Heterogeneity Single/Parallel Entrep. .079 (.255) .062 (.254) .020 (.251) .037 (.243)

Education Level .025 (.008) .053 (.008) .050 (.007) .077 (.007)

Industry Exp -.054 (.009) -.084 (.009) -.080 (.009) -.082 (.009)

General Manage.Exp -.067 (.009) -.091 (.009) -.099 (.009) -.078 (.009)

Industry Controls Retail-Wholesale -.033 (.453) -.014 (.450) .028 (.444) .080 (.434)

Hospitality .045 (.627) .042 (.621) .106 (.627) .111 (.606)

Consumer_Services -.151 (.387) -.153 (.383) -.130 (.375) -.097 (.365)

Health, Education Social -.045 (.487) -.040 (.482) -.034 (.471) -.026 (.455)

Manufacturing Mining -.031 (.591) -.026 (.586) .007 (.577) .009 (.558)

Agriculture -.184† (.475) -.167 (.472) -.099 (.476) -.063 (.463)

Communication Transport .018 (.584) .024 (.579) .027 (.565) .013 (.547)

Construction Real Estate -.087 (.348) -.087 (.344) -.013 (.349) -.002 (.337)

Other -.097 (.344) -.097 (.340) -.038 (.340) -.016 (.330)

Direct Effect Bricolage .164** (.022) .156† (.021) .157† (.021)

Strong Network Ties -.231** (.065) -.289*** (.064)

Moderating Effect Bricolage x Strong ties .249*** (.012)

F 1.682* 1.805* 2.142** 2.616*** Change F .123 .337 .474 R2 .206 .228 .271 .324 Change R2 .022 .043 .053 Control entries represent standardized regression coefficients.* P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, †P0.10 (two-tailed).

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Table 4 Functionality n=143

Dependent Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Level of Resources Controls










Spousal Team -.185† (.264) -.182† (.262) -.173† (.237) -.188** (.235)

Financial Investment (Log) .059 (.091) .060 (.090) .073 (.090) .064 (.089)

Growth Expectation -.067 (.274) -.076 (.272) -.068 (.270) -.074 (.268)

Services/Products Dummy -.003 (.290) -.009 (.287) -.003 (.283) -.022 (.281)

Prior Sales (W2) .373*** (. 000) .379*** (.000) .387*** (.000) .389*** (.000)

Resource Heterogeneity Single/Parallel Entrep. .054 (.255) .038 (.253) .028 (.248) .036 (.246)

Education Level .027 (.008) .054 (.008) .063 (.007) .041 (.007)

Industry Exp -.068 (.009) -.097 (.009) -.092 (.009) -.080 (.009)

General Manage.Exp -.065 (.009) -.089 (.009) -.073 (.009) -.071 (.009)

Industry Controls Retail-Wholesale .003 (.455) .021 (.452) .009 (.450) -.031 (.453)

Hospitality .037 (.621) .034 (.615) .030 (.610) .024 (.604)

Consumer_Services -.133 (.385) -.135 (.381) -.142 (.380) -.160† (.378)

Health, Education Social -.045 (.482) -.040 (.477) -.051 (.475) -.058 (.471)

Manufacturing Mining -.029 (.586) -.024 (.580) -.030 (.577) -.046 (.573)

Agriculture -.159 (.474) -.143 (.471) -.148 (.469) -.160 (.465)

Communication Transport -.004 (.584) .003 (.578) -.001 (.568) .008 (.563)

Construction Real Estate -.066 (.346) -.067 (.343) -.091 (.343) -.088 (.340)

Other -.075 (.343) -.075 (.339) -.099 (.343) -.094 (.340)

Direct Effect Bricolage .162** (.022) .198** (.023) .204* (.022)

Functional Heterogeneity -.111 (.070) -.103 (.069)

Moderating Effect Bricolage x Functional .155* (.013)

F 1.902 2.029 2.015 2.123 Change F .127 -0.014 0.108 R2 .227 .250 .259 .280 Change R2 .023 .009 .021 Control entries represent standardized regression coefficients.* P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, †P0.10 (two-tailed), with directional hypothesis entries (one tailed).

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