Environmental City Mohammad Malouf

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Page 1: Environmental City Mohammad Malouf
Page 2: Environmental City Mohammad Malouf



Page No Title 2 The goal and the importance

of the project

3 Project location

4 Climate

6 The solution idea

7 Environmental manipulation

of the project’s elements

28 SWOT analysis of the project

30 Electrical study of the city

40 Waste rolled out from city

47 Survey

50-68 Architectural plans

69 Scientific References

Page 3: Environmental City Mohammad Malouf



The goal and the importance of the project:

The importance of the project from being as a guide to people for nature

preservation and to the riskiness of the human practices Which will have a

danger consequence in destruction our planet, our only home in this wide

universe. Therefore our responsibilities now is to do all efforts in changing

people’s habits and bad entry culture of waste recycling and encourage people

to walk and to use bicycles instead of cars, all those Practices may be fairly

simple, but they have a large level of importance.

With all challenges and

dangers that beset human

civilization and the

possibility of its subsistence

on Earth with the beginning

of oil resources scarcity and

the increasing of pollution

levels may put our future in

danger, so for these factors I

selected a piece of land in

Homs city in Syria to be

studied as an environmental

city which producing energy

not consuming resources.

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Project location:

I selected the city of Homs for the project according to its importance and

being as the administrative center and the future tourist city in the country,

the land of the project is located in the western expansion area on a piece of

land bounded by a forest and the district of Al Waer to the south-eastern, the

proposed road to Msyaf to the south-west, the military college the north-east

and Ext Road to the north-west. The total land areas of 340 hectares has been

divided into four residential zones and select a zone of 100 hectare to be

designed as residential city.

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Relative humidity:

Relative humidity of the city accounts about 60% and it reaches the highest

level in January up to 75% and gradually decreasing through other months.

Evaporation rate: The annual evaporation rate of about 100 mm and it decrease in winter and

growing in summer.


The prevailing wind is

almost 85% western

turns into

northwesterly in

summer, And 15%

southwesterly in

winter. The wind Speed

average around

60 km \ hour and it

reach the highest level

in July and August.

Wind power caused by

the west gap which

separated the coastal

mountain chain of

Homs (Tripoli slot).

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Average rainfall:

A dry climate and an annual rainfall of 150-200 mm rate.

Heat rates:

temperature is an important factor in any design. The maximum temperature

is 21 C and the minimum temperature is 9 C.


1. layer of agricultural soil with 0.3 mm of thickness.

2. Layer of stream gravel with some soft material

3. Volcanic rocks.

Movement of the sun:

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The sun Altitude angle run to 75 degrees in summer and 35 degrees in winter

at noon time, in addition the Altitude hit over 55 degrees in autumn and spring

in the similar timing.

In the summer the sun rises closer to the north-east and sets to the north-

west, while in the winter sun rises closer to the south-east and sets closer to

the south-west.

All north buildings interfaces in summer exposed to the sun in early morning

hours and the last sunset hours, while in winter the sun completely missed at

the north interfaces.

The best benefit of the city of Homs is the long hours of insolation throughout

the year at about 3000 hours spread over the year according to the following


The solution idea:

I choose the shape of Al Werwar bird,

the most beautiful birds, which is

famous in Syria. By utilized the form

of wings and body during the

onslaught in carrying out a study of

the main streets of the city with some

addition modifications to fit the shape

of the environmental data for the


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Environmental manipulation of the project’s elements:

Environmental manipulation for the site map:

1-Study of the city’s streets:

Depending on the streets Design Manual (Urban Street Design Guide) two

essential aspects take under consideration into the streets design.

First: (The prevailing wind)

The area is characterized western winds tend to the North West by 85% in

the summer and speeds up to 20 m \ s have been measured at weather

stations at 15 m height, by including the surface wind speed changes

according to the height, our air flow surface speed will be less than 20 m \ s

and It becomes in this project about 18 m \ .According to the following

table, we can distinguish between good and bad wind’s effects:

From the paintings wings of

butterflies which live in Syria and its

nice color distribution I designed most

of the public squares and gardens

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Land conditions Description Wind speed Smoke rises vertically Calm < 1 km/h

< 0.3 m/s

Smoke drift indicates

direction; leaves are still Light air

1.1 – 5.5 km/h

0.3 – 1.5 m/s

Leaves rustle; wind felt on

skin Light breeze 5.6 – 11 km/h

1.6 – 3.4 m/s

Leaves and small twigs

moving; light flags extended Gentle breeze 12 – 19 km/h

3.5 – 5.4 m/s

Small branches move; dust

and loose paper rises Moderate breeze 20 – 28 km/h

5.5 – 7.9 m/s

Moderate sized branches Fresh breeze 29 – 38 km/h

8 – 10.7 m/s

Large branches move; umbrella hard to use

Strong breeze 39 – 49 km/h

10.8–13.8 m/s

Whole tree moves; hard to walk against the wind

High wind 50 – 61 km/h

13.9 – 17.1 m/s

Twigs break from tree; extremely difficult to walk in


Gale 62 – 74 km/h

17.2–20.7 m/s

Branches break from tree; small trees blow over

Strong gale 75 – 88 km/h

20.8–24.4 m/s

Trees broken or uprooted; structural damage imminent

Storm 89 – 102 km/h

24.5–28.4 m/s

Widespread vegetation and structural damage

Violent storm 103–117 km/h

28.5–32.6 m/s

Severe widespread vegetation and structural


Hurricane force ≥ 118 km/h

≥ 32.7 m/s

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So we find that if the wind speed was 15 m \ s it can move the branches of

large trees and it has a bad impact on the pedestrian therefor it need to be

reduced by windbreaks.

In the winter the largest wind speed becomes about 5 m \ s, and it is an

relatively acceptable speed, but in cold weather those breezes considered

very harmful, but from the project site has a great feature that is located in

the wind shadow area of the Southern Forest. So this area will work like a

defense wall against the cold wind and it will help to reduce the damage

which will affect pedestrians and buildings either..

As a result to the previous study I oriented most of the city's streets

including the main roads to be open towards the west and the north-west

to receive useful wind in summer which can move the pollution mass

caused by cars and cooling the air to reach the required comfortable

temperature for pedestrians.

Second: (Solar Radiation)

Solar radiation is the most important influence on human being life and has

a significant effect on the thermal comfort of the human’s body including

the internal space inside buildings or within the urban environment.

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As we know the residential buildings in most cases are parallel to streets,

however streets orientation play an important role in guiding buildings.

According to environmental data buildings that directed toward (North-

West) (South East) or (North -East) (South-West) get insolation more than

others as a result of exposure many elevations to the southern sun rays.

In the reverse situation where the orientation of buildings perpendicular to

the basic four directions we have a single elevation exposed to warm

winter sunlight in the south, while depriving the rest of elevations from the

sun's warmth.

Accordingly, the streets have been directed toward the northwest to

achieve better insolation of buildings, and taking into consideration the

direction of the useful prevailing wind.

1-The use of windbreaks:

By observing the agriculture areas which provided with windbreaks, it cans

lowering the crossed wind speed after 20 m by 20-40% and 50% after 60 m

and by 93% after 120 m.

Windbreaks play an important role in ridding the wind dust and purification

without notice any impact on changing the direction of the wind, but if

there are gaps in the windbreak this may allow swirling air movement to be


The windbreaks put in the project land to be perpendicular to the western

and northern winds to reduce its speed without missing it. two belts of

bumpers was planted, first bumper is 50 m in width and parallel the

proposed road to Mesyaf so that it works to reduce the wind speed up to

40-50% to reach the acceptable level of the population, while the second

bumper is a parallel the main road which lead to the center and its mission

is to reducing the wind speed again after they have regained a part of its

power after passing the first bumper.

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Winter winds are harmful and I take the advantage of the nearby forest to

use it as a natural bumper.

2-Connected green surfaces system:

Landscaping and trees is the first and most important source of oxygen and

the best tool to absorb carbon dioxide whereby the one square kilometer

of planted areas produce around 350-500 tons of oxygen and absorbs

about 460-650 tons of carbon dioxide.

Trees has a large impact on increasing the amount of rain, reducing air

temperature and raise the humidity, Also trees leaves reflect 35% of the

solar radiation received and the temperature difference between green

lands and the surrounding areas is medium to 8-25 degrees.

Trees help in evaporation the soil around of 30-40% and that’s reduces the

soil dryness also increases the moisture of air around 15%.

Green lands has a significant impact on the air movement where the high

air pressure is formed in shaded arears cause by the low temperature

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,Subsequently the air moved to the low pressure zone in light where is the

temperature is high and help cooling it up.

One hectare of green lands in the city absorbs 8 KG of carbon dioxide per

hour, equivalent to the amount of what 200 people through away during

their breathing. We have 54 hectares from green spaces in the city which

absorb 432 KG of carbon dioxide per hour, and this is equivalent to 10 tons

per day and about 3784 tons of gas per year.

Experiments also show that one hectare of green plants absorb about 50-70

tons of dust per year thereby it means reducing the concentration of dust

in the air around 30-40%.

I designed green belts to protect against noise with 50 m distance away

from the main streets and between 10-30 m to the secondary streets.

I also used trees which dripping leaves in winter around the buildings to

allow the sunlight to enter internal spaces.

1-private cycling road network:

Due to the increasing trend to use bicycles according of its positive

effects on health and the environment, the project has an integrated

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system for bicycles to ensure safety and ease of movement for all its

users and that by providing the following:

Paved roads fully separated from cars traffic and connected with

secondary pedestrian trails which lead to residential buildings.

Places to park bikes and seconded parks connected directly with

the transport network and along the course of the bike line.

Mini stations to fill the air with automatic device and to sell some

required pieces for bicycles.

Shaded cycling routes to secure people in all weather conditions

whatever warm or cold.

electronic system station to lend bikes works on card.

Special roads for buses:

It is a lane adjacent to the road without get separated, distinctive with

different color and only available for public transport.

Along the pedestrian sidewalk there are many waiting spots besides the

bus line designed to be easy to use both for people and buses.

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These methods allow buses to have easy movement by avoiding the

traffic and reduce the time of stops for embarkation by selecting specific

places to boarding the bus.

Sidewalk cafes:

The idea of the sidewalk cafe is common in many countries over the world

especially which has a moderate weather. They are distribute in certain

places serve pedestrians and those who are going to work at the morning

and want to have a cup of coffee.

Pedestrian shaded roads

Shading the main and the secondary pedestrian streets and not only by

using trees but also by providing sunshades to protect footpaths in

winter from rain and to encourage people to walk instead of using cars.

For the points of intersection between the footpaths and road vehicles

they have been studied in a way that allows pedestrians to cross only

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from specific clear places for cars so that both sides of the road narrows

to each other to allow pedestrian crossing and to give a warning to cars

that there is a crossing point.

A slop has been designed in each crossings point to facilitate the

movement of people with special needs.

Environmental processors for buildings:

Elevations floor area

Low floors are considered the most floors in the building which the take

advantage of the cold surface air flow, and the shadows caused by

surrounding trees so the city’s buildings height designed to be between 4 to

7 floors and the commercial buildings to be between 2 to floors.

Buildings orientation

Buildings elevations designed to be deviate ˚45 form the major geographic

trends to provide better insolation for elevations where two faces from the

building exposed to the southern sun instead of one, so we get a longer

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insolation in winter with the possibility to generate electricity in those

elevations by using sun breakers provided with solar panels.

The other positive impact of deviation elevations is to control prevailing

western winds and leads it to hit the building corner and relieve the

pressure power on walls and also reduce the negative pressure which is

created behind the building and it has more power than the original wind

power, so it consider very dangerous in case of storms and strong winds

which they can pull off the glass surfaces from building.

As result to buildings orientation towards (northwest) (south-east) allows

wind to flow on each side of the building easily and also gives a better

insolation interior spaces.

Green roofs and terraces

amends the land which used to create designed to All green roofs

by using green roof and provided wasof truncated land buildings, 108%

planted terraces according to several technical methods:

Equip roofs and cars parking along roads with Grass Pave:

This system works to protect grass

roots from getting damage

caused by the usage of grass

form pedestrians and cars,

also works on drainage the

surplus of using underground

pipes to be reused for


Experiments have shown

that Grass Pave system has a

great ability to carry large

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weights up to a large passenger plane.

This system is relatively easy to install simple and doesn’t cost so much.

Pedestrians, vehicles and bicycles can use surfaces which covered with

Grass Pave even in the worst weather conditions.

Spaces dedicated to the cultivation different types of plants:

The ceiling processing

by proper insulation

and drain system for

rainwater to provide

the possibility of the

ceiling planting.

This kind of design allows planting all kind of plants without being able to

walk on it.

Planted roofs and terraces can compensated around 108% of total area

which was using in construction..

The following table shows the planted areas within each residential model:

Building type




Green surfaces

area within



Total green

areas within

each type




of green

space of

built-up area

Multiple floor

550 600 54000 109%

complex 422 457 19651 108%

Villas 220 - - -

Total area for green spaces m2 73651

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Horizontal and vertical sun breakers and Mashrabiyya1:

Utilization of horizontal sun breakers in South elevations to allow the

sun to enter the architectural internal spaces in winter and to

prohibit it from entering in summer.

Vertical Sun breakers used in Western elevations to protect from the

bad influence of the sun set.

All sun breakers provided with solar cells to generate electricity.

Mashrabiyya designed to use in some parts of the buildings to

maintain privacy while allowing the sunlight to enter spaces.

1: Mashrabiyya it is an Arabic window used in old cities to allow the sun light entering the

building without losing privacy.

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Solar heating system:

Homs is characterized by good hour’s insolation during the year and this

feature is turning into heating the architectural spaces through an

integrated system that heats the water after passing special tubes

composed of two glass layers separated on each other by a vacuum space

to provide complete thermal water isolation.

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Water passed after heating to an isolated tank on the roof of the building

to move in pipes within the walls down to the building’s floors to enter into

a thermal water radiators where the temperature start to spread into the

architectural space then returns as cold water again to the surface to be

heated again.

Solar cooling system:


The goal of the solar cooling system is to provide a cooling method in some

parts of the world where electricity is not available.

Solar Cooling offers a multi-purpose cooling technology does not harm the

environment and do not require batteries, in addition it has low price.

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There are two types of solar cooling system:


A clay pot consisting of two layers of brick

with a layer of wet sand between them and

this vessel put in the sun all the time.

The sun's heat is working to raise the water

temperature in the sand to reach the point

of evaporation to turn water into steam

through the pores of the bricks, turning

water from liquid to a gas consumed an

amount of which help to decrease the

temperature of the materials contained

into vessel.


This system replaces the brick with two layers of

aluminum the inner one is solid and the other outer

layer contain pores to allow water to turn into stream.

The first idea was used in buildings according to its

flexibility and the relatively low cost.

The system works using most of the solar heating

system parts of pipes and radiators.

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Waste disposal and biogas system:

The city was processing organic waste where every home is equipped

with a grinding waste disposal in kitchen to process the remnants of

vegetables and food with an addition amount of water during the

grinding process to have an organic liquid which through away with the

waste coming from the toilet and turn this liquid into sewage pipes

which separated totally from the conventional sewer system.

The organic liquid collect from all buildings within ground pipes to

reach the digestion station and where they need two weeks to

fermentation and transformative into useful gas which can be used into

cooking and generating power.

All buildings supply with pipelines to throw inorganic waste such as

plastic, glass and paper to be assembled separately within equipped on

containers and dispose it periodically.

The usage of solar energy to generate electricity:

Solar energy consider as environmentally friendly and clean energy which

doesn’t have any harmful emissions to nature.

The project area characterize by long hours of insolation throughout the year,

making it a very good place to solar cells where exploitation the sun breakers

in all residential buildings to generate electricity.

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Project data:

Population= 10,000 inhabitant

Total land area= 100 hectares

The forest area = 10 hectares

City area= 90 hectares

Divide the district into three sections, each district includes about 3,500


The average number of the family members= 5 inhabitant

The number of families 10000/ 5 = 2,000 families

Constructed area:

Allocated 27 m2 to every person: 10000 * 27 = 270000 m2 = 27 hectares

Impurity population density: population /Land Area = 10000/ 90 = 111 people/hectares

Net Population density: population/built-up area = 10000 / 27 = 370 people/hectares

Building types:

1. Connected housing consisting of 4 floors with planted surfaces constitute

50% of the built-up area.

2. Complex housing with gardens consisting of 4 floors constitute 35% of the

built-up area.

3. The two-story villas constitute 15% of the built-up area.

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Educational uses:


4% of the population are children >> We have 400 children

Allocate to each child 15 m2 >> allocated to kindergartens area = 6000 m2 = 6

acres = 0.6 hectares

0.7% of the land area

Suppose to have are 6 kindergartens, kindergarten space per 6000/6 = 1000m2

Basic Education:

18% of the population >> We have 1,800 students

Allocated to each pupil 12 m2 >> allocated to basic education schools = 21600

area m2 = 2.2 hectares or 2.4% of the land area

Each school has 16 Division two of them for each stage and in each division 25


18 *25 =400 students per school

The number of schools = 1800/400 = 4 schools

School area = 21600/4 = 5400 m2 area

Secondary Education:

4% of the population >> We have 400 students

The school has 16 divisions and each division contains 25 students

The number of students per school = 16 * 25 = 400 students

Allocates 12 m2 to each pupil >> for Secondary Schools, area 4800m2 = 0.5

hectares 0.6% of the land area.

We have one school with total area 4800 m2

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Commercial areas:

2 m2 to each person>> allocated for commercial areas = 20000 m2 = 20 acres

= 2 hectares

Or 2.3% of the land area

Green areas:

Allocated 25 m2 to each person >> total area for green space = 250000 m2 =

25 hectares

Allocated 2 m2 to each person from gardens and playgrounds >> shall be our

recreational areas area

20000 m2 = 20 acres = 2 hectares

Total area of green areas 27 hectares or 30% of the land area

Health centers:

Allocated 0.2 m2 to each person>> area of clinics = 2000 m2 = 2 acres = 0.2

hectares or 0.3% of the land area

One clinic in the neighborhood center

Total area 2000 m2

Service range 3 and 5 km

Post Center:

Allocates 0.04 m2 per capita >> Center area 800 m2 = 0.1 hectares 0.2% of the

land area

Service range 1 km

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Religious center:

0.5 m2 of area Per capita 0.5 * 10000 = m25000 = 0.5 hectares 0.6% of the

land area. Service range 800 m

Distribution table of the population in districts:

Blocks number of


Blocks number of

Complex type

Blocks number of multi floor


Population District location

14 19 18 2460 South Western

12 14 34 3480 South Eastern

- 9 40 3650 North Western

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Population density table:

Impurity Population density y People \ hectares

Net population density People \ hectares

The average


The averag

e numbe

r of familie


Number of


Total area for



Total numbe

r of flats

Flats numbe

r in each floor

Floors numbe


Building type

180 450 7200 1440 90 1300 16 4 4 Multi-floor

90 250 2150 430 43 1000 10 3 7 complex

20 32 115 23 23 1600 1 1 2 villas

Spaces apartments table:



Terraces area


Area without terrace


Number of


Rooms Number

of nighttime Section

Rooms Numbe

r of daytim

e Section

Apartment type

- 12 65 1-2 1 1 Studio

6 26 100 3-4 2 3 One floor(1)

20 50 140 4-6 3 3 One floor(2)

30 50-70


4-6 3 2 Duplex 1

40 4-6 3 3 Duplex 2

Services table:

Service range


Total area

m2 Building area m2

number Type of service

200 6000 1000 6 Kindergartens

750 21600 5400 4 Basic schools

2500 4800 4800 1 Secondary schools

- 20000 1000-5000 7 Commercial

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800 2000 2000 1 Health Center

800 5000 5000 1 Religiousness Center

1000 800 800 1 Administrative center

Project SWOT analysis

Weaknesses Strengths

The large distance between the project's land and the high-level of services, such as universities and administrative centers which located in the center of Homs.

A train rail adjacent to

the project’s land and its negative noise impacts on the residential area.

A green forest in the nearby works as a buffer to the southern Western cold winds where the project is located in the wind-shadow zone.

the occurrence of the project in empty area which gives the freedom in design, in contrast to reconstruction projects

The project is far away from the pollution cone caused by Homs refinery factory.

The project is the first land area receives westerly pure winds

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coming from the prairies

Opportunity points Risks points

The possibility to design a useful network for bicycles all its accessories.

Design city streets and with better organize.

The possibility to use the near forest as biogas reservoirs and place to save the rainwater and used it to Irrigation.

A bad organized district adjacent to project’s land to the south-western and that consider as a negative point in the region future.

The proximity to a military zone, which limits the possibility of future expansion.

The risk of the train rail on the residential area.

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Electrical study of the city

The usage of the traditional power resources has a great bad effect both on the environment and the human being and a great harmful impact in the future, in addition it cost a lot of money among all kind of renewable resources.

As the following table we can see a large decrease in of electricity production cost which coming from renewable sources in contrast of the electricity production from oil and nuclear sources.

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Average daily household consumption:

Device type lectricity E

w ability Quantity Working


Daily consumption


Refrigerator 120 1 24 2800

washing machine

cold water

200 1 0.3 60

dryer 1500 1 10min 250

washing machine hot


2500 1 0.2 500

TV 180 1 3 540

Garbage disposal

450 1 10min 75

Dish washer 1200 1 0.75 900

Laptop 40 1 8 320

lights 40 12 8 3840

Hair dryer 1500 1 5min 125

Microwave 1500 1 10min 250

Water heater

900 1 1 900

TV Screen 330 1 8 2640

Air conditioner

1100 1 4 4400

Mixer 300 1 2min 10

Coffee machine

1500 1 3min 75

fan 100 3 6 1800

Receiver channels

30 2 8 480

iron-steam 1225 1 0.5 600

Mobile charger

5 4 4 100

Total 20665

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Wind energy:

Wind in Syria:

By the UNDP United Nations grant and informant "Rizzo" Danish experience was completed Atlas winds in both Arabic and English, and included a wind atlas About wind speeds taken from / 60 / wind station in the country covering most of climatic zones in the country, and this information includes the results of wind measurements for / 10 / years (1979-1989), and this information can be considered as a basis for estimating the wind energy available to use it in generating power. this atlas prepared wind map in Syria where it was splitting the country into / 4 / wind areas, the first region where the wind speed are between / 5 m / s / to /11.5 m / s / this region covered around 54000 km2 it can be consider as a candidate for future wind farms.

Wind energy consider as a

safe environmental energy

without pollutants harmful to

the environment. After the

global warming the world is

heading to adopt the

renewable energy sources, by

reducing the usage of fuel. The

technology now is seeking to

reduce the cost of wind energy

to reach more explanation.

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Wind turbines consider as eco-friendly, it does not have air pollution and

doesn’t give of any of carbon dioxide or chemical compounds such as

hydrocarbons like conventional power factories do, as well as we know it

doesn’t cause any waste disposal or radioactive garbage like nuclear reactors.

And what wind turbines characterize that the only bad impact on the

environment is trapped where the turbines farm located.

The environmental impacts of wind turbines include the


The noise caused by the wind turbine.

Shadow impact of the turbine.

Interfering with radio signals.

The land used to build the wind farm.

The influence on birds’ life.

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Wind Turbine Noise

Wind turbine while running produces a kind of audible noise from a specific distance, and May some type of turbine has unlikely noise so it cannot be located in residential areas.

The noise solution associate to the design and the operational methods.

Noise sources in the wind turbine:

1. Aerodynamic noise:

This noise happened when the air flow go through the rotor and it consider as the primary source the wind turbine noise, and this kind of noise we cannot avoid it or even reduce it. The air flow through the rotor blades produce sound similar to the sound of the air flow through the plane’s wing as a result is creating a buzzing sound field about a 1000 Hz frequency.

2. Mechanical noise:

The gearbox is the main source of the wind turbine noise, where practically

there is no gearbox work quietly. Since Gearbox exist within the wind turbine

the noise will move to all the mechanical parts of the turbine and also go into

the tower and the cockpit and the value of the noise will be exposed to be

greater. And this kind of noise can be avoided or reduced by using some

materials to help absorb the vibrations coming from the Gearbox and other

mechanical parts - such as rubber - that is entered with the turbine structure.

Noise emissions from modern turbines:

Noise emissions coming from modern turbines have been reduced during the past fifteen years, through the new developments and take care of all the details in the design.

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Small-sized turbine with rotor diameter up to m20 and capacity of up to 100 by the noise reach 90 dB A

A medium-sized turbine with rotor diameter up to m 40 and capacity up to 500kW, the noise reach100 dB A

Large-scale turbine with rotor diameter diameter up to 70-80 meters and a capacity up to 2000 kW the noise reach 103-105 dB A

Using huge turbine which can reach several megawatts and with a rotor diameter of 100-120 meters the noise will hit the 105- 110 dB A

Permitted determinants audio noise levels:

The permitted value depending on the nature surrounding the area whether it is industrial zone or it is mixed industrial and residential area and depending on the working time during night or day.

The noise value allowable in most European countries is 50 dB during the day and 40 dB at night.

Minimum distance which separate between the turbine and the residential area without a barrier are 100 meters.

Minimum distance which separate between the turbine and the residential area with a natural barrier such as trees are 80 meters.

Sound generated affected by a number of factors:

1-Geometric location of the sound source, the height and the distance between the sound source and the location of the project.

2-Weather conditions such as wind speed, direction, humidity and temperature

3-Topographical conditions at the site (vegetation, buildings, ....)

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Shadow Effect

Impact on Bird Life:

Studies have shown that the number of birds that kill because of wind turbines

do not exceed 0.01% of the birds that are killed each year.

Interference with Radio and Television Signals:

Wind turbines have an impact on the electromagnetic waves, air navigation signals and the communication signals .we have to note that this effect is almost non-existent or negligible, but for the perfect study of the project we should take this issue into consideration. We avoid interference with

Like all other types of large buildings,

wind turbines have a shadow in the daily

sun light, in the case where the turbine is

stopped it similar to any kind of building,

but when it became running, the turbine

blades start cutting the sunlight rays

which lead to intermittent undesirable

lighting result, and of course this shadow

affect people who live near the turbine,

causing disruptions to these people and a

harmful frequencies and disorders in

lighting between 2.5 to 3 Hz.

As a result to the Earth rotation, the

shadow change its location periodically,

and according to European studies the

maximum time allowable to shadow

placed on point like a home that is 30

hours per year, or 30 minutes a day.

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navigation signals by selecting the appropriate location of the wind turbine, the local television and radio signals are used everywhere. In the United States and Sweden on some the television signal..

Wind Farm design: To have a reasonable farm design we must separate among the turbines

dimensional (5D-9D) on the direction of the prevailing winds and (3 D-5D)

perpendicularly on direction of the wind.

Where D is the rotor diameter.

Compared with traditional gas stations, the production of kilowatt in one hour needs around 223 grams from fuel.

Wind turbine types:

1- DW 52/54

Electricity ability: 500 KW

Rotor diameter: 51.5 m

The length of the blade: 23 m

Minimum air speed before stopping:3 m/s

Maximum air speed before


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Tower height: 35 m

2- Capture northern power 100kw

Electricity ability: 100KW

Rotor diameter: 21 m

The length of the blade: 9 m

Minimum air speed before

stopping:3.5 m/s

Maximum air speed before


Tower height: 23 m

ability electricitywith DW 52 from typewind turbine In Project there is one

around 500 KW and 11 wind turbines from type “Capture northern power

.100 KW lectricity abilityean “with

: 500+ (11 * 100) = 1600 kWbecome lectricity abilityetotal wind Our

On the grounds we assume that the wind turbine is working 16 hours per

day, so the daily production is 16 * 1600 = 25600 kWH

Since the average household electricity consumption of 20 kwh daily, We

provided an amount from electricity which can cover 1280 houses in

equal to 64% of the city's need for electricity.

Turbines shadow impact on the population:

Wind turbines were located in the isolation area 70 m distance far away from

the residential area to provide the sound insulation and keep the shadow of

the turbine far from buildings.

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Solid waste energy (biogas): Each cubic meter of methane generates 2 kWh

We have the amount of gas produced from the city's waste and excess

from the consumption of cooking is 38720 cubic meters.

2*38720=77440 kWh /Month

Daily production from electricity

77440/30=2580 kWh \ Today

Daily consumption of the house around 20 kWh \ today

2580/20=130 houses supplied with energy

Biogas covered 6.5 % from the city's need from electricity.

Solar power:

Each 1 m2 from solar panels produce approximately 100 wh in good operating

conditions, accordingly our amount of electricity produced became as the

following table.

Building type

Total area for

solar panels in

the building

Total area for

solar panels

within all blocks

Exposure hours to


Power produced


Daily power





97 8730 8 873 6984

complex 212 9116 8 911 7288

villa 40 920 8 92 736

Total area for panels 18766 Total power produced 15008

Solar power cover 750 houses equal to 37.53% from the city’s need

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Organic waste rolled out from the city:

Each person rolls out the equivalent of 4.3 pounds of waste per day.

Each one pound equals 0.45 kg, equivalent to 2 kg per day per person.

Single family throws out approximately 10 kg of waste per day.

Organic waste constitutes about 80% of the total waste posed by the family

and that equivalent around 8 kg per day from organic waste.

Organic waste rolled out in two methods:

First (Garbage disposal):

This system is used in the most developed countries in the world where it

consider as a condition required in the apartment to get a license.

It similar to the washing dishes sink, but with insurance cover to protect and

an engine with blades for grinding at the bottom.

Leftovers and vegetables and all kinds of organic waste from chores in the

kitchen, where grinding with an addition amount of water about 5 liters per

grinding process to move beyond this liquid organic waste through the sewage


By using wind, solar and biogas energy, we have provided

43188 KWH as a daily average production from about 108%

from the city's need from electricity. This power can cover the

entire city’ need and also supply the public network.

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Second (through toilets):

The water which used in toilet estimate in each time about 20 liters.

Considering that, the average daily use of toilet is 3 times 3 * 20 = 60 liters of

water to each person.

Subtractive water for all family members 60 * 5 = 300 liters of water.

The total amount of organic waste is estimated about 330 liters of water +8

kilogram from solid waste as a total we have 350 liters from organic liquid.

Daily subtractive organic waste:

First type (four-story building):

Each building contains 16 apartments.

16 * 8 = 128 kg from organic solid waste disposal by the building every day

16 * 350 = 5600 liters from organic liquid.

We have 90 blocks→ 90 * 128 = 11520 kg organic solid waste.

90 * 5600 = 504 000 liters = 504 cubic meters from organic liquid.

Second type (complex):

Each building contains 10 apartments.

10 * 8 = 80 kg from solid organic waste.

10 * 350 = 3500 liters from organic liquid.

We have 43 blocks→ 43 * 80 = 3440 kg organic solid waste.

43 * 3500 = 150 500 liters = 150.5 cubic meters of organic liquid.

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Third type (villa):

Each villa rolls out 8 kilograms of solid organic waste per day

We have 26 villas → 26 * 8 = 208 kg of organic solid waste

26 * 350 = 9100 = 9.1 liters cubic meters of organic liquid

The total weight of solid organic waste to the city

11520 + 3440 + 208 = 15168 kg = 15 tons

Organic liquid rolled out from the city:

504 +150.4 +9.1 = 663.5 cubic meters

Or about 650,000 liters or 650 cubic meters of liquid organic.

Those numbers can utilized in calculate the sewage diameters and in the

digesting tanks design for the biogas production.

Water consumed within the city:

Each person consumes water for daily usage like (swimming-washing- cleaning

and cooking ...), equivalent to 200 gallons of water each gallon = 3.8 liters, the

consumed water reach about 760 liters per person.

Equivalent to 3,800 liters of water to each family

We have 330 liters from water used to subtracted organic waste

→3800-330=3470 liters the total consumed water

According to the buildings type:

First type (four-story building)

16 apartments within the building →16 * 3470 = 55520 liters of water

We have 90 blocks→ 90 * 55520 = 5 million liters = 5,000 cubic meters of


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Second Type (complex):

10 apartments within the building → 10 * 3470 = 34700 liters

We have 43 blocks→ 43 * 34700 = 1.5 million liters = 1500 cubic meters of


Third type (villa):

We have 26 villas →26 * 3470 = 90220 liters = 90 cubic meters of water

The total amount of water used for various household uses

5000+1500+90=6590 cubic meter of water every day

Note: 1000 liters is equal to 1 cubic meter


Biogas is different from oil and natural gas in a very

important point, which is considered as a clean

energy, process of its production is very simple

summerized to expose organic waste " animal and

plant waste" like Ruth and sawdust, to the digesting

process, and that by saving them in huge tanks away

from air, and in these circumstances the bacteria

analyzing those organic waste into methane gas,

including amounts from carbon dioxide ,hydrogen and

water steam .

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‌ ‌Raw materials required for the biogas production: Biogas produced from decomposition of the organic material in anaerobic environment including the following materials:

Fruits and vegetables

Food waste.

Ruth poultry and livestock.

Foliage and grass coming from weeding.

Non-printed paper.

Toilet paper and cardboard. ‌

Biogas uses: Biogas is mainly used in the following fields: Cooking: Each capita consummate from natural gas about 0.5 cubic meters / day

Lighting: by using devices working on gas.

Power: by small generators can be customized to generate electricity.

Biogas components:

The data contained in the following table shows the most important

components of biogas, according to a study by the German Association for Gas

and Water.

Methane 70-60%

Carbon dioxide 40-35%

Water vapor 3.1%

Nitrogen from 0.01 to 5%

Oxygen from 0.01 to 2%

Hydrogen 0-1%

Ammonia from 0.01 to 2.5 mg / m³

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Hydrogen sulfide 500 mg / m³

Remaining material from the decomposition process: Black Water rich in nitrogen could be sprayed directly on the plants or dried

and used as dry fertilizer.

It was noted that the plants yields increase by 30 to 50% when get Irrigated

with digester water.

Calculate the amount of gas produced by the organic waste

decomposition and the amount of produced energy:

the city roll out 650 cubic meters of organic liquid every day and the anaerobic

decomposition process takes between 3 days to two weeks for depending on

the organic waste nature and the temperature should be between 35 C of the

37 C and by using some solar radiators we can keep save the digestion

temperature in winter.

Calculate the amount of organic liquid produced in two weeks

650*15=9750 cubic meter

Every 1,000 liters of organic liquid can generate between 1500 to 2500 liters of

biogas equivalent from 1200 to 1400 liters of methane.

9750 * 2000 = 19.5 million liters = 19,500 cubic meters of methane gas during

decomposition cycle.

Monthly production of methane is equal to 19500 * 2 = 39,000 cubic meters of

methane gas.

Each cylinder gas fulfill with 25 kg gas

1 liter from methane equals 0.178 kg

Every cylinder contains 140 liters of methane.

We have 2,000 families need up to 2000 gas cylinders in one month

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City consumption from gas →140 * 2000 = 280,000 liters = 280 cubic meters

Monthly gas surplus production 39000-280 = 38720 cubic meters used to

generate electricity.

The amount of organic liquid produced during the month:

30*650=19500 cubic meter

We need waste tanks with total capacity up to20,000 cubic meters for a month

so we use containers with a capacity over 600 cubic meters (10 * 10 * 6)m for

each one, as a result we need 34 containers.

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Survey The following survey included 288 people from different ages and social

classes, which does not represent the whole community, but gives us a

closer idea to the reality and to people aspirations.

Here are some of the questions:

What are the most commonly transportation way you like to use


If you are used to ride a car or motor bike, why you don’t

like to walk on foots?

Because of the long distance 95 28%

I cannot fide shaded roads 137 41%

I want to save my time 103 31%

Car 113 39%

Bus 83 29%

Metro 18 6%



1 0%

Bicycle 13 5%

walking 60 21%

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If you don’t like to use bicycles, why that?

Community bad look to people who use bicycles 118 35%

I can’t find a safe place to save my bicycle 58 17%

Because of traffics and accidents 80 24%

I can’t use it in bad weather 84 25%

In which floor do you like to have your apartment?

What kind of apartments do you prefer?

One-floor apartment 103 36%

Duplex apartment 185 64%

Ground floor 31 11%

First 3 floors 128 44% Between 4th to 10th floor 46 16% In high floors 83 29%

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What kind of terraces do you like?

if you are living in the first 3 floors,what kind of vertical

movment methods do you prefer?

What kind of trees do you prefer in your city?

Fruit trees 86 25%

Green trees in all seasons 194 57%

Falling leaves trees in winter 63 18%

Big terrace with gardens 256 89%

Normal terrace without garden 15 5%

I don’t like terraces 3 1%

It doesn’t matter 14 5%

Stairs 89 31%

Elevator 41 14%

Both depends on my temper 130 45%

I don’t live in those floors 28 10%

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Architectural Plans Section

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Scientific References

Wind Atlas in Syria


Environmental Science Book

Research follows the World sustainable business Academy

Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Details from wind turbines manufacturers of

Autodesk Sustainability workshop



Source green magazine

2012-nacto-urban-street-design-guide Book

Invisible structures book

Soil retention| plantable concrete system

Density Guide Book



Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Weather Online



Urban streets design guide Book

Other researches

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