Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D.

Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

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Page 1: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with


By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D.

Page 2: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

From North America to Europe, United States to Australia, Wisconsin to Texas, Madison to Berlin, family to family, and

person to person...

How can small science cause such big concerns?

Page 3: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

What is nanotechnology?

A description - • Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at

dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, or nanoscale.

• Unusual physical, chemical, and biological properties can emerge in materials at the nanoscale. These properties may differ in important ways from the properties of bulk materials and single atoms or molecules.

• Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale.

Resource: www.nano.gov

Note: This slide and the next 9 slides are the same for all research areas.

Page 4: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Created in 2008 by Sciencenter, Ithaca, NY, www.sciencenter.orgAccompanying book available for purchase at www.lulu.com

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Agreement No. ESI-0532536. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Macrosizemeters, decimeters, centimeters, millimeters




A child is about 1 meter tall1 meter = 1,000,000,000 nm

(1 billion nanometers)


A hand is about 1 decimeter wide1 decimeter = 100,000,000 nm

(100 million nanometers)

Pink y Finger

A pinky finger is about 1 centimeter wide

1 centimeter = 10,000,000 nm(10 million nanometers)

Freck le

A freckle is about 1 millimeter wide1 millimeter = 1,000,000 nm

(1 million nanometers)

St rand o f Hai r

A hair is about one tenth of a millimeter wide

0.1 millimeter = 100,000 nm(100 thousand nanometers)

Red Blood Cell

A red blood cell is about 10 micrometers wide

10 micrometers = 10,000 nm(10 thousand nanometers)

Bac ter ia

A bacterium is about 1 micrometer wide

1 micrometer = 1,000 nm(1 thousand nanometers)


A viron is about one tenth of a micrometer wide

0.1 micrometer = 100 nm(1 hundred nanometers)

Cell Membrane

A cell membrane is about 10 nanometers wide

10 nanometers = 10 nm

Sugar Molecule

A sugar molecule is about 1 nanometer wide

1 nanometer = 1 nm


An atom is about one tenth of a nanometer wide

0.1 nanometer = 0.1 nm

100 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4

10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10

How BIG is nano?

Page 5: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D


1 nanometer = 1 billionth (10-9) of a


D 109 D

a marble

Page 6: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Why do we care?

• Quantum mechanics plays a much more important role

• For example, – A brick of gold is shiny and

“gold”-colored. – A vial of gold nanoparticles in

solution can be a range of colors depending on the size of the nanoparticles.

– This is because of a phenomenon know as quantum confinement. Suspensions of discrete (separated)

gold nanoparticles in clear solution vary in color from pink to purple as the nanoparticle size gets bigger. Image source: “Causes of Color”, WebExhibits, http://www.webexhibits.org/causesofcolor/9.html

Things behave differently at this scale

Page 7: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Why else do we care?

• Human cells and bacteria have diameters around 1-10 micrometers

BUT • Cellular machinery is on the

nanoscale – Diameter of DNA is ~2

nanometers – Hemoglobin, the protein that

carries oxygen through the body, is 5.5 nanometers in diameter

This is the scale of biological processes

Structure of hemoglobin PDB ID: 1BUW

Structure of DNA PDB ID: 1BNA

Page 8: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

One more reason: surface area Another reason nanomaterials behave differently from bulk materials of the same chemical is because of surface area – or the area of an object

that is an exposed surface.

Volume (in cubic meters):

Surface Area (in square meters):

For this cube, each edge is 1 meter in length.

1 m

For these cubes, each edge is 0.1 meters in length, but there are 1000 cubes.

1 m

1 m

1m X 1m X 1m = 1 m3 (0.1m X 0.1m X 0.1m) X 1000 cubes = 1 m3

(1m X 1m) X 6 sides = 6 m2 (0.1m X 0.1m) X 6 sides X 1000 cubes = 60 m2

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Surface Area and Reactions • This increased surface area allows chemical reactions to

go much faster. • Think about it this way: Which dissolves faster in your coffee or tea, a sugar

cube or a teaspoon of granulated sugar?

Answer: Granulated sugar

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Nano-enabled Consumer Products

As of the March 10, 2011, there are over 1300 consumer products around the world that are manufacturer-identified as nanotechnology-based. These products are here, ready to buy today!

• Touch screens (iPhone) • Sunscreens • Cosmetics • Tennis rackets

• Bicycles • Fabric • Computer memory • Many more…

Resources: The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies website: http://www.nanotechproject.org/

Page 11: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Activity Description

• You have been assigned an area of nanotechnology research to support.

• Go through this presentation and any other credible sources to identify three benefits of research in nanotechnology toward your area of interest and up to three potential risks you perceive in your area of interest.

• As a group, we will weigh the risks and benefits of each area to decide how much of our federal nanotechnology budget should go to each research area.

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Disclaimer: this is a contrived scenario

• There are no federal nanotechnology budget cuts – $1.7 billion estimated for FY2012 (fiscal year 2012) – Increased investment proposed for FY2013 (nearly $1.8 billion)

• Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology (NSET) subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Technology is an actual government entity – Composed of representatives from 25 federal agencies (NIH, DOE, DOD, etc.) – Purpose is to coordinate planning, budgeting, and implementation of the

National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) – These representatives work together to create an integrated federal program.

• Actual nano “budget” is different from what is proposed in this activity – Actual “budget” is given as a supplement to the President’s 2013 Budget

Request submitted to Congress – It represents the sum of the investment in nanotechnology and nanoscience

planned for 2013 by federal agencies – The agencies submit how much they are planning to spend on nanoscience – In the activity scenario, we’re doing the opposite of what the actual NNI

Budget represents in that we’re distributing a pre-determined amount amongst these research areas.

Resources: NNI Budget website: http://www.nano.gov/about-nni/what/funding

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Safety of nanomaterials and societal implications

In this presentation, you will learn about some of what researchers have discovered about the

safety of nanomaterials and the implications of nanotechnology advancements on society.

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Consider the following when learning about these developments:

1. Might these nanotechnology developments infringe on human rights to privacy and freedom?

2. Is it safe for me? Is it safe for others?

3. Could the use of this nanotechnology development have unwanted and negative environmental effects?

4. What economic impact could the use of this nanotechnology development have on producers, consumers, and other industries? Might they be negative or positive?

The other groups are charged with the following tasks as they go through

their presentation:

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Safety and Risk Task

• As the group for safety and risk, you will be given results of research that attempts to answers some of these questions.

• As the others present their research area to the group, think about what you’ve learned in this presentation as well as your own concerns about emerging technologies, and feel free to share this with the group.

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Links to outside sources

• Within this presentation will be many underlined words. If you click on the underlined text, your browser will take you to other websites, videos, or other resources to learn more about what is on the slide.

• These links are chosen to give you additional information, but these presentations can stand alone. It is unnecessary to go to the links for the purpose of this activity.

• We try to make sure the links are active, but given the ever-changing nature of the internet, you might find a few that take you to a location that is no longer active. Please let the facilitator know if you find an inactive link.

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Nanoscale vs. Macroscale • Properties of materials at the nanoscale are different from

macroscale materials. A nanoparticle may have unique mechanical, catalytic, or conductive properties relative to its large-scale counterpart.

• As Dr. George Whitesides, professor of chemistry at Harvard University, prolific scientist and leading expert on nanotechnology puts it:

Resources: [1] Frankel, F. C. and Whitesides, G.M., No Small Matter: Science on the Nanoscale. Belknap Press: Cambridge, 2009.

We live in a human-scale world governed by physical laws that we believe we understand: balls fall down, objects cannot pass through one another, a person cannot be in two places at once, coffee and cream mix in the cup. But as structures become small enough to reach nanometer scale, quantum phenomena begin to emerge. For quantum objects…, the rules are completely and disorientingly different. [1]

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Naturally Occurring • Some nanoparticles are created naturally. • Examples of locations of naturally occurring nanoparticles:

– Volcanic dust and ash – Ocean spray – Soil/clay – Ice cores

• Why? – Weathering of rock material can produce a powder, and part of the

powder will naturally exist as nanoparticles. – Volcanic eruptions/geysers produce particles of many sizes including

nanoparticles. – Meteoritic impact may produce nanoparticles. – Aerosols from ocean spray can produce nanoparticles of salt.

Resources: Handy, R. D., R. Owen, and E. Valsami-Jones. "The Ecotoxicology of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: Current Status, Knowledge Gaps, Challenges, and

Future Needs." Ecotoxicology 17.5 (2008): 315-25.

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Not Naturally Occurring • Other nanoparticles are created by man incidentally

[1]: – From car tire wear – From vehicle exhaust – From industrial processes

• Still others, the cause of greatest concern, are engineered nanomaterials - those intentionally created by man [2]:

• More on these later…

Resources: [1] Handy, R. D., and B. J. Shaw. "Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: Implications for Public Health, Risk Assessment and the Public Perception of Nanotechnology." Health Risk & Society 9.2 (2007): 125-44.

[2] Klaine, S. J., et al. "Nanomaterials in the Environment: Behavior, Fate, Bioavailability, and Effects." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27.9 (2008): 1825-51.

Page 20: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Should we be concerned?

Governments in multiple countries and scientists in academia and the public and private sectors are working together to answer the questions and develop strategies to solve any problems we might encounter!

The following link is to a video that was aired through KQED public media for Northern California in August of 2008. It describes some of concerns people have about nanotechnology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMJ9kO3plu8

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Bottom line: Is it safe to use nanomaterial-enabled products?

Here’s a very small portion what the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has to say. For the full story, go to reference 1.:

• “Nanomaterial-enabled products such as nanocomposites, surface-coated materials, and materials comprised of nanostructures, such as integrated circuits, are unlikely to pose a risk of exposure during their handling and use as materials of non-inhalable size. However, some of the processes used in their production…may lead to exposure to nanomaterials, and the cutting or grinding of such products could release respirable-sized nanoparticles.” [1]

• So what happens to the worker that inhales nanoparticles aerosolized during the manufacturing of some nano-enabled product? That is where the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) comes in!

Resources: [1] NIOSH, “Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials,” 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-125/

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Can engineered nanomaterials adversely affect occupational health?

More from NIOSH: • “Based on results from human and animal studies, airborne nanoparticles can be inhaled

and deposit in the respiratory tract; and based on animal studies, nanoparticles can enter the blood stream, and translocate to other organs.” [1] – In other words, human and animal studies have shown that inhaled nanoparticles can

end up in the lungs, and nanoparticles in the blood can find their way to other (possibly unintended) organs.

• “Studies in workers exposed to aerosols of some manufactured or incidental microscopic (fine) and nanoscale (ultrafine) particles have reported adverse lung effects including lung function decrements and obstructive and fibrotic lung diseases. The implications of these studies to engineered nanoparticles, which may have different particle properties, are uncertain.” [1] – Basically, studies have shown that workers that inhaled incidentally created

nanoparticles have reported health problems, but this may not be the case for every type of nanoparticle.

• “Research is needed to determine the key physical and chemical characteristics of nanoparticles that determine their hazard potential.” [1]

Resources: [1] NIOSH, “Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials,” 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-125/

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What can be done to minimize worker exposure?

Again from NIOSH [1]: • Engineering control techniques should be effective for

capturing airborne nanoparticles. – Source enclosure (i.e., isolating the generation source from

the worker) – Local exhaust ventilation

• Exhaust ventilation systems with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter should effectively remove nanomaterials.

• Good work practices (e.g., washing hands, and no eating/drinking in work area) can help to minimize worker exposures to nanomaterials.

Resources: [1] NIOSH, “Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology Managing the Health and Safety Concerns Associated with Engineered Nanomaterials,” 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-125/

Page 24: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Okay, but…

• Is it safe to wear those socks embedded with silver nanoparticles that my sister gave me for my birthday to keep my smelly feet at bay? What if I wash them?

• Is my fancy new tennis racket, made lighter and more durable with carbon nanotubes, going to cause me harm in the long run? What if it happens to break?

• What about sunscreen? There are nanoparticles in my sunscreen? I put that on my skin!

These are all fair questions. Hopefully the next few slides will help you make an informed decision.

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Carbon nanotubes • A carbon nanotube is a cylindrical

structure made entirely of carbon atoms that form bonds in a hexagonal pattern.

• They are very strong, especially relative to their weight, and efficient conductors of electricity and heat.

• These properties make them an exciting candidate for many different applications in all areas of research from solar cells to electronics to space travel.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons created by Michael Ströck

In January 2011, PBS Nova released a series called “Making Stuff” that describes the advances in material science. During the “Making Stuff Stronger” episode, the host, David Pogue, goes to the laboratory of Dr. Ray Baughman at the University of Texas at Dallas to learn about carbon nanotubes. Follow this link and select Chapter 5 (Carbon Nanotubes) at time 25:47 to learn more.

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Bottom line for carbon nanotubes

• Studies indicate that carbon nanotubes pose health risks, particularly when inhaled, and this needs to be addressed especially during the manufacturing process of goods that contain these nanomaterials [1, 2].

• However, in consumer products like tennis rackets and bicycle frames, carbon nanotubes are embedded within a matrix, and that reduces the likelihood of the particles getting released during normal use [3].

• This may be more of an issue when these products are disposed of [3]. End-of-life studies will reveal more on this aspect.

Resources: [1] [Baughman, R.H., et al., “Carbon Nanotubes – The Route Toward Application,” Science, 2002, 297, 787-792. [2] Dhawan, A. and Sharma,V. “Toxicity assessment of nanomaterials: methods and challenges,” Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010, 398, 589–605. [3] Wardak, A., et al., “Identification of Risks in the Life Cycle of Nanotechnology-based Products,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2008, 12, 435-448.

BMC Cycling – SLR01 Image source: BMC Cycling


Yonex RDiS 200 Tennis Racquets Image source: Yonex


Page 27: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

Metal Oxide Nanoparticles • Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO)

nanoparticles can be found in clothing (TiO2), sporting goods (TiO2), water filters (ZnO), self-cleaning coatings (both) [1], and cosmetics (both) [2], but the products that have caused the most public concern are sunscreens.

• Sunscreens using nanoparticles of TiO2 and ZnO go on clear, unlike older sunscreens that used micron-sized TiO2 or ZnO which remained bright white after applying. With metal oxide nanoparticles, the sunscreens remain effective without the unappealing white nose. [2]

Resources: [1] Robertson, T. A., W. Y. Sanchez, and M. S. Roberts. "Are Commercially Available Nanoparticles Safe When Applied to the Skin?" Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 6.5 (2010): 452-68.

[2] Wiesenthal, A., et al. "Nanoparticles: Small and Mighty." International Journal of Dermatology 50.3 (2011): 247-54.

Some of the many sunscreens that use metal oxide

nanoparticles Image ssource: Project on

Emerging Nanotechnologies Inventories


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Are metal oxide nanoparticles safe to apply to your skin?

• In an article in the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (ref. 1), the authors review the studies that tested the safety of nanoparticles applied to the skin.

• Here are some of their findings: – Toxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles applied to the

skin depends on if it penetrates into the epidermis past the stratum corneum (outermost layer of skin) at a high dosage.

– There is no significant evidence that titanium dioxide or zinc oxide nanoparticles penetrate beyond the stratum corneum.

– However, there may be some cause for concern if applied to skin “with impaired barrier integrity” like if you had psoriasis, a cut or abrasion, or a burn.

Resources: [1] Robertson, T. A., W. Y. Sanchez, and M. S. Roberts. "Are Commercially Available Nanoparticles Safe When Applied to the Skin?" Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 6.5 (2010): 452-68.

Image source: Wikimedia Commons

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Can engineered nanomaterials adversely affect environmental health?

• A case study: nano-silver – Used in commercially available products [1] because of their antimicrobial properties and

for use as a pesticide. - Toothpaste - Socks - Washing machines

• What happens to the aquatic life forms when silver nanoparticles get into the water after washing your nano-silver socks, using your nano-silver washing machine, while brushing your teeth with nano-silver toothpaste? Studies show there might be some cause for concern:

- In one study (ref. 2), healthy zebrafish embryos were transferred into culture dishes in embryo water containing varying concentrations of silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate for a control, as “silver salts are commonly used for therapeutic purposes.” [2]

- The results showed a concentration-dependant increase in mortality, hatching-delay, and other physical characteristic differences in the in the silver nanoparticle treated embryos. [2]

- No significant defects were seen in developing embryos treated with silver nitrate. [2] • Another concern is that silver nanoparticles don’t distinguish good microbes from harmful

microbes. What impact does this have on the environment? • Silver nanoparticles are evaluated by the EPA under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and

Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Resources: [1] The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies Consumer Product Inventory: http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/consumer/ [2] Asharani, P.V., et al. “Toxicity of silver nanoparticles in zebrafish models,” Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 255102.

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Nanomanufacturing problems Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (ref. 1) have found that some nanomanufacturing processes are expensive and not very environmentally friendly: • Strict purity needed for starting materials • Repetitive processing steps • Processing requires extreme environments

– High temperatures – Cryogenics (extremely cold) – Cleanrooms

• Use of toxic chemicals and solvents • Generation of greenhouse gases • High usage of energy and water • Low yield compared to starting materials

Resources [1] Sengul, H., T. L. Theis, and S. Ghosh. "Toward Sustainable Nanoproducts: An Overview of Nanomanufacturing Methods." Journal of Industrial Ecology 12.3 (2008): 329-59. http://www.uic.edu/depts/ovcr/iesp/Publications/Faculty%20Publications/Theis/Theis_Toward%20Sustainable%20Nanoproducts.pdf

[2] Savage, N., “Research Advancing Green Manufacturing of Nanotechnology Products,” EPA, http://www.epa.gov/nanoscience/quickfinder/green.htm

NASA’s Microsystems Fabrication Laboratory Cleanroom. Photo credit: Marvin Smith/ NASA

As a result, the EPA is pushing for research in improved nanomanufacturing processes that are more environmentally benign. [2]

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Green Nanoscience • Jim Hutchinson, chemistry professor at the

University of Oregon, is leading the way to push using principals of green chemistry as nanoscience develops. [1]

• He is director of Safer Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Initiative, the goal of which is to “develop new nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing approaches that offer a high level of performance, yet pose minimal harm to human health or the environment.” [2]

• Go to this link to watch a video from ScienCentral where Prof. Hutchinson describes this work.

Resources [1] “Hutchinson Advocates for Green Nano,” University of Oregon CAScade, http://cascade.uoregon.edu/fall2008/natural-sciences/hutchinson-

advocates-for-green/ [2] Safer Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Initiative website, http://www.greennano.org/


Page 32: Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with ......Environmental, Health, Safety and Societal Concerns with Nanotechnology By Angela Jones, Ph.D. and Ashley Anderson, Ph.D

End-of-life concerns • What happens when nano-enabled products have outlived their usefulness

and get thrown away? • What about the waste generated by manufacturing nanomaterials? • Laws that govern end-of-life issues

– Resource Conservation and Recovery Act which covers handling, recycling, reuse, storage, treatment and disposal of solid and hazardous waste though regulations may not be appropriate for nanomaterials. [1]

– Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act fills in the gaps regarding hazardous substance contamination. [1]

• The EPA will likely play a role in coping with risks that are not covered by the laws .[1]

• Designation of nanomaterials by the EPA will also influence the way these materials will be regulated.[1]

Resources: [1] Breggin, L.K. and Pendergrass, J., “Where does the nano go? End-of-life Regulation of Nanotechnologies,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Project on Emerging nanotechnologies, July 2007. http://www.nanotechproject.org/publications/archive/pen_10_-_where_does/

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Privacy and Ethics Issues • Generally comes into question when we think of misuses of

nanotechnology – Tiny computer chips means tiny surveillance cameras [1] – “The increased availability of genetic information raises the

potential for loss of privacy, misuse by the police and insurance companies, and discrimination by employers.” [1, 2]

– Companies putting tracking devices in their products and whether that is an invasion of privacy or not

• The Power of Small television series approaches some of these issues by putting forth a series of scenarios regarding nanotechnology, and a panel of experts discuss: http://powerofsmall.org/

Resources: [1] Wood, S. et al. “Crystallizing the nanotechnology debate,” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,2008, 20, 13-27. [2] Reynolds, G.H. 2003. Nanotechnology and regulatory policy: three futures. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 17, no. 1: 179–209.

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Public Familiarity

• 51% of the public knows “nothing at all” about nanotechnology (based on U.S. and international surveys from 2004 to 2007) [1]

• The gap between knowledge levels among high- and low-education populations is increasing. [2] – Those with at least a college degree displayed an increase in

knowledge levels about between 2004 and 2007, while respondents with education levels of less than a high school diploma had a significant decrease in knowledge levels

• Public awareness matters for consumer and policy decisions.

Resources: [1] Satterfield, T., Kandlikar, M., Beaudrie, C. E. H., Conti, J., & Harthorn, B. H. (2009). Anticipating the perceived risk of nanotechnologies. Nature Nanotechnology, 4(11), 752-758.

[2] Corley, E. A., & Scheufele, D. A. (2010). Outreach gone wrong? When we talk nano to the public, we are leaving behind key audiences. The Scientist, 24.

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Media coverage • Low familiarity of nanotechnology among the public is happening in

the context of a decline in science journalism – Science sections of newspapers are folding [1] – Just seven journalists in the U.S. regularly cover the issue of

nanotechnology. [2] • At the same time, the public is increasingly turning toward online

sources for information about nanotechnology. [3] • People often turn to Google as a first source of information on

nanotechnology. – Google sets a pattern of information flow where people follow Google

suggestions in their searches (A comparison of Google suggestions and actual searches in two different months shows half of the top 10 searches by people were what Google had suggested). [4]

– This means Google has a lot of influence in what information people get. Resources: [1] Mooney, C., & Kirshenbaum, S. (2009, August 17, 2009). Unpopular science. The Nation.

[2] Dudo, A., Dunwoody, S., & Scheufele, D. A. (in press). The emergence of nano news: Tracking thematic trends and changes in media coverage of nanotechnology. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

[3] Anderson, A. A., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2010). The changing information environment for nanotechnology: Online audiences and content. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12(4), 1083-1094. doi: 10.1007/s11051-010-9860-2

[4] Ladwig, P., Anderson, A. A., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., & Shaw, B. (2010). Narrowing the nano discourse? Materials Today, 13(5). , 52-54

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Public Perceptions

• An analysis of surveys over the past several years shows that , overall, the U.S. public is optimistic about nanotechnology. [1]

• Scientists, on the other hand, tend to be more risk averse than the public when it comes to potential health and pollution problems of nanotechnology.[1]

• Public engagement exercises, such as public forums, are designed to provide the public a chance to discuss nanotechnology with other members of the public. – People tend to have a wider range of perceptions of the risks and

benefits after participating in these forums and move from “no opinion” to having an opinion on the risks and the benefits. [2]

Resources: [1] Satterfield, T., Kandlikar, M., Beaudrie, C. E. H., Conti, J., & Harthorn, B. H. (2009). Anticipating the perceived risk of nanotechnologies. Nature Nanotechnology, 4(11), 752-758.

[2] Powell, M., Colin, M., Kleinman, D. L., Delborne, J. A., & Anderson, A. A. (forthcoming). Imagining ordinary citizens? Conceptualized and actual participants for deliberations on emerging technologies. Science as Culture.

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The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

• Established in April 2005 as a partnership between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Pew Charitable Trusts

• “The Project is dedicated to helping ensure that as nanotechnologies advance, possible risks are minimized, public and consumer engagement remains strong, and the potential benefits of these new technologies are realized.”

• Their website includes news and publications about issues with nanotechnology.

• It also includes inventories of consumer products that are manufacturer-identified as nanotechnology based, and as of the March 10, 2011 update, there are over 1300 products around the world.

Resources: The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies website: http://www.nanotechproject.org/

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CDC Grand Rounds • The CDC broadcasts live and online their monthly Grand Rounds

series “to further strengthen CDC’s common scientific culture and foster discussion and debate on major public health issues.” [1]

• For their August 2010 broadcast they focused on “preventing adverse health effects from nanotechnology,”

• They have a panel of experts that presents the issues and then follows up with a question/answer portion.

• The broadcast is over an hour long, and it is unnecessary to watch this for the purposes of this exercise, but much of their information is included in this presentation.

• For those interested, it can be found at the following website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBpQipD5KBg

Resources: [1] http://www.cdc.gov/about/grand-rounds/

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More Links on Environmental, Health, Safety, Society and Nanotechnology

• EPA Nanotechnology Research: http://www.epa.gov/nanoscience/ • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/nanotech/default.html • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences:


• National Toxicology Program Nanotechnology Safety Initiative: http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/?objectid=7E6B19D0-BDB5-82F8-FAE73011304F542A

• National Nanotechnology Initiative – Society and Safety: http://www.nano.gov/html/society/home_society.html

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More on the website

If time allows, return to the main website and watch some of the videos that provide “expert

testimony” on the safety of nanomaterials and the implications of nanotechnology advancements on

society. Click here