EOCT Review Directions- Without exiting the presentation and only by clicking on the answers, work your way to the final slide. Make sure the hand is showing before you click. Click here to start.

EOCT Review Directions- Without exiting the presentation and only by clicking on the answers, work your way to the final slide. Make sure the hand is showing

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EOCT Review

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B)FDR pledges New Deal for America

A)Hoovervilles begin to grow in population

C)Stock Market takes a nose dive

1)Which of the following headline was most likely a cause of the Great Depression?

D)Treaty of Versailles is signed

B)Dust BowlA)Great Depression

C)Cold War

2)”Dear diary,

I can’t believe. Just a few years ago our farm was green and profitable. Today it is a wasteland. Our family plans to move to California to look for a job.”

What caused the author to write this?

D)New Deal



3)Which of the following is the best example of a Hooverville?


B)Tennessee Valley Authority

A)Civilian Conservation Corps

C)Wagner Act

4)Which New Deal program attempted to control the environment and provide electricity to the South?

D)Agricultural Adjustment Act

B)America FirstA)Unions


5)Disgruntled workers during the Great Depression sought better wages, benefits, and work conditions. Which of the following organizations aided in this quest?

D)Supreme Court

B)II and IVA)I and IV

C)III and V

6)Which of the following is affected most by the Social Security Act?

I. Elderly II. Children

III. Military IV. Medical Care

V. College Tuition VI. Retirement

D)I and VI

B)She convinced the Supreme Court to support the New Deal

A)She was the official spokesperson for his New Deal programs

C)She advocated for minority and women’s rights

7)What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in her husband’s Presidency?

D)She met with union leaders to discuss ways to reduce unemployment rate

B)Pack the Court with justices who agree with him

A)Impeach the Chief Justice for treason

C)Force opposing justice to resign

8)What is action does FDR plan when the Supreme Court does not “harmonize” with his ideas and alluded to in the cartoon?

D)Defund the Supreme Court

B)It forced FDR to integrate the Supreme Court

A)It forced FDR to integrate the military

C)It forced FDR to end discrimination in companies who contract with the government

9)A. Philip Randolph’s proposed march on Washington contributed to the Civil Rights movement. How?

D)It forced FDR to sign Executive order 9066, which placed Japanese-Americans in internment camps

B)Japanese-Americans placed in internment camps

A)Japanese sneak attack at Pearl Harbor

C)U.S. officially enters World War II

10)Which of the following are not a cause or effect of the following statement from Franklin Roosevelt?

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

D)German defeat at Stalingrad



11)Place the following in the correct chronological order.

I. Lend Lease Program

II. Battle of Midway

III. D-Day

IV. Fall of Berlin


B)All able bodied males between 18-25 were eligible for the draft

A)Consumers were limited in what they could buy

C)The U.S. officially supported the Allies

12)How did the implementation of the image affect life on the home front during World War II?

D)American industries were regulated by the military

B)Operation Barbarossa


C)Lend-Lease Act

13)Complete the following outline:

I. __________

A)Secret World War II Activity

B)Developed Atomic Bomb

D)Manhattan Project

B)NATOA)European Theater of World War II

C)Pacific Theater of World War II

14)Which best describes the map to the right?

D)D-Day invasion of World War II

B)The McCarthy hearings allowed citizens to discuss options for rebuilding

A)The Truman Plan was instituted to contain communism

C)The Marshall Plan was created to give money to European nations

15)After World War II, much of Europe was in ruins. How did the U.S. most directly help in rebuilding it?

D)The Warsaw Pact was created to protect it

B)His hearings on suspected communism in America

A)His role in Watergate

C)His approval of using the nuclear bomb on China

16)Senator Joseph McCarthy is famous or infamous in American history because of

D)His role in the planning of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion

B)Communist coordinate Tet Offensive

A)French fall at Dien Bien Phu

C)Ngo Dien Diem, South Vietnam President, is assassinated

17)Which of the following headlines was a major turning point in the America public’s support of the Vietnam War?

D)John Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, TX

B)Each dealt with U.S. actions in the Cold War

A)Each nation was our ally in World War II

C)Each will be involved in the U.S. War on Terror

18)What do the following maps have in common?

D)Each became major trading partners of the U.S.

B)Cold WarA)GI Bill

C)Introduction of Interstate Highways

19)The image to the right is of a Levittown. Which of the following was the greatest cause of these developments?

D)Baby Boom

B)It helped the Civil Rights movement expose conditions in the South

A)It changed Presidential debates and elections

C)It allowed for home entertainment for Americans

20)Which of the following ways did television influence the 1960’s?

D)All of the Above


C)Air Conditioning

21)Which of the following innovations of the 1950’s made life more bearable in the hot and humid areas of the U.S.?

D)Personal Computers

B)The USSR is the first to put a man on the moon

A)The U.S. successfully places the first man in space

C)The USSR is the first to place an artificially satellite into space

22)During the Cold War, the Space Race was a competition between the US and USSR. Which of the following is true of this competition?

D)The US is the first to send a man to Mars.

B)Integrating the U.S. military

A)Placing Japanese-Americans in internment camps

C)Passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964

23)President Truman’s biggest contribution to equal rights was

D)Passing the Marshall Plan

B)All teams were integrated

A)Only the northern teams were integrated

C)There were no black players in the league

24)Before Jackie Robinson played Major League baseball,

D)Most teams were integrated

B)Marbury v. MadisonA)Brown v. Board of Education

C)Island Trees School District v. Pico

25)American schools in 2011 are integrated. What court case dealt with this issue?

D)Miranda v. Arizona

B)King’s “I have a dream” speech

A)Supreme Court’s ruling in Mapp v. Ohio

C)Kennedy’s speech over the Cuban Missile Crisis

26)The idea that all people are equal and should get along is the main idea in which item?

D)Johnson’s 2nd Inaugural address

B)Veterans were awarded loans and college scholarships

A)A defendant in need of an attorney

C)Hispanics were allowed to protest poor work conditions

27)Which of the following scenarios would be covered in the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

D)Blacks were allowed equal access to public accommodations

B)Affirmative Action is now illegal

A)Abortions are now legal

C)Suspects must be informed of their rights

28)Which of the following would be a result of the Warren’s Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona?

D)The Environmental Protection Agency is created

B)Congress switched from a Democratic majority to a Republican majority

A)He was assassinated

C)Southern Democrats opposed many of his nominations to the courts

29)President Kennedy did not fully complete his agenda on civil rights because

D)He was defeated in his bid for reelection in 1964

B)Medicare, which provided medical care

A)Food stamps, which subsidized food

C)NAFTA, which provided free legal help

30)FDR’s New Deal extended a government retirement to senior with Social Security. President Johnson took another step in taking care of senior with

D)Voting Rights Act of 1965, which provided easier access to voting

B)Peaceful marches occurred all over the nation

A)Violent riots broke out

C)Whites began to change their views of him

31)How did the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. immediately affect the nation?

D)White volunteers stopped protesting for Civil Rights and began protest the Vietnam War

B)Each was nonviolent in practice

A)Each was designed to draw attention to the war in Vietnam

C)Each was designed to bring attention to lack of voting rights for blacks in the South

32)What do the following have in common?

Sit ins, Freedom Rides, Tactics of Southern Christian Leadership Conference

D)Each was covered extensively by the national media

B)Cuban Missile CrisisA)Seneca Falls Convention

C)Dred Scott case

33)Which of the following events would NOW be most proud of?

D)End of the Articles of Confederation

B)Vietnam War Protests

A)Civil Rights Movement

C)Anti Communist Protestors

34)What movement do the images allude to?

D)Roe v. Wade Protests

B)Migrant farm worker movement

A)Anti Vietnam War Movement

C)Cuban American League

35)Complete the analogy:

Martin Luther King, Jr. was to the Civil Rights movement as Cesar Chavez was to the ?

D)Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee



36)Place the following in order

I. Creation of Environmental Protection Agency

II. Over use of pesticides

III. Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring


B)Communist takeover of Cuba

A)Bay of Pigs Fiasco

C)Cuban Missile Crisis

37)What event which almost resulted in another major war is associated with the following image?

D)Camp David Accords

B)U.S. Opens Relations with China

A)Watergate Scandal Rocks the Whitehouse

C)Camp David Accords Signed

38)Which of the following headlines is not associated with Richard Nixon?

D)President Resigns, Ford now President

B)Roe v. WadeA)Bakke v. California

C)Miranda v. Arizona

39)Which of the following court case is most associated with the image?

D)Engle v. Vitale

B)It created a peace between Israel and Egypt

A)It ended the Iran Hostage situation

C)It ceded the Panama Canal back to Panama

40)Arguably, Jimmy Carter’s greatest accomplishment as President was the Camp David Accords. What did it do?

D)It created a settlement to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

B)Increase the federal deficit

A)Increase economic growth

C)Allow businesses to ship jobs overseas

41)The goal of Reaganomics was to lower taxes in order to

D)Increase trade with Canada and Mexico

B)It led to the collapse of the USSR

A)It creates a world wide free trade zone

C)It eliminates tariffs between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada

42)How does NAFTA affect the U.S.?

D)It led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton

B)Winning the Electoral College is not as important as the Popular Vote

A)a Presidential candidate must win both the Electoral College and Popular vote to win the Presidency

C)Congress plays a huge role in electing the President

43)The 2000 Election once again proved that

D)a Presidential candidate must win the majority of votes in the Electoral College in order to win the Presidency



44)Place the following in the correct order:

I. September IIth attack on Twin Towers and Pentagon

II. George W. Bush elected President

III. U.S. goes to war with Iraq and Afghanistan


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