MAY 12, 2017 Why do the Freemasons love Pope Francis? Part one https://onepeterfive.com/freemasons-love-pope-francis/ April 7, 2017 Editor’s Note: As we have stated before, much of our work here at OnePeterFive is also based on the kindness and generosity of others who wish to contribute to our apostolate without being able, for different reasons, to go public with their own names. Thus we have been presented by a learned person the result of immense research, undertaken over a long period of time. After reviewing their findings, we have decided present to our readers, under a condition of anonymity, the evidence they have gathered demonstrating that Freemasons around the world have rejoiced over the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the papacy, and that they have continued to publicly praise him for his ongoing and expanding program of reform. Since the words largely speak for themselves — and thus lead us all to a deeper reflection as to the nature and purpose of this papacy — we shall leave our readers with the abundant evidence compiled in the following pages. The quoted documents are not all presented in a chronological way. Since there is so much material, we shall present the documentation in installments, of which this is the first. When possible, we shall attempt to give direct links to the quoted sources to make possible the easier corroboration of our readers. We also wish to express our deep gratitude to the person who did all the research — a true

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Page 1: ephesians-511.netephesians-511.net/docs/WHY_DO_THE_FREEMASONS_LO…  · Web viewWhy do the Freemasons love Pope Francis? Part one. April 7, 2017. Editor’s Note: As we have stated

MAY 12, 2017

Why do the Freemasons love Pope Francis?

Part onehttps://onepeterfive.com/freemasons-love-pope-francis/

April 7, 2017

Editor’s Note: As we have stated before, much of our work here at OnePeterFive is also based on the kindness and generosity of others who wish to contribute to our apostolate without being able, for different reasons, to go public with their own names. Thus we have been presented by a learned person the result of immense research, undertaken over a long period of time. After reviewing their findings, we have decided present to our readers, under a condition of anonymity, the evidence they have gathered demonstrating that Freemasons around the world have rejoiced over the election of Jorge Bergoglio to the papacy, and that they have continued to publicly praise him for his ongoing and expanding program of reform.Since the words largely speak for themselves — and thus lead us all to a deeper reflection as to the nature and purpose of this papacy — we shall leave our readers with the abundant evidence compiled in the following pages. The quoted documents are not all presented in a chronological way. Since there is so much material, we shall present the documentation in installments, of which this is the first. When possible, we shall attempt to give direct links to the quoted sources to make possible the easier corroboration of our readers. We also wish to express our deep gratitude to the person who did all the research — a true work of love, done out of filial devotion to our Catholic Church and her formative teaching, whole and entire.

Some Preliminary Comments on Freemasonry and the Catholic Church1. A Pope According to Our Wants“That which we ought to demand, that which we should seek and expect, as the Jews expected the Messiah, is a Pope according to our wants. Alexander VI, with all his private crimes, would not suit us, for he never erred in religious matters. Clement XIV, on the contrary, would suit us from head to toe.”

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(From the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, section XIX, 1st half of the 19th century — emphasis added).As the late John Vennari, then the editor of Catholic Family News explained, the “Alta Vendita was the highest lodge of the Carbonari, an Italian secret society with links to Freemasonry and which, along with Freemasonry, was condemned by the Catholic Church.”

Thus this quote from the Alta Vendita gives us an idea of what some Freemasons had historically been looking for with regard to the Pope of the Catholic Church. In 1861, Jacques Crétinau-Joly published a book entitled L’Eglise en face de la revolution (The Church in the Face of Revolution). This French author first published the Alta Vendita of the Carbonari, which, according to specialist scholars on Freemasonry, was the de facto armed wing of Freemasonry; those given leadership positions within this secret group had to already be Masons, especially high-level Masons.[ 1 ] According to this and other Masonic documents that were seized by the papal police, the Masons were hoping for a pope according to their own needs, not a pope who is part of their “brotherhood,” but a pope who goes along with their mentality. The Alta Vendita calls for a pope who would — similar to Clement XIV [ 2 ] — surrender hands and feet to the powers that be (out of fear) and to the unbelievers (who would praise him for his tolerance). To come to this point within the Church, the Alta Vendita knew that it might take a long time, even a century.[ 3 ] This document had been published in 1861, long before there were Catholic traditionalists. It was at the time of Pius IX.

2. John Paul II and Benedict XVI do not please…We now return to the present day.In an interview in 1999 and another in 2009, the lawyer Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Lodge Grand Orient of Italy (1999-2014), said that he missed Pope Paul VI because (says Raffi) during his pontificate, “Freemasonry had a season of great dialogue with the Church, many of the clergy spoke about the end of the anti-Masonic censure and argued in favor of a compatibility between Church and Loggia.”[ 4 ] But then, with Pope John Paul II, there returned the anti-Masonic “frost”: in 1983, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), presided over by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, reiterated the incompatibility between the Church and Masonry. Pope Wojtyla approved that statement. [OnePeterFive recounted here the role which Dr. Ingo Dollinger played with regard to that 1983 CDF document — the editor.]Since 1999, however, the Archbishop (later Cardinal) of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has been an honorary member of the Rotary Club, which has ties to Freemasonry and has even been condemned by certain bishops in Europe in the early 20th century.In the winter of 2004-2005, in the British Masonic magazine Freemasonry Today, a German Mason, Axel Pohlmann, complained about Pope Wojtyla (still living at the time) and of Cardinal Ratzinger. Pohlmann suggested that after the death of the Polish Pontiff, Masons would do their best to convince the Church to remove any anti-Masonic condemnation.[ 5 ]  In the article, he asked:And what is in store for the future? When Father Sebott was asked whether contacts should be carried on, he said: “Not as long as the men [to include Ratzinger] who made the decisions in the 1980s are in office, including the Pope.” This statement may be negative for the present, but bears hope for the future.The desires of the Mason Pohlmann soon seemed to come true: a few months after his article was published, Pope John Paul II died. There followed the 2005 Conclave. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (a Jesuit) was among the eligible candidates; it was he who appealed most to the Masons.[ 6 ] But it seems that at that conclave, the decisive choice swung between the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio (also a Jesuit), and Joseph Ratzinger.[ 7 ] Ratzinger won (to the Freemasons’ disappointment) and became Benedict XVI, the Pope of Summorum Pontificum, a Pope widely seen as a champion of clear and strong protection of non-negotiable values.Under the Ratzinger papacy, there were frequent media attacks against the person of the pope, in some cases daily, conspiracies of “spies,” leaked documents, criticisms of various theologians against the pope, and massive boycotts of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. It seems that among the boycotters, or at least among the non-excited observers of Summorum Pontificum, was one Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then-Archbishop of Buenos Aires.[ 8 ] In 2010, the Argentine Masonic journal, Hiram Abif, showed itself disappointed with Pope Benedict XVI and was already speculating about his future successor. It said:The first years of Benedict XVI leave a feeling of increasing crisis in the Catholic Church. Never before, the disagreements and dissensions were so loud inside and outside the Vatican. […] And after Benedict XVI, what? What are the options that arise? Who could lead to a new stage?[ 9 ] On February 11, 2013, Benedict gave in to his concerns about his own ability to continue an effective pontificate and resigned. A new conclave was held. This time, when a new pope came out onto the balcony at St. Peter’s Basilica on March 13, 2013, it was the same Jorge Bergoglio who was alleged to be the favored alternative to Ratzinger at the 2005 conclave. The former Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires took the name Francis, the first pope to do so in Church history. Following his election, the relentless media attacks and constant criticisms came nearly to an end, but those who opposed Summorum Pontificum gained new

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strength. Much talk of “mercy” as the theme of the new pontificate entered the public conversation, but that same mercy seems to have been denied to those “conservative” sectors in communion with Rome.

3. “[…] perhaps in the Church nothing will be as before.” Toward a New Era?Among some Argentine traditionalist circles, it is said that Bergoglio, before becoming a bishop, disappeared for some time from circulation and was initiated into Freemasonry, then reappeared and made a career. Who knows the truth of it? Is this yet another case of traditionalist misinformation? A conspiracy theory and nothing more? What we do know for certain is that over the years, Bergoglio has been shown to please various Masonic groups to such an extent that they have not made a secret of their satisfaction with him. Let us thus continue now, presenting various Masonic statements in favor of Pope Francis. It constitutes an amount of public praise never received by any other pontiff. (As of this writing, we have compiled over 60 examples of public Masonic praise of the Argentinian pope.)

Some will no doubt say that this image of Francis in the media as one favored by by Freemasonry is the result of Masonic exploitation and the pope himself has nothing to do with it. This may well be the case. But it is therefore important to ask why the Masons did not similarly exploit or praise Popes Pius IX, Pius X, Pius XI, and Pius XII. It would seem reasonable to conclude that they had little opportunity to do so, for these popes did not give them much to work with that they could interpret favorably toward their ends.

Let us now examine the evidence, however, of their support for Pope Francis:1) After his election, Pope Francis received congratulations and praise from B’nai B’rith [ 10 ] , a kind of powerful para-Jewish Masonry for Jews only. B’nai B’rith (B.B.) contends that it is not Masonic, yet its assemblies are called “Loggia” and “Grand Lodge.” B’nai B’rith was founded in 1843 and has drawn its own various elements largely from Masonry. It seems that B’nai B’rith, as an organization, has little or nothing to do with esotericism. To be praised by B’nai B’rith means little; the B.B. showed itself also happy with Paul VI and John Paul II, as well as with Francis. But there is some difference. John Paul II had openly condemned the Freemasons and Freemasonry had not praised him as soon as he was elected. There was some sporadic praise for John Paul II from the Masons after the Assisi prayer meeting [in 1986] — culminating in an award from the Grand Orient Lodge of Italian Freemasonry in 1996 — but not much more. The previously-mentioned anti-masonic condemnation of 1983 had turned off the majority of Masonic enthusiasm for the Polish Pope.

2) On his election day, the information website Impulso Baires transmitted a release of the Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones; the Grand Master himself, Angel Jorge Clavero, greeted the new Pope Francis and former Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires.[ 11 ]

3) On March 15, 2013, the website of the Virtual Grand Lodge of Italy, GLVDI, published a statement (though dated March 13, 2013) of Grand Master Luciano Nistri concerning the election of the new pope:The Catholic Church has chosen as Pope the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio who assumed the name of Francis. A clear-cut choice, away from the logic of the Roman Curia and of the temporal power. From the first moment on, Pope Francis, a man who comes “nearly from the end of the world,” rejecting the ermine robe and gold cross and replacing it with an iron cross, made his first tangible act. In his first words of greeting he fostered a desire for dialogue with the world and with mankind, nurturing the vivid hope for laymen and nonbelievers that change is underway. Maybe this is really what the world expects and what it expected. A new Church that knows how to reconnect love with truth in a confrontation among institutions not entrenched in the defense of their own power. It is that same hope for which the world — and especially Latin America, where the Masons Simon Bolivar, Salvador Allende and the same Giuseppe Garibaldi [especially while in Brazil] among the many who have given liberty to those peoples — has always longed for.A message that Freemasonry itself perceives a sharp break with the past and one which is turned now to listening to the poor, the marginalized and the weakest. To the new Pontiff we send our best wishes for his good work for years to come. Luciano Nistri, Grand Master GLVDI.[ 12 ] In January 2017, Luciano Nistri 33° (58 years old, originally from Prato) was reappointed Grand Master of GLVDI for three years 2017-2019.[ 13 ]

4) On 14 March 2013, Gustavo Raffi, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy — one of the most important lodges in the world — saluted and praised the new Pontiff. Raffi said, possibly prophetically: “Perhaps in the Church nothing will be as before.”[ 14 ]

5-6-7) The Masonic site Fenix News, directed by the Peruvian Mason Mario Rolleri 33° (Lodge Luis Heysen Inchaustegui, Lima, Peru), published on 15 March 2013 a statement from the United Grand Lodge of Lebanon. The Grand Master Rami Haddad and the Sovereign Grand Commander Jamil Saade sent their congratulations to Argentina, to the women of the Female Grand Lodge of Argentina (sic) on the occasion of the election of Pope Bergoglio.[ 15 ]  In this one statement, we see the support of Peruvian Freemasons (5), Lebanese Freemasons (6) and Argentine Freemasons (7), who were all pleased with the election of Bergoglio.

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In contrast, Pius IX, a Pius X, or a Pius XII, when newly elected, did not receive praise and greetings from either Italian or international Freemasonry. Those “pious” pontificates have never been friendly with the Masons. (Is it a coincidence that the causes for the canonization of Pius IX and Pius XII have been stalled?)

8) A few weeks after the March 2013 election of Pope Francis, in the April 2013 issue of the Canadian Masonic Newsletter The Watermark, we read that the new Pope is in the Internet, and was even referred to as a Freemason who uses Masonic signs (“a Freemason and using Masonic signs, blah, blah!”[ 16 ] ) … The writer suggests that one would treat this matter on the level of a chat (“blah, blah!”). The Masonic author is confident that the new Pope, despite his “conservatism,” will be willing to build a better relationship between Catholicism and Masonry. The same article publishes the entire message of good wishes from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina [Ángel Jorge Clavero, see point 2, above] to the new Pontiff. At the end of the Watermark article, the Canadian Mason hopes for a cease of the centuries-old unjust persecution against the Masons by the Roman Catholic Church.[ 17 ]

9) In a letter to his progressive friend, Massimo Teodori, on 20 June 2013, the Grand Master Raffi showed himself to be still full of zeal and enthusiasm for the acts and words of Pope Francis. Raffi advocated a deep “reform” of the Church, of course according to the designs of Masonic and secularist thought. Raffi praised, as “a profound theologian,” Karl Rahner (a Jesuit) and his theory of the “anonymous Christians.” Raffi opposed “the ancient liturgies of privileges and sinecures.”[ 18 ]

10) In favor of Pope Bergoglio was also the Brazilian Masonic magazine O Malhete.[ 19 ] In the article (“Uma lição do Papa“), on p. 7, the Bishop of Rome was being exalted. The author was Derildo Martins Da Costa, Worshipful Master of the Lodge “Luz do Planalto,” East of Serra-Grande Oriente do Brasil. Martins Da Costa writes: “O Pope Francisco, antes de exortar os outros to fazerem, primeiro fez. Aí está Diferença to do Papa Francisco para seus antecessores“, translated: “Pope Francis, before exhorting others to do so, did it himself first. Here is the difference between Pope Francis and his predecessors.” Moreover, Martins Da Costa says that the Pope “seems to have come to give examples” — examples, it is reasonable to conclude, that the Masons find acceptable. In Brazil, in fact, the “Pope has left us a profound lesson of citizenship” when passing in front of an “evangelical church” and deciding to recite an “Our Father” with the shepherds who were at the door.(A small side remark: Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, now Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, participated in 2006 as Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) in a “spiritual” forum. At that forum, there were also present representatives of theosophy, spiritualism, and of Brazilian Freemasonry (Grand Orient of Brazil).[ 20 ] Braz had a dialogue with them and with liberal American nuns, [ 21 ] but not so much with the monks and nuns of the Franciscans of the Immaculate of Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli.)

11) In the issue 1-2 /2013 (on pages 65-66) of the magazine L’Acacia of the Italian Grand Lodge for the Symbolic Rite, the chief editor Moreno Neri hopes that Pope Francis, a Jesuit, can really reform the Church (“no one else but a Jesuit might be suitable to take up the challenge of the changes that await the Church”), and commends Cardinal Martini. The Mason Neri hopes that the Church is no longer a “closed and dusty system.”

12) In 2013, the Italian journalists Giacomo Galeazzi and Ferruccio Pinotti publish the book Masonic Vatican. Galeazzi is a big “fan” of Pope Francis, as is Andrea Tornielli, Vatican correspondent and colleague of Galeazzi in the newspaper La Stampa in Turin. Galeazzi-Pinotti wrote:In the last 30-35 years, several Jesuits were in a positive way interested in Freemasonry; they took part in public debates, at conferences organized by the Grand Orient of Italy, have written articles and books on philosophical thought on the history of Freemasonry — in other words, they were ecclesiastical ones who, in spite of the anathemas and the various excommunications of the Church of Rome issued toward the Masonic institution, tried to understand, and then very often ended up sharing the philosophical approach.[ 22 ] Galeazzi-Pinotti also reported about some statements made by the Mason Nicola Spinello:Nicola Spinello, Adjunct-Vicar Grand Master of the Piazza del Gesù Community, replied to the question put to him by the television show Mystery [Mistero] aired March 20, 2013: “What is the relationship between the Jesuits and the Freemasons? Jesuits and Freemasonry have always had a great mutual speculative interest… ”Then the question: “The pope is from Argentina, and in Argentina, there is a great Masonic tradition; he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, do you think that he may have had relationships with Freemasonry?”He [Spinello] replied: “Exactly the opposite would astonish me, namely: if he did not have them [these relationships]. The Masonic tradition in Argentina is very powerful.”And to another question of the interviewer he responded: “I believe that this pope is the realization of a design that has long wanted to be adopted.”[ 23 ] Galeazzi-Pinotti continued:The Catanian Grand Master Vincenzo Di Benedetto, head of the Most Serene Grand Lodge of Piazza del Gesù, also responded to our specific question: “Various sources indicate the existence of Masonic Lodges also in the Vatican; do you consider it possible?” He replied without hesitation: “Yes, absolutely, regardless of whether you use the name or not.”[ 24 ]

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13) In July 2013, commemorating his friend and late Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, the Grand Master Gustavo Raffi (Grand Orient of Italy) launched a new tribute to Pope Francis, saying:Humanity today is poorer and poorer, as is also the Catholic Church. But the one of Pope Francis is a church that promises to be respectful of the otherness and to share the idea that the secular state promotes peace and coexistence of different religions.[ 25 ]

14) In a two-page letter, dated September 9, 2013, Gian Franco Pilloni, Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy — U.M.S.O.I. (Unione Massonica Stretta Osservanza Iniziatica, founded by Armando Corona, already Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy), addressed Pope Francis (one can see that also Pilloni knows that with Francis, the “air has changed” in the Vatican) begging him to work “toward an end of the divisions that exist in the relations between the Catholic Church and Freemasonry.” Pilloni would have us believe that Freemasonry is not an adversary of the Catholic Church, but that it walks on “parallel streets.” Pilloni praises Pope Francis, saying “The Catholic Church is being worthily represented by you,” adding “I appeal to you Holiness, a man of extraordinary human qualities.”[ 26 ] Pilloni writes that his Grand Lodge is “recognized by the American Grand Lodges to which I belong” (i.e., Pilloni is also a member of American Freemasonry).[ 27 ]

15) On September 21, 2013, moreover, during the celebrations by the Freemasonry of the Grand Orient of Italy on the occasion of the recurrence of the 20th of September and of the Fall Equinox, the Grand Master Gustavo Raffi stated, inter alia:Pope Francis launches messages of humanity that are in tune with what we have been saying for years. He also invites people to come out of the catacombs and not to withdraw but to witness among the different peoples to one’s own values [sic], in speaking to society. The reflections should not be limited to today but should build the future. This is a living Masonry, talking to people [in a dialogue].[ 28 ]

16)  At an unspecified date, but still in the year 2013 — on the website of the Philippine magazine Southern Leyte Times — the publisher Antonio M. Reyes, a declared Mason, wrote that the great Filipino national heroes are Masons and that the Catholic Church had condemned Freemasonry, also with the declaration of then-Cardinal Ratzinger (1983). Reyes stated his belief that now, with Pope Francis, things would change, because even for the reigning Pontiff, just as for the Masons, all religions and brotherhood associations who believe in God should not be condemned to eternal damnation. The professed (Masonic) Christians like Reyes wanted to pay attention to the Pope’s appeal for religious tolerance and for genuine [sic] ecumenism. Reyes wrote:[…] Fortunately, Roman Catholics now have a leader in Pope Francis who believes that all religions and brotherhood associations that believe in God should be respected and not condemned to eternal damnation. We as Christians should heed his call for religious tolerance and for genuine Ecumenism.[ 29 ]

17) In an interview published (but left undated) sometime after his election in December 2013, Vincenzo Romano, 33°, the then-newly elected Deputy or Vicar Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons — Piazza del Gesù — Palazzo Vitelleschi, pointed out that Freemasonry does not follow the [Catholic] tenets and complained that the Church does not accept the way of thinking of the Masons.[ 31 ]  He then answered to the following question:“Pope Bergoglio has [already] made many openings; may there be something positive to be seen from him with regard to Freemasonry?”The Mason replied:“Pope Bergoglio thus far proved to be a great Pope, but I do not know if he has some prejudice against us. Let’s wait to see if there will be any reactions. We declare ourselves ready to embrace the Catholic world.”[ 30 ]  Notes:[1]    L. DE PONCINS, La Franc-Maçonnerie d’après ses documents secrets, Diffusion de la Pensée Française, Chiré-en-Montreuil 19755, p. 159.[2]    Pope Clement XIV (1705-1774), Pope from 1769-1774, reluctantly suppressed the Jesuit Order universally on 21 July 1773 (see: Dominus ac Redemptor). The Jesuit Order was restored by Pope Pius VII in 1814. Note from the editor.[3]    Instruction permanente (Haute Vente), cit. in J. CRÉTINEAU-JOLY, L’Eglise romaine en face de la Révolution, 2ndvol., Henri Plon, Paris 1861, pp. 74-75.[4]    S. MAGISTER, “Massone, non c’è comunione,” in L’Espresso, 19 August 1999, p. 69 (68-71). (http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/7167.html); cf. Gustavo Raffi Gran Maestro Grande Oriente d’Italia, in Erasmo notizie, n° 6-7- 8, 31 March-31 April 2009, Grande Oriente d’Italia, Roma, p. 32.[5]    A. POHLMANN, “Not a crime, but a sin?” (to be a Freemason), in Freemasonry Today, Winter 2005, in https://web.archive.org/web/20101215192220/http://freemasonrytoday.com/31/p10.php [6]    D. MINERVA, Dialogo sulla vita. Colloquio tra Carlo Maria Martini e Ignazio Marino (L’espresso, 27 aprile2006), in Erasmo notizie, Bollettino del Grande Oriente d’Italia, n. 7-8/2006, pp. 42-47.[7]    http://temi.repubblica.it/limes/cosi-eleggemmo-papa-ratzinger/5959 [8]    http://blog.messainlatino.it/2011/06/un-mesto-anniversario.html

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[9]    See page 20 of this issue:  http://www.hiramabif.org/revista/abif_119.rar [10]  https://www.bnaibritheurope.org/bbeurope/what-we-do/public-policy/375-bnai-brith-welcomes-pope-francis; http://www.bnaibrith.org/press-releases/bnai-brith-international-welcomes-new-pope-francis-i [11]  http://www.impulsobaires.com.ar/nota.php?id=175015; http://www.actualmasonica.com/2013/03/20/el-papa-francisco-los-masones/ [12]  GLVDI Notiziario – Notiziario Massonico Gran Loggia Virtuale d’Italia, R.S.A.A. Massoneria Italiana, ComunicatoPost n° 159 published on 15 March 2013, http://blog.libero.it/GLVDI/11982726.html [13]  http://blog.libero.it/GLVDI/13495401.html [14]  http://www.grandeoriente.it/il-gran-maestro-raffi-con-papa-francesco-nulla-sara-piu-come-prima-chiara-la-scelta-di-fraternita-per-una-chiesa-del-dialogo-non-contaminata-dalle-logiche-e-dalle-tentazioni-del-potere-temporale/ [15]  “Gran Logia Unida del Libano saluda a la Gran Logia Femenina de Argentina por eleccion de nuevo Papa Francisco,” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/15/gran-logia-unida-del-libano-saluda-a-la-gran-logia-femenina-de-argentina-por-eleccion-de-nuevo-papa-francisco/ [16]  “The former Archbishop of Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis I, has already got the anti-Masonic nuts’ & anti-Catholics wound up and the Internet is abuzz (just Google Pope Francis – Freemasonry) with wild eye claims of “the black pope” being a Freemason and using Masonic signs, blah, blah!” (“A New Pope – A New Relationship With the Roman Catholic Church?” in The Watermark – Canada’s online Masonic Philatelic Newsletter, Vol. 3 – Issue 4 – April 2013, p. 3), http://bytown.ottawamasons.ca/Watermark%20April%202013.pdf

[17]  “I for one have hope that this new Pope who despite his conservatism is greatly admired for his personal humility and for a commitment to social justice will be willing to build a better relationship between Catholicism and Freemasonry. I echo the comments of the Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Argentina Ángel Jorge Clavero […]. We can only hope that hundreds of years of unwarranted persecution against Freemasons at the hand of the Roman Catholic Church will cease.” (Ibid., p. 3)[18]  Cf. Erasmo notizie, bollettino d’informazione del Grande Oriente d’Italia, anno XIV, n. 13-14, 31 July 2013,Rome, p. 19.[19]  August 2013, of the Grande Oriente do Brasil, Stato dello “Espirito Santo” (GOB-ES).[20]  Cf. Corrispondenza Romana, n. 971/03, 6 December 2006; http://www.fattisentire.org/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=2294. We read on this site about Braz de Aviz, that “he was named auxiliary bishop of Vitoria in 1994, in 1998 he was appointed diocesan bishop of Ponta Grossa; only four years later, in 2002, he was transferred to Maringá, and in 2004 he was appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília. A truly meteoric career.” In 2010-2011, he was appointed as the new Prefect of Religious, and soon elevated to cardinal.[21]  http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1350234bdc4.html?eng=y; http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2013/04/15/sempre-in-castigo-le-suore-americane-liberal/ [22]  Giacomo GALEAZZI – Ferruccio PINOTTI, Vaticano massone. Logge, denaro e poteri occulti: il lato segreto della Chiesa di papa Francesco, Edizioni Piemme, Milano 2013, pp. 56-57.[23]  Ibid., p. 83 — emphasis added.[24]  Ibid.[25]  Erasmo notizie, Bollettino d’informazione del Grande Oriente d’Italia, Anno XIV, Numero 15-16, 30 settembre 2013, p. 11.[26] http://www.granloggiaditalia.com/sito/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/papa-francesco-sito2.jpg — emphasis added.[27] http://www.granloggiaditalia.com/sito/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/papa-francesco-per-sito-1.jpg [28]  Erasmo notizie, Bollettino d’informazione del Grande Oriente d’Italia, Anno XIV, Numero 17-18, 31 October 2013, p. 6.[29]   http://www.southernleytetimes.com/No_way_to_treat_our_heroes.html [30]   http://www.regionecalabriagldi.it/public_html/news-dalle-logge/54-intervista-a-vincenzo-romano-gran- maestro-aggiunto.html — emphasis added.[31]  “[Interview question:] ‘Your relationship with the Church?’ [Answer:] We pay with an excommunication which is now ridiculous and dates back a hundred years ago. We have always tried to establish good relations. To us we have also had priests affiliated with Freemasonry. We tried to open a dialogue with the Vatican and a few years ago, we had succeeded with a series of letters exchanged with the Vatican Secretariat of State. However, there is a certain rigidity on the part of the Church because of dogmas. We swear on the holy book which is the Bible, we have nothing against the Church. And the Church does not accept the way we think. We do not live with dogmas, instead we like to do our thinking, compare, think. This distinguishes us. The Church has many prejudices against us.” Ibid.

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1. So - from the mouths of high Masons - we have the proof of the intellectual and philosophical congruence between the Masons and the Jesuits.Poor St. Ignatius, that his great Society could have fallen to this. It must be suppressed and its members scattered.2. "By its very nature as formulated in its philosophical statements and as lived in its historical experience, Masonry violates the First and Second Commandments of God. It worships not the One True God of revelation -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- but a false god, symbolically transcendent but really immanent: the "god" called "Reason." And it invokes without adequate cause the Name of the One True God. After such a case as this, to cite the secrecies of initiation and the further secrecies of machination called "conspiracy" is not only anti-climactic, it is beside the point.To conclude: we Catholic should now see the Masons more clearly for what they essentially are. They are the heirs (unwitting or otherwise is irrelevant) of a religion which purports to be the one religion of the one "God" -- and therefore the enemy, intrinsically and implacably so, of Catholicism. Freemasonry in its modern mode is "modernity" in the deepest (i.e., the philosophical and religious) sense of that term. It is, in a word, "Counterfeit Catholicism." For its "God" is the "Counterfeit God": the one who would be as God, the one who is the prince of this world, the one who is the Father of Lies", -By Rev. Robert I. Bradley, S.J.The similarities are unnerving.3. Within a few months of Bergoglio's installation; (I'm becoming increasingly hesitant when it comes to the word "election"), there was a photograph circulated on the 'net showing Bergoglio on a bus in Buenos Aires; (Yes, a bus! Always the very epitome of humility and simplicity). His right hand was placed, palm inwards, inside the lapels of his coat. It was usually shown alongside portraits of famous Freemasons from history, such as Napoleon. This posture represents the hidden hand of Freemasonry. Like many at that time, still trying to fathom recent events, I found it easy to give Francis the benefit of the doubt and dismiss it as being of no particular significance. In recent times, however, I have been inclined to consider its possible significance. The feeling increased as the Knights of Malta saga unfolded. There was the implausible report that Bergoglio had told Cdl. Burke to get rid of the Freemasons from the Order. Was this an attempt to divert attention away from the fact that Freemasons associated with the Order were "in it up to their necks?" We may never know. And why did Bergoglio re-instate Albrecht von Boeselager, and elevate his role as Grand Chancellor of the Order to a level which, apparently, even the Order's statutes did not define.

There is something in this that stinks to highest heaven, and it is very tempting to speculate that the hidden hand of the Lodge is at work.

Part twohttps://onepeterfive.com/freemasons-love-pope-francis-part-ii/

April 28, 2017

Continuation of the collection of quotes:

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18) On Saturday, March 2, 2013, Mario Rolleri 33° (thirty-third degree) published on the Spanish-language Masonic news site, Fenixnews, a couple of sentences in defense of human rights, as they were made by the then-Cardinal Bergoglio, in 2009 and 2012. The title of the article is “Bergoglio: The Pope in 02 Phrases” (“Bergoglio: el Papa en 02 frases”).[ 1 ] And you see the photo of Pope Francis. But what is strange: the article is dated March 2, 2013 — while on the other hand Bergoglio was elected Pope only 11 days later, i.e., on March 13, 2013! Is it the wrong date on which the article was posted (02 March 2013), or was the name of the future pope already known before his official election? In this regard it is impressive what our colleague Sandro Magister noted in his recent article which is entitled “The Man Who Had to Be Elected Pope.”[ 2 ]

19) In days not specified, but in the early days after the election of Pope Francis in March of 2013, the Mason Oscar Bartoli wrote an open letter to the pope rejoicing at his election, and he thus concludes:But as a half-practicing [sic] Catholic in constant trouble for the inner conflict with my culture of doubt, I want to tell you that I hope, together with the billion and two hundred million other Catholics throughout the world, that his election to the papal throne can really be a moment of genuine revitalization of our faith, battered by the plagues that are surfacing in the life of the Vatican for so long.They need his example for the believers, the just believers, the quasi believers, the agnostics and atheists. And those who, disgusted with the good behavior of the ”bureaucracy” in clerical garb, have at times fled into a personal dialogue with God, overturning dogmas and teachings. Good work, Dear Francis I, and may the Lord protect it, along with his clergy.Oscar.[ 3 ] Oscar Bartoli is an Italian Freemason of the Grand Orient of Italy — Palazzo Giustiniani [ 4 ] — a resident of Washington, D.C., member of the Rotary Club of Washington D.C.,[ 5 ] and founder of the Italia Lodge 2001 in Washington (in obedience to the Grand Lodge of Washington).[ 6 ]

20) The Peruvian Mason Mario Rolleri 33° must have been so excited about the election of Papa Bergoglio that, on March 15, 2013, he posted on Fenixnews the first words of the new Pope. The article ends with the words of the crowd “Long Live the Pope!”[ 7 ]

21) Mario Rolleri, 33rd degree and Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Peru [at least in 2017], executive director of Fenixnews, offered interesting public praise of Papa Bergoglio on Sunday, March 17, 2013. Rolleri 33° praised Pope Francis for his humility, humanity, and firmness.

Rolleri felt that many things would change in the Church and that “His Holiness Francis” must appoint a new Secretary of State. Rolleri 33° greeted Pope Francis fondly, wishing him an extended and fruitful pontificate.[ 8 ] It does not appear that Rolleri ever made a similar greeting to Pope Benedict XVI.

22) On Friday, March 20, 2013, on Fenixnews, Mario Rolleri 33°, in another laudatory article on the new Pope, stated his belief that with Pope Francis Freemasonry could begin a fruitful dialogue.[ 9 ]

23) On Friday, March 29, 2013, on Fenixnews, Mario Rolleri 33° reported the long positive testimony about Pope Francis by the Venezuelan Jesuit Luis Ugalde, director of the “Centro de Reflexion y Planificación Educativa” in Caracas. Fr. Ugalde had met Bergoglio in 1983. Father Bergoglio had, he said, saved the lives of many victims of political persecution. Father Ugalde affirmed that Pope Francis would have to change many things in the Church.[ 10 ]  (Obviously, the Mason Rolleri 33° was content with this idea!)

24) On Sunday, March 31, 2013, in another article appreciative of Pope Francis, Mario Rolleri 33° already [so soon after his election] announced that with the new Pope, there will be news of changes and unexpected decisions.[ 11 ]

25) On Thursday, April 11, 2013, the Mason Mario Rolleri 33° was still praising Francis on the Fenixnews website, and this time he even called upon the Hebrew Kabbalah for help! In fact, Rolleri compared Pope Francis with the number 13, since he was elected on March 13. Rolleri explained that for the Hebrew Kabbalah, 13 is not a number of “bad luck” but draws the purpose of creation. For the Kabbalists, there is neither good luck nor bad luck. Rolleri wrote that Cardinal Bergoglio did not have the luck to be elected Pope, but rather that he constructed this reality by his own actions.[ 12 ] Rolleri invoked the Light of the Creator upon Pope Francis and upon his message of love and care for all human beings.[ 13 ]

26) On Saturday, May 11, 2013, again on the Masonic website Fenixnews, Juan Orrego wrote that the Argentine Freemasons, the “Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones”, welcomed the election of Pope Francis. Orrego notes that the relations between the Church and Masonry in Argentina had improved in recent decades. In the late 1990s, the Masons met with the episcopacy. Today, the relations are very cordial, although the Vatican maintains that the positions of Freemasonry are incompatible with those of the Church. The election of Pope Francis had effected an improvement of the relations between Church and Freemasonry.[ 14 ]

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27) On 12 June 2014, at the presentation of the book by Ignazio Ingrao The Secret Council (Il concilio segreto — Piemme Publisher, 2013), the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi, stated among other things (about the relations between Church and Freemasonry) that the opening of the Church to the world “seems to find new momentum with Pope Francis. There are many premises for a new season of the Church, in dialogue with the world. Now we need to see whether the expected reforms will follow from them.”[ 15 ] The event was also attended by Marco Politi (Vatican correspondent of Il Fatto Quotidiano) and Alberto Melloni (historian of the “Bologna school”) who also stressed the “new and strong innovative drive” of the Pontificate of Francis who wants “a remodeling of the Church in its appearance” and “a review of the pastoral care of interpersonal relationships.”[ 16 ] Still on the subject of the Pope Francis pontificate, we read in the Masonic Bulletin:And this “leap forward of the Church in modern society” then and now pleases Freemasonry, which today just as during those hot years has again taken to follow with interest the changes that are outlined Oltretevere [in the Vatican]. […] Politi said that several prelates and scholars in recent years have proposed to hold a Vatican [Council] III, but perhaps, noted the journalist, there is not even a need for it. The season of the Church reforms is, in fact, now already open. [Emphasis added][ 17 ]

28) To the journalist Andrea Scanzi of the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano, in 2014, Michela Scolari (the sole custodian of the memories of the Mason Licio Gelli), declared that 6-7 years ago, Pope Francis (then Cardinal Bergoglio) visited Licio Gelli at the Villa Wanda in Arezzo. Gelli, head of the famous P2 Lodge, was a Mason with excellent connections with Freemasonry and the Argentine political class in the 1970s and 1980s. To Scolari, Gelli revealed that he knew Bergoglio since 1973, when Gelli was the Argentinean Plenipotentiary Minister and great friend of Peron.[ 18 ]

29) On the website of the Grand Lodge of the Italian Symbolic Rite (made up of Master Masons of the Grand Orient of Italy), we read a speech of March 13, 2014, by the Mason “M: .A :. Dominic P.” who praises Pope Francis and sees in him an opening for reconciliation between Freemasonry and Church.”[ 19 ]

30) In the issue of March 2014 of Alpina, the Swiss Masonic magazine, the Mason Pierre-Alexandre Joye writes that Church and Freemasonry are based on different traditions, but with Pope Francis’ election, the South American Jesuit, one can relaunch the Masonic-Catholic dialogue. The spiritualist forces should not be divided, but united for the sake of social justice, human rights, freedom. Church and Freemasonry must not stop at what divides but must aim at what unites.[ 20 ]

31) Once more, in the Masonic journal Alpina, in March 2014, in the article “Towards a possible constructive cohabitation?” (in the paragraph “An era more conciliatory”), the Mason Daniele Bui makes it clear that while the incompatibility between the Church and the Lodge remains, however, with Pope Francis many Masons hope precisely for a “more conciliatory” attitude on the side of the Holy See.[ 21 ] Bui believes that the grounds of incompatibility does not prevent a joint collaboration between Catholics and Masons for the promotion of human rights.

32) In his last speech as Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy (in April of 2014), the lawyer Gustavo Raffi said, according to a report:“The world is changing at a speed which, a few years ago, would have been completely unimaginable. This ‘liquid’ world — to use the term coined by Zigmunt Baumann — is radically transforming all the ‘rigid’ structures which the sea of the past has deposited on the shores of the present,” said Raffi. “Just look back inside those walls that separate Italy from the Vatican to understand — he added — that something is changing. We observe with care and respect as this Pope is accelerating the timing of an epochal change within the horizon of structures traditionally reluctant to welcome the innovative ferment. And the reflections of his influence echo far beyond the borders of the sacristy. But it’s also up to us. It’s up to us to make the crossing of this liquid reality happen. It is also up to us to deal with the changing contemporary world. With the claim — never betrayed — to be always contemporary to posterity.” “That is what calls us to make our identity as Italians and Freemasons — he observed — and to set sail and navigate with confidence into the future, whatever it has in store for us.”[ 22 ]

33) In the May-June 2014 issue of The Wayfarer, Bulletin of the MN-River Valley Lodge # 6 (Grand Lodge AF & A.M. of Minnesota), the “Chaplain” of the Lodge, Dan Ploenzke, in his column “Words of Wisdom,” also quoted an excerpt from the book [sic – a mistake by The Wayfarer] by Pope Francis “Let Us Be Lights of Hope,” which speaks about hope, an openness to the surprises of God and about living in joy. The Mason Ploenzke really liked what the Pope writes about being open to be surprised by God: “Everyone who is a man or a woman of hope — great hope that gives us faith — knows that even in the midst of difficulties God acts and surprises us.”[ 23 ] Moving.

34) On August 25, 2014, on the website of the Brazilian Freemasonry, Grand Orient do Brasil, the Mason Barbosa Nunes praises Pope Francis because he is building a new church:[ 24 ] Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Pope Francis,” formerly called “Cardinal of the Argentine Poor” for his social role. He continues to assume the greater representation of the Catholic Church and of head of state. He has not stopped, he is taking safe steps to build a new church. A new style in the Vatican, an image of a personality which knows and faces challenges ahead. [Emphasis added]

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The Mason Nunes praises the divine wisdom (“sabedoria divina“) of Pope Francis and hopes that the words of the Pope are the subject of meditation in the days of study of the Masonic Lodges.[ 25 ]

35) In 2014, on the occasion of the reunion of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Florida (USA), the Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge, Gilbert Weisman, not only quoted enthusiastically the work “Morals & Dogma” by the Mason Albert Pike 33rd degree (an esoteric and occultist Mason), but also mentioned some words from the homily held by Pope Francis on 1 January 2014, in which the Pontiff stated that we are all children of the Heavenly Father, that we all belong to the same human family, and that we share the same common destiny; and that we thus all have to work to create a Community of Brothers. Weisman stated that Pope Francis could have addressed such a great speech to a body of Masons.[ 26 ]

36) In April 2015, before the visit of Pope Francis in July to Latin America, Grand Master Edgar Sanchez Caballero and his Gran Logia Symbolica del Paraguay wanted to meet the Argentinean Pope. The Paraguayan Masons declared that they admired Pope Francis for his leadership of the Church and that they hoped that he could influence the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Paraguay by changing the way of thinking of the Bishops and thus promoting a greater fraternity and a greater openness of the Catholic Church. The Grand Master Caballero expressed his hope in the renewal of the Bishops:The change of the head of the Catholic Church and the message of the opening given by the current pope – says the Grand Master – was not yet “digested” in the Paraguayan ecclesiastical hierarchy, whose mentality will change as the bishops renew.[ 27 ]

37) On April 9, 2015, Mario Rolleri reported on Fenixnews about an interview with Nicolas Orlando Breglia, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Argentina. Breglia was also convinced that, with Pope Bergoglio, the Church was revising its position towards Freemasonry. According to Grand Master Breglia, Pope Francis was raising the banners of Freemasonry.[ 28 ]

38) On April 11, 2015, at the Grand Lodge of the Grande Orient of Italy, held in Rimini, Mason Claudio Bonvecchio presented his book The Hour of Dialogue. The Pope, the Church, Freemasonry – interview by Sabatino Alfonso Annecchiarico [L’ora del dialogo. Il Papa, la Chiesa, la Libera Muratoria – intervista di Sabatino Alfonso Annecchiarico] (Mimesis Editrice). A brief summary of the book, which is a new “sweet talk” for Pope Francis:Faith, reason, humanism, spirituality, pairs of concepts, values – they have diverged in the history of the Christian Church and secular culture. Especially now, with Pope Francis’ impulse, the time of this misunderstanding seems to have ended. The Church of the people’s pope returns to talking about feelings, but also about the rational confrontation with society and history. This book builds a bridge for the most delicate, but most profitable, confrontation. It is a possible document for a new alliance that has man as its object [a “cult of man”]. An initiative of a dialogue without discount on the side of a free, mature rationalism of the Masonic culture, but without foreclosure.[ 29 ]

39) In the May 2015 issue of the Bulletin of the York Lodge No. 22 A.F. & A.M. (Kennenbunk-Maine USA), the Mason Donald Beane wrote that the Masons must learn from Pope Francis who speaks of all peoples as part of the Human Family, with one Father for all:As Masons, we tend to follow the example of Pope Francis who talks of all people as the Human Family. It is a family with one Father for all, who seeks to help us find our way to him through faith and understanding.[ 30 ]

40) On June 25, 2015, a Press Release of the Grand Lodge of Italy Obedience of the Piazza del Gesù Palazzo Vitelleschi claimed that the Sovereign Grand Commander Grand Master Antonio Binni had received with homage a copy of the Kabbalistic text “Zohar,” coming from the international organization “Zohar Project.” The GLDI statement specified that the same gift was given to Italian institutions and also to Pope Francis.[ 31 ] In this sense, the GLDI seemed to render some oblique or indirect praise to the Roman Pontiff or, in any case, to convey the idea of a certain convergence, tuning, or affinity between the Grand Master Binni and Pope Francis.

41) On August 24, 2015, Oscar Bartoli, Italian Mason of the Grande Oriente d’Italia,[ 32 ] resident in Washington, D.C. and a member of the Rotary Club of Washington D.C.,[ 33 ] founder of the Italia Lodge 2001 in Washington (at the obedience of the Grand Lodge of Washington),[ 34 ] published on his website an article by Rosario Amico Roxas which is all a form of praise for Pope Francis.[ 35 ]

42) On September 4, 2015, the same Oscar Bartoli reported in the article, “This communist and anti-Catholic Pope (according to some),” that some of his own acquaintances (one of his friends, his former pastor, and an intimate friend of cardinals and curial members) see in Pope Francis a danger to the Catholic Faith and to society (e.g., too much “easiness” or “laxity” in the practice of the declaration of nullity of marriage, excessive openings toward the divorced and remarried and toward homosexuals, confusion among believers, a forced and indiscreet welcome of immigrants, too much sympathy shown to Fidel Castro, too much hostility shown to Trump and the Republicans, a philo-U.S. democratic attitude). At the end of the article, Mason Bartoli then commented as follows: “Pope Francis follows the example of the divine Poet: ‘Do not look back after them, but see and go on.'”[ 36 ]

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43) Oscar Bartoli also cared for an esoteric periodical, Stenterello, which, in October 2015, praised Pope Francis as “a Pope with a prophetic and revolutionary language,” and as “a bridge maker among the peoples.”[ 37 ]

44) From 15 to 19 January 2015, Pope Francis was in the Philippines. In those days, a photo appeared in the Internet of a poster – or of a supposed page of a Philippine journal (Philippine Daily Inquirer) – with a welcome to the pontiff (“Welcome to Pope Francis, the Pope of Mercy and Compassion”), a welcome given on the part of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.[ 38 ] Someone said that this piece of news is false [ 39 ] (“fake news”), but it does not seem very convincing in the light of the following points.

45) In fact, in the official journal of the Philippine Grand Lodge, The Cabletow (vol. 92, n. 1, May-June 2015), Grand Master Thomas Rentoy III candidly states that, after having observed the liberal views of Pope Francis (“after the elevation of Pope Francis to the Holy See and noting the pontificate’s liberal views”) up to the end of 2014, his predecessor Grand Master Alan Purisima, in a letter to Pope Francis, then asked that the Holy See declare that the Freemasonry of the Philippines is compatible with the Catholic Church and that its members are not any longer subject to excommunication. Moreover, the Philippine Masonry recently requested from the Filipino Bishops a chaplain so as to celebrate Mass every Sunday at the Grand Lodge.[ 40 ] We do not yet know the Pope’s response to this request from the Philippine Freemasonry. We do know, however, the answer of the Philippine Bishops (CBCP). We shall see it in the next section.

46) In the issue 4 (November-December 2015) of the magazine The Cabletow, the Mason Jesse D. Alto announced that the Grand Master in charge, Thomas Rentoy, had managed to obtain permission from the Philippine Catholic Church that a Catholic priest may celebrate Mass every Sunday at the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. Alto also wrote that, with this permitted event, centuries of erroneous beliefs, finally, were to be eradicated which had taught that the teachings of Freemasonry were contrary to those of the Catholic Church. Even more so, Alto further “perfumed with incense” Pope Francis himself by enthusiastically citing some passages from the pope’s Christmas homily. The Mason Alto thereby apparently wants to convince us that both Masons and Catholics together teach that man is a spiritual being.[ 41 ]  Notes[1]              http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/02/bergoglio-el-papa-en-02-frases/ [2]              https://onepeterfive.com/man-elected-pope/ [3]              http://oscarb1.blogspot.it/2013/03/lettera-aperta-francesco-i.html [4]              http://www.grandeoriente.it/conferenza-mondiale-delle-logge-garibaldi/ [5]              http://stenterellonewsletter.blogspot.it/: “Oscar Bartoli, lawyer, journalist, collaborates with many Italian media. He resides in the United States since 1994 and lives in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Bangalore (India). Being a Rotarian for a long time, he is now part of the Washington Rotary Club.”

[6]              S. Bisi (Gran Maestro GOI), L’abbraccio telematico con i fratelli americani ha inaugurato una nuova via di comunicazione massonica, in Stenterello – Periodico di Approfondimento Esoterico, Newsletter, Anno II, Ottobre 2014, p. 4.[7]              “‘Hermanos y hermanas de la noche buena, ya sabes que el deber del cónclave era dar un obispo en Roma y parece que mis hermanos cardenales le han recogido en el fin del mundo … pero estamos aquí.’ Estas son las primeras palabras del primer Papa Francisco de la Iglesia Católica. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, argentino, de 76 años, un jesuita, 266 º Papa, es también la primera en Sudamérica. El humo blanco que anunció al mundo su elección se produjo en la quinta votación, el segundo día del cónclave. Una encuesta realizada en más de lo necesario, hace ocho años, para la elección de Benedicto XVI. La chimenea de la Capilla Sixtina comenzó a fumar a 19.06, la plaza de San Pedro repleta de fieles desde la mañana estalló en un rugido: ‘¡Viva el Papa! ¡Viva el Papa‘” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/15/el-argentino-bergoglio-es-papa-francesco/ [8]              “We see an important and key task that His Holiness Francis must still resolve: it is that of the Vatican Secretary of State. Knowing Bergoglio’s thinking, he will surely choose a firm follower of his ideas.One thing is certain: with Francisco, you can be kind; one can be different and he will accept it. One can be a sinner and he will know how to forgive. But the Argentine government must keep in mind that the new Pope is not the person with whom to maneuver politically, nor to play.We therefore offer a warm welcome to His Holiness Francis and wish him a long and fruitful pontificate. It may be anticipated that, for those of us who are Roman Catholic, surely many things will change. Besides the name, [there is] the face and the style.” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/17/francisco-bergoglio-de-origen-humilde-es-nuevo-papa/ [9]              “To Freemasonry itself, the election of a pope matters little or nothing, since it has been persecuted in a permanent way, without valid arguments and with the aggravating [fact] that the Pope who condemned Masonry, for two years was blind and depended upon his advisors. In light of the questionable conduct which the members of the Roman Curia fell into, is it valid to sustain such conduct? Is it valid that we keep quiet? Is it time for the Masons to get down to work through dialogue in depth about this topic? I

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believe that a sincere, respectful, profound dialogue, leaving aside historical antagonisms, between Church and Masonry can be very beneficial for both institutions and schools of thought and life. I believe that this pope, because of his formation and of the charism of his [Jesuit] Order, may be willing to initiate a kind of dialogue which, with the passing of time, can yield more than interesting fruits. If they knock on our door, are we able to open it?” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/20/el-papa-argentino/[10]            “He adds that Pope Francis has the task of changing many things in the Church: ‘Some things have accumulated over thousand years, from a court palace in the external style, which does not always allow the Gospel to be seen and translated, for which the symbol of St. Francis is very important.'” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/29/algunos-perseguidos-de-venezuela-y-paraguay-lo-pueden-contar-gracias-a-bergoglio/[11]            “The reign of Francis will be marked by the news of changes, by the unexpected decisions in a court that had become stagnant and by the irrevocable commitment of the Pope to the most dispossessed of the world.” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/03/31/francisco-viajo-a-roma-convencido-de-que-no-seria-elegido/[12]            “Cardinal Bergoglio had no ‘luck’ to be elected Pope, Pope Francisco created that reality with his actions, and they have not been few.” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/04/11/cual-es-la-relacion-del-nuevo-sumo-pontifice-y-el-numero-13/[13]            “Que la Luz del Creador ilumine a Francisco y su Fuerte mensaje de Amor y Cuidado por todos los seres humanos.” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/04/11/cual-es-la-relacion-del-nuevo-sumo-pontifice-y-el-numero-13/[14]            Here is the final part of the article: “Las relaciones entre la Iglesia en la argentina y los masones mejoraron en las últimas décadas. Incluso, a fines de los ‘90 los masones se reunieron oficialmente con el Episcopado. De hecho, hoy los vínculos son muy cordiales. Pero el Vaticano sigue considerando incompatibles sus posiciones. Por tanto, afirma que un católico no puede ser masón. La elección de Francisco obró como una mejora de la relación.” http://www.fenixnews.com/2013/05/11/la-masoneria-argentina-expreso-su-reconocimiento-por-el-papa-francisco/[15]            Massoneria e Chiesa, in Erasmo notizie, Bollettino d’informazione del Grande Oriente d’Italia, Anno XV, N° 11-12, 30 June 2014, Rome, p. 6.[16]            Ibid., p. 7. Emphasis added.[17]            Ibid.[18]            Cf. A. Scanzi, In un film racconterò segreti e verità di Gelli, in Il fatto quotidiano, 6 settembre 2014, p. 13.[19]             M:. A:. Domenico P., Massoneria e Chiesa: Papa Francesco, Or:. Ravenna, 13.3.2014, in   http://www.ritosimbolico.it/rsi/2015/05/massoneria-e-chiesa-papa-francesco/. Reported are some words of the Mason Dominic P.: “One glimmer of light for the mutual understanding and conciliation comes, in my opinion, from the interview that the Pope gave last year to Eugenio Scalfari, the director of the newspaper La Repubblica. A conversation which I would call ‘disturbing’ but in a good way. […] When the pope is asked the question: ‘Your Holiness, is there a single vision of the Good? And who decides what it is?’ he replies surprisingly that ‘Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is Good […] Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.’ These are words by which one is authorized to call into question one of the motives which, historically, the Catholic Church accused Freemasonry of, namely: ‘the Masonic method is […] incompatible […] because it is based on a symbolic and relativistic concept of the whole which is completely unacceptable for a Christian […]’ He remembered a recent speech of C: M mo :. TO:. [“Dearest Master Architect”].

The age-old question of relativism; it seems to me, in fact, anxiously boring and captious; and rightly so, the mentioned speech of M: .A :. concluded that “the true nature of modern relativism […] conjugates with dogmatism.” Nothing could be further from Freemasonry, but it would seem even far from the mind of Francis for His reference to good and evil and the value that each of us can give to the good and to evil is equivalent to an admission of relativism, which would seem unthinkable in a pope. In this sense the pope’s expressions provides a glimpse into an unexpected widening of the Catholic conscience that explains his often repeated call to Mercy. […] In this announced process, if it is confirmed, it is highly likely that the Pope — and with him the Catholic Church — will meet with Freemasonry; and it will be inevitable just to honor the principles we believe in, sit down to a consultation table and to strip down the heavy trappings that men — and not the institutions — have put up as a separation fence between what is inside (the just way) and what it is outside (the unjust, the different, the other way).” [Emphasis added][20]            Cf. Alpina, Magazine maçonnique suisse – Grande Loge Suisse Alpina, Nr. 3/2014, p. 3.[21]            “However, many have suggested that behind the latest and most revolutionary events coming from the Vatican since Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation there is a Masonic design. It is rumored that even the election of the new Pope is the work of the Lodges. After a closed-in papacy like the one of Ratzinger, it is likely that there are many of the affiliates to hope in the advent of a more conciliatory era thanks to the Jesuit Bergoglio. This is at least the idea of Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican correspondent of La Stampa, and Ferruccio Pinotti, journalist and writer (who is long since interested in Freemasonry) in their recent book The Masonic Vatican. Lodges, Money, and Occult Powers: the secret of the Church of Pope Francis [Vaticano

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Massone. Logge, denaro e poteri occulti: il segreto della Chiesa di Papa Francesco].” D. Bui, Verso una coabitazione costruttiva? in Alpina, Nr. 3/2014, pp. 8-9 [emphasis added]. See also http://www.freimaurerei.ch/i/alpina/artikel/artikel-2014-03-01.php[22]            Raffi, il “mondo liquido” e la missione della massoneria, in Erasmo notizie, bollettino del Grande Oriente d’Italia, anno XV, numero 7-8, 30 April 2014, Rome, p. 6, our  boldening.[23]            http://www.mn-rivervalley.org/wayfarer/2014/may_june_2014.pdf[24]            Barbosa Nunes, A verdade no Papa Francisco, in https://www.gob.org.br/a-verdade-no-papa-francisco-artigo-de-barbosa-nunes-para-o-diario-da-manha/[25]            See ibid.[26]            “As Pope Francis pointed out in his New Year’s Day Service on January 1, 2014: ‘We are all children of one Heavenly Father, we belong to the same Human Family, and we share a common destiny. This brings a responsibility for each to work, so that the world becomes a Community of Brothers who respect each other, accept each other in one’s diversity, and take care of one another.’ He could just as well be speaking to a body of Freemasons.” http://grandlodgefl.com/archive_2014/grand_oration_2014.html[27]            http://m.ultimahora.com/masones-quieren-saludar-al-papa-y-poner-fin-al-conflicto-la-iglesia-n886764.html[28]            “Do you see a change in the Catholic Church since Jorge Bergoglio was appointed as Pope? ‘We have no confrontation with Bergoglio. On the contrary, the Pope appears raising our flags. When he comes in, he says that he is republican, secular, democratic and anticlerical. For all that we were sanctioned and excommunicated. If he raises our flags, after having fought us for so long, I realize that the Church is revising her position.’” http://www.fenixnews.com/2015/04/09/masoneria-el-resurgir-de-una-sociedad-que-ha-hecho-historia/[29]            http://www.agenparl.com/gran-loggia-2015-servizio-biblioteca-gli-appuntamenti/[30]            http://www.masonsinmaine.org/york22/TB052015.pdf[31]            http://www.granloggia.it/ufficiostampa/zohar-il-libro-dello-splendore ; https://giving.kabbalah.com/the-zohar-project/[32]            http://www.grandeoriente.it/conferenza-mondiale-delle-logge-garibaldi/[33]         http://stenterellonewsletter.blogspot.it/:“Oscar Bartoli Avvocato, giornalista pubblicista, collabora con molti media italiani. Risiede negli Stati Uniti dal 1994 e vive tra Washington D.C., Los Angeles e Bangalore (India). Rotariano di lunga data, attualmente fa parte del Washington Rotary Club.”[34]            S. Bisi (Gran Maestro GOI), L’abbraccio telematico con i fratelli americani ha inaugurato una nuova via di comunicazione massonica, in Stenterello – Periodico di Approfondimento Esoterico, Newsletter, Anno II, Ottobre 2014, p. 4.[35]            R. Amico Roxas, Papa Francesco ultima spiaggia del cattolicesimo cristiano, in http://oscarb1.blogspot.it/2015/08/papa-francesco-ultima-spiaggia-del.html[36]            http://oscarb1.blogspot.it/2015/09/questo-papa-comunista-e-anticattolico.html[37]            Cf. Editoriale – Creare ponti per una migliore e reciproca comprensione, in Stenterello – Periodico di Approfondimento Esoterico, Newsletter, Anno II, October 2015, pp. 1-2.[38]            https://veritas-vincit-international.org/2015/01/17/grand-lodge-of-masons-buy-full-page-newspaper-ad-to-welcome-pope-francis/[39]            http://www.traditioninaction.org/ProgressivistDoc/Snap/A_176_Philippines_1.jpg[40]            Cf. MW Thomas G. Rentoy III, A Revitalized, Relevant and Revered Philippine Freemasonry: Our Commitment, Our Covenant, in The Cabletow, The official organ of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines, Vol. 92, n. 1 – May-June 2015, Manila, pp. 22-23 (14-23).[41]            VW Jesse D. Alto, Realisation in Oneness, in The Cabletow, The official organ of the M.W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines,  Vol. 92, n. 4 – November-December 2015, Manila, pp. 11-12.

3 of 49 readers’ comments1. Yet more evidence of the radical betrayal of Christ and the Church by the Jesuits. They must be suppressed.2. The day Pope Francis is no longer pope will be the happiest days I will have experienced in a long time. Just pray that whoever takes his place will be better.3. Catholicism as preached by Francis is nothing more than a cheap Deism, which is exactly the meeting point with the Masons.

Part threehttps://onepeterfive.com/freemasons-love-pope-francis-part-iii/

May 11, 2017

Continuation of the collection of quotes:47) Masonic enthusiasm for Pope Bergoglio comes also from the magazine of the St. John’s Lodge No. 9 F. & A.M. of Seattle (USA) in the October 2015 issue. The 1st Senior Warden of that Lodge, Bro. John Murray Louderback, found Pope Francis’ speech to the American Congress very Masonic:

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I found the address to the joint session of Congress by Pope Francis very Masonic in nature. He spoke from a universal truth and understanding of God’s love for the earth and humanity. His message was nonpartisan and nonsectarian. Pope Francis understands that, if we destroy mother earth, we destroy ourselves. He spoke directly to the leaders of the world about the interconnectedness of all life. He pleaded with us to foster and promote the common good of all mankind. Seems like a Masonic message to me.[ 1 ]

48) In November 2015, the Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia, Stefano Bisi, addressed an open and controversial letter to the Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio, Bishop Luigi Negri, who is known for his great hostility to Freemasonry. What is so curious – the Grand Master spoke of:Great and serious problems that at this time are going through and stirring the Holy Roman Church and that one would need a greater concentration on the pastoral activity on the part of everyone to help the vigorous and reformative action of Pope Francis himself. But it is not up to me to do this for the bishop or to point out to the Church the way of the Church.[ 2 ] Yet Bisi is giving “pastoral” lessons to Monsignor Negri.Then Grand Master Bisi, to his own advantage, made use of some famous words of Pope Francis:His Holiness Pope Francis some time ago declared with all the great humility and great pastoral strength of his magisterium: “Who am I to judge?” She [the Catholic Church], however, does not have the slightest doubt in judging others and pronouncing ex cathedra judgments.[ 3 ]

49) In an interview published online in November 2015 in In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal, the Canadian Mason and former Canadian policeman, Jerry W. Kopp, declared that Pope Benedict detested the Masons, while Pope Bergoglio seemed to be different. He said:I would suggest that the current Pope – I like the current Pope Francis, the disposition that he has and the thinking that he has – and we probably fall right in line with him. Is it because he’s a Jesuit? I don’t know. I’d like to learn more about Pope Francis. Eventually, maybe, we’ll see something come out from his office, it’s hard to say, but know for sure that Pope Benedict didn’t like us.[ 4 ]

50) On 3 December 2015, the website of “The Masonic Philosophical Society” lauded Pope Francis for his ecological commitment to the environment. Interesting is the first sentence of the article in which Pope Francis is defined on the Masonic site itself as “a radical agent of change” [emphasis added]:Pope Francis, the leader of the world’s more than one billion Roman Catholics, has become known as a radical agent of change since his election in March of 2013, especially with regard to environmentalism.[ 5 ]

51) In April 2016, the website of the Saint Vrain Masonic Lodge # 23 of the city of Longmont (Colorado) expressed a certain optimism about a possible reconciliation between Church and Masonry, since Pope Francis, with regard to couples and the family, insists much on one’s own conscience rather than on Vatican norms or dogmas. The Church must not cast stones on consciences.The Masonic author asked whether the many changes made by Pope Francis do not prepare the way to reconsider the Church’s attitude toward Freemasonry:Could it be that the many changes that Pope Francis has made to the Catholic Church pave the way for a reconsideration of its own earlier opposition to Freemasonry? […] Looking at a Pope who has not been in office for a great length of time, you can see some far-reaching reforms and adjustments that have already been made. Would it be a fantasy to surmise that somewhere down the line this Pope might relax the ban against the Craft?[ 6 ] With respect to the case of Communion for the remarried divorcees, the Mason Fred Milliken (2016) gave a cautiously positive response to his own questions:Could this mean that Catholic Freemasons [sic] might be granted the right to receive communion and hold positions of lay leadership in the Church? Certainly Freemasonry does not now seem to be on Pope Francis’ top ten list of changes yet to come. But if the mood, the emphasis away from doctrinal purity, persists, then perhaps some sort of reconciliation can take place between the Church and Freemasonry. And if that comes to pass, we will be in a new day of peace and harmony.[ 7 ]

52) On 11 May 2016, the Mason Barbosa Nunes (Grande Oriente do Brasil) offered new praise to the wisdom of Pope Francis.[ 8 ]

53) After an interview with the newspaper Il Resto del Carlino in which Monsignor Negri had reiterated critical positions against Freemasonry, on May 29, 2016, the reply of Grand Master Stefano Bisi (Grande Oriente d’Italia) was published, in which he stated, among other things:A Bishop of the Holy Roman Church, who inexorably closes the doors to what he considers only and exclusively to be an enemy to be killed or an absolute evil, thus even punches at the Gospel and the Jubilee of Mercy wanted by Pope Francis. His Excellency thus looks like those men who feel constantly surrounded by something or somebody, and who at all costs have to find a reason, a pretext, to support such a state of gray and unattractive intransigence.[ 9 ] Grand Master Bisi, therefore, placed Msgr. Negri in opposition to Pope Francis. Bisi contrasted the justified anti-Masonic attitude of Monsignor Negri with the “Gospel” and the “Jubilee of Mercy wanted by Pope Francis.” In short, the Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia raised, at least implicitly, another form of praise to the reigning Pontiff. This is really strange and curious.

54) In May of 2016, the Masonic Service Association of North America published a short note of enthusiasm about the earlier visit of Pope Francis to the U.S. (in 2015), wherein the Mason Christopher L. Murphy noted that Pope Francis uses the same words used by the Freemasons: fraternity, love, freedom, faith, hope,

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charity. The Mason Murphy believes that this is why Pope Francis’ visit to the United States was important: to reaffirm these values toward and for the world of today.[10]In short, Pope Francis pleases, and he thus so much also pleases all North American Masons.

55) On May 15, 2016, at the end of an article on refugees and migrants – presented on the website of the Masonic Lodge “Mozart” – the author concluded (and how well he does it!) with some phrases of Pope Francis himself:Last week, Pope Francis received in Rome the Charlemagne Prize. At the end of my presentation, I would like thus to quote from his own speech which sobered not only the European guests of the event. “What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy and freedom? […] I dream of a Europe of which it will not be said that its commitment to human rights was its last utopia. […] I dream of a Europe of families, with truly effective policies concentrated on faces rather than numbers, on birth rates more than rates of consumption. […] I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime.”[ 11 ]

56) On 30 November 2016, on the website of The Masonic Philosophical Society we read an article in which it is said that Pope Francis has approved of Martin Luther’s assertions about obedience to one’s own conscience:In the 21st century, Pope Francis affirmed Luther’s reasoning of relying on one’s conscience as a means of achieving salvation. When asked to respond to whether God’s mercy is open to atheists, Pope Francis wrote, “God’s mercy has no limits if he who asks for mercy does so in contrition and with a sincere heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is in obeying their own conscience. In fact, listening to and obeying it, means deciding about what is perceived to be good or evil. The goodness or the wickedness of our behavior depends on this decision.” Following this logic, Luther’s decision to stand firm in his beliefs, convinced by his own conscience, was ultimately justified by the head of the Catholic Church.[ 12 ] Some delicate souls will say that Pope Francis did not intend to praise Luther in the “Lutheran” manner. What we are interested in here is the other praise given by the Masons to the Pontiff and, more importantly, to Martin Luther himself. But it is certain that the Pope positively defined Luther as “a reformer.”[ 13 ] (Not a deformer!)

57)  On March 26, 2017, the ultra-Bergoglian Mason, Mario Rolleri 33rd degree, published on the Spanish-language Masonic website Fenixnews Pope Francis’s speech for the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome marking the birth of the European Economic Community.[ 14 ]

58) On March 28, 2017, the Italian-American journalist and Mason, Oscar Bartoli, put Pope Francis in opposition to Donald Trump, as in the “chemical bath” used by the Pontiff in the face of the U.S. President’s grimaces. Bartoli says among other things: “Donald Trump is the President of the United States, but he is not my president.” Bartoli praises Francis, but he despises, hates, Trump. Bartoli ended his article with the following words:The tycoon Donald Trump plays well the role of the super-rich man who does not care about ordinary people and aims only to secure his own interests and to preserve those of his peers. To compare Pope Francis with Donald Trump is illegitimate. But since these are the only two leaders who are in the media world-wide, it’s spontaneous to say that we are on the side of Francis’ chemistry, with full conviction.[ 15 ]

59) On January 17, 2015, the website of the “Grande Oriente Estadual da Bahia” contained an article by the Mason Barbosa Nunes, Grand Master of the “Grande Oriente do Brasil,” who praised Pope Francis:Regardless of your religious belief, your profession of faith or what you support, what you do not believe or what you fight against, Pope Francis in his quiet voice, frank and captivating smile, trust-giving look, creates around him an highly positive transmitting circle of new values, creating spiritual beauty, with a sure and firm perception of his mission before the world and the Catholic Church. He innovates our habits and speeches. From a pastoral style that makes it unique.

A loving cultivator of his personality, he resonates throughout the world, especially throughout the Catholic Church, which has more than one billion two hundred million faithful and throughout the holders of material power in dozens of countries, speaking with humility about charity, forgiveness and love, without fear, walking without trampling, but with steady steps. […] I do not know why when I speak and think about Pope Francis, there always come to mind the “smiling Pope,” John Paul I. The world needs this man a lot. Long live Pope Francis.[ 16 ] [Emphasis added]

60) Such is the enthusiasm among the South American Freemasons for the new Pontiff, that the Gran Oriente Unido de la Republica del Ecuador (GOUDRE), on 14 September 2015, sent to Pope Francis a letter in which it asks for a categorical pronouncement on secular coexistence in the world. The GOUDRE appeals to the South American being of the Pontiff. The GOUDRE believes that, consistent with its own line of action, the Pope will behave differently from the earlier Church toward the states of the world, and hence defend secularism (“secular coexistence,” “secularism”). The GOUDRE believes and hopes in the consensus between a new humanistic Church and the liberal states (“We have faith in the consensus between a new humanistic church and the welfare states.”)[ 17 ]

61) On 13 November 2016, Mario Rolleri 33°, spoke of a dialogue with his own son about what it means to be a Mason and then gives new praise to Pope Francis:

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Of course, when I was your age, a long time ago, my model was Pelé and Maradona. Nowadays, I have grown up to be a free man able to choose and respect their opinions and those of others, a man who has a sense of values, a man capable of transmitting his values with his example, a man more spiritual. Pope Francisco? Could it now be? If, for example, there is someone whose acts agree with his words. If I understood you well now, that’s why you want to be a Mason …! Of course son, such are the Masons, although Pope Francis is not Mason. But he is a good man of faith. A man who preaches by example.[ 18 ]

62) Still the ultra-zealous Mason Mario Rolleri 33°, on April 01, 2017, again expressed his happiness about Pope Francis. Rolleri also invited us to read Pope Francis in order to be happy. How beautiful!This Pope is someone out of the ordinary! Here is the new message, full of wisdom and humility. BE HAPPY … give yourself a minute to read him, Pope Francis. […] Today, Pope Francis calls the whole world – no matter where one is, independently of creed or religion – to a moment of recollection, meditation or prayer for peace. The whole planet united in prayer for PEACE.[ 19 ]

Conclusion: Catholic Prayers and Wishes for the Pope and for the Church Who knows if this list of Masonic praise can be further upgraded and expanded? In the meantime, we pray for Pope Francis, we wish him more and more doctrinal clarity and spiritual strength to be able to give to the media and to the world a clearer and stronger testimony of the Catholic Faith, such as the Apostle Saint Peter (before the Sanhedrin); such as Blessed Pius IX (before the Masonic world); such as Saint Pius X (before modernity); such as John Paul II (before today’s laicism). As in the early centuries of Christianity, even today the Church needs a Pope “martyr” or “confessor” of Faith. Dancing and dancing the tango [ 20 ] with the media and with the world will bring no good to anyone!But let us conclude with a change the topic: Will Pope Francis answer the “dubia” of the four Cardinals concerning Amoris Laetitia? And the Masons, where do they stand – “cum Amoris Laetitia” or “cum dubiis“? Notes:[1]              http://seattlemasons.com/2015/1510_trstbd.pdf, p. 4.[2]              http://lanuovaferrara.gelocal.it/ferrara/cronaca/2015/11/17/news/monsignor-negri-lei-vuole-farci-tornare-alle-crociate-1.12461283?refresh_ce [3]              Ibid.[4]               (https://in-sightjournal.com/2015/11/15/an-interview-with-grand-secretary-jerry-w-kopp-part-three/ ).[5]                     https://blog.philosophicalsociety.org/2015/12/03/is-environmental-degradation-a-sin-pope-francis- revolutionary-manifesto-on-climate-change/ (boldening added)[6]              http://longmontmasons.com/general/news/is-a-reconciliation-between-the-catholic-church-and-freemasonry-possible/ . See also http://freemasoninformation.com/2016/04/is-a-reconciliation-between-the-catholic-church-and-freemasonry-possible/[7]              Ibid.[8]              Barbosa Nunes, Porta da saida para os corruptos, in https://www.gob.org.br/porta-de-saida-para-os-corruptos-artigo-n%C2%B0-273-barbosa-nunes/; http://essenciamaconica.blogspot.it/2016/05/porta-de-saida-para-os-corruptos-artigo.html[9]              http://www.grandeoriente.it/la-replica-del-gran-maestro-al-vescovo-ferrara-la-sua-personale-fobia-la-massoneria/ See also: Stefano Bisi, “Negri, tesi preconcette e toni inquisitori. La Massoneria non è contro la Chiesa”. La replica di Bisi (Grande Oriente d’Italia) all’arcivescovo, in Il Resto del Carlino, Monday, 30 May 2016, p. 2.[10]            https://www.msana.com/emmay16.asp[11]            https://www.mozart-loge.de/2016/05/14/%C3%B6ffentlicher-diskussionsabend-flu-chtlingskrise-humanistische-und-demokratische-herausforderung/[12]            https://blog.philosophicalsociety.org/2016/11/30/what-was-the-diet-of-worms-and-how-does-it-relate-to-freemasonry/[13]            http://www.repubblica.it/vaticano/2016/10/28/news/papa_francesco_viaggio_in_svezia-150792108/[14]            http://www.fenixnews.com/2017/03/26/discurso-del-santo-padre-francisco-por-la-celebracion-del-60-aniversario-del-tratado-de-roma/[15]            http://www.americaoggi.it/single-post/2017/03/28/Il-body-language-dei-leader[16]            http://goeb.com.br/noticias/goeb/2046/artigo-sapientissimo-grao-mestre-adjunto-irmao-barbosa-nunes-o-mundo-precisa-muito-deste-homem/[17]            http://www.fenixnews.com/2015/09/14/el-gran-oriente-unido-de-la-republica-del-ecuador-goudre-envia-plancha-al-su-santidad-francisco/[18]            http://www.fenixnews.com/2016/11/13/dialogos-conmigo-mismo-como-le-cuento-a-mi-hijo-sobre-la-masoneria/[19]            http://www.fenixnews.com/2017/04/01/dialogos-conmigo-mismo-ser- feliz-2/[20]                 www.vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/nel-mondo/dettaglio…/bergoglio-tango-29284 ; http://www.novusordowatch.org/wire/tango-mass-jorge-bergoglio.htm

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Page 17: ephesians-511.netephesians-511.net/docs/WHY_DO_THE_FREEMASONS_LO…  · Web viewWhy do the Freemasons love Pope Francis? Part one. April 7, 2017. Editor’s Note: As we have stated