EPPE’s Research activities related to CLIVAR interests Seminario CLIVAR-España Madrid 14th -15th February 2005

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EPPEs Research activities related to CLIVAR interests Seminario CLIVAR-Espaa Madrid 14th -15th February 2005 Slide 2 EPPE and its R&D Area Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (EPPE) is a Public Institution that deals with the administration of the Spanish harbour network EPPE provides technologic support to the Spanish Harbours through its R&D section: rea de Anlisis de Medio Fsico Some of the Medio Fsico activities are related to some of the main CLIVAR Research interests Slide 3 Main activities Operative offshore and coastal measurement networks Numerical modelling: Forecast systems Downscaling Long-term (climate) hindcast Environmental (ocean & atmosphere) database Civil Engineering: Infrastructure Technology Slide 4 Deep water Buoy Network Directional waves, met, currents, T&S EPPE Measuring Networks Deep water Buoy Network Directional waves, met, currents, T&S Coastal Buoy Network Waves and SST Deep water Buoy Network Directional waves, met, currents, T&S Coastal Buoy Network Waves and SST Tide Gauge Network Deep water Buoy Network Directional waves, met, currents, T&S Coastal Buoy Network Waves and SST Tide Gauge Network Current meter Network Current d ir & velocity. T&S Deep water Buoy Network Directional waves, met, currents, T&S Coastal Buoy Network Waves and SST Tide Gauge Network Current meter Network Current d ir & velocity. T&S Coastal Met. Network P,T,Wind,q,Pre,irradiancia Slide 5 EPPE Measuring Networks EPPE data transmission scheme in real-time Slide 6 EPPE Measuring Networks El Tsunami del 21/05/2003 en la REDMAR Slide 7 Wave forecast System WAM model (INM Met input: HIRLAM) Forecast Horizon: +48h Real-time verification Slide 8 Sea level Forecast system HAMSOM model (INM Met input: HIRLAM) Forecast Horizon: +48h Real-time tide-gauge data assimilation Real-time verification Slide 9 Downscaling techniques SAPO Systems provides local wave prediction at some Harbours SWAM model Resolution 500m Inputs EPPE Wave forecast EPPE Sea level forecast INM HIRLAM winds Real-time verification Slide 10 Downscaling techniques SAPO Systems are coupled to agitation models within harbours. Operative SAPO: Gijon, Ferrol, Cartagena & Barcelona SAPO in development: Valencia Projected SAPO: Corua, Cadiz, Almeria Slide 11 EPPE Database Environmental Data from EPPE measuring network Analysis from the forecast systems Data from oceanographic campaigns Other data sources: Visual data from ships Slide 12 EPPE Database n Series de datos n Histogramas n Tablas altura-periodo n Alturas mximas n Rosas de oleaje n Tablas direccionales n Regmenes medio y extremales Slide 13 EPPE Research Projects EPPE contribution to research projects related to CLIVAR interests: u WASA u HIPOCAS u Long-term Atlantic Wave Hindcast u ENVIWAVE u Agreement with UIB and UM to analyze sea level climate Slide 14 HIPOCAS Project Main objective: Execution of 44-year atmospheric and oceanographic homogeneous hindcasts for the European Basins EPPE contribution: Mediterranean Basin Final EPPE Product: Homogeneous long-term environmental database for the Med. Data suitable for regional climate studies Slide 15 Long-term Atlantic Wave hindcast Main objective: Performing of a 44- year homogeneous wave hindcast (wind forcing from HIPOCAS and NCEP data) Slide 16 ENVIVAVE Project Main Objective: Integrate the ENVISAT measurments in oceanographic schemes EPPE specific objectives: Development of a remote sensing data assimilation scheme for the wave forecast system Buoy data assimilation in the local SAPO systems Wave climate Atlas (complementing the HIPOCAS one) Slide 17 Agreement with UIB and UM to analyse sea level climate Main objective: Sea-level climate analysis Data sources: Measurements & HIPOCAS data Observation Quality control Trends and extreme analysis Climate variability (inter-annnual, seasonal,...) Relationship with atmospheric & oceanic agents