Equality Outcomes 1. Purpose This document sets out the University’s Equality Outcomes for the period from 30 April 2013 until 29 April 2017, as well as arrangements for reporting on progress and reviewing the Outcomes. In addition to meeting the statutory requirements set out in the Context section below, it is intended that the preparation and publication of Equality Outcomes will help the University to ensure the right issues are being addressed to achieve tangible benefits for its community. 2. Context The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 place ‘Specific Duties’ on the University to enable the better performance of the general equality duty. The general equality duty (formally the ‘public sector equality duty’) was introduced by the Equality Act 2010 1 and requires the University, in the exercise of its functions, to have due regard to three needs. These are the need to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act 1 Enacted, in this respect, in April 2011

Equality Outcomes - docs.csg.ed.ac.uk · Equality Outcomes 1. Purpose This document sets out the University’s Equality Outcomes for the period from 30 April 2013 until 29 April

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Page 1: Equality Outcomes - docs.csg.ed.ac.uk · Equality Outcomes 1. Purpose This document sets out the University’s Equality Outcomes for the period from 30 April 2013 until 29 April

Equality Outcomes

1. Purpose

This document sets out the University’s Equality Outcomes for the period from 30 April 2013 until 29 April 2017, as well as arrangements for reporting on progress and reviewing the Outcomes. In addition to meeting the statutory requirements set out in the Context section below, it is intended that the preparation and publication of Equality Outcomes will help the University to ensure the right issues are being addressed to achieve tangible benefits for its community.

2. Context

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 place ‘Specific Duties’ on the University to enable the better performance of the general equality duty.

The general equality duty (formally the ‘public sector equality duty’) was introduced by the Equality Act 20101 and requires the University, in the exercise of its functions, to have due regard to three needs. These are the need to:

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act

1 Enacted, in this respect, in April 2011

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Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic2 and those who do not, particularly by

o Removing or minimising disadvantage o Meeting the needs of particular groups that are different from the needs of others o Encouraging participation in public life

Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, through tackling prejudice and promoting understanding between people from different groups.

The Specific Duties include a duty for the University to publish a set of Equality Outcomes which it considers will enable the

University to better perform the general equality duty.

An Equality Outcome (as defined by the Equality and Human Rights Commission) is a result which we aim to achieve in order to further one or more of the needs mentioned in the general equality duty. It may be thought of as a result intended to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s life chances. Outcomes are the changes that result for individuals, communities, organisations or society as a consequence of the action we have taken. Outcomes include short-term benefits, such as changes in awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes, and longer-term benefits such as changes in behaviours, decision-making or social and environmental conditions.

3. Responsibilities

Responsibility for achievement of the University’s Equality Outcomes is shared across the University, with particular responsibility lying with the University Court and other governing and decision-making bodies, managers, and those responsible for students and services. Specific responsibility is identified for overseeing each Action relating to the Equality Outcomes.

2 The general equality duty covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. It also covers marriage and civil partnerships with regard to eliminating unlawful discrimination in employment.

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4. Involvement and process for developing the Equality Outcomes

The Equality Outcomes have been developed with close reference to University’s Strategic Plan and other existing strategies, plans and external requirements, including the University’s Equality and Diversity (E&D) Strategy and Action Plan, the University Athena SWAN Action Plan 2012, the University’s Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Funding Council and the Research Councils UK statement of expectations in relation to E&D. A range of stakeholders have been consulted, including:

senior management through Staff Committee, Central Management Group (CMG), Senate Committees and the ‘Mainstreaming equality through governance and management’ team3, including a Court representative.

University services, committees and groups, including the Chaplaincy, Equality and Diversity Committee, Student Disability Service and Student Disability Committee

staff and student groups, including the recognised trade unions, Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) and the Staff LGBT4 Network

individual staff from particular equality groups, through focus groups and individually.

The Equality Outcomes have been developed taking into account a wide range of evidence. In addition to the feedback and information from the consultation and sources above, consideration has been given to a number of sources of information relating to equality, including E&D Monitoring and Research Committee (EDMARC) reports, Equal Pay Audits, HR benchmarking data and survey results.

5. Equality Outcomes

The attached Equality Outcomes and associated Actions have been identified as being the most relevant and significant issues for the University to address, based on our Strategic Plan and the consultation and evidence outlined above.

3 The University of Edinburgh’s institutional team for the Equality Challenge Unit programme during 2012/13. 4 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

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6. Monitoring and Review

A report on the progress made to achieve the Equality Outcomes will be made by 30 April 2015, as required by the Specific Duties regulations. This will be reported to CMG and Court, and will be published on the University’s E&D website and as part of the University’s Publication Scheme. The Equality Outcomes will also be reviewed at that point and may be revised. A further report on progress will be made by 30 April 2017 and a fresh set of Equality Outcomes will be published at that point.

7. References, linked policies and sources of further information

University Equality and Diversity Strategy http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/equality-diversity/about/strategy-action-plan Equality and Human Rights Commission guides to the public sector equality duty www.equalityhumanrights.com/scotland/public-sector-equality-duty/non-statutory-guidance-for-scottish-public-authorities/

8. Policy history and review

This document was approved by CMG on 17 April 2013 and takes effect from 30 April 2013. The attached Equality Outcomes and Actions replace the Equality Action Plan 2011-2012 appended to the University’s Equality and Diversity Strategy approved in November 2011. The document will be reviewed as set out in the ‘Monitoring and Review’ section above. In addition, this document will be subject to review in the event of any change in the relevant legislation or context.

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Equality Outcomes and Actions 2013-17

The University of Edinburgh (UoE) has a long history as an accessible and inclusive institution, going back to its origins as a ‘civic’ University. The University aspires to be a place of first choice for some of the world’s most talented students and gifted staff and is committed to developing a positive culture, where all staff and students are able to develop to their full potential. The University has agreed five Equality Outcomes in order to advance equality, diversity and inclusion, and enable the fulfilment of the General Equality Duty. The Equality Outcomes are summarised below, along with details of the relevant priorities in the University’s Strategic Plan. This document then sets out details of the Actions identified to enable achievement of each of the Equality Outcomes, including responsibilities, success measures and timescales. Each action specifies which of the ‘needs’ set out in the general equality duty are addressed, which Protected Characteristics are covered and whether the action relates to students, staff and/or the wider community.

Summary of Equality Outcomes and Aligned Strategic Priorities

Equality Outcome 1: Improve the inclusivity of the working and studying environment

Ensure that the University values difference and that all students and staff can be confident about being themselves and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Aligned strategic priorities:

Excellence in education objective: guide and support our students through University of Edinburgh degree programmes

People Enabler objectives/strategies: be inclusive, supportive and collegial in our approach, which is underpinned by principles

of dignity and respect, equality and diversity, health, safety and wellbeing; promote the attractiveness of the University as a

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globally significant institution, and support new staff to enable them to become effective; provide safe and accessible working


Outstanding student experience theme objectives: combine our recognised teaching excellence with an outstanding student

experience …; take a cohesive, inclusive and individualised approach to enhancing our student experience that encompasses

all subjects, all modes of learning, all student services, and all parts of our estate; promote student health, wellbeing and safety

Equality and widening participation theme objective/strategy: foster a culture which permits freedom of thought and expression

within a framework of mutual respect; enable students from under-represented groups to fully embrace their University

experience, successfully complete their programme of study and expand their ambitions and employment opportunities; ensure

staff and students with particular needs have access to appropriate facilities and support

Equality Outcome2: Improve the mainstreaming of equality through governance and management

Aligned strategic priorities:

People Enabler strategy: foster our ethos of collegiality, tolerance, compassion and strong ethics, through effective employee

engagement and empowerment, transparency and excellent communications

Lifelong community theme objective: be a responsible and influential neighbour, employer and adviser

Equality Outcome 3: Improve awareness and understanding of equality in the University

Improve quantitative and qualitative information about the students and staff (including potential students and staff) and their

experiences across the student and employment lifecycles. Improve awareness and understanding of equality, diversity and

inclusivity by the University community.

Aligned strategic priorities:

Excellence in education objective: embed graduate attributes … in all our curricula

Excellence in research objectives: combine our proven research excellence with demonstrable … health and social impact;

generate a cohort of future research leaders

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Excellence in innovation objective: increase our impact on culture, health and wellbeing

People Enabler objective: develop the knowledge, capabilities and skills of our people

Outstanding student experience theme strategy: ensure staff have the skills and knowledge to respond effectively to the range

of our students’ circumstances, experience, expectations and aptitudes

Global Impact theme strategy: promote and recognise the value of international mobility, cross-cultural understanding, and

multilingualism for all our students and staff

Lifelong community theme strategy: promote the University of Edinburgh’s achievements both locally and globally

Equality and widening participation theme strategy: protect and celebrate diversity as a defining element of the University of

Edinburgh experience; ensure staff have appropriate training and information in equality areas to prevent discrimination, make

reasonable adjustments, and promote equality of opportunity

Equality Outcome 4: Improve equity of pay and career progression for all University staff

Aligned strategic priorities:

People Enabler objective/strategy/KPI/target: attract, reward and retain the best people, accessing talent from around the

world; reward excellence and success in a variety of ways; [increase the] proportion of staff who have had an annual review

within the previous year, incorporating the identification of objectives and development needs; achieve the institutional Athena

SWAN Silver award

Equality and widening participation theme target: increase the proportion of female academic staff appointed and promoted to

lecturer, senior lecturer, reader and professor levels, and reduce the gender pay gap for University staff

Equality Outcome 5: Improve equity of access to education in the University.

Aligned strategic priorities:

Equality and widening participation theme objectives/strategies/target: admit the very best students from a wide range of

backgrounds; raise engagement and aspirations in individuals from under-represented groups, broadening the base of our

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applicant pool; take context and individual circumstances into account when identifying students with the best potential to

succeed, through our fair, clear and transparent admissions policy.

Action Success measures and timescales Oversight Responsibility

General duty ‘need(s)’ and Protected Characteristics (PCs) addressed (impact on: students/staff/wider community)

Equality Outcome 1: Improve the inclusivity of the working and studying environment

1.1 Continue to develop and further promote the University’s Dignity and Respect Policy and associated support, to encourage a culture of mutual respect.

Recruit and train further Dignity and Respect Advisers and publicise their service by September 2013

University HR Services (UHRS) Employee Relations team with the Staff Counselling Service (for staff) Senate Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) for students

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students and staff)

1.2 Widen accessibility and inclusion for students - and in particular mainstream common adjustments to provide an equitable level of support and better meet the needs of disabled (and dyslexic) students - through implementation of a new Accessible and and Inclusive Learning Policy in 2013/14. Following evaluation, extend mainstreaming of relevant adjustments for disabled staff and visitors during 2015/16.

Publication of Accessible and Inclusive Learning Policy by end June 2013 Satisfactory audit of mainstreaming of adjustments by end of 2014/15. Increased student satisfaction ratings in the annual Student Disability Service (SDS) student evaluation survey and Edinburgh Student Experience (ESE) survey.

Senate Learning & Teaching Committee with Student Disability Service (implementation) QAC (monitoring)

Eliminate discrimination and Advance equality in respect of Disability, with benefits for other groups (students initially, then staff and the wider community)

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Reduce number of specific adjustments recommended by the SDS. Cessation of use of coursework stickers from 2013-14 Recommendations in relation to mainstreaming of adjustments for disabled staff and visitors developed by August 2015.

Equality Management Committee (EqMC)

1.3 Improve the extent to which new curricula are inclusive by design through revision of the course and programme approval documentation and briefing of Boards of Studies.

Implementation of revised course/programme approval documentation by end of 2013/14

Senate Curriculum and Student Progress Committee

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students)

1.4 Ensure on-going accessibility throughout programme delivery and increase the opportunities for sharing good practice in accessible and inclusive learning through internal programme reviews.

Evidence of consideration of accessibility in internal programme reviews and sharing of good practice, where relevant, at IAD’s annual Sharing Good Practice event.

QAC Institute for Academic Development (IAD)

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students)

1.5 Challenge discrimination and improve awareness of mental health issues University-wide through progressing the University’s See Me action plan (attached as Appendix 1) and revising the University’s (Student) Mental Health code of practice (CoP)

As set out in the See Me action plan Publish revised Mental Health CoP by September 2013

As set out in the See Me action plan Student Disability Committee

All three needs in respect of Disability (students and staff)

1.6 Implement adjustments recommended by the Student Disability Service on an on-going basis, to facilitate disabled students to

Increased student satisfaction ratings in annual SDS student evaluation survey and ESE survey.

Academic staff (e.g. course organisers, Coordinators of

Eliminate unlawful discrimination and Advance Equality in respect of Disability

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achieve their full potential.

Monitor attainment levels of disabled students compared to non-disabled students.

Adjustments), Academic Registry, Library staff. EDMARC


1.7 Enhance support for students with Asperger Syndrome by encouraging and supporting social activity and interaction, to enable their greater participation in University life.

Pilot undertaken during 2013-14

Student Disability Service working with EUSA

Advance Equality and Promote Good Relations in respect of Disability (students)

1.8 Implement a new staff disability policy and service to provide improved and more visible services and support to meet the needs of disabled staff and promote an environment that encourages staff to let the University know they are disabled and receive individual support.

Project plan in place by September 2013 with clear milestones and timescales, including establishing baseline usage data and a recording system to monitor service delivery.

UHRS Employee Relations team and Staff Disability Steering Group

All three needs in respect of Disability (staff)

1.9 Continue to improve and extend support for the increasingly international and multicultural University community, involving students and staff in the design of services to ensure that they provide value and impact.

New Relocation Service in place by end 2013/14 and positive feedback from international staff. Achieve relevant milestones from the International Student Support Strategic Plan 2012-16

UHRS Resourcing team International Office with Student Experience Project and other student services.

Advance equality and Promote Good Relations in respect of Race (students and staff)

1.10 Develop and implement an action plan to advance equality for LGBT students and staff, taking account of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and Gay by Degree guide and tailored for UoE.

Action plan developed by December 2013 incorporating governance arrangements and measures and timescales on each action.

UHRS Employee Relations team for staff and QAC for students, working with the LGBT Staff Network and student LGBT groups

All three needs in respect of Sexual Orientation and Gender Reassignment for (students and staff).

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1.11 Create a new, University purpose-built childcare facility at King’s Buildings and provider pointers to those at other locations with regard to local nursery provision, to help meet the needs of students and staff.

Implementation in summer 2014 Vice-Principal & Director of Corporate Services

Advance equality in respect of Pregnancy/Maternity and Sex, with potential benefits for all groups (students and staff).

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Equality Outcome2: Improve the mainstreaming of equality through governance and management

2.1 Revise and implement new E&D governance, management and consultation structures with the effect that there are both improved clarity of responsibility for equality matters at all levels up to and including the University Court, and effective means of consulting stakeholders, including equality groups.

Establishment of the Equality Management Committee, with regular meetings during 2013/14. Revised management and communication structures put in place within Colleges and Support Groups during 2014/15. Review and recommendations for improving consultation with equality groups, including associated resources, completed by end of 2013/14

Vice-Principal E&D EqMC EqMC

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

2.2 Promote the effective use of Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) to improve the account taken of equality impact in governance, decision-making, policy and practice across the University, during the period of these Equality Outcomes.

Evidence of EqIA being undertaken at UoE, College and school/service levels in the University, and of resulting improvements in performance of the Public Sector Equality Duty, during the period from May 2013 to April 2017.


All three needs in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

2.3 Review school/service E&D plans and incorporate into College/Support Group and University strategic/action plans as part of the annual planning cycle, in order to mainstream equality into planning at all levels.

Evidence of E&D plans at school/service and College/Support group levels each year.

Heads of College and Support Group

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

2.4 Promote the advancement of equality through procurement criteria and conditions on an on-going basis.

Evidence of used of E&D criteria in relevant procurement exercises.

Director of Procurement

All three needs in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

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Equality Outcome 3: Improve awareness and understanding of equality in the University

3.1 Augment quantitative data on PCs for students and staff to enable better monitoring of academic and employment outcomes.

On-going improvement in availability of data on PCs for staff and students. Plans in place to gather data where it is not held by end 2013/14.

UHRS for staff; Academic Registry/Student Recruitment & Admissions (SRA) for students

All needs in respect of the PCs of: disability, gender reassignment, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation (students and staff)

3.2 Improve availability of data on maternity leave and return, other parental/carers’ leave and flexible working for staff (particularly parents/carers and those nearing retirement) to enable the University to better meet their needs.

Ability to report on maternity/parental leave and flexible working through HR systems by end 2014/15.

UHRS and local HR teams

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of the Age, Pregnancy/Maternity and Sex (staff)

3.3 Expand regular reporting on equality data in relation to employment, recruitment, development, promotion, Annual Review and occupational segregation, to support the achievement of strategic objectives and other Equality Outcomes.

Publication of EDMARC report annually and additional reports as required to meet the needs of Court reporting on the Strategic Plan, Remuneration Committee, Athena SWAN and others, as well as fulfilling the Scottish Specific Duties. Annual consideration of these reports to identify disparities by PC in relation to student and employment lifecycles, and relevant action.

Governance & Strategic Planning (EDMARC) and UHRS EDMARC

Eliminate discrimination and Advance Equality in respect of all PCs except Marriage/Civil Partnership (staff).

3.4 Analyse student survey data to identify disparities in experience by PC and relevant action.

Equality analysis of 2013 student survey undertaken and recommendations for associated action made by December 2013.

QAC All needs in respect of all PCs (students)

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3.5 Promote academic communication and collaboration between and by UoE researchers in fields associated with equality, diversity and inclusion in order to enhance research quality and knowledge exchange for strategic and wider benefit.

Continued collaboration through the LGBT Staff Network between May 2013 and April 2017. Plans for development of academic collaboration in relation to other equality fields set out by end 2014/15.

LGBT Staff Network EqMC

Advance equality and Promote Good Relations in respect of all PCs (wider community)

3.6 Promote and extend staff development to improve awareness and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion, with a view to enabling staff to advance equality through their work and ensuring an inclusive University culture that values difference.

Substantive increase in take up of relevant staff development opportunities by key groups (e.g. personal tutors, managers) in the period from May 2013 to April 2017.

UHRS, IAD and Heads of College and Support Group

All needs in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

3.7 Extend staff development provision on mental health awareness and related services.

Increase in staff attendance at mental health awareness seminars in the period from May 2013 to April 2017.

Occupational Health with HR Learning & Development team

All three needs in respect of Disability (students and staff)

3.8 Improve religious literacy through a programme of activity in order to encourage mutual respect and reduce potential conflict relating to differing beliefs.

Attendance at events and publication of guidance during the period from May 2013 to April 2017.

Chaplaincy Promote good relations in relation to Religion and Belief (students, staff and wider community)

3.9 Actively publicise E&D activity – with particular attention to race, disability and LGBT activity - with a view to on-going improvement in awareness of the value of equality and diversity and improving the ability of students and staff in minority and disadvantaged groups to feel comfortable in the University.

Positive feedback from students and staff.

EqMC Advance equality and Promote Good Relations in respect of all PCs (students, staff and wider community)

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Equality Outcome 4: Improve equity of pay and career progression for all University staff

4.1 Embed biennial equal pay audits covering all staff and all PCs (where meaningful data is available), to identify of pay gaps and inform action.

Publication of biennial equal pay audit report and identification of action to address disparities.

UHRS Reward and Systems team and Remuneration Committee

Eliminate discrimination and Advance equality potentially covering age, disability, race, religion & belief, sex, sexual orientation (staff)

4.2 Apply the principles and practices of the Athena SWAN and equivalent Charters in all three Colleges.

Majority of STEMM5 schools achieve Athena SWAN awards by the end of 2014. Achieve the Institutional Athena SWAN Silver award, during the Strategic Plan 2012-16. Majority of HSS schools submit for the equivalent award for Humanities and Social Sciences within its first year of operation.

Heads of Colleges and Schools

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Pregnancy/Maternity and Sex, with action benefiting most groups (students and staff)

4.3 Progress the University's Athena SWAN Action Plan 2012.

As set out in the University’s Athena SWAN Action Plan 2012 (attached as Appendix 2).

As set out in the Athena SWAN Action Plan 2012

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Pregnancy/Maternity and Sex, with action benefiting most groups (students and staff)

4.4 Address the disparity in pay and career progress for women relative to men, through an ‘Advancing Gender Equality Programme’ covering all staff, to integrate with and supplement already established action.

Set out the Advancing Gender Equality Programme by end of 2012/13. Increase the proportion of female academic staff at lecturer, senior lecturer, reader and professor levels and reduce the gender pay gap for

UHRS Heads of Colleges and Schools

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Pregnancy/Maternity and Sex, with action benefiting most groups (staff)

5 Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine

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University staff, during the Strategic Plan 2012-16

4.5 Address the disparity in the proportion of black and minority ethnic staff on fixed-term contracts relative to white staff, through further investigation and production of recommendations for action by April 2014.

Report and recommendations made to EqMC by April 2014

UHRS with local HR and management.

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Race (staff)

Equality Outcome 5: Improve equity of access to education in the University

5.1 Identify and address disparities in application and admission rates between those who share protected characteristics and those who do not.

EqIA of admissions policies and procedures undertaken, and recommendations for action made to address any disparities identified from available PC data, by August 2014. Plans in place for gathering data for other relevant PCs by April 2014.

SRA with Colleges/Schools

Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Age, Disability, Race, Religion & Belief, Sex, Sexual Orientation (students)

5.2 Improve the accessibility of the University’s estate through continuing to integrate equality consideration into the building and maintenance programme and ensuring timely response to required equality adjustments.

On-going improvement in the proportion of the estate that is accessible for disabled people.

Estates & Buildings Eliminate discrimination and advance equality in respect of Disability (students, staff and visitors)

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Appendix 1

Action Plan

Following the signing of the ‘see me’ Pledge on the 19th January 2012, The University of Edinburgh commits to working with ‘see me’ to challenge stigma and discrimination around mental health issues in the following ways:

An invitation to be sent to all staff and, in particular, members of , the Health and Safety Committee, the Equality and Diversity (E&D) Committee, the Equality and Diversity Co-ordinators, the Joint Union Liaison Committee (JULC), Edinburgh University Student Association (EUSA), and the Student Disability Committee to attend the ‘see me’ pledge signing by Suzie Vestri (Campaign Director) & Prof Lorraine Waterhouse (Vice-Principal Equality and Diversity – The University of Edinburgh) in the University Chaplaincy on Thursday 19th January, 2012 at 12 pm.

HR, OHU & Joint Unions to arrange diversity and mental health awareness workshops. Feedback on the workshops will be gathered and the results fed back to ‘see me’ and to the VP Equality and Diversity.

Prominent display of ‘see me’ posters and postcards throughout the University targeting staffrooms, accommodation services areas and other highly populated areas including Student Union, Chaplaincy and other social area/s

A representative from ‘see me’ to assist the University in setting up a ‘see me’ Information Stand at the Staff Welcome days and Student Freshers week.

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Use of Payslips to publicise the ‘see me’ campaign and the ‘see me’ website annually during Scottish mental health week

To continue working with Healthy Working Lives to maintain the Gold Award and investigate ways of tackling stigma & discrimination in relation to mental health

To continue raising mental health awareness by working in partnership with the Joint Unions, EUSA and other national mental health organisations through the Edinburgh Mental Health Forum and Public Policy Network.

To raise awareness of stigma and discrimination around mental health issues with members of the Equality and Diversity Committee, the Equality and Diversity Co-ordinators and University Health and Safety Committee by keeping E&D and other websites up-to-date with latest publications, information from relevant organisations, and providing workshops

To continue to provide Mental Health support to staff and students through the Staff support services and Student Disability office to enable them to reach their full potential as required by the University Strategic plan 2008-2012 (‘Quality People’) and Equality and Diversity Action Plan

(see http://www.docs.sasg.ed.ac.uk/gasp/strategicplanning/StrategicPlan.pdf and

http://www.docs.csg.ed.ac.uk/EqualityDiversity/ED_Strategy_Action_Plan.pdf ).

Investigate opportunities for more staff to attend Mental Health awareness training either through in-house courses, or via the established courses such as Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid or the Healthy working lives course.

To make available the following publications (in PDF format) via the Staff Health and Wellbeing website and the Equality and Diversity website.

‘A Fairer Future’ – A report by ‘see me’

‘see me so far’ – A review of the first 4 years of the Scottish anti-stigma campaign

‘Actions speak louder…’ – Tackling discrimination against people with mental illness (Mental Health Foundation)

‘see me’ Summary Plan: bringing the strategy to life 2009 – 2011

Signatories: Prof Lorraine Waterhouse, Vice Principal Equality and Diversity Emma Meehan, Vice President Societies and Activities, EUSA Marshall Dozier, Secretary, Edinburgh University Joint Unions Suzanne Vestri, Campaign Director ‘see me’

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Appendix 2:

The University of Edinburgh

Athena SWAN Action Plan 2012 The University of Edinburgh is committed to equality and our vision and principles are set out in our Equality and Diversity Strategy. As part of that Strategy, the University also has an Equality and Diversity Action plan, which includes a number of actions related to Athena SWAN and the promotion of good employment practice for women working in STEMM. This Athena SWAN Action Plan draws together both existing and new commitments to action to further our Athena SWAN charter commitment. Professor Lorraine Waterhouse, Vice-Principal Equality and Diversity

Action/Objective Action taken and plans at November 2012


Lead Responsibility

Success Measure

1. Strategic Plan Target: Achieve the institutional Athena SWAN Silver award.

Established University Athena SWAN Network to share and promote good practice. 4 Schools have Athena SWAN or equivalent award at Bronze, Silver or Gold levels. All other Schools in CSE and MVM are working towards Athena SWAN awards. The University has achieved most of the objectives set out in its 2009 Athena SWAN action plan. Athena SWAN plans are now being established in relevant parts of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and other action is set out in this new University-wide Action Plan.

By 2016 Vice-Principal E&D, Deputy Director of HR and Heads of STEMM Colleges and Schools.

Most STEMM Schools achieve Athena SWAN Bronze or Silver awards by the end of 2014; University achieves Silver by July 2016.

Page 20: Equality Outcomes - docs.csg.ed.ac.uk · Equality Outcomes 1. Purpose This document sets out the University’s Equality Outcomes for the period from 30 April 2013 until 29 April

Self-assessment and evidence base:

2. Analyse the combined results of staff surveys carried out in STEMM Schools and identify priorities for action

All Schools in CSE are carrying out ‘QuickCAT’ surveys as part of their Athena SWAN self-assessment process. The combined results will be used to identify priorities for action at College and/or University level. It has already been identified that improving understanding of the academic promotion processes is a priority.

Analyse results by April 2013

University Athena SWAN network

Initially, identification of specific priority actions and timescales.

3. Embed biennial equal pay audits for all staff

Annual equal pay audits are carried out for professorial and equivalent staff. Two equal pay audits have been done for staff on grades 1-9, three years apart. From 2013, biennial audits will cover all staff.

First biennial equal pay audit by March 2013

Senior HR Partner – Reward and Management Systems

Publication of biennial equal pay audits.

4. Develop systems to enable automated reporting on maternity and other parental leave

Most information on maternity, paternity and adoption leave is held by local HR teams, making reporting difficult. A project will be established to develop the HR system to enable central reporting on maternity and other leave.

Project in 2013/14 IS programme

Senior HR Partner – Reward and Management Systems

Establishment of improved reporting facility

5. Introduce regular, systematic monitoring of redundancies (including termination of fixed-term contracts) by gender

The Standing Consultative Committee on Redundancy Avoidance (SCCRA) monitors redundancy and redundancy avoidance figures. While this has periodically included gender analysis, this will be introduced as a standard practice.

By August 2013

HR Employee Relations Partner, SCCRA

Establishment of standard gender analysis reporting to SCCRA

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6. Improve understanding of reasons for senior female staff leaving the University, through exit surveys and analysis of turnover information, as a basis for identifying priorities for action.

There is currently limited analysis of information about leavers and a low return rate for existing exit questionnaires. A project will be established on this topic.

Produce project plan by August 2013

Deputy Director of HR

Initially, agreement on the project scope, objectives and milestones.

Key career transition points:

7. Increase the proportion of female academic staff appointed and promoted to lecturer, senior lecturer, reader and professor levels. [Strategic Plan Target]

This remains a key commitment in the Strategic Plan 2012-16, having been part of the previous Plan. Figures are reported annually to the University Court and discussed by the Central Academic Promotions Committee. Action to achieve this target is embedded elsewhere in this action plan. In addition, action will be taken to ensure that academic staff who have not achieved promotion within a reasonable time (to be determined) are reviewed and receive career development guidance and support.

Annual report By August 2013

Heads of College Deputy Director of HR

An upward trend in the proportion of female academic staff at each level.

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8. Introduce, promote and evaluate on-line Recruitment and Selection training, incorporating relevant E&D aspects

An on-line package is under development. Launch by Dec 2012

Senior HR/OD Partner – Learning and Development

Completion of the course by staff from all parts of the University by July 2014 and positive evaluation of the course.

9. Carry out equality impact assessment (EqIA) of the recruitment and induction of 100 Chancellor’s Fellowships (CFs) during 2012 and put in place arrangements to monitor progress and share good practice and lessons learned.

Around 70 CFs have been recruited across the University and arrangements for induction have been developed. A programme of support and development is being developed, along with management guidance. A survey of those already in post has been carried out. It is intended to monitor this cohort of new academic staff, including from an equality perspective, with a view to learning from their experiences and extending effective practices to the recruitment and induction of all academic staff in future.

EqIA by March 2013; other milestones to be confirmed

CFs Steering Group

Actions identified from EqIA by March 2013.

Career development:

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10. Develop and implement a University mentoring framework and programme, open to all staff groups, but targeting particular groups including female academic staff.

Pilot organised to run from November 2012 to May 2013. Plan to evaluate the pilot in June/July 2013 and, subject to the outcome, extend the programme to further areas and, in due course, University-wide.

Complete pilot by June 2013

Senior HR/OD Partner – Learning and Development

A cohort of mentoring relationships is established in the pilot areas by December 2012; evaluation results are positive; and the scheme is extended to further areas by the end of 2013

11. Explore the establishment of an Edinburgh association for women in STEMM

No formal association or network exists. This will be discussed by the University’s Athena SWAN network initially, and taken forward from there.

Discussion by AS Network by April 2013

University Athena SWAN network

Initially, confirmation of whether to establish an association.

12. Review the Research Staff Mentoring Programme

The Research Staff Mentoring Programme will be kept under review, in the light of item 10 above and the support in place for Chancellor’s Fellowship holders

Review and potential develop-ments by April 2014

Institute of Academic Development (IAD)

Interest in programme monitored and compared with number of partnerships established

13. Support women taking on the role of PI

Schools will be encouraged to target the newly established 4-day Research Leader Programme for new and aspiring PIs at female academics.

Throughout 2013 and 2014

IAD with School and College Deans of Research

Gender balance of participants monitored, aiming for increasing numbers of females attending compared to total population

14. Involve Research Staff Societies in showcasing successful female careers

Encourage Research Staff Societies to include an event in their programme of activities which focuses on women who have developed successful careers

Throughout 2012/13 and 2013/14

IAD with Research Staff Societies

The inclusion of one or two of these events in society programmes

Raising the profile of women:

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15. Inspire women to succeed through the Annual International Women’s Day (IWD) lecture series.

Three successful annual lectures held since 2010, featuring internationally successful women: Harriet Lamb, Irene Khan and Phillipa Gregory. The 2013 speaker has been booked: President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Professor Lesley Yellowlees.

Annually on IWD in March.

VP for E&D with steering group

Well-attended annual lecture by internationally successful woman

16. Mount an exhibition of portraits of University of Edinburgh women

Currently being planned. Portraits to be commissioned and exhibition mounted.

Exhibition during 2013/14

VP for E&D with steering group

Exhibition mounted, well publicised and well attended.

Organisation and culture:

17. Reduce the gender pay gap for University staff [Strategic Plan Target]

Achievement of this target is dependent on a number of factors, including improvement in the recruitment and career progression of female academic staff, so action is embedded elsewhere in this plan.

Reported annually

Heads of Colleges and Support Groups

A downward trend in in the University’s gender pay gap figure.

18. Revise and implement new E&D governance, management and consultation and committee structures.

Participating in ECU Mainstreaming through governance and management programme; drafted remit for Equality Management Board. Aim to arrange first Board meeting by April 2013

By end 2013 Vice-Principal E&D

Establishment of senior level Board and clear structures for E&D governance, management and consultation in place across the University.

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19. Promote and monitor take up of E&D training

On-line training in E&D and Equality Impact Assessment is available to all staff. In addition a number of E&D-related staff development opportunities are available, such as a workshop on ‘Developing an understanding of Equality, Diversity and Internationalisation’ and a module on the University’s Post-Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice. It is intended to build on existing processes to improve the monitoring of uptake, to inform further promotion and targeting of training as required.

Set specific milestones/ targets by April 2013; Review progress by April 2014

Deputy Director of HR

Initially, specific milestones/targets set by April 2013.

This Action Plan will be reviewed annually by the University’s Athena SWAN Network.