TH E EFFICIENT AND O PTIM AL USE O F EN V IR O NM ENTAL RESO URCES SD P EN RE Session 1 Part2 NO N -R EN EW ABLE RESO URCES REQ U IR ED R EA D IN G : Perm an etal(2 nd ed):Chapters7, 8. Perm an etal(3 rd ed):Chapters14, 15.

Equation numbering Please note that all equation numbers refer to Perman et al 2nd edition. If you are using 3rd edition, simply replace 7 by 14. So,

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Page 1: Equation numbering Please note that all equation numbers refer to Perman et al 2nd edition. If you are using 3rd edition, simply replace 7 by 14. So,



SDP ENRE Session 1 Part 2



Perman et al (2nd ed): Chapters 7, 8.

Perman et al (3rd ed): Chapters 14, 15.

Page 2: Equation numbering Please note that all equation numbers refer to Perman et al 2nd edition. If you are using 3rd edition, simply replace 7 by 14. So,

Equation numbering

• Please note that all equation numbers refer to Perman et al 2nd edition.

• If you are using 3rd edition, simply replace 7 by 14. So, for example, equation 7.8 becomes equation 14.8

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A s i m p l i f i e d “ m o d e l ” o f t h e e c o n o m y .

F i r s t e l e m e n t : t h e o b j e c t i v e o f s o c i e t y .

T h e e c o n o m y ’ s ( s o c i a l ) u t i l i t y f u n c t i o n a t e a c h p o i n t i n

t i m e : U t = U ( C t ) f o r a l l t

T h e n , t h e e c o n o m y ’ s i n t e r t e m p o r a l s o c i a l w e l f a r e

f u n c t i o n :


0t t

( 7 . 8 )

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C = consumption

U = aggregate utility flow

= social utility discount rate

Variables are indexed by the time subscript t, where t = 0,...,

T, with t = 0 being the initial period and t = T (where T may

be infinity) being the final period.

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Next we specify the environmental resource stock-

flow relationship for a non-renewable resource:



00t (7.9)


tt RS (7.10)

where tS= dS/dt.

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R = environmental resource flow (amount extracted and used

(per period)

S = environmental resource stock

S0 = initial stock (at t = 0)

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F i n a l l y w e s p e c i f y t h e e c o n o m i c s y s t e m :

N a t i o n a l i n c o m e a c c o u n t i n g i d e n t i t y :

ttt CQK ( 7 . 1 1 ) w h e r e K = m a n u f a c t u r e d c a p i t a l s t o c k

T h e e c o n o m y ’ s p r o d u c t i o n f u n c t i o n : Q t = Q ( K t , R t )

Q R = Q / R = m a r g i n a l p r o d u c t o f t h e r e s o u r c e

Q K = Q / K = m a r g i n a l p r o d u c t o f c a p i t a l

a n d s o

tttt C)R,K(QK

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S e l e c t v a l u e s f o r t h e c h o i c e v a r i a b l e s C t a n d R t f o r t = 0 , . . . ,

t o m a x i m i s e

dte)C(UW tt


s u b j e c t t o

tt RS

a n d

tttt C)R,K(QK

S ( 0 ) = S 0 , f i x e d .

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F o u r e q u a t i o n s c h a r a c t e r i s e t h e o p t i m a l s o l u t i o n :

tt,CU ( 7 . 1 4 a )

t,Rtt QP ( 7 . 1 4 b )

tt PP ( 7 . 1 4 c )

tt,Ktt Q ( 7 . 1 4 d )

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Hotelling’s Rule


where P is the net price (or rent, or royalty) of the resource.

tt PP


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Intuition behind Hotelling’s Rule

Owner of financial resources: two uses of the capital

An interest generating financial asset

r = return per period

Invest capital in a mine

Return on mine must also be r in equilibrium

As mine is not intrinsically productive, price of mineral must rise at rate r.

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Hotelling’s Rule

By integration

implies that

and so …


tePP 0t

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Pt = P0et


Hotelling’s rule: the time path of the resource net price

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Pt = Paet


Hotelling’s rule: non-uniqueness of efficient time paths of the resource net price

Pt = Pbet


The optimal path will be that one which satisfies S 0 as t

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The time paths of the resource net price and stock



Net price

Remaining resource stock

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Pt = P0et


Hotelling’s rule: with a backstop technology available

Choke Price


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The time paths of the resource net price and stock with a backstop technology.



Net price

Remaining resource stock

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Answer: Yes (both efficient and optimal) under

certain circumstances.

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The efficiency of the market mechanism: intuition:

In a competitive market economy, profit maximisation

requires that firms take proper account of their revenue

and cost functions.

The utility function provides appropriate information

about the market demand curve, and so provides

appropriate information about firms’ revenues.

Any costs of production and extraction will be taken

into account by businesses.

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MU1 = P1

The marginal utility function tells us about willingness to pay (WTP)and so corresponds to a demand function in a market economy

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A market economy will probably not deliver an efficient and optimal allocation of non-renewable resources because:

•Monopoly: depletion too slow.

•Social costs of resource depletion not considered. (e.g. pollution externalities).

•Private (market) interest rate above the social discount rate.

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There may be other forms of market failure:

Presence of public goods

Absence of well-defined and enforceable property rights

Incomplete information

And some of the agents’ functions may depend upon environmental


U depends on environmental quality

Q depends on environmental quality

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Two asides:

(1) Optimality and distribution of initial endowments: we

have made social utility depend only on the aggregate total

of consumption, and not on its distribution. But market

demand curves WILL depend on distribution of

endowments, and may not correspond to an economy’s

(social) utility function if that latter function is defined


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Second …

Sustainability: optimal outcomes may not be sustainable. To

achieve sustainability, may need to impose an additional

constraint on the above optimisation exercises, of the form:

Ut Ut-s for all s > 0 or Ct Ct-s for all s > 0

[Of course, sustainability may not even be feasible.]

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E x t e n d i n g t h e m o d e l t o i n c o r p o r a t e e x t r a c t i o n c o s t s

G = t o t a l e x t r a c t i o n c o s t s

G t = G ( R t , S t ) ( 7 . 1 9 )

T h e o p t i m i s a t i o n p r o b l e m :

S e l e c t v a l u e s f o r t h e c h o i c e v a r i a b l e s C t a n d R t f o r t

= 0 , . . . , t o m a x i m i s e


0t t

s u b j e c t t o t h e c o n s t r a i n t s

tt RS

a n d

)S,R(GC)R,K(QK tttttt

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T h e s o l u t i o n t o t h i s p r o b l e m :

CU ( 7 . 2 0 a )

RR GQP ( 7 . 2 0 b )

SGPP ( 7 . 2 0 c )

KQ ( 7 . 2 0 d )


= Rt Q

l e s s Rt G

N e t

p r i c e

= G r o s s

p r i c e

l e s s M a r g i n a l c o s t