Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Reduce child mortality Promote gender equality and empower women Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development Science City of Munoz City of San Jose Del Monte Antipolo City Marikina City Muntinlupa City Tagaytay City Sorsogon City Calbayog City Mandaue City Island Garden City of Samal Iligan City Butuan City Pasay City Naga City 14 MDG Localization Resource Cities It is a roadmap for business community to It is a roadmap for business community to adopt in order to achieve the adopt in order to achieve the MDGs MDGs. They presented 4 Major areas of focus where business establishments should heavily invest socially. The Philippine Business Sector presented The Philippine Business Sector presented a milestone contribution for the a milestone contribution for the attainment of attainment of MDGs MDGs thru their square thru their square- table discussion held on April, May and table discussion held on April, May and June 2004. They called it, June 2004. They called it, “Responding to Responding to the Millennium Challenge: a roadmap for the Millennium Challenge: a roadmap for Philippine business. Philippine business.”

Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary ... · 1 Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Reduce child mortality Promote gender equality and

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Page 1: Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary ... · 1 Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Reduce child mortality Promote gender equality and


Eradicate poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education

Reduce child mortality

Promote gender equality and

empower women

Improve maternal health

Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

Ensure environmental sustainability

Develop a global partnership for development

Science City of Munoz

City of San Jose Del Monte

Antipolo City

Marikina City

Muntinlupa City

Tagaytay City

Sorsogon City

Calbayog City

Mandaue City

Island Garden City of Samal

Iligan City

Butuan City

Pasay City

Naga City

14 MDG Localization

Resource Cities

It is a roadmap for business community to It is a roadmap for business community to adopt in order to achieve the adopt in order to achieve the MDGsMDGs..

They presented 4 Major areas of focus where business establishments should heavily invest socially.

The Philippine Business Sector presented The Philippine Business Sector presented a milestone contribution for the a milestone contribution for the attainment of attainment of MDGsMDGs thru their squarethru their square--table discussion held on April, May and table discussion held on April, May and June 2004. They called it, June 2004. They called it, ““Responding to Responding to the Millennium Challenge: a roadmap for the Millennium Challenge: a roadmap for Philippine business.Philippine business.””

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Philippine Business Response to the Philippine Business Response to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

Pursue Projects/Initiatives on 4 major areas of focusPursue Projects/Initiatives on 4 major areas of focus

(square(square--table discussion on Phil MDG accomplishments)table discussion on Phil MDG accomplishments)

MDG 2: Achieve Universal Access to Primary MDG 2: Achieve Universal Access to Primary EducEducMDG 3: Promote Gender EqualityMDG 3: Promote Gender Equality


MDG 7: Ensure Environmental SustainabilityMDG 7: Ensure Environmental SustainabilityMDG 8: Global Partnership for DevelopmentMDG 8: Global Partnership for Development


MDG 4: Reduce Child MortalityMDG 4: Reduce Child MortalityMDG 5: Improve Maternal HealthMDG 5: Improve Maternal HealthMDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB & othersMDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB & others


MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and HungerMDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and HungerPovertyPovertyMillennium Development Goals (Millennium Development Goals (MDGsMDGs))FocusFocus

Pasay Government’s Response to MDG Localization

Establish local benchmarks on each MDG target and integrate MDG into City Development PlansAdopt Policies and Programs to facilitate the achievement of MDGsRealign existing programs, projects and activities toward achievement of MDGsIncrease budgetary allocation for MDG-related social servicesReplicate MDG-responsive good practices

CBMS gauges the living condition of each household in every barangay (100% Hhsaturation)In CBMS, “Whatever gets measured gets done”

To achieve our MDG targets on a per Barangaybasis, we now use

Community-Based Monitoring System


CBMS OutputCBMS Output

CBMS Result(MDG-based Indicators)

or BarangayParticipatory

Poverty Mapping (BPPM)

Digitized Bgy Spot Map

disaggregated information (knowledge bank) on bgywelfare status

IndicatorIndicator--based maps to facilitate based maps to facilitate prioritization of prioritization of barangaysbarangays, , purokspuroks, , households and individualshouseholds and individuals

Community validated BPPM data

Community suggested interventions

List of LGU existing programs arranged according to development indicators

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NeedNeed--Solution Quick Matching ApproachSolution Quick Matching Approach

CBMS Result(MDG-based Indicators)BarangayPriority

Needs and Concerns

Policy / Advocacy




Preservation (Peace & Order)

Fact-Based Intervention

(FBI) ExchangeSanggunianPanlunsod

Innovative Program/ Project Design

Matching and Prioritized Delivery of


Capability Building

Maintain Harmony in the community

Solution Providers (Public/Private/Partnership)

Objectives of FactObjectives of Fact--Based Intervention Based Intervention Exchange (FBI Ex)Exchange (FBI Ex)

To immediately match the identified needs from CBMS result to the list of solution providers based on the development indicatorsTo provide the decision makers factual information on needs versus solution-programs/ projects from Resource Providers (LGU or Private) for FAST ACTION and RELIEF OPERATION

CBMS Result(MDG-based Indicators)

or BarangayParticipatory

Poverty Mapping (BPPM)

Policy / Advocacy



(Peace & Order)

Fact-Based Intervention (FBI)

Exchange Sanggunian Panlunsod

Innovative Program/ Project Design

Matching and Prioritized Delivery of Services

Capability Building

Maintain Harmony in the community

Resource Providers (Public/Private/Partnership)





FBI Ex OutputFBI Ex OutputList of Socio-economic programs

implemented by the Private Sector

Indicator-based policy recommendations to the Sanggunian

Priority List of needPriority List of need--solution quick solution quick matching recommendations to matching recommendations to Concerned LGU Department and/or Concerned LGU Department and/or Private SectorPrivate Sector

Priority List of Need-based Training/Capability Building Programs

Barangay Development Plan based on BPPM Result (MDG-based workplan)

Policy / Advocacy




Preservation (Peace & Order)

Fact-Based Intervention

(FBI) Exchange

BgyBgy 179 179 Data Board 2005Data Board 2005


HH w/o access to safe waterHH w/o access to safe waterHH w/o sanitary toilet HH w/o sanitary toilet faclityfaclity

WaterWater & & SanitationSanitation


Informal SettlersInformal SettlersHH with makeshift housingHH with makeshift housing

Environment Environment SustainabilitySustainability

Private sector partnershipPrivate sector partnershipPartnershipPartnership

1.61.67171Prop of HH victimized by crimeProp of HH victimized by crimePeace/OrderPeace/Order

0000Maternal MortalityMaternal MortalityMat HealthMat Health



ElemElem School ParticipationSchool ParticipationHigh School ParticipationHigh School Participation




HH w/ Inc < poverty thresholdHH w/ Inc < poverty thresholdHH w/ Inc < food thresholdHH w/ Inc < food thresholdHH experienced food shortageHH experienced food shortage


22.322.3433433Unemployment RateUnemployment RateEmploymentEmployment

0.70.744Malnutrition PrevalenceMalnutrition PrevalenceNutritionNutrition

1.01.077Infants deathInfants deathChild CareChild Care

ProProNoNoIndicatorIndicatorArea ConcernArea Concern

4,4254,425Total PopulationTotal Population179179BgyBgy2,1632,163MaleMale1919ZoneZone2,2622,262FemaleFemale939939No. of HouseholdsNo. of Households

BgyBgy Vision: Vision: ““A vibrant and A vibrant and

selfself--reliant reliant community by community by

20102010””Chairman: Romeo Chairman: Romeo EspanoEspanoKagawadKagawad::

1. Bert 1. Bert AcalAcal2. 2. HermieHermie MesinaMesina3. Ivan 3. Ivan BasinilloBasinillo4. 4. OgieOgie RamosRamos5. 5. NiloNilo SalazarSalazar6. Pedro 6. Pedro TandinganTandingan7. Joy Ramos7. Joy Ramos

Secretary: Karen Secretary: Karen PrioPrioTreasurer: Treasurer: TeresitaTeresita ArjonaArjona

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Main Problems Identified in Main Problems Identified in BgyBgy 179 CBMS 179 CBMS


Informal SettlersInformal SettlersHH with makeshift housingHH with makeshift housing

Environment Environment SustainabilitySustainability



ElemElem School ParticipationSchool ParticipationHigh School ParticipationHigh School Participation




HH w/ Inc < poverty thresholdHH w/ Inc < poverty thresholdHH w/ Inc < food thresholdHH w/ Inc < food thresholdHH experienced food shortageHH experienced food shortage


22.322.3433433Unemployment RateUnemployment RateEmploymentEmployment

ProProNoNoIndicatorIndicatorArea ConcernArea Concern

UnemploymentUnemploymentHigh Incidence of Subsistence PoorHigh Incidence of Subsistence PoorHigh number of children not attending schoolHigh number of children not attending school

High Incidence of PovertyHigh Incidence of Poverty

403 unemployed 403 unemployed persons persons Problem areas: Problem areas: Blocks 4, 19, 28, Blocks 4, 19, 28, 34, 26,34, 26,

Saint Peter Street


t Cec




t The





t Cat


e St



t And





t Ber


tte S



t Jud

e St



t Joh

n St



t Jam

es S



t Pet

er S


Saint Francis ExtensionSta. Rita Street

Maricaban Creek


Bgy 179 CBMS Result

Unemployment Rate: 22.3%

Need-Solution Exchange is initially done during the CBMS Community Validation stage where the barangay officials and residents are assembled together with the CPDO, CDO and some of the solution providers The accuracy of data collected is checked, discussed and possible solutions are considered. Peoples’ participation is a must. The focal person, normally the bgy captain, facilitates the discussion.

Community Validation

Unemployment in Unemployment in BgysBgys 179, 185 & 184 addressed179, 185 & 184 addressed

FBI Ex: Through

coordination with PESO & formation of


SMEDC & Manpower


List of unemployed residents are given to the Bgy officials

Skills Inventory through Skills Inventory through Satellite Satellite BgyBgy Employment Employment Service Operation (SBESO) Service Operation (SBESO) ––PhiljobnetPhiljobnet on line or job fairon line or job fair

Animation “Train Now-Sure Job-Pay Later” Program is introduced through TESDC/DTI

Membership to Bayanihan OFW Savings and Groceria Project

Unemployment Rate 22.3%

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Unemployment in depressed Unemployment in depressed bgysbgys addressedaddressed

BayanihanPeople’s Mart, a supermarket owned, operated by the Bayanihansavers and the network of sari-sari store operators in Pasay

Animation Training Center, a “Train Now-Sure Job-Pay Later” program that gives hope and employs underprivileged but talented residents as professional animators regardless of age

Unemployment in depressed Unemployment in depressed bgysbgys addressedaddressed

Unemployment in depressed Unemployment in depressed bgysbgys addressedaddressed

Microfinance Program for the Poor, a mass based banking system to address the credit needs of the entrepreneurial poor for their micro-enterprises. Allocation of PhP20M for our Poverty Reduction Programs is being studied.

Unemployment in depressed Unemployment in depressed bgysbgys addressedaddressed

Youth Empowerment thru Self-help Operation (YESO), a savings and investment program for the Public High School Students to prepare them for entrepreneurial activities

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Mutual Investment for Mutual Investment for Government EmployeesGovernment Employees

Employees Cooperative Canteen, a savings initiated project that encourages all Pasay government employees to own and operate a profitable business;

Makeshift Housing addressedMakeshift Housing addressed

On makeshift housing at danger areas(Tripade Galina Creek). Initially in 2005, we bought a 10 hectare land in Tanay, Rizal as our relocation site that would fit about 2,000 families/households.

On HIV/AIDS, we have created Local AIDS Council aided by City Ordinance that would address MDG 6 concerns


Promoted entrepreneurial orientation & economic mainstreamingFacilitated quick need –solution intervention at the barangay level

Pasay’s CBMS Impact/Outcome IndicatorsAcquired & applied new Knowledge, Skills, Attitude (KAS)Gained Positive ValuesSocial, interpersonal & leadership skills become evident Facilitated quality &

timeliness of servicesPromoted human rights & transparency Tapped indigenous capacities, values & practices

People EmpowermentStrengthened community-based structure for active & sustained people’s participation

Pasay’s CBMS Impact/Outcome Indicators

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MDG Localization as the Rallying PointMDG Localization as the Rallying Point


Private Sector /

Business Sector

People of Pasay


Achieve Achieve MDGsMDGs by by


A tool that brings the business sector and the A tool that brings the business sector and the government sector together to achieve a common goal. government sector together to achieve a common goal. As duty bearers, they provide conducive atmosphere to As duty bearers, they provide conducive atmosphere to

facilitate the access of services resulting to facilitate the access of services resulting to MDGsMDGsattainmentattainment

The Poor as Rights Claim holdersThe Poor as Rights Claim holdersIn this MDG Localization endeavor,

the poor, the low income households are not treated as beneficiaries but partners. As rights claim holders they have responsibilities, they also have equal stake to growth and development.

PASAY CITY as one of the 14 resource cities in MDG Localization, sees that the families have a major role

in achieving the MDGs. Family, as the society’s smallest unit can be one of the most powerful forces

in combating poverty. Pasay now believes that “Strong family means Strong City and Strong Nation”

PasayPasay embarks into localizing MDG embarks into localizing MDG in every family using rightsin every family using rights--based based



Family based MDG Localization Approach

Pasay City

A consultation meeting with UN habitat, UNDP, CHR, DILG and LGUs (Pasay and Munoz) resulted to Pasay designing a Family-based MDG Pledge of Commitment where the city would solicit the commitments of 80,000 households to achieve MDGs in their own families at their own level.

These 8 global MDG statements are translated into Family MDG statements which are simple and easy to understand

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Capitalize on the family as the advocate, promoter, and implementor of MDGs in the community

LGU and Business Community provide a conducive political and legal atmosphere as well as doable programs to facilitate the attainment of MDGs by families

Pasay City

Global MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and HungerGlobal MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and HungerFmilyFmily MDG 1: MDG 1: AkingAking PamilyaPamilya, may , may trabahotrabaho, may , may impokimpok pa.pa.

Call Center Training Center



Service Cooperatives

Animation Training Center

BayanihanPeoples Mart

PESOSkills Inventory

BayanihanSavings Program

Global MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary EducationGlobal MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary EducationFamily MDG 2: Family MDG 2: ““LahatLahat ngng AnakAnak, Nag, Nag--aaralaaral””

School Board

Public High Schools

DSWD-Private sector Scholarship program

Manpower Service


Dep Ed

Day Care Centers

Public Elementary Schools

Pamantasanng Lungsod

ng Pasay

Global MDG 3: Promote Gender EqualityGlobal MDG 3: Promote Gender EqualityFamily MDG 3: Family MDG 3: ““LalakiLalaki at at BabaeBabae, may , may pantaypantay nana


NGO-initiated programs

PNP women’s desk

Womens Associations

GAD Council DSWD

Inter-Department Programs

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Global MDG 4: Reduce Child MortalityGlobal MDG 4: Reduce Child MortalityFamily MDG 4: Family MDG 4: ““SanggolSanggol nana malusogmalusog, , minimithiminimithi ngng luboslubos””

Health Centers

Pasay City General Hospital

Private Medical Clinics

City Health Office

NGO-initiated Medical Missions


Workers Veterinary Office

Global MDG 5: Improved Maternal HealthGlobal MDG 5: Improved Maternal HealthFamily MDG 5: Family MDG 5: ““LagingLaging isaisipisaisip, , LigtasLigtas nana buntisbuntis””

Private Medical Clinics

City Health Office



NGO-initiated Medical Missions

Health Centers

Pasay City General Hospital

Veterinary Office

Global MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Global MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Infectious DiseasesInfectious Diseases

Family MDG 6: Family MDG 6: ““IwasanIwasan HIV/AIDS, Malaria at HIV/AIDS, Malaria at NakakahawangNakakahawang sakitsakit: NAKAMAMATAY: NAKAMAMATAY””

Health Centers

Pasay City General Hospital

Private Medical Clinics

City Health Office

NGO-initiated Medical Missions



AIDS Council


Global MDG 7: Ensure Environmental SustainabilityGlobal MDG 7: Ensure Environmental SustainabilityFamily MDG 7: Family MDG 7: ““KapaligiranKapaligiran, , LagingLaging AlagaanAlagaan””

Housing Board

Waste Management Department

Civic Groups on Housing

Mayor’s Clean Team

NGO-initiated Waste Management


BarangayAction Center



Tourism and Culture Office

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Global MDG 8: Develop Global Partnership for Global MDG 8: Develop Global Partnership for DevelopmentDevelopment

Family MDG 8: Family MDG 8: ““IpamuhayIpamuhay: Kung : Kung samasama--samasama, , lahatlahatkayangkayang kayakaya at kung at kung tulongtulong--tulongtulong, , bayanbayan ay ay susulongsusulong””



Local Development


Area Local Development





City Planning Development


CDO Peoples Congress


My Family MDG Pledge of Commitment

Dapat na malaman ng lahat na ako, ________, at akingpamilya na nakatira sa, ____________ ay nagpapahayag:

Na naniniwala sa apat na mahahalagang prinsipyo upangumunlad ang bayan:

1. Laging hangad, Maunlad na siyudad2. Kung wala ang Diyos, walang tagumpay3. Mahirap ka man, kaya mong mag-impok4. Kung nagkakaisa at sama sama, kapakinabangan ang

resultaNa ako at aking pamilya ay nakikiisa na isagawa sa abot ng

aming makakaya ang mga sumusunod na Millennium Development Goals o Layuning Pagpapaunlad saMilenyo para sa Pamilya:MDG 1: “Aking Pamilya, may trabaho, may impok pa”MDG 2: “ Lahat ng anak, nag-aaral”MDG 3: Lalaki at Babae, may pantay na karapatan”

MDG 4: “Sanggol na malusog, minimithi ng lubos”MDG 5: “Laging isaisip, ligtas na buntis”MDG 6: “Iwasan HIV/AIDS, Malaria at nakakahawang

sakit: NAKAKAMATAYMDG 7: “Kapaligiran, laging alagaan”MDG 8: “Ipamuhay: Kung sama-sama, lahat kayang

kaya, kung tulong-tulong, bayan ay susulong”

Ang lahat ng ito ay gagampanan ko at ng aking pamilyahanggang makita ang bawat Pilipino na namumuhay ngMASAGANA, MAKADIYOS, at MAPAG-BIGAY.

Sa harap ng Diyos at ninyong lahat, ako ay taos pusongnanunumpa.

_________________________Lagda sa ibabaw ng Pangalan

__________________ ______________________Witness City Mayor - Witness CDO(551CDO(551--5233), BCMP(5515233), BCMP(551--0919), 0919),

Bayanihan(831Bayanihan(831--7676), LDC(5517676), LDC(551--8888)8888)MDG 8: “Ipamuhay: Kung sama-sama, lahat kayang kaya, kung tulong-tulong, bayan ay susulong”

MCT(551MCT(551--3333), WMD(5523333), WMD(552--4445), 4445), Housing Board(833Housing Board(833--8888)8888)

MDG 7: “Kapaligiran, laging alagaan”

City Health(552City Health(552--1111), PCGH(8331111), PCGH(833--2222), Health Center(5512222), Health Center(551--5222), 5222), AIDS Call(552AIDS Call(552--7777)7777)

MDG 6: “Iwasan HIV/AIDS, Malaria at nakakahawang sakit: NAKAKAMATAY

City Health(552City Health(552--1111), PCGH(8331111), PCGH(833--2222), Health Center(5512222), Health Center(551--5222)5222)

MDG 5: “Laging isaisip, ligtas na buntis”

City Health(552City Health(552--1111), PCGH(8331111), PCGH(833--2222), Health Center(5512222), Health Center(551--5222)5222)

MDG 4: “Sanggol na malusog, minimithing lubos”

DSWD(833DSWD(833--2245), PNP(8322245), PNP(832--4545)4545)MDG 3: Lalaki at Babae, may pantay nakarapatan”

DepEd(552DepEd(552--6754), DSWD(8336754), DSWD(833--2245), 2245), Rotary(552Rotary(552--5678)5678)

MDG 2: MDG 2: LahatLahat ngng anakanak, nag, nag--aaralaaral

PESO(832PESO(832--7651), TESDC & 7651), TESDC & SMEDC(551=5233), Barangay(830SMEDC(551=5233), Barangay(830--6543), BCMP(8306543), BCMP(830--3380)3380)

MDG 1: MDG 1: AkingAking PamilyaPamilya, may , may trabahotrabaho, , may may impokimpok papa

MakipagMakipag--ugnayanugnayan sasa mgamga sumusunodsumusunodFamily Family MDGsMDGs

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Family MDG pledge of Family MDG pledge of commitment is recited commitment is recited

during the CBMS during the CBMS community validation or community validation or BarangayBarangay Assembly led Assembly led by the by the BgyBgy Captain and Captain and

at the at the BayanihanBayanihanPeoplePeople’’s Congress at s Congress at CunetaCuneta Astrodome led Astrodome led by City Mayor Trinidad. by City Mayor Trinidad.

Committed Family Committed Family members affixed their members affixed their

signatures together with signatures together with their witnessestheir witnesses

MDG Localization is mobilizing the claim holders, (families, households) and the duty bearers

(government and private sectors) to take their equalstake to growth and development

The more families expressed their MDG commitmenthe nearer we are in achieving our goals.

Remember: Strong families mean Strong City and Strong Nation

MultiMulti--SectoralSectoral Partnership (BAYANIHAN) Partnership (BAYANIHAN) Pasay Government and the Private Sector as Duty HoldersPasay Government and the Private Sector as Duty Holders

Households and Families as Rights ClaimholdersHouseholds and Families as Rights Claimholders






-Technical assistance,

inculcate values, skills, knowledge,

resources.-Generates jobs

and incomes

Fiscal roleCreates a conducive political and

legal environment

-Provide 4 productive resources (purchasing power, manpower, savings, small and micro-enterprises)

-Facilitate political and social inter-action-Accept, own, implement program-In the frontline leadership of community development





BCMP, church-

based NGOs

FamiliesPCUC, Bayanihan

Banking Replicators

International Agencies, UNDP, UN


Pasay Govt, CPDO,PESO, COOP,


MDG MDG Localization Localization

Action Action PlanPlan

PasayChamber of Commerce

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Our Desire:Our Desire: “From Pyramid to Diamond”10% Upper Class

20% Middle Class

70% Poor

10% Upper Class

60% Middle Class

30% Poor

The Pasay City Government, the Business Community, the civil society and the families are rallying together to achieve the MDGs

This multi-sectoral partnership will pull up the entrepreneurial poor in the middle forming the diamond shape economic class standing.

PasayPasay’’ss CBMS, FBI Ex CBMS, FBI Ex and Familyand Family--based based MDG Localization MDG Localization demonstrate that the demonstrate that the potential effect of potential effect of pooled resources is pooled resources is greater than greater than individual thrust.individual thrust.

PasayPasay calls it calls it ““BAYANIHANBAYANIHAN””

BayanihanBayanihan is an inherent Filipino is an inherent Filipino values that created the values that created the BanaweBanawe Rice Rice Terraces. Formed not by slaves but Terraces. Formed not by slaves but by the hands of united, Godby the hands of united, God--loving, loving,

FamilyFamily--oriented, selforiented, self--reliant men and reliant men and women of this nationwomen of this nation

It is the synergy that will surely

It is the synergy that will surely

translate the translate the MDGsMDGs from from



PasayPasay believes that family believes that family can triumph over poverty in can triumph over poverty in our country. our country. History tells us that families History tells us that families have survived even the have survived even the worst and fearful conditions worst and fearful conditions ever experienced by men. ever experienced by men. Strong families with positive Strong families with positive values can contaminate and values can contaminate and influence others influence others
















Thank you very muchThank you very much