Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutionaP agreement 2014/2015-2020/2021 2 between programme countries [Minimum requirements)l The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institution. A. Information about higher education institutions Nameof the Erasmuscode Contactdetails" Website institution (email, phone) (eg. of the (and department, where course relevant) catalogue) Lublin University of PL LUBLIN03 Erasmus De~artmental Coordinator: International Technology Dr Krzysztof Czarnocki Exchange Office Faculty of Management website: International Exchange Office Coordinator: www.bwm.[2ollub Marcin Zuk, MPhil .&! ul. Nadbystrzycka 42 a (0.5. 4, p. 8) ECTS 20-501 Lublin, Poland Catalogue: tel.: +48815384719 fax: +4881 53 84 792 htt~:/ibwm.[2ollu email: m.zuk@~ollub.[21 b.~I/ects.en Institutional Coordinator: htt~:Liwww.ebs. Assist Prof. Dr. Nesrin KENAR sakar:ia.edu.treı TeL.: +90 264 295 50 83 ang=en&~id=en TR SAKARYA Email: erasmus@sakar:ia.edu.tr ~ SAKARYA UNIVERSITY 01 Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Aykut Hamit Turan Tel: +90 264 295 74 21 E-mail: [email protected] , Inter-institutional agreements can be signed by two or more higher education Institutions 'Higher Education Institutions have to agree on the period of validity of this agreement 'Clauses may be added to this template agreement to better reflect the nature of the institutional partnership . • Contact details to reach the senior officer in charge of this agreement and of its possible updates. 1

Erasmus+ Programmebwm.pollub.pl/pic/3432.pdf · 2015. 1. 20. · Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff - Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility Inter-institutionaP

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  • Erasmus+ ProgrammeKey Action 1

    Mobility for learners and staff -Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility

    Inter-institutionaP agreement 2014/2015-2020/20212between programme countries

    [Minimum requirements)l

    The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context ofthe Erasmus+ programme. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter forHigher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular therecognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institution.

    A. Information about higher education institutions

    Nameof the Erasmuscode Contactdetails" Websiteinstitution (email, phone) (eg. of the

    (and department, where courserelevant) catalogue)

    Lublin University of PL LUBLIN03 Erasmus De~artmental Coordinator: InternationalTechnology Dr Krzysztof Czarnocki Exchange Office

    Faculty of Management website:International Exchange Office Coordinator: www.bwm.[2ollubMarcin Zuk, MPhil .&!ul. Nadbystrzycka 42 a (0.5. 4, p. 8) ECTS20-501 Lublin, Poland

    Catalogue:tel.: +48815384719fax: +4881 53 84 792 htt~:/ibwm.[2olluemail: m.zuk@~ollub.[21 b.~I/ects.en

    Institutional Coordinator: htt~:Liwww.ebs.Assist Prof. Dr. Nesrin KENAR sakar:ia.edu.treıTeL.: +90 264 295 50 83 ang=en&~id=en

    TR SAKARYA Email: erasmus@sakar:ia.edu.tr ~SAKARYA UNIVERSITY 01 Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Aykut Hamit

    TuranTel: +90 264 295 74 21E-mail: [email protected]

    , Inter-institutional agreements can be signed by two or more higher education Institutions

    'Higher Education Institutions have to agree on the period of validity of this agreement

    'Clauses may be added to this template agreement to better reflect the nature of the institutional partnership .

    •Contact details to reach the senior officer in charge of this agreement and of its possible updates.


    mailto:erasmus@sakar:ia.edu.trmailto:[email protected]

  • B. Mobility numbers" per academic year

    The partners commit to amend the table below in case of changes in the mobility data by no laterthan the end of January in the preceding academic year.

    FROM TO Subje Subject Stud Numberof student

    [Erasmus [Erasmusct area y mobility periods

    code of the code of the area name cyclesending receiving code * [short Student Student

    institution) institution) * cycle, Mobility for MobiUty for[ISCED

    ıst, Studies Traineeships) 2nd *

    or [total number of

    3rdJ months of the

    *study periods or


    PL LUBLIN03 TR 041 Business 1,2 2X12SAKARYA and01 administrat


    TR SAKARYA PL 041 Business01 LUBLIN03 and


    [*Optional: subject area code & name and study cycle are optional. Inter-institutional agreements are notcompu/sory for 5tudent Mobility for Traineeships or 5taff Mobility for Training. Institutions mav agree tocooperate on the organisation of traineeship; in this case they should indicate the number of students thatthey intend to send to the partner country. Total duration in months/days of the student/stett mobilityperiods or average duration can be indicated if relevant.j

    FROM TO Subject Subject

    [Erasmusarea area

    code of the code namereceiving * *

    institution) [ISCED)

    [Erasmuscode of the




    Numberof staff mobilityperiods

    Staff Mobility forTeaching

    Staff Mobilityfor Training

    *[total number ofdays of teaching

    petiods or averageduration *]

    2XL week

    BusinessTR SAKARYA PL 041

    s Mability numbers can be given per sending/receiving institutians and per education field [optiotıa!":http://www.uis.unesco.org/fducation!poges/international-standard-classi(ication-o{-education.aspx)


  • i 01 i LUBLIN03 f----+i ~~o~n~_inist_rat1--1 --+-------1C. Recommended language skills

    The sending institution, following agreement with the receıvıng institution, is responsible forproviding support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended languageskills at the start of the study or teaching period:








    Recommended language ofinstruction level"


    Student Mobilityfor Studies

    Staff Mobility forTeaching

    Minimumrecommended !eve!:


    Minimumrecommended !eve!:



    82 82English

    82 82TRSAKARYA01


    For more details on the language of instruction recommendations, see the course catalogue ofeach institution [Links provided on the first page].

    D. Additional requirements

    PL LU8LIN03:In case you need more detailed information please contact the International Exchange Office.Students (academic matters): [email protected]

    Students (non-academic matters): [email protected]

    Teachers: [email protected]

    TR SAKARYA 01:In case you need more detailed information please contact the International Exchange Office.Students (academic matters): [email protected]

    6 For an easier and consistent understanding of language requirements, use of the Comman European Framework ofReference for Languages (CEFR)is recommended, see http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-Ievels-cefr


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • E. Calendar

    ı. Applications/information on nominated students must reach the receiving institution by:Receivinginstitution Autumn term* Spring term*

    [Erasmus code] [month] [month]

    PL LUBLIN03 15 June 30 November

    TR SAKARYA 01 lSth of August lSth of December

    [* to be adapted in case of a trimester system]

    2. The receiving institution will send its decision within 8 weeks, provided the documents arecomplete.

    3. A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than 5 weeksafter the assessment period has finished at the receiving HEL [It should normally notexceed five weeks according to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education guidelines]

    4. Termination of the agreement

    The institutions decide in mutual agreement on the procedure of modifying or terminatingthe agreement. In the event of unilateral termination, a notice of at least one academicyear has to be qlven,

    "Neither the European Commission nor the National Agencies can be held responsible incase of a conflict."

    F. Informationı. Gradings~stemsof the institutions

    PL LUBLIN03:

    ECTSaagrade Polish-in words English-in words~i 91-100% r=ı BARDZODOBRY EXCEllENT~i 81-90% r=ı DOBRY PLUS VERYGOOD[2]~71-80% r=ı DOBRY GOOD~i 61-70% r=ı DOSTATECZNYPLUS SATISFACTORYDI 51-60% r=ı DOSTATECZNY SUFFICIENTDI 50% - 0% i~i NIEDOSTATECZNY FAIlED



    4,0 AA "excellent"3,5 BA "very good" - "good"3,0 BB "good"2,5 CB "good" -

    "satisfactory"2,0 CC"satisfactory"1,5 OC "satisfactory" -

    "sufficient"1,0 DO"sufficient"0,0 FF"failed"

    2. Visa

    The sending and receıvıng institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securingvisas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of theErasmus Charter for Higher Education.

    Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and informationsources:

    Institution Contact details Website for information[Erasmuscode] (email, phone)

    PL LUBLIN03 Students: htt(2 :LLbwm. (2ollub. (2ILen-Celina Handzel, PhD erasmus.entel.: +48815384790email: [email protected]:Malgorzata Wojcieszek, MAtel.: +48815384357email:m. [email protected]

    TR SAKARYA [email protected] http://www.erasmus.sakarya.edu.tr/in0090(264)2955086/83 dex.php?bolum=anasayfa&dil=en

    3. Insurance

    The sending and receıvıng institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance forincoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the ErasmusCharter for Higher Education.

    The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover isnot automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the followingcontact points and information sources:

    Institution Contact details Website for information[Erasmuscode] (email, phone)

    PL LUBLIN03 Students and Teachers:Malgorzata Wojcieszek, MAtel.: +48815384357email:m. [email protected]

    htt(2: Ubwm. pollub. pILen-erasmus.en


    mailto:[email protected]://www.erasmus.sakarya.edu.tr/in


    [email protected](264 )295 50 86/83

    http://www.erasmus.sakarya.edu.tr/index. ph p?bolu m = anasayfa&di i =en


    The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation,according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

    Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and informationsources:

    Institution Contact details Website for information[Erasmus code] (email, phone)

    PL LUBLIN03 5tudents: http:LLbwm.Qollub.QILsms-en-Online application accommodation.enTeachers:Malgorzata Wojcieszek, MAtel.: +48 81 53 84 357email:m. [email protected]

    TR SAKARYA [email protected] 0090(264 )295 50 83

    G. SIGNATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONS (Iegal representatives)

    Institution Name, function Date Signature7[Erasmus code]

    PL LUBLIN03 Dr Krzysztof Czarnoeki,Erasmus Departmental Coordinator,Faculty of Management

    Assist Prof. Dr. Nesrin KENARInstitutional Erasmus CoordinatorTR SAKARYA


    7 Scanned signatures are aeeepted


    mailto:[email protected]://www.erasmus.sakarya.edu.tr/inmailto:[email protected]