Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

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Eric Lindross http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE5Nz2efcW8 Marion Hossa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY9CmK86fhs Sidney Crosby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQQ7lmeWqBI. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFkWTGKNLT8 Colt McCoy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 2: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

• Eric Lindross• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk

• Daniel Alfredsson• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE5Nz2efcW8

• Marion Hossa• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY9CmK86fhs

• Sidney Crosby• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQQ7lmeWqBI

Page 3: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFkWTGKNLT8

Colt McCoy

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VASrGGsC234

• Junior Seau

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxK5MafuNWs

Page 4: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Cardiovascular System

Page 5: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Role of Cardiovascular System

• Transport O2 and nutrients to tissues

• Remove CO2 and waste products from tissues

• Maintenance of constant body temperature

• Prevention of infection

Page 6: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 7: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Anatomy of the Heart

• Cardiac muscle

• About size of fist

• Located in thoracic cavity between lungs directly behind sternum

• Titled Apex (pointed end) is oriented to left

Page 8: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Walls of heart:

1.Pericardium – protective sac (reduces friction)

2.Epicardium – outer layer

3.Myocardium – layer made of cardiac muscle

4.Endocardium – innermost layer

Page 9: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

The “Double Pump”• Right and left heart• Separated by interventricular


• Right heart = right pump – Pump deoxygenated blood (just

returned from body) to the lungs– Pulmonary circulation

• Left heart = left pump– Pump oxygenated blood (just

returned from lungs) to the rest of the body

– Systemic circulation

Page 10: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

• 4 chambers– Upper chambers = Atria (right & left)– Lower chambers = Ventricles (right & left)

• Left ventricle (thickest) – pump blood through entire body

• Right ventricle – pump blood short distance to lungs

Page 11: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 12: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Heart Valves• Atria & ventricles separated by valve =

Atrioventricular (AV) valves– Allows only one flow of blood (atria ventricles)– Right side of heart tricuspid valve

• Prevent backflow from right ventricle to right atrium– Left side of heart bicuspid (or mitral) valve

• Prevent backflow from left ventricle to left atrium

• Valves where blood leaves ventricles– Right side of heart Pulmonary semilunar valve

• Prevent backflow from pulmonary arteries to right ventricle– Left side of heart Aortic semilunar valve

• Separates aorta from left ventricle

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Page 14: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 15: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Pathway of Blood Flow• Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from superior

& inferior vena cava– Superior vena cava = returns blood from upper body– Inferior vena cava = returns blood from lower body

• Blood moves from right atrium (through tricuspid vavle) to the right ventricle (passes tricuspid valve)

• Pumped out of pulmonary arteries (through pulmonary semilunar valve) to lungs pumps it to the lungs (pulmonary circulation)

Page 16: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 17: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

• Oxygenated blood returns from lungs now O2-rich

• Through pulmonary veins into left atrium (only time a vein carries O2-rich blood!)

• Blood travels from left atrium (through bicuspid valve) to left ventricle

• Blood enters aorta (through aortic semilunar valve) & pumps to the whole body


Page 18: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 19: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Cardiac Cycle

• Series of Events that lead to one heart beat

• Relaxation = diastole• Contraction = systole

• When blood pressure is measured it’s systolic pressure (120 mm Hg)/diastolic pressure (80 mm Hg)

Page 20: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Arteries, Veins & Capillaries • Arteries = vessels that carry blood away from heart

• Veins = vessels that carry blood toward heart

• Capillaries = microscopic vessels, 40, 000 km in length, exchange gasses and nutrients by diffusion between blood and tissues

Page 21: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

• In systemic circulation, arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to body tissues, while veins carry deoxygenated blood back to heart

• In pulmonary circulation, pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs, while pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from lungs back to heart

Page 22: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson
Page 23: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Excitation of the Heart

• SA node = Pacemaker

• AV node passes signal from atrium to ventricle

• Purkinje fibres contract ventricles to push blood through pulmonary veins/arteries

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• P wave-atrial depolarization and immediate repolarization

• QRS complex-depolarization of ventrical

• T wave-ventricular repolarization

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Blood Composition

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Cardiac Output

• Q = L/min

• At rest Q = 5-6 L/m, during exercise Q = 30 L/min

Page 27: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Stroke Volume

• Is the amount of blood that is ejected from the left ventricle in a single beat

• SV (mL) = LVEDV (mL) – LVESV (mL)

• SV is regulated by 3 main factors:– LVEDV– Aortic blood pressure– Strength of ventricular contraction

Page 28: Eric Lindross youtube/watch?v=WVeqzYgTELk Daniel Alfredsson

Heart Rate (HR)

• Number of times the heart contracts per minute

• Cardiac output is the product of stroke volume and heart rate:

• Q (L/min) = SV (mL) x HR (beats/min)

• Avg HR at rest = 72 b/min, average SV = 71 mL, therefore Q = 5040 mL/min or 5L/min

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Cardiovascular Drift

• Initially during exercise, both SV and HR will increase, but after prolonged exercise SV may drop while HR continues to rise to maintain Q. This phenomena is called cardiovascular drift.

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Blood distribution changes during exercise:

• moving blood from less important systems and organs like the digestive tract, to more important areas, like muscles and the heart.

• The brain always receives a constant supply (by volume) of blood, while the heart receives a constant % of blood.

• Training will increase the efficiency of all of these factors at rest:– (BP (down), Q (up), HR (down), SV (up))

• may increase the diameter of the coronary arteries and even blood volume.