UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY How do we Sustain Regional Architecture in the Face of Modern Models of Universal Internationalist Architecture? Written by Eric Tell Student ID: 1261652 2011 An explanatory document submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) at Unitec New Zealand.

Eric Tell MArch(Prof)

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Page 1: Eric Tell MArch(Prof)


How do we Sustain Regional Architecture in the Face of Modern Models of Universal Internationalist Architecture?

Written by Eric Tell

Student ID: 1261652


An explanatory document submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) at Unitec New Zealand.

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In the course of twentieth century architecture, like most aspects of culture we have seen

an increasing homogeneity between regions. In our present world that has come to accept

this concept of ‘blandification’, it is often difficult to tell by architecture alone where a

piece of international style architecture might be sited on the earth. This highlights the

problem of local stylistic sources of innovation being lost, as universal styles of

architecture, art, food, etc., of internationalist culture take over. This creates a tension and

sometimes an outright conflict between those who welcome a human universal

architecture of modernity and those who deplore it, seeing it as a threat to indigenous

cultures, traditions, and to regional architectural character in particular. We love to visit

unique cities such as St Petersburg, Paris, Rome, Venice, Bangkok, or wander through

towns and villages in Greece, Spain, Italy, Mexico, and Japan. Part of the appeal of all

these places is their architecture. They have an uniqueness about them, they are distinct,

recognizable, generated by their site, location, climate, and locally sourced materials and

construction techniques. Most of the population inhabiting these built environments as

well as the people visiting them strive to safeguard their established architecture, culture,

and system of settings. They are often integrated systems in which people act, behave and

live.1 It is important for people to value their historic continuity, cultural diversity and

preserve their identity in combination with their geography.

Here in New Zealand and for that matter, most countries, whenever someone proposes to

design/construct something new or modify an existing building, in particular historic

buildings, a debate arises and inevitably the same question and issues get brought to our

attention. Will the new building fit within its surroundings, contributing positively to the

existing townscape/landscape? Will the aesthetics of the building fit its surroundings? For

New Zealand the issue may lie in keeping the right balance between using modern

internationalist inspired architectural models and preservation of the, or adaption of the

old. Regionalist Architecture is Explored through the design of a fishing lodge in the Bay

of Islands in New Zealand.

1Nicholas Markovich, Wolfgang Preiser, and Fred Strum. Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992), 272.

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1.1 Research Question

1.2 Key Definitions

1.3 Objectives

2.0 METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................8

2.1 Research

2.2 Design

2.3 Programme

3.0 CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE..................................................................9

3.1 Definition of Regionalism

3.2 Commonalities among the views of different Regions

3.3 Attributes of a region

3.4 Vernacular Design

3.5 Internationalism

3.6 Critical Regionalism

3.7 New Zealand’s current Universalist Impact

4.0 ARCHITECTURAL PRECEDENTS......................................................................29

4.1 Universal

4.2 Resisting Universal

4.3 Simon Winstanley Architects – Deepstone Residence

4.4 Herbst Architects – Lindale Bach

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5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES......................................................................38

5.1 Earth

5.2 Water

5.3 Wind

5.4 Sun

6.0 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................43

6.1 Brief

6.2 Key Planning Issues

6.3 History

6.4 Site, Context & Climate

6.5 Building Technology

6.6 Project Concepts & Developed Design

7.0 SUMMARY................................................................................................................57

8.0 LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................58

9.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................60

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1.1 Research Question

How do we sustain regional architecture in the face of modern models of Universal

Internationalist architecture?

1.2 Key Definitions

Definition of Internationalism

Internationalism values the monolithic and homogeneous.

Internationalism is simply the transformation / unification of the divided world into a

barrier free one, where ideas and concepts are shared and practiced all over the planet

without much interference from particular countries and their systems.

Universalist internationalism seems to be characterised by respect for the

“survival of the fittest”, it ‘champions’ the strongest. Thus if the regional architecture we

produce is “fit” enough it will sustain itself in the face of the onslaught of internationalist


Definition of regionalism

Regionalism values particularity. It is therefore diverse and differentiated. The

characteristics of a region are dependant upon culture, climate, and the nature of

available building materials.

Definition on Emic

“Studying or describing a particular language or culture in terms of its internal elements

and their functioning rather than in terms of any existing external scheme. Often

contrasted with etic.”2

2 Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Definition of Etic

“Studying or describing a particular language or culture in a way that is general, non-

structural, and objective in its perspective. Often contrasted with emic.”3

1.3 Objectives

The aim of this design research is to counter the ‘Regionless’ lack of meaning or even

irrelevance of universalist modern architecture by studying and having a thorough

understanding of a region’s history in terms of geography, site, climate, culture as far as it

impacts upon defining a system of building. People of a region have developed methods

to deal with such aspects which have been adopted and have survived and passed the tests

of time. Such methods become practiced unconsciously and are part of everyday living.

These methods become the region’s cultural knowledge which is embedded by the force

of its traditions. “The modern challenge then becomes to combine function and aesthetic

value in-to an “enduring architecture” that cooperates with nature and works in concert

with ecological principles.”4 The architecture must utilize a combination of the best

ancient/indigenous building approaches that have long track records and the best of

today’s technological advances and scientific knowledge. When combining such new

design information with traditional design information, to create a modern regional

architecture that reflects its place on earth, it is important to respect the ecology of that

place, the underlying order of all living things there. “The forms we conceive are really

patterns, and patterns are the configurations of relationships between natural systems.”5

“Architectural form is in part a manifestation of energy flows that are always present in a

building.”6 For example a regionalist architect has to have a crucial and clear

understanding of passive design and can integrate that into the new regionalist

architecture. It is not enough to merely overlay these passive systems onto the new

3 Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford University Press, 2003. 4 Harris Butt Architecture, “Profile.” http://www.hbarchitecture.co.nz/profile.html (accessed November 14, 2010). 5 Brown, G.Z and Mark De Kay. Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley And Sons, 2001), 282. 6 Ibid.

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regionalist architectural scheme. The most effective schemes are those that are so

carefully woven together that they appear seamless and read as an integrated whole.

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2.1 Research

This project will outline what a region is and how the application of regionalism can be

applied to modern architecture. As part of this, appropriate precedents and their elements

are analysed. This research is crucial to the design of creating a contemporary

architecture that has a sense of belonging to its context/region. It provides an

understanding of how the successful elements of architectural precedents affect design

and influence form.

2.2 Design

The design development of the fishing lodge is influenced by its region. The form of the

lodge therefore reflects the integration of the regions unique characteristics. Establishing

the characteristics will include an analysis of the regions climate, topography, culture,

traditions, history and materials. This involves travelling to the region and experiencing

these characteristics first hand, experiencing the lifestyle of the region. All of this

culminates in a mixture of hand and digital drawings, and data presentation describing the

final design.

2.3 Program

In order to fully capture the essence of the region/sites sense of place, the choice to

design a lodge that caters for fishing took place. In the selection of this program it was

first necessary to study and get a full grasp on the region’s culture, traditions, and history

as proposed above. The investigation of these requirements with the combined

knowledge of what it means to create something that reflects its context will form the

foundation of the design.

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3.1 Definition of Regionalism

Regionalism is the study of regions but in this research, it is the regional architecture that

will be the focus. “Built environments are more than just buildings. They comprise those

systems of settings in within which people live act and behave.”7 The term “regionalism”

is used in many different disciplines, and has proved useful in many different disciplines,

including economics, planning, ecology, sociology, folklore, history, archaeology,

anthropology, marketing etc. but it has remained basic to one; geography, which has been

characterised as either dealing with the reality systems or the “regional”. The concept of

cultural landscape stems from geography.8

Strangely geography is concerned with landscape and geography of culture.

Whereas regional landscapes have been neglected, the study of climate, vegetation, and

soils and their landscapes related to geomorphology and regional geology has not been

integrated with human geography and social science. We shall see that they are important

to cultural landscapes. Between 1930 – 1970 the emphasis was mainly based on

economic regions and only since the 1970’s interest is shown in social and cultural

aspects of regions. This revival of cultural regionalism was useful to define and map

regions and sub regions. Attributes of cultures that were mapped, included: settlement

forms and patterns, house styles, barns and other structures, ruins, land subdivision, place

names etc. How-ever, certain and crucial attributes have been neglected Attributes such

as, spatial character of Cities, urban planting, and vegetation. Such planting can lead to

very different cultural landscapes in regions and cities for example, Tuscany vs.

Phoenix.9 Since, practically all regions can be mapped, depending on the characteristics

used; there is no right or wrong way to define regions. Typically regions have been

defined using multiple attributes. It is possible to have total regions, where all attributes

are fully congruent, but genuine cultural regions exist where a number of attributes

7 Markovich, Preiser and Strum. Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture. 272. 8 Ibid. 9 Ibid.

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coincide, for example dialects, place names, religion, ethnicity, architecture, diet and

political behaviour.10

3.2 Commonalities among the views of different Regions

All disciplines seem to agree that regions involve diversity confined to a particular area at

the areal level, hence distinguishing one area from another. The concepts of regions help

describe, understand place to place differences. The idea of ‘regions’ are useful as the

world is not uniform despite attempts to ‘blandify’ by universal Internationalism.11

“Regionalism as the study of regions, thus involves two ingredients: the intellectual

concept of “region” and the concrete manifestations of distinctive areas characterized by

relatively uniform homogeneous attributes, so that the differences within a region are less

than those between regions.”12

Homogeneity therefore becomes the key idea when dealing with regions as a

whole and comparing them with others. Any small internal variables within a region are

over-looked as they are understood to be very minor and insignificant. A region is an area

reasonably lacking in internal differences with limits/boundaries that are recognizable

and able to be mapped differing significantly from other adjacent cultural regions. When

crossing regional boundaries one experiences a distinct change in “personality, character

and ambience”13 in the new region. Amos Rapoport states, “A region is any portion of the

earth’s surface that stands apart from others in terms of that set of perceptible

characteristics (all sensory modalities) that produce a cultural landscape with a distinct

character or ambience.”14

10 Ibid. 11 Ibid., 274. 12 Ibid., 277. 13 Ibid., 274. 14Ibid., 275.

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Rapoport developed several key points about a region’s character that need emphasis. 15

1. Only some of the many attributes used to map regions are relevant: those which

directly or indirectly affect cultural landscapes.

2. these attributes need to form sets which describe ambience.

3. Emphasis should be placed on a region's perceptible character rather than

mapping. Implying emic regions, making them part of environmental perception

and cognition and the distinctive ambience of regions is a function of noticeable

differences. Etic attributes remain useful, and both types of definitions need to be

compared. Also, etic attributes, if potentially significant but not noticed, can

suggest planning or design interventions to make them noticeable.

With the “integration of natural and human phenomena on a portion of the earth’s

surface”16, landscapes can be viewed as a system of settings that are intimately related to

human life, places for living and working rather than just to be looked at. They can also

be symbolic, they have meaning for the people living there. When emphasizing the

perceptible character of such landscapes, Rapoport states that the impact of human action

is most important and when that occurs over time, a cultural landscape becomes a result

of a complex history.17 The different interactions over time with geographic, social and

other opportunities and constraints produce those specific material complexes called

cultural landscapes.18 “It follows that the attributes of cultural landscapes become the

property of groups, and are linked to culture; they help identify groups and areas over

time and distinguish among them, i.e.; they persist.”19 Present cultural landscapes are the

result of the sum total of human activities over time. When such decisions and choices of

activities are made by a particular group, they produce a style/vernacular. But these

decisions and choices made must be consistent, systematic and orderly. Firstly the

people within the group involved making the decisions must share a specific theme and

15 Ibid. 16 Ibid. 17 S.A. Yates. The Essential Landscape: The New Mexico photographic Survey, with Essays by J.B Jackson. (Albuquerque NM, University of New Mexico Press, 1985) 18 Markovich, Preiser and Strum. Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture. 275. 19 Ibid.

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mental framework (schemata, share a common perception of the context, have a body of

knowledge that purports to explain the state of affairs around them). Secondly when

expressing these schemata, they must occur within a system of rules (traditions that

control architectural production for example in this our discipline) providing a frame

work for these independent decisions to add up into a coherent whole. The system of

rules can be formal or informal, written or un-written. In turn the following two aspects

schemata and system of rules are linked to lifestyles, values, world views and culture and

therefore are the attributes of groups. Thus cultural landscapes are formed by

homogeneous groups of humans that have a common schemata that occurs in an area,

clearly defined and boundaried, that follow a set of rules that derive from a set of

schematic choices. In our present time homogenous groups are dwindling away and are

becoming rare. It is more likely to find homogeneity at small scales (rural towns).20

3.3 Attributes of a Region

When dealing with the attributes of regions “the concern has primarily been with etic

attributes which can be mapped rather than emic, publicly perceptible attributes,

potentially noticeable by both residence and visitors.”21 No single attribute can account

for the character of a region. Note that redundancy is important in making things

noticeable. It is important to get different multiple attributes working together. In general

cultural landscapes are not identified by multiple attributes; usually one perceives a total

gestalt or ambience intuitively and affectively. This however can be analysed more

deeply and broken into specific attributes. This is important when designing. Only those

cultural patterns which have an effect on the perceptible character (directly or indirectly)

of a region need to be considered. Rapoport states that this may not be self evident. For

example, dance may seem to be irrelevant. It seemed in Barcelona in 1981, it was the

almost permanent presence of folk dance on the streets and in the plazas that supported

the greater and more general revival of Catalan culture. The accompanying music and

20 Ibid., 276. 21Ibid.

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audiences became an important part of the regional urban cultural landscape.22 Rapoport

attempts to define these multiple attributes and suggests a way to organize them, capable

of distinguishing between natural components of landscapes and those modified by

human action and man made elements. He also distinguishes among fixed, semi fixed and

non fixed features.


Fixed feature;

Includes climate (hot,cold; arid, dry; humid, wet; equable, extreme etc.); typography (flat,

mountainous, plains, canyons, etc.); soils; geomorphology (e.g. landforms, shapes,

slopes, etc. (this ignores erosion and modifications caused by human action)); the

proportion of natural vs. manmade (separated, intermingled etc.); visual texture of the

landscape; hydrology (oceans or seas, lakes, ponds, creeks, dry rivers, flows, falls and

rapids, meanders, pools, etc.); texture underfoot; colour of soil, rocks, mountains etc.

(hue, brightness, saturation); variety of colours, absence of colour, etc.

semi fixed;

Comprises vegetation (species, types, height, colour); organisation- single plants, stands,

forests, prairies, deserts, etc.; density (opacity of foliage); weather (snow, rain,

temperature – hot, cool, cold – and diurnal or seasonal changes in it); light levels, light

quality and temporal changes in it; light and shade; air movement (still, breezes, storms,

turbulence); humid or dry; water surface (colours, waves, etc.)

non fixed;

Refers to sounds – trees and vegetation in the wind; wind, storms; water; birds, insects

(crickets, cicadas, etc.) animals (frogs, jackals, etc.); silence (e.g. of the desert); the

periodicity of sounds; smells – of vegetation (flowers, various trees, etc.), animals, of the

sea – or absence of smells; dust; atmospherics (fog, mist, drizzle, frost, hail), clear or

dull; hazy, overcast; clouds; sky colour; sunsets, etc.23

22Ibid., 277. 23Ibid.

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Modified by human action

Fixed feature,

Comprises the structure of the landscape including scale and size of elements and spaces,

distance and depth, angles of views, boundaries, directionality, features or foci, linkages

or separations etc.; control or order as opposed to picturesque; simplicity vs. complexity;

variety vs. unity; vividness.


Includes vegetation – plantings, types and species of plants and their sizes, their variety,

their arrangements, etc., the size, shape configuration of patches; the linearity, breaks,

widths, nodes and connecting patterns or corridors; the nature, relative area and

connectivity of the matrix, etc. Lawns – their presence, absence, upkeep, etc; crops and

crop combinations; visual and olfactory aspects of long-term pollution, smog, etc.


For example, domestic animals (dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, camels, cows, sheep, goats,

chickens and roosters, ducks, etc); caged birds; smells of trees and flowers growing, cut

flowers, smog, smoke, burning leaves.24


Fixed feature;

Elements include buildings, their scale, size, age, form, shape, morphology, proportions (

e.g. horizontal or vertical, height, details, decorations, roof forms, construction methods,

origins (built by whom); materials and their combinations, texture; colour of buildings

and settlements (hue, brightness, saturation); absence of colour; relative frequency of

colour use, different colour use and combinations, different colours in different buildings

etc.; three-dimensional quality (massing, volumes, etc.); porches, balconies and other

projecting elements; articulation; additive quality or not; interface inside/outside;

introverted on the extroverted (inward or outward facing), soft or hard, visible or hidden,

front/back; solid-void relationships; presence or absence of fenestration (e.g. blank

24 Ibid.

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walls), type of fenestration; entrances; gateways; building types and uses (religious,

medical, nursing homes, clubs, shopping (kinds of shops), houses and house types, barns,

sheds, windmills, gas stations, etc.; types of drinking and eating establishments; the

relation of buildings to the landscape, to roads and streets, to land forms and to

man0made typography, to the site (how they meet the ground or the sky); ways of

relating to the landscape (contrast, blending, merging); relationships among buildings

(e.g. scattered, dispersed, grouped in various ways, nucleated in settlements, freestanding

3-dimesional elements or continuous fabric, “orderly” or “disorderly,” ordered or varied,

“tidy” or “untidy”, regular or irregular (i.e. types of order which, in themselves, have

many attributes), hence the grain or visual texture of the built environment; density;

orientation of buildings; as a result of many of the above – the resulting quality of spaces,

their character, scale and width, open-tight, levels of enclosure, contrast, turns, blocked

views, simplicity or complexity, sequences of spaces; changes of level – hence

kinaesthetics (sharp turns, up/down, movement through space); textures underfoot or on

walls; nature of pavement and its texture (visual or haptic), its colour, hardness or

softness etc.; how space changes (or not) as one moves through it, hence unfolding,

complexity, hidden vistas, etc., hence generally how space is organised; dead or

reverberant spaces (acoustics); number and location of tall elements(buildings, radio and

microwave towers, stacks, etc.), hence skylines; large scale industry (refineries, steel

mills, factories, power stations); dumps; junked cars; presence or absence of private

gardens, lawns and their size, etc. and their visibility; composition of private gardens

(plants, arrangements, other uses); vegetation all over, occasional or absent; “natural” or

controlled; visible or invisible; maintenance (e.g. scruffy or neat); parks and open large

areas; bodies of water; fountains; historical monuments and their ages (different periods)

vs. new elements, etc., age of environments (newness/oldness; mixture of new and old);

variety of ages of buildings and areas; ruins and other traces of the past; perceptible long

term changes and rates of change, c.f. revitalisation, “gentrification” etc. vs.

deterioration; continuities; new or “instant” landscapes vs. “timeless” landscapes (where

“time stands still”); associational qualities of these; historical properties of sites,

buildings, neighbourhoods, cities or regions; roadside strips (and their attributes);

circulation systems (roads/freeways – dirt lanes, rail-lines, wires, pipelines, etc.); land

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subdivisions – field patterns, urban lots, etc., their size (area), shape (depth/width),

weather marked or not, if so, how: fences, hedges, walls (dry stone, dressed stone,

plastered etc.), type, heights, etc. of all of these; settlements – their sizes (villages-

megalopolises), form (linear, rectilinear, irregular), compactness or spaciousness, density,

etc.; street and road patterns, their character, variety, etc. (regular,irregular, etc. and their

specifics); scale and urban grain; skylines; squares and their location; homogeneous

neighbourhoods and clearly recognised districts tourist or residential areas, skid rows,

slums, etc., rich or poor areas (each characterised by many attributes); maintenance of

areas; ethnic areas or neighbourhoods; cemeteries or their absence, kinds of graves,

tombs, etc. (related to burial practices).

semi fixed;

The relative importance of the semi fixed vs. fixed feature elements; open-endedness and

visible personalisation, changes, etc.; colours and colour ranges; light and shade; signs

(highway, road, building, etc.), their numbers, sizes, types, colours, location, density,

languages, names on signs, graphics, etc.; place names; levels of night-time illumination,

neons, etc.; number of traces of people visible; segregated or mixed land uses; clustering

of trades, shops, restaurants, etc.; window and other displays; the many objects which

constitute the “furnishings” of the environment, their nature, shapes, sizes, heights,

colours, materials, textures, details, etc. (street signs, lights, mail boxes, kiosks, benches,

etc.); maintenance levels, litter, garbage, animal droppings, etc. decorations; graffiti –

their presence, absence, numbers, kinds, etc.; posters;

Non-fixed elements;

Largely people and their behaviour. For example, the nature of traffic (cars, bicycles,

animals, humans, trucks, buses, etc.); density of traffic; speed of traffic; noisiness of

traffic (engines, horns, bells, voices, etc.); types and intensity of activities; density of

activities; use vs. non-use of streets and plazas, etc.; types of uses permissible or

acceptable, hence the visibility or invisibility of activities; numbers of people visible;

temporal aspects – speed of movement, tempos and rhythms of activities, their continuity

or periodicity (e.g. pauses (siesta etc.), day/night; days of week; weekends); intensity of

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activities over time; cyclicity of activities; segregated or over lapping activities; festivals,

fairs, markets, parades, etc. and their specifics; clustering of activities; clustering or

clumping of people; density of people and their perceptible homogeneity (e.g. physical

type, gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion); recreation (games, sport, etc.), language,

costume and clothing styles; behavioural and manners, non-verbal communication

(proxemics, kinesics, gestures, etc.). postures (sitting, standing, lounging, lying down,

etc.); occupations; sleeping, praying; fighting; vendors, loungers; beggars; craftsmen;

street musicians (single, orchestras, singers, etc.); street performers; levels of social

interaction; noise levels and their nature; periodicity of noise and temporal changes in

noise’ types of sounds: music, radios, fountains or water; traffic noises, church bells,

muezzins, praying, etc.; noise levels (high – silence/hush); machinery; contrast noisy-

silent areas (e.g. courts); human noises of various sports (infants, school children

chattering, amount of talking, yelling, laughing, etc.); vendors’ sounds; smells and their

nature (man-made vs. natural; relative proportions man-made to natural smells); the

specific of smells – food vendors and shop (related to food preferences), restaurants,

bakeries, butchers, markets, flower sellers, cheeses, wines, etc.; incense; traffic fumes

(which differ in different countries); smoke (cooking, fireplaces, etc.; fuels used; factories

of various sorts); smells of chemicals, industry, garbage, sewers, etc.25

3.4 Vernacular Design

Four attributes are possible when regarding vernacular design, designers can;

1. ignore

2. reject

3. copy

4. or try to learn from them

Rapoport states that ignoring or rejecting such attributes cannot be justified. Copying

very frequently fails. Thus such environments and buildings need to be analysed and

principals and lessons derived, so that they can be intelligently applied to new planning

25 Ibid.

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and design. Once a region has been analysed one will have a better understanding of

which attributes are usable and stand out better than the rest. Analysing these attributes

will involve considerable interdisciplinary research for these attribute to become useful.26

When copying elements from past buildings it is highly likely they will be

destined to fail, scale may be wrong, or the relationship among elements, among

buildings or between buildings and the larger landscape. We have seen that shared

schemata are important in the creation of cultural landscapes, as are the rules used and

followed. When schemata are misunderstood or rejected the cultural landscape tends not

to survive.27 “Example; the very distant neo-Confucian cultural landscape which survived

until recently on Cheju Island Korea, having disappeared in the rest of the country, is

now rapidly disappearing. A phenomenon found all over the world.”28

As mentioned above, scale plays an important role. At small scale, schemata tend to be

more shared and easier to use therefore such regions will tend to be small. In the city

(larger scale) we can only preserve small areas. Example; Rome and Florence etc. emic

regions also tend to be smaller than others. The key to retaining regional character is the

cultural landscape and it attributes. A designer needs to understand the regional character

of its people, their culture, behaviour etc. in order to preserve and develop that character

appropriately. (The non fixed attributes).29

“Although people cannot control them, one can plan for their clustering and

homogeneity by design and planning of the buildings. More can be done with the semi

fixed and fixed feature attributes discussed above and the meaning these have for people.

It is also important to understand the relation or cultural landscapes to the cultures that

created them, particularly the process that created them, how values, ideals, schemata and

rules used in the choice process that is design, led to the systematic choices that produced

style or character.”30 So far I have emphasized the need to identify the emic attributes of

the cultural landscape. It is also important to rank these in importance and identify critical


26Markovich, Preiser and Strum. Pueblo Style and Regional Architecture. 281. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid., 282. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid.

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3.5 Internationalism

From the 1920’s to present Internationalism has dictated form, where architects have

designed and invented a series of architectural styles. A global view of the world

dominated architectural style (because of IT now transmitted world wide the minute the

building is photographable), and (now for different "reasons" still) the regional

perspective was/is lost. There is an obvious lack of locally based design thinking.

Internationalism has presented us with new technological influences, a veneer of

modernism has been adopted and in some cases ill digested and bearing no relationship to

our (New Zealand) tradition or to the region. A poor attempt, in some cases no attempt,

has been made to combine the modern and the traditional. It is essential for us (the new

generation) to absorb what we need from new technologies that have sprouted from

globalisation, and to learn to keep the best of our own traditional forms. Understandably

we must think in order to develop an indigenous contemporary architecture, and not loose

the best of the old that has meaning and value. “Our challenge is to integrate function and

aesthetic value into an enduring architecture that cooperates with nature and works in

concert with ecological principals.”31 The primary goal to counter the concept of

placeless-ness is to produce sustainable architecture that utilizes a combination of the best

ancient, proven building approaches and the best technological advances. Internationally

recognised architect Minnette De Silva states: “Accepting the need to synthesize our past

with present technology, we need to examine our own roots and understand them before

achieving a creative life – in literature, music, painting, education, society, and

architecture.”32 It is crucial that we find the right balance between the two. Regionalist

architect Minnette De Silva rejected the idea of using traditional building materials,

methods and ornament just for the sake of continuity when these were dysfunctional. She

defended this position by saying, “As an architect I believe in and cannot subscribe to

copying the architecture of an era that has long past. As an architect I believe in building

to suit our living needs in a living way, utilizing the most suitable and modern means at

our disposal, and on adopting these sound and fundamental principles of building of the

31 Harris Butt Architecture. “Profile.” http://www.hbarchitecture.co.nz/ (accessed November 14, 2010). 32 Liane Lefaivre and Alexander Tzonis, Critical Regionalism: Architecture and Identity in a Globalised world.( Munich: Prestal, 2003), 46.

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past, which are as authentic today as before. It is from that, that a beautiful and satisfying

modern architecture can result”.33 Example, “The era of the Kandyan style roof is dead. It

was achieved in a feudal era with a feudal means”. This is not to say she rejected

traditional materials and ventilation techniques in principal.34

The phenomenon of Universalisation, as Paul Ricoeur states; “while being an

advancement of mankind, at the same time partly causes a subtle destruction, not only of

traditional cultures, which might not be an irreplaceable wrong, but also of what he states

is the creative nucleus of great cultures.”35 This nucleus has been referred to by him as

the ethical and mythical nucleus of mankind of which life is interpreted. This wave of

Universalisation constitutes a wearing away of our cultural resources which shaped and

made our great civilisations of the past. This brings forth a problem especially for

countries rising from under development. In order to get on the road towards

modernization, is it necessary to stray from the old values which have been the building

blocks of a nation/region. This brings about the paradox that; “on one hand, it has to root

itself in the soil of its past, forge a national spirit, and unfurl this spiritual and cultural

revindication before the colonialist’s personality. But in order to take part in a modern

civilisation, it is necessary at the same time to take part in scientific, technical, and

political rationality, something which very often requires the pure and simple

abandonment of a whole cultural past.”36 Paul Ricoeur states; “it is a fact: every culture

cannot sustain and absorb the shock of modern civilisation. There is the paradox: how to

become modern and to return to sources; how to revive an old, dormant civilisation and

take part in universal civilisation.”37

3.6 Critical Regionalism

In Kenneth Framptons essay, ‘Prospects for a Critical Regionalism’ he also identifies this

central paradox between tradition and modernity. Regionalism promotes the revival and

reinterpretation of tradition as an oppositional strategy toward the concept of

33 Ibid., 47. 34 Ibid. 35 Paul Ricoeur, Universal Civilization and National Cultures: History and Truth, trans. Chas. A. Kelbley (Evanston: Northwestern University press, 1965), 276-7. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid.

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globalisation. For Frampton, regionalism offers “the sole possibility” of resisting that

constant spreading of a place-less, alienating consumerism.38 One of the key

characteristics of regionalism is the way it attempts to revive and reinterpret local

building traditions to achieve a synthesis with modern architectural forms. Liane Lefaivre

and Alexander Tzonis use the writings of Lewis Mumford as the source for their concept

of ‘critical regionalism’. Mumford’s writings broke with earlier romantic forms of

regionalism by advocating an architecture that embraced local traditions while

simultaneously engaging with the global, universalising world. Lefaivre and Mumford’s

regionalism becomes a constant process of negotiation between local and the global.

Critical Regionalism while being critical of modernisation still refuses to abandon the

progressive aspects of the modern architectural legacy. Also at the same time critical

regionalism’s fragmentary nature serves to distance it both from the utopianism of the

early modern movement. One of the main characteristics of critical regionalism is the

way it attempts to revive and reinterpret local building traditions to achieve a synthesis

with modern architectural form.39

In “Towards a Critical Regionalism; Six points for an architecture of resistance”.

Frampton States Six points of an architecture that resists this global onslaught of the

Universal model.

1- Culture and civilisation

2- The rise and fall of the Avant-Garde

3- Critical regionalism and world culture

4- The resistance of place and form

5- Culture versus nature: Typography, context, climate, light and tectonic form.

6- The visual versus the tactile

38 Carl O’Coill and Kathleen Watt, “The Politics of Culture and the problem of Tradition: Re-evaluating Regionalist Interpretations of the Architecture of Geoffrey Bawa.” http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/1823/1/The_Politics_of_Culture_and_the_Problem_of_Tradition.pdf (accessed October 17, 2010). 39 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 2, 2010), 1.

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According to Frampton’s six points of resistance40, as well as achieving a synthesis

between local building traditions and modern architecture, emphasis should also be

placed on topography, climate, and light. Frampton goes on to say, “ It is self evident that

the tabula-rasa tendency of modernisation favours the optimum use of earth-moving

equipment inasmuch as a totally flat datum is regarded as the most economic matrix upon

which to predicate the rationalisation of construction. The bulldozing of an irregular

topography into a flat site is clearly a technocratic gesture.”41 This universal culture

contributed greatly to this “absolute placeless-ness”, where as one should be more

sensitive to the site and work in response to the site, building should engage with site.

Frampton states this as cultivating the site. “Terracing of the same site to receive the

stepped building form of a building is an engagement in what Frampton calls

“cultivating” the site.”42 “What is found evident in the case of topography can also apply

to an existing urban fabric, and this carries on through to climate and the temporally

inflected properties of local light.”43 In these cases of light and climate control, Frampton

states that the most delicate way these two natural forces impact upon a building is the

generic window in that building. These openings/windows have the capability to record

the regional character of the region architecturally expressing a sense of place. This/our

universal culture has come to favour the exclusive use of artificial light. Frampton goes

on to state that art galleries are a prime example that encapsulates this use of artificial

light. Frampton goes on to say that this obsession begins to render the artwork as a

commodity, because such an environment becomes placeless also rendering the art work

placeless. Art galleries or any building for this matter must provide naturally lit ambient

light conditions that portray a sense of place different conditions that are rendered by

time, season, humidity, etc.44 As Frampton states; “Such conditions guarantee the

appearance of a place-conscious poetic – a form of filtration compounded out of an

interaction between culture and nature, between art and light.”45 Opening types also vary

40 Ibid. 41 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 2, 2010), 6. 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 45 Ibid.

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due to different climates presented, some climates favour a recessed glazing line where as

others are more appropriately advanced or shielded by louvers. Also the way in which

these specific openings provide ventilation reflect the nature of local culture.46

Frampton's interests lie with tectonic rather than scenography. (i.e. Romantic

notions and scenery). It should be influenced by the sense of touch rather than sight.

Frampton is interested in basing an observer's experience on building materials and their

sensory properties. He draws upon phenomenology for his argument.47Frampton gives

examples of this tectonic and tactile strategy. This strategy has the capacity to read their

environment in terms other than those of sight alone, suggesting a resistance of universal

technology. Frampton calls upon Alvar Alto’s red brick Saynatalo Town Hall of 1952

and points out that there is a resistance by utilising the tactile qualities of building

material, for instance, feeling the contrast between the friction of the brick surface stairs

and the springy wooden floor of the council chamber on the second floor. Frampton Also

quotes the work of film director Luchino Visconti as Frampton states Visconti was well

aware of sensory factors when making the film "The Damned," for he insisted that the

floor of the main set be paved in real wooden parquet. Visconti believed that without a

solid floor underfoot the actors would be “incapable of assuming appropriate and

convincing postures.”48

Architecture of today must remove itself from this tendency to fully embrace the

optimisation of advanced technology and also steer clear of this ever so present regional

misinterpretation of returning to the architectonic forms of the pre-industrial past,

regressing architecture to a nostalgic decorative past.49 A type of architecture, namely a

Critical Regionalism, has the capacity to form resistance by giving it an identity that

allows it to design critically, having a discreet recourse to the local in concert with

universal technique. It is important to appropriate the term Critical Regionalism as it is

often misunderstood and confused by its ambiguous nature and repressive

46 Ibid. 47 Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, “Critical Regionalism.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_Regionalism (accessed June 21, 2010). 48 Ibid. 49 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical regionalism.” http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic664192.files/Frampton%20critical%20regionalism.pdf (accessed July 23, 2010).

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misunderstanding.50 Alex Tozonis and Liane Lefaivre stated in their essay; “Gird and

Pathway” (1981) that; “Regionalism has dominated architecture in almost all countries at

some time during the past two centuries and a half. By way of general definition we can

say that it upholds the individual and local architectonic features against more universal

and abstract ones. In addition, however, regionalism bears the hallmark of ambiguity. On

the one hand, it has been associated with movements of reform and liberation; on the

other hand, it has proved a powerful tool of repression and chauvinism…. Certainly,

Critical Regionalism has its limitations. The upheaval of the populist movement – a more

developed form of regionalism – has brought to light these weak points. No new

architecture can emerge without a new kind of relations between designer and user,

without new kinds of programs…. Despite these limitations critical regionalism is a

bridge over which any humanistic architecture of the future must pass”.51 Throughout

Frampton's six points for an architecture of resistance, he stresses how necessary it is to

distinguish Critical Regionalism from “simple minded attempts to revive the hypothetical

forms of a lost vernacular.”52 Critical Regionalism filters out the universal elements that

are derived indirectly from the peculiarities of a particular place, Critical Regionalism

depends on high level critical self consciousness as it governs its inspiration for things

such as light, the tectonic and topographical, all of which have their own peculiar

qualities and ranges derived from their own specific region and all of which give a sense

of place and identity. Frampton goes on to outline, “In contradistinction to critical

regionalism, the primary vehicle of populism is the communicative or instrumental sign.

Such a sign seeks to evoke not a critical perception of reality, but rather the sublimation

of a desire for direct experience through the provision of information. It’s the tactile aim

to attain, as economically as possible, a preconceived level of gratification in behaviourist

terms. In this respect, the strong affinity of populism for the rhetorical techniques and

50 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 4, 2010), 3. 51 Tzonis and Liliane Lefaivre, “The Grid and Pathway, An Introduction Introduction to the Work of Dimitris and Susana Antonakakis,” Architecture Greece 15 (Athens:1981), 178. 52 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 2, 2010), 3.

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imagery of advertising is hardly accidental. Unless one guards against such a

convergence, one will confuse the resistant capacity of a critical practice with the

demagogic tendencies of populism.”53

Kenneth Frampton makes this comment; “Modern building today is now so

universally conditioned by optimised technology that the possibility of creating a

significant urban form has become extremely limited. The restrictions jointly imposed by

automotive distribution and the volatile plans of land speculation serve to limit urban

design to such a degree that any intervention tends to be reduced either to the

manipulation of production, or to a kind of superficial masking which modern

development requires for the facilitation of marketing and the maintenance of social

control. Today the practice of architecture seems to be increasingly polarised between on

the one hand a so called ‘high tech’ approach predicated exclusively upon production

and, on the other, the provision of a ‘compensatory façade’ to cover up the harsh realities

of this universal system.”54 This tabula rasa characteristic of modernism/globalism

significantly reinforces this problem of lose of place.”

Here in New Zealand, as elsewhere, this flattening of sites ‘starting with a clean

slate’ is alive and well. Frampton opposes modernism's utopian pretensions toward a

universal architecture. Frampton attempts to counter this lack of place by advocating an

adoption of an anti tabula rasa strategy which he terms ‘critical regionalism’. He

appropriates the term critical from Alex Tzonis and Liane LeFaivre as stated above. As

Frampton points out, “the mediation of the universal technique involves imposing limits

on the optimisation of industrial and post-industrial technology. The future necessity for

the re-synthesising principles and elements drawn from diverse origins and quite different

ideological sets seems to be alluded to by the philosopher Paul Ricoeur, who has

advanced the thesis that a hybrid world culture will only come into being through a cross

fertilization between rooted culture on the one hand and universal civilisation on the


53 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 B.Rawson, “Tradition and New Zealand Architecture.” (Master’s thesis, University of Auckland, 1988), 7.

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The predicament touched on by Tzonis and Le Faivre and posed by Ricoeur of

“how to become modern and return to sources”56 now seems to be circumvented by the

apocalyptic thrust of modernisation, while the ground in which mytho-ethical nucleus of

society might root, has become eroded by the rapacity of development.57 “One can hardly

describe the present movement in architecture as anything less than a period of rapid

change, change being the essence of modernity. Toffler’s famous anti-utopian “future

shock” has some relevant in this regard, particularly where he demonstrates the

symptomatic escalating rate of change in the field of art from 1870 to the present. The

distinction between, then, Critical Regionalism and the evocation of a sentimental or

ironic vernacular, is important. For unless a distinction is made, one will end up

confusing the resistant capacities of regionalism with the demagogic tendencies of

populism.”58 “As a cultural strategy, the case can be made that Critical Regionalism is as

much a bearer of world culture, as it is a vehicle of universal civilisation. And while it is

obviously misleading to conceive of our inherited world culture to the same degree, we

are all heirs to universal civilisation and therefore it is nonetheless evident that, since we

are in principal subject to the impact of both, we have no choice but to take cognisance

today of their interaction. In this regard the practice of Critical Regionalism is contingent

upon a process of double mediation. In the first place, it has to ‘deconstruct’ the overall

spectrum of world culture which it inevitably inherits; in the second place it has to

achieve, through synthetic contraction, a manifest critique of universal civilisation. To

deconstruct world culture is to remove oneself from the eclecticism of the fin de siècle,

which alien exotic forms in order to revitalise the expressivities of an enervated


56 Ricoeur, Universal Civilization and National Cultures: History and Truth, 276-283. 57 Rawson, “Tradition and New Zealand Architecture.” 10. 58 Ibid., 11. 59 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 2, 2010), 3.

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3.7 New Zealand’s current Universalist Impact

In New Zealand we have seen that New Zealand architecture is referential to overseas

influences. We are never satisfied with our architecture. One problem being that our

architecture is a mere copy, an imitation. Professor Mike Austin of New Zealand says;

“We are always disappointed because a copy can never be good as an original”.60

Furthermore these referential overseas models ignore our values, traditions and practises

for settlement and design well being. It is important to seek out and develop our own

style. We are a people like all other people, but with our own unique culture, climate,

topography and sense of place. Because of New Zealand’s enthusiasm in taking part in

this concept of globalisation, we have blurred what is unique to us – the expression of the

New Zealand identity. Also a part of this blur was caused by the arrogance of the early

New Zealand colonists. They felt that our native architecture wasn’t worthy of being

labelled architecture, it was dismissed as merely shelter. So the first colonial buildings

were derived almost entirely from European experience which is influenced mainly by

the last phase of regency architecture in England.61 With New Zealand wishing to imitate

western prosperity and inappropriate modern architecture instead of looking to their own

sound traditions, building skills were lost. In New Zealand our buildings should express

part of our history and our society, this is disputable when our buildings are unable to

keep us warm in the winter and deny us the relationship we have with the sun, nature and

openness, as is evident with the large number of alterations and additions I have seen

with large interior walls knocked out, decks, large windows and door openings added.

Architecture throughout the world is an important component of people's lives. The types

of houses we dwell in reflect our culture and way of life. Kenneth Frampton states;

“Modernism has bought us to the threshold of a nuclear war and annihilation of the entire

species.”62 New Zealand expresses its nuclear free policy but also its uniqueness is

expressed by an increasing awareness of Taha Maori and the Maori renaissance. Where is 60 Mike Austin, “Kiwi Architecture: Modernism Recycled,” http://www.library.uq.edu.au/ojs/index.php/fab/article/viewFile/107/124 (accessed May 2 ,2010). 61 Adam Begg, “An Architecture for New Zealand From New Zealand.” (Bachelors thesis, University of Auckland, 1987.), 2. 62 Kenneth Frampton, “Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.” http://www.colorado.edu/envd/courses/envd4114-001/Spring%2006/Theory/Frampton.pdf (accessed October 2, 2010), 2.

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this national self confidence articulated in our architecture, when “what finally decides

the form of a dwelling and moulds the space and their relationship is the vision people

have of their ideal life?”63 The answer is being hammered out by politically aware

musicians; “We carry in our hearts the true country and it cannot be broken. We follow in

the steps of our ancestry and that cannot be stolen”.64

Expressing New Zealand as a place is to express its regional identity which is

unique to us. Regionalism is a counter trend that attempts to put back into architecture

what negative aspects of modernism/globalisation imposed, namely, continuity in a given

place between past and present forms of building.65 This counter trend allows modernism

to be altered by injecting a sense of place and continuity without throwing away the

spatial advantages that modernism has to offer, so one can see that Regionalism is not a

return to traditional forms of the past. It is of the present, though evoking the past as well

as expressing the regions current self image and aspirations of the future. But on the same

hand we don’t want to create an imitation of the past, an architecture of the past. It should

acknowledge traditional form by selecting from the past while using the best the present

has to offer, to create a genuine hybrid. The architecture could exploit and/or enhance

local typography, climate, lifestyle, history and aspirations.66 This regional architecture

should not try to avoid change but instead continue to elaborate and intensify local

flavour. Kenneth Frampton argues “critical regionalism recognises that no vital tradition

remains available other than the subtle procedures of synthetic contradiction to condense

the artistic potential of the region while reinterpreting alien cultural influences.”67

63 Begg, “An Architecture for New Zealand From New Zealand.” 8. 64 Ibid. 65 Ibid. 66 Begg, “An Architecture for New Zealand From New Zealand.” 10. 67 Ibid.

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4.1 Universal Architecture

Due to advanced techniques, materials, transport and communication universal concepts

of universal architecture have spread throughout most of the world. These advanced

concepts include, electric lighting, air conditioning, and the ability to flatten a site as

oppose to engaging or cultivating the site, making topographical and climatic conditions

less important. This has been enforced by modernist architects which contributed greatly

to the spread of placeless architecture (modernism and the international style).

Architecture became contingent upon economic and political developments shifting it

towards a more functional and compact design. This adoption of the universal concept

meant that identical buildings were popping up all over the globe. Le Corbusier's designs

are a prime example of this universal/international style. They were called ‘machines for

living in’ and its roots didn’t reflect any national tradition. It became a neutral form of

architecture that ignored regional aspects and conditions. It was difficult to connect any

sensibilities, customs, aesthetic awareness, or culture to the open modern internationalist

form. This Modern Internationalist movement had many short comings, one in particular

was its failed attempt to break down regional tensions and try to make the world conflict

free. Architect’s such as Kenneth Frampton and Koolhaus despised the use of air

conditioning units as it was used as a tool to design architecture that ignored it regional

climate and local conditions. Designing to the climate is one of the main sources which

regional architecture is developed.68

68 “Internationalism,” http://www.answers.com/topic/international-style#ixzz1HNL3gv8C (accessed November 5, 2010).

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Characteristics of Modernism/international/universal style;

-Minimalist in concept, stresses functionalism, devoid of all regional

characteristics, and rejects all non essential decorative elements


- Usually characterised by simple geometric forms, often rectilinear, making use

of reinforced concrete and steel construction with a non structural skin, smooth

surfaces, typically of glass, steel, or stucco painted white.70

- often a cantilevered upper floor or balcony, open interior spaces, a flat roof,

eaves that terminate at the plain of a wall, large area of floor to ceiling height

glass or curtain walls of glass, metal window frames often in horizontal bands,

sliding windows, glass to glass joints corners, without framing,.- Houses are

commonly asymmetric, but appear as a series of repetitive elements.71

- A movement far too narrowly ideological and impersonal – and certainly too

self-referential in its inflexible insistence on formalism dictated purely by

function and technology. Such a stance could not serve a society in which cultural

and economic diversity would only increase

- Modernist transformations of local spaces into collections of abstract geometric

structures tend to overwhelm one with the authority of a single vision. The

concern with uniform design extending from city plans to kitchen design

demonstrates a desire to regulate human behaviour.

4.2 Resisting Universal Architecture

Architect Alvar Aalto despises the universal strategic of flattening the site, he makes a

point in his designs to work with the topography of a site. He describes it as cultivating

the site, which in turn reflects the context giving the architecture a sense of belonging.

The architecture of Alvar Aalto can be classed as an example of Critical Regionalism.

69“ International Style 1920 -1945.” http://www.buffaloah.com/a/DCTNRY/i/intrntl.html (accessed November 5, 2010). 70 “International Style.” http://www.answers.com/topic/international-style#ixzz1HNL3gv8C (accessed November 5, 2010) 71“ Tulsa’s International Style Architecture.” http://www.tulsanow.org/forum/index.php?topic=5893.0;wap2 (accessed November 5, 2010)

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His Saynatalo Town Hall in Finland 1948-52 is a prime example of a design that engages

with its site. This ‘cultivating of the site’ is portrayed through strategic terracing

reflecting the irregular typographies. While resisting common universal techniques, Alvar

Aalto refuses the notion that a single universal style is applicable without regional

Alteration. But on the other hand Saynatalo Town Hall does not abandon the progressive

effects of modern architecture. These words by Alvar Aalto best sum up Saynatslo Town

Hall “Regardless of which social system prevails in the world or its parts, a softening

human touch is needed to mould societies, cities, buildings, and even the smallest

machine made objects into something positive to one human psyche, without bringing

individual freedom and the common good into conflict.”72 These word were in his eulogy

for Eliel Saarinaen. Saynatsalo Town Hall situated in a Finnish forest, an area that was

fought fiercely over in World War II against Nazis. The original plywood factory

suffered severe damage during this time effecting the local community greatly. With the

given history of the area, it achieves a strong sense of belonging and community. It was

very important to respect this sentimental relationship. The result of the design is intimate

and unique with its layout that directly responds to the spirit of its site. It is made up of

several individual buildings forming a cluster around a centred courtyard that is raised

above the surrounding forest by the using material excavated from the old plywood

factories foundations. Access to the courtyard is allowed up by terraced steps That reflect

the terracing of the surrounding topography. The entries via the stairs provide gaps with

one gap allowing the low southern sun to penetrate while also allowing views to the

surrounding forest and distant lakes. The main material used are naked free from paint

etc. and consist of rusticated bricks, wood and copper combined with abruptly varied roof

shapes. The rusticated bricks are stacked in Flemish bond pattern that bring out the

organics qualities of the material and reflect the local vernacular. Using the brick also

breaks down the abstracted forms of the individual buildings giving them a more

humanised scale creating a softening human touch. In addition it is set in a romantic

landscape that absorbs the design into the rugged landscape and making it appear as

natural part of its context. The staggered heights and shapes of the individual buildings

72 “The Triumpf of Modrnism.” http://web.mac.com/davidrifkind/fiu/library_files/doordan.ch5.the-triumph-of-modernism.lib-iss.pdf (accessed April 17, 2011)

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communicate with the irregular tree tops surrounding the site, responding to this jagged

ambience of the region. The vertically louvered windows reinforce the repetition of the

surrounding trees. The individual buildings house different functions from a library to a

council chambers, with such building types one would expect monumentally

overpowering building masses which would not fit or be very sensitive to the surrounding

fabric. Alvar Aalto has countered this and achieved the opposite by breaking the different

programs into smaller separate more human scaled buildings that are grouped around the

central courtyard/public space. Saynatalo Town Hall is one of the first examples of

humanised post war architecture.73

Figure 4.1: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Informal Entrance

Figure 4.2: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Formal Entrance

73 David A. Gross, “Portfolio:Arch + Urban Design.” David A. Gross. http://www.davidagrossarchitecture.com/Critique/saynatsalotownhb.html (accessed February 2, 2011).

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Figure 4.3: Saynatsalo Town Hall

Figure 4.4: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Flemish Bond pattern Bricks

Figure 4.5: Saynatsalo Town Hall Floor Plan

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“The genius and success of Alvar Aalto’s Säynätsalo Town Hall resides in its understated

monumentality, scaled to the common man. Infused with regionalist cues, the entire

composition is forthrightly Finnish, while exhibiting a modernist eloquence connecting

the work to the wider world. Alvar Aalto may have inadvertently succeeded where other

Finnish architects failed; in creating a national architectural style through the practice of

critical regionalism. Aalto’s great contribution to architecture is recognized in his

advancement of a flexible and adaptable approach to design, which empowers any

individual, community, or organization, to express its inherent individuality, while

embracing the modernist paradigm.”74

4.3 Simon Winstanley Architects – Deepstone Residence

Location – Solway Firth, Scotland.

- The site is a Steeply sloping former quarry.

- The house conceived as a stone plinth which echoes the exposed quarry face.

- The main living space is expressed as a lightweight glazed pavilion sitting on a

solid plinth maximizing the sea views.

- Masonry plinth/base is finished in stone from recycled quarry waste.75

Figure 4.6: Deepstone Residence, Elevation Figure 4.7: Deepstone residence, Rear of Pavillion

74 David A. Gross, “Portfolio:Arch + Urban Design.” 75 Simon Winstanley Architects “Deepstone Residence,” http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-winstanley-architects-deepstone.html (accessed April 2, 2011).

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Figure 4.7: Deepstone Residence, Showing Figure 4.8: Deepstone Residence, View from

exposed Quarry face road

Figure 4.9: as labeled

Figure 4.10: as labeled

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4.4 Herbst Architects – Lindale Bach

Location: Great Barrier Island, New Zealand.

- Resembles New Zealand’s national material timber and the national type “the


- Lightweight construction typical of New Zealand residential building.

- Sits as a light weight structure on the site.

- Blurred the indoor and outdoor spaces.

- The lounge is the only winter space.

Figure 4.11: Lindale Bach, eave detail Figure 4.12: Lindale Bach, Blurred indoor & outdoor

Figure 4.13: Lindale Bach, winter space/lounge Figure 4.14: Lindale Bach, front view

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Figure 4.15: Lindale Bach, as labeled

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From Post-Modernist to Deconstructivist to Minimalist architects blew through a series

of styles during the second half of the 20th century where fashion dictated form. A global

view of the world dominated architectural style, and the regional perspective was lost.

This lack of locally designed based design thinking caused several architectural theorists

to write on the merits of regionalism and critical regionalism. Until recent times many

architects weren’t aware that this excess of consumer driven economies of the western

world were placing undue demands on the planet. It wasn’t till the mid 1990’s, a few

architects and environmentalists realised this. From here on a process of sustainable

design principals took over and the world was made aware of ‘green building’. New

Zealand has always focused its image on keeping green so it is particularly receptive to

the idea of sustainable, eco-friendly architecture.76 The form of a building must first of all

offer protection against the elements – wind, rain, heat, and cold – but the beauty and

design of a building are as important as its usability and function. Again the challenge is

to integrate function and aesthetic value into an enduring architecture that cooperates

with nature, we must weave the combination of proven ancient building techniques with

the best technological advances of today. When integrating new environmental

technology we must not look at these systems in isolation and simply overlay these

systems onto an architectural scheme. These strategies become most effective when they

are carefully woven together and work synergistically. Looking at nature’s elements

earth, air, water, and fire, they help architects understand how buildings can function as

organic systems, working in harmony with biological cycles and processes of nature.

Although these elements will be discussed in isolation they are all interrelated.77“The

parts of a building must create a whole, and this whole must be responsive to

environmental conditions. A building affects the environment, just as the environment

affects the building.”78

76 David Miller. Toward a new regionalism: Environmental Architecture in the pacific Northwest. (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2005), 33. 77 Idid., 35. 78 Ibid.

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5.1 Earth

New Zealand has a privileged relationship with the natural landscape, that links to the

built environment, cities and buildings. The fundamental ingredients of New Zealand

landscapes provide architects with their palette. How a building meets the ground is

critical, concepts of earth sheltered design, green roofs, and landscape enhancement are

all effective earth related strategies for New Zealand’s climate. When a choice is given

for the siting, topography must be considered carefully. Structures may float above the

ground on columns (in the case of low lying Flood plains), rest on the land, or be dug into

the earth. In either approach one should conceive a building as an interval in the

landscape that respects the natural conditions of a place. The topography also has a great

impact on a site's microclimate, which has important repercussions for interior comfort.

In New Zealand, the top of a slope is the most exposed, both to the sun, wind and rain.

The bottom of a slope is often protected by vegetation but subject to cool, foggy night

and morning conditions as cool air settles at the base of the slope. Side slopes are the

dominant condition in New Zealand and when north facing have 100 times the solar

value of south facing slopes. Correct orientation can also minimise the impact the wind

has on the structure.79

5.2 Water

Water is plentiful throughout New Zealand during the winter months, but can become

scarce through summer months. New Zealand is known for its cool overcast drizzly days,

when the surrounding mountains frequently disappear at unpredictable intervals. Like the

sun, the rain is not heavy, nor is it fleeting, it has a gentle omnipresence for the winter

months and contributes a softness to our senses. Water is a precious resource and should

be conserved and enhanced with every building project. All buildings have a serious

impact on water ecology. Rain falls on roofs, decks and patios, parking lots, and roads.

As it falls on these manmade elements, it is transformed into storm water, which gets

whisked away through gutters, drains, catch basins, and an underground network of storm

pipes. The pollutants carried by these systems degrade the quality of our waterways that

are so plentiful in New Zealand. When designing there is a need to mitigate storm water's

79 Ibid., 36.

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destructive potential, this has given rise to a number of environmental approaches. Most

of the approaches are aimed at keeping water on site for a period of time. These holding

strategies when designed properly have the potential to express the poetry of water and

maximise its innate beauty as a landscape form. Such strategies include planted areas that

filter runoff before it enters a storm water drain or water way. In New Zealand we have

unique opportunities to exploit the power and poetry of water. Not only are there

numerous opportunities to express conservation, detention, retention, and recycling of

water within a structure or site, but there are also many ways in which to express the

symbolic relationship between architecture and water that help articulate the spirit of

place. New Zealand has the potential to create powerful conceptual architecture with its

poetic use of water.80

5.3 Wind

Wind direction, frequency, and speed will influence the design of the building it will

determine the bracing systems, roof, wall cladding, weather tightness, building entry

locations, window size, and shelter. New Zealand’s sub tropical climate conjures up a

mix of both hot humid winds in the summer and cold draughts in winter. The key is to

find the right balance and be able to control and adjust the building environment to

establish comfortable living conditions depending on the season. We must design

passively to control such conditions, reducing the need to rely on air conditioning

units/systems. Assessment of wind effects early in the design process will be mandatory.

This should include peak and average wind speeds, wind direction, and how it affects the

site at different times of the year. Also any large expanses of water nearby should be

taken into account as, during the day, solar gain will heat the land mass, resulting in an

increase in temperature relative to the adjacent body of water. As air by the land rises,

cooler air from over the water will replace the rising air, resulting in the generation of on

shore breezes in the afternoon. Any adjacent buildings or vegetation will have an impact

upon the wind conditions. For example wind speed is lower when surrounded by taller

buildings, wind speed will increase with funnelled through openings and in the presence

of vegetation wind speed is slowed. Most importantly the prevailing wind condition must

80 Ibid., 47-51.

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be seriously considered, in relation to placement of the design and its openings and


5.4 Sun

Due to New Zealand’s clean atmosphere and Antarctic ozone hole the sun is very strong

in summer months. New Zealand’s sun angle varies from a high angle sun in summer 72

degrees decreasing to a lower angle of 27 degrees in winter. By critically analysing the

sun effect on a particular site a buildings location, spatial arrangement, orientation,

window placement can be determined. It is crucial to take full advantage of passive solar

design to maximise energy efficiency and control comfort levels within the building.

When assessing a site for sun one must consider the times during the day when each part

of the site sees sunlight. Also sun paths at different times of the year will need to be

determined and analysed. The topography of the site and orientation will affect solar

access, obstructions such as adjacent buildings, trees, and terrain will also have an impact

on the site and design. Program, lifestyle and layout of the design will be determined by

the above factors. When protecting a building from the sun careful consideration needs to

be taken of the choice of materials. Materials need to be able to withstand UV radiation

emitted by the sun. UV radiation causes colours to fade, plastic based material become

brittle, timber moves and twists, and expansion and contraction from heating and cooling

takes place causing stress in joints etc. Thus the consideration of UV radiation must be

considered over a buildings lifetime. In the summer months shade is often required

especially in the Northland region. When designing for a site it is important to assess the

impact of obstructions in the way and also recognising that any vegetation or forestry

may have a future impact. For example a small tree on a site may grow into a large one

that restricts the sunlight from reaching the building. Or alternatively the existing trees

may help aid with shade in future. The New Zealand latitudes make for a limited solar

access to south and east facing slopes. It is difficult to produce any significant solar gain

with developments on such site. Thus when developing try to avoid placing buildings in

81 Level the Authority on Sustainable Building. “Site Analysis.” http://www.level.org.nz/ (accessed May 6, 2011).

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such sites unless there is a great reason example, you may want to maximise the great

views. 82

82 Level the Authority on Sustainable Building, “Site Analysis.”

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This chapter will present a brief view of the design process which has been utilised,

resulting in the final design scheme. To validate the research which has been performed

during the course of this project, a design scheme (Fishing lodge) has been developed on

the chosen site of which the document is based. This design proposal supports this

document and acts as an experiment to test the hypothesis stated at the beginning of this

paper. As the chosen site is up for development it is at risk to falling victim to a universal

architecture seeking to maximise profit and thus not reflecting the regions unique culture

ambience and sense of place.

6.1 Brief

The chosen site, through regional, cultural and historical investigations has been selected

on the basis that it is an ideal location to reflect the above factors emphasizing the areas

regional characteristics thus bringing an architecture that fits within its context/region. A

brief has been proposed that creates a lodge that caters exploits the regions vast marine


6.2 Key Planning issues

The development of this project is broken down into sections. These sections act as steps

in the design process carried out to produce the final scheme. The key planning and

design issues as they have been named, act as an exploration into design possibilities. The

issues include, program, Context and climate, site, building technology and sustainability.

6.3 History

The Bay of Islands is an area situated on the East coast in the Northland region of New

Zealand. The region is renowned for its fishing. The Bay of islands has a rich Maori

history, many Maori settled throughout the region on many of its islands and bays. Many

prominent Maori were born in the Bay of Islands, including Hone Heke who cut down

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the flag pole at Kororareka now known as Russell and started the Flagship war. The

region houses many historically significant New Zealand Settlements such as Okiato (the

nations first capital), Waitangi (where the treaty of Waitangi would later be signed), and

Kerikeri (which was an important departure point for inland Maori going to sea, and later

the site of the first permanent mission station in the country). The Bay of Islands was the

first region in New Zealand to be settled by Europeans. It was first discovered by Captain

Cook, who named the Region in 1769. Kerikeri is home to the oldest wooden structure

that still stands in New Zealand. It is also the home to the oldest stone building in New

Zealand, it was constructed in 1832. Throughout the 18th century the Bay of Islands was

home too many whalers, sealers, sailors and missionaries. It was once a bustling seafaring

and political base fusing Maori and European culture. Through the period of the 18th

century the Bay of Islands was described as the lawless state and branded ‘the hell hole of

the Pacific’. 83

6.4 Site context and climate

The site is approximately 15 acres of coastal land with jetty and roading in a safe and

private location opposite the Opua Marina in the picturesque marine playground of the

Bay of islands in New Zealand. Opua Marina is a seaside port town in the Bay of Islands

and the first port of call for most leisure vessels arriving in New Zealand. The chosen site

is a point located at the end of Waikino road which adjoins Waikere road off State

Highway 1 which used to be the main route to Russell. It is directly across from the port

of Opua. With the advent of the vehicle ferry crossing from Opua, traffic along Waikere

Road has dissipated, making this a peaceful and untouched area of natural beauty with

farms and life style blocks maintaining its country feeling. Waikino Road itself is a

private road. The nature of the site is where country meets the beach, it is very private yet

accessible to the marina and main highways. The site includes a small bay to the south

east point of the section and has an exposed northerly facing point looking down the

Opua Harbour and across to Opua Marina where various boats are moored and anchored.

The hillside vegetation is made up of native and non-native tress. A clump of mangroves

83 Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia, “Bay of Islands.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Islands (accessed May 7, 2011).

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is located on the foreshore to the south east of the point. The surrounding areas are

mainly made up of national parks, forestry and farms. The harbour provides for a large

range of marine activities; various types of fishing, various water sports, swimming,

shellfish gathering, marine farming, whale watching etc.84

Figure 6.1: Northland, New Zealand

84 Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia, “Opua.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_of_Islands (accessed May 7, 2011).

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Figure 6.2: Opua Region, Bay of Islands

Figure 6.3: Site

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The surrounding fabric of the area consists largely of forestry and national parks with a

natural harbour that has several arms which extend into the land forming points, notably

Waikere Inlet. The Climate of the Northland Region in which the site is located can be

classed as a sub-tropical climate with warm humid summers and mild wet winters. Due to

its latitude and low elevation, the Northland region has the country’s highest annual

temperatures. In summer temperatures range from 22 degrees to 26 degrees, occasionally

rising above 30 degrees. In winter the maximum temperatures vary between 14 degrees

and 20 degrees. Winds are predominantly southwest and occasionally the region faces

cyclones which generally are quite weak once they leave tropical latitudes.85 The climate

and context of the site has played an important factor in the positioning of the

development. Factors such as the predominant south west wind and sun orientation play

key roles and are responsible for strategic moves and placement of buildings. The design

problem was how to open the building up to maximize the suns heat while also sheltering

and closing up to protect and prevent the cold south west wind, penetrating the buildings

openings etc. With the site/point being orientated to the north with views up the harbour

it made perfect sense to orientate the building towards the sun and maximize the harbour

views that give one a real sense of where they are while maximizing solar gain. With

such factors taken into account the building is situated on the north face of the point

below the highest point with the peak of the hill to the south providing protection from

the predominant south west wind. It was important not to place the building too low as it

would then be susceptible to cold frost from the sea and frost troughs.

85 Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia, “Bay of Islands.”

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Figure 6.4: topography of site

A key strategic move in adding further protection at a later stage in the developed design

was to crank the building, by making such a move this provided further wind protection

from the west and east and by doing so followed the natural contours of the site which in

turn would have less effect on water courses making the development relate to the site

well (site sensitivity). Burying the western wing provided an indoor communal space that

provides protection from winter elements and predominant winds. It provides an

anchorage to the development and becomes a place of refuge portraying its

protective/sheltering attributes. The strategic crank in the plan of the building also adds

extra enclosure to the main deck further sheltering the outdoor deck from cold westerly

winds. Surrounding cabins are placed along the contours of the site all lightly placed on

the slope with piles to once again minimize the impact the structure has on the sites

natural water courses while providing the least amount of site flattening or excavation.

Being on piles also provides the cabin with extra height elevating them above the

surrounding tree canopy allowing more sunlight maximizing solar gain while also

providing adequate ventilation underneath driving away Dampness. The locally sourced

timber/treated pine piles reflect the surrounding regions forestry further adding to the

character and ambience of the region.

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Figure 6.5: Lodge Private Cabins.

The typography of the site dictates the stepping form of the development. The buildings

engage with the irregular contours countering ‘placeless-ness’ and ‘flattening’ of the site

as mentioned earlier. Structures holding services such as water tanks, toilets, storage

rooms, smoke houses and garages have been place to the south of the development

providing shelter to the more communal and frequently used spaces housed within the

two wings. Buildings for storage etc and with such programs are used less frequently and

can afford to sacrifice solar gain. With the only access from the south end of the

development these service buildings become a buffer between the possibly noisy

driveway and the communal wings creating a more private peaceful experience. The boat

wash area can be found next the storage rooms and smoke house making washing up,

unloading, and preparation quick and easy.

Figure 6.6: Communal Space Concept Figure 6.7: Communal Space showing crank.

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Shelter belts are placed on the west side of the driveway as you enter. The shelter belts

are contrived of several graded rows of quick growing shrubs and trees which reduce

wind speed near ground level. This strategy protects the lodge’s main entry as well as the

approach through the high Wind zone area as shown in fig: 6.6. The strategic positioning

of the shelter belt on the south end does not obstruct any potential sunlight or cast any

shadow over the lodge denying it from any solar gain. The addition of shrubs and trees

replace the vegetation that had been removed to make way for the gravel driveway and

turning circle etc. removal of any vegetation can have severe effect on the micro climate

of any site, site irrigation can become damaging and watercourses become interrupted

greatly.86 Electing to lay a limestone driveway over a concrete or asphalt one has many

positive benefits to a site of this nature. Limestone has greater permeable qualities over a

sealed surface. This allows any storm water to be absorbed over the area concerned and

prevents copious amounts of runoff and unnecessary erosion excusing the need to install

technical drainage systems which are very costly.

Figure 6.8: Lodge Driveway with Shelter Belt Figure 6.9: Driveway Connection to Lodge developed

86 Bill Holdsworth and Anthony F Sealey. Healthy Buildings; A design primer for a living environment, (Essex: Longam Group UK Limited, 1992), 24.

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6.5 Building Technology

Building materials have been selected based on their accessibility, availability and local

building knowledge/skill to the region. Timber is the predominant building material used

throughout the design and is a renewable resource in New Zealand. New Zealand has a

great knowledge and history of timber construction embedded in its culture. Timber

portal frame construction and post and lintel construction have been used throughout the

development. Timber has also been selected to clad the building protecting it from the

weather. Naturally weathered vertical timber weather boards protect the buildings and

reflect the verticality of the site and reinforce the repetitious nature of the surrounding

forests and trees. The highly glazed northern façade is fitted with timber joinery further

reflecting the regions rich history in timber construction. Timber construction has a

greater responsiveness to outdoor temperatures which can be beneficial in cooling during

the summer months at night. In contrast the southern façades are closed down with solid

heavy constructed sandstone walls with minimal openings that minimize heat loss.

Sandstone is a readily available material in the Northland Region and also proves to have

great thermal mass qualities making it an excellent material to incorporate into the

design. The sandstone construction also has excellent durability and is low maintenance.

Being sourced locally also cuts down on the embodied energy of the finished product;

generally with such heavy weight construction embodied energy is high. The highly

glazed northern face allows low angle winter sunlight to penetrate the southern wall

through the day storing heat and slowly releasing it at night. Extended eaves on the

northern façade double as shelter from the more intense high angle sun of summer and

rainfall of winter. Double glazing also helps prevent heat loss and gain in summer and

winter months. The western wings solid masonry structure buried into the slope portrays

the concept of shelter not only visually but through tactility giving one a sense of

enclosure. The solid slab on ground contrasts with the springy timber deck which further

emphasizes the contrast between winter and summer spaces. The Lodge development

consists of materials that are naked showing their natural textured characteristics giving

the lodge a more organic natural feel and adding a more humanized scale to the different

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sized buildings. Breaking the buildings into smaller building clusters also reduces any

over powering characteristics of large building developments.

Figure 6.10: Winter Communal Wing Section, Passive design Strategies.

Figure 6.11: Winter communal Wing Section, Ventilation Strategy

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6.6 Project Concepts & Developed Design

Figure 6.12: Early stage design showing thermal mass design possibilities and building location

in relation to the hilltop/peak.

Figure 6.13: Developed design showing Strategic crank in building to the sites natural contour.

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Figure 6.14: Addition of Care Takers quarters adding shelter to the communal wings.

Figure 6.15: Exploring Courtyard for Care Takers Quarters + centering fire place.

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Figure 6.16: Perspective, Early stage design

Figure 6.17: Perspective, Developed Design

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Figure 6.18: Site Layout + Massing

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The final design project represents an example of architecture which has identified and

used regional design tools in the hope of maintaining a site's sense of place by relating to

the local environment. The design counters the increasing homogeneity between regions,

caused by the wave of Universalist models. The architecture utilises a combination of the

best regional building approaches that have a long track record and the best of today’s

technological advances and scientific knowledge. The final design is sensitive to the site

by working in sync with it. The building engages with the topography, climate, and

culture. Each of these aspects had played an important role in the sustainable design of

the building. Locally sourced materials, building forms that protect from the

environment, design aspects that mimic the surrounding landscape all contribute to the

designs context in a sensitive fashion. Analysing the regions climate was very crucial to

the design as the existence of regional architecture stems from its local climate.

Environmental strategies involving earth, water, wind, and sun have been woven into the

design that creates a building that works with and utilises the passive design capabilities

that the region offers.

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8.0 LIST OF FIGURES 4.1: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Informal entrance - http://www.danda.be/gallery/saynatsalo_town_hall/4/

4.2: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Formal entrance - http://www3.jkl.fi/ssalo/misc/ekunnantalo.htm

4.3: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Varied window fenestration - http://msemmamorris.blogspot.com/


4.4: Flemish bond brick pattern - http://plato.acadiau.ca/courses/educ/reid/geometry/brick/bricklayer.html

4.5: Saynatsalo Town Hall, Floor plan - http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/aalto/description/townhall/plans/

4.6: Deepstone Residence, Elevation - http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-


4.7: Deepstone residence, Rear of Pavilion -http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-


4.7: Deepstone Residence, Showing exposed Quarry face - http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/


4.8: Deepstone Residence, View from road - http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-


4.9: Deepstone Residence, Elevations - http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-


4.10: Deepstone residence, Floor Plans - http://homefashionandstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/simon-


4.11: Lindale Bach, Eave detail - http://www.nzwood.co.nz/case-studies/lindale-bach

4.12: Lindale Bach, Blurred indoor & outdoor - http://www.nzwood.co.nz/case-studies/lindale-bach

4.13: Lindale Bach, Winter space/lounge - http://www.nzwood.co.nz/case-studies/lindale-bach

4.14: Lindale Bach, Front view - http://www.nzwood.co.nz/case-studies/lindale-bach

4.15: Lindale Bach, as Floor Plan - http://www.nzwood.co.nz/case-studies/lindale-bach

6.1: Northland, New Zealand - Google Earth

6.2: Opua Region, Bay of Islands - Google Earth

6.3: Site – Google Earth

6.4: Site plan, Topography, frost, wind map

6.5: Lodge Cabins

6.6: Communal space, Early concept

6.7: Site plan, Showing Building crank

6.8: Site plan, Lodge Driveway with shelter belt

6.9: Site plan, Lodge driveway Connection

6.10: Section, Winter communal space

6.11: Section, Ventilation strategies

Page 59: Eric Tell MArch(Prof)


6.12: Plan, Early stage design

6.13: Plan, Developed design

6.14: Plan, Developed deign

6.15: Plan, Developed design

6.16: Perspective, Early stage design

6.17: Perspective, Developed Design

6.18: Site Layout + Massing

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