EIGHT PAGES OF EAST HAVEN NEWS ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh L i b r a r y Eaatlfaven, Conn* 5~3 Our Telephone Numbers Business: ATwalcr 8-1661 . Editorial: HObarl 7-5811 voii. ^'II — No. ;i!i lEaat Hanfti '^tva^ An Independent [ Weekly Newspaper Pnlillihed WeiHy by Free Press Piihlltalions, lot Yearly Suhscfiptlon $2.50. KA.s'i' ii,\\-KN',' ('(iN.vKrru'ii'i'.'rui'KKiiAY, I)1':CV;MH1'',1! u.m: G Cents A Copy ^'-i-iiO A Year Giant Parade To Open j Annual X-mas Festival Here Tomorrow Night S. Claus Makes First Appearance 111 Parade At Six 'News' To Publish On Tuesday, December 23 Santa Clous is comliis lo town! At 6 o'clock lomomiw nlgtil, tu bo cxoct, when the Bindtord Manor Drum Corps will lead a piiraae down. Main St. to the town Broen lo open the official Christmas Fc.sUval. 'More.than a dozen firms and oi- , fiahizalions will have floats or rep- /rcsdntntives participating in the Vp'aradc; And, of course, Sanitt Claus will he there marching along with everybody else.. In tact, he'll TiUikc a dual appearance. One of "hfnj WlUbe atop the Tommy's 'Turnitiiio Store float tossing candy . to cliiidren along the route of tho parade. •, •./ 'The parade, which will assenibie at Pardee Place, oft Main St., will be escorted,down the street by an official police guard. The Hieh School Band and majorettes will lead a section of tiiG parade. . Members of the AMVETS Auxil- iary child welfare division will i;:iarch, together with members of tlie East Haven Woman's Club and the East Ilnvcn Exchange Club and tho Rotiiry. ' •'' Clirlsinms Carols Following the parade, the junior and senior choirs of the Old Stbne Church,will .present a program of Christmas Carols on the steps of Ihp Town Hail.. ,, ' Local firms participating, in the -. parade'includp, Wolfe's Baltery, McLay's' Ranch, ;E. G,,Ciirryf Ap- pliances, and Metzo Brothoj;e,vi,'-' The East'Haven Flre-'ibepaft-i. nient will'entei" one of &|.ri^cks, •which will be especiailyTdecorafeti for the occasion, v..,.- /;„.. :.^ .\ ' "The festival^ sivaiiBC!i-Va' fiyijilio East Haven Chombcr of Conimerce; 1.. s.-i„„ ..ni,.i„ninri wliRtihBf'cdd't)- BerjiUKis C'liristnm.s Day fnllK on Thursday this year tlif Kiist Ilnvcn News will pnltlish on Tuesday, December 23 Insteail of ItH regular*pul)llslUni; dny. Advcrlisors and persons with new items are- advised oT the. altered publication dale in nrdrr to plan tJleir copy earlier. Deadline will bo on the pre- cedini; Monday. is being cohducted wltii'ih8.''cp()p-^° eratlon ~bf loca'l civic, " church, business and school groups.' Activi- ties are to be ILstod in one colondar. Open Until 0 P. M. i ' The opening of the festival •nlso marks the start ot the Christhiaa shopping period in East Haven and stores will remain open until 9 p. m. nightly until Christmiis, Santa Claus Starting Friday, Dec. 19, and running through . the succeeding Saturday, Monday, Tuesday .iind Wednesday before Christtnas, Santa Claus will be on hand from 2 to 5 p. m. each day at a parly for children to be given in the Town- Hall basement. The party will be under tho di- rection ot the Woman's Club. Gifts will be presentcti, and all children are invited. Christmas Activities ciu'lstmas So.ison nclivitlo.s by various ' organizations in East Haven for the sveek ending Thurs- day, Dec. 18, are listed below in calendar form: "Old Stone Ciiurch Friday, 6:30 p. in. Christmas car- ols program by both choirs at tho Town Hall. .Monday, 7:45 p. m. Mission Social. •Tucsdn'y,' 12 noon. Ever Rondy Group covered ct'sh supper. Christ Church Thur.sday, Dec. 18, 8 p. m. .lun- ior Guild annual Chri.stmas meet- ing- . . Siilnt Clniro Monday, 6:30 p. m. Men's' Club supper., ' " ' Gxclinngi! Cluh Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Christ- mas parly"at the.Annex House. ' .'-' ' •.' Lions CUib , - • Thiursdiiy,'Dec. 18, 6:30 p. ni Meeting at Florio's Restaurant. •"'Foxon Hoihcsmaidng- Group - Thursday, De-c. ' 18, ' "ll a. m. Christmas party at the Community Ml •':•' ^ ..... - • ' • • . . • '. ') . Woriicn Democrats ; Tliijrsday; Dec. 18, 7.p..m.. Christ- mas, 'party at Momauguin Col- ioniidcl,, ;;>'.,* '^Womeii llcpublic^ns •1. Wedn'esday, 8 p. ni.' Christmas parly 'at home of Mr.s. Charles ,Miller, Bradley Avenue. Choral Group Sunday, 3;,30 p. m. Annual Christmas concert In Hagaman Library. Redevelopment Group Optimistic On Chances Asserts D.C. Beausoleil National Funds Tragedy May Prompt Action To Protect Sinatl Children Action 111 increase safely iirc- rmitions for children living near the Farm River wns licing con- templntort this week by tlio Hlver- dale Association, following the drowning Snturday of thvce-yenr- old Richard Smith. Thecliild, son of Mr. and Mrs. Deimbor Smllh, of 34, Boriimim Rd., strayed wlthit. pinyniaie from his homo to the Imnk oflho rain- swollen river pnrly Saturday nflor- noon, Both l\o and his plnyinoto, i throe-yonr-oid ,I61m SuUo, fell Into tiic rishing stroain, but youiig Sullo managed Id'pull himsoitioul and ran to wnrri'hls mother, Mrs. Edward Sullo, qt 28 Borrman Rd., ot what had hnpponcd, A search party was formed im- mediately nnri police and firemen joined In the search. Aiiout 30 minutes after Iho apparent time of llio accident, the body of Richard was found ciiughl on a submorKod slump uliuut hnif a mile down stream IrtHn whore he hail fallen in. Accoi'diiij; to Uetiry .1. Trenil- Well, president of the RIverdnle Assnolallon.tlic lianU ot the river near the devolopmcnl is sci'cened by a barbed who fence. However, the fence Is not In top repair and needs some mnlntciinncq work. Vnroiits In the .dbvoloplnenl wci'o roporied shnkcii hy tho iiows of the drowning; and various steps iiovo been suggested to prevent any chance of n rocurrenco of trngedy. Tho association Is sciicduled lo hold Its regular meeting on Monday. ' ScrvlocB For Boy , Services for tho Smith boy took place Tuesday In the First Baptist Church in Now Haven, with tiie Rev. Evoretl Sherwood, pastor, otflciatliiB.' 'niirlnl wns In tlio East Lawn Ceinctcry. Besides Ills mother and father, niclinnl IK survived by his slstbr, Mntcln. . Implieatc Three i X-'^^'f Seals Drive AT II 1 Ucceipls For Two New Haveners In Ueeks Total $560 Two^years HKO ti liimch piirty (t(ip)\viis iililr to rn joy thr. almniliiDt sniiilH UIOUK (lie MonniUKiiiii sliorc between CiimbrUlKC C*nirt and Uradford Onvc. A retM^iit piitrto (l>«ttoi»i) sh»w*i tin* hiiinc NIMIIIO ]i« It h todny iiftcr erosive currents Inivc! washed ii wny the hhorc .to thriMiteii ))iMich dwelliuKS In tho nretu Proposed re<lc.velo',>tiient pluits tnclttde a pro };rnin oT erosion control Tor the entire IMomnuRUin shore. "• , ; School Board To Trust FurM Consider Approval Baby Reaches Tola IOJ $950 Of School Sites Pfc. Salvatore Giovine -Awarded Combat Badge Pfc. Snlyatore N. Giovlno, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Giovlnc, ot 13 Pardee PI. extension, has been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge for action under enemy fire in Korea. Now assigned to the '10th Infantry Division, Pfc. Giovine has been in the service about two years and has been in Korea for appi'oximately sU month.s now. Players Make Up I>oten's Studio East Haven Pliiyers Ketty I)uni**lsoii (left). Ridi O'Oonnell (lower center) and Dot Co(H.fan have the I'nuil iourhes put on their niahe- up for u dress reheiirsiil of the production "Four Klljfhts U|>" to be presented tomorrow and Saturdi.y nt « p. ni. n the Hluh School auditorium. Applylns the make-up is Edith Hnmmerton. The play is for the benefit of the Joseph K. Mayo Memorial Scholrashlp Fund. The Board of Education may take another step in the direction of securing Increased school facil- ites when it meets tomorrow night to consider approval of throe pro- posed school sites on which options have been secured by a special comriiltlce. . To be, considered , are options talteri on the DeCaprlo property in the Gorrlah Av£. section, on land owned by the Connecticut Com- pany .al'Momauguin and on prem- ises known as the Zuckerman place on Route 80 in Foxon, On 'Monday, George, Dunttel- bergbi', of; the Slate Bdard of Edu- calion, toured the sHes with chair- man Gborge'I-eUs, and Hay Loprle of the School Silos'Cummlttcc, for an Insnoctloh regarding the size and locution of. the .sites. A report Is expected momentarily from the slate board regarding the accept- ability of the locations. Sunday, Mrs. W. Oron Parker chairman, .Inmes Amalrudo, Char- les Copelnnd, Charles Sizemore, of the local Board of Education; and I eToiin Corhotl, secrclai-y of the board; loured the sites for a first- hand ucquaintance with iheii clmracleristics. .' 'i'he, options on the school pi-op- erlies will be presented at a town meeting in the ncnr future and il is expected that the meeting will be called,for Monday, Doc. 22. It was also revealed that a mem ber of the Slate Board of H ealth had toured Iho sites w^th I'''irst Sclect'nmn Frank Barker Monday to take testings of the proposed .silos. A report from his office lb expected In.thenear.fuluro. School Attendance For 1951-52 Shows^D/op Teachers in East Haven schools have been instructed to make a list of all pupils who have been ab- .scnl five days or more..since the opening of school. Tho rerjuest l)y the school Superintendent's office wns made along wltlr the release of an allendance rucortl for Iha-i 1951-52 academic year. Figures: showed ihal attendance had dropped about a point below the average for the five years starting with 1947. Elementary allendance was 01.53 compared with an average of 92.'18 per cent; and high'school attend- ance was 91.96 compared with ;an average 93,28 per cent, A virtual epidemic of virus during the last winter was blamed for the drop, Thii-requests for a list of children with excessive absences was; re- quested In order to make a study of, the causes. Absences due to 111- nesses or in the kindergarten are not to be included. Contributions from persons throughout the greater New Ha- ven ard/i have swelled to a tblal of $050 n trust fund lieing .set Up for a nlne-nionlhs-old Easrilavon boy stricken with glaucoma, - The plight of lUUe Bruno Dennis Andreoll, son of Mr. and • Mrs. Bruno Andreoli, of 72 Charier Oak Ave., was fir.'^t publicized In llic East Haven NeWs last Nov. 20, At thai time he was recovering from his fifth operation, which was per- formed on his left eye to relieve In from New Ilavcn, Clinton, Orange and Woodbrldge. Mrs. Bianchl, who IK in cbar-ge of handling the trust fund, explained that all donations were going Into the trust fund which, it Is hoped, will bo placed on a self-perpclual- Ing basis so as to cover future necessities. Surgical and medical expenses are hotng handled by the child's parents to the best.oC IhcU* financial ability. -^j,;'.. Mrs, BlanQhi announced thuire- queslH for donations will be fnalled to East Haveners. Contributions may bo sent to Mrs, Blnnchl^at 31 Charter Oak Ave., or lo" Mrs,-So- l(!V(i, at 15 Haines St. Mrs. Bian- chl may be reached al HO'7-4308 durinj^ tho day and Mr.s. Solovo al n o 7-5822 after G i). m. Reports Damage At WeKWorth Store Was 'Only Slight' Internal pressure. N.^w he is be- ing roadiod for a sinntar operation in the very near future Physicians -are attempting to stave off l)lindness for the young- ,Hter, who Is still very nmch in dan- ger of losing most, If nul all, of his sight.. .Sympathetic nelghbor.'j, .working under tho direction of Mrs; .Toseph Bianchi, and Mrs. Tod Solevn, be- gan a campaign of collection to raise a trust fund. The fund is to finance the special training and other needs that Bruno will have as he grows up under his handicap. East Haveners added to the fund, and as other papers took up the heart-touching story of the baby, contributions began to come In from outside areas. When resi- dents of the Seavlew. Acres devel- I opmont at Silver Sands collected I $141.50 for the child, thr check was matched by a contribution from a Morris Cove coniractor. ,; A West Ilavonor.contribuied 520, explaining that he had been deeply loiiched by the news about young DHMiHge to stored merchandise in th(; Wol-Wortii five and j, ten ccjit store.at 289 Main Sl„ result- ing from a fire In an adjoining shoe repair shop last week was "ordy slight," Bernard Sachs, Btorc ))ruprletor. reported yeslel'diiy. Sachs, whoso store flrehien had to enter in order lo Insure that fire would not break through a se)>araling woU, said Ihal effects liad been limited lo some smoke and water damage In the base- ment. Ho reported that a survey showed that.a major part of his stock had not suffered in any way from the effects of d fire which gutted the adjoining store Mon- day night, pec. 1. Shop-lifting Here 'I'lu! cases of three New Haven mon iirre.stcd Saturday ufternoon for "loitering : by known pick pockol, thief or burglar" after bo- ing,watched tor.sovorul weeks by local authorities, were continued until Monday by .Tudgc Ollffora Sturges In Town Court Inst Mon- day. • ., Assistant Chief Joseph Folio who conducted the arrest Saturday af- ternoon reported that n radio found In Hie suspoct»| car nt llio time of their apprciicnsloh was identified as coming from the IC. G, Curry Appliances store on Main St. 'I'hc thi'co men, wlio wore re- leased under lf2no bond each, wore ciiarged ns . follows: Nun'ilp "Lucky" Germo, 40, ot tho IIolol Mllricr, New Haven, violi(llon sec- tion' 8639 of the stale statutes "loitering by known pick-pocket etc."; Joseph De Lucia, 26, of -16 Warren St., violation section 863D; and Dominic Marangolli, 239 Pop- lar St., vlolatiqn section 803fl, pass- ing a stop sign and failure tu carry a driver'SJIcen'so. , Local authorities rcvcalprt that the Irjo had been tolled for about two weeks after merchants began complaining about tho,'presence of suspicious looking visitors,- Continuance of tho cases was re- i|Uestcd by Town Prosecutor floli- crt Taylor to allow time for the preparation of cases against tho accused.. lie reported ' also that counsel for the defendants had re- queslcd a iiostponcmenl. A total nf $500 has Ijcen received duHng Iho first two weeks ot tho Christhins Seals campnign in East Ilavcn, It wns revealed nt tho ro- conl' rcRvlnr monthly i mooting of the Public llcnitli Nursing Asso Already Assigned Director Claims D. Charles nenusoleil, director 61 t he prnposcil project for .tl|o • ro- rtevelopmont ot the Momauguin nrea, today Issued nn omphalic denial of printed reports thnt the local Uodcvolopmont Agency was pervaded with gloom over talks ot bitdget-cuttlOR Ijy tho now Ropilb- llcnn nnllonni ndmlnlsttntlun. Bcnusolell asset led/JlMLV^fll' was no toundation forcl|^^^t)ri| nnrt announced thnt "toderSv^u'iwli bhvc altcndy been cpihtnrkcd tor this particular pioject" Ho Implied tiint regnrdloss of economy struct- ures by tlio nnllonni govoinmont, tho local piojcct would receive tederni funds, II tho town voted to proceed with the piojectoil icilo- vclopmont No Gloom "There Is no gloom", Jio said "Tho prospoLts foi the Moinnufiitin rcdcvolpmenl look bettei Ihan ov- er." Wc'to goiting moiu suppoil froni residents In tlio men nnd througliout tlio town," ho ussoilcd The piojort dlicUoi icDoitcd Hint the Agency had, rocolvcd a number of inlls tiom intoiostpd residenN who wnntid to know "If tho project has boon styinlod ' Boausololl a\M icvealed liial llio local iigency, which had aubmlllid its plans to SyMWuRton nulhorltlcs for appinviil, Wrt loisolVdd n leply requesting additional Intoimallon if; the Public ncniin iNursuiB .innu-. .i;i|»v».. „ ._ elation, Port ot tho money rocolved J and asking spccltlrally for data on fiin'der-tho drive gooB-'tnWard tho |Vllttt.;soWci condltloils Jn the N|om- •" " riuguln nroiir ^ lit Ooliiploto Sllldy "As soon ns fltiUlo« aro nvnilabic tuberculosis detection program dl-) reeled hy tho association. •' In addition to considering routine bUEhics.s matters, the association nicmbcrs present voted to Have u sign 'placed on the lamp post nt the Thompson Avenue entrance to the lower town hail indicating tho location of the Public Hoallh Nurses' office. . Dlt^octoKs attending the meeting wero Albert Davison, president; Miss ZIta Matthews, Frederick V. kjoln, Mrs. William G. Groves, Mrs. ..lolin I3lonill, Mrs. Dwiglil Koolor, Joseph Adams, Mrs. Eric Dohnn and Mrs. Oliver Johnston, senltir nurse. Crisafitnen To Be Feted Saturday Nite ;'i'ho .East Haven High School football team will bo feted nt tiic nhidford Manor Flreliuuso Sntur- daj' evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orifice with a Issnnga illiincr., The first, second and third teams wilr bo present along with Conch Frank Crlsafl, a.sHistaiit Coach Frit/. MIgUiilski and Horace iviar- ono, line coach. Tho members of tho Hopkins Grammar School loam will also he Jionoied at this time. Junie Orldco Is the retiring ca|itnln. Easties To Open Basketball Season Vs. Wilcox Tuesday Local Salesman For Hamdcn Firm Dies Al Si. Raphael's Services for Marry .1. Lyon, 48, of l-l Frank St., a salesman with i*. liallantlno & Sons, nf Hamdcn, for many years, who died Sunday in St. Raphael's Hospital, took place yesterday aftorni-ion In the W. S. Clancy Funeral Homo, 113 KIrkman Ave, The riov. Alfred Clark, pnstot of Christ Kplsi-opal Chuich, officiated. Burial was in Bnru Plain Cemetery, North Branford. Mr. Lyon was a resident of Etu>l liaven tor the past nine years. He was a veteran ot World War H. •He is survived by his wife, Mario jorgenscn Lyon; a son, Michacli his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon, of North Bran- Thc East Haven High baskellmll team will open Its 19.'52-r)3 seuson on Tuesday when it Invades Meri- den to seek a win over Wilcox Tech, Coach Frank Crlsafl an- nounced this week. Vincent Gngliurdl, quarterback fof the Kastlcs' football squad which come through Ihq ,./icason undefeated to sit In top place In the Ilousatonlc circuit, will cap- tain this year's team. He has been assigned to the position of guard. Paul Morman, six-foot star end- er for the Enstios,'is vicing wllh Harold Lawlor, who measures six feet tlve inches, for the post of center. jack Norton and Antliony Nii- sarl have been assigned to forward on the first string quintet and Joo O'Mara will lie In guard position. Only Oallnrdl, Norton and Mas- snrl are veterans from Inst year's varsity squad. In subslltutc place will be Frank Espusilu, Henry Luf-zl, x:d- die Clough, Ted'Bowdon, Ted Sul- livan, Mario PHVIUIO, Joe Narucci, Robert Bqntollnl and Tom Maul- te. / Other substitutes include D, Davison, A. Nigrin and frcshmeit R. Caslcilon, J. Molillo, B. Heller, R. Pompano, J, Strceto,' H. Vegll toucnea oy me news OOUM,. /«-..«, Andreoll. Contributions haye come I Ji'. Mrs. William Lyon, of Nortn uran- " • -• . ' ^ custafson, L ,ord;.and a brother. William 1-^0" ?,"„'=• ^ ^ • " V l . ^ l ' t d V w a n d l e Always rolucKinl to pre,^llcl. Coach Crlsafl says only that he Is "looking forw'iirri to a good sea- son." Most of Ills men nrc on the short side and he Is worried about bcin able to control tho back- boarils. " W e have some top shoolers on the team," ho said, "but we'll have to play a fast game. Wo need suinc tall men lo eontrol those back-boards," ' . Crlsafl is confldenl that he can whip up his players Into at' least a fair team so that it will bo a con- tender In the season's somi ilnals. Wilcox Toch Doc. 16 Away ''• Branford Doci"19 Home Boardman Dee. 23 Awdy Alumni Deo. 26 Hume St; Mary's Jan. 2 Homo fOpen) Jan. 6 Wallingtord Jan. 9 Awoy Staples Jan, 13 Away Derby Jan. 16 Home Seymoiir Jan. 20 Away Khclton' Jan. 23 Away Wilcox Tech Jan. 27 IlomQ BrOntord Jan, 30 Away ^ (Open) Feb. 3 Waillngford Feb. 6 Homo' Derby .'Fob, 10 Away Seymour Feb. 13 Home Staples Feb. 17 Homo Shelton Fob. 20 Home Boardman Feb. 24 Homo I St, Mary's Feb. 28 ' Away for tho tost ot Iho suivoy," liu said, "application will bo nuido to the federal goVol'ninent foi* moio funds to cni'ry out the requostod study nnd to cniiiplotc plans for the entire rqdoVdlopment project" Contrary to I'oports hinting Ihu dropping of Iho project, ho said, the Iledovolopinonl Agency Is inoro confident than-Over In the success ot.thls rudovol|imenl plan." The l^- ' gcncy office will be opened dally, Monday throujli Friday, troii) 0 to 12 noon, to nnswoi' quosllons about tho project, he said. "Wo Invited everybody to'obliio In with any questions they tiiliy have about tho prpjocl." Tho project director's slatemont today was prompted by a leport, tirbl apjleal'lng In tho Easi Ilavcn News iiist week that "talk of bud- got-ciittlnB uhflor the coming Ro- piibliran administration of General Elsenhower has cast a gloom oyer the local Redevelopment Agency." The'icporl, roprlnlcd In other pa- peis In the area, stated that econ- omy moasuroS'by' Ilcpubllcan-eon- Irolled CongrclB hilght nlso trim funds available tor control ot beach erosion. However, u plan to protect,the enllre beach front Is incorporalod Into Hie gonot'tti redevelopment program, which, if , approved, would provide the erosion control levciely needed^ along the Mom- auguin sliore, The proiiokotl project covers an men hounded on Hie south hy Long Island'Sound, atid. on the north by Bradford Avenuo, and ex- tending from, Wcsl ot Coo Avenue to Include Manstjold Grove. It calls for the extension ot the pro- senUy limited' town beach to a 700-teot long section ot iho shore, nnd would provide foi' a pal'k a- long the boaoh, , Numerous sub-standard dwell- ings and comlnorclol buildings In the area would be purchased and razed, whllo ncceptublo * homes would be reldcdled according to a revised streot plan, ,In addition, thO Bradford Covo tidal vrcck outlet would bo r e . channeled to provide a boat basin with extensive dock tacllltlcs south of Mansfield Gruvc. Cost of, the project would be fin- anced jointly by the Fcdcrol gov- ernment and tho town, the latter paying about onorthird ot the cost, estimated at tippruximatcly a mil- lion dollars. Also, pcndine Is a town meeting resolution directing tho Town ot East Haven .td Undorthkc tho con- sti'Uctlon of a proloctlve jetty to protect tho eastern end of the Mon- auguln shoro';between Cambridge Court and Bradford Cove whpre shore currents have cuton awpy tlio shore more than 20 feet deep so that at high tide the sound wa- ters are undermining the shore dwellings In thti vicinity. ! h .1 ''I If It • * 1 •"•

ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh Library Eaatlfaven, 8ATUBDAT lEaat ... · Hollywood.La

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Choral Group To Rehearse Friday '

The Clioral C.IOUD ot "Frinnds of M!uslc" will hold n r(;h(?»rsnl to­morrow (Frldny) ovoiiiriB nl. 7:,W In llic HnBnnir.n Momorinl Llbrnry

111 preparation for tlic Annual Chrslnins Concert which will tnkc lilnco on Sunday aUcrnoon, Decem­ber l i •

The regular ninnthly meeting ot the Friends of Music will tnke plnoe on Mnndny (!vnnlnK at 8 p. m. In I he Ilhrnry. M(.'nihei-H ai'e r«-miniloil to hrlOK their Krah Ims Klfis lit this llmo.

'ROUND THE CLOCK willi I a I est


Mvciyhody'sj Dial

V I I B " tie I n I hi. - 11

WNHC New England's First Complote

Broadcasting Service

E-H Garden Club Meets Wednesday

The regular meeting of the Our-(Icn Club ot East Ilnvon will bo held Wcdnosdny at 1:30 p, m. at tlie Ilngamnn Memorial I^lbrary. JVIra. Thomas Fcnton will preside.

Each momhcr is lo bring some­thing ?lia l.s golns lo use for the Chrlstituts decor'atlons.

The lea (able arranRonienl will ho made hy Mrs. levered C. Clyrk; Mrs. Wllllnni .7a.s|iers Is chnlrmnn of I he ten table aJi-sisteti by Mr.-i,

nudolph Schmidt Br., Mr.i. .To.iepb Betlike and Mr.s, Karl .lamoK. Mrs. Ilussell Frank will pour.

High School Students

Visit United Nations Npxl Tuesday, a group of stu­

dents from the Modern Language anil World History elas^ies at the East Ilavcn High .School will visit I he United Nations headquarters In New York. Miss Doris Houston and Miss ZIta Matthews ofthe fac­ulty will accimipahy the group.


You can' t boat a MunioiiKikor for a dime, Ihal'.s wluil llu-y sii.y iilimit .AlMiiieniiiUer (.'ifrurs, niiiile hy ]'\ 1). ( inive & .Son. (Jive llii'in I'or I'lirisl-IMIIK!


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Come, write, phone today.

MODERN BEDROOM in lili.ude orV'i'i'.v l<> really surprise her :......,. $105,00

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GRACEFUL MIRRORS lo iiil'lee.t lioi' eliamiuK Mcir, I'riiiii .„; ; .; $14.05

To Please A Very Special Man CHAIR AND OTTOMAN I'lir l'nll-limi,'th

reiiiliiifj; eoinrorl ,.

SMOKING CABINETS willi Iniiui.lur to keeii loliiie.eos I're.sli ....i

HANDSOME DESKS willi spacious work arc a and drawers _

FLOOR LAMPS Willi special features to ^'ive liiai !,'0(HriiKl'liii|? •

MATTRESS lliiu ^'oes easy oii ' tlie bauk

...$14.05 l ' (-hoosB "REGULAR" HEIGHT, "EXTRA-PLUMP,"

•••$20.00 • , . or "KING-SIZE" p l l l ows -

oocVi in soft, modium, firm.

For Youngsters And Oldsters Too DROP LEAF TABLES I hat comlorl ably seal II!

For dinner or luiielieuii : : •• $40.00

RECORD CABINETS lo lake care of iiel albums uiitl reeorils ,....

CEDAR CHESTS for (reusured lovelies of leeuers or grinidiiiiis ,;,:

SCATTER RUGS lo (rive a lift to the room i of tl ieir own ;... :....$4.05

BUNK BEDS for sliip-cabin style oi' twin beds $59.00

Lilliam Orlando & Nicholas Scalia Married At Altar

Mi.SK I-illinn Orlaiulo, dauRhtoi of Mrs. Mary Orlnndn of 72 .lohn Street, wu.s wotl to Mr. Nicholas Scalin, son of Mr, and Mrs. .John Scftllft of 370 Nowliall .St., on Sat­urday mornlnfi, Nov. 15th nl 9 o'clock in Our Lady of Pompeii . Church, En.Ht Ilnvcn, Tho Rev. Ray-1 mond Mulcahy officiated In a sot- [ ling of white chryKonthemums.

The bride was given In marriage by her brother, Peter Orlando, and wns attended by Mrs. Anthony Ppl-IcKrino, matron of honor. John Scnllu, brother of the bridegroom was best man.

A ballerina length gown ot net over while .snlln, with a satin nj)-idlqued bodice was worn by the hrlde, whoso veil wa.s of fingertip Iciiglh. She carried n while orchid on a prayer hook. Mrs.. Pyllegrlno woie a pink not over laffela gown and carried pink carnnllons In a

I colonial bouquet. There was a reception In St.

Hose's Hull, llaniden. Mrs. Orlando, wlio assisted In rocclvlng, wore a hlnck laffela dretis and a corsage of pink roses; the bridegroom's mother, n black flowered print flrcss and a rod rose corsage.

The couple left on a trip which Included-the Mohawk Trail. For going away the bride chose a brown .suit, a lirown and while chocked coal, and gold acccs-sorlos. They will live in 215 Uusso Ave., fiasl Haven.






Appliances of All Kinds




Yawn Club


"TODAY" with Dave Garronay Ya*n Cluh

Victor lindlahr

"TnOAY" with Oa*( Gjrroway

WaVl Up And Smile Willi News


World Ntori Roundup BnaVlait wUh St»r Chaptl 8y Side Of Road Victor Llndtatir

"News; Ding Croiby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brigtiler 0«y

"News Fate Ihi Mu»U Fact the Music

Wmid Newt Roundup BftlVlatl wllh SHr« Chjnel By Side 01 Road Vlttor llndlohr

World Newi Roundug BreaWait wllh Stan Howdy Doody Show

Ted Pattern

Momlng New(

Arltiur Godfrey wmaow iihopptr

Newt: Qing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brlghttr Day

T« l Piltwn

Morning newi Slory Time

Science Re»iew

NewK Fuct the Mutic Ci'iarlei Antell

Window Shoppit Tnni In TnwP -CItnlon'i Keyboard

Space .Patrol

Sky King-

11 Newi Fate the Mum

United Nations

SUlclte ItjRlcTt

Newj Face The Mutle Sink* II <H\tn

To Be Announced

My Secret Stonr

Hollywood.La<re Story

Wild Bill HIckocI

Kidi and Co,


.$11.05 (}. E Rotrigoratovs, 'Wash'ors, Dryers — BENDIX Auto­matic Washers — MAYTAG Automatic 'Washers —- HOT-

$59 00 POINT Washers, Rofrigarators,' Ranges — G, B. Table Radios — LEWYT 'Vaomun Cleaners.

Electric Irons, Toasters, Mixers, etc. Comploto Lino of Electric Appliances

Musical Reciters, Tricycles, Doll Carriages

12 tit^ World We Live In Newi Blno Croiby love of l l fe^ Blng Crosby Lutttheon Club S».irth For Tomorrow Luncheon Club

Nancy's Kitchen "

tJ#W* Moments ol Comlort Piiika t'aradc

Bio Top-.

, Musk For E«nrone

News—G. HIchf Rolka Parade

Music for Everyone

Ktm—G. Hicks Polka Paraie

Gary Moort

rain: and Home Hftur

Dude Ranch

Gene Autry

ndustry On Parade T. B. A . . ,

2 Picktn'i Party Mer.dlU WllUon

Kuhla Fran

Ertrywheri I Go

Guiding t lgl i l N-ws

PItVin'i P.rty Mitlilllh Wilson

Dnubit Or Nolhing

Guiding LIlM News

Collec Iri W.iltlnglon



Meloily Mat lee Big Payoll

Welcome Tra»eUri

Melody MatJnee Big' Payoll

Welcome. Traiilers

Down llomtrs

U. S. Army Band

News; SMing to 45

Meli'ly Matinee

News, Swing Toys Kate Smith Alternoon ot A Dream


Gifts For Menial Patients Being Collected Here

Residents of the town are re­minded of the Gift Box for the patients In the Slate Hospitals lo­cated In the lobby of the town hall. This drive for glfls begins tomor­row and ends Doc. 12th.

Persons are asked to wrap, each gift separntcly, tag It, with a de­scription of contents, such as size, and dosignnto whether il is for a man or woman.

Thi.s Is one of the projects spon­sored by Iho East Haven Woman's Cluh.

Gift suggestions are for women: perfume, soap, combs, stationery, mittens, scarfs, kerchiefs, playing cards, face tissue, clgnrettos, etc. For ihe men; neckties, pipes, to­bacco, cigarettes, card.s, books, checkers, powder and lotion, also after-shaving, gloves, etc.

5 News: House Party Itoiise Party Lorenzo Jones Doctor's WIte

Boys' Train Club Meet The Stars Howdy Doody

Melody Matinee

Ncv/s: House Parly House Parly LorcniQ Jones Doctor's Wile

All Aboard Meet The Stars Howdy Doody

Mind Your Manners

Camel Scoreboard Ihtermezio

Football Hlghllglils

tiopatong Castldy


6 News World We Live In Bill Stern Variety Cluh Local Spts,; 6, Crosby Snorticope

World News Today

News College Round Table M*wt ( iiiil Stern Earl Goodwin

Local Spts.; B. Crosby Sporlscope N UC iiympuony Supper Serenade World News Today "

Lone Stranocr

You Aiked lor' tt

7 Richard Harkneis Serenade in Dlue Morgan Beatly

' Encore Theatri

TV Screen Test News, Kallenbom Stars For Defense

Sportsmen's Club Morgan Oeatly Camel News Caravan Encore Theater

Sport Spotlight N B C Symphony Vanity Fair Theater _ '" Thote TWO Stars Review Camel NewsCiravan • "

Dangerout Astlgh't

Break the Bank

8 Roy Rogers

Father Knowi Best

Groucho Marx Your Hit Parade To Be Announced Chance of a LIfetimr Name That Tune


Gulf Playhoute

Bob and Ray

Sal. Nite Jamboree

Alt Star Rcdiif

9 VauQli Monroe

Eddie Cantor

The Doctor

4 Star Playhouse

Best Plays

Judy Canova

The Bin Story » Sat. Night Danci Party Show Of Stiovi

The Aldrleh Family v ! !

10 11


Jane Pklcens Motion Kaljtns Conducti

Marcli af Medicine


Hy Gardner Words In Tin NIolit Radio City Previews Pro and con

L'alyacarie ot Sports

Greatest rights

ia i , fllohl Oante Party

Your Hit Panili

News Morgan Beatty

Stilt ol tlie Night

Foreign Intrigue

Robert Montgomery News

Midnight Newi, Sign OllSign Oil

News Sacred Heart Program Marine Corps

Man Against Cime

Movie Tlma.

Midnight News, Sign OlfMystery: Mm sign Oft

News Words In Tlie Night Cugal

News: Sign Oil


News: Sign Oil


Father Regan Council

Exemplification Toni te fill! Falhor "Regan Council.

Kaiglits of Columbus, will hold ex'eniplificallon in the rirst degree tonight nt St. Vincent De Paul's Church. All sponsors and candi­dates are requested to meet at the church hall nt 7 p. in.

Plans are being formulated for the annual Chrl.stmns Party, Sun­day. Dec. 21, in the club rooms for t'hf children of the Knights of Co-lumbu.s.






7 News Yawn Club

"TODAY" wllh . Dave Garrbway

News Sid Jaffc Show

•TODAY" witj) Dave Gamiway

8 News, Church Music Council of Churches Jacli Arthur:

World News Roundup Yawn Club

Victor Lindlahr

World Newt Roundup Yawn Club. Virtor Lindlahr

9 World News Roundup Christian Science Music in the Air

News: Blng Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Hope Brlghgt Day Morning flews

News: Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Boh Hopti^ dri j i ter Day Mornlna News

WAVZ Program Schedule

1260 On Your Dial Monday Tlirougli Saturday

5:30 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 5:55 WAVZ News 6:00 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 6:35 News 7:00 Eddie Daker. the Music Maker 7:55 News 8:00 Eddie Baker, tlie Music Maker 8:53 News 9K)0 Eddie Baker, the Music Maker 9:55 News

10:00 Tiny Markle's Melody Mirror 10:30 Your Neighborhood Pharmacy 10:55 News 11:00 George LeZotte in The Tiine Inn 11:55 News

Alternoon 12:00 George teZolte's Money For Music 12:55 News

1:00 Gorge LeZotte in The Tune Inn 1:55 News 2:00 Tiny Markle's Jamboree 3:00 Tiny Markle's Dop 'n' Pop Jamboree 3:55 WAVZ News 4:30 Sign Oil

JO 11

News: Music Music In the Air

Frontiers oriFalUi

Mr. Wliard

News: Face the Music Face the Music

Wheel of Fortune Window Shopper

News: Face the Music Fact the Music

The Big Picture Window Shopper

News: Polkas Polka Parade

Songs of Ihe Wild

Super Circus News: Face the Mudc Charles Antell

United Nations

Strike It RIcn

News: Face the MdsU


Dave Garrowsy

United Nations

Slrne (1 Rick


12 News Chans Fiesta The Eternal light

Kit Carson Candy Carnival

News let's Go Lunclieon Club

What .One Person Lovt ot Life ' Search for Tom. Electric Show

News Your Star Time

T. B. A. Love of Life Search for Tom. Italian Cookery

Sunday News Desk

University of Chicago Round Table

Nature ol Things Music for Everyone What's Your Trouhl Cisco News—G. Kicks

" Polka Parade Gary MooK

Music Fnr Everyone

News—G. Hicks Polka Parade

Italian^ Cookery

Gary Uoora

2 The Catholic Houre American Inventory

Concert At The Capital Name's the Same

Plcken's Parly Every Day

Double Or Nolhing

Gutding Light News

Plcken's Party Every Day

Kukia Fran '

Everywhere 1 Go Nevn Guiding Light

3 Elmo Roper' Int^rmc/io Rob Considlne Critics At Large

This Is Your Lite

• stu trwtn


Welcome tavele

4 The Chase KukIa, Fran, Ollle

American Medical Asso, Omnitius

Big Payftll

Welcome Traveller


Holly'd star PLyliousc

Counter Spy

News: House Paily House Party Lorcnio Jones Doctor's, Wile

Short Duma Meet Ttre Stars Howdy OoQdy

News: House Party Hnii«e Party Lorenio Jones Doctor's Wife

Malley's Playtime Joe DiMaggio Howdy Doody


6 N^wi Sutnmat- Fred Waring Nrw» What,One Person The Three Suns " Bllt Stern Musical Moments Sammy Kaye Night Editor Local Spts.: B. Ccostay Sporlscope

Walter Winchel! Supper Serenade World News Today

News - School Days Bill Stern Nature or filings Local Spts.; B. Crosliy Sporlscope

World He vs Today

Meet Your Match Newt, Kaltenborn Here's to Vets Morgan Beatty Encore Theater

Answer Me Tliis

Those Two Catiiel. News Caravan

Newt Guest Star Morgan Beatty Encore

8 Plill Harris

lltealer Guild

Toast of the Town The Railroad Hour

•* lyn Murray '

Lux Video Theater

Voice of FIristoni


Red Skelton

Jewelers' Showcase

Gans-fl Time Camel Newt Ctni»

"Mi l ton Bed i ,

9 TV PlajfhOUH

Scarlet Plmpernd

Telephone- Hour

Steamboat Jamboree

I Loie tucy--

Lile With Luigl

Pioudly We'Hall

Meet Your Match

Meet Ihe Masters


CtpTilfM m t bv lnlMM|ti<iti|1 t i l i i rmpmitMR PiinlH i" U S A.

Gifts & Greetings for You — through

\^ i':i .c:oME WAGON

Ir.iiii \inir F r i e n d l y lliisiiicss Nci i thbor i

and Civic and Suciul VVcUare L e a d e n

Change of Residence Arrivals of New Comers


East Haven

WE 3-2326 _ (N$ n$l tr titlfmHtm) -

10 Forum of The Air News Siimmary

Burns^& Allen

3iiie & Harriet

Americas Music

News Musical Alburn

" Two For The Money Two for the Money

Cttlien Views the News Embassy First Niflhter

11 News: Cillton Ottey Sunday News Soeclil News Royal Playhouse

" Fireside Theater Sacred .Heart Program • , , Meet Yout At The Polls ~ Surprise Serenade Balance Your Budget MIdnighl News, Sign o i l , . , , _ , „ . , ' ! , . '

This Is The Llie News: Music News: sign o i l Sign Ofl 1:00 A. M. News

fj^^j S'te tiol A Secret Sacred Heart Pragram ., ^ " u . . . , . Slan Kenton Where _VYas 1

Midnight Neas, Sign O i l " ' " ' S l l " 0 «



News Reserved For You

News: Sid Jalle Show Sid Jalle Show


"TODAY" «Hh Dare Garrow.y

T. 0. A, LUI. UT U l . Search tor Tom. Nancy's Kltcliin

News Bill Stern Local Sots.;


Adrentures at 10:45 Sportscooe

. Crosby Variety Club News

World News Roundup Breablait wllh Slan Svd Jalle Victor LIndlohr

Polka Pxr.H. News—C. Hicks

' Polka Parade

Nancy'. Kitchen r.

Gary Mooii

9 News Test Pallern Shoppen Bauar Thy Neighbor's Voice Brighter Day Morning News

Plcken's Parly Every Day Andre Kotltlanetz

' KukIa Fran

Double Or Nothing

Guiding Light News

News, Kaltenborn Bob Crosby Morgan Ucatb Encore Thutu

Vaugh Monroe;

Andre Kosteland

Calracade of Am.-

Conn; Spotlight Camel News Caravar

News; Melody Matinee

10 Newt: Face the MutU Charles Antell

Arthur Godfrey Window Chopper

Big Payoff ,

Welcome Traveller

You Bet Vour U l i

dig Mory

Strike J ( Rich


Katt Snltli Blue Ribbon Bouts

11 News: Face the Music Face the Music Dave Garroway SUitr n Riui

Newt: House Party Ho'iie Parly ^

Short Drama Meet The S tv i Hcwdy DoMy

Clllien Views th» N««n Dangerous Assignment Sport 5 ^ 1

Hiwi : Cumedy Hour Sacrtd Heart Pragrani -' Jinmie Doriey »*

Midnight News. SIgr Of lN in : Sign Ofl


ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh L i b r a r y E a a t l f a v e n , Conn* 5~3

Our Telephone Numbers Business: ATwalcr 8-1661 . Editorial: HObarl 7-5811

voi i . ^'II — No. ;i!i

lEaat Hanfti '^tva^ An Independent [

Weekly Newspaper

Pnlillihed WeiHy by Free Press Piihlltalions, lot Yearly Suhscfiptlon $2.50.

KA.s'i' ii,\\-KN',' ('(iN.vKrru'ii'i'.'rui'KKiiAY, I)1':CV;MH1'',1! u.m: G Cents A Copy — '-i-iiO A Year

Giant Parade To Open j Annual X-mas Festival

Here Tomorrow Night S. Claus Makes First Appearance 111 Parade At Six

'News ' To Publish O n

Tuesday , December 2 3

Santa Clous is comliis lo town! At 6 o'clock lomomiw nlgtil, tu bo cxoct, when the Bindtord Manor Drum Corps will lead a piiraae down. Main St. to the town Broen lo open • the official Christmas Fc.sUval. 'More.than a dozen firms and oi-

, fiahizalions will have floats or rep-/rcsdntntives participating in the Vp'aradc; And, of course, Sanitt

Claus will he there marching along with everybody else.. In tact, he'll TiUikc a dual appearance. One of "hfnj WlUbe atop the Tommy's 'Turnitiiio Store float tossing candy . to cliiidren along the route of tho

parade. •, •./

' T h e parade, which will assenibie at Pardee Place, oft Main St., will be escorted,down the street by an official police guard. The Hieh School Band and majorettes will lead a section of tiiG parade. .

Members of the AMVETS Auxil­iary child welfare division will i;:iarch, together with members of tlie East Haven Woman's Club and the East Ilnvcn Exchange Club and tho Rotiiry. '

•'' Clirlsinms Carols Following the parade, the junior

and senior choirs of the Old Stbne Church,will .present a program of Christmas Carols on the steps of Ihp Town Hail.. ,, '

Local firms participating, in the -. parade ' includp, Wolfe's Baltery,

McLay's' Ranch, ;E. G,,Ciirryf Ap­pliances, and Metzo Brothoj;e,vi,'-'

The East'Haven Flre-'ibepaft-i. nient will'entei" one of &|.ri^cks, •which will be especiailyTdecorafeti for the occasion, v..,.- / ; „ . . :. .\

' • "The festival^ sivaiiBC!i-Va' fiyijilio East Haven Chombcr of Conimerce; 1.. s.-i„„ ..ni,.i„ninri wliRtihBf'cdd't)-

BerjiUKis C'liristnm.s Day fnllK on Thursday this year tlif Kiist Ilnvcn News will pnltlish on Tuesday, December 23 Insteail of ItH regular*pul)llslUni; dny.

Advcrlisors and persons with new items are- advised oT the. altered publication dale in nrdrr to plan tJleir copy earlier.

Deadline will bo on the pre-cedini; Monday.

is being cohducted wltii'ih8.''cp()p-^° eratlon ~bf • loca'l • civic, " church, business and school groups.' Activi­ties are to be ILstod in one colondar.

Open Until 0 P. M. i ' The opening of the festival •nlso

marks the start ot the Christhiaa shopping period in East Haven and stores will remain open until 9 p. m. nightly until Christmiis,

Santa Claus Starting Friday, Dec. 19, and

running through . the succeeding Saturday, Monday, Tuesday .iind Wednesday before Christtnas, Santa Claus will be on hand from 2 to 5 p. m. each day at a parly for children to be given in the Town- Hall basement.

The party will be under tho di­rection ot the Woman's Club. Gifts will be presentcti, and all children are invited.

Christmas Activities

ciu'lstmas So.ison nclivitlo.s by various ' organizations in East Haven for the sveek ending Thurs­day, Dec. 18, are listed below in calendar form:

"Old Stone Ciiurch Friday, 6:30 p. in. Christmas car­

ols program by both choirs at tho Town Hall. .Monday, 7:45 p. m. Mission

Social. •Tucsdn'y,' 12 noon. Ever Rondy

Group covered ct'sh supper. Christ Church

Thur.sday, Dec. 18, 8 p. m. .lun-ior Guild annual Chri.stmas meet­ing- . .

Siilnt Clniro Monday, 6:30 p. m. Men's' Club

supper., ' " ' Gxclinngi! Cluh

Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Christ­mas parly"at the.Annex House. ' .'-' ' •.' Lions CUib , -

• Thiursdiiy,'Dec. 18, 6:30 p. ni Meeting at Florio's Restaurant.

•"'Foxon Hoihcsmaidng- Group -Thursday, De-c. ' 18, ' "ll a. m.

Christmas party at the Community Ml •':•' ^ . . . . . - • ' • • . . •

' . ') . Woriicn Democrats ; Tliijrsday; Dec. 18, 7.p..m.. Christ­mas, 'party at Momauguin Col-ioniidcl,, ;;>'.,* '^Womeii llcpublic^ns •1. Wedn'esday, 8 p. ni.' Christmas parly 'at home of Mr.s. Charles ,Miller, Bradley Avenue.

Choral Group Sunday, 3;,30 p. m. Annual

Christmas concert In Hagaman Library.

Redevelopment Group Optimistic On Chances Asserts D.C. Beausoleil

National Funds Tragedy May Prompt Action

To Protect Sinatl Children Action 111 increase safely iirc-

rmitions for children living near the Farm River wns licing con-templntort this week by tlio Hlver-dale Association, following the drowning Snturday of thvce-yenr-old Richard Smith.

Thecliild, son of Mr. and Mrs. Deimbor Smllh, of 34, Boriimim Rd., strayed wlthit. pinyniaie from his homo to the Imnk o f lho rain-swollen river pnrly Saturday nflor-noon, Both l\o and his plnyinoto, i throe-yonr-oid ,I61m SuUo, fell Into tiic rishing stroain, but youiig Sullo managed Id'pull himsoitioul and ran to wnrri'hls mother, Mrs. Edward Sullo, qt 28 Borrman Rd., ot what had hnpponcd,

A search party was formed im­mediately nnri police and firemen joined In the search. Aiiout 30 minutes after Iho apparent time of llio accident, the body of Richard was found ciiughl on a submorKod slump uliuut hnif a mile down

stream IrtHn whore he hail fallen in.

Accoi'diiij; to Uetiry .1. Trenil-Well, president of the RIverdnle Assnolallon.tlic lianU ot the river near the devolopmcnl is sci'cened by a barbed who fence. However, the fence Is not In top repair and needs some mnlntciinncq work.

Vnroiits In the .dbvoloplnenl wci'o roporied shnkcii hy tho iiows of the drowning; and various steps iiovo been suggested to prevent any chance of n rocurrenco of trngedy. Tho association Is sciicduled lo hold Its regular meeting on Monday. '

ScrvlocB For Boy , Services for tho Smith boy took place Tuesday In the First Baptist Church in Now Haven, with tiie Rev. Evoretl Sherwood, pastor, otflciatliiB.' 'niirlnl wns In tlio East Lawn Ceinctcry.

Besides Ills mother and father, niclinnl IK survived by his slstbr, Mntcln. .

Implieatc Three i X-' 'f Seals Drive AT II 1 Ucceipls For Two

New Haveners In Ueeks Total $560 Two^years HKO ti liimch piirty (t(ip)\viis iililr to rn joy thr. almniliiDt sniiilH UIOUK (lie MonniUKiiiii sliorc between CiimbrUlKC C*nirt and Uradford Onvc. A retM iit piitrto (l>«ttoi»i) sh»w*i tin* hiiinc NIMIIIO ]i« It h todny iiftcr erosive currents Inivc! washed ii wny the hhorc .to thriMiteii ))iMich dwelliuKS In tho nretu Proposed re<lc.velo',>tiient pluits tnclttde a pro };rnin oT erosion control Tor the entire IMomnuRUin shore. "• , ;

School Board To Trust FurM Consider Approval Baby Reaches Tola IOJ $950 Of School Sites

Pfc. Salvatore Giovine

-Awarded Combat Badge Pfc. Snlyatore N. Giovlno, son of

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Giovlnc, ot 13 Pardee PI. extension, has been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge for action under enemy fire in Korea. Now assigned to the '10th Infantry Division, Pfc. Giovine has been in the service about two years and has been in Korea for appi'oximately sU month.s now.

Players Make Up

I>oten's Studio

East Haven Pliiyers Ketty I)uni**lsoii (left). Ridi O'Oonnell (lower center) and Dot Co(H.fan have the I'nuil iourhes put on their niahe-up for u dress reheiirsiil of the production "Four Klljfhts U|>" to be presented tomorrow and Saturdi.y nt « p. ni. n the Hluh School auditorium. Applylns the make-up is Edith Hnmmerton. The play is for the benefit of the Joseph K. Mayo Memorial Scholrashlp Fund.

The Board of Education may take another step in the direction of securing Increased school facil-ites when it meets tomorrow night to consider approval of throe pro­posed school sites on which options have been secured by a special comriiltlce. .

To be, considered , are options talteri on the DeCaprlo property in the Gorrlah Av£. section, on land owned by the Connecticut Com­pany .al'Momauguin and on prem­ises known as the Zuckerman place on Route 80 in Foxon,

On 'Monday, George, Dunttel-bergbi', of; the Slate Bdard of Edu-calion, toured the sHes with chair­man Gborge'I-eUs, and Hay Loprle of the School Silos'Cummlttcc, for an Insnoctloh regarding the size and locution of. the .sites. A report Is expected momentarily from the slate board regarding the accept­ability of the locations.

Sunday, Mrs. W. Oron Parker chairman, .Inmes Amalrudo, Char­les Copelnnd, Charles Sizemore, of the local Board of Education; and

I eToiin Corhotl, secrclai-y of the board; loured the sites for a first­hand ucquaintance with iheii clmracleristics. .' 'i'he, options on the school pi-op-erlies will be presented at a town meeting in the ncnr future and il is expected that the meeting will be called,for Monday, Doc. 22.

It was also revealed that a mem ber of the Slate Board of H ealth had toured Iho sites w^th I'''irst Sclect'nmn Frank Barker Monday to take testings of the proposed .silos. A report from his office lb expected In.thenear.fuluro.

School At tendance For

1951-52 Shows^D/op Teachers in East Haven schools

have been instructed to make a list of all pupils who have been ab-.scnl five days or more..since the opening of school. Tho rerjuest l)y the school Superintendent's office wns made along wltlr the release of an allendance rucortl for Iha-i 1951-52 academic year. Figures: showed ihal attendance had dropped about a point below the average for the five years starting with 1947.

Elementary allendance was 01.53 compared with an average of 92.'18 per cent; and high'school attend­ance was 91.96 compared with ;an average 93,28 per cent, A virtual epidemic of virus during the last winter was blamed for the drop,

Thii-requests for a list of children with excessive absences was; re­quested In order to make a study of, the causes. Absences due to 111-nesses or in the kindergarten are not to be included.

Contributions from persons throughout the greater New Ha­ven ard/i have swelled to a tblal of $050 n trust fund lieing .set Up for a nlne-nionlhs-old Easri lavon boy stricken with glaucoma, - The plight of lUUe Bruno Dennis Andreoll, son of Mr. and • Mrs. Bruno Andreoli, of 72 Charier Oak Ave., was fir.' t publicized In llic East Haven NeWs last Nov. 20, At thai time he was recovering from his fifth operation, which was per­formed on his left eye to relieve

In from New Ilavcn, Clinton, Orange and Woodbrldge.

Mrs. Bianchl, who IK in cbar-ge of handling the trust fund, explained that all donations were going Into the trust fund which, it Is hoped, will bo placed on a self-perpclual-Ing basis so as to cover future necessities. Surgical and medical expenses are hotng handled by the child's parents to the best.oC IhcU* financial ability. -^j,;'..

Mrs, BlanQhi announced t h u i r e -queslH for donations will be fnalled to East Haveners. Contributions may bo sent to Mrs, Blnnchl^at 31 Charter Oak Ave., or lo" Mrs,-So-l(!V(i, at 15 Haines St. Mrs. Bian­chl may be reached al HO'7-4308 durinj^ tho day and Mr.s. Solovo al n o 7-5822 after G i). m.

Reports Damage At WeKWorth Store Was 'Only Slight'

Internal pressure. N. w he is be­ing roadiod for a sinntar operation in the very near future

Physicians -are attempting to stave off l)lindness for the young-,Hter, who Is still very nmch in dan­ger of losing most, If nul all, of his sight..

.Sympathetic nelghbor.'j, .working under tho direction of Mrs; .Toseph Bianchi, and Mrs. Tod Solevn, be­gan a campaign of collection to raise a trust fund. The fund is to finance the special training and other needs that Bruno will have as he grows up under his handicap.

East Haveners added to the fund, and as other papers took up the heart-touching story of the baby, contributions began to come In from outside areas. When resi­dents of the Seavlew. Acres devel-

I opmont at Silver Sands collected I $141.50 for the child, thr check was

matched by a contribution from a Morris Cove coniractor. ,; A West Ilavonor.contribuied 520, explaining that he had been deeply loiiched by the news about young

DHMiHge to stored merchandise in th(; Wol-Wortii five and j, ten ccjit store.at 289 Main Sl„ result­ing from a fire In an adjoining shoe repair shop last week was "ordy slight," Bernard Sachs, Btorc ))ruprletor. reported yeslel'diiy.

Sachs, whoso store flrehien had to enter in order lo Insure that fire would not break through a se)>araling woU, said Ihal effects liad been limited lo some smoke and water damage In the base-ment. Ho reported that a survey showed tha t . a major part of his stock had not suffered in any way from the effects of d fire which gutted the adjoining store Mon­day night, pec. 1.

Shop-lifting Here 'I'lu! cases of three New Haven

mon iirre.stcd Saturday ufternoon for "loitering : by known pick pockol, thief or burglar" after bo-ing,watched tor.sovorul weeks by local authorities, were continued until Monday by .Tudgc Ollffora Sturges In Town Court Inst Mon­day. • .,

Assistant Chief Joseph Folio who conducted the arrest Saturday af­ternoon reported that n radio found In Hie suspoct»| car nt llio time of their apprciicnsloh was identified as coming from the IC. G, Curry Appliances store on Main S t . •

'I'hc thi'co men, wlio wore re­leased under lf2no bond each, wore ciiarged ns . follows: Nun'ilp "Lucky" Germo, 40, ot tho IIolol Mllricr, New Haven, violi(llon sec­tion' 8639 of the stale statutes "loitering by known pick-pocket etc."; Joseph De Lucia, 26, of -16 Warren St., violation section 863D; and Dominic Marangolli, 239 Pop­lar St., vlolatiqn section 803fl, pass­ing a stop sign and failure tu carry a driver'SJIcen'so. ,

Local authorities rcvcalprt that the Irjo had been tolled for about two weeks after merchants began complaining about tho,'presence of suspicious looking visitors,-

Continuance of tho cases was re-i|Uestcd by Town Prosecutor floli-crt Taylor to allow time for the preparation of cases against tho accused.. lie reported ' also that counsel for the defendants had re-queslcd a iiostponcmenl.

A total nf $500 has Ijcen received duHng Iho first two weeks ot tho Christhins Seals campnign in East Ilavcn, It wns revealed nt tho ro-conl' rcRvlnr monthly i mooting of the Public llcnitli Nursing Asso

Already Assigned Director Claims

D. Charles nenusoleil, director 61 t he prnposcil project for .tl|o • ro-rtevelopmont ot the Momauguin nrea, today Issued nn omphalic denial of printed reports thnt the local Uodcvolopmont Agency was pervaded with gloom over talks ot bitdget-cuttlOR Ijy tho now Ropilb-llcnn nnllonni ndmlnlsttntlun.

Bcnusolell asset led/JlMLV^fll' was no toundation fo rc l | ^^^ t ) r i | nnrt announced thnt "toderSv^u'iwli bhvc altcndy been cpihtnrkcd tor this particular pioject" Ho Implied tiint regnrdloss of economy struct­ures by tlio nnllonni govoinmont, tho local piojcct would receive tederni funds, II tho town voted to proceed with the piojectoil icilo-vclopmont

No Gloom "There Is no gloom", Jio said

"Tho prospoLts foi the Moinnufiitin rcdcvolpmenl look bettei Ihan ov­er." Wc'to goiting moiu suppoil froni residents In tlio men nnd througliout tlio town," ho ussoilcd

The piojort dlicUoi icDoitcd Hint the Agency had, rocolvcd a number of inlls tiom intoiostpd residenN who wnntid to know "If tho project has boon styinlod '

Boausololl a\M icvealed liial llio local iigency, which had aubmlllid its plans to SyMWuRton nulhorltlcs for appinviil, Wrt loisolVdd n leply requesting additional Intoimallon


the Public ncniin iNursuiB .innu-. .i;i|»v».. „ ._ elation, Port ot tho money rocolved J and asking spccltlrally for data on

fiin'der-tho drive gooB-'tnWard tho |Vllttt.;soWci condltloils Jn the N|om-• •" " riuguln nroiir • ^

lit Ooliiploto Sllldy "As soon ns fltiUlo« aro nvnilabic

tuberculosis detection program dl-) reeled hy tho association. •'

In addition to considering routine bUEhics.s matters, the association nicmbcrs present voted to Have u sign 'placed on the lamp post nt the Thompson Avenue entrance to the lower town hail indicating tho location of the Public Hoallh Nurses' office. • . Dlt octoKs attending the meeting wero Albert Davison, president; Miss ZIta Matthews, Frederick V. kjoln, Mrs. William G. Groves, Mrs. ..lolin I3lonill, Mrs. Dwiglil Koolor, Joseph Adams, Mrs. Eric Dohnn and Mrs. Oliver Johnston, senltir nurse.

Crisafitnen To Be

Feted Saturday Nite ;'i'ho .East Haven High School

football team will bo feted nt tiic nhidford Manor Flreliuuso Sntur-daj' evening by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orifice with a Issnnga illiincr.,

T h e first, second and third teams wilr bo present along with Conch Frank Crlsafl, a.sHistaiit Coach Frit/. MIgUiilski and Horace iviar-ono, line coach.

Tho members of tho Hopkins Grammar School loam will also he Jionoied at this time. Junie Orldco Is the retiring ca|itnln.

Easties To Open Basketball

Season Vs. Wilcox Tuesday

Local Salesman For Hamdcn Firm Dies Al Si. Raphael's

Services for Marry .1. Lyon, 48, of l-l Frank St., a salesman with i*. liallantlno & Sons, nf Hamdcn, for many years, who died Sunday in St. Raphael's Hospital, took place yesterday aftorni-ion In the W. S. Clancy Funeral Homo, 113 KIrkman Ave,

The riov. Alfred Clark, pnstot of Christ Kplsi-opal Chuich, officiated. Burial was in Bnru Plain Cemetery, North Branford.

Mr. Lyon was a resident of Etu>l liaven tor the past nine years. He was a veteran ot World War H.

•He is survived by his wife, Mario jorgenscn Lyon; a son, Michacli his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon, of North Bran-

Thc East Haven High baskellmll team will open Its 19.'52-r)3 seuson on Tuesday when it Invades Meri-den to seek a win over Wilcox Tech, Coach Frank Crlsafl an­nounced this week.

Vincent Gngliurdl, quarterback fof the Kastlcs' football squad which come through Ihq ,./icason undefeated to sit In top place In the Ilousatonlc circuit, will cap­tain this year's team. He has been assigned to the position of guard.

Paul Morman, six-foot star end-er for the Enstios,'is vicing wllh Harold Lawlor, who measures six feet tlve inches, for the post of center.

jack Norton and Antliony Nii-sarl have been assigned to forward on the first string quintet and Joo O'Mara will lie In guard position. Only Oallnrdl, Norton and Mas-snrl are veterans from Inst year's varsity squad.

In subslltutc place will be Frank Espusilu, Henry Luf-zl, x:d-die Clough, Ted'Bowdon, Ted Sul­livan, Mario PHVIUIO, Joe Narucci, Robert Bqntollnl and Tom Maul-te. /

Other substitutes include D, Davison, A. Nigrin and frcshmeit R. Caslcilon, J. Molillo, B. Heller, R. Pompano, J, Strceto,' H. Vegll

toucnea oy me news OOUM,. / « - . . « , — Andreoll. Contributions haye come I Ji'.

Mrs. William Lyon, of Nortn uran- " • -• . ' ^ custafson, L ,ord;.and a brother. William 1-^0" ?,"„'=• ^ ^ • " V l . ^ l ' t d V w a n d l e

Always rolucKinl to pre,^llcl. Coach Crlsafl says only that he Is "looking forw'iirri to a good sea­son." Most of Ills men nrc on the short side and he Is worried about bcin able to control tho back-boarils.

" W e have some top shoolers on the team," ho said, "but we'll have to play a fast game. Wo need suinc tall men lo eontrol those back-boards," ' . Crlsafl is confldenl that he can

whip up his players Into at' least a fair team so that it will bo a con­tender In the season's somi ilnals. Wilcox Toch Doc. 16 Away ''• Branford Doci"19 Home • Boardman Dee. 23 Awdy Alumni Deo. 26 Hume St; Mary's Jan. 2 Homo

fOpen) Jan. 6 Wallingtord Jan. 9 Awoy Staples Jan, 13 Away Derby Jan. 16 Home Seymoiir Jan. 20 Away Khclton' Jan. 23 Away Wilcox Tech Jan. 27 IlomQ BrOntord Jan, 30 Away ^

(Open) Feb. 3 Waillngford Feb. 6 Homo' Derby .'Fob, 10 Away Seymour Feb. 13 Home Staples Feb. 17 Homo Shelton Fob. 20 Home Boardman Feb. 24 Homo

I St, Mary's Feb. 28 ' Away

for tho tost ot Iho suivoy," liu said, "application will bo nuido to the federal goVol'ninent foi* moio funds to cni'ry out the requostod study nnd to cniiiplotc plans for the entire rqdoVdlopment project"

Contrary to I'oports hinting Ihu dropping of Iho project, ho said, the Iledovolopinonl Agency Is inoro confident than-Over In the success ot.thls rudovol|imenl plan." The l - ' gcncy office will be opened dally, Monday throujli Friday, troii) 0 to 12 noon, to nnswoi' quosllons about tho project, he said. "Wo Invited everybody to'obliio In with any questions they tiiliy have about tho prpjocl."

Tho project director's slatemont today was prompted by a leport, tirbl apjleal'lng In tho Easi Ilavcn News iiist week that "talk of bud-got-ciittlnB uhflor the coming Ro-piibliran administration of General Elsenhower has cast a gloom oyer the local Redevelopment Agency." The'icporl, roprlnlcd In other pa-peis In the area, stated that econ­omy moasuroS'by' Ilcpubllcan-eon-Irolled CongrclB hilght nlso trim funds available tor control ot beach erosion.

However, u plan to protect,the enllre beach front Is incorporalod Into Hie gonot'tti redevelopment program, which, if , approved, would provide the erosion control levciely needed^ along the Mom­auguin sliore,

The proiiokotl project covers an men hounded on Hie south hy Long Island'Sound, atid. on the north by Bradford Avenuo, and ex­tending from, Wcsl ot Coo Avenue to Include Manstjold Grove. I t calls for the extension ot the pro-senUy limited' town beach to a 700-teot long section ot iho shore, nnd would provide foi' a pal'k a-long the boaoh, ,

Numerous sub-standard dwell­ings and comlnorclol buildings In the area would be purchased and razed, whllo ncceptublo * homes would be reldcdled according to a revised streot plan,

,In addition, thO Bradford Covo tidal vrcck outlet would bo r e . channeled to provide a boat basin with extensive dock tacllltlcs south of Mansfield Gruvc.

Cost of, the project would be fin­anced jointly by the Fcdcrol gov­ernment and tho town, the latter paying about onorthird ot the cost, estimated at tippruximatcly a mil­lion dollars.

Also, pcndine Is a town meeting resolution directing tho Town ot East Haven .td Undorthkc tho con-sti'Uctlon of a proloctlve jetty to protect tho eastern end of the Mon-auguln shoro';between Cambridge Court and Bradford Cove whpre shore currents have cuton awpy tlio shore more than 20 feet deep so that at high tide the sound wa­ters are undermining the shore dwellings In thti vicinity.

! h

. 1

''I If It

• * 1 • " •

Page 2: ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh Library Eaatlfaven, 8ATUBDAT lEaat ... · Hollywood.La

^^%>ikik tk -r^^t <;>

Sliwlcnlis' IloiKn' Uoll Ann()iin('c(! By High Seiioc!

K l / l y lihr- llli;li (il:lMiill nl l l i lcr i lH

nliil 111 iii'V/'iilli Mini I'liililli niMli'ivi (il Mil' \',m\ l l i ivi 'M l l l i : l i l i , ' l i ' i ( i l , n .

chloi'i'il liliili heiM'ini liy rc'i'r'H':ui! 11(1 piT I'Diil iir I'olli'i' In Ihi'iMi nih-Jiii' ililliji'i'iri ihirinr, I In' flinl iiiiiili-IMK pi'l'lnil IMHIIDM lirc'iiiliiT .'I. lie* ClirilliiK III I'i'liii'liinl Coll lioi'Vlii,

liiipll.'. wiMo ll!ilcil for iijuulor lioii-"iii. 'riii'ir.1,hdil In l'iii:i<|vr,' imirlm nl ,"li |ii'i' ciinl nr IwKi'i' liv lli)'i;',' n / i -I 0' milijccln' in iirilcrlo ndnllfy. '

Ultfli liimnrn : •: '•• 'riiiiii!- I'lriti'lvlMR IIIKII lifinqi'H

wrco lliili'il iirrairillnrt In lliolr (iliifi'i iiiiil CTilriio iiK fnllinvni . ;

i .i-'onliii' (jliinii! CdllBijn ooiirns, I Rolph Kloli|!0, Vlnrnni Hi'iiiKi, ' .Iiiily .Iiiliiimin, (Tnylii Kiilijhl nn<l j .liihit ^)l•. lllll. C iniiiioriMol rniiivii', ] lliirliiirn /.II".

.Inilliif ('.'iijri: C'lillo|;t! I'liui'tic, VVIIIIiiin Ciirlhi;), I ii'lnio.i llninmllo,

C A P J T O L Tonigl

A Mnn ; (•(111 lorRiveii, ' "T" '" - \ - ; . ' . . l




tiiiow aiiiriH nm liNlvrMILINIIHN^IION^i^niMh


inir^imjMi ^ '

'>j|fij'X Al.i;X NICOI,. IIMNCIVi Dl.'li


III Tnolinluolor

Jlon't MI-1 "HKOAUSK OF Y O U " Truly Ouo 01' Tlio lloHt. Iiiivo Stoiion

o r Tli« Yciir. You'll I.ovo HI "HORIZON'S WEST"

V/IUi Hiilil.. Hviui, Eodk Hiuliioii a r E O I A L K I D D I E SHOW SATURDAY 2:00 ti) •! iIlO "IIOIUZONO WWBT" m uoloi-yra 8loo(roH^O Oiirlooiui




Tn iitlilMloil, 7.1 ntiiilenlii and 2S Diivid Wiiti-oun, Frnncl.i ZaniploUo, Uoclinllii nnl/nnn, I'hylllH pniii-iichii, Kl'iim.'iw MnTrolcii, lioi'olhy in\\r\m\\, AilrlnnO; Killol, .nnrbnrii Mmiiini, r,cniy Nillin, n«(l, ClcofRO ,WriMni>i'< CommnHcnl cOurBP, fSlnnjiftr f'/ijimkl iinii Aniti'llnii Iim-•lioid: , : ! i : , fSniiliniiior',' . ClBUi! Cnlloi:!-'loiii'iirti II. Uorlnlliilillolniil. Kiiiml-liili; C(ii-nl Uliiimp, llnflinni r.iln):-iiinn, i;ilznl)"lli Kurlii,, Aliin N"i;-rlh, I^dimiml Hulllvnn, .Iiillo nnyrr. Illi'liliiil Ciirlwin, Hlili'lii KoniKlc-liol, .ToAnnp Wolrp, 'I'hui'osn Cilr-''lil, l.litil.'i ,1iii:olinnii iilnl Loir. Iiiilni'. Oininicrlcnl CTliimi, l<n> Nnwlri' iiml Miio I'nolillo,

I'lfitlinwiil CIIIRH; COIICKO i.''Hini», Wllllnni ninlrlllny, Irolic Krihi'fc;, I'/ililcli nriiil'/yii.iilil, , Mn-llui llniwii, Ki'iiiiri'ii Qlllnliin, Niim.'y lliirrlili;liiii, Kloiinni' VllllclHM, All-lliiiiiy Avi'iil (iiiel rriiiids WllMiii. (•niiitiiori;liil i.'rtiif()(% llpHiiniiirlc liiil/.Miiii. Miiryiiiiii N1IZ7.0, Ciii-oli' Miii'lln, Mni'lv .Spniliii.'i<iilil, Kv.i Alilrlrli, iinil .liiity llunni>1l,

I'IIKIHII (II'IIIIO; .liiily (kiiinlrij;-iKiiii, |''i'iii|l< Cirliiiiiill, .liinniK-l,i'l|!hliiii, (iiill MliMoilii, .'tiiiiilii Pol-iiiloil, Viili'i'ln Vnloiill mill 'Hii/.iin-III' 1)1' I ' l i i i i ,

i'l'vi'dlh cliitlii: John l'"ll' i"-rnlH liiilllh llnfi'lcliioi', Miil-lu Cirliiilpll, I'Mlrli'lo Cinik, Miicnlii .Snyiii'iiir. Lliiilii .Slni|;i',i. Hiilli Mni'Donnlil 'liOnlin f'lirliion, I.llldil ClniilUilill. I.ilrllln Pi'lli't;l'tnii, mill llnrolliv • IVl i - l l i i .

Ut'Kultir llollorN M-iilnr Clmis; Ciilli'i!!' i'mir.'.i',

lliirliiirii liiiirlly, llolii'ii nriiii|;li-lon, llin'i'i'ly Miii|iliy. Mnri;uiMliilr Vim noii'ii. I.niii'i'iilni.' VVIillnoy, CynthlM Kin-iliiT, Vliii'i'iil Pmilllln, Mlirlii Mnr.-lllii, Miu'lnii llnfilllllo, l l o l h t i r i i n u n n o . K l l r t l l.lil ', ';"!!,

jiia Bom Tlir, r.ART IIAVKN NEWS

I),.r. II, lll'IS '''"5'^ ^ Tl i i i r - . i l ay

LcBion 1 osl MakiiiG List Of Servicemen For Xinas Packages

•|hi' ll.iny K. Dnrllctt Port No. r.n. Ainorlciin l.oKlon Is In the pri.cpKs of prop.T'liiR n coircctcd li'.l iif n.-inu's ot Ki.'ivlcnmcn and M'lvir" wnnirii. The AnioHcnn l .i 'UlliO. I 'ns I Ni l . Hd. IX'nUCStS n i l

own^pi'oplc who luivo sons or (liiiii;hli'is in the sorvico to notify T n i i y A i n i l i i i f ) a l Tony's Bailif-

shop on Main St., or call. HU S-OTSS Bo thai gift packages can 1)0 sent It) ihcm.

'I'lic. Post Is having Us annunl Cliiistnias party huxl; 'Ihursiiay,-nt 8:30 p. m. In the post rooms. Each member Is requested to bring a toy or Enmo to the party. These Raines and toys will be dclivtirod lo the Crippled Children's Homo Bi Nowlnglon by a committee before Christmas. Al Miller will provide the music, while .lohn Craig will iond In carol slnRhiR. ,Iohn Messina and Ills committee are in clinrRo.

—. IjlU'.IIS .-.Itilllto Iti'tlritiK Cii-ciiptiiliii ItU'liiinl Orlniiiln (left) mill tMiirii) AIn7,7.111o (rlftht) pose nt tlio hanijiiet w.lli iiii-olhrr star r:iistii'H llni'iiiiiii. I'liiil IMoriiiaii. Tnrltle iMo/.7.illo M'IIH natni'd lo the All-Slate leaiii, wliHo lliiilrr ."Moriiiiiii was si'lcclril lo llir Hci'ond Ali-.Slii (e sniiail. •

Cnriil I.o),i)ti(', I'IfUvlil Post and Cliiirli'.'i WoychowKhl. C^oinniorUrnl ''Diirsi'. Arli'iii' Iloyl niiil hliitia l . n l i i i '

.liiiilor C.'liiMt: ColioKo coiirse, .Innii Hiirliniiin. UoltrrI navldsnn, lii'vorly Mcl.i.'c.se, noniild Hostjhcn, Nniiry Wnlltlns, l.iiidii I''alr. IJoro-Ihy Aniniliisln, lloKi'r l.oi^za, An-llioiiy ^Inssoii. *rhniiuis tloloniiiii AInss


STAGE COACH Evwry boy who hfl» i»v«r i t u n « c o w b o y n>t>vl« wilt bfl wUUiityp^J «t ttit* ilglit ol tt>li ritflHilic toy

4t«», Sturity ileal body.


Tops 7-L/ghf I N D O O R SET

tMi (In* t«t of ItgHtt, EacK \\v(\^ burfl* ln<l«piind#(\Hv ol olK»fi, Hii ccnn»<tor Cor •ddJn^ otKw HI*.




KWHit. h«<« l iou" " ' lun Willi I H i r . n l l i l l o l . t iV. I t h« l . l l m i l i j ,pil . .4 molor «nd lubber t [e«di lof cliinbtflq.


Tops fl-l/gfif INDOOR SET

You 9#f bolK qual i ty i n d •conp 'ny In (t i l l S - l l q S t . • • r i t i - l y p * \%\. Cl ip i Kold l«wpi up^IqVl oi» (r*#.

'Texas Ronger" Double GUN &


p « « t > r i , »nd i u * i i ' - J ip«f \*\ " i l l <-*»W > v « ' S5i9


Slwrdy "Hy-Sp«td'* wagon It \M\\ H S rigttt >!i« for (odd* l«rt. t-1di iltal b«d, doubte-dlie whssli, bright rid finitS.



• t|<it*«l d u m p fi-ucV p*-o-v i d t i Koun of (u«. H j i t > d « - d u m p ! " g a e t i o i ^ . SHo>r«I iftcludfld.



l*«'tJ Hji*-*,* >.»» ' inhs'l^-

Lay - Away Todayl Gome To Toyland & See Our Gaia S t o c k ! ! ! !

'^^i^j^s*. " Columbia Bicycles

• Doll Carriages

• Chain & Pedal Drive Tractors

• Tricycles

• Bicycle Supplies

• Sadd'.e Bags, Mirrors, Horns, Lights, Namsplates

• Gaines For Cbiidren Of AH Ages

• Gifts For The Auto

• S€C The WesSiaghouse Highway Safety Kit — Its Kewl

• Car Bob&s, Troable Lights

• Tools For The Gar

• Christmas Tre-e Ornaments



East Haven • Tel. HO MMO


iiiitl Nancy Fioeniiin. Comnieichil course. Helen KelsCy, Bnrlmin nialte, Dorothy KliiRsfortl and Elaine Mnllnowslcl.- General course Unhcrt, Iltirwell. Audrey I'eckliain :iiid Nelson 'riiomns!.

S')|ihoiiiore Class: . College course, Kichnrii Costnnzo, Jjindn I'rosch.. Ilnrbara Kuiinro, Thomus VV. Webster, .lames I'VChrry, 1311s-svorili IVIcCJulKHii,- Kll7,abetli Miir-iiiy, .lames Niirracel,. ,liict|uelliie Carlsoii and Ann" Porlo.. Coiiimcr-clnl cour.sc, Fto.'ie IMarle. Ryan, Sy­bil Provost and Carol Velordl. ijeiieral couriie, Krpt|; Kronberj;.

I'^rcshiiian Class: Gollcj;o course, l.yiin nrouKlitoii, Suzanne Owen, .Sally Wilton, IVllldred Abncr, .liisepli Mclillo, .lames .Uoiiberc, Kriinces Sd'apaco, .lames GrlRnn-. no, lA'sliM', Knnpi), Kilthorlne l.cepor; .loyco- Mcl.ay, - Barbara Behlpr niul Sheila Burn.s. Coni-inerclal cour.se, .Uino LIbby, Ann Sarno, Sherwood Sheades, Richard Hatlck, Patricia McNnlly, Winifred Itoborls, 'riiorcSB- Pelrlllo, Klal _ Pl.scllC'lU, Evelyn Znionskl i » i Mniy Kcnney. General course, Sal-vatore Storo. Ml.xed coiirse, Joseph Corso.

Eighth Grade; Claire Clnnelll, Catherine CunninHham, Joanne FuccI, Mnrfee Gambardolla, Fred Lombnrdl, William McNully, Ed­ward Mlerzbjewskl, Linda Ritchie. Bnrbn™ Sabine, Lois, Sepcr and June Verelllo

Seventh Grade: Anita MarottoU, Rosemary Baldassnre. Beverly BriKlla, . Judith Fogarty, Joyce Gnskln, John Grleco, Patricia Pcr-rotti, Robevla Tamer, Mary Ricclo. A),-den Gustiifson and William Ilur-der.

Mrs. John Ricco 'rhe-denth of Mrs. AiiKcilna .Siin-

uircahRcIO Ulcclo, wife of .lohn Rlcdo ot .|Y7 Main St., occurred Monday evening after a-lon^j Ill­ness. Her funeral was lieltl this •niorning from' the Bast Haven Memorial Funeral Home and a solemn requiem high ninssAvns cel­ebrated at 9 In St. Vincent de Paul's, Church.' Besides her bus-band, Mrs. Ricclo leaves . three daughters. Mi-s. Nicholas Tlnarl. • Mrs. , Albert Pncello. and , Mrs. Itanilnlck Haiidl; a slslcr, Mr.s. Oncar Ricclo, and a brother, Frank Sanlnrcangelo; also len grandchii-dron and one great, grandcliild.

Got. y o u r m o w e r r e a d y

• • W c spcc in l i zc in h n n d a n d p o w e r Iaun\ m o w e r s h n r p c n i n g n n d rc j ia i r s .

Ivor's Engine & Mower Service

Sales - Service - Sharponiiig: & Repairs


Tel. HO 7-5078

Harry Bartlctt Post Supporting Freedom Crusade

Thp Harry R. Bartlett- Post No. i S9. American Logion Is actively i supporting the campaign of the ; Crusade for Freedom which Is con- \ dueling Us annual drive (or funds. \ First Selectman Frank Barker la- -sued a proctamation urging all i ^ow.T\5people Ko h«Ip in getting \ over t;h** craafs to tfce p jO'Ple cc-; hinrf Ehe Inj-n Ontairs.

Tbe' obj'*t;GtTres of Siirs Crusa.'ie are \ (• D )•„ tO) CraEwmaii: C3td7*> n^eaisa^-ss o l i hop!!' ami' tEutfti 5f3t C&e peo:p£«- t»3:-. j iiinti tiie' ESQQ CtErtaxrt fcoflfii ess j iEUrnpii' aaiii Aaiit. (-25* Csi send nm**-' .iii'j ia; wtiiiiftj wiB &«; itaBsd "T'ce*^. rli!nifp:ain:i!" M' CSie ipi'Opfi* fiS.- ttZse Siiitttilita? cDuatiHi'rtSi. E^THPT pGHiiii&fe raiiiaiiu; .&»> diBltaOixrtIi»' maisaiicK; o^ "Fi!«(»di3JTujjjamnr niizlkiifinag caji®3» bitl3i3i3na vBi-B! hl^ auHi* f^isiiEg "SSCX ]:

Cimilniii.ui:i«mi: lirai ^^g> fiiniEziitt?! : niia- wGJElh tmvF ftffi maSjai t;© Orta-1 ! aarfit ioc IhTSttiiisniH ^'^^ V^'Stms^xiAS,;



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Fort Hale Naval Training Center I Instructs Eleven Local Reservists

Niivitl Reficrvists '^ 'Juti d n \ , T V r , I I , J » r . ; n i s r ' . l

Some 350 mcn.lncludinK clrvon Enst Knvoncrs. are cnroUrd in the reserve program of trnininR hrfcr-od by tho U. S. Nnvnl Jli-scrvo Training Center locnted in Fort Hale Park, Morria Cove.

Numerous Enst Havnn men have enteret] nctlvc duty nftor coniplol-Ing training at the center which. at present is composed of one sea-bee company, two orgnnl/.cd sur­face dlvlMons nnd n Marino molor unit. En^UHavoners presently en­rolled in the enlisted men's trnln-ing program ni'e divided nmont; the two divlsiffhs,

Ennt llavenerK In Division 3 - 8, meeting week­

ly on Wednesday night, are Walter J. Bussoll, of 54 Martin Rd.. Goorgo II. Byrne, of 52 Russo Ave., Dnvld R. Leinstor. of -11 Conr-jrd Ave., Francis Paulhus, of 74 Ilumhert St., and Hans F. Seolio, of 210 Rus-so Ave. ' Enrolled In Division l\-0, meet­ing Tuesday night, nVe Rnhort II. Anstey, of 175 Hemingway Ave.; John M. Kaiser, of 47 Sidney St., Cart Peterson, of 111 Frank St.; Gordon Rood, of 248 Cue Avu.; Bernard White, of ini Prospect St.; and Peter ZIngnrelin, of 64' Old Town Highway.

The Hale Park center is under the command nnd direction of Comdr. Lloyri O'Brien, nf New I Haven. Division 3-8 l.s directed hy \ I«leut. Cmdr. .Tamos W. Moore, of j North Haven. aK.socialc profeiisor j of health and physical oduentlon i at Stale Teachers College In New Haven. Two other momtiers of the I college faculty a.sslst In instruction. '

GDiimmnds "lines*' ' Dayton Weil, of 430 Town.-end Ave., Morris Cove, nnd projii'Ietor of.Dayton's store in East Haven, commands thq Reserye offirer cnn-didato program offered by the center. A veteran of four yoni's' service with the Navy durlns World'War II, ho was recently promoted to tho rank of lieutenant commander In the reserves.

Five Buildings Tho plant of- the training center

consists of five Intcronnnectod buildings which house tho equip-.ment, clas.';rooms and other fncU-Itios to provide boot nnd specialized training for personnel in both tne enlisted mnn and officer reserve programs. . The center is operated five nights, a week. The program of training which \i provides also re­quires two years of active duty for pli reserve, •pei'sonnel. Besides pro-iVidlng the basic instruction of ^'boot" training, the Fort Halo cen­ter provides specialized Instruction In thefollowng.fechqoKs; el^octronic,

•foi-" tecKnTclans, ' rhdibmon. ' a n d

radar operators; dicsel engineering; steam engineering, hospital corps-man; siorcUoeper; cooki* and bak­ers; huat.swnin mates; torpedomen; and n reserve offlcr candidates .school.

In addition, there are si\ div­isions for officers, meeting monthly and providing Irnlning tor those specinilzlng In .such departments fty law. intelligence ntid communica­tion, .

The Marine corps motor mnln-lenaneo unit, recently established, will soon he nccommodalod In a now garage now under construc­tion. > • -

.The enlisted meti's reserve div­isions Is mniiily coniprlsed of sea-hum recruits who enroll between the ages of 17 and 18 and a half, i' or about one year they receive boot' instruction in the form ol a program of training covering OG different sulijects. taking those at the rate of two per vveckiy se-sslon.

Three. Wheels Tliere are three "wheels" or sots

of courses which are continually being rnthled so that reserve por-Eonnel can start at any point, com­plete a wheel, pass an intermittent exam, and go on to a final "wheel." After this training Is completed they are given a filial examination from tho Bureau ol Nnvnl rer.snn-nel. Tho exam Is identical with those given men in active service, ir successful,_ the Vocrult becomes a seaman apprentice.

Hoot Camp One; additional and essential part

of Ibis basic training Ls a two weeks stay at boot camp in Baln-hrldge, Maryland.

At this point tho enlisted men arc designated for specialization courses and undergo h minimum training period of about nino months before iietng promolod from .seaman apprentice to seaman. A minimum of 18 months l.s re­quired for a seaman to obtain tho rank of potty officer, '

A reservist is not obliged to go into active naval service. Ho has the opportunity without tho obli­gation, nnd may wait until ho re­ceives his draft noLlco and then i volunteer. If he decides to "go on to college, be may do so, applying for Naval Reserve Officer Train­ing if tho school provides it. or by enlistIg in' tho Reserve Officer Corps,

When a reservist goes into active .service for two years, he Is entitled lo two years credit on the G. I. Bill of Rights for educational bene­fits similar to those offered vet­erans. Or he may lake an exam-Ination for. Officer Candidate School. Also he may apply for An-'Tiapolis'or for special training un­

der the Nnvat Unserve Offirer Training cour.scs olfercd i>y .TJ un­iversities nnd colleges.

Actlvp Duty liequirtMl All reservists are requlrrd to

have two weeks of active duty per year. This duly can be at sea or at school tbut must be alternated). Seamen recruits are paid two nnd a half dollars per training night. nndtho. rate of compensation rises v.ith longevity and with rank.

Veterans of all services may join with I lie rate In wldoh they WIMP discharged. If college gradualos, Ihey may apply for a direct coni-mlsslon.

Iteserve Officer Cnndldntes The "Roes" or reserve officer

candidates consl.st of both yinun- ! men and women aitendlng cn!lem\ j who passed the strict physical ; exams required hy the Navy and arc In the top 25 per cent of tbdr clnss. They can only join In their freshman or sophomore year, nfter belng members of the reserve for a minimum of six months prior

' Tids program consists ni special­ized training as officers and include' two six-weok training periods during the summer. Tho first Is nl Treasure I^'land In San Froneisco, tho second, nl r.i'a or at Newport. Uhode Island. Also Ihey tench onlt-sted men once a week nftcr the first year. Ujjon gradur.-tlon from college they are cont-mUsloncd as ensigns In the Naval Reserve nnd are pbllgated to .servo for two years on active duty.

Visitors Invited Young men and women in llin

reserve program and their parenis are invited to vi.sll the center on Wednesday nighls. They will he conducted on a tour of tiie center's several buldlngs and may obtilin interviews with ollicers in chargo of the .several divisions.

Exchange Club Seeks Talent For Show

Talent is being sought for the Exchange Club Amateur Show, to •be presented Fob. 17. ApplicatUm blanks for interested amalours ai'c available at the of flee of .)anu'-s Mllano, 265 Main St., nnd a dale for auditions will bo announced.

East Shore Jewish Center Party Sunday

Tho East Shore .lowlsh Centoi is holding a Chanuknh party Sun-day at 4 p. m. In the Branford Grange Hall. The Sunday .scliooi students are preparing a program of onlertalnmont; nnd parents and friends arc cordially invited. There will be a grab bagr--for the chlldfeh.

— Hlaff I'hotos

Ofllcers and trubiees nr«tlie Naval KcHi-rve tnuidni; prngrnni oflfred at the l''o rl Muli- Naval Training Center In IMorriS Ctnt'. are pletnretl an follows. I. Ideut'. : (liMudr. Diiylon Weil, ofjllll) 'l'<Hvnsend Ave, IMnrrls Cove, U director of the U 's^^rve OffUrer C'nndidiitcfi NclionI, H. Trelty (ien'^vlcive Anit,^tiislii, dnugliter ,of Atr. and ftlrs. I). I'. Anustiisl^, of H Mendowvlfw Kd., iMttrrls <!<iv<', delivers a Ireliui-. on Imslti terndmditgy. Slin h ii, Ncnlor at HInte Teneherti College. :i, Ijleilt. ('onidr. <Jumeh Moore, a'prtrfessor at Hfiite Tfaelicrs connuunds ime of the riiu ter*N (wn Ntirru(!e illvlHlonK.

• i . • ' • ' • • • • . . • • " " • •

Lower left, nob Jnlinschi of New Haven (left) denutnslrates ii lundel lire-|bnat apparatus lo East Hnveu IteeridlM Duvtd U, I,eln»ler, of 41 Concord Ave.,. a^nl Hans K Seebo .(exlreme right), of 'iUi Russo Ave. liOwer right, V,mj. TIaveii RI^CTUIIH (ieorge Ityrne, of 5' Rtissn Avt*., luul l>'raJi1( Paullni-t, of 71 lluintirrt Kl., twv. shown r.vttnilidng ii lalhc In one. of (he cenler'n worltshups. llotli[,lnlen^|lo taUe training ux nniehinlKt'unites. ,


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INCORl'ORATKI) >UI3 IJIxwell Avoniio, llnindnn, L'oini.

JONATHAN CZAU, EDITOIl I ildhii /.yc.lt, AdvorllHiug MnniiKcr

Mrs, Alvln ThoiniMnn, AnHnclnUi Editor

TIIK EAST IIAVKN NEWS 230 Mnlit SlfRot. TRI. U O 7-nilll Hnx tU East llnvon

ADVEIITISI^G KATES ON API'I.IOATION Binlivr.ss Tclitpliono ATwnlcr 8-1(101

SUBSCRIPTION: »«.fiO |icr your, |inyfthln In advniico

Ent(irc4l u sncond-clms nmllnr lit the Tout Office At New llaveti, Cnnncctlent

CRISADI-; FOR I'RKIiDOM Wliilc Hill liiitlli' (iT nii'ii IIIKI iniiliM'iiil uoii-

tliiiii'H on llie wiir-linn jji'oiindu (if Korea and in the proiluctiiin linen, llii, enemy t l ia l UKS i'l'ee woHd Ijiees IIMIII.V eaniKil, he. <!i)iul)al,l,u(l by liliyKieal I'oree nloiie. The stiMigK'" ,''<)•' Hiii'-vivHl totlay is I'onndcd just, as nnich upon tlie power of i(h'iis — the p«W(^i' ol' the t ru th .

Undio ti'ausuiittee.s owned by thi! i^overn-nieiitH ol' tlu' United iStateH and liei' s ister deni-ocraulcs are busy around tlie elouli beaming information to tlic peoples behind iho Iron OmHiiin. Tliese vcne.es out of the ether, Hpealc-iiife' tlic lanKiiiijjte ol! dt'liipcraey, seelt to expose Uie falst! oliHi'KeK of " i m p e r i a l i s m " and "wa i ' -iiioiiBcriuif" with wliich the Soviet Union NCOICS to w h i i r n p I ho fear 'of the niassoH within the borders of i ts^lron Cnrlain .

These voices spealt with viiHed o[fecti"a-nesa, but llwy all enntri l iute to (In; Kradniil dx-posure of the Brand nnis.s of lies upon which the Soviet 's own bi'and of imperialism is founded. I t IK oertiiinly in Iteeping wi th onr democrat ic tradition, to foster the set t ing up .o f p r iva te fcourccs of iul 'oriiiatiouto breach tlio wail erect­ed ngain-st'free infqrination.

The Crusade for Freedom is a campaign or-Raliiiied and directed by ])rivato individuals to raise I'uiid.'i for counter-propaganda el'forts. In adiniion to fiunnciug the building and opera­tion of radio traimndttors, the crusade pro-viduK I'lipds for other means of comuiunieating witl i / l l ie piioples of the un-frce world. Such devices as b a l l o o u s c o n l a i n i n g . messages of hope and of correct infonnat ion are purcliascd ill l^irgc quauti t ies to; bii released over Com-inui)lst-ciicli)scd Ijorders. •

iHero is a uauipaign" t l iaf any gor.iiinc anti-Wmmui i i s t ouglit to support , Every li t t le Lit lielj)s in, the bi^ingingiibiiut of a butter under­s tanding belwccn thosu. who a re enslaved and I hose 'who are free. The ' . job is a treineiulouH one and reipiires evcVy liiiid of suppor t avail­able.

WINTER SPECTRUM (from The N, Y. Times) 1

Pi'oni leaf-fall to first snow we ;thitili of Ibc outdoor world, in these latitudes, as a d rab and colorless .scene, for our eyes are still re-mcmhoring October and our licarts remember .June. Dnt late fidl has its own spectrum, of browns and grays and conifer greens. AVo be­gin to recogidzo tliat na r rower spectrum when the bnow eOmes, with its shar]) accents. Then tlic browns s tand out, separa te from the g rays ,

,Riul tlu' greens of pbies and ' hemlocks and spruces come into their own. IJlveu the bronzed grjihs and the weed,isl;enis of the fields I'eveal now color to the freshly preceptive eye.

Until Huow conies the elms at tjie road­side loom hiacit agaiiist the sky. Aga ins t a \yhite background their cleairboles are all sub­til browns and grays. The old apple tree is only a d a r k tuiigle of branches unti l a sl i immering background' reveals its winter motley, no t one •shade of brown bu t at least a dozen. On the llillsjde, doidily emphasized by snow and the bold: white s trokes of the birches, the pas ture cedars are a brownish-green, a brown ,that

verges on tlie r u d d y shade of their own bark, And the heads of the leaning birches have a rcddis l i 'cas t , lip Wliicli their twigs liocoine a bi'ush against the Hky. ; Ijook ucrosii a meadow, snow-diisted, and

the i-niigc of tiiiis uiid browns and bronzes is amazing, The bronze of the upland grass, the rimty slenm of the ever-curving golden rod, the oat-s t iaw gold, the coi'iistalk tan, the clean ruddy red, a l l a r e there , and even tobacco brown and buckskin tail, in the frosted grass clumps and the b 'dd seed heads. The colors are the re ! they have not gone. The Hpcclnini may bo Inirrow, but there is infinite variety, oiieo leaf-fall is I'orgottcu and the winter world has its own background.

A LOQK AT SCHOOLS The iiewly-tssued Digest of Connec t i cu t

Adminis t ra t ive l icpor ls to the t lovernoi ' coii-(aiiis an intei'estiiig summary by the .State l3oard of Kdneatiini. The problinns of schools — Jibysieal plants as well as personnel sys­tems — ai'e fairly eomiiion t o ,mos t towns in Conneetictit. The .State .li;ducati(m depa r tmen t can see all phases and measure the scope of the issues from a slightly iu'oader angle tliati a local group could view.

In the slatiipient the Depar tment seems to stoii .out of the iK'atistical, unreal world of gov-eriimi^iit into a new ro 'e. In this passage the Depar tment appraises tile priddems and issues ahead with stern realism I

" T h e changing times and the rapidly chiinging world have brought the people of this nation face to face with some basic human issues. Values must again he e.\aiuined and na­tional purposes fi-ved. W h a t do we want , and ill what priori ty do we want it, const i tute (pies-tioiis for all of m. The schools eanncit have sound direction until the national goals are known and accepted, for the schools arc basic foundation inst i tut ions for helping the nation achieve its destiny a i i d f o f developing the po­tentialities of eacli of its citizens.

" I f Wo believe in the frocdoins and respon­sibilities set for th by our great^poli t ical docu­ments and subsctpieiit national t radi t ions, if wc believe these unifpie condit ions demand uiii-((uc (|ualilies of citizenship then our faith must be unyielding. Also, if we believe tl iat no such society of free citizens can long exist w i t h o u t universal education, broad enough to give the knowledge, uuders land ing and skills cs,seutial to making decisions of a 'compiiiX'initure, then We must i'enew oiir faith also in the American p u b i c schools.

• ".Since t l i e w o r l d has changed and coutin-" lies l o e h a n g c a t a n ever-acceleratcd pace, since tlie Hcience of' producing go'ods demands e'ver-changiiig knowledges, and. skills,,since-the lives ot .nien cvcrywhei'c a r e intordepentlent and in­terrelated, the education of the average cit '-zeu m u s t be changed in coiisiderable measure also. New knowledge, new skiU.s, and broader underjitaudings should be included i)i t h e e u r -riculiiiii. This iir tu rn m e a n s more broadly ed­ucated teachers w i th professional coiiipel-cncy of the first niiignUude. I t means improved and broadened pre-servicc teachei- education pro-gl'iiiiis and a oontiniions effort u t t l i e in-service education of teachers. • •

" F e w fanners are solvent who cont inue to use the knowledge, the piBclices and the tools which were wliolly adequa te only a generat ion ago. In education, a s in life outside, the pro-duet and the pi-oductiuu line must be examined ill t e rms of our times.

" I j ike the new a rmy of defense which wc liuvc been ha.stily assembling and equipping , there is a whole new " a r m y " of school cnroll-eos. Where one first g rade room existed in ]!)42, there arc now two. The b i r th ra te of 1947 doubled that of 1D37, and con t ra ry to all pre-dictio.^s the nat ional b i r th r a l e for 19.51 ex­ceeded that .of HMT. This new " a r m y of cliiklrcn presents a problem of providing new selipol hou.so.s, new tiiacbei-s, new equipment , and new e.xpendituiex wholly undieaji ied of ten years a g o . " ;

FOXON NEWS tiy Mlldrwl Letls

Tel. ll,0 7-7S0fi /

All present mid formor menibers of llie Foxon llomocoinlng Croup are Invited to attend a farewell party In honor of Miss Kfoncos Whilcomh, holovcd Ilonie Domoh-strntlon Agent for this county, who Is retiring this month after niany years of wonderful work with the Farm Bureau. The party will bo hold In Now Haven nt the Y.W.C.A. " ' » ' evcrynno will function well If

Assigned To Air School At Jacksonville, Fla.


Alimim Apprentice ,Tohn C. DlUman, .son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dlllman, of 48 Laurel St., lins been assigned to the Naval Avia­tion Tech Training Center nt Jacksonville, Fin. His trnlning, which began yesterdny, %vlll ox-tend over a period of eight weeks.

Recently he completed a course In recruit trnlning at (he U. S. Naval Training Cenloi- In Baln-brldgo, Md. He spent the pnst week-end visiting witli his imrents here.

OLD STONE CHURCH Following is the list of events

and activities for the Old Stone Churchfor the coming week:

Sunday 9:45 o. m. Church Wor­ship Service. Rev. James E. Waery, Pastor. Miss Malvlnn Montgomery, soloist, 9:45 a. m. Church School -Nursery, Kindergarten and grades 1 through 6. U.n. m. Qhurch Wor-

sliHi Service. Rev. James E. Wncry, Pnstor. Mu?lc by Junior and Senior Choirs, u n, ni. Church School -ginilcs 7 through high, school. 3 p. m. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship. ^ P, 1". Senior Pilgrim Foilowship.

Monday 7:45 p. m. Meeting nnd Christ mns Pnrty of, the Mission Social. IIo.slcsscs, members of the Executive Committee.

Tuesday, 12 noon. Covered dl-sh lun(:lioon and meeting of the E^or Heady Group. Clirlstmas Parly, lloslossos, members of the Execu­tive Committee.

Wednesday, 11 a. m. Adult Bible Class led by Rev. James E. Waery. 12 noon. l)ox lunch and fellowship hour. ,

Commercial Vehicle Driver's b a y

Saturday was proclaimed "Com-merclnl Vehicle Driver's Day" by First Seloctman Frank A. Barker In recognition of the safely efforls of operators of trucks and bu.sos, Barker Issued the following proc­lamation. WHEREAS: ;rho commcrclul ve­

hicle driver Is contributing to our comfort and well being, nnd,

WHEREAS: Mo.st truck and bus operators are demonstrating that oven ui^dor difficult clrcuni-slanccs these yohlclos can- be opernled In safely;

NOW, THEREFORE. I, Frniik A. Barker, First Seleclmnn of the Town of East Haven., do pioclnim Dee. 13th, 1952 as Commercial Ve­hicle Driver's Day, so that wo may applaud tlieso men and orgnnlzn-tlons that are promoting safely.

B U Y Christmas Seals

Friends Choral Group Final Rehearsal Friday

The flnnl rehearsal of the Choral Group of Friends of Music will be held tomorrow evening at the Hng-aman Memorial I^ibrnry. This re­hearsal will be In preparation for the Annual Christmas concert which will lake place on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 In iho library. This concert Is open lo the public without charge.

tliD Choral Croup prosenlcd a group of Christmas enrols to the East Haven Women's Club on yes­terdny ov^plng.

Air Sgl. Arnold Ryder Home After Discharge

Sgl. Arnold Ryder has roluraod to East Haven, after being dis­charged from the U. S. Air Force, Arnold, son of ^:J, 'and Mrs. ,ios-epli Ryder, of Sumit)ll Ave., served In the Air For te . to r pvpr four years after exlonded duly ai both stateside posts and ovei"seas. He returned for dlsciioigo from his last duly posl lni,lhe Hiuvalinn Islands. Ho graduated from East Haven High School.where he was captain of the football team.

Oldtimer To Address Lions Club Thursday

George Worcester, of New Haven, 9!)-year-old member, of the Biis!-zord Cluh of 1888 and of the Gold­en Age Club of' New Haven, will address the Lions Club at Us din­ner meeting .next Thursday night at 6:30 In Florlo's Restaurant.

The nonagenarian Is an honor­ary member 6t the' Light Guard and claims lo h'avo met President Lincoln. Reeenlly he' appeared on the TV program, "Lite Begins At 80."

on Wednesday, Dec. 17 nt 2 o'clock. • , • * • • '

On Thursday, Dec. 18, the Ilonie-mnklnS Group will meet at 11 o'clock In the Community Hall for ti covered dish luncheon nnd Chrlstntas parly. There will be guests from the district office. Members arc roinlntleil , to bring grab bag Items ond one or 'more wrapped and marked packages sullnble for an aged woman. These pnckogcs win be sent to the Mary Wade Home In New Haven.'

Tlie young people arc in charge of the Orange program Uils Friday, wllh Mr. and Mr.s. Dwight ^<ccler,' Lelltt .Smith, Mr. Cannon and Vera Ciosshor on the rerrcshnicnt com-mlUoo.

• * * « « fnxnii .SolinnI I*. T, A,

RoRular meoling, Monday at 8 p. m. The'Reverend Virgil Woltcn-herge lo speak on Brotherhood.

Ico ci'cam nnd cdoklo sale held for children. Proceeds to go to­wards Christmas party.

Children's Fair and Food Sale scheduled for Tuesday. There wilt bo bootlis selling hooks, plants, while cIe|)hanL Items, baked goods, cnmllod apple's, etc. Sale from 2 lo 4 In the afternoon and 7 lo 0 in the evening. Mrs. Lola George, chair­man,

Room imrlles with refreshments and gifts,for each child to be pro­vided by PTA.

Mr.s. Ruel Thompson to go before the School Board to discuss possi­bilities of full week hot lunch pro­gram.

* * # m *

Cnngrcgntlonnl Chiircli Activities Chicken Pie Supper and Fair re­

ported very.succe.sstul. Ladies Aid served sandwich

luncheon to Auction crowd as usual. ' Standing Cojiimltlco mot Mon­

day nlglil with Dr. Hotchklss of Now York, repre.sentallvo of Mar­ginal Church. Finances of church and possibilities of financial aid from the Congregational Society were discussed.

Ladles Aid met for Christmas luncheon.

Everyone in Sunday School will participate In a Christmas pageant whicli will bo iirosenled as part of the regular church service at 11 a', m. Sunday, Doc. 21. Mrs. Rnlj)h llurder directing.

Pally Ann Cook, seventh,griulb,' and Carole Martin, freshman, tak­ing tlio Commercial Course, re colvod high honors for the fi.r.st niarklng period. Other Foxon children who made the High School Regular Honor List are: Sevontli grade, Billy Hurder; Eighth grade, Edward Mierzejewskl; Freshmen: Joyce McLay (College Course) Evelyn Zalonskl (Commercial course) and Snlvntorc Store (Gen oral Course); Junior: Helen-Kelsey (Commercial); Senlor.s: Cynlhia Koorbcr and Carol Lepone, , both taking the College Cburse.

T o receive high honors a pupil must get 90% or betler in 3 major subjects. 85% or betler is required (or reguiar honors.

* « * • •

Anona Flynn who goes to St. Mary's High School also received an honor report.

A son, Ronald Peter, was born lo Pvl, and .Mrs. Ronald Vlakc on Nov. 25. Mrs. Vlake is the former Josephine Pcrillo, 10 Rose St. Pvl. Vlake is serving with ttie 3rd In­fantry Divl.sion in Korea. .

Mr. and Mrs. Dwighl Keeler are attending the 25lh wedding celebration ol Mr. and Mrs. Hend-rlek on Saturday.

It was great fun lo ..see our tcaciiers having such a'good Inno at the East Haven Educalipn Asso-clatlon's parly for the elcmenlnry teachers, held In the now Gllli School. The children would bo surprised io see how well llielr principal knows the .si|uaro dance routines. ' .- ^

• , * • . * ' * •

The nowly orgonlEod Glenmoo Woman's Club has decided, because of the number ot children involved, that it would bo best for this dls-Irlet of Foxon lo have Us own cnii'lslmas party. There are more than 150 children in Gleimtoor, 0<1 of whom lire walking age.

The Glenmoor Christmas |iurty will bo held In the Community Halt this Sunday afternoon, Dec. 14 from 2:30 lo 5. There will be a true, Santa, entertalnmenl, carol-Ipg, gifts aiid refreshments,. Mrs. Robert Natusch is chairman nnd Iho other members of the commit too are; Mrs. Florence Mnnglni, Mrs. Charles Fischer, Mrs. An­thony Mnrcuccl, Mrs. Anthony Zule, Mr-s. George Mulligan, Mrs. Georgetto Slmonl and Mrs. Rich­ard Olllco.

Second Fiddle Tunes KimwIrdgealileiinsK

"A learned fool Is one who tins read everything ond .simply re­membered It," said Jo.sh Billings; and it has also heen sold that "somd people are liko hinttcrs— Ihey tiulekly .soak it all In but got it all backwards."

It ' Isn't plways safe to assume

Area Hiking Club Meets Again Sunui;/

The Now Haven Hiking- Club, including members from the great­er New Haven oiea, will meet Suiidny »t 9 a. m. nt lls.usunl meel-Ing place at tho Free Public Li­brary,'• at the corner of Elm and Temple Sis., New Haven. The club Is scheduled for a hike along tho Melacom^ Trail (West Peak) in Merlden. Interested persons may call the hiko leader, Joe Sergeant at AT S-0232. " . ,•

permitted to use his own JudsmontI In a business house, sign.s wore posted on • every wall bearing the single Imperative word "Think!" Aptinronlly the experiment In Initiative didn't work out too well, for a few weeks later, new signs rend, "Don't think. Ask!"-

Here was a hoy who know his own..limilaltfms, Near a big gov­ernment biillHlng, a' Washington bureaucrat's car was parked In a lot where the .slga rend, "All day parking .•?5c."' At lunchtlme he asked Ibe boy at the gale if he could drive his car away lo lundi nnd bring It liijck In an hour willi-out having to liny a second time. The boy's reply wns wholly VVnsh-Ington, "Every cnr comes in lias to piiy .15 cents nnd don't nrgue Willi me because I'm not on the jioilcy-maklng level."

li Is never safe lo nssume thai one knows all llie right answers. A brlsit Utile Indy stepfiod up to the Information desk at tho depot and domnndod, "When docs Uic next westboumi IrnIn on'lho P. D. & Q. lenve hero?" "At •1;'15, mn'nm," reiiMort Ihc.stnlidn agent, "you'll have to wait four hours." "I think not," she snniiped. Ho re­torted, "Well, mayhe you know more nbout trnin schedules thnn I do,"

All in one breath s le cariio back: "And perhaps you know ' better than I do whether I nnr qxpootlng to travel on thai train mysolf^or whether' I am Inquiring for my niece who Is visiting mo and want­ed me to call hero and ask aboUl it lo save her the trouble, because she Is packing hor things nnd c.x-pecls lo tn'ic tlial Iralft liorsclf nnd noUme; un1 perhnps ynu thnk it is your business to sil there rind try to instruct people about IhinRS they know as well as you do and niaybo better; and perhaps you'll learn to give peo|)le civil answers wlion they ask you civil quostions, hul my opinion, young man. Is thai ycm won't." "Yes. ina'nin," he gns|ir.'d.

Shorlly, bcfoi'e World War ' l l Iho president of a woman's cluh in a mldweslern community inutle an Ihvostigaling tour ot.Euroiio. After ail- iibsenco of six wcck.s, about half of which was spent coming and go­ing, she prepared a lecture, ''Flrsit Hand Informntlon on IhcH^olUlcal Condition of.Europe." , .. '. ,'iIn It she told ot conditions, in Fi'ancc, which wore nlnrmlng; of Qljaliiberlnln ,ani| his umbi'ollu; ot I|tnly nnd Mussolini; of Hitler nnd Ijis pbwor over Germany; ot the low,.counlrlcs; of the smoulderlngs lb Cuechoslovnkla; nnd .she con-(ludcd: "I can't' tell you much (bout Russia,-bccnuso I was sick iHiat day." I Tlie tale Dexter Follows wns llirnous for many years as press ligent for liingllng Bros, and Bar-num and Bnitey's combined shows. lj,lke all grenl salesmen, he had magnificent fhilh in the supremncy of the things he was selling. One

:ycnr'he dropped in lo extend n glnd Hnnd t'o the boys In n Kansns City | itid."

iii'wspnppr offlre. "I'm Dexter Fellows of the circus, you know, nnd I'm here lo . . ." "Wlint cir­cus?" inlerruptrd the city editor. For n nionu'iit I''idlows wns shockeil spoochless. 'I'hen lie ex|dod(^d, "('.rent SootI! If ynu were In Lon­don nnd heard n ninn Kinging '(Jod .Snve the King' would you nsk 'Wliat King'?"

It didn't do n certain well-knmvn I'ndio writer n bll of good to know all he did. He wns recalled by his draft tionrd and wns being Inter­viewed by. a bored sorgennt, who asked, "fJid you go lo grnnimnr .school?" "Yes, ntso high school," .snltt llie writer, "nml 1 linve nn ,M.A. from Colunibin, grndunte courses In Cornell, hack to Colum-bin for journnllsm, .a degree from the Unlvei'.slly . . ." The intcr-yiewer nodded, picked u|) a rubber stnniii, and after flourishing it In miri-nlr. slammed It onto the iiuest-lonnire, inipi'lnting the one word "Litenite."

Some very good quotes on the sub.|ect of knowledge: There niuy be nothing new undrn' tlie sun, but there nre n lot of old things We don't know."

"To believe with certainly we must begin liy doubling." "Inlelll-gonee consists In having c'liough wll lo talk well or enough Judg-uionl lo he silent."

I'^ranklin 1'. Adnms says, "1 find Hint a gruul imrt of the iiiformn-llon I have wns nciiuhod by look­ing up something nnd finding .smnc-thlng else on tho wny." Bobby Jnne.s, golf's nll-llmo grcnt, told Ornnllnnd Rice, "I never learned nnylliing from the mntclios I won; all Hint I know nbout golf I lonrnod from the matches thai I losL"

A mollier who fnced the fact that her child would never be like other children .said, "Enriurnnco ot Incscnpnble sorrow is .somethinB ono. must learn alone; and only to endure Is not .enough. Endurance can bo harsh and bitter. There must bo accp|)tnnco, the knowledge thnt .sorrow fully nccepted brings il.s own gifts. For tlinro is nn nlchomy In .sorrow; 11 can he tians-mutod into wi.sdom, wlilch can bring hnp|)lnes.s."

Jlolon Keller ovorcume hor Ire-moiulous hnndicaps. Hor teuchor describes how she".s, ' iw" colors, Ihrougli a.ssoclntion nnd nnnlogy— pink, slie .said, wns like n hnby's cheek or n .soft .southern bi-cCiio; gray, a soft shawl ni'ound Iho shoulders; l)rdwn, warm and trionrily like lent mould or like trunks or aged trees with worm-holes.in thorn. She Indlcnled that the warm sun. brings out odors that suggest rod, and coolness odors Uinl mnde her think ot greon. And n .sparkling color was like soap-bubbles quivering under hor hand..

George Washington Carver, not­ed negro cducntor and chemist, wns onco called before a Senate in­vestigating committee to testify concoriilng his work with tlie pea­nut,. "Where did you learn nil these things?" he was aslied, and he snld promptly, "From an old book." "What book?" "The Bible." "Bui what does the Bible sny about liennuts?" queried the surprised chairman. ^

','Nothing, Senator," replied Dr. Carver, "but it lolls about God who made the pennut. 1 asked Him to show mo what lo do wllh it nnd He

HAGAMAN MEMORIAL I LIBRARY ':'> Following Is n list of now fiction i'ecelvcd recently nl the Hngnmnn Memorinl Library: Novels & .Short Stories

Juniper Tree, by Baldwin; River Garden of Pure ttepose, by Boyn-lon; Christmns Gift by Cousins; Helen Tomplelon's Daughter, by Crump; Catilain Mni^ooner, by Davidson; House of the Seven Flies, hy Canning; Queen's Glfl, by Fletcher; Wonderful Country, by Len; Mnn-Without A Star, by Linford; Wlieh Wnler, by Miilor;; 'romorrow Tlio Mnrves^, by Pnrn-, disc; Comanchoi'os, I j / Wellnian; House of Enrth, by Wilson; Rlol nt Grnvesond. by Woods; and Boy In the House (short stories), by Do In Roche.

IVIysteries Never Bot Your Life, by Coxe;

Nightmare in Dublin, by Lorninc; Gnmo for Three Losers, by Lusl-garton; Death in Dwolly Lane by Mnnley; nnd Vnnisii in nn Instant, by Millar. Ll(jlit Love Stories

Behold This Hour, by Bnngert; Deadly Beloved, hy Covert; Char-loUo Wade, by MoElfrish,. Nurse With Wings, by Mnrshall; and Sloady Flame, by Myers. Teea-Age .Stories

Penny Rose, by Burgwyn; Bold Venture, by Jnck.sdn; Nine Good Men, by O'Rourke; nnd Front Man, by Wallnce. Scienoo Fletloii

Best Science Fiction Novels, 10S2, by Bleeker. editor; Ouliiost Mors, tiy Judd; Sentinels From Space, by Russell; Oily, hy Slmnk; nnd Awny nnd Beyond, by Van VoglH.


l.nilles Auxiliary ot liriidforrl Manor enteredjnlo the Clirlslmns splrll nt their reccnl mectinK by singing Clirlslmns I'.'iroi.s, Three one-net sklls were pr'.si'nted liy the meiiiher.s lopiiing tli.' evening's en­tertainment. Wll'i Knnln CInus dlslrllmting the (••ab ling Kifts, it wns unninlnusly agreed thnl n good .time wns liad .ly nil.

• • * * * Many blMthdn.vs being eelnhrntcd

this week, nnd our lu^nrliesl coii-grnhilnllons to nil of them: George -Sclmif lii.'canie n y<'nr iddor yes-terihiy; Mrs. Ilerinnn Solinrf, Mrs. Alexander -Standlsh nnd Mr.s. Henry Schmidt will ail celebrate Ibelis on Snturdny. Jim Dugan of IIolKon Street will nl.sn observe his on the ir.th. On Sundny, Amnsn Docilltlle of Henry Streel, one of our good iioiKliboi's for years, will have n birthdny.

* * * * * Our .sincere symrmlhy to Mr.s.

Goorcc McNully of Cnlhcrlno SI. on tlie loss of her fntllei', Walter Dolieny, who wns kclled hy n car on .Salurdny. We arc sorry to henr of Mrs. Julius Buechele's nccident, n fnll ieiiving the hull Insl Wednes­day. We hope it will not bo too long before slio is ns fit as ever.

* * * * * St. Clare's/ Guild held 1 Is

monthly meeting Mondny evening in the church linil. Mrs. Eugene Daniels |iresidcd nl the business meeting wiiiiili wns followed by en-lertaliimonl presented by the cnsl who recently entertained the Indies' aiixiiitiry. There wno niso n grni) bag. llnstesscs (or tho evening were Mrs. Tliomns llnyes, Mrs. Joseph lliiies, Mrs. Raymond Lniiglois, Mrs. .Innies McDonougli, Mrs. Pntrlck Ilanley, and Mrs. Rodrique Glrnrd.

* * * * * Mrs. Herman Schnrf wns hon­

ored witli n birthday jitti'ly today nl tlie liome of Mrs. Lawrence Madison at Hohson St. The guests Included the Mrs. Irving Kappolor, Thomas Gaglinrdl, Edward Cor-bett, Edward Dugan, Joseph Amenio nnd Fred Horn.

Tho Guild Auxiliary of • St. Murk's MLssion will hold Us reg­uiar nionllily meeting tonight in the ehurcli liall. Mr.s. James Tossl will iiresldc.

,, Arrnngeiiienis linve been eoni-plcteri for tho^ Christmas buffet supper for the "11100 of St. Clare's pnrlsh.

The supper will be held at the purish hnll at IJ:30 p. m. Mondny evening, Dec. 15th.

A cnpactiy group is expected bc-cnuse nil men of St. Clare's are in­vited to attend.

Imniedialely following the sup-: per there will be sports movies prosonteri for Iho cn.ioymenl of all. There will bo no admission for Iho evening's affnir.

Harry Morgan is in clinrge of arrnngemcnts and Eugene Daniels has preiiared the menu tor the dinner.

***** Miss Nancy Lawler of Secone

entertnined guests nt a miscell­aneous shower Monday evening in honor of Miss Sue Cntlaneo.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeBret, formerly of 129 George St., wish lo express their sincere thanks to MLss Esther Rynn and itiolJier for their kindnesses to them at tiicir new residence, 33 Second Ave.

***** Miss,.Tosephine Norden, daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Norden^ of 88 Ccoi'ge St., wns honored at a pnrty in observnnce of her 16th birthdny Snturday evening in the" Brndford Manoi' Hnll.

Moninuguin Paront.s' Cluh is holding its.nnnunl sale tomorrow from 1 to 3 p. m. in the school nudllorium. There will he n cake and while eleiihant booth. Mr.s. William O'Neal bonds the com­mittee, assisted liy Mr.s, , Philip Hart, Mrs. Mlilon Ellis, Mrs'..Irving Elli.s, Mrs. George Owens; Mrs. Raymond Langlois, Mr.s. George Cionriolln, Mrs. Fred Horn. Mrs. Wnller Heck nnd Mrs. McNully.

There is no plnce in the highest heiivcns nlinve nor in the deepest wnlers below where the niornl law does not reign.


Attractive "Rocs'

THE EAST HA^XN NEWS Tlnirsilny, Dec. II. 1852 Pago 4

Town Topics

Eleven shopping days till Christ-mns.

Santa Claus will be In the Town Halt lo greet children Dec. 10th, 20lh, 22, 23 and 24th. Children should be accompanied by parent

* * * * * Four East Haven boys were In­

cluded in the group of Inductees entering the United Stales Army recently. They are Raymond F. Stanln, 28 Klmborly 'Ave; Edward Yuse Jr., 36 Charter 0«k Ave, Charles II. Thompson, 35 Hartnian Ave. and Raymond Vanacoro ot 667 Main SI.

* * * * * Condolences to the Ilcln family

of .311 Tyler St. on the death ot Mr. lleln, who passed nwny last week.

Townspeo|ile are reminded of tiie glfl box in tho town hail lobby (or the inenlnl patients nt the Stale Hospital. They may be deposited from 0 lo 5.

* * * * * High School football team feted

nt San Remo Monday night, Speaking of the football team.

East Haven feels quite proud of their boys being placed on the All-Stnte loams; Mnrlo Mo'/ziiio, who lilnyed tnekle, weighs 230 lbs., 6 ft, and 17 years of age, wns named for the first All-State team. Mario has been playing four years of var­sity ball, and he is planning Iq enter Fordham UniversUy, Is an honor student at school. Paul Morman, who wns elected to tho Second All-Stale team weighs 200, 6 ft. and 17 years of age, comes from Momauguln, while on the team didn't allow a single first down lo be scored around his end. Butch Orifice, also from Momau­guln. was named on the honorable mention team.

Don't forget the play being given by tlie East, Haven Players tomor­row evening and Salurdny for tho benefit of thC'Joseph Mayo Mem­orial Fund. Tickets may bo had at any of tlie central stores and also at the door.

Coincident with the snow last week, sand barrets have boon placed by the highway depnrlmcnl in various socUons of tho. town, whore they will be available lo homeowners tor sanding sidewalks. First Selectman Frnnk A. Barker, appealed,to all residents to coop­erate with the highway depart­ment during Winter snow storms by refraining from parking their cars along the public highway dur­ing nnd aftej; snow storms, so as '" to (acilltalc in the work ot clean­ing the roads.

* * * * * Mr. Blncy V. lernrdi, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Pasquale lerardi. of 51 ' Dodge Avenue, wns cited for excel­lence In scholarship during the first term ot this session at the Massachu~solts College of Phar­macy, Boston, Mass. Mr. lerardi is a graduale of the University ot Connecticut.

Plans are being made by Father Regan Council, Knights of Colum­bus, tor the nnnual Christmas parly for children lo be held Dec. 21 in»the council rooms In Main St.

A combined Christmas parly and 30lh anniversary get-together was held by the East Haven'Education Association and Board of Educa­tion members Monday evening at the William E. Gillis School.

. *- * * * * Momauguln Lodge No. 138 A. F.

& A. M. , will bold Us regular stated meeting communication and annual meeting on Monday at 7:30 p. m. All members ot the lodge are asked to lake due notice and govern themselves accordingly.

Congratulations to Danny Maullo and Dom Peltinnlchl who were recently elected co-captains of tlie East Haven High School football team.

***** Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Bromley Twohill of Silver Sands Road on the birth of a son, Frank Bromley Jr. on Nov. 17lh. Mrs. Twohill Is the former Eleanor J. Shelton.

Mrs. Norn Bonhnm nnd Irving Warner, of 117 Morgan Ave, re­eenlly returned from Perklnsvlllfl, Vt., where they wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Moore.

* * * *, * Our thanks lo Mr. and. Mrs.

Frank Pellegrlno, of North High St., for their kind assistance last week when wo found ourselves i-onfi'onlcd With a minor crisis In the form of flnt front lire.


Two nttnu'dve "Rocs" await tlie — Staff I'hoto

center. Lett is ' arrival of their cln.^ instriielnr at tlu- navnl IniiniiiL' ,Io„ii Cotfe.v, dnngliti-r of Mrs. M. (1. Cofte,v, of 12 I'.ek St., New Haven, Her eon.pic.iLi is Mit'/I llar-

l ^ " f ' " ; ; : ' r ; t ' l " ; ' ' H " " " " " • ' " . " ' « " • " - r - ••' ''^SHeldo,, Terr., «.,„. H„VC„, ..i... e r, r „ ' ' " t -v a^: t n K.-gisttr. Both girls ar t sruioi^ at Nfcw H.sv tn Staft, TeachM-s Cotli-^fc.

Pvt. Frank Velardi Completes Training

Pvt. Frnnk H. Velardi, .son of Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Velardi .'l.'l Pardee PL. completed basic I raining recently at the Medical Heplncoiiicnt Training Center nt Camp Pickett, Va. At M. R. T. C, I he Army's basic training school for medical enlisted men, be has ri'eeivod eight weeks of basic in­fantry and eight weeks ot medical t mining. The infantry training covered subjects given lo all new •«ildlers. Medical subjects Included: Anatomy, physiology, mllilary .sanl-lailon, emergency medical treat­ment, administration of medicines, ward management, hypodermic injection, and operating room technl(|uo. •>

Schools Closing Early For Xmas Vacation

East Haven schools wlil clo.se rnnged with both groups meeting early on 1 uosday, Dec. 23. for the In the morning as wns done on Christmas and New Year's holl- Nov. 26. At the high school, cla.sses days which will extend from Dec. ^^'"' '""' '"'"^ ^••"' "' "'• ' " 12:.30 2'i to Monday, Jnn. 5tl>, the office ^' ""' of the school .suporlnlcndonl nn-nounccd this week. . Elcmenlnry schools will be In

sc;.'l-in from 9 a. m. In 1 p. m., the day to be c<iunlcd as a,full day. Double session classes will be at-

BUY Christmas Sr-als

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HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Music Department will give

a rintiee Saturday. Dec. 20, .In the school g5'm from 8 to 11 p. m. Mn.slc will he furnished by. Dick Forllno nnd his band, and Snnln Clnus will lie on hnnd to join In the fun. All students nre Invlied.

» • * * - * Tho football team is having n

gain time of It tbls-week. Mondny they ntlended a dinner of hoifor nl the Snn Remo Rcstaurnnl In Mor­ris Cove. Tuesday Ihey had n dinner Invitation nl the En.st Ha­ven diner nnd Snturdny they'lt he nt the Beactihead.

• » a * •

Conch Crisnfl's not resting on his Inxirels. Now lie's hard nl Worit trying lo turn out nnothcr clinm-plon teniii (or tlie coming liaskel-bnll season.

* * * * * Three Ciirtstnins n.ssemblies

scheduled In the next two weeks. On Thursdn.v, Ibe 18lh, Miss Bn?.ou-kos will present n Chrlstmns-tlme program of singers and, dancers. David Wnlrous, Richard Forllno, Pnt Flore and Gayle Knight, will perforin nlong with many others. On Friday (19) the Drama Work­shop will present a one-net play: nnd on Mondny (22) Mrs. Strnnd-

borg wdll present the school music organizations In a program of Christmas music.

• * • * • The ping-pong tournament is

now In luogress. MLss Bazoukous sn.vs anyone Is eligible.

* • * * * Of llio .senior class of 128 .stu­

dents, n tolnl of 61 have Indicated plans lo go lo college, according to Mr. Garvin. Another 15 or 20 stu­dents are also expected to attend nursing and business schools.

Winners ot the poster contest for tho recent Football Scml-(ormnl were announced as follows; Barbara Blake, first prize; Tony Montesanio, second; and Joan Dachman, third prize.

William Roberts, director of ad­missions nt the University of Con­necticut, win visit the school to­morrow to Interview students In­terested In the stale university. Tuesday, Robert Macgrcgor, direc­tor of admLssions at Now Haven College, visited the school, On Monday, H. O. Parker, admissions counsellor at Mount Ida College, also conducted interviews.

BUY Christmas Seals



East Haven Store— 228 Main St.

New Haven Store —85 Church St.

Dental Delays are


Wtcn yott need 3en-tal care, "putting i t oCt" can cost Toa t lot more in futore comfort, bcatth Mid appcanince—a* veil as in mone]N

'\''oa don't need to vrnit on "^nancial convenieoce" any longer before following your Dentist's adrios . . . In co-opctation with the New Haven Dentil Association, the Second National now otTert eon* vcnient DENTAL BUDGET LOANS, whereby yon have up to 18 months lo repay the Bank for its Im­mediate payment of your dental bill in full.

Aik your dentist abottl this neui community health service!


135 CHURCH STREET (Next la ibe Post Offltt) 107 'WHITNEY A'VENUE

^ Member t'tJtrttt Dtttoitt JnturaHce CoTp«rali*m Member Federal Reterve S]ilem

CompSete Stock Of Beautiful Trees!


Select Canadian Balsams!

Several Thousand To Choose From




BUY Christmas Seals

Christmas eadquarters

Local Students Airfe Viclorioiis In TV Staged English Quiz

Four East Haven High students were victors over a rival ricleun-tlon from RORor Uudlowc High School of iviiiroril In an EnKlish quiz singed 'IXiosday evening on ll\o "School Dnysi" progrnni presented over Station WNIIC-TV.

The student.s, .lohn noSnla. .Iud» Johnson, Unlph Flcngo nnd Connie Tcrraiunno, won by a scon- of n to 10 In the nul?. which Is conductetl every week hy .loseph 'I'lerney nnd "Doc" Slebblns of tlio Ilamden Mlgli School. ,

TIcrney praised tho East Itiwen High students and Iheir leacliors. adding thnt while no schoid has won the contest more tlinn once, Enst Haven may have n rhanoo ki break this rule next week.

West Haven; two brothers, John A THOUOin" THE BAfS'T HAVEN NEWS mid Augustine llcln of Long The highest possible stage inThursdny, Hoc 11, Iim8 r a g e S Island, nnd n sister, Mr.s Anmndn mornI culture is wlicn we recognize tliouEhl.s. . Anderson of BrooKiyn. Hint we ouglit lo conti-ol our Dnrwin

Foxon To Hold Xmas Parly For Children On Sunday, Dec. 21

The Foxon Fire Co.. Lndlins Aii.t-lllary, Church ami Grnnge linve joined lo sponsor a Clirlslmns par­ty for tho children of this nron. It wll be held Sunday afternoon. Dec. 21, from 2 to 'I o'clock nt llio Conimnntly Hall.

Pre-Koliool nnd children thru Tith grndc nre Invited. The .stnge will be sot lo rcproseiil a living room Willi Clirlslmns tree nnd firepinco awaiting the arrival of Santn Clnus, who Is expected lo ninke an a|ipearance thnt afternoon with a glfl und candy mnrked wltti tlic name of each child. There will ho comic movies nnd spoclnl music for caroling.

Dick I'-lynn. George I5oehrlck nnd Walter McNamarn are reiire-.sentlng the Fire Co. on the Joint conimillee und Mrs. Waller IWc-Nnniarn, Mrs. Grace Moore, Mrs, Waller Sa-sse nnd Mrs. .lames Mlri-ahnn, the Lndles' Auxiliary. Mrs. Donald Ludlngton and Mrs. .lolin Morlarty are coinmlllce members from the I^oxon Congregational Church nnd llio Grange Is repre­sented by Mary Ana and Irene Kelsey. George Washburn Is In charge of tho singing,-


William J. Hein The funeral of William .r. lleln

ot 311 Tyler SI.,, who died Sunday evening at St. Ilaiihaol's Ilnsiillal, wns belli on Tuo.sdny afternoon al i2 o'clock Willi Ihe Hev. Alfred •Clnrk officiating. Durlnl wns In .East L.awn Cemetery, where tho Itov. Clark road llie committal service. Mr. Holn for many yi'nrs was employed at Mnrlln & Co.. as a mnchlnlst. Ho is survived liy three daughters, Mrs. Hdwnrd ilCennedy, with whom ho niade Ills home; Mrs. .John .Saii.se of Ka.sl. llavon. nnd Mr.s. Charles DesUlii of


• Dolls

•k Stuffed Animals-

•k Doll Carriages

•k Games of all Kiiitis

•Table & Chairs

•k Tricycles

k Black Boards

*• Toy Appliances

k Skates

A- Doll Dishes


* Cai'S & Trucks

* Q-uns of all Kinds

•k Trains

•k Tricycles

•k Puppets k Games

*• Wagons

k Sleds

k Cowboys & Spacemen

k Boxing Gloves

See Us "Come To Life

We Have A Full & Complete Line Of Toys! Plenty Free

Parking In Rear Of Our Store


210 Main St. HO 7-4815 ijast Haven

Sltop Early For








National Brand


WRISTWATOHES Beautiful Diamond

















Largfe AsBortmcnt


Hundreds Of Other Christmas Gifts To Choose From!

TOWNE JEWELERS 218 Main Street East Haven

Tel. HO 7-5979

; Free Parking •. \ In Rear ,Of ! Store, * . - , ' • 1 •



Page 4: ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh Library Eaatlfaven, 8ATUBDAT lEaat ... · Hollywood.La


ENGINEERED BY Uf M U A D a i l i n ASSOC. AMERICAN R, R. f t R 11 U l l d l l l O

1340 ON YOUR DIAL MONDAY 8 P. M, Now England's First Oomplolo BioadciisUn/f Service


JUDGES CAVE CIGARS Mon lilto tlio extra flavor of Judges Oavo Cigars, made by F. D. Oravo & Son of Now Haven. Buy tlioni for .Christmas giving now!


V^, WAVZ J ^ ^ - ^ ^ w / > : ^ tni'c 1260

T l i r , E A S T H A V K N N K W S r i l l i rHi l l lv , D i e . n , 1115'.! I'nRP, (I

James Ematrudo Named President Of Sallonslall Group

.IniiM'.i Kinnlrnilo, rutlrt'il (li-UR-(•Isl nml iliiMiibfl- (If Ihc lionrd of KiliiriLllon, wns (.'Iccted pri'didotll of I hi' .Siilloiislnll Civic Ansoclntlon III Ihn icM'iit TiioollnK hclil In tho Inline of Mr. iind Mr.i. Paul .Incoli-snri III .Snllomlall Fnrkwny. A ClnlstninH imi'ly and gt-ftb hng tcn-liiri'd till' moi.'llnij._

Tlii-Ti? wna (lino nn extended din-cusslim of till! zoning lawn as they would affect tlio Snitonstnll nrun and more pnrtlculnrly the current move to have property at Inter­section of Snitonstnll fnrkwny anil .Snllon.iinll Place rezoned from re«lilontlril In lnduntr-y. There wan a division of opinion among those present. '

Olher nfflcoi-H electeil were Dor-ranco HelhlK, vice presldeni; Mr.i. Alfred 'I'yler, Beerclnry; and Walter Wiiod«. treasurer Plans were also made for Ihe annual children's Christmas parly.


Find G E O U C H O And Get Laugh

Reward. (Hint ) T r y 1340 On Your

Radio Dial Wed, !) P H


store Hours next wcclc Open Monday 10 A. M. - 5:30 P. M.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdtiy and Friday from 10 AM — 9 PM

Saturday as usual 10 AM - 5:30 PM

\ : ;—


Women Rcpubltcans -Hold X-mas Meeting

't'he Ensl Haven Woman's He-, puWlcnn Chill will hold lu Christ­mas mectlnR next Wednesday at the home of Mis. Charles Miller at Bradley Ave. at S p. m. Mrs. Vin­cent Fnsano will preside at the business meeting, which will he followed by a grab bag and re-freshmcnla. A nominating com­mittee cpnsl.<itlng of Mrs. FranK Barker, Mrs. MMdl cd Bayzat and Mrs, Uussell Frank,

Assisting the hostess will be Mrs, George Munson, Mrs, Alvln Snnford, Mrs, Phillip .Johnson, Mrs. Clifford Sturgea and Mrs', Leveielt Clark,

Members arc reminded to bring a .'50)! gral) bag gift.

Wo«nen Democrats X-ma» Party Next Thuraday

The annual Christmas party of the Kaat Haven Democratic Woman's Club will he held at the Momnuguln Colonnade next Thurs­day at 7 p, m.

Everyone attending Is reminded to bring a gift for the grab bag, also nrllclo for the .Christmas biisket.s. There will be entertain­ment, and dancing.

The women of Ihe club were Ihe gunsl of High .Sheriff Heddlng at Ihe New Haven Counly Jail on Tue.'iilny evening. A tour of in-spi'rllon wns held mid ii program iif Chr i s t in i i . s e l ir i i l s p r e s e n t e c l .

Cpl. T. G. Peters, Jr. Graduated As Non-Com

,Cpl, Theodore O,, Peters .Tr„ son of Mr. and Mrs, T. O. Peters, of 18 Miami St.. graduated recently from the non-commlssloned offi­cers academy of the Second Infan­try Division in Korea, A squad leader, he Wears Ibe Combat In­fantry Badge and the United Na­tions and Korean Service ribbons. He has been in the Par East since .Tune, Prior to bis entry Into the Army In Oct. 1951, he was em­ployed at the Amerlenn Tube Bending Company,

WAVZ Program Schedule

1260 On Your Dial HoniUy.Tliinuoh SalurHav

5:30 Eildli BOir , lli> Muilc Militr 5:55 WAVZ Niwi e:no Eililll Biker, thi Muilc Malril GlSS N>«l 7:0(1 Editli a»lin, till Huilt MUet 7:55 Nt"" 8:00 Cildlt Blktr, tin Muilc Makif 8:55 Niwi' 9:00 Eildli Bakff. Pit Nuilc Makil 9:55 Nmi

10:00 Tiny Maiklr'i Mitoity Mlrmr 1U;30 Your Nctollllorhood Phflrmacy 10:5! Ntwj ll:Ofl r.'orn LiZollt In Tin Turn Inn 11:55 KIWI

Atlrnoon 12:00 Georoe trZollc'i Money For Huilc 12:55 News 1:00 Gorar L«Zoll« In The Tune Inn 1:55 Newi 2:00 Tiny t/,irkle'i Jamhoree 3:00 Tiny Marklr'i Hon 'ii ' Pop Jaiaboree 3:55 WAVZ lievn <1:30 Siun on


Tinin-snAV nin»Ar 8ATURDAT




7. "TODAV" «tWi Datt GirrOMny

"TODAY" with Di>f GarroHly

WaVt Up And Smile With Ntwt

Ni«n Victor tlniJlihr

World Newt Raundup Rrtakfsil wilh <»« Chapir Br Side Of Road Victor LindUhr

Ntwi; Bins Croiby Dlfiali Short Bob Hope Urlpntcr Day

Nfwi Fact Iht Music Fict th( MuUt

Ttit Pittttn

Morning Ntwi

Big PIctuTi , Window Stiopptr

World Siwt fldiinduil B •»il«tt wUh KU*-Chaott By S)dt Of R M 4 Vlefof Lindlohr

Htwj: Bino Croiby Olruh Short Bob Hopt Brlghtir Oay '

World Ntwt Roundup Brtahfiit Willi Start Howdy Doody Show

Morning tttwi Story Timt

Scltncc. Rivliw

ftfwft fiirf ih( Mutic Cfiiritt Antdl Window Stiopptr


fntu In TnwB Cllnton't Ktylioird

Spici Pifrfll

Ttrry & tht PiM'n

Nim Fact tht Muitc

Divt Garrowiy

Unlltd Nilkni

Stftctt ItlRtcn

NIWI Fict Tht Mutic Stritr* It HIrh

To Bt Annotinttd

My Scent Story Wild BUI Hlck6t»

Hollrwioad Lott Story KIdi and Co.

J2 1


BlriB Croihy Lunchton Club

World Wc LUt In Lott of LIU S^lrrh For tnmomHi Nancy's Kitchen

Ntwi " Ulna Croitry Luncheon Club

T. B. A. Lott or Lin S^ntrh tot Tmn. What's Cooking

. H«w« Momtnts of Comlort Pblita P»radi

B l | Tflf

Muile For tvtryona

Ntm—G. MIcki Rollia Paradt

Mutic (or Evtryom

N«wt—G. Hlcki Polka ParB'le

Mtirr ind Homi Haur

Diidt Ranch

Gint Autry

ft4uilfy*'0n Ptrade T. B. A.

2 3 4

PIckrn'i Party Mtrtdlll Wltlton

KukI) Fran

Eurvwhcri I Go

Guiding Lipht N*wt

Big Payolt

Wtlcomc Travtltn

Pickin't Party. Mtrldith Wilton

Mtiody Matinti

Dmibit Or Nothing

Guiding Light Ntwt

Collet , ln V/ithlngton

Serenade • ,

Big Payoff

Welcomt Travtltrs

Down Komeri

U. S. Army Band Jatkit Gifiion Sho^

Ncwi; Swirp to -IS

Meh'iy Matli)«t

News, Swhq Toys

Mtloly Matinee

FREE TURKEY with the purchase of a New

B E N G A L "Wonderange-'SO GAS RANGE


Ntwt: Houtt Party Hnme Partv Lotenio Jonci Dotlor'l Witt

T. B. 4. Mtet The Stan Hoy«dir Ooodi

Ntwt; Home Party Hfijtf Party Lortnio Jnnei Doctor's Wilt

All Aboard Metl Tht Stan liowdy Ooodn



Mind Yojr

of A Driam


Camel Scorehoard Ihtermeiio

1 Marrjed







6 Ntwt . World We Lirt I n * Ntwt Bill Sttrn Variety Cluh ->>1 Stern Local Sptt.i R. Crosby Snorticopt Local Spit.; B, CrQihy Sporltcope

World News Today Supper Serenade World Newt Today

Lone Ranger College Round Talile Ntwt Earl Goodwin N U C Sympnony " You Atked-for tt

7 8 1

Richard HarVneii Settnadt in Diui Morgan Ilratty Encore Thtatri

TV Screen Test Ntwt, KalUnboni Start For Deleiite

Sportimem Club Morgan Utatty Ca.'ntI Ntwt Ca^aran Encort Thtattr

Sidewalk Interviews Vanity Fair Theater IhOit TrtO CsmeV NewiCnra<an

N B C Symphony

Stars Review

Dangerout Asilgn't

IJreak tht Bank .

Roy Rogert Groucho Mam Your Kit Parade To Be Announcid " -Chance o | . i Littttni'' Name That Tune


Gulf Piayhouie

Bob and Ray

Sal. Nile Jamboree

A l l iS lu Revliw

VauflH Monrnt

Edtlie Cantor

The Doctor

Amos & Andy

Dett Plays

Judy CanovB

Tht Big Slory

Tht Aldrlch Family

int. Night Danct Pirty Show Of Shrni

Jane Plckins Molton Kaiims Conducts

Martin Kane


Hy Gardner Words In Tht Night Radio City Previews Pro and Con

t;al)acadt of Sports ia l . Night Danti Party

Ntwt Foreign Intrigut Morgan Otally ".

Still of the Night Robert Montgotntry " Ntwt

Midnight Ntwi, Sign OffSign 0(1

Newt Sacred Heart Program Marine Corps

Midnight Niwi, Sign OffMyitery: Niwi Sign Oil

Greatttt Fiohti

ManAgalntt Ctmt

fftOTte TImt

Your Hit Paradi

Newt Wordi In The Night Cugal







Newi , "TODAYV witli • Newt Yawn Club Daii Garroway Sid Jafle Slitiia

Newi' • • , " Newi

TUBSDAt. .',/•;'-


"tOOAVinllh ' Dave GalToviay ,.

Wnrid Newt Roundup Yawn Club

Victor Undlahr

World Newi Roundup ' Yawn Club ViMor Undlahr

Ntwt: Ring Crosby Dinah' Shore Bob Hope-Brighgt J}iy

News: Fact the Music Fact tne Muiic

Morning Nrwi

News: BInii Crosby Olnah Shore Bob Kopi . drij'iler Oay Horning; Hewi;

Arthur Godfrey Window Shopper

Ncvt: Fact tht Mufie The Big PIctitra Fact tht Music Winditw Shopper

Nivn: Face the Mutic Charles Antell

Unlltd Nations

Strlkt I t RIcn

So-easy to shop for him at Malley's

Newt: Face tlii M,nl| Unttid Nations

•t ' Stilti I I Rick Daife Garroviay -

— " ~

12 1


k Newt ' Chans Fiesta , The El ernal Light

Sunday ,Newi Desk

UnWirslty of Chicago Round Tabic


Kit Carson Candy Carnival

Nature ol Things What's Your Troub Cisco


Newt Let's Go Luncheon Club

Music for Everyone

News—G. Hicks Polka Parade


What One Person Uit of Lite S»arrh for Tnm, Electric Show

Gary Moore


Ntwt Your Star Time

Music Fnr Evtryont

News—G. ttlckt Polka Parade


U; S. Army Film Love ol Li l i Search lor Tom, Italian Cookery.

Kalian Cookery

Gary Uiora '

Ertrywhere I Go Newt Guiding Light

Big Payoff

Welcome Traveiiar^

Kale'Smllh 7 " ^

2. 3. 4. 5.

3port Shirts willi Icmm .siceve.s in siiliil I'lijiii's, iiiul'pliiiils, . n _ j ^ g^p B.V iVi'fdw, Villi IJi'iisen iiiiil Mxllreir"!'. Oinliaiii, imulriis, / i M h - l / M h bi'CKlclotlis, Si/.,..s U>/2 to 17'/o. . ' * " » ' 0 l t . 3 J GI(?vo and mufflor sot in lOO^r wool, solid coloi-.s, yelUiw, lu-mvii tan, j,'ri'i'ii, nianioii, navy , . . , . , . , . , , . , Radio Tymo, liaiiil Ini'ucd liiinl sole slippi'i- liy Kvans. Ht-owii, lihu-o r b i i i ' | j ; i i i i d y

Pajamas of Haiil'orizi'd hi'oiulcloth. Solid coloi'.s mid Kti'ipi's. Sizt's AlHIU mill [i I'll!' ri'fiiilai' m- (i I'ootiTs Oheroltoo, liaiul liiriu'd padded sole .slipper, iiiiieeiisiii styled liy Kv-ans. Saddle only

Mail and Phone Orders Filled. Gall LOcust 2-0111

3.95 5.95 3.98 6.95

This -Weeli's Top Seven .Sni'vey Siiii^s

feiitui-iii^ l i ny l .oinnaro and his Hiiyal (^ainulian:

presented li.v l.neUv Strilie ('ij.'aretU'S

F R I D A Y 8 : 0 0 . P . M . 1340 ON YOUR D I A L

ON W N H C - T V SATURDAY 10:30 P, M, Now E n g l a n d ' s F i r s t Complete Boardoaal ing Service

immn Dortey l •* r- m

UUalM Mm, Slin Oil Mm: *l« M


Jolin T. ilcdntan Nanictl Insurance. Underwriter

' 'JOHN T. REDMAN John T, Hcdninn, son of Mr. niid

Mrs,, W, Alton ncdmnn. ot 95 Frank St.. has been appointed n representative of the New York Ulci Insurance Company.

A/erndUfttc of East Haven High Sdhotll, he holds a hachelop of science degree In I n s u r a n c e trgjiV the University of Connecti-cuC'Mr. Ucdman Is a member of the National Association of Life Underwriters. A veteran ol service with the U. S. Nnvy, he Is nctlve In local civic nffnlrs.

Hearing Monday Gunplay Up For Hearing Saturday

The case of an East Haven inan charged with aB.<;ault with a danger­ous, weapon and carrying a pistol witHout a permit, after he tired several shots through a New Haven store window last Saturday atter-nbbn, was continued until this Sat­urday In New HaVen city court.

Anthony Sorrcntlno, 31, ot 121 Sliort Beach Road, is tree on Sip.OOO hall pending his hearing, according to the office of the court cleik. ' I I

He is charged with firing five, shots fioni a 32 caliber pistol thtough tho plate glass window, of Chick's Store, a grocery and variety, shop located at 250 East Chapel St, following a heated cqn-vcisation with proprietor Michael Cioarclll

Cicarolli told police that Sorrcn-tino had entered and Inquired about his (ClcarelU's) brother, Pasqualc. When he said he didn't know, he told police,' Sorrcntlno swore at him'and left the shop. About'a minute plater the bullets came crashing" through the w'lndow forcing Clcarclli and .'two • patroris to seek safety, ' , .

Sdirontlno, whoentercd. •^police' hoadquartois later to surrender, Bald that hard feelings existed be­tween himself and Pasquale Clc-aielll and that he "decided" to take It out on !the, store.


RROBATE COURT, December 1, 1052, . Estate of ROBERT DOHERTY,

late of Branford, In said District, deceased.

Upon the application of Lavlnla Rodgers ot Oaklaad, California, praying that Letters of Administra­tion de bonis non may be granted onfsaid estate, as per application on flic, more fully appears, It is

PRDF.RED—That said appllcai t loh'be heard and determined at the-.Probate Office In Branford, In said District, on the 15th day of Pecernher A. D, 1952 at 2 o'clock lii,ihe afternoon and that public noticebe given of the pendency of said- application and of the • .time and. place of hearing thereon, by publishing this order three times in some newspaper published In New Haven County and having i a circulation in said District ,and by posting lip a copy, thereof on the public .sign-post in the Town ot Brajiford,' in said.District. -

By.the Court: •• ; :'. Flora K. Goidsmith


1952. • ', • - - ' ' : Estate of KATH ERIN E CHOBO:

CIXK"a / i t / a , in said' District:, d6-cqBsed,'-.- ' ' . • , • ,

Thi; Adriiinistratrlx . having ex-hibrted.her administration account with said estate to this Court-for ai'lbwance, It'ls .

"ORDERED—That the 15lh day of December A, D, 1952 at 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon, a t the Probate Office In Branford, bcand the: same Is assigned for a hearing on the allowance of said adminis­tration account with said estate, and this Court directs Flora K, Goldsmith to cite all persons inter­ested therein to appear at said time •and'place, by publishing this order in .some newspaper published In Neyv^Haven County and having a clrcuiallon in said district, and by piistlng a copy on the public sign­post In the Town of Branford, where the deceased last dwelt.

By the Court: Flora K. Goldsmith


These Classified Ads

Are Read By More Than 6,000 Families


BLUNT, late ot Branford, In said District, deceased.

The Court of Probate tor Ihe District of Branford, hath limited and allowed six months from the date hereof, for tho creditors ot said estate to exhibit their claims tor settlement. Those who neglect lo present their accounts properly attested, within said lime, will be debarred a recovery. All persons Indebted to said Estate are request' ed to make Immediate payment to

The Ansonla National Bank Irving E, Llndholm

Assistant Trust'Ofilcer Administrator

Address: 163 Main St., Ansonla Conn,


PROBATE COURT, November 24, 1952, Estate of THOMAS QRAV BEN­

NETT, late of Delrny Beach, Flor. Ida, owning property In Branford, deceased, •

The, Court of Proljate tor the District of Branfdrd, hath limited and allowed six months from, thi date hcrcot, lor the creditors of said-estate to exhibit their claims tor settlement. Those who iieglect to present their accounts properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to tills estate are re­quested to make immediate " phy^ monl to > .

Herbert S, MacDonaid 'Administrator; c.t.ii.

Address: 505 Church Street, ' New Haven, Conn.

DISTRICT OF BRANFOftD, ss. PROBATE COURT, December 4, 1952.' Estate of, VICTOR DeNARDI,

late of Branford, in said District, deceased.,' ••;. . . . .

The Court of. Probate for the District of Branford, hath limited and allowed six months from the date hereof, for the creditors of sald-eslate: tO'e:(hlbit their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to' present their accounts properly attested, within said lime, will be debarred'a recovery. All persons Indebted to said Estate are request­ed to make Immediate payment lo

^ • , Augusta DcNardl ' .,,: •'• ' . Executrix Address; Stony Creek, Conn.


1052,: .. • '. Estate of ROSE PHELPS, late of

Red Towers,; Itlvor. Rd., Tcaneck, N. J., dwningprbperty In Branford, In .'said. District; deceased.

Upon the application' ot: Morris C., Kessel of Now 'York, praying that ai duly autheritlcaled and ex-.emplified^copy of the last will and lestam'e.rit'-'of said .deceased>'and':bf the'v" rccord-''bf - tjie 'proceedings :of the Surrogate's Court ' for the County of ^ergen. Slate of, New JerSey, proving and establishing the same mayrbe filed and fccprded. and that letters testamentary may be granted on said estate, as per application .on file more fully ap­pears,. It is therefore' ,

OKDERED-^That the foregoing application be "heard and determ­ined at the Probate Office In Bran­ford, .in siud-District, on the 15th day of Dec, 1952-at 1,30 o'clock In the afternoon and 1:hat public no­tice be given of the pendency of said appliciitlon, and the time and place of-hearing thereon, by pub-' lishlng the same -one time In some newspaper haying a circulation In said District, and by posting a copy on the public sign-post In the Town of Branfol'd, in said. District,

By the Court: Flora K, Goldsmith



LOST—;Passbbdk No; '9979. If found return lo Branford Savings B a n k . , ' . , . , , • ' .

LOST:r-:Psssbook No. 4069. If fbiind return lo Branford Savings Bank.

LOST—Passbook No. 1977. .It found return to Branford Savings

. Bank, r: . . .

LOST-^Passbook : No. 1381, _ If •found r.eturn to Branford Savings B a i i k . , ' •' : ': • ^ - V ' '•



1947 DODGE 4-Dr. Scd. R & H. Maroon finish, Fluid Drive,

1947 DODGE Coupe, H., real value. 1947 STUD. Club Coupe. Real good

transportation. Priced to sell. 1940 DODGE Sed. R & H., one

owner. Car in excellent condition. Look this one over. Many Others To Choose From

SCANLON & PAGNUM 1915 Dlxwell Ave. CII M422


1951 STUD. Champ. Regal 4-br. Ov. R & H,

1951 STUD. Custom 4-Dr. Sedan R & H,

1951 KAISER Spec. 2-Dr. Scd R&H 1951 HENRY J. 6 Cyl. Deluxe with

trunk, 1950 STUD. Landcrulser 4-Dr. Sed

Ov, R & H . 1949 FORD Cust Club Coupe R&H 1948 FORD Super DeLuxe Club

Coupe R & H. 1948 STUD. Landcrulser Ov, R & H' 1947 STUD. 4-Dr. Sed, Ov, R & H. 1946 BUICK 4-Dr, Sed, R & H,

Many More To Choose From ELIASON MOTORS, INC,

1051 Dlxwell Ave. UN 5-0891 Open Evenings

HOLIDAY SI'ECLU, in:^l CIIEV. Del. 2-Dr. Miiny ex­

tras, runs like new. save $150 on this one. Our wholesale price to yovi . . . . ^ $1545

Compare Our Prlcci 1951 IIENnv ,t. 2-Dr G Cvl., Heat.,

\V. W. Tires, .Tills car Is like new, savc>$375 on. this one. Our wholesale price to you $995

Compare Our Cars 1950 BUICK Super Rlverln, R & H ,

Dyno., W, W, Tires, •beautiful covers, 2-lone paint. Our whole­sale price to you $1875

Save Money At Plato's 1950 BUICK model 40 Sedanettc, It

& 11, Save over $350 on this one. Our wholesale price to 5*011 $1275

. Compare Our Prices 1950 OLDS mtidol 08, 4-Dr„ R & H,

Hyd„ W, W. Tires: .Beautiful covers, very sjiorty car. Save over $300 on this one. Wholesale price to you . . . ...'..•. $1875

Compare Our Cars 1950 DODGE 2-Dr„ very low mile­

age cor, all originiii,. Save over $200 m this one. Our whole.sale prlci to you ..].-. $1275

Compare Our Cars 1949 OLDS model 76 Convcrtnblc,

R.& H, llyd., W, W. Tires. You can't- buy a better used car. Save over $400 on this one. Our whole­sale price to you , , . . . . . ' . . $1345

Save Money At Plates 1948 OLDS model 08 Sedanettc, R

& H, W.W.,Tires, Hyd, A black beauty. Save over $400 on this one. Our wholesale price- to you ' . ; . . , . . . ; . . ' . ,-$995

Compare Our Prices . 1948 PONTIAC 6-cyl. Sedanettc, R

&,n, llyd,, 2-tone paint. Save oyer $260 on this one. Our whole­sale price to you $995

Compare Our Prices 1947 STUD, Starlight Club Coupe,

R„ W. W; Tiros, covers very clei*i. Save $200 on this one. Our wholesale price to you $875

Save Money-At Platos 1946 DESOTO Custom Dei,, 4-Dr„

R & li,' Tip Toe trans., very good, , Save over $250 on this one. Our

wholesalc'prlcc to you i , . . $693 Many Others Priced Accordingly

Buy a cai* fi'om Plato and save hundreds of. dollars. Convince yoUr.self. Come In.

PLATOS SALES ftr SERVICE 1348 Dlxwell Avenue


FOR SALE-rthrce two wheel bicycles. One boy's model, two girl's bikes. Call HU 8-1426.

MT. C A R M E L BICYCLE SHOP Hamden's Headquarters

For Bicycle Sales And Service Farts And Supplies

Columbia Built and English number Bicycles

2982 Whitney Ave. Mt. Carmel Tel. CHestnUt 8-5425—CH'8-4121




Courteous, prompt service at all times by gentlemen serving many satisfied customers In this area. Call CH 8-1945, •

• S, A.,.MARCOTTE "WATCH FOR THE RED JEEP" 2975 Whitney Ave. Mt. Carmel


A new service In Ilamden and North Haven. Dally delivery of Birdseye Frozen Foods, Native Poultry, Butter, Eggs, and Ice Cream, Call PU 7-5739. New Ha­ven Frozen Foods.

HOME SEWING MACHINES All Makes Repaired and Electrified

JOSEPH M. LENIHAN . 219 Main St. Branlord, Conn.

• Phpi1e:,HUbbard 8-4092 ,

WOOD SCREENS made to order. Bronze-plastic Wire. Asphalt B-l Shingles, $6.85 per Square. Ply­wood Cut to order. Melf'ert Lum­ber Co.; N. Main S t , Branford. HUbbard 8-3484.


Sales & Workrooms 861 Dlxwell Ave., Hamdca

Tel. SPruce 7-0817.


2704 Dlxwell Avenue IF IT CUTS GRASS, WE

SELL AND SERVICE IT Tcl. CHestnUt 8-5214

SERVICE AND REPAIRS on tele­vision, radio and refrigerators. Picture lubes one year guarantee $1.25 per Inch. Jack's Electric Repair. HUbbard 8-4335.


and Electrical Repairs We rtave Parts to Fit Any


2516 Whitney Ave. CHcstnut 8-4444

HIGH GALLONAGE GAS Station la center of town for rent reason­able to responsible party. Dollar lor dollar or stock on hand. Write Box 111, Wwit Haven, Conn.


State of Connecticut I'rr.'ionnel Department Open Cnnipetlve

Examination Notice

Guard Attendant No, 1933 ; $2940-$3660

Home Management Consultant No. 1934 $4020-$B100

Toll Colleclor'No. 1935 $2640-13180 Dec, 26, 1952 Is the closing date tor

the above tiirce cxiimlnntlons. Welfare Dental Con­

sultant No, 1936 , , . . $5760-$7560 Connecticut residence waived. Closing date Is January 5, 1053

Typist, Grade I No, ,1865 . . . . , $21OO-$2820

Stenographer, Grade I No, 1866 ., • $21O0-$2820

Typist, Grade 11 No. 1867 . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . $24G0-$3180

Stenogrnpher, Grade II No. 1868 . . . . . . . . . . . $2460-$31^0 Connocllcut residence waived.

No closing date for above four; cxamlnatlon.'s.

Apply. Personnel Department, State Office Btdg,,.Hartford, or any Connecticut State Employment

Service Office. G L E N O Q N A, S C O B O R J A .

Personnel Director

UBiu lojiu lUied o\ alHJ,NVM NVN boxes and equip them wllh Scotch-lite ; name plates thiit shine (it night. $10 dally. Steady job. No experience! required,- P, O. ruling requires name oh Mali boxes. Write Permanent Sign Co., 3004 is l Ave., , S., Minneapolis, • M i n n . '. . • '

MEN. &• WOMEN - Earn quick money—Spare time-booking or­ders for Scotch-lite name plates for top rUralmnll boxes that shine brightly at nito. Big proflt-s; un­limited field.. Free sample .sales outfit. Permanent Sign Co., 3004 1st Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

Applienllons accepted for tlrocery and Produce Clerks In Hranfnrii

Conn, on fiiU-llnic basis

Many Benellla Paid Holidays .Five Day Week Good Starting Wage Sick Benefits Pension Plan Hospitalization Group Insurance Vacation with Pny

Applications Jiccepted trom hiales lo work mornings or afternoons In the store dally between 8:30 a. ni.-6 p, m. at A&P Market, 21B Main St,, Branford, Conn.


YOUNG \>'OMAN Will rto occas­ional baby sitting. VVhllnoyvllle, Spring Glen nrcn preferred. Call AT 8-p30'l,


PRIVATE PARTY will make 1st and 2nd mortgages. Also buy mortgages. Fast and confUlenllnl, Call SPruce 6-0322. 21 hour ser­vice.

FIRST MORTGAGES bought and sold. Loons, Reflnonclns, New Loans, Longbolham, 207 Orange St. Tel, LOoun i!-481D.


HALF INTEREST In established New Haven Commercial printing partnership available, now gross­ing approximately $50,000 n year. Terms nvallahle. Confidential replies. Write Free Press, P, O. Box 203.


WOMAN WOULD LIKK an experi­enced driver lo give her lessons once a week. Imilon Neck area, Cnll JlU,S-fl9n3,



Teaching Beginners and AdVBiiccn Students In



MICHAEL DEL, MUSIC STUDIb 1168 Dlxwell Ave, LOcHsl 2-5081

msTHUOhrioN F—2

DANCING—Private homo studio. Ballet, toe, top, ncroballc, charac­ter, ca.itanoisi 'BcRlnncrs" and odvnncod, Immedlnto cnrollmonU Profos-slonal teacher. Miss Judy. A'lSvnler 8-0259.


FOR SALE-^Llnnel Trains nnd Wolklo bike. Phone CH 8-3!i73.

XM/VS ai l iTS 11—12

GILBERT'S AMERICAN FLYER with 4 cars, two years old. In per­fect condition. About 25 ft, ot (rock, attached to 4x8 ft. piece of plywood: For more intorinotlon cnll CH 8-6200 after .7 p. m.

SEND YOUR BOY OR GIRL in Ihe service a Xmas glft.ot a year's subsiirlption to tlielr home town paper. Branford Review $2.50 per yenr East Haven News $2,50 per year Mall name and chock to Free Press Publications, P, O. Box 15, Mt. Carmel, Conn.




3304 Whitney AvenUQ Tol, CHcstnut 8-0907

DELICIOUS Homemade' brnndled fruit cokel Chock fulllot fruits nnd nul.i, Order now for holt-days, $1.50 lor 1 lb. size,' $4 for 3 lb. size, Satlatacllon Kuarantced or money rotunded. Call mom-InRs CHcstnut 8-7030.

MARIONI'S The Home Of Fancy IceiCrcam

Delicious Ice Cream Cokes Mousses nnd Fuddlitgo

Fancy Ihdlvkluot Forms For All Occasions

Telephone STnle 1-41969 840 Dlxwell Ave, Hnmdon Conn,


3 ROOMS FURNITURE Bed Room Suite, Living Room

Suite, Dinette Set, Rugs, Lamps, Tabloa



$329 Yes, these are Used, but In good

shape nnd guaranteed. LOW FRlEfJDLY TERMS!


Now Haven UNlverslly;5-7482 After 6 P. M. LOoual 2-7262

A—L—B -E—R—T-S 187 George St. Now Haven

H—30 FOR SALE—Electric icfrtgornlor, dining room set, bedroom set and pantry contents. Phone HU 8-1152.

. THE .EAST HA'VEN NEWS Thursday, Dec. 11. 1952 Vaft 1


Electric Ranges—Automatic Washers Reasonably Priced

Prompt nnd Efficient Service On Refrigeration & Laundry


42 Boston SL Guilford Tol. GLcndnlo 3-2342

UNIVERSAL MATTRESS CO — MnttresBOS, PUlow.s, Box Springs,

Glider Parts, new & renovated— —equal to new. One day service. 779 Warner St., Ilamden. Call UNlvcrslly 5-8417.


EXPERT PIANO TUNING and re-oalrlng. Prompt service. Bernard "Burke. Call SPruce 6-9109.


WANTED TO BUY—Anythlnp! that is eld regardless of Us condition. Antiques, china, glosswnre, clock.i, dolls, bisque, porcelains nnd furni­ture of any period. Contents o£ homos bought for cash or sold on

commission basis, John S, Esp., 58 Mechanic St., ' Now Haven, Conn, Phone STatc 7-4556.


sUl'Uk sUPliU iiJ-EdUL ' ' SAM

HAMDEN'S TIRE MAN lias Ju.st received n carload of whljc wall Specials Bt lower than black wall prices.


Telephone ATwater 2-4549 •


WANTED TO RENT three room furnished npartment; Private en-traiico nnd bath for business

.couiile. Permanent, Write Free Press, Box 205, ' ' '

WANTED—Two or tliroo room npartment furnished, Stephen do Sera, Jr„ Pino Orchard, Conn,

~^^*^~^"**<^*'^*^-*-^'<^^''rf*»^>?^*Mk»f,«a)?YIA,?>«A .1l&»^1ta.»?1«k.7ii9k»?^*.vri«A>?f«A »?1«.w?^fAll?1i.»7iaikli?ls.>?4Sill71l.ki?tn>?1IKll7<l<i.ll?4Bk»7IBk»7Wkll^4B,>^Wkl^^

"HEr A Gift Shell Cherish From Dayton's 1(11 \


C/or a i^hrislmas (Ove

\ It's the first thing she'll look for under

the tree... her wonderful, wonderful gift,

of Artemis lingerie. For every Artemis slip

and nightgown is a masterpiece of fit.. .

carefully cut and stitched to flatter her figure

,,.designed in the luxury manner to maktf

her feel like i pampered "Chtistmas Eve"


yo(« II il^

look betKiV

m if»


CORRECTION In Last Wooks East

Hiivon News Tho

Nylon'Tricot Fronoh

Empire Gown hy

Artomis was incor-

rootly priced, at

' $10.98

•you Oan Purohaac Theno ' Beautiful

aownB at only

Pfah it fnake



''^. ':'Bsr .^•jv

• ' t??-?^' .

'm, 1 , uyu'

t h :

: \ \

_ ^ ^ ^ . ,„Pcifeci sl'P

jooa twf^ •

\ . '•ft

X.^i il^'i-W, j; iV, ;i

Mojud' 'Ml 'Olatn



are the

"S'c-Motion" Stockings

perfect ,

- ^ c » n ' h o o i c "

'^°'\'not4.""-^t2»U«' Sizes V-'.° ,11 colors. P ' ^ ' " »inVllU.o.«'cU.

UBO Our OhristmaB

Lay - Away Plan Today


I III " * " your sift n- L. ' " • Probicmsl

'Our s to re Will Be Open Monday

Thru Saturday From Now Unti l Xmas Including



Td Hobart 7 - 5 9 1 8 • S O I MAIN St. Edit Haven.Conn

Plenty Free Parking In Rear Of Our Store

Use Our Xmas Lay-Away


Page 5: ERst Ha-vBii Hagamuh Library Eaatlfaven, 8ATUBDAT lEaat ... · Hollywood.La


— hllt HH .Studio Tlio four liorsMilpn of tin- Kiislics lliukflclil! iirr slumii Jirrn lo-KiMlliT with iiiioHlrr trnmmati' ii( lli< fnolbn II liainN offliiiil Imn-qllcl IHJOIKIIIJ- IIIBIII. Sciilcd Idfl lo rliihl nri- Mif ni'wiy n il cii-rflliliilns for IIW:). Dun Mnlllt(^ mill Dotu I'clliilic'lil, lliiiili l.n/./.l, iiriil Mnrld Vltnlc, ICiwIlcs' I'l-iilrr. StaiiilliiB )» Vim-i' (iiiBlliinll.

noiuH" East Ilavcii Football Team At Official Ban((uct

' r i i l i l y - l w o in'MnbcM's of (.he u n -hi' i l lcl l , IIMlll'tl KMSI l l l ivon I l lg l l funihiill li'ain wi'ii' (llnc'il, hut not winc'il, III llii'li- nfflrliil fnnllmll liiiiii|Li('i III llii' .Sun lU'ino Uoslnu-riint In MoniH Cuvi? Monrlny night.

'I'ho (icciisliiii wna taken for tho iinnniinrhiK of the new co-cnptnlns iif llie in.'i.'i foothiill Icttin: High .<;ihool .Uinlor.i Domlnick Peltln-ii.'chi iiiul Dun Miuitlo, flfsl .string Imrks who Iiolpod the Enstles pile ii|i II mnuniflecnl rocrti'il this pa.<it .snnson.

I' iiriiKM' .TiulRe Armen Kriliorlnn iirlcd IIS nuist.er of eercinonle.s and Inliiidiioeil tho BUP-its "f honor In-iiiiuiini!: Stove l-.cn7.i, nsslNlant coacli at Vale Unlvor.slty; .Too For-liinalo, captnin-cloct of the .Ynlo roolhail toam; Ernest Anlhonia, liHvn select innn: Stu Clancy, Junior vor.slly eoiich'al Yule; Mnthow'An-iiHla.sio, ehairmnn ot the Republi­can Town Committee; George Grandinette, Brnntord High conch; and Fred snivall, assistant cDnuh at Uranford.

'I'lio commitloo of 1>Uslncssincn spoiisoriaR the bnnquot through their chairman, Sal Pncilco, |)re-.sented Coiicli Frank CrI.HntI and hucktield Conch Frit?. Migdnlskl vyUli heavy-llncrt outdoor sport coats. Horace Mnrone, IliRli Selionl rainilly meinlier nnd ns.slst-ant coach, wan presented witli a tie clii.sp anil cuff llnk.i set.

On 'I'ue.sdiiy Coaches CriHafi,




Corned Beef Hash DINTY MOORE

Beef Stew FRICND'S

Beef & Gravy

Con Carne •AR-DEE


1(502 TIN



2-1OZ TIN 151



15 0ZTIN ,jj^5«






15'/. OZ TIN








Macaroni & Cheese " ° ' BRILL'S


Chicken Fricassee ''Z 49c



e •;





MiRdnlr.kl ntid Marone and - the nicnilier.s of the team wore 8uesl.s al a dinner given in their honor at the East Ilnvcn Diner by Mike P. Corno and hl» son, John, proprie-lor.s. Members of the first team

"wore presented with stnnll golden foothnlls.

At the official banquet Monday nlglit Conch Orundinetle praised the liast, llnven team as "the best football team in the slate, bar none." He promi.scd another hard football game with East Haven next year but declined lo predict the outcome. "I Ju. t say we're go-ing lo be on the field, again, nnd we'll give you a helluva ball game," proniLsed Grnndinello, whoso loam lost to East Hnvcn by a score of K to 7 Thanksgiving IJay.

Mnrlo Manzlllo, East Haven tackle whose a.30-pound as.snults on oppo.sing lines never failed lo bread] llieni, was congrntulnlod on Ills selection as a member of Ihe All-Stnto tenin by 35 Connecticut liigh school football coaches. Paul Morinan, 20f)-pounH cnder, who consislcntly played good tootbnii all season loi'ig, was accorded hon­ors for his selection lo the second All-Stale team.

High School PHnclpnl Carl Gar­vin and imslstant Principal Tom" Murray added ll|clr congrntuiu-tl()l)H lo those of the other speak­ers and praised the Ensl Haven players and their coaches on Ihoir Rucccs.sful season.

Members of the East Ilnven team emerged from this season with nine wins and no losses or ties, and a point accumulation of 142 com­pared lo 1.7 granted opponents arc as follows:

Mario Mozzlllo, Mario Vitale, Vincent Bruno, Unl|ih Walker, .lolin Esposito, Riciuird Orlando, Paul Mornmn, William Wllsqn, Vincent Ongliardl, Daniel Mauttc, Nick Vaulso, Henry Luzzi, Dom Pcttinichi, Frank Ilanfone, Leon­ard Orllloc, Gabriel Monaco nnd Noel Gustafson.

Also, Tom Ranfone, Anthony Monlesnnlo, Charles Clanelll, Al-phonse Mcllllo, Arthur Concillo, Ed Clough, James O'Marn, Charles Lcczn, Donald DeAngells, Michael Cerrlto, Victor St. Joiin, William Ginnelti, Charles Bormann, Rob­ert Orlando nnd Robert Brocketl.

Tom Maulte, freshman brother lo Dan, and Ted Sullivan, served as team managers.

Anolher guest nl the banquet WHS Dr. .Tosoph F. Malorano, .Tr. Marl In DoFelica serv,ed ns publicity clialrman.

Siionsors for the banquet in­cluded the following; East Haven Custom Cleaners, Goody's Hard­ware Store, East Haven Green Garage, Augie's Liquor Store, Augle's Auto Repair, Metcalt Drug Store, Towne Jewelers, Ralph Aulo Electric, Andy's Moi'ket, Al Uolcomli, Towne Motor Sales, Upnrkliag Cafe, Prolo Brothers Service Stotlon, Dr. "Joseph Malo­rano, Bill and Joe's Service Sta­tion, Foxon P and R Motors, Inc., Tony's Barber Shop, DeCaprio's Market, and Dan Daley's Shell Slalion..








Sorvo Irosli Porlc and now crop SiuoiWraut lor your S4inday d.nnor - -

i Sauerkraut UBPKG17C

Pork Chops LB 59c


STEWING LAMB lb. '25c • lamb Forequarters ROLUO I" DESIRIED LB 3 9 C


P o r t e r h o u s e STEAK cnb cE " 1.15




Rib Roas\t ^ 5 CHOICE

Skinless Frankfurts Combination Loaf








Cabbage 2 NEW~CREEN








-XV Irniij rich

(^ojjce al an

ccononitj price! .

Richmond MILD LB T1


Kybo 186'G 81c


CHATEAU Cheese Asparagus SPT/R;



19 0 2 TIN


OR S Q U A S H 2 9 0 1 TINS


eans I TINS Corned Beef Hash Corned Beef Hash Borden's Cheese Chicken Broth Angel Food Mix Tomato Puree





RIG PeiCf 17c

Whole Wheat Bread SPECIAL « r


DyBtropViy \ wan , granted by the Ensl Ilnvcn ^^liambcr of, Com­merce ot its (llnnci-: hiccUnR Tufca-dny nffthl. . lav -• - , . ' ; ,

Tttt! Chamlicr con.sitlorcrt loullnc "bu-slnuss nnd accepted Hie raembci-shlp applicnlloris of D. Clinrlos fieausollel nnd Ralph P. CnslSlon.

A lettoi: fmm Carl Gnivin, piin-ciprtl of the hlRli .school, UmnldiiH the business group for spnnsurinB the Halloween wlndow-palnliiu; contest was road.

The local chamber decided to vole "yes" on a policy declnrallon by the nntlnnnl chamber in ,mnke the social security laws more IrtcluRlve.

Bridget Capcllo Becomes Mrs. (;. M. Chrislol'oro

On Monday, Nov. 2'Ith nL ]() o'clock In Our Lndy of Pompeii Church, Miss Drldijot Bertlin Cnp-polln,' daiiKhlcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nicholas Cnppcllo of I'l Old Fo.xnn Ud., became Ihc, bride of • Mr. Charles Michael Chrisloforn, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael Chrlstoforo of 58 MIddlolown Ave., Clinlon-vlllo. The Rev. Raymond A. Mul-cahy -performed the ceremony

Given in mnrriaRc liy her fnlher tho bride was nltonded by Mrs. Silvlno .Tullnnelll, her sister, a.s matron of'honor. Bridesmnids were Miss Dolores Cappello, another sister. Miss Sandrn Fredorico, nnd

THE BAST 1IA%TEN NEWS ThiirwlBy, l>ce. II, IIIB2 I'aRC 8

MLss Lillian Bohran. Mr. John Chrlstoforo served as

best nian. Usher.s were Messrs. Chnrlei; Culso, Michael Chriatoloro and Vincent Tuscano.

Following Ihc ceremony a re­ception was held In ISan Itemo Hes-taurunt. T h e couple Inter left on a trip through tho .southern slates and lo Florida. Upon their relurn, they will reside In 58 Middlelown Avenue.

Parly Reservations ^^ For New Year's t v e

Bradford Manor is now takinK reservations for the New Year's Eve P a r t y t o be held in the urnd-fiird Manor Hall.

Kesorvallons will bo taken for the cnpnclly of tho ball and In the order they are received. They must he made by Saturday, Doc. 27th, wMli either Herman Schnrf at 110 7-'153(i or Mrs. Alvin Thompson, n o 7-2060.

A buffet supper will bo served at Ifli.'IO nnd dancing will ho from

n;;«J to 2;.TO. Members of the comniitlee are

Mr. nnd Mrs. James Cunningham. Mr. and Mr.s. Harold Oren, Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Scharf, Mrs. AlvIn Thompson and Mr. William Brown.

EAST HAVEN AUTUMN Buying & Service Directory

' • - : • • - ^ . ; ; ^ 1

Central Cleaners Dyers Homo of Distinctive Cleaning

We Operate Our Own Plant 4-Hour Cleaning Service

Call For and Deliver vn Main St . I'hono 110 7-1107

Barker Trucking Co. Local and. liOng Distance Moving, Crating, Storage 5 Ure Ave. East Raven

Office Residence • -t«78 1'". A. Barker HO 7-0601


Fire — Bonds Automobile Casualty

•l\ Ohldsey Ave. East, llayon

Augie's Auto Repair General Repairing Tires — Batteries

AAA SERVICE AAA Plioiip HO 7-5218 430 Main St.

A. C, P. Electrical Service, Inc.

Industrial, Commercial and Residential Wiring

Electrical Fixtiurcs COMPLETE LINE OF

Appliances and Supplies

4 6 7 Main Si . East H a v e n


HOSPITAL Mrs . K a y Anstais io , Dir.

Registered Nurses in A t t e n d a n c e D a y and Night

Carefully P r e p a r e d Meals a n d Die ts

P h o n e H O 7-5828 8 3 Main S t . East H a v e n


Chamber Of Commerce OK's Dystrophy Drive

Approval of a fund drive to bo conducted locally by the Southern Connecllcul Chapter for Muscular


lemon Crunch loaf i*cii 29t REGULAR PRICE 4 5 c SPECIAL

Two Crust lemon Pie ''Ch 39t BETTY AIDEN

White Bread SLICED t a o z






Peas & Carrots •'VOR" GARDIN



Codfish Cakes



16 0 ? PKG





The ELGENE SHOP 242 Main St., E a s t Haven

HO 7-3446




East Haven, Conn. Tel. HO 7-3939

i i 111 nil 111 } " in Hi! nil

111 111 in

PI' 111


Confec. Sugar 2 ibpi g 25<:

Kel ley'sPM Coffee ib81<

Baker's Vanilla 2oz35c

Asparagus cut, i7oz29':

Tender Leaf Te Tender Leaf Tea 8 OZ. 58c


Vienna Fingers pkg. 25c HOLIDAY ASST.- I LB I

Educator Cookies 45'=



Large Size / for Jj<-

Lflrgc Sizo x V ^




large Size

2 (or 55' large Size J l '

1 LB 3 2 ' : 3 LBS 8 9

i l '. '^y^.^y'rz:::^





SOAP 2 """15'


299 MAIN S T R E E T


EIGHT PAGES OF EAST HAVEN NEWS Ea.st Haven Hacamun Library East Haven, Coru « S-E5

Our Telephone Numbers Business: ATwater 8-1661

Editorial: HObart 7-5811

V O L . V I I — X n . 40

®l|p East Baufn Netoa Art Independent

Weekly Newspaper

Publishfd Wrtkly by FrFF Prttt PiililUationt, Inc. Yi i l l» Sipbltripllnn S2.50. KAST IIAVICX. ( ' ( iNXl ' .CTI lT ' r . ' r i i r K S D A V niOCKM.KKK' IS, lliriL' 0 CVnts A Copy — .ta.riO A Year

School Sites Go Up For Town Vote Week From Tuesday, Says Chairman Action Follows School BoardOkav


IS ii V.


Last Friday Night Thrt'f school siles localed in the

school (list fids of Fo.xon. Momau-giiin and the west end will be pre­sented for public approval at a town meeting 'IMesday night, Dec. 30, nt a place to be announced, Geoige Leils, chairnnan of the .School Sites Committee, revealed yesleiday.

I.etls also reported thai he had received "verbal" approval from Ihe Slate Departmenl of Health and Sanitation for the three sites which were also surveyed and ap­proved b ythe stale Board ot Ed­ucation

.Tohn Corbetl, secretary ot the .school board, has informed the 'Board oi Selectmen and the Board of Finance ot the town meeting date and instructed Ihem to. issue on official call.

Board Approves Sites The three sites were approved at

a meeting of the Board of Educa­tion last Friday, but not before a brief debate occured between Democratic'member Charles Size-more and/ Letls,,who was newly-appointddloilhe board. •.,, • .

Follo\liirtg'" a motion for approv-ali of all three sites, Slzemore re-c'ommended'that'the'board ''gO' on record tO'apprpveHhe Momaugui" ond' Gertish Avenue sites" but wllhhdld ; Its ac'cepldnce ot -the Foxon slte'lqcatcd on the so-called' jiuckerman'place-off Route 80 in Foxon. • . • : ' . , ' •„ • ' When Slzemore . objected, that the costvor^lhe 'Ziickormap, place; may be too hlgli, Lells-5epjlci5''tliat: it was not the function bfeUher the Schpor Sites Committee'(jr the Board of Education to •d^BlC^vith the financial; aspects of. these re­commended locations; '•' ' v ' K / . .'feizemorei then 'agreed to >v.itb-

draw his, .suggestion nohd4tnejmo-;' tlon lo approve all three Wfti.*qti

ed. : ,• •-,•,•' ' ;•'.. ; , C Details of the sites are to,be re-,

loai>ed in advance of the.hieetihg in Older to permit the publlcr to become acquainted with; their lo­cations, bounds and characteristics.

January J Deadline' . Al least one ot tiie options on

the three pieces • of property i was due to expire .January;!, so that Tuesday's meeting will put tin fav­orable decisions just under the wire. ',

In other actions the boa^d: ; Discussed with members of the

Boaids of Public,Safely and'Fin­ance the possibility of jprdviding additional protection to school children attending the ' Gilils School .The compl.alnts Were thai lieavy traffic in the area during school hours endangered the safe­ty or small children. .» • .

Superintendent William E. Glllis stated he would have a sur­vey made of the number of child: ren going home fore lunch; while arrangements were sought to pro­vide some measure of Iroftic su­pervision during the early niorn-ing and .when school closed in the afternoon.

The board voted to contribute ifie 'sume of $600 toward the pur-chose ot two section of bleachers for the High Sciiooi gym' it the school Athletic Association contri­buted $1,000 toward the cost. ..

Tlie resignation of 'Mrs. Pol-T(cia llammon, a teacher at the GiUls School, was accepted and become effective February 1.

. ' Following a report by Mrs. How­ard Doollttle?' chairman ot the Committee on Schools, who sub­mitted fC detailed summary of the rt'qulrements for superintendent, of local schools, .the board approved for mailing out a list of the stated requirements.

- ' Applications for the position, otlered to erperlenccd candidates of J5 years or older, will be inaiied to college placement bureaus throughout New England. Salary

'^ of the po.sitlon will range between' ^ $6,500 and $7,000. Deadline for fll-i ,lng is February 1 and it is hoped > that a candidate for the po.Vition J being vacated next year .by..Mr.

"'; Clllis will be found by next , July 1.

' .Dec, 20 Last Day For ^.Toys For Tots Drive' ' / At the weekly meeting of (he •^'Second Auto Field Maintenance

pompany. New Haven's own organ-'^'jzed Marine Corps Reserve unit, 'IvMajor William A. Barry, command-

ng officer, announced the last day Sor the cqlleclion ot toys tinder pie "Toys' for Tdts" program- ot, pS2 will be Dec. 20. T>onatlQns.ot

Slew or used toys will be accepted up to and including that date. Pick­up service Is available by.calUng

Deadline Advanced For Next Two Issues

Due to ttio Chrlstntils uiid New Yi'ur's holidiiys, the "N«w.s" will \uy puliIislKHl (111 Tuesday for the i ir \ l two issiu's. TIiR ileadlille for all n«ws iiiul advertiNliifi copy for next w('ck'% paper, to be published Dec. 23., will IM! Moiiday. Tli« sumo schedule will be In effect for the followinf; wcelt when the paper will he published Tuesday, Dec. SO. Cooperatioil of news sources

and advertisers In complyiiii; with these deiulllnos will be ap­preciated.

Riverdale Assoc. To Erect Fence To Protect Youngsters Members of the Riverdale Associ­

ation voted Monday to set up a-bout 30O feel ot wire along the Farrtt River bank to guard against the possible recurrence of a drowning accident .similar lo the one that took the life of a Ihroe-year-old boy two weeks ago. . lichry J . Treadwell, president of the assq'ciation,'. said that the wire was left over from supplies pre-viciusly purcjiased by 'memb'ers''o't the • association. Menibers ; had erected 'fences on "their ^own' pro­perly'alqtigMhe river,' arid; the ad-ditidnol'tencirig would beodded to a neighboring slr'etch of irlyer bank "as'far'-asyihe.'wire will .go.",..; •• , Treadwell ^aid thai nil tp.mlUeii along the riyer; will • be, "approached tor'ajlvice regarding future, aclihh to • prptcct small. chlldreii ;liY!ng;jri the;.deveropmont. ' -;;.' • ' . ;

• TllCi association -,'-pre'sid'e'nt..',,r_q-yeal^d; also thill ,tHe RlveriJaVe', and Cienmoor Association's; will hold a joint meeting'."sqnietimc. iii,'Jan-Uary_|' tor the; piiriiose of discuss­ing the fire and-police-protedtlon alforiied. their area.s. Plans ^v'H be discus-se'd for securing of nidxlmiim pos-iihlo protection from available facililles. . • • ;; ,

Reqiiest Dri'vers Not .To Park,Before Union Scjibot: During Storms

The'Board qt Public Safely hos issued.a request to teachers' and parents, of pupils al Union S<!hool not. to. park their cars on Thomp­son Avenue between Edwards ;and Main' Street during bad weal.her.

•Members explained thai park­ing: of !'cars during storms ob­scured the rood tor small children crq'ssih'g the. street, so that they are • unable lo spot ' oncoming

After The Deluge

rv<'llntc ItUo lui tinuitriir sporulntor in tlif KTIMU riiiridii liiiid-tionni, .lovrpli Drltii \ nllc, of 17 (ilt'ii-nionr I)rt\(>, Kur\r\s his iloiiiittn, iiiiiiuliitcd )» iin iin iiinntntloit ot lun-tifl wiitfi frnni siirrtmiullii;; Hroas. The (JU'iimoor honio-owni?r is lioprrnl tlml tin- iiistullnioiU of li new storm sewor will ri'Ilnvti tliis coiulitioii with which hi* ami othors nrv iMiiilroiilt'd lUttT niHi IiViivy n»!ii. llnUIn' Noah, I)i>llii

.Viilh! hiis no (loves to KCI loosr.

2 East Haveners Incorporate As Metal Company

A certificale of incorporolion for n nU'Mil nianufacuirjng company by Ihe name Nutmeg Ca.slingH Company, to bo located in the

.town oi East I.lavon, was' filed re­cently with Iho office of Alice i<. Leopold, secretory ot stole.

The'docu'mehl 'whs"si'gned by its' ihcorporritors, CInire E.- Skelly, of .231 Coe.Ave., East Haven;'Myr-i.i.s B.'Klernan, of 43 Lnui-el .;St., East .Haven; nnd R. William Bo-honnan',\ Sachem's Head, GuilfonI, last^NGV. 2Q and was approved liy tli?-stale~ qtflce two duys.luter.,v. ' "I'he'-cfirporotlon states lis pur poi o.s. ore;.';Tp conduct a brass; iron and nlumlnuni foundryj-lo.manu. facliiro, buy and sell lool.s, • ma-cliinery,.: triiplemenls, valves, gau; 'ge.s, titUtigs". and other- equlpmbnt;' The- dqq'iimbtit lists the right, "To cai'ry on tll'e'busine.'!s'',bl' lininlilg, piilling, .eoncent'rating and 'co'nv^ri-ing, smelling, treating.'arid prepar­ing for-metal •inanufqcturlng,,buy­ing, .selling and excliangiing;Vtind otherwise producing'! aqd .dealing in" various niBlals and -thpir by-liroducts- oriywhero in' the United Stales. V , ' . • •.•' . •' '

. Shares are authorized tor n total ot. 5,000 In number without value .stated.. The amount ot paid-in capital to commence busino.ss is set .at $3,000. . . . ' - • .

A public hearing on, a request for chohge of zone from residential to industrial,applied,for by.Frank P. S.ulllvan, Inc., toq'k place yes­terday in :lhe.Town Hall. The ap­plication 'concerns a parcel of Iqnrt fi'onting approxiniaieiy, 26'1 feet on Kiniberly Avenue and on.Bradley' Street.' '.

Outstanding Player

Aitus Studio

ban Muutle, co-capain elect for tlie i!)53 Eiist Huvin IliKli football team, is bhowii holding the Coss - .St. Clairi; trop'.iy awurded him as the most outstuiidiliK playcrin the annual game with Uranford. High last TlmiiksgiviiiB. Mautte scored both touchdowns for the Eostles to put tiiem ahead It to 1. The trophy was doiiali-d by tho Tulmadge IIot«l in honor of I'aul Goss and I'raiili SI. Cluire who

-were killed la.(1 highway accident lUis year. .

Town To Supplpinont Storm Water Drains At Glenmoor

An nddilionni storm water sewer will be liislalU'ri al. Ilu- Glennionr devrloptnent to relieve ii scrimis flood ronriltion in one soctl'iii (here, First Soleclinan Frank A.-Barker announcetl.this week.

Barker revealed IhnI obo.il 172 feet bt.''J5-lnch line wiir be ,lnld slarllng "sbmelime in the-next 10 doys"''lo..re!iovc.the 'over-burddncd slorni "water,drainage system orifi-Irially. Installed. A rough esllmqie ot the, cost, of., the ipstallijlVon, which will -tap. into : two . catch-basins, beipw the •wesleiin .Junction of Manor Rd.' and Glenmoor' DW, was,..set''at SGOOi •;,,;,,'.,..•'•;. .... ,;

., Tl,(e. new linciAvU'l' .i'uSi .'Milrec'i|y \vc.stwai'd 1 tri coiiiiucL wltji" A" stprin 'whler'scwer'olreririy laid In'nn; ad­joining part Of 'Glcnn')tj()r:'Wi!st-.' •-A ;hu)nbi;r- of.'yiouse'-l?6Mftt'a.',; In

•,'th'e I'o'cdlity SaSw'M'on'oi''Wf^ove, been..,- plAgucd.; :. ropeatedly;•, .vvlth fiooded' back yards. The run'^^'oft

\frqm')d'ts'wilhin Ihls.'aro'ii hns^ilieon' cqllecllng.'in a-depresiilohj .behind

;l lie houses; on' the lower lend. "•; ',5 A' '.stoi-ln sewei" cbrihecting-wltho catch basin al, 'lhe eastern''-Jiirt'c-; lUre .of upper Glenmoor -Dr. 'and

,Manor. Rd;^runs.. thro'ti'gh the celir tor of this area; and after floodlrtg occurred severol- times, .a'!,.'si dim -drain was iopped,-Into 'll'ifs';.Bfiw.er. . Aii.a resujt. In'HBayyralilK.bouse-, hblders;bn the lower side nre'.r,ow "presented with u . Jliore' - ..Siirlbiis probieni. Storm' 'woier iioiirlnis Into the upper, catch' bo.slri spews cut bfthe-lower^me to add to'lhe ncuuniuiating water.

'•Joseph Delia Val lo , .orn. Oleii-.raoor.Dr., who .lives near the lower end of the area where the,wdter gathers ibl.d the "News" ,that [he flooding presented,0 seripus health problem. -lie .said, the waters rose during storms ond lipped over gar­bage cans. "You ought lo see the garbhg'e floating abound out here' after a' storm. I don't dare let my kid out to play until after I olGon; up after each storm," he-said.

It is generally admllled ,lhal on error was mode in laying down Iho original storm sewer which is now vifwi.'d as much loo small to handle the volume, of-run-off. ..'rhe cnn-tnictor, Nicholas Muuro, claims tliMl lie followed the specifications luid down by engineers. ' The lay--

oul was ji|ipr(ived^hy brith FllA untl Ihc town i*iii;iiiecrs, and no flooding; prohU'ins were alillolpnicd.

Uiirker .solil llial "there was no doubl" tliui'ii inlkluke •Iqul ,been liiade,, but; clnlmei! I iial, the - proli-iqin did', n'qt.-.become evldbnl .until tifltr tiie areu I'onds were Di;,cepted by tHe. town. .-•-.;; ,' . ' , .He said, (tiso, Ihnt the town.. In responslblo oiily tor^' lhq. ron<l droiiiagi). and pointed,.;i|Ut;;i)ial ihe .slqrtii -.sew.er running,'ihrough ' tiie itroperlyiln-quqstlon wascofipected 'only to p slorni drain; a|,.'lb,''-.QI.°"" I'liobi', DrlyerManolv 6riv,c-,pV,nctlqnv 'riic,;calch..',hqsln Ih.'lhe, interior :of tl\i!''Si'l/of- plqU taps inlq ,thej«!W«r but; cannot.bu;cQnsii,lori>d ra'rohpon-; .tellj'ty. of .iho; l.bwii .'aliice',It fethfit jge.ii/,6'^tH^iii:K'^''w4;*X

•}• Ac!c()rding'. t'd Barker, tbU.interior drainB^o,; jvaii llio. concern ;,()t. the ;jirlyni(>'"_|)r6|)orly;, owners. ;."It ricc-e.SBnry,-'bo soid,'-"w(),;i!puiyr'. close off, Ibis.'tqp-i(i-•\ylilcli.''^)ii(d;'^ljeen !ndjle(i;bi" the 'c6ntriicl'ottv."'(is- an afrerthoifahl. ;-.,', .-'t. , ,> ' / ' ' • -' • •" Hofveveri' the' first j'si.lectninii pbinied, put liiat'tHo,tij',vn ^wos iio't coiisljlerlhg, 'closing off ...ihO Ibnsln and .saJ.d th'o purpo.se of the'!; new line would lie to rcll(>«'e Ihc'liurden' on the'line .loading u.wqy froni the ccrtiruny,'lald,.droln_ sp ' tiilit; Ihe bnslii • might'functlp'q,-.-,-', ' '. II Is his belief 'that ii ^ulwlantior p'arl.of the water coliectlng.ln this Idpollly- runs down llio, iilglj'er, clc-yairphot Glenmq6r,l5rlv6. .I3y Inp-])lng .in .the rie'w' main; Ifc'.is His hope that heavy,, ralh^-''will no longer overtax the- pieEiint'main 'which runs down fiienmoor 'Drive into.Gionmoor \yest. -,; '•.•'•\'' , Once this loud Is relieyed,'lia sold, water flowing into the ceniroliy lo­cated sewer - wguld... iiiove- tost enpugh to handle the drainage Into hour catch basins. ;.Slit 'cbllectlng in the basins and blocking llie flow -would be.cnrrled away by tiie rap-idyl m.oving.-water. •;-

The Foxon Congregntlonol Church Choir In Ihc. company of other young nien oiid-.women will set oi'f;on a, round of.. Christmas carolling on Tuesday..night; '

Prospects Bright In 1953 For Connecticut Business

Connecticut business and indus­try uppeiir ready .to zoom into 1953 01 jet-propelled .speed, the. Stole Development Commission .said In lis monthly economic report this week. . . • *'

Not only has the final quarter ot the year seen a. .marked.'.pick-up praclicolly oil. along the' line-- the stale's business agency stated, but' records have been set ;.Jn; the amount of checlts didwn on Con­necticut banks, total empjoyment and tuclory payrolls. , ,' ' i

In ailditiun, it reported;, there ha.s been a .sudden spui't In- Industrial con.struclipn, with iioJoss than l\yq dozen expansion projects an-' nounced or started in November, nearly all of Ihem scheduled for completion next year.

IMus signs run strongly through Connecticut's now complete busi-nes.s indicators for . October,. Ihe commission said, and less complete data for November point,to*.a con­tinuance of the year-end uptretid. *

"One ot the more sensitive bus!-, ness speedometers," the agency as­serted, 'lis , bank 'debits •. (checks drawn). These hit an - ail-time high of $1,519,000,000 in October,' 8 per cent above - September ond 6.4 per cent better than InOctobtr,

1951." "Another Indication of what Is

going on in Connecticut Industry and bu.slncss In the year'.s home­stretch is the foct Ihiit lo|al em­ployment at 830,710 broke all pre-VIPUS record.s in October ond then did it again in November," the re­port continued. "Moreover,. the State Deparlment of- Labor looks for Another peak this month.''' 'The weekly pay enyolope pt the

average Industrial' worker; held .$72.40 in" October. .Thi.s,; tlie com-inis.'.ion noted, was anothqr>historic high; 7.7 percent better than a year ago and $1.0" inpre thhn the natipnai average. , , 'i .

"People were beginning tq spend money again, loo," It added. 'Oc-lobei'.retail sales jumped 10 per cent over.lasl yeor's followrrfg a 3 tier cent gain in September^ the first such advance since,'May. Christmas sales seem likely, to put the yeor's. retail' figure above lost year's." - ^, - ' , . ;

; , The- development agency also itiointed tjo Increases ; of rl9.8 per cent, over i s s i in freight "cajrlpad-, ings and S. 8 per cent in in(lu»trlal power use, but saldi total'b'uilding permits were dov/n and 'bilsiness 'fafclures were- on the increase; •

Doraii Will Ask Town To Take Positive Stand On Momauguin Project ^Sdlesman^ Alibi Saves New Ifavener A Court Conviction

A niiiqtai-iillvi'ly .rlenil icrofd by M Now Haven iniin charged with "loUi'ilng by n known plckpookel,-ililcf or burglnr" won for lilni a rtlsl coniinunnce In Town Cnurl Monday nflcr the prosecution foiled to prove he hud lifted n jiortalile radio from nn Eosl llnvon store. .

Two comiianlons, ol.so of Now Haven, nnd Impllcaled as Com­panions, were convicted on slniliur cliniges and given six monlhs sus­pended sentences In ihe c o u i ^ ' jail.

lOominic Marangoiil, oI 231) Poji-lor St., received a continuance un-III March .30, 1B53 on the loitoring charge, after un. examination of Ills record revealed only one con­viction for Idleness. However, he was found guilty of driving through a atop sign and wns fined nine dollars.

Ueceivlng Ihe .suspended senten­ces \vere Nunzio, "IjUcky" Germe, •in, of Iho Hotel Milnor, unci Joseph De'Uicia, 2G, bf -IB Wnrii-n St. I3x-'amlnnilon ot their 'police rufords revealed' a ienghty list of arrests and convictions on yarloils crlii'i-Ihtti chnrEes. ' ' . - -; Marortgelii -won his nisi cpqtln-uance, which would 'jriaitt'. him subject Jo u sentence apy time lib-fore next Marcii, nttcr cross-exairi-inntion by Judge Fiisanu.failed to sijak'a th,e.dorehdan.i;;|ii' Ills'Ib.lli-mpny ilial ' llifc;','liPrl.i*ibio radio lioili o found.)n his bar had iieon ijoughl'nt an audilpn in New ytirlc

;CiiVf>/..:;..:v',':;.' V-; yi,.^i-:':ft'. ;, ;-j'ro,aocUtbt.I\ohi)ri;M. Tiiylbr; atf MeinpiiiflVto-t^nbllim-'lbrtjiiglii'wlt-' ne.s,seii ,frpm tl/o East Haven Jlodlo .store",iiibl .ih)! t''odib,.-,bf 'cbln'piicl dimensions, had licon ilfiod .from ft' wiqiloW disiiiaV.' Mrs., Eric Curl'y, wite of Uie. Kloi'i! owner, nnd her son Jomcs, 15, leBtlfiod that the portable radio' ()i<hlblted iiy, Iho piusecutlon was Identical to- liie one - they had pliicod. In, a store winilow. - ,

The cro.ss-cxamlnnllon followed two attempts by lllclinrd Ilannnn, defense counsel for Morangelll,- I'o have the co.se agolnst his client quashed because the state failed to pibvc that • his client was a known piokpockol, burglar or thief wilhout ohy visible means of sup­port, • -

Through te$llmony he uttempied to establish that Marangelll was re-strictuil by on Injury ond that he. was! awaiting a hooring on a claim for state cpm|)cnfiutlpn. Mar-angeill olsp claimed that he was employed In a limited copocily by his.emiiloyer, a contiacloi

.ludge Fosano denied both mo­tions for dischorge and Morangtlil took the stand to testify tliiil Ihe

riulln found in his rur was (iiu? of four lie had puivliased ul an auc-llon in New Yiirii CUy. He had sold till' iilher Ihree, he sold, liul wa.s uniible lo imine his cusloiners.

The following exeliange liiiik place 111 one point iielwceii Judge I'lisuiio ond Marangellii

Q. Is it your iMislne.ss In buy anil sell radios to slrungers?

A. I'm a salesman, I -can'! know everybody I sell to.

Q. Yirn're n salesman? For whom?

A. For myself. Q,' What else do ypii sell Iheslde.s

radios)? A. Anything I can gel iny hands

on, Q. Anything you con get your

liaiuls on? What do you mean by that?

A. Anything I can liuy. Marangi»lll produced rocelpls

shnwing that be hod sold several ni'llclus, but wasn't sure he could produce receliits foi' tho radios he said'-he h»d. sold. , . , . „

in .sentencing the' trio, Judge Fasano observed that he "couldn't believe" ' Moranijolira story nl-thpuRh "purls of It seemed; to iio true,'! "Howcvei'," he sold, "there are certain legal mutters lliot must 1)0. oh.sei'ved," .". ^ . : .'•The iH'Osocutlon admitted lietore llie bench 'that the charge of "no

'visible klipporl" ogulnSt Mnrangqll| 'was >Vcalt,.: but' liislsldd. Unit tiie. Inltei'lnK cliiirges ligalnsi.iljti other, ;two -men,wore JUHllfied ,|n-V.lcw' pt, .their, IJOIICB;^tocorda.. •,'•,,•;',:',' '• '<•'• j ' 'i;..'JU(lg'b''.F'd9lin() wiwitcd' alt thtb'iJ b'meii;;tli'id;-''l'f;'ybii-wdn( t61tifdii;b'vit!-I;6f j.nll, 'you had-lieltelvstay olit.ot 'lSH.st Iloven;.",.; W.hi jilcns of .'ibni-i .oiidif In.'llio fiitiirc-would be coldly ;lgnorcd, he ,iiiiid.. ; The ti'io, was ili'i'eslcd Doc. 0, fol lowing coniplaliits from'hierclinnts llial ;'lhree'susplclou.s-Ipoking men were , freqiientliig locol' stores.' Morangelll :was bpoked'tlrsl tor iirivlng through n slop ,sign oHd follure to cari'y a ilrlycr's ilcoris'o. Then nl) tlu'ee wore cliorged with IqltorlnB. . • " ' • '' ,

, ..WItnoKBUS, .from sbvcrni ;looqi .stoi-es lasllfled that Germe oppeniv ed several limes id malfo InqulrleR KboUl various liinds ot.rnei"cha|i-d|se but never bought tinytlilng. Two testified that when. he. ap­peared^, he carried his cool ever pno shbuider. Germe told the court that he had arthritis in- on_o shoulder and wore the coat as 'protection.' , '

Germo nnd De I.ucia spoke only veiy bilefly In court Both ad­mitted appealing seveiol llmeb In IJost Haven stores liut clulmed they were lieni on lei;iliinatc busi­ness

Santa Claus Here To Hear Requests Starting Friday

Thanks to unnasing efforts on the part of the I.'ast Huvon Cham­ber of Conimerie, which bilbed, cajoled; pleaded, coaxi d, flatteicd ond resorted to (very other peace­able mode of jie)suasion, including the hiring of a fitsl-rule lobbyist ut the North Pole, .Santa Claus will be at Ihe Town lidli to gleet local children storting tomorrov/

.Santa'will be on liand between the hour.s of two and five p. m tomorrow, .Satuiday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lo listen attentively to the wishes and hearts' desires of children i ol ChrLstmas time. The (hildrcn'nie urged lo bring their paienls.

'i'he doily Chiistmas parly will be under the direction of a Wqmon'.s Club coinmlllee com­posed of Mrs; Willis Henilcks, Mrs Jo.seph O'Connoi, Mrs Alvln Thompspn, Mrs. Alher t Jocoli, Mrs. John Gould, Mis. r<Jourice i^oia-sohn, Mrs. James Cortland, Mrs Kichard Porilla and Mrs. Waller Sclioenknechl.

S,0«0 Hi'o I'uradd An estimated 5,(J00 East Haven­

ers,-'young and old; lined Main ."Street from Paidee Plare to the town green Friday night tu wit­ness, the parade ojiening the an-nuol Christmos Festlvoi heic.

Santa Claus sealed in a little pony cart' preceded the main par­ade and tossed cumlics IP clillcjrcn who ci'bvv<lcd aipund. Next come the police escort, followed by the

(Con'tlniteil On rago Two) A

Kaslies, Brantord Open ilousulonic Season Tomorrow

The Eosl Iloven High ond Binn-furd High quintets will open the Iloui'utonic Leogue boskethaii sea­son tomprrow night when they meet in the High School gym al 7 30

Both teams have already storied ond both will be seeking their se­cond win of the siuspn. On Tucs-doy the Eastles whipped on out-cius.scd Wlliox Tech, quintet by tt scoie of 82 10 52 while Brontord oul-scoioij a stipng *Stonlnglon squad 02 to 48. ^

Paul Moilan, six-fool East IIiiv-on senioi, will probably start at center foi tho ias t les with Jack Noilon and Tony Ma.ssarl In for-wuid position ond Coploln VIn Gagliaidl and .loe 'O'Moro as guords

Bianfoid faces Its season with an impie-sslve array of veterans headed by Joey Paul, all-stole i en­ter last season, a six-footer who is In his thlid yeai of varsily play­ing

The Hornets are under Iho (juld-un(c ot a now hopp rpuch, .Stan Petelu, a graduate* of Biontoid In I'Ml oftei making all slate for two yeais In a low, Peteio ployed on the vaisity ul Michigan State foi one yeor befoie going on lo Ail-/on Stole Univeiblty to coach the fii'Shmen theic thiough a success­ful season.

The earth has giown old with Its buidc-n of cnre, But at Chrisl-mas il always is ypung.

• Fhllllps Brooks

Agency To Press For An Over-all Planning Of Town

In what looked very much like n sluiw-down over the iiroiiosod Moniuuguln rodevolpmeni project, Alexander Doron, chnlrmnn ot llic lledcvolpincnl Agency, announced he will ask tho Board of Aldermen and the Board of Finance to gp pn record as lielng cither tor or a-giilnsl Ihe proposed Improvnlnenl.

Tile ehairmnn rovonled that he would also request a meeting with , Ihe Board of Aldormcn for the purposo of squoiing i qwny "our mutunl problems" in a general inwnplnn, which would have to be enacted before the rcdevdlpnient qould tic approved,

Acting tor itho agency, Doran will nlso scelt, it was reported, to obtoln-somc assurance that the .sonltallon fucllltle.s. of Momouguin now. considered Inadequate, arc lirouglii lo .some satisfactory con­dition In order to iiermll tlje pio-jocl.tp get-undci'\vay| ,,', . •,;

Oily liVilliers Miim . Members p fthe Ilepubllcan nd-

nilnlstratipn'!pf First Seldt^tman frnhk'Bftrktr linvo hot'cohimitied themsclvos ',10 liny .slnnd oyer ,ihc ii'rpposod, , rcdovblppcrrient,' -\vhicli would t:osf about ii;ml,lliort dojliirs, roughly-p.stlmntodi'wltii the. tctlOr-01 govemmtinrpliyltig aboutf-tWo thirds,' ,.:: J ' - " :',-'!;-V . ' ' ; " ' .

As far ns l.wo officials (!b,Behll-mcnts foi' tlio praje'cl' apRoar Iblio lilvldcid •((Uiptly, aiqni». party'lliieli, with-nqmocr'ntlo •lendei;B;. faybcing the pj'o]bi!t'.ttn'0.,tliq Hc>Illi lllC(ltv',ad-

-m'l.nlflt|•u jgl i loilowlrtB V.'ppll(!y of passive,tp%tiihcqv;;;-;->i:iH'..{'"J • i: AlliioUEP ;aU tfltlilaV-y' 'coitiriiont, hoa-,l)eoA,:wJgiVwljl-ihV.iBirj; ^^^^

'hls'^,s^lhoi•'clljl^lofl; if-Twfl'JW''ni'lii'S tha t rtetitibltcdni. Icodws'ore, 'ciih-.iii^rneirahblit.the htod !6r;h(ia'ltlon-tll .boiiii issubBj: Which the' project woiild ruquli;o,;ln tlio face,of the pceosally;, forjlbiiilrig' other 'tfoiids; to'.finnnce hbi *.' s'chqpl b'u(ldlncii,; '-;0h the ollitf, (hand, niembjjrsj pf the ;redevdli)mt'nt ngency(',hBve or: gued ihat-tliq prbJ'BCt woiild double thb yoluo ot tlie area so that rc-sulloht tqji revenues - would ijo In-croa.sed.'' ' , ' ; ',- '-•,' '., '

'Acc'ordlnR, tO'figures relca.sed somq;iimq ago; ' i t was ^uggesteil that temporary financing would bo covered by . !lf225,l'13 in general town bonds'tinti $.390,000 In town redeyolpinoiit -Ijbnd.s. Solo, of re-sldenllul laild nnd houses would provide $S'I8,000 for pcriqanent finonclhg, II Was claimed,

;Niiod FOP Qvor-AII I'lun Dariin's unhbunc'ed Inleritlpn of,

seeking the b^iiibllshment of.nn'ov: er-nir town (iliin touches U|ihn one of the biggest pioblems fa4Pg lo­cal udminlslruiois In Iho absence of a gonurol, plon of areas, the Town foced with the piospecl of having .speciiil zoning restrictions nullified by couri appeals. Only in those cqses where lezoning fpr spe­cial pui poses is in obvious liai-mpny with adjacent uieas are <ioi>-Ing Boutd decisions safe fiom pos­sible choiU'ngcs

In yesturduy's onnounccmcnt, spokesmen tnr tho reduvelopmpnt agency Im'pllcd that approvol ot final plons fpr the project wlould be withheld In the absence ot an over-all plan for the entire town.

Agency Irked Mcmbeiij of the tedcyelopoincnl

commission are Irited, also, over the deloy of town pftlclais In pro­viding a prcllmlnory estimate on the cost of conducting a survey* of the Momaiigulh at fa lo be TOdc-veloper] In order lo determine Ihc suitability ilnd cost ot installjnE 'on adequate Soiillallon system to hundiu Ihe now piojcct.

Last weeki'D. Charlqs Eeaubol-ell, director ot Iho project, on* nounced that Washington author­ities hud leqliiisted .additional in-tormollon on redevoljimenl plans an dhad asked 6t>eclticaliy for>thc !>anitatlon dal|tj As soon as psll-matcs were tavalldblc on. the cost pi a suivey tu obluin such daia,-lie .said, uii|illchllon would be made for supiilemqhtuiy funds to tlnonce the investlgalloh.

Meonwhlle, the oftlco ot tho a-gency located In the bosemenL ot the Town Hall, has been reopened in Older to pel mil Intelesled per­sons to obtain Intoramtlon on the proposed, rSUovelqpinent The office Is i()ilRi open fiom 0 to' 12 a In dolly Monday tlirough Fri­day

Kescrvallons tor the Bradford Manor New Vcoi's Eve p o r l y a i e going tost, Iltirman Schait rcve41b, XlescrVotiuns (.till can be,ma(le \>y cpntacting lilin or ptiicr committee membert.