ESA Corner E-Magazine 1 Edition October 10 , 2011 · ESA Corner E-Magazine | 1st Edition | October 10th, 2011 Page 4 of 26 For some people, an event that marked as the birth may be

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Assalamualaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Hi, there readers!

This is our first time again at this 2011-2012 period to be published. By this electronic

magazine, as at last stewardship, we want to serve information to you as best as we can.

In this first edition of the year, we want to raise a topic about Sumpah Pemuda Day

that we will celebrate soon at October 28th. It is not only about this, it also about some

topics, articles, sayings, quotes, jokes, and other information we had.

We share all information to you.

So, good reading!



Infokom Press @ English Students Association By Mutia Megawati, Sari Afriza and Ida Murni

[email protected] | ☎ 087747131731

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For some people, an event that marked as the birth may be celebrated with

joy. Sumpah Pemuda, one of events that marked as a born of Indonesian people, seems the

withered and wrinkled. Eleven of the last tiger, this country is truly phenomenal. Motherland

was still under the pressure of the invaders. So is the father of their nation.

Youth throughout the universe has a unique dynamics. Level of pure spirituality and

enlightenment radiates tremendous energy. When most people are preoccupied with

themselves, they appear at the forefront of union action which tends to radical reform. That's

what happens when Indonesian Youth swore forever to be one nation, language

and homeland Indonesia.

In the present context, when the information technology revolution has crossed

territorial boundaries that have traditionally expressed as belonging to a nation and its people

mostly preoccupied with himself, his interest, and his cronies, there is one question that

needs to be promoted. Is it relevant if still hold firm as the fulcrum of the Sumpah Pemuda of

enlightenment and renewal of life unite in the nation's attitudes, language and homeland


Oath of weight greater than the promise is a statement about an ability to do the best

was true, both in realizing the things affordable. If an appointment the same as the debt to

be paid on time and by the agreed amount, then the oath should be more than that. For

example, the oath of President and Vice President are the campaign promises and a

willingness to resign if within a certain time failed to act honestly and fairly. It is similar with

any other oath.

Sumpah Pemuda of course different from the oath of office, Slanker’s oath, and

pocong oath. Promise to unite the nation, language and homeland Indonesia accompanied by

a willingness to maintain and promote the presence of Indonesian life in all its

aspects. Therefore, the Sumpah Pemuda that swore at the first time October 28, 1928 need

to be marked as personal abilities of all citizens, the nation's children and people of Indonesia

to always advance the degree of national life, to appreciate the language and maintaining

homeland Indonesia.

To advance the degree of national life can be conducted in accordance with the

capacity of our own self. Because each person has the potential to be developed to achieve

optimal capacity. If each child gave the nation one step forward, you can imagine how roomy

the way that we can go through together to overcome the current crisis multidimensional.

Indonesian language appreciation should not be expressed in extreme forms such as

foreign and reject the use of local languages as the medium of verbal communication, the

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language of instruction and the like. Also perform the parade read poetry and unrequited

rhyme every day. It is important to note that maintaining flexibility in the attitude of using

Indonesian language, it will be a factor for add-ons in unity in her diversity. Of course, it

should be no fixed rule as the main reference in it to seek enrichment. In addition to being a

national language, Indonesian is to be developed as a language of science.

To maintain homeland is not only physically maintain the integrity of the archipelago

along with all the existing resources of foreign interference. More than that, instill early

awareness that the natural and cultural wealth will depreciate by the time wasted, the

number of residents that are not controlled, low level of social consciousness and behavior of

the corrupt rulers, and so on. Pride as a sovereign and independent nation will be eroded by

strong feudalistic behavior, negative nepotism and democracy vandalistic.

Finally, to commemorates Sumpah Pemuda Day this is a very appropriate moment to

reflect on identity and knit a nation's hopes of Indonesia's independence. Can we realize the

ability ourselves as one nation, with verbal language and the ideological one, and with all

your might preserve the sources of life on this homeland? All answers will be returned to

individuals who declare themselves as children of Indonesia. Youth is a reflection of a


Sent by: @saharantxa

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Kehidupan remaja merupakan momen yang paling indah dan berkesan dimana timbul

rasa bangga kepada diri sendiri yang bisa ini dan itu; juga keingintahuan terhadap sesuatu

yang begitu besar untuk mencari jati diri. Gaya hidup instan dijadikan sebagai impian remaja

masa kini tanpa memikirkan dampak buruknya kedepan. Sejalan dengan perkembangan

teknologi dan informasi di dunia yang serasa cukup di depan komputer yang membuat mental

pemuda zaman sekarang dimanjakan oleh fasilitas yang tersedia, terbukanya dunia pasar

bebas yang memungkinkan negara luar untuk memasuki negara kita dengan mudah membawa

budaya baratnya yang bertentangan dengan budaya timur dan tanpa adanya filter iman dan

taqwa membawa remaja masa kini terlena dan harus mengikuti gaya barat agar tidak dibilang

kampungan oleh temannya yang sudah merasa jagoan.

Di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia kita dapat melihat begitu banyak pemuda

terlantar yang hanya menghabiskan waktunya dengan kumpul-kumpul, duduk, dan ngamen

untuk mencari uang demi membeli rokok, ganja, dan narkoba dengan perkumpulannya. Hal

itu mereka lakukan hanya untuk mencari kesenangan dan kebebasan yang justru kemudian

menjadi semu. Suatu sistem akan berjalan jika ada roda permainannya, begitu juga dengan

dunia narkoba yang membahayakan nasib bangsa ini. Yang awalnya diberi sebatang rokok

oleh teman untuk sekedar coba-coba lalu lama kelamaan membuatnya menjadi kebiasaan

bahkan sampai harus mencuri uang orangtua atau menjual barang berharga hanya untuk

membeli dan membakar rokok. Tidak hanya sampai disitu, bahkan dilanjutkan dengan bandar

narkoba yang mengincar perkumpulan-perkumpulan bebas, diskotik dan hiburan malam yang

berkeliaran pada malam hari untuk memasarkan dagangan narkobanya. Jika sekali saja kita

terperangkap narkoba ini kita tidak bisa dengan mudah meninggalkan kebiasaan ini. Bahaya

narkoba dapat mengancam nyawa. Tidak hanya itu, narkoba juga merusak pribadi juga nama

baik keluarga dan bangsa. Lemahnya hukum negara inilah yang membuat pengedaran narkoba

tetap ada dan susah dilacak. Namun, kembali kepada kesadaran pribadi untuk menjauhi

bahaya dari narkoba yang mengancam nyawa, menghabiskan waktu dengan sia-sia, menyita

banyak materi dan mempupuskan harapan juga cita-cita yang didambakan saat waktu kecil.

Lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, dan sekolah/perguruan tinggi bisa jadi sangat

berpengaruh penting untuk membina seorang remaja untuk menghindari kehidupan kelam

narkoba. Selain tempat menimba ilmu, lingkungan sekitar kita juga dapat membekali kita

untuk mempersiapkan masa depan yang lebih baik. Hal ini dapat diperoleh melalui belajar.

Tidak hanya belajar dalam sekolah dengan tulis menulis, tetapi juga belajar dengan melihat

lingkungan sekitar yang baik. Kita bisa ambil contoh dengan mengikuti organisasi-organisasi

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kepemudaan yang bergerak dibidang dakwah, kepenulisan, kajian, olahraga, dan lain-lain.

Dengan mengikuti kegiatan seperti itu, kita bisa menjadi remaja berprestasi dan dibanggakan.


Sent by: @saharantxa

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Impunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Negeri

Medan (HMJ-BSI UNIMED) (English and Literature Student Association of

State University of Medan) mengundang Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Syiah Kuala untuk ikut meramaikan NATIONAL ENGLISH COMPETITION yang

diadakan pada Kamis-Minggu, 27-30 Oktober 2001 di Gedung Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Sumatera Utara.



Medan, 27-30 Oktober 2011

1. Presentasi Makalah

a. Setiap perwakilan universitas mengirimkan tiga mahasiswa dan didampingi satu dosen dari jurusan/prodi bahasa Inggris.

b. Membuat artikel ilmiah dengan memilih salah satu tema dibawah ini:

Creative Teaching Method to Enhance Students’ Interest in Studying English.

Creative Teaching Method to Enhance Students’ Ability in Speaking English.

The Importance of Hard Skill and Soft Skill for Collegians.

Building Entrepreneurship as Effort to Decrease Poverty.

NB: Peserta diberikan kebebasan menentukan topik/judul artikel ilmiah yang tidak

keluar dari tema yang ditentukan.

c. Membayar uang pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 300.000,-/kelompok kepada panitia atau melalui

No. Rek BNI: 0181751936 atas nama Rizki Bita Ghaliah Srg.

d. Mengirim artikel ilmiah ke email panitia National English Competition melalui

[email protected] paling lambat tanggal 10 Oktober 2011 pukul 24.00 WIB.

NB: Tim yang telah mentransfer kontribusi peserta harap konfirmasi via sms ke

08566314079 (Bitha).

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1. Cover dengan mencantumkan Judul, Logo, Nama Perguruan Tinggi, Nama dan NIM Penulis beserta nama Jurusan/Prodi, Fakultas, Perguruan Tinggi dan Tahun;

2. Daftar Isi;

3. Judul;

4. Abstrak;

5. Pendahuluan (Latar Belakang Masalah, Tujuan dan Manfaat);

6. Telaah Pustaka;

7. Metode Penulisan;

8. Analisis dan Sintesis;

9. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi;

10. Daftar Pustaka.


1. Kertas A4;

2. Isi minimal 10 halaman;

3. Margin atas dan bawah 3 cm, kiri 4 cm, dan kanan 3 cm;

4. Times New Roman;

5. Font 12;

6. 1,5 spasi;

7. Artikel ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris.

2. Debate Competition 1. Setiap perwakilan mengirimkan 3 (tiga) peserta/debaters dan 1 orang adjudicator;

2. Membayar uang pendaftaran Rp.300.000,00/kelompok kepada panitia atau melalui No.

Rekening 0181751936 atas nama Rizki Bita Ghaliah Srg (Bendahara Panitia) paling

lambat tanggal 10 Oktober 2011.

NB: Tim yang telah mentransfer kontribusi peserta harap konfirmasi via sms ke

08566314079 (Bitha).

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Children Issues 1. THW Prohibit Internet Café for Children

2. THW Give Children The Right to Sue Parents for Lack of Love

3. THW Prohibit the sale of junk food at school

Political and Environmental Issues 1. THBT All States Have Right to Nuclear Weapons

2. THW Permanently Deny Persons Convicted of political Crimes the Opportunity to Run

for Public Office

3. This House Prefers a Philosopher King to a Tyrannical Democracy.

Sports and Arts Issues 1. THBT National Sporting Teams Should Reflect the Diversity of The National Population.

2. THW Ban Cops and Army for Being Entertainer.

3. THBT Art Should Be Free from Censorship.

4. THW Build a Qualified Outstanding Sport University to Produce Professional Athletes.

Health Issues 1. THBT Prescription Medication for Potentially Deadly Diseases Should Be Required Free

to All Who Required it

2. THW Allow individuals to Sell Their Organs.

3. THBT Parents That is Reasonably Proven Neglecting Their Children’s Health Should Be


Migrant Worker 1. TH Would Limit The Number of Professional Work Force Migrating from Developing


2. THBT Recipient Countries Should Provide Equal Social Security Benefits for Migrant

Worker and Native Citizens.

3. TH Would Abolish All of Torture Conducted to Illegal Immigrants.

Personal Issues 1. THBT Religion is a Force for Good

2. THW Allow The Use of Burqa in Every EU Country

3. TH Support Abortion in The First Trimester on The Ground of Physical Deformity.

Contact Person:

Aziz : 081 392 472763 Septian: 087768217016

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Liana : 085761621020 Bitha : 08566314079

NB : Panitia tidak menyediakan tempat penginapan, tetapi bisa memberikan referensi. Untuk

informasi lebih lanjut :

Via email : [email protected]

CP : Aziz (081392472763) Septian ( 087768217016)

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UNESCO designated Indonesian Batik as a Masterpiece of Oral and

Intangible Heritage of Humanity on October 2, 2009. As part of the

acknowledgement, UNESCO insisted that Indonesia preserve their


Batik is already claimed as an Indonesian traditional artwork. Batik is very famous, not

only in Java, but also in various regions in Indonesia, such as Aceh. Batik Aceh probably not so

familiar to us but the beauty of the motives and philosophy has its own sense of values.

Batik pattern and variations of Aceh is clearly different from other regions in

Indonesia. Most of Batik Aceh shows natural and cultural elements with beautiful color blend,

such as red, green, yellow, pink, and so on. Those colors give a glamorous impression in Batik


Batik Aceh motives have some philosophy. For example, Pinto Aceh motive shows

personality of Acehnese people. The Acehnese have a character and customs not easily open

to strangers, but they can be very good even like siblings if they know each other. Tolak Angin

motive symbolizes that the people of Aceh tend to be easy to accept differences. Bungong

Jeumpa motives shows beauty of Aceh. The strong influence of Islam also developed Aceh

motives, including lines motives, tendrils, and circular.

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Apart from the motives, the application in Acehnese women Batik clothes colored with

long trousers model. It shows the equality between men and women.

It is not easy to produce a perfect Batik Aceh. It must pass several stages, such as

ranging from the label, dying the fabric, closing carved patterns, and boil it with a mixture of

mercury and candles. Batik cloth processing takes a long time. For 2.5 meters, it takes one

and a half days.

source: sandangindonesia.com

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Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love

what you are doing, you will be successful.

~ Albert Schweitzer

Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.

~ Lowell Thomas

”I thought about all dresses, but did not find a better dress than piety.”

~ Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

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.. hijab is not a trends because hijab doesn’t change and trends are

changing every time ..

Source: gadisberjilbab.tumblr.com

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How precious your time if you realize it!

“Time is like a sword, if you not ready, it can slight you…”

Take time to all you can

and don’t waste your time anymore.

Take time to work – it is the price of success

Take time to think – it is the source of power

Take time to play – it is the secret of perpetual youth

Take time to read – it is the fountain of wisdom

Take time to be friendly – it is the road to happiness

Take time to love and be loved – it is the nourishment of the soul

Take time to share – it is too short a life to be selfish

Take time to laugh – it is the music of the heart

Take time to dream – it is hitching your wagon to a star

Take time to pray – it is sign to another worlds

Remember that our time can’t repeated anymore

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This event were taken on September 18th, 2011 at Lampuuk Beach.

Arrive at camp spot

“Lines up! And listen all the rules!”

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Like a line of ants

Going to the camp

Boys prepared to weed the fish

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The grilled fish!

The fish griller!

“Join on a small group!”

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Listening to the presenters

“Here we come!”


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Jokes Timeline

When a gay couple got married, don’t call it gay marriage. But call it.....

man united. (@TawaTweet)

It will canceled your fasting if after you pray dzhuhur, you sit down in a

mosque..... and drink Nutrisari. (@hielmy)

The only apology that can’t be accepted is “Sorry, pulsa anda tidak

mencukupi......” (@wisdomgokil)

Daripada mengutuki kegelapan, lebih baik mengutuki diri sendiri yang

lupa bayar iuran listrik (@wisdomgokil)

Bersyukurlah yang bermalam minggu di kantor, setidaknya you still have

a job (@dendiriandi)

Bersyukurlah yang bermalam minggu di rumah sendiri. Setidaknya you

have a house. (@lintangsore)

Jangan suka mengurusi orang lain, karena tidak semua orang pengen

kurus. (@dhanynnda)

Langit dan bumi diciptakan Tuhan, sisanya made in China. (@Bemz_Q)

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Abis nonton Titanic, kepikiran bikin versi Indonesia-nya tentang dua

sejoli naik getek lalu karam kena paku berkarat. Gue kasih judul:

TETANUS. (@radityadika)

Semut A: “Gua tuh ya, udah merasakan asam garamnya kehidupan.”

Semut B: “Bohong banget, wong tiap hari ngangkut gula!” (@benzbara)

Mahasiswa takut sama dosen, dosen takut sama dekan, dekan takut sama

rektor, rektor takut sama menteri pendidikan, menteri takut sama

pemerintah, pemerintah takut sama mahasiswa. (@yeahmahasiswa)

GOOGLE = Giving Opinions & Options Generously Linked Everywhere


I can’t face my checkbook so I check my Facebook (@tweetoga)

“I’ve been loving you long time ago before you meet me” | “I’ve been

rejected you long time ago before you loved me.” (@frezask)

Forbidden menu: Sup Kalla, Mie Gawati, Jus Dur, Jagung Laksono, Bakar

Tanjung, Soto Yoso, Es Beye. (@IrfanBatam)

Eskalator adalah perpaduan antara es krim dan kalkulator.


Dunia tanpa colokan listrik bagai taman tak berbunga. (@tecoretcoret)

Jangan-jangan nama lengkapnya mama loren itu Loren Ipsum. (@rindut)

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Semakin banyak maho, semakin besar juga peluang lelaki normal untuk

mendapatkan pasangan karena berkurangnya pesaing. (@zeagic)

Anyone ever notice that “studying” is “student” and “dying” put

together? (@IDoThat2)

Pikiran anak kos dari jaman ke jaman. Dulu: “Makan apa ya?” Sekarang:

“Makan dimana ya?” 10 tahun ke depan: “Makan siapa ya?”

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.


Save water, drink beer! (@budiman_hakim)

Mama, akhirnya sekarang kusadar betapa sulitnya cuci dan nyetrika baju

itu, supaya aku nggak merepotkan mama lagi apa perlu aku janji nggak

pake baju lagi? (@zeagic)

Dear God, You know what I want. Amen. (@mukiyo)

Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere. (@marischkaprue)

Ringan sama dijinjing, berat sama difficult. (@hielmy)

Pak SBY yang terhormat, tolong jadikan Limbad sebagai Menteri

Pertahanan. Dia bisa bengkokin besi. Terimakasih. (@radityadika)

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We open an opportunity for you who

like to share your information! Send your news to us, and then we

will post it! We need you to participate to share your news in our wall magazine.


1. You are English Department students.

2. Type or write your news, max 2 Ms. Word pages or Binder Paper.

3. You can write about our university information, our faculty, our department, tips, very

short story, poems, poetries, humor/anecdote, sayings, wise words, or something else.

4. Write your news in ENGLISH as far as you can.

5. We also accept photo news, for example your photograph or your photo-artwork.

Photos must be not contains pornography.

6. Send your news directly to Infokom Press (Mutia and Sari) or via email to

[email protected] or via Facebook message to us, with subject: ESAWM – Your

name – Your student number.

7. We do not charge fees. It’s FREE!

8. We accept news every time, no deadline. And your news will post every two weeks.

9. Further information you can contact us at 085260339983 (Mutia) or 085373810601


So, come on participate to enliven our wall magazine!


Infokom Press.