r '-ri :t€ « ShMMMÉIi 1 ■■■ \ CHAS. A. BARBER, M. D., PKysiciar\ & Surgeon. SPBOI«LI8T, TREATS ALL DISEASES OP Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Offlc«: 4th Ptoor, Century Building, JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. I have t ward in the Jackson Sanitarium for important caaea. Trustees Sali. M6N Riot«. Pound Dead. Thia community »»• shocked Tues- day about noon by the announcement that Mr. John J. Naaaaon had been found dead at hia home near the railroad de- pot. Mr. Naaaaon wu lying on hia face in the kitchen with a calibre piatol ball wound juat under the heart, holet, made by the »etna aized piatol, were aleo discovered In the kitchen door. The clothing around the wound in the body nu burned and the akin waa blit- tered, allowing that the weapon had been placed againat the dead man. Mr. Naassona piatol ing in a chair, aome diatance away,with two ebarabert empty. A dagger waa found on a table in an adjoining room, and trnnka bad been opened and papera acattered in nariona piacea around port Gtbeon Reveille. CeUphorw No* >9 THURSDAY, MARCH la, I9"3- Fifty Yiars the Standard m Disturbances of atrlkera are not near* ly aa grave aa an Individual disorder of the aystem. Overwork, Iota of sleep, nervoua tension will be followed by ut- ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately applied. There* nothing ao efficient to core disorders of the Liv- Its a By virtue of the power vested in me by that certain trust deed executed by J. H. and L.W.Dan- jean on the 4th day of March, 1902, and of record in book 32, pages 116 and 117 of the records of deeds of Claiborne county,Mis- sissippi, to. secure an indebtedness therein named to the Port Gibson Bank, default having been made in the payment of the said indebt- edness, I, the undersigned, will on Monday. March 23rd, 1903, at the front door of the court house in Port Gibson, Miss., with- in the hours prescribed by law, seit at public auction to the high- est bidder for cash, the following described land to-wit: lots two and four of square 32 of the su- burb of St Mary of the town of Port Gibson, Claiborne county, ] Mississippi, subject, however, to the lien of a prior tiust deed. J. P. MAGRUDER, Substituted Trustee County ]Sew9. Interesting Letters from Our Regular Correspondents. H. H Two er or Kidneys at Bieatric Bitter», wonderful toulc, and effective nervine, and the greatest all around medicine for run down ayatems. It dtapela Ner- vousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expel« Malaria germa. Only 50c. at J. A. Sbrevea Drug Store. arid at tl»a poatoigoaat Port Oibaou.Mlaa. aaaooa^Uaa mall matter. Martin. ......... per year. .... means near the fore and Forward the reverae of backward. Ilia derived from the Sax. word fore, front, and It ia incorrect and * » ••*•••••• E.S.AJ.T.AH.W. M. DRAKE, Hnnouncemente. .ofl .0" ___________ LXfei.Y«RS, weard, turned. meantugleaa to say tow-wardand yet « --- -^WmVdUe ia authorised to aanouace the fol- I we hear MOt unintelligent people make (t lowing named gentlemen aa candidates lor the | UBJf error. offices under which their names appear. They your support, pledging theroaelvea to by the will of the party. 3a calibrewaa ly- BAKING POWDER FORT aiBSOlf, Ï MISSISSIPPI Much interesting matter was crowded out thia week by the council proceed- ings. Practice in all tha Courts .1 Claiborne and Jefferaon Counties, and Federal and Suprema C jurta at Jackaor. Real Eatat for aale. Misa Jennie Montgomery baa returned from a delightful visit to New Orleans To Cura a cold In On# Day Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggiati refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove» signature is on each box. a$c. p abl were aud other points. Mr». E. C Slay, a Visitor here aud mother of Mesdames Barron, Coor aud Allen, haa been quite tick thia week. Mjaaea Kffie Young and Mary Shalfer nf Conn »pent Saturday and Sund»y with Mr*. S. R. Young. Mr». Sam Price, Mi»» Lucy Clark and Mr. Terrell Davia went to Hermanville the room. Mrs. Naaaaon waa dining out on that day and no one waa at the bouae at the time of the tragedy except the deceased. A jury waa empaneled by acting cor- oner R. B. Anderson, and It is »till working on the case. It ia composed of the following: Taliaferro, Max Dampf, F. Pennlal, J. H. Fewell and R. S. Cade. Many theories have been suggested, but ao far the myatery remains unsolved. Mr. Naaaaon had rented the Gordon store and expected to open a stock of gooda there in a few days. Much of this stock waa at the depot on the day of the tragedy, aud Mr. Naaaaon had en- gaged a team for the purpose of having it moved and had gone home, it is aup posed, to get money with which to pay the freight bill». The dece»*ed was a native of Rodney, % SOP FOR SEIHTOR (Jefferson and Claiborne County) C. A. FRENCH Awarded Might») Honor* World* Fair Might*! tests U.S. Che»l*t* J. N. BRASHEAR. Attornev-at-Law, To the Qualified Electors of the Town of Port Gibson, Mississip- TAKE NOTICE, That, In accordance with ordi- nances of the town of Port Gibson, County of Claiborne, State of Mis- sissippi, ordained the 2nd day ol March/A. D. 1903, notice is here- by given that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen purposes to submit and does submit the following question to the qualified electors of the said Town of Port Gibson, State of Mississippi, at a special election, ordered held for such purpose, on the 31st day of March, to answer the suit of Henry C. T. A. D. 1903, to determine, by two- Johnson, wherein you are a de- thirds of the qualified electors of fendant, said Town, voting at such elec- tion, to-wit : Shall the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Port Gibson, State of Mississippi, issue bonds, to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars, in Five Bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, for the purpose of buying from the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy its unexpired lease of the Brash- ear Academy, for a school for the educable children of said Town of Port Gibson, em- bracing and including the follow- ing described property, with all the improvements now on uame, or thereunto appertaining aud be- longing, to-wit : Lots Four and Six, Square Nineteen, Suburb St, Mary, in the Town of Port Gib- son, County of Claiborne, State of Mississippi, bearing interest, at the rate of Five per centum per an- num, payable annually, on each and every first day of January, succeeding the date of issuance of same, said Five Bonds to run lor the period of TWENTY YEARS from the date of issuance of same, and having attached to same in- terest coupons, each representing vhe interest accruing annually on said bonds to be paid aforesaid ? And that, if two-thirds of the qualified electors of said Town ot Port Gibson, voting at said elec- tion, shall declare in favor of such issue, then the said Board of May- and Aldermen shall and will issue said bonds, to the amount named in this notice, the principal sum running for the period of time aforesaid, bearing interest at the rate aforesaid, payable annu- ally as aforesaid; and that such sonds shall run for the lull period ol time named in the face of same, unless the holders thereof shall agree in writing to have the same paid sooner. That the said bonds and the coupons thereto attached will be made payable at Hanover National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York. This notice shall be published in the Port Gibson Reveille for three con- secutive weeks before the day of said election. Witness the signature of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of said Town, this 2nd day of March, A. D. 1903. _ MAYOR AND ALDERMEN-OF TOWN OF PORT GIBSON, MISS. R. B. Anderson, Mayor. E. J. Smith, Clerk. IHIIO« BAKINO WWOia OO. OM10400 Port Gibson, Miss. pi: FOR REPRESER7ATIFE F. A. POLSLEY C. S. Kennard, C. A. Dr. L. A. Murdock, The apecial election to be held, on the 31H of March, 1903, reaulta from the fol- lowing conditions, growing ont of the election held on the 9th day of October, 1899. On the 8th day of Sep- tember, 1899, the Board of Mayor and Al- dermen of Port Gibaou passed ordinance» providing for an election to determine, by two-third» of the qualified elector» of the town, the question aa to whether the Board should purchase the Brasbear Academy nnexpired lease from the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, which then had 77 years to rnn, at and for the sum of $5000, to be paid in five twenty year bonds of the town, bearing interest at five per centum per annum, payable annually. The question waa submitted to the electors, at the date provided, and the issuance of the bond* author- ized. The Board, thereupon, iaaned the bonds with coupon interest obligationa attached, at rate of five per centnm per annum. The bonds were delivered to the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, and the deed to the Brashear Academy prop- erty waa immediately executed and de- livered, in atrict accordance with the agreement for purchase of same, to the town of Port Gibsotf. Sundey. Messrs. Robert Anderaon and H. XI. Mounger were here Tuesday solving aome legal problems. ». Mias Mollie Rolllua spent from Fri- day until Monday in Natchez. Mias Hattie Boren spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr#. Bettie Price. Dr. B. D Barron returned from New , Orleans Sunday where he ha# been at- pbymrian and Burgeon, FOR SHERIFF c. S. MAGEE. W. H. BENTON R. W. MAGRUDER Chancery Citation. The State of Mississippi. To Rosa Johnson : You are commanded to appear before the chancery court of Clai- borne county, in said state, on the Office in Bernheimer Building. TelephoneOffice, 104 ; Rcaidcnce, 103. DR. L. A. 5niTH, DE2STTIST, FOR CHAH CERT CLERK JSffratreWgSiggl,..«* co*-.. of Itctarc. ? Mi., jüll. Luiter 'tailed he, p.i.0... Claiborne County, subject to the action of IK Lt Regaoton. Sunday. Democratic party. Respectfully. | ^ „„ broken ,Dt0 Saturday night and robbed of ten jogs of whiskey and a box of gooda. Misses Mary Hedrick and Bllen Grif- Assuring my friends that I highly appreciate I - were visitors here Sunday, thetr kind indulgence,I hereby announce nnraelf nuK were Tiimura * j as a candidate for re-election to the office of Cir- How can the poor people plow and StÄWÄStS®'** * | Pl.ot If ,h. minou, min. Ctino. ? And yet reporta from the river regions ought to make them cling to the hills. A mad dog, that bad bitten several other dogs, was shot and killed here Tuesday morning. Fourni ion® in loten, 1903, Port Qiksan, Miss. Rooms t k I«, Bernheimer Building. though he came to Port Gibson with his mother when quite young, and was 22 Besides bis mother, five r. c. McCAY. R. B. ANDERSON, This 24th day of Feb., 1903.5t. R. C. McCAY, Clerk. By S. H. Bagnell, D. C. C. A. French, Atty. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK Attomey-at- LaW, years of age. sisters and two brothers, be leaves his The fnnersl took wife and one child, place at eleven oclock yesterday morn- ing from the residence of Mrs. M. R. Careful attention given to business. Office over Cahns Dry Goods Store. * AHo/k. BRASHEAR. The State of Mississippi. ,To Luttie F. Burgess and Hen- ry C. Drexler, Jr.: You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the County of Claiborne, in said State, on the Naasson. Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, The many friends of John Blount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheuma- tism. Chamberlains Paiu Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Ind.) bad failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its costs. For sale by Pope Drug Co., Port Gibson, and E. D. Barron, Mar- tin, Miss. FOR TREASURER SAML BAGNELL. * GEO. W. ROBERTSON T. L. RUSH FORT GIBSON, MISS. * Hcrose Che Bayou. Next Session will open 8ept. 16, 1902 Next Session will close 'June 9, 190» common The rainfall of February waa one of the greatest for years»0 reported. The rain continues, and planting operations at a stand-stillnothing done. The BSyou Pierre is full of back water, and fish are plentiful. We saw a fine speci- weighlng 25 pounds, which was Ever siuce the exeention of the deed to the town the public white school has been conducted in the Braabesr Acade- my buildings. Besides, the town has expended abont $1200 in needed repairs. It is now in excellent condition with all of the necessary appointment* for school purposes. No bnildings could be better located than these, and nolle are ao ac- cessible for the children of the town at- tending the public school. When the Chamberlain-Hunt Acade- tin ion® in M, 111903, For Suporintondont of Education S. J. RUSSELL Tuition for the session, $3500. Payable. J15 00 at the time of entrance, $10.00 by the iat Jan., and $10.00 by the ist March. to defend the suit in the said court of Henry C. Drexler wherein you are defendants. Thia 24th day of Feby., A. D. 1903 3t. R. C. McCAY, Chancery Clerk. By S. H. BAGNELL, D. C. ES&JT&HWM Drake, Solicitors are W. S. CRAM. Secretary. FOR SALBFancy Long Staple Cot- LAZ. LEVYS SONS. FOR ASSESSOR men, Thanking my friend» for part favors, and a*k- caught on a trot line, ing for a continuance of aame, I announce my- _ . „«fortunate In ■elf aa a candidate for re-election to the office of Mr. L- J Bntler waa noioriunaie in A*s*s*or of Claiborne Connty, subject to the ac- )oijnj. bjs beautiful flock of iheep which tioa <* tb* Democra party. g JHPFKRIHS. were drowned by the late freabet In the ton Seed X 11 Notice. To the Votera of Claiborne County, Mis- sissippi : In announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Claiborne county, at the approaching county elec- tion, I wish to express my thanks to the good people of Claiborne for their sup- port of me when I was before them for the office of Assessor. It will always be to me the greatest pride to remember bow warmly and generously the kind people of this county rallied to my aup- port in the past. I served eight term» aa assessor, deuce of the votera in my official char- acter. In offering now for Sheriff I do on my record, and upon the well known conscientiousness with which I undertake the discharge of every duty. I ask from tbe voter# their support in thia my aapiration and assure them if chosen they shall never rne the choice. I will bring to tbe discharge of my du- ties a lofty desire to fnUy live op to ev- ery expectation of a competent officer. Should I be defeated I will bo» to the will of the voters, with no bitterneaa of feeling, bat with kindest regard# for all, and a reaolve to earneatly support the Gratefully, I ask support of my candidacy for Aaseaaor, bayou, nd make (he r*c*g*ilJP^,°n my ™'J^oss. The bottom fields around Grand Gulf are under water and some nnpicked cot- ton is submerged. __________________ The many friend# of Dr. N. A. Gnice Announcement Fees Strictly CAS1L j regret to hear of his continued illness. Miss Sallie Morgan of Greenwood and Miss Shreve of Port Gibson were pleas- ant visitors across tbe bayou. Miss Mend Williams of Glass visited her sister, Mrs. Ben Humphreys, last HONEY to LEND my was attempting to sell tbe above bonds it was found that tbe following re- quirements of law had not been ob- served : ist. The ordinances ordering election is required to be entered on minutes of board. Thia waa not done. 2nd. The officers holding election were required to be legally qualified. This not done. 3rd. Notice of the elec- ON REAL ESTATE. J. F. WEEKS il Will place it for any length of time, either straight or on the in- stallment plan. J. N. BRASHEAR. Port Gibson Miss.. Aug. *«. 190*. Board of Supervisors. Concluded from Last Week. Ordered that the following bill* be al- lowed and warranta Issue for same : T W^ » g | tlon was required to be published for three consecutive weeks. This was not done. In short, numerous legal require- ments were Dot observed. Hence, the bonds issued to the Chsmberlain-Hnat Academy are illegal and void. To make correction of all the above a new election become# absolutely necessary. Hence the apecial election to be held March Good faith demanda that the ATfSIS Thia manifests the confi- EXPERT ML $ 7 85 week. Mis*. Stationery Co., books.., Jack Jackson, road work......... L*s. Levy's Sons, bridge iron M. D. Poster, bridge material. 8. Bernheimer & Sons, nails, etc............. L. E. Stowers, burying pauper................. J. P. Jordan, bridge material..................... Reveille, stationery....................................... 8. J. Russell, salary and postage. Jan... Wm. Jenkins, burying pauper................. B. F. Parker, bridge work.......................... »vans Johnson, cross-laying road.......... J. A. Higgins, bridge work........................ J. G. Brashear, bridge work...................... R. C. McCay. sundries C. H...................... David Bock, sundries poor house........... J. W. Barber, poor house............................ Beard and Parker, bridge work............... 8. J. Russell, salary, etc., Feb................... C. P. Matthews, bridge lumber................. Town of Port Gibaou, wpter and lights. Wm. Cabn A Co., sundries.......................« Pope Drug Co., ribbon, typewriter......... C'jrab. Tel. Co., 'phones............................. T. B. Magruder. burying panper............. T. G. Brick Co., brick.................................. J. B. McMurchy, Add. assessments........ Same, disinfectants.................................. *• Same, sustenance.......................... ............. Same, sundries....................................... . Same, conveying lunatic to asylum........ Same, work court house.......................... Levy & Welsch, burying paupers, etc.. K. W. Whitfield, paaper to poor house. Ordered that the aberiff refrain from COXKXmClAL COLL BOB. W«m Orleans. La. 44 rears ranowaad aa a lead- er. Bo false promt*## made. ■0 hnmhngglM practiced- Over 100 ©old and Alvar Med- al*. Diploma«, a»*.. awards« I aby Amertoaaand Bnropasa lx annulons. Comma ratal taahtde* Barpert Bo- ning and Auditing, and a * ramtoed might* and Sonny naher In 00 Mrs. Priaciija Metcalfe of Greenville 85 waa the charming guest ot the Mesdames p .91 Work that can be classed under that head is the only kind of work It is the only kind that 5 00 Humphryea at Aahland and Oak Lawn so i 10 5 001 last week. 37 *7 3« »5 bi Ot we do. should be permitted in the house. All other kinds ate unreliable, if not entirely useless and are expen- sive at any price. All estimates from us will prove that High Class Work does not cost much and the same work will not have to be done over again. The day» of adventure are not yet We heard of two gallant», bent over. on seeing a lady fair, breasted the itornt, rain, and started forth. or 5 weather *5 001 The firat stopping place was Hoope# *7 001 lanestock fast and deep in the mod 33 60 14 50 5 00 3l»t, 1903- town do one of two things: Either make good tbe bonds, or reconvey the In the latter event, it will ÜM? IWUklB*. Nothing loth, the one horse was undone, tbe two mounted, leaving the buggy property. lose its improvements, owe rent since and be literally without a public 19 10 fiojto rest its wheels and, pursued their way. We understand they reached their destination, after a time, and through 1901. achool for the white children of the town. Of coarse no one can poaslbly object to doing what baa been already informal- ly and irregularly anthortized. The bonds, lamed in accordance with elec- tion held October 91b, 1899, will be sur- rendered and cancelled, before new bonds wilt be iaaned. Thus no interest of the town will be jeopardized, no ad- ditional expense imposed, as the Cham- berlain-Hunt Academy pay* all expenaea of the special election to be held March 31st, 1903 ; and the town will perfect it# title to the public white school, without 45 50 63 37 ii of 1693 the kindly help of a neighbor. Were *> *9 they repaid ? And at what price ? 751 The martins made their appearance on tb« 5tb inat.heralds of spring. The Miaaea Humphreys have returned ^ ; v laTfaai •A successful competitor. Very respectfully, W. H. BENTON. * 1 4 ÎO » 50 Port Gibson, Miss 1 Phone 37. Loss of Flesh 15 00 «9 I from their visit to Mr». Burnet in Vick» 21 80 Is Your Lite Worth 50 Cents ? If So Try A Bottle Of burg, and Mi»» Kste#ie Humphrey# ia expected hom from New Orleans next it 901 week. JOHN LANGFORD ai .¥> 3 «S When you cant eat break- fast, take Scotts Emulsion. When you cant eat bread and butter, take Scotts Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scotts Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scotts Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase ail body tissues, not only fat Scotts Fmifcion increases them all, boae, nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all vVho Emulsion is a rich and com- *>rtr.b!e food, and a natural nie. Scotts Emulsion for bone, .wh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be *ure that this picture in the form of a label i* on the wrapper of every bottle Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE, oiEMirrs, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. 50c. and $11 all druggist». * 90 * 7 50 TH1LOR, 150 DcrmatrKUc. Port Uibaon, Mio«. Next to fir. Sons Residence. Carroll St. collecting *«*.» tot fi.c.1 ,e.r 190* on I The on.look I. becoming r..h. per.on.1 property eeeeiied to L«e L. gloom, to both merch.nt. end l.rmer. Son. .moontlog to $400, eeme be- U* .ccouot ol the contlooed rein., )n, . doable ...e..m.nt, W'th *h' '>«r .ho,, «.»gee I. B M'Moreh,. t.n collector, «led Ha. end the .melier etre.m. ell o'«.- flowed, and the forecast still rainy, cer- any loas to It whatever. Tragedy Averted. Juat in the nick of time onr little boy waa saved,write# Mra. W. Watklna of Pleasant City, Ohio. Pneumonia had played tad havoc with him aod a terrible cough aet in beside#. Doctors treated him, but he grew worae every day. At length we tried Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consomption, and onr darling waa saved. He# now aoond and well.Everybody ought to know ita the only aure cure for Conghs, Colds and all Lung Dlaeaaes. Guaranteed by T. A. Shreve, Druggist. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Cure Cl easing, Dyeing and general repair!»* Any kind of dress goods, bilks sums, suits. All work promptly de..veied. ALTC BIN A SPECIALTY. Telephone No. 135. Kidney!^ * 11 mem 5 hi* report of additional assessments to- and »13,356 of personal jtainly Indicate# a late planting aeaaon, being examined and at least. Dr. D. W. Jonea left on last Friday for Chicago where he goes to take a post graduate course in his profession. Prof. J. M. Taylor was in town Mon- day and when be returned to Port Gib- r* All member# present, except H. Marx I fon he rep0rted the thoroughfare lead- end B. H. Morebead. fog from here to that place folly navl- Ordsred that the clerk of thia board 1 g*hls for any ordinary amall craft, advertise for bid* for the erection of a J capt, A. J. Cameron is mach im- stee! bridge aero#* Bayou Pierre at Carl- pr0Te<| Bjnce having undergone tbe pain- isle, to be hnilt according to plana and | ^ onfortan*te operation of having specifications now on file at this office. Ordered that J. A. Lord and B. H. wit: 76 polls 15^ property, same found correct. It is hereby ordered that be be charged with tax on same for fia- We dafy lilt world to produce a medi- cine for tha core of all forma of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and ail diseases pecnliar to women, that will equal Smith's Sure Kidney Care. Ninety-fight per cent, of the cases treated with Smiths Sur# Kidney Cure that have 1 under onr observation have bsen State of Mississippi. tfo Eleanora Eggleston : You are commanded to appear before the chancery court of Clai- borne cornty, Mississippi, on the cal year 1902. WEDNESDAY. I Guns, Pistols, Bicycles, 4th Holiday of Harch, 1903, to defend the suit of Thos. Eggles- ton, who prays for a decree grant- ing him a divorce, wherein you defendant. come cared. Ws »all onr medicine on a posi- tive guarantee, if direction# are followed, and money will be refunded if cure is LAWN MOWERS Announcement». And ALL LIGHT MACHINERY are There are three new announcement« thia week, Messrs. W. H. Benton and R. W. Magruder for sheriff and Mr. A. K. Brashear for circuit clerk. Mr. Benton served the connty many years in tbe capacity of aaaessor. He knows, and is known by, every man, and child in the connty. He gallant aoldler, losing an arm in one of hia eve# removed. Mr. J. W. Person, caahier of the Port Morebead be appointed a committee tojQjb,00 Bank waa in town Sunday en lay out road north of Grindatone Ford j route for hjg Beech Grove Plantation, bridge through Carpenter*» field*. Ordeied that Alex Callender be *P*J|Wôdaya in town last week, tbe guest pointed overseer of road No. 22 in place of hjg fl„nghter, Mr#. Geo, Robertaon. of W. J. Herren. One of onr young men and by the way Ordered that Ihe following bill» be al* | B can(jidate too, left town laat week to lowed and warrants issue therefor: not effected. Price 50 cent# and $1.00. For aale by POPE DRUG CO. REPAIRED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. R. C. McCAY, Clerk. By S. H. Bagnell, D. C. R. B. Anderson, Solicitor. flesh, blood and JON. W. PAWLICK. Rev. A. D. Miller of Lorman »pent ii mit m Chancery Citation. State of Mississippi. To Kate Henderson : You are commanded to appear before the chancery court ot the county of Claiborne, in said state, on the CHANCERY CITATION. woman waa a the^cause, and long figmed in public State of Mississippi. To Mrs. Troup Jones, Irene Jones, and Charlie Jones, heirs at law of Shelby P. Jones, deceased : You art commanded to appear before the chancery court of the county of Claiborne, in said state, on the take a bird bant in the neighborhood, «7 w] 1 |,e last heard of waa in the neigh- 17 90 need flesh, Scott's T. L. Kush, 5 days and mileage........J J. W. lett.s days and mileaxe........... J. A. Lord, 4 days and mileage......... B, H. Morehead, a days and mileage H. Marx, * day*..................................... j R. C. McCay. 3 days.............................. J. B. McMurchy, 3days....................... Opera Hoom, Wedn#d»y, M«rch 18. Messrs. Hackett St Co. announce tor Wednesday March 18th the original production of Peck# Bad boy and hia Pa. Thia play ha# appeared in all the Urge cities and met with mach success where it* has visited. Misa Pay Temple, tbe graceful dancer with Pecka Bad Boy, doea ao exceed- ing ly clever to« dancing act. Another leading feature will be the famous Tra- vesty Sextette, .presenting s short tra- vesty on Floradore. Prices 25, 35 end 50CU. affair. Mr. Magruder is juat completing his term as representative. He, too, ia well known, and baa executive ability and eonrage to discharge the duties of the office. Mr. Braabear ia aerving his second term aa circuit clerk, and in again ask- ing support for this office be can refer to sn absolutely clean record, been highly complimented by more than presiding jndge for the manner in which he discharged the duties of hia office. I am prepared to furnish mate- rial and do contract work of all kinds, both brick and frame work. Will do house, fence and all kinds •t repairs at reasonable prices and guarantee satisfaction in work- manship. borhood of Dug Ragsdale'# in District 5- We hope be will aoon return, though it may be Week*. Will Davenport ia reported seriously ill with pneumonia, at bi# aiatera, Mra. O. O. French. J. W. Clark, Jr., representative of Lee Richardson & Son», waa in town laat 15 30 9 so * i 8 00 9 00 MU 100® If MCI, L D-1903, 6 00 to defend the suit in said court of Alex Henderson, wherein you are a defendant Thia 24th day *f Febrnarv, A. D. 1902 Ml) 1011® 01 M, ». D. 1903, to defend the suit in said court of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, wherein you are defendants, * R. C. McCAY, Clerk. J. N. Brashear, Solicitor. . Thia 161b day of February, A. D. 1903 Very respectfully, C. JORDAN, Contractor »nd Builder. He has week. I- i Ji- lt Saved His Leg. P. A. Dsnforth of LsGrange, Ga., suf- fered for six mouths with a frightful running sore ou his leg ; but writes that Bocklena Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five daye. For Ulcers, Wound#, Pile#, its tbe beat salve in tbe world. Care guaranteed. Only 25c. Sbld by J. A. Shreve, Drnggiat. one R. C. MCCAY, Clerk. By S. H. Bagnell, D, C. J* N. Brashear, Solicitor. FOR RENT Y* 31 of ■4 The cottage on Vine street, formerly occupied by Mr. G. W. Patterson. Haa six roema. For terms apply to THOS. M. REA. TO CURE CHILLS AND FEVER Take Rogers Blue Chill Cur«. The firat dose break# the chill», and three doees will cure. Price 25 cent», care no pay. Sold by Dr. T. T. Bailey. ------------ - We have the exclusive agency for the O A. fll T <Oj 3PL I celebrated LucaaJPremium Paint», and positive guarantee. POPE DRUG CO. A i leant*« sell them on « A 4 No I . 1 '■ . ! -|- - ftffiffffifi i' ' j 'm : '.5 i V k £ r ' m

E.S.AJ.T.AH.W. M. DRAKE, Hnnouncemente. (t POWDER · burb of St Mary of the town of Port Gibson, Claiborne county, ] Mississippi, subject, however, to the lien of a prior tiust deed

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Page 1: E.S.AJ.T.AH.W. M. DRAKE, Hnnouncemente. (t POWDER · burb of St Mary of the town of Port Gibson, Claiborne county, ] Mississippi, subject, however, to the lien of a prior tiust deed

r '-ri

:t€ «ShMMMÉIi ‘ 1 ■■■



PKysiciar\ & Surgeon.



Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.Offlc«: 4th Ptoor, Century Building,


I have t ward in the Jackson Sanitarium for

important caaea.

Trustee’s Sali.M6N Riot«.Pound Dead.Thia community »»• shocked Tues­

day about noon by the announcement that Mr. John J. Naaaaon had been found dead at hia home near the railroad de­pot. Mr. Naaaaon wu lying on hia face in the kitchen with a 3« calibre piatol ball wound juat under the heart, holet, made by the »etna aized piatol, were aleo discovered In the kitchen door. The clothing around the wound in the body nu burned and the akin waa blit- tered, allowing that the weapon had been placed againat the dead man. Mr. Naasson’a piatol ing in a chair, aome diatance away,with two ebarabert empty. A dagger waa found on a table in an adjoining room, and trnnka bad been opened and papera

acattered in nariona piacea around

port Gtbeon Reveille.

CeUphorw No* >9


Fifty Yiars the Standardm Disturbances of atrlkera are not near* ly aa grave aa an Individual disorder of the aystem. Overwork, Iota of sleep, nervoua tension will be followed by ut­ter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately applied. There’* nothing ao efficient to core disorders of the Liv-

It’s a

By virtue of the power vested in me by that certain trust deed executed by J. H. and L.W.Dan- jean on the 4th day of March, 1902, and of record in book 32, pages 116 and 117 of the records of deeds of Claiborne county,Mis­sissippi, to. secure an indebtedness therein named to the Port Gibson Bank, default having been made in the payment of the said indebt­edness, I, the undersigned, will on

Monday. March 23rd, 1903,

at the front door of the court house in Port Gibson, Miss., with­in the hours prescribed by law, seit at public auction to the high­est bidder for cash, the following described land to-wit: lots two and four of square 32 of the su­burb of St Mary of the town of Port Gibson, Claiborne county, ] Mississippi, subject, however, to the lien of a prior tiust deed.

J. P. MAGRUDER, Substituted Trustee

County ]Sew9.

Interesting Letters from Our Regular Correspondents.H. H

Twoer or Kidneys at Bieatric Bitter», wonderful toulc, and effective nervine, and the greatest all around medicine for run down ayatems. It dtapela Ner­vousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expel« Malaria germa. Only 50c. at J. A. Sbreve’a Drug Store.

arid at tl»a poatoigoaat Port Oibaou.Mlaa. a■ aaooa^Uaa mall matter.


.........S» per year..... means near the fore and“Forwardthe reverae of backward. Ilia derived from the Sax. word fore, front, and

It ia incorrect and

* »••*•••••• • E.S.AJ.T.AH.W. M. DRAKE,

Hnnouncemente..ofl .0" ___________ •

LXfei.Y«RS,weard, turned.meantugleaa to say “tow-ward” and yet

« --- —-^WmVdUe ia authorised to aanouace the fol- I we hear MOt unintelligent people make(t lowing named gentlemen aa candidates lor the | UBJf error.

offices under which their names appear. They your support, pledging theroaelvea to

by the will of the party.

3a calibre—waa ly-


FORT aiBSOlf, Ï MISSISSIPPIMuch interesting matter was crowded out thia week by the council proceed­ings. Practice in all tha Courts .1 Claiborne

and Jefferaon Counties, and Federal and Suprema C jurta at Jackaor. Real Eatat for aale.

Misa Jennie Montgomery baa returned from a delightful visit to New Orleans To Cura a cold In On# Day

Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggiati refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’» signature is on each box. a$c.

pabl were

aud other points.Mr». E. C Slay, a Visitor here aud

mother of Mesdames Barron, Coor aud Allen, haa been quite tick thia week.

Mjaaea Kffie Young and Mary Shalfer nf Conn »pent Saturday and Sund»y with Mr*. S. R. Young.

Mr». Sam Price, Mi»» Lucy Clark and Mr. Terrell Davia went to Hermanville

the room.Mrs. Naaaaon waa dining out on that

day and no one waa at the bouae at the time of the tragedy except the deceased.

A jury waa empaneled by acting cor­oner R. B. Anderson, and It is »till working on the case. It ia composed of the following:Taliaferro, Max Dampf, F. Pennlal, J. H. Fewell and R. S. Cade.

Many theories have been suggested, but ao far the myatery remains unsolved.

Mr. Naaaaon had rented the Gordon store and expected to open a stock of gooda there in a few days. Much of this stock waa at the depot on the day of the tragedy, aud Mr. Naaaaon had en­gaged a team for the purpose of having it moved and had gone home, it is aup posed, to get money with which to pay the freight bill».

The dece»*ed was a native of Rodney,


(Jefferson and Claiborne County)


AwardedMight») Honor* World’* Fair

Might*! tests U.S. Che»l*t*


Attornev-at-Law,To the Qualified Electors of the Town of Port Gibson, Mississip-


That, In accordance with ordi­nances of the town of Port Gibson,County of Claiborne, State of Mis­sissippi, ordained the 2nd day ol March/A. D. 1903, notice is here­by given that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen purposes to submit and does submit the following question to the qualified electors of the said Town of Port Gibson,State of Mississippi, at a special election, ordered held for such purpose, on the 31st day of March, to answer the suit of Henry C. T. A. D. 1903, to determine, by two- Johnson, wherein you are a de- thirds of the qualified electors of fendant, said Town, voting at such elec­tion, to-wit :

Shall the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Port Gibson, State of Mississippi, issue bonds, to the amount of Five Thousand Dollars, in Five Bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, for the purpose of buying from the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy its unexpired lease of the Brash- ear Academy, for a school for the educable children of said Town of Port Gibson, em­bracing and including the follow­ing described property, with all the improvements now on uame, or thereunto appertaining aud be­longing, to-wit : Lots Four and Six, Square Nineteen, Suburb St,Mary, in the Town of Port Gib­son, County of Claiborne, State of Mississippi, bearing interest, at the rate of Five per centum per an­num, payable annually, on each and every first day of January, succeeding the date of issuance of same, said Five Bonds to run lor the period of TWENTY YEARS from the date of issuance of same, and having attached to same in­terest coupons, each representing vhe interest accruing annually on said bonds to be paid aforesaid ?And that, if two-thirds of the qualified electors of said Town ot Port Gibson, voting at said elec­tion, shall declare in favor of such issue, then the said Board of May-

and Aldermen shall and will issue said bonds, to the amount named in this notice, the principal sum running for the period of time aforesaid, bearing interest at the rate aforesaid, payable annu­ally as aforesaid; and that such sonds shall run for the lull period ol time named in the face of same, unless the holders thereof shall agree in writing to have the same paid sooner. That the said bonds and the coupons thereto attached will be made payable at Hanover National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York. This notice shall be published in the Port Gibson Reveille for three con­secutive weeks before the day of said election.

Witness the signature of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of said Town, this 2nd day of March,A. D. 1903. _MAYOR AND ALDERMEN-OF


E. J. Smith, Clerk.


Port Gibson, Miss.pi:FOR REPRESER7ATIFE

F. A. POLSLEYC. S. Kennard, C. A. Dr. L. A. Murdock,The apecial election to be held, on the

31H of March, 1903, reaulta from the fol­lowing conditions, growing ont of the election held on the 9th day of October, 1899. On the 8th day of Sep­tember, 1899, the Board of Mayor and Al­dermen of Port Gibaou passed ordinance» providing for an election to determine, by two-third» of the qualified elector» of the town, the question aa to whether the Board should purchase the Brasbear Academy nnexpired lease from the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, which then had 77 years to rnn, at and for the sum of $5000, to be paid in five twenty year bonds of the town, bearing interest at five per centum per annum, payable annually. The question waa submitted to the electors, at the date provided, and the issuance of the bond* author­ized. The Board, thereupon, iaaned the bonds with coupon interest obligationa attached, at rate of five per centnm per annum. The bonds were delivered to the Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, and the deed to the Brashear Academy prop­erty waa immediately executed and de­livered, in atrict accordance with the agreement for purchase of same, to the town of Port Gibsotf.

Sundey.Messrs. Robert Anderaon and H. XI.

Mounger were here Tuesday solving

aome legal problems.». Mias Mollie Rolllua spent from Fri­day until Monday in Natchez.

Mias Hattie Boren spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr#. Bettie Price.

Dr. B. D Barron returned from New , Orleans Sunday where he ha# been at-

pbymrian and Burgeon,FOR SHERIFF

c. S. MAGEE.



Chancery Citation.The State of Mississippi.

To Rosa Johnson :You are commanded to appear

before the chancery court of Clai- borne county, in said state, on the

Office in Bernheimer Building.

Telephone—Office, 104 ; Rcaidcnce, 103.

DR. L. A. 5niTH,

DE2STTIST,FOR CHAH CERT CLERKJSffratreWgSiggl,..«* • co*-.. of Itctarc.

? Mi., jüll. Luiter 'tailed he, p.i.0...

Claiborne County, subject to the action of IK Lt Regaoton. Sunday.Democratic party. Respectfully. | ^ „„ broken ,Dt0 Saturday

night and robbed of ten jogs of whiskey and a box of gooda.

Misses Mary Hedrick and Bllen Grif-Assuring my friends that I highly appreciate I - were visitors here Sunday,

thetr kind indulgence,I hereby announce nnraelf nuK were Tiimura * jas a candidate for re-election to the office of Cir- How can the poor people plow andStÄWÄStS®'’ “’“*“* * | Pl.ot If ,h. minou, min. Ctino. ?

And yet reporta from the river regions ought to make them cling to the hills.

A mad dog, that bad bitten several other dogs, was shot and killed here Tuesday morning.

Fourni ion® in loten, 1903, Port Qiksan, Miss.Rooms t k I«, Bernheimer Building.

though he came to Port Gibson with his mother when quite young, and was 22

Besides bis mother, five

r. c. McCAY. R. B. ANDERSON,This 24th day of Feb., 1903.—5t.

R. C. McCAY, Clerk. By S. H. Bagnell, D. C.

C. A. French, Att’y.

FOR CIRCUIT CLERK Attomey-at- LaW,years of age. sisters and two brothers, be leaves his

The fnnersl tookwife and one child, place at eleven o’clock yesterday morn­ing from the residence of Mrs. M. R.

Careful attention given to business.

Office over Cahn’s Dry Goods Store.* AHo/k. BRASHEAR.The State of Mississippi.

,To Luttie F. Burgess and Hen­ry C. Drexler, Jr.:

You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of the County of Claiborne, in said State, on the


Chamberlain-Hunt Academy,The many friends of John Blount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheuma­tism. Chamberlain’s Paiu Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Ind.) bad failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its costs. For sale by Pope Drug Co., Port Gibson, and E. D. Barron, Mar­

tin, Miss.







Hcrose Che Bayou. Next Session will open 8ept. 16, 1902

Next Session will close 'June 9, 190»common

The rainfall of February waa one of the greatest for years—»0 reported. The rain continues, and planting operations

at a stand-still—nothing done. The BSyou Pierre is full of back water, and fish are plentiful. We saw a fine speci-

weighlng 25 pounds, which was

Ever siuce the exeention of the deed to the town the public white school has been conducted in the Braabesr Acade­my buildings. Besides, the town has expended abont $1200 in needed repairs. It is now in excellent condition with all of the necessary appointment* for school purposes. No bnildings could be better located than these, and nolle are ao ac­cessible for the children of the town at­tending the public school.

When the Chamberlain-Hunt Acade-

tin ion® in M, 111903,For Suporintondont of Education


Tuition for the session, $3500. Payable. J15 00 at the time of entrance, $10.00 by the iat Jan., and $10.00 by the ist March.

to defend the suit in the said court of Henry C. Drexler wherein you are defendants.Thia 24th day of Feby., A. D. 1903 —3t.R. C. McCAY, Chancery Clerk.

By S. H. BAGNELL, D. C. ES&JT&HWM Drake,



W. S. CRAM.Secretary.FOR SALB—Fancy Long Staple Cot-


Thanking my friend» for part favors, and a*k- caught on a trot line, ing for a continuance of aame, I announce my- _ . „«fortunate In■elf aa a candidate for re-election to the office of Mr. L- J Bntler waa noioriunaie inA*s*s*or of Claiborne Connty, subject to the ac- )oijnj. bjs beautiful flock of iheep which tioa <* tb* Democra party. g JHPFKRIHS. were drowned by the late freabet In the

ton Seed


To the Votera of Claiborne County, Mis­sissippi :In announcing myself as a candidate

for the office of Sheriff of Claiborne county, at the approaching county elec­tion, I wish to express my thanks to the good people of Claiborne for their sup­port of me when I was before them for the office of Assessor. It will always be to me the greatest pride to remember bow warmly and generously the kind people of this county rallied to my aup- port in the past. I served eight term» aa assessor, deuce of the votera in my official char­acter. In offering now for Sheriff I do

on my record, and upon the well known conscientiousness with which I undertake the discharge of every duty. I ask from tbe voter# their support in thia my aapiration and assure them if chosen they shall never rne the choice. I will bring to tbe discharge of my du­ties a lofty desire to fnUy live op to ev­ery expectation of a competent officer. Should I be defeated I will bo» to the will of the voters, with no bitterneaa of feeling, bat with kindest regard# for all, and a reaolve to earneatly support the


I ask support of my candidacy for Aaseaaor, bayou, nd make (he r*c*g*ilJ“P^,°n my ™'J^oss. The bottom fields around Grand Gulf

are under water and some nnpicked cot­ton is submerged.

__________________ The many friend# of Dr. N. A. GniceAnnouncement Fees Strictly CAS1L j regret to hear of his continued illness.

Miss Sallie Morgan of Greenwood and Miss Shreve of Port Gibson were pleas­ant visitors across tbe bayou.

Miss Mend Williams of Glass visited her sister, Mrs. Ben Humphreys, last

HONEY to LENDmy was attempting to sell tbe above bonds it was found that tbe following re­quirements of law had not been ob­served : ist. The ordinances ordering election is required to be entered on minutes of board. Thia waa not done. 2nd. The officers holding election were required to be legally qualified. This

not done. 3rd. Notice of the elec-

ON REAL ESTATE.J. F. WEEKSilWill place it for any length of

time, either straight or on the in­stallment plan.

J. N. BRASHEAR. ■Port Gibson Miss.. Aug. *«. 190*.

Board of Supervisors.Concluded from Last Week.

Ordered that the following bill* be al­lowed and warranta Issue for same :


W^» g |tlon was required to be published for three consecutive weeks. This was not done. In short, numerous legal require­ments were Dot observed. Hence, the bonds issued to the Chsmberlain-Hnat Academy are illegal and void. To make correction of all the above a new election become# absolutely necessary. Hence the apecial election to be held March

Good faith demanda that the

ATfSISThia manifests the confi- EXPERT ML$ 7 85 week.Mis*. Stationery Co., books..,

Jack Jackson, road work.........L*s. Levy's Sons, bridge iron

M. D. Poster, bridge material.8. Bernheimer & Sons, nails, etc.............L. E. Stowers, burying pauper.................J. P. Jordan, bridge material.....................Reveille, stationery.......................................8. J. Russell, salary and postage. Jan...Wm. Jenkins, burying pauper.................B. F. Parker, bridge work..........................»vans Johnson, cross-laying road..........J. A. Higgins, bridge work........................J. G. Brashear, bridge work......................R. C. McCay. sundries C. H......................David Bock, sundries poor house...........J. W. Barber, poor house............................Beard and Parker, bridge work...............8. J. Russell, salary, etc., Feb...................C. P. Matthews, bridge lumber.................Town of Port Gibaou, wpter and lights.Wm. Cabn A Co., sundries.......................«Pope Drug Co., ribbon, typewriter.........C'jrab. Tel. Co., 'phones.............................T. B. Magruder. burying panper.............T. G. Brick Co., brick..................................J. B. McMurchy, Add. assessments........Same, disinfectants..................................*•Same, sustenance.......................... .............Same, sundries....................................... .Same, conveying lunatic to asylum........

Same, work court house..........................Levy & Welsch, burying paupers, etc..K. W. Whitfield, paaper to poor house.

Ordered that the aberiff refrain from


W«m Orleans. La. 44 rears ranowaad aa a lead­

er. Bo false promt*## made. ■0 hnmhngglM practiced- Over 100 ©old and Alvar Med­al*. Diploma«, a»*.. awards«

Iaby Amertoaaand Bnropasa lx annulons. Comma ratal

“—taahtde* Barpert Bo­ning and Auditing, and a * ramtoed might* and

Sonny naher In

00 Mrs. Priaciija Metcalfe of Greenville 85 waa the charming guest ot the Mesdames


Work that can be classed under that head is the only kind of work

It is the only kind that

5 00 Humphryea at Aahland and Oak Lawn soi 105 001 last week.

37 *7 3« »5bi Ot

we do.should be permitted in the house. All other kinds ate unreliable, if not entirely useless and are expen­sive at any price.

All estimates from us will prove that High Class Work does not cost much and the same work will not have to be done over again.

The day» of adventure are not yet We heard of two gallant», bentover.

on seeing a lady fair, breasted the itornt, rain, and started forth.

or5 0®weather

*5 001 The firat stopping place was Hoope#*7 001 lane—stock fast and deep in the mod 33 60

14 50

5 00 3l»t, 1903-town do one of two things: Either make good tbe bonds, or reconvey the

In the latter event, it will ÜM? IWUklB*.Nothing loth, the one horse was undone, tbe two mounted, leaving the buggy property.

lose its improvements, owe rent since ■ and be literally without a public

19 10“fiojto rest its wheels and, pursued their

way. We understand they reached their destination, after a time, and through

1901.achool for the white children of the town. Of coarse no one can poaslbly object to doing what baa been already informal­ly and irregularly anthortized. The bonds, lamed in accordance with elec­tion held October 91b, 1899, will be sur­rendered and cancelled, before new bonds wilt be iaaned. Thus no interest of the town will be jeopardized, no ad­ditional expense imposed, as the Cham­berlain-Hunt Academy pay* all expenaea of the special election to be held March 31st, 1903 ; and the town will perfect it# title to the public white school, without

45 50

63 37 ii of1693 the kindly help of a neighbor. Were *> *9 they repaid ? And at what price ?

751 The martins made their appearance

on tb« 5tb inat.—heralds of spring.The Miaaea Humphreys have returned

^ ; v laTfaai

•Asuccessful competitor.

Very respectfully,W. H. BENTON.


4 ÎO» 50 Port Gibson, Miss 1Phone 37.

Loss of Flesh15 00«9 a® I from their visit to Mr». Burnet in Vick» 21 80 Is Your Lite Worth 50 Cents ?

If So Try A Bottle Ofburg, and Mi»» Kste#ie Humphrey# ia expected hom from New Orleans next

it 901 week. JOHN LANGFORDai .¥> 3 «S

When you can’t eat break­

fast, take Scott’s Emulsion. When you can’t eat bread

and butter, take Scott’s

Emulsion. When you have

been living on a milk diet and

want something a little more

nourishing, take Scott’s

Emulsion.To get fat you must eat

fat. Scott’s Emulsion is a

great fattener, a great

strength giver.Those who have lost flesh

want to increase ail body

tissues, not only fat Scott’s

Fmifcion increases them all,


nerve.For invalids, for con­

valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all


Emulsion is a rich and com- *>rtr.b!e food, and a natural

nie.Scott’s Emulsion for bone,

.wh, blood and nerve.

We will send you a free sample.

Be *ure that this picture in the form of a label i* on the wrapper of every bottle

Emulsion you buy.

scon & BOWNE,oiEMirrs,

409 Pearl St, N. Y.50c. and $11 all druggist».

* 90 *7 50TH1LOR,150 DcrmatrKUc.

Port Uibaon, Mio«.Next to fir. Son’s Residence.

Carroll St.collecting *«*.» tot fi.c.1 ,e.r 190* on I The on.look I. becoming r..h. per.on.1 property eeeeiied to L«e L. gloom, to both merch.nt. end l.rmer.

Son. .moontlog to $400, eeme be- U* .ccouot ol the contlooed rein., )n, . doable ...e..m.nt, W'th *h' '>«r .ho,, «.»gee

I. B M'Moreh,. t.n collector, «led Ha. end the .melier etre.m. ell o'«.-flowed, and the forecast still rainy, cer-

any loas to It whatever.

Tragedy Averted.Juat in the nick of time onr little

boy waa saved,“ write# Mra. W. Watklna of Pleasant City, Ohio. “Pneumonia had played tad havoc with him aod a terrible cough aet in beside#. Doctors treated him, but he grew worae every day. At length we tried Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consomption, and onr darling waa saved. He’# now aoond and well.” Everybody ought to know it’a the only aure cure for Conghs, Colds and all Lung Dlaeaaes. Guaranteed by T. A. Shreve, Druggist. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free.

CureCl easing, Dyeing and general repair!»* Any kind of dress goods, bilks sums, suits. All work promptly de..veied.

ALTC BIN A SPECIALTY. Telephone No. 135.

Kidney!^ *11 mem

5hi* report of additional assessments to-and »13,356 of personal jtainly Indicate# a late planting aeaaon,

being examined and at least.Dr. D. W. Jonea left on last Friday for

Chicago where he goes to take a post graduate course in his profession.

Prof. J. M. Taylor was in town Mon­day and when be returned to Port Gib-

r* All member# present, except H. Marx I fon he rep0rted the thoroughfare lead-

end B. H. Morebead. fog from here to that place folly navl-Ordsred that the clerk of thia board 1 g*hls for any ordinary amall craft,

advertise for bid* for the erection of a J capt, A. J. Cameron is mach im- stee! bridge aero#* Bayou Pierre at Carl- pr0Te<| Bjnce having undergone tbe pain- isle, to be hnilt according to plana and | ^ onfortan*te operation of having specifications now on file at this office.

Ordered that J. A. Lord and B. H.

wit: 76 polls 15^property, same found correct. It is hereby ordered that be be charged with tax on same for fia-

We dafy lilt world to produce a medi­cine for tha core of all forma of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and ail diseases pecnliar to women, that will equal Smith's Sure Kidney Care. Ninety-fight per cent, of the cases treated with Smith’s Sur# Kidney Cure that have 1

under onr observation have bsen

State of Mississippi.tfo Eleanora Eggleston :You are commanded to appear

before the chancery court of Clai­borne cornty, Mississippi, on the

cal year 1902.WEDNESDAY.


Guns, Pistols, Bicycles,4th Holiday of Harch, 1903,

to defend the suit of Thos. Eggles­ton, who prays for a decree grant­ing him a divorce, wherein you defendant.

comecared. Ws »all onr medicine on a posi­tive guarantee, if direction# are followed, and money will be refunded if cure is

LAWN MOWERSAnnouncement». And ALL LIGHT MACHINERYareThere are three new announcement«

thia week, Messrs. W. H. Benton and R. W. Magruder for sheriff and Mr. A. K. Brashear for circuit clerk.

Mr. Benton served the connty many years in tbe capacity of aaaessor. He knows, and is known by, every man,

and child in the connty. He gallant aoldler, losing an arm in

one of hia eve# removed.Mr. J. W. Person, caahier of the Port

Morebead be appointed a committee tojQjb,00 Bank waa in town Sunday en lay out road north of Grindatone Ford j route for hjg Beech Grove Plantation, bridge through Carpenter*» field*.

Ordeied that Alex Callender be *P*J|Wôdaya in town last week, tbe guest pointed overseer of road No. 22 in place of hjg fl„nghter, Mr#. Geo, Robertaon. of W. J. Herren. One of onr young men and by the way

Ordered that Ihe following bill» be al* | B can(jidate too, left town laat week to lowed and warrants issue therefor:

not effected.Price 50 cent# and $1.00. For aale by


REPAIRED.Satisfaction Guaranteed.

R. C. McCAY, Clerk. By S. H. Bagnell, D. C.

R. B. Anderson, Solicitor.flesh, blood and

JON. W. PAWLICK.Rev. A. D. Miller of Lorman »pent

ii mitmChancery Citation.State of Mississippi.

To Kate Henderson :You are commanded to appear

before the chancery court ot the county of Claiborne, in said state, on the

CHANCERY CITATION.woman waa athe^cause, and long figmed in public

State of Mississippi. To Mrs. Troup Jones, Irene Jones,

and Charlie Jones, heirs at law of Shelby P. Jones, deceased : You art commanded to appear

before the chancery court of the county of Claiborne, in said state, on the

take a bird bant in the neighborhood, «7 w] 1 |,e last heard of waa in the neigh- 17 90

need flesh, Scott'sT. L. Kush, 5 days and mileage........J

J. W. lett.s days and mileaxe...........J. A. Lord, 4 days and mileage.........B, H. Morehead, a days and mileageH. Marx, * day*..................................... j

R. C. McCay. 3 days..............................J. B. McMurchy, 3days.......................

Opera Hoom, Wedn#d»y, M«rch 18.

Messrs. Hackett St Co. announce tor Wednesday March 18th the original production of “Peck# Bad boy and hia Pa. Thia play ha# appeared in all the Urge cities and met with mach success where it* has visited.

Misa Pay Temple, tbe graceful dancer with Peck’a Bad Boy, doea ao exceed­ing ly clever to« dancing act. Another leading feature will be the famous Tra­vesty Sextette, .presenting s short tra­vesty on Floradore.

Prices 25, 35 end 50CU.

affair.Mr. Magruder is juat completing his

term as representative. He, too, ia well known, and baa executive ability and eonrage to discharge the duties of the office.

Mr. Braabear ia aerving his second term aa circuit clerk, and in again ask­ing support for this office be can refer to sn absolutely clean record, been highly complimented by more than

presiding jndge for the manner in which he discharged the duties of hia office.

I am prepared to furnish mate­rial and do contract work of all kinds, both brick and frame work. Will do house, fence and all kinds •t repairs at reasonable prices and guarantee satisfaction in work­manship.

borhood of Dug Ragsdale'# in District 5- We hope be will aoon return, though it may be “Week*.

Will Davenport ia reported seriously ill with pneumonia, at bi# aiater’a, Mra. O. O. French.

J. W. Clark, Jr., representative of Lee Richardson & Son», waa in town laat

15 309 so

* i8 009 00

MU 100® If MCI, L D-1903,6 00

to defend the suit in said court of Alex Henderson, wherein you are a defendantThia 24th day *f Febrnarv, A. D. 1902 —

Ml) 1011® 01 M, ». D. 1903,to defend the suit in said court of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, wherein you are defendants,

* R. C. McCAY, Clerk.J. N. Brashear, Solicitor. .

Thia 161b day of February, A. D. 1903 —

Very respectfully,

C. JORDAN,Contractor »nd Builder.

He hasweek.I-

i Ji­lt Saved His Leg.P. A. Dsnforth of LsGrange, Ga., suf­

fered for six mouths with a frightful running sore ou his leg ; but writes that Bocklen’a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five daye. For Ulcers, Wound#, Pile#, it’s tbe beat salve in tbe world. Care guaranteed. Only 25c. Sbld by J. A. Shreve, Drnggiat.

oneR. C. MCCAY, Clerk.

By S. H. Bagnell, D, C. J* N. Brashear, Solicitor. FOR RENTY* 31 •of

■4 The cottage on Vine street, formerly occupied by Mr. G. W. Patterson. Haa six roema. For terms apply to



Take Roger’s Blue Chill Cur«. The firat dose break# the chill», and three doees will cure. Price 25 cent», care no pay. Sold by Dr. T. T. Bailey.

------------ - We have the exclusive agency for theO A. fll T <Oj 3PL I celebrated Lucaa’JPremium Paint», and

positive guarantee.POPE DRUG CO.

Aileant*« sell them on «A 4 No


. 1 '■ . !

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