Esei Beban Guru 1

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  • 8/18/2019 Esei Beban Guru 1


    The quality of teachers is expected and plays a tremendous impact on student outcomes inschool. It has also been noted by Barber and Mourshed (2007) in the boo !o" the #orld$sBest%&erformin' ystems ome *ut on Top +that the quality of the school system(education) cannot exceed the quality of the teacher +. Teachers are expected to be

    competence and committed to comprehend the scope in teachin' and able to eep up "iththe current education system. ,eco'nisin' the role and importance of teachers to mould the'eneration- "e should first understand the challen'es that the teachers of the 2 st centurybeen facin'. The roles of a teacher these days are tou'her as "e are mo/in' for"ard "iththe de/elopment of technolo'y "orld so many of teachers "or is online%based thatteachers ha/e to al"ays be on their toes at all time to prepare all those e%here and e%there.ometimes- to be able to lo' in into system- teachers ha/e to "ae up as early as 1 a.m. ust to ey in redundant information that can be 'athered manually. These unessential butadditional chores become burden that sometimes could disre'ard teachers primary ob toteach in classroom. The di/ersity of "ors can leads to stress and fati'ue amon' teachers indeli/erin' education at school "hich may affect the quality of "or.

    #orload is defined as responsibilities that must be carried out by the same teachers "hoha/e many other responsibilities in the classroom or outside the classroom to completeschool "or. The "orload can be measured by looin' at the amount of time allotted tocomplete.In my /ie"- this issue "ill ne/er be sol/ed because e/en thou'h this issue hasbeen raised- but so far "e teachers "ors ne/er seems to be lessen but "hat I can seeincreases day by day. This clearly sho"s that the efforts that ha/e been made are still notable to sol/e this problem. 3/en more- this issue has been disre'arded as the educationalsystem is constantly chan'in' and the needs of education must be met.

    The former minister in the Ministry of 3ducation (Mo3)- Muhyiddin Bin Mohd 4assin in aninter/ie" for an online ne"s re/ie"ed that teachers- not only had to conduct lessons but"ere forced to do clerical "or by enterin' data of students into the system. !e said that 5theintention "as 'ood but the infrastructure "as not completed6. 'reein' to his statement- Ibelie/e that the infrastructure of our education system should be re%desi'ned. 8or examplethe mana'ement of &upils 9ata Base pplication (&9M) that has been brou'ht by theMo3 to 'ather all the information of our pupils is an excellent attempt to eep up "ith our /ast de/elopin' country. !o"e/er- the updated /ersion has come "hich 'i/es teachers acrac in the head to do the same ob repeatedly usin' the tudent Information ystem(MM) that is done manually. I mean isnt it ust a "aste of time to double the "or andcausin' much time instead of focusin' on teachin' and learnin' in the class: *n top of that-

    e/en thou'h the online system is undeniably an incredible tool because "e as teachers ande/en parents are able to access information of the ids exam results- reports and so on butit still is a pli'ht "hen the ser/er is slo" and most of the time ammed. #e do no" thattechnolo'y is at the tip of fin'ers but it could be a ni'htmare to teachers to "ae up as earlyat 1 in the mornin' to ey in all the information "hich can be made easier had the ministryforesee the problem before main' amendments. These are not only happenin' for a fe"days or "ees. It has been many years that this problem has arisen "hereby teachers hadto ey in all the online forms and systems but "ith the same information;

    Bein' a teacher myself- I really "ould "ant to focus on the main core business "hich isteachin' and reduce the clerin' "ors. Besides- it is time that our Ministry of 3ducation putto'ether their heads "ith teachers and started to re/ie" the education system a'ain. In the

    inter/ie"- the former minister yet said that 5 lot of teachers complained that the system too

  • 8/18/2019 Esei Beban Guru 1


    much of their time due to con'estion "hen many teachers entered data at the same time.6This sho"s that e/en the hi'her authority heard the problems that teachers are facin'.

    2.0 Workload versus emotional depression.

    In addition to the tas of educatin' teachers- teachers also need to tae care of the

    "elfare and student health mana'ement Tuition ssistance cheme- the Trust 8und

    led'er &oor (am Mohd tan (200)- &resident of the ?ational onference of chool

    &rincipals Malaysia (paper collection)- due to the outnumber of clers in schools- teachershad to mana'e and enter data in a /ariety of forms such as Textboo =oan forms-

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    cholarship forms and profiles of students other than many more clerical obs. The number

    is insufficient and should be increased at least t"o people in each school to enable all the

    clerical "or can be carried out by school officials.

    Teachers o/er"or problem comin' from confusion and "eaness in 'o/ernance and

    coordination at all le/els of school administration as a result of the explosion of information.Many teachers in the same school at the same time attendin' courses outside the area of

    time mana'ement courses are run by or'ani>ed. This condition causes the ob that "as left

    had to be borne by other teachers "ho are still in school "hile they already ha/e "or that

    needs to be completed.

    This problem also arises "hen many teachers are on lea/e for some reason such as

    maternity- umrah- sur'ery and sic lea/e. The duties of teachers "ho lea/e "ill be 'i/en to

    teachers "ho are still in school. o- teachers need to perform multiple tass e/en thou'h

    they themsel/es ha/e a /ariety of duties that need to be implemented.

    han'es in 'o/ernment policies "ill also increase teachers$ duties. This is because the

    teacher is the implementin' a'ency of 'o/ernment policy. Inte'rated &rimary chool

    curriculum chan'es (es it accordin'ly .

     Teachers today ha/e to face problems in mana'in' extra%curricular acti/ities in schools is

    increasin'ly 'ro"in'. Teachers are required to carry out extra%curricular acti/ities at school

    "ithout follo"in' resolution no matter the time durin' school hours or outside of school

    hours. s a result- teachers are forced to lea/e their main tas of teachin' in the classroom.

    The teachers$ "orload problem difficult to be sol/ed completely but some measures can be

    taen to reduce the "orload of teachers amon' them is the in/ol/ement of parents in

    education. &arents need to in/ol/e in school pro'rams not only as a participant but also a

    pro'ram mana'er. 8or example- durin' the annual sports day- parents must also participate

    as a member of the committee that mana'es the school$s annual sports. &arents can help in

    the mana'ement of participants- participants release and safety committee members.

    close relationship bet"een the school and parents can facilitate the mana'ement and

    administration of the school.

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    The use of IT could ease the burden of teachers in schools. IT is used to facilitate

    administration- facilitate the teachin' and learnin' process and coordinate the acti/ities and

    pro'rams. ll detailed information re'ardin' the student can be sa/ed usin' Microsoft

     ccess and Microsoft 3xcel. Moreo/er- IT is also used to create a database of questions-

    content- teachin' and learnin'- teachin' supplies and teachin' content. This can speed up

    time and ease the burden on teachers.

    In addition- the ministry "ill ha/e to re/ie" the number of exams and tests at school le/el

    because there are schools "ith nearly 20 internal examination excludin' examinations.

    ,eduction of internal examinations can reduce the burden on teachers to de/elop questions

    and chec the ans"er scripts of students. Indirectly- the reduction in the number of

    examinations can pre/ent the country from becomin' too exam%oriented. &upils should learn

    to acquire no"led'e rather than learnin' to ans"er exams.

    ,eor'ani>e the clerical duties at the school can ease the burden of teachers in schools. The

    former 3ducation Minister- Tan ri Muhyiddin 4assin a'reed that teachers do not ha/e to be

    char'ed "ith clerical duties that too much to interfere "ith the main tas of the teacher as an

    educator of the nation. In order to boost the quality of teachin' and learnin'- teachers need

    to be 'i/en plenty of time to plan for more effecti/e teachin' and preparin' to teach. Thus-

    the ommittee Burden Tas Teachers "ill pro/ide 'uidelines on the main tass and duties of 

    teachers cannot be done by the teacher.

    The 3ducation Ministry has been ur'ed to tae into account the a/era'e ratio bet"een

    teachers and students in the classroom as a step to identify the best formula to reduce the

    "orload of teachers. The &resident of the onfederation of Malaysian !eadmasters

    ouncil (AMABM) "an' Mohamad said the proposal "as seen to be helpin' the ministry

    to find a formula to sol/e the problem of teacher "orload that has been raised so far. *neof the "ays to ease the burden of this "or is to increase the number of teachers- means

    that no" a . classroom teacher- no" a classroom 2.0 (means one classroom- t"o

    teachers). The mo/e is intended to allo" teachers to ha/e enou'h time to concentrate on

    the core tas of teachin'. The proposed study teacher "ith the a/era'e students also

    rele/ant to the recommendations of some others "ho "anted the post of assistant teachers

    to sol/e the same problem. Besides helpin' ease the "orload borne by the teacher- the

    position can sol/e the problem of lac of teachers "ho rely on untrained.

    Teachers need to mana'e your time "ell. 3ach person "ill recei/e the same time in a day-

    2C hours a day. Therefore there should not be escorted by a teacher "ho complained could

    not complete the tas "ith no time reasons. The use of time in a day- "ee- month and next

    "ill pro/ide benefits only to those "ho no" ho" to mana'e time. Aood time mana'ement

    can ease the tas at hand.

    Become effecti/e teachers- produce an effecti/e school and achie/e education cemerla' not

    impossible. #hat is important is the readiness and "illin'ness of teachers to chan'e the

    paradi'm- style of thinin' and actin' professionally and most importantly be a teacher "ho

    is not easily discoura'ed. #hile saddled den'na enormous tas- teachers can not be

    discoura'ed and 'i/e up. Teachers should al"ays ea'er to impro/e themsel/es by

    impro/in' their sills in order to complete the tass 'i/en.

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      teacher$s professional al"ays exhibit the stren'th characteristics of no"led'e and

    practice beha/ior that is full of sublime "or ethic and ha/e a clear understandin' and in%

    depth- determination and commitment to enhance its "or at any time. Teachers "ho

    spirited indomitable spirit is not easily broen "ith its challen'es. Teachers should be

    optimistic- not easily complain "ith "orload.


    Muhammad 8uad ,a>ali (200)- Tu'as ,encam Bebanan Auru- &endidi Dun


    Mo oon an' (EEF)- &endidian di Malaysia-