ESL Info Share Highlights of results 2014

ESL Info Share Highlights of results 2014. Survey Respondents

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ESL Info ShareHighlights of results 2014


Silvia Garcia Coordinator and Professor Algonquin

Blair Trewartha Cambrian

Susan Dujon Trenker Coordinator and Professor Canadore

Trish Coles Chair, English Department Centennial

Christine Buuck Director, Conestoga Language Institute Conestoga

Corinne Marshall Coordinator and Professor Fanshawe

Robin Cox Chair Fleming

Ian Wiggleworth Chair, School of ESL George Brown

Tamara Fisher Cullen EAP Coordinator Georgian

Stephen Allen Director, English Language Centre Humber

Erica Fagan Coordinator, Applied Communications Centre Mohawk

Carolyn Ambrose ESL Faculty Niagara

Martine Allard Director, English Language Institute Seneca

John Iveson Coordinator and Professor Sheridan

Survey Respondents

Does your college offer an intensive full-time ESL program during the day?

How would your program be best classified?

LINC [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 53% Georgian, Fanshawe, Cambrian, Canadore, Humber, Seneca, Niagara, George Brown.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

27% Algonquin, Conestoga, Centennial, Algonquin.

Offered through Continuing Education

20% Mohawk, Sheridan, Fleming.

Offered through another department


ELT [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 73% Algonquin, Humber, Canadore, Seneca, George Brown, Georgian, Centennial, Fleming, Cambrian, Fanshawe

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

13% Niagara, Conestoga

Offered through Continuing Education

13% Mohawk, Sheridan

Offered through another department


OSLT [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 20% Humber, Fleming, Cambrian.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

40% Canadore, Algonquin, George Brown, Conestoga, Centennial.

Offered through Continuing Education

27% Mohawk, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Seneca.

Offered through another department 13% Niagara, Georgian.

Bridging [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 47% Algonquin, Fleming, Cambrian, Sheridan, Niagara, Georgian, Centennial.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

27% Canadore, George Brown, Algonquin, Conestoga.

Offered through Continuing Education 13% Mohawk, Seneca.

Offered through another department 13% Humber, Fanshawe.

TESOL [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 53% Mohawk, Canadore, Fleming, Cambrian, Sheridan, Niagara, Georgian, Centennial.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

40% Humber, Algonquin, Seneca, George Brown, Conestoga.

Offered through Continuing Education 7% Fanshawe, Seneca

Offered through another department 0%

Part-time ESL [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 33% Fleming, Cambrian, Sheridan, Niagara, Centennial.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

47% Canadore, Algonquin, Fanshawe, George Brown, Conestoga, Georgian.

Offered through Continuing Education 20% Mohawk, Humber

Offered through another department 0%

Other [Which of the following other ESL programming does your college offer?]

Not offered 80% Mohawk, Canadore, Algonquin, Fleming, Cambrian, Sheridan, Niagara, George Brown, Conestoga, Georgian, Centennial.

Offered through the same department as Intensive ESL

13% Humber (Summer Language Program), Fanshawe (IELTS Preparation).

Offered through Continuing Education 7% Seneca (TESOL, EAP).

Offered through another department 0%

What kind of language support is available to ELLs enrolled in general postsecondary programs at your college?

General support, free of charge, through a learning centre or writing centre.

33% Mohawk, Humber, Algonquin, Fleming, Cambrian, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Seneca, George Brown, Niagara, Conestoga, Centennial, Georgian.

ELL-specific support, free of charge, through a learning centre or writing centre.

23% Mohawk, Humber, Fleming, Cambrian, Fanshawe, Seneca, Niagara, George Brown, Conestoga, Georgian.

Full-fee or subsidized fee-based peer tutoring.

16% Canadore, Algonquin, Sheridan, Mohawk, Cambrian, Fanshawe, George Brown.

Writing/composition classes with dedicated sections for ELLs.

12% Seneca, Humber, Conestoga, Fanshawe, George Brown.

Profesional communications classes with dedicated sections for ELLs.

2% Seneca

General education classes with dedicated sections for EELs

12% Algonquin, George Brown, Seneca, Mohawk.

No language support available 0%

Other 2%

How many levels does your Intensive ESL program have?

1 0%

2 7% Canadore

3 7% Centennial

4 20% Algonquin, Conestoga, Georgian.

5 27% Fleming, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Niagara.

6 7% Cambrian

7 0%

8 27% Mohawk, Humber, Seneca, Algonquin.

More than 8

7% George Brown

Fast fact comparisonsCollege name Average

class sizeStart and end times Current

enrollment% of Int’l students

% Dom. students

Mohawk 24 9:30am to 12:30pm (1-3 twice per week) 130 0.9% 0.1%Canadore 20 8:30 - 4:30 55 70% 30%Humber 18 8:00 - 18:00 250 0.8% 0.2%Algonquin 20-24 8-5 425 0.7% 0.3%Fleming 10 8.30-4.30 20 1% 0%Cambrian 10-15 9am-4pm 25 0.85% 0.15%Fanshawe 19 am - 8/9 am to 1 pm - 12/1 pm to 5/6 pm 400 85% 15%Sheridan 17 5 hours/day either am or afternoon 225 65% 35%Seneca 18 8 am -6 pm 600 93% 7%Niagara 20 8:30 - 6:30 315 85% 15%George Brown 20 9:00 to 1:00 600+ 65% 35%Algonquin 20-24 Huge variety! 8 am start 4 pm finish, depends 450 0.77% 0.23%

Conestoga 20 9:00 am = domestic; 12:00 pm = International 215 0.8% 0.2%

Georgian 15 8 to 12 or 12 to 4 or LINC 9 to 3 97 97% 3%

Centennial 20 9 -5 120 0.03% 0.97%

How long are terms of study in your Intensive ESL?

7 weeks 13% Mohawk, Seneca.

8 weeks 27% Humber, Cambrian, George Brown, Algonquin.

14 weeks 27% Fleming, Niagara, Canadore, Georgian.

16 weeks 7% Fanshawe

Other 27% Sheridan- 7 for international and 14 for domestic, Conestoga(15 weeks), Centennial(15 weeks).

Is mid-term or monthly intake available in your Intensive ESL?

Mid-term intake available for all students

25% Fleming, Cambrian, Niagara, Georgian.

Mid-term intake available for international students

31% Mohawk, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Conestoga.

Monthly intake available 0%

Monthly intake available seasonally 0%

Intake at term starts only 38% Canadore, Algonquin, Seneca, George Brown, Centennial.

Are general education courses offered as part of the ESL program?

Yes, with restricted choices 48% Fleming, Cambrian, Sheridan, George Brown, Georgian, Centennial, Seneca

Yes, with no restrictions 7% Conestoga.

Yes, but only ESL-specific general education courses

33% Mohawk, Canadore, Algonquin, Humber.

No 7% Fanshawe.

Other 13% Niagara (Only domestic students can take post-secondary)

Are students required to complete exit testing in order to successfully complete and/or move to postsecondary programs?

Students must pass an internally-recognized exit test 28% Fleming, Fanshawe, Seneca, Niagara, Cambrian.

Students must pass an externally-recognized exit test 6% Cambrian

Passing grades in a terminal level are accepted for a completion/progression to postsecondary

61% Mohawk, Humber, Algonquin, Georgian, Conestoga, Fanshawe, George Brown, Niagara.

Other 6% Centennial (Internally-recognized unless 70% or great in core English course)

When students successfully complete your program, what do they receive as a formal credential?

Ontario College Certificate(OCC) 53% Mohawk, Cambrian, Fanshawe, Sheridan, George Brown, Algonquin, Centennial.

No Credential 13% Niagara, Georgian

Other 33% Canadore (GAS-ESL Certificate), Algonquin (OCC for Canadians and local college certificate for international students), Fleming (Internal college Certificate),Seneca (Local certificate of standing), Conestoga (International students receive college certificate)

How is Intensive ESL programming delivered?

Language skills (Writing, Reading, etc.) are taught in separate courses.

47% Canadore, Algonquin, Fanshawe, Conestoga, Georgian, Centennial.

Language skills are partially integrated. 20% Cambrian, Sheridan, Niagara.

Language skills are fully integrated. 33% Mohawk, Humber, Fleming, George Brown, Seneca.

How is Intensive ESL programming delivered? • Perhaps the survey

somehow didn’t gather the information correctly, because follow-up questions about technology indicated that some respondents DO have online/hybrid offerings.

What percentage of courses in your Intensive ESL program are delivered as on-line courses?

Name College %Silvia Garcia Algonquin 15John Iveson Sheridan 0-20

Ian Wigglesworth George Brown >10

What percentage of courses in your Intensive ESL program are delivered as hybrid courses?

Name College %Erica Fagan Mohawk 1Silvia Garcia Algonquin 17John Iveson Sheridan 0-20

Martine Allard Seneca 10Carolyn Ambrose Niagara 25

Perceptions of online learning, according to…

…Administrators? …Faculty? …Students?

Erica Fagan Mohawk

Strong move at College to move all COMM online - hybrid perceived as huge success despite data supporting reverse

When 'allowed' to control the amount of and delivery method of on-line material, very supportive

Overall, perceived positively as they are trained to use the programming and receive reinforcement/feedback regularly

Silvia Garcia Algonquin

Successful - prepares our students for PS. Online GEn Ed not designed with online in mind, had to be redesigned . Successful.

Students not too thrilled about hybrid / online. Arab students especially do not value, sometimes refuse to participate.

John Iveson Sheridan

Four online lab hours at one campus location (from three) is a new venture from Fall 2013. Generally positive response so far.

Generally positive. Some concerns about lower levels,need for physical lab space for assessment

Anecdotally positive. Coordinator has no access to student course evaluations.

Carolyn Ambrose Niagara

Students appear to be successfully engaged in the online learning experience.

Overall, perceived as successful; faculty recognizes not always the best way for every student to practice and learn.

Students appreciate engaging in online platforms, working at own pace, extended practice of what is being learned in class.

Ian Wigglesworth

George Brown

Students participate and achieve specified outcomes

Students participate and achieve specified outcomes

Students participate and achieve specified outcomes

What are the minimum qualifications required for NFT ESL faculty at your college?

University degree plus ESL teaching qualifications(i.e. TESL-O, DELTA, etc) and some experience.

67% Canadore, Humber, Algonquin, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Seneca, Niagara, George Brown, Conestoga, Centennial.

University degree plus ESL teaching qualifications(i.e. TESL-O, DELTA, etc) and significant ESL experience.

33% Mohawk, Fleming, Cambrian, Georgian, Algonquin.

What are the minimum qualifications required for FULL-TIME ESL faculty at your college?

University degree plus ESL teaching qualifications(i.e. TESL-O, DELTA, etc) and some experience.

7% Centennial

University degree plus ESL teaching qualifications(i.e. TESL-O, DELTA, etc) and significant ESL experience.

33% Canadore, Algonquin, Cambrian

Masters degree in ESL-related and some experience.

7% George Brown

Masters degree in ESL-related plus significant ESL teaching experience.

40% Mohawk, Humber, Fleming, Fanshawe, Niagara, Conestoga, Seneca

Other 13% Georgian, Sheridan

What are the minimum qualifications required for FULL-TIME ESL faculty at your college?

If your minimum requirement for ESL faculty includes an ESL-related Masters degree, what kinds of graduate degrees do you accept?

What is your program’s current contribution to overhead?

Information not available 47% Canadore, Cambrian, Fanshawe, Sheridan, Conestoga, Georgian, Centennial.

Accurate calculation is challenging because of combination of domestic and international contributions.

27% Humber, Algonquin, Niagara.

Other 27% Mohawk (Under new model we will be using Profit/Loss not CM), Fleming (College is looking for an average of 30%), Seneca, George Brown.

How are language and communication subject-matter experts (SMEs) consulted on issues related to new programming, degree audits, etc.?

The college structure allows for a consistent or formal consultation process before programs are created or changes are made .

21% Humber, Sheridan, Centennial.

A structure exists for discussion and consultation, but is currently informal or occurs inconsistently.

50% Algonquin, Fleming, Fanshawe, Seneca, George Brown, Conestoga.

Consultation with language and communication SMEs happens only occasionally

21% Mohawk, Canadore, Niagara.

Language and Communication SMEs happens only occasionally 7% Cambrian.

Other 0%

Does your college have a larger institutional strategy of which ESL is a key component?

Strategy for attracting international students. 47% Mohawk, Canadore, George Brown, Niagara, Seneca, Conestoga, Georgian.

Strategy for attracting newcomers 0%

Strategy for attracting international students and newcomers.

27% Humber, Cambrian, Fanshawe, Sheridan.

No strategy involving ESL 20% Algonquin, Fleming.

Other 7% Centennial.

COLLEGE NAME ESL program is housed in which school Current pay rate for sessional faculty

Mohawk Language Studies- International in Fall 2014 N/A

Canadore General Arts and Science $50/hr

Humber LAS N/A

Algonquin General Arts and Science $30/hr

Fleming GAS through continuing education N/A

Cambrian Justice and community services & General Arts $50/hr

Fanshawe School of Language and Liberal Arts $71/hr

Sheridan Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences N/A

Seneca International Development, Reporting to VPA $67-$110

Niagara International Education $49/hr

George Brown School of ESL $50+

Algonquin EAP is housed under General Arts and Science $30

Conestoga School of Language & Communication Studies On grid

Georgian Liberal Arts and Access Programs Unsure

Centennial Advancement No idea

Various fast facts