1. Why do we need to learn foreign language ? One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. Nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I'll be able to speak English there. English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know foreign languages, you can understand films without any help. There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with the boys, girls, men even they don't know Russian. The English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages. In conclusion if we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world and learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning. 2. Bloom there where you were born One romanian proverb said that „nowhere is better than home” . and it is the true. In our days a lot of youngers want to go in other countries to develop themselves and become a personality. But in this way we need to live far away from relatives, friends and family. Bloom there where you were born. With dearpersons near, any weight become a piece of cake. In your country, birds sings more beautiful, the air is cleaner. You knows traditions


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1. Why do we need to learn foreign language ?

 One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing. Nowadays it’s especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I'll be able to speak English there. English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know foreign languages, you can understand films without any help. There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with the boys, girls, men even they don't know Russian. The English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.In conclusion if we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world and learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning.

2. Bloom there where you were born

One romanian proverb said that „nowhere is better than home” . and it is the true. In our days a lot of youngers want to go in other countries to develop themselves and become a personality. But in this way we need to live far away from relatives, friends and family. Bloom there where you were born. With dearpersons near, any weight become a piece of cake. In your country, birds sings more beautiful, the air is cleaner. You knows traditions and manners of your native place. Your learn and speak in the most beautiful language in the world,you native romanian language. Dont forget from where you are, because your place is in your country. Develop yourself and make a change in your country. Bloom there and spread the fragrance of your actions throughout the country.I love my hometown-Leova! I'll probably have houses in other places, but that's my home, and nobody's kicking me out of there.Bloom there where I was born always bring upon great memories , is not where I live, but where I understand me.It starts here, it’s memory, is all that can be more beautiful and valuable.

3. What is the European Union for you ?

The European Union is based on the rule of law and democracy. It defines itself as neither a new State replacing existing ones, nor as comparable to other international organizations. The member states delegate sovereignty

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to common institutions representing the interests of the Union as a whole on questions of joint interest. The principal objectives of the Union are to establish European citizenship, ensure freedom, security and justice, promote economic and social progress, and assert Europe’s role in the world. From this I draw that the basic premise of the European Union is integration and unity, because without it the EU will never be able to achieve the aforementioned objectives.The EU is not a country and it's not going to become a country, in my view, now or ever in the future. It is a group of countries working together. People feel that the EU is a one-way process, a great machine that sucks up decision-making from national parliaments to the European level until everything is decided by the EU. That needs to change.I also believe that we have an extraordinary opportunity for the United States and European Union to lead the world in developing and implementing new and more efficient technologies - smart electrical grids and electrical vehicles. I am an optimist about the UK. We have been involved in trade with our European partners, which we will always be doing whatever this relationship is. We are a member of the EU. That gives us benefits. But we have to figure out where that is going. In the world, we are a global trader already.

4. What is the environmental impact of climate change and global warming?

There are plenty of problems in the world, and doubtless climate change and global warming, it’s a terrible problems, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.The climate is changing. The earth is warming up, and there is now overwhelming scientific consensus that it is happening, and human-induced.Climate change and Global Warming are changes in the Planet’s atmosphere . It is an ongoing environmental and social issue facing the contemporary society today. As we are aware, climate change is affecting our daily lives in more ways than thought possible. It has many different impacts on people’s health such as, infectious diseases, heat related illnesses, food safety, mental health problems and premature deaths. Climate change and Global warming affects our health, mentally, physically, socially and economically.Health, (mental and physical) issues arising from Climate change are: high stress levels, anxiety and outbreak of diseases.Global warming is melting glaciers in every part of the world, putting millions of people at risk from floods, droughts and shortages of drinking water.Global warming has emerged as the single greatest threat to Australia’s biodiversity. Climate change is the world’s greatest threat. If the climate changes heating, cooling, water use, and sea level will be affected. In wealthy countries, the average cost would probably be small, although some people and regions might have high costs and others might receive large benefits. In some poor countries, the cost could be very high. A large or fast change in climate will have a big effect on plants and animals in the natural environment. Very rapid climate change is unlikely, but could be disastrous, even for wealthy countries. Some people have already started to try and reduce global warming by: planting more trees, recycling, using less electricity, walking to school instead of driving and even donating money to organizations that support

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research and projects that minimize the damage that we are doing to our environment.I don't mean to imply that we are in imminent danger of being wiped off the face of the earth - at least, not on account of global warming. But climate change does confront us with profound new realities. We face these new realities as a nation, as members of the world community, as consumers, as producers, and as investors. And unless we do a better job of adjusting to these new realities, we will pay a heavy price. We may not suffer the fate of the dinosaurs. But there will be a toll on our environment and on our economy, and the toll will rise higher with each new generation.

5. Identify some difficulties some young people face. What solutions will you suggest?

Everybody says your youth is probably the best time of young life, that being young means romance, love, new discoveries & so on. But it is also the most difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions, which will influence all your future life. For your future it is essential to have a good job. Every girl or boy leaving secondary school should choose an institution of higher education, or if he or she doesn’t want to study any more, choose a job straight way. But even if you are studying, you need money of your own to pay for extra clothes, tapes, and books. If something the problem. Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than financial ones. The typical teenager problem is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs, because they think that will be cool guys. But they don’t understand that it’s wrong. Some of them can’t stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And they commit different serious crimes, because they need some money to buy drugs.Youth is also the time to meet your first love. It is, of course, wonderful, but, as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end, this also increases young people’s problems. We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different ways. Some of teen-ages spend their free time in different nightclubs. Other young people spend their free time in the streets.Another typical problem for most of the teen-ages is problem with their parents. So many families so many family relations. Each family establishes its own relations in its own way. It has its own traditions & customs & its own unwritten constitution including rights & duties of every member of the family. The level of democracy is also different in different families, which mostly depends on the viewpoints of adults usually not coinciding with a child’s point of view. So the problem of misunderstanding becomes urgent. Some people can it generation gap. It as a rule sharpens as soon as a child approaches his or her difficult teens. And both sides (parents & children) should be patient & tactful & it’s the only way to settle down all the problems & stay friends. Parents say that it’s difficult to discipline children. But experts state that parents will get the best results if they try to prevent or stop misbehavior in natural, logical & when possible fun ways. Here are some pieces of advice to help them keep their kids in line.

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Family plays an important role in resolving the problem. Youngesters need support from parents as well as relatives since these people tend to have a strong influence on them. For example, parents should pay more attention to their children, making sure they hang out with the right types of people. Similarly, it is helpful that parents encourage the young to participate in social clubs to improve their communicative skills and make friends.Last but not least, solutions can be found by building a friendly and hospitable environment for the young. Youngsters should be well educated when they are still at school by applying more social programs as well as more extracurricular activities to discuss about the aftermaths of drug use. Everyone should make an attempt to eliminate illegal drugs and create a healthy surrounding for young people.

6. Describe your personal values.

Values aren't buses... They're not supposed to get you anywhere. They're supposed to define who you are. Life comes with its ups and downs. Yes, we all know that. But there are certain mindsets that affect our life for the better and some that affect it for the worst. These mindsets that affect our life for the better can be called values.My personal values are: love, respect, understanding, discipline, honesty.Love: The first of the most vital beliefs in life is love. It is an important personal value to open my mind to the concept of love. I don't mean this in a fairy tale kind of way. That is not the only kind of love. The way in which my love my family, and friends, i can love everybody. Love is the bringer of compassion.Understanding: This is the second vital value in my life. I see a lot of people around me holding grudges and keeping tempers. They know at the back of their mind and in the depths of their heart that the other person had a reason for doing what they did. Yet, they let their anger take over. Understanding is the key to a happy mind and a caring heartUnderstand that people are doing their best, and instead of questioning it, try to find out ways to help them out.Third comes respect. It is very important to have respect for people. This not only allows you to get inspired by their positive aspects, but also allows you to notice their negatives. Nobody is perfect, neither you, nor me. Respect is the only way I can adopt the best of all that is around us, in the process, making us a better person everyday, every moment. A very important fact about respect is that the more i give, the more I earn. It is in fact one of the most significant values.Discipline: A disciplined person will have a lot of fun, but will make sure that he completes his duties.He will go out and have a blast, but will ensure that he is back at the decided time. A disciplined and responsible person will respect his as well as other's time. As such, he will always be punctual- it's me .The values that I hold will enable me to be successful in my career and in the work I do with youth. I act on these values and carry them out everyday. The foundation for these values are the barriers that I was forced to climb in my youth and I believe that this is the time in a child’s life that will impact them the most. The values that I hold impact my life on many different scales and in many different areas.

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7. Happiness is the biggest achievement and wealth.

Undoubtedly, happiness is the most important part in our lives. But if you ask different individuals what is happiness, there are absolutely a wide variety of answers you would hear. It is difficult to define happiness because it means different things to different people.Happiness” seems easy to understand for every one, but to define exactly, no one can do.Sometime, happiness is the simplest things surrounding us. Happiness is that you can eat, walk, sleep liked everyone else, or you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell normally. Look down and see the disabled are mistreated on the bus; orphans are avoided at the school by the other pupils. We should know that we are still happy because we have parents, friends, and we are normal. It doesn’t mean that people in the bottom of the society don’t have happiness. They may not have money, but THEY HAVE relatives, and love. They may not see the light, but the light in their heart is so bright. Happiness is not so hard to find out. Listen and share, we may understand more.Not many people are happy, but all the libraries are filled with books on happiness, and this very fact should make us curious.Happiness may come and go like the seasons but in the end, every moment that you have that is filled with happiness will be well worth the sad or unnerving ones that you have had to endure. Happiness is something everyone wants to achieve. While on the surface people may seem to be looking for money, recognition, or other things, what they actually seek is happiness. Unfortunately, many people never reach the level of happiness they desire.Happiness is the fruit of life, is the biggest achievement and wealth, is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

8. List some American writers.Which one is your favourite? Why?

American writers are plenty, famous or less, yet they have contributed in the literature, for example:1.Fiction James Agee, Sherwood Anderson, Isaac Asimov, James Baldwin, John Barth, Saul Bellow, Stephen Vincent Benet, Ambrose Bierce, Arna Bontemps, Ray Bradbury , Pearl Buck, Octavia Butler, Truman Capote, Willa Cather, John Cheever, Kate Chopin, Sandra Cisneros, James Fenimore Cooper, Stephen Crane, Joan Didion, John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Ralph Ellison, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Gaines, John Gardner, Henry Louis Gates, Virginia Hamilton.2. DRAMAEdward Albee,Maxwell Anderson,Alice Childress,Lorraine Hansberry,Lillian Hellman,William Inge, Adrienne Kennedy, Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neill, Thornton Wilder, Tennessee Williams, August Wilson.3. POETRYW. H. Auden, Amiri Baraka, John Berryman, Elizabeth Bishop, Emily Dickinson, Birago Diop, Rita Dove, W. E. B. Du Bois, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Richard Eberhart, T. S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mari Evans, Julia Fields, Robert Frost, Rodolfo Gonzales, Robert Hayden, Safiya Henderson, Oliver

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Wendell Holmes, Langston Hughes, Randall Jarrell, Robinson Jeffers, James Weldon Johnson, Sidney Lanier. My favourite English writer is Charles Dickens. This English classic is well-known all over the world. His books are translated into many languages and a lot of films have been made after his novels. The popularity of his books hasn’t diminished with time. The great-heartedness of the author appeals to the contemporary reader as much as it did a century ago. His kindly, understanding eye looks with tolerance on good and bad alike. Dickens believes in kindness and generosity of people. It’s not just a happy end that his books have, it’s a philosophy which gives optimism and faith to the reader. Also, I have an interest in American literature. I’ve read several books by American writers. The first American writer who came my way was Jack London whose stories struck me by unusual situations and the courage of his heroes. A also admire the humour of Mark Twain. I’ve read some of his stories and ,of course, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”. But my favourite American writer is Ernest Hemingway. When I read his biography I was impressed by his personality. He was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His life was full of adventures and events that required courage, strong will and determination. He began his career as a brave war correspondent during World War I. The scope of his interests was incredibly wide.Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. The rise of television sometimes has been coupled with the dearth of books. But I don’t think books need to be rescued. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It gives us an insight not only into the past, but also into the future. The book is a faithful and undemanding friend: it can be put aside and be taken again at any moment.

9. List some tourist attraction in the U.S.A. Describe one of them.

As one of the largest and most diverse countries in the world, The United States boast an amazing amount of tourist destinations ranging from the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago, the natural wonders of Yellowstone and Alaska to the sunny beaches of California, Florida and Hawaii. With so many tourist attractions it’s tempting to list entire cities or even states, but the most famous are:White House in Washington DC, Denali National Park located in Interior Alaska and contains Mount McKinley, Las Vegas Strip, Florida Keys, Kilauea, Niagara Falls, Golden Gate Bridge, Yellowstone National Park, Manhattan.Manhattan is the most densely populated and smallest in area of the five boroughs of New York City. Located primarily on the island of Manhattan at the mouth of the Hudson River, the borough is conterminous with New York County, an original county of the state of New York.Manhattan is the borough that never sleeps in. Here, there are so many wonderful things to see and do places to go and you will always meet new and familiar faces here. Manhattan is a main attraction when people come to visit New York City. There are many new explorations and journeys that can

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be taken on this wonderful island. Even though it’s a borough it is also an island in and of itself. Here you will find out just what there is to do here. There are so many things that can be said about Manhattan. Manhattan is a place of fun, adventure, and non-stop excitement. Manhattan has world wide known museums, such as the Guggenheim, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art just to name a few. There are many other museums in New York that are on Fifth Ave. also known as Museum Mile, that may not be as popular as these two, yet they are just as important as the next.

10. Why do we love Eminescu?

And because all these  Had to have a name,  one name,  they told them  Eminescu . Eminescu is an absolute creator, his individual culture standing within the European culture. Eminescu's work isthe monumental expression of the genious of our people, a synthesis of our own soul through the praise of national historical values, the interest for folklore and country's nature. The national myth always persists into the poet's mind and heart , discharging in his creation, so that, in this way "history and folklore are the real springs of our poetry, he opened the national art, the view of the universality". He had a sacred mission "to pour into new forms" "the old and wise" language. Since him, our language became a "honey - comb" ; with him we understood that the love for our land is a defending "wall" of our people, a basis of our being in this "mioritic space". Near him we dreamt about the wonderful "blue-flower", we were excited by the gentle feelings of the first love. From him we learned to value this wonderful present -life -without forgetting that "which is wave like wave is passing". Reading Eminescu, every line excites you; you're sharing with him the same feelings and you have agreat admiration for him. He is the one who knew how to involve deeply and difinitely in the history and in the spirituality of the people or for whose id entity, through culture and soul, in a universal plan toiled to sacrificehimself. For us Eminescu means the eternity itself. That's why Tudor Vianu said: "Without Eminescu we should be more different and poorer".

11. Write a list of tourist attractions in London. Describe one of them.

London is one of the world's leading tourism destinations, and the city is home to an array of famous tourist attractions. London attracts 15 million international visitors per year, making it one of the world's most visited in terms of international visits.

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The ,pst tourist attractions in London are: Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Gherkin, Westminster Abbey, Madame Tussauds, British Museum, Harrods, Covent Garden, Globe Theatre, Natural History Museum, The City, National Gallery, Millennium Bridge, Victoria & Albert Museum, Queen Victoria Memorial, O2 Arena, Holland Park, etc.The clock inside the tower was the world's largest when it was installed in the middle of the 19th century. The name Big Ben actually refers to the clock's hour bell, the largest of the clock's five bells. The other four are used as quarter bells.There were two bells cast as the clock tower's hour bell. A first, 16 ton weighing bell was cast by John Warner and Sons in 1856. Since the Clock Tower was not yet completed, the bell was hung temporarily in the Palace Yard. The bell soon cracked so it was recast in 1858 in the Whitechapel Bell Foundry as a 13.5 ton bell. Unfortunately soon after this bell was placed in the belfry in July 1859, it cracked as well. This time, instead of yet again recasting the bell, the crack was repaired and a lighter hammer was used to prevent any more cracks. The hour bell was probably named after Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works. Some sources however claim the bell was named after Benjamin Caunt, a British heavyweight boxing champion. The clock is known for its reliability, it has rarely failed during its long life span. Even after the nearby House of Commons was destroyed by bombing during World War II, the clock kept on chiming. The clock's mechanism, designed by Edmund Beckett Denison, has a remarkable accuracy. The clock's rate is adjusted by simply adding small pennies on the shoulder of the pendulum.

12. How do you see Moldovan society in the future?

There is no news anymore that Moldova as a country and Moldovans as the people of this country are eager to see the European integration issue solved as soon as possible and the Moldovans’ dream to be real European citizens to become reality. This dream, to become a part of the big European family, the Moldovans started to dream some decades ago.The Moldovan political reality is becoming more of a fashion and the process of European integration is the headline in the national newspapers, the first television news blocks are broadcast on this topic, trainings and seminars are organized for civil society in this sense. And all this is done only to train Moldovan society so that it should talk properly about this dream, and to indicate what we should do to shorten this long and difficult path of European integration. Moldova’s future? I think this would be the first question we should answer. Only after this we can ask for a future of the Republic of Moldova in a free and united Europe. Moldova, in my opinion, has a future as a state of integrity. It would be utopian to go on the idea that it has no future. Any state that is based on democratic principles, based on strong human values and moral norms, such a state has a future. Although at the Moldovan diplomacy chapter we have worked just a bit, there is, however, a gleam of light at the end of the tunnel. For Moldova, the path to a free and united Europe will be difficult, simply because we have some more unresolved problems related to the country’s social and political life. It might be slower

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this way, but why shouldn’t we ask for a decent future of the RM, to get rid for good of all the red past, where we always enjoyed mutilating our physique, but also the soul.

13. Your school is hosting a group of exchange students.

Only at high school age is it possible to have the maturity, flexibility and adaptability to become part of another family and truly discover a foreign culture through living as a local.It is the opportunity of a lifetime, and one with invaluable rewards – confidence, communication and negotiation skills, cultural adaptation and international understanding – from which you will benefit for years to come. Exchange programs seek to engage your sense of adventure and determination to succeed – to live in another culture, to speak another language, to grasp foreign customs, to learn a different history and most of all, to understand its people. In doing so, you will appreciate the world of difference between a temporary tourist and a temporary resident. An exchange program will grant your wish to explore this difference by living in a country and experiencing it as a local on a day-to-day basis – being a member of a typical host family and attending a local school with fellow students. As part of your cultural immersion and ongoing education, you will attend a local high school with fellow teenagers in the host community. Becoming an active member of your overseas school will give you a further opportunity to make international friends, discover customs and engage in a foreign culture. You will have the chance to take advantage of the many different subjects, timetables and clubs, not to mention social and sporting activities with your new friends. Living in a foreign country is undoubtedly the best way to learn another language. At first students can find it difficult to understand but gradually, with support and encouragement from the host family and new friends, the language, and the confidence to experiment with it, comes.

14. Write a short article about People of Art.

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Art has been a part of our life for as long as humanity has existed. For thousands of years people have been creating, looking at, criticizing, and enjoying art. Art is life, not something to be placed in a shrine and substituted for life. Actually, art is an effort to create, besides the real world, a more human entity. Moreover, a true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. Indeed, even those who regard art as an ideal and artists as idealists cannot deny that art is a faithful mirror of the life and civilization of a period. A famous people is Leonardo Da Vinci. In 1452, Leonardo Da Vinci was born in an Italian town called Vinci. He lived in a time period called the Renaissance, when everyone was interested in art. Even though Da Vinci was a great artist, he became famous because of all the other things he could do. He was a sculptor, a scientist, an inventor, an architect, a musician, and a mathematician. When he was twenty, he helped his teacher finish a painting called The Baptism of Christ. When he was twenty, he helped his teacher finish a painting called The Baptism of Christ. When he was thirty, he moved

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to Milan. That is where he painted most of his pictures. DaVinci's paintings were done in the Realist style.

Life itself is an art. The swing of the pendulum may raise art to the skies or bring it down crashing to the earth. Experimentation is what art thrives on, and such experimentation, as in science, ultimately proves highly beneficial to society. The progress in art reveals the progress of a country and its innermost character. The relationship is, therefore, intimate and is becoming increasingly obvious.

15. What would you do to make your dreams come true?

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. When we are young we tend to be day dreamers, believing one day our ship will come in and take us where we want to go. All we have to do it wait. Luck seems to be an important word in our vocabulary. Lets face it, if we believe that luck is the key to success we will never have to point the finger at ourselves as the reason for failure. What is a daring dreamer? Someone who is willing to change in order to turn his dream into a reality.There are a lot of people today who seem to have a lottery mentality. They believe that financial success should come to them without having to earn it. Usually these types of people never take responsibility for their financial future beyond just getting by. They have no interest in the success journey, only the destination. What is the success journey? True success is measured by how much you are able to help others achieve their God given dreams. That is why success will always be a journey and never a destination.Success is accomplishing the hard work along the way, not arriving at the destination. Ever wonder why some of the wealthiest people on the planet continue to work so hard? It is because success to them is their work, not the financial rewards. This attitude is what got them there in the first place.You decide whether your dream will happen! You just wait, you can want, you can hope that help will come as a snap, but all this is to limit the chance. And do you wonder why you just was chosen for this hazard? What makes you so special between 6 billion that without any effort get the tray dream fulfilled? This life is not waiting. Instead it means to make decisions: You have said what you want, or say that you cannot right now. The most important key to a dream to come true is to make personal investments. Commitment and action are needed for dreams to come true. Expectations, desires and dreams without commitment do not make anything happen. People who can help you will not occur for “what-if” or “can I “. The lack of support of the loved ones or those around us are a convenient excuse. But that’s the wrong reaction. If we want to fulfill our dream, we must be able to explain to anyone how these dreams can become reality. And this requires thought, strategy and action.