Essential Elements for the State Oral Health Program Quilt Bev Isman, RDH, MPH, ELS Reg Louie, DDS, MPH UCSF Dental Public Health Seminar Series February 5, 2013

Essential Elements for the State Oral Health Program Quilt Bev Isman, RDH, MPH, ELS Reg Louie, DDS, MPH UCSF Dental Public Health Seminar Series February

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Essential Elements for the State Oral Health Program Quilt

Bev Isman, RDH, MPH, ELSReg Louie, DDS, MPH

UCSF Dental Public Health Seminar SeriesFebruary 5, 2013

Funded by CDC Cooperative Agreement 5U58DP001695-05

Presentation Overview

ASTDD and State Oral Health Programs

Background and Purpose of Infrastructure and Capacity Enhancement Project

ASTDD Resources Developed for States

Research Methods, Study Findings and Lessons Learned

Selected State Case Studies

Recommendations & Possible “Next Steps”


A national non-profit organization representing staff of state public health agency programs for oral health.

Collaborates with more than 25 organizations and federal agencies to accomplish its mission and to share best practices, evidence-based strategies and resources to support improvements in oral health programs.

State members and 100+ associate members

State Oral Health Program (SOHP)

Unit of state government, usually in the public health department

Each state differs in how the program is designated, funded, and staffed and what services are provided

States are charged with monitoring the health (including oral health) of its citizens and promoting proven, cost-effective ways to prevent disease

Programs partner with other state and community groups to perform the 3 core public health functions of 1) assessment, 2) policy development and 3) assurance

Background Recognition that improved OH infrastructure

is needed at national, federal, state & community levels to assure oral health for US Surgeon General’s Report: Oral Health in America Healthy People Objectives National Call to Action NIDCR study by Tomar

CDC and ASTDD recognized the need to review status of SOHP Infrastructure and Capacity

CDC Funded Baseline Survey: 1999 Delphi Survey; 43 state

responses 19% had a state-based oral health

surveillance system 38% had a state oral health improvement

plan 48% had an oral health advisory

committee/coalition representing a broad-based constituency

Efforts Since 1999 ASTDD 2000 report, Building Infrastructure

& Capacity in State and Territorial Oral Health Programs - 10 top infrastructure and capacity elements to address 10 Essential PH Services

CDC and HRSA used the elements in their funding opportunities

CDC funded ASTDD to develop resources and provide technical assistance to states

Definitions Infrastructure is the basic physical and

organizational structure and support needed for the operation of a society, corporation or collection of people with common interests

Capacity is the actual or potential ability to perform activities or withstand threats

Quilt is a single piece that can be a work of art, constructed by a team following a pattern and comprised of many individual elements

10 Essential PH Services for OH10 Essential PH Services to Promote Oral Health in the US*


1. Assess oral health status and implement an oral health surveillance system

2. Analyze determinants of oral health and respond to health hazards in the community

3. Assess public perceptions about oral health issues and educate/empower them to achieve and maintain optimal oral health**

Policy Development

4. Mobilize community partners to leverage resources and advocate for/act on oral health issues

5. Develop and implement policies and systematic plans that support state and community oral health efforts

Assurance6. Review, educate about and enforce laws and regulations that promote oral health and ensure

safe oral health practices

7. Reduce barriers to care and assure utilization of personal and population-based oral health services

8. Assure an adequate and competent public and private oral health workforce

9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population-based oral health promotion activities and oral health services

10. Conduct and review research for new insights and innovative solutions to oral health problems


Guidelines for State and Territorial Oral

Health Programs Key document based on 10

Essential Public Health Services to Promote Oral Health in the US and the 3 core PH functions

Matrix of State Roles, Activities and Resources

Used in the mentoring program; program reviews; advocacy for oral health, state program support and policy change; to develop a state oral health plan

Competencies for State Oral Health Programs

78 Competencies in 7 domains with progression of skill levels

Focus on Core PH Functions and Essential Services for the whole program; clinical competencies not included

Integrated into mentoring program, state OH program reviews and technical assistance (TA)

State and local health agencies use for strategic planning, to develop scopes of work, align staffing skills, advocate for additional resources to fill gaps in skills, and to create team or individual professional development plans.

Orientation and Mentoring Program

Orientation webinars acquaint new members and associate members with ASTDD and the resources available

Mentoring program pairs a new dental director with an experienced dental director to communicate via phone, email or site visits to provide guidance/peer support in developing and administering a strong state program to improve the oral health of a state’s residents

Mentees note how this program

increased their knowledge,

confidence and skills in a

variety of areas

State Oral Health Program Review (SOHPR)

Includes a variety of self-assessment tools: SWOT analysis, core data set checklist, budget worksheet, briefing booklet

Guide for states to request a comprehensive oral health program review by a team with diverse areas of expertise

Reviews help with strategic planning and program prioritization, rallying support from and collaboration with multiple stakeholders, increasing program visibility and highlighting successes, identifying TA needs and need for additional resources

20 reviews since 1986, most recent in AK and MA (will discuss later)

Best Practices Project•Purpose: Build more effective state, territorial and community oral health programs

•Best Practice Approach Reports: 12 with more coming

•State and Community Practice Examples: 200+

•Most viewed portion of the ASTDD website

•States use to make decisions and improve programs

ASTDD 7 Step Model

Designed to make needs assessment simpler and more manageable

Step-by-step guide Can be adapted to

specific community resources and objectives

The process provides integrated information about health status, the existing health system and health resources

National Oral Health Surveillance System (NOHSS)

Designed to monitor burden of oral disease, use of the oral health care delivery system, and status of community water fluoridation on a national and state level

9 indicators: 4 adult OH, 3 child OH, 1 fluoridation status, and 1 oral cancer

Programs use frequently for state comparisons and in grant writing and reports to policymakers

State Profiles

To view oral health summaries click on a state above or select a

state by name:

Alabama GO

This system was developed with the collaboration of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD).

Basic Screening Survey (BSS)

A tool for obtaining data for an oral health surveillance system to monitor the burden of oral disease without overtaxing limited human resources in collecting data

Manuals, examiner training videos, implementation packets and other associated materials are available for children (primarily 3rd grade and preschool) and for older adults

ASTDD consultants provide more than 100 hours of TA to states each year

Many states have published oral disease burden documents 3rd grade data have been submitted by 44 states to NOHSS as of

2012 Translated into Spanish and used by Children International in 11

countries last year to screen 125,610 children to triage into care

State Synopses of Oral Health Programs

An annual report and a website contain state information useful in tracking progress toward Healthy People objectives

Display trends in demographics, infrastructure, workforce, administration, budget, and programs across multiple years

Programs use the information similar to how they use NOHSS; ASTDD uses for trend analysis

Policy Assistance

ASTDD Committees and Focus Areas to Help States

Best Practices Communications CSHCN Data and Surveillance Emergency

Preparedness and Response

Evaluation Fluorides Head Start and Early


Healthy Aging Perinatal Policy School and Adolescent

Oral Health State Development and


ASTDD Communication Tools

Annual report Quarterly newsletter Weekly News Digest Website Multiple targeted listservs Webinars Exhibit booth Annual meeting and the

National Oral Health Conference in April

Infrastructure Enhancement Project (2010-present)

CDC funded ASTDD to review current status of SOHPs and progress over the past decade

Final report: State Oral Health Infrastructure and Capacity: Reflecting on Progress and Charting the Future

Report Methodology Reviewed and analyzed:

State Synopses and other data from 2000-2010 CDC DOH-Funded States’ Evaluation Reports CDC, HRSA and ASTDD Investments in State

Oral Health Programs Conducted Interviews of Collaborations

between State MCH-Title V and SOHP (20 states)

Conducted Interviews of SOHPs and other stakeholders (10 states)

Format and Content of IEP Report

Identified Key Infrastructure/Capacity Elements for SOHPs

IEP Study Findings: Current status and trends for SOHP structure/org

placement/staffing, funding SOHP ability to perform Core Public Health Functions

and 10 Essential Public Health Services Lessons Learned and Recommendations

by Infrastructure/Capacity Elements Next Steps

State Oral Health Program Infrastructure Elements

IEP Overall Study Findings From 2000-10, considerable investments

from Federal/state governments & others > tools, resources and funding opportunities Enhanced/broadened OH surveillance and

epidemiology infrastructure, capacity, expertise

> states with state oral health plans Overall increased SOHP budgets and staffing

but many fluctuations and recent decreases No “ideal” staffing model > evidence-based primary prevention

policies and programs

SOHP Placement and Authority in Health Agency

Statutes in 20 states require a state oral health program in the public health agency

16 require a state dental director 13 require both organized as programs (21), offices (9), units

(5), sections (5), bureaus (4); the rest are branches, divisions or service areas; these change with reorganizations in health agency

Dental Directors (SDD)

In 2010, 7 states had SDD vacancies 21/43 SDD (48.8%) had held the position for less

than five years, 13 (30.2%) for five to nine years, and 9 (20.9%) for 10-24 years

12 states had directors that had been in the position for less than one year

States with a full-time director increased from 61% in 2000 to 80% in 2010

10 (19.6%) did not have a dental professional as the director; 17 states (33.3%) had a dental professional with a public health degree


States that provide or support clinical service programs have larger staffs, e.g. three states have 500, 120, and 63 staff

States with two or fewer FTE staff has decreased from 41% in 2000 to 12% in 2010

Those with 5 to 20 staff has increased from about 20% to 41%

Improved access to staff within or outside agency with specific expertise, e.g., epi, evaluation

No one staffing model is appropriate for all


Program Funding Concerns

21 states reported budget decreases from 2010 to 2011; one state lost their primary funding source (state general fund dollars); another state’s budget decreased from more than $3 million to less than $250,000, with corresponding elimination of programs and staff

10 states reported no budget change; 16 reported a budget increase; budgets vary widely depending on grants available

8 states received 100% of funding from one primary source

14 states receive no direct MCH Block Grant funding, while three are 100% MCH funded

State Oral Health Program Activities

Oral health education and promotion (92%)

Dental sealants (78%) Dental screening (74%) Early childhood caries

prevention (74%) Access to care (64%) Fluoride varnish (62%) Programs for pregnant

women (54%)

Fluoride mouthrinse (50%)

Abuse/neglect education or PANDA (20%)

Fluoride supplements (tablets) (18%)

Mouthguard/injury prevention (10%).

Prevention Program Successes

In 2000, about 193,000 children received dental sealants through 25 state sealant programs

In 2010, 40 states had a sealant program that served almost 400,000 children

Fluoride varnish program increased from 23% of states in 2002 to 62% of states in 2010

Programs for pregnant women have increased from 45% in 2005 to 54% of states in 2010

Problems with Snapshot Reports

Recent Pew Report, Falling Short. Most States Lag on Dental Sealants

Examples: MO, CA Need for continued

trend analysis paired with reasons for changes

Oral Health Needs Assessment and Planning

Substantial improvement since 2000 in collecting core state OH data for N/A and planning

Nine states reported improvements in OH defined as a decrease in the prevalence of untreated decay or an increase in prevalence of sealants in 3rd graders

20 states collect OH data from their state’s PRAMS 50 states are reporting water system fluoridation status

and updates, while 28 states report some level of monthly operational data to CDC’s Water Fluoridation Reporting System (WFRS)

In 2010 CDHP collected state OH plans from 42 states

Oral Health Coalitions

In 2007, an Oral Health America survey showed 41 states with a state oral health coalition

As of 2011, 28 state coalitions had joined the American Network of Oral Health Coalitions (ANOHC)

Children’s Dental Health Project is creating a database of OH coalitions

Lessons Learned – SOHP Placement and Resources

Organizational placement of SOHP can be influential

Diversified funding is advantageous Support for more than just the SOHP is

key, e.g., support for local programs Single funding source can jeopardize a


Lessons Learned – Leadership, Staffing & Partnerships

Successful SOHP needs a continuous, strong, credible leader to create partnerships and leverage available assets

Key to address 10 Essential PH Services & SOHP Competencies

SOHP need not be BIG – but need to be strong and forward thinking/visionary

Need advocates/coalition/partners with financial and political clout

Must take advantage of leadership/professional development opportunities

Lessons Learned – Surveillance Capacity

Data drives decision-making and needs to be current (within 5 years)

Need surveillance with sound analysis and dissemination

Strategic and effective sharing of data reports promote understanding of OH and disease prevention programs and the need for and value of funding these evidence-based programs

Lessons Learned – State Planning & Evaluation Capacity

Need current/comprehensive SOHP plan with a practical evaluation component. Allows SOHP to assess and communicate its relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness and impact

Evaluation must engage stakeholders Evaluation can help build infrastructure and

enhance sustainability when results are used to improve programs, increase program visibility and demonstrate program achievements

Lessons Learned – Evidence-Based Prevention & Promotion Programs

& Policies

States with documented improvements in OH status of residents have strong EB local programs with quality guidance/support from the SOHP

Local programs without guidance/support are not always successful

States with local programming limited to OH education have not seen improvements in OH status of the children they serve

Lessons Learned - Resiliency

Resiliency of an organization relates to the ability to bounce back following some environmental, financial, political, public relations or other challenge, misfortune or disaster

The ability to scale programs up and down in response to the environment, and the ability to identify and sustain core elements can help to sustain programs in challenging times

Key Messages from the IEP Report

State oral health programs make an essential contribution to public health and must be continued and enhanced.

Successful SOHPs need: diversified funding for state and local evidence-based programs a continuous, strong, credible, forward-thinking leader complement of staff, consultants and partners with proficiency in the

ASTDD Competencies one or more broad-based coalitions that include partners with fiscal

and political clout valid data (oral health status and other) to use for evaluation, high

quality oral health surveillance, a state oral health plan with implementation strategies, and evidence-based programs and policies

State Case Studies from Previous UCSF Seminars

North Carolina New Mexico New York California

Case Study: New Hampshire

Leadership/staffing Use of national and regional resources Integration within Health Dept and focus of

activities Planning, policies, legislation Diversified funding Links to local programs

Results from SOHPR - Alaska

SOHPR Documents support SOHP Planning Leadership/staffing Promotion of Oral Health within Department

of Public Health and focus of activities Planning, policies, legislation Importance of linkages with other programs

and partners Links to local programs

Results from SOHPR- Massachusetts

SOHPR Documents support SOHP Planning Leadership/staffing Promotion of Oral Health within Department

of Public Health and focus of activities Planning, policies, legislation Importance of linkages with other programs

and partners Links to local programs

IEP Recommendations (1)

RECOMMENDATIONS(in order of the infrastructure elements as shown in Figure 3, but not prioritized)


Federal Govern-



Organiza-tions &


State Public HealthAgency

State Oral Health


Other State

Organiza-tions &


Local Public Oral

Health Program

Other Local

Organiza-tions &



1. Provide coordinated and sustainable base funding for federal, State and local oral health programs.

2. Identify and procure diversified funding sources for state and local oral health programs.

3. Leverage resources to support oral health programs and initiatives.

4. Expand and strengthen the availability of local oral health resources to bring public oral health programs to diverse and under-served populations.

5. Promote use of current tools and technical assistance to strengthen state and local oral health programs.

6. Position public oral health programs in a prominent position within the public health agency structure.

IEP Recommendations (2)RECOMMENDATIONS

(in order of the infrastructure elements as shown in Figure 3, but not prioritized)

STAKEHOLDERS Federal Govern-


ASTDD,National Organiza-tions &


State Public HealthAgency

State Oral


Other State

Organiza-tions &


Local Public Oral

Health Program

Other Local

Organiza-tions &



7. Develop and adopt a common vision and goals for oral health among federal, state and local agencies and national partners while acknowledging there are dif-ferent strategies and structures for achieving the goals.

8. Promote, provide and support leadership and professional development opportunities.

9. Staff federal, state and local oral health programs with qualified public health/oral health professionals whose skills match the job functions.

10. Strengthen State oral health leadership, consistent with the ASTDD Competencies.

11. Promote and support partnerships between the public and private sectors to improve oral health at the State and local levels.

12. Promote and support partnerships between maternal and child health, chronic disease, and other public health programs and payors to address social determinants and other factors that impact public health.

13. Increase emphasis on dental public health issues in undergraduate and graduate dental and dental hygiene programs, dental residencies, and any new specialty programs for dental hygienists.

IEP Recommendations (3)

RECOMMENDATIONS(in order of the infrastructure elements as shown in Figure 3, but not prioritized)


Federal Govern-



Organiza-tions &


State Public HealthAgency

State Oral Health


Other State

Organiza-tions &


Local Public Oral

Health Program

Other Local

Organiza-tions &



14. Ensure that there is capacity for development, implementation, and evaluation of State oral health surveillance systems; data analysis; and use of data to guide decision making and educate the public and policymakers.

15. Ensure there is high quality oral health surveillance and broad dissemination as part of overall public health surveillance.

16. Collaborate to integrate oral health data with other health survey data, e.g., height and weight.

IEP Recommendations (4)

RECOMMENDATIONS(in order of the infrastructure elements as shown in Figure 3, but not prioritized)

STAKEHOLDERS Federal Govern-


ASTDD,National Organiza-tions &


State Public HealthAgency

State Oral


Other State

Organiza-tions &


Local Public Oral

Health Program

Other Local

Organiza-tions &



17. Engage in ongoing and strategic collaborative state-level oral health planning to address the oral health of the population throughout the lifespan and to promote equity among all subpopulations.

18. Develop and sustain capacity to conduct comprehensive evaluation of public oral health infrastructure and programs at all levels and use evaluation findings to guide decision making.

IEP Recommendations (5)RECOMMENDATIONS

(in order of the infrastructure elements as shown in Figure 3, but not prioritized)

STAKEHOLDERS Federal Govern-



Organiza-tions &


State Public HealthAgency

State Oral Health


Other State

Organiza-tions &


Local Public Oral

Health Program

Other Local

Organiza-tions &



19. Develop and monitor public policies that promote oral health and evaluate the impact of policy changes.

20. Assess public opinions, awareness, knowledge, and behaviors and use the data to design effective communication strategies targeted to the public and policymakers to promote oral health and the importance of oral health to the overall health of the population throughout the lifespan.

21. Promote and support the translation/transferring of research evidence into promising implementation models at State/local levels and evaluate the impact.

22. Implement culturally relevant, evidence-based programs that prevent disease and promote oral health across the lifespan.

Next Steps for ASTDD and Partners

Resources Leadership, Staffing and Partnerships Surveillance Capacity State Planning, Evaluation Capacity Evidence-Based Prevention &

Promotion Programs & Policies

Key References

State Oral Health Infrastructure and Capacity: Reflecting on Progress and Charting the Future : http://www.astdd.org/docs/Infrastructure_Enhancement_Project_Feb_2012.pdf

ASTDD Guidelines for SOHPs: http://www.astdd.org/state-guidelines/

ASTDD Competencies for SOHP and Tools for Competency Assessment: http://www.astdd.org/docs/CompetenciesandLevelsforStateOralHealthProgramsfinal.pdf

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