indracompany.com More than 140 Utility companies worldwide make use of Indra Solutions InCMS CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENERGY AND UTILITIES

ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management

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Page 1: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management


More than 140 Utility companies worldwide make use of Indra Solutions

IncmscUStoMer ManageMent SySteM

avda. de Bruselas, 33-35 28108 alcobendas Madrid (españa) t +34 91 480 50 00F +34 91 480 50 80indracompany.com

Indra reserves the rightto modify thesespecifications withoutprior notice.

energy and utilities

energy and utilities

solution map

Features and Benefits

Incms cUStoMer ManageMent SySteM



88 implementations worldwidemore than 100 million customersmanaged by our commercial solutions


Page 2: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management

A system specially designed for Utilities from the own Utilities’ experience

With more than 25 years of proven expertise,InCMS is the Indra´s solution that satisfies the needs of utilities regulated and competitive markets with regards to the whole commercial cycle and customer relationship management

InCMS is an integrated, modular,system designed to support customermanagement for utilities. Its functional structure, rich, flexible and highly configurable, was designed to respond to the requirements of a constantly evolving dynamic market.

InCMS design aims at optimizing the most important concepts of the commercial cycle in utilities: customer loyalty, sales growth, cost reduction and prompt decision making.




InCMS provides all necessary informationfor daily operations and notifes the activities, to the different management levels in order to facilitate processes decision making.

InCMS is the result of the evolution of consecutive implementations inutilities throughout the world.

It offers a multi-service solution to companies that manage several services.

Indra’s InCMS solution keeps recordsof a niche player, according to Gartner’sMagic Quadrant, since several years andstands in the IDC MarketScape customercare and Billing.

Page 3: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management

A system specially designed for Utilities from the own Utilities’ experience

With more than 25 years of proven expertise,IncMS is the Indra´s solution that satisfies the needs of utilities regulated and competitive markets with regards to the whole commercial cycle and customer relationship management

InCMS is an integrated, modular,system designed to support customermanagement for utilities. Its functional structure, rich, flexible and highly configurable, was designed to respond to the requirements of a constantly evolving dynamic market.

InCMS design aims at optimizing the most important concepts of the commercial cycle in utilities: customer loyalty, sales growth, cost reduction and prompt decision making.

cRm Feature




Distribution services

•FacilitiesManagement:Premises,supplies•DevicesManagement:Procurement(Batch and Individual registration of meters)•Individualtrackingofmeterstatus,laboratories and tests•RoutesandReadings:Scheduling,reading quality controls, uploading, downloading


•Mobile Reading Applicationreading activities carried out bysynchronizing data between centralserverandreader’sthroughwebservices

•On Site Billing to support reading andbilling on-site functionality

•Mobile Field Orders: real time fieldservices generation and execution

•Mobile Virtual office for customers to perform most common operations

collection And Debt management

•Groupingofseveralinvoicesonasinglepayment notice•ManagesDirectDebit,wiretransfers,credit cards gateways, cash drawers control•PaymentAgreements,Installmentloans, Budget plans•DebtRecoveryandBadDebtmanagement

New connection/Disconnection

•UseofWorkflowstodefineProcesses•Possibilityofdefiningdifferentactionpoints (premises, supply, device, address)•ManagesTechnicalCentersandsubcontractors•Automaticworkgroupassignment

•Managementofutilityservices(electricity, gas, Water) and Value added Products(VAP’s)•Managementofallstepswithinthecontracting business processes (move-in,move-out, contract modifications,reconnections) by means ofcustomized workflows•ManagementofPrepaidandPostpaidcontracts

contracting marketing and sales

•Managesbothmassmarketandcustomized sales from a single platform•EnergyservicescatalogueandValueAddedProducts(VAP’s)•Complexoffersmanagement•Prepaidenergysales

channel Integration

•Thesystemisenabledforinteractionwith several channels.(SMS,eMaIL,WeB)•Thesystemcanbeintegratedwithdifferent ctI technologies through available IncMS connectors•PossibilitytointeractwithIVRplatforms through available Web Services

Field Orders

•FieldOrders:generation,scheduling,assignment, appointments management,resolution, charges application•Abilitytomanagefieldorderthroughmobile devices•WebServicesareavailabletosend/receive field orders

egoVernment y soluciones sectoriales

energy and utilities energy and utilities

IncmscUStoMer ManageMent SySteM

InCMS provides all necessary informationfor daily operations and notifes the activities, to the different management levels in order to facilitate processes decision making.

InCMS is the result of the evolution of consecutive implementations inutilities throughout the world.

It offers a multi-service solution to companies that manage several services.

Indra’s InCMS solution keeps recordsofanicheplayer,accordingtoGartner’sMagic Quadrant, since several years andstandsintheIDCMarketScapecustomercare and Billing.

Page 4: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management

A system specially designed for Utilities from the own Utilities’ experience

With more than 25 years of proven expertise,IncMS is the Indra´s solution that satisfies the needs of utilities regulated and competitive markets with regards to the whole commercial cycle and customer relationship management

InCMS is an integrated, modular,system designed to support customermanagement for utilities. Its functional structure, rich, flexible and highly configurable, was designed to respond to the requirements of a constantly evolving dynamic market.

InCMS design aims at optimizing the most important concepts of the commercial cycle in utilities: customer loyalty, sales growth, cost reduction and prompt decision making.

cRm Feature




Distribution services

•FacilitiesManagement:Premises,supplies•DevicesManagement:Procurement(Batch and Individual registration of meters)•Individualtrackingofmeterstatus,laboratories and tests•RoutesandReadings:Scheduling,reading quality controls, uploading, downloading


•Mobile Reading Applicationreading activities carried out bysynchronizing data between centralserverandreader’sthroughwebservices

•On Site Billing to support reading andbilling on-site functionality

•Mobile Field Orders: real time fieldservices generation and execution

•Mobile Virtual office for customers to perform most common operations

collection And Debt management

•Groupingofseveralinvoicesonasinglepayment notice•ManagesDirectDebit,wiretransfers,credit cards gateways, cash drawers control•PaymentAgreements,Installmentloans, Budget plans•DebtRecoveryandBadDebtmanagement

New connection/Disconnection

•UseofWorkflowstodefineProcesses•Possibilityofdefiningdifferentactionpoints (premises, supply, device, address)•ManagesTechnicalCentersandsubcontractors•Automaticworkgroupassignment

•Managementofutilityservices(electricity, gas, Water) and Value added Products(VAP’s)•Managementofallstepswithinthecontracting business processes (move-in,move-out, contract modifications,reconnections) by means ofcustomized workflows•ManagementofPrepaidandPostpaidcontracts

contracting marketing and sales

•Managesbothmassmarketandcustomized sales from a single platform•EnergyservicescatalogueandValueAddedProducts(VAP’s)•Complexoffersmanagement•Prepaidenergysales

channel Integration

•Thesystemisenabledforinteractionwith several channels.(SMS,eMaIL,WeB)•Thesystemcanbeintegratedwithdifferent ctI technologies through available IncMS connectors•PossibilitytointeractwithIVRplatforms through available Web Services

Field Orders

•FieldOrders:generation,scheduling,assignment, appointments management,resolution, charges application•Abilitytomanagefieldorderthroughmobile devices•WebServicesareavailabletosend/receive field orders

egoVernment y soluciones sectoriales

energy and utilities energy and utilities

IncmscUStoMer ManageMent SySteM

InCMS provides all necessary informationfor daily operations and notifes the activities, to the different management levels in order to facilitate processes decision making.

InCMS is the result of the evolution of consecutive implementations inutilities throughout the world.

It offers a multi-service solution to companies that manage several services.

Indra’s InCMS solution keeps recordsofanicheplayer,accordingtoGartner’sMagic Quadrant, since several years andstandsintheIDCMarketScapecustomercare and Billing.

Incmscustomer management system


43 104

88 ImplementatIons worldwIdemore than 100 mIllIon customersmanaged by our commercIal solutIons

Page 5: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management


Solution Map

Features and Benefits

Page 6: ESTE COLOR INDICA TROQUEL NO IMPRIME€¦ · credit cards gateways, cash drawers control • Payment Agreements, Installment loans, Budget plans • Debt Recovery and Bad Debt management


More than 140 Utility companies worldwide make use of Indra Solutions

IncmscUStoMer ManageMent SySteM

avda. de Bruselas, 33-35 28108 alcobendas Madrid (españa) t +34 91 480 50 00F +34 91 480 50 80indracompany.com

Indra reserves the rightto modify thesespecifications withoutprior notice.

energy and utilities

energy and utilities

solution map

Features and Benefits

Incms cUStoMer ManageMent SySteM



88 implementations worldwidemore than 100 million customersmanaged by our commercial solutions