architecture possibility on ethereum or ethereum fork

Etherem ~ agvm

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  1. 1. architecture possibility on ethereum or ethereum fork
  2. 2. @ghasshee architect
  3. 3. admin > eth > web3 build/bin/geth console > admin.newAccount('your passward') brew tap ethereum/ethereum brew update brew install cpp-ethereum --devel --build-from-source to compile contract, you need Solidity complier in cpp-ethereum
  4. 15. cd build/bin ./geth conole >admin.getCompilers() [' Solidity '] > var a = 'contract aa{}' undefined > a 'contract aa{}' > eth.compile.solidity(a) { aa: { code: '0x600180600c6000396000f30000', info: { language: 'Solidity', languageVersion: '0', compilerVersion: '0.9.13', abiDefinition: [ ], userDoc: { methods: { } }, developerDoc: { methods: { } }, source: 'contract aa{}' } } }
  5. 16. more information see github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki
  6. 17. EVM itself is very expensive because it is global VM
  7. 18. So if EVM is forked and used locally ? IoT !!
  8. 19. howls moving catsle is possible except teleportations
  9. 20. difinition : agvm := architectual global virtual machine = ethereum / codius with conterparty avm := architectual virtual machine = forked ethereum
  10. 21. tradeoffs ethereum : global VM limited usage of database calledblockchain avm : local VM unlimited usage of database enabling IoT !!
  11. 22. = E
  12. 23. Youngs module : E
  13. 24. in the structure dynamics we have : strain : stress think something has occured :
  14. 25. state time guess what happened with get the stable state
  15. 26. state() calculated state() external censor external censor mining := otptimization = prediction apparent state() verify modify some state change occur stabled at new state guess
  16. 27. thus we can adopt mining & verifying to all of things around us
  17. 28. Further more , Young module : E varies from material to material , especially in woods it varies from log to log and from time to time. If we use blockchain , we can also update E with blockchain .
  18. 29. Of course , there is still challenges and problems , but keep thinking your IoTs !!
  19. 30. Thank you .
  20. 31. easy explanation of Dapps
  21. 32. bitcoin : mere script language ethereum : programming language augur
  22. 33. agvm IOT blockchain state ----(state transition function)-----> state | |-----(state transition function) --------> state fork fork state ----(state transition function)-----> state | |-----(state transition function) --------> cracked state BitcoinProof of Work
  23. 34. ethereum ethereum fork avm ( architectural vitual machine ) external physical censor physical value (strain) ---| |---(verifying)---> apparent state : calculated with strain |--------------------------| | state ----(state transition function(mining)) ---> calculated state : calculated with stress
  24. 35. the verifying process is like : if apparent state - calculated state