Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics Topics Covered What is Ethics? Introduction to Ethical theories How should we tell the difference between right and wrong? How can we work out what to do in a moral dilemma? What do religions say about Ethical Situations? Ethical Situations looked at include: Abortion, Euthanasia, Experiments on Animals, how to care for the Environment Evaluation of these different ideas What is your opinion? Useful Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPsoFhUDL uU What is Ethics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- UhiRLuSlIU Kant’s Ethical ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSsmvs7_H wA Utilitarianism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muFAuRkE 3-w&t=103s Are you a good person? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv41TzJR4 9g Abortion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BozCApJNk T0 Euthanasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- ugJifl5Bm4 Looking after animals What is Ethics? The Study of ethics is connected to Philosophy and looks at how we should think about and deal with Good and Evil. It looks at ideas such as: What thinks or actions are good, and which are evil? How do we know the difference between right and wrong? What if different people have different ideas about right and wrong? How can we tell the difference between the two? How can we make decisions about what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong things to do? Should we think about the consequences of our decisions? How do our decision affect us? How do our decisions affect others? Does religion have a part in making Ethical decisions?

Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics

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Page 1: Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics


Year 9 Knowledge Organisers

Term 2: Ethics

Topics Covered

What is Ethics?

Introduction to Ethical theories

How should we tell the

difference between right and


How can we work out what to

do in a moral dilemma?

What do religions say about

Ethical Situations?

Ethical Situations looked at

include: Abortion, Euthanasia,

Experiments on Animals, how to

care for the Environment

Evaluation of these different


What is your opinion?

Useful Links:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPsoFhUDLuU What is Ethics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UhiRLuSlIU Kant’s Ethical ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSsmvs7_HwA Utilitarianism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muFAuRkE3-w&t=103s Are you a good person? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv41TzJR49g Abortion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BozCApJNkT0 Euthanasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ugJifl5Bm4 Looking after animals

What is Ethics?

The Study of ethics is connected to Philosophy and looks at how

we should think about and deal with Good and Evil. It looks at

ideas such as:

What thinks or actions are good, and which are evil?

How do we know the difference between right and wrong?

What if different people have different ideas about right and


How can we tell the difference between the two?

How can we make decisions about what is the right thing to do

and what is the wrong things to do?

Should we think about the consequences of our decisions?

How do our decision affect us?

How do our decisions affect others?

Does religion have a part in making Ethical decisions?

Page 2: Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics

Keyword Definition

Abortion The act of ending a pregnancy

Active euthanasia Where someone has asked for help in ending their life

Conception The point at which a sperm cell meets an egg cell and an embryo starts growing

Conjoined twins Twins born attached to each other, may share orrgans

Conscience A voice in your head that tells you what is right and what is wrong

Contraception Used to stop pregnancy

Deep ecology Belief that humans have a duty to protect the earth and should do what they can to ensure this happens

Embryo Name given to foetus in early stages in pregnancy

Ethics A science which studies what is the right course of action in any given situation

Euthanasia From Greek meaning easy death, to end someone’s life

Foetus Name given to a baby whilst it is unborn and in mother’s womb

Genetic engineering Modifying something/someone’s DNA to improve/change their traits, eg, to cure a genetic disorder

Involuntary euthanasia Where a decision is made for someone to die without their agreement, eg, death penalty

Jeremy Bentham Came up with the idea of utilitarianism

Kantian ethics Branch of ethics which says the action that helps the most people involved is right BUT it must be followed by everyone

Medical ethics Branch of ethics that dictates the right course of action to be taken in medicine

Modern slavery Situation in modern times where people work for no money and have no freedom

Moral dilemma A situation where it is not clear what is the right thing to do

Morals A set of rules which tell us what is right and wrong

Natural Law Branch of ethics that says the right course of action is the one God would want, ie, what does the Bible say?

Passive euthanasia A decision is made for someone who cannot decide for themselves that they should die, eg, switching a life support machine off

Pro-choice Belief that people have the right to choose to have an abortion

Pro-life Belief that abortion is never right

Sanctity of life Belief that life is sacred, given by God

Shallow ecology Belief that the Earth is here for the benefit of humans and should be protected for humans only

Situation ethics Branch of ethics that says the right course of action is the kindest one for people involved, What Would Jesus Do?

Trafficking Movement of goods, eg, people, drugs, between countries for illegal purposes, eg, modern slavery

Trolley problem A thought experiment whereby a decision must be made between killing 5 people or 1 person. Links to utilitarianism

Utilitarianism Branch of ethics which says the action that helps most people is right

Viable Term used in pregnancy to mean the stage at which a foetus can survive outside its mother’s womb

Voluntary euthanasia Where a person wishes to die with help from someone else

Page 3: Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics

Help with



Here are tips to help you

write answer to your


Challenge yourself. Practice questions.

1. Explain, using evidence why some religious people

think that Abortion is wrong

2. Evaluate the 4 Ethical theories we have looked at.

3. Compare the different types of Euthanasia

4. Discuss whether experimentation on animals is


5. Compare 2 different views Christians have on


6. Outline your ideas on genetic engineering.

Page 4: Ethics Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Term 2: Ethics

Different Ideas about whether Abortion and Euthanasia are Right

or Wrong


(No abortion)


(Can have an abortion)

Its murder A woman should be able to choose what happens to her body

Every child should have a right to life

If she is raped she should be able to have an abortion

Have the baby adopted if you don’t want it

If the mothers life is at risk an abortion is acceptable.

God chooses when you live and when you die

If you cant afford to give the baby a good quality of life

Use contraception if you don't want a baby

If the baby is severely disabled

Religious Ideas: Remember: When evaluating different opinions on Ethical Theories remember to include religious ideas as well. Christianity – Roman Catholic: Preserve Life no matter what. Evidence “Do not kill.” Christianity Protestant: Things like Euthanasia and Abortion are generally wrong but they except there are times when they might be understandable e.g. in Abortion if a mother’s life is at risk. Judaism: In abortion if the baby is not able to live outside of the womb then an abortion is acceptable. The mother’s life is of more value than the unborn child. Euthanasia is regarded as murder (Do not kill). Islam: Abortion is acceptable if the soul has not yet entered the Babies body. This happens between 49-120 days depending on the group in Islam you agree with. Some do not accept it at all. Euthanasia is always wrong as Allah chooses when we die. Buddhism: The 5 precepts state that you should preserve life, therefore abortion and Euthanasia are wrong. However, the Dalai Lama has said that a woman can make her own decision about Abortion about what is right for her.

Different Ethical Theories

Kantian Ethics Everything we do must be for the good of the people involved. the rule has to be copied by everyone.

Utilitarianism The best course of action was one that was in the best interests of the majority.

Natural Law Natural law is designed to help humans live good lives in the way that God intended.

Situation Ethics This is a theory that tries to reflect on what Jesus might do – the most loving thing.

These are the Ethical theories we look at in lessons. They are guides for making good

Ethical decisions if you have a problem to sort out e.g. should you have an abortion?

For Euthanasia Against Euthanasia

• It puts people out of pain

• They are going to die any way. Let them have some dignity and choose the day they die

• Respect the person – if they are no longer able to help themselves eat etc they should have a choice about what happens to them

• If you can put down a dog why can’t you help out a person as well?

• Its murder • What if they find a cure?

• It wrong to expect someone to help you kill yourself – not fair on them

• Life is a gift • Its against the law

• People can come out of a coma

• Religions believe that God decided when you were born and should decide when you die