4 JW Nt Ms.- :i ?! 7 SHe' ?vif?C-- ' Kr- - j--- . v zcf:-- . ,-- 7. j tv-- - i'i-.'r-. - r--- - rf "V J "V .?'-- ' v - A y ill 1111 r I ii I I If I I I f 1. I j1 1 ! I ii Hi t VOL. V. NO. 228. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY , SEPTE3IBEK 23, 1886. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY drrrttsements. 3Jmttsemfnt$. ATTORSEYS-AT-LA- Pacific Commercial Advertiser UNION BSIOS FEED CO., Queen fr EGiriburgh Streets, WBOLK&ALX A RKTA.IL Dealers la HAT AND tJKAIX. Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. BONE MEAL !! The undersifmed are now prepared to re ceive. orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Back A Oblandt San Francisco: The following is a report of tba compo- nent parts, as obtained bj Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " Silicioua Matter 4.65 ' " Lime 81.70 " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 4 Oxide of Iron 85 " " Carbonic Acid 1.89 Alka Salts 52 " 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cnt. Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. G. Irwin & Co., Agents or the Hawaiian Islands. 85tf i S. L. ITANUT. JOBS iriHANCI. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front NU. Han Fraucico. 67 tf Aw .. ISAAC E. DAVIS. MKNKT COWKLL DAVIS & COWELL, MANCFACTCRKHn Or Santa Cruz Lime. OF KNOLIS1I rORUANH CK. IMPORTERS 1 Kit, FIKK URICKfe, FIKK CLAY, Etc. 211-21- S DRUMM Street, btt. y and Washington, P. O. Box 2,292. RAN FRANCISCO. 62.Vm-- 7 J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMKN'8 EQUIPMENT, 12 and it Pine street, Han Francisco, CaJ Agents for Klrby's santa Crus Tanneries. Hols Harness and all other kinds of leather. lSses IV H. X. KX.L1S. J. W. MILLKB. ELLI S fc M I JR Wholesale and Commission Doalers In Hay. Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR BTRF.ET, Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO mm- - Orders Solicited. 423dec2i-l- y Wiiitticr, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1G RUBBER PAIM PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW (U.ASM and AR- TISTS' MATERIAL, 21-2- 3 Front St., t t Nan FrancUro 4J4-ira-i- y W. 11. ALDItlClI, General Business Agent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store. Orient t., where be will attend to any business entrusted to bis care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, aud prompt attention given to the delivery of the same. Employment OfTice. UNDERSIGNED HAS MOVED INTO THE office of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be 111 be prepared to furnish household rvnts. colteet bills, do Auglo-Cblnes- e interpreting, and a general business. HUYONU. Steam Laundry . PEICE LIST. TRANSIENT RATES. White Shirts (with collar and cuffs) Iaurtrled and Polished. 10 cents each. White Pants, plain, Laundrled 10 cents; starched 15 cents. White Coats, plain, 15 cents; starched, 20 centi. White Vests, plain, 10 rents; starched, i& cents. CONTRACT RATES. ONE DOLLAR per dozen for large pieces, FIFTY CENTS per docen for small pieces. DANCING CLOTHS, 2 each. MOSQUITO BARS.50 cents, steamed and bleached. BLANKETS, washed and steamed, 15eents each. SPECIAL Rates For Shipowners and Agents. The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100. MUTUAL. 43 GEO. CAVENAGH, 297-- tf LESSEE. SELLIN G OUT Desiring to close out our SHIP CHANDLERY . . And COMMISSION BUSINESS, We will sell at reduced prices onr entire stoek. goodwill and lease of premises to a responsible party at a fair valuation. A. W. PIERCE & CO. Honolulu August 9, 188fl. 34 10 Klohala. Saloon. Best of Ales, Wioes and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. Fancy drinks of every description a specialty. H. U, Webb, d&wJy Proprietor. THE WHITE HOUSE No. 118 Nuuanu St., Honolulu - - H. I. Private Family Hotel. TERMS REASONABLE. FIRST-CLAS- AC-CO- MO DA TIO NS. MRS. J. VIERKA, tf ;Frourletres, Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealand. fiAPiTAL. : io.ooo.ooo! Established an Agency at Ravfiii? for the Hawaiian Islands, the un dersigned are pre pared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. .Marine rin.s iu Sv, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted & payable. 82-d- wt WM. U. IRWIN A CO. SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON. KST4BLISHKD 17 10. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the local affents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribuuts recoguixec G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 10d&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL SJO.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Insurance oi all description Ilire be eitVcted at Moderate Kates of Preut urn, bv the undersigned. WrM. O. IRWIN fe CO. Managers for Haw. Islands THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Nimaiiu Street, Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 U LETl STItAUSS & CO., H and 16 Battery street, San Francisco Cal. Iiupoitersof Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, Hosiery, Ladies aud Gent's Furnishing Goods. .Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of tbecele-barte- d PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING. 479 jan26 87 Tahiti Lemonade Works. Crated Table Waters. GINGER ALE. LEMONADE. GRENADINE. PLAIN SODA. Absolutely Pure. As supplied to the principal families iu Hono- lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. H25tf G. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Ship Chandlery, 3 and 40 Market Nt Nan Franelsco. Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur- ing Company. 528fe23-l- y WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers of Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Beale Street. Nan Fraueisco. 277-Jyd- '7 I W S. LUCE, WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, Campbell Block, .vlercliant St., Has Just received tnese celebrated brands oi Whiskies in case: O. & O. S. S. KENTUCKY WHISKY, C. AV. STUART KENTUCKY WHISKY, McKENNA'S KENTUCKY WHISKY, MALTED RYE WHISKY. And in Bulk, "OLD CROW" WHISKY, " HERMITAGE " WHISKY, "NEW HOPE " WHISKY, " BEL AIR" WHISKY. Special attention drawn to "NAOLEE' NEST OLD PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY. BSJ" Full line of the best brands of Champagne, Brandies, Whiskies, etc., always on band. lS3-au- 4 CLlSIX'CK W. VOLK1CT V, AiaroiD. ASHrOKD. Aanford A AJihford, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS. ADVOCATES, ETC. Office nonolulu Hale, adjoining the Post Office. 267d4wa piKCIL BROWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AND Vy Notary mniic, t ampoeu i ttioca, aienruwii street M. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- , And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and a. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 40Stf J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT IAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Etdate In any part of the Bought, Sold aud Leased on Commission Ixans Negotiated and Legal Doeumenta Drawn No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 16-- tf WENNER & CO. 93 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate. Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing In all Its brandies. sr 8tle Agents for King's Eye Presei vers. Metropolitan Market KINO STREET,? O. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR Choicest Meats from Finest Herd 4, Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. AH meats delivered from this market are thor ouely chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties. and I9 GUARANTEE TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY- - KILLED MEAT. H3-t- ! JOSEPH TINKER, Family Shipping Butcher, CITY MARKET, NUUANU STREET. All orders Promptly attended to. Telephone 29, both companies JOSEPH TINKER wishes to Inform his patrons and the public generally that be will deliver bis noted Cambridge Sausages, Fresb every afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5 p. ra. CORN'ED BEEF and PICKLED TONGUE always on band. 323tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printing at the Iaclflc Commercial t:vcrtlr Office will from this date be presented for pay. rnent monthly. Honolulu, March 2, I85. IS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. HUBHCRIPTIONH: Daily P. V,. Aovkrtiskr, one year.. -- ...f s 00 DAcv f. 'C Advkrtihkk, six montaa 3 00 Daili r. V. A uvjcrtiskr, three months- - 1 SO Daily P. C. Advrhtibicr, per month 60 Wkkklv P. C Advcbtukh, one year- - S 00 f eign HubucripUou, W. P. C. A. (Including DosteJ...........- - m. 6 SO Payable Invariably in Advance St. Louis College. Boarding & Day School FOR BOYS, At Kamakela, Honolulu. PEOSPECTUS. The course Of instruction embraces all the branches of a (rood Christian and Commercial Education. A Special ClasH has been formed this year for advanced scholars. Latin, Greek, French and German are optional. For Day Scholars 50c, 75c, 50, per month. The Boarding Department consists of two dis- tinct classes of pupils. Board and tuition, 1st Class, pet annum $150 Board and tuition, 2d Class, per annum 75 Instrumental music, per month I Vocal music and drawing, free of charge. Laundry expenses, per month 3 Medical attendance forms extra charge; also, repairs of all kinds. Books and stationery at current rates. Payments must be made quarterly (every months), and in advance. Every boarder must be provided with bed clothes, mattrasses, two night gowns, several suits of clothing for Sundays and week days, six shirts, six pocket handkerchiefs, three pairs of stockings, collars and ties, three pairs of shoes-- all marked. Also, toilet articles, such as hair- brush, tooth, nail and shoe brushes, combs, soap and blacking. For admission as boarders, cer- tificates of good moral character and of health are required. Uniforms will be obligatory for boarders. Boarders may spend the first Saturday of every month with their parents or guardians. A quarterly ieport of the health, conduct and improvement of every boarder will be sent to his parents or guardians. The session commences this year on MONDAY, September 13, 188G. S3"Tot further particulars, apply to FATIIEK SYLVESTER, S.S., C.C. OAHU COLLEGE, HONOLULU, II. I. Fall Term Opens September 13,1886. The Faculty of the past year will be in- creased by the addition of Mr. C. W. Sever-enc- e, A. B., who comes to ua from the Man- chester School, Manchester, Vt. Mr. Sev-eren- ce has made a special study of the French Language in Europe, and will take that branch in the College work, together with Elocution and kindred subjects. The Boarding Department will be under the same management as last year, and offers a pleasant school-hom- e to all who may desire to live at Punahou. Those planning to join the school for the coming year are requested to communicate at an early date with the President, REV. W. C. MERRITT. Punahou Preparatory School, 78 Beretania street, Honolulu, H. I., Miss E. Y. Hall, Principal. The Trustees have added a year to the former course, makiDgit to correspond with the best Grammar school courses of the cities in the United States. They are happy to announce that they have secured a corps of experienced instructors to assist the Prin- cipal, consisting of the following ladies : Miss Agnes Mooar, of Oakland, Cal., takes the Fitth and Sixth Grades. Miss Ella B. Snow, of Ware, Mass., takes the Third and Fourth Grades. Miss Mary Stuart, of Oakland. Cal., takes the Primary Grades. - The School opens at 9 o'clock MONDAi. September 13, 1886. For additional information address Rev. W. C. Jlcrritt. To tlie IPublic. The Pacific Transfer Co., Oftlce with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. Mutual Telephone 391. S77. Bell Telephone prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauUnVor moving work, aU of wnich I wUl ua.- - W i: 7 , 1 J 1 a I 5 41 1 Claus Sprecicels. Wm. G. Irwin. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Draw Exchange on the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposits oa open account, make collections and conduct a geueral-bankin- and exchange business. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 77oc3tf cues BPaaoxBLs fs. o. lawia WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS and Cominiiou Sl'GAK Honolulu U. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., iiurf Wholesale IeIT in InilMtrlcrs Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-in- ? and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumauu Street. Honolulu, H. I. IStf-w- tt H. HACKFELD & CO., . EXEltAL COMMISSION ACJEXTS. G1 11 tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. T. BANNINS. W. UAKKTKN1, F OrrERGKLT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Jb Commission 8f erebAnts. Importers Honolulu, U. I. H-t- f MACFARLANE & C0-- , DEALERS AND UK, WHOLESALE in WINES and L1QUOK3. No. 12 Haahumanu Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 102 tf Hyman Bros., 54.Qneeu street. Honolulu. Sole agents for W. Duke Hons;C,o.'s celebrated brands of Cross Cut Smoking Tobacco AND CAMEO CIGARETTES, The latter containing one bolder to every cigar- ette, and therefore every smoker can keep bis hand clean. ITAs weonly sell to the trade, protection of price Is guaranteed. 300 oc20 Wing Wo Tai & Co ABE NOW IN THEIR UST E W STORE WITH FULL LINES OF IN" E V GOODS TEAS, BICE, .MANILA CIGARS, CHINESE MATTIXO, CAMPHOR TRUNKS, PONGEE SILK, ETC. ETC. WING W0 TAI & CO. 22 & 24 NUUANU St. 377oct9 NOTICE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND I after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted without the written ord of myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER Honolulu, September 10, I88, 378 decll Ilaud Orders Solicited. 91lf ETJEEKA ! We have received a consignment o the most Economical ai,J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, vis.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and Butter producer In use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu ritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 Ss. o this meal is equal to 30O Bs. of oats, or 319 Bs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. (i Also, out Unrivalled MINED FEED, as well as our usual supply of the best kinds o Hay. Oats, Wbfat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE te CO. IS tf John F. Colburn, Importer and Dealer in Hay and. G rain? Corner Kins: and Maunnkea Streets. -- Good delivered promptly. Mutual telephone X87. 118 tf TELEPHONE 55 'NTERPRISP PLANING MILL, .j3 Alakea. near tlueen St. L3 21-- tf Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BV Benson, Smith & Co. Sam.T)le bottle free. TRY IT. 68 tf J. LYONS, vi cti onet)r AND General Commission Merchant. Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu ales ofFiirnf tare. Stock, Real Estate s and General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Asrent for DWicaii & European MerctianSise. 191-t- f J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolnln. 1 1. 1. 65 t JOSHUA IIENDY iVtachine Works 3To. 33 to 31 Fremont Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Manufacturers of N'ew and dealers in Second- hand Boiles. Engines and Machinery Of Evry Description. Have constantly In stock New and Second-ban- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, M ACH f NISTS' TOOLS, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- S, ETC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli cation, ! GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. L..ki!t. Yfo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds cf Book. News, Flat and Label Papers. Binders Boards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 LeidesdorfT Street. Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. X B. Special Attention riven to IjHrge Contracts. S8 tfAw The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA XV. H. TAYLOR- - President JOS. MOORE Superintendent ,OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN BUILDERS brunches; steamboat, Stesmship, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSKLS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges aud Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR LULLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. sniP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands,) 226se30-lyd-- w L. G. SUESOYICH & CO., Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried; manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas, Limes, Pine Apples, Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and Smyrna Figs, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Eastern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct hy every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1388. Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 10. 413, 415 and 417 Washington nreet, opposite Post Oflice; 412, 414 and 416 Merchant street. 479feb2fl87 SAN FRANCISCJ. BEAVER SALOON. TiU. C FORT STR.BKT. Opposite Wilder & Co.'s H. J. Nolte, Propr. OFKX TOM i A. M. TILL 10 P. M HUST-CLAS- S LrXCBES, C0FFEK, TEA, SODA WATEE, C1.GEE Al E, Cigars and Tobacco: OF BEST BRANDS Plaic and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant KSW1CS & CG, BILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Pi oprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a A SMOKE. OR A GAME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. NOLTE; 26-- U m 1 1

ETJEEKA - University of Hawaii...The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100

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Page 1: ETJEEKA - University of Hawaii...The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100

4JW Nt Ms.-



7 SHe' ?vif?C--' Kr-- j--- . v zcf:--.,--

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I j 1 1 ! I ii Hi t


THE DAILY drrrttsements. 3Jmttsemfnt$.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser UNIONBSIOS FEED CO.,

Queen fr EGiriburgh Streets,


Dealers la

HAT AND tJKAIX.Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.


The undersifmed are now prepared to receive. orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Back A OblandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report of tba compo-nent parts, as obtained bj Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "Silicioua Matter 4.65 ' "Lime 81.70 "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 4

Oxide of Iron 85 " "Carbonic Acid 1.89Alka Salts 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cnt.Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.




Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front NU. Han Fraucico.67 tf A w





CLAY, Etc.211-21- S DRUMM Street, btt. y and Washington,

P. O. Box 2,292. RAN FRANCISCO.62.Vm-- 7



12 and it Pine street, Han Francisco, CaJ

Agents for Klrby's santa Crus Tanneries. HolsHarness and all other kinds of leather.

lSses IV


ELLI S fc MI JRWholesale and Commission Doalers In

Hay. Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR BTRF.ET,

Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCOmm-- Orders Solicited. 423dec2i-l- y

Wiiitticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front St., t t Nan FrancUro4J4-ira-i- y

W. 11. ALDItlClI,General Business Agent,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store. Orient t.,where be will attend to any business entrustedto bis care.


Orders for milk respectfully solicited, audprompt attention given to the delivery of thesame.

Employment OfTice.

UNDERSIGNED HAS MOVED INTOTHE office of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where be111 be prepared to furnish household rvnts.

colteet bills, do Auglo-Cblnes- e interpreting, and ageneral business. HUYONU.

Steam Laundry .


White Shirts (with collar and cuffs) Iaurtrledand Polished. 10 cents each.

White Pants, plain, Laundrled 10 cents; starched15 cents.

White Coats, plain, 15 cents; starched, 20 centi.White Vests, plain, 10 rents; starched, i& cents.

CONTRACT RATES.ONE DOLLAR per dozen for large pieces,FIFTY CENTS per docen for small pieces.DANCING CLOTHS, 2 each.MOSQUITO BARS.50 cents, steamed and bleached.BLANKETS, washed and steamed, 15eents each.

SPECIAL RatesFor Shipowners and Agents.

The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of thscity and suburb. Orders by Telephone or otherwise will receive prompt attention.




Desiring to close out our


COMMISSION BUSINESS,We will sell at reduced prices onr entire stoek.goodwill and lease of premises to a responsibleparty at a fair valuation.


Honolulu August 9, 188fl. 34 10

Klohala. Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wioes and Liquors


Fancy drinks of every descriptiona specialty.

H. U, Webb,d&wJy Proprietor.


No. 118 Nuuanu St.,

Honolulu - - H. I.Private Family Hotel.



MRS. J. VIERKA,tf ;Frourletres,

Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.

fiAPiTAL. : io.ooo.ooo!

Established an Agency atRavfiii? for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned are pre pared to accept risks against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. .Marine rin.s iu Sv,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted & payable.82-d- wt WM. U. IRWIN A CO.



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the local affents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribuuts recoguixec

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

10d&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.





Insurance oi all descriptionIlire be eitVcted at Moderate Kates of Preuturn, bv the undersigned.

WrM. O. IRWIN fe CO.Managers for Haw. Islands

THOMAS LINDSAYManufacturing Jeweler,

No. 60 Nimaiiu Street,Honolulu, II. I.

Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 U

LETl STItAUSS & CO.,H and 16 Battery street, San Francisco Cal.

Iiupoitersof Foreign and Domestic Drygoods,Hosiery, Ladies aud Gent's Furnishing Goods.

.Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of tbecele-barte- d


Tahiti Lemonade Works.

Crated Table Waters.GINGER ALE. LEMONADE.


Absolutely Pure.

As supplied to the principal families iu Hono-lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. H25tf

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery,3 and 40 Market Nt Nan Franelsco.Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur-

ing Company. 528fe23-l- y



16 to 22 Beale Street. Nan Fraueisco.277-Jyd- '7



Campbell Block, .vlercliant St.,Has Just received tnese celebrated brands oi

Whiskies in case:








BSJ" Full line of the best brands of Champagne,Brandies, Whiskies, etc., always on band.

lS3-au- 4


AiaroiD. ASHrOKD.


ADVOCATES, ETC.Office nonolulu Hale, adjoining the Post

Office. 267d4wa

piKCIL BROWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- ANDVy Notary mniic, t ampoeu i ttioca, aienruwiistreet



And Solicitor in Chancery Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and a. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 40Stf




Real Etdate In any part of theBought, Sold aud Leased on Commission

Ixans Negotiated and Legal Doeumenta Drawn

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 16-- tf

WENNER & CO.93 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate.Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing In all Its brandies.sr 8tle Agents for King's Eye Presei vers.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finest Herd 4,

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

AH meats delivered from this market are thorouely chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties.and I9 GUARANTEE TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY- -KILLED MEAT. H3-t- !


Family Shipping Butcher,



All orders Promptly attended to.Telephone 29, both companies

JOSEPH TINKER wishes to Inform his patronsand the public generally that be will deliver bisnoted

Cambridge Sausages,

Fresb every afternoon between the hours of 3and 5 p. ra. CORN'ED BEEF and PICKLEDTONGUE always on band. 323tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat the

Iaclflc Commercial t:vcrtlrOffice will from this date be presented for pay.rnent monthly.

Honolulu, March 2, I85.


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily P. V,. Aovkrtiskr, one year.. --...f s 00DAcv f. 'C Advkrtihkk, six montaa 3 00Daili r. V. A uvjcrtiskr, three months- - 1 SO

Daily P. C. Advrhtibicr, per month 60Wkkklv P. C Advcbtukh, one year-- S 00f eign HubucripUou, W. P. C. A. (Including

DosteJ...........- - m. 6 SO

Payable Invariably in Advance

St. Louis College.

Boarding & Day School


At Kamakela, Honolulu.

PEOSPECTUS.The course Of instruction embraces all the

branches of a (rood Christian and CommercialEducation. A Special ClasH has been formedthis year for advanced scholars. Latin, Greek,French and German are optional.

For Day Scholars 50c, 75c, 50, per month.The Boarding Department consists of two dis-

tinct classes of pupils.Board and tuition, 1st Class, pet annum $150Board and tuition, 2d Class, per annum 75Instrumental music, per month IVocal music and drawing, free of charge.Laundry expenses, per month 3

Medical attendance forms extra charge; also,repairs of all kinds.

Books and stationery at current rates.Payments must be made quarterly (every

months), and in advance.Every boarder must be provided with bed

clothes, mattrasses, two night gowns, severalsuits of clothing for Sundays and week days, sixshirts, six pocket handkerchiefs, three pairs ofstockings, collars and ties, three pairs of shoes--all

marked. Also, toilet articles, such as hair-brush, tooth, nail and shoe brushes, combs, soapand blacking. For admission as boarders, cer-tificates of good moral character and of healthare required.

Uniforms will be obligatory for boarders.Boarders may spend the first Saturday of every

month with their parents or guardians.A quarterly ieport of the health, conduct and

improvement of every boarder will be sent to hisparents or guardians.

The session commences this year on MONDAY,September 13, 188G.

S3"Tot further particulars, apply to



Fall Term Opens September 13,1886.

The Faculty of the past year will be in-

creased by the addition of Mr. C. W. Sever-enc- e,

A. B., who comes to ua from the Man-

chester School, Manchester, Vt. Mr. Sev-eren- ce

has made a special study of theFrench Language in Europe, and will takethat branch in the College work, togetherwith Elocution and kindred subjects. TheBoarding Department will be under thesame management as last year, and offers apleasant school-hom- e to all who may desireto live at Punahou.

Those planning to join the school for thecoming year are requested to communicateat an early date with the President,


Punahou PreparatorySchool,

78 Beretania street, Honolulu, H. I.,

Miss E. Y. Hall, Principal.

The Trustees have added a year to theformer course, makiDgit to correspond withthe best Grammar school courses of thecities in the United States. They are happyto announce that they have secured a corpsof experienced instructors to assist the Prin-cipal, consisting of the following ladies :

Miss Agnes Mooar, of Oakland, Cal., takesthe Fitth and Sixth Grades.

Miss Ella B. Snow, of Ware, Mass., takesthe Third and Fourth Grades.

Miss Mary Stuart, of Oakland. Cal., takesthe Primary Grades.- The School opens at 9 o'clock MONDAi.September 13, 1886.

For additional information address

Rev. W. C. Jlcrritt.

To tlie IPublic.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Oftlce with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.

Mutual Telephone 391.S77.Bell Telephone

prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauUnVor moving work, aU of wnich I wUl ua.- -





J 1

aI 5



Claus Sprecicels. Wm. G. Irwin.




Draw Exchange on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits oa open account, makecollections and conduct a geueral-bankin- andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc3tf

cues BPaaoxBLs fs. o. lawia

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS and CominiiouSl'GAK Honolulu U. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,iiurf Wholesale IeIT inInilMtrlcrs Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-in-?

and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumauu Street.Honolulu, H. I. IStf-w- tt


EXEltAL COMMISSION ACJEXTS.G1 11 tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Jb Commission 8ferebAnts.Importers Honolulu, U. I. H-t- f



No. 12 Haahumanu Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf

Hyman Bros.,

54.Qneeu street. Honolulu.

Sole agents for W. Duke Hons;C,o.'scelebrated brands of

Cross Cut Smoking Tobacco


The latter containing one bolder to every cigar-ette, and therefore every smoker can keep bishand clean.

ITAs weonly sell to the trade, protection ofprice Is guaranteed. 300 oc20







22 & 24 NUUANU St.377oct9


HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM ANDI after this date I will not be responsible forany debts contracted without the written ordof myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER

Honolulu, September 10, I88, 378 decll

Ilaud Orders Solicited.



We have received a consignment o the mostEconomical ai,J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, vis.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nuritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 Ss. o this meal is equal to 30O Bs. of oats,or 319 Bs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.(i

Also, out Unrivalled MINED FEED, as well asour usual supply of the best kinds o

Hay. Oats, Wbfat, Corn, Etc., Etc.


John F. Colburn,Importer and Dealer in

Hay and. G rain?Corner Kins: and Maunnkea Streets.

--Good delivered promptly.Mutual telephone X87. 118 tf



Alakea. near tlueen St. L321-- tf

Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sam.T)le bottle free.TRY IT. 68 tf


vi ctionet)rAND

General Commission Merchant.Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

ales ofFiirnf tare. Stock, Real Estates and General Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Asrent for

DWicaii & European MerctianSise.191-t- f

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolnln. 11. 1.65 t


iVtachine Works3To. 33 to 31 Fremont Street.


Manufacturers of N'ew and dealers in Second-hand

Boiles. Engines and Machinery

Of Evry Description.

Have constantly In stock New and Second-ban- d



Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon application, !


St. L..ki!t. Yfo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds cf

Book. News,Flat and Label Papers.

Binders Boards,Twines, Etc.


205 LeidesdorfT Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X B. Special Attention riven toIjHrge Contracts. S8 tfAw

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets.SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA

XV. H. TAYLOR- - PresidentJOS. MOORE Superintendent

,OF STEAM MACHINERY, INBUILDERSbrunches; steamboat, Stesmship,Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSKLS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges aud Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR LULLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

sniP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steamwinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pacific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands,)226se30-lyd-- w

L. G. SUESOYICH & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried;manuiacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas,Limes, Pine Apples, Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,Central America, Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct hy every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1388.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 10.

413, 415 and 417 Washington nreet, opposite PostOflice; 412, 414 and 416 Merchant street.

479feb2fl87 SAN FRANCISCJ.


Opposite Wilder & Co.'s

H. J. Nolte, Propr.OFKX TOM i A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and Tobacco:OF BEST BRANDS

Plaic and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pi oprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aA SMOKE. OR A GAME OF


H. J. NOLTE;26-- U

m1 1

Page 2: ETJEEKA - University of Hawaii...The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100



-- rrv

T JrL 32

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for Siile Kaii.t a.t the Foilr.wtnt; r!Hf

J. M.OAT ft CO Merr-rian- t streetCRYSTAL SOUA WOliK.S Hotel streetT. O. THRUM -- ..Fort street

Five Cents per copy.



Wednesday, September 22d.Kaili, for drunkenness was fined ?.",

nnd 1 cost".Joe (Portuguese), for a similar orf?r.se

ior;ed 40 hail.Wuilua (w), for disturbing the quiet of

the night forfeited 410 bail.ASSAULT A.VD BATTERY".

Yr'anNee, ChongHook and Yong San,


CLEAE A TC ' 1i on remand were charged that they didTHURSDAY 5- er.it ember 231.

-- AT-


The Popular Millinery House,1--3 onolvilu.L04: Fort StreetAX ACT



To NATURALIEB ABRAHAM Syiixey 13. Francis1ST. S. SA.CJIS, Pi-oprietoi- -.

To Commence ftflOSMDA Y, Sept. 20th.-- :o:-


The Legislative Assembly yesterdaymade progress with the file of bV.'.s onthe Secretary's tab'e. There is s.ill abig heap of unfinished busyies'-j-, audwhether it will be got through salis'ac-toril- y

is an open question. That a goodmany of the bills introduced during thesession will not leeome law is certr 'n,but they, nevertheless, encumber Ibe fieand delay necessary legislation. A com-mittee of selection miht be u.erdlyemployed upon the biils, but as thhwould be a rather invidious task, it willnot be imposed upon any member of theLegislature.

The election laws, or rather bills in-

tended to amend them, occupied thegreater part of the time devotod to publicbusiness. Our report contains a conciseburnmary of what took place in theHouse in relation thereto. The q nat-ions involved are of considerable in-

terest to the country at lare, and shouldbe carefully studied; but it was quiteevident that the majority did not shr. ethe anxiety of Mr. Thu.-sto- and ,?nt!c-me- n

on his side r .:xrd;n the luivre clthis Kingdom v nle.ii radical changeswere made in the law governing

The entire STOCK will be oflerd

Be it Evaded by the King and the Legislative Assembly of theHawaiian Inlands in the Legislature of the Kingdom Assembled:

Section 1. The Minister of the Interior, with the approvalof the King, is hereby authorized io grant to Abraham Hoii-nun- g,

and Syduey B. Francis Iloiinung, Letters Patent ofNaturalization as citizens of the Hawaiian Kingdom, ami toconfer upon His Majesty's Consul General resident in London,England, authority to administer the oath of allegiance andto sign the Jurat thereof.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect from and after itsapproval.

Approved this 22nd day of September A. D. 18S6.


At Cost and Loss than Cost Price

unlawfully assault and beat one Ah Faton the 16th instant. Plea not guilty.Me?srs Kinney & Peterson and W. R.Castle for defendants. The evidence ofcomplainant was to the effect that about0 o clock in the evening of that day he,in company with two friends, was pro-

ceeding towards fhe laundry, and onturning the corner of the building theymet the defendants. Yong San askedhim if he had given information to thepolice alxut his friends smoking opium,which complainant denied. Yong Sancontinued that he had heard so, and thelatter'a two companions exclaimed,"Yes, that is the man; beat him."Whereupon Wan Nee seized his left armChong Hook got hold of him by the hair,whilst Yong fcan beat him and tore hiscoat, causing complainant to loose hishat in the melee. Upon his calling out,his three assailants ran away, but nopolice apjeared on the scene. He wasaccompanied by two friends who advisedthe men to desist, but did not otherwiseinterfere. He had known defendants aiong time and regarded them as hisfriends. They were Haka men. Com-plainant had been employed as a waiterat the hotel, but was at the time out ofwork. He had received several bruise3on his back and one on his forehead.Corroborative evidence was given byby I loon Man and Ah You.

For the defen e, the prisoner sought toestablish an a'ibi, and produced wit-

nesses to substantiate their statements.Ah Fee, who lived at the wash house, inthe neighborhood ol which the assaultis alleged to have been committed, statedhe was there at the time, but heard nodisturbance. Had there been any hemust have heard it.

The defendants were remanded forjudgment until the 25th instant.

shortly. Most of our PRICESTo iuak room for an immense new utock to arrlviwill be

CUT TINT TWO !Tu'.s it a bona fide sale, and we guarantee to otfer

Genuine Jarrains in Every Department.AU Ood Will b marked tu plain figures. nd SOLU FOR CASH ONLY.

The Legislative Assembly meets at 9:30th's morning.

Slates and slate pencils given away thisweek at C. J. Fishei's.

Sixty-fiv- e dozen of boys' suits at gr?at!yreduced prices, at C. J . FLshel's.

The Honolulu Rifles met at their armorylast evening for drill.

The members of the Portuguese band arepracticing assiduously on their new instrumeats just received from France.

The book of the season. The HoxoluliAlmanac asd Directory for 18&5. Price,oO cents.

Val Blatz Milwaukee lager beer Ls thefinest in the market. Bottled expresslyfor this climate.

Messrs. E. P. Adams d Co. will holdtheir regular cash sale at 10 o'clock thismorning.SJThe number of pupils attending the Si.Louis College School is 37o, and new onesare arriving every day.

Malaria, the curse of large sections, ispositively cured and prevented bv the ueof Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky.

Twenty yards of good prints for only lat Chas. J. Fishel's, the Leading MillineryHouse.

ilerlioyal Highness the Princess Likr-lik- e

will be at home this afternoon from 3to 5 o'clock, at her residence, Waikiki.

Undressed kid gloves, ladies' underwearpink, white, cream and blue cashmere justr--

; oived by last steamer, at C. J. Fishel's.Uoud Supervisor Hart has repaired

those holes in the bridge a little this sideof the Pali.

Messrs. Lewis & Co. will have their usualconsignment of fresh goods on ice by thesteamer now due.

Mr. It. A. Macfie, Jr., of Kilauea, Kauai,is in town, having arrived by the steamerJames Makee yesterday.

Messrs. Davis & Wilder will receivefresh fish, fruit and vegetables bv thesteamer now due from the Coast.

Dr. E. Pratt, Bellefontaine, Ohio, writes:"I am well pleased with your Duffy's PureMalt Whiskj', and will use it exclusively inmy practice."

The steamer W. G. Hall reports abun-dance of rain in the district of Kau. Thetotal raimall for the month up to date is8 10-lC- O inches.

The Hon. L. ALolo, Commissioner ciBoundaries for Maui, Molokai and Lanai,has four notices in our "By Authority"column.

The Right Itev. the Loid Bishop of Olbafell from his horse nt Punahou yesterday,but fortunately did not receive any seriousinjury.

It is understood that the vacant lot atthe corner of Beretania and Richardstreets has been purchased by the BethelUnion Church Society, and that the new-churc-

will be erected thereon.The St. Andrew's Priory School for girls

is so full of pupils that numerous applica-tions for admission have had to be refused.It is probable before long that increasedaccommodations will be provided.

Applications for money orders on theUnited States, Great Britain, Germany,Portugal and Hongkong, per Royal Mailsteamship Alameda, will be received at thePost Office up to 4 o'clock Friday after-noon.

The precincts of the Police Court thismorning were thronged with an eagercrowd of Mongolians, whose demeanor wasfor the most part decorous, though thejudicial finger was on one occasion raisedto uphold the dignity of the Court.

Messrs. Wing On Wo & Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, be leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tify of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the best quality, for sale

N. S. SACHSHERE WE COME TO THE EEOiNT--With a fine assortment of--

Honolulu.104 Fort StreetGoods,Clothing and "FurnishingLOOK Jrr THE 1JRICI5 L I ST.Which we will sell at the following LOW PRICES :

Boys- - Suits from - Ity MRS. MELLIS' dressmaking establishment on the premises.$3 upwards.$ upwards.$9 upwards.

Youths' SuitsMen's Suits OPMIM OE NEW GOODS,

Our Furnishing Goods are all guaranteed, are as fiu in quality, and an CHEAP in p'ce asany legitimate bouse can aSord to sell in Honolulu.


5FWe ciinnot afford so give trash away to draw customers, :.uS v.ill sell you something which VEEY LOWAT

THE POLICE FORCE.rjWe agree with our evening contem-Aforar- y

that increased police projection13 needed. One cannot help remarking,

y however, upon the comparative absenceof serious crime, as a fact in our social,organization, which accounts in largemeasure for the security heretofore en-Aby- ed

by this community, although pro--vided with an insufficient police force.

1 But we cannot always hope for a con- -

tinuance of existing conditions. TheMr&trre Hawaiian people ar a3 devoid ofcriminal instincts as any race in theworld, but constant association withmen of other races is calculated to worka change in time. The Chinese are amuch more dangerous element, and re-

quire very much closer attention.Among them are undoubtedly manyhighly respectable men, but a large num-ber of them cannot be so classed. Here-tofore they have preyed chiefly upontlieir fellow-countryme- n, but their crim-inal proclivities may lead them to be-

come aggressive in other directions, andto guard against . such a contingencymayijly additional police protection isrequired. "We do not in these remarksexclude Portuguese, but they are a verydifferent class of people, and what-ever may be their offenses againstproperty, they are of a petty charac-ter and do not amount to any veryserious affair even in the aggregate.At letist the Court records do not show itif they do, and that is the only test thatcan be applied with safety. Indeed, wethink that as the Portuguese begin to ac-

quire property, and throw off the povertyof their early surroundings in this coun-try, they will be found to be as great

win give sausiacuon ana rauxe you can again ai

EAGA.N &d OO.'SFort and Merchant Streets.


The ,:Japs" onThe sailor boys of the Japanese train-

ing frigate Tsukuba are winning for them-selves and their officers very decidedcommendations for their discreet deport-ment and praisworthy conduct duringtheir leave time on shore " Jack-ashore- "

not unfrequently oversteps the line wnthfun and frolicsomeness, but the "Japs"turn up at the tap of the bell, at the hourof their expiration of leave, as sober asjudges, as polite, as courteous and asneat and clean as disciplined "dudes."Instead of "top-heaviness- ," a cumber-some melon, a bunch of bananas or a par-e- el

of presents for friends at home consti-tute the ballast and make plain sailing formen and officers alike. It was quite atreat, last evening, to see how rapidlyand yet how quietly, and in perfect dis-

cipline, some seventy men embarkedafter a day's "spree" on shore. Eventhe most censorious martinet or captiousdisciplinarian might have honestly said,"Well done, boys!" This is the secondvisit of the Tsukuba to this port and thefeeling of respect for H. I. J. M.'s vesselncreases with each visit.


GrlVEiST AAVAY.DO YOU WANT a fine family turnout, horse, phaeton, harnesH, etc. rDO YOU WANT a nice home' for your family?DO YOU WANT a good Pafe, cheap?DO YOU WANT ajjoodroad break?DO YOU WANT a neat side-b- ar buggy ?DO YOU WANT to rent a cottage ?DO YOU WAN 1' an agent to look after your bunineKx interest?IF YOU DO, a!l on or address

J. K. WISEMAN,General BusineHS Agent, Merchant atreet.

School will commence soon agaiu and parents shall

That CHAS. J. FISH EL will give GRATIS


Bell Teleil)oue 172. I. O. Itox 315. Mntnal Telhon 372.at moderate rices.


Just received, ex Lapwing, a larre consignment of

Genuine German CologneWith every Boy's suit we sell. We have over 65 dozen of Boys' suits on hand, which we will sellat greatly reaucea prices.

One Mate and Slate I'encil Riven to every purchaser of a Boy's suit.Come and price my BOYS' SUITS, aa they are the hest selected and cheapest stock In this city.

ARKIVAIAWednesday, September 22.

Strar James Makee, Weir, fron KauaiSchr Nettie Merrill, from HawaiiScbr Haleakala, from Pepeekeo, Hilo, HawaiiSchr Mokuola, iroiri EwaSchr Rainbow, from Koolau, Oabu

l'reparcd by Joliann Maria Farina,

Gegcnuber ilem Joliclis-Pla- lz Cologne, Germany

Reception Hon. If. A. I. Carter.His Excellency Governor Dominis has

ordered the Royal Hawaiian Military-Ban-

to play at the houee of Mr. P. C.Jones, Nuuanu Avenue, this evening, inhonor of his guest His Excellency II.A. P. Carter, Hawaiian Minister Pleni-potentiary and Envoy Extraordinary atWashington.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones will open theirhousa from 7 :30 to 10 o'clock, and willba pleased to see any of Mr. Carter's.'riends who may desire to call upon himduring those hours. The following is theprogramme of the music :

Overture "Romantic" Keler TelaSelection "Flying Dutchman". . ..WagnerWalt': "Venetian Nights" StraussSelection "Bohemian (Jirl" Dulfe

"KmvUoke me Lei Aloha,"Se'i ec t io n "Mikado" Sullivan( avotte "Welcome" KlussWait.: "Gasparodne" Millockerrolka "Stephanoie" Nahrbach

"Star Spanpled Tanner.""Hawaii Ponoi."

ICPAKTl!RKS.Wednesday, September 22.

Stair C R Bishop. Chaney. for Lahaina and

sticklers for "common honesty," in theconventional sense, as their neighbors ofany other nationality.

But the fact remains that the city pop-

ulation is increasing, and the buildingarea is widening, without a proportion-ate increase in the police force. Thereis really no police protection in thesuburbs, and the safety of life and prop-erty is dependent upon the law-abidi- ng

character of the Topulation as a whole.This state of things should not 'tfe al-

lowed to continue. The protective forceshould be increa3ed, and its e.Ticiencymaintained, in the general iiiic?r???l3 ofthe public. And here it is proper toremark upon the improved tone andactivity of the force since it p.nsed underthe control of Marshal Kaulakou. Thisis a very noticeable feature in his ad

:o :liamakua. Hawaii, at 4 p mStmr Waiuianalo, Nelson, for Walinanalo,

uanuSchr Waiehn. fo? Knau, M.-.u- i

Schr Ebukai, for Waialua, G..buSchr Kawailan', for Koo!au, OahuSchr Manuokawai, for Koolau, Oabu


109 Iort Street.Vessel Ieavlns: To-Ia- y.

Schr Kulamanu, for PunaSchr Luka, for Hakalau, HawaiiSchr Rainbow, for Koolau, Oabu

THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE.ministration, and the community at j PASSEXGEBS.

ARRIVALS.From Kana via Y.'a'.rnae, per s'ermer James

Mikee, Oc'ober 22c H A Mrcfie, J , Cbai KS H'ttJid, wi e anil cuilu, J Holt and w'fa, MrW Hoit and Geo EiClehardt.


OJLIFORTIA WINES.The undersized. SOLE AGLNTS for Menirs. Lncl.nian & Co.'s celebrated Wines, offer for al

at lowest market rates, '



HOCK, MUSCAT (sweet and dry),


FIREETTH & PEACOCK,Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchant.

23 limaiiii street Honolulu, Irl. I.

large is to be congratulated ujon it.But thg Marshal cannot do impossiblethings, and unless the police force be in-

creased and a mounted patrol added, hiswork must be limited to the present areaof active police supervision. This is apoint which the Legislature should con-eid- er

when the Appropriation bili com?'up for third reading. It affects the well-bein- g

and good government of this city,and should not be lost sight of in thegeneral legislative scramble which nearlyalways marks the closing days of a


' Se "nr.!e to Hon. J. I . Itunlnlcou.: Liv--t evejirg, by command of HisMfljsLv the King, the Royal HawaiianMilitary Band serenaded the Hon. J. L.Kahlukou, Marshal of the Kingdom, cth"s ieslder.ee in Beretania street. TheP'o:, iimme was composed of a choiceselection of music, interspersed withnative airs, and was carried out underthe directorship of Mr. Berger. A nu-

merous and distinguished assembl.eof ladie? and gentlemen, including mosiof the members of the L:irislature, wr.s

-- :o:- CHAMPAGNE,




The schooner Rainbow bonht do bas ricefrom Koolsu, Oajn, Saplembe. 2 d.

The schooner EhuVa" bJOi'Tht t&i baj9 suaracd .0 pis f.om Wa'.alua, Oa'jJ, Sep.etnber 2! 1.

The Ame:lf.-.- bar'i Edward May will w'.'hChinese pas-jenge.- s next Sara, jaRevths for passengers are now beii-- g bv. It.

The schooner Mokuola brought 280 be.js .Icerom Ewa, Oabv, September 22u.

The steamer W. G. Hall sail3 at 10 o'clock io- -


Sole agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " (UN, I'ellisson's uneolored,unsweetened, pure old BRANDY onlv two qualities ."hipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith & Co.'s

THISTLEDEW WHISKY,S. Lachman & Co.'s CALIFORNIA WINES, etc., etc. We otter for sale at re-

duced figures, a lur e and well assorted stock of ALES, BEERS, STOUTS,WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bond or dutv paid.

Messrs. Larliman k Co., being tbe laipest prodnrers on tl.e Pacific Coast, are enabled to placetheir WINKS in this n;arket at juices that defy oonipetitiojj.

present on the verandahs, where re-- 1 & PEACOCK, Sole Agents.FKEETIIP. O. Kox ."501. 373 Telephone Xs. 40.

373I O. Box 504. Telephone) Xo. 246.

l.esnments were provided on a liberalscale. A large number of visitorsa- -, embled in the vicinity, and the I'ffairthroughout was universally pronouncedextremely agreeable.

Attempted Incendiarism nt Wa:i!i:.n.What appears to have been a most de-

liberate attempt to destroy the skatingrink at Wailuku, Maui, is reported tohave been made at a late hour Fridaynisht. but hanoilv frustrated. The DAY1S & WILDER,

Importers and Dealers inflames attracted the attention of an old !.

and half-whit-ej The Indent of the Legislative As-wit- hwoman a voun- - bov, who

nraiseworthv nromntitndo nnrl nnt n' has appointed the following corn- - E. E. Mayhew, DISSOLUTION OF C0PARTNER- -

Snittoe to take into consideration the SHIP.little courage, set to work to extinguish'the fire before it got a firm hold of the preparation of a programme to prope.ly j CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,

p.orrow moninwii!i pcisecje.s for lis Vol-ca- n,

anu a full cargo of e--erl mercbaauUe

for w.ndwa.d pol ls.The British bark Isle of I.in will ea'A next

week for Portland, Oregon, with vJJ tons o' corliu t ajsit froja Glasgow.

The tern J. C.Fo.J. hai al j.dy t:,ken in 333tons of suir. She w'll w .'t .'or 130 tous euscreyecied by :he & eum-- r L'Le'iie nest Ealv.uay,f.nd w'il leave on Su..: -7 no .li.g lor SaaTranclrv' j.

T'je sr sooner Lvka ickei .3 C30 fet i 1 .'. nber io-I'.i'- .y

f Dr HaLa.Ir.ii. Ewa.I.The .choDier Ku1.iTnanu loaves (o-da- y wilb

57,C00 feet lumber io. Kaki'.i e"e.

The bcjooue. ?"et e Merrill ar ived Seplember2 d, CD hours -n Kona, Hawa-1- in ballast. Semade tbe round trip in i1? days. She will be

lid up for repairs.Captain D. O. KiTnian, who now co.nmands

tie AvaeT'.zu b. rk Atlanlr., was formerly ChiefOfficer or vbe wrecked steamer PUn:e.

The briganiine Consuelo baa finished discharg-ing her general c. rgo. She will sail next

wi.a sugar for San Francisco.The schooner Wa:ehu took 30 tons fertilizers

for Kauai September 22d, and the schooner Ha-

leakala taie3 about 2j tons fertilizers for Mr.plantation, Pepeekeo, Hawaii.

II I.,

celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Hi:.Majesty the King, November lCih:Hon. L. Aholo, Chairman; Hon. A. S.Cleghorn, His Excellency Mr. Gibson,Hon. S. Parser, J. E. Bush, J. L. Kau-luko- u

and W. R. Castle. The commit- -

86 Motel Street, Honolulu.(Opposite Fashion Siables).

Maple and Fnney 3rteerfeM. Irulnoe, I'roviwion anil tVeil.

Xo. 52 Fort street.Particular attention is called to the fact that all poods in our line are WARRANT:)) KRKRB

and of choice quality. All importations are so regulated as to avoid accumulations of old stock.


Ice House 'DelicaciesReceived by every steamer from Kau Francisco, embracing all varieties the market afford.

WOODLAWN DAIRY BUTTER, in bricks, and other choice Island Butter, always on hand.Daily deliveries to all rart of the city, Waikiki and the valley.

a meeting at 9 o'clock this

building. In this they were succsrsail,as the extent of the. damage was butslight, being confined to some of therafters. An empty kerosene tin iounuin close proximity to the scene of theconflagration furnishes strong presump-tive evidence that it was used for the pur-pose of saturating the roof with oil. Nomotive can be assigned for the dastardlyact, if such it be. The building is theproperty of an elderly woman namedKamaka, who states that she is quiteunable to fathom the mystery.

t?e will holdmorning. BELL TELEPHONE 53.P. O. HOX 315.

COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFOREif tin? under the ar.il namn of Chung Lee

& Co.. doing business at Ookala, Island of Ha-waii, hai been dissolved by mutnal consent. HamFoyLeuLuncand Loo SiDgChee having conveyedtheir respective interest y.o Kwong Lee Yuen itCo. The business will be continued under thefirm name of Kwong Lee Chong. The under-signed are alone authorized to collect all out-standing accounts.

KWONG LEE YUEN & CO.And remaining other partner,

KOK FAN YEE.We hereby consent to the above publication.


HAM FOY LEU LUN.Honolulu, September 18, 1886. 389dsep25woc5

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the Honolulu Almanac and

Ait work in my line faithluily done. Plans anrtspecifications made. Jobbing jn all details doneat short notice. Good work and luW rhargps ismy motto. 3Directory, 1S$G. Pri:e, 50 cents. 3t2tfBoth Telephone, No. 130.

Page 3: ETJEEKA - University of Hawaii...The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100


BY AUTHORITY I H'lWlii'lll PlvliTmorlt I Mr- - Kaulukou said the law now was bet-- ! The motion to indefinitely jxtpone was ; Mr. Hayselden t..id he knew it to be the tlons for celebrating His Majesty's birth-- 1

: terthan be.'ore, and as Mr. Thurston was carried on a division by the following vote: j contrary, as Mr. Thurston's own trienu day for Thur-da- v morning at 9 o'clock.Ufcrrtfifinf; j.

Aye? Gib-o- n. Kanoa. Kuibelani, Hay-j-elclc- n,

Ke.:u. I.ilik.dani. Baker, KanUa,Kru.l .kou, I;'!-ia- . Kaunamano, Na'na'.e.I,,;l!aii ve Aseiiilv Oue l?(inTrrl

wasting valuable lime, he moved the pre- - j

rions que. --.Ion. wi:h canlsd. ;

Ji Tni'w., : ".nov. l the ayes and nws j

be takt-.i- . Ayi ; i to.The J I.'l u'a pa e l u engrossment on a


T.Ivi ,i )tt by the following vote : '

The President announced the commit-tee :m ifol'ow: Hons. Aholo (Chairman),C cIior.u i'u 'i. Minister of the Interier,L'arkcr. Kaulukou and Castle.

At 4:0f the House adjourned to 10oMtK'k 'i .lar.-lhi- y morn in

a iVi' I 'e I

had be d t-- x receipts.Mr. Frown hoped the bill would not be

m? finite. y po-.pone- n it wou'd doaway wMi ilr tax receipt a'Kjminr.io.i.

Hon. Mr. Bishop said he remem'ocrcdwhen the tax lcse p.s were ued. Of Is.ethey had lioen used in a dishonot way.This was a change that should be made,end why not make it?

rurtL of rBOFL&soR kfjnsler,

DiiHois or tuvixa iNSTia cnoxs inIs imif.e. Apply l tli cotU, l'5 Nnua&Avnuf, or aui rot Pfflca box 6. UKBfJ

Wkdn:- - day, September 2"M.

Nahluu, Kdu!.;.:;, Kauai To.

NtKM r. .e, E! hop, Parker. Brown,Vri-Ii- !, Kalua, Thur.-.on- , Palohau .

Mr. Hayselden moved the House con-sider the bill introduced by Mr. Kauna-mano.

Mr. Brown ro.e to a oint of order. By

a i r::iir.ii r:eju..An event Calculated to le of

interest ii the various constituencies

Aye-- - Gib .i. Cre'ghtoii, Karoa, Dare.Kulhe'.ani, Hayse'den. Keau. Baker,Kauiia. Kau'ukou, Pahia, Kaunamano.Xaha'.e, Nahinu, Aholo, Kaukau, Itichard-son- ,

Kaai, Kauai V). '

The Ilouie met at 9:30 a. m. Prayer bythe Chaplain. Tue following menilersan3were,l to the roll call: Their Excellen Mr. ilavsel Itn s;lid hi-- ; objection to die

bill wa? because it did not provide for arute 40 of the House, waen once a ques-- 1throughout the Kingdom, and which hadbeen postponed from last week on ac

cies Kanoa and Dare; Hons. DominidCleghorn, Bush, Kuihelar.i, Walker, Mar

JfotJce of Fount!a..v t'oainiisionerhecirjd Witrfct.

Wberea, a pe'l;'oa been tlt-- a with taeundersigned by .be -- m of W. G. Irwin & Co.,praying for the se'.. lenient and cer.'fying of tieboundaries of K.a, s'ualed on tbe island oT

Noes Bbdion. Cleghorn. M.irrin Parbti- - I .. voter being recoanizeil.was ipifeiini plv nostnoneo it rouln i' ; I uonHon. Mr. BUhc-- said he objected to count of the unfavorable weather, took j

piece vesterdav afternoon, when th, I

tin, Hayselden, Keau, Baker, KaubiAmara, Brown, Kaulia, Kaulukou, Pjhia paper being used at all. and to candidates

getting hold of tax receipts. It wis aLanai, being L. C. A. 7,713, to V. Kamamalu. the Kaunamano, "Wight, Nahale, Nahinu, K-i-

not be considered again. The same sub-ject matter as in this bill had been indefin-itely postponed during the. morning.

Mr. Kaunamano said the indefinite post-ponement of a substitute bill did not pre-vent the consideration of this bill, which

lua, Aholo, Kaukau, Richardson, Dickey,The Ice Cream Parlors

Formwlx Occupied by MELL11R it HALlSE.

Hit beD by the un.lrn,ud

ivauni, Amara. brown, Wight, D'ckey,Thurston, Paehaole, Palohau 12.

Mr. Dickey moved the bill be read athird time Derember 25lh.

Mr. Haye!den mov;--d it bo read a thiidtiiue on Saturday. Agreed to.APPOR-IOSMZ- XT OK REPRESENTATIVES BI..L.

The bit! to amend section 70 of the CivilCode to apportion the Representatives of

Kaai, Thurston, Paehaole and PalohauT.ie rninuieg were read in Hawaiian and

Legislature adjourned at alxmt a quarterpast 4 o'clock, the memlers formingthemselves into a group for the purposeof being photographed by Mr. J. J. Will-iams, who is well known in connectionwith the art in this city. The epotcbosen was one in front of the

Ergli.-.- h and approved.LAEOR COSTKACT BILL.

Mr. Richardson, from the .special coin

had been recommended by a committee.Mr. Hayselden was of the same opinion.

He thought the committee report and bill

land adjoining being Paoxai and Krmoku, andnow held by t'ue Commias'oners of Crown Laada.

Therefore, no ice is hereby 3s ven to a'l personsinteresled that Wednesday, tbe 20th day ofOctober, A. D. 18V., at 9 o'clock a. m., at theCourt House, in I abrs na, Maui, will be the timeand pLiee for bead --is said peti.ion. All personsInterested are he.eby duly notified.

L, AHOI.O.Commissioner of Boundaries for Maui, Moloka!

and Lanai.Honolulu, September 2", l'Z6.

man's right to have a fair chance of voting,it .seemed to him that the indefinite jost-poneme- nt

of the bit' wou'd perpetuatethe-- e abuses.

Mr. R.'chard.son said he was not in favorof Indefinitely postponing this bill. Thisalius; was practiced on plantations, tiiemanagers getting hold of the tax receipts.He thought hey might amend this bill soas it would remove o" the evils com-plained of.

mittee on a bill relating to labor contract, tiic ivopie .ii me iegis a.ive Assembly amiestablish election district, was then takenpresented the following reioit: PRIVATE ROOMS br be a fitted up.loft-han- d portion of Alitolaui Hale,

in which the sitt'nga of the LegislatureHon. J. H. Walker, President Le-r- l Na up. the report of the commiitee havingb en found.

The report was read, the majority of, thearc wont to be held, and the group con

iToiild be considered.Mr. Thurston said he regre.ted this had

happened, but it was accoiding to the ri'.lesof the IIeue. He was in favor of somedistricts having more repre entatives. Hemoved the House proceed with other busi-ness.

Mr. Kaunamano apiK-ale- from the

s,:ted of the Hon. J. S. Walker, Prosi- -reviouscommittee recommending a substitute


tive Assembly Sir: Your special oi-rai'.te- e,

to whom was referred an Aci toamend section 2, chapter 3, of t!:e J.ci,approved on the 25th day of .Sepieai osr,A. D. 1S76, relating to the acknowieJg;ientor labor contracts between master and

d3nt, in the center, the members of the--vi i. rauiukou moved tee

question, which carried.Mr. Thurston moved the aves

Notice of Boundary Comuiasio;ir-- K

roail Dl: let.VThereas, the Hoi. Col. C. P. Iaukea, Coram's

Cabinet, together with the majority ofand i:ccsOn motion, it was agreed to the tin Nobles, Representatives, olficer ofbe taken. Agreed to.bill section by section. ru't.ig of the Chair.ioner and Ageat for Grown Lands, has filedMr. Hayselden moved that the bid re Mr. Thurston askrtl whether his notionp.it.'ou, praying fo: settlement and cert.Ty

was in order.ported by the majority be laid upon ihetable.

ing of the houcda.ies of Ealoar ula, Pala?u andKapaakea, at Molokai; alo, Paomai, on the Island


Ic9 Cream and Candies.Mutual Tlthoue "o. as7.

385 iep23


Mr. Hayselden said he did not hear it

tiie House, and rn ambers of the Pre,?..The a rangement of the distinguishedgathering was in good tate, and, it isanticipated, v. iil form a truthful mementoof the pre ent period of our history to behanded down to posterity.

of Lanai. seconded.Mr. Dickey called for the ayes and not? :.Mr. Aholo said they ought to considerTherefore, notice is hereby given .o allpersionn

servants, introduced by tbe Hon. V. B.Palohau, have had the same u.iuer con-sMerali-

and now ofiTer for the con L et-a- ii

jii of the Assembly a substitute bill, andrecommend that the former be laid on ihela b e.

Ceo. E. Richarj: on. Chairman.Cecil Beowx,L. A. Thu3.)Ton,

Mr. Kaunamano said the ruling from

Yiie motion to Indefinitely postpone thebi 1 was lost on a division by the followingvote:

Ayes Kanoa, Dare, Hayselden, Li'iiia-l.in- i,

Baker, Amara, Kau'ia, Kaulukou,Kaunamano, Naha'e, Nahinu, Aholo,Xaakau, Kauai, Palohau 15.

Noes Bishop, Dominis, Cleghorn, Kui-hehin- i,

Martin, Parker, Kaubi, Brown,I'aliia, Wight, Kalua, Richardson, Diclcey,Kaai, Thurs.on, Paehaole 1G.

wheher the majority or minority reporc of the Chair would have been correct if twointerested that "Wednesday, the 20th day o.October. A. D. 1EC6, at 10 o'clock a. m.. al theCouri. Houje, in L&haina. Maui, will be the Mme members had presented the bill. This hibe committee shou'u bo adop:d.

The first section of the bill was then wa. reponea on oy a committee and conand place for hea.-ln- said pe ion. All personsread, which provides for the number of stitutes part of the report.

Hon Mr. Bi. hop ald what had been beinterested a.e hereby duly no.'fied.

L. AHOLO, representatives on each iilattd.Commissioner of Boundaries for Maui, Moloka! .ore the House was a mil, treated as a bill,

and was nothing el-- e but a bill. It was toamend a certain section of tbe law to

and Lanai.Honolulu, September 21, 18S6.

The reading of the section in Hawaiianwas dispensed with.

Mr. Hayselden moved the section beinuefi ni tely o ipon ed.

Mr. Dickey said that he introduced theresolution on which this law was ba tdbecuuoe he considered that a continuation

John T. Dahe,Feed. H. IlArs?LDiE.-- .

The report of the committee wa adop-ted.

Mr. Kaunamano moved the substituteb'll be read a second time by itT tit e.Agreed to.

Mr. Kalua moved it pas to engro:..-nie- nt

and be read a third lime o.x Sutnr- -

Notice of Boundary Cone iu :-s

Opium liiiiok Cunjtit.Last evening Captain Wl'lum Tell

captured four Chinese smoking opiumiu a house at Leleo, Palama. Tiiey weretaken to the Station House, along with as nail quantity of the contraband drug,pipes, etc.

OTicer Hopkins abo made a raid ona hou'--e in Smith etreat, and capturedtwo Chinese ia the act of smokingopium. The usual paraphernalia wasseized nd, with the two men, taken toth? Station Houre.

change the number of representatives. Iiwas indefinitely postponed. Now, thisthis was a bid with the same object, and

BY OHDF.R OF W. O. PAI'.KF. AKsltiNKE OKft. ;(.. or J. F. McLaughlin, a liuuliuit, 1

vritl neU at Public auction, at t rt.tuenc ofJ. F. McL'anghUu, on I'unrbliow I ort, on


The 27th Day of September, 1S8G,

passeu tne bii to engrossment, anuit. was ordered to be read a third t'uie onSaturday.

Tne following is the bill :

Section 1. Tdat from nd after the pas-sage of tills Act, it sha1" no', be necessary touse any ti x le cipt bearing the word."Qua'ilied to Vote," at a oy election; nor'hall uch tax receipt: be lurnished by anyTax Ctiltctor or Boa id o." Inspectors ofE!cc;:oii, to any vo.er, nor shall it be nec-cs-a- ry

to produce such tax receipt at thepol's prior to depo It rig a ballot or at any

uay. A;-;r?e- to.j-- v.,,!, wnunuii in tilings was a

stjiiiaing defiance of the Constitution. Hecould not imagine how the members of the

bouitkholilAt 10 oVlock a. m., tbe wbole cf biiintuitu;) auu effecu, rouaistitig ofORDR OF THE DAY.Mr. Brown moved the order o.' the C .ast tnree sessions of the Legislature couldiV.

nave found it consistent wiMi tTirS,.Ar,reel to. ' - . . . I v.. I. XI... 1 ., ...

Necond I;tri-.'- .

Whereas, the Hon. W. D. Alexander has filed apetition, praying fo.' the setilernent and

the boundaries of cer'iin Governmentlauds, viz.: Hoolelua, Katuiloloa, Makak.ipa'aand the remaining portion of Kahanui, on Molo-ka- l,

and Mahaua, at Lanai.Therefore, notice is hereby jiven !o all persons

interested that Wednesday, tbe 20th e'ey oZ

October, A. D. 1BCG. at 11 o'clock a. m., at ijeCourt House, In Lajaica, Maul, will be tbe timeand place for heating said pen. on. All personainterested are here'y duly noi:-l3-

L. AHOLO,Commissioner of Boundaries for Mai1!, Molokti

and Lanai.Honolulu, September 21, ISSti.

Second reading of an Act to a ne:id sec t fcw,) sem--e on mis subject. Article CO

tion 7Q0 of the Civil Code, a nmendeu b,r &vertl$tmtm$.Ovtier tune.:e Act approved on the 22d day or J u le,.. D. 1GG2, relating to the number or Rep- - Section 2. This Act hall take effect and

become a law from and alter its approval,Fv. . .

touching the same section. The ruling ofthe Chair had been strict' y in accordancewith tbe rules-- of the House.

X r. Kaulukou thought the ruling wascorrect, and he could not voie again -- t it.

Mr. Hayse'den said the bill indefinitelypostponed in the morning did not increasethe number of representatives, while thisone did.

Mr. Kaunamano said there was not thesane subject matter in the two bi;).s.

Mr. Thurston said any subject matterbrought up and indefinitely postponedcould not be brought up again, lie wassovrv thijbi" had been postponed as hewidicd to offer some amendments to it.But when the Pre ident gives a ruling theHouse must .sustain him.

f.f r. Aho'o said they had started out alittle wrong, but under the circumstancesthe Pre ident was right i:i bin ruling.

Oil PaliiUng,Ktel En?ravinga,Watr Colors,Turkisb Itug4, Velvet Ruga,


Extension Dining Table and Chairs, 3 BlackWalnut Bed -- room heta complete, 1 lineEed-roo- m bet complete, 1 Auk liedttead, 1 11W liedatead, 1 Pine Eeustead, 1 Cbild'a liedand a Ciiba, 1 Fancy l'lusb 't able, (rockery,Glasa and Plated Ware, Ix.iupH, Maiti aaen,Mosquito Nets, Chamber Hets, Cornices andCurtains, Wardrobe,

VERANDA LOUNGE AND CHALUS,Cooking Rkuge and Cooking Utensils, Etc.

Tae report o the committee was read an .' Section 10 of the Act "Regulating theQua'lfications of Electors," approved June-- 1. IOCS, and al) laws and part? of laws in

Mr. Richardson, on suspension o? therule.7, moved that the substitute bill recommended by the committee be read a so far as they conflict herewith, are hereby

repealed. vsecond time by its title. Agreed to.1 he title was then read as fol ow:: An

Act to amend section 7S0 of the Civil Code

or tne Constitution declares plain '(y thatt ie representatives of the people sha'l bebased upon the principle of equality, andshall be regulated and apportioned by theLegislature-accordin- g to the population, tobe ascertained from time to time by theo.'Ikial census. Their oaths compel themto support the Constition, therefore it istheir duty pass a law regulating the repre-sentation, as the reports of the committeehave shown plainly that it is now veryunequal. He believed the majority reportto cover the ground fu'ly, and to be as neara perfect plan for equal representation ascan be made. He therefore supported it.With regard to the election of only onemember from each election district insteadof electing a number of representatives ina lump by one ticket, he thought the ideawas a good one. In large districts thedifferent parts had very different interest"

Notice of Eon Hilary CommissionerSecond Oiatrie .

Whereas, K. W. Meyers, Esq., A3ent for Molo-

kai Ranch, has filed a pe.itiou, praying for thesettlement and certifying of certain lands be-

longing to B. Pauahl Bishop, silur.ie on theIsland of Molokai, viz-- : KJpu, Maaawainni, "a- -

a fil:, Arpnovry.His Excellency Governor Dominis, on

-- uspenion of the ru'cs, reported that it J I prv.L Kant Jfc wto apportion the representation of thehad pleased His Majesty the King to tip--people in the Legislative Assembly and

establish election districts.LEWIS J. LEVEY,

'332 7t Auctioneer.prove and sign a bit! to naturalize AbrahamHoffnung and Sdnev B. F. Hofinung.Mr. Thurston moved it be considered


Mr. Kaunamano said the President hadru ed hastily, and had not been deliberateenough.

Mr. Thurston rose to a point of order.No member cou'd speak more than onceon an appeal. Mr. Kaunamano hadalreadv spoken.

1 wa, Iloli, Eaunakakai and Makakupaia iki.Therefore, nolice is hereby given to all pe-so- na

Interested that Weduesday, the 20th day oC

October, A. D. 1886, at 12 o'clock noon, at i.h

Court House, will be tbe liuie ami place for hear-ing said petition. All persons ineres'.ed a:-- e

hereby duly noticed. L. AHOLO,Commissioner of Boundaries .'or Muv',Molokr.l

and Lanai.Honolulu, September 21, 185f..

) Malt Whiskyore


Second reaeling of an Act to pre. crilethe residences required by law as necessaryto the exercise of the e'ectlve franch'se.

Mr. Brown moved it be considered sec-tion by section. Agreeel to.

Section 1. That no person otherwisecsualified to vote shall be allowed io de-

posit a ballot for representative unless, suchperson shall have actually resided by occu-pying personally a house or room, andboth sleeping and eating, in the electiondistrict where such ballot is offered for at


which should be represented by theirnumber in the Legislature. Tor instance,in Honolulu the outer portions such asWaikiki and Palama have rice-plantin- g

interests, and Moanalua has large fishingrights to be looked The main centerhas commercial and manufacturing in-

terests. One portion is well supplied withwater, another" pa itly supp'icd. It is

Mr. Kaunamano said that when helooked round he noticed that all his friendshad deserted him. As he was alone hewould withdraw his appeal.

Mr. Hayselden said that as Mr. Kauna-mano had gone back on his appeal, hewould withdraw his support to it.


Mr. Hayselden presented the followingreport from a special committee :

Hon. J. S. Walker, President Legisla-tive Assembly, Sir: Your special com-mittee, to whom was referred an Act intro-duced by the Hon. J. M. Kapena, " toprovide for the payment of certain bills

JVIedicinal Use.NO FUSEL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated

plainly to be seen that all of these conflict

Kauai Tax Appeal Iior.is lH'iCThe Boards for the several Districts will sit to

bear Tax Appeals as follows:At Court House, Lihue, Monday. October lltt,

at 10 a. in.At Court House, Kapaa, Tuesday, October 12th,

at 10 a. in.At Court House, lianalei. Thursday, October

Htb, at 10 a. in.At Chambers. Koloa, Monday, October 18th, tt

10 a. m.At Court House, Waiinea, Tuesday, Octobtr

26th, at 10 a.m.J. HARDY, Circuit Judge.

President Kauai Tax Appeal Boards.Sept. 15th, 1886. 3t

ing interests cannot be properly repre Absolutely Pisented by a number of persons who mayreside m the same part of ihe district. Each

IN USE INpublic interest of importance should beThis pow ' "vrn:?. Air. rvri

Lr.eugth. r ( i -- r.cac: JI-- ' o c

oetitkri vila T a mul liiiilo t-- . S .


, tli":Jr '.'y.JiT'U

represented by a member elected by those JIoftpltalN,

dirntlveweight, alur.i or ':ir? wwdrr..interested, in order that it might be pro

lUfttltlltiOilH,perly protected in the Leislatu-e- . TTie C-- IS. liQYAU UAl.i.NU tU, ftmiSwY.


least sixty days immediately preceding thselection.

Any person polling a vote in any electiondistricts, unless fully qualified as hereinprovided, shall, on conviction before anyPolice or District Magistrate, be punishedby fine of not less than ten nor more thanone hundred dollars, or be imprisoned atbard labor not to exceed two months; upona second conviction such person may, Inaddition to the foregoing punishment, bedisfranchised for any term not to exceedten years.

Mr. Brown moved to strike out thewords " and both sleeping and eating."

Mr. Kalua asked why the Secretary wa.3not present to look after the amendmentsas they were made?

Wailuku district is something like Hono Inlirninriv,ANDTax Itourtl of Appeal, 18H. NOTICE. Precriled by Physicians Everywhere.

section by section.Mr. Aholo said the report of the minor-itj- r

of the committee had not been read.Mr. Kaulukou moved that while the

Secretary was looking for the report, t"ieHouse take up the consideration o a billto amend section 5, chapter CG, of the PenalCode, introduced byhimcelf. Agreed to.

The bill and the report of the committeewere read.

Mr. Kaulukou moved the bill pass. Itwas simply to have the English versionare wuh the Hawaiian.

Mr. Thurston said this bill was a stepbackwards in the history of legislation re-

lating to elections, and he was sorry to seeit supported by the Attorney General andother influential members of the Hou.-e- .The last election had exceeded all others byfar in corruption. It was owing to thepresent machinery running the elections.It was outrageous for men running as can-didates to appoint the inspectors of elec-tion. What would be thought of a lawthat would permit one of the parties in aa law suit the selection of the jury, andcompel the other party to abide by thedecision of such jury. At the election aiwhich he himself was elected, iheee abuseswere very conspicuous. The Juc:f,e wasKupihea. The Tax Assessor was Kupihea.The Tax Collector was Nakaleka. Kupiheaand Nakaleka were both candidates forelection. Kupihea appointed as his sub-

stitutes the deputy judge and an activerunner, and Kakaleka appointed hisclerk. One member of the Board attendedto putting the ballots in the box, one kepttwo lists of the voters, showing who theyvoted for, and the third had charge of adeck of cards cut into quarters and num-bered from one upwards. Each voter whovoted the Government ticket received oneof the.se checks, which, upon presentationat a house across the way, served the doablepurpose of showing how the ballot wasgoing, and entitling the holder to be filledup with pig and poi. He hoped all wouldtake the stand for a better election law.If they changed this law, and make theEnglish agree with the Hawaiian, it wouklsimply ratify the kind of elections held inthe past, and would result in revolution


lulu, but in a less degree ; the northern endis well filled with sugar plantations, andthose interested therein. The southern endis a stock gracing section. Makawao dis-trict is similarly divided in interests; thewestern end being occupied by the im-portant sugar plantations of Huelo imd



incurred by His Majesty's Chamberlainduring the coronation of His Majesty, andin finishing and furnishing lolani Palace,"beg to repe-r- t that they have had the same,together with the bills mentioned, undercareful consideration and examination,and find that the total amount due istwenty-tw- o thousand eight hundred andsixty-seve- n dollars and seven iy-tw- o cents ;

and your committee recommend that thisamount be inserted in the preamble of andin section 1 of the bill, and that section 1 ofthe bill be further amended by adding tothe end of the send section the followingwords: " being the amount of the several

HAMAKUA Pure StimulantW. KAMAHIAI,J.Hamakuapoko; the Makr.wao and KnlaA. KIHA.W.end being composed mostly of stock For the Sick. Invalids Convalescing Patientranches, potaioe and corn farms. He

Mr. Dickey moved the Sergeant-at-Arm- s

be instructed to fetch the Secretary. Hethought they had better shut the doors andkeep him out.

Agea People,

WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN.thought the plan of dividing large ditriets into election precincts, as provided

MONTHLY DIVIDEND OF ONE DOLLARV lie.-- share will be paid ou tbe capital slockof the People's Ice and Refrigerator Co. oulini-sfla- y, Oeptember 2rd, a', the Company's office

W. E. FOSTEIt, Treaau.w,'.

Clioese Hawaiian Intelligence OiSce


a'-e-h Chinese servants for every deacript 'oii

of work, icc'tta'ug house servants, stewar: s,cooks, waiters, gardeners, carpenters, etc., etc.

CHINESE INTERPRETINGA 8 eciality. Accounts collected and gene.alco:n:tii8.iiors carefully and promptly executed.

Office: Corner Nuuanu and Kukui streelH.W. 8AKENO.

Honolulu. 20th. 18S6. Vi'i-ocV-


by the law. was a good one, and one that Tiie Pres'ldent instructed the Sergeani--






bllls hereinafter set forth." With the fore-- ! at-Ar- to bring the Secretary in, andwould best secure the protection of theinterests of all classes, and would be a

r Awarded FIRST PP.I2E GOLD MEDALWorld's Exposition, New Orleans, La., IWjA,

For Fxrellenre and Purify.great convenience to voters as the voting- -

places would be more numerous. To indefinitely postpone the section would becontrary to the oaths of the members. Macfarlane & Co.,K.AU II in Excellency Mr. Gibson said it had

J,Nole A (rents)been truly taid that "the letter killeih, but

the spirit maketh alive." The spirit of the tf


I.. KAMOKU,PCNA- - Constitution was that there should be a


J.W L. HAAU. proportion. The recommendation of the

omnilttee was based cn the lefier of tl:eConstitution, but it did not show that itHaul. Australian Mail? Service.LAHAINA was consistent with the spirit. He was

Hawaiian Isi.astds, Honolulu, Oahu.rpHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE UNDER--l

signed firm of Kwong Hang Cbaa Ac Co.,a carrying on bva'.neas as gen-eral wholesale merchants, at tbe corner of Queenaud Nuuauu streets, in Honolulu aforesaid,under said fm name of Kwong Hang CLaj k Co.consists oi tbe following individual partners,Lan Cheack, residing at Honolulu,Ou Wai,Yue Chuen " "

Dated September 6tb, 188S.(Signed) KWONO HANG CHAN & CO.


ati-fie- d the framers of the ConstitutionTHOS. J. HAYSELDEN.DR. R. KUEHN.

Iu-.-d no idea there would be such a large

that officer returned with him a secondlater.

Ills Excellency Mr. Dare moved to strikeout the word "actual's," and alao " Lyoccupying personally a house or room, andloth sleeping and eating."

Mr. Castle suggested that the word " ac-

tually " be lert in.His Excellency Mr. Gibson thought that

Mr. Thurston, in referring to what hadtaken place at Kaanapali, had drawn astrong picture. He felt that member hadoverstated the matter. The amendmentoffered by Mr. Castle he thought to be agood one, so that the election of represen-tatives would rest on actual residence inthe district.

Mr. Brown accepted the Attorney Gen-

eral's amendment, which carried.Mr. Richardson moved to insert "thirty"

in plrice of ' sixty."Mr. Ca?t!e opposed thirty days, and

stated his reasons.Mr. Richardson withdrew the motion.Mr. Kaulukou renewed, and it finally

carried.On motion of Mr. Brown, the section

parsed as amended.His Excellency Mr. Dare called Mr.

WAILUKU ana mcreas.ng forenm non-votin- sr tcrula- -THOS. W. EVERETT,W. E. MAEAKOA.

or serious disturbances. If people cannothave unbiassed Boards it will lead to dis-turbance, therefore he favored disinterestedinspectors of election.


Tne'naw and fine' Al steel steamshipTO LET.Dare said that inHis Excellency Mr.C. E. EAPULE,EAMAKELE,



PALAMA TWO sNTCE COTTAGES IN RO-bel- loAT Lace, for 830 and 820 per month re-spectively. Inquire at Uyinan Eros.. Cueen

:i fMolokni and Ianai.



C'oi.ij amendments, your committeerecommend that the bill pass.

Cecil Erowx,F eII . Hayselden--,

John W. Kalua,Walter M. Gib;ox,Jamts Keau.

Mr. Kalua moved the report be adoptee.Mr. Thurston thought they ou:,ht not io

adopt the report; without knowing some-thing about it. He would like to knowwhether there was interest charged on thebills.

Mr. Hayselden said there was not.Zifr. Dickey moved that the report be

laid unon the table and considered withthe Lil!. Lost.

The report of the committee was adopted.By the adoption of the report the bill

passed io engrossment and will be read afiird t'nie on Saturday.


S?cond reading of an Act to amend thegeneral elecion law of the Kingdom by re-- p

vluig the requirement of a tax on votingor otherwise.

I.Ir. Hayselden moved the minority re-

port be read.Mr. Kaulukou said the majority of the

committee recommended the br"! pass,while the minority were in favor of ii be-

ing indefinite!' postponed.Mr. Thurston said the motion to indefin-

itely postpone was in a line with what hadta!;en place during the morning. It wasa step against clean, strict and honestvoting. The honorable member then &aveinstances of the abuse of tax receipts, re-

ferring to tiie Kaanapali election.Mr. Hayselden was of the opinion that

the tax receipts ought to be done awaywith. There was not time this session, hethought, to make a general amendment tothe clecfon law. If it had not been for theholding of tax receipts, a good many of tbemembers would not have been in theHouse. A planter would pay $Yj0 for a.

hundred of his men and put their tax re-

ceipts in his safe, and then use them to se-

cure the election of tbe candidate hefavored. Mr. Thurston talks- about oneside doing these things, but he does notsay anything about what was done on hishis own side. His agents had held tax re-ceipts.

Mr. Thurston said that was a

Of tbo Ocpanlo Rteamsbfp Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Hydrn-- y nod Aur kianaon or about

September - 25th,And will leave for tbe ab.ve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having HUPEKIOItACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

FURNISHED HOUSE, COMPLETE FORhousekeeping. Will be let cheap. CenA

trally loc: tea. Possession given by tne end or.he month. For fur) her par.lculais t p!y at thisofEce, or to C K. Miller, business agent.

tion. They never expected the tens ofthousands of Chinese, the numerous Por-tu.-u- ee

and Japanese. Now, if they wereto act strictly in accordance with the Con-stitution that there should be one Repre-sentative for every three thousand in-

habitant, it was possible there might be adistrict with three thousand Representa-tives, and only one voter in it. He wasnot going to say that the non-votin- g for-e;g- n

population should not be represented.It wa a Title too soon to adopt the sug-g- e

t Ion o" the majority report, and there-fore he seconded the motion for indefinitepostponement.

Mr. Kpulukou said that Mr. Dickey,when talking about vio'ating the Consti-tution, viewed the matter in his usualnarrow-minde- d way.

On the question being put, the sectionwas indefinitely iostponed by a risingrote of 10 to 6.

Mr. Kaulukou moved to reconsider thevote. Lost.

Hon. Mr. Cleghorn moved the Housetake a re-ees- s to 1 o'clock. Lost.

Mr. Dickey moved the ayes and noes betaken. Lost.

Mr. Thurston moved the House take arecess to 1 o'clock. Lost.

Mr. Hayselden moved to reconsider thevote, but as" there was not a quorum pres-ent, the President at 12 o'clock declaredthe Hou.e adjourned to 1 o'clock.








For Sydney and Auckland.


Physician and Surgeon.(Late Government Physician, Waianae,


03ice and residence:

Hotel Street, Opposite Library.OFFICE HOURS:

signing the report he did not think he hadcommitted a crime. In a recent decisionof the Supreme Court in the case of theKing vs. E. Kekoa, much stress was laidupon the meaning of the word "absence."Upon examination of the law it was foundthe word "absence" was not in the Ha-

waiian version. It seemed to him to bebars-- and extreme. A man might havegoods in danger of fire, and stay awayfrom the election to look after them. Thatwas unavoidable. Or a man might have asick wife or child, and act the part of theministering angel, instead of going to thepoll. That was also unavoidable. Thequestion before the House is whether thelaw shall be amended to make the Englishversion agree with the Hawaiian. He hadtalked with men well versed in the electionlaws, and they were decidedly in favor ofhaving the English version amended. Hedid not think that Mr. Thurston, while hemight be honest in his ideas, was justifiedin painting the matter as dark as he haddone.

In answer to a question by Mr. Thurs-ton, His Excellency Mr. Dare said he didnot think any man standing as a candi-date would appoint members of the Boardand act as agent.

Mr. Thurston said it was apparent thatthe Attorney General had signeel the reportwithout knowing much about the matter.He would say that there are twenty-eigh- tdistricts, and this kind of thing occurred intwenty-six- . The Attorney General wasassisting the bill through ignorance, notevil design.

I&aiiai.The new and fine Al steel steamshipHANALEI


Castle'3 attention to the excessive punish-ment p sec Ibed in the .section, viz., thatusoa a second conviction a person, on con-viction, may, in audition to fine or

be dislranchised for any termnot exceeding ten years.

Mr. RTchardson moved to reconsider thevote by which the section was passed.Agreed to.

The honorable member then moved tostrike out all in subdivision lof the sectionalter the'word "months." Agreed to.

The section then pasied as amended.Section 2. This Act shall take effect and

become a law from and alter its approval,and all laws and parts of laws coniraryhereio are hereby repealed.

The section passed.The bill passed to engrossment, and was

ordered to be read a third time on Satur-day.

Mr. Kau'ukou ahought they had betteradjourn, as there was a gentleman waitingoutside to photograph the distinguishedcountenances of the members of the As-


Mr. Aoolo gave notice of a meeting ofthe special committee to make prepara- -

ft JlJLTl A.ROA,"8 to 11 a. m,2 to 4 p. m.



7 to 8 p. m.327 2w Of tbe Union Steamship Company, will b

due at Honolulu from 8an Franciscoor or aboutLIHUE




Honse Carpenter & Builder,31 Alakea Street,

Will furnish estimates and make cod tracts forany description of wood buildings.




Minister of Finance.Finance Department, Honolulu, August 26,


Aftfruoca Session.The House reassembled at 1:30.Mr. Hayselden moved the balance of the

bill under consideration before recess beindefinitely postponed.

Mr. Thurston moved the ayes and noesbe taken. Agreed to.

And will have prompt dlspatcn with mails andpcsners for the above ports.Tor fielght or passage, having SUPi.'RlOR AC-


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,.AGENTS

all kinds done, and satisfactionJobbing ofguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 2&S tf

Page 4: ETJEEKA - University of Hawaii...The Laundry Wagons run to all parts of ths city and suburb. Orders by Telephone or other wise will receive prompt attention. F.EIX TELEPHONE, 100

jacMo Commercial advertiser, September 23, issg.- -

SVdcfrlisemfnts J Zlbbcrtisfmrnts.

Birthday Jubilee H. HI. Mclntyre & J3ro.,IMPORTERS AND DEA.I.KRS IX

Groceries Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Uooda received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. ?reh CaliforniaPro-lac- by every stumer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fostofflce Box No. 146Telephone No. 82. 7$ apl

His Majesty the Kinj



May 8th Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,022 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consnelo, 332 Packages,


1888. Third Year of Publication. 1888



For the Year of Our Lord 18S6, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'! Calend'r

To all Hawaiian subjects and friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, HiaMajesty's loyal subjects, contemplating withgrateful hearts the continued reign in good

LEWIS Sc CO.,Ill Fort Street. Importers anil Dealer In

Staple and Fancy Groceries. ASSORTED GROCERIES,-- :o:-

health of our beloved Sovereign, which basbeen vouchsafed ua under the blessings ofthe Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which marks thefiftieth year of His life an era in the life ofa Ruler which in any land is to be recog-nized among the people as a fitting occasionfor marked rejoicing and festive jubilee doinvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friendsof the Nation, to join with us in a loyal andloving celebration of the


FRESH GOODSEy every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

IProvis ons, Etc., Etc.Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 297.

Will be Sold av the Lowest Mnvket lottos.Fiftieth. Birtlidav Official and Business Directory of Honolulu

--OF- Mi. W. McChesney fe Son.TOGETHER WITHLL TITTTimr k 99 it TB 1 a 99 i VTi DTTV lTl itQU 99

ly 4a nuU 44 Queen Ktreef, Honolulu.HIS MAJESTY THE KING, Eull Statistical and General Information)N THE- -

Cotton Rubber IJned

FIEE HOSE,Robber Hose, Hone Carts, II. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square Flax1'acking:, Rubber backing, etc., etc. Send for circulars and prices.

W. T. Y. SCHENCK,88 California street. I526feb23 87J San Francisco, Cal.


Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directorf the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.,

Next, in the City of Honolulu, when, Oodwilling, we may all unite in demonstrationsof love and fealty to our Beloved King,


.G. Irwin & Co Limited).

and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in roreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated.


THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Have complete! Mid offer for dale the follow Jiiic Holler, vis:

1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS r;:tt!&.1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also1 Secoml-IIan- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft.

iowt-- , Apply to The Honolulu Iron Works Co.

1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.Draftsman, Builder and Contractor,

STEAMER KINAU,(King-- , Commanaer),

Leaves Honolulu as per following: schedule,touching at Lahalna, Haalaea, Makeua,

Hilo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY, July 26, 1886, and

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Klnauwill make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching KeauTHE hou on Wednesday morning, where horses andcarriages are In waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO HOUSE (Ave miles in the saddle

Patchen-Messeng- er Stallion and nine miles by carriage).Passengers by this route will have two days



In Barrels,Hair Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBEIn Half Barrels

s .And Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And Boxes


The Klnau will arrive In Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On Hilo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday 75 and 77 Kinpr Street, - Honolulu,morning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the ENTADLIMIEU 18 7 6.Kinau at Mahukona:o:The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Hoookaia and

Paauhau on down trips from Hio for Passengersir a signal is made from the shore.

Billy Vernon,Teas. STEAMER LIKE LIKE.

(Lorenzen, Commander),

Respectfully intimates to Inn numerous PattYum ami the lt nideii tn of Honolulu and itvicinity, that ho in prepared tosupply De'ns IM iiih, Hpcoificatinim. etc., for Imil.lina ofany kiud or description at the most reauu.blu rates, comljiniiiijF.xeellenev ol' Itfwterlnl. with Uootl 1Vorkiiiaulili,

Meeliaulcal Mill!,Ami C'oiiwtaiit hiiU leroiHl NiifiervUioti.

Wichi ut laying: claim to more than cidinarv aichiiecluial t.kill, the inany MANSIONSVILLAS. COTTAGES aud STOKES aruund Honolulu," huilt and deigned by l.in,. n,: vspeak favorably of his taste and ability, aud he is able to refer with pride and Huiihfrw n iito the continued and extended patronage, and recommendation of home of Iloi.ohnrVbest and wealthiest Citizens and Merchants.

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 r. if. torJIalf Brother to Allan Roy,Kuanakakai. Kabul. uilTuelo. liana and

Kipabulu. every week: Kranae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theSoap.


RECORD, 2:21. above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.for mails and passengers only.

o cBell Telephone No. 275. Mutual Telephone Xo.6.1.STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,

(Cameron, Commander),Salmon.w:il Slake a Short Season From Sep-

tember 20 to November 20, 1986.


Woodlawn Stables, Punalioa.

Will leave regularly for Lahalna, Paauhan, ie,

Ookala, Kukalau, Honohina, Laupaboe- - NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED.noe, naaaiau ana unomeaCases Corned Beef


SPECULATION, JR.,Will stand for the Season of 1886 at the Hotel Stables. TERMS, $50, payable at the timeof service.

Description :

SPECULATION, JR., is a black horae, 15i hands high, and weighs about 1,060pounds. He has a small head, large full eyes, clean cut throttle, handsome arched neck,strong oblique shoulders, great depth of chest, straight, strong back, smoothly coupledto long, symmetrically turned hips, a handsome croup, elegant flowing tail, powerfuljandwell finished quarters, long, strong joints, short in cannon bones and pasterns, and the

-- :o:-STEAMER MOKOLIl,(McGregor, Commander),Lnncb Tongues.

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at S p. m.:

Commencing August 2 To Lanaf. Kamalo. PoFlour. best of feet. He is indeed a horse of great beauty and rare symmetry or form; is verykoo. Lahalna. Olowalu. Returning to Lahalna,Pnkoo, Kamalo, Lanul, arriving at Honolulu Sat- -


BILLY VERNON is a handsome dapple gray,twelre years old, 16 bands high and weighs1,300 pounds.

lie was sired by Patcben Vernon, 2:23V, be byGeo. M. Patcben, Jr.; he by the world-re jp ownedGeo. M. Patcben, 3:23. Billy Vernon's dam wasMessenger, a mare of superior trotting action,and weighed 1,300 pounds. Patcben Vernon'sdam was Lady Vernon, an Inbred Messengermare.

Terms, 830 for the Season.

urday morning.Commencing August 9 To Kaunakakal, Kama

FAMILY lUi quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (ii half sacksj,

stylish in harness, an extra fast walker, a prompt driver, disposition perfect, and last, butnot least, is very fast.

DPedigree :SPECULATION. JR., was bred by E. C. Gillispie of San Francisco, Cal., and was

lo.Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu, Kalanpapa.Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu, Lahaiua,Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakal, arriving at Honolulu Saturday morning.

foaled in 1878. He was sired by Colonel Spreckels' celebrated trotting stallion Speculation : he bv Rvsdvk's Harnbletoman, the greatest progenitor of trotters that ever livedThe Company will not be responsible for

any freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage uniess plainly marked. Not

Cs Medium Bread.

Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement.

responsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Parser.

Speculation, Jr.'s, dam was sired by Easton's David Hill, the sire of Geo. Treat, record2:254; also, Black Swan, 2:28, and a number of other fast ones. Speculation becamevery noted several years since as siring the two celebrated trotters, Oakland Maid, record2:22, and Crown Point, 2:24, two as game trotters as are often seen on a raco track.

It is a fact worthy of note that the breeding of Speculation, Jr., is almost identicalwith that of the great champion trotting stallion Maxey Cobb, whose record of 2:1314,made only last year, stands at the head of the list of all stallions. Maxey Cobb was by

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but



Eddy's & Jewett's Refrigerators,Water Fi'ters and Coolers. Ioe WhiteChesls, Mountain Ice Cr-a- Kreers, new Mttern. Jlhv Tji i.

0n ---- --

Fence Wire and Staples.Manila and Hisal Rope. The latest Novelties In Lamp Goods. The very tt ei.,1 nfl nj jr--d

Kerosene Oils.Berry Bros. Furniture Varnish. For sale at Hie lowest market rales ty the


Naecesaorw to milliiehau A Co. aud fcnmiiel JSott.

Fort Street : : : Honolulu

the Company will not assume any risk of accident.SAML O. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69--ly Mar 80

Happy Medium, he by Old Hambletonian, and his dam was by Prince Nebo, son of oldLong Island Black nawk. Speculation, Jr., by Speculation, he by Old Hambletonian, andhis dam bv Easton's David Hill, who was also a son of old Black Hawk, making thern

For farther particulars apply to


391se28 Woodlawn Stables, Pnnahou.



(Limited).Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. 326 ly

bred exactly in the same blood lines. This is a fact that should not be lost sight of bybreeders, and to sav that he will sire fast horses, when coupled with good mares, would

Ualvanlxed Corrugated Iron Roofing,6, 7 and lengths.


be superfluous, as if he should fail to do so it would be Etrictly against the law of Nature

INTER-ISIA.N- Dthat like produces like, or tee nseness, oi some ancestor.

SPECULATION, JR., in addition to bis fine breeding and great individual excellence,is a fast and game trotter himself. He has never been trained or prepared in any man-ner, having been kept as a private roadster by his owner, so that his speed is only purelynatnral and undeveloped. He was never in but one race, and that was last year. HisSteam Navigation Co.



owner started him in a matinee trot to see how he would behave iu company. This wasagainst the p.dvice of his friends, who stated that it was dollars to a rotten egg that hewould get the flag in his face ia short order ; but contrary to their expectations, and tothe surprise of everyone, he went off and beat a large field of old seasoned campaignerswith such ease, and apparently with such little effort, making a record of 2:36, that it im-

mediately stamped him as being nothing short of a trotting wonder, and making it doublycertain that, could he have had the advantage of the long continued, careful trainingfrom dav to day, week to week, month to month and year to year, that is given the greatSTEAMER W. G. HALL,


BATES. Comma nde

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.

turf performers, ne would long ago nave piacea a sensauonai mars io nis creait, pernapsequal to that of his celebrated brother in blood, Maxey Cobb, whose untimely death earlyin the present year was so greatly deplored by all horsemen in America. His owner, Mr.Cohnfield of New York City, refused $60,000 for him a few days before his death.

Heed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering. SPECULATION, JR., and Maxey Cobb are not the only horses of this famous Ham

s S,.


Luiriter' and. Coal,Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BCIbDKltS' HARDWAKE, Taint, Oils, Jh.es, MattlatCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement : 8TKEL. NAIL., murh superior to Iron, and cost but llltl

STEAMER 1WALANI,25 A TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.)113 tf FREEMAN Commande

Will run regularly to Nawlliwili, Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea, Kauai.



Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e,

Honokaa and Paaubau. Hawaii.

bletonian and Black Hawk cross that have won distinction on the turf. Some years sincethere appeared at every meeting through the Grand Circuit in the East a little brownhorse named Gloster, that literally swept everything before him. He would trot aroundon the extreme outside of a large field of horses the whole mile, and win with such ap-

parent ease that it was plain to everyone that he had several seconds of speed in reserveevery time. At the end of the trotting season he had made a record of 2:17, won in a jog,and had earned the title of the trotting whirlwind of the East. Shortly after this hewas suddenly taken sick with lung fever and died, and it was then that his owner, Mr.Goldsmith, unbosomed himself concerning him, and declared that if the horse had livedhe would certainly have trotted a mile the next year in two minutes, as there reallyseemed to be no limit to his wonderful speed. The whole country was then anxious tolearn his breeding, which was as follows : By Volnnteer, he by old Old Hambletonian,dam by Stockbridge Chief, son of Old Black Hawk, being identically the same combina-tion of blood lines heretofore alluded to. A mare called Molly, by Old Black Hawk, pro-duced by Old Hambletonian the two mares, Efhe Deans, 2:25H, and Lottie, 2:28.

In California we have another instance of the value of this cross in the two fastmares, Sister, record 2:21, and Huntress, 2:28 full sifters, their sire. Admiral, being byVolunteer, he by Hambletonian, their dam being by McCracken's Black Hawk, a son ofhe old original Black Hawk. These mares have a full sister (yoanger) called Nona S.,that is said to be faster than either of them, and will no doubt be driven to a fast recordsoon. Their sire, Admiral, although bred to a great many fine mares of other blood, hasnever produced any other trotters with records. Other instances could be cited, but theseare sufficient to establish the fact that horses possessing the blood lines of Speculation,Jr., stand at the head of the list as producers of extreme peed.

For further particulars, apply to

MILES & HAYLEY, Proprietors.


Will run regularly to Kapaa. Kauai.

We have just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

Fo. four and five foot furnaces, complete withgran bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof tr is make are now ir, successful operation atSp;e kelsvtlle, Makee Sugar Company and otherplaD atione.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Eia. ecretarv.

370 lmHonolulu, September 1, 1886.X. CURRY & BUOTHEK,

AND DEALERS IXIMPORTERS and Pistols, Colt Winchester,Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Remington, Sharps and Ballard sporting Kit)-- . Agentsfor W. W. Greener, Colt, Parker and RemingtonRreech-loadin- g Double Uuiir, Colt and Nir.ith AWesson Pistols. N.CURRY A BRO., 113 San-som- e

street, San Francisco Cal. 38'1-l- y

295t AgrentH. H. S. CBOCKEE & CO.,

215, 217, 219, Bush street, San Franciso.

Stationers, "Printers, LithographersAND

Blank Book Manufacturers.Jy23 Sra

Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Store for Rent and Fixturesfor Sale.

FRANK GERTZ,PQjjmiiorter awl Manufacturer J

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOES7 Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.iO-tf-

rfHAT DESIRABLE STORE NOW OCCUPIED1 by the LADIES' BAZAAR. 88 Fort street.. witizfiu Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

nand all the Fixtures, Glass Cases, etc., for sale '