The official magazine of BETA International Tel: +44 (0) 1937 582111 Email: [email protected] Voice of the equestrian industry for over 30 years Make sure our readers are talking about you... Call us to find out how The Voice of the Equestrian Industry Equestrian Trade News FREE TO ALL UK RETAILERS

ETN Media pack 2013

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ETN features and information for 2013

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TheofficialmagazineofBETA International

Tel: +44 (0) 1937 582111 Email: [email protected]

Voiceof theequestrian industryforover30years

Make sure our readersare talking about you...Call us to find out how

T h e Vo i c e o f t h e E q u e s t r i a n I n d u s t r y








Equestrian Trade News is the leading tradepublication and e-newsletter for your sector inthe UK providing suppliers and manufacturers ofequine, pet and country related products with theideal opportunity to advertise to the trade inan effective way. The features covered in ourmagazine give extensive coverage of productsand services, via both advertising and editorial.

Are you getting the breaking news from our industry as it happens?Stay up to date…

Sign up now for the ETN e-newsletter atwww.equestriantradenews.com/news.html

� Founded in 1979, Equestrian Trade News (ETN)remains the leading monthly trade journal forequestrian and related industries.

� ETN is read and respected by retailers, manufacturers,distributors and agents within the equestrian, pet andcountry related sectors.

� Every month ETN delivers the latest news, analysis,opinions and comments on topical trade issues.

� Monthly features are tailored to retailers' needs,updates on the latest legislation, export opportunitiesand reports on new product launches and tradepromotions.

� February issue brings our readers an in-depth previewof BETA International with a list of exhibitors plustheir new product plans. This prime issue has acirculation of approx 9,000 and includes extrabenefits for advertisers

� ETN is the official magazine of BETA International theworld’s leading equestrian, country and pet producttrade fair.

� The title is published by EMC Ltd, a wholly ownedsubsidiary of BETA (British Equestrian TradeAssociation) and organiser of BETA International,giving it a uniquely trade specific profile.

� Series advertising booked does not have to run inconsecutive issues and can be new copy for eachadvert keeping it topical for your products andservices.

� ETN e-newsletter has an ‘open’ rate of 7.5% higherthan the industry average for e-newsletters with newreaders signing up every day.

� We endeavour to support our advertisers witheditorial wherever possible.

� Include brochures, catalogues, leaflets, etc. as insertswith ETN to retailers alone or the full database.

� ETN is sent free of charge to approximately 2,200equestrian and related retailers in the UK.

� ETN has subscribers in approximately 35 differentcountries.

� February, June and September issues include AMTRAaccredited CPD features with the opportunity to gainCPD points for SQPs.

You can be sure that you are targetingthe perfect readership for your business

Publishing statistics and frequencyPage average 56Editorial to advertising % 60/40Frequency monthlyCirculation 5,500 - 9,000*

Equestrian Trade News offers a wealth ofmarketing opportunities for companies seekingto build and maintain relationships with theequestrian trade world.

No matter what your marketing strategy and budget,we are confident you will find ETN an effective meansof communicating with your target audience.*Dependent on issue

DistributionMailed to:• Saddlers, retailers and feed merchants.• BETA Members.• Subscribing manufacturers, wholesalers, agentsand distributors in the UK and overseas.

T h e Vo i c e o f t h e E q u e s t r i a n I n d u s t r y







Key Features2013...the magazine for the industry, about the industry, by the industry

JAN � Feeding for breeding – stud feed and supplements.� Bedding – focus on different types plus stable tools.� Hoof care products for achieving and maintaininghealthy feet.

FEB � BETA International preview – a look at the world's leadingequestrian trade exhibition with stand-by-stand guide.

� Insurance – for the trade and your customers.� Worming Focus – the latest worming products andregimes. inc AMTRA accredited CPD feature.

MAR � Shows review – the best of BETA International and SpogaHorse.

� Competition gear – clothes and equipment for horse andrider including equine boots.

� Weight watching – feeds for equines prone to laminitis.Hoof, leg & joint care

APRIL � Stay at the top – feed for performance.� Good grooming – grooming, fly & coat care products fortop-to-tail treatment inc summer sheets.

� Stay safe – the latest body protectors, riding hats andprotective footwear.

� Clothing & Footwear – what’s new for the seasons ahead.

MAY � Supplementary help – supplements & balancers to stockfor the season ahead.

� Paddock, stable & tackroom essentials – essentialproducts for good management including first aid.

� Small holdings – products for small holders.

JUNE � Focus Europe – profiling European equestrian companies.� Equestrian media – magazines for your marketing.� Marketing, PR and advertising agencies – major playersprofiled.

� Finest saddles & saddle fitting – from home and abroad.� Fleas and ticks – plus other summer parasites inc AMTRAaccredited CPD feature.

JULY � Bedded down – stable equipment and bedding forthe winter to come.

� New clothing & footwear collections.� Hi-viz – safety all year round.� Gifts, jewellery & impulse buys.

AUG � Flying the flag – a celebration of British companiesand manufacturing.

� Below the belt – jodhpurs, breeches, riding bootsand spurs.

� Bits, bridles & training gadgets.

SEPT � Worming focus – developments and latest productsinc AMTRA accredited CPD feature.

� Firing on all cylinders – feeding for optimumcondition.

� Cutting edge – clippers and accessories inc winterrugs.

� Saddlery accessories – girths, numnahs,breastplates and stirrups.

OCT � Balanced diet – supplements and feed balancers.� All wrapped up for Christmas – great gift ideas forseasonal giving.

� Winter ailments – products to combat mud fever,hoof problems, respiratory ailments; plus first aid.

NOV � Fibre power – fibre, forage and hay alternatives.� Herbal products for equine health and horseytreats.

� Boots, socks and gloves to beat the chill.

DEC � Support for retailers – how suppliers are backingthe retailer, merchandising, P.O.S., catalogues,rebranding, easy payment terms, sponsorship, etc.

� One-stop shop – a retailer's guide to wholesalers.� Allergy attack – feeds, supplements & products forhorses.

Advertising Deadline: 12th of month preceding cover date [email protected] Deadline: 1st of month preceding cover date [email protected]

Advertising rates

Artwork must be supplied in digital format, either by email, CD or DVD. A fullcolour hard copy is required for proofing purposes. Artwork to be supplied in eitherQuark Xpress, InDesign, Freehand or Illustrator with relevant files such as fonts,photos, graphics etc, or a Mac compatible EPS file or Hi Res Tiffs, with fontsconverted to paths. Hi Res PDF files are acceptable with embedded fonts andimages all set to CMYK. Ink coverage must be no more than a total of 270%. Filmscan no longer be accepted.If new copy instructions are not received by the copy date, previously supplied copywill be used

STUDIO CHARGESPlease note that the above rates are based uponfinished digital copy being supplied. Full design andcopywriting service is available to all advertisers at thefollowing costs.

£32 quarter page and smaller

£57.50 half page adverts.

£65 full page and DPS.

CLASSIFIED RATES4cm x 1 column £854cm x 2 column £1256cm x 1 column £1056cm x 2 column £156.258cm x 1 column £1258cm x 2 column £187.508cm x 3 column £2502cm x 1 column £65Box Numbers + £5.00Lineage £2.50/word minimum 10Web Directory £65

Advert Single 3 series 6 series 9 series 12 seriessize insertion (each) (each) (each) (each)

DPS £2,380 £2,260 £2,135 £2,020 £1,900HPDPS £1,485 £1,410 £1,335 £1,260 £1,190

FP £1,320 £1,255 £1,190 £1,120 £1,055HP £825 £785 £745 £700 £660QTR £460 £435 £410 £390 £370

EIGHTH £300 £285 £270 £255 £240All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Advertising size chartEighth PagePortraitType: 133 x 42mm

Eighth PageLandscapeType: 65 x 90mm

Quarter PageLandscapeType: 65 x 186mmBleed: 81 x 216mm

QuarterPage StripType: 272 x 42mmBleed: 303 x 57mm

QuarterPage PortraitType: 133 x 90mm

Half Page Double Page SpreadBleed: 154.5 x 426mmTrim: 148.5 x 420mmType: 133 x 396mm

Half PagePortraitBleed: 303 x 111mmTrim: 297 x 105mmType: 272 x 90mm

Half PageLandscapeBleed: 152 x 216mmTrim: 146 x 210mmType: 133 x 186mm

Double Page SpreadBleed: 303 x 426mmTrim: 297 x 420mmType: 272 x 396mm

Full PageBleed: 303 x 216mmTrim: 297 x 210mmType: 272 x 186mm


Bleed-off page plus 10%

Solus plus 20%

Facing matter plus 10%

Guaranteed position plus 25%

Inserts, outserts, wraps and tip-ons from as little as 23 penceper item; also run-ons and print management.

Call for a tailored quote today.

To advertise in ETN, contact the advertising team:Tel: +44 (0) 1937 582111 Email: [email protected]

ETN e-newsletter advertising opportunities are only available tocompanies advertising in ETN magazine.

Availabilty: 3 x Banner per newsletterPositions: Headline & Footer (landscape)

Right-hand side (portrait)Cost: £90 + vat each

All e-newsletter banner advertising will appear in the samemonth as magazine advertising. Sizes upon request