Etymology List #8

Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

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Page 1: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Etymology List #8

Page 2: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

affinity• (uh FIN uh tee)

• (noun)

• A natural attraction; kinship; similarity

• Link: FIN TEA

Page 3: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

This kitten and puppy seem to have an affinity for one another, which goes against the notion that cats and dogs don’t get along well.

Page 4: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

aftermath• (AF tur math)

• (noun)

• Events following some occurrence; a consequence of


Page 5: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

The aftermath of devastation from Hurricane Sandy has shattered people’s homes, lives, and belongings.

Page 6: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

ajar• (uh JARR)• (adjective)• Partially open• Link: JAR

Page 7: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

If you’re a fan of puns, you might find the cartoon above amusing. Even if you don’t, it definitely shows the meaning of the word ajar, which means partially open. Oh, and here’s a fun joke: When is a door not a door? When it’s ajar!! Ha Ha. I crack myself up!

Page 8: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

alleviate• (uh LEE vee ayt)

• (verb) (alleviation – noun)

• To make less severe; to relieve, to lessen


Page 9: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

The Red Cross seeks to alleviate people’s suffering after disasters by providing much-needed food, supplies, medical assistance, and even blood to injured people.

Page 10: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

anterior• (an TIR ee ur)

• (adjective)

• Situated in front


Page 11: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

You probably haven’t thought of a fish in terms of its anterior and posterior, but you should if you like to fish, because it’s easier to catch a fish from the anterior position rather than its tail.

Page 12: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

bizarre• (bih ZAR)• (adjective)• Extremely unconventional or

far-fetched• Link: BAZAAR

Page 13: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

In the show Bizarre Foods, Andrew Zimmern tastes bizarre dishes such as brains and foie gras in Los Angeles restaurant called Animal.

Page 14: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

bleak• (bleak)

• (adjective)

• Depressing, discouraging, harsh, cold, barren, raw

• Link: LEAK

Page 15: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

While Seattle is an interesting city with unique sights to visit, many people wouldn’t want to live there because of its bleak weather; the city is said to have only 60 sunny days a year.

Page 16: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

candor• (CAN dur)

• (noun) (candid – adj.)

• Truthfulness, sincere honesty

• Link: CONDOR

Page 17: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Barbara Walters (left) and Nancy Grace (right) are American journalists, and while both are known for their candor with their interview subjects, many find Nancy Grace’s interview style to be abrasive and at times even abusive.

Page 18: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

catharsis• (kuh THAR sis)

• (noun) (cathartic – adj.)• An emotional or psychological

cleansing that brings relief or renewal


Page 19: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Some people say that having a good cry can be a form of catharsis just as powerful as dancing, singing, or writing, but this isn’t the case for all people, as an article in Directions in Psychological Science indicates.

Page 20: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

circa• (SUR ka)

• (preposition)

• About; at an estimated historical time period

• Link: CIRCUS

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The two dinosaurs shown here are said to have lived circa 230 million years ago, a time so long ago it is hard to even fathom.

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demagogue• (DEM uh gawg)

• (noun) (demagoguery – noun- the practice of rule by appealing to emotion/prejudice)

• A leader who obtains power by appealing to emotions / prejudices


Page 23: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Hitler and Mussolini are well-known demagogues. When they were leaders, many Italians and Germans fell prey to the prejudices they perpetuated, especially those that related to purity of their own race at the expense of others. Today, some accuse Syrian presidnet Bashar al-Assad of demagoguery because he is responsible for the deaths of many Syrians who oppose him.



Page 24: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

demur• (dih MUR)

• (verb)

• To object, to make exception

• Link: PURE

Page 25: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Most young women demur when a guy they don’t know wants to kiss them. That’s just kind of gross.

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domain• (DOUGH mane)

• (noun)

• A territory over which one rules, has influence or powers

• Link: PLAIN

Page 27: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

The use of eminent domain to seize property is controversial because when people buy their homes they don’t expect to be ousted from them so roads or bridges can be built, but especially not so others can make money from them.

Page 28: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Euphonious• (you PHONE ee us)

• (adjective) (euphony – noun)

• pleasing to the ear


Page 29: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Most music connoisseurs agree that Beethoven’s “Für Elise” is euphonious, especially in comparison to more contemporary music such as dubstep or rap.

Page 30: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Fawn• (fawn)

• (verb)

• exhibit affection; seek favor through flattery; to “suck up” to someone

• Link: FAWN

Page 31: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Dispatch sports writer Bob Hunter says that fans who fawn over OSU players share the blame for the Bucks’ problems because they idolize players and make them feel as though they deserve special treatment.

Page 32: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Gazebo• (guh ZEE boe)

• (noun)

• an outdoor structure with a roof and open sides

• Link: ZEBRA

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This is a pretty fancy shmancy gazebo. Most aren’t nearly this elaborate, but they all serve the same purpose: to give people a little shelter as they enjoy being outside.

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herbicide• (HERB uh side)

• (noun)

• A substance used to destroy plants, especially weeds


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Herb Tarlek

Herb Tarlek was such an obnoxious character in the 1978-82 series WKRP in Cincinnati that some might have liked to use a “herb”icide on him, but the picture on the right represents a herbicide you might use to get rid of weeds in your yard.

Page 36: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

intervene• (in tur VEEN)

• (verb) (intervention – noun)

• To come between; to mediate, to occur between times


Page 37: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

The show Intervention chronicles the lives of drug and alcohol addicts who have hit rock bottom to the point that their families seek professional help to intervene because the families don’t know how to help them.

Page 38: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

inveigle• (in VAY gul)• (verb)• To tempt or persuade by using

deception or flattery• Link: BAGEL

Page 39: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

Unfortunately, too many alumni seek to inveigle college athletes in order to gain special favors for themselves.

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lax• (lax)

• (adj.)

• Careless, negligence; not tense, slack

• Link: TAX

Page 41: Etymology List #8. affinity (uh FIN uh tee) (noun) A natural attraction; kinship; similarity Link: FIN TEA

The debate about how to best raise children rages on as the era of “helicopter” parents’ constant control vs. lax parents’ seemingly negligent style continues.

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melancholy• (MEL un kahl ee)

• (noun, adjective)

• Depression of spirits, gloomy, weary

• Link: MELON

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This photograph, entitled “Autumn’s Melancholy,” visually depicts the melancholy feeling that some people have when weather turns cold and gray. Certain music may also evoke these feelings of gloominess.

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Mores• (MAWR āyz)

• (noun)

• customary cultural standards; moral attitudes, manners, habits

• Link: MORE A’s

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Societal mores have changed, extending rights those who didn’t have them, including 14th Amendment rights of equal protection, women’s right to vote, racial integration of the armed services, Civil Rights laws, and rights allowing gay people to openly serve in the military. In each instance, people thought these rights would have negative effects that have not materialized.

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Orthodox• (OR thuh dahks)• (adjective) (orthodoxyj – noun)• conventional, doing it by the

book, sticking to established principles


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Many faiths have specific criteria to remain orthodox, including those related to dress, employment, food, and celebrating the Sabbath.

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pied• (pyed)

• (adjective)

• multi-colored, especially of more than one color in patches


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The pied colors of this puppy’s fur and Joseph’s coat in the famous musical are great examples of how the word “pied” could be used.

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stupefy• (STOO puh fie)• (verb)• To make numb with

amazement; to stun into helplessness


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This card in the Harry Potter game puts a spell on people that stupefies them and then renders them unconscious. Meanwhile, in its real usage, the writer of this article says that some politicians wish to stupefy kids by mixing the teaching of evolution and intelligent design.