EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals Update on ongoing legislation procedure Magdalena Freund, imds professional Julia Rickes, HPE 18 February 2016

EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals - imds professional · 2016-02-18 · Legislation process – steps so far 7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation on Conflict

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Page 1: EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals - imds professional · 2016-02-18 · Legislation process – steps so far 7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation on Conflict

EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals Update on ongoing legislation procedure

Magdalena Freund, imds professional Julia Rickes, HPE 18 February 2016

Page 2: EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals - imds professional · 2016-02-18 · Legislation process – steps so far 7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation on Conflict

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Page 3: EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals - imds professional · 2016-02-18 · Legislation process – steps so far 7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation on Conflict

• U.S. Model Dodd-Frank Act

• EU Conflict Mineral Legislation - What are we dealing with?

• How is being legislated?

• Which form does legislation take here?

• Steps in legislation process so far

• An important amendment and an important difference from Dodd-Frank

• Is your company affected?

• Tools 2: IMDS Conflict Minerals Analyzer (CMA)

• Tools 1: HPE CMD-Manager

Page 4: EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals - imds professional · 2016-02-18 · Legislation process – steps so far 7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation on Conflict

U.S. Model Dodd-Frank Act, SEC 1502

Regulates use of minerals originating in Democratic Republic

of Congo (DRC) and neighbouring countries affected by

civil war and conflicts (no prohibition but principle of due


Aim of preventing illegal trading with such „conflict minerals“

as they are often used to finance armed groups and other

actors involved in local conflict

Conflict Minerals: 3TG = Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum and Gold

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EU Legislation on «Conflict Minerals»


PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL setting up a Union system

for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible

importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold

originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas »

(COM(2014)0111 – C7- 0092/2014 – 2014/0059(COD))»

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How is being legislated?

- Proposal COM(2014)0111 => Proposed by European Commission to

European Parliament and EU Council

- Procedure file 2014/0059(COD) => COD - Ordinary legislative procedure /

(ex-codecision procedure)

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How is being legislated?

Source: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200809/ldselect/ldeucom/125/12504.htm

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What form does legislation take here?

Article 288, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

“To exercise the Union's competences, the institutions shall adopt regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions.

A regulation shall have general application. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.”

Example Regulation from automotive industry: REACH Example Directive from automotive industry: ELV

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Legislation process – steps so far

7 October 2010 EU Parliament decides to draft legislation

on Conflict Minerals

5 March 2014 EU Commission: Proposal for Regulation

(COM(2014)0111) on supply chain due diligence self-

certification of responsible importers, and Impact

Assesments (SWD (2014) 52 (Summary), SWD (2014) 53)

9 March 2015 DEVE Committee opinion on Proposal calls

for mandatory scheme for importers (2014/0059(COD))

14 April 2015 INTA Committee votes on Proposal,

Amendments: mandatory self-certification scheme of

responsible importers

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Legislation process – steps so far

20 May 2015 European Parliament votes on Proposal: majority

supports mandatory compliance for all Union importers,

additionally downstream users shall be required to provide

information on their due diligence activities (P8_TA-


16 June/14 July 2015 INTA Committee vote on whether to

enter informal trilogue negotiations with an aim of reaching

agreement withing1st reading postponed; majority vote on 14 July,

appointment of negotiation team More info: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?reference=2014/0059(COD)&l=EN



Listen to the EP debate at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=CRE&reference=20150519&secondRef=ITEM-


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Legislation process – steps so far

25 January 2016 INTA - Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade

and Development Cooperation names Conflict Minerals regulation as one of

the priorities of the Dutch Presidency in the area of International Trade Policy: «The Conflict Minerals issue is important since it affects so many people across the globe […]

The trilogue will not be easy, but I sense a willingness on all parts of the institutions to come to

a conclusion. » Ploumen urged the Committee to try to finalize this legislative process during the

Dutch Presidency.

15 February INTA, Report on ongoing trilogue negotiation: no quick

resolution in sight. First trilogue took place on1 February 2016 in Strasbourg:

no common ground regarding obligation and companies to be included;

further dates have not yet been set since the Council needs to give its

mandate for negotiations now

Weitere Infos unter: http://deutsch.eu2016.nl/dokumente/publicaties/2016/01/07/programm-der-niederlandischen-prasidentschaft-des-rates-der-europaischen-union

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Is your company affected?

Source: JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL. Responsible sourcing of minerals originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas Towards an

integrated EU approach /* JOIN/2014/08 final */, 05-03-2014

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HP IMDS Advanced Solutions

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The IMDS Conflict Minerals Analyzer (CMA)

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The IMDS Conflict Minerals Analyzer (CMA)






6 7


A Conflict Minerals Analysis Tool for the automotive industrie

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Copyright imds professional 2015 18

The IMDS Conflict Minerals Analyzer (CMA)

A Conflict Minerals Analysis Tool for the automotive industrie










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HP IMDS Advanced Solutions


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Copyright imds professional 2015 20

Overview of HPE CMD-Manager

Create a new CMRT Report



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Overview of HPE CMD-Manager

Import of own and/or supplier CMDs



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Overview of HPE CMD-Manger

Reference Supplier CMDs to own CMDs




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Copyright imds professional 2015

Seminar 6160: IMDS – Checking,

Analysing and Reporting of IMDS

Seminar 6210:



Seminar 6172: IMDS –

Requirements & Guidelines

Seminar 6102: IMDS - Criteria

for an effective IMDS Process

Webinar 6179:

Conflict Minerals

Seminar 6151: REACH for

Manufacturers and importers

in the automotive industry

Seminar 6121:

IMDS – Advanced

Webinar 6192:



Webinar 6191:


Analyses Functions

Webinar 6193:

Finding correct

Application Codes

Webinar 6194:


– Sunset Date

Webinars: Seminar 6178:

Conflict Minerals

Webinar 6190:



Seminar 6150: REACH for downstream

users in the automotive industry

Seminar 6174: GADSL

Basic & Application / Checking and

Verifying application codes

Webinar 6129:



Webinar 6127:



Seminar 6140: IMDS – Using

A2 Optimizer efficiently

Inhouse Trainings:

Seminar 6211:

CDX - Advanced

Webinar 6177:

Working with

CM Analyzer

Webinar 6245:

CM-Reports with


Webinar 6235:


in CDX

Webinar 6218:


Using the functions

Webinar 6215:


Seminar 6120:



Seminar 6232: Conflict Minerals

reporting with CMD-Manager

Seminar 6122:

The new IMDS Release 10