EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME NATIONAL AGENCY WORK PROGRAMME PERIOD: 1 JANUARY 2 0 1 6 - 31 DECEMBER 2 0 1 6 Name of National Agency (NA) : SI01-CMEPIUS (E+) Fields Covered : School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, Adult Education Name of contact person : Neža Pajnič Email of contact person : [email protected] Phone number of contact person : +386.1.6209.477 Year : 2016 "I hereby acknowledge that for the implementation of the present NA work programme the NA commits itself to applying the rules set out in the 2016 General Call for proposals, the 2016 Erasmus + Programme Guide, the 2016 Guide for NAs or other rules set out at EU level". Name : dr. Alenka Flander Function : Director Visa History Visa Date Status Visa By On Behalf of 17/03/2016 Signed by NA Pajnic Neza Flander Alenka 15/03/2016 Approval letter sent by EAC NIKULINA Alona NA legal representative "I hereby declare that I agree with the attached work programme and will ensure that the NA receives the necessary national matching resources to realise the proposed work programme successfully as well as to comply with the requirements incumbent on it upon signature of the corresponding Delegation Agreement between the Commission and the NA". Name : dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič Function : Minister Date : 13/11/2015 National Authority 1

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and ...€¦ · EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME NATIONAL AGENCY WORK PROGRAMME

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Page 1: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and ...€¦ · EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Education and Culture ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME NATIONAL AGENCY WORK PROGRAMME


Directorate-General for Education and Culture



PERIOD: 1 JANUARY 2 0 1 6 - 31 DECEMBER 2 0 1 6

Name of National Agency (NA) : SI01-CMEPIUS (E+)

Fields Covered : School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, Adult Education

Name of contact person : Neža Pajnič

Email of contact person : [email protected]

Phone number of contact person : +386.1.6209.477

Year : 2016

"I hereby acknowledge that for the implementation of the present NA work programmethe NA commits itself to applying the rules set out in the 2016 General Call for proposals,the 2016 Erasmus + Programme Guide, the 2016 Guide for NAs or other rules set out atEU level".

Name : dr. Alenka Flander

Function : Director

Visa History

Visa Date Status Visa By On Behalf of

1 7 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 6 Signed by NA Pajnic Neza Flander Alenka

1 5 / 0 3 / 2 0 1 6 Approval letter sent by EAC NIKULINA Alona

NA legal representative "I hereby declare that I agree with the attached work programme and will ensure that theNA receives the necessary national matching resources to realise the proposed workprogramme successfully as well as to comply with the requirements incumbent on it uponsignature of the corresponding Delegation Agreement between the Commission and theNA".

Name : dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič

Function : Minister

Date : 1 3 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5

National Authority


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This document reflects the template of the NA Work Programme that will be developed in the IT tool Lifecard. Lifecard shall be used by National Agencies to draft their programmeof activit ies. They will be asked to present updates on their multiannual strategy and plans as well as information about operational objectives to be pursued and activit ies to becarried out in the year 2016. Where relevant, National Agencies will also present the annual activities of the Erasmus+ Networks run by or l inked to them. The sections of this WorkProgramme that relate to updates of the Multiannual Strategy and Plans are not always compulsory. The National Agency shall provide such updates only if significant

developments to these strategies and plans have occurred or will occur in 2016 or if specific changes were requested by the Commission (e.g. in the approval letter of the 2015 NAWork Programme or evaluation conclusions letter of the 2014 Yearly NA Report). For more explanations on how to fill in this Work Programme, National Agencies are invited toconsul t the Specifications for the E+ NA Work Programme provided by the Commission.


The NA's vision and mission of i ts organisation, including its responsibili t ies or mandate beyond its role as a National Agency, together with its long-term goals and their impacton/contribution to the management of the programme by the NA and how these goals are reflected concretely in the objectives of the NA staff .Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016.


N.B. National Agencies are invited to complete or revise Part I of the Work Programme only if significant changes have been introduced in their multiannual strategies, compared toprevious years.NA Multiannual strategy for the implementation of Erasmus+

I.1. National policy context

Overall description of the state of play of national policy context in view of the specific objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme in the fields of education, training and youth (asapplicable)Please update if necessary.

The national context has no significant changes, however an update of the main topics of ministerial activities is relevant. In May 2015 new Minister for Education, Science andSport has been appointed (dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič). She set four mail areas of development and the focal points in her mandate:

- internat ional isat ion od educat ion and training sector

- quality (already high on the agenda during last years)

- transfer and circulation of knowledge (education – economic development – science triangle)

- support ing environments (al l e lements that support the development and implementat ion of the three above)

In this regards also multi l ingualism and crosscurricular contexts become an important topics.

Minister is also regularly underlining the importance of the Erasmus+ programme and the role of the NA as an important support mechanism for al l focal points, therefore weexpect that E+ programme will be well set within the national policy context ion the next years.

I.2. Needs analysis

Overall analysis of needs in the national contextPlease update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

I.3. NA Operational objectives, indicators and targets

Overall description of the NA operational objectives, indicators and targets expected in the short and long term.

Please update if necessary.


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As forecasted already in 2015 work programme, the main operational objective of the NA has been successfully implemented. The participation in Erasmus+ during calls 2014 and2015 is comparable to the participation of last three years in LLP and the commitment rate for decentralised activities is 100%. This will remain one of the main goals of the NAalso during 2016 activities.

As planned the focus during 2015 shifted and will continue so in 2016 also toward effective and efficient implementation of the awarded programme activit ies. The aim of the NAis high quality impact, reaching the objectives and benefitivng the national context in doing so. The NA therefore puts significant efforts into diffetent monitoring activities tosupport beneficiaries. The focus lies in both types of activities, mobility projects and strategic partnerships. In mobility projects two areas remain as top priorit ies, namelymobility of staff and the quality of mobility. Both are interrelated therefore the NA activities cover the mobility of staff in function of the high quality of mobility. In strategicparternships the focus is on quall i ty in al l aspects - quali ty of project management and quali ty of project results and impact.

Special attention during 2015 and 2016 is put to the promotion of different supporting environments for projects, namely platforms EPALE, eTwinning, Education Gateway andErasmus+ Project results Platform.

Since main focal points of the national context support the our activities the NA will streamline its activities more towards the identified focal points to achieve greater impact onnational context .

I.3.1. Foster participation in Key Action 1 mobility projects in order to improve the level of key competences and skills of participants




targets by the end of

t h e


Indicative annual

targets for 2016

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:I.Learners

�a.Higher education within Programme Countries 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:I.Learners


2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:I.Learners


- -

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:II.Staff/Youth workersa.Higher education within Programme Countries

1 0 0 0 6 0 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:II.Staff/Youth workersb.VET

2 5 0 1 5 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:II.Staff/Youth workersc.School education

5 0 0 3 3 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:II.Staff/Youth workersd.Adult educat ion

2 0 0 1 1 0

I.3.1.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects for Key Action 1:II.Staff/Youth workerse.Youth

- -

I.3.1.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects in:a.Higher education within Programme Countries

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.1.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects in:b.VET

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.1.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects in:c.School education

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.1.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects in:d.Adult educat ion

1 0 0 1 0 0


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I.3.1.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects in:e.Youth

- -

In relation to the indicator I.3.1.2 above, please justify, if relevant, the reasons for a low NA budget take up and elaborate on the type of activities that you intend to carry outduring the year in order to improve the situation in the following years. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details about theseactivities in the section below.

Due to high demand and high quality of applications the NA is satisfied to report 100% commitment rate of the available budget for KA1 activities. The reserve lists are set up inall fields in KA1 therefore any uncommited funds in KA2 are also possible to be transfered to KA1.

I.3.2. Raise the level of recognition of learning outcomes in mobility activities



Current situation

(indicative share)

I.3.2.1.% share of HE students from Programme Countries who have received full recognition of their learning outcomes acquired throughtheir participation in the programme, using ECTS for study periods

9 9

I.3.2.2.% share of HE students from Programme Countries who have received full recognition of their learning outcomes acquired throughparticipation in the programme in a Partner Country, using ECTS for study periods

9 9

I.3.2.3.% share of HE students from Partner Countries (out of the total number of students in your Programme Country) who have receivedfull recognit ion of their learning outcomes acquired through their part icipation in the programme, after studying in your ProgrammeCountry for s tudy per iods

9 5

I.3.2.4.% share of VET learners from Programme Countries who have received a certificate, diploma or other type of recognition/validation oftheir learning outcomes acquired through their participation in the programme, using tools such as Europass, ECVET, etc.

9 9

I.3.2.5.% share of volunteers in the youth field from Programme Countries who have received a validation for the learning outcomesacquired through part icipat ing in the programme, using Youthpass


I.3.2.6.% share of volunteers in projects involving Partner Countries in the field of youth who have received Youthpass validation of theirlearning outcomes


In relation to the indicators above, please describe (on the basis of the information gathered in participants ' reports and final beneficiary reports from previous years, as well asother sources) the general level of recognition of learning outcomes of participants in mobility projects selected by your National Agency (give information about any type ofmobility managed by your NA). If relevant, please elaborate on the type of activities that you intend to carry out during the year in order to improve the situation in the followingyears. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details about these activities in the section below.

General level of recognition of learning outcomes of participants in mobility between Programme countries is satisfactory. The NA records objective recognition methods put inplace in HE and VET mobility projects. The share of VET schools using ECVET tools is increasing, the NA supports this through activities of the ECVET project. The recognition ismonitored through final reports and also during monitoring visi ts to insti tutions. During 2015 no cases of no recognit ion were detected.

I.3.3. Foster the cross-sectoral dimension of Strategic Partnerships



Provisional targets by

the end

of the programme

Indicative Annual

targets for 2016

I.3.3.1.% share of cross-sectoral projects awarded through in the relevant sectors:a.Higher education

5 0 5 0

I.3.3.1.% share of cross-sectoral projects awarded through in the relevant sectors:b.VET

3 5 3 5

I.3.3.1.% share of cross-sectoral projects awarded through in the relevant sectors:c.School education

5 0 5 0

I.3.3.1.% share of cross-sectoral projects awarded through in the relevant sectors:d.Adult educat ion

5 0 5 0

I.3.3.1.% share of cross-sectoral projects awarded through in the relevant sectors:e.Youth

- -


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In relation to the indicator above please describe (on the basis of the information gathered in participants ' reports and final beneficiary reports from previous years, as well asother sources) the extent to which Strategic Partnerships are an instrument to promote cooperation between different profi les of organisations and insti tut ions as well as aninstrument to "open" the fields of education, training and youth to synergies and cooperation with other fields. If relevant, please elaborate on the type of activit ies that you intendto carry out during the year in order to improve the situation in the following years. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details aboutthese activities in the section below.

Analysis of the applications has shown, that applicants do not see priorit ies so much as field specific but more content related. Some priorit ies are more general therefore easilyapplicable to different fields ("Strengthening quality through mobili ty and cross-border cooperation" is HE priority but has been chosen by many projects unrelated to HEcompletely - because it is so general, applicable to any field and it was not clear in the application it is only HE related). However generally speaking almost all projects (over 80%)choose at least addit ional horizontal priori ty next to f ield-specific ones, therefore the share of cross-sectoral projects is high.Is is also notable that some cross-sectoral cooperation is more common (HE-VET, HE-SE, SE-VET, VET-AE) than other (SE-AE, HE-AE, cooperation with youth sector in general). Toincrease the cooperation with youth sector the NA detected the need for better understanding of youth priori t ies. The NAs collaborate well and therefore an elaborated explanationof youth priorit ies will be assured by the youth NA for the use of both NAs. To increase general cross-sectoral cooperation the NA will put more stress on i t during promotion andalso traing the external evaluators in accordance to recognise the value of such cooperation in projects being evaluated.The NA plans part icipation in cross-sectoral TCA activit ies to enhance the awareness of cross-sectoral cooperation and cooperation among sectors as such.

I.3.4. Through Strategic Partnerships, foster synergies and cooperation between the fields of education, training and youth and the world of work



Provisional targets by

the end of the


Indicative Annual


for 2016

I.3.4.1.% share of awarded projects in Strategic Partnerships involving enterprises or other socio-economic playersactive in the world of work as participating organisations:a.Higher education

6 5 5 0

I.3.4.1.% share of awarded projects in Strategic Partnerships involving enterprises or other socio-economic playersactive in the world of work as participating organisations:b.VET

8 0 6 5

I.3.4.1.% share of awarded projects in Strategic Partnerships involving enterprises or other socio-economic playersactive in the world of work as participating organisations:c.School education

4 0 3 5

I.3.4.1.% share of awarded projects in Strategic Partnerships involving enterprises or other socio-economic playersactive in the world of work as participating organisations:d.Adult education

4 0 3 5

I.3.4.1.% share of awarded projects in Strategic Partnerships involving enterprises or other socio-economic playersactive in the world of work as participating organisations:e.Youth

- -

If any of the above share is not satisfactory, please elaborate on the type of activit ies that you intend to carry out during the year in order to increase the participation of theseactors in the action in the following years. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details about these activities in the section below.

As to be expected the highest share of enterprise cooperation is in the field of VET. For Slovenia the percentage can change quickly because the number of projects is very low (3in VET and 2 each in other fields). However we are confident, that the cooperation will continue in the expected scope also in the future when we expect the number of projects tobe higher. The objective of the NA is to always have room for field specific projects which will work on an expertese of the field, however in each field the NA aslo expects a degreeof cooperation with enterprises. The degree is to be very high in VET followed by the HE field, while the extent of cooperation with worl of work is smaller in SE ind AE. Basically the NA will promote the cooperation strongly in the field of VET and HE so only exceptionally the project will be selected if no cooperation with field of work is included(if not relevant for the topic), while in SE and AE fields the cooperation will be supported but not in the extent as in th eother two fields.

I.3.5. Enhance the international dimension of education, training and youth activities and the role of youth workers and organisations as support structures for young people

by encouraging mobility projects with Partner Countries.



Provisional targets by

the end

of the programme

Indicative annual

targets for 2016


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I.3.5.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects in Key Action 1:a.Higher education with Partner Countries

5 0 0 3 5 0

I.3.5.1.Number of participants in awarded mobility projects in Key Action 1:b.Youth with Neighbouring Partner Countries

- -

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:I.Higher education: a.IPA2

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:I.Higher education: b.ENI

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:I.Higher education: c.DCI

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:I.Higher education: d.PI

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:I.Higher education: e.EDF

1 0 0 1 0 0

I.3.5.2.% of NA budget take-up (commitment rate) for Key Action 1 mobility projects with Partner Countries in:II.Youth:

- -

In relation to the indicator I .3.5.1, for higher education student credit mobili ty and staff mobili ty between Programme and Partner Countries: if the NA decides to add secondaryaward criteria for the 2016 selection of projects regarding budget envelopes below 60 000 EUR, these additional criteria should be described in the section below.

NA SI has decided to keep the rules set up in 2015 Call with some additional criteria:- DCI South Africa: only staff mobility of maximum duration of 15 days (travel not included) eligible- PI Industrialised Americas and Asia: only staff and PhD mobility eligible

The reasoning behind this additional rules is:- in case of DCI South Africa the available budget is very low and priority is staff mobility to set up possible future student mobility- in case of PI Industrialised Americas and Asia priority is increased cooperation in research.

In relation to the indicator I.3.5.2, please justify, if relevant, the reasons for a low NA budget take up and please elaborate on the type of activities that you intend to carry outduring the year in order to improve the situation in the following years. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details about theseactivities in the section below.

In so far the NA had high interest from HEIs to participate in international mobility activities, especially for certain regions where the sum of requested budgets was high above theavailable budget (IPA and ENI). Therefore we expect the commitment rate to be 100% in all envelopes since the available budget has been lower than the requested budget by theHEIs during both calls in 2015. However, the NA has already received reports regarding the difficulties in the implementation of the action. Mainly the difficulties relate to thenational laws for payment to foreign persons. The NA is in close contact with the HEIs and also with all relevant national services involved, parallel to the close cooperation withthe national authorities to solve the problems in view of support to the mobility activities. The NA is confident the problems will be solved in due time not to impact negatively on the mobility activities.

I.3.6. Foster participation of people with special needs or fewer opportunities in the programme

Education and Training



Provisional targets by

the end

of the programme

Indicative annual


for 2016

I.3.6.1.% share of learners with special needs participating in awarded Key Action 1 mobility projects in:a.Higher education within Programme Countries

2 1

I.3.6.1.% share of learners with special needs participating in awarded Key Action 1 mobility projects in:b.VET

3 2



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Provisional targets by

the end

of the programme

Indicative annual


for 2016

I.3.6.2.% share of young people with fewer opportunities participating in:a.Key Action 1 (mobility projects)

- -

I.3.6.2.% share of young people with fewer opportunities participating in:b.Key Action 3 (meetings with decision-makers)

- -

I.3.6.3.% share of awarded projects with topics related to inclusion of people with fewer opportunities in:a.Key Action 1 (mobility projects)

- -

I.3.6.3.% share of awarded projects with topics related to inclusion of people with fewer opportunities in:b.Key Action 2 (strategic partnerships)

- -

I.3.6.3.% share of awarded projects with topics related to inclusion of people with fewer opportunities in:c.Key Action 3 (meetings with decision-makers)

- -

If any of the above share is not satisfactory, please elaborate on the type of activit ies that you intend to carry out during the year in order to improve the participation of peoplewith special needs/fewer opportunities in the action in the following years. Please ensure coherence with Part II of this work programme and provide more details about theseactivities in the section below.

The share of learners with special needs participating in the awarded Key Action 1 mobility projects in HE is stil l very low. The number of students is similar to previous years andis not r ising as is the absolute number of awarded mobili t ies. The NA has the system set in place for the additional support to be requested by the HEIs for the purpose ofparticipation of students with special needs which is transparent and easy to follow. The NA also set up very clear rules regarding the aplication of individual students foradditional grant at the HEI level, including existing documentation to be submitted so no extra bureaucracy is requested from the student. The NA also promotes the extraavailable funds for this purpose through group of students with special needs organised as part of the Student organisat ion. During 2016 the NA intends to promote this extrafunding with more emphasis during the promotion of KA1 activities to HEIs and especially during the kick of meeting for beneficiaries since they play a vital role in motivatingstudents to part icipate in mobil i ty.In VET the share is a bit higher and the schools take the situation of their students more into consideration however they face a bit different situation. In VET mobility students goabroad for practical placement mostly in businesses and there i t is much moe difficult to organise special conditions for learners with special needs. Nevertheless the schools offerfull support to leraners who express the motivation and implement the mobil i ty if possible.

The NA plans participation in TCA activit ies related to participation of learners with special needs to enhance the awareness and empower schools to include such learners.

I.3.7. Foster active participation of young people in democratic life of their communities, through participation in Key Action 3 meetings between young people and

decis ion-makers



Provisional targets by

the end

of the programme

Indicative annual


for 2016

I.3.7.1. Number of young people directly participating in Key Action 3 awarded projects - -

I.3.8. Efficient, effective and compliant programme management



Provisional targets by


end of the programme

Indicative annual


for 2016

I.3.8.1.% share of applications for KA1 (excluding Higher Education) reaching the minimum quality threshold forselection

7 5 6 0

I.3.8.2. % share of applications for KA2 reaching the minimum quality threshold for selection 5 0 5 0

I.3.8.3. % share of applications for KA3 reaching the minimum quality threshold for selection - -

I.3.8.4.% share of f inal reports reaching the minimum quali ty threshold for acceptance without grant reduction based onqual i ty grounds

8 5 8 0

I.3.8.5. % share of timely received final reports 9 8 9 5

I.3.8.6. % share of beneficiary reports with financial adjustments below 2% 9 6 9 5


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I.3.9. Additional NA operational objectives

The NA may develop any additional operational objectives, which should be outlined below.

Additional NA

operational objectives



Provisional targets by


end of the programme




for 2016

Please add below any comments if necessary, concerning your additional objectives.

The NA has analysed the success rate of applications in KA1 and KA2 in 2014 and 2015 Calls. Share of applications reaching the minimum quality treshold for selection hasdecreased slightly in both key activities from 2014 to 2015 (for KA1 from 70% to 63,7% and for KA2 from 52,4 % to 46,8 %). The number of applications submitted did decreasehowever the demand is st i l l in the range of expected (satisfactory number of applications submitted compared to the number of potential applicants and available funding). Alsothe stated shares represent a high number of projects being ranked on the reserve l ist , not being selected (due to lack of available funds).

The NA insists on high relevance and high quality. We already reacted to the decrease in the share of quality projects by providing range of support to potential applicants for Call2016: workshops (stressing common weak points in past applications), webinars, councelling, handbooks etc.. However we will not know the effect of these activities before the Call2016 has been finalised (July 2016). Therefore we proposed shares in 2016 Work Programme as stated. These shares were submitted and approved by the EC for WP 2014 and2015 (both, yearly targets as well as the target for 2020), so based on our current evidence the trends remain the same.

I.4. Monitoring and evaluation of progress and realisation of objectives

How will the NA in close cooperation with the NAU monitor and evaluate i ts progress towards reaching the defined targets and raising the policy relevance of the programmeresults in the country?Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

I.5. Cooperation with the National Authority

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

I.6. Cooperation with other NAs in the country

If the Erasmus+ programme is implemented by more than one NA in the country, what will be the NA's strategy for a coordinated management of the programme at national leveland for co-operation with the other NAs in order to reach i ts operational objectives and targets?Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

I.7. Synergy with other programmes and initiatives

The list of programmes and init iatives in synergy with Erasmus+ was provided in the NA Work Programmes of previous years. If there are any changes or update to this section,please introduce them in the below table.

Name of the


Description of actions ensuring

s y n e r g yExpected impact on Erasmus+

Actions taken for the

prevention of double funding

General description of the planned synergies:

No update for WP 2016


II.1. Communication, information and dissemination and exploitation of results


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II.1.1. Multiannual NA Plan

Please detail the NA's multiannual plan for communication, information and dissemination and exploitation of results in terms of:

II.1.1.1. Objectives and targets

Overall description of the objectives and targets Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.1.1.2. Monitoring and impact measuring of the activities on communication/dissemination and exploitation of results

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.1.2. Yearly planning of NA activities - update annually

Please list the concrete NA activities planned for the 2016 programme period to achieve the objectives set under point II.1.1.1 and II.1.1.2, including the minimum requiredactivities.*If the NA wishes to set objectives additional to those set at European level, they should also be defined in Part I as Additional NA Operational Objectives.

NA activities planned for 2016

(minimum required activities in


The relevant objective

from Part I*

including additional

NA operational

object ives

Target public Methods /ToolsIndicative calendar 2016

(month or quarter of the year)

Maintenance of a functionalwebsi te

The websi te supports thefollowing objectives: - to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

The following groups are maintarget public: - organisat ionsactive in the field of education andtraining; - pupils, learners,s tudents ; - publ ic authori t ies a tdifferent levels; - experts workingin the field of E&T; - generalpublic;

methodology: user-fr iendlyup- to-date informat ion avai lableat any moment. Tools: - s tat icwebsite with general informationon programme act ivi t ies -up- to-da te s i t e on open ca l l s -up- to-da te s i t e on cont rac tua ldocumenta t ion and suppor t ingdocumentat ion for beneficiar ies -front page with news addressingall target groups

All year round.

Annual selection of national bestpract ices

The annual selection of bestpract ices supports mainly theobjective to raise the number ofgood quality results. I t doeshowever support a lso theimprovement of quali ty of projectappl icat ions and enhancespart ic ipat ion in the programme ingeneral and for specific targetgroups. I t a lso supports theobjective to encouragesustainabil i ty and transferabil i ty

Target public manily: -beneficiaries and - general public(national authorit ies, potentialapplicants, media)

How do we do i t : - t ransparentselection procedure by externalexperts; - public award ceremony;- publicat ion of a broshure withselected best pract ices; -publicat ion of the event on thewebsi te

December 2016


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of innovat ive products andpractices.

Information/promotion act ivi t ieson cross-sectora l cooperat ionopportuni t ies offered by Erasmus+

The activit ies mainly support theobjective to ecouragecross-sectoral init iatives. I t doeshelp to implement a lso thefollowing objectives: - to maintainthe part icipation in E+programme; - to raise the qual i tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

Potential beneficiaries grouped asfollows are main target public: -organisations active in the field ofE&T; - national authorities ondifferent levels; - organisationscooperat ing with schools atdifferent levels on different topics(enterprises, NGOs)

The following will be used: -publication of relevantinformation on the websi te; -publication of relevantinformation on relevant otherpor ta ls ; - presenta t ions dur ingworkshops for potent ia lapplicants; - focus on the topicduring relevant events organisedby the NA (meetings forbeneficiaries, thematic events).

- concentrated activit ies ( inwebsi te and workshops/webinars)during f i rs t t r imester of 2016 -thematic evebnts insp r ing /au tumn 2016

Es tab l i shment /use / re inforcementof a s t ructured framework fordissemination and exploi tat ion ofprogramme resul ts and impact topolicy makers in education,t ra ining and youth

The activit ies mainly support theobjective to ecouragesustainabil i ty and transferabil i tyof innovat ive products andpractices. They also support theobjective to raise the quality andvolume of supported act ivi t ies andto encouirage the involvement ofauthorities with the role in E&T

Main target public are policymakers at different levels.

Main methods used: - regularcommunicat ion/exchan ge ofinformation between the NA staffand policy makers; - regularcommunicat ion with heads ofdepar tments - par t ic ipa t ion inad-hoc working groups se t up byministry - part icipat ion in eventsTools used: - e-mai lcommunicat ion; - regular personalmeetings - . meet ings of nat ionalErasmus+ evaluat ion commet tee -at least once a year a commonmeeting with relevants takeholders - d is t r ibut ion ofpublications (studies) - yearlyvalorisation conference - yearlyconferences for headmasters -yearly national HE conference -meetings with the directors ofrelevant public agencies- activeparticipation (if possible) ofdecision makers in NA events

All year round

Estab l i shment /use / re inforcementof a s t ructured framework fordisseminat ion of programmeresu l t s th rough press /media a tnational, regional and local level

Main objectives to be supportedby these activit ies: - to maintainthe part icipation in E+programme; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.generally the objective is to risethe visibil i ty of the programmeand in doing so to raise the quali tyand impact of programmeactivities.

Main taget groups are journalistsin: - nat ional pr inted media; -national TV/Radio - privateTV/RAdio - special ised printedpress (Šolski razgledi)

Method used mainly is aresponsive communicat ionsuppor t ed w i th up - to -da t einformat ion and for pressappealing visual material. Tools: -e-mai l newslet ter - d i rect e-mai lcommunicat ion includingprepared mater ia ls for pr in t -visual material

All year round, increased beforeevents , milestones of programme(call, deadlines)

Provision of good practiceexamples and t raining tobeneficiaries on how to organisedissemination and exploi tat ion ofresults effectively and on the useof the Erasmus+ disseminat ionp la t fo rm

Main objectives to be supportedby these activit ies: - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty;- to raise quali ty and volume ofsupported act ivi t ies; - to maintainthe level of participation.

Target public is mainly existingbeneficiaries, but also potentialnew applicants.

The NA will organise: - webinar onthe use of the Erasmus+disseminat ion plat form, - provideinformation to beneficiariesduring kick off meetings forselected projects , - preparetrainings on different aspects ofdissemination/exploi tat ion ("howto" training seminars with externalexper ts) ; - promote a handbookon disseminat ion and use ofresul ts .

All year round

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For the higher education field:Information/promotion act ivi t iesincluding international mobility ofHE staff and s tudents to and fromPartner Countries offered byErasmus+

Main objectives to be supportedby these activities: - to raise thequali ty and volume of learningmobilit ies with Partner countries.

Target public: - HEIs - nationalauthorit ies in HE - relevant otherministries (for external andinternal affairs, tax services etc.)

Methodologies : - up- to-da teinformat ion - d i rec t suppor t tobeneficiar ies - support ingworkshops - contac t makingactivit ies Tools: - workshops; -updated websi te and l ink topar tner websi tewww.studyinslovenia. si - e-mailcommunicat ion; - meet ings.

All year round, event spring 2016

NA activities planned for 2016

The relevant objective

from Part I*

including additional

NA operational

object ives

Target public Methods /ToolsIndicative calendar 2016

(month or quarter of the year)

Promotion activi t ies for Erasmus+Call 2017

The promotional act ivi t ies supportthe following objectives: - tomaintain the part icipat ion inErasmus+ programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

The following groups are maintarget public: - organisat ionsactive in the field of education andtraining; - pupils, learners,s tudents ; - publ ic authori t ies a tdifferent levels; - experts workingin the field of E&T; - generalpublic;

The NA will: - publish the Call innat ional programme websi te -forward the information to al lrelevant stakeholders (Ministry,expert agencies in the filed of E&T,relevant associations ofschools /headmasters ) to bedis t r ibuted through their channels- promote the cal l through ownwebsi te and social media -organise presentat ions and keyaction specif ic workshopsregionally

Nov/Dec 2016

CMEPIUS website(www.cmepius.si)

The websi te supports thefollowing objectives: - to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

The target public are all visitors ofthe CMEPIUS webpage(organisations and individualsactive in the field of E&T)

Promotion of news/activi t iespubl ished on the nat ionalprogramme websi te(www.erasmusplus.si)

All year round

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CMEPIUS Facebook profile

The FB profilesupports thefollowing objectives: - to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

- educat ional organisa t ions -learners , s tudents - general public

- promotion of news/act ivi t iespubl ished on the nat ionalprogramme websi te(www.erasmusplus.s i) - promotionof news/ informat ion publ ished byother re levant s takeholders(Ministry, European Commission,partner organisations, etc)

All year round

Printed newsletter Novičnik

The newsle t ter suppor ts thefollowing objectives: - to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

- par t ic ipants of events -beneficiaries - organisat ionsactive in the field of E&T - otherNA in the Country - ministry andother s takeholders - generalpublic

Novičnik is a printed newsletter tobe distr ibuted during events ,meet ings. I t encompasses: -information regarding the NAsactivit ies - publication of goodpract ices - repor ts f rom events -presentat ion of differents ta t is t ica l data /s tudies

2 issues per year

European Language LAbel event

The act ivi ty supports thefollowing objectives: - to fosterthe importance of languagelearning and mult i l ingualism; - tomaintain the part icipat ion inErasmus+ programme; - to fos tercross-sec tora l d imens ion - toraise the quali ty and volume ofsupported act ivi t ies; - toencourage part icipat ion ofpersosns with special needs andfrom socially/economicall ydeprivi l iged environments; - toraise share of good quali tyapplicat ions and project resul ts ; -to encourage sustainabil i ty andtransferability.

Target public: - language teachersand exper ts - na t ionalauthor i t ies /decis ion makersrelevant - general public

Methodology is to identify andpromote good pract ices oflanguage teachingactivit ies/projects. Tools: -collection of practices fromdifferent sources - evaluat ion -presentat ion of good pract ices -thematic event (TCA)

September 2016

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e -news le t t e r

Monthly e-newslet ter supports thefollowing objectives: to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y privilegedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

The target public are all registeredto receive the newsletter: -beneficiaries - potentialappl icants - decis ion makers -expert organisations in the field ofE&T - general public - journalits

Methodology is regular monthly(each 20th in a month) proactiveinformation to target public . -e-newslet ter prepared by PRsector and sent every month onthe 20 th

mon th ly

thematic events - DELÍ (Share)

Themat ic events support thefollowing objectives: to maintainthe par t ic ipat ion in Erasmus+programme; - to fos terparticipation in learning mobility;- to fos ter c ross-sec tora ldimension and part ic ipat ion ofnon-typical organisat ions in theprogramme (local authorit ies,enterprises); - to raise teh quali tyand volume of suppor tedactivit ies; - to encouragepart icipat ion of persosns withspecial needs and fromsocially/economicall y depriviligedenvironments; - to raise share ofgood quali ty applicat ions andproject resul ts ; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabili ty.

Target groups: - beneficiaries -potent ia l appl icants - exper ts -decis ion makers

Methodology is to organise smallscale shorter events, inviteexperts , experienced projectpromoters and new/poten t ia lbeneficiaries, mainly to exchangeexperience, share ideas, learnfrom each other. The NA usesdifferent methods of group workamong part icipants. Tools: - smallscale events - informal set t ing

at least 2 during 2016

II.2. Monitoring and support to programme beneficiaries

In view of monitoring the implementation of the granted programme activit ies and providing support to the beneficiaries, please describe the NA monitoring and guidance plan,ensuring a structured and systemic approach, and taking into account the needs of the various target groups of the programme, covering both policy relevant and projectmanagement i ssues .

II.2.1 Multiannual NA plan

Please detail the NA's multiannual plan for monitoring and support to programme beneficiaries in terms of:

II.2.1.1. Needs analysis

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.2.1.2. Objectives and targets

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II.2.1.2. Objectives and targets

Overall description of the objectives and targets.Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.2.1.3. Monitoring of objectives and targets

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.2.2 Yearly planning of NA activities - update annually

Please list the concrete NA activities planned for the 2016 programme period to achieve the objectives set under point II.1.1.1 and II.1.1.2, including the minimum requiredactivities.*If the NA wishes to set objectives additional to those set at European level, they should also be defined in Part I as Additional NA Operational Objectives.

NA activities planned for 2016

(minimum required activities in


The relevant objective

from Part I*

including additional

NA operational

object ives

Target public Methods /ToolsIndicative calendar 2016

(month or quarter of the year)

Kick-off /pro jec t managementmeetings for al l projectbeneficiaries for the StrategicPartnerships For the school field:Pre-depar ture t ra ining forlong-term mobil i t ies of pupils

The relevant objectives are: - toraise the quali ty anbd volume oflearning mobili ty and ofsupported act ivi t ies; - toencourage sustainabil i ty andtransferability of innovativeproducts and pract ices ; - toincrease the number of goodquali ty applications; - to raise thenumber of good qual i ty resul tsand - to support eff ic ient grantmanagement by beneficiaries

Project coorinators at beneficiaryorganisations, heads of beneficiaryorganisat ions, accountants

main methodologies areup- to-da te regu la r in format ionand training. Tools: - e-mail ing -meet ings - webinars - specif ictraings - website (publication ofproject documentat ion)

Autumn 2016 (Pre-depar turetraining: before the mobility)

On-arrival training for volunteers,mid-term evaluations of EVS (EVSlast ing for more than 6 months) ,annual EVS event

N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

NA activities planned for 2016

The relevant objective

from Part I*

including additional

NA operational

object ives

Target public Methods /Tools

Indicative calendar

2 0 1 6

(month or quarter

of the year)

Kick-off /project management meet ings forall project beneficiaries for the KA1 -mobili ty projects

The relevant objectives are: - to raise thequality anbd volume of learning mobili tyand of supported act ivi t ies; - to encouragesustainabili ty and transferabil i ty ofinnovative products and pract ices; - toincrease the number of good quali tyapplicat ions; - to raise the number of goodquali ty resul ts and - to support eff icientgrant management by beneficiaries

Project coorinators at beneficiaryorganisations, heads of beneficiaryorganisat ions, accountants

main methodologies a re up- to -da t eregular informati onand training. Tools:- e -ma i l i ng -meet ings - webinars- specif ic t ra ings -website (publication of projectdocumenta t ion)

Spr ing and autumn2016

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Training on preparation of Interim nad Finalr epor t s

main object ives: - to raise the number ofgood qual i ty resul ts and - to suppor teff icient grant management bybeneficiaries.

Target group are project coordinators.

Method is topresent al l relevantformal informatio nand recomendat ions based onprevious experience by NA staff. Tools:- m e e t i n g s a n d / o r -webinars

Summer 2016

Day- to-day moni tor ing

Main objectives: - to raise the number ofgood qual i ty resul ts and - to suppor teff icient grant management bybeneficiaries.

Target group are project coordinators.

The methodolog y isto stay in regularcontact withprojects to offersuppor t and de tec tany difficult ies assoon as they appear .Tools used: - e-mai lcomunica t ion -phone cal ls - visi ts(informal )

At least every threemonths du r ingproject lifetime.

Administrator (guardian) of the project

Main objectives: - to raise the number ofgood qual i ty resul ts and - to suppor teff icient grant management bybeneficiaries.

Target group are project coordinators.

Each contract has aNA coordinato rassigned who isresponsib le for allactivitie s related totha t pro jec t(monitori ng,contractu a lobligatio ns)

All year round

Thematic events DELI

Main objectives: - to raise the number ofgood qual i ty resul ts and - to suppor teff icient grant management bybeneficiaries.

Target group are project coordinators.

Existing beneficiaries are alwaysinvited to thematicevents to presentgood pract ices ord iscuss problemsthey encounter .Since Slovenia is asmall country wecombine differentobjective s intosame events. DELIevents are a tool todissemina te goodpract ices , supportbeneficia riestowards goodresults and efficientmanagemen t a swell as to promoteErasmus+ activi t ie sto new potent ialappllican ts , toencourage crosssectoral cooperat ion etc.

2 events dur ing2016

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Main objectives: - to raise the number ofgood qual i ty resul ts and - to suppor teff icient grant management bybeneficiaries.

Target group are project coordinators andpotential applicants.

Publicatio n ofup- to-dat e FAQ inwebsite.

All year round.

II.3. Evidence-based analysis of programme results

In order to enhance the quality and impact of the programmes results (including LLP and YiA programmes) and to provide a foundation for the NA activit ies in support ofErasmus+ programme implementation by the beneficiaries, the NA is encouraged to carry out analyses (studies, polls , etc.) of the programmes results , complementing the formalprogramme evaluations at European and national level. If the NA decides to carry out such activit ies jointly with Erasmus+ NAs from other countries as part of i ts TransnationalCo-operation Activities with other NAs, they should be described in more detail in part III.2.3.

II.3.1. Multiannual NA plan

Please detail the NA's multiannual plan for evidence-based analysis of the programmes results in terms of:

II.3.1.1. Needs analysis

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.3.1.2. Objectives and targets

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.3.1.3. Monitoring of objectives and targets

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.3.2. Yearly planning of NA activities - update annually

Please list the concrete NA activities for the 2016 programme period to achieve the objectives and targets set under point II.3.1.2

NA activities planned for 2016The relevant objective from

point II.3.1.2.Target Methods /Tools

Indicative calendar

2 0 1 6

(month or quarter

of the year)

Survey among all applicants 2016 on qualityof information and support provided by theNA

The activity supports the objective A -qual i ta t ive support to appl icants andbeneficiaries

- applicants in Call 2016

- web basedques t ionna i re -internal statist ic alanalysis of resul ts -internal discussio nand l e s sons - learned for 2017

March/May 2016

Survey on quali ty of support provided by theNA during project implementat ion

The activity supports the objective A -qual i ta t ive support to appl icants andbeneficiaries

- al l beneficiaries with on-goingagreements at the t ime of survey

- web basedques t ionna i re -internal statist ic alanalysis of resul ts -internal discussio nand l e s sons - learned for 2017 -sho r t summarypublicati on of

2nd quar ter of 2016

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findings on website

SE&VET: Programme results presentationduring yearly national meetings ofheadmas te r s

The activity supports the objective B -quali tat ive evidence of programme resultsto s takeholders and decis ion makers

- headmas te rs and v ice-headmas te rs o fkindergartens and schools up to HE field

- p resen ta t i on October /No vember2016

SE&VET: Training programme forheadmasters on preparat ion of schooldevelopment plan for internat ionalcooperation (in cooperation with NationalSchool for Leadership in Education)

The activity supports the objective B -quali tat ive evidence of programme resultsto s takeholders and decis ion makers

- headmas te rs and v ice-headmas te rs o fkindergartens and schools up to HE field

- prepara t io n oft ra in ing programmeand - imp lemen tation of the trainingp rog ramme

first half of 2016

HE: Programme results and impactpresentation to Slovene Rectors conference

The activity supports the objective B -quali tat ive evidence of programme resultsto s takeholders and decis ion makers

- rectors and deans of Slovene HEIs - p resen ta t i on second half of 2016

HE: Implementation of ECHE evaluationmethodology

The activity supports the objective A -qual i ta t ive support to appl icants andbeneficiaries

- beneficiary HEIs

- s i te v is i t s -stat is t ica l dataanalysis - collection of da ta throughinterview s -preparat i on ofrepor t

al l year round

II.4. Other activities

Please list any other concrete activity that will be carried out by the NA in 2016 to achieve the objectives and targets set under point I.3.

NA activities planned for 2016

The relevant objective

from Part I * including additional

NA operational objectives

Target Group Methods/Tools

Indicative calendar

2 0 1 6

(month or quarter

of the year)

II.5. Quality of the NA management system

II.5.1. Quality assurance and compliance

Please describe the system that ensures:

. rel iabil i ty of reporting and indicators for monitoring progress and achievement of results in terms of effective and efficient programme management,

. respect of compliance with the EU requirements for the NA organisation and the management of the Erasmus+ programme. In case the NA has an external quality certification and will build its assurance on relevant elements of this certification, it can refer to these elements in II.4.1 and describe them inII.4.2.Please describe how the NA will ensure the quality of the NA management system, taking into account

a.proper planning and management of activities - the update only if necessary.

Please update if necessary.

The organisational structure has only sl ightly changed during summer of 2015. The Erasmus+ unit has been more streamlined into one single organisational unit . The objective isto achieve even better communication in the unit i tself among coordinators of Erasmus+ activit ies, through that more streamlined procedures, better transfer of knowledge,information and experience.

Everything else regarding the NA management system remains unchanged. The NA has documented all internal procedures in l ine with ISO standards during 2015.

b.monitoring progress - the update only if necessary.

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

c.adequate supervisory arrangements - the update only if necessary.

Please update if necessary.

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No update for WP 2016

d.risk management - the update only if necessary.

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.5.2. Allocation of Funds

If relevant, please explain how the NA plans to set up the grant allocation policy following the established rules. In that respect the NA attention is drawn to the fact that whilegranting only quality projects, the NA has to allocate funds with a view to respect the initial budgetary allocation.

The NA respects fully the initial budgetary allocation enforcing the following principles in funds allocation:- first priority is to commit 100% of available funding to projects in individual field/key action according to the quality of projects- if uncommitted funds are available (in the past only due to too large budget requested of the first project on the reserve l ist) , they are transferred to other key action in the samefield or in other fields, depending on the quality of projects in the reserve list .

a)KA2 - Strategic Partnership

If the NA opts for carrying out distinct selection panels for the two types of Strategic Partnerships, the indicative grant allocation policy shall be indicated in the table below:



in the field of:

% of KA2 funds allocated to the

Strategic Partnerships for innovation

% of KA2 funds allocated to Strategic

Partnerships for exchanges of good


Higher education Not Applicable Not Applicable


School education N.A. N.A.

Adult educat ion N.A. N.A.

Youth N.A. N.A.

Please stress the reasons for proposing the allocation policy indicated above.

The NA has analysed the selection results compared to applications for the first two Erasmus+ calls and decided to continue with the system as i t was in 2015 for all f ields, that isto have one selection panel per education field. The available funding is relatively low and to separate small budget into two even smaller budgets in relation to relatively highaverage budget requested would not result in more projects being selected. The NA will put a lot of emphasis on two dist inct types of Strategic partnerships during promotionalactivit ies and especially during external evaluators training so the proportionali ty aspect is well understood and implemented during evaluation.


Please describe how the NA will distribute funds for Youth actions across the various selection rounds.

Round KA1(%)KA2(%)

option 1: one selection panel


option 2: two selection panels

SPs for innovation


option 2: two selection panels

SPs for exchanges of

good practices


Round 1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Round 2 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Round 3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Please stress the reasons for proposing the allocation policy indicated above.


c) Education and Training

Are you planning to carry out the additional (optional) selection round, as described in the E+ Programme Guide? If so, please list below which actions will benefit from thisoptional deadline.

At present t ime the NA does not foresee additional selection rounds. In all implemented Calls during last 15 years there was always 100% commitment rate during only one/firstround .

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II.5.3 External quality certification - the update only if necessary.

Does the NA have an external quality certification? YES/NO (please choose as applicable)If YES: Please describe which areas are covered, and how it will support the NA quality assurance system in the programme management.

Please update if necessary. [No]


II.5.4. Risk management - updated annually

.Please describe any potential risks which may jeopardise the realization of the NA operational objectives and targets.

.What current and potential r isks does the NA anticipate if any in terms of compliance with EU requirements for the NA organisation and the management of the Erasmus+programme? Please detail the corresponding mitigating actions.

Potential risks related to the realisation of the NA operational objectives and targets

Risk description Cause Potential consequences Mitigating actionsResponsible for


Deadline for


Incomplete and unreliable E-tools - unad jus ted / no t use r - f r i end lycontent of E-forms - fai lure ofE- tools

- delays in implementat ion ofBeneficiaries obligations(submission of reports) - delays inimplementat ion of NA's tasks -unreliable data collected

- regular control by the NA officer- regular / f lexible /use r - f r iendlysupport to benef ic iar ies -addit ional training forbeneficiar ies/NA staff - preparedcontingency plan - addi t ionalinformation regarding E-tools onwebsi te

- head o fE r a s m u s + -E-tools off icer -coordinato rs

implemente d

Poor implementat ion of Erasmus+ - longer absence of staff (i l lness,maternity leave, other reasons)

- delays in implementation of NA'st a sks

- t emporary in te rna lreorganisat ion of tasks - internaltraining of new staff

- head o fE r a s m u s + -director

when occurs

Poor implementat ion of KA107 -International mobility in HE

- difficult ies regarding nationallegislat ion for payment of grantsto incoming teaching staff

- unspent awarded funds in ac t ion

- NA has officially requestedinformation from relevantnational offices - NA has informedthe Ministry regarding theproblem - the NA has informedthe beneficiaries aboutpossibili t ies they have - the NA incooperation with EC and nationalactors f inds other possibly easiersolut ions

- KA107coord ina to r -head of f inances- head o fErasmus+

spr ing 2016

Potential risks related to the programme management

Risk description Cause Potential consequences Mitigating actionsResponsible for


Deadline for


II.6. NA staff development and training, training of external evaluators

II.6.1. Overview of NA staffing - update annually

Please complete the table below by indicating the actual number of staff in place in the NA in full time equivalents (FTE) as per 1 January 2016.

Activity Number of staff /FTE

Management (to be completed ONLY for NAs where the Manager is not directly in charge of any of the below activities) 0.60

Adminis t ra t ive support 1.20

Communication information, dissemination and exploitat ion of results 3.50

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Project evaluation and grant award, issuing of grant agreements 2.30

Monitoring and support to beneficiaries 4.70

Evidence-based analysis of programme resul ts 1.10

Analysis and checking of project reports 2.30

Execution of payments, recoveries 1.40

On- the-spot checks of pro jec ts 0.40

Human resources 0.60

Finance, accounting 0.40

Archiving 0.40

Internal audit / quality verification 0.00

IT suppor t 0.60

Total 19.50

a) Are there any vacant posts? Please indicate the number of vacant posts (FTE) (if there are no vacant posts, put 0)


b) If there are vacant posts, which areas of NA activity are concerned and what is the impact of the vacancy on the programme management?


c) If there are vacant posts, which measures are/will be taken to fill the vacancy?


II.6.2. Multiannual NA plan for NA staff and expert training

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

Please detail the NA's multiannual plan for NA staff training in terms of:

a)needs analysis Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

b)objectives and targets

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016


Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016


Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

II.6.3. Multiannual NA plan for external evaluators

Given the importance of adequately trained external evaluators in relation to the assessment of both, grant applications and final reports, please outline briefly:

a)needs analysis

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

b)objectives and targets

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

c)methodology for training of external experts

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c)methodology for training of external experts

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

d)monitoring and evaluation of quality of assessment by external experts

Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016


III.1. Overall objectives

Please describe the NA's overall aim and the related objectives for the Transnational Cooperation Activities which it intends to undertake jointly with Erasmus+ NAs from otherprogramme countries, in the following areas*:1.Transnat ional t raining, support and contact seminars of potent ial programme part icipants2.Transnational thematic activit ies l inked to the objectives, priori ty target groups and themes of the programme3.Evidence-based analysis of programme results Please update if necessary.

The overall aim of the NA in the relation to the TCA is to support the implementation of NA's objectives and to maximise the impact of the implemented activities. Mainly thismeans to support part icipation in contact/ thematic seminars with themes directly supporting priori t ies and which lead to actual project applications of high quali ty. Addit ionallythe NA has decided to organise TCA events also by itself, to maximise the impact on national level ie for Slovene beneficiaries.

Specifically in 2016 the NA will use the TCA to strengthen the strategic impact of the programme on the national systems with the organisation of study visit for headmasters andpolicy makers to share and learn from best practices examples in other countries. The destination countries for specific fields will be decided in cooperation with the participants.

The NA has actively participated in discussions regarding the implementation of the TCA activities at the European level. In 2014 a problem with communication regarding theTCAs has been identified, a common platform set up during 2015. After the first TCA officers meeting in Tallin the communication regarding TCA improved immensely as did theorganisation of individual events.

NA Slovenia promotes the opportunities to participate in the TCAs widely. There is a dedicated website where offers are published, so the selection of participants in transparentand ensures equal treatment. If the topic is very narrow it is also possible for the NA to directly invite experts. The NAs procedure and relevant forms are publicly available onprogramme websi te :

- h t tp : / /www.erasmusplus . s i / razpis /kontaktn i -seminar j i /

- there is a common application form, priority is given to participants with no or little experience in activities like Erasmus+ (LLP)

- the evaluation sheet and the criteria are published as well

- evaluation of applications is done internally by NA staff

- selected participants are supported by the NA in organisation of the travel and the NA collects the reports after the activity is implemented.

The NA analyses the TCA proposals by other NAs in director’s meeting the objective is to offer all relevant topics/possibilit ies applicable to potential applicants, beneficiaries andstaff . The NA targets to support especially TCAs l inked to the objectives, priori ty target groups and themes of the programme and evidence-based analysis of programmeresults since these two areas are areas where the NA aims to improve i ts competencies.

III.2. Specific NA activity planning - update annually

NOTA BENE: The NA TCA activities funded under the 2016 Delegation Agreement should be carried out during the period 1/01/ 2016 � 30/06/-2017.Please list the planned Transnational Cooperation Activities including the related grant request per field. Please note that although the TCA should be identified per field, the target groups involvedcan include stakeholders traditionally coming from other fields of education, training and youth, as necessary.

In order to include your TCA in the WP, please use the Excel templates. These should be filled and imported using the import section at the bottom of the cover page of this WP. Please use thecorrect template for each sector (KA215 for School education, KA216 for VET, KA217 for Adult education and KA 218 for Youth. KA215-School education

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Field Title

Aim of

t h e


TCA area




No of




o r


Partner NA(s)



2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7


of the year)



Role of






Implementat ion of new teachingm e t h o d s

s emina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

teachers ,h e a d m a s t e rs, NGOs


BG01-HumanResourcesDevelopmentCentre (E+)


2 0 1 6 BULGARIA Sending 2000.00


Integration of recently arrivedRefugees and Migrants into theeducat ion system and labour market

themat icsemina r

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

represen tatives ofeduca t ional insti tutions, localauthor i t ies , o thers takeho lde r sinvolved inintegrat i onof refugees


DE02-NationaleAgenturBildung fürEuropa beimBundesinst i tu tf ü rBerufsbildung(E+)


0 4 / 2 0 1 6 GERMANY Sending 3000.00


Early Childhood Education and care con tac ts emina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

teachers inECECestabl ishem e n t s

2FI01-Centre forInternat ionalMobility (E+)


10_11 /2016 FINLAND Sending 2500.00


Study visi t for headmasters/policymake r s

s t u d yvisit

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

h e a d m a s t e rs, policymake r s


SE01-SwedishCouncil forHigher Education(E+),IE01-Léargas(E+),EE01-FoundationArchimedesEstonian NA forErasmus+ (E+)

1st half of 2016 ESTONIA Sending 8000.00


Study visit for decision makers inSE/VET

s t u d yvisit

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

h e a d m a s t e rs, experts,socialpa r tne r s

2FI01-Centre forInternat ionalMobility (E+)


1 1 / 2 0 1 6 FINLAND Sending 2500.00

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eTwinning in SEthemat icsemina r

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

teachers 2 0SI01-CMEPIUS(E+)


1s t quar te r2017

SLOVENIA Host ing 7500.00

Total 25500.00

KA216-Vocational education and training

Field TitleAim of the


TCA area




No of




o r


Partner NA(s)



2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7


of the year)



Role of






Integration of recentlyarrived Refugees andMigrants into theeducat ion sys tem andlabour market

themat icsemina r

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

represen tatives ofeduca t ional insti tutions, localauthor i t ies , o thers takeho lde r sinvolved inintegrat i onof refugees


DE02-NationaleAgenturBildung fürEuropa beimBundesinst i tu tf ü rBerufsbildung(E+)

SI01-CMEPIUS (E+) 0 4 / 2 0 1 6 GERMANY Sending 3000.00


NetWBL Berlinmoni tor ingseminar

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e sof thep r o g r a m m e

VETproviders ,NA staff


DE02-NationaleAgenturBildung fürEuropa beimBundesinst i tu tf ü rBerufsbildung(E+)

SI01-CMEPIUS (E+) 0 6 / 2 0 1 6 GERMANY Sending 3000.00


Training programme onInternationalisat i onStrategies

t ra iningsemina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

VETmanagers ,int .Coorinators

3FI01-Centre forInternat ionalMobility (E+)

SI01-CMEPIUS (E+)5. - 8. April2016

HUNGARY Sending 3500.00


Study visi tof Headmastersand Policy makers

study visi t

Transnat ionalthemat icactivitiesl inked to theobjectivesand pr ior i tyta rge t groupsa n d t h e m e s

h e a d m a s t e rs of VETschools ,policymake r s


AT01-OeAD-GmbH-(E+),FI01-Centre forInternational Mobility(E+), NL01-NationalAgency Erasmus+Education and Training(E+)

1st half of 2016 AUSTRIA Sending 10000.00

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of thep r o g r a m m e



Special Needsthemat icsemina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

teachers ,coord ina tor s


SK01-SlovakAcademicAssociation forInternat ionalCooperat ion(E+)

SI01-CMEPIUS (E+) 1 1 / 2 0 1 6 SLOVAKIA Sending 3000.00


"I speak" Exchange ofexperience amonglanguage projects

themat iccon tac tseminar

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

VETlanguageteachers ,exper t s


SI01-CMEPIUS (E+) 0 9 / 2 0 1 6 SLOVENIA Host ing 5000.00

Total 27500.00

KA217-Adult educat ion

Field Title

Aim of

t h e


TCA area




No of


Coordinating NA

o r


Partner NA(s)



2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7


of the year)



Role of






"I speak" Exchange ofexperience amonglanguage projects

themat iccon tac tseminar

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

AEproviders ,languageteachers ,exper t s


0 9 / 2 0 1 6 SLOVENIA Host ing 7500.00


Enhancing digitalcompetences in E&T

con tac ts emina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

AEproviders ,teachers

2EE01-FoundationArchimedes Estonian NAfor Erasmus+ (E+)


0 9 - 1 0 / 2 0 1 6 ESTONIA Sending 3000.00


Recognition and Validationin AE

t ra iningsemina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants





end of 2016 SPAIN Sending 3000.00


EU agenda for AdultLearning

con tac ts emina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m e


2NL01-National AgencyErasmus+ Educat ion andTraining (E+)


2 0 1 6 NETHERLANDS Sending 3000.00

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par t ic ipants


Priorities for 2017 con tac ts emina r

Transnat ionalt ra in ing ands u p p o r t a n dcon tac tseminars ofpotent ia lp r o g r a m m epar t ic ipants

s t a f fworkingwi thd isadvantaged

2PL01-Foundation for theDevelopment of theEducation System (E+)


1 2 / 2 0 1 6 POLAND Sending 3000.00

Total 19500.00


Field TitleAim of the

activityTCA area supported



No of




o r






2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7


of the year)




o f








Update only where necessary [to be completed by NAs in charge of the area of Vocational education and training. Sections IV.1.1 and IV.1.2 should be completed by all VET NAs, even if no ECVET Team is activeor no support is requested for i t . ]

IV.1.1 ECVET national team organisation

Please briefly describe the composition of the ECVET national team of experts in VET credit and qualifications and the way in which the NA will monitor and support its work,including number of NA staff (full time equivalent) involved.If no ECVET team (national team of experts in VET credit and qualifications)is setupor no support is requested for it ,please use this field to briefly explain why.Please update if necessary.

Minor update to complement the WP 2015 text: during 2015 additional (7th) member of the ECVET team has been nominated. The 7th expert is a representative of the Sloveneinstitute for adult education and his main task or responsability is the implementation of ECVET principles in the LLL.

IV.1.2. Framework and background

Please describe the situation of ECVET implementation in your national context - with reference to cooperation with Europass, EQF/NQF, EQAVET, validation arrangements andother instruments or init iat ives related with learning outcomes and qualif ications - and explain the identif ied needs for further action.Please update if necessary.

Minor update to complement the WP 2015 textDuring 2016 new guidelines for the development of upper-secondary vocational programmes are foreseen to be prepared. This gives an opportunity for further discussionregarding the implementation of ECVET principles (esp. learning outcomes and units of learning outcomes) in the educational programmes' and standards ' development.

IV.1.3. Overall objectives - update annually [Sections IV.1.3 and IV.1.4 to be completed by all NAs implementing ECVET with an ECVET Team]:

Please describe the overall aim of the ECVET national team and the related objectives i t intends to pursue in the contractual period, in particular to address the needs identified insection IV.1.2.

Minor update to complement the WP 2015 textAdditionally to the aims described in WP 2015 the ECVET team put forward another specific aim for 2016. In 2016 efforts will be put also into assisting the policy making bypreparing rpoposal/recommendations how ECVET principles can be implemented in the national educational system.

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IV.1.4 Activity planning - for 2016

Please list the activities of the ECVET national team including the grant request (see Specifications on ECVET)

Training and advice (national task)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group

Planned outputs

(if applicable)

Indicative calendar

( 2016)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Basic training for VET schools Teachers in VET schools 2 t raining sessions second half of 2016 SloveniaHeading 2Heading 3

Practical workshops for the use ofECVET elements and writinglearning outcomes

Coordinators of mobili ty, teachersand coordinators of work basedlearning in VET schools

3 to 4 training sessions all year round SloveniaHeading 2Heading 3

Monitoring of running ECVETprojec ts

Ongoing E+ KA102 projects Findings, recommendations al l year round Slovenia /

Handbook for VET providers,u p d a t e

VET providers h a n d b o o k end of 2016 Slovenia Heading 5

Handbook for CVET – Adulteducat ion providers , update

AE providers h a n d b o o k end of 2016 Slovenia Heading 5

Assist in policy making(national task)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group

Planned outputs

(if applicable)

Indicative calendar

( 2016)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Session for s takeholders on thenew VET reform and ECVET

relevant s takeholders nat ionalworking group responsible forpreparation of new VETframework

p resen ta t ion dur ing 2016 Slovenia /

ECVET Workshop for CVETproviders

CVET providers training session first half of 2016 Slovenia Heading 2

Recommendat ions on how to useECVET principles in differenteducational systems in Slovenia

policy makersrecommendat ions / f ind ings presenta t ionmeet ing

end of 2016 Slovenia /

Presentation of ECVET principlesat yearly conference of secondaryschool principals

secondary schools headmastersVET school directors

p resen ta t ions Nov 2016 Slovenia Heading 2

Promotion and awareness raising(national task)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group

Planned outputs

(if applicable)

Indicative calendar

( 2016)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Information at various info daysand workshops /seminars wi th inE+, EEA/Norway grants schemeand eTwinning events

VET schools presentat ions leaflet dis tr ibuted s p r i n g / a u t u m n2016

Slovenia Heading 2

Training for KA1 applicationexternal evaluators about usingECVET principles in mobilities

external evaluators training session Feb/Mar 2016 Slovenia /

Promotional Leaflet VET schools leaflet end of 2016 Slovenia Heading 5

ECVET community of practice(national task)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group

Planned outputs

(if applicable)

Indicative calendar

( 2016)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

PLA seminar for the National ECVET experts NA staff selected peer- learning seminar suppor t ing

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PLA seminar for the Nationalteams of ECVET experts

ECVET experts NA staff selectedVET schools

peer- learning seminar suppor t ingdocumen t s

a u t u m n 2 0 1 6 Austr ia Heading 2, 3, 6

ECVET community of practice –maintaining Slovene community ofpract ice

VET schools implementingtransnational mobil i ty

Slovene forum/theme at EU Community ofPractice advice/councelling exchange ofexperience

al l year round Slovenia /

Participation in European meetings and events (international tasks)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group

Planned outputs

(if applicable)

Indicative calendar

( 2016)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Internat ional seminars,conferences, workshops

ECVET experts NA staff exchange of experience peer learning knowhow attained networking new project ideas

al l year round Belgium othercountr ies

Heading 2Heading 3

IV.1.5. Budget forecast - for 2016

Reference period:01.01. 2016 - 31.12. 2016

Table 1 : Overview of expenditure

Budget headings Costs ( � )1. National Agency staff costs (max 15% of total eligible costs) 0.00

2. National Agency travel and subsistence costs 4800.00

3. ECVET Experts: daily rates, travel and subsistence for participating in national and international seminars 14728.00

4. Equipment and materials (max 10% of total eligible costs) 0.00

5. Sub-contracting, consultancy and other external services (max 30% of total eligible costs) 2000.00

6. Conferences and seminars 8450.00

7. Other direct costs 0.00

Total 29978.00

EU contribution requested


NB: at least 75 % of the project budget is expected to concern tasks at national level

Table 2 - Overview of sources of financing

Sources Amounts ( � )1) Grant requested from the Erasmus+ programme (max 90% of total eligible cost) 26900.00

2) Contribution from the regular budget of the National Agency 3078.00

3) Support expected from other European Union programmes provided specifically for this project

4) Support from public (national, regional, etc) sources, provided specifically for this project

5) Support from the private sector or foundations, provided specifically for this project

6) Other sources

Total 29978.00

Details for table heading 1: National Agency (NA) staff costsNational Agencies (NA) can budget their staff costs up to a maximum of 15% of the total eligible costs

Staff by category (*)�: Total number of

days (a)

Average cost

per day (b)

Total staff cost


Staff Category 1(*) Manager 0.00 0.00 0.00

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Staff Category 2(*) Researcher, Teacher, Trainer 0.00 0.00 0.00

Staff Category 3(*) Technical 0 .00 0.00 0.00

Staff Category 4(*) Administrative 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 0.00

(*) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

Details for table heading 2: National Agency travel and subsistence costs for participating in conferences and seminars(*): (*) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

Purpose of journeyNumber of NA

Staff (a)

Number of days

by person (b)


subs is tence

costs by person(�) (c)

Average travel

c o s t s

by person (�)(d)

Total cost (�)(axbxc)+(axd)

basic training for VET schools-3x 4 1.00 50.00 100.00 600.00

WS for CVET providers 3 1.00 50.00 100.00 450.00

presentation of ECVET principles for school leaders 1 1.00 50.00 100.00 150.00

Info days 2 4.00 50.00 100.00 600.00

WS for the use of ECVET 2 4.00 50.00 100.00 600.00

in terna t ional seminars /conferences /ws 2 2.00 150.00 300.00 1200.00

PLA seminar in AT 2 2.00 150.00 300.00 1200.00

Total 4800.00

Details for table heading 3: ECVET Experts - daily rates, travel and subsistence for participating in national and international seminars

3.A Daily rates for the members of the ECVET Experts team (*)

Number of ECVET Experts (a) Number of days by ECVET Expert (b) Average costs per day (�) (c) (**) Total cost (axbxc)

6 10.00 150.00 9000.00

Total 9000.00

(*) Daily rates are to be based on Staff category 2, ("Researcher, Teacher, Trainer") as indicated in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications(**) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

3.B Participation in NATIONAL conferences and seminars (*)

Purpose of journey

Number of


Experts (a)

Number of days

b y

ECVET Expert



subs is tence

c o s t s

by ECVETExpert (�) (c)

Average travel

cos t s

by ECVETExpert (�) (d)

Total cost (�)(axbxc)+(axd)

basic training for VET schools 4 1.00 16.00 100.00 464.00

WS for the use of ECVET 4 1.00 16.00 100.00 464.00

Total 928.00

(*) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

3.C Participation in INTERNATIONAL conferences and seminars (*)

Purpose of journey

(please indicate the country of destination if known)

Country of


Number of


Experts (a)

Number of days


Expert (b)


subsis tence

costs by ECVET

Expert (�) (c)

Average travelcosts (�) (d)

Total cost (�)(axbxc)+(axd))

PLA seminar in AT AUSTRIA 3 2.00 200.00 300.00 2100.00

seminars and conferences BELGIUM 3 2.00 200.00 500.00 2700.00

Total 4800.00

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(*) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

Details for table heading 4: Equipment and materialsEquipment and materials costs up to a maximum of 10% of the total eligible costs

Description (specify also Purchased/Rented)Number of

items (a)

Cost of purchase

or rent (�) (b) Usage rate % (c)



% (*) (d)

Total cost



(*) depreciation rate corresponding to the duration of the project; for rented equipment, enter 100% as depreciation rate

Details for table heading 5: Sub-contracting, consultancy and other external servicesSub-contracting, consultancy and other external services up to a maximum of 30% of the total eligible costs

Subcontract Task description

Number of


days (a)

Cost per day(�) (b)

Other costs to

b e

included in the

Subcontract (�)(c )

Total cost


SubCon1 translation, design, printing 0.00 0.00 1000.00 1000.00

SubCon2 promotional mater ia ls 0.00 0.00 1000.00 1000.00

Total 2000.00

Details for table heading 6: Conferences and Seminars 6. A For direct organisation costs such as rent of rooms, rent or purchase of materials, interpretation booths, local transport

DescriptionNumber of

items (a)Cost per item (�) (b) Total cost (axb)

Rooms and equipment RENT 4 500.00 2000.00

Catering 1 5 0 25.00 3750.00

Coffee and refreshments 1 5 0 10.00 1500.00

Total 7250.00

6. B For travel and subsistence costs of participants and speakers who are NOT National Agency staff or ECVET Experts (*)

Purpose of journeyCountry of


Number of



Number of days by

participant (b)


subsis tence

cos t s by


(�) (c)



cos t s by


(�) (d)

Total cost


PLA seminar in AT (VET schools teachers) AUSTRIA 2 2.00 150.00 300.00 1200.00

Total 1200.00

(*) Please refer to the last sheet "Ceilings" (as presented in ANNEX 4 of the Specifications)

6. C For interpreters

Description of languages (Interpretation from) Description of languages (Interpretation to)Number of

interpreters (a)

Number of days


Average costs

per day

(�) (c )

Total cost



Details for table heading 7: Other direct costs

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(please try to be as specific as possible)

Number of

items (a)

Cost per item(�) (b) Total cost (axb)



Update only where necessary [to be completed by NAs in charge of the area of youth]

IV.2.1. Eurodesk organisation

The NA is invited to provide a brief description of the structure and organisation of the national Eurodesk centre with regard to the following points in particular:a.Organisation in which the Eurodesk is hosted and legal status (separate or common with the National Agency); b.Eurodesk�s internal organisation chart; (to be attached)c.Number of staff employed in the Eurodesk (full time equivalent);d.Subcontracting arrangements, if applicable;e.Regional/local structure, if applicable (formal contact points, structures, coordinators). Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

IV.2.2. Framework and background

Please describe the general si tuation in the field of youth information in your national context and the identified needs. Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

IV.2.3. Overall objectives - update annually

Please describe the overall aim of the national Eurodesk centre and the related objectives i t intends to pursue in the contractual period, in part icular to address the needsidentified in section IV.2.2.

IV.2.4. Activity planning - for 2016

Please list the activities of the national Eurodesk centre including the grant request (Specifications on Eurodesk)


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group Planned outputs/results


calendar 2016

(month/quarter of

the year)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

IV.2.5. Budget forecast

Reference period: 1 January - 31 December 2016Please enter in the "Forecast" column the f igures appearing in the budget at tached to the agreement both for the expenses and resources.


A. STAFF Number of person/monthGross Salary

per monthForecast

A.1 Staff salaries (including salary related charges)

A.2 Staff training

A.3 Fees (experts, audits, �)Total 0.00

3 0

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B. MISSIONS Forecast

B.1 National missions

B.2 International missions

Total 0.00



C.1 Information activities (meetings, exhibitions�)C.2 Publications: production and dissemination costs

Total 0.00



D.1 Rental of office space

D.2 Data processing (hardware, software, maintenance)

Total 0.00


Total Value

TOTAL DIRECT COSTS(sub-total A + sub-total B + sub-total C + sub-total D)


Resources Forecast

1. Contribution from the Member State or i ts representative

2. Other national resources (2)

3. EU contribution requested (3)

Total 0.00


Update only where necessary.[to be completed by NAs that are designated as SALTO resource centre for the Erasmus+ Programme].

IV.3.1. SALTO organisation

Please provide a brief description of the structure and organisation of the SALTO with regard to the following points in particular:a.SALTO�s internal organisation chart; (to be attached)b.Number and profile of staff employed in the SALTO (full time equivalent); c.Subcontracting arrangements, if applicable;d.Regional/local structure, if applicable (formal contact points, structures, coordinators). Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

IV.3.2. Framework and background

Please describe the general situation in your field of work and the identified needs.

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Please describe the general situation in your field of work and the identified needs. Please update if necessary.

No update for WP 2016

IV.3.3. Overall objectives - update annually

Please describe the overall aim of the resource centre and the related objectives you intend to pursue in the contractual period, in particular to address the needs identified insection IV.3.2.

IV.3.4 Activity planning - for 2016

Please list the activities of the SALTO resource centre including the planned grant request (see Specifications on SALTO)Trainings


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group Planned outputs/results


calendar 2016

(month/quarter of

the year)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Seminars and events


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group Planned outputs/results


calendar 2016

(month/quarter of

the year)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Tools and publicat ions


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group Planned outputs/results


calendar 2016

(month/quarter of

the year)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

Other support act ivi t ies


(Type, title, topic, etc) Target group Planned outputs/results


calendar 2016

(month/quarter of

the year)

Place, country

(if applicable)


posit ion

IV.3.5. Monitoring the impact and multiplier effects of training courses, seminars and events mentioned above - update annually

Please outl ine the methodology and indicators to be used.

IV.3.6. Horizontal activities and coordination with other SALTO Resource Centres - update annually

Please describe, if applicable, the horizontal tasks (organised for the SALTO network) you will perform in the contractual period and describe their relevance for the programmeand its users. Please refer also to networking/coordination activities with other SALTO RC in this section. Please indicate the share of t ime and resources that these horizontalactivit ies would make up in comparison with your specific thematic/geographical activit ies.

IV.3.7. Budget forecast

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Reference period: 1 January - 31 December 2016Please enter in the "Forecast" column the f igures appearing in the budget at tached to the agreement both for the expenses and resources.


A. STAFF Number of person/monthGross Salary

per monthForecast

A.1 Staff salaries (including salary related charges)

A.2 Staff training

A.3 Fees (experts, audits, �)Total 0.00


B. MISSIONS Forecast

B.1 National missions

B.2 International missions

Total 0.00



C.1 Information activities (meetings, exhibitions�)C.2 Publications: production and dissemination costs

Total 0.00



D.1 Rental of office space

D.2 Data processing (hardware, software, maintenance)

Total 0.00


Direct Cost/Overhead/Aleas Forecast

TOTAL DIRECT COSTS(sub-total A + sub-total B + sub-total C + sub-total D)



1. Contribution from the Member State or i ts representative

2. Other national resources (2)

3. EU contribution requested (3)

Total 0.00

3 3