European Policy challenges on eAccessibility Paris 31 January 2005 Per BLIXT (HoU) -- Unit eInclusion Per BLIXT (HoU) -- Unit eInclusion

European Policy challenges on eAccessibility Paris 31 January 2005 Per BLIXT (HoU) -- Unit eInclusion

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European Policy challenges on eAccessibility Paris 31 January 2005 Per BLIXT (HoU) -- Unit eInclusion Slide 2 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 2 Global socio-economic challenges Higher economic growth Employment Off-shoring and out-sourcing Ageing population Security concerns Increased global competition Open innovation Enlarged Europe Slide 3 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 3 FP7 ICT Context 1 The Union Priorities for 2007-2013: Achieving the Lisbon goals The Union Priorities for 2007-2013: Achieving the Lisbon goals Sustainable development (competitiveness, cohesion and sustainable management and protection of natural resources) European citizenship (freedom, security, access to public goods) Europe as a global partner (role on the international scene) ICT has an essential role in achieving these priorities ICT has an essential role in achieving these priorities ICT for sustainable growth / productivity ICT for security ICT for solidarity Slide 4 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 4 ICT Meeting Societal Demands Cultural and societal diversity Modern public services and administrations Ageing population 24/7 economy Inclusion Flexible work patterns Slide 5 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 5 eInclusion MISSION & ACTIVITIES Use ICT to foster equal participation of Use ICT to foster equal participation of all citizens in the Information Society Empower citizens to realize their full potential Avoid new barriers & exclusions Research call 5 Open from May until mid September Research call 5 Open from May until mid September eEurope2005 Commission Communication on eAccessibility eEurope2005 Commission Communication on eAccessibility (public web consultation started 10 January => will end 12/Febr/2005) Web accessibility monitoring, Design-for-All curriculum Review the Communication Service Directives Demographic Shift ; Digital Divide Slide 6 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 6 eInclusion - BENEFITS LISBON STRATEGY SOCIAL INCLUSION of groups at risk + Employment; productivity; job satisfaction ++ + Access to knowledge and eSkills Economic growth; wider markets e I n c l u s i o n Slide 7 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 7 People with disabilities and older persons form a large group that represents about 20% of the population in Europe People with disabilities and older persons form a large group that represents about 20% of the population in Europe Solutions are not emerging in a timely manner Solutions are not emerging in a timely manner Technical requirements and standards are currently developed for national use in a few countries Technical requirements and standards are currently developed for national use in a few countries Rationale for a Communication EU intervention is justified to foster actions towards European-wide solutions. Slide 8 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 8 Public Procurement Public Procurement Certification Certification Legislation Legislation Key Components Develop and promote the use of harmonised European eAccessibility requirements in public procurement. Develop a certification scheme to guide and support the public in their choice of accessible products and services.. Legislation demanding accessibility does already exist in some Member States (e.g.: Italy, Spain, UK) as well as in the USA. The full potential of legislation to enforce eAccessibility at a Europe-wide level needs to be explored. Slide 9 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 9 TIMETABLE Until 12 Feb 2005Open online consultation March 2005 Internal interservice consultation April 2005Text translation Communication to be published June 2005 Slide 10 eInclusion in FP7 Strategy Workshop Brussels 13-14/Jan/2005 - slide 10 Thanks for your attention Per Blixt More information on More information on www.cordis.lu/ist/so/einclusion www.cordis.lu/ist/so/einclusionwww.cordis.lu/ist/so/einclusion