Evaluating Career Resources and the need for Effective Writing in Business

Evaluating Career Resources and the need for Effective Writing in Business

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Page 1: Evaluating Career Resources and the need for Effective Writing in Business

Evaluating Career Resources and the need for Effective Writing in Business

Page 2: Evaluating Career Resources and the need for Effective Writing in Business

Planning for your Future

Most of you are here for the same reason. You want to obtain a degree that will turn into a better job and more opportunities in the future.

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Writing is the key to success

This week, you are going to take a look at what our government predicts for your future career choice and how important writing is to that chosen profession or career field.

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Almost every job or profession requires some sort of writing and often the results of your writing can affect the lives of many others.

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In addition…

Not only is your writing often your first impression (resume, cover letter) but it is also something that leaves a lasting impression. Your writing will be around long after you are gone. Writing is permanent, so be sure to make the appropriate time commitment to the final product.

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Studies show…

that most business professionals spend about 1/3 of their day reading and writing e-mail

that most business professionals are now required to write most of their communications on their own.(because of fewer secretaries in the workplace)

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According to our readings in this class, as well as many other business articles, often employees are “stepped over” for promotions because they are not effective writers.

Therefore, landing a job, advancement, and remaining employed often depends on your ability to write effectively.

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Writing gets better with practice

We know this to be true. The more you read and write, the better writer you become. Writing is something that takes practice. Try to write and read daily and before you know it, your writing skills will improve.

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Know your Audience

We discussed the many different kinds of writing in this class. Before you write, be sure you know what you are being asked to do and make sure you know your audience. Do not use technical language with a non-technical audience.

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More importantly

Whenever possible, begin and end on a positive note. As noted earlier, your writing leaves a lasting impression. Be sure to end with respect and a positive tone.

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Monitor your Career Outlook

As careers change, so do writing requirements. Be sure to check back with the Occupational Outlook Handbook often. Monitor trends and activities in your chosen field. If your position is a home based position, chances are that a great deal of writing and Internet communication will be required.

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Be Flexible

Writing changes over time and while it is important to remain up to date, remember that there is always a different place for informal and formal writing. Don’t use slang and emoticons in formal writing. Don’t say LOL in a formal communication. Always evaluate the purpose and audience before writing!

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Take Advantage of Resources

Last, but not least, be sure to take advantage of Kaplan Resources. There are many writing tools, resources and services here to help you. Be sure to know and use what is available to you and most importantly, approach writing as a process that will improve over time.

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Final Project

You will create a PowerPoint presentation of about 8-10 slides for the topic given in this assignment. You should summarizes the findings of your report that you wrote in Unit 7 and create this presentation. Make it visually appealing with pictures, diagrams, charts, and data.

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More on your final project

Remember you will need to use APA citation for this project. You will need to have a title page and a references page in APA format. You will also need to have citations in each slide where you have used outside sources and in your references page.

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3 Sources for This Project

Please note you will need to have three sources for this project. These can be from the Kaplan library, other libraries, and the internet. All sources will need to be cited correctly in-text and in the references page.