In what ways does your agazine use, develop or Challenge forms and onventions of real medi Products?

Evaluation 1 - media studies

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In what ways does yourMagazine use, develop or

Challenge forms and Conventions of real media


Page 2: Evaluation 1 - media studies

Front Cover…


Masthead - I have used the same colours in the masthead, this is to break up the magazine and add more colour onto my front cover.

Layout - I have used the same column style as billboard magazine I liked how the picture sat on top of the text and how the text is split up into different sections. I used this from billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Billboard magazine.

Picture - I have used the same effect on my picture from billboard magazine and made my image into black and white, I think this adds a lot of effect to my front cover. I also used the same shot which was a close up to show the expression on the models face.

Cover Line – I put my cover line above my masthead instead of below like on some magazines like on billboard magazine, I think the front cover up more and looks a lot better. Font - The font around my images is the same. All of the

words are in capital letters and also in quite a bold font. Like the billboard magazine (at the bottom left) I put my font in black and white. I added a drop shadow to the font in white so it is easier to read. I put my font into the two colours because I think it splits the text up and makes it suit the genre of my magazine more.

Story – The story used in both is quite simple and to the point. I used this idea because then it keeps the reader engaged and interested

Main Image – I used very minimalistic make-up on my model like on the Beyonce front cover (top left) so that no attention is brought away from my model

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Front Cover…


Billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Main Image – My image starts to look different by the expression on my models face to the expression on the artists face in billboard magazine. Although they are both engaging with the camera, my model is smiling slightly where as the artists from billboard magazine have a very serious look on there face and are not smiling at all.

Masthead - Although I have used colour in my masthead like in billboard magazine the font style is not the same. They are both quite a rounded font but are not identical to the one used for the masthead in billboard magazine.

Main Image – The way which my model is positioned is quite different to the ones used in billboard magazine. Although the Beyoncé front cover (top left) is a close up shot like mine and is positioned in the same place as mine, she is using her hands to add more confidence to the image. This is also shown in the lady gaga front cover (bottom left) as she is also using her hands in her photo to add definition to the photo and show a sense of cockiness.

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Front Cover…


Billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Main Image - My main image on my front cover is completely different to the one used on the Lady Gaga front cover by billboard. My model has very minimalistic make-up and also hair where as Lady Gaga has quite a bright hair colour which is styled with the big bow. My front cover is more like the Beyoncé front cover by billboard because of the way the image is positioned and how it is also in black and white. My image is also completely different to the Lady Gaga front cover as well because of what she is wearing, and how she has her hand positioned pulling the top open is quite provocative. Although you cannot see really what my model is wearing because of the shot type you know that she is not the type of person to do what Lady Gaga is doing because you get a sense of innocence from her.

Font – Although some of my fonts are different styles to ones from billboard, my font around my image is a lot bigger that what is used around the image on billboard magazine. I did this so that it keeps the reader engaged with what is going on with the front cover and does not get distracted.

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Contents page...


Billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Layout - The layout from my contents page is similar to billboard magazines as it has the same columns and set up. They both have a chart section down the right hand side. And both have a story at the bottom. Also the different sections like ‘Features’ and ‘Regulars’ is the same. The pictures have page numbers in them which I have also used on my contents page. Where the colour blue is used on billboard magazine, the colour purple is used on mine., I used this because is splits up the different sections of the contents page and makes it easier to follow and understand. Where billboard magazine says ‘contents’ is the same place where mine is positioned.

Colour - The colour on the numbers in the chart section is the same to the colour used in billboard magazine’s contents page. This splits up the different sections like ‘albums’ ‘singles’ ‘upcoming artists’ .

Small similarities - Some small things that are the same on my contents page to billboard magazine contents page is at the top of the chart section where they have included the title of the magazine.

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Contents page...


Billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Images - Although the image of my girl and the man stood up are similar, they are positioned differently and of different sides of the text.The positioning of the other pictures used on the contents page are different to the ones on billboards contents page as mine are more towards the bottom of my contents page where as billboards are underneath the word ‘contents’.

Font – The font Is quite similar on mine to billboard where it says ‘No.1’ but apart from that it is not very similar.

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Contents page...


Billboard magazine.

My music magazine.

Images – The images are quite different apart from the main one on mine (one of the girl) and the main one on billboards (one of the man) the others are positioned differently and are of different types of people, for example billboard has an image of a band/group where as my contents page does not.

‘Contents’ - The word contents on my contents page is different to the one used on billboard magazine’s because the font is different and I have added colour to some of my letters like I have on my front cover so it follows through.

Font - The font used throughout my contents page is different to the font used on billboard magazines contents page. Apart from where it says ‘No.1’ as this is very similar.

Picture – There is a picture here instead of more text like on billboard magazine contents page

Layout – Although the layout of my contents page is similar to billboard magazine’s it is also different as the way some of my text and pictures are set out.

Colour – Colour which I have used is different to the colour used on billboards contents page.

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Double page spread…Use..

Image - Both my double page spread image and billboards are on the left side of the page and are both the main focus. I did this to attract the reader to the photograph and make them want to read the article and not just turn onto the next page.

Image – Both of the artists are female on both double page spreads, mine and billboards.

Font – The font sizes of the story/interview are the same size in both mine and billboards double page spread.

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Double page spread…Develop..Colour - The colours are quite similar as my double page spread and billboards as they both use the colour purple, the way which mine is different though is because the colour purple is used on the back ground of my image where as the colour purple is used on the background for the text on billboards double page spread.

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Double page spread…Challenge..

Layout – The layout of my magazine double page spread is similar but very different. My double page spread has three columns and is split up into sections where as billboards double page spread is split into two columns and is different by how the columns are sized and how the text is aligned to the right side of the text box. Also the largest text on my double page spread is a quote from the interview underneath where as the one on billboards is two words to describe Beyoncé ‘fiercely creative’ it is also in capital letters where as mine is not.

Font – The font which is used throughout the two double page spreads are different, especially in the largest font on each double page spread, as mine is in italic and billboards is in bold and also normal.

Images - The images are different on the two double page spread as mine is a medium close up to show how the model is positioned and also what she is wearing where as billboards is a close up shot. On billboards image Beyoncé also has something around her neck where as my model does not.

Facial Expression – The model on my double page spread is smiling and happy where the Beyoncé on billboard s is a lot more serious .