Evaluation My main objective for this project was to create an analysis of the cinematic and dramatic representation of drug induced states within a variety of television dramas. I have met my goals but with a different approach to the methods I originally set out to do so. In the beginning of the project I collected secondary background data on the characters involved in each production as well as the certain scenes I will be analysing then created a rough comparison between each text (Skins, Glue and Breaking Bad). I wanted this research to personally help me with my web drama project in which I will be creating memories of an induced state then proceeding into a darker atmosphere as the twisted tale begins. My secondary data has helped dramatically because the interviews I watched helped me gain a deeper insight into the codes and conventions in which my actor/actors should be conveying. From this I gathered that slow speech and well as elaborated facial expressions help to generate the correct atmosphere, then with carefully collaborated levels of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, I can create a scene that grips the audience. To gain primary data, I showed my class and tutors the scenes I was analysing, which meant I could ask certain questions entitling feedback to help my essay as well as my production. Almost like a questionnaire, but there can be problems from this primary method because I might not be asking the ‘correct’ or ‘meaningful’ questions, but I felt like the feedback I gained did help my progression. I also enhanced my primary data by testing certain shots to view different atmospheric techniques, so I could gain a visual experience for myself (as well as practice). Usually I tend to rely on primary data as my main focus, but within this project, I had to focus more on the historical factors of drugs and analysing these scenes was more personally about looking between the lines to create my own auteur style. The trip to the BFI Library was my main element of progression for my research I thought. I was able to gather information from books from


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Evaluation by Blacklist Media

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My main objective for this project was to create an analysis of the cinematic and dramatic representation of drug induced states within a variety of television dramas. I have met my goals but with a different approach to the methods I originally set out to do so. In the beginning of the project I collected secondary background data on the characters involved in each production as well as the certain scenes I will be analysing then created a rough comparison between each text (Skins, Glue and Breaking Bad). I wanted this research to personally help me with my web drama project in which I will be creating memories of an induced state then proceeding into a darker atmosphere as the twisted tale begins. My secondary data has helped dramatically because the interviews I watched helped me gain a deeper insight into the codes and conventions in which my actor/actors should be conveying. From this I gathered that slow speech and well as elaborated facial expressions help to generate the correct atmosphere, then with carefully collaborated levels of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, I can create a scene that grips the audience.

To gain primary data, I showed my class and tutors the scenes I was analysing, which meant I could ask certain questions entitling feedback to help my essay as well as my production. Almost like a questionnaire, but there can be problems from this primary method because I might not be asking the ‘correct’ or ‘meaningful’ questions, but I felt like the feedback I gained did help my progression. I also enhanced my primary data by testing certain shots to view different atmospheric techniques, so I could gain a visual experience for myself (as well as practice). Usually I tend to rely on primary data as my main focus, but within this project, I had to focus more on the historical factors of drugs and analysing these scenes was more personally about looking between the lines to create my own auteur style. The trip to the BFI Library was my main element of progression for my research I thought. I was able to gather information from books from different backgrounds ranging from theorists of masculinity to historical texts of drugs.

The research collected for this essay focused a lot on secondary data, specifically within books. I felt this was a good skill to have achieved because you can’t trust every article on the Internet and I wanted to keep an even balance between books and web-based material. Comparing this essay to previous essays, I believe I took a deeper interest in the topics raised, as well as the texts I’d chosen because they are my favourite television series, which provided me with deeper connection. Micro-analysing a scene can some times be daunting because you might not necessarily know the background of the piece, which is what my spectators for my primary data had trouble with. I felt like this essay was more of a personal piece of creative writing to help me gain the right effects for my web drama, therefore I was writing this essay more for myself than an audience. The secondary data helped me develop production ideas and analyse the texts. Of course, I could have had more primary data, but if I was to present a historical question for my essay, I would need to focus on artifacts instead of opinions. I definitely felt like this project was clearly correlated with my web drama as it should have been and helped me gain a better outcome for my production. This

project has increased my capability to collect research from library sources, as well as generate a more in-depth textual analysis for my own film to create a stronger message behind my shots. I can also adapt the shots I’ve analysed and use the style of cinematography as my own. To improve I believe I should focus on the messages in which the director is trying to portray and micro analyse further into the scenes I have chosen to help me gain a clearer insight to their work. More theorists could be an option for my next assignment to provide wider contextual knowledge.

In conclusion, the question I presented appealed to me and I felt like I wanted to know more about the topic, so I found myself researching historical aspects of drugs use, older drug induced scenes as well as watching older films, like Trainspotting (Danny Boyle) and Human Traffic (Justin Kerrigan).