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Evaluation presentation

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary


Page 2: Evaluation presentation

I believe that the combination of all three of my media products are effective. I believe that they are

continuous and create and all round professional look.

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These pictures were used within my trailer, the second photo was from my poster that I made, I believe that this makes the combination of my products to become more effective as the same image is used, and it becomes continuous, and it is obvious they are related. In addition to this I have kept up the brightness of the text ‘Death Toll’ like I said I would as I did want it to stand out.

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Lighting and Text:

Along with this I believe that I have kept the lighting of my products consistent throughout my products. This is because there are some dark shots within my trailer. My poster is mainly dark, and the main character within my magazine cover is also dark. It is clear to see from these pictures that the lighting within my three products are all consistent and I believe that consistency is one of the main things that needs to be shown through my final media products.

Poster: Magazine: Trailer:

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I think all three of my products work really well together and all compliment each other. I believe that if a person was to look at both my magazine and my poster, there would not be much that has been given away. This was one of the reasons as to why I only chose to put the main characters on my poster and magazine. In addition to this audience feedback has proven that my magazine and poster do not give much away which therefore makes them want to know more about the film.

I believe that the camera shots that I have used for both my magazine and poster are appropriate. I used a long shot for my poster so that the audience were able to see the ‘killer’ clearly in the poster. I then used a wide close up for my magazine cover as I learnt in my AS coursework that this camera shot is the most effective for a magazine cover, so this is why I decided to use it and follow normal convention.

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Using the main characters: I decided to only use one character on each of my ancillary tasks. I believed that this would make my work more effective. In addition to this I believed that it would allow the combination of my three products to be far more effective. This is because the poster and the magazine cover are completely different and are not related at all.

This therefore gives the reader and the viewer more of an insight into what the trailer will be about, without giving too much away. In addition to this I have used the main character within my magazine cover, and vice versa. This also allows the viewers to think about the connection that the two may share within the film.

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I have used a knife within all of my products. I believe that this creates an effective combination of my media products as it shows how I have tried to make some things consistent. I thought that by taking a lot of the pictures with the ‘killer’ holding a knife I wouldn’t have to include many knife scenes within my trailer, this was a good thing as I didn’t really want many knife scenes, as it would make the viewers aware and think they know what the film is about.

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Overall I believe that the combination of my media products are effective and help generate a valid outlook on what my intentions are.

I will be gaining feedback in order for me to fully understand how effective the combination of my media products actually are.