How effective is the combination of your short film, radio trailer and film poster?

Evaluation - Question 2 Presentation

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How effective is the combination of your

short film, radio trailer and film poster?

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The Overall message

The message that I was trying to portray in “Echoes” is that single fathers do exist and struggle just as much as single mothers, but it should be acceptable to ask for help if you need it regardless of the parents gender.

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The message in the poster

My film poster helps to sell this message to audiences showing Alex very clearly on the poster and the image of Alice not as clear behind him. This tells the audience that having to hire a nanny shouldn’t define you as a parent and that they are insignificant to your capabilities as a parent. Therefore, Alice is much more transparent than Alex to show this.

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The Message in the Poster

This is effective as it is showing audiences that single fathers exist very clearly with the image of Alex, but very subtly getting the message across so it isn’t in the audiences faces.

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The message in the review

My film poster helps to show my message by having half of the page as an image on Alex alone. This suggests to audiences that it is acceptable to be alone, be a male, and be a parent.

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The image is at a slight Dutch tilt angle which helps to distort what is going on in the scene but also allows the underlying message to be portrayed that being a single father is still stigmatized and looked distortedly at by society, which it shouldn’t be.

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The Message in the Review

This is effective because it shows the audience that standing alone and being a single father shouldn’t be stigmatised and is a real thing that happens in society.

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A continuous theme that runs throughout all three of my products is the protagonist. Alex (David) is in every scene in my short film, is on the picture in my magazine review and the main focus on my poster.

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This is effective at selling the film to audiences as they will be interested in the protagonist and to see them on different platforms will be used as a type of synergy. Alex (David)’s face is incorporated into each media. Seeing his face on each of these will remind the audience of this film and begin to associate “Echoes” with David. This helps to promote the film.

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Unique Selling Points of the Poster

My poster shows Alex very clearly in with a red tint with Alice in the background quite translucent but still with a red tint. This is effective at selling the film to audiences as the red connotes danger and therefore drags people in.

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Unique Selling Points of the Poster

Also with Alex’s face so clear they will automatically look at him and then see that someone is in the background. This will foreshadow that the unnoticeable are the antagonists.

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Unique Selling Points of the Poster

The font on the poster is quite sharp and is similar to that of “Insidious” which is very scary. This will help to sell it to audiences as they will make the connection between the two and give them a gage at the thriller aspect of the film.

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How does the Review and the Poster sell “Echoes”

The review helps to sell the short film by telling the audience what the short film contains but also uses names to get audiences interested. By seeing David Keogh’s name, some people will automatically want to see the film.

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How does the Review and the Poster sell “Echoes”

The poster does the same, David Keogh’s name is located at the top of the poster in large writing with his face located below. The use of his name is in each of the products.

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How does the Review and the Poster sell “Echoes”

The film poster and the review both have red incorporated into them. The review’s prominent colour is red while the images in the poster both have a red tint to them.

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How does the Review and the Poster sell “Echoes”

These modes of address shout out to audiences helping them to sell “Echoes” as those who are wanting danger are more likely to watch them as red connotes danger.

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Real world application

I don’t believe that either my poster or review would be very effective at advertising my short film because unless you are very dedicated to a film magazine then you are unlikely to hear of the short film or see the poster. A radio trailer would be much more effective at selling a short film as more people listen to the radio than read niche film magazines.

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Real World Application

However, to those who do read film magazines, I believe that my review would be quite effective at drawing in audiences as it is very easy to read and the picture is very large so will catch individuals attention. The poster cold also draw in audiences with the black background and the red tinted images with a white title as all these colours are very block based and clear to the individuals eye.