Organization of locations For my photo shoot I had to find a location appropriate to my genre and my topic of the context of the magazine, my genre is the urban/edgy music world in which the mise-en-scene needed to portray this however in comparison to an innocent childhood location in order to follow up my double page spread. Myfirst location was a white brick wall in my conservotary, I chose this as a brick wall gives more of a rebellious edge and urban feel of being out side, on the streets, than a standard home wall. I also chose this as I found the white effective, instead of the upper half of the wall, this is because most brick walls we see are red, and the clarity of the white wall I also thought would help to bring out my main focus, the model. The second location I chose was my back garden, as I found that the lay out of my trapezium hanging from the tree could be useful in order to give a sense of contrast from the edgy urban world, to the more innocent and childish mise-en-scene

Evaluations and preperation for main task

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Page 1: Evaluations and preperation for main task

Organization of locations

For my photo shoot I had to find a location appropriate to my genre and my topic of the context of the magazine, my genre is the urban/edgy music world in which the mise-en-scene needed to portray this however in comparison to an innocent childhood location in order to follow up my double page spread.

Myfirst location was a white brick wall in my conservotary, I chose this as a brick wall gives more ofa rebellious edge and urban feel of being out side, on thestreets, than a standard home wall. I also chose this as I found thewhite effective, instead of the upper half of the wall, this is because most brick walls we see are red, and the clarity of the white wall I also thought would help to bring out my main focus, the model.

The second location I chose was my back garden, as I found that the lay out of my trapezium hanging from the tree could be useful in order to give a sense of contrast from the edgy urban world, to the more innocent and childish mise-en-scene

Page 2: Evaluations and preperation for main task

Organization of props and costumes

The props and make up I used for this magazine were very important and specific in to what I wanted in order to portray the correct image, my idea was create my model as a new urban/edgy excessive look, not the standard main stream appearance.

My main purpose was to design to the make up in an excessive manner, in order to portray the presence and importance of this urbanized music industry and lifestyle. Therefore I used feathers as my models eyelashes, and extenuated her eyebrows to almost twice their original size. I also drew a pattern across her eyelids in order to show an abstract and exaggerated feel to it.

I wanted to show a clear differentiation between the eyes, ears and mouth as I found that these symbolize very important factors of the music industry. I wanted to portray a sense of sexuality and emotions though her lips, a sense of portraying how sexual yet normal this urban industry of music has become.

For the main part of the photo shoot I used a fur leopard print coat in order to portray a sense of class, yet the cliché of the pimps as a symbol of money and power. The high wasted shorts portray a sense of sensuality as her legs are out, the big hooped earrings and and the gold chain around her neck portray the element of money yet the street fashion, of excessive gold jewlerry. The head pones were also a prinicpal part of my mise-en-scene it portrays the symbol of music, and the new technology involved in it today.

Page 3: Evaluations and preperation for main task

Drafting for masthead/layout/color scheme

I wanted to call my magazine “Urbanised” as this was the main genre of the music and magazine therefore I experimented different ways in which I could produce this masthead.

This was my first design, I used a rich purple and the braggadocio font as I found this drew attention straight away, the abstract font portrays a feel of rebellion as it is hard and confusing to understand. I also spelt the word purposely wrong to make it less formal and show a sense of fun. However I found that this color would not co ordinate with my front cover, and that this font was to complex to understand, and people may be put off buy this.

This was my second design, the red attracted me as the lips of my model on the front cover are red, I found that this color balance would show more of an emphasis on the page, however I came to the conclusion that the font did not portray the genre of my magazine enough as it seemed to formal and neatly structured.

This was my final and chosen design, the reason I preferred this one is because I found the bold, edgy font portrayed the message I was looking for. The letters are blocked and slightly shaded, they also are subtly shadowed which gives a bold and strong feel to the page, yet a eerie and edgy one as well. I also chose it to be in the color red as I found this would work for my cover as part of the color balance, over the black and white back ground, in comparison to the red lips, therefore I thought this would draw more emphasis and attention towards the page.

Page 4: Evaluations and preperation for main task

Story Board And Timeline

In order to come up with my final pictures used in my last piece, I needed to take various amounts in order to analyze and decide what my chosen pictures are. These are a selected few of the various I took and are also in order of preparation and scenery of the time I took them. A few of these were used in my final piece how ever there were a lot I chose to discard, by taking a large amount of pictures I found this a lot easier as I had a selection to chose from and refer too whilst analyzing what would best portray my magazine.







march 20-27th

March 27-3rdapril

Preliminary task

Analysis on covers/contents/ spreads

Audience research questionnaire

Find your tribe

Mood board

Organisation of location/props


Evaluation of research/organisation for mag

Completion of mag

Page 5: Evaluations and preperation for main task


Front cover

In designing my front cover I photo shopped my picture in order to make it black and white, and I kept and emphasized the red lips on the model. I did this as I thought it created a very distinct appearance to the page which caught my eye straight away, the abstract sense of only the models lips being in color; not only makes the page look edgy, yet conveys a lot of meanings. Such as sensuality, lyrics, and rumors which are all a very big part of the music industry. The read head mast down the right hand side of the page was positioned there as I wanted it too look slightly different from the majority of magazines, I also wanted my main picture to be as clear as possible and I found that if the head mast was at the top of the page it would be taking away some focus. I used the color red for the font as if found this would be a good color balance to use as it matched the red lips, I also found that this emphasized the words as it stood out extremely from the black and white wash in the background. My main color balance for the font used was black and red as I found this worked well together, I used the red as a co ordinance for my main focus “LOLA”, I did not include the color red whilst talking about other people as I wanted to make a distinction between the cover line, and the cell lines.

Contents page

In comparison to the front cover I used a very vibrant picture in order to be portray my contents page. It is a very unusual and abstract picture, as the model is licking a flower, this is why I found it so appealing and interesting. The headphones on the model are very clear to the eye, therefore we can see a musical element in the picture, the fact that she is licking a flower could be representing the fact that whilst you are listening to music or even more so “LOLAs” music you find yourself in your own world, doing strange things. I also found the color balance very appealing as I edited this picture to emphasize the contrast between the lighting and the colors. I did not want to include a complex or “busy” background as I wanted to contrast from my front cover, therefore I left it white, I also found that the colors of the image were enough to attract the audiences eye. I also took the approach here, of sometimes less is more. My head mast here was also the same font as the front cover in order to clarify that they are from the same magazine, and it shows some sense of relationship between the two.

Double page spread

Here, I used a variety of different pictures In order to portray different scenarios and emotions to what the artist was feeling. I used red and black font in order to distinguish the difference between the questions and answers, I also did this as once again it co ordinated with the colour balance of the Front cover and Contents page. I structured this page so that there was a main image in the middle of the page, I did this in order to grab the audiences eye, as it will then draw them in to the story, and the rest of the pictures. I chose this picture as she is holding her headphones, to show that she is listening to music and is deeply involved in it, and she looks as if she is screaming the lyrics, this is a very strong image and portrays a sense of fun, and informality.