OCALA EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916 at us cast of unusual excellence, including such prominent artists as James Neil, Joseph King, Tom Forman, Belle Ben- nett, Lu Cille Young, Lucile La Ver-ne- y and Horace B. Carpenter. Best Local Talent Entertainment Ever Held in the City j""",4 If You Have any News for this De- partment, Call Up Five-On- e o- - -- n fniv, COMMERCIAL CLUB MINSTRELS Mil I Vi I j iSllii (Kii IU1 (Lester Lucas Conversationalist) The Palm Beach Club Enjoys a Merry - Hour of Jest and Song Produced Under the Direction of Les- ter Lucas of Coburn's Minstrels ; Assisted by Sibbald Wilson I inn v (I TT m Seats Now on S ale at Court Pharmacy Oc,;75c; Angle-Ree- d Plucky and eloquent Allie J. Angle of Tampa has many friends in Ocala, and they will all be interested in the following from the Lakeland Tele- gram: - "Miss Rachel Reed of Lakeland and Mr. A. J. Angle of Tampa were quiet- ly married yesterday morning at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haldemanjon Lake Morton. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Wallace Wear, pastor of the First Baptist church. Catherine and Ruby" Wear and Grace Haldeman were the dainty little flower girls and Master Halde- man was ring bearer. The bride wore a dress of white voile and silk net and carried a bouquet of white asters. Only a few friends of the bride and groom were present; - The bride is a favorite "of the people of Lakeland, having lived here a long time, and is one of the most prominent workers in the Baptist church. he organized and is leader of the Sunbeam Band and by her persistent work she succeeded in placing it on the honor roll of the state. She is loved by all who know her and the church people of Lakeland regret giving her up. Mr. Angle is one of the prominent men of Florida and numbers his friends by the thou- sands." '. AT THE TEMPLE THIS EVENINCT Selections, will be made from the following by singers and comedians: Singers: Pat Anderson, Linn, Sand- ers, 'Alfred " Green, Leroy Bridges, Kenneth MacKay, Duncan McDonald and Dick 'Stroud. Jesters: Sibbald Wilson,. Dr. Jack Halton, Rae Fer- guson, Usher Norwood, Austin Ben- nett and Carol Blalock. Alabama Jubilee; Hesitating Blues, by Usher Norwood. " Hello Hawaii How Are You; A Cot- tage, Some Roses and You, by "Pat" Anderson. wr wm Weel Stupid flk ISM Mil's h 1 You can get your Chcro-Col- a v'Ina Bottle-Throu- gh a Straw" at Soda Fountains and other Refreshment Stands. Everybody knows it , y ts name M- A- Best ' ' Special for Thursday and. (July 27lli and 28th) Ft May Master William Collier, the grand- son of Mrs. Dr. E. Van Hood, who has been so desperately ill with "tetanus poison, is steadily improving at the hospital, where every hope is now felt for his complete recovery. His parents, Cant, and Mrs. W. A. Collier, of Tus- caloosa, Ala., will remain in Ocala with their son until he is completely recovered. About 25 of this Season's At the Fountain of -- Youth; Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go With Friday on Saturday, by Rae Ferguson, f Sunshine of Your Smile; Way Down Yonder, by. Alfred Green. ' Are You from Dixie; Those Good Old Days Back Home, by Carol Bla- lock. Walkin' the Dog; I 'Aint Got No- body, by Austin Bennett. Introduction of the premiers,' Sib- bald Wilson and Jack Halton. Pray for the Lights to Go Out; Oh, How that Woman ; Could Cook, by Sibbald, Wilson. . ?V . Because I , Have You; When the Southern Moon is Swinging Low, by Linn Sanders. . , Some Little Bug Will Get You Some Time; You Can't Get Along With 'Em or Without "Em, by Jack Halton. A Dream; .Down Deep in a Sub- marine, by Lester Lucas. Grand final introducing "Keep the Home Fifes Burning," by entire com- pany."' ' " ;.""; ; Overture by orchestra. v ; , A fifteen minute skit entitled Chalk Talk, by Wilson and Ferguson., In- troducing feats of ambidexterity and comic cretaceous creations, v Burlesque on Sextette from Lucia. Tickets on sale at the Court Phar- macy . TTV WJ I Vf (73 f :l nyv' ij;iMi(mi i ii mini- - yy 4 Jl 4 - Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lansford have returned to Lakeland after a pleasant two months' absence spent at Mont- gomery and Birmingham and various points' in Georgia. 'I During their trav- els,, they- - made a motor trip from Montgomery to Chattanooga; Tenn., and had a most pleasant journey. ;i ( , ; j . iHlllM'nnillliflliMliliiiiniililli'il''li'lwj V(llllM.HI"lt1'l'ti1ll'lil")'HI'lllliiiri'imiMn Assorted styles and sizes and every one of them made for the Spring of 1916. There are dresses in this lot that we sold up to S8.Q0. We offer them in this sale for the two days only at Lakeland Telegram. Dr. and Mrs. Thor Weaver and daughter and Miss Tommie Standley of Dade City, spent several hours here Saturday. Dr. Weaver isJ con- nected with the United . States agri- cultural department.' He was enroute to, Tampa to transact business. Plant City Courier. The elegant new dining room of the Commercial Club has been completed, IMPORTANT INFORMATION Rules and Regulations Governing Ocala's Free Library The rules' committee of .the public library have adopted- - the following rules to govern the institution as soon and the members of the club are now looking forward to the "blowout" that as it is formally opened. The various (01 MB V J( ' 1 o committees are hard at work every the committee is said to be planning. day getting everything in readiness to All the members of the club and their open up. The task of indexing by title and cross indexing: bv subjects is a ladyfolks are expected to be present. -- ,' Miss Sue Moore, after a three weeks visit to her. aunt, Mrs. E. A. Hick-so- n, of Micanopy, returned home yes hard one, and those in charge of the work deserve much - credit for ' their untiring efforts in getting the library in shape for use. The opening date terday, having spent a most delightful No Approvals or Exchan Poitively time among friends and relatives. will be announced as soon as the work is comnlete. which the committees ' " New Things at Walk Over Shop 1 " ' '''"'"' I sj The top is Ivory Kid, the vamp a deep rich Brown ,Kid . I Fine diamond perforations around top and vamp. Leather I ......... ... j j Louis - Heel. jj lj $k Goldman's Store ' '- - I jii'. (L . Mail Orders Solicited . j hope will be in the next few days. -- Borrowers: Adults of the city of AT THE WINDOW LOOK Ocala are entitled to draw books by filling out application blanks. . Chil dren under 18 must obtain signature of parent or guardian. T T Temporary Residents: , A tempor A ary resident, may obtain a borrower s card by filling out applicationblank, making a temporary ; deposit to the The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fishel, who are now" making their home in Baltimore, will be very much; pleased to learn that a pretty baby girl was born to them the other day; - ' , .;c;: . Better hurry, around to the .Court Pharmacy and buy a ticket to the minstrel performance this evening. Al- most everybody in town is expected to be there. " . ; " Mrs. Minnie A. Bostick is passing her vacation in New York City, and while in . the metropolis is selecting a fine stock from the autumn millinery value of the book and paying two IS THE PLACE AND NOW IS THE TIME cents a day. Borrower's Card: Each person en titled to draw books from the library will be given a card, which must be presented whenever a book is taken, can not be renewed. Books cannot be transferred. "". . returned or renewed. If this card is lost a new one will be given after due styles. - , . Over Due Books: The fine of two notice upon the payment of five cents. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Costello have Number of Volumes: Two books cents a day will be imposed for books kept overtime. may be drawn at a time, one only of which is fiction. Not more than two Penalties: Borrowers will have to moved into their new home on Broad- way. . pay lor lost or injured books. All borrowers who fail to pay for loss or volumes of new fiction 'and two vol- umes of new. juvenilia to one family. Miss Bettie Mclver came up' from damage to books, or their fines, will be debarred from the use of the Time Kept: Books may be kept two the lake yesterdav for a brief stav weeks and once renewed for the same in- - town and to do some shopping. time. Books marked seven day books may be kept for that time only and Hours: Library will be, open from The Temple is giving a matinee this 8 to 10 a. m.; 4 to 6 p. m. and 7 to 9 afternoon and evening, from 3:30 till p. m.. cn weeK aays only. The last few days have marked a numerous advance guard of the army of mosquitoes that usually appear during the sumrneh months, FENOLE IS THE REMEDY. Flies, Ants, Bugs and all other insects are eliminated, eradicated and assassinated by the free use of this household insecticide. Safe to use, effective in the extreme. Fenole is for sale in Ocala by Marion Hardware Co., Ollie Mordis, Court Pharmacy, Tyding's Drug Co., Smith Grocery Cov Anti-Monopo- ly Drug Store. " FENOLE CHEMICAL COMPANY 1546 FRANKLIN STREET , TAMPA PHONE 3S23 7:30, giving four shows before the minstrel performance begins. Ue Have the Equipment and AbiUty " To serve you as you ought to be servied, and when you are not let us ask you again, to let us know,' for this is the" only way we can accomplish our desire. Of course, sometimes, little things go wrong,-bu- t they are not inten-tiona- l, and, if you will call us up, they will be corrected IMMEDIATELY. ' gsHs lee a PacMmjjj Co. PHONE 34 ' J OCALA, FLA. SEMINOLE BUS CO'S. .. ... REGULAR SCHEDULE . Mrs. Lee Miller, of Whitney, is in the city, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Beginning Saturday . morning ; the Seminole Motor Bus company will Standley. . . Rev. Bunyan" Stephens leaves to operate a jitney over ; the following route, passing a given point every 30 night for Shelbyville, Ky., where he ' WHITE'STAR LINE minutes, from 7 a. m. to ; 9 :30 p. m. will spend a week, with- - his family. The fare will be five cents. Magno i , m irrom there he will go to Crawfofds GERIG'S NEWS STORE One Door East of M. & C. National " Bank . A COMPLETE LINE OF MAGAZINES The following Sunday papers are always on sale: N. Y. Herald, N. Y. Times, N. Y. World, Atlanta Journal, Savannah Morning News, Hearst's Sunday American St. Louis Post Dispatch, and Chicago Herald. ; See the new cigar ease where you can get a good cigar.. My stock of cigarettes, smoking and chewing tobacco is new, and of good quality. - : A fresh line of package candies and chewing gum. i Come in and look over a new lot of 50 Cent books. - ; A. E. GERIG Ctfrlr1. vine, Ga., to conduct a three weeks' if A lia street north to North Ocala school, return to union station, thence south on Magnolia street to Oklawaha ave The Hotel for. Florida People revival. . v Teams for Bcni LJlglit and Heavy Bfaaling "Icviog, Paeliino J. ' Mae Murray, the beautiful Lasky) nue, east to Main, south to Fort King avenue, east to Herbert street, south Hold ' B urbridgc - Fire.- ; to South Sixth street, east to Lake star who was recently seen here in "To Have and .To Hold," will be seen at the Temple theater tomorrow in SAXON mm Weir roadsouth to South Eighth street, west to Tuscawilla, north to South Second street, west to Pine Fire Proof JACKSONVILLE, FLA. IT. the, Jesse L. Lasky production of Da- vid Belasco's famous nlav . "Swpp s r Motor Cars BEAVER Wall Board , x r r " w Kitty Bellairs,". taken from the pop street, north . to Broadway, east to Main, north to Oklawaha avenue, west LitMa WA1EI 50 Per Day s, lar novel, "The Bath, Comedy," by to Magnolia. y Agnes and Egerton Castle. The Every Room With Private Bath scenes in "Sweet. Kitty Bellairs" were laid at thetfamous English watering Constipation and Indigestion . Phone Collier Bros. W. F. BALLINGER place, Bath, during" the latter part of "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets the 18th century, when powdered and must say they are the best I have ever used for constipation ana mai- - wigs, courtly manners, .flashing wit and alert sword were necessary. One gestion. My wife also used them for indigestion and they did ner gooa, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING of the most unusual incidents of the write 3 lingerie o. zvuigui,, u.imxi& wi N. C. Chamberlain's Tablets are mild play takes place in an exact replica of Fill your home atmosphere with exquisite lasting1 fragrance ' ED.; PINAIJD'S MLiAC The reat French perfume, winner of .highest international Grds. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac b!ossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : I don't see how you caa sell such a remarkable perfume for JS cents a bottle" and remember each bottle contains 6 oz. it is wonderful value.; ; Try it. Ask your dealer today for ED. PIITAUD'S LILAC. For 10 cents our American offices will send yon a . testing bottle. Write today. and gentle in their action. Give them a trial. You are certain to be pleased 'LV ALEXANDER PRACTICAL CARPENTER AND BUILDER " Careful Estimates rr.a5s? on a!! Cos tract work. Gives More and Better Work for the Mor.e;' than Any Qxhzt Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing, Cornice, Spouting, Skylights, Tanks and General Repair Work S Sheet Iron and Copper Work , Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388 210 S. Osceola St. Ocala, Fla. the ball room at the famous Bath Casino The story has to do with the adventures of Mistress Kitty, the with the acrreeable laxative effect .When you have plumbing or elec- trical contracting let us furnish you estimates. No job too large and none to small. II. W. Tucker. tf which they produce. Obtainable ev erywhere, .. aov. xoasi oi xne town, wno oecomes in- volved in a social scandal, and .the clever; way in which she adjusts mat perfume, $2 tf. t i'Uu in tka : Try Bouquet Dozira per ounce, a- - Gerig's. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR. ters. Miss Murray is supported by a

EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY atus€¦ · OCALA EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916 atus cast of unusual excellence, including such prominent artists as James Neil, Joseph King,

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Page 1: EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY atus€¦ · OCALA EVENING STAB, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1916 atus cast of unusual excellence, including such prominent artists as James Neil, Joseph King,


atus cast of unusual excellence, includingsuch prominent artists as James Neil,Joseph King, Tom Forman, Belle Ben-

nett, Lu Cille Young, Lucile La Ver-ne- y

and Horace B. Carpenter.

Best Local Talent Entertainment Ever Held in the Cityj""",4 If You Have any News for this De-

partment, Call Up Five-On- e o- - --n fniv,COMMERCIAL CLUB MINSTRELS Mil I Vi I j iSllii (KiiIU1(Lester Lucas Conversationalist)

The Palm Beach Club Enjoys a Merry- Hour of Jest and Song

Produced Under the Direction of Les-

ter Lucas of Coburn's Minstrels ;

Assisted by Sibbald Wilson

I inn v (I TT m

Seats Now on S ale at Court PharmacyOc,;75c;

Angle-Ree- d

Plucky and eloquent Allie J. Angleof Tampa has many friends in Ocala,and they will all be interested in thefollowing from the Lakeland Tele-

gram: -

"Miss Rachel Reed of Lakeland andMr. A. J. Angle of Tampa were quiet-ly married yesterday morning at thebeautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.Haldemanjon Lake Morton. The cere-mony was performed by Rev. WallaceWear, pastor of the First Baptistchurch. Catherine and Ruby" Wearand Grace Haldeman were the daintylittle flower girls and Master Halde-man was ring bearer. The bride worea dress of white voile and silk net andcarried a bouquet of white asters.Only a few friends of the bride andgroom were present; - The bride is afavorite "of the people of Lakeland,having lived here a long time, and isone of the most prominent workers inthe Baptist church. he organized andis leader of the Sunbeam Band and byher persistent work she succeeded inplacing it on the honor roll of thestate. She is loved by all who knowher and the church people of Lakelandregret giving her up. Mr. Angle isone of the prominent men of Floridaand numbers his friends by the thou-sands." '.


Selections, will be made from thefollowing by singers and comedians:

Singers: Pat Anderson, Linn, Sand-ers, 'Alfred " Green, Leroy Bridges,Kenneth MacKay, Duncan McDonaldand Dick 'Stroud. Jesters: SibbaldWilson,. Dr. Jack Halton, Rae Fer-guson, Usher Norwood, Austin Ben-

nett and Carol Blalock.Alabama Jubilee; Hesitating Blues,

by Usher Norwood. "

Hello Hawaii How Are You; A Cot-tage, Some Roses and You, by "Pat"Anderson.

wr wmWeelStupidflkISM



You can get your Chcro-Col-a

v'Ina Bottle-Throu- gh a Straw"at Soda Fountains and otherRefreshment Stands.

Everybody knows it ,y ts name


Best' ' Special for

Thursday and.(July 27lli and 28th)

Ft MayMaster William Collier, the grand-son of Mrs. Dr. E. Van Hood, who hasbeen so desperately ill with "tetanuspoison, is steadily improving at thehospital, where every hope is now feltfor his complete recovery. His parents,Cant, and Mrs. W. A. Collier, of Tus-caloosa, Ala., will remain in Ocalawith their son until he is completelyrecovered.

About 25 of this Season's

At the Fountain of --Youth; WhereDid Robinson Crusoe Go With Fridayon Saturday, by Rae Ferguson,f Sunshine of Your Smile; Way DownYonder, by. Alfred Green. '

Are You from Dixie; Those GoodOld Days Back Home, by Carol Bla-

lock.Walkin' the Dog; I 'Aint Got No-

body, by Austin Bennett.Introduction of the premiers,' Sib-

bald Wilson and Jack Halton.Pray for the Lights to Go Out; Oh,

How that Woman ; Could Cook, bySibbald, Wilson. . ?V .

Because I , Have You; When theSouthern Moon is Swinging Low, byLinn Sanders. . ,

Some Little Bug Will Get You SomeTime; You Can't Get Along With 'Emor Without "Em, by Jack Halton.

A Dream; .Down Deep in a Sub-

marine, by Lester Lucas.Grand final introducing "Keep the

Home Fifes Burning," by entire com-

pany."' ' " ;."";; Overture by orchestra. v ; ,

A fifteen minute skit entitled ChalkTalk, by Wilson and Ferguson., In-

troducing feats of ambidexterity andcomic cretaceous creations, v

Burlesque on Sextette from Lucia.Tickets on sale at the Court Phar-

macy .


Vf (73 f :lnyv' ij;iMi(mi i ii mini- - yy 4 Jl


Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lansford havereturned to Lakeland after a pleasanttwo months' absence spent at Mont-gomery and Birmingham and variouspoints' in Georgia. 'I During their trav-els,, they- - made a motor trip fromMontgomery to Chattanooga; Tenn.,and had a most pleasant journey.;i ( , ; j

. iHlllM'nnillliflliMliliiiiniililli'il''li'lwj V(llllM.HI"lt1'l'ti1ll'lil")'HI'lllliiiri'imiMnAssorted styles and sizes and every one of them

made for the Spring of 1916.

There are dresses in this lot that we sold up to S8.Q0.

We offer them in this sale for the two days only at

Lakeland Telegram.

Dr. and Mrs. Thor Weaver anddaughter and Miss Tommie Standleyof Dade City, spent several hourshere Saturday. Dr. Weaver isJ con-nected with the United . States agri-cultural department.' He was enrouteto, Tampa to transact business. PlantCity Courier.

The elegant new dining room of theCommercial Club has been completed,


Rules and Regulations GoverningOcala's Free Library

The rules' committee of .the publiclibrary have adopted- - the followingrules to govern the institution as soonand the members of the club are now

looking forward to the "blowout" that as it is formally opened. The various

(01 MB

V J( '1 o

committees are hard at work everythe committee is said to be planning.day getting everything in readiness toAll the members of the club and theiropen up. The task of indexing by titleand cross indexing: bv subjects is a

ladyfolks are expected to be present.-- ,'Miss Sue Moore, after a three weeks

visit to her. aunt, Mrs. E. A. Hick-so- n,

of Micanopy, returned home yes

hard one, and those in charge of thework deserve much - credit for ' theiruntiring efforts in getting the libraryin shape for use. The opening dateterday, having spent a most delightful No Approvals or ExchanPoitivelytime among friends and relatives. will be announced as soon as the workis comnlete. which the committees

' "

New Things at Walk Over Shop 1 "

' '''"'"'


sj The top is Ivory Kid, the vamp a deep rich Brown ,Kid .I

Fine diamond perforations around top and vamp. Leather I......... ...

j j Louis - Heel. jj

lj $k Goldman's Store ' '--


jii'. (L. Mail Orders Solicited . j

hope will be in the next few days.-- Borrowers: Adults of the city of AT THE WINDOWLOOKOcala are entitled to draw books by

filling out application blanks. . Children under 18 must obtain signatureof parent or guardian.

T TTemporary Residents: , A tempor Aary resident, may obtain a borrower scard by filling out applicationblank,making a temporary ; deposit to the

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.Leon Fishel, who are now" makingtheir home in Baltimore, will be verymuch; pleased to learn that a prettybaby girl was born to them the otherday; - ' ,.;c;:

. Better hurry, around to the .CourtPharmacy and buy a ticket to theminstrel performance this evening. Al-

most everybody in town is expected tobe there. "

. ; "

Mrs. Minnie A. Bostick is passingher vacation in New York City, andwhile in . the metropolis is selecting afine stock from the autumn millinery

value of the book and paying two IS THE PLACE AND NOW IS THE TIMEcents a day.

Borrower's Card: Each person entitled to draw books from the librarywill be given a card, which must bepresented whenever a book is taken,

can not be renewed. Books cannot betransferred. "". .

returned or renewed. If this card islost a new one will be given after duestyles. -

, . Over Due Books: The fine of twonotice upon the payment of five cents.

Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Costello have Number of Volumes: Two books cents a day will be imposed for bookskept overtime.may be drawn at a time, one only of

which is fiction. Not more than two Penalties: Borrowers will have tomoved into their new home on Broad-way. . pay lor lost or injured books. All

borrowers who fail to pay for loss orvolumes of new fiction 'and two vol-

umes of new. juvenilia to one family.Miss Bettie Mclver came up' from damage to books, or their fines, willbe debarred from the use of theTime Kept: Books may be kept twothe lake yesterdav for a brief stav

weeks and once renewed for the samein- - town and to do some shopping.

time. Books marked seven day booksmay be kept for that time only and Hours: Library will be, open from

The Temple is giving a matinee this 8 to 10 a. m.; 4 to 6 p. m. and 7 to 9afternoon and evening, from 3:30 till p. m.. cn weeK aays only.

The last few days have marked a numerous advance guard of thearmy of mosquitoes that usually appear during the sumrneh months,FENOLE IS THE REMEDY.

Flies, Ants, Bugs and all other insects are eliminated, eradicatedand assassinated by the free use of this household insecticide.

Safe to use, effective in the extreme. Fenole is for sale in Ocalaby Marion Hardware Co., Ollie Mordis, Court Pharmacy, Tyding'sDrug Co., Smith Grocery Cov Anti-Monopo- ly Drug Store.


7:30, giving four shows before theminstrel performance begins.

Ue Have the Equipment and AbiUty" To serve you as you ought to be servied, and when you are not let us

ask you again, to let us know,' for this is the" only way we can accomplishour desire.

Of course, sometimes, little things go wrong,-bu- t they are not inten-tiona- l,

and, if you will call us up, they will be corrected IMMEDIATELY.

' gsHs lee a PacMmjjj Co.PHONE 34 ' J OCALA, FLA.


REGULAR SCHEDULE. Mrs. Lee Miller, of Whitney, is inthe city, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Beginning Saturday . morning ; the

Seminole Motor Bus company willStandley. .


Rev. Bunyan" Stephens leaves to operate a jitney over ; the followingroute, passing a given point every 30night for Shelbyville, Ky., where he ' WHITE'STAR LINEminutes, from 7 a. m. to ; 9 :30 p. m.will spend a week, with- - his family.The fare will be five cents. Magno

i , mirrom there he will go to Crawfofds

GERIG'S NEWS STOREOne Door East of M. & C. National

" Bank .


The following Sunday papers arealways on sale:N. Y. Herald, N. Y. Times, N. Y.World, Atlanta Journal, SavannahMorning News, Hearst's SundayAmerican St. Louis Post Dispatch,and Chicago Herald. ;

See the new cigar ease where youcan get a good cigar..

My stock of cigarettes, smokingand chewing tobacco is new, and ofgood quality. - :

A fresh line of package candiesand chewing gum. i

Come in and look over a new lotof 50 Cent books. - ;


Ctfrlr1.vine, Ga., to conduct a three weeks' if Alia street north to North Ocala school,return to union station, thence southon Magnolia street to Oklawaha ave

The Hotel for. Florida People revival. .

v Teams for Bcni LJlglit and Heavy Bfaaling "Icviog, PaeliinoJ. '

Mae Murray, the beautiful Lasky) nue, east to Main, south to Fort Kingavenue, east to Herbert street, southHold ' Burbridgc -

Fire.- ;to South Sixth street, east to Lakestar who was recently seen here in"To Have and .To Hold," will be seenat the Temple theater tomorrow in

SAXON mmWeir roadsouth to South Eighthstreet, west to Tuscawilla, north toSouth Second street, west to Pine

Fire Proof

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. IT.the, Jesse L. Lasky production of Da-vid Belasco's famous nlav . "Swpp srMotor Cars

BEAVERWall Board

, x r r " w

Kitty Bellairs,". taken from the pop street, north . to Broadway, east toMain, north to Oklawaha avenue, west


WA1EI50Per Day s,

lar novel, "The Bath, Comedy," byto Magnolia. yAgnes and Egerton Castle. TheEvery Room With Private Bath scenes in "Sweet. Kitty Bellairs" were

laid at thetfamous English watering Constipation and Indigestion . PhoneCollier Bros.W. F. BALLINGERplace, Bath, during" the latter part of "I have used Chamberlain's Tabletsthe 18th century, when powdered and must say they are the best I have

ever used for constipation ana mai--wigs, courtly manners, .flashing witand alert sword were necessary. One gestion. My wife also used them for

indigestion and they did ner gooa, PLUMBING ANDELECTRICAL CONTRACTING

of the most unusual incidents of the write 3 lingerie o. zvuigui,, u.imxi& wiN. C. Chamberlain's Tablets are mildplay takes place in an exact replica of

Fillyour home atmosphere with exquisite lasting1 fragrance'ED.; PINAIJD'S MLiAC

The reat French perfume, winner of .highest internationalGrds. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilacb!ossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : I don't see howyou caa sell such a remarkable perfume for JS cents a bottle" andremember each bottle contains 6 oz. it is wonderful value.; ; Try it.Ask your dealer today for ED. PIITAUD'S LILAC. For 10 centsour American offices will send yon a . testing bottle. Write today.

and gentle in their action. Give thema trial. You are certain to be pleased



" Careful Estimates rr.a5s? on a!! Costract work. Gives More and BetterWork for the Mor.e;' than Any Qxhzt

Tin and Sheet Iron Roofing,Cornice, Spouting, Skylights,Tanks and General Repair

Work S

Sheet Iron and Copper Work

, Phone Yonge's Tin Shop 388

210 S. Osceola St. Ocala, Fla.

the ball room at the famous BathCasino The story has to do with theadventures of Mistress Kitty, the

with the acrreeable laxative effect.When you have plumbing or elec-

trical contracting let us furnish youestimates. No job too large and noneto small. II. W. Tucker. tf

which they produce. Obtainable everywhere, .. aov.xoasi oi xne town, wno oecomes in-

volved in a social scandal, and .theclever; way in which she adjusts mat perfume, $2

tf. t i'Uu in tka: Try Bouquet Doziraper ounce, a- - Gerig's. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR.ters. Miss Murray is supported by a