AMU£*£MSNT3 TO-NIGHT. WABHiKoro* Thkatkr.Kato Fisher's adaptation of "The French Spy" will be per¬ formed here to-night for the first and only time. Mis# Fisher will enstaln the characters -or .. Hamet," "St. Alme" and "Mathilda," and will be ably supported by Wilson, Bokee, Clarke and others. Marietta Ravel and Roeita villain appear,.the litter making her last appearance. On Monday night next "Three Fast Men'' will be produced. Cahterrcry..The Zanfretta troape to. uizbt close the second week of an en;: igeraeiit wbicb has been one of the most successful iu the annal* of Canterbury Hall- Their perfor¬ mance to-night will, as usual, be delightful. Nellie Taylor, the charming vocalist; George l.dso.i, the popular coxeJian; Susie Sum- mtTtleld, the graceful danseuse, and the entire Court of Beauty and ihe full Ethiopian corps will all appear. Varieties..Agnes Sutherland, who has for a long while added much to the enjoyments at the \ arietiee by her tine singing, la announced to make her last appearance this evening. The Ravel pantomime of "Jocko, the Brazilian Ape," will be performed among other things The whole company appear in a good and varied bill. The Draft..After our reportclosed yester. dty the following caees were disposed of bv (be Board of Enrolment: M. Harragan, turnished substitute.James Coleman. John Raneell. (coloved.) accepted. William H. Poor, turnished substitute Kd- mund White. John F Coyle, jr., furnished substitute.Jas. It. Rogers. H. A. Burgling, furnished substitute.Johu McDonald. Thomas Colemau, furnished substitute.Jas. McLochlin. David Semple, furnished substitute.Henry Baird. Hamilten Townsend. disability. Gilbert Joy, (colored,) furnished substitute. Lpbraim Edmondson. S. Datcher, (colored,* furnished substitute. Richard Brinkley. George F. D. Cook, (colored,) furnished stb- eutute.Henry Banks. Wra. Lander, (colored,) furnished subsu¬ me.James Turner. John C. Conoway, (colored,) furnished sub- tute.Solomon Randall. E. S. Jonee, furnished substitute.Frank B. nukey. D. L. Perkins, furnished substitute.Johu pshaw. James Handley, lurnished substitute.Cha= Kurt/. Columbus Scriber, (colored,) turnished sub¬ stitute.John Reilly. Altred Green, (colofed,) furnished substi¬ tute.John Wm. Butler. Jas. W. Sephus, (colored,) lurnished subsU¬ tute.Joseph Hammack Joseph W. Sephus, (colored,) furnished sub- stitue.Tim Gray. John S. Sephus, (colored,) furnished substi¬ tute.Joseph Graham. S. George, nnder age. Henry C. Elliott, only son of a widow. Gee. C. B. Mitchell, father of children under twelve. Mahlon R. Kirkbride, erroneous enrollment. James Lockbead, alienage. Wm. Chandler, convict. Andrew Dallas, over age. James Kerr, children under twelve. Jsaiea Gait, furnished substitute.Charles Gr. Conner. John Bentzler, under age. C. W. Goldin furnished substitutA.James Miller. A. L. Sturte\ant, furnished substitute Ed¬ ward Harris. Wm. H. Chase, disability. Henry Mason, under age. S. F. Rynex, disability. Noble D.Earner, fumisliedsubstuute.James Flnnegan. John H. Patrick, furnished substitute.Chas. B. Ring. Wm M. Hall, disability. C. N. Perkins, disability. Persons desiring to go before the Board of Enrolment to procure exemptions need not apply for admission until within a few days oi the time they are notified to report to Capt. IScbeetz. Those ordered to report at earlier dates are always admitted to the board ir. ad¬ vance of those who have longer time to report; and it is no use for the latter to present them¬ selves now, as all notices to report ar>* exam¬ ined at the door, and the privilege of admission allowed only to the former. Ample time ami opportunity will be allowed all persons to go b^-lore the board w ho may so desire. Ckster Market..This morning price* were flo follows : Beet,besteute, pi lb 15a20 8tt-f et potatoes, pk . *1 next.... 10*l-'Plums, qt.» 12 wilt . . 8a111| Apricots, perdoz.... 40 dried I<5al«j8tring beans, pk. 40a-'<0 Teal.. . I5a.il; Green peaa 75 Mutton, best chops. .20a25j ('elery, per bunch ... 10 next... IS Onions, per bunch... 5*3 Lamb, per qr . .Sil.23al.fio, per peck 73 Pr.rk, fre»h, nor lb. 12^al3 Carrots, per bunch.. s corned 10a 12SiI Beets 5at« Ba<-on.bams,uncutl2V2alijBeans, butter, prqt. 25 bams, sliced . H! white 10al2 breasts 12 Leeks, pr bunch SalO shoulder SalO. Lettuce 5al0 Joles. 7a8' Cabbajre, per head ,,15a2fi . , lard 12'ai Raddishes, bunch... SalO Chi ^ent-.pr pair.73sS1.23: Large rock,each .fl.fiOai ISprinz do., doz S4.30a7i8m«ll rock, pr bch fiO Xgzs. prdoa 20a23;Halibut, lb 20 Butter, prlb 2fia30!Sea has* 12 apples, pr pk.. .J5<i50 Blue Hsh ]-j dried £«i.Sturgeon -. . 10 Peaches, at 20a2.V Lobster 12 Potatoes. Irikh, pk., tOaSO;Cattish, bunch 25 B:arkl>errie*,<it 10 Kye, pr bushel.. .Sl.oC 1'yraiines. doz 20 Corn meal 91.10*1.39 Cucumbers «)a»j Ship stuff ..d0a85 Cireen corn, per doz. Brown stuff 45 Tomatoes, per pk. US!Bhorts... 45 Bks plants, each 10a fii Corn .shelled $1.10 r»ew peaches, pk .?5a$ljOats 75 Pear*.. JiOa^l.CO'Corn, in ear. bbl $7a7.3o Watermelon*, each.'2"m73;Hay, perewt ei.oOal 70 Canteloupp* l<>ars»: Straw $1.2Sal.tO POL ICR Reports..Fir?t Precinct.Warren Martin, desertion; sent to Central Guardhouse. Second Precinct..William A. Ray and Edw. Brown, assault and battery: dismissed. Edw. Bennett, drunk: do. Chas. Lamarr, drunk and disorderly; $..>. Marlah Johnson, disorderly; workhouse. Mary Lee, larceny; jail. David Jordan, assault; dismissed. Betsy Brown, dis¬ orderly; 92M. James Jackson, deserter; mili¬ tary. Wesley Robinson, drunk; dismissed. Two soldiers, do.: military. John Peeps, dis¬ orderly ; dismissed. Kate Barrett, drunk; wor*. bouse, (leo. Brown, deserter; military. Fourth l'recincL.Edward Conway, larceny; dismissed. Thomas Cogan, creating nuisance; *2. Frances Penney, drunk and disorderly; do. Mieh'l Shanrahan, gTand larceny; dismissed. Also, disorderly; workhouse. George Grates, assault, bail for peace. SirtA Prccinct..J no. Carroll, drunk: locked op four boars. Theodore Miller, disorderly; locked up six hours. Charity Jackson, do.; #1.50. Addison Evan3, fast riding; $2.50. Sam'l iStalks, disorderly; workhouse. Jno. Maniel, drunk and disorderly; military. Stephen £mitb, drunk; *1.3.3. ' v Tenth Precinct.Anna Dean, assault; bail for peace. Redmond Barrett, disorderly; dis- Biiseed. Obadiah Lee, do.; 82.1H. Jas. Bowers, do.;*l.M. A Rabi Chasc*. .The farm near Cam. bridge, Md., adverUsed for sale in the Star, by Mr. Wm. Rea, offers superior inducements to persons de«irous of locating where all the comforts and luxuries of a residence in a per- letily healthy locality, immediately upon nav¬ igable salt water, are at hand. The soil is ad¬ mirable, and the place abounds with oysters, can vas-backe, and other waterfowl, and also baa upon it all the elements of making it one of the most productive farms ia the State. Its proximity to the beautiful town of Cambridge *s another great advantage it possesses. It is to be sold to the highest bidder on the -iith in¬ fant, at Cambridge. We advise all disposed to purchase to attend ther* on that day. A Chase..A few evening's sine, as two Slrla were riding near the Park, Otto Sick rove furiously down the street and against one of the horses, which was badly hurt. Un¬ fortunately there was not a mounted police, nan near, and the girls gave ch&se to him, running about a mile through the street* in that neighborhood, when Offlcer Rolfe oh- nerved them, and borrowing a horse from a soldier, soon caught the offender. The caae w&a tried bv Justice Clayton, who lined him .3 tor last driving, but dismissed the other charge of malicious mischief, on the ground that It was a clvU case. Sacrbd Cobcebt..A grand vocal and instrn* concert of sacred music will he given at 7h#aLr® to-morrow night. Mr. Alberto NegTinl, a One Italian tenor, will be the leading Marer, and he will he assisted by Orair, F. a. Miller and A. Wetted. «tei». The programme is made ap entirely of from fcacwd appropriate to « babbath evening concert. , --v y' ' Twin..On Thoreday night AldenKennedy and Christopher Fltrpatrick, two countryimsu, wtio each drove down the Seventh street road with a load of hay, stopped at Boundary street where they made up a right, and -both stripped off and went at 11; bnt offloer Beall spoiled the hp<>rt by arresting them, and the/ were taken before Juatice Gibert»ou, who flned the first .3.3« and the latter Ajhatlt with aBabbe..Yesterday after. Hood. M U. 8. Cavalry, nseaulted : . - «ii w* o. uuiwi/i miumjm a soldier, near the Park, with a sabre, cutting his clothes in several places, bat fortunately did not wound him. Officer Morgan arrested JnMtce Aowland sent him to tha n nrtll!°f Enrol,B'Bt heard and disposed ortfe* following cim this morn- rag up to the hour of IS o'elock. Fewer sol. du»rs have thaa far beta obtained than oa any fng VtMa <lralVd Iaett appear- r!?v?&5<K3£*,tof .**>"* ."-»«« H. T. Tremble,over John Davidson, alien. »J?.mlf?»t«rroMoaal7 enrolled. Robert D. Hoover, furnished substitute. Oeorge F. SCudder. Robert B. Baker, erroneously enrolled. Joseph Hesse, alien. C. W. No hell, disability. Charles Barkhansen, alien. V°^heZ.,1'- Bosennan, in service 3d March. John r linn, over ace. Charles Kitchen, disability. H. S. Tolles, erroneously enroled. Iseac Simon, erroneously enroled. John T. Howe, only support of aged parents. George W. Nail, disability. Joseph Matthews (colored), furnished sub stitute.Wm. Whitson (colored). Charlee H. "Whitney, disability. A. bond, over age. Daniel Lynn, in service 3d March. M. McCauly, disability. Kobert h. Teal, over age. George Parker, only eon. Fred'k Zefler. alien. Michael Lynch, alien. Phil. Specht, in naval service. Fred'k Kenschbach, alien. John W. Collins, only son or aged parents. Dniiiel Collins, under age. Ht rbort Toney, furnished substitute.Wm. Yrager. Michael Wolf, nnder age. Jos. Hrent, under age. Jonathan Woods, alien. J. H. Stewart (colored,) furnished substi¬ tute.Richard Brown. SaeoitP Ward Station Cases..Mary Lau¬ rence and Lucina Holmes, disorderly; si.w each. Wm. Gassaway and'Qeorge Francis, do: $2.60 each. Thomas O'Donuell, do; #5. John O'Connor* drunk: *3. Frank Seaman, do; 91. Alex Holowch, disorderly; S3. Dan'l Mnllln, drunk; tl.58. Dan'l Hopkins, disor¬ derly; Si.91 Albert Stewart drunk and dis- orde ly; dismissed. Thomas O'Donnell, as¬ sault and battery; for hearing. Hamilton An¬ derson, grand larceny; do. Charlee Gibbon, drunk; dismissed. John Mills, do; do. Mary Hrown; threats; bail for peace. Rebecca Warner, violating city ordinance; dismissed. Alex'r Strong, drunk; S1.5*. George Belmont, assault and battery; dismissed. Marv Q.uinn, drunk and disorderly; do. Emma Harrison and I'.mrai Howard, suspicion; do. Policemen Attoihted..The Board of Me¬ tropolitan Police have appointed Christopher Neilson vice Charles W. McDonald, deceased, and John Cain vice John B. Nally, resigned, pol cemen of this District. The B sard also appointed the following persons special police- I?e.n foJlrdu,y under Captain Scheetz: David Cole, W ilium Klingaman, .Terd K. Burt, C. J. La ton, William Heisterburgh, and J. Scott! Cavai.rt Mcstereu Oct..A troop ofcav- alrymen, numbering tijj men, were mustered out ol the service of the United States on Thursday afternoon, their time having expired. They belong to the 173d regiment Pennsylva- ma volunteers. They left for Philadelphia on Thursday night. Deai>..Mr. Samuel Hoover, a well-known butcher in this city, diod at his residence on U street, near Sixth, last night, ol" fistula. 4. T9,J>IBW ^at Americana can trulr call to the bora, la the fever and Ague, and of all the terrible diseases to rack the brain, emaciate the form. and render the entire body helplesa and utterly powerteM, none cun. in our estimation clt m ©recfldeDce oypt it. The excruciating pain experienced by the afflicted, is not expressible.it is only to be realized To those who have been stricken down with It. a remedy of any kind matt, a matter of ceur?e, prove of the greatest interest. One of the most powerful and speedy curei that «re know of Hostetter'a Celebrated Bitters. In recommending it to the public, ire know and fsel that we are doing a great tarries. Its beaiflcent effects upon the stomach, and its mild taate,cannot but render it popular among all classes. geld by Druggists and dealers generally every¬ where. Wholesale Agents.A. 11. Bininger 7 Co., 2.1T Pena. ave. aa »-eo3t Wmrriao pa pxr for sale at the Star offioe coun¬ ter, at Fix cents p?r pouud. j rg LV03l'S MAQBETIO IVnECY POwDSa, Moths in furs bugs in beds. Roaches crawling oa your floor, Bats and mice in barns and sheds, These shall never plague you more. Lyon, with his Powder, alays All the insects that anuoy ; And his Pills, berand all praise, Bvery rat and mouse deitroy. Lyon's Powder is harmless to maakiad, bat will kill all house insects, gardes worms, vine- bugs, Ac. Lyon'a Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere, aa 5-2w DavKiaB. Barsbb A Co., New York Boldieeb' Special Notice..Do yoar duty to yourtelves. protect your heath, use Hoi o way 'a Pills ana Ointment. Per wounds, sores, bowel com- flsiuts and favors they are a perfect aafeguard. ull directions how to ase them with every box. OnlySoeats. 210 Da. Dcrpav's £ a gar-co ated re male Regulating Puis are the very Utt in km. They operate srudily and iStctivtly, and being tngar-ooated create nonau- K* **!?. mcHI* Helieate stomach. A trial of *hese Pills will prove their superiority ovm all ethers. W* #!. bo*. Sold by 8. C. Ford, corner lith «®d Pa. avenue, Washington, and Henry Gook, Alexandria. Ja6-ly 8fikwatoeke<ia oak aa Ouano..Dr. Band'g Bpscifle, will convince the most skeptical of its merite. Price ,fl a box. Bold by 8. 0. Ford, cor¬ ner 11 tkitreet and Pa. avenae, Washington, and Henry Cook Alexandria^ |a 6-ly Cokxh and other diaorders of the Ceet when ne« Elected are injurious to the health. They unfit the civilian for business, and it is Impossible for a sol¬ dier to marck and tight with vim if the great sup¬ port of bis whole frame be in a disordered condi¬ tion. To all afHioted with Corns, Banlona or Nails growing in the flesh, or otfcer disorders of the feet we would recommend an early call at Dr. White's office. No. 434 Penn. avenue, between Four-and-a- half and Sixth Jy 17 Wa*ba».dto Otjaa i* 8ix Davb.-Dt. Godfrey's Antidote, an Bnglish Specific of sixty-five years' standing,.will cure (r^orrkam in six days. No chwige of diet reanired. Priee 01 per botUe. Bold by B.C. Ford, earner 11th street and Pa, avenue Washington, and Henry Cook, Alexandria. jaS-ly HUHlIBi On the lith inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev. K M. Watkiason. JOrikPH CCLLhY, U. 8. Navy, to NAOMI VlBGINIA ALLtN, daughter of hav. Richard Alien, of Nor¬ folk. Va. * At 2 o'cloek a. m.. August lith. of oongeation of tha brain, IRIN1 AVONIA, enly daughter of Blisabeth B. and the late Harrison P. Lewis, aged . years. . The friends and acsuaintances of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from her aether's residence, No. ftVT I street, oa Monday Morning, at 10 o'cloek. . (Phila. papers please copy. J to the 16th instant, 8AM U XL HOOVJB, in tha 61 st year af his age. His funeral will.take place oa to morrow, the lfth inst., 3 o clock, from hia late re«iden<.e cor¬ ner bth and P atreete. The friends of tha family are respectfully Invited to attend. » (Bait, papers pleete eopy.l ^ ^ »astan», Mre. ANNA C^ALMBBS, eldeet daughter of the late Dr. Tobl- aa Wathias, of thiaeity. And on Friday, the i«th instant. MABT IJAN&. e deat daughUr ofBm il y Utelfr T*WatklM**'** **** daa«bter of the The funeral will take place from the family reel . deaee. No. 430 Ninth street, between a and H, oa Sanday, the 16th instant«t S o'clock p. m. Frieada and acquaintances are iaTlted to attend, without farther notice. > Augu«t 14th, la©, BDDIB,seventh son of Dan'l and Elizabeth Robertson, aged ll mouths and 2S days. . ¦scaped frem life's trouble* so soon; Grieve not.tis his gain thai to go: The joys of a Heavealy noon, Are exehaag'd for a world dark with wo. In this city, on Friday, tha nth iasteat, altar a lingering illness, which she bora with christian fortd MART'A. ABJrOLD.ooasort of the late lavited 1? »..."« ¦»« iumhi, iron varm wauw, Navy Yard, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. On Thar " AVTHON1 months. Saml Arnold, in the s«th year of her age 1 L *he friends af the family are respectrullv ial to attend her funeral, from Christ Ohurcn, i Aa^^o-morrow < Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o'JM lith instant, at 3 o'clock a. m.. PNY B0USS8AU, aged two years aai five P. son of Charles and Bilxabeth Boasaean. . | Poet O«o*rer in«&ire at 0. BOUAB'S Bakery, ; Post OAoe^or incuire fang st.. Alexandria. Ha. 811 Stath street, near Pun. avenue, Tha vaU kaavft Stal Sitate aad latelligeaoa au u-9t» B8TITDTJ1I UPUTATIOfr MT ABLISHBD. CALL! CALL! CALL.» W* viU do aa weU aa anybody. anf-M H. H. MILLIE. f I Al T ¦ A H O ffICI1L* HuDQvarm Pnoronr Xambau > PfHriet of Columbia,Ang. 9th, WW. > The Board of Enrollment for the District of Colombia will meet to bear exemptions K the CKy Hall, Washington, ©a Monday, A«t»t 16th, at ( a. m. and continue oa daring the week. Hmr A. Somn, an iO'fit Captain and ProvoM Marshal. ¦ . FOR SALS AND KENT. la the city. Stmt attention Mid to thoee otnir- lag thssn. Ho children in the honae. It 170B BUT.in Slegantly-tarnished FRONT r FAKLOI. Apply at No. 501 Eleventh street, thiee dorrs from Pa. aye. it* (TOB SENT-A BBICE HOUSE, on M street ,be- r tveea lgth aad 19th stroete, containing 4 rooms. Lsrga lot attacked, aad first-rate water on the premises. Apply at corner Uth and M streets. aul4 3t« (TOR SALS OS EXCHANGE.About *X) gallon* r of realty good BRANDT, in ertglaal casks, which will be sold at a low figure for eaah, or wil I exchange for merchandise or real estate. Address "Major," Boa 340 Post Offle*. an 14 2t* FUBNIPHBD OFFICE TO LBT-Contaihiag desk, table, washa'aod, (a'e,eto .an Pennsyl¬ vania avenue, bstweon9Ui aad 10th streets Inquire of J. L PaBKBUBST, oa ateeaer Marp F. Rap¬ ier. at foot of 7th street, or at 143 G street. an 14-3t* _____ |?OB 8ALB.A two-etory FBAMB HOC8B. with Jl aiz rooms, and lot adjoining; a good stable at- taohed to accommodate two hoieee aad carriage;' f-ape aad fruit tree* in yard; in a cood neighbor- ool, on Stb street, between Mass. are. aad K sts, Inquire at HOOTRV8 8TOBE, on corner 6th aad 1 street*, for particulars. Poseeeslon given Imme¬ diately. an U-lt* f^UBNISHBD BOUSE FOB BENT-A plainiy- 1 famished House, containing seven rooms of good size (fifteen feet *q uare.) with wide passage. In part payment of the rent, the advertiser would be willing to oecapv one of the rooms, with or without board, as might be agreed upon. Satis¬ factory rrferero* required. Apply, between la and T o'clock, at 394 Ntw York avenue, an 14 2t* tfUBNIBHBD PARLOR AND BED-ROOM 3 TO'I LBT.- Apply at 87 2 P street, corner of 13th. I au 13 lw* . BALI..Will the party from Georgetown, who went to sea the Bakery oa the Island, call again at the Baal Satate Agency, (room 3.) oorner Seventh and P streets. Satisfactory arrangement* can be made. . au 13-3t* sals-two good dwelling houses, on S street, between 10th and 11th atreete eut. Persona wishing to purchase comfortable Dwel- linge will do well to call on J. W. ATCHISON, Bag., who lives on the premises. au 13-eo3t* A FURNISHED BBD BOOM AND PARLOB for rent. Inquire DB. EDW. H. CALVERT, 374 7th etreet, between L and M Also a H >use for sale, having a large Store, intended to be eon- verted into two stores, Ac. Also, 10 acres of Land, at Good Hope. au 12-6t» FOB 8ALB..An old and well-eitablished and very profitable BU8INE88 in Alexandria, Va., is to be sold by parties who wish to retire into pri¬ vate life. For particulars inquire at 8. &. W. MEYBNBBRG'S. 48 Market Spaoe, between rth and 8th sts., Washington, P. 0. an 11-lw F'OR 8ALE-A FRAME HOUSE, containing nins rcoms, together with twenty nine thousand feet of ground, with a variety of fruit; peaches, pears, plums, enerrles, and grapes, al> of the best selection, with good water in the yard, on the corner or G ana ISth atreete and Pennsylvania avenue east: for further particulars call at resi dence.No.g7g. (aull-lwM D. OABBOLL. I70R RENT . 8everal Elegantly furnished 1 ROOMS, having ali the modern improve¬ ments, at No. 9 4Si street, opposite Dr. Sunder¬ land'sCfcuratl. Table board near b y. au lfl-lir* Sk** nnn T0 . 5,000 PROFITEER YEAR~ The aubecriber offers for sale the hotel kkown as the Leslie flouse, No. 14 south Fairfax street, Alexandria, Va., doing a business of from 93,000 to £6.000 per year net profit. The House waa furnished rew this last Bpring, and everything is in the best order. The whole will be sold without reservation, including lease aad good will, as the proprietor has other business. For further partcnlare inquire on the premises of J. P. LESLIE, Proprietor. au7-Jw* 170B SALE.1'hat very desirable BRICK DWfiL- r LING HOU8B and LOT,on the southeast cor¬ ner of 9th street west aad L st.eet north, contain¬ ing 8 rooms, with brick shed opening on a broad alley in the rear. For partieulars inquire of G. ORANDELL, No. 138 Bridge street, ueorgetowu, D. 0. au 5-2w* P55 tpOB r on £|OU*B LOTS FOB BALB. TERMS EAST. 4. on Sd »t. w., above M st, 6. oor. of Va. ave andSOthat. 4. on 234 st. w. bet. N. Y. ave. acd D it. A. on Pa. ave., net. 6th and 7th e. i. on D at., bet. 6th and 7th e. 4. on Q near Uth W. 3. on 31st w, above B st. Call at No. 377 I street, after 6 o'clock p. m au l-oo' f R RENT-A FURNIMBED ROOM, 344 10th et. bet. Land M. Jy» F°, VALUABLE LOT FOB SALE.On K, tetween Eighth and Ninth streets, and fronting the Northern Market. Twenth-three feet front, with a depth of one hundred feet. Alley la rear. In¬ quire of HARMON BURNS 408 Penu. arenas,or GEO. W. COCHBAN. 398 Penn. ave. Jy31 tf I70B BEAT.A fine STORB on Seventh street, 17 oae of the best locations in Washington for any business. Apply at the Gosling Restaurant, No. 347 Penn. ave. bet. 12th and 13ta sts. JyjStf f|X) LET..The subscriber having rented that J. handsomely furnished House on G street, near Uth, No 183, will let a suit of PARLORS, with use of new Grand-action Piano; baths hot and cold, and gas. Clerks from the Department*; Army and Nrvy officers aad strangers visiting the city can be accommodated with Room*. To let.. The Unit floor parlor office to a Paymaster or others, with room adjoining If desired. Jy gr-lm* A FARM NBAB WASHINGTON IN MONT- GOMEBY COUNTY FOB SALE..The sab- acriber being unable to give it any attention, offers for sale bis farm. The land is in Berry's District, about 10 miles trom Washington, near the Brnok- ville Turnpike. It contains about J+t acres, nine'y of which are under cultivation aad have been well limed; the rest of it iapiaeand chestnut. The laad lays well: is well watered ; verv easily im¬ proved and in a short time would double the price ssksd for It. The improvements constat of a small Cottage, an excellent barn, recently bnilt, corn houte, Ac. Terras: One-third cash ; the balance in one, two and three years. If the purchaser desired, the crops on the land wonld be disposed of and possession given im¬ mediately. Apply to LOUIS MAORALL, Ja., No. 43 Dunhartonatrwet,Georgetown. jyg eotf FUBNISHED ROOMS FOB GENTLEMEN only at 364 F street, between rsth and I4*h. Thie location is the beet in the citf, and near W11- larda' ami the Bbbltt House. The house newly furnished, papered and painted. Jy a-lm* ORICK DWELLING, 937 H 8TBBET, B8- JD tween 6th and 7th streets west. 10 rooms one a saloen parlor, 6 chambers, for sale, with immedi¬ ate possession, Persons wishing such a residence will daw* II to call early, as it will be sold. Aleo, improved and unimproved property In squares YH, «««.¦). MI[iBulUf Jy 30-lm* 034 I at. nortb, or U. 8. Jail. BOARDING. I7UBN18HED BOOMS TO BBN f, with BOARD, JT at 411 13th street, between G and H. Alao. . ROOM suitable for an office. au 14-lw» TTU8BAND AND VIFB.-A good BOOM and II BOABD can be had, by a lady and gentleman, on moderate terma, at 37a Thlrteeath street.bat. H and L. Also a few table bcardera at .914 per month. an 11 3t* BOABDING for gentlemen Penasyl- e location ia accessible bp street care, and laia a locality well calculated to aoo*aao£ate aentiemsa engaged m the War aad Quartermaster Departments. an ll->t JOHN T. HABBOLD. Proprietor. THE LARGE WELL FURNIBHBD HOUSBON 1 .Capitol Hill, between A.and B streets, ie new DOABDIHG-.Good BOABDING for gei D eaa be had at 138 84th street, aear $ vaniaavenae. Large aad airy rooms. The 1 ready, rooms all large, oool and convenient, for gente aad their wives or single gent. Dinner at 8, break faat from 7 to 8. an lfr-2w* Boarding and booms at si pbnnsyl- vaaia aveaae, near ttt atreet. Haadsome Booms aad exeelleBt Board, with uae of parlor and bath-roo« on reasonable torsas. Jyll-lm* SUM MRS BOARDING,.Those wishing to wend the summer North will find pleasant ROOMS at Mt. Ally .eight miles from Philadelphia, on the Sfteeaut Hill railroad. The country la bealthv aad very beautiful. The hoaaa ia anaeioaa and well supplied with amusements, aad hourly 0 om- miaieation with the etty. Address Mrs. BBOOBE, No. 1643 Pine at., Phlla. myg aawtm* CUBES FBOM THE DBPABTMBBTI, ABMT aad navy officers aad straagera vUKlag Waeh- tngton, map find a somfcrtablelume In one of the most deUrftftf location* in Washington, Hn.fi Missouri avsana. On* rerr large front room, tt .tory, aaw vacant. ap U N BY SB TOO LATB TO LBASH. ST VSOF. ALBXANEEB W0L0W8KI, PIANIST, TOCALUT AWD COMPOSES, ¦¦W 6iMruru»Msrrsoa von piAgo voarn *g» aiBOise. Frcfreaor WoJowakl eonttnuea hUBUgiagaad PiaaoOlassss, aad epen*-a aewgenrei (or Plana I By Profoeeo* We^»wei(l,a aew method, a pocgca hjkTJf*.?*1' * >U*1? *f he eoabled io a very sbort Umeto reed music with great fheility aad exeeute Operatic as well as .rew« ^ ^ tion ke arrlvee aA most extraordinary reenMs, render* the voice poer*rinl aad eaabUe the singer to vonallas with faoUltri aecaraer aad fin* qaauty F10FBS80B WOLOWSBI reoefve* visitors daily, from g to 9 oVlUek a. n, and from 7 to gn'ctoeh p. m . at his reaid sue*, Ha. 818 F street, oa the aertheaet **ra*r of Uth .treat. au te im P9.Ui Goovgetowa. Apply at So BrMgo e<reet. ho- tween WaekingtonaalOeagreeaetreeto, aa; | WAHT& WCBSTlTUSB W&HTlD-it Na. 904 Nu .». C7 Appiyimncadia'ctg. wHK* WANT ID.A GOOD OOOK, WASHER. u4 IRON BR. Mom g«td appfp W one fui.r eorr patent, Family small; VMM food. Call It 400 itttmwt,>>twH» 1 imI. wUit' A 000D PLA1B OOOK, WA8BBB AMD IB0N- .r vasts a Sitaation Apply at house No. no. >1 street, >ttywn F art Q aorta. an lvft* \%7 ANTBD.A BABBBB.at No. 416 New York *' avenue, bet. Uth aad 14th. _*15^8t* D. BDBLMUTH. nod ..Boai m*T- , tary Tailor*. .319 Pcnn. avenue. tad, two Sub- wiaraasia^i#':,'a" B. OWBN & BON, Military Tailors. M li st Jia pcnn. avenue. SUBSTITUTES WANTED..Waat O slitutes; to be paid la cold aad a rood outfit of under clothing furnished. Call at 334 Pena.at, bat. 9th and 10th sts. ag 15 3t» WANTED-By aa activeyoang man, 17 rearsof age, a SITUAT10N in a drug stora. Hashed tan months' experience, at d can coma well recom¬ mended Address corner 4 haad F street* so uth. an 15-4t* \\T ANTBD SUBSTITUTES..Several featlemen Y v desiring sabstitates, would rather deal di¬ rectly with tkem thaathrough brokers. Iaquire for or address " Exemption,,rat the City Post Of- WANTBD-A PARTNBB.with a cash » v from § 3,000 to .fSjMU, to engage la t basinets. An energetic maa with good * * ucturing sabstitates, wo aid rather deal di¬ rectly with tkem thaa through brokers. Inquire for or address " Exemption,'rat the City Post Of flee. aa IS It' cash capital of theOlaiiu ... «.» «»vJ battaaes qualiftcations repaired, or a food clerk in his stead. A safe, pleassnt. aad protitable baslaess, yielding from 9»fi00 to 98^00 a year. Address L. . .City P. O. an IS St* WAIlTBD.Throe SUBSTITUTES. Inquire or " JOB. POLK BN HORN, No. 300 Pann aye., coder Metropolitan Hotel. an U »* WANTBD-A rood BLACKSMITH accustomed to wagon work. Apply to MAC DONALD ft. McDADB,No. 405 3ixth atreetweat aa l4-3t* \R7ANTED.A food OOOK for an officars' u»«. Apply at J. B. WILSON'S, 3'J7 Fenn. avenue. aa 14 ir f Chroaiele.| \\TANTBD TO RBNT-A Small HOUBB, to be taken possession of on the 1st or I£th of next month; no objection to buyiaf tW or ®400 worth of furniture. Address B., Star office aa H it* VVrANTBB.A respectable WOMAN to do *«ne- Y v ral housework; good reference r< <taired. Ap Ely at 349 13th Btreet, between Mass. avenue and street. aq 14 n* WANTSD-A food OOOK and WAITER. M ist come well recommended. A maa and his wife preferred. Apply at 134 Penn. avenue. bet. I8«h and 10th sts , for tkrea day;. aa 14-3t* W" ANTBD,.8UB8TITU TK8 wanted.the hifh- eet prices paid-at the offioe of JUSTIN D. ROWLAND. No. 4SiS B street, near General Post Office. All kinds of Exemption Papers promptly prepared, at reasonable prices. au 14-2w* HOUSE WANTED.An unfurnished small House wanted, by a gentleman aad wife without children, in the First or Second Wards. Liberal rent paid in advance by food tenant, possession taken immediately or on tna 1st of Sept. Address L. F.. tetar office. au u :tt* WANTBD. One Larfe BOOM or two moderate¬ ly-sized rooms, unfurciahed, for school pur- pores, in the neighborhood of the Departments. They matt be properly ventilated. Satisfactory reference will be fiven. Address R. 8. B , Box 37,S.P-0 , Waahinfton, D>JC. aa 14-3t* WANTED.A plain OOOK; also, two good I BON¬ ERS; good wages, board and constant em Eloymcnt given, and none need apply unless they ave worked in hotel or pablie laundries. In¬ quire at National Steam Laandry, I'a. avenue, op poeite Grover's .Theater. aa 14 J AS. F. HOTOHKI88. WHEELWRIGHT WANTBD..A good Wheel¬ wright will find a steady job, at £2 50 per dsy. Inquire at 47* Sixth St.,south at Pa ave, su 13-3t JACOB W1L80N. TWO COACH PAINTERS WANTED. To food workmen, a steady Job will be given. Apply immediately. ROB'T H GRAHAM au l-VSt" 374 D street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.Aa Unfurnished HOUSE, situated between7th and 13th sts., and Pena avenae and F streets. Address D. Box 944, Post Office. ou 13 6t* VVANTBD TO PURCHA8B-A good young, YY steady HOBSB. single Buiiness WAGON, must be good one, and HARNESS. Who hassadh a concern to sell, at a fair price, will find a cus¬ tomer. Address D. P.. Box 43,8tar office. sul.Qt* WANTED^ BOARDING in a private famUy, or where there are but few boarders, by a gen¬ tleman and bis wife, between aow aad the first of September. References given. Address W. 8., at Star office, or Box 169 Poet Office. au l.v.lt* ANTED TO EMPLOY-A COLOK¦ D BOY~to attend to a horse and make himself generally nsefoi. To one understanding the care of a horse, a food home aad liberal wsges will be fivea Ap¬ ply to A. N. THOMPSON, on <Uh street east, sec¬ ond door from G street south, near the Navy Yard, an U 5t* WANTED. By the 1st of September, anOFFIOB vv for a dentist, on or near Penn. avenue, far- nlshed or anfarnishod. Address Dentist, Star office. au 11-1 w* WANTED-An AUCTIONBBB. One who is well acquainted with the business, and a good (talesman,can obtain a permanent situation, by addreeaing Box .">57 . Washington ( D. C.) Post- Qioe, stating terms and reference. aa lS-St o VVTANTED TO BBNT .Jw bonus will be paid vv for an Unfurnished HOUSE, centrally lcKat- ed. with 8 to 10 rooms. Beat from « to $500 psr year. Apply at Real Estate Agency, Room No. 3, corner 7th and F sts au 11 4t* HOUSE WANTBD-SmallHouse osNary Yard. Capitol Hill. Island.aay where. Liberal rent paid in advance, by good tenant. Address M, Bos 5K, P. O. au 11-1W NOT I C E.-S VBSTITUTES, SVBST1TUT8S WANTED .Tho best prices will bo paid for all able bodied SUBSTITUTES for the drafted mea of Washinftoa; and those who are in want of such Substitutes will And it to their advantage by fivinf as a call at No. .'<55 Pa. avenue, one door from the corner of 6tk street.sign of the Red flag. Come one,o.me all. C. R. L. CROWN & CO., Auctioneers. N B..Also,office at tbe Arlington House, corner of 4>a street and Pa. avenue. au8-lw* A LADY EXPERIENCED IN TEACHING the higher English branches, Frence, Latin, and Mathematics, is desirous of a 8'1aaiiou in a rsmily or school in the vicinity of Washinftou. Unexceptionable references given. Address Teach- er. Washington, D. C. au 7-lw* oTi nnn ladies wanted-At 391 v street, between 8th and 9tl» We stamp Flannel, Velvet, Silk. Muslin, Cambrlck, and Linen ; alto, Cloaks. Capes, Saoqaes, Josies, Slipperti, Yokes, and Bands. New patterns received daily. Cheap#st place in town. Five hundred new Braiding Patterns Just received. Work done while you wait. ,m_ WANTED TO RENT-An unfurnished HOUSE, in First Ward preferred, now or before tHe 1st of December. Best references. Address J. D , Box 3»4. Jr 87-lm* JDBUCB k. CO. want all to know that they can . buy better Oiothing, at lower prices, at 464 Seventh street, than elsewhere. jy 14-tr WANTED..Everybody to know tbait they can buy their Clothing at reduced prices at SMITHS. 460 Seventh street, opposite the City Post Offioe. Jy 14-tr ANTBD,-10,000 MEN AND BOYS to call at SMITH 1 BBALL'S to buy their Suiutner Oiothing, at reduced prices,at 361 Seventh street, just below the Northern Market. Jy 14-tr WANTBD IMMEDIATELY -Twenty OAR- W PENTERS. Liberal wages will be paid to good workmen, aad none others will be acoepted. Apply to the Government Carpenter Shop, oa K Street, near the corner of Seventeenth streat Lieut. Col. 1. M. GREENS, w aartermaetor, ¦IWaahia^H 3oJ. B. M. <Chief _ my B-tt Department of Washingtoa. WANTED - SECOND - HAND FURNITURE v v Also, Mirrors. Carpets, Beds, Beddiag aad mar9>-tf bet. G aad H. east site ' 486 PAPBRHANGlNaS. 486 Gold aad ?elvet. Gold Stamped, aad medium priced GOLD PAPERS. ^AaoTvariety of glased aad Blaak PAPERS at WINDC^wTbhJG>Sb of aay required styie or size. letaaUp oaocated. la mty or ooantry. i 'Hatt. MPOBTANT TO PUKOBAIBIS. Is order to make roon for ap large Vail Stock, I ahall offer from the preaent data to 1st of October my eattra stack at greatly reduced prices. Those who coatemplate refitting, or who nap waat goods ia ap line will »ve money by (purchasing of aa. The stock essbraces a fine ssUctloa of. PAPBBHANOINGf of erery quality aad prioe, WINDOW SftADBS aad SHAM HOLLANDS, SHADB TRIMMINGS. CORDS, TABSBL8, aad FIXTURES for Shades aad net ina Frames. Aieo. a Sae stock of Gilt aad Dark Wood Square had Oral PIOTUU FB^MBB. and a few CHOIO ¦ PXOTUBBS, all of which I offer a* aaaaaally low - Dome aad see, at v JOYSMOKV. . 4«9 rth street, opppeito the Pataat Offioe, anl!4Uw4w - f BY INO FEMALE OOLLMB, M. MacsA»ic«B«EO,Otraefai.4*B Oo. Pa. _ . 100 pars tba satire axpaaaes of beard, washlag, fuel, light, aad taMioaTiactadteg Iresss, for See- sioa oommaaaiag Sept. S, 18«, aad ending Jaa.Sl, 19M For parUcalan addreas i4 A. O. MARLATT, PresMaat. Rr/rrrnt* Jca. Sandsrson. Bag., graasary Build* log, Wassiaftoa. D. O. aa W eo6t* WILL1T * BJ^GBAYB. (Ssooaaaoaa to Maaaaa. Ooru 4 Baoa.j LUMBER DEALERS, Oomar Fourteenth street aad the ffaaaL trn-tm' WartUd^aaTDTO AUCTION SALES. BUI AimWH AMD WMWMOW Br DOWUBG, Aacttoneer. VALUABLE Bufl%>I5% LO* OS BMUXtM J .'*!£!.. A* Atottog..X will Mil oa »*T0«- DAY APTBRNOO* Mil. Aagnal Uth, >1 S o'ei'Y, a rateable Building M, fronting 3f fnat oa tha ¦oath side af Bridct itrwt, ta4 running baak avar M> fMt to a an teat alley, aad adjoialag tha pro¬ perty <?f Geo. BhcKM, Jr. Th« »bct» yroptrtr wm ioM at P«Mi« Auction oa Satarday. Aagnat let. IMS, aad tha purchaser having fklU to comply withrhe terms, it will be mold at hi* rtafc aad expense. Tarma: Oaa half cash; the baluw ia three aad si* moaths, with intereat. teeured br adaad of truttatbapnaiNi. Title perfect. All ooavo- aaeing at the coat ef purchaser A aaah payment of oaa hundred dollare *tll ba required aa K-*on as tha property la struck off. JOHN UOLDKIV an 13 THOMAS DOWT.IMO. AucH. PIQ NICS, ate. rpHIBD GRAND AFTERNOON AMD BYBMING PIC NIC or t«s UNITBD BUTOHBBS' ASSOCIATION, to ¦¦ strn at LCEFFLERS WASHING JON CJTYGA RDSS, Oa WBDNBBDAY.Aag. lfc ISO, FOR TUB BENEFIT OFF. TRVXIL. Tickata.FIFTY CBNT8, admitting a ran tie man aad India*. By order of na M 3t* COM. OP ABBANGBMBNTB. 1 HB their Second P10 MO at Green Spring Pavilioa on MON DAT, Aug. 17,1863. Ttebete.admitUug a gentleman and ladies PIBfY okMM. CONSTITC^ONA^ABSOGIATION gives wood Grand Afternoon nnd Bvening a% A Stages will leave the corner of High and Bridge streets, for tha grounds,every half hoar. Manastrs_ C.Sebaatin, T Stanton, J. Enhna, T. Earner, aa 13 3t* £<OMF LIMBNTABY A BBNBP10IAL FIO MO BT TUB CITIZIN8 OP THB PODBTH WABD, TO TH» MBMBERS OPTHB MBTROPOLITAN POLICB SBYBNTH PBB01N0T. On TUESDAY. the Uth inat., at LGtFPLEB'8 GABDBN, New York avenue,aGRAND PIC ~ NIC will be given for the purpose of aiding * 'he Fourth Ward farce who, A the member* of tha have been drafted: Mr Leeffler having kiadli voh ntaered the uae of hia beautiful tardea r managers feol eat i fled that the citizens of the ward will cheerfully aid them ia thia praiseworthy ondertaklng, which has for its object the retention in oar midai of neo who have proved theniaelvei capable and trustworthy. They have engaged- tha sen can of a superior Braaa and String Band, aad fc«l satisfied that all vUitors will anjor (he pleasant .rrangements made for their aomfort. Tickets, admitting a gentleman and ladiaa, ONB DOLLA B. tarmaterg..Asbury Lloyd, esq, Cap*. Wm. H. NaJlav, James B. Powera. esq., W. W. Kirby, esq., A, Thca. Bradley. esq.. John T. Chaacey^ , Horatio Beall. esq., C. P. Helbrook. esq., J. B. Wheeler esq ,C.H. Anderaon, esq.,8. B,8yiTMter, P. Fleming, esq ,D. W. Irving, eaju, W. 8. 8cott, etq.,iS C. Bckioff, esq.. Geo. W. Utermehle e»q., P. M. Dnbant. eKr ao It 6t' 100ND G BAN D PIC NIC OF GERMAN1A LODGE, No. \, A O. df G. F., .a MONDAY, Aug IT, 1SJ3, AiL. £ YER'S PARKyhk Tickets.FIFTY CBNTB, admitting agantltmaa and ladiea. tST In caae of bad weather, tha Pia Nie will take place one week later. &u 11 fit THB COMMITT1B. 6JKCOND GRAND AFTBBNOON AND BVB- NING PIC-NIC OP THBJCBBPdl- g% )WL THB- TBBP4I- CliOBB SOCIALS Will be given at BECK#ART'S GARDEN, (Navy Y^-vOl 'jti MONDAY, Aa^uat l?th. 1853 Mi eiecllent bra.aa and alriag band h&a bean en- aaat^i fee the oecaaioa. ... ,Ste^t;re tifty cents, admitting gentlemaa and Cbwwn«t£*.-*. Hart, J. W. Bcaa. J. O^lnger.C. Bieth. Mauancrs .0. Gerber, B. 8anfer, J. MttUer, J. G. rchalts. N. B>.The stric^ft or¬ der w i II be preserved. aa in& 1J* C LOST AND FOUND. IAMB TO THB PBBMI&BS OP THB 8'JB- > Kt riber, 1 "!< 1 street,on Motday, Aucnat l'rth, a Brown H0B8B. aaddle and bridle. Tneonner will coma forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. kJTBAYBD OB 8T0LBN,on tha lith instant, a BOAN HOBeB; blind in both eyes; cut on ri«ht ear. A liberal reward will ba given it returned to No. 30 Grean atreet. (ieoccetown, D. C. au 16 3t* CH1BL1S VAN3CIVIR. STBAYBD OB 8TOLBN, abont two mantis ago, a small BBD COW wit* Lar«e bxg ; left off; on the ev* of having a calf. A liberal reward will be given if returned to LOUISA OONNBB, corner of 4th and L sta. It* LOST..In Cooing from my house 4*J0 Seventh atreet or in tbe Market, this 15th day of Angu t, a GOLD BBBA8TPIN, with large Coral set. The flnder will be anitably rewarded by returning it to J. WILLIAM PLANT, Undertaker, 430 7th St., bat. G and H. aa ij-.Ht* 'fton bi*ari>. t?>£U 8 tray ad or 8tolen, on the 14th mat., a pair of H0RSK4; oaa a large Yellow Horan. with »n 1 craoka in hia hoofs; also, a sore on his back; the other a dark Chestnut Sorrel Horse, with aoar on the left shoul¬ der: also, a wart on the inside of the left hin 1 leg. The above reward will be given if they are re¬ turned. 8&MUBL COOK. No. 536 C street north, au 15 3t» bet. 1st and 3d sta. east. ^TBAYBD OR STOLBN.Prom the subscriber, on or about the 28th of July last, one email dark Bed COW, with peculiar shaped horns. A suitable reward will be given for her return eo No. 74 Missouri avenue. CHA8 TILLBY. au 14 1W L08T.On the 12th instant, a Blue Blouse COAT and MBMORANDUM BOOK, whiih is of no nae to any person bui the owner. 1 will pay taree dollars if left at Water Registrar'sofflce, west wing, 3d story City Hall, between the hours of 9 a. m.. and 3 p.m. DANIKL HAMNAN. au 14-2t* Inspector and Tapper ot Water Pipes. ^TBAY OX .A large stray red and white-spot- ted OX, rather thin, oatne to the subscriber en Wednesday, the Uth insta&t, (probably one of a drove being driven pa*ton said day. > The owner can have said ox by proving property and paying charges. BSNJ 8UMMY, aa 14 St* 7th St.. near first toll gate. IOST.In Georgetown, on High street, between j First nnd Bridge atreeta, on Monday eveaing. a BLACK L&OB VB1L A suitable reward will be given to the lindar, by leaving it at No 70 First at.. Georgetown. au 1,1-V 6JT0LBN.Angnst 13th, 1853, one DUN MABB, k? from the Uortoratlon l'ound. corner Uth aad k streets: little sprung in knees: sore under rtgat front shoulder, ft* reward, ifretnrnad to aa is-3t« WM. SIMAKBR. Poundmaater. IOfiT.On the 11th inatan;. oopiea of LBTTBR8 j and other PAPBB8, (naelesa to other persona,) tor which a liberal reward will be paid if left at tha *TS*u-arilUfd*' hoc.'trumbull haydbn. $5 splinter off one horn. Apply in Frederick atrMt, betwaeu 2d aad 3d, Georgetown, £ 0 au 13-Jt* TI1QMA8 LBB AKBM UF XaTBAT, oa the 1st instant, a small BBD COW; with a bail around her neck; both ears split. Tha owner is reaaastsd to come forward, prove property. P*T ehargea aad au 13-2t* oa 1st street^bet. F and tl. KB WARD.-Strayed or stolea, oa Wednea- ® iS day, the 12th, from B. Crait A Son's Ltvery Stable, a smalt B^ACK TBBBIBB DOG, with ehaia collar around hia neok; eron ear and long toil. B. OBtJIT A SON. Georgetown, Augnit Uth. an 13 if gt> c BBWABD..Strayed or stolen from tna aub- 9D eeriber, on the 9th iaat, a dirk .bro-vn HOBSB,about Mhands high; a*knot oa histloft fora lag ; hair aerapod off hia Wk about four ton*. Tha above reward will ba given and irJuWttoti iked. If returned to WM. BBALb, Bo. 63 Northern Liberty market. aa 12 St* RBWABD .Stolea. from tha atabiaa of George Biahstein.aM..near Catoasville rty.Md, on 8atarday night last, one medium aiao: black l*U aad mane; right hand toot white. And one PABK SOBBBL MABB; medium Mm; Mind in oa* aye, with scar. 1 will nay 9*° for tha return of tha horeea to ma aad B50additloaal far tha arraat of tha thief, aaa veuaaarcowi* WM f UCHSTBIN. national Bookstore, 3TS Pa. avanue^ aa . bet. 11th aad Itth sta.. Waahlagtoa, D. C yt. MATTHBWS INSTITUTB FOB BOYS, ssi^iiUiiiiSssrisw^. -r >». i but mlid. Terms stoderata aaW-tf 330 H strtat, aoar wta. AUkl OKABOB BOB IMYBBTMBBT..The yjsalatoaa oCu far aato the woli-fcaowa BathxagBetohUah aeat earaar of liaa aad tM straato. opposite tha Marshall HoaaaTua^ Aleaan- dztajTafc Any peraaa wiahiag to iavaat wiU 4a watt by caUiag oa tha premlaea, at Tha above pttfK IOIQUITO HBT8. ao venae strttws. ooom M JiljH Ontnlluna mki cijv* '.nvs* * "ifisussiassr AUCTION 8ALH8. By tun * WILLIAM, Aaetlttwi. iaataat, we shall mU la boat of the »««»«,»» * a'aloe* p. a., the fo.lowing HuilOlojr Lota, fix: Lota No «, 9. lj. 13, u4 U. ia liur«?». JM. T*ia property is hands meiy wtaatad on Seventh Un K|ki| stme»« east. ud north 0 atrftt. T«raaofMi«:0M-k4lf(Mk: balance ia six aa4 twelve months he aakpd heartagintareat from day ofaaU. A deed given and a daed of trust taken FT. givea aad a <m of trust taken. All ONK|uti"(M tu«it*(the purchaser. W U WILLIAM*. Auete %, 6RBBN A WILLIAMS. Auctioneers. Kb piano portb, household and ITCHCW ICidtVU, 40.. AT AuCTIOI..Ob TUW9AY. the lsih iastaat. wa shall aell at the residence of Mr. Wlthaia, oa 7th street east, near Peacsvlvaaia araaoa, between the Capitol end Naey Tint, (the ra-a paaa aaar the door j at to o'clock a. a. aa excellent aaaortment of Varal- tara. vi* : ?err »a per tor Pan > Porta. Cover. a ad Staot Mahogany aad Walnut Sofas, Ckaira, and Maraaaa TaMea. Wash aad other Stands Floe Maatle Clock Gllt-frama aad othar Glease* Wlodow Curtains China,Olaaa, aad Crockarr Wara. Laaape, Aa.. leather Beds, Bedding, Mettraee, aau MawMi, Una Tapestry aad othar CarpeW aad Koai Cookiac aad othar Stoves end Ritahen ReacHttt^ With many othar articles whick we maydaem unaeeeasary to enamamte. Termi rti k » aa 14 GREEN A WILLIAMS. Aaata. By W. L. WALL A OO., Aaotloneara. SMALL VBAMB DWBLL'Nft ON 30TB 8V. wmt, a* Auction -OnTHUBSDAY APTKR NOON. SHth inat.. at 5 o'clock, wa will hII ia fron* of tha pressisee. Lot 11, in 8quara ll», fronUn* i-»' feat oo ttth atraat, aad running back to an allay, containing 1,636 square feet, and improved hy a small Vraaaa Dwelling, near the Western Miasion Chapel. Po» session given immediately. Tartna: Oaa-half eaah ; balance ia Tandfl months hearing iataraat aad secured bp d«4 of trust vu t he nraatiaaa. r ;M WM.L. WALLA CO.. AuHs. By W. L. WALL A CO.. Auctioneers. IT 8. MARSHAL'S 8ALB OF PBIZV GOODS J . AND SLOOP CLARA ANN. In virtoe of three decreee issued from-tha Clerk's Offlce of tha Supreme Court of tha District oC_ Columbia holding a District Court f*r tha aaid District, I will sail for cash at tha Anctioo Store of WU. L. WALL A CO., oa cornar Pennsylvania arena* and Ninth street, on WEDNB3DA V\ tUe 19th day of Auguat, commeucing-at U o'clocka. m , tha following roods ani chattels to wit, vi» : Writ No. o. 40 bbia. of Bra Whiskey of Sloop M Clara Aon" 1 Baa and contents " 1 lot of Matches *. 4 Also, Wsit No. 36. 106 lbs of Tobacco. Also.Wp.it No.3T. 1 box of Shoes 1 box of Call.o 1 box of Dwi Goods 1 box of " " 1 bo* of " 1 box of8hoe« 1 box c fSaoes and Sundries 1 box of Dresa Goods 6 bbls of Whisky. Also, at 4 o'clock on the ttama day, at tha foot of Sixth atreet wharf aa tha Potomac river, I wills -11 the SLOOP CLARA ANN, her Tackle, Apparel aaJ WARD H. LAMON, U . 8. Marshal DC nH WM, L WALL A CO^. Aocta By THOMAS DOWLING, Auctioneer. rpRDSTBK'S SALE OF VALUABLE PR0PBBTY 1 is GibaoETOMH..By virtue of a deed of tro« executed by the late Alfred Cartis ani wife bearing date on tha 24th day of September, an<l duly recorded in Liber J. A. 8 . No. ISJ. folios 344^.316. of the land records of the District of Colombia I will offer at Public Sale, on MONDAY', the 24thdar ofAacujit, at 5 o'clock p a., Lot numbered dfty. situated in lieall't addition to aaid Oeorcetawn. froutine sixty feet on the south side of B»a.I street aad rannina back tha 6ame width to th- depth of one hundred and twenty feat with the two story Br^ck. House and back buildiui; upon th* um«, heine a tirnt class residence. Title in-iispu table. Terms at sale. _ B. P. JACKSON , Trustee, aa 13 TH08. DOWLIN 4. Aucfr. _By i. C. McGCIBB A CO.. Auctioneera. TRCSTKK'S salb ov VALUBLK BUILD- ixo Loth is Pri.ntiso O^rica B^uarb..On FRIDAY, Ac gust 7th, at 6 o'elock. on the prem¬ ises, by virtue of a deed of trust to the »abscri>v»r, dated May 7»h, 1867, and duly recorded in Liber J. A. 8 , No. 1*. Mios et sea., oae of the land records for Washiu*tun county, D. 0., I shall Lats No*. 7, 8, 9,19.20,21,22 23. 25 and 25, in Jamea C. McGuire'a subdivision of Square G2<, frootiu* each 24 feet «n North G street, between Ptrat street west and North Capitol ntreet, ani run¬ ning back to a 30 foot alley. Terms: One-third canh; the remainder in 6 aa* 12 months with iaterest, secured by deed of trust o.p the premises. All conveyances at the cost of purchasers. 99" If desired, theae Lots will be subdivided into Lots of 16 feet Si8HER. Trurtae Jyl7-2awida J. O. McGPIBB A CO., Ajiota. I By J. O. McGUIRE A OO , Auctioneers. ^BU8TKB'S SALB OP VALUABLE LOTS IN Pkirtisq Orriam SvcABK.-On VllIDAT, August 7th, at 5.Li o'clock, on the premises, by virtue ofa deed of trust to the aubscriber.daUfl May 7th, 1557. and duly recorded ia Liber J. A. 8. No. 137. folios SI et req.. one of the laad rocorda tor Washington county. D. O. I shall sell Ljpts No. 5) and 63. in James O. McGuire's fcub4ivisioo of Square numbered b24, each fronting J4 feat cp H street, near the government Printing Office, and running back 175 feet 3 inches, to a 90 foot alley. Theaa Lots have a pavement laid and traaa ?>lanted in front, aad are very desirable looationa or residence. . . , , Terms: One-third in cash, the r<v.»aiader in# and 11 meutha, with interest, secured br a dead of trust on the premises. All cost of coo veyaneio* to be paid by tka pax- chaser. TUOS. J. #I8HBR. Trustee, jy 17 2awAda J. C. McGCIBB Sl CO.. Amtt. ¦7" THE ABOVE 8 A LB 18 UNAVOIDABLY postponed until THURSDAY ATTKKN00N, Aae. »ith, same hour and olace THOS. J. USHEB. Trnataa, au 8 2aw*ds J AB O. MrftUI W A CO.. Aactg B> J. C. MCGG1RB A CO. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALB OP VALUABLE HEAL B8- 1 tatb ik Washington Citt..On WEDNBS- DAY AP1ERNOON, Sept. 21, at 5l- o'clock, on the premises, by virtue of a deed of trust, tear>ac date an the 3d day of Juaa. liJSO, and recorded among the land records of Washington city, la District of Columbia, ia Liber J. A 8., No. 190, folios 414, at seq.. we shall sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, all that certain lot or parcel of groual.ia the City of Washiagton. known aal designated as lot number aix (6). iu Dyer's anbdi- vlsiot of square number nine hundred and ilf'ata (91i),improved bv a frame dwelling house. Terms : One thud cash to be paid at the time of sale; aad tho remaiador in equal payments at a«x and twelve mouths from the day of Bale, with interest: thedoferred payments to b«* aeon red by a deed of t mat ou the property. And if the terma are notfally complied with nithin live days frem the day of sale, the Trustees reserve tha right ta reael 1 the property at the risk and cost of the da- fioltinf purcbAAer, od one wesi * notice in tw Waahington S at. All conveyancing to be paid hp the purchaser. jjgASMOS J. MIDDLBTON. H. C. SPALDING, Trnstaaa of Phoenix Buildiaa Aeaciation. au 11-eoAda J. C. McOUIRK x. CO . Aacts. PINE PARM ON THE EABTEBN cflJil# OP MARYLAND PGR SALE..By virtue of competent authority, I will offer at Publlo Bale, at tha Court House door^n tha tawn of Cambnda*, Maryland, on MONDAY, tha 24th at Ausnst next, about 11 o'clock m , the farm called Wait Necx situated immediately oc the U 8. Mail roata lead¬ ing north and south, and about four miles from said place, the county aeat for Dorchester county. It ia handsomely located, with the Great Choptaak rivar on one aide, and Hurst a Oieak on the otaer, and directly opposite Elden and Bonney Brook, lhoae beautiful residences of Df. P. P. Phelps ont Dr. 3. W. Hurts It oonUins M6 acrea, more orleae; about 75 acrea of which being weU timbered Tha farm ia laid off into three Oelda ot about forty fiva acrea eaon. in good atata of improvement, of easy enltnra and under good *nclosuraa, with faclHtlea on tha premises for enriching the land indefinitely. Tha improvements are a two-story brick Dwalltnr with aingle story attached. beaidea the usual out buildinga. Tha river and creak abound in fish, oysters, terrapins, wild ducks. Ac., in taeir season. Persona wishing so purchaso are requested to aal! on Dr. J. V. RurU.whowUi give any farther mfor mation that may be desired, apd *' to ylew tbe premiaes. WILLIAM RBA^ Jy 17-law4w Cambridge. Md. rvEPOT OP ARMY CLOTHING AND B<1UI- PUBLIOPSAL^O^OO^MNiD GOVBBK- 1863, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a large lot of Qlotainp, Camp and Gariisoa Baupaga, undt for .*rT1'^ oonsiatiaa (a part of Trowaari, Coats, Jackets, Blankets, Bed Sacks, Knapsacks, Haversacks.Oaa- teeos. Mesa Pans, Kattl -a. Shovels. Plcka, JA Trumpets, Bualea. Drama. Ac., Aa. Let of oa Iran, lot of old Ropa. aiU aa varal toaa ofTaat jyM-td M. 8. K., U. B. Army. 88I8TANT UUABTBRMASTER'S OffPIUB, corner G and Twenty-aeooad streeta, Washing¬ ton, D. 0.. July M, 1863..PaMleaalea of oonda«ana« animals wiu take place at tha Corral, near the 0V aarvatory. ia this city, oa tha ..J®*4 WBDNBBDATS. mh and Blth of Aurut. WM Tha property is goademned aa unfit for puhOa Sale*to aommanoe at tea o'aloak a. sa., and aoatinued from day ta dap until tha aambe* oa hand shall ha eoM. . . . Temscaah.iaGararaaaa ^aTQj-fKlwgt ty gr-4 Captain, A. Q. M , 8. Army. Wi fTO BUILDERS. hi sabsariacr hag far eaUahoat llfifQfifeafifS |y Bla Ma. 8TI Watotetraet. Boorgetawa.

Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-08 ...€¦ · stitute.John Reilly. Altred Green, (colofed,) furnished substi ... Dan'l Hopkins, disor ... bora, la thefever

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Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-08 ...€¦ · stitute.John Reilly. Altred Green, (colofed,) furnished substi ... Dan'l Hopkins, disor ... bora, la thefever

AMU£*£MSNT3 TO-NIGHT.WABHiKoro* Thkatkr.Kato Fisher's

adaptation of "The French Spy" will be per¬formed here to-night for the first and onlytime. Mis# Fisher will enstaln the characters-or .. Hamet," "St. Alme" and "Mathilda," andwill be ably supported by Wilson, Bokee,Clarke and others. Marietta Ravel and Roeitavillain appear,.the litter making her lastappearance. On Monday night next "ThreeFast Men'' will be produced.Cahterrcry..The Zanfretta troape to.

uizbt close the second week of an en;: igeraeiitwbicb has been one of the most successful iuthe annal* of Canterbury Hall- Their perfor¬mance to-night will, as usual, be delightful.Nellie Taylor, the charming vocalist; Georgel.dso.i, the popular coxeJian; Susie Sum-mtTtleld, the graceful danseuse, and the entireCourt of Beauty and ihe full Ethiopian corpswill all appear.Varieties..Agnes Sutherland, who has for

a long while added much to the enjoyments atthe \ arietiee by her tine singing, la announcedto make her last appearance this evening. TheRavel pantomime of "Jocko, the BrazilianApe," will be performed among other thingsThe whole company appear in a good andvaried bill.The Draft..After our reportclosed yester.

dty the following caees were disposed of bv(be Board of Enrolment:M. Harragan, turnished substitute.James

Coleman.John Raneell. (coloved.) accepted.William H. Poor, turnished substitute Kd-

mund White.John F Coyle, jr., furnished substitute.Jas.

It. Rogers.H. A. Burgling, furnished substitute.Johu

McDonald.Thomas Colemau, furnished substitute.Jas.

McLochlin.David Semple, furnished substitute.Henry

Baird.Hamilten Townsend. disability.Gilbert Joy, (colored,) furnished substitute.

Lpbraim Edmondson.S. Datcher, (colored,* furnished substitute.

Richard Brinkley.George F. D. Cook, (colored,) furnished stb-

eutute.Henry Banks.Wra. Lander, (colored,) furnished subsu¬me.James Turner.John C. Conoway, (colored,) furnished sub-tute.Solomon Randall.E. S. Jonee, furnished substitute.Frank B.nukey.D. L. Perkins, furnished substitute.Johupshaw.James Handley, lurnished substitute.Cha=

Kurt/.Columbus Scriber, (colored,) turnished sub¬

stitute.John Reilly.Altred Green, (colofed,) furnished substi¬

tute.John Wm. Butler.Jas. W. Sephus, (colored,) lurnished subsU¬

tute.Joseph HammackJoseph W. Sephus, (colored,) furnished sub-

stitue.Tim Gray.John S. Sephus, (colored,) furnished substi¬

tute.Joseph Graham.S. George, nnder age.Henry C. Elliott, only son of a widow.Gee. C. B. Mitchell, father of children under

twelve.Mahlon R. Kirkbride, erroneous enrollment.James Lockbead, alienage.Wm. Chandler, convict.Andrew Dallas, over age.James Kerr, children under twelve.Jsaiea Gait, furnished substitute.Charles Gr.

Conner.John Bentzler, under age.C. W. Goldin furnished substitutA.James

Miller.A. L. Sturte\ant, furnished substitute Ed¬

ward Harris.Wm. H. Chase, disability.Henry Mason, under age.S. F. Rynex, disability.Noble D.Earner, fumisliedsubstuute.James

Flnnegan.John H. Patrick, furnished substitute.Chas.

B. Ring.Wm M. Hall, disability.C. N. Perkins, disability.Persons desiring to go before the Board of

Enrolment to procure exemptions need notapply for admission until within a few daysoi the time they are notified to report to Capt.IScbeetz. Those ordered to report at earlierdates are always admitted to the board ir. ad¬vance of those who have longer time to report;and it is no use for the latter to present them¬selves now, as all notices to report ar>* exam¬ined at the door, and the privilege of admissionallowed only to the former. Ample time amiopportunity will be allowed all persons to gob^-lore the board w ho may so desire.

Ckster Market..This morning price* wereflo follows :

Beet,besteute, pi lb 15a20 8tt-f et potatoes, pk . *1next.... 10*l-'Plums, qt.» 12wilt .. 8a111| Apricots, perdoz.... 40dried I<5al«j8tring beans, pk. 40a-'<0Teal... I5a.il; Green peaa 75

Mutton, best chops. .20a25j ('elery, per bunch ... 10next... IS Onions, per bunch... 5*3

Lamb, per qr . .Sil.23al.fio, per peck 73Pr.rk, fre»h, nor lb. 12^al3 Carrots, per bunch.. s

corned 10a 12SiI Beets 5at«Ba<-on.bams,uncutl2V2alijBeans, butter, prqt. 25

bams, sliced . H! white 10al2breasts 12 Leeks, pr bunch SalOshoulder SalO. Lettuce 5al0Joles. 7a8' Cabbajre, per head ,,15a2fi

. ,lard 12'ai Raddishes, bunch... SalO

Chi ^ent-.pr pair.73sS1.23: Large rock,each .fl.fiOaiISprinz do., doz S4.30a7i8m«ll rock, pr bch fiOXgzs. prdoa 20a23;Halibut, lb 20Butter, prlb 2fia30!Sea has* 12

apples, pr pk.. .J5<i50 Blue Hsh ]-jdried £«i.Sturgeon -. . 10

Peaches, at 20a2.V Lobster 12Potatoes. Irikh, pk., tOaSO;Cattish, bunch 25B:arkl>errie*,<it 10 Kye, pr bushel.. .Sl.oC1'yraiines. doz 20 Corn meal 91.10*1.39Cucumbers «)a»j Ship stuff ..d0a85Cireen corn, per doz. '» Brown stuff 45Tomatoes, per pk. US!Bhorts... 45Bks plants, each 10a fii Corn .shelled $1.10r»ew peaches, pk .?5a$ljOats 75Pear*.. JiOa^l.CO'Corn, in ear. bbl $7a7.3oWatermelon*, each.'2"m73;Hay, perewt ei.oOal 70Canteloupp* l<>ars»: Straw $1.2Sal.tOPOLICR Reports..Fir?t Precinct.Warren

Martin, desertion; sent to Central Guardhouse.Second Precinct..William A. Ray and Edw.

Brown, assault and battery: dismissed. Edw.Bennett, drunk: do. Chas. Lamarr, drunk anddisorderly; $..>. Marlah Johnson, disorderly;workhouse. Mary Lee, larceny; jail. DavidJordan, assault; dismissed. Betsy Brown, dis¬orderly; 92M. James Jackson, deserter; mili¬tary. Wesley Robinson, drunk; dismissed.Two soldiers, do.: military. John Peeps, dis¬orderly ; dismissed. Kate Barrett, drunk; wor*.bouse, (leo. Brown, deserter; military.

Fourth l'recincL.Edward Conway, larceny;dismissed. Thomas Cogan, creating nuisance;*2. Frances Penney, drunk and disorderly; do.Mieh'l Shanrahan, gTand larceny; dismissed.Also, disorderly; workhouse. George Grates,assault, bail for peace.

SirtA Prccinct..Jno. Carroll, drunk: lockedop four boars. Theodore Miller, disorderly;locked up six hours. Charity Jackson, do.;#1.50. Addison Evan3, fast riding; $2.50. Sam'liStalks, disorderly; workhouse. Jno. Maniel,drunk and disorderly; military. Stephen£mitb, drunk; *1.3.3.

' v

Tenth Precinct.Anna Dean, assault; bail forpeace. Redmond Barrett, disorderly; dis-Biiseed. Obadiah Lee, do.; 82.1H. Jas. Bowers,do.;*l.M.A Rabi Chasc*. .The farm near Cam.

bridge, Md., adverUsed for sale in the Star,by Mr. Wm. Rea, offers superior inducementsto persons de«irous of locating where all thecomforts and luxuries of a residence in a per-letily healthy locality, immediately upon nav¬igable salt water, are at hand. The soil is ad¬mirable, and the place abounds with oysters,can vas-backe, and other waterfowl, and alsobaa upon it all the elements of making it oneof the most productive farms ia the State. Itsproximity to the beautiful town of Cambridge*s another great advantage it possesses. It isto be sold to the highest bidder on the -iith in¬fant, at Cambridge. We advise all disposedto purchase to attend ther* on that day.A Chase..A few evening's sine, as two

Slrla were riding near the Park, Otto Sickrove furiously down the street and against

one of the horses, which was badly hurt. Un¬fortunately there was not a mounted police,nan near, and the girls gave ch&se to him,running about a mile through the street* inthat neighborhood, when Offlcer Rolfe oh-nerved them, and borrowing a horse from asoldier, soon caught the offender. The caaew&a tried bv Justice Clayton, who lined him.3 tor last driving, but dismissed the othercharge of malicious mischief, on the groundthat It was a clvU case.

Sacrbd Cobcebt..A grand vocal and instrn*concert of sacred music will he given at

7h#aLr® to-morrow night. Mr.Alberto NegTinl, a One Italian tenor, will bethe leading Marer, and he will he assisted byOrair, F. a. Miller and A. Wetted.«tei». The programme is made ap entirely of

from fcacwd appropriate to« babbath evening concert.

,--v y' '

Twin..On Thoreday night AldenKennedyand Christopher Fltrpatrick, two countryimsu,wtio each drove down the Seventh street roadwith a load of hay, stopped at Boundary streetwhere they made up a right, and -both strippedoff and went at 11; bnt offloer Beall spoiled thehp<>rt by arresting them, and the/ were takenbefore Juatice Gibert»ou, who flned the first.3.3« and the latter

Ajhatlt with aBabbe..Yesterday after.Hood. M U. 8. Cavalry, nseaulted: . - «ii w* o. uuiwi/i miumjm

a soldier, near the Park, with a sabre, cuttinghis clothes in several places, bat fortunatelydid not wound him. Officer Morgan arrested

JnMtce Aowland sent him to tha

nnrtll!°f Enrol,B'Bt heardand disposed ortfe* following cim this morn-rag up to the hour of IS o'elock. Fewer sol.du»rs have thaa far beta obtained than oa anyfngVtMa <lralVd Iaett appear-r!?v?&5<K3£*,tof .**>"* ."-»««H. T. Tremble,over i»John Davidson, alien.»J?.mlf?»t«rroMoaal7 enrolled.Robert D. Hoover, furnished substitute.

Oeorge F. SCudder.Robert B. Baker, erroneously enrolled.Joseph Hesse, alien.C. W. No hell, disability.Charles Barkhansen, alien.V°^heZ.,1'- Bosennan, in service 3d March.John r linn, over ace.Charles Kitchen, disability.H. S. Tolles, erroneously enroled.Iseac Simon, erroneously enroled.John T. Howe, only support of aged parents.George W. Nail, disability.Joseph Matthews (colored), furnished sub

stitute.Wm. Whitson (colored).Charlee H. "Whitney, disability.A. bond, over age.Daniel Lynn, in service 3d March.M. McCauly, disability.Kobert h. Teal, over age.George Parker, only eon.Fred'k Zefler. alien.Michael Lynch, alien.Phil. Specht, in naval service.Fred'k Kenschbach, alien.John W. Collins, only son or aged parents.Dniiiel Collins, under age.Ht rbort Toney, furnished substitute.Wm.

Yrager.Michael Wolf, nnder age.Jos. Hrent, under age.Jonathan Woods, alien.J. H. Stewart (colored,) furnished substi¬

tute.Richard Brown.

SaeoitP Ward Station Cases..Mary Lau¬rence and Lucina Holmes, disorderly; si.weach. Wm. Gassaway and'Qeorge Francis,do: $2.60 each. Thomas O'Donuell, do; #5.John O'Connor* drunk: *3. Frank Seaman,do; 91. Alex Holowch, disorderly; S3. Dan'lMnllln, drunk; tl.58. Dan'l Hopkins, disor¬derly; Si.91 Albert Stewart drunk and dis-orde ly; dismissed. Thomas O'Donnell, as¬sault and battery; for hearing. Hamilton An¬derson, grand larceny; do. Charlee Gibbon,drunk; dismissed. John Mills, do; do. Mary

Hrown; threats; bail for peace. RebeccaWarner, violating city ordinance; dismissed.Alex'r Strong, drunk; S1.5*. George Belmont,assault and battery; dismissed. Marv Q.uinn,drunk and disorderly; do. Emma Harrisonand I'.mrai Howard, suspicion; do.

Policemen Attoihted..The Board of Me¬tropolitan Police have appointed ChristopherNeilson vice Charles W. McDonald, deceased,and John Cain vice John B. Nally, resigned,pol cemen of this District. The B sard alsoappointed the following persons special police-I?e.n foJlrdu,y under Captain Scheetz: DavidCole, W ilium Klingaman, .Terd K. Burt, C.J. La ton, William Heisterburgh, and J. Scott!Cavai.rt Mcstereu Oct..A troop ofcav-

alrymen, numbering tijj men, were musteredout ol the service of the United States onThursday afternoon, their time having expired.They belong to the 173d regiment Pennsylva-ma volunteers. They left for Philadelphia onThursday night.Deai>..Mr. Samuel Hoover, a well-known

butcher in this city, diod at his residence onU street, near Sixth, last night, ol" fistula.

4. T9,J>IBW ^at Americana can trulr call to thebora, la the fever and Ague, and of all the

terrible diseases to rack the brain, emaciate theform. and render the entire body helplesa andutterly powerteM, none cun. in our estimationclt m ©recfldeDce oypt it. The excruciating painexperienced by the afflicted, is not expressible.itis only to be realized To those who have beenstricken down with It. a remedy of any kind matt,n» a matter of ceur?e, prove of the greatest interest.One of the most powerful and speedy curei that «reknow of i« Hostetter'a Celebrated Bitters. Inrecommending it to the public, ire know and fselthat we are doing a great tarries. Its beaiflcenteffects upon the stomach, and its mild taate,cannotbut render it popular among all classes.geld by Druggists and dealers generally every¬

where.Wholesale Agents.A. 11. Bininger 7 Co., 2.1T

Pena. ave. aa »-eo3t

Wmrriao pa pxr for sale at the Star offioe coun¬ter, at Fix cents p?r pouud. j rg

LV03l'S MAQBETIO IVnECY POwDSa,Moths in furs bugs in beds.Roaches crawling oa your floor,

Bats and mice in barns and sheds,These shall never plague you more.

Lyon, with his Powder, alaysAll the insects that anuoy ;

And his Pills, berand all praise,Bvery rat and mouse deitroy.

Lyon's Powder is harmless to maakiad, batwill kill all house insects, gardes worms, vine-bugs, Ac. Lyon'a Magnetic Pills are sure deathto rats and mice. Sold everywhere,aa 5-2w DavKiaB. Barsbb A Co., New York

Boldieeb' Special Notice..Do yoar duty toyourtelves. protect your heath, use Hoi oway 'a Pillsana Ointment. Per wounds, sores, bowel com-

flsiuts and favors they are a perfect aafeguard.ull directions how to ase them with every box.

OnlySoeats. 210Da. Dcrpav's £agar-coated remale Regulating

Puis are the very Utt in km. They operate srudilyand iStctivtly, and being tngar-ooated create nonau-K* **!?. mcHI* Helieate stomach. A trial of*hese Pills will prove their superiority ovm all ethers.W* #!. bo*. Sold by 8. C. Ford, corner lith

«®d Pa. avenue, Washington, and HenryGook, Alexandria. Ja6-ly8fikwatoeke<ia oak aa Ouano..Dr. Band'g

Bpscifle, will convince the most skeptical of itsmerite. Price ,fl a box. Bold by 8. 0. Ford, cor¬ner 11tkitreet and Pa. avenae, Washington, andHenry Cook Alexandria^ |a 6-lyCokxh and other diaorders of the Ceet when ne«

Elected are injurious to the health. They unfit thecivilian for business, and it is Impossible for a sol¬dier to marck and tight with vim if the great sup¬port of bis whole frame be in a disordered condi¬tion. To all afHioted with Corns, Banlona or Nailsgrowing in the flesh, or otfcer disorders of the feetwe would recommend an early call at Dr. White'soffice. No. 434 Penn. avenue, between Four-and-a-half and Sixth Jy 17

Wa*ba».dto Otjaa i* 8ix Davb.-Dt. Godfrey'sAntidote, an Bnglish Specific of sixty-five years'standing,.will cure (r^orrkam in six days. Nochwige of diet reanired. Priee 01 per botUe. Boldby B.C. Ford, earner 11th street and Pa, avenueWashington, and Henry Cook, Alexandria. jaS-ly

HUHlIBiOn the lith inst., at the residence of the bride's

father, by the Bev. K M. Watkiason. JOrikPHCCLLhY, U. 8. Navy, to NAOMI VlBGINIAALLtN, daughter of hav. Richard Alien, of Nor¬folk. Va. *

At 2 o'cloek a. m.. August lith. of oongeation oftha brain, IRIN1 AVONIA, enly daughter ofBlisabeth B. and the late Harrison P. Lewis, aged. years..The friends and acsuaintances of the family are

invited to attend her funeral, from her aether'sresidence, No. ftVT I street, oa Monday Morning,at 10 o'cloek. .

(Phila. papers please copy. Jto the 16th instant, 8AM U XL HOOVJB, in tha

61 st year af his age.His funeral will.take place oa to morrow, thelfth inst., 3 o clock, from hia late re«iden<.e cor¬ner bth and P atreete. The friends of tha familyare respectfully Invited to attend. »

(Bait, papers pleete eopy.l^^ »astan», Mre. ANNA

C^ALMBBS, eldeet daughter of the late Dr. Tobl-aa Wathias, of thiaeity. And on Friday, the i«thinstant. MABT IJAN&. e deat daughUr ofBm il yUtelfr T*WatklM**'** **** daa«bter of the

The funeral will take place from the family reel .

deaee. No. 430 Ninth street, between a and H, oaSanday, the 16th instant«t S o'clock p. m. Frieadaand acquaintances are iaTlted to attend, withoutfarther notice. >

Augu«t 14th, la©, BDDIB,seventh son of Dan'land Elizabeth Robertson, aged ll mouths and 2Sdays. .

¦scaped frem life's trouble* so soon;Grieve not.tis his gain thai to go:

The joys ofa Heavealy noon,Are exehaag'd for a world dark with wo.

In this city, on Friday, tha nth iasteat, altar alingering illness, which she bora with christianfortd MART'A. ABJrOLD.ooasort of the late

lavited1? »..."« ¦»« iumhi, iron varm wauw, NavyYard, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock.On Thar "


Saml Arnold, in the s«th year of her age 1L *he friends af the family are respectrullv ialto attend her funeral, from Christ Ohurcn, i

Aa^^o-morrow < Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o'JMlith instant, at 3 o'clock a. m..

PNY B0USS8AU, aged two years aai fiveP. son of Charles and Bilxabeth Boasaean. . |

Poet O«o*rer in«&ire at 0. BOUAB'S Bakery, ;Post OAoe^or incuirefang st.. Alexandria.

Ha. 811 Stath street, near Pun. avenue,Tha vaU kaavft Stal Sitate aad latelligeaoa

au u-9t»



W* viU do aa weU aa anybody.anf-M H. H. MILLIE.

f I Al T ¦ A H

O ffICI1L*

HuDQvarm Pnoronr Xambau >PfHriet of Columbia,Ang. 9th, WW. >

The Board of Enrollment for the District ofColombia will meet to bear exemptions K theCKy Hall, Washington, ©a Monday, A«t»t16th, at ( a. m. and continue oa daring theweek. Hmr A. Somn,an iO'fit Captain and ProvoM Marshal.

¦ .


la the city. Stmt attention Mid to thoee otnir-lag thssn. Ho children in the honae. It170B BUT.in Slegantly-tarnished FRONTr FAKLOI. Apply at No. 501 Eleventh street,thiee dorrs from Pa. aye. it*(TOB SENT-A BBICE HOUSE, on M street ,be-r tveea lgth aad 19th stroete, containing 4 rooms.Lsrga lot attacked, aad first-rate water on thepremises. Apply at corner Uth and M streets.aul4 3t«(TOR SALS OS EXCHANGE.About *X) gallon*r of realty good BRANDT, in ertglaal casks,which will be sold at a low figure for eaah, or wil Iexchange for merchandise or real estate. Address"Major," Boa 340 Post Offle*. an 14 2t*

FUBNIPHBD OFFICE TO LBT-Contaihiagdesk, table, washa'aod, (a'e,eto .an Pennsyl¬

vania avenue, bstweon9Ui aad 10th streets Inquireof J. L PaBKBUBST, oa ateeaer Marp F. Rap¬ier. at foot of 7th street, or at 143 G street.an 14-3t*


|?OB 8ALB.A two-etory FBAMB HOC8B. withJl aiz rooms, and lot adjoining; a good stable at-taohed to accommodate two hoieee aad carriage;'f-ape aad fruit tree* in yard; in a cood neighbor-ool, on Stb street, between Mass. are. aad K sts,Inquire at HOOTRV8 8TOBE, on corner 6th aad1 street*, for particulars. Poseeeslon given Imme¬diately. an U-lt*f^UBNISHBD BOUSE FOB BENT-A plainiy-1 famished House, containing seven rooms ofgood size (fifteen feet *q uare.) with wide passage.In part payment of the rent, the advertiser wouldbe willing to oecapv one of the rooms, with orwithout board, as might be agreed upon. Satis¬factory rrferero* required. Apply, between laand T o'clock, at 394 Ntw York avenue, an 14 2t*

tfUBNIBHBD PARLOR AND BED-ROOM3 TO'ILBT.- Apply at 87 2 P street, corner of 13th. I

au 13 lw*.

BALI..Will the party from Georgetown,who went to sea the Bakery oa the Island, call

again at the Baal Satate Agency, (room 3.) oornerSeventh and P streets. Satisfactory arrangement*can be made. . au 13-3t*

sals-two good dwelling houses,on S street, between 10th and 11th atreete eut.

Persona wishing to purchase comfortable Dwel-linge will do well to call on J. W. ATCHISON,Bag., who lives on the premises. au 13-eo3t*


374 7th etreet, between L and M Also a H >usefor sale, having a large Store, intended to be eon-verted into two stores, Ac. Also, 10 acres of Land,at Good Hope. au 12-6t»

FOB 8ALB..An old and well-eitablished andvery profitable BU8INE88 in Alexandria, Va.,

is to be sold by parties who wish to retire into pri¬vate life. For particulars inquire at 8. &. W.MEYBNBBRG'S. 48 Market Spaoe, between rthand 8th sts., Washington, P. 0. an 11-lw

F'OR 8ALE-A FRAME HOUSE, containing ninsrcoms, together with twenty nine thousand

feet of ground, with a variety of fruit; peaches,pears, plums, enerrles, and grapes, al> of the bestselection, with good water in the yard, on thecorner or G ana ISth atreete and Pennsylvaniaavenue east: for further particulars call at residence.No.g7g. (aull-lwM D. OABBOLL.I70R RENT . 8everal Elegantly furnished1 ROOMS, having ali the modern improve¬ments, at No. 9 4Si street, opposite Dr. Sunder¬land'sCfcuratl. Table board near b y. au lfl-lir*

Sk** nnn T0 .5,000 PROFITEER YEAR~The aubecriber offers for sale the

hotel kkown as the Leslie flouse, No. 14 southFairfax street, Alexandria, Va., doing a businessof from 93,000 to £6.000 per year net profit. TheHouse waa furnished rew this last Bpring, andeverything is in the best order. The whole will besold without reservation, including lease aad goodwill, as the proprietor has other business. Forfurther partcnlare inquire on the premises of J. P.LESLIE, Proprietor. au7-Jw*170B SALE.1'hat very desirable BRICK DWfiL-r LING HOU8B and LOT,on the southeast cor¬ner of 9th street west aad L st.eet north, contain¬ing 8 rooms, with brick shed opening on a broadalley in the rear. For partieulars inquire of G.ORANDELL, No. 138 Bridge street, ueorgetowu,D. 0. au 5-2w*


tpOBr on


4. on Sd »t. w., above M st,6. oor. of Va. ave andSOthat.4. on 234 st. w. bet. N. Y. ave. acd D it.A. on Pa. ave., net. 6th and 7th e.i. on D at., bet. 6th and 7th e.4. on Q near Uth W.3. on 31st w, above B st.Call at No. 377 I street, after 6 o'clock p. mau l-oo' fR RENT-A FURNIMBED ROOM, 344 10thet. bet. Land M. Jy»F°,

VALUABLE LOT FOB SALE.On K, tetweenEighth and Ninth streets, and fronting the

Northern Market. Twenth-three feet front, witha depth of one hundred feet. Alley la rear. In¬quire of HARMON BURNS 408 Penu. arenas,orGEO. W. COCHBAN. 398 Penn. ave. Jy31 tfI70B BEAT.A fine STORB on Seventh street,17 oae of the best locations in Washington forany business. Apply at the Gosling Restaurant,No. 347 Penn. ave. bet. 12th and 13ta sts. JyjStff|X) LET..The subscriber having rented thatJ. handsomely furnished House on G street, nearUth, No 183, will let a suit of PARLORS, withuse of new Grand-action Piano; baths hot andcold, and gas. Clerks from the Department*;Army and Nrvy officers aad strangers visiting thecity can be accommodated with Room*. To let..The Unit floor parlor office to a Paymaster orothers, with room adjoining If desired.Jy gr-lm*


acriber being unable to give it any attention, offersfor sale bis farm. The land is in Berry's District,about 10 miles trom Washington, near the Brnok-ville Turnpike. It contains about J+t acres, nine'yof which are under cultivation aad have been welllimed; the rest of it iapiaeand chestnut. Thelaad lays well: is well watered ; verv easily im¬proved and in a short time would double the pricessksd for It. The improvements constat of a smallCottage, an excellent barn, recently bnilt, cornhoute, Ac.Terras: One-third cash ; the balance in one, two

and three years.If the purchaser desired, the crops on the land

wonld be disposed of and possession given im¬mediately. Apply to LOUIS MAORALL, Ja., No.43 Dunhartonatrwet,Georgetown. jyg eotf

FUBNISHED ROOMS FOB GENTLEMENonly at 364 F street, between rsth and I4*h.

Thie location is the beet in the citf, and near W11-larda' ami the Bbbltt House. The house newlyfurnished, papered and painted. Jy a-lm*ORICK DWELLING, 937 H 8TBBET, B8-JD tween 6th and 7th streets west. 10 rooms one asaloen parlor, 6 chambers, for sale, with immedi¬ate possession, Persons wishing such a residencewill daw* II to call early, as it will be sold. Aleo,improved and unimproved property In squares YH,«««.¦). MI[iBulUfJy 30-lm* 034 I at. nortb, or U. 8. Jail.

BOARDING.I7UBN18HED BOOMS TO BBN f, with BOARD,JT at 411 13th street, between G and H. Alao. .

ROOM suitable for an office. au 14-lw»TTU8BAND AND VIFB.-A good BOOM andII BOABD can be had, by a lady and gentleman,on moderate terma, at 37a Thlrteeath street.bat.H and L. Also a few table bcardera at .914 per

month. an 11 3t*BOABDING for gentlemen

Penasyl-e location

ia accessible bp street care, and laia a locality wellcalculated to aoo*aao£ate aentiemsa engaged mthe War aad QuartermasterDepartments.an ll->t JOHN T. HABBOLD. Proprietor.THE LARGE WELL FURNIBHBD HOUSBON1 .Capitol Hill, between A.and B streets, ie new

DOABDIHG-.Good BOABDING for geiD eaa be had at 138 84th street, aear $vaniaavenae. Large aad airy rooms. The 1

ready, rooms all large, oool and convenient, forgente aad their wives or single gent. Dinner at 8,break faat from 7 to 8. an lfr-2w*

Boarding and booms at si pbnnsyl-vaaia aveaae, near ttt atreet. Haadsome

Booms aad exeelleBt Board, with uae of parlorand bath-roo« on reasonable torsas. Jyll-lm*

SUMMRS BOARDING,.Those wishing to wendthe summer North will find pleasant ROOMS

at Mt. Ally .eightmiles from Philadelphia, on theSfteeaut Hill railroad. The country la bealthvaad very beautiful. The hoaaa ia anaeioaa andwell supplied with amusements, aad hourly 0 om-miaieation with the etty. Address Mrs. BBOOBE,No. 1643 Pine at., Phlla. myg aawtm*

CUBES FBOM THE DBPABTMBBTI, ABMTaad navy officers aad straagera vUKlag Waeh-

tngton, map find a somfcrtablelume In one of themost deUrftftf location* in Washington, Hn.fiMissouri avsana. On* rerr large front room, tt.tory, aaw vacant. ap U


PIANIST, TOCALUTAWD COMPOSES,¦¦W A» 6iMruru»Msrrsoa von piAgo voarn *g»

aiBOise.Frcfreaor WoJowakl eonttnuea hUBUgiagaad

PiaaoOlassss, aad epen*-a aewgenrei (or Plana

I By Profoeeo* We^»wei(l,a aew method, a pocgcahjkTJf*.?*1' * >U*1? *fheeoabled io a very sbort Umeto reed music withgreat fheility aad exeeute Operatic as well as

.rew« ^^,±tion ke arrlvee aA most extraordinary reenMs,render* the voice poer*rinl aad eaabUe the singerto vonallas with faoUltri aecaraer aad fin* qaauty

F10FBS80B WOLOWSBIreoefve* visitors daily, from g to 9 oVlUek a. n,and from 7 to gn'ctoeh p. m . at his reaidsue*, Ha.818 F street, oa the aertheaet **ra*r of Uth.treat. au te im

P9.UiGoovgetowa. Apply at So BrMgo e<reet. ho-tween WaekingtonaalOeagreeaetreeto, aa; |


WCBSTlTUSB W&HTlD-it Na. 904 Nu .».C7 Appiyimncadia'ctg. wHK*

WANTID.A GOOD OOOK, WASHER. u4IRONBR. Mom g«td appfp W one fui.reorr patent, Family small; VMM food. Call It400 itttmwt,>>twH» 1 imI. wUit'

A 000D PLA1B OOOK, WA8BBB AMD IB0N-.r vasts a Sitaation Apply at house No. no.>1 street, >ttywn F art Q aorta. an lvft*

\%7ANTBD.A BABBBB.at No. 416 New York*' avenue, bet. Uth aad 14th._*15^8t* D. BDBLMUTH.nod ..Boai

m*T-, tary Tailor*..319 Pcnn. avenue.

tad, two Sub-

wiaraasia^i#':,'a"B. OWBN & BON, Military Tailors.M list Jia pcnn. avenue.

SUBSTITUTES WANTED..WaatO slitutes; to be paid la cold aad a rood outfit ofunder clothing furnished. Call at 334 Pena.at,bat. 9th and 10th sts. ag 15 3t»

WANTED-By aa activeyoang man, 17 rearsofage, a SITUAT10N in a drug stora. Hashedtan months' experience, at d can coma well recom¬mended Address corner 4haad F street* south.an 15-4t*

\\TANTBD SUBSTITUTES..Several featlemenY v desiring sabstitates, would rather deal di¬rectly with tkem thaathrough brokers. Iaquirefor or address "Exemption,,rat the City Post Of-

WANTBD-A PARTNBB.with a cash» v from §3,000 to .fSjMU, to engage la tbasinets. An energetic maa with good

* * ucturing sabstitates, woaid rather deal di¬rectly with tkem thaa through brokers. Inquirefor or address "Exemption,'rat the City Post Offlee. aa IS It'cash capital of

theOlaiiu... «.» «»vJ battaaesqualiftcations repaired, or a food clerk in hisstead. A safe, pleassnt. aad protitable baslaess,yielding from 9»fi00 to 98^00 a year. Address L.. .City P. O. an IS St*

WAIlTBD.Throe SUBSTITUTES. Inquire or" JOB. POLKBNHORN, No. 300 Pann aye.,coder Metropolitan Hotel. an U »*

WANTBD-A rood BLACKSMITH accustomedto wagon work. Apply to MACDONALD ft.McDADB,No. 405 3ixth atreetweat aa l4-3t*

\R7ANTED.A food OOOK for an officars' u»«.Apply at J. B. WILSON'S, 3'J7 Fenn. avenue.

aa 14 ir f Chroaiele.|\\TANTBD TO RBNT-A Small HOUBB, to be"» taken possession of on the 1st or I£th of nextmonth; no objection to buyiaf tW or ®400 worthof furniture. Address B., Star office aa H it*

VVrANTBB.A respectable WOMAN to do *«ne-Y v ral housework; good reference r< <taired. ApEly at 349 13th Btreet, between Mass. avenue and

street. aq 14 n*

WANTSD-A food OOOK and WAITER. M istcome well recommended. A maa and his

wife preferred. Apply at 134 Penn. avenue. bet.I8«h and 10th sts , for tkrea day;. aa 14-3t*

W" ANTBD,.8UB8TITU TK8 wanted.the hifh-eet prices paid-at the offioe of JUSTIN D.

ROWLAND. No. 4SiS B street, near General PostOffice. All kinds of Exemption Papers promptlyprepared, at reasonable prices. au 14-2w*

HOUSE WANTED.An unfurnished small Housewanted, by a gentleman aad wife without

children, in the First or Second Wards. Liberalrent paid in advance by food tenant, possessiontaken immediately or on tna 1st of Sept. AddressL. F.. tetar office. au u :tt*

WANTBD.One Larfe BOOM or two moderate¬ly-sized rooms, unfurciahed, for school pur-

pores, in the neighborhood of the Departments.They matt be properly ventilated. Satisfactoryreference will be fiven. Address R. 8. B , Box37,S.P-0 , Waahinfton, D>JC. aa 14-3t*

WANTED.A plain OOOK; also, two good IBON¬ERS; good wages, board and constant em

Eloymcnt given, and none need apply unless theyave worked in hotel or pablie laundries. In¬

quire at National Steam Laandry, I'a. avenue, oppoeite Grover's .Theater.aa 14 JAS. F. HOTOHKI88.

WHEELWRIGHT WANTBD..A good Wheel¬wright will find a steady job, at £2 50 perdsy. Inquire at 47* Sixth St.,south at Pa ave,

su 13-3t JACOB W1L80N.

TWO COACH PAINTERS WANTED. To foodworkmen, a steady Job will be given. Applyimmediately. ROB'T H GRAHAM

au l-VSt" 374 D street.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY.Aa UnfurnishedHOUSE, situated between7th and 13th sts.,and Pena avenae and F streets. Address D. Box

944, Post Office. ou 13 6t*

VVANTBD TO PURCHA8B-A good young,YY steady HOBSB. single Buiiness WAGON,must be good one, and HARNESS. Who hassadha concern to sell, at a fair price, will find a cus¬tomer. Address D. P.. Box 43,8tar office. sul.Qt*

WANTED^BOARDING in a private famUy, orwhere there are but few boarders, by a gen¬

tleman and bis wife, between aow aad the first ofSeptember. References given. Address W. 8., atStar office, or Box 169 Poet Office. au l.v.lt*

ANTED TO EMPLOY-A COLOK¦D BOY~toattend to a horse and make himself generallynsefoi. To one understanding the care of a horse,

a food home aad liberal wsges will be fivea Ap¬ply to A. N. THOMPSON, on <Uh street east, sec¬ond door from G street south, near the Navy Yard,an U 5t*

WANTED.By the 1st of September,anOFFIOBvv for a dentist, on or near Penn. avenue, far-

nlshed or anfarnishod. Address Dentist, Staroffice. au 11-1 w*

WANTED-An AUCTIONBBB. One who iswell acquainted with the business, and a

good (talesman,can obtain a permanent situation,by addreeaing Box .">57 . Washington ( D. C.) Post-Qioe, stating terms and reference. aa lS-Sto

VVTANTED TO BBNT .Jw bonus will be paidvv for an Unfurnished HOUSE, centrally lcKat-ed. with 8 to 10 rooms. Beat from « to $500psr year. Apply at Real Estate Agency, Room No.3, corner 7th and F sts au 11 4t*

HOUSE WANTBD-SmallHouse osNary Yard.Capitol Hill. Island.aay where. Liberal rentpaid in advance, by good tenant. Address M, Bos5K, P. O. au 11-1W

NOT I C E.-S VBSTITUTES, SVBST1TUT8SWANTED .Tho best prices will bo paid for

all able bodied SUBSTITUTES for the drafted meaof Washinftoa; and those who are in want of suchSubstitutes will And it to their advantage by fivinfas a call at No. .'<55 Pa. avenue, one door from thecorner of 6tk street.sign of the Red flag. Comeone,o.me all.

C. R. L. CROWN & CO., Auctioneers.N B..Also,office at tbe Arlington House, corner

of 4>a street and Pa. avenue. au8-lw*

A LADY EXPERIENCED IN TEACHINGthe higher English branches, Frence, Latin,

and Mathematics, is desirous of a 8'1aaiiou in arsmily or school in the vicinity of Washinftou.Unexceptionable references given. Address Teach-er. Washington, D. C. au 7-lw*

oTi nnn ladies wanted-At 391 vstreet, between 8th and 9tl» We

stamp Flannel, Velvet, Silk. Muslin, Cambrlck,and Linen ; alto, Cloaks. Capes, Saoqaes, Josies,Slipperti, Yokes, and Bands. New patterns receiveddaily. Cheap#st place in town. Five hundred newBraiding Patterns Just received. Work donewhile you wait. ,m_WANTED TO RENT-An unfurnished HOUSE,

in First Ward preferred, now or before tHe1st of December. Best references. Address J. D ,

Box 3»4. Jr 87-lm*

JDBUCB k. CO. want all to know that they can. buy better Oiothing, at lower prices, at 464

Seventh street, than elsewhere. jy 14-tr

WANTED..Everybody to know tbait they canbuy their Clothing at reduced prices at

SMITHS. 460 Seventh street, opposite the CityPost Offioe. Jy 14-tr

ANTBD,-10,000 MEN AND BOYS to call atSMITH 1 BBALL'S to buy their Suiutner

Oiothing, at reduced prices,at 361 Seventh street,just below the Northern Market. Jy 14-tr

WANTBD IMMEDIATELY -Twenty OAR-W PENTERS. Liberal wages will be paid togood workmen, aad none others will be acoepted.Apply to the Government Carpenter Shop, oa KStreet, near the corner of Seventeenth streat

Lieut. Col. 1. M. GREENS,



3oJ. B. M.<Chief Q« _

my B-tt Department of Washingtoa.WANTED- SECOND -HAND FURNITUREv v Also, Mirrors. Carpets, Beds, Beddiag aad

mar9>-tf bet. G aad H. east site '

486 PAPBRHANGlNaS. 486Gold aad ?elvet. Gold Stamped, aad medium

priced GOLD PAPERS.^AaoTvariety ofglased aad Blaak PAPERS at

WINDC^wTbhJG>Sb of aay required styie or size.

letaaUp oaocated. la mty or ooantry.



Is order to make roon for ap large Vail Stock,I ahall offer from the preaent data to 1st ofOctobermy eattra stack at greatly reduced prices. Thosewho coatemplate refitting, or who nap waat goodsia ap line will »ve money by (purchasing of aa.The stock essbraces a fine ssUctloa of.PAPBBHANOINGf oferery quality aad prioe,WINDOW SftADBS aad SHAM HOLLANDS,SHADB TRIMMINGS.CORDS, TABSBL8, aad FIXTURES for Shades

aad netina Frames.Aieo. a Sae stock of Gilt aad Dark Wood Square

had Oral PIOTUU FB^MBB. and a few CHOIO ¦PXOTUBBS, all of which I offer a* aaaaaally low

- Dome aad see, at v JOYSMOKV.. 4«9 rth street, opppeito the Pataat Offioe,

anl!4Uw4w -

fBYINO FEMALE OOLLMB,M. MacsA»ic«B«EO,Otraefai.4*B Oo. Pa._ .100 pars tba satire axpaaaes of beard, washlag,fuel, light, aad taMioaTiactadteg Iresss, for See-sioa oommaaaiag Sept. S, 18«, aad ending Jaa.Sl,19MFor parUcalan addreas i4A. O. MARLATT, PresMaat.Rr/rrrnt* Jca. Sandsrson. Bag., graasary Build*

log, Wassiaftoa. D. O. aa W eo6t*

WILL1T * BJ^GBAYB.(Ssooaaaoaa to Maaaaa. Ooru 4 Baoa.j

LUMBER DEALERS,Oomar Fourteenth street aad the ffaaaL

trn-tm' WartUd^aaTDTO


Br DOWUBG, Aacttoneer.VALUABLE Bufl%>I5% LO* OS BMUXtMJ .'*!£!.. A* Atottog..X will Mil oa »*T0«-DAY APTBRNOO* Mil. Aagnal Uth, >1 S o'ei'Y,a rateable Building M, fronting 3f fnat oa tha¦oath side af Bridct itrwt, ta4 running ba ak avarM> fMt to a an teat alley, aad adjoialag tha pro¬perty <?f Geo. BhcKM, Jr.Th« »bct» yroptrtr wm ioM at P«Mi« Auctionoa Satarday. Aagnat let. IMS, aad tha purchaserhaving fklU to comply withrhe terms, it will bemold at hi* rtafc aad expense.Tarma: Oaa half cash; the baluw ia threeaad si* moaths, with intereat. teeured br adaad oftruttatbapnaiNi. Title perfect. All ooavo-aaeing at the coat ef purchaser A aaah paymentofoaa hundred dollare *tll ba required aa K-*on astha property la struck off. JOHN UOLDKIVan 13 THOMAS DOWT.IMO. AucH.


PIC NICor t«s



FOR TUB BENEFIT OFF. TRVXIL.Tickata.FIFTY CBNT8, admitting a ran tieman

aad India*. By order ofna M 3t* COM. OP ABBANGBMBNTB.

1 HBtheir SecondP10 MO at Green Spring Pavilioa on MONDAT, Aug. 17,1863.Ttebete.admitUug a gentleman and ladiesPIBfY okMM.

CONSTITC^ONA^ABSOGIATION giveswood Grand Afternoon nnd Bvening a%

AStages will leave the corner of High and Bridgestreets, for tha grounds,every half hoar.

Manastrs_C.Sebaatin, T Stanton,J. Enhna, T. Earner, aa 13 3t*




On TUESDAY. the Uth inat., at LGtFPLEB'8GABDBN, New York avenue,aGRAND PIC ~

NIC will be given for the purpose of aiding* 'he Fourth Ward farce who,Athe member* of thahave been drafted: Mr Leeffler having kiadlivoh ntaered the uae of hia beautiful tardea r

managers feol eat i fled that the citizens of theward will cheerfully aid them ia thia praiseworthyondertaklng, which has for its object the retentionin oar midai of neo who have proved theniaelveicapable and trustworthy. They have engaged- thasen can of a superior Braaa and String Band, aadfc«l satisfied that all vUitors will anjor (he pleasant.rrangements made for their aomfort.Tickets, admitting a gentleman and ladiaa, ONBDOLLA B.tarmaterg..Asbury Lloyd, esq, Cap*. Wm. H.

NaJlav, James B. Powera. esq., W. W. Kirby, esq.,A, Thca. Bradley. esq.. John T. Chaacey^e« ,Horatio Beall. esq., C. P. Helbrook. esq., J. B.Wheeler esq ,C.H. Anderaon, esq.,8. B,8yiTMter,P. Fleming, esq ,D. W. Irving, eaju, W. 8. 8cott,etq.,iS C. Bckioff, esq.. Geo. W. Utermehle e»q.,P. M. Dnbant. eKr ao It 6t'


GERMAN1A LODGE, No. \, A O. df G. F.,.a MONDAY, Aug IT, 1SJ3,

AiL. £ YER'S PARKyhkTickets.FIFTY CBNTB, admitting agantltmaa

and ladiea.tST In caae of bad weather, tha Pia Nie will take

place one week later.&u 11 fit THB COMMITT1B.



CliOBB SOCIALSWill be given atBECK#ART'S GARDEN, (Navy Y^-vOl

'jti MONDAY, Aa^uat l?th. 1853Mi eiecllent bra.aa and alriag band h&a bean en-

aaat^i fee the oecaaioa....,Ste^t;re tifty cents, admitting gentlemaa and

Cbwwn«t£*.-*. Hart, J. W. Bcaa. J. O^lnger.C.Bieth. Mauancrs .0. Gerber, B. 8anfer, J.MttUer, J. G. rchalts. N. B>.The stric^ft or¬der w i II be preserved. aa in& 1J*


IAMB TO THB PBBMI&BS OP THB 8'JB-> Kt riber, 1 "!< 1 street,on Motday, Aucnat l'rth,

a Brown H0B8B. aaddle and bridle. Tneonnerwill coma forward, prove property, pay charges,and take himaway.kJTBAYBD OB 8T0LBN,on tha lith instant, a

BOAN HOBeB; blind in both eyes; cut on ri«htear. A liberal reward will ba given it returned toNo. 30 Grean atreet. (ieoccetown, D. C.au 16 3t* CH1BL1S VAN3CIVIR.

STBAYBD OB 8TOLBN, abont two mantis ago,a small BBD COW wit* Lar«e bxg ; left off; on

the ev* of having a calf. A liberal reward will begiven if returned to LOUISA OONNBB, corner of4th and L sta. It*

LOST..In Cooing from my house 4*J0 Seventhatreet or in tbe Market, this 15th day of Angu t,

a GOLD BBBA8TPIN, with large Coral set. Theflnder will be anitably rewarded by returning it toJ. WILLIAM PLANT, Undertaker, 430 7th St.,bat. G and H. aa ij-.Ht*

'fton bi*ari>.t?>£U 8 trayad or 8tolen,on the 14th mat.,

a pair of H0RSK4;oaa a large Yellow Horan. with »n 1 craoka in hiahoofs; also, a sore on his back; the other a darkChestnut Sorrel Horse, with aoar on the left shoul¬der: also, a wart on the inside of the left hin 1 leg.The above reward will be given if they are re¬

turned. 8&MUBL COOK.No. 536 C street north,

au 153t» bet. 1st and 3d sta. east.

^TBAYBD OR STOLBN.Prom the subscriber,on or about the 28th of July last, one email

dark Bed COW, with peculiar shaped horns. Asuitable reward will be given for her return eo No.74 Missouri avenue. CHA8 TILLBY.au 14 1W

L08T.On the 12th instant, a Blue Blouse COATand MBMORANDUM BOOK, whiih is of no

nae to any person bui the owner. 1 will pay tareedollars if left at Water Registrar'sofflce, west wing,3d story City Hall, between the hours of 9 a. m..and 3 p.m. DANIKL HAMNAN.au 14-2t* Inspector and Tapper ot Water Pipes.^TBAY OX .A large stray red and white-spot-

ted OX, rather thin, oatne to the subscriber enWednesday, the Uth insta&t, (probably one of adrove being driven pa*ton said day. > The ownercan have said ox by proving property and payingcharges. BSNJ 8UMMY,aa 14 St* 7th St.. near first toll gate.

IOST.In Georgetown, on High street, betweenj First nnd Bridge atreeta, on Monday eveaing.

a BLACK L&OB VB1L A suitable reward willbe given to the lindar, by leaving it at No 70First at.. Georgetown. au 1,1-V6JT0LBN.Angnst 13th, 1853, one DUN MABB,k? from the Uortoratlon l'ound. corner Uth aad kstreets: little sprung in knees: sore under rtgatfront shoulder, ft* reward, ifretnrnad toaa is-3t« WM. SIMAKBR. Poundmaater.

IOfiT.On the 11th inatan;. oopiea of LBTTBR8j and other PAPBB8, (naelesa to other persona,)tor which a liberal reward will be paid if left at tha

*TS*u-arilUfd*' hoc.'trumbull haydbn.

$5splinter off one horn. Apply in Frederick atrMt,betwaeu 2d aad 3d, Georgetown, £ 0au13-Jt* TI1QMA8 LBBAKBM UF XaTBAT, oa the 1st instant, a smallBBD COW; with a bail around her neck; both

ears split. Tha owner is reaaastsd to come forward,prove property. P*T ehargea aadau 13-2t* oa 1st street^bet. F and tl.

KBWARD.-Strayed or stolea, oa Wednea-® iS day, the 12th, from B. Crait A Son's LtveryStable, a smalt B^ACK TBBBIBB DOG, withehaia collar around hia neok; eron ear and long

toil. B. OBtJIT A SON.Georgetown, Augnit Uth. an 13 if

gt> c BBWABD..Strayed or stolen from tna aub-9D eeriber, on the 9th iaat, a dirk .bro-vnHOBSB,about Mhands high; a*knot oa histloftfora lag ; hair aerapod off hiaWk about four

ton*. Tha above reward will ba given andirJuWttoti iked. If returned to WM. BBALb,Bo. 63 Northern Liberty market. aa 12 St*

RBWABD .Stolea. from tha atabiaa ofGeorge Biahstein.aM..near Catoasville

rty.Md, on 8atarday night last, onemedium aiao: black l*U aad mane;

right hand toot white. And one PABK SOBBBLMABB; medium Mm; Mind in oa* aye, with scar.1 will nay 9*° for tha return of tha horeea to maaad B50additloaal far tha arraat of tha thief,aaa veuaaarcowi* WM f UCHSTBIN.

national Bookstore, 3TS Pa. avanue^aa . bet. 11th aad Itth sta.. Waahlagtoa, D. C


ssi^iiUiiiiSssrisw^. -r >».i but mlid.

Terms stoderataaaW-tf 330 H strtat, aoar wta.

AUkl OKABOB BOB IMYBBTMBBT..Theyjsalatoaa oCu far aato the woli-fcaowaBathxagBetohUahaeat earaar of liaa aad tMstraato. opposite tha Marshall HoaaaTua^ Aleaan-dztajTafc Any peraaa wiahiag to iavaat wiU 4awatt by caUiag oa tha premlaea, at Tha above


aovenae strttws.ooom M

JiljHOntnlluna mkicijv* '.nvs* * "ifisussiassr


By tun * WILLIAM, Aaetlttwi.

iaataat, we shallmU la boat of the »««»«,»» *a'aloe* p. a., the fo.lowing HuilOlojr Lota, fix:Lota No «, 9. lj. 13, u4 U. ia liur«?». JM.T*ia property is hands meiy wtaatad on SeventhUn K|ki| stme»« east. ud north 0 atrftt.T«raaofMi«:0M-k4lf(Mk: balance ia six aa4twelve months he aakpd heartagintareat from dayofaaU. A deed given and a daed of trust taken


givea aad a<m of trust taken.All ONK|uti"(M tu«it*(the purchaser.

W U WILLIAM*. Auete%, 6RBBN A WILLIAMS. Auctioneers.Kb piano portb, household andITCHCW ICidtVU, 40.. AT AuCTIOI..ObTUW9AY. the lsih iastaat. wa shall aell at theresidence of Mr. Wlthaia, oa 7th street east, near

Peacsvlvaaia araaoa, between the Capitol endNaey Tint, (the ra-a paaa aaar the doorj at too'clock a. a. aa excellent aaaortment of Varal-tara. vi* :?err »apertor Pan > Porta. Cover. aad StaotMahogany aad Walnut Sofas, Ckaira, and MaraaaaTaMea. Wash aad other StandsFloe Maatle ClockGllt-frama aad othar Glease*Wlodow CurtainsChina,Olaaa, aad Crockarr Wara. Laaape, Aa..leather Beds, Bedding, Mettraee, aau MawMi,Una Tapestry aad othar CarpeW aad KoaiCookiac aad othar Stoves end Ritahen ReacHttt^With many othar articles whick we maydaemunaeeeasary to enamamte.Termi rtik

» aa 14 GREEN A WILLIAMS. Aaata.By W. L. WALL A OO., Aaotloneara.


NOON. SHth inat.. at 5 o'clock, wa will hII ia fron*of tha pressisee. Lot 11, in 8quara ll», fronUn* i-»'feat oo ttth atraat, aad running back to an allay,containing 1,636 square feet, and improved hy asmall Vraaaa Dwelling, near the Western MiasionChapel. Po»session given immediately.Tartna: Oaa-half eaah ; balance ia Tandfl months

hearing iataraat aad secured bp d«4 of trust vu t henraatiaaa.r

;M WM.L. WALLA CO.. AuHs.By W. L. WALL A CO.. Auctioneers.

IT 8. MARSHAL'S 8ALB OF PBIZV GOODSJ . AND SLOOP CLARA ANN.In virtoe of three decreee issued from-tha Clerk's

Offlce of tha Supreme Court of tha District oC_Columbia holding a District Court f*r tha aaidDistrict, I will sail for cash at tha Anctioo Store ofWU. L. WALL A CO., oa cornar Pennsylvaniaarena* and Ninth street, on WEDNB3DA V\ tUe19th day ofAuguat, commeucing-at U o'clocka. m ,tha following roods ani chattels to wit, vi» :

Writ No. o.40 bbia. of Bra Whiskey of Sloop M Clara Aon"1 Baa and contents "

1 lot of Matches *.4

Also, Wsit No. 36.106 lbs of Tobacco.

Also.Wp.it No.3T.1 box of Shoes1 box of Call.o1 box of Dwi Goods1 box of " "

1 bo* of "

1 box of8hoe«1 box c fSaoes and Sundries1 box of Dresa Goods6 bbls of Whisky.

Also, at 4 o'clock on the ttama day, at tha foot ofSixth atreet wharf aa tha Potomac river, I wills -11the SLOOP CLARA ANN, her Tackle, Apparel aaJ

WARD H. LAMON, U . 8. Marshal D CnH WM, L WALL A CO^. Aocta

By THOMAS DOWLING, Auctioneer.rpRDSTBK'S SALE OF VALUABLE PR0PBBTY1 is GibaoETOMH..By virtue of a deed of tro«executed by the late Alfred Cartis ani wife bearingdate on tha 24th day of September, an<l dulyrecorded in Liber J. A. 8 . No. ISJ. folios 344^.316.of the land records of the District of Colombia Iwill offer at Public Sale, on MONDAY', the 24thdarofAacujit, at 5 o'clock p a., Lot numbered dfty.situated in lieall't addition to aaid Oeorcetawn.froutine sixty feet on the south side of B»a.Istreet aad rannina back tha 6ame width to th-depth of one hundred and twenty feat with thetwo story Br^ck. House and back buildiui; upon th*um«, heine a tirnt class residence. Title in-iisputable. Terms at sale.

_B. P. JACKSON , Trustee,aa 13 TH08. DOWLIN 4. Aucfr._By i. C. McGCIBB A CO.. Auctioneera.

TRCSTKK'S salb ov VALUBLK BUILD-ixo Loth is Pri.ntiso O^rica B^uarb..On

FRIDAY, Ac gust 7th, at 6 o'elock. on the prem¬ises, by virtue of a deed of trust to the »abscri>v»r,dated May 7»h, 1867, and duly recorded in Liber J.A. 8 , No. 1*. Mios et sea., oae of the landrecords for Washiu*tun county, D. 0., I shallLats No*. 7, 8, 9,19.20,21,22 23. 25 and 25, in JameaC. McGuire'a subdivision of Square G2<, frootiu*each 24 feet «n North G street, between Ptratstreet west and North Capitol ntreet, ani run¬ning back to a 30 foot alley.Terms: One-third canh; the remainder in 6 aa*12 months with iaterest, secured by deed of trusto.p the premises.All conveyances at the cost of purchasers.99"If desired, theae Lots will be subdivided into

Lots of 16 feetSi8HER. Trurtae

Jyl7-2awida J. O. McGPIBB A CO., Ajiota.

IBy J. O. McGUIRE A OO , Auctioneers.


August 7th, at 5.Li o'clock, on the premises, byvirtue of a deed of trust to the aubscriber.daUflMay 7th, 1557. and duly recorded ia Liber J. A. 8.No. 137. folios SI et req.. one of the laad rocordator Washington county. D. O. I shall sell Ljpts No.5) and 63. in James O. McGuire's fcub4ivisioo ofSquare numbered b24, each fronting J4 feat cp Hstreet, near the government Printing Office,and running back 175 feet 3 inches, to a 90 footalley.Theaa Lots have a pavement laid and traaa

?>lanted in front, aad are very desirable looationaor residence.

. ., ,Terms: One-third in cash, the r<v.»aiader in#and 11 meutha, with interest, secured br a dead oftrust on the premises.All cost of coo veyaneio* to be paid by tka pax-

chaser. TUOS. J. #I8HBR. Trustee,jy 17 2awAda J. C. McGCIBB Sl CO.. Amtt.

¦7" THE ABOVE 8A LB 18 UNAVOIDABLYpostponed until THURSDAY ATTKKN00N, Aae.»ith, same hour and olace

THOS. J. USHEB. Trnataa,au 8 2aw*ds J AB O. MrftUIW A CO.. Aactg

B> J. C. MCGG1RB A CO. Auctioneers.TRUSTEES' SALB OP VALUABLE HEAL B8-1 tatb ik Washington Citt..On WEDNBS-DAY AP1ERNOON, Sept. 21, at 5l- o'clock, onthe premises, by virtue of a deed of trust, tear>acdate an the 3d day of Juaa. liJSO, and recordedamong the land records of Washington city, laDistrict of Columbia, ia Liber J. A 8., No. 190,folios 414, at seq.. we shall sell, at public auction,to the highest bidder, all that certain lot or parcelof groual.ia the City of Washiagton. known aaldesignated as lot number aix (6). iu Dyer's anbdi-vlsiot of square number nine hundred and ilf'ata(91i),improved bv a frame dwelling house.Terms : One thud cash to be paid at the time of

sale; aad tho remaiador in equal payments at a«xand twelve mouths from the day of Bale, withinterest: thedoferred payments to b«* aeon red by adeed of t mat ou the property. And if the termaare notfally complied with nithin live days fremthe day of sale, the Trustees reserve tha right tareael 1 the property at the risk and cost of the da-fioltinf purcbAAer, od one wesi * notice in twWaahington S at. All conveyancing to be paid hpthe purchaser. jjgASMOS J. MIDDLBTON.

H. C. SPALDING,Trnstaaa of Phoenix Buildiaa Aeaciation.

au 11-eoAda J. C. McOUIRK x. CO . Aacts.PINE PARM ON THE EABTEBN cflJil#OP MARYLAND PGR SALE..By virtue of

competent authority, I will offer at Publlo Bale, attha Court House door^n tha tawn of Cambnda*,Maryland, on MONDAY, tha 24th at Ausnst next,about 11 o'clock m , the farm called Wait Necxsituated immediately oc the U 8. Mail roata lead¬ing north and south, and about four miles fromsaid place, the county aeat for Dorchester county.It ia handsomely located, with the Great Choptaakrivar on one aide, and Hurst a Oieak on the otaer,and directly opposite Elden and Bonney Brook,lhoae beautiful residences of Df. P. P. Phelps ontDr. 3. W. Hurts It oonUins M6 acrea, more orleae;about 75 acrea ofwhich being weU timbered Thafarm ia laid off into three Oelda ot about forty fivaacrea eaon. in good atata of improvement, ofeasyenltnra and under good *nclosuraa, with faclHtleaon tha premises for enriching the land indefinitely.Tha improvements are a two-story brick Dwalltnrwith aingle story attached. beaidea the usual outbuildinga. Tha river and creak abound in fish,oysters, terrapins, wild ducks. Ac., in taeir season.Persona wishing so purchaso are requested to aal!

on Dr. J. V. RurU.whowUi give any farther mformation that may be desired, apd f° *' toylew tbe premiaes. WILLIAM RBA^Jy 17-law4w Cambridge. Md.rvEPOT OP ARMY CLOTHING AND B<1UI-


1863, at 10 o'clock, a. m., a large lot of Qlotainp,Camp and Gariisoa Baupaga, undt for .*rT1'^oonsiatiaa (a part of Trowaari, Coats, Jackets,Blankets, Bed Sacks, Knapsacks, Haversacks.Oaa-teeos. Mesa Pans, Kattl -a. Shovels. Plcka, JATrumpets, Bualea. Drama. Ac., Aa. Let of oaIran, lot of old Ropa. aiU aavaral toaa ofTaat

jyM-td M. 8. K., U. B. Army.88I8TANT UUABTBRMASTER'S OffPIUB,corner G and Twenty-aeooad streeta, Washing¬

ton, D. 0.. July M, 1863..PaMleaalea ofoonda«ana«animals wiu take place at tha Corral, near the 0Vaarvatory. ia this city, oa tha ..J®*4WBDNBBDATS. mh and Blth of Aurut. WMTha property is goademned aa unfit for puhOaSale*to aommanoe at tea o'aloak a. sa., and

aoatinued from day ta dap until tha aambe* oahand shallha eoM. . . .

Temscaah.iaGararaaaa ^aTQj-fKlwgtty gr-4 Captain, A. Q. M , U¦ 8. Army.Wi

fTO BUILDERS.hi sabsariacr hag far eaUahoat llfifQfifeafifS

|y Bla Ma. 8TI Watotetraet. Boorgetawa.