- THE WORLD: SATURDAY KVKNINU, AflLiw;i. 7 nrrv real estate for sale j fn US?. .witthi.-.- i i i,.m.. iipppn'rlnK uulor "thli . n. lull I" "The Mornlnc World" on fc'W&Vi Wotii ' nn riittmlny .,r '" ii.. rcop'e's House ail't lljmei "v! !i '"' rstr.1 slirrse. . . . 1 rV ' .m.mUii H'oi W. It I' iviaiilfd ",. II rM "II ntl'i-lii'- l lumnr and. iiiVdifw'.'"' foxtKI'i Street, Sth Aenue to East River "i SI" West of 3) avo.-- Oti or two ',... liiol'l ir.lei.wlll inalas..:c..ltlTereiiie lor 'l'l:if . .'I!Ji.'i:i.'.miiikm;. oramst. TTfTIi Si . -- '"J I.AS"- - M'l t"' "f" lini.se, I III 1,'Iv ! unrcsi ,ur li'u'r l.lslncsu aaev .,!?.. I i'llll.Lh OlKIUli.l.ifid st.ncc! Do f ifrTllM tir "l xlngtoiiav. t'ulfi nteit ." 1 iAitit gnmi 'enauls now in ni charge, serv ,,lrai.l- - l VlUl.l.h PAiU.llAII. I.T1HU il. auj Beverr - rnfi rtAlP OK TO troivn.stuno tJU,No. 4 EAST GSTH ST. OKltALD'.. UlltlW.V, L.jultable Building, lid Broadway. fcfiTT LOTS, lUOtlJ, north-ra- turner lt avo. id lOTlli t , cany terma, mar exchange. CYRII.Lb(AllKi:AtJ.JJrauUt. .nil Bowerr. it fioOCASll buys 823, 300 double tenement ; lOOtFi it., uear M Ate. ti"ck but 51 J, 120 Broadway. ilo'sOO, tl."00 CAHtlLlegant biovwi-ttoue- , thirteen room), near Madiaon ave. MrKhKVKH, iJ Kait lilt!, et, Above 1 4th Street othAvenuQ to North River A -- A, A. LOOK AT the row of elegint 20 foot 4 itory brownelna reatdencet on Vet UGth at , 125 tt (coin Central Park; abinet Huiah ihrojjtbcut. wide etroet emtrAnc to park.aiau Lindioraely decorate J basement dwell Inge on We! l.tid ave.,betwt-- n 07 1 J ah Otttunta. , on the -- tebmau KH .PATlllrkr 42 to fig M eet tilth t. fuROAlN to cash b ijer ; ilienl must sell elegant Vaturr flat, near MornlriRiid) lAik aod 1 lOt It At. ,Ullio. b. Attoroey, Totter buiMinj. North of 125th Street 15?Tfl ST . 3I 1'AST. went of Metto'e aie. "iOi lOii 'tnall houi.ic.Jo UVJtlLLK UAU- - JlLALJtiand t. And llowery. ill?"W'A!U Ann t.f the moat desirable torneni. COiUi". HAUNU.M, owucr, 1HU ltatcti are., ftboteieithac ONE OK TWO l.o, lrvju1 f. a"fidl(ith ATe.,Tor tic cheap, certain rapid impruTcneiit. K. AlJI.K.NtU, 3i3 Oil) arr. 1 Miscellaneous. i FOSIT1VK HAI.fJAlN -- N'ce molerii cottaB. with ftvory conrjii.ic. ery rlilnj lo'ithm. loit by tiie ele trie oari to Harletn , ouly fi t.t OU till open MinUay, Cnll nr addrevs U.Nt:K. 7)7 1'oicHarc j alnt'In flats rerrn and eigb ' tonm and hath Ml , piu,. )19.(ii'U rent 2,0)0.aUo donblu ilU, corners. ' ?lth s teres, at rraMiaablH lnciuire BUU.IM.K. '2uA Went USth Rt. fONT'T'TLOAN on HONKand MOHTOAOF"; mprored Property, New York City and JSrooklyn, j in Mim to suit o. k. iu:yj;i:. m .Niaun.. 12 to a v m. L. . i UAL ESTATE FOR SALE-WES- ESTER JUEK.N AN.NT. OTTAIiT" Willuinlri.!e. .V. V.. 10 niiauteit frjm utitioti 10 rnuun. all luol . iro improTetnvijIR. rrri.t tlriltnu. JA.MhS W1I.SO.N, 2131'eirlit. JIEALESTA TE FORJALEBROOKLrmr Advert Isementi nppcurhifr uinlor this ilasFldcatloti In "The Mornlntr World" nn Saturday nnd Sunday will lie ii'pi.itd n "The Kvcnlne World" on Saturday or londay (The People's Houst! und Homo jas) without extra chars'1. i VAm"KS'i.'HVl'Un.'.' (( arMulljr Hoitrictnil i I1UI fiMISUII.IHlllM DHOOK I.Y.N'.-- . ritUsl'Kur 1'AllK, Lot. $17nand up. to monttilr, :l . r.r ftri ft rAntilroiii Kultoti IVrry or nrldjrn ' ! riA Hitnusu bto, fInctricrarA, wliico run illrict , to protierty and office, uo Klatju.ti ave., mroer : ! Atp. (). ; i OKKMA.NIA IIBaI. KSTATK AND IMPROVE- - : MI.Nl'l.'OMI'A.NV. ; II. V IIti:Vl.lt. 1 NnWaVrOUY HIAMT., 7 rnom.i bath. Hi 110, liable, alo'o tn Klnxa t'ounty llevilnl, cali; price 83, 500, aim oliol.e lot, 'Jjill'll, I J 50. V. MCMILLAN, ;i'JS HenUlIz it,, -- 'Otll naril, llrnoklyn. A MODKItN 'J.storr and baaemrnt nouse, cnoij oelcliliorhood, jinlnj oa.ti, btlanco name as rent, OW.NLK, MSi Jeffcnonare., llrooklin. 4 11 Mir. 1IARIIA1N Unnfnur-atnr- r Irlck double. cold water llat, with etore, alwara tully renteil. Ee..on for solllns, goinn to oiinilry. Aildrai or He JOSblMl ZOLI., Ua Leonard Ht., uear Mont- - i ro.eiTe. Brooklyn. lllOICh bHOOKLYN realo.tatn tor .ln-N- o. 31) M)UleaTe., one block from City Hall, U.ntnry lad lia.ement brkk lor bualiiete iiurpotp. , Not.. M and 3H Myrtle ave., 4ili75. two trnnie liouo.a. Terr Hultabla tor bulldinu puriiosea, the tine OOl-li- Mlloui.'hl are., UtiMO. buck, t .ury, with eitenslon, north .loo of ttreet, tu tlock from L rtatlon, lot fjuxlout thl. I. asplen did re.idencn and will be eultl rer low: also two lotitdjolnlnithl. bou.e, KH 100. fur J.Cdll I it lurtbar particular. Inquire 30 Mrtle are., Il'klyn t SoK rAI,K 4 elesant brick tiou.ei. Noh. 'JA7 to 3li3 6ltb it.. &Ui43xlOO t.torlH. and bnstnenl, lJroom., '1 baths, buff colored Ironts triintneil In red and brown-.ton- very liaudiunn. uiil.t bo Ipeo to be appreciated, wortll gU.OUO, c.n lie )ought for leas thau 4?,H0U . ai.u 'j red brick ront., vaine aire, for SCOUO, 1 Tory pretty traino lou.e, 20z3Gxl00, 11 looms, all decorated, Itl beautiful condition, it 1, bun. the- - ate bark ills tin b een on preml.ee. 'J57 54 cli !., atMiboiir. ALhX WAI.IiKIIN, owner and bullrte-- . lOH SA1.K C100 ca.li. balanci. Instalments, new 2 atory and ba.emrnt honao, 10 moms and batti. modern IraprnTemeiile, papered throuiztioiil . for two famllle.; uear 1. .tstun, price IJ.MID. I'l.ARLNoK D. NMI1I1, 10 U.I 1'ulton it., Brooklyn. FUK.SALK-First-il- ae. detached hnuHe, B rooms, ill improvement!, prUe, tJ,.i00. extra srouud If desired. Park p ace. near Utiia aye., tuRe Kiukh flunty e lerated, lleraeu et. or Held aie. inrato Jbcaare. thorouvn rnspection i'nltoit BAKIiAIN 3.tnry baiemcnt prirato ilwslluiff, perfect order , a'l ImproTemenr conre.iunt car Hue. pail lit 14 per cent net on a nail inic.ti.ient, to quick uu)er io,500 each. inTHtnr-,lio- ii eekera laieatisate. OWNER, 94 J I a re.uiair. FOU.lAl.i: 1(busa. 101 Jladleoiit. near lSedford ire., Hrooklyn; three storvand basement frame Donee m good order. $5,5JU. Apply to owner, tAy. Sf.oldir F0KAl,r.-lloui- H., ".I ami 4 stori. in. 10'Jand lfil .McllonnuL'b at., near TompWius aie. 1. ata. boo, choice location , Itanttaouiel) lini.hel in hir.l ooil,allthe nnprmeliients these bounce will bo old cheap and onjmy lenns, Jull.N FKAMIK. U(f(,l) 1WO.Ta.M1LY HUUbE. ood order, ll.SUO. $Ji)0dowii, barcaius In tla's and houses tnejT) .erms. iCL'lUIUM .1 I'd., llalley si., ear broailway llUl'M.ii hlloTTlTilUAOiiTi.r.ookln( thiTUfl liau.liurde unit mud residence; i 'k. eunerlor Ilnlali. imr. improTement , U0I Apply lllifl . . h.ir.' Itoad. fAUril h n OTlnir to llwcnuiito ni'ist diepose of a tim.!... neil.i tlat, a'l InitiruTn Oll, J0x4ri, I'l.'itluo, Jti'.oiV'i .rum Jiltl at. lerrv, I (r m Kdecolaul J li'ios or cars K'.VNI.lt. 1 .'4 Jfth s'., llruuVljn TWO SI Oil Vand hiiemuul rli k !i, use, 11 ror.ms Wlnl'i, m llalaoy at m,e older cuuip and firaiyteiina OW.MJU on premises 'll)il (JsT. Till montul), $'J.20l)j two slorv, !r I.lollockaaay are. L'llAlli-Kr- l '"' n.'.t , l!rookli. 513'JLAMl bura I.UOil resldencH, Qjlncr :., "rllell llox j13, 120Uroadwa,. Y. I Ity I.OUO l AMI, tf..3 11) inortircj. 'at .1 I er :el r. , ','""'. ruleliiiaruilee poll ) trre Isl.iry sika i at 17 rooma, all Iniprmj-- i eut-- . fully rnlM well onatructed; larae Income Palluu-- '' ;t lilOKI.rS i:. LOVhTT i III, 61 louit i'.'f mortgAUiT&percVul. ,ri.alnr 'T'lidow llat, seer) linpriiTemelit . deio.ate.t ''iuiitl.i,ut neir Jth a.e L nation u" 1J icr ,"''"'" exp.ns.is. lltLMAIt. 3.ll are., ,1,"VJ,-- . MrnjUyii llf.Al.h fT4.Ml will li ir the White HoisoT "iter.,,, ki... iu ,s - Jferker nrH., between 'liliuan and il r,ii.tlt et . Ilrnok.in. N Y. 'J; J,,l(,r .1 id ati.tienl Irsme hoiieo, U jre rf" s intood ntplltfoil, needs only In be see I frl Xi"'"'- - "' np directl) lii imnor, MaV e (',,i2 " iirei.naea, unit men out coin- - u, ..tn'ai'ii la.eni.nt til ick ii.i' "".' l'roap- -. t I'irk II r inms, all hnii's.'inel .le mate.!, terms tn sun i!" V.' I' "M'lou DI'I.MAll. Sill ave , t ili.M.kiyu .le".' . 'slvOMI l.slofyoulla.einentbrn.tn-Js.j- r i,""' """ b cks troin I'riiepKt Park, in fv .y uupriTtiinent . sinitary pliinib- - lro,.l ""'r si.,aieil thuilKhout, life blol: israiH,1 l.',!' "il-an- lt , ifTT. ' ! ' "'"' "iet lL,'N'l''iif.l. U.1'id. uuii.rn'i'iel. uiii Kliisii. .' ' "!' Il'aiu 1 stnrv I .i.u'iirnt and Itlfif. "no ii.inne oin. .ill .mninun eutsi air,.;",,l",',,,'i" rt 'I orated throiiBlliMtt. lppl Itemise,, Mu'Jihst,. llruoVDo. 'AririSTAT toRJii-e'-LON- island. luuitr '"""I -- Tor sale or I.. It. a rsre ripiier. l!lllh lB"l"rd house and tfl- t.fld- -, luoated "V-rJi- . "' ' fc'an.H.i ..Lore msd, ..lik '"J if' ' '"' Narui.is nsiween jir nle tIsjti ' '"""ll.'ii elevncl isii.en lu- -' tjI l si ,. " ' " " d ou.liui.i's hshliia and lost, f'ts . "' I""" Hal New rn l"isl i. ' ,""' "t t il'Mli it.. MilMl !'"'! aiij .,'.' "lu lU'isil Tia .Id aie, lor per-- . .!"il,Pli,'ll al rAltlll'l f.'s, s0 "Ml .1 !" I.VO.NAliK MUOIlV. Jll 11 liai I ' ..'""''11' ''T l.nal real e ute ajc.iu IU.,;- - llimlll.iii. . I'yi'Hll C" - letaMly si MX I. Ills ,"' er ,",,".' """ Oil J.'ilJ.. at '.'.""''illloii, 8IHI : it ,. HuV'sf.M, '""er "'.".'"lornboiiif.'Si.-S- lerrlU'lt r,!,.e.i I.1,; ,,ln'""-'-- ' 4 ' i.ji.'' iu flwn.n, i ""'"'. t"J. 'J l"! si Miurav nln, L".' I'V ,i,,B block Ir'.ui a'.lllon. l.'.i.Mm,;, '''i Mal.on.'S1 ''"'' '"' OlSli, Diwilyn World. i ii a.,. es.iSSisWTlOti REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LONG ISLAhO l'Oli HALIi at besilllfut llollli- - (jul)n Vjaacol I taeeiontalnlnx ail ijintoTsmeiiiii abrm man. I tels, ftirnaee, eiptiseo pluiubiuc sidewalk-- , p pa ( wilirr, .rectt'o 'Iciits, ei hool, c'lurches and siuree ' from il.yuo tn tlU.UU", cash or raiiiithli pat. I menu same as rnt, or lots, 'i0tl.;7, fur Jil'l and I '.'.l'i,?.,,'!,.M',ml..l"f. Ockits audmap. II1.Y. , Altll X Wrilllltl, 4 lompklns aee, ll'llyi. i "Kill MAt.l , Mapleli.n. Mew Lltccnt. within .H ! bildce or llittery, NenYork- - itau.l solus mini le ijueen Anne dwelliuta. Ilni.i ...I In asli and km iurnace cabinet trim water, mln. ' lias eitn iiiproTeme.il.suhsiantlalty liut.t eilra ixmu'ili reslricleil neighborhood, prn es, t'.lUi' ' Ins, ,i suit, lend fur llliistrA'" n'ani and inrilcilirs. WILLIAM!' 11 M! IMMPAN V, , I ill l'Jl .Miintaa-u- st. Ul lliteaaio., llrooklin. l'llll ,Sl.i:ortorent. "0 lire turn it Deer Park, U I., lime ho le sr.. ciud n itbuilill.n:, APlV' ' 115 Miauli-l- d jtc., llrs.kiyn I ill.IHt'M. PltXI I'll'K am! ilrm .lure tor rale. tuoil Inea'lty ml splendid licatlon. hoisetwo stories, einilstiiu o h rrsiins, all ImproTements, I an store two lots and barn, si' few no aie its moil ii.iii'T. oiieit I'riio. U(,M'( , cssl . IJ,,'0J, . 'tlil-- t b'H.ild iii.nifdlstel) II , bnl 03 World. UHMiNIOM; I.VMIIMl Now Is the tleii" to ecl 'lUHdl-- lets In this beaullf il ulllae - ! minutes fiuiu ill!, depot and Limit Island Miivii jno.l ratlilnc. lioatltn and llslilnm cnminiilsuo" 111 iciits p r trip I J.1 per lot It purchnd L; Mav 1. 'A idress 'or particulars, M lll'IIHAN HOMi:, 157 4l!l lie 10 -- oomaibitm 10 litiTiKtitr Iruit, l site treeat sacrifice, must sell quarter cash MOIIUIM i. Jamaica eloctric road and Hock. awar trestle, Woodliai'n, 1. 1. $3,.i0ii KAltMnrrlh sntel.nna Island , 75 acres, itiiod ullilliiss and fruit will eichanae. HArrr. 1MIS. corner Itroadway and De Kalb are., Il'klyn. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STATEN ISLAND ",',ru)0 W'lI.I, lli)Y bone, haru.""lO lotsi llltlecash down, will exchanite VO houses, tot lijieteiit f 1011 up. DAN Itllt.NLI.L, Uliltoo.K. I. REAL ESTATE TO LET- - OUT Oh THECITt A COUNIUV IIOTI L, Sil rcMima, cbarminc lo. a. tlon, uesr city, will teas. &750. 1ULSU.M nitOs, s;il Broadway. MOUNTAIN Ul M1UI' ItOII I, o letj 05 mllea Iroin city, 100 lurnlshad rooms, hue lake, heal- thy lo.alltl. lunulre DUVKNOHf. I1ALOIJ- - I'i.AL 'Jllleirer.t W'uiIMI'.ltI'.. rape Co.1," Ilarwlchport'. Masa.i nesstlore cottAires, completely furnished, all Ini prmt'inentsi Latluuc, circular. J., 71 Hall HTIh si. REAL ESTATE FOR SALEJERSEt CITY YOU MUST HAVE .CHOUSE Til i.ivi: IN. MM VI I, ANTIC ST.-Ni- :V and brick basement frame bouse (rilled In with briokl, 10 rooms and cellar; every nnventenceand liu- - proTeuieut, A new. fashioned house bail t in the old.lashionei manner, plenty of closet room-whi- your wife will appreciate, l(esd tor Immediate occupancy. Only 4.730. i in: i hit toe 'iu i ri voc. Policies of Title and Firo Insurance furnlahel uithoitl cost to nuyei. bend for our Hats of lloaiji for hale and to Let. A cupyfren for the askini. l.'.H.IION- -. iV OHI'ANYs O'stabllslied 1S77, I'M) I'll Mil I'M l 4, W AVI'., Jlllt.sKV CITV. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-S- EW JERSEY CHAN OKI), N,.l.. 43 minutes I rem New York.on t . Kit. of ,s. .1. , modern houses tor sale or rent, rent 4.ICU to S.7WI W.M D. Hltil'I.OW KOIt sjAI.I. lilt KXUIIAMir The well.patron. li'd Mirlilon Hols'. droie, N. J .Willi all its furniture will tell cheap, as owner has other I uslness. Apply 257 Creoue are., Brookljn. HOll.li:, 9 rooms, barn 'JOxSfi feet, size of pot OOililu iee( ; good louttlonandin good condition, also bargalna in land forF subdivision. J, A, MARIMJ.i. P. O.lloz 41. Itldgewood.Jg. .1. llO.sKl.Ll', K. .!. . 150 tralna dnlyTloU IromTlOO upward MKll.it I1A.MJ, 17.1 Kroadway. f'.'S'lOtSOKAOH -- 'JObulldlnilota, nice village, Monies. SM11II. '280 Ilrjaclway. rooin'JSJ. r REAL ESTATttOR SALE0UT0F THECITt ISEAl'TIKUI. HOMrs'aniliumrner reaidenies for tnlc. very cheap, or to rent furnished lor iiiininer months, delightful o Irnate, exquisite scsnery; b .tins, Hslilinr, iVrlio lor illu.trated fgniphlet lol'. 11. Pass-vo- H.A. Ward. Pott Hope. Onlarlo. (f 1AI OIHJI.n furnished ami unfurnished coun- try huiisea on application. Milts, Vvbitehouie A Hall. 17 I ast 4Jit st I'AHMl ASH C'll'Y PitOPKLTILU for ealeandoz- - Tl'ltiSLlS DUTI.K11. 90'J dates ave. llrookjyn. 1 OK KAt.i: 4'2'screfarm, one.quarter mile of sta- tion , good dwelling, 1,000 pear, 1,000 peach; chcics varlellea , tioe land . possession given : price .'. b50. terms easy: will pay 1, 000 profit this e.r. .1. It. Mil. ONIOAL, Dover, Del. NKW MODERN HOUrtl.; 10 rmmai itram heat; bathroum, rarrlagc-bouiean- d lot 100a 300, Main st . near station , 50 minutes from tlty on Harlem UK Addresn P. O. toz 133, Pleasant' vlllohtatlon, N. V. and unfur- nished houses foLrcnt, season and year; houaes, lots and farms for sale, send for dialogue. Ad- dress ,1. I.UKliUMIN HKMAKI-hr.Nrao- N. Y. l(i:Al,. STAI'i: Ml N. gentlemen, horsemen i I'uutiy retidenre, 3 hours from New l org. 100 acres, house, two barns, hennerf , Ac. . In nn. re- fill r, sliuati d on the main road; 10 minutes' arise irotu Spiliigtleld, Mass ; available for building lute, bargain. Inquire .1 . World Branch, 821 6th are , or box 4SI Mprtngtield, Mais. REAL ESTATE TO LET LONG ISLAND KKAIITIIT'L fuinle'had cottage. I'j oimsrArgyle Park, llaoylon, I. I. JACOB KL1NUK, owner, 40 Loud et.. Brooklyn. BI'.NhONIIUKsT ANDHATII BE botelatn let. MOUlilHKY'a leal estate omce, liatu Beach, opposite stntlon, REAL ESTATE TO LET NEW JERSEY AMUJKY I'AHK', N. .1 I)ei.iraMefurnlabedcot tatceaaud boardliichou(M4t nn, MIIm.h IWS, Asbury Park, N. J. DM.U.HI. ULI.Y attuated turnUhnl residence: modern tmprorementa . stable , A minutes' walk. Addreai for pirintt, t;o.SYKKSl., IllKliwood.N.J. FlfRMSHEP IIOUaK at Hutlierford" N. .1. slrable loieation, Mont rot ave.; liandaomely firnished, ft lomiirt perfect rem; lit mtoutea' walk; ir teiian well .$50 monthly. Addreaa WAlhW'OUTU, box C,i Kutherford, N .1. HOUSK, .1 rooni', all improvementi. Kairinount are., ( atbam, IV. J., pear depot, tine location, rent ijJGd a year. aUo ttirjlriet1 House, U rooma, abuna&nt iruit, barn, oie A.m. f I. Khl.IA', box 374 World. iCtDUhUOOU, J. Life town, new utore to let, rent d'stft, ope imc tor drusKUt, icrocer.hard ware, drjKondu or n.ait.rt, alio residence, 'J rooms and bath, rent Si.5 h. K. HA.NKS, .O.'S ntbave., and Htd;etouu.i, N J. &UMMU i)ftlrabl ll.rouru "duelliotf; water: nti.er tnnuertiuu, lsirKe lot, on Hou'erard, k mluutra tw depot, iuiotity. VA(..Si:U. IPS fliamheraat. .TO Ul M.TlayT, two bon.e.of 21 and 11 lifiug tooin. bathrnoiiis aj oiiTeutoni-et.-, ou tioo law lib, and beLitlfullj, aalubr lounly and con- - Yen. cully nitualed, tb larger, it felrel, rented in parttnenta; jcudeii. Ice, t,racl and poultry house,,, t.ibiO't. and, if desired, root land or Ice ftud f, .Vc, to pirtlnne at hand. Apply on to Mi.. DI'ljA IMKMCI.L. Iroiiftt lex, HorritiiUwn, N. J. TWO tritsito brcu leuideiHM All modern toternci. 1' hllt:UUY ISiBuiht , 'ri Cit. "" " REAL ES TA TE' WANTED. i "" "wfivr i!j.st -- iim: PUill'Lll UL" intid n sv 'iTchnntTfi or rent. i MOMt.U Ji'l".Vlt'K, tiu I ii imo is uif , 7! at , juJ ('..tl ,. iUJ 9Gtii l. "n W "S".Kr Destnptlt-n- ..n-.!- l farma ana nub orbju piopetty fitnln .to iult'ivr Xew Yirk. W Ali;Ulll'KY, .'4r,rotdwa Wol'M) prri'tiAiid a for nr pror!y wil'i laqimr 4aorr. ot iendin.' Aje, .. . l.nt, "Jl" . oi id, ' RLAL FSTHTS TV EXCHANGE. ihK'rKAl Mni hotelt, i jlK furulhfu fr.,Ai.3 in at. lor pa r etcbniiKu u r i itv yro.ustle IlKlh UIMliiii uu tCrf at., jLiiooicljii TTUMA V. 1AYNI. '.'b Urjiiir, n lithe 1 i.! n itrVer 1'a a a'ko nit o( city propert) !Ia, t.m lienti c o am biuioe, lartienodo iiaIi ami lrouj i ur.t. t prop; i rt fp lor .iiklUxl. ilJ.'.ll ' I'fcl'JOli Ati I LXfeitlltitf PROPERTY TO LET. BUSINESS JOc. per line Serin.ll use, 17c, an J .subsequent limes, 1J... per lluleltiaou.-ul.days- . South of Canal itl. ' Lai-K- Lofth to Let with Power. AT 5 VANDhWATIUJsr. Alssi baseme'it and saults. Lulldiug el lipped ."""""""""iWl'.-UBA.N- CI. An, If to ,ln..r or M N J Equluble llnlldlng. 120 Bmadway, New York. ' 7T- - A.. A - BW OVflCrT n.'ILM.NO. 0 aniejPlne an1 13c' atet it.ie;ery modern .o.Teuieic. liarole mi.alc hale faat running eerator all ll.bt i.e-- . low Jlsy 1 Vl'i'ly n premuei. or room 001 A" a .ripsiiiADi.r i.ioiit OrFicr.i in the i,L cui a iii'ii.uiNf. . sll modem couTfnl'ice.. liltWI.ST P.I.T IS. API ly rioill 4W, ou priniia... 138 liilily st. C7lKNnIl hi"0Tir and Isfli" neit locations oowu-- , t0wB.rbu.lu.s...l.-lt- t. ,,, TO l.fiT from Mir 1. flee suit ''''. 'J&.C0." riu'lable lluih.lua Apply iKO A KrlLj; r,iuiiil.l Bel .l.l.a. WO lltiial'iay. room Hj '. - " East Siat Ml'll Ml' LAST, near llriiaJwn -- "irlor and tollo.r.;i.ov.. aepsrateor tosetn-- r. "' ness purpose, or prlrale, lone lea". Int"'" Klrsh'a restauraut. SinfrsXrTorr.AhlMbaidUlfl-El.gaat- l, HOUSE AND HOME BAYSi THE WORLD ': GUARANTEES j Beginning to-da- y, every New York City and ' A CIRCULATION LARGER Brooklyn Real Estate advertisement and every advertisement under the classifications u Houses ; FOR THFSF ADS THAN CAN and Rooms," "Apartments" and "Boarders" i BE OBTAINED jappearing in the Saturday Horning "World"!,: THROUGH d th Sundav EWorld " will be repeated in the! ANY OTHER I : FOUR PAPERS " Evening World " without extra charge. B , AND These Want ads. iu Saturday's Morning FOUR TIMES "World" will be repeated free in Saturday's LARGER " Evening World." THAN CAN BE OBTAINED Those appearing in the Sunday "World " will I THROUGH be repeated free in Monday's " Evening World." 8 ANY ONE PAPER. i SATURDAYS AND MONDAYSJ IN THE WORLD. BUSINESS PROPERTY TO LET. East Side. 55TH RT., 161 EAST (bank bulldingl-Om- cei and basement; suitable for brokers, agents, Insur- ance or any light bualneas. 74T11 ST., 401 EAST, corner fit ave. Large, new storea; good builnesa neighborhood, 4111 to $15. Jaoltor A. MTOil K. A- .- . E. cor. fith ave. and 4'Jd st., Just completed, corner and Inside stores fronting lidst. Best commercial front on 3th ave ; transient and staple trade, best drugglat cor er uptown. t.'IIAM. .. MhV.tllllllt it CO., 6th ave. and 4'idet. A KAOTORY, 20x20. 420 East fd st.; rent J5, UUKUINEAU A miAKtC. 11 Bible House. VSliO, 24i Kast 5'id St. . rent 935. Utierineau A DrakeL 11 lllhlejlotise. COKNf ItTfQUUK bTORE. New Bowery and.Madlaon at. : large pUte.g asa windowa, gondceliart low rent; long lesae. WILLIAM IIUHLKK, '.'ll Lortlandt a LOFTS, spacious buildings. .! Monroe at.; steam heat And power; light on all aides, rent reasonable. C. DKLOltAlNK. 396 Monroe st. LOFTST'25l50. J6zlU0and 7illll0, steam-powe- heating, platform elevatorsfepte.idtdllgnt, rlre proof floors and celliois; rent very low. Inquire elJKlstlHltlt. LOt-T- One, 75"x50, and Tour, with basement, 80x.ll; whole or in part, power, elevators, ele- gant light, convenient location. Apply 33J East lid st. I.OrTR, new f bulldog, 1UR to 1J9 Mott st,, near Grand, power, st.am heat and elevator; very light ;76eet front, 65 feetdeep. M.NOLE rsTORE TO LKT. good business neigh borhood; J0, sJ'.'S, 1378, 1384 Ave. A, corner T4tnet. 1510 Ave. A, nearfl'llh at. hlOKE AND 2 H.OOR.'i. 13 Oroatiy st, ; rent 80. liUhltlNEAU A DRAKE 11 Bible House, hi OKI'. 17 Crnsby st., near (irand st. ; rent Hii. A DRAKE, 11 Bible House. THIRD LOrr, 25z90; llsht three sites; power and elevator.??'.! East 24tD at,, 3d ave. TOLKTOH TO LEASH from""l25 to 135 Mangln at., loft and fictoriei with eleetn power and all cojveoiencea; rentreaaonabla, apply atonce. It. COilEN. 114i 113houtnat. TtTThT A first floor for business purposea. In. qulre 31 East ISto st lOLET-Ezt- ra light first floor, with plate "glass bar window, for business, 25 East 'JOth st. Ap- ply JAMErt MUIK, 27 Kaat'JOthst, Weir Siat, COLUMBUS AVI'.. StIC, near 89th sL -- Store and basement, with two large show windows, rent 73 monthly. bCHOLFltLD A CO., 681 Colsm- - bus ave. UKr.ENWH;H tiT.. 626, near Morton-Lar- ge. light store ; good business neighborhood ; free to May; $13. Janitor. W ASIUNOTON 81'., j AND 830," oppolite liinseroort Market Together or aingly. M. GArr.NEV. 127 Broad at. J7T1I NT., 7f H nl stores with plate. glass fronts; goid location lor clothing, butcher, dry griods and hat atore, uelt to big cneap store 52D fit.. 4.H WEKT-htor- e-, good condition , low rent. Inquire on premliei. 53 i tsT., 610 WEST A new factory building, suitable for manufacturing purposes light Irora all feur aides, will let whole or in part-goo- d height between floors, elevslor. steam or e eo trie power euppiled J, 11. Allaire, t0i tt , .id ei. A A A. K. To let. three floors In corner build. in, 5lllU3 3 sides lignt, with steam p iwer, ele satoi, aiilttraaAtd sprinklers; aim uiie tup floor, same size, and one small floor on .'.'it t ,11 HI N M. ULA V K. II I W e. t A. -- A -- FINE AM) llAE.iK.M iruul logon I wo streets, 671) Hudson si., and li Otll ale, ; ii May 1 : verv light; lowreut. Ap l. allll Nassaiist., roomtUl. A f.'oriNI'.R fACTORV." 631873 stories and cidll.. engine, boiler, ellvalvr; 3 lears' leise. llcHtNIIAMA VAN Vl.lKr, ii.Mhaec. COR.NER-F- or drJgglst. grocer, bnleber or any buslnesl, plate show wiuils ii, I'Jlh.t. snd t If .1 are V'l.'JOlll, Vl9rH1zr.il, guoll'glit iiewbuildlnB", po ler heal ; elevato". 40 Uetiwl.ik St., near La la . OVl'llTS X'n'lt a'lUIUOs ut V1J Btoadway, reuta. 415. SiO and t'il. Janitor, or IHOMAdl n.'Kl.K.ION, .1.1 West 80lhsl. l.rTrT - lOimer llilal. and JUla,-- . Vt3 , t urner ll'li .. auj llitn ai , ,. HI .im II I aie . 0 J.'.' lu.ii ii Co JatlitoT. Or GEO. lirOl.ltl'(. A.S. Aj.t ;ieu ave. is I Oil)'. AND"! LOOKS on 3th ave', ne-- r 11th it ; very nice, reasonable puces, HOI PO.'K, 20 West 14th (. THltrll'l'LOOnis un'ilih ave., uear 8th st", with ' linproTeiiienls wouhl I e gooi tor photogrspher Ipquire iu tore, 80 Gtll av, THHEF NIf'lO.OI'lH. aiilliil. to i.t, with or s.ltliO',1 p iwer , smtai le f r wo'karl 111 wil or nieisl. pi.lv to Alll'.ul.l. UUX AND LUMBER j TO,, J02 1e-- t IIni,.loilst tin lA'f hlore and lAseineniTflfl depth of llruse. II 7th as . a a reiptme ble psrty. will pt tn order loult t. n int. a. sill for all b ou owlo,, ( ou(,MURi lg(jn,t at 'IO 'LLP "hlsant store, la good loonity, suitable for grocery, barker, Ac 7i Cunalo. phersl. TO liET-- A rlralfloor"wlili entire glasi front. Iri. quire 46 West 2ntn St. tAVo"'roi)lrsr50xfun."wiih"or""'wlttiout power llaht all foursides. very low real to desirable paities. Apply 577 lOtn ave. North ot 1 25 tli Strtar. BAKERY 260d 81 H AVE,, mar USlhat.i nsw'y ceeotated ' store and goiq baaer'auven, low rent t lease 10 ult, JANIIOR, V603 6II1 ave. LOrtNlSk I.Ul'lSrtSzlOO. neit, elsrator l.U.sl AV T8 J.N, IdVtn it. and 3d are Miscellaneous Olt hAl.E OR TO LfTSllk rlbho mill, Atted up with hebaum A I'hlingsr's newest looms. Apply or sddress MILK KIUBON MILL. Katnnah, if. Y. TO'XAR0KfATslJFrcTOiSitrXc'lTry"sTtM ca fo jr f allroads spectel indueemeots offered. UAV.NEb A llOIUt, 300 Broadway. BUSINtSS PROPERTY TO LET SrooUrn DEPARTMENT PRlVILIHiPS TO LET In various lines In a drygi ods house nn a prcmlfent corner of the Brooklyn business district. I or particulars address X . box 524 Brnokl)n World. Dl SK ROOM or iart 01 otketolet. No. 10 liar- - field Building, basemen I Hour, all con veil lencer, FACTORY, llifir-out- 4th st , llrookl.n-lliigi- no and boiler, cheap rent. Owner, 50 i Willoughby ave , Brooklyn. STORE, 1161 KuTTon et , llrouklyn-Lo- iT rent , ei. amine, desirable for shoe, atationery, jewelry, any light business. 'I O LET More. 143 Mends sl..newT htterup", plate glass front, adjoining drug stoie, lorner Bridge St., suitable for any business DUKV LA, 1371 Fulton st. TO 16 alalls, brick building; 5 minutes from bridge or I'lty Hall. Inquire at Wlesner'a piano rooms, 296 niton et Brooklyn. TO carters. 1170 Bedford" are Apple to II, W. lUrr'AU. 4,1 lleyward st , be- tween Bedford and Wythe aves , Brooklyn. TO LET Ilrlok factiry, boiler-hous- e ar.d lard 48 "Lexington are.. Brooklyn. I', li. HEWITT. TO RENT An elegsnt corner, suitable for lust class liquor store, for term of yesra.st reasonable rent. Cor. Maodfordand DeKalb ares., Brooklyn. BUSINESS PHOPER TY WANTED. 810 UK WANT ED In a good tenemeut block , havo llcenee and fixtures. Liquors, ri5o Uth are. and Apartments to Let. HOUSES 20c. per line; hecond Time, 17c. Ihlrdand Subsequent Times, 15c. per line. Nn extra charge on rsuu lays "" Advertisements nppenrlncr under this clasHlllcatlon In "The MornliiR World" on Jsatur.la and Sunday will be repented In "The KvenlnK World" on Kntiirda or Monday (The Teople's House and Home las) without etra churse. UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET A lluvie-Sfi'krr- Imrcttirii amirnr lurach isnwof The .vamtii! ll'trfrt. II Ucmmitlttl com H'orld "H'riifJi" oferimj Ituuni-- and jtnln to M, and It published (is euiiifiifemi fo II WW nailer. UATIIIIArE AVE.. I67 "Brlck cottage, ti rooms and bath, Imprnieiiieuta and Florida heater, aroiit.drtuil'.'H. rent J5. DAVID L. WOODAI.l., tOSTremoiit are , Treinont, N Y. AVE., 720, sunllwesi oorner of 58lh st 20. foot three-stor- and brown-ston- e dwelling. 1' ZITIKL, 10J6 3d ave. UENWICK ST , 700 -- J story brick, li rooms tsK. JAYNK i CO.. 214 West 21ilst. oTH AVE.. 130th s. Four stories, 1.1 rooms, ex cedent order; rent low. Owner. 21.15 5th ave 104TII ST.. 83 private house at I station. l,l5il, cabinet rlnlah. STEVENS, fllh ave and II h at 34THfir., 441 WKlT -- lory high etn.in brown stone. 1.) moil, suitable to bo rimed out in floors, re it 41 2nd. (Ihl). I.I Oi.HEI.A.N, 423 Olh ave. 78TII ST., Ill nie (with extension) dwelling, decoiatetaud gssnxtnles, the prettiest medlum-slae- house ou tjo west side, in the Iwsst location, rent ressouable. IIENNE'1 r A IIKAI'K. IIS Coiiimt os are 87TII ST .1109 I.AMT basement house, good neighborhood rent 'JlO. 1(1(1 MM., 71 I.Vsl oeuMadi.uiiave.-Tol.- it, prliato house rent i3o. UlTHhl.. Ill l.AM'-N- iie house, 2 .litis.. II) roo ,is larce garden, lent it 10, 1,11111 il',', Wi'hl. near eletatrd (osv brl.k Uwpill ig, iniprcvsnients, ileroraled. rent ilo. lir.MUAIII.I'.. hoi 117 World. HOUSE TO LET, $55 luo.tln, 'JJ Se-- t 1311 tt , liitweeu "th and rnr HTif. . .ltor tud ItijcU stoop, II iicrfect order nn by "erralt .f VHM .IA. A I'lticj. 'Jinij Tthatt. (MIAllY Jt IM.AKK .ii 7lh ae. , ii. y. wiKNii Ki,'.iir,ih.t. SVVAHIOUTAI (., 1ST hist l'.3lh at. Ai'pty on ,re t, oi at i0 I 1ixituton at , t,"ar.lr'' - ON EAST AND WEST SIDES, three And four Hory houa-- li i uichbot-liood- , a'l lb I'crfevl order audai iiMd'rale reuti. Apply tn Cl.tf I.D U. UKOU N. i:inltable llmldlne, lio Br.idwae, in ork. WHOLE HOUSE AND STORE $85 I t'r Mioutli. ."i .Id me., i a we bloc rfth fctttloa V, braiicli At n sit !' t l.ttiitftor. are,, n.'d it . A A fCU J I AY) . near Adtli et ilandaome 4 story tud tiatrmeni bro !) Al rohditioi. at une will nake vrrv e fun I urll er 'riii.iilart. of (Ml. OIZl.Mi .1 hON. 6'lhtt and.td-T-- I A. KOlTH.S7tl V ijri iom rrownektouf tiou-- e at 'J'Jl Wost 42d at rent T'.'.'.'Oi) Mat I lltttIA.t Li I.LitMt.( .i.. lOthbt, lilHl'l If l I. ne ad b'fii-n- t loi ia t teit, N . IM W.i-- 1 Ktidaff, , 'J7th an.l - t U ut- - i .aut 1. 50j t annuin Acpiyoii preui.-- r A. I.MiiA.NT 4ul baaemeit boa.- - to test, iii'i MadU'!. v, re it rVic.00 ivennnJiu. Apd to i: KII.I'A rillfh, fto t 07th el Al.Ii uTT'PAHr naniitomi. Hett Tflh it . near Oth av r. l)V .NK1I To t UtrUt- - 'ioi 15. LA KOI. and im.p ho net to lei at low rental, boo J itelanborbool Apply tit ttl'r L'h Kl.Nti. etateotN. Low, I C'oilice piata, city iSOCw T0"8l"Wf hT 11HMI M - touel'eanc tjty hlahtsup, brnrTn-'tii- hm-- , .'Oxi'i, eabluat-trlinnte- ttrouhout ea iMtur', Ktatr- -' andfendria. Hrati.lt.t4svtinilitioti t l(i'-- pr Apply on l. ii- - in niAV S. Kr.NJiAl . ','in at., corner I Hit tr r'lHVAlL Hi'l'sf:, ;).irm an taemnl tnt. tl ui)r C7 .'lt-'.- . it-- i .no. no ii j l iff. I Itltl I MOilY a ( baenie it te.iiuct '4 room, i Ut. a i tiudvru in.nr oitk ItAlLi V. 1H3 I'sa.t 10.1.1. i'(. KK.NT 131 Wavirley Tina. H uonia rent Ur.imil.X .1 lUT.SKVs 8S lire "JO I fT- - i'o'ir-itor- brown tone hoo-e- , unfor Diiliid.Tbattteen Oth and Madlton are. . food orderi price 2,r00. o 11 )i 3,455. itrfO'LftO.J-tyhoT- fa Harlem liouaai. UUHlUY'e, tf'jU 3d ara., 112th it. UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO JET, Brooklyn. TO dwelliiiB. .fiS Warerly ate., uer (late are , now felnc put In order, HAVn.A.MK. htlNs, DJ pint on at., Hrooklyn, 10 I, I.T l.riivrii.-lrin-- . hoi-e- trPtie ate , J4U,one on Uid are, , 4 lwoitorr alio banrment iranie, $111, trn--tor-y l.ritl.. .1.1. HAhllNUai, lortier flroadway and De Kalb ave , II rook J n Jersey City. TO LKl-O- n .lerney tlty Melghti. healthy al- -. equal tocltyor tountr. -- U minutes from city. wltn nty iniinoTiMiifntr., t and bAeineiit,t) room-- , onlv tflli a mouth , roo.ua In food order. iu) tii re lo'J Lomtnunlpaw ave. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. TO l.one. lf-- l KeapaL, Hnxtk-I- between I, and Hedforl arf.. partly hoanl for two a lint in lloa of le it Brooklyn. DP KAIJl AVI..t .ri7 Ilniin-- - IfHAtlon, imprnre ment-- , 11 rnon'- -, irould hoard with American f'tuliy, taklnc Mimin-- r rra irt alio. M.WLV I'UitNIMIKDeilen.lon cotlaK Iinuie. order, 4 ro.Mi.- - on flnt llofrj to adult- - ooly , Ifib ter month, with reinaln- - liiwT. Id rmiiiir., 10 minute to brldice L elation and all inrfAt'e tars at coruer. 'SH'2 Oumberlaud at., llrooklin. HOUSES "WAN TED. " ilOlfSK WANTKl) for hfWdffr, '()tTi and nutb ti. , and dd and 4th area. DireLt It. J..1J7 !:! 3:)lhnt. 'flats and apartments ro let A HomrSrtkrrJ tTirtcturti tiiwir tntach t8'i? uflfif .SHitrtfW Wurltt. tt in romjitlert nam tt'tit'ltt li'untfi" tiflrrftiy Ih.uws ttml flats to Iff, in(t ti jfiiOufinl M a cuntciiffir (a Hut ttt Ki'ntttu'H. Unrurnisnea- - ast tiae. I...XIN..TDN AVI... 14711 Cornor flat, R room. u 1 bath, ft'im beatnd, all modern improve- - menta rent. JMo if.M) free to .Marl. l,L.l.l.TO.N AVI! , .H4.. norner 114th at., 4 room and bath, All llrht , rent ftlO. Apply janitor. MAOIO.S AVI:., lf.'JU, near lODtliet. Kiesant flat to rent A room, bath, decorated, refrig- erator, heat all ImprovemeiitB ; price jJJI, Iniiulrn Jiuitor, on premUea. PAHK AVK. . 'J.'th rtt.i:irj,'iui Uat, hand- - potnely deoorate 1; ah improremeota, 7 roouu, ti4 to HeiS. lhT AVK.. 980, Ath at. Mre apartments of threes painted room-- , if S and $'J. l.STAVK.. corner I'itn et. !our"and rlre rooma, rent HM0 .(. .Janitor, 'Jbll Ut are. 3D AVL's. 1874 Mi large rooma, all improTe-liment- a; $17 to 2d. y 11 Til ST.. 31'I LAM-Ne- w a,nr. 4 ro.ima,hot and i old water, ratu, il I, 417. Janitor. 13111 hT . lHa I.AST llent oommencei April IB fine, h Halt by apartmifiitsi, all iniprorerneu . to let theap. lf.TU HI.. 1,19 I'AVr.i.-n- r lrlnr plate-- 1 irat llai.' 10 rooiia a ao third llat, ti tooma. 16111 .Vr., Ml hAT-hingl- n llat, 7 rooma. all lijcht, Iia and dlnius-roo- heated, all improvi tiieuta. lorilhr., aouFAhl, nnar'Jtl be ilaia, b room and bath, iiuproij iient l I.', ?.I4. 71NT rT, IU PAM noiiirthiiitt rhoii- - 1 .rr, J'fuot ainnlrt t.at, circular Iront, bof mio.i nlnt tooma, tonrth tloir, 1JO i. 7JD SI' .40.1 J.AM'- - M ely .Imotatfil Apartment a, .1 A3 4 rouma line looillty thuap renta.lm i prjfein-fit- 741 It ST . iJ''. r.M' Pjt or lloor .ml baieuii t, lent inotljg,t iiaa teeu dortor'a otlios a nuinbrr ot year. In (tilrn r prciiWiB. SjI) aST , li.'i L'ASC. rorner l.tiimrton are Lcr.ur tUt, 7 touina an I bath, all peifovtly light. Inquire Jacob Dnnkel, 14.". rat rtiit at MfH hi . lu' t AST Apartmi-nta- .1 rnuma, cbbiiti location, mmenlen I, ttation, Leutral Park rant Janitor. tla'tTII hV , v.1. KaM 1 Ive lartre, Itgnt rooms, no Air nliMt, all liuptoemvtita. FREE RENT TO MAY 1. TO Lfcl'-'I- O I.BT-I- O I.LI. 1'LLAS.Wl UME .Milliiilh,. HiiM 420 Ti) .'.! Pi:il Mri.N'l'II Th- - ehai't J aud 7 room and batn all improved tteaiu-hate- and arpptel halla tiew dtturaird Apol iu janitor, .!B4 Plea-al- aie., I ttweru 15lh and lltith eta, FLATS TO LET." i t Komi., a.m. ii at ii iu;m ". ri ' U'l'IA Till .in AV. ., Mlt To t. A. CHI IKMIA.M. tllmi HlliMliU . Till. K M'll.l,., n roer Madlion ate, and Uth tt. irietal cliarm inn iie apnitiiieuta ki itberil aipoanre i riMona and batn u litfbl fuel matei. tam be.t , ratoi Appt ti janiur ir 1IUMI.II IIOSIWICK. t Park ave. aud Hdth at., and 243 Col imtiua ai. , uar 7id at, TMI Itlfll'MTON. MOan 211 rait stti.t, I Sis room an atvi. m ko1 ordor. 1flJ and tVO. Api'lr to janitor or IIOMHt lUiMUl k. Park e an I ef-t- at. A- ,- t HOICK M .t.Lt- - I l,. a U4 r.5n.i, parlor & b'in't 9 .a rye rooma t4T, V. Jill ra.t Mltlt. oud tlat 7 large loouii o oo 4 67 "thtlit,7laraero mm an i hath in mi YOL'.M. K.IAtP, i W.t 4 J.I A. -- A t At . UP iS Tilt .1 .MlOlt "I the i . penard, M a .d 1 lAt ('it'i t iil ..niii4 yo i r raa l ie mo. de raM. a pa-- t. ui.it io rnt lo tliMt-'i- Jar e. diiij anil we i trutliatal APAUIMl..NTj-rb-- ee rooma with imrwemn a in iwlrv jaii'tor. 5SI eit istoo aie Unturmsrei 'Vest Strl HKOAPW AY. U4. teifr 3lt and J.' I at - ma!l and 1ar.oaufh fot huainfa, ,.- - v, tit a eetator ntdra.if enti mott invtt vni cm a tlon tn 'ny. I OU MiU' AYI. , ., Inlet ilaiT S r . in i and bath al' Improvement hited bail, X jam tor on preuiiaea rent vary th-a- n $18. ClUKKNXtini hT, tlM, urtr MoTcpii "iTIegani Infill front ApArtmante, tiet order, new buutt, ImuryTeimotat ill, (13, Jauitwr. 4 W AND APARTMENTS TO LET. Unfurnished West Side. .Vns M , 1 , 111 li r l t, arlenct.d apart t tent a 'he.ip nue location, Iminlrii an tor 'III AP. mrner jTill at, Menant (lata S rooma bath decorated ifiimgh poiiheii wool toik new I. o jac". rent, JS, iii. oili. e JH4 7 h n e kllllM . tUt.M Uferient tlat ol 5 room, ou eiel vrlth atn.et . m'Wl) Ainled lod devoraiM I.M'II rtl.. 'ij: AM) Ji) Vsr Hoyai an1 Pei'tleiK .Small Mimic llat. .1 aii 4 loom, nth, imprutetnenti i l tp fl to ll hi., .'.ii. . i I . ttra lane,- - mht iront lltt, newly pt ei .l, rl-- t till tu tucemf)it4, J1H m' . tir. O I !J1 W.M- - A.art- - metit. ft ur ionntk nnd I nth tenta, fl to i4 Ms! s , j, u M n.i t apartment, le-- t dei iip? ltoiie ilttrt t light . all impr.ite ne nte 4 Jimtm . .'Mil M , .'J.Oii JJiHi.il Vtiela au1 I Nial tui.i'y tlat I r ion., all iiiiproro nrnta, J0 In 4ih .Till SI .M7UI.ST etv 4aml4 imima, hot atitl tolil .mhi, ranae, ill. Un da titnr. Mill M . tuntteaat .rnei I lit ne t rtief t Hi, all .ipoeitttt- n nu itil to if; J , tly Janitor 1MII hi' . .'41 i heerfulaparliiieiit dir-c- i lUtit:lptrlrr new oie, a. nrproriuiPuta. M". .latiit-.- Mil II l . 211 lt ill Us I Nevi boo ra, three aid foul room at artmTit, Tf,.i to 15 dimb vaitrra. el tile be U. Iiut lath ttee to teuaiit, iiOr rtn el floor t'ra It lied ir.lHM',,IM Wi.sl I an I A room apartmnt4 ulth all hnproveinentis) en epi liatll, eitra large ootiiH an I lin-I- kid hen . lent rli to aVJ i, to mall ind ele t fmulllea. too, ilre Janitor or K Kl( Ml., 41.0'Mliave 1TIII ST., 411 Wl ,sr Clegant licht apirtmenta, b- or lei , new houae, Im) ruvement tlJ. M4 'oi. .'nnlt r It.lll M , 4J4 UI.M New aiiattiuKUta, three large nn.m-- , newly pnlntel, s tn fll, neai, luiet lintle iJDrtl.. Ml. '.n, il7 Wnl look ' niet t room npirtmeita In th ntr . am ll taoliliei. onlj Tory room painted .e)l mauage.l $llf to aw .M1MI , ,m M irt )lir.T iojiiii and lath, at low rent ot . Jatittreia V71 II hi.. Vl AMN.I Wl ST. eat Park Plata light rooma eegatit, alrnm heateit fun) (or rang", eleratur near l.atatlon. Ai.pl to janitor, inril si AM) IOl,rltlN AVK .Mre ateam- - t eat'd tlat", T and 7 onm and bathroom t re Ma timlt-rat- iitsir elevated Ottlnu Janitor, lU .eat lUt li ! liOril hT . I hi .leMmhle atPan.Uente.l 1aa,4 mom , vilth t.atliro im imiIi moderate , i tone to delated nUtiiiu and tret-iara- . Janitor, 1U3 i it 111 M r 4 11 tr 4U UI.M 'l legant al tht Inrae tooma. n.ftaiu beat perfnl ventilation, 9.1U tJ .Mil l M., '''. W LSI -- Light ateam heated apart- ment, Pud lot alion for tin- - aummat low r.ut Janitor. IHtUI' Ul' 1l? I w II. ,l. ...... .!..- - tt. ...-!- . lirim 11,., ,eftl rl ' IIAIillv.rillv lll.rss, ,liyiril with nil i nuvtMiiiwiCM very luhL and mr . denti able teiianta mav hive J monlha" rent frie I be4o ho'ima ulll b kept a, wn1,! hi though tbuy Mere on Mil ave hre janitor 1IH1I1 hi., a!7j TO 77HU(Sr Oueinoirhfr.e, ilionted tlala.Mith alt improvementi 4 19Hil , refrre'n e re.jnlre.l. MENDELSSOHN GLEE CLUB BUILDING. HAfHKI.OU APAUI'MtLNTh, ll't Weal 4 iHh t.tre,el, Letween llreadway and fllh venue. hriUt II.Y PlltlCPllOOr Jnit tin tilled and ready for luapectlon. Nulla nf two rooma with tint ha M"tm beat, electric ant gaa light, elevator ar vlt., etc., all luclnded tn rent. A few tlealrabln auHa atill remaiti unencage, Pur tiartlculara Inquire at office ot 1. (. llOUU.M'. Agent, J Wat JJ1 atreat, or of Janitor, CONVENIENT TO STATIONS. f.th anrl Uti ave elevated. flat of eeven rooma end bath, tl35, In the FENIMORE, 442 Weit f)7th at. Apply on premlaea, 7 UDt.sll M IitTII, NOS llfiTO 12i WKhT lilt) I'll HT. Theae elegant apartmenta. 7 rooma and hath, reasonable rent, private hall, janttor'a aervke. Apply to my on pre.nltei. or MOW AIM) I.. 1'INCKM.V, Manager of Kutatee, 71 Itroadway. .tiooi.i. FiMT-a- . .iio.NTH ihi:i:. SINGLE FLAT TO RENT, hit rooma and bath, to a atnall family, reference required. App y to ft" I.KNOX AVP. 4 oi.iMimi ri.ATM. Apartmeutn to Ifaae. I. er 7 rooma, flrat claaa In all appoint ntent a iHS. to a)fiU, lanitor and agent on premiara t'idumuiia are., lllftti to PiOth at., laiiug Mornlngaide Park A -- ( IIOK h rollNL'll, C, riHima. Weat rnl ave., I'dt'iit.. H4II 17lSp-- t VtHli at..(. nmna. 24 , 17.1 Weat '.(.'ll. at. . H rnomi. ..U. 7.11 Amaterdam ave., 7 room . ir2t, 926 and ii". Apply at ottue, 72 I Aimierdam are. A OaNXFLAT or eight room and hath at 'if. Weat OUt at elevator, ball aervioe, Ac j rent fl.UiMi. Janitor, "r PllOMAH .. ;t Kt HSON, 35 at. L'llOK'i: M.ATH to let in the atrirtlr ttrat'cla: apartmenthnuaea, (10 to 7.1 Went HSth at. , avven rooma and bath, hall and attendamet rent 445 to $Cj. hUHOlr-HKL- .t CO . Al t'nlumbiia ve., corner Hlb at. A. I I.I.(AaNr tlaU, 7 and 8 rooma and' bath alt hardwood and nicely decorated. Apply tolii Meat H4thet Al THI7 hi. AUOlLsriNP.. 2(14 Weat ft7lli at., near Broadway deatrnh'e apartment, H roein and hath, 41,000. O A Mf.iii,.',1 Liberty at ,or Janitor.uu premlaea, at 'im: st. jaii:s, No. '6S Hh are. near 57th at., deeirabte rial, ait rooma, iJIi Janitor on preraiaea FLAT.- - ON Till- - lT hll)h. corner Houlevard antl Weal Slthat. Pight rooma and bath, t.M) tn i 5 fte.eo rooma ami bath. 410 tu4U. Large, light, we t ventilated rooma decorated, ateam heatod. Apply on pramliea. No". 250, 25J, 254 and 25i'. Weat Mtli at . or J. r- - Willi KI II, 27M lionleTard.near W 7.Id it. Willi OK UIIIIOUT hIKAM 1IP.AV, ligtit e teiitllat'id apartmetita, at rea. unable rente. Apply on premise-- , 4(J Wait 58th et.. nr tn J. I. llUAkPU,'.,7'4 Ibmtevard.near W.74ttl at. PLOOUian part" of house In private reldeitcea at lot rate Apply to Itl't-u- KINO, ageut rotate u( N. Iron, 1 l otlac lace, dty (4LHKHT. V4 We.t 104th t., cor. ave.T eeveu rooma and bath, all tight halt Xc .rent 44 J. Apply pietmaea itp.sr PMKL TO MAY 1. 1 Oh th al. and Un'iiiuiMia are. 5 large, liaht tooma, newl decoiatel, with Impro.emeuta . rent 41.. Jnnitor IHU t olumtnia ave. MtTOKlA, 11th at., nrar Ctti and t ath, hat 1ri.oratet, all new ; Iu v renta Janitm, 07 W. ImW.NS, 154 6lh ave. Unfurnished North of 125th Streit. lsp.ni hT.,27H l'sr Plat S rooma, quiet houae, pruate bbrk iflti to unall famillea only, 12.HI1 hT , 51 WIM Pirt tlat. teim luated, ' (' r out, tiatll tl ett mauteU, gaaloga, if ii. tour- - Iron janitor I 141 II M . mJ1 ) AS -- Newi;.roinau'l batbllat, 0 i'j pmal fainili, 41''. Sen jmilor 141.VI hi., '.mi j M i !!. mttion, 7 to., m a and bath pri.ale luMa, tli lo 4J7. Janitor. hlSl'LAllt. -- b' W'lAV UJl'K hi to-o- llat, i room And ht!i, auiall, aelect famuj o ily Furnished North of 125th Street ONE BLOCK FROM - ST A HON. Ihe larg-n- i (lata of 'i room- - an bat b w.tli diiunj room, all luM room.deioratCbl ,t heated nail tenia fl'.i to tii i an bo aeu I'Viim,! an I .suu daj, owner Jd ;auitqr ou prrioi-- in; to 125 Neit l.Otnal. (12 lOL'l! HOOMn. 1 t'pght, overlooking on rbatltlng kcenert tnllllO'in.ra neUhtOrhiMHl et flualvelrrespectab.,) ul i.ta Weal 1"2 at. Unfurmshei Miscellaneous. Dtsintlilo Apaitmonts to Let. ,I'uUuly, lC2andloi averley pljce atu.'n heat elevator, I ai boja, leotal, i"'i j er ruonl'l 'Irington anil Hotklaml. Id', io 142 Neit It tn at , ateam 11 lei and halt toh rxnta , V-'-J t fi.-- i St. .lolui, Wavo Crst and Coilarlimtp .1 "i to 41 I aal 5(lth i oppoaile oMiibia "oileje, team he&te J al hot irntai, 45d to 7u Sutlu'il-iuil- , ",UJ Ma llon -- ic aietm .it v'ontor aa 'ul. boa teutal, r75 to Ui. St. Clemont, iC W e.t i. t j tapf f ri teat ruolrrat. A I p y to janitor on pren,-(- -. or to I. J. KAMt It. 11 UOVO, i '4'uta o r.wi dttiff, I.1 j W3vdwiy,,Nfv YT VnfJMis'cd5roohn All. MIr AV. in ieir Dio.klrn av .r e iia -- Pjat id r , 4 a Kitt m Hi ..jl n t .t Apr uu'lre. On ,M ij i ,ir.ve ne t h .'. 4ipet i ii w ed an nnti jai.iior iriv . il vVVh .1 H MIS 143 ru ton at ..frill i.; r 4lf.oritrf Penn ai To let. aisgiecr ot ttt, ii" i. a d oaiiirttou , itram leatrtd and ji. mm urrmenU Hiat ,ia oirr and can be "fn aor tun- tent i J VA.NDlJUUl.r YK., 111. Hrookljn-- ro let. tUt & ronia an 1 lalh Landaomeiy deorated hand faintel tetllaga, 14 mluutea to New York it Ii atation a corner, rent ouly $22. Apply ca prtu.ut to jaoi.gr. j HMMaVMiMkaaiaia FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. On lurmsnea-arooklr- n. FINK PLATh. 13( rooma. bath, all Improve- - tnentat .15 minute to .New York by Kin tie County l.lcvated April ront frei. Kohbioi, 'JU HAlpn ' are., Ilrooklyii , 'IO LK'l Hat, to aec.ire cnoio of apartment in i the Hlteralde applv now a few weeka later hun- - ' died of paoiiif) will tall tor apattmenta and cannot i i be aiiomtuodated. a I Minllghtetl rooinn tire I pioot alatri a a aepatate water-rl-aet- i, aink ard tub lor ei.ti apa.ttnfnt large private para, Jl t rental. tl.tU) tn 4 I p". week. Send tor llluatrated i.rcular Aaent Htvetaide,2U Joratemonat., It'alyn. , lo L I I at, 4 and H rooini, I4 an I $J5, at Jfil t Uftort piaie. neigliborhoo t and ' Iloie, otitlde Mlndowa only, remlent jintlor, ala tlrat ator) and baaement Hit at MU J lledfrd ave, ,414 and 4H. alaolt H5 Adinia at., 4 rdrtma. fli.aea janit .ta Ontier. J. O. liMJVt.1., lMl ll 'mien si. , Itrooklyn, Furnished -- East Sitfe. AITU'CTIVP. light, Hal, until Oitobei. lniulre UO V ejt 33tli at., .Id I ell mat, FurmshcJ West Sid. 7111 P, l.M. Purtiiahed llat, 7 an 1 lath, trvatenill.at modern coieuien et. Ap- - plj jiuit tori S ItAM'.t:, arrnt, i70 W. I II. In. IOi II - I , KH U I at of .t noinm nl.ely tnt-- i nWiiel for Halt l.oui.e.?epinjit 45.t') weekly, oiitaldei bn JJHM.. MIWI-- Pan of 31 tloor lo let fur- - nitliet or untu riiahei I 'itl all week, .liVf-- r . .r.H U I hi Pur aate, nlcsly furulalied t.at. lltoi, Nagier ' 10ID hT . Mo WLhT .VeMt. turtiiahel t'.at-- , 4 and 5roimaand bath, id four near AtUlmi, oni, 6,15 mo.itu,, iclerenei reiiulred. Itmtlctt'a belt. lll.Afs fiiriilaiml no laati teiutrod non.riy weekly paymtlilt. In v piuea i I Arc. '.'4 i N.2 i iorit and tlala. iiimiabad complete lor lioiiaeeepiug, t7..0 to l'l weealy. tMHoOO toon it y r apriia'de people tmy. Janttot, oi'i 7tbave Furnishei Miscellaneous. riMH'1,1 ri LY t 1 llMhllt-.- tint. 7 tooma, or wi I neli in or ant part uf tutmture Apply Janttor. 117 WV.t ftCth t FLAT AND APARTMENTS WANTED. Unfurnished 1LT U AM P.I), :lor 4 rcfimi, aboui fl? or 114, t em r aide tet.atita no thl dreu. reterencea, t, otk or rirooklfu O I) hut .171 World AMi-- i A parfiT if tor, aultalne lor a cluh, muat I e iiltniii walking di.tani ei.f the Clt Hal , Aildieaa. ataMui termr, Seeielarj, J , boi 5JU llroi.k in Moil I M ANTLI) Apartmenta of 10 light room, wltn all Improtementa, fnr private family j bx atlon be- - ween Mth and .Mult at". , an i 5th Area , It prhwi hetwoeu ,(()() and 4l,inJj. Ad Irrai L. 1... 4.U l.aat Tlit at, ROOMS TO LET. FURNISHED per line, rWnnd Time. 17c and flluei, l.)C. per line, sNoettra i hrge n hundara. AilriiltuioMtN uppoaihiK tinrlrr thin chiKFllkutiim In "The Morning World" mi Hutunlny ami Sinnljiy wUI Lp ropontctl In "Tlu I.Mnlm; Worlil" on .Siittinlny or Mnmliij (Tin iYnil'B Ildime und Huit lits) without Hira olutrKO no i:tii ihik:i: roii it. Adverllaemeiita for 1 1 IK WOIttJJ may he left at an Ainerltiiii Olitrlcl Meaaei.cer once la tbti i Ity, vthcre the ilmrgea trill be the Mine ea tho-j- at Ihe main office. . ,.., . Last Side. IIOWLItY. 3n.near Canal '.Montauk Uotel-Mc- ely fnrulahed room, hot an I cold water, ga. bath, heat, dally papera, gentlemen 35c. nightly, 4- - weekly 1KVINO PLAf'K. iiamliomely fur- - nlahed parlor floor, a no other large rooma; reaaonatde, all coovenltflcea, referenoea. 30 aVP..7A- - hlegant furnlahed front DArlori'gaa, bAlh, nloaetai for one or two gentlemen 3D AYF... (.4, corner 21at at- .- Doubt and gingTe rooma, gas, bath, houae very quiet, detlrable peop, 3D AVK., 10112-T- wo nicely furulahed Farge front rontni, runuing water, cooking-atov- d'ibea, .J.0 weekly. 41 11 SI., 52, near Bowery Cicely furnTahetl rooma, two itentlemen or couple, 3 to 44. 0111 HI., 49 KAHT. near Hn.adwaj I arae and amatl rooma, parlora. or aeparate, permanent or tranatent. lltll HT.. 57 LAST, near Broadway-Ur- ge and amatl rooma, nicely furnlahed, from 42.50 tu (5. 12111 HT., J J HAST -- Three nice rooma, i. and 43 good location. 13 Til hT., 22J PAST TTegantiy furaialied front and amall room, board ontioual, prown-aton- e home, gaa. bath. lflTIl HT . 343 PAbT-Nlc- elr lornubed rooma, cheap. Three hella. lOTIi HT.. 203 PAH I -- KlegAutTy furnlahed rooma, a tillable fair man and wife or two gentlemen i alao doctor'a otTir e ; referenoea. 21ST Hl'.,r43 F.AH1 Nicely furnlahed large ami ainall rooma, running Mater closet, alao parlor. 27TII SI" . 117 F.AHT-hm- all. neat furnlahed iront room for a gentleman, all convenience 32D hT, 10 PAKT liandaomely furnlahed rooma, large and email, all lonremencea, breakfaal if dlitd. . 54111 HI , 212 UMT Large, liandaomely fur nlahed rooma fot light huuaekeeping, moJeru Improvement-.- . 41hTSl'7 324 ladies or gentlemen, aloovn room, alao llgbt houiekeep ng.l .VI up 42DhT.,3lb Nicely furnlahed room for twogentlemei light houiekeeping, coneen fence , terms nexjoaole. 431 H hT . 13d KAST Handiomelr furnlahed back parlor, amtahle fur two gent emeu alao other room o2DHI'., 233 rooma or aenlle-me- only; private houae, low price, reference, 87TH HT , 54.1 KAnT llandaomelv furnlahed par- lor and aleepiog room tu let lorone or two gentle nen, private uelghtKirhood, termi moderate. Ilermou. D7TII hT. 15A KAhl' Nevly furnlahed room, uitable lor oue or to gentlameo, term a reaaun able. Janitor. 107 Til hT . 224 KAhT-rhr- ee nicely furnlahed rotona tor light hou'ckeepluv 43 weekly. 12iD HI'., 254 KAhl rurnlahei room In plivaia Jewlab family, auitahle for doctor'a olhce FUliaMslIrtI) HALL ItKDIlOOJI to let Inquiro at 1574 lt eve , tirat tloor, frout rVt--5 Side. BA.N'K 1ST., .2-- -r ront aud bark rooma, gentleman or houaekrpfUst. gaa, bAth, laundry, 41.50 up. PfcltHYT . 5. nar tireetieich ave. -- Connecting rouui, nlmly luruiabel. from 4i up. WAhUINC.TON PLAIT.. Ill, filh ave. Large fiouij room; foluljg bed, ample tloaeta; 44, waabfug coivuieut. 41 11 ST.", "66 Wr-sr- Waaoirgtou . qua re alialy furnlahel rooma for oiaekeepiug or gentlem h, rent 42.50 up. CTII AVK., fii't" Pnrninhed roouu, large amall; lefereuce tor gen I emen only 7TU AViv, 45, be lth anl Uth eta I jr rooma, with alcove alao e.e, ant front at. parlora hut and cold wtter, hat), 4c. Bill AYPs, (et lor houaeueepii g i. i a id bedroom u'telj f Jiuialifd, clea i uu I p ant 1111! S1, (.4 WIHT-larg- e Urlor piano. Mil togbed,alao 2d i.oir, tuaniug water, bain, uth r roo in a. 12111 .ST.. V r.M Deairabie aitutv loom , double and iugic Sojitiaruer ac uuiniJatel, central, reaao-iaol- no moviua 15111 SI , Wlhl Large, well.lurmatied ru ma ht tod cold outer, all luuveuleiuei . prti ea moderate ' l'J I'll hi.. 31" Wl.sl' Large front room, id ilo.r. hot ami mid water, private Iiuate and td"ik l'Jlll S., 27 WKiT Purulahed noma, tugle and double a'ao Iront i arlor . reiaorabit Mu- table for light t ujaekeettlug 20111 hi . 1 JJ ttrsr-Ne- w y farmahel room for t'o lath, ruuuim; water, foidmg-bel- , refer rice if. Vlsfhl., lSft'WP.hrl.arg rjom to let, i.e.oui atort, frout , all ouvrniruce traDaleut avium niodate t. 'JIM hi . i4i WLM wu nicely Itirnlahel, ron- - uecting rooma. par or tltH r auitatte for tu or tnire geuta or llgiit houtekeeping 21M sT . 41V Wi hi Handarm quare rniin alao larce frou ha'l roum, private neigh hood no moving. iSD M , I51 rt KM" -- I ar.it icom, aoutberi ei i aure, 40, another ii.atrictl) privita noue gent leuifu prtf rre I. 2U) ST . i Ll N l.s'l-li- an l..m- - turnuliel rooma, iiiglynre.i lUllr. privt'e houe, Lenly furnlahel , Ldl0gbeja 2JD hf, 357 W l,.Vr lloom. nandanLuely fur-- I uUtied teruia reoiiab. toard optional toy deaita'i e location 24 I II HI 3IM'PST Nue r.'om private lanulv eter piaalllr iOQieu euie 1 r lto geiitnuiru (i ."iu Ayre. 2411l.il .OoWj-- 4i 50 upiar t'tarae aq are airi looiuk aoiitheru citiure, breaataat ati d gent, touplea .'CiHM,. 2W t.N NiCMiy furui bed ro una au"AU.t for if hi houae keeping, Allcouvrnieucea, term. uoierte ja. batti I'iTilf r .0I Hhl Ha) room 4i front "aim! i ar oi tuetiiei or aeparate, all icuvrtu-- j ence. 27IH si 4 " i lie WTton liandaiiioeU tun la .e l iom i ,ir t an a'Co id t. or hit eTer "nim.dition reatonanle, J7I ll tl., 57 N .M lUti laomely tuionlie.l a 'ate tojiu, fium Ci 50 up. near ata tun gf ti i iiqnrn, 211 hT , 4tt WrM ilmieforal Ikociu,, - itaiiilaiunrlt H nil he to inn, wlih I ath 'Pill hi 41 Wf'sT Parlor rloor en u 1 n aineir nririte bato. buaintaa vr private, alao fiiiiilaied rom. t .".Mil si ,m'j A M Niceiy fnralaneil ir nt n ii for houaaketping . i n it ncro"iii, fj, or a ii (le loom, t SO I T J7 t KM" JT two connecting In m io a, iiiu . iuri"aie.i ior iult hoj eketrK- -, r bit au1 o ort 'Usl sT. IJ Mfr lAKoi MelMMUMJiK. )KP.sjKi:U O.l IAM1LY, OlHl'il KO ih. 35! II M . 36 WKtr e.oid il.H.r front alcove room, ctrer a)i to 4Di, break faat opt tonal, 3ft IM hT , .1U8 VKsT La ga and'ataalfnlcely fur nlahed rooma to let for geatltmen, 39TH S f, . "jSiTrt'Efit. TdrnTaTaaaTouMTluceT? iLiulibid tcota aadbtdreouij Uouitkavpiog ft, - FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. VM West Side. " 3HI It HT.271 VVRKT-Ba- ptrlorialao tqnftr ) roo-n- for hojiekejptag, twoconoeetlax roome, ' . i PJO M , 20! lurniihtd front f ream, m&ll room adjoining, will rent separately ' orenau'ie. 4..H hT., 13! WKhT- - Nicely furnlahed tooma, ea . auito or aluglyj referencea. 4.MIISr., 21!) WPHI' Haadome large and amali All r tnrenienceai home comfort t ' terui roatonahle, ileairab.n location. 4 5 T HT.. 1d parToTfToori doo- - tm, dentlit or other hualneaa, Alao a nut, re roo ml large roeta, ruuului water, bath, folding beJi , private family. 117ril ST, a? J Wl Hi -- parW anTrbedroom, fur nlahed nar L atitlnn. h round tloor. 1TW hT , II WCtT Muelr furalaned fjomiglT conteniei cea , reifonable amall American fam- - ily. Mra. Croil-ie- ' "HOTEL VENDOME. Suits of t.n or thres rooms, with ptlvats halt . n.l bsth, ultuorvlthciul hnanl I I'llNINIII'llnr tint, sltiglonr en suite, hamtaom. private resilience, West 5lltli st,, near &th ave, 1 Iminrillate ,,.e..inn. OWNKK. I' O. tiox IB. l.lfti.E I'UKMhlll.n HOD. I to itt torteogen ' tlemen Lnli at ioj West 46tb it., tint bell. ' Aorth at 125th Srrsi 157TII ST 21 VI:sT llanoanmelr, furnlih.it roum, gentleman an 1 wife, also single; private hivjss. real'inltile. 123TI1 ST.. ,H Wfcir" VuriiTshect'Jlat. iteara nest. r rnnnis, liatll, tilel mantels, gal log.i rJIS.cuiirteuis janitor. Miscellaneous. HOTEL. VENDOME. Single rooma, with or without bath; A merle a or Puropeau plan FURNISHED ROOMS'tVANTED. (..LN n.t.MA.N lieslres permaneiitij fnrnllheri double Mum, near Madison srjnare Replies. stating Inwost terms, X., Imx 335 World ItOOMS fnrnlstieil for limiselteeDlngl Man and son I state terms, .le Permanent, care advancement office, lUMIIerrker st. i HUM ( Ol'I'Li: want twu rooms, light housekeeping, Iu refined tamllr. R., bol nitTUptown World. i BOARDERS WANTED. per line, Second Time, 17e and huoeequent Tlmee, 15o par Noel Ira charge on Hundaya. AilvrTtlHiMiiontH nppfarlnK under thTa ' rlnnnlMcatton In "The Morning World' on Satiinla atitl Hunduv 111 be repented in "Tin K ruing World" on Saturday or Monday (The lVoplr'n House and Home) Jayo wltlioiit oxtra churKC. .NO PXTIIA tUAlKiU FOlTTir"" AdTfitlaeiutnr j inr J 1110 WtjULD tuay be left At utiy Am. Ut jii Dialrlct Meaacnger Office la tfalg city, where the chuntej will be the game U L thofsu at the mulu oOlce. East Sid$. MULnP.nUYHr., Mt. near Grand-flo- od bord , and room a, 44 to 4.30 a week. UMYKHHITV PLAOP, 1:4, corner Uth Urg i and amall front rooma; running water, eioetlenk i lable. terma reasonable. 7 3D AVIi. 154, near 15th faro ie bed ! double room, with or without board; twageotle J ment reaaonabte. j OTll HP . 4li KAST, nearUroadway-KfegAutroo- mt 'j with board, permanent ortrauaient; geotlemea or fatniliea, i OTH ST., 5tU.AHT sunnyToom. newly furntagei, with irood board, home comforta, geotlemea 5. Iadlee44. 10TH ST.. 110 KAHl-N- eat furnlahed room for j two gentlemen with boa d . 12TII HT., 2iJ tarnlabed baelt 4 parlor and other rooma, excellent board) mod f erAtei private boardlng.houee, mlf HT.. 3i3. 223"EAHr-Nea- tir furnlahed large god amall rooma at moderate prlcea, table board. 1RT1I ST., 39 KAHT Large and email room, vita or without noard, at moderate prloea; elevator. l 23DHT..H KAHT, near Hroadeay-hanaa- ooi large, email rooma. aupenor toardi molerata price, uneiceptionable rnferencea. j 39TII Hr., 11 ant furnlahed rooma, en anite or alnaly, eicellent table, traoitenU ana j table hoardera accommodated 1 20Til 8T.."lJ(i od amall rooms, all r; f convenience!, with board- - 34T1I HT. IM EAbT-Ur- ge double rooma; board optional, owners J 3'JTIIKt.. 137 KAHT -- Cent. 45: I ad lea, itm; all Accommodattona j parlor and batb. if 4 1ST hT.. 241 EAST Urte mom for two wltb j board , also hall room , genu, 45 , tabli boardera ! wanted. CMll HT.. 10(1 FAHT-Hlna- Tte room, to, ST t doubla iJ Jt room, $11 for two uniformly good table. BOTH HT., lift KAMT-T- wo ha ndeo meliorate hod rooma, with eicellent board; private Uermaa family. Ieuahuta. ' 1 34T1I HT.. eoiitheaat corner Islington aee.. Hotel Peteler helect family hotel, elegantly' far niahedteulta and aingle rooma, with or without board Jtermamoderate. 4 "THE BRISTOL. l 13 to 19 Kaat 11th at.. near 3th ave. ;comfortablo . family bouae, itrr moderate terma. West Side. t . HUDSON HT , furnlahed front room a., 1 with excellent board, gaa, bath, hot and cpla water. 3TII AVE., furolafeed '"mme.r ! enauiteand aingly. every convenience; gentle I mn or geutlemau and wife. t CTII AVK. 3SJ. etween 2Jd and 34th eta. Nicely furnlahed hall end lArge roome;one for light hotiaekeeping. 6T1I AVP. 043; In rre hail room, hot and f cold water, with board; private family; gent or working girl. 43 par week. , j 11 Pll HI.. MO WKST-Af- ter May 1, large room, i excellent table, hne local on, rraaonabia; rarer 7 encea. . MTti HT . 244 anth etaoico j board, at reaaonahle ratea; alao table homrd.' , 15T11 ST , 32 WKhT Sunny rooma, parlor, eea ) I nnd tloor, fam Ilea, gentlemeu; hotel tablet J parlor dining-room- , moderate. t ' lf.Tll ST.. ail WKSr-Dou- ble and alrgle front j rooma with eicellent borne board, terma moder ate. 17TI1 ST.. 154 WKhT FnrnUhed room to let, mi wit 5" or without board, toaglrl. 18T11 HT.. 4J WI.YT Newly furnlahed bandaomo rooma, tranatent aicommodated, no movtog; board optional, con ven lent; central. 1 20TII RT. 329 WKhT rront raomTever7 ti co-- venltnce, American famtlj, firetecUaa board tl k dealred. 21M hT.. 248 WKhT Detlrable- rooma; eieellentv t liberal table, geutlemau, faralliea, linai reaaoa able.ood bojae; no moving. i,2DhT, .113 WKhrO-'helew- Houae) Moome.witl. board, alnilv or eu auitei permanent or tranalinu V'l'1 HP , 3."i7 WKhT ilooma. handaortely fur- nlahed, terma reasonable; board optional; Tery (ipMirable location. 23D hT.. 443 M'rST I r tront room, nicely turnle'jei good boarl, lovely location; table board. 24TH Sr..J AND 37 Wr.rtT.near 5UdlaonlSuare' bor tiDghoue,aaperior table, pleaianl home, M II h"L. 2tl WPsI Peaatnt romi with goad j; bard. 43. table board, 4 .0 f 2STI1 hT., .121 ' l.aitf and amall rooma, t" nUely furnished, with exoelleat table board; 45, ffi. i'jXM s.. 3d I Mrhl--Nati- y furnuhed lane and I email rooin, euitable for light huuaekeeping; bath, ga rraaonable 1 3lhl'sr.. 304 Wi t I' Nicey lurulabed front hall n riHiui, bath an f . Ifl ' 3JD hT.. IH M" .lamitme newly (urjlihedT IM rooma tu let , a I Urt e ami of rooma. 34 Pit hT , 2W MP.r-Nice- iy furniabed" largo fP rooma, with good board, at reasonable rata. Jt JSTli Hl. 51 WKsT, lhe raaW anl aingl. private bath table eupp41ed beat IM itiarket urt djcea. ? f jH 34fH hT 211 MlhT - P'egaut. aunny. largo E connecting aid tingle roiiui, near Broadway; B eice.teai boar I reaaonahle, H ST, WOT-Lar- ge and email rooma, with board, ti and 4f prola.nonait, traoaleuta accommodated ? llB 47TilhT. 10 W nearWtndaorllolel-New- ly jP fuiniahtt: argj a .J aioa.l toomi, with excellent jH 1S1H HT., 221 UrniiheT rooia. board for laliea and gentlemea,gaa and lflfi batn termi moderate ) Hl 1 hV . 313 rt'PsT lorNt board, alngla and JBl tlouhierjom 'a 11 ,44 genta, 96 baik parlor. iM, i M .11 Mr Hoom And board for lady, ialv f mp o el pmate family hnme.llae. ItreaOAtt. H I2.1IH hi.. 10, Uand U LhT, The Purtlao- d- ,M De.irtMa , amgly or eo auite, excellent 4 !&! txaid aitdattetidiuif, houe aelect locatici ien tjB tra' tt'ile be artier accommodated ,,,..,,. ., " lanaW THE EOOHESTER, H 2M and 31n M'eit Mth at , aelect Un; fcouiei K molttale terw. references lltjHI Korth of 125th Strut H 1S0TH ST. 23PIST-Lir- fe front roomforgeo , H tleiuaa, with board private family hot and ccld tiater teat cf relrucea rrqu red 3H Brooklyn. HHb! BFRt.EV hT.. 97, Brooklyn-Lar- ge and a nail AVI furniihel with or wttnoui table boirdi HJ baibroim reaiooio'e prl ei .. ' ! CUMHtnf.WH M , nwrna, with" Ittard in prt'iie fami.y uie of batb; bouio ptirt fllH- -i l?gea te'iiiB inOaterate BOARD WANTED" " U XKAT rf'iiMSHLO ItOOM warned bj"jouoc H tna-- i lietseen loth ann .'Sin st . Fast alrtet wllh I, nana. I Address A Adol. 4 11 Tlstjlt tsH ltllOM, with breakfast, braioung man. uortrioi .BJaBJ Harlem, near tteet aid L station Muderate, boi 2, World uptown. ., BAN MTT 3 lNFtfRNlStlfcD roorulio lid Ward I all tin. BJBJI provementinn private house, c.atl.msn apd iBVAl wife, with boardt parmanem 1( ,ultabl, Tt i. tBMaj O.i J53taitlSlll.l. iBJgJ A-- it B

Evening World. (New York, NY) 1893-04-08 [p 7].asli and km iurnace cabinet trim water, mln. ' lias eitn iiiproTeme.il.suhsiantlalty liut.t eilra ixmu'ili reslricleil neighborhood,

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    THE WORLD: SATURDAY KVKNINU, AflLiw;i. 7nrrv real estate for salej fn US?. .witthi.-.- i i i,.m..

    iipppn'rlnK uulor "thli. n. lull I" "The Mornlnc World" on

    fc'W&Vi Wotii ' nn riittmlny .,r'" ii.. rcop'e's House ail't lljmei

    "v! !i '"' rstr.1 slirrse. . . .1 r V ' .m.mUii H'oi W. It I' iviaiilfd",. II rM "II ntl'i-lii'- l lumnr and.


    foxtKI'i Street, Sth Aenue to East River"i SI" West of 3) avo.-- Oti or two',... liiol'l ir.lei.wlll inalas..:c..ltlTereiiie lor'l'l:if . .'I!Ji.'i:i.'.miiikm;. oramst.

    TTfTIi Si . --'"J I.AS"- - M'l t"' "f" lini.se, I III1,'Iv ! unrcsi ,ur li'u'r l.lslncsu aaev.,!?.. I i'llll.Lh OlKIUli.l.ifid st.ncc! Do fifrTllM tir "l xlngtoiiav. t'ulfi nteit ."1 iAitit gnmi 'enauls now in ni charge, serv,,lrai.l- - l VlUl.l.h PAiU.llAII. I.T1HU il. auj

    Beverr -rnfi rtAlP OK TO troivn.stuno

    tJU,No. 4 EAST GSTH ST.OKltALD'.. UlltlW.V,

    L.jultable Building, lid Broadway.fcfiTT LOTS, lUOtlJ, north-ra- turner lt avo.id lOTlli t , cany terma, mar exchange.CYRII.Lb(AllKi:AtJ.JJrauUt. .nil Bowerr.it fioOCASll buys 823, 300 double tenement ; lOOtFi

    it., uear M Ate. ti"ck but 51 J, 120 Broadway.ilo'sOO, tl."00 CAHtlLlegant biovwi-ttoue- ,

    thirteen room), near Madiaon ave.MrKhKVKH, iJ Kait lilt!, et,

    Above 1 4th Street othAvenuQ to North RiverA -- A, A. LOOK AT the row of elegint 20 foot

    4 itory brownelna reatdencet on Vet UGth at ,125 tt (coin Central Park; abinet Huiahihrojjtbcut. wide etroet emtrAnc to park.aiauLindioraely decorate J basement dwellInge on We! l.tid ave.,betwt-- n 07 1 J ah Otttunta. ,

    on the-- tebmauKH .PATlllrkr 42 to fig M eet tilth t.

    fuROAlN to cash b ijer ; ilienl must sell elegantVaturr flat, near MornlriRiid) lAik aod 1 lOt It At.

    ,Ullio. b. Attoroey, TotterbuiMinj.

    North of 125th Street15?Tfl ST . 3I 1'AST. went of Metto'e aie. "iOi

    lOii 'tnall houi.ic.Jo UVJtlLLK UAU- -JlLALJtiand t. And llowery.ill?"W'A!U Ann t.f the moat desirable torneni.

    COiUi". HAUNU.M, owucr, 1HU ltatcti are.,ftboteieithacONE OK TWO l.o, lrvju1 f. a"fidl(ith ATe.,Tor

    tic cheap, certain rapid impruTcneiit.K. AlJI.K.NtU, 3i3 Oil) arr. 1

    Miscellaneous.i FOSIT1VK HAI.fJAlN -- N'ce molerii cottaB.

    with ftvory conrjii.ic. ery rlilnj lo'ithm.loit by tiie ele trie oari to Harletn , ouly fi t.t OUtill open MinUay, Cnll nr addrevsU.Nt:K. 7)7 1'oicHarc j

    alnt'In flats rerrn and eigb 'tonm and hath Ml , piu,.

    )19.(ii'U rent 2,0)0.aUo donblu ilU, corners. '?lth s teres, at rraMiaablH

    lnciuire BUU.IM.K. '2uA Went USth Rt.fONT'T'TLOAN on HONKand MOHTOAOF";mprored Property, New York City and JSrooklyn, j

    in Mim to suito. k. iu:yj;i:. m .Niaun.. 12 to a v m.

    L. . iUAL ESTATE FOR SALE-WES- ESTERJUEK.N AN.NT. OTTAIiT" Willuinlri.!e. .V.V.. 10 niiauteit frjm utitioti 10 rnuun. all luol .

    iro improTetnvijIR. rrri.t tlriltnu.JA.MhS W1I.SO.N, 2131'eirlit.


    Advert Isementi nppcurhifr uinlor thisilasFldcatloti In "The Mornlntr World" nnSaturday nnd Sunday will lie ii'pi.itdn "The Kvcnlne World" on Saturday orlonday (The People's Houst! und Homojas) without extra chars'1. i

    VAm"KS'i.'HVl'Un.'.'(( arMulljr Hoitrictnil i

    I1UI fiMISUII.IHlllMDHOOK I.Y.N'.-- . ritUsl'Kur 1'AllK,

    Lot. $17nand up. to monttilr, :l. r.r ftri ft rAntilroiii Kultoti IVrry or nrldjrn '! riA Hitnusu bto, fInctricrarA, wliico run illrict ,

    to protierty and office, uo Klatju.ti ave., mroer :! Atp. (). ; i


    II. V IIti:Vl.lt.

    1 NnWaVrOUY HIAMT., 7 rnom.i bath. Hi110, liable, alo'o tn Klnxa t'ounty llevilnl,cali; price 83, 500, aim oliol.e lot, 'Jjill'll,

    I J 50. V. MCMILLAN, ;i'JS HenUlIz it,, --'Otllnaril, llrnoklyn.A MODKItN 'J.storr and baaemrnt nouse, cnoij

    oelcliliorhood, jinlnj oa.ti, btlanco name as rent,OW.NLK, MSi Jeffcnonare., llrooklin.4 11 Mir. 1IARIIA1N Unnfnur-atnr- r Irlck double.

    cold water llat, with etore, alwara tully renteil.Ee..on for solllns, goinn to oiinilry. Aildrai orHe JOSblMl ZOLI., Ua Leonard Ht., uear Mont- - iro.eiTe. Brooklyn.lllOICh bHOOKLYN realo.tatn tor .ln-N- o. 31)

    M)UleaTe., one block from City Hall, U.ntnrylad lia.ement brkk lor bualiiete iiurpotp. , Not..M and 3H Myrtle ave., 4ili75. two trnnie liouo.a.Terr Hultabla tor bulldinu puriiosea, the tine

    OOl-li- Mlloui.'hl are., UtiMO. buck,t .ury, with eitenslon, north .loo of ttreet, tutlock from L rtatlon, lot fjuxlout thl. I. asplendid re.idencn and will be eultl rer low: also twolotitdjolnlnithl. bou.e, KH 100. fur J.Cdll I itlurtbar particular. Inquire 30 Mrtle are., Il'klyn tSoK rAI,K 4 elesant brick tiou.ei. Noh. 'JA7 to

    3li3 6ltb it.. &Ui43xlOO t.torlH. and bnstnenl,lJroom., '1 baths, buff colored Ironts triintneil Inred and brown-.ton- very liaudiunn. uiil.t boIpeo to be appreciated, wortll gU.OUO, c.n lie)ought for leas thau 4?,H0U . ai.u 'j red brickront., vaine aire, for SCOUO, 1 Tory pretty trainolou.e, 20z3Gxl00, 11 looms, all decorated, Itlbeautiful condition, it 1, bun. the- - ate bark illstin b een on preml.ee. 'J57 54 cli !., atMiboiir.ALhX WAI.IiKIIN, owner and bullrte-- .lOH SA1.K C100 ca.li. balanci. Instalments, new

    2 atory and ba.emrnt honao, 10 moms and batti.modern IraprnTemeiile, papered throuiztioiil .

    for two famllle.; uear 1. .tstun, priceIJ.MID. I'l.ARLNoK D. NMI1I1, 10 U.I 1'ultonit., Brooklyn.FUK.SALK-First-il- ae. detached hnuHe, B rooms,

    ill improvement!, prUe, tJ,.i00. extra srouudIf desired. Park p ace. near Utiia aye., tuRe Kiukhflunty e lerated, lleraeu et. or Held aie. inratoJbcaare. thorouvn rnspection i'nltoitBAKIiAIN 3.tnry baiemcnt prirato ilwslluiff,

    perfect order , a'l ImproTemenr conre.iunt carHue. pail lit 14 per cent net on a nail inic.ti.ient,to quick uu)er io,500 each. inTHtnr-,lio- ii eekeralaieatisate. OWNER, 94 J I a re.uiair.FOU.lAl.i: 1(busa. 101 Jladleoiit. near lSedfordire., Hrooklyn; three storvand basement frame

    Donee m good order. $5,5JU. Apply to owner,tAy. Sf.oldirF0KAl,r.-lloui-

    H., ".I ami 4 stori. in. 10'Jandlfil .McllonnuL'b at., near TompWius aie. 1. ata.boo, choice location , Itanttaouiel) lini.hel in hir.looil,allthe nnprmeliients these bounce will boold cheap and onjmy lenns, Jull.N FKAMIK.

    U(f(,l) 1WO.Ta.M1LY HUUbE. ood order,ll.SUO. $Ji)0dowii, barcaius In tla's and houses

    tnejT) .erms. iCL'lUIUM .1 I'd., llalley si.,ear broailway

    llUl'M.ii hlloTTlTilUAOiiTi.r.ookln( thiTUflliau.liurde unit mud residence; i'k. eunerlor Ilnlali. imr. improTement ,U0I Apply lllifl . . h.ir.' Itoad.

    fAUril h n OTlnir to llwcnuiito ni'ist diepose of atim.!... neil.i tlat, a'l InitiruTn Oll, J0x4ri,I'l.'itluo, Jti'.oiV'i .rum Jiltl at. lerrv, I (r mKdecolaul J li'ios or cars

    K'.VNI.lt. 1 .'4 Jfth s'., llruuVljnTWO SI Oil Vand hiiemuul rli k !i, use, 11 ror.ms

    Wlnl'i, m llalaoy at m,e older cuuip andfiraiyteiina OW.MJU on premises'll)il (JsT. Till montul), $'J.20l)j two slorv,!r I.lollockaaay are. L'llAlli-Kr- l'"' n.'.t , l!rookli.513'JLAMl bura I.UOil resldencH, Qjlncr :.,

    "rllell llox j13, 120Uroadwa,. Y. I ItyI.OUO l AMI, tf..3 11) inortircj. 'at .1 I er :el r. ,','""'. ruleliiiaruilee poll ) trre Isl.irysika i at 17 rooma, all Iniprmj-- i eut-- . fully

    rnlM well onatructed; larae Income Palluu-- '';t lilOKI.rS i:. LOVhTT i III, 61 louit

    i'.'f mortgAUiT&percVul. ,ri.alnr'T'lidow llat, seer) linpriiTemelit . deio.ate.t''iuiitl.i,ut neir Jth a.e L nation u" 1J icr,"''"'" exp.ns.is. lltLMAIt. 3.ll are.,,1,"VJ,-- . MrnjUyiillf.Al.h fT4.Ml will li ir the White HoisoT"iter.,,, ki... iu ,s - Jferker nrH., between'liliuan and il r,ii.tlt et . Ilrnok.in. N Y.

    'J; J,,l(,r .1 id ati.tienl Irsme hoiieo, U jrerf" s intood ntplltfoil, needs only In be see Ifrl Xi"'"'- - "' np directl) lii imnor, MaV

    e (',,i2 " iirei.naea, unit men out coin- -

    u, ..tn'ai'ii la.eni.nt til ickii.i' "".' l'roap- -. t I'irk II r inms, allhnii's.'inel .le mate.!, terms tn suni!" V.' I' "M'lou DI'I.MAll. Sill ave ,t ili.M.kiyu.le".' . 'slvOMI l.slofyoulla.einentbrn.tn-Js.j- r

    i,""' """ b cks troin I'riiepKt Park,in fv .y uupriTtiinent . sinitary pliinib- -lro,.l ""'r si.,aieil thuilKhout, life blol:israiH,1 l.',!' "il-an- lt ,ifTT.

    ' ! ' "'"'"iet lL,'N'l''iif.l. U.1'id. uuii.rn'i'iel. uiii

    Kliisii. .' ' "!' Il'aiu 1 stnrv I .i.u'iirnt andItlfif. "no ii.inne oin. .ill .mninun eutsiair,.;",,l",',,,'i" rt 'I orated throiiBlliMtt. lpplItemise,, Mu'Jihst,. llruoVDo.

    'AririSTAT toRJii-e'-LON- island.luuitr '"""I --Tor sale or I.. It. a rsre ripiier.

    l!lllh lB"l"rd house and tfl- t.fld- -, luoated"V-rJi- . "' ' fc'an.H.i ..Lore msd, ..lik'"J if' ' '"' Narui.is nsiween jir nletIsjti ' '"""ll.'ii elevncl isii.en lu- -' tjI

    l si ,." ' " " d ou.liui.i's hshliia and lost,f'ts . "' I""" Hal New rnl"isl i. ' ,""' "t t il'Mli it.. MilMl!'"'! aiij .,'.' "lu lU'isil Tia .Id aie, lor per-- ..!"il,Pli,'ll al rAltlll'l f.'s, s0

    "Ml .1 !" I.VO.NAliK MUOIlV. Jll11 liai I' ..'""''11' ''T l.nal real e ute ajc.iuIU.,;- - llimlll.iii.

    . I'yi'Hll C" - letaMly si MX I. Ills,"' er ,",,".' """ Oil J.'ilJ.. at'.'.""''illloii, 8IHI : it ,. HuV'sf.M,'""er "'.".'"lornboiiif.'Si.-S- lerrlU'ltr,!,.e.i I.1,; ,,ln'""-'-- ' 4 ' i.ji.'' iuflwn.n, i""'"'. t"J. 'J l"! si Miurav nln,

    L".' I'V ,i,,B block Ir'.ui a'.lllon. l.'.i.Mm,;,'''i Mal.on.'S1 ''"'' '"'OlSli, Diwilyn World.



    a.,. es.iSSisWTlOti

    REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LONG ISLAhOl'Oli HALIi at besilllfut llollli- - (jul)n Vjaacol I

    taeeiontalnlnx ail ijintoTsmeiiiii abrm man. Itels, ftirnaee, eiptiseo pluiubiuc sidewalk-- , p pa (wilirr, .rectt'o 'Iciits, ei hool, c'lurches and siuree 'from il.yuo tn tlU.UU", cash or raiiiithli pat. Imenu same as rnt, or lots, 'i0tl.;7, fur Jil'l and I'.'.l'i,?.,,'!,.M',ml..l"f. Ockits audmap. II1.Y. ,

    Altll X Wrilllltl, 4 lompklns aee, ll'llyi. i"Kill MAt.l , Mapleli.n. Mew Lltccnt. within .H

    ! bildce or llittery, NenYork- - itau.lsolus mini le ijueen Anne dwelliuta. Ilni.i ...I Inasli and km iurnace cabinet trim water, mln. 'lias eitn iiiproTeme.il.suhsiantlalty liut.t eilraixmu'ili reslricleil neighborhood, prn es, t'.lUi' 'Ins, ,i suit, lend fur llliistrA'" n'aniand inrilcilirs. WILLIAM!' 11 M! IMMPAN V, ,I ill l'Jl .Miintaa-u- st. Ul lliteaaio., llrooklin.l'llll ,Sl.i:ortorent. "0 lire turn it Deer Park,U I., lime ho le sr.. ciud n itbuilill.n:, APlV' '115 Miauli-l- d jtc., llrs.kiyn Iill.IHt'M. PltXI I'll'K am! ilrm .lure tor rale.tuoil Inea'lty ml splendid licatlon. hoisetwostories, einilstiiu o h rrsiins, all ImproTements, Ian store two lots and barn, si' few no aie itsmoil ii.iii'T. oiieit I'riio. U(,M'( , cssl . IJ,,'0J, .'tlil-- t b'H.ild iii.nifdlstel) II , bnl 03 World.UHMiNIOM; I.VMIIMl Now Is the tleii" to

    ecl 'lUHdl-- lets In this beaullf il ulllae - !minutes fiuiu ill!, depot and Limit Island Miiviijno.l ratlilnc. lioatltn and llslilnm cnminiilsuo"111 iciits p r trip I J.1 per lot It purchnd L;Mav 1. 'A idress 'or particulars,

    M lll'IIHAN HOMi:, 157 4l!l lie10 --oomaibitm 10 litiTiKtitrIruit, l site treeat sacrifice, must sell quarter

    cash MOIIUIM i. Jamaica eloctric road and Hock.awar trestle, Woodliai'n, 1. 1.$3,.i0ii KAltMnrrlh sntel.nna Island , 75 acres,

    itiiod ullilliiss and fruit will eichanae. HArrr.1MIS. corner Itroadway and De Kalb are., Il'klyn.

    REAL ESTATE FOR SALE STATEN ISLAND",',ru)0 W'lI.I, lli)Y bone, haru.""lO lotsi

    llltlecash down, will exchanite VO houses, totlijieteiit f 1011 up. DAN Itllt.NLI.L, Uliltoo.K. I.

    REAL ESTATE TO LET-- OUT Oh THECITtA COUNIUV IIOTI L, Sil rcMima, cbarminc lo. a.

    tlon, uesr city, will teas. &750.1ULSU.M nitOs, s;il Broadway.

    MOUNTAIN Ul M1UI' ItOII I, o letj 05 mlleaIroin city, 100 lurnlshad rooms, hue lake, heal-

    thy lo.alltl. lunulre DUVKNOHf. I1ALOIJ- -I'i.AL 'Jllleirer.tW'uiIMI'.ltI'.. rape Co.1," Ilarwlchport'. Masa.i

    nesstlore cottAires, completely furnished, all Iniprmt'inentsi Latluuc, circular. J., 71 HallHTIh si.


    YOU MUST HAVE .CHOUSETil i.ivi: IN.MM VI I, ANTIC ST.-Ni- :V andbrick basement frame bouse (rilled In with briokl,10 rooms and cellar; every nnventenceand liu- -proTeuieut,

    A new. fashioned house bail t in the old.lashioneimanner, plenty of closet room-whi- your wifewill appreciate,

    l(esd tor Immediate occupancy. Only 4.730.i in: i hit toe 'iu i ri voc.Policies of Title and Firo Insurance furnlaheluithoitl cost to nuyei.bend for our Hats of lloaiji for hale and to Let.

    A cupyfren for the askini.l.'.H.IION- -. iV OHI'ANYs

    O'stabllslied 1S77,I'M) I'll Mil I'M l 4, W AVI'.,

    Jlllt.sKV CITV.

    REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-S- EW JERSEYCHAN OKI), N,.l.. 43 minutes I rem New York.on

    t . Kit. of ,s. .1. , modern houses tor sale or rent,rent 4.ICU to S.7WI W.M D. Hltil'I.OWKOIt sjAI.I. lilt KXUIIAMir The well.patron.

    li'd Mirlilon Hols'. droie, N. J .Willi allits furniture will tell cheap, as owner has otherI uslness. Apply 257 Creoue are., Brookljn.HOll.li:, 9 rooms, barn 'JOxSfi feet, size of pot

    OOililu iee( ; good louttlonandin good condition,also bargalna in land forF subdivision. J, A,MARIMJ.i. P. O.lloz 41. Itldgewood.Jg. .1.llO.sKl.Ll', K. .!. . 150 tralna dnlyTloU IromTlOO

    upward MKll.it I1A.MJ, 17.1 Kroadway.f'.'S'lOtSOKAOH -- 'JObulldlnilota, nice village,

    Monies. SM11II. '280 Ilrjaclway. rooin'JSJ.r

    REAL ESTATttOR SALE0UT0F THECITtISEAl'TIKUI. HOMrs'aniliumrner reaidenies for

    tnlc. very cheap, or to rent furnished lor iiiininermonths, delightful o Irnate, exquisite scsnery;b .tins, Hslilinr, iVrlio lor illu.trated fgniphletlol'. 11. Pass-vo- H.A. Ward. Pott Hope. Onlarlo.(f 1AI OIHJI.n furnished ami unfurnished coun-

    try huiisea on application. Milts, Vvbitehouie AHall. 17 I ast 4Jit stI'AHMl ASH C'll'Y PitOPKLTILU for ealeandoz- -

    Tl'ltiSLlS DUTI.K11. 90'J dates ave. llrookjyn.1 OK KAt.i: 4'2'screfarm, one.quarter mile of sta-

    tion , good dwelling, 1,000 pear, 1,000 peach;chcics varlellea , tioe land . possession given : price

    .'. b50. terms easy: will pay 1, 000 profit thise.r. .1. It. Mil. ONIOAL, Dover, Del.

    NKW MODERN HOUrtl.; 10 rmmai itram heat;bathroum, rarrlagc-bouiean- d lot 100a

    300, Main st . near station , 50 minutes from tltyon Harlem UK Addresn P. O. toz 133, Pleasant'vlllohtatlon, N. V.

    and unfur-nished houses foLrcnt, season and year; houaes,

    lots and farms for sale, send for dialogue. Ad-dress ,1. I.UKliUMIN HKMAKI-hr.Nrao- N. Y.l(i:Al,. STAI'i: Ml N. gentlemen, horsemen

    i I'uutiy retidenre, 3 hours from New l org. 100acres, house, two barns, hennerf , Ac. . In nn. re-fill r, sliuati d on the main road; 10 minutes' ariseirotu Spiliigtleld, Mass ; available for buildinglute, bargain. Inquire .1 . World Branch, 821 6thare , or box 4SI Mprtngtield, Mais.

    REAL ESTATE TO LET LONG ISLANDKKAIITIIT'L fuinle'had cottage. I'j oimsrArgyle

    Park, llaoylon, I. I. JACOB KL1NUK, owner,40 Loud et.. Brooklyn.BI'.NhONIIUKsT ANDHATII BE

    botelatn let. MOUlilHKY'a leal estate omce,liatu Beach, opposite stntlon,

    REAL ESTATE TO LET NEW JERSEYAMUJKY I'AHK', N. .1 I)ei.iraMefurnlabedcot

    tatceaaud boardliichou(M4t nn,MIIm.h IWS, Asbury Park, N. J.

    DM.U.HI. ULI.Y attuated turnUhnl residence:modern tmprorementa . stable , A minutes' walk.

    Addreai for pirintt, t;o.SYKKSl., IllKliwood.N.J.FlfRMSHEP IIOUaK at Hutlierford" N. .1.

    slrable loieation, Mont rot ave.; liandaomelyfirnished, ft lomiirt perfect rem; lit mtoutea'walk; ir teiian well .$50 monthly. Addreaa

    WAlhW'OUTU, box C,i Kutherford, N .1.HOUSK, .1 rooni', all improvementi. Kairinount

    are., ( atbam, IV. J., pear depot, tine location,rent ijJGd a year. aUo ttirjlriet1 House, U rooma,abuna&nt iruit, barn, oie A.m.f I. Khl.IA', box 374 World.iCtDUhUOOU, J. Life town, new utore to

    let, rent d'stft, ope imc tor drusKUt, icrocer.hardware, drjKondu or n.ait.rt, alio residence, 'J roomsand bath, rent Si.5 h. K. HA.NKS, .O.'S ntbave.,and Htd;etouu.i, N J.&UMMU i)ftlrabl ll.rouru "duelliotf; water:

    nti.er tnnuertiuu, lsirKe lot, on Hou'erard, kmluutra tw depot, iuiotity.

    VA(..Si:U. IPS fliamheraat..TO Ul M.TlayT, two bon.e.of 21 and 11 lifiug

    tooin. bathrnoiiis aj oiiTeutoni-et.-, ou tioolaw lib, and beLitlfullj, aalubr lounly and con- -Yen. cully nitualed, tb larger, it felrel, rentedin parttnenta; jcudeii. Ice, t,racl and poultryhouse,,, t.ibiO't. and, if desired, root land or Iceftud f, .Vc, to pirtlnne at hand. Applyon to Mi.. DI'ljA IMKMCI.L.

    Iroiiftt lex, HorritiiUwn, N. J.TWO tritsito brcu leuideiHM All modern

    toternci. 1' hllt:UUYISiBuiht , 'ri Cit."" "


    "" "wfivr i!j.st -- iim:PUill'Lll UL" intid n sv 'iTchnntTfi or rent.

    i MOMt.U Ji'l".Vlt'K,tiu I i i imo is uif , 7! at ,juJ ('..tl ,. iUJ 9Gtii l. "n

    W "S".Kr Destnptlt-n- ..n-.!- l farma ana nuborbju piopetty fitnln .to iult'ivr Xew Yirk.

    W Ali;Ulll'KY, .'4r,rotdwaWol'M) prri'tiAiid a for nr pror!y wil'i laqimr

    4aorr. ot iendin.' Aje, .. . l.nt, "Jl" . oi id,


    ihK'rKAl Mni hotelt, i jlK furulhfu fr.,Ai.3in at. lor pa r etcbniiKu u r i itv yro.ustleIlKlh UIMliiii uu tCrf at., jLiiooicljii

    TTUMA V. 1AYNI. '.'b Urjiiir, nlithe 1 i.! n itrVer 1'a a a'ko nit o( citypropert) !Ia, t.m lienti c o am biuioe,

    lartienodo iiaIi ami lrouj i ur.t. t prop;i rt fp lor .iiklUxl. ilJ.'.ll ' I'fcl'JOli Ati ILXfeitlltitf

    PROPERTY TO LET.BUSINESS JOc. per line Serin.ll use, 17c,an J .subsequent limes, 1J...

    per lluleltiaou.-ul.days- .

    South of Canal itl.'

    Lai-K- Lofth to Let with Power.AT 5 VANDhWATIUJsr.

    Alssi baseme'it and saults. Lulldiug el lipped."""""""""iWl'.-UBA.N- CI.

    An, If to ,ln..r or M NJ Equluble llnlldlng. 120 Bmadway, New York.' 7T- - A.. A - BW OVflCrT n.'ILM.NO. 0aniejPlne an1 13c' atet it.ie;ery modern.o.Teuieic. liarole mi.alc hale faat runningeerator all ll.bt i.e-- . lowJlsy 1 Vl'i'ly n premuei. or room 001

    A" a .ripsiiiADi.r i.ioiit OrFicr.i in thei,L cui a iii'ii.uiNf. .sll modem couTfnl'ice..

    liltWI.ST P.I.T IS.API ly rioill 4W, ou priniia... 138 liilily st.

    C7lKNnIl hi"0Tir and Isfli" neit locations oowu-- ,t0wB.rbu.lu.s...l.-lt- t. ,,,

    TO l.fiT from Mir 1. flee suit ''''. 'J&.C0."riu'lable lluih.lua Apply iKO A KrlLj;r,iuiiil.l Bel .l.l.a. WO lltiial'iay. roomHj '. -"

    East SiatMl'll Ml' LAST, near llriiaJwn -- "irlor andtollo.r.;i.ov.. aepsrateor tosetn-- r. "'ness purpose, or prlrale, lone lea". Int"'"Klrsh'a restauraut.SinfrsXrTorr.AhlMbaidUlfl-El.gaat- l,


    THE WORLD ':

    GUARANTEES j Beginning to-da- y, every New York City and 'A

    CIRCULATIONLARGER Brooklyn Real Estate advertisement and every

    advertisement under the classifications u Houses ;FOR THFSF ADSTHAN CAN and Rooms," "Apartments" and "Boarders"


    BE OBTAINED jappearing in the Saturday Horning "World"!,:THROUGH d th Sundav EWorld " will be repeated in the!ANY OTHER I :

    FOUR PAPERS " Evening World" without extra charge. B ,

    AND These Want ads. iu Saturday's MorningFOUR TIMES "World" will be repeated free in Saturday'sLARGER " Evening World."THAN CANBE OBTAINED Those appearing in the Sunday "World " will


    THROUGH be repeated free in Monday's " Evening World." 8




    East Side.55TH RT., 161 EAST (bank bulldingl-Om- cei and

    basement; suitable for brokers, agents, Insur-ance or any light bualneas.74T11 ST., 401 EAST, corner fit ave. Large, new

    storea; good builnesa neighborhood, 4111 to $15.JaoltorA. MTOil K. A- .-. E. cor. fith ave. and 4'Jd st., Just completed,corner and Inside stores fronting lidst.

    Best commercial front on 3th ave ; transient andstaple trade, best drugglat cor er uptown.

    t.'IIAM. .. MhV.tllllllt it CO.,6th ave. and 4'idet.

    A KAOTORY, 20x20. 420 East fdst.; rent J5, UUKUINEAU A miAKtC. 11Bible House.

    VSliO, 24i Kast 5'id St. .rent 935. Utierineau A DrakeL 11 lllhlejlotise.

    COKNf ItTfQUUK bTORE.New Bowery and.Madlaon at. : large pUte.g asa

    windowa, gondceliart low rent; long lesae.WILLIAM IIUHLKK, '.'ll Lortlandt a

    LOFTS, spacious buildings. .! Monroe at.;steam heat And power; light on all aides, rent

    reasonable. C. DKLOltAlNK. 396 Monroe st.LOFTST'25l50. J6zlU0and 7illll0, steam-powe-

    heating, platform elevatorsfepte.idtdllgnt, rlreproof floors and celliois; rent very low. InquireelJKlstlHltlt.LOt-T- One, 75"x50, and Tour, with basement,

    80x.ll; whole or in part, power, elevators, ele-gant light, convenient location. Apply 33J Eastlid st.I.OrTR, new f bulldog, 1UR to

    1J9 Mott st,, near Grand, power, st.am heatand elevator; very light ;76eet front, 65 feetdeep.M.NOLE rsTORE TO LKT. good business neigh

    borhood; J0, sJ'.'S, 1378, 1384 Ave. A, cornerT4tnet. 1510 Ave. A, nearfl'llh at.hlOKE AND 2 H.OOR.'i. 13 Oroatiy st, ; rent 80.

    liUhltlNEAU A DRAKE 11 Bible House,hi OKI'. 17 Crnsby st., near (irand st. ; rent Hii.

    A DRAKE, 11 Bible House.THIRD LOrr, 25z90; llsht three sites; power

    and elevator.??'.! East 24tD at,, 3d ave.TOLKTOH TO LEASH from""l25 to 135 Mangln

    at., loft and fictoriei with eleetn power and allcojveoiencea; rentreaaonabla, apply atonce.

    It. COilEN. 114i 113houtnat.TtTThT A first floor for business purposea. In.

    qulre 31 East ISto stlOLET-Ezt- ra light first floor, with plate "glass

    bar window, for business, 25 East 'JOth st. Ap-ply JAMErt MUIK, 27 Kaat'JOthst,

    Weir Siat,COLUMBUS AVI'.. StIC, near 89th sL -- Store and

    basement, with two large show windows, rent73 monthly. bCHOLFltLD A CO., 681 Colsm- -

    bus ave.UKr.ENWH;H tiT.. 626, near Morton-Lar- ge.

    light store ; good business neighborhood ; free toMay; $13. Janitor.W ASIUNOTON 81'., j AND 830," oppolite

    liinseroort Market Together or aingly. M.GArr.NEV. 127 Broad at.J7T1I NT., 7f H nl stores with plate.

    glass fronts; goid location lor clothing, butcher,dry griods and hat atore, uelt to big cneap store52D fit.. 4.H WEKT-htor- e-, good condition , low

    rent. Inquire on premliei.53 i tsT., 610 WEST A new factory

    building, suitable for manufacturing purposeslight Irora all feur aides, will let whole or in part-goo- d

    height between floors, elevslor. steam or e eotrie power euppiled J, 11. Allaire, t0i tt , .id ei.A A A. K. To let. three floors In corner build.in, 5lllU3 3 sides lignt, with steam p iwer, elesatoi, aiilttraaAtd sprinklers; aim uiie tup floor,

    same size, and one small floor on .'.'it t,11 HI N M. ULA V K. II I W e. t

    A. -- A --FINE AM) llAE.iK.M iruullogon I wo streets, 671) Hudson si., and li Otll

    ale, ; ii May 1 : verv light; lowreut. Apl. allll Nassaiist., roomtUl.

    A f.'oriNI'.R fACTORV." 631873 stories andcidll.. engine, boiler, ellvalvr; 3 lears' leise.

    llcHtNIIAMA VAN Vl.lKr, ii.Mhaec.COR.NER-F- or drJgglst. grocer,

    bnleber or any buslnesl, plate show wiuils ii,I'Jlh.t. snd t If .1 areV'l.'JOlll, Vl9rH1zr.il, guoll'glit iiewbuildlnB",

    po ler heal ; elevato". 40 Uetiwl.ik St., near La la .OVl'llTS X'n'lt a'lUIUOs ut V1J Btoadway,

    reuta. 415. SiO and t'il. Janitor, orIHOMAdl n.'Kl.K.ION, .1.1 West 80lhsl.

    l.rTrT -lOimer llilal. and JUla,-- . Vt3, t urner ll'li .. auj llitn ai , ,. HI.im II I aie . 0

    J.'.' lu.ii ii CoJatlitoT.

    Or GEO. lirOl.ltl'(. A.S. Aj.t ;ieu ave.is I Oil)'. AND"! LOOKS on 3th ave', ne-- r 11th it ;

    very nice, reasonable puces, HOI PO.'K, 20West 14th (.THltrll'l'LOOnis un'ilih ave., uear 8th st", with

    ' linproTeiiienls wouhl I e gooi tor photogrspherIpquire iu tore, 80 Gtll av,THHEF NIf'lO.OI'lH. aiilliil. to i.t, with or

    s.ltliO',1 p iwer , smtai le f r wo'karl 111 wil ornieisl. pi.lv to Alll'.ul.l. UUX AND LUMBER

    j TO,, J02 1e-- t IIni,.loilsttin lA'f hlore and lAseineniTflfl depth of llruse.II 7th as . a a reiptme ble psrty. will pt tn

    order loult t. n int. a. sill for all b ouowlo,,

    ( ou(,MURi lg(jn,t at'IO 'LLP "hlsant store, la good loonity,

    suitable for grocery, barker, Ac 7i Cunalo.phersl.TO liET-- A rlralfloor"wlili entire glasi front. Iri.

    quire 46 West 2ntn St.tAVo"'roi)lrsr50xfun."wiih"or""'wlttiout power

    llaht all foursides. very low real to desirablepaities. Apply 577 lOtn ave.

    North ot 1 25 tli Strtar.BAKERY

    260d 81 H AVE,, mar USlhat.i nsw'y ceeotated' store and goiq baaer'auven, low rent t lease 10

    ult, JANIIOR, V603 6II1 ave.LOrtNlSk I.Ul'lSrtSzlOO.

    neit, elsrator l.U.sl AV T8 J.N, IdVtn it. and3d are

    MiscellaneousOlt hAl.E OR TO LfTSllk rlbho mill,

    Atted up with hebaum A I'hlingsr's newestlooms. Apply or sddress MILK KIUBON MILL.Katnnah, if. Y.TO'XAR0KfATslJFrcTOiSitrXc'lTry"sTtM

    ca fo jr f allroads spectel indueemeots offered.UAV.NEb A llOIUt, 300 Broadway.


    SrooUrnDEPARTMENT PRlVILIHiPS TO LET In variouslines In a drygi ods house nn a prcmlfent cornerof the Brooklyn business district. I or particularsaddress X . box 524 Brnokl)n World.Dl SK ROOM or iart 01 otketolet. No. 10 liar- -

    field Building, basemen I Hour, all con veil lencer,FACTORY, llifir-out- 4th st , llrookl.n-lliigi- no

    and boiler, cheap rent. Owner, 50 i Willoughbyave , Brooklyn.STORE, 1161 KuTTon et , llrouklyn-Lo- iT rent , ei.amine, desirable for shoe, atationery, jewelry,any light business.'I O LET More. 143 Mends sl..newT htterup",

    plate glass front, adjoining drug stoie, lornerBridge St., suitable for any businessDUKV LA, 1371 Fulton st.

    TO 16 alalls, brick building;5 minutes from bridge or I'lty Hall. Inquire at

    Wlesner'a piano rooms, 296 niton et Brooklyn.TO carters. 1170 Bedford" are

    Apple to II, W. lUrr'AU. 4,1 lleyward st , be-tween Bedford and Wythe aves , Brooklyn.TO LET Ilrlok factiry, boiler-hous- e ar.d lard 48"Lexington are.. Brooklyn. I', li. HEWITT.

    TO RENT An elegsnt corner, suitable for lustclass liquor store, for term of yesra.st reasonable

    rent. Cor. Maodfordand DeKalb ares., Brooklyn.

    BUSINESS PHOPER TY WANTED.810 UK WANT ED In a good tenemeut block , havo

    llcenee and fixtures. Liquors, ri5o Uth are.

    and Apartments to Let.HOUSES 20c. per line; hecond Time, 17c.

    Ihlrdand Subsequent Times, 15c.per line. Nn extra charge on rsuu lays


    Advertisements nppenrlncr under thisclasHlllcatlon In "The MornliiR World" onJsatur.la and Sunday will be repentedIn "The KvenlnK World" on Kntiirda orMonday (The Teople's House and Homelas) without etra churse.

    UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LETA lluvie-Sfi'krr- Imrcttirii amirnr lurach

    isnwof The .vamtii! ll'trfrt. II Ucmmitlttlcom H'orld "H'riifJi" oferimj Ituuni-- and

    jtnln to M, and It published (is euiiifiifemifo II WW nailer.UATIIIIArE AVE.. I67 "Brlck cottage, ti rooms

    and bath, Imprnieiiieuta and Florida heater,aroiit.drtuil'.'H. rent J5. DAVID L. WOODAI.l.,tOSTremoiit are , Treinont, N Y.

    AVE., 720, sunllwesi oorner of58lh st 20. foot three-stor- and brown-ston- e

    dwelling. 1' ZITIKL, 10J6 3d ave.UENWICK ST , 700 -- J story brick, li

    rooms tsK. JAYNK i CO.. 214 West 21ilst.oTH AVE.. 130th s. Four stories, 1.1 rooms, ex

    cedent order; rent low. Owner. 21.15 5th ave104TII ST.. 83 private house atI station. l,l5il, cabinet rlnlah. STEVENS, fllhave and II h at34THfir., 441 WKlT -- lory high etn.in brown

    stone. 1.) moil, suitable to bo rimed out infloors, re it 41 2nd.

    (Ihl). I.I Oi.HEI.A.N, 423 Olh ave.78TII ST., Ill nie (withextension) dwelling, decoiatetaud gssnxtnles,the prettiest medlum-slae- house ou tjo west side,in the Iwsst location, rent ressouable.

    IIENNE'1 r A IIKAI'K. IIS Coiiimt os are87TII ST .1109 I.AMT basement house,

    good neighborhood rent 'JlO.1(1(1 MM., 71 I.Vsl oeuMadi.uiiave.-Tol.- it,

    prliato house rent i3o.UlTHhl.. Ill l.AM'-N- iie house, 2 .litis.. II)

    roo ,is larce garden, lent it 10,1,11111 il',', Wi'hl. near eletatrd (osv brl.k

    Uwpill ig, iniprcvsnients, ileroraled. rent ilo.lir.MUAIII.I'.. hoi 117 World.

    HOUSE TO LET, $55luo.tln, 'JJ Se-- t 1311 tt , liitweeu "th andrnr HTif. . .ltor tud ItijcU stoop,

    I I iicrfect order nn by "erralt .fVHM .IA. A I'lticj. 'Jinij Tthatt.(MIAllY Jt IM.AKK .ii 7lh ae. ,ii. y. wiKNii Ki,'.iir,ih.t.SVVAHIOUTAI (., 1ST hist l'.3lh at.Ai'pty on ,re t, oi at i0 I 1ixituton at ,

    t,"ar.lr'' -

    ON EAST AND WEST SIDES,three And four Hory houa-- li i uichbot-liood- ,

    a'l lb I'crfevl order audai iiMd'rale reuti.Apply tn

    Cl.tf I.D U. UKOU N.i:inltable llmldlne, lio Br.idwae, in ork.

    WHOLE HOUSE AND STORE $85I t'r Mioutli. ."i .Id me., i a we bloc rfth fctttloaV, braiicli

    At n sit !' t l.ttiitftor. are,, n.'d it. A A fCU J I AY) . near Adtli et

    ilandaome 4 story tud tiatrmeni bro !)Al rohditioi. at une will

    nake vrrv e fun I urll er 'riii.iilart.of (Ml. OIZl.Mi .1 hON. 6'lhtt and.td-T-- IA. KOlTH.S7tl V ijri iom rrownektouf tiou-- e

    at 'J'Jl Wost 42d at rent T'.'.'.'Oi) MatI lltttIA.t Li I.LitMt.( .i.. lOthbt,

    lilHl'l If l I. ne ad b'fii-n- t loi iat teit, N . IM W.i-- 1 Ktidaff, , 'J7than.l - t U ut- - i .aut 1. 50j t annuin Acpiyoiipreui.-- r

    A. I.MiiA.NT 4ul baaemeit boa.- - totest, iii'i MadU'!. v, re it rVic.00 ivennnJiu.Apd to i: KII.I'A rillfh,

    fto t 07th elAl.Ii uTT'PAHr naniitomi. Hett Tflh

    it . near Oth av r. l)V .NK1I To t UtrUt-- 'ioi 15.LA KOI. and im.p ho net to lei at low rental, boo J

    itelanborbool Apply tit ttl'r L'h Kl.Nti.etateotN. Low, I C'oilice piata, cityiSOCw T0"8l"Wf hT 11HMI M - touel'eanctjty hlahtsup, brnrTn-'tii- hm-- , .'Oxi'i,eabluat-trlinnte- ttrouhout ea iMtur', Ktatr- -'andfendria. Hrati.lt.t4svtinilitioti t l(i'-- prApply on l. ii- - in niAV S. Kr.NJiAl .','in at., corner I Hit trr'lHVAlL Hi'l'sf:, ;).irm an taemnl tnt.tl ui)r C7 .'lt-'.- . it-- i .no. no ii j l iff.I Itltl I MOilY a ( baenie it te.iiuct '4 room,

    i Ut. a i tiudvru in.nr oitkItAlLi V. 1H3 I'sa.t 10.1.1.

    i'(. KK.NT 131 Wavirley Tina. H uonia rentUr.imil.X .1 lUT.SKVs 8S lire

    "JO I fT-- i'o'ir-itor- brown tone hoo-e- , unforDiiliid.Tbattteen Oth and Madlton are. . food

    orderi price 2,r00. o 11 )i 3,455.itrfO'LftO.J-tyhoT- fa Harlem liouaai.

    UUHlUY'e, tf'jU 3d ara., 112th it.


    TO dwelliiiB. .fiS Warerly ate.,uer (late are , now felnc put In order,HAVn.A.MK. htlNs, DJ pint on at., Hrooklyn,10 I, I.T l.riivrii.-lrin-- . hoi-e- trPtie ate , J4U,one

    on Uid are, , 4 lwoitorr alio banrment iranie,$111, trn--tor-y l.ritl.. .1.1. HAhllNUai, lortierflroadway and De Kalb ave , II rook J n

    Jersey City.TO LKl-O- n .lerney tlty Melghti. healthy al- -.

    equal tocltyor tountr. -- U minutes from city.wltn nty iniinoTiMiifntr., t and bAeineiit,t)room-- , onlv tflli a mouth , roo.ua In food order.

    iu) tii re lo'J Lomtnunlpaw ave.

    FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET.TO l.one. lf-- l KeapaL, Hnxtk-I-

    between I, and Hedforl arf.. partlyhoanl for two a lint in lloa of le itBrooklyn.

    DP KAIJl AVI..t .ri7 Ilniin-- - IfHAtlon, imprnrement-- , 11 rnon'- -, irould hoard with American

    f'tuliy, taklnc Mimin-- r rra irt alio.M.WLV I'UitNIMIKDeilen.lon cotlaK Iinuie.

    order, 4 ro.Mi.- - on flnt llofrj toadult- - ooly , Ifib ter month, with reinaln- -liiwT. Id rmiiiir., 10 minute to brldice L elation andall inrfAt'e tars at coruer. 'SH'2 Oumberlaud at.,llrooklin.


    ilOlfSK WANTKl) for hfWdffr, '()tTi andnutb ti. , and dd and 4th area. DireLt It. J..1J7!:! 3:)lhnt.

    'flats and apartments ro letA HomrSrtkrrJ tTirtcturti tiiwir tntacht8'i? uflfif .SHitrtfW Wurltt. tt in romjitlert

    nam tt'tit'ltt li'untfi" tiflrrftiy Ih.uws ttmlflats to Iff, in(t ti jfiiOufinl M a cuntciiffir(a Hut ttt Ki'ntttu'H.

    Unrurnisnea- - ast tiae.I...XIN..TDN AVI... 14711 Cornor flat, R room.

    u 1 bath, ft'im beatnd, all modern improve- -menta rent. JMo if.M) free to .Marl.l,L.l.l.TO.N AVI! , .H4.. norner 114th at.,

    4 room and bath, All llrht ,rent ftlO. Apply janitor.MAOIO.S AVI:., lf.'JU, near lODtliet. Kiesant

    flat to rent A room, bath, decorated, refrig-erator, heat all ImprovemeiitB ; price jJJI, IniiulrnJiuitor, on premUea.PAHK AVK. . 'J.'th rtt.i:irj,'iui Uat, hand- -

    potnely deoorate 1; ah improremeota, 7 roouu,ti4 to HeiS.lhT AVK.. 980, Ath at. Mre apartments of

    threes painted room-- , if S and $'J.l.STAVK.. corner I'itn et. !our"and rlre rooma,

    rent HM0 .(. .Janitor, 'Jbll Ut are.3D AVL's. 1874 Mi large rooma, all improTe-liment- a;

    $17 to 2d. y11 Til ST.. 31'I LAM-Ne- w a,nr. 4 ro.ima,hot and

    i old water, ratu, il I, 417. Janitor.13111 hT . lHa I.AST llent oommencei April IB

    fine, h Halt by apartmifiitsi, all iniprorerneu . tolet theap.lf.TU HI.. 1,19 I'AVr.i.-n- r lrlnr plate-- 1 irat llai.'

    10 rooiia a ao third llat, ti tooma.16111 .Vr., Ml hAT-hingl- n llat, 7 rooma. all

    lijcht, Iia and dlnius-roo- heated, all improvitiieuta.lorilhr., aouFAhl, nnar'Jtl be

    ilaia, b room and bath, iiuproij iient l I.',?.I4.71NT rT, IU PAM noiiirthiiitt rhoii- - 1 .rr,

    J'fuot ainnlrt t.at, circular Iront, bof mio.inlnt tooma, tonrth tloir, 1JO i.7JD SI' .40.1 J.AM'- - M ely .Imotatfil Apartment a,

    .1 A3 4 rouma line looillty thuap renta.lmi prjfein-fit-

    741 It ST . iJ''. r.M' Pjt or lloor .ml baieuii t,lent inotljg,t iiaa teeu dortor'a otlios a nuinbrr

    ot year. In (tilrn r prciiWiB.SjI) aST , li.'i L'ASC. rorner l.tiimrton are

    Lcr.ur tUt, 7 touina an I bath, all peifovtlylight. Inquire Jacob Dnnkel, 14.". rat rtiit atMfH hi . lu' t AST Apartmi-nta- .1 rnuma,

    cbbiiti location, mmenlen I, ttation, LeutralPark rant Janitor.tla'tTII hV , v.1. KaM 1 Ive lartre, Itgnt rooms, no

    Air nliMt, all liuptoemvtita.

    FREE RENT TO MAY 1.TO Lfcl'-'I- O I.BT-I- O I.LI.

    1'LLAS.Wl UME .Milliiilh,.HiiM 420 Ti) .'.! Pi:il Mri.N'l'II

    Th- - ehai't J aud 7 room and batn all improvedtteaiu-hate- and arpptel halla tiew dtturairdApol iu janitor, .!B4 Plea-al- aie., I ttweru

    15lh and lltith eta,

    FLATS TO LET."i t Komi., a.m. ii at ii iu;m ". ri' U'l'IA Till .in AV. ., Mlt Tot. A. CHI IKMIA.M. tllmi HlliMliU .Till. K M'll.l,.,n roer Madlion ate, and Uth tt. irietal cliarm

    inn iie apnitiiieuta k i itberil aipoanre i riMonaand batn u litfbl fuel matei. tam be.t ,ratoi Appt ti janiur ir

    1IUMI.II IIOSIWICK.t Park ave. aud Hdth at.,

    and 243 Col imtiua ai. , uar 7id at,TMI Itlfll'MTON.MOan 211 rait stti.t,

    I Sis room an atvi. m ko1 ordor. 1flJ and tVO.Api'lr to janitor orIIOMHt lUiMUl k. Park e an I ef-t- at.

    A- ,- t HOICK M .t.Lt- - I l,. aU4 r.5n.i, parlor & b'in't 9 .a rye rooma t4T, V.Jill ra.t Mltlt. oud tlat 7 large loouii o oo4 67 "thtlit,7laraero mm an i hath in mi

    YOL'.M. K.IAtP, i W.t 4 J.IA. -- A t At . UP iS Tilt .1 .MlOlt "I the i .penard, M a .d 1 lAt ('it'i t iil ..niii4yo i r raa l ie mo. de raM. a pa-- t. ui.it iornt lo tliMt-'i- Jar e. diiij anil we i trutliatalAPAUIMl..NTj-rb-- ee rooma with imrwemn a

    in iwlrv jaii'tor. 5SI eit istoo aie

    Unturmsrei 'Vest StrlHKOAPW AY. U4. teifr 3lt and J.' I at -ma!l and 1ar.oaufh fot huainfa, ,.- - v,tit a eetator ntdra.if enti mott invtt vni

    cm a tlon tn 'ny.I OU MiU' AYI. , ., Inlet ilaiT S r . in i and

    bath al' Improvement hited bail, X jamtor on preuiiaea rent vary th-a- n $18.ClUKKNXtini hT, tlM, urtr MoTcpii "iTIegani

    Infill front ApArtmante, tiet order, new buutt,ImuryTeimotat ill, (13, Jauitwr.

    4 W AND APARTMENTS TO LET.Unfurnished West Side.

    .Vns M , 1 , 111 li r l t, arlenct.d apartt tent a 'he.ip nue location, Iminlrii

    an tor'III AP. mrner jTill at, Menant (lata Srooma bath decorated ifiimgh poiiheii wooltoik new I. o jac". rent, JS, iii. oili. e JH4 7 hn ekllllM . tUt.M Uferient tlat ol 5 room, oueiel vrlth atn.et . m'Wl) Ainled lod devoraiMI.M'II rtl.. 'ij: AM) Ji) Vsr Hoyai an1

    Pei'tleiK .Small Mimic llat. .1 aii 4 loom,nth, imprutetnenti i l tp flto ll hi., .'.ii. . i I . ttra lane,-

    -mht iront

    lltt, newly pt ei .l, rl-- t till tu tucemf)it4,J1H m' . tir. O I !J1 W.M- - A.art- -

    metit. ft ur ionntk nnd I nth tenta, fl to i4Ms! s , j, u M n.i t apartment, le-- t

    dei iip? ltoiie ilttrt t light . all impr.iten e nte 4 Jimtm ..'Mil M , .'J.Oii JJiHi.il Vtiela au1 INial tui.i'y tlat I r ion., all iiiiproronrnta, J0 In 4ih.Till SI .M7UI.ST etv 4aml4 imima, hot atitl

    tolil .mhi, ranae, ill. Un da titnr.Mill M . tuntteaat .rnei I lit ne t rtief

    t Hi, all .ipoeitttt- n nu itil to if; J ,tly Janitor1MII hi' . .'41 i heerfulaparliiieiit dir-c- ilUtit:lptrlrr new oie, a. nrproriuiPuta.M". .latiit-.-Mil II l . 211 lt ill Us I Nevi boo ra, threeaid foul room at artmTit, Tf,.i to 15 dimbvaitrra. el tile be U. Iiut lath ttee to teuaiit,iiOr rtn el floor t'ra It liedir.lHM',,IM Wi.sl I an I A room apartmnt4

    ulth all hnproveinentis) en epi liatll, eitra largeootiiH an I lin-I- kid hen . lent rli to aVJ i, to mallind ele t fmulllea. too, ilre Janitor or KKl( Ml., 41.0'Mliave1TIII ST., 411 Wl ,sr Clegant licht apirtmenta,

    b- or lei , new houae, Im) ruvement tlJ.M4 'oi. .'nnlt rIt.lll M , 4J4 UI.M New aiiattiuKUta, three

    large nn.m-- , newly pnlntel, s tn fll, neai,luiet lintleiJDrtl.. Ml. '.n, il7 Wnl look ' niet troom npirtmeita In th ntr . am ll taoliliei. onljTory room painted .e)l mauage.l $llf toaw.M1MI , ,m M irt )lir.T iojiiii and lath,at low rent ot . Jatittreia

    V71 II hi.. Vl AMN.I Wl ST. eat Park Platalight rooma eegatit, alrnm heateit fun) (orrang", eleratur near l.atatlon. Ai.pl to janitor,inril si AM) IOl,rltlN AVK .Mre ateam- -

    t eat'd tlat", T and 7 onm and bathroom t re Matimlt-rat- iitsir elevated Ottlnu Janitor, lU.eat lUt li !liOril hT . I hi .leMmhle atPan.Uente.l 1aa,4

    mom , vilth t.atliro im imiIi moderate , i tone todelated nUtiiiu and tret-iara- . Janitor, 1U3

    i it 111 Mr 4 11 tr 4U UI.M 'l legant al tht Inrae

    tooma. n.ftaiu beat perfnl ventilation, 9.1U tJ

    .Mil l M., '''. W LSI -- Light ateam heated apart-ment, Pud lot alion for tin- - aummat low r.utJanitor.IHtUI' Ul' 1l? I w II. ,l. ...... .!..- - tt. ...-!- .lirim 11,., ,eftl rl ' IIAIillv.rillv lll.rss, ,liyirilwith nil i nuvtMiiiwiCM very luhL and mr . dentiable teiianta mav hive J monlha" rent frie I be4oho'ima ulll b kept a, wn1,! hi though tbuy Mere onMil ave hre janitor1IH1I1 hi., a!7j TO 77HU(Sr Oueinoirhfr.e,

    ilionted tlala.Mith alt improvementi 4 19Hil ,refrre'n e re.jnlre.l.


    HAfHKI.OU APAUI'MtLNTh,ll't Weal 4 iHh t.tre,el,

    Letween llreadway and fllh venue.hriUt II.Y PlltlCPllOOr

    Jnit tin tilled and ready for luapectlon.Nulla nf two rooma with tint ha

    M"tm beat, electric ant gaa light, elevator arvlt., etc., all luclnded tn rent.A few tlealrabln auHa atill remaiti unencage,

    Pur tiartlculara Inquire at office ot1. (. llOUU.M'. Agent, J Wat JJ1 atreat,

    or of Janitor,

    CONVENIENT TO STATIONS.f.th anrl Uti ave elevated.

    flat of eeven rooma end bath, tl35, In theFENIMORE,

    442 Weit f)7th at.Apply on premlaea,

    7 UDt.sll M IitTII,NOS llfiTO 12i WKhT lilt) I'll HT.

    Theae elegant apartmenta. 7 rooma and hath,reasonable rent, private hall, janttor'a aervke.Apply to my on pre.nltei. or

    MOW AIM) I.. 1'INCKM.V,Manager of Kutatee, 71 Itroadway.

    .tiooi.i. FiMT-a- . .iio.NTH ihi:i:.SINGLE FLAT TO RENT,

    hit rooma and bath, to a atnall family, referencerequired. App y to

    ft" I.KNOX AVP.4 oi.iMimi ri.ATM.Apartmeutn to Ifaae. I. er 7 rooma, flrat claaa In

    all appoint ntent a iHS. to a)fiU, lanitor and agent onpremiara t'idumuiia are., lllftti to PiOth at.,laiiug Mornlngaide ParkA -- ( IIOK h rollNL'll, C, riHima. Weat rnl ave.,

    I'dt'iit.. H4II 17lSp-- t VtHli at..(. nmna. 24 ,17.1 Weat '.(.'ll. at. . H rnomi. ..U. 7.11 Amaterdamave., 7 room . ir2t, 926 and ii". Apply at ottue,72 I Aimierdam are.A OaNXFLAT or eight room and hath at 'if.

    Weat OUt at elevator, ball aervioe, Ac j rentfl.UiMi. Janitor, "r

    PllOMAH .. ;t Kt HSON, 35 at.L'llOK'i: M.ATH to let in the

    atrirtlr ttrat'cla: apartmenthnuaea, (10 to 7.1Went HSth at. , avven rooma and bath, hall and

    attendamet rent 445 to $Cj. hUHOlr-HKL-.t CO . Al t'nlumbiia ve., corner Hlb at.

    A. I I.I.(AaNr tlaU, 7 and 8 rooma and'bath alt hardwood and nicely decorated. Apply

    tolii Meat H4thetAl THI7 hi. AUOlLsriNP..

    2(14 Weat ft7lli at., near Broadwaydeatrnh'e apartment, H roein and hath, 41,000.

    O A Mf.iii,.',1 Liberty at ,or Janitor.uu premlaea,at 'im: st. jaii:s,

    No. '6S Hh are. near 57th at.,deeirabte rial, ait rooma, iJIi

    Janitor on preraiaeaFLAT.- - ON Till- - lT hll)h.corner Houlevard antl Weal Slthat.

    Pight rooma and bath, t.M) tn i 5fte.eo rooma ami bath. 410 tu4U.Large, light, we t ventilated rooma decorated,

    ateam heatod. Apply on pramliea. No". 250, 25J,254 and 25i'. Weat Mtli at . orJ. r-- Willi KI II, 27M lionleTard.near W 7.Id it.

    Willi OK UIIIIOUT hIKAM 1IP.AV,ligtit e teiitllat'id apartmetita,

    at rea. unable rente.Apply on premise-- , 4(J Wait 58th et.. nr tn

    J. I. llUAkPU,'.,7'4 Ibmtevard.near W.74ttl at.PLOOUian part" of house In private reldeitcea

    at lot rate Apply to Itl't-u- KINO, ageutrotate u( N. Iron, 1 l otlac lace, dty(4LHKHT. V4 We.t 104th t., cor. ave.T

    eeveu rooma and bath, all tighthalt Xc .rent 44 J. Apply pietmaeaitp.sr PMKL TO MAY 1.

    1 Oh th al. and Un'iiiuiMia are. 5 large, liahttooma, newl decoiatel, with Impro.emeuta . rent41.. Jnnitor IHU t olumtnia ave.MtTOKlA, 11th at., nrar Ctti

    and t ath, hat 1ri.oratet, all new ; Iu vrenta Janitm, 07 W. ImW.NS, 154 6lh ave.

    Unfurnished North of 125th Streit.lsp.ni hT.,27H l'sr Plat S rooma, quiet houae,pruate bbrk iflti to unall famillea only,12.HI1 hT , 51 WIM Pirt tlat. teim luated,

    ' (' r out, tiatll tl ett mauteU, gaaloga, if ii. tour- -Iron janitorI 141 II M . mJ1 ) AS -- Newi;.roinau'l batbllat,

    0 i'j pmal fainili, 41''. Sen jmilor141.VI hi., '.mi j M i !!. mttion, 7 to., m a

    and bath pri.ale luMa, tli lo 4J7. Janitor.hlSl'LAllt. -- b' W'lAV UJl'K hi to-o- llat,

    i room And ht!i, auiall, aelect famuj o ily

    Furnished North of 125th StreetONE BLOCK FROM - ST A HON.

    Ihe larg-n- i (lata of 'i room- - an bat b w.tli diiunjroom, all luM room.deioratCbl ,t heated nailtenia fl'.i to tii i an bo aeu I'Viim,! an I .suudaj, owner Jd ;auitqr ou prrioi-- in; to 125Neit l.Otnal.(12 lOL'l! HOOMn. 1 t'pght, overlooking on

    rbatltlng kcenert tnllllO'in.ra neUhtOrhiMHl etflualvelrrespectab.,) ul i.ta Weal 1"2 at.

    Unfurmshei Miscellaneous.

    Dtsintlilo Apaitmonts to Let.

    ,I'uUuly,lC2andloi averley pljce atu.'n heat elevator,

    I ai boja, leotal, i"'i j er ruonl'l'Irington anil Hotklaml.

    Id', io 142 Neit It tn at , ateam 11 lei and halttoh rxnta , V-'-J t fi.-- i

    St. .lolui, Wavo Crst andCoilarlimtp

    .1 "i to 41 I aal 5(lth i oppoaile oMiibia "oileje,team he&te J al hot irntai, 45d to 7u

    Sutlu'il-iuil- ,

    ",UJ Ma llon -- ic aietm .it v'ontor a a 'ul.boa teutal, r75 to Ui.

    St. Clemont,iC W e.t i. t j tapf f ri teat ruolrrat.

    A I p y to janitor on pren,-(- -. or toI. J. KAMt It. 11 UOVO,

    i '4'uta o r.wi dttiff, I.1 j W3vdwiy,,Nfv YTVnfJMis'cd5roohn

    All. MIr AV. in ieir Dio.klrn av .r eiia -- Pjat id r , 4 a Kitt m Hi ..jl n t.t Apr uu'lre. On ,M ij i ,ir.vene t h .'. 4ipet i ii w ed an nnti jai.iioririv . il vVVh .1 H MIS 143 ru ton at

    ..frill i.; r 4lf.oritrf Penn ai To let.aisgiecr ot ttt, ii" i. a d oaiiirttou , itramleatrtd and ji. mm urrmenU Hiat ,ia oirr andcan be "fn aor tun- tent i J

    VA.NDlJUUl.r YK., 111. Hrookljn-- ro let. tUt& ronia an 1 lalh Landaomeiy deorated hand

    faintel tetllaga, 14 mluutea to New York itIi atation a corner, rent ouly $22. Applyca prtu.ut to jaoi.gr. j


    FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET.On lurmsnea-arooklr- n.

    FINK PLATh. 13( rooma. bath, all Improve- -tnentat .15 minute to .New York by Kin tie County

    l.lcvated April ront frei. Kohbioi, 'JU HAlpn 'are., Ilrooklyii ,'IO LK'l Hat, to aec.ire cnoio of apartment in i

    the Hlteralde applv now a few weeka later hun- - 'died of paoiiif) will tall tor apattmenta and cannot i

    i be aiiomtuodated. a I Minllghtetl rooinn tire Ipioot alatri a a aepatate water-rl-aet- i, aink ardtub lor ei.ti apa.ttnfnt large private para, Jl trental. tl.tU) tn 4 I p". week. Send tor llluatratedi.rcular Aaent Htvetaide,2U Joratemonat., It'alyn. ,lo L I I at, 4 and H rooini, I4 an I $J5, at

    Jfil t Uftort piaie. neigliborhoo t and 'Iloie, otitlde Mlndowa only, remlent jintlor,ala tlrat ator) and baaement Hit at MU J lledfrdave, ,414 and 4H. alaolt H5 Adinia at., 4 rdrtma.fli.aea janit .ta Ontier. J. O. liMJVt.1., lMlll 'mien si. , Itrooklyn,

    Furnished -- East Sitfe.AITU'CTIVP. light,

    Hal, until Oitobei. lniulre UO V ejt 33tli at.,.Id I ell mat,

    FurmshcJ West Sid.7111 P, l.M. Purtiiahed llat, 7 an 1

    lath, trvatenill.at modern coieuien et. Ap- -plj jiuit tori S ItAM'.t:, arrnt, i70 W. I II. In.IOi II - I , KH U I at of .t noinm nl.ely tnt-- i

    nWiiel for Halt l.oui.e.?epinjit 45.t') weekly,oiitaldei bnJJHM.. MIWI-- Pan of 31 tloor lo let fur- -

    nitliet or untu riiahei I 'itl all week,.liVf-- r . .r.H U I hi Pur aate, nlcsly furulalied

    t.at. lltoi, Nagier' 10ID hT . Mo WLhT .VeMt. turtiiahel t'.at-- , 4

    and 5roimaand bath, id four near AtUlmi,oni, 6,15 mo.itu,, iclerenei reiiulred. Itmtlctt'abelt.

    lll.Afs fiiriilaiml no laati teiutrod non.riyweekly paymtlilt. In v piuea i I Arc. '.'4 i N.2 iiorit and tlala. iiimiabad complete lorlioiiaeeepiug, t7..0 to l'l weealy. tMHoOOtoon it y r apriia'de people tmy. Janttot, oi'i7tbave

    Furnishei Miscellaneous.riMH'1,1 ri LY t 1 llMhllt-.- tint. 7 tooma, or

    wi I neli in or ant part uf tutmture ApplyJanttor. 117 WV.t ftCth t


    Unfurnished1LT U AM P.I), :lor 4 rcfimi, aboui fl? or 114,

    t em r aide tet.atita no thl dreu. reterencea, t,otk or rirooklfu O I) hut .171 WorldAMi-- i A parfiT if tor, aultalne lor a cluh,

    muat I e iiltniii walking di.tani ei.f the Clt Hal ,Aildieaa. ataMui termr, Seeielarj, J , boi 5JUllroi.k in Moil IM ANTLI) Apartmenta of 10 light room, wltn all

    Improtementa, fnr private family j bx atlon be- -ween Mth and .Mult at". , an i 5th Area ,

    Itprhwi hetwoeu ,(()() and 4l,inJj. Ad Irrai L. 1...4.U l.aat Tlit at,

    ROOMS TO LET.FURNISHED per line, rWnnd Time. 17c

    and flluei, l.)C.per line, sNoettra i hrge n hundara.

    AilriiltuioMtN uppoaihiK tinrlrr thinchiKFllkutiim In "The Morning World" miHutunlny ami Sinnljiy wUI Lp ropontctlIn "Tlu I.Mnlm; Worlil" on .Siittinlny orMnmliij (Tin iYnil'B Ildime und Huitlits) without Hira olutrKO

    no i:tii ihik:i: roii it.Adverllaemeiita for 1 1 IK WOIttJJ may he leftat an Ainerltiiii Olitrlcl Meaaei.cer once la tbtii Ity, vthcre the ilmrgea trill be the Mine eatho-j- at Ihe main office. .,.., .

    Last Side.IIOWLItY. 3n.near Canal '.Montauk Uotel-Mc- ely

    fnrulahed room, hot an I cold water, ga. bath,heat, dally papera, gentlemen 35c. nightly, 4- -weekly1KVINO PLAf'K. iiamliomely fur- -

    nlahed parlor floor, a no other large rooma;reaaonatde, all coovenltflcea, referenoea.30 aVP..7A- - hlegant furnlahed front DArlori'gaa,

    bAlh, nloaetai for one or two gentlemen3D AYF... (.4, corner 21at at- .- Doubt and gingTe

    rooma, gas, bath, houae very quiet, detlrablepeop,3D AVK., 10112-T- wo nicely furulahed Farge front

    rontni, runuing water, cooking-atov- d'ibea,.J.0 weekly.

    41 11 SI., 52, near Bowery Cicely furnTahetl rooma,two itentlemen or couple, 3 to 44.

    0111 HI., 49 KAHT. near Hn.adwaj I arae andamatl rooma, parlora. or aeparate, permanent or

    tranatent.lltll HT.. 57 LAST, near Broadway-Ur- ge and

    amatl rooma, nicely furnlahed, from 42.50 tu (5.12111 HT., J J HAST --Three nice rooma, i.

    and 43 good location.13 Til hT., 22J PAST TTegantiy furaialied front

    and amall room, board ontioual, prown-aton- ehome, gaa. bath.lflTIl HT . 343 PAbT-Nlc- elr lornubed rooma,

    cheap. Three hella.lOTIi HT.. 203 PAH I -- KlegAutTy furnlahed rooma,

    a tillable fair man and wife or two gentlemen i alaodoctor'a otTir e ; referenoea.21ST Hl'.,r43 F.AH1 Nicely furnlahed large ami

    ainall rooma, running Mater closet, alao parlor.27TII SI" . 117 F.AHT-hm- all. neat furnlahed iront

    room for a gentleman, all convenience32D hT, 10 PAKT liandaomely furnlahed rooma,

    large and email, all lonremencea, breakfaal ifdlitd. .54111 HI , 212 UMT Large, liandaomely fur

    nlahed rooma fot light huuaekeeping, moJeruImprovement-.- .41hTSl'7 324 ladies or

    gentlemen, aloovn room, alao llgbt houiekeepng.l .VI up42DhT.,3lb Nicely furnlahed room for

    twogentlemei light houiekeeping, coneenfence , terms nexjoaole.431 H hT . 13d KAST Handiomelr furnlahed

    back parlor, amtahle fur two gent emeu alaoother roomo2DHI'., 233 rooma or aenlle-me-

    only; private houae, low price, reference,87TH HT , 54.1 KAnT llandaomelv furnlahed par-

    lor and aleepiog room tu let lorone or two gentlenen, private uelghtKirhood, termi moderate.Ilermou.D7TII hT. 15A KAhl' Nevly furnlahed room,

    uitable lor oue or to gentlameo, term a reaaunable. Janitor.107 Til hT . 224 KAhT-rhr- ee nicely furnlahed

    rotona tor light hou'ckeepluv 43 weekly.12iD HI'., 254 KAhl rurnlahei room In plivaia

    Jewlab family, auitahle for doctor'a olhceFUliaMslIrtI) HALL ItKDIlOOJI to let Inquiro

    at 1574 lt eve , tirat tloor, froutrVt--5 Side.

    BA.N'K 1ST., .2-- -r ront aud bark rooma, gentlemanor houaekrpfUst. gaa, bAth, laundry, 41.50 up.

    PfcltHYT . 5. nar tireetieich ave. -- Connectingrouui, nlmly luruiabel. from 4i up.

    WAhUINC.TON PLAIT.. Ill, filh ave.Large fiouij room; foluljg bed, ample tloaeta;

    44, waabfug coivuieut.41 11 ST.", "66 Wr-sr- Waaoirgtou . qua re alialy

    furnlahel rooma for oiaekeepiug or gentlem h,rent 42.50 up.CTII AVK., fii't" Pnrninhed roouu, large

    amall; lefereuce tor gen I emen only7TU AViv, 45, be lth anl Uth eta I jr

    rooma, with alcove alao e.e, ant front at.parlora hut and cold wtter, hat), 4c.Bill AYPs, (et lor houaeueepii g i.

    i a id bedroom u'telj f Jiuialifd, clea i uu I pant1111! S1, (.4 WIHT-larg- e Urlor piano. Mil

    togbed,alao 2d i.oir, tuaniug water, bain, uth rroo in a.12111 .ST.. V r.M Deairabie aitutv loom ,

    double and iugic Sojitiaruer ac uuiniJatel,central, reaao-iaol- no moviua15111 SI , Wlhl Large, well.lurmatied

    ru ma ht tod cold outer, all luuveuleiuei .prti ea moderate


    l'J I'll hi.. 31" Wl.sl' Large front room, id ilo.r.hot ami mid water, private Iiuate and td"ik

    l'Jlll S., 27 WKiT Purulahed noma, tugleand double a'ao Iront i arlor . reiaorabit Mu-

    table for light t ujaekeettlug20111 hi . 1 JJ ttrsr-Ne-w y farmahel room fort'o lath, ruuuim; water, foidmg-bel- , refer

    rice if.Vlsfhl., lSft'WP.hrl.arg rjom to let, i.e.oui

    atort, frout , all ouvrniruce traDaleut aviumniodate t.'JIM hi . i4i WLM wu nicely Itirnlahel, ron- -

    uecting rooma. par or tltH r auitatte for tu ortnire geuta or llgiit houtekeeping21M sT . 41V Wi hi Handarm quare rniin

    alao larce frou ha'l roum, private neigh hoodno moving.iSD M , I51 rt KM" -- I ar.it icom, aoutberi ei

    i aure, 40, another ii.atrictl) privita nouegent leuifu prtf rre I.2U) ST . i Ll N l.s'l-li- an l..m- - turnuliel

    rooma, iiiglynre.i lUllr. privt'e houe, Lenlyfurnlahel , Ldl0gbeja2JD hf, 357 W l,.Vr lloom. nandanLuely fur-- I

    uUtied teruia reoiiab. toard optional toydeaita'i e location24 I II HI 3IM'PST Nue r.'om private lanulv

    eter piaalllr iOQieu euie 1 r lto geiitnuiru(i ."iu Ayre.2411l.il .OoWj-- 4i 50 upiar t'tarae aq are

    airi looiuk aoiitheru citiure, breaataatati d gent, touplea.'CiHM,. 2W t.N NiCMiy furui bed ro una

    au"AU.t for if hi houae keeping, Allcouvrnieucea,term. uoierte ja. batti

    I'iTilf r .0I Hhl Ha) room 4i front "aim!i ar oi tuetiiei or aeparate, all icuvrtu-- j

    ence.27IH si 4 " i lie WTton liandaiiioeU

    tun la .e l iom i ,ir t an a'Co id t. or hiteTer "nim.dition reatonanle,J7I ll tl., 57 N .M lUti laomely tuionlie.l

    a 'ate tojiu, fium Ci 50 up. near ata tungf ti i iiqnrn,211 hT , 4tt WrM ilmieforal Ikociu,, -itaiiilaiunrlt H nil he to inn, wlih I ath'Pill hi 41 Wf'sT Parlor rloor en u 1 n

    aineir nririte bato. buaintaa vr private, alaofiiiiilaied rom. t.".Mil si ,m'j A M Niceiy fnralaneil ir ntn ii for houaaketping . i n it ncro"iii, fj,or a ii (le loom, t SO

    I T J7 t KM" JT two connecting In mio a, iiiu . iuri"aie.i ior iult hoj eketrK- -,r bit au1 o ort

    'Usl sT. IJ Mfr lAKoi MelMMUMJiK.)KP.sjKi:U O.l IAM1LY, OlHl'ilKO ih.35! II M . 36 WKtr e.oid il.H.r front alcove

    room, ctrer a)i to 4Di, break faat opt tonal,3ft IM hT , .1U8 VKsT La ga and'ataalfnlcely fur

    nlahed rooma to let for geatltmen,39TH S f, . "jSiTrt'Efit. TdrnTaTaaaTouMTluceT?

    iLiulibid tcota aadbtdreouij Uouitkavpiog ft,



    3HI It HT.271 VVRKT-Ba- ptrlorialao tqnftr )roo-n- for hojiekejptag, twoconoeetlax roome,' . i

    PJO M , 20! lurniihtd front fream, m&ll room adjoining, will rent separately 'orenau'ie.4..H hT., 13! WKhT- - Nicely furnlahed tooma, ea .

    auito or aluglyj referencea.4.MIISr., 21!) WPHI' Haadome large

    and amali All r tnrenienceai home comfort t 'terui roatonahle, ileairab.n location.4 5 T HT.. 1d parToTfToori doo--

    tm, dentlit or other hualneaa, Alao a nut, re roo mllarge roeta, ruuului water, bath, folding beJi ,private family.117ril ST, a? J Wl Hi -- parW anTrbedroom, fur

    nlahed nar L atitlnn. h round tloor.1TW hT , II WCtT Muelr furalaned fjomiglTconteniei cea , reifonable amall American fam- -

    ily. Mra. Croil-ie-' "HOTEL VENDOME.Suits of t.n or thres rooms, with ptlvats halt .n.l bsth, ultuorvlthciul hnanl

    I I'llNINIII'llnr tint, sltiglonr en suite, hamtaom.private resilience, West 5lltli st,, near &th ave, 1

    Iminrillate ,,.e..inn. OWNKK. I' O. tiox IB.l.lfti.E I'UKMhlll.n HOD. I to itt torteogen 'tlemen Lnli at ioj West 46tb it., tint bell. '

    Aorth at 125th Srrsi157TII ST 21 VI:sT llanoanmelr, furnlih.itroum, gentleman an 1 wife, also single; privatehivjss. real'inltile.123TI1 ST.. ,H Wfcir" VuriiTshect'Jlat. itearanest. r rnnnis, liatll, tilel mantels, gal log.irJIS.cuiirteuis janitor.

    Miscellaneous.HOTEL. VENDOME.

    Single rooma, with or without bath; A merle aor Puropeau plan

    FURNISHED ROOMS'tVANTED.(..LN n.t.MA.N lieslres permaneiitij fnrnllheri

    double Mum, near Madison srjnare Replies.stating Inwost terms, X., Imx 335 WorldItOOMS fnrnlstieil for limiselteeDlngl Man and son I

    state terms, .le Permanent, care advancementoffice, lUMIIerrker st.i HUM ( Ol'I'Li: want twu rooms,light housekeeping, Iu refined tamllr. R., bolnitTUptown World. i

    BOARDERSWANTED.per line, Second Time, 17e

    and huoeequent Tlmee, 15opar Noel Ira charge on Hundaya.

    AilvrTtlHiMiiontH nppfarlnK under thTa 'rlnnnlMcatton In "The Morning World' onSatiinla atitl Hunduv 111 be repentedin "Tin K ruing World" on Saturday orMonday (The lVoplr'n House and Home)Jayo wltlioiit oxtra churKC.

    .NO PXTIIA tUAlKiU FOlTTir""AdTfitlaeiutnr j inr J 1110 WtjULD tuay be left

    At utiy Am. Ut jii Dialrlct Meaacnger Office la tfalgcity, where the chuntej will be the game U Lthofsu at the mulu oOlce.

    East Sid$.MULnP.nUYHr., Mt. near Grand-flo- od bord ,

    and room a, 44 to 4.30 a week.UMYKHHITV PLAOP, 1:4, corner Uth Urg

    i and amall front rooma; running water, eioetlenk ilable. terma reasonable. 73D AVIi. 154, near 15th faro ie bed !

    double room, with or without board; twageotle Jment reaaonabte. jOTll HP . 4li KAST, nearUroadway-KfegAutroo- mt 'j

    with board, permanent ortrauaient; geotlemeaor fatniliea, iOTH ST., 5tU.AHT sunnyToom. newly furntagei,

    with irood board, home comforta, geotlemea 5.Iadlee44.10TH ST.. 110 KAHl-N- eat furnlahed room for j

    two gentlemen with boa d .12TII HT., 2iJ tarnlabed baelt 4

    parlor and other rooma, excellent board) mod ferAtei private boardlng.houee,mlf HT.. 3i3. 223"EAHr-Nea- tir furnlahed largegod amall rooma at moderate prlcea, table board.1RT1I ST., 39 KAHT Large and email room, vita

    or without noard, at moderate prloea; elevator. l

    23DHT..H KAHT, near Hroadeay-hanaa- ooilarge, email rooma. aupenor toardi molerata

    price, uneiceptionable rnferencea. j39TII Hr., 11 ant furnlahed rooma, en

    anite or alnaly, eicellent table, traoitenU ana jtable hoardera accommodated 120Til 8T.."lJ(i od amall rooms, all r; f

    convenience!, with board- -34T1I HT. IM EAbT-Ur- ge double rooma; board

    optional, owners J3'JTIIKt.. 137 KAHT -- Cent. 45: I ad lea, itm;

    all Accommodattona j parlor and batb. if4 1ST hT.. 241 EAST Urte mom for two wltb j

    board , also hall room , genu, 45 , tabli boardera !wanted.CMll HT.. 10(1 FAHT-Hlna- Tte room, to, ST t doubla iJ Jtroom, $11 for two uniformly good table.BOTH HT., lift KAMT-T- wo ha ndeo meliorate hod

    rooma, with eicellent board; private Uermaafamily. Ieuahuta. '1 34T1I HT.. eoiitheaat corner Islington aee..

    Hotel Peteler helect family hotel, elegantly' farniahedteulta and aingle rooma, with or withoutboard Jtermamoderate. 4

    "THE BRISTOL. l13 to 19 Kaat 11th at.. near 3th ave. ;comfortablo .

    family bouae, itrr moderate terma.

    West Side. t .HUDSON HT , furnlahed front room a., 1

    with excellent board, gaa, bath, hot and cplawater.3TII AVE., furolafeed '"mme.r !

    enauiteand aingly. every convenience; gentle Imn or geutlemau and wife. tCTII AVK. 3SJ. etween 2Jd and 34th eta.

    Nicely furnlahed hall end lArge roome;one forlight hotiaekeeping.6T1I AVP. 043; In rre hail room, hot and f

    cold water, with board; private family; gent orworking girl. 43 par week. , j11 Pll HI.. MO WKST-Af- ter May 1, large room, i

    excellent table, hne local on, rraaonabia; rarer 7encea. .MTti HT . 244 anth etaoico j

    board, at reaaonahle ratea; alao table homrd.', 15T11 ST , 32 WKhT Sunny rooma, parlor, eea )I nnd tloor, fam Ilea, gentlemeu; hotel tabletJ parlor dining-room- , moderate. t' lf.Tll ST.. ail WKSr-Dou- ble and alrgle frontj rooma with eicellent borne board, terma moder

    ate.17TI1 ST.. 154 WKhT FnrnUhed room to let,

    miwit 5"

    or without board, toaglrl.18T11 HT.. 4J WI.YT Newly furnlahed bandaomo

    rooma, tranatent aicommodated, no movtog;board optional, con ven lent; central. 120TII RT. 329 WKhT rront raomTever7 tico--

    venltnce, American famtlj, firetecUaa board tl kdealred.21M hT.. 248 WKhT Detlrable- rooma; eieellentv t

    liberal table, geutlemau, faralliea, linai reaaoaable.ood bojae; no moving.i,2DhT, .113 WKhrO-'helew- Houae) Moome.witl.

    board, alnilv or eu auitei permanent or tranalinuV'l'1 HP , 3."i7 WKhT ilooma. handaortely fur-

    nlahed, terma reasonable; board optional; Tery(ipMirable location.23D hT.. 443 M'rST I r tront room,

    nicely turnle'jei good boarl, lovely location;table board.24TH Sr..J AND 37 Wr.rtT.near 5UdlaonlSuare'

    bor tiDghoue,aaperior table, pleaianlhome,

    M II h"L. 2tl WPsI Peaatnt romi with goad j;bard. 43. table board, 4 .0 f

    2STI1 hT., .121 ' l.aitf and amall rooma, t"nUely furnished, with exoelleat table board; 45,

    ffi.i'jXM s.. 3d I Mrhl--Nati- y furnuhed lane and I

    email rooin, euitable for light huuaekeeping;bath, ga rraaonable 13lhl'sr.. 304 Wi t I' Nicey lurulabed front hall n

    riHiui, bath an f . Ifl' 3JD hT.. IH M" .lamitme newly (urjlihedT IMrooma tu let , a I Urt e ami of rooma.

    34 Pit hT , 2W MP.r-Nice- iy furniabed" largo fProoma, with good board, at reasonable rata. JtJSTli Hl. 51 WKsT, lhe raaW

    anl aingl. private bath table eupp41ed beat IMitiarket urt djcea. ? f jH34fH hT 211 MlhT - P'egaut. aunny. largo E

    connecting aid tingle roiiui, near Broadway; Beice.teai boar I reaaonahle, H

    ST, WOT-Lar- ge and email rooma,with board, ti and 4f prola.nonait, traoaleutaaccommodated ? llB

    47TilhT. 10 W nearWtndaorllolel-New- ly jPfuiniahtt: argj a .J aioa.l toomi, with excellent jH

    1S1H HT., 221 UrniiheTrooia. board for laliea and gentlemea,gaa and lflfibatn termi moderate ) Hl1 hV . 313 rt'PsT lorNt board, alngla and JBl

    tlouhierjom 'a 11 ,44 genta, 96 baik parlor. iM,i M .11 Mr Hoom And board for lady, ialvf mp o el pmate family hnme.llae. ItreaOAtt. H

    I2.1IH hi.. 10, Uand U LhT, The Purtlao- d- ,MDe.irtMa , amgly or eo auite, excellent 4 !&!

    txaid aitdattetidiuif, houe aelect locatici ien tjBtra' tt'ile be artier accommodated ,,,..,,. ., " lanaW

    THE EOOHESTER, H2M and 31n M'eit Mth at , aelect Un; fcouiei Kmolttale terw. references lltjHI

    Korth of 125th Strut H1S0TH ST. 23PIST-Lir- fe front roomforgeo , H

    tleiuaa, with board private family hot andccld tiater teat cf relrucea rrqu red 3H

    Brooklyn. HHb!BFRt.EV hT.. 97, Brooklyn-Lar- ge and a nail AVI

    furniihel with or wttnoui table boirdi HJbaibroim reaiooio'e prl ei .. ' !CUMHtnf.WH M , nwrna, with"Ittard in prt'iie fami.y uie of batb; bouio ptirt fllH--il?gea te'iiiB inOaterate


    XKAT rf'iiMSHLO ItOOM warned bj"jouoc Htna-- i lietseen loth ann .'Sin st . Fast alrtet wllh

    I, nana. I Address A Adol. 4 11 Tlstjlt tsHltllOM, with breakfast, braioung man. uortrioi .BJaBJ

    Harlem, near tteet aid L station Muderate,boi 2, World uptown. ., BANMTT3 lNFtfRNlStlfcD roorulio lid Ward I all tin. BJBJI

    provementinn private house, c.atl.msn apd iBVAlwife, with boardt parmanem 1( ,ultabl, Tt i. tBMajO.i J53taitlSlll.l. iBJgJ

    A-- it B