E E v v e e n n t t s s l l e e a a d d i i n n g g t t o o t t h h e e m m u u r r d d e e r r o o f f N N i i s s a a r r B B a a l l o o c c h h , , a a S S h h e e h h r r i i a a c c t t i i v v i i s s t t

Events Leading to the Murder of Nisar Baloch a Shehri Activist1

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch a Shehri activist. Gutter Baghicha, Manghopir Road, Karachi is amenity park land. Various politicians, criminals and government bureaucrats are stealing the amenity land. A brave environmentalist, activist and educationist was murdered in cold blood by these criminals. The illegal land grab by lawbreakers who are supported by political parties in Karachi continues today (March 2010)Shehri-Citizens for a Better Environment (www.shehri.org) is a civil advocacy group involved in various issues related to the protection and conservation of natural and built environment in Pakistan

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Page 1: Events Leading to the Murder of Nisar Baloch a Shehri Activist1

EEvveennttss lleeaaddiinngg ttoo tthhee mmuurrddeerr ooff NNiissaarr BBaalloocchh,, aa SShheehhrrii aaccttiivviisstt

Page 2: Events Leading to the Murder of Nisar Baloch a Shehri Activist1

Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist Gutter Baghicha, Manghopir Road, Karachi


Narrative Annexures

1. CDGK’s National Park brochure

2. CDGK’s GB Layout Plan submitted in Court in 2005 & 2006

3. FIR # 156 dated 30-6-2009, Pak Colony P.S.

4. Land-grab in Gutter Baghicha

5. CDGK’s National Park layout

6. News-clipping from Daily Awam dated 16-7-2009

7. CDGK City Council Resolution # 544 dated 29-7-2009

8. KMC Council Resolution # 336 dated 3-5-1981

9. Shehri letter dated 27-8-2009 to Special Home Secretary

10. CDGK’s GB Layout Plan submitted in Court in 2009

11. Comparative Layouts of National Park

12. News-clipping from Daily Awam dated 7-11-2009

13. FIR # 331 dated 7-11-2009, Soldier Bazar P.S.

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

The Narrative Gutter Baghicha is a 120-year old amenity sewage farm and sewage treatment plant on the Manghopir Road in Karachi. After 1947, over 55% of the land was encroached upon for non-amenity use (katchi abadis, industries, workshops, etc). Since 1993, local residents and environmental activists have been trying to safeguard the rest of the amenity area and have a public park established thereon. For 16 years the matter has been in the superior courts without a satisfactory resolution of the issues involved. Since 2002, around 163 acres of the remaining approximately 430 acres was set aside as a National Park, and development work was started at site by the city government. In mid-2009, in brazen violation of a high court status-quo order, a group of politically-patronized encroachers (with armed guards) occupied 30 – 50 acres in Gutter Baghicha --- in the location of National Park --- and began constructing houses without approved plans. This land-grab has the whole-hearted support of the administrations of the City and SITE Town governments, who have passed bogus resolutions in the city council and prepared fake layout maps to support the encroachers. Two local activists, Nisar Baloch and Nadir Baloch, members of the Gutter Baghicha Bachao Tehreek, have been shot and killed after they protested in the press and led public demonstrations. No action has been taken yet to remove the encroachers or to prosecute individuals who have made public threats against the concerned activists, although federal and provincial authorities and politicians are aware of the entire scam. The laws must be implemented to:

Remove the encroachers and their encroachments from National Park/Gutter Baghicha Prosecute the killers of Nisar Baloch and Nadir Baloch

1. Since 1993, local residents and environmental NGOs have been trying to save

what is left (about 430 acres) of the original 1016 acres of Gutter Baghicha (GB), a 1890 amenity sewage farm, which includes Sewage Treatment Plant No.1, on the Manghopir Road. The main controversy was the allotment of 200 acres to the KMC Officers’ Cooperative Housing Society (KMC-OCHS), and additional plots proposed to be converted to other such non-amenity uses.

Numerous cases have been fought in the Supreme Court (SC) and Sindh High Court (SHC) over the past 16 years, until finally Suit 1484/2008 (filed by Ardeshir Cowasjee, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Shehri and area residents, including Nisar Baloch of Gutter Baghicha Bachao Tehreek (GBBT) against City District Government Karachi (CDGK), KMC-OCHS, etc), which requires recording of evidence, is pending in the SHC.

2. In 2002, President Musharraf promised to established a public park on GB,

but CDGK officials (many of them members of KMC-OCHS or their cronies) reduced the size of this National Park from 430 acres to 163 acres (copy of CDGK’s National Park brochure cover page attached as Annexure-1) in order to protect their illegal allotment of 200 acres.

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

This under-construction Park was shown in the GB layout plan submitted by CDGK in the SC on 18-5-2005 & 18-2-2006 (copy attached as Annexure-2). It can also be partially seen on the historical satellite imagery of Google-Earth.

3. On 23-10-2008, the SHC gave a status-quo order in Suit 1484/2008,

applicable to all the vacant areas of GB. 4. Suddenly, around end-June 2009, the

issue took a new and ugly turn: a group of politically-patronized encroachers, organized by the SITE Town Nazim, invaded the northern part of the vacant 430 acres of GB and began to construct houses. FIR # 156 dated 30-6-2009 (copy attached as Annexure-3) was registered at the Pak Colony PS. The location of this land-grab (ENCROACHMENT-1) can be seen from Annexure-4. This encroachment/land-grab is on the designated 163 acres of CDGK’s National Park (which was included by President Zardari on 28-5-2009 as a top-priority 187-acre [see Annexure-5] part of his ‘Green Karachi Project’, a move that may have triggered the previously planned land-grab).

5. On 15-7-2009, Ardeshir Cowasjee requested City Nazim Syed Mustafa Kamal

to accompany him to inspect this land-grab at National Park; instead, EDO (Revenue) CDGK, Sajjad Hussain Abbasi, was sent along by the City Nazim. Also in the inspection party were former Senator Nisar Memon, and GBBT and Shehri members.

At the land-grab site, construction of over 100 houses was underway within the National Park area under the protection of armed men. The EDO (Revenue), who had a police guard, warned all members of the inspection party not to approach the construction as the situation was fraught with danger. He agreed to go back and assemble the necessary force to eject the encroachers (see news-item dated 16-7-2009 attached as Annexure-6). The EDO, however, did nothing.

6. In view of the public pressure to save the Park/GB, about 1½ months after the invasion/land-grab, a Resolution # 544 dated 29-7- 2009 (copy attached as Annexure-7) was passed by the City Council, under the stewardship of Naib Nazima Nasreen Jalil, providing plots to persons who had allegedly been displaced when Hasrat Mohani Colony (one of the katchi-abadis established on GB around the 1960s) was regularized in 1981/82.

7. This new CDGK City Council Resolution is supposedly based on old KMC

Council Resolution No.336 dated 3-5-1981 (copy attached as Annexure-8).

8. On 25-8-2009, Shehri filed a contempt of court application against the CDGK City Nazim and the SITE Town Nazim for violating the status quo order dated 23-10-2008 in Suit 1484/2008 at the ENCROACHMENT-1 location.

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

The SITE Town Nazim filed a counter-affidavit dated 17-11-2009 stating:

“That I say that the contents of Para 8 of the Application under reply are false & fabricated. The land, as alleged, is a part of approved net work of old settlement namely Hasrat Mohani Colony, which is under the cover of MLO-110 Defunct KMC (Now CDGK) vide Resolution No: 336, dated: 03-05-1981, had declared therein that 50% effectives of approved Plan be settled down on priority basis in the same vicinity on open spaces. The affected squatters were existing in-haphazard and un-planned manner prior to 1978. The City Council after realizing the ground realities & in terms of Corporation Resolution No: 336 dated 03-05-1981 approved their re-allocation resettlement on the un-used open CGDK spaces in a planned manner vide their Resolution No. 544 dated 29-07-2009 (Copies of Corporation Resolution No: 336 dated 03-05.:1981 & City Council Resolution No: 544 dated 29-07-2009 are attached at Annex G & H respectively). No. Amenity of what so-ever nature is disturbed or otherwise is affected by this regularization as Katchi Abadi, the said old settlement is also separated from the alleged Amenity net work”.

Interestingly, the land-grab is being justified by CDGK on the basis that, after 27 years (!!!), the affectees of the 1981/82 regularization adjustments are being settled on the space adjacent to Hasrat Mohani Colony. Can this be substantiated with detailed documentation, “affectee” lists and regularization maps from 1981/82, and is this allotment in accordance with law?

9. On 26-08-2009, Special Home Secretary, Kamran Dost, called a meeting to discuss the law and order situation around GB, where area residents were protesting the land-grab. Present were:

EDO (Revenue) CDGK Sajjad Hussain Abbasi DIGP (West) Abdul Majeed Dasti SSP (Liaquatabad) Zafar Daregio Rangers Colonel Sohail Malik SITE Town Nazim Izharud-din Ahmed Khan SITE Town Naib-Nazim Saeed Badshah Members of GBBT & Shehri

On leaving the meeting early, the SITE Town Nazim openly threatened “Hum tum ko dekh lein gay” (translation: We will fix all you guys!) Shehri wrote a letter the next day (copy attached as Annexure-9) confirming all the points discussed, including the threat. No action has yet been taken against the Town Nazim.

10. On 26-9-2009 during an inspection by the SHC

Nazir of the encroachment/land-grab, CDGK submitted a second (but different from the one submitted to the SC in 2005 & 2006, Annexure-2 above) GB layout plan to the SHC (copy attached as Annexure-10).

A comparative of the three layouts of National Park from Annexures-1, -2, -5 and -10 is shown

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

in Annexure -11. It will be noted that the top part of the Park has been reduced significantly to accommodate the political jiyalas’ ENCROACHMENT-1. Thus, the collusion of CDGK officials with the politically-patronized encroachers is obvious. Additionally, during this inspection, the Nazir was mobbed by hundreds of women and others (who had been brought to the location that day in vans and on motorcycles) and was not allowed to examine the ongoing illegal construction, which had spread to about 30 - 50 acres. This ploy is used at each and every inspection by court or civil administration.

11. The above sequence of events is an elaborate fraud and a blatant attempt by

CDGK officials and the two Nazims to provide a legal cover to a criminal act of amenity space land-grabbing by party loyalists.

12. This can be confirmed by obtaining answers to the following questions from the CDGK & SITE Town administrations, and Police:

12.1 Provide list of persons (with NICs) who have been allotted land in GB, adjacent to Hasrat Mohani Colony, under City Council Resolution # 544 dated 29-7- 2009?

12.2 Provide detailed official CDGK plot layout map of this new colony and list of plots allotted.

12.3 Where have these new “allottees” been living for the past 27 years (1982 - 2009)? Provide copies of their utility bills.

12.4 Provide copy of original list (with NICs) prepared in 1981/82 of persons in Hasrat Mohani Colony “who were affected to the extent of more than 50%” as mentioned in KMC Resolution 336 of 1981.

12.5 Which of these “affectees” were provided alternative plots at that time (1981/82)? Provide list of plots (with “allotees” NICs).

12.6 Provide Hasrat Mohani katchi abadi layout plans before and after regularization in 1981/82 (including those that were referred to in KMC Resolution No 336 dated 3-5-1981).

12.7 How did all these “allottees” now start building their houses at the same time, and at such a fast pace? (This is the mark of a land-grab.) Why do they have armed guards protecting them? After all, allegedly only 27 years ago they were residing next door in Hasrat Mohani Colony? Shouldn’t they have relatives and friends there? Provide list of such relatives/friends.

12.8 Have the CDGK allotment letters, lease documents and other formalities been completed for the simple, poor “allottees”? How was this done so quickly? Other lessees in Karachi are not so fortunate.

12.9 Have the “allottees” obtained approval of their building plans from KBCA? If so, provide copies of approved plans and approval letters. If not, why are they being allowed to construct in violation of law?

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

12.10 How have simple, poor “allottees” (allegedly ex-Hasrat Mohani Colony residents) managed to obtain KESC, KWSB and SSCL connections so fast? Utility companies take years to supply new abadis. Who is supporting them?

12.11 Provide a detailed, dimensioned large scale layout map of National Park, on the basis of which the development of the 163/187-acre park is being undertaken on site. Is this different from the original 2005 brochure/layout of the park? Why?

12.12 Under what law is CDGK allowed to allot plots in an amenity sewage farm plot? Does the City Council’s Resolution # 544 dated 29-7-2009 not need approval by the provincial government?

12.13 Why did the EDO (Revenue) CDGK, Sajjad Hussain Abbasi, at the Special Home Secretary’s office on 27-8-2009 agree to initiate removal of the land-grabbers using the anti-encroachment apparatus of the CDGK, utilizing the DIGP (West) for law and order cover?

Was he not aware that one month earlier, on 27-7-2009, the City Council had gifted CDGK amenity land (of which he is in charge) to these “allottees”?

Or did he realize that the land-grab had started before the passing of the City Council’s Resolution of 27-7-2009 (he had witnessed the encroachment on 15-7-2009 when he visited the site with Ardeshir Cowasjee, Senator Nisar Memon, and Shehri/GBBT) and was consequently fraudulent?

12.14 Why did the SITE Town Nazim, Izhar-ud-din on 26-8-2009 at the Special Home Secretary’s office state that land was allotted by the CDGK, that he knew nothing about this occupation at National Park in GB, and was not connected with it? Yet, as he left the meeting early, he threatened “Hum tum ko dekh lein gay!”

12.15 Why has the DIGP (West) Abdul Majeed Dasti accepted the encroachers’/land-grabbers’ story when he is aware that the land-grab (and the FIR lodged by his own police officials, Annexure-3) took place in end-June 2009 (one month before the City Council Resolution # 544 dated 29-7-2009)?

13. On 6-11-2009 afternoon, GBBT’s Nisar Baloch held a press conference at the

Karachi Press Club, naming the City Nazim and the SITE Town Nazim as sponsors of the encroachment in National Park in GB, and appealing to the

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Events leading to the murder of Nisar Baloch, a Shehri activist

DAILY TIMES 31st January, 2010 DAILY TIMES 31st January, 2010

government and the CJ SC to take action to preserve the amenity space (see news-clipping dated 7-11-2009 attached as Annexure-12).

14. At around 9:30 am on 7-11-2009, Nisar Baloch was shot and killed on Love

Lane Bridge crossing the Lyari River (copy of FIR #331/2009 dated 7-11-2009 is attached as Annexure-13). No one has been arrested to date.

15. On 7-1-2010, Nadir Baloch, who took over the responsibility of GBBT, was also shot and killed. Again, the killers are roaming free.

16. The land-grabbers at ENCROACHMENT-1 continue to thrive and prosper, and their construction and occupation increases every day. This can be confirmed from a study of the historical satellite imagery of GB. The city, provincial and federal governments are keeping silent, despite the overwhelming facts given above --- which are in the knowledge of all!

17. As stated in Ardeshir Cowasjee’s column “I own Karachi, and can sell it - 3!” in DAWN dated 31-5-2009:

“Land encroachment has also taken an ethnic bent. For 60 years, Sindhis have found themselves progressively becoming a minority in their own capital city. Now the descendants of the original Mohajirs are worried about the influx of Pashtuns into Karachi and their growing political power (in last year’s elections the ANP won two seats in the MQM’s stronghold). The MQM has under way a variation of Lebensraum (the 20th century Nazi scheme to resolve potential demographic problems and defend the German race against stagnation and degeneration) which it is hoped will create vote-banks.”

18. Unlawful political compromises

will not work, and has brought Pakistan down to its knees. Impotent threats like “No one is above the law!” or “We will deal with hooligans with an iron hand!” are not believed by anyone anymore. Across-the-board and strict implementation of law and order is the only sustainable solution to the problems of this country.

19. It is imperative that the provincial government takes immediate action to: Remove the encroachers and their encroachments from National Park and

Gutter Baghicha Prosecute the killers of Nisar Baloch and Nadir Baloch

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Annexure-1 CDGK’s National Park Brochure circa 2005

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AAnnnneexxuurree--22 GGuutttteerr BBaaggiicchhaa LLaayyoouutt

Submitted by CDGK in Supreme Court on 18-5-2005 & 18-2-2006

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(Translation of Annexure‐3) 

FIR No: 156/2009 Police Station Pak Colony 


                FIR NO. 156/2009                 POLICE STATION: ‐ PAK COLONY                                                                          Town/District: ‐ Liaquatabad Town, Karachi                                            Pak Colony Date and Time of Report: 30‐06‐2009                         Date and Time of Occurrence: 30‐06‐2009                                          AT   : 10:00 HOURS                                                                        At: 09:15 HOURS   Name of Complainant and Address:                              SIP Raja Riasat Ali, P.S Pak Colony, Liaquatabad  

  Town, Karachi on Behalf of Government/    State  

Nature of Offence with Sections of Law:                         U/S 447/34 P.P.C. Illegal Possession of                                                                                                      Government Land.                         Place of Offence and Distance from Police Station:        Behind Degree College Asifabad, Gutter                                                                                              Baghicha distance is one kilometer from                                                                                                       Police Station.  Regarding the Investigation of Case reasons of                  The investigation of this case will be conducted   Delay if Any in Recording the FIR:                                     by Station In‐charge Officer of Investigation                 wing of this police station             SD/‐ Sub Inspector Police:                      Raja Riasat Ali                                                               

Rank          Signature 


First Information Report May Be Recorded Below: 

I,  SIP  Raja  Riasat  Ali,  with  Staff  PC  Karamat  B.  No:  14871,  PC  Muhammad  Aijaz  No:  5856  and  DPC 

Muhammad Afzal  in a Govt. Vehicle  left for patrolling. Did patrolling  in the  Illaqa/Area and at 0915 hours 

when  arrived  near  Degree  College,  Asifabad,  Gutter  Baghicha,  saw  that  some  persons  are  digging 

government  land  for  the  purpose  of  illegal  possession.  They were  asked  to  produce  documents  about 

ownership of this land which they could not produce. They were enquired of their names which they  



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disclosed as: 

1. Sharyan‐Ullah S/O Abdul Samad 

2. Raheem‐Ullah S/O Zar Faheem 

3. Malook S/O Ghulam Mustafa 

4. Bolan S/O Gul Raheem 5. Azeem Jan. 

 In  the mean  time  a  SPO Gulbahar,  DSP  Tariq  arrived  and  directed  for  action.  The  above  accused were 

informed about their offence and arrested. The arrested accused persons disclosed owner and contractor of 

this land is Muhammad Jawaid S/o not known who ran away after seeing police party. The case is registered 

against arrested and absconded accused persons. The arrested accused are handed over to S.I.Q (Station In 

charge Officer) – Investigation wing for the purpose of investigation and action. 



SD/‐                    SD/‐ SIP Raja Riasat Ali                SIP Raja Riasat Ali Complainant                  Police Station Pak Colony                     Karachi 


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Daily AWAM  (July 16, 2009) 

 Unauthorized constructions on the land of Gutter Baghicha may be stopped 

Nisar Memon  

Every sort of efforts will be made on each level, addressed by Nisar Baloch and others.  Nisar  A  Memon  former,  Minister  of  Information  and  Broadcasting  Government  of Pakistan, impressed upon Syed Qaim Ali Shah Chief Minister Sindh and Dr. Ishrat‐ul‐Ibad Governor of Sindh  that  they may gear up  their efforts and stop  illegal possession and construction on the Amenity Park (Gutter Baghicha).  The outsiders and  immigrants have no right  to  take possession on  the  land of ancient people of this area on Trans Lyari, Gutter Baghicha Park land.  He  disclosed  this  in  the  public  meeting  regarding  Gutter  Baghicha  Park  Bachao Programme held on Trans Lyari, Old Golimar.  He advised the people to remain peaceful and should not take law in their hands. They will not only gear their efforts for the safeguarding of 480 acres amenity land of Gutter Baghicha but will  start  legal  tug of war. He demanded  from Chief  Justice of Pakistan Chaudhry  Iftikhar  Ahmed  that  he  may  take  SUO  MOTO  notice  regarding  illegal possession on the amenity park of Gutter Baghicha and arrange to stop construction.  Nisar Baloch and Qadir Baloch also addressed the gathering. Before this meeting Nisar Memon along with Roland deSouza, Tahir Swati, Nisar Baloch and Nadir Baloch visited the site of amenity park Gutter Baghicha. 

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(Translation of Annexure-6)
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City District Council, CDGK session held on 29th July, 2009 and passed following resolution.

Sub: Resolution regarding provision of Ownership Rights to victims of Mohani Colony SITE town according to map of Katchi Abadi Act 1987.

Resolution no: - 544 Date: 29th July 2009

Hasrat Mohani colony is located on the land of CDGK and its previous map was recommended in Resolution NO: 336 dated: May 3rd, 1981. On the other hand after independence people started residing at this colony which was illegal according to the Rules. But later on during the Planning and Survey the occupants were shifted from their and allotted with alternate plots under the light of above Resolution. Residents of this area shifted to Hasrat Mohani Colony shifted at vacant plots without Government’s help at their own. Even than they had not been given the owner ship rights instead amendments were made in the map. This land belongs to Municipal Corporation at that time and presently it belongs to CDGK and it is not the part of amenity space or any planning. In this regard the victims consulted the local representative to drive their attention towards this 28 years old issue. Even the previous government had not delivered the ownership rights to 50% of residents.

So City District Council, CDGK today in this session of Sindh Katchi Abadi under the “REGULARIZATION IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION 1993 and previous council Resolution No: 336 dated: May 3rd, 1981 announces to deliver the ownership rights to 50% residents Hasrat Mohani Colony and direct the Katchi Abadi department of CDGK to deliver the ownership right according to the Katchi Abadi Act 1987.

Resolution Unanimously Passed Nasreen Jalil 30-7-2009 CDGK

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(Translation of Annexure-7)
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City district council, department of Katchi Abadi CDGK will deliver ownership rights to victims under Katchi Abadi Act of 1987 via Resolution No:- 544 dated 29th July 2009. CC:

1- EDO (Revenue) CDGK 2- EDO ( Finance 7& Planning) CDGK 3- EDO (law) CDGK 4- EDO (IT) CDGK 5- DO (Land Management ii) CDGK 6- DO ( Coordination) CDGK 7- DO (Finance) CDGK 8- DO (Budgeting)CDGK 9- DO (Media Management) CDGK 10- Secretary to City District Government CDGK 11- Secretary to District Naib Nazim CDGK 12- Secretary to District Information officer 13- EDLFE

Gufran Ahemd District Officer City District Government Karachi.

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Dated: May 3, 1981

Subject: Layout plan for Muhammadabad (Gulbahar) Hasrat Mohani Colony, Walayatabad and Qasimabad

Reference Commissioner letter no. D.K.A/ 516/81 dated 25-4-1981 which is reproduced as under:-

The following area been declared as Katchi abadi under Martial Law Order No:- 110

1- Muahmmadabad (Gulbahar 2- Hasrat Mohani Colony 3- Walayatabad Colony 4- Qasimabad

Their lay out plans have been prepared in which the following plots are specially shown:-

A. Mehfooz for residential purpose (up gradation and payment at the time of possession) B. Mehfooz for Social welfare purpose C. The Portion of plots in (A) are reserved for roads and other welfare works

Necessary objection were called on all plots. In reply 144 objections were received. Director Katchi Abadi presented with his recommendations before Katchi Abadi Committee.

The Katchi Committee with their resolutions Number 9 dated: 23-4-1981 submitted to Baldia Uzma with the following Recommendations:-

Katchi in their first meeting dated: 14-6-1980 constituted a district (Zila) Committee unanimously and nominated the following members:-

A) Illaqa Councilors B) Officers of Director Katchi Abadi.

They were authorized to hear the objections on layout plans and to present their recommendations. Therefore 144 objections were received from the following areas which were produced before the Zeeli committee:-

1) Hasrat Mohani Colony ( Trans Layari) 2) Willayat Abad No;4 3) Muhammadabad (Gulbahar) 4) Qasimabad (Liaquatabad).

Zeeli Committee discussed on these objections on 12-11-1980, scrutinized, after hearing prepared recommendations. In the light of these recommendations, necessary charges were made in the layout plans of above areas.

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(Translation of Annexure-8)
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The today meeting of Katchi Abadi Committee made recommendations to Bladia Uzma Karachi that the charges made by Zilai Committee (District Committee) may be confirmed and regularized.

Today’s meeting also submit recommendations that Government of Sindh has fixed lease rate of Baldia Township wide Notification No:- 5.0(6) 1/90/76 Dated 31-12-1978 same rates may be granted and sanctioned for Katchi Abadis of other areas.

In addition to above, the houses which are affected more than 50% due to above plan, may be provided alternate place in the same area and the department may be directed to submit list which brief details of such affected which alternative arrangement of their settlement planning which will be present and discussed in the next session

It is requested that permission for grant of above plots and lease rate and the recommendations of Katchi Abadi Committee regarding alternative pots may kindly be granted.

Signed by

Municipal Commissioner, Metropolitan Karachi

Resolution No.336 dated May, 3rd 1981

Karachi Municipal Corporation in its today meeting accept and grant the recommendations mentioned at Serial No.2, with amendment that the road leading through in between Tiber Market Qasimabad which may be postponed for the purpose of Inspection and after visit/inspection of Mayor, the matter will be presented before the House (Aiwan).

Resolution No.336 granted unanimously


Abdul Sattar Afghani Mayor Karachi

Copy to 1. Director Katchi Abadi (With file) 2. General department 3. Auditor, KMC 4. Information, Officer 5. Accounts Officer 6. Director, Land & Estate 7. Chief Engineer 


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GGuutttteerr BBaaggiicchhaa LLaayyoouutt

Submitted by CDGK to Sindh High Court Nazir during site inspection on 26-9-2009

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CCoommppaarraattiivvee LLaayyoouuttss ooff NNaattiioonnaall PPaarrkk


CDGK’s National Park brochure dated circa 2005

CDGK’s National Park Layout dated circa 2009

Submitted by CDGK in Supreme Court on 18-5-2005 & 18-2-2006

Submitted by CDGK to Sindh High Court Nazir during site inspection on 26-9-2009

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(Translation of Annexure-12) Daily AWAM (November 7, 2009) (Karachi, Nisar Baloch Chairman NGO Alliance addressing at Press Club)

Chief Justice Save Karachi from Lawlessness and Land Grabbers - Nisar Baloch

Government’s coalition party is involved in encroaching the Gutter Baghicha Park Land - save 480 acres land of Gutter Baghicha

Amenity land is being converted into commercial plots - till date 2600 houses have been built there

Chairman, NGO Alliance Nisar Baloch has appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to issue directives/orders to stop lawlessness/destruction and to protect of amenity land. He also said that those who involved in this crime be brought to justice and punished. On Friday during a press conference he said that Government coalition party is involved in encroaching on Gutter Baghicha Park. This is the largest land scam in which Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) is directly involved. He said commercial and residential plotting is continuing on precious amenity land of Gutter Baghicha Park which worth of 9.6 billion rupees. He said that after 1st July 2009 about 2600 houses have been built there and power connections are also being given to them.


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FIR NO: 331/2009

Jamshed Town Karachi.

Departure from Police station :- By Post 07-11-2009 Date

and Time of Report.1

Noorudin S/O Ahmed Baloch, age 54 Years R/O Quarter No.305 Noor

Muhammad Village, Old Golimar Karachi. Phone No: 2092288


Under Section 302, 324/ 34 PPL Deceased Nisar Hussain Baloch S/O Muhammad Baloch Age 49 years.


Love Line Bridge, Love Line Road, Garden West Karachi, Northern Side, two kilometer distance from police Station.


On Receipt of statement under section 154 The case FIR is registered. The case investigation will be conducted by S.I.Q Police station Soldier Bazar, Karachi.



POLICE STATION SOLDIER BAZAR, KARACHI. ------- -----------------


At this time I, SIP Mian Khan according to Roznamcha Entry NO: 17 at 1120 hours

on 7-11-2009 of Police Station Soldier bazaar back from civil hospital after recording

statement which is reproduced as under :- from “Mortuary” Civil Hospital Karachi on

07-11-2009 at 1245 hours statement U/S 154 CrPc recorded of NooruDin S/O

Ahmed Baloch age 54 years R/O quarter No. 305 Noor Muhammad Village , Old

Golimar Karachi Phone No: 0333-2092266who stated that he is living on above

address and do business, His cousin Nisar Hussain Baloch S/O Mehmood Baloch

aged 49 years today on 7-11-2009 at about 0900 0r 930 hours left his house on his

Motor Cycle No: KDH-9690 for purchase of Newspaper because he on 6-11-2009 hold

and addressed Press Conference in Press Club, Karachi regarding “GUTTER

BAGHICHA” will read out its news item than at about 10.00 hours I received the

Text Box
(Translation of Annexure-13)
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