EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

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Page 1: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s




Page 2: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

I wrote this handbook to show students multiple ways using Evernote on their phones, tablets, and computers makes them more organized, better prepared, and less stressed at school. This book does not explain how Evernote works; rather, it explains ways Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s versatility and accessibility makes it perfect for using in any location with almost any device. I use Evernote daily on my iPhone, my Kindle Fire, my work computer, and my laptop. In case you’re wondering, other than being a fan, I am in no way associated with or employed by Evernote. They’re just a great company with a great product. I hope this handbook serves you well.

-Jordan Collier 8th Grade English Teacher


Page 3: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

1. Introduction

2. What is Evernote Exactly?


Creating an Account


Notebook Stacks

Snapping a Picture

4. Setting Up Your Classes

Using a Scanner App

Scanning a Document

3. Evernote Basics

Table of Contents

The Trunk


5. Saving Handwritten Assignments

6. Taking Notes in Class

Handwrite and Snap

Snap and Skitch

PDF Files

7. Using Your Notes

Searching Notes

Previously Saved Searches

Study Guides & Note Links

8. Evernote Web Clipper

9. Sharing Notes & Notebooks

Sharing a Note Sharing a Notebook

Stacks vs. Tags

Class Notebook Tags

Class Notebook Stacks


10. Practical Uses

11. The Speech

12. For the Parents

13. About the Author

14. Acknowledgments

© 2012 Evernote Student Handbook

All Rights Reserved. Please don’t steal.

Page 4: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

As a teacher I’ve always been amazed at how easily students use technology and figure things out on their own. Anytime I have a problem with my iPhone, I just ask my class and the problem is solved within seconds. It also seems that every student has some type of smart device on them at all times, yet up until this past year I had never– NEVER– had a student ask me if he could use his phone, iPad, iPod, or Kindle Fire in class other than for listening to music or reading. Never. Like many schools are doing now, our school recently changed our technology policy to now allow students to use their devices (smart phones, iPads, Fires, etc.) in class. Our old rule allowed students to bring their devices to school, but they had to be turned off and left

1. Introduction

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0


Page 5: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

left in their lockers from 8-3 (which always happened, right?). Students now have the freedom to use their devices in class as long as they are using them for “educational purposes.” That’s great, but I quickly found out that many students don’t really know how to use their phones for “educational purposes.” YouTube? Facebook? Texting? Students are pros. For anything else? Not so much. I’ve created this book to show you ways to use Evernote on your smart phone that can actually make you smarter and more organized. By using Evernote, you can say goodbye to lost assignments, missing notes, bulging backpacks, broken 3-ring binders, and those late-night, looking-for-a-custodian-to-let-me-in-the-school trips to get notes out of your locker.

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

By using Evernote, you

can say goodbye to lost

assignments, missing

notes, bulging

backpacks, broken 3-

ring binders, and those

late-night, looking-for-


into-the-school trips to

get notes out of your



Page 6: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

Now don’t expect to be able to just whip out your phone in the middle of your next English class expecting your teacher to be cool with it just because you have an Evernote account. No, you need to have a plan. You need to understand your school’s technology policy. You need to follow the steps I give you. You need to plan your speech (Chapter 11) to effectively communicate with your teacher how using your phone will make you a better student. If you do all of that, there’s a strong possibility that in no time you’ll be using your iPhone or iPad in class, staying organized and making better grades. In order for a teacher or an entire school to allow students the freedom to use their own devices in class, you need to prove you can handle such an enormous responsibility.

In order for a teacher

or an entire school to

change its stance on

technology use and

allow students the

freedom to use their

own devices in class,

students need to prove

they can handle such

an enormous



Page 7: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

That means… •Don’t text, Facebook, or send pictures in class •Stay engaged and on task •Don’t abuse your privilege •Learn as much as you can •Help each other •Teach your teacher

It’s your turn to start leading. You are the digital natives able to navigate the technological terrain with ease. If you start figuring out how your smart phone can actually make you smarter, you’ll easily convince your teachers that you should be allowed to use your phone in class. I was convinced when a student asked if she could text me her essay. Probably not surprising to you, she said she could text faster than she could write. Sound familiar? I allowed her to do it, and from then on things changed in my classroom– all because a student proved to me she could handle the responsibility.


Page 8: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

As students used their phones responsibly, I began allowing them to text and email me essays and other assignments. This went great, but there is so much more your phone or tablet can do. One day I stumbled upon a free app designed to help people stay organized. I figured that my students needed help staying organized, so I downloaded Evernote. Immediately I was hooked. Evernote did way more than help me stay organized. Evernote changed the way I think, the way I teach, and the way I remember everything. Hopefully you’ll find many ways Evernote can help you, too! I wrote this handbook to show how students can use Evernote—not how Evernote works. To learn the technical aspects of Evernote, read Brett Kelly’s book Evernote Essentials.

Different Ways to

Write an Essay:



Type on Computer

Text on Phone


Page 9: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

2. What is Evernote Exactly?

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

On the first day of school, teachers hand out supply lists, and inevitably one item always shows up: a 1 ½” 3-Ring Binder. Teachers like binders because binders:

•Help students stay organized •Are great for document storage •Are a good reference for students

One binder makes sense. A different binder for every class makes sense, too. However, in no time, your locker is probably crammed with ten different binders, all with papers sticking out in every direction. So much for being organized, right?

School Shopping List

English binder

Algebra binder

Spanish binder

History binder


Biology binder

Drama binder

Band binder

Extra binder (just in case)


Page 10: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

Despite my desire to help students stay organized, I don’t think I’ve gone a single day without hearing a student say, “I brought the wrong binder” or “I think my homework’s in my other binder.” Your English paper is in your Spanish binder? Ever had that conversation with your teacher? Evernote is like a digital 3-ring binder accessible anywhere, but it will actually accomplish the purposes for all of your 3-ring binders! All the notes, note cards, study guides, essays, article responses, poems, homework assignments, research sources, and projects you have to keep track of now have one home: Evernote. Every class, every assignment, one location. And once a note is synced to Evernote, it is accessible from any device with Internet access (i.e., iPhones, iPads, iPod touch devices, desktop computers, laptops, Kindle Fires, Android devices, tablets, etc.).

Evernote is like a digital

3-ring binder, but it will

actually accomplish the

purposes for all of your

3-ring binders!


Page 11: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

As you become an efficient Evernote user, you’ll probably never again have to say, “I brought the wrong binder to class.” You may forget to take the right binder to class, but I doubt you ever forget to take your phone!

“I use Evernote for

all of my classes--

English, Spanish,

Algebra, Biology,

American History,

band, and drama.”

-A Smart Student


Page 12: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

Using Evernote beginning the first day of a class would be ideal. In a perfect world, you’d walk into class already having a system in place for putting your notes into notebooks that were already created and organized into nice stacks using the perfect tags. Most people don’t actually live in this dream world; instead they live where you and I do. So let’s look at how to start using Evernote no matter if it’s a week before school starts, the first week of school, or the last week of school.


When is the best time

to plant a tree?


Twenty years ago

The next best answer:


3. Evernote Basics


Page 13: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

To start, you’ll need to download the free Evernote App for your device. If you’re using a computer, simply visit the Evernote website to create an account. Email: Enter the email address you most use. This email address is different than the Evernote Email address you will be assigned later. Evernote Username: As a general rule, use your real name (or some form of it) when creating accounts that you will use to share information with others. Good: JordanCollier Jordan.Collier Collier.Jordan JCollier Not-So Good: JSizzle98 CrazyPartyGuy01 BigSweatyWrestler99 MrCollierIsMyHero

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0


Creating an Account


Page 14: EVERNOTE STUDENT ANDBOOK · Evernote can work for students. Although Evernote is not designed specifically for students, it is a great organizational tool for school. Evernote’s

Evernote Student Handbook 1.0

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See details for this book on the Evernote Student blog.