Everyone Poops! The Digestive System By Stephanie Siltanen http://punditdad.files.wordpress.com/ 2009/01/poop.jpg

Everyone Poops! The Digestive System By Stephanie Siltanen

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Everyone Poops!The Digestive System

By Stephanie Siltanen


Where does the digestive system begin?

It starts in your mouth as you smell your favorite food and your mouth begins producing saliva.





What does it do?

Your body gets nutrients from the food that you eat.

The digestive system helps your body absorb these nutrients.


The Parts

The digestive system starts in your mouth and ends... you know where. Each part has a crucial part in helping your body absorb nutrients and get rid of waste.


In the mouth

Saliva (spit) helps break down food to create a small mushy wad of food, that is easier to swallow.

The tongue pushes the mushy food down the throat & into the esophagus.



Moves food from your throat to your stomach.

The muscles in your throat move in a wavy movement to slowly move the food through the esophagus.

2-3 second process


Also in the throat

The esophagus has a flap called the epiglottis that closes your airways when you swallow to make sure that food does not go into your windpipe.

If you drink something fast and someone says “it went down the wrong pipe” they are referring that the liquid went down your windpipe on accident. http://content.revolutionhealth.com/contentimages/images-image_popup-r7_croup.jpg

Next stop, the stomach

Jobs of the stomach: Store food Break down food

into a liquid mixture with stomach acid

Slowly move the liquid into the small intestine.


Still in the stomach

The stomach acts like a blender, using the strong stomach muscles and gastric juices to create a liquid mixture to send to the small intestine. These juices also kill bacteria!


The (not so) small intestine

The average adult small intestine is 22 ft long (4 of me)!

Breaks down food even more so that the body can absorb the nutrients from your food. (Such as the calcium from the cheese on your pizza)

Food can spend up to 4 hours in the intestine juice bath.


Small intestine helpers

The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas send juices to the small intestine to help the body absorb the nutrients.

Pancreas juices help digest fat and protein

Liver juices (bile) helps the blood stream absorb fat

Gallbladder stores the bile until the body needs it.


The liver

Your liver filters out waste from nutrients.

Distributes nutrients to the rest of the body or stores some vitamins.


Where do the left overs go?The large intestine

Thicker than the small intestine.

5 ft long. The waste left over

after the body has absorbed the nutrients begins its final journey exiting the body.


Parts of the large intestine

The appendix is a part of the large intestine that doesn't do anything but cause problems.

Passes through the colon, the last chance for the body to absorb water and minerals into the blood. As the last of the water is absorbed, the waste turns into a solid called POOP! (or bowel or stool).


Move it along

The large intestine pushes the solid into the rectum.

The poop stays here until you find a restroom.


You're out of here!

The poop exits through the anus.

And it leaves with a flush...


Helpful tips

Drink water Eat healthy foods

such as whole wheat, fiber, fruits, and vegetables

To help your body digest your food easily.





Kids Health for Kids. Steven Dowshen March 2007. http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/digestive_system.html Information retained on February 15, 2009

Discovery Kids website http://yucky.discovery.com/flash/body/pg000126.html

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(anatomy) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stomach http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intestines


