if 1 -- "A 9fl PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. V.-- NO. 7. BONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 188(5. dwiisrnunts Sdvrrfisemtnts. 3.tortistmfMs. usintss (urfcs. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. " SUBSCRIPTIONS: Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year f s 00 Daily P. C. Advertiser, six months.. 3 00 Daily P. C. Advertiser, three months. 1 50 Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month so Weekly P. C advertiser, one year. 5 00 F eign Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including postage; 6 60 Payable Invariably in Advance. &&vtxtl$tmtntit. Stean Ml XI for Sale. The undersigned begs to call the attention of steamship companies and othera inter- ested to the following list of steam launches, tags and other steamboats offered for sale by one of his correspondents in Liverpool with the prices attached, and which on ac- count of the remarkably depressed state of the shipping business will be seen to be ex- tremely low. Launches, tugs and small boats that can be brought on deck of a large steamer or sailing vessel: - New steel screw tug 43 feet x 10 feet x 5 feet 8 in. with 10 horse power engines nomi- nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc. Speed, 12 miles aa hour. Price in Liver- pool, 1,050 or $5,250. 81,130. Wood Screw Passenger and Cargo Launch, built in 1885, pair of 6 in. cylinders, 8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extra strong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop- per fastened, dimensions 45.6x9.6x4.1 1, draft of water aft 3 feet. Price, 375. 2,304. A. Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht, built in 1834, 2 pairs of vertical D A H P engines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- n. cylinders, 8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumption of 3 cwt. per hour, bunkers contain C tons. She has 11 sleeping berths; was built to go up the Nile; dimensions C5. 2x12.7x6.7 Price, 1,550. 2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch, copper fastened, compound S C engines 6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu- lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. working pressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price, 650. 2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer, built in 1879, for river passenger traffic, bull, engine and boiler lately overhauled at a cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a consump- tion of about 4 tons per day, bunkers con- tain 12 tons, dimensions C8.0xl2.lxL0. Pricer480. 84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1835, engines C S C 25 II. P. N. 11-i- n. and tubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure, boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt and mahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x6.2. Draft of water, 44 feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850. LARGER VESSELS. 2.293. An Iron Screw Steamer, now building, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, to carry 230 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain 20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of 3 tons per day, compound D A engines of 40 II. P., 18-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, boier of 80 lbs. workiDg pressure, donkey engine and steam winch, dimensions 120. 0x21. Ox 10.6. Price, 4,600. 2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885, classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes, two compound S j C D A engines of 45 II. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke, speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79. 3x15. 9x 9.3. Price, 3,500. 2,308. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register, and carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft, 2 common D A S j C engines of 90 II. P., 25H-i- n. and 43-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke, cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons, consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engine and boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen- sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12, COO. 2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tons register, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft, bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 4 to 11 knots on consumption of 8 tons per day, compound S C engines of 80 II. P.,21-i- n, and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steel tabular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure, donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen- sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 48,500. The above are only a few of the steam vessels that are offered at sale in Great Britain at the present time. Almost any de- scription of steamer, and of any size de- sired, can now be purchased at very favora- ble rates. It is of course necessary that some responsible party in England should examine the condition of the steamers of- fered for sale before purchasing. 369tf W. L. GREEN. E. E. MAYHEW, Contractor and Builder, i 86 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., j (Opposite Fashion Stables).. P. O. BOX 31i. BELL TELEPHONE 53. All work in my line faithfully done, rinns and specifications made. Jobbing in all lirtmls done at short notice. Good work iiihI low charci-- i my motto. ;W -- d.T.i-s5 FRANK CERTZ, Importer ana Mannfaclnrer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES XT Order- - from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Ho-tclu- lo. tf St!rrti$ements Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New- - Zealand. CAPITAL., t 1 o.ooo.ooo Having: Established an Agency at for the Hawaiian Islands, Uie un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. bosses promptly adjusted fc payable. 82-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN fc CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. XX 13 --TV 13 OI'PIOE. AO WALL STUKKT. NKW VOBK fllbe above Company lint iiir esfab- - JL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa uan Islands, the undersigned is authorized toaccej and write Merchandise, Freights. Treasure. Commissions, and Hulls. At ruireni Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL i O.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Fire Insurance ot all descriptions be Affected at Moderate Rates of Premi am, by the undersigned. WM. O. IRWIN ft CO. 83-dA- Managers for Haw. Islands C. O. BERGER, SKSKRAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets. fio.ooo,ooo CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited) . Capital. f 10,000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN SURANCE CO. FlBE AND MABIXE. Combined Capital - 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Assets : ,4, son ,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Marine. Capital $200,000 MACXEALE fc URBAN SAFES! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance fc Co. C. O. BERGER, 100 my29 HONOLULU. 11. I. SUfJ FIRE OFFICE of f. x it a? . ESTABLISHED 1710. N!"UEANCEN EFFECTED UPON EVERY I description of property at the current rates of premium Total sum Insured t' 1884 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdlwlf Agon la for the Hawaiian Islands. MELLER AND HALBE'S Ice Cream Parlor -- And- Confectionery, Uiu Street, Liuroin l,tck. g&'A fine assortment .of CANDIES j and CAKES alvray? on hand. Parties : supplied. 141-tf-d-- w MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising aud Job Printing at the Pari fie Contraerelal Atttler Office will from this date be presented far pay. ment monthly. Honolulu, March 2. 188.. . I STANLKV. johm aranaMCK. Spruancc, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of F'.aa WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQU0KS, 4IO Front St San Frant laeo. 87 If Aw tfulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES, or San Franrlaeo. All kinds of Machinery and Rollers. HpevUlUes ICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINKKY. CORLISS ENGINES, BABCOCK A WILCOX BOILERS, DEANE AIR, VACUUM AND STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN HKATKRN, ETC.. ETC. S. 3?. Taylor & Co. Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Prtprletora Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper ls. STRAW PAPER. BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. til and 410 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal ioa jyio ly A.. I. HALL JSd SON Commission Merchants. NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. ly Dunham, Carrigan & Co. GCAJR1DWAJEIE, IRON AND STEEL MERCHANT 8 San Francisco, Cal. ly Deming PniA Jlllin,o 0 J.... o THE CAHT0L MILI T "Ofllce"iioaant204 Davts street. Kan Francimt Manufa.'turers of and Dealetsln I'lour, tiralus o all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, l ore meal Ground aud Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat Cracked Corn, Buck wbeat Flour, OU l ake Meal Hominy, Etc., Etc. uuZB-i- y & CO., Importers of , HATS and CAPS. Nob. 28 and 28 Battery Street, H. E. Cor. of Piue, 121a'J2-8- 6 SAN FRAK CISCO. H. H. KLUR. . HT. KJI.LKn. ELLIS fc MILLEB Wholesale and Commission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and Mission, SAN FRA NCISCO. 4T Order Solicited. 421dec!9-l- y Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1C RVBBER PAINT, FAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLAKK and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21-2- :i Front St., t t San Fmntlsre. 424-d2-- ly American Exchange Hotel, Sanworae Street Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door from Bank of California, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This Hotel Is In the very center of the business !ortion of the city, and has been renovated aud newly furnished throughout. But one block front the Oregon Hteamship Company's office. The traveling public will find this to be the most con- venient, as well as the most comfortable and re- spectable Hotel in the city. Board and Itoom, 91 aud SI 25 er day Hot and cold baths free. None but the most ob- liging white labor employed. FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BROS., :i50decl Proprietors. DR. C. N- - WEST'S FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL BELT Cures all faLv forms of dis- - easerTVv form a of Impurity of the Mood and nLui mi 111; 11 l hi ,J either sex. Most powerful Belt and r only one In the world charged with water.. Full directions sent with belt. Send to DR. V. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St., Han Francisco, CaL Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351 A. F. HINZ. WM. PLAOEMANN. YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, HAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Telephone No. 5C8. Illnc A l'lagmauii, Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye. Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn and Feed Corn Meal; Hago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck- wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Be y, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealer In Grata and Feed of all kinds. Grinding done t9 order. 125 aug2C ly LIQUID BREAD. AX ABSOLUTELY PURE EXTRACT OF MALT. A VALUABLE TOXIC AND REMEDIAL AGENT, INDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THS ENTIRE MEDICAL FRATERNITY. Of ail medicinal preparations that have been put upon the market in lecent years, the extract o malthas proved itself one of the moat valuable as a tonic or remedial beverage. It has received the unqualified recognition and support of phy- sicians, and is freely prescribed by them in many cases, especially where the nervous or physical systems have been impaired by disease or over. ork. The house of "DAVID XICHOLSOX," of this city, has recently introduced a pure malt extract of high character, made at thtlr request and under their suggestions by Mr. Adolphus Bbsch, and which is popularly known as "XICH-OIXOX'- S LIQUID BKEAD," from its life-givin- g and healih-restorin- g properties. A sample sub- mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subject of a chemical analysis by him, and the result of his investigations are given in the appended cer- tificate: " Zt. Lori3, April 29, 13S1. " W. F. CouLTi R, Esq., Xational Druggist Dear Kir: Having submitted the .Nicholson m:lt ex- tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasure in reporting that I find it to be all that the pro- prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in the following summary, are necesjariiy only approxi- mate, but are sufficiently accurate tor utl practical purposes. "The specimens submitted ('"insisted of an effervescing 11 u id, dark brown by direct and of a deep ruby color by transmitted lifht, resembling In general appearance and behavior a very supe- rior article of. porter, Ita taste was, however, much milder and more pleasant than porter, be- ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetness masked and covered by a very pleasant bitter. derived evidently from hops. The specific gravity of a sample fresh f om the bottle is 1.022 plus. Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi- metres of the fluid Is 3.9S grammes, or about 8 per cent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus. The extractive matter Is apparently identical with the "extractum maltis" of Trornnaer, or of the German Pharmacopoeia. It consists r.1 most en- tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, blng free from fatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very large amount of diastase, as shown by the fact that it easily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch. This fact, its low percentage of alcohol, its effer- vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, Ml combine to recommend JNicnoIson's malt extract aa being s most nourishing beverage, and the best article of the sort that has ever come under my exami- nation. Respectfully, "FRANK L. JAMES, Pli. J., M. D." G. W. Macfadane k Co., Agents. The Elisdori Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard rireeu, SAX FRA XC'IKCO 'A LIFORXIA W. H. TAYLOl;... President JO. MOO BE .. superintendent GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IX 1 all its brunches; steamboat, steamship. Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of nil kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDIXARY EXGIXES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUOAR MILLS AXD SUOAR-MAKIX- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron W-r- connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or sheets Rolled, Punched and Tacked for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water l'ipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Rlvetin? Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand wock. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c lie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS-- . HonoTultt Room No. 3, upstairs, spreckHs Blok. (Agent for. Hawaiian Islands.) 2J(e30-l- y BEAVER SALOON. SO. T FOBT STREET. Opposite Wilder 4 Co. 'a II. J. Noite, Propr. OPKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIRST-CLAS- S LlXCHES, COFFKE, TEA, SODA WATER, CLXtKU ALE. Oignr: and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain a:id Fjincy IIIES persouall selected from the Manufacturers, and a Lurg" Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Kleg&et llWmil l CO, SHIMS TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Publir generally w ho may desire " I l'XC II. A S3IOKE, OR A AME OF BILLIARDS H. J. N0LTE. JUST RECEIVED ANl FOR HALE AT Lowest Market Bates, A I.m rge Stock ot the Moot Favorite Brands of BAANDIKS. WHISKIES, UENKVAH, SHERRIES., BRUMS. PORTS, MADEIRAS, ALES, STOUTS, And BEERS, LIQUEURS. ETO THISTLE DEW WHISHT. (in cases and cask,) PELMSSON-- S ItlUNlfY, (7 and 10 y?ars old.) MEI.C'IIER'8 "EI.EI1IANT,IX AND Budweiser Lager Beer, For which we are the Sole Agents In the Ha walian Islands, are particularly recommended. Town and Country Orders Filled Promptly, and Satisfaction Guaran teed. FVeeth. & 3?eacock. ZS Nuuana street. Honolulu, H. 1. Telephone No. 4t. P. O. Box 162. lie iz4.a&sc WENNER & CO. 93 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. !Watchcs, Bracelets, Necklets, A II1S, 1AJCACIP, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plato, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Hpeelalty. Repairing In all Its branches. T Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. vS The Forest Meat Market, HOTEL HT., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold & Co. Proprietors. Keep the best Beef and Mutton these Islands af- ford. Also, the rery best Sausages made. No discount from any other maker. Give us a trial. 38'.;dccll tf WM. McCANDLESS, So. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, V L'AL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 102 tf Metropolitan Market KIXO STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choicest Meats from Finet Herd Famiiiesf and hipptug fsupplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from thw market are thor-ougl- y chilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FREMHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. H3-t- l M. THOMPSON, ATTORNE Y-AT-- W, And Solicitor in Chancer-- . Office, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant street, Heuolalu, H. I. 405 tt TO PLANTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four and five foot furnaces, complete with grate bars, bearers and trxsh carriers. Machines of this make are uow Jr. successful operation at Spreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and other plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap ply to Win. Gr. Irwin & Co., 295tf Ag-rntis- . UNION FSSD CO,, Quern fc Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE A KWTA1L Dealers 1. II A Y AXD tilt A IX. Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Itlnul rlers Solicited. 91tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Laui4. Ma. .Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. BTews. Flat and lAbel Paper. Hinders" Boards, Twines. Ete. VT. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT. 203 Leldestlortr Street. Telephone No. 47. SAN FR NCI SCO. X. K.-Np- eclal Atteution given to Inrre Contracts. 58 tfAw TELEPHONE 55 'NTERPRISr? PLANING MILL. Alaltea. near tlHeen ft. -- C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.- - Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAS ON nAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 2I-- tf Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! : FOR SALE BY Benson, Smitli & Co. Sample bottle free. THY IT. 6Stf J. LTONS. L. L. COHKX. LY02JS.& COHEN, fVnctioneers -- AND- General Commission Merchants. Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu i of Furniture. Stock, Real Estate General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Agent Tor American & European Mercbanclise. 19l-t- f T. .1. SPENCE, Special Agent for the Midiigan " Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OKKICK AT J. WILLIAM S Photograph Oallery, 102 FORT STREET. Honolulu - - Hawaiian Islands. - Where a large variety of specimens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently visit the several Islands of the group, when be will be pleased to 6fcow specimens ana tae orders ior same. 2S;tf Claus Spreckels. Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Druw Exchange ou the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general bunking and exchange business. Deposits 'learlug interest received In their 5a v Ings Department subject to published rules and regulations. 77oc3tf CL-- CS 8PEB0I- - wm. a. ntwiB. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTO EtS and Commlulou SUGAR Honolulu VI. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Dealers in Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ken's Furnish- ing and Fancy Good. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- tf H. HA0KFELD & 00., COMKUSION AGKHTS. GEXERAX. Queen St., Honolulu, H.X. r. XAXNme. ' w. maxktkns. r optkroelt ED. HOFFSCHLAEOER & CO., Im iorter & Cominiawloii MercbsnU. Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. 14-- U A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co., and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu St. 15-- tf MACFARLANE & C0-- , IIOr.K.SAI.E DEALERS AND OE.. W eral Jobbers In WINKS and LIQUORS. Xo. 13 Kaanuniaun Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf 31. S. Grinbaum & Co., importers of General SlerehandiMe and 'niini ftion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Xnuanu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf ALYIN U. RASEMAX, book: binder, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. KSTBookbindlng of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 27 tf MERCIIANT STBEET. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., leather, harness, saddlery, 1- - and 14 Tine street. San Francisco, Cal. Aents for Klrby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kinds of leather. 159se8 ly DR. M. GOTO, Physician and Kargeou," Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec- ialty. Office, maulca of the residence of Hon Jas. Kean.King street, Kapalsma, Honolulu. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. Parties on the other inlands can consult by let-te- T- 2C3 oct20s NOTIC-i- - MR. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FOR Representative for NauUstrfot, Nftrtn S haja, Hawaii. U

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dwiisrnuntsSdvrrfisemtnts. 3.tortistmfMs.usintss (urfcs.THE DAILY

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year f s 00Daily P. C. Advertiser, six months.. 3 00Daily P. C. Advertiser, three months. 1 50Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month soWeekly P. C advertiser, one year. 5 00F eign Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including

postage; 6 60

Payable Invariably in Advance.


SteanMlXI for Sale.

The undersigned begs to call the attentionof steamship companies and othera inter-ested to the following list of steam launches,tags and other steamboats offered for saleby one of his correspondents in Liverpoolwith the prices attached, and which on ac-

count of the remarkably depressed state ofthe shipping business will be seen to be ex-tremely low.

Launches, tugs and small boats that canbe brought on deck of a large steamer orsailing vessel:

- New steel screw tug 43 feet x 10 feet x 5feet 8 in. with 10 horse power engines nomi-nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc.Speed, 12 miles aa hour. Price in Liver-pool, 1,050 or $5,250.

81,130. Wood Screw Passenger and CargoLaunch, built in 1885, pair of 6 in. cylinders,8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extrastrong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop-per fastened, dimensions 45.6x9.6x4.1 1, draftof water aft 3 feet. Price, 375.

2,304. A. Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht,built in 1834, 2 pairs of vertical D A HP engines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- n. cylinders,8-i- n. stroke, speed 9 knots on consumptionof 3 cwt. per hour, bunkers contain C tons.She has 11 sleeping berths; was built to goup the Nile; dimensions C5. 2x12.7x6.7 Price,

1,550.2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch,

copper fastened, compound S C engines6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu-lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. workingpressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price,

650.2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer,

built in 1879, for river passenger traffic,bull, engine and boiler lately overhauled ata cost of 167, speed 11 knots on a consump-tion of about 4 tons per day, bunkers con-tain 12 tons, dimensions C8.0xl2.lxL0.Pricer480.

84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1835,engines C S C 25 II. P. N. 11-i- n. andtubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure,boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt andmahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x6.2. Draftof water, 44 feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850.


2.293. An Iron Screw Steamer, nowbuilding, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tocarry 230 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain20 tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption of3 tons per day, compound D A engines of40 II. P., 18-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, boierof 80 lbs. workiDg pressure, donkey engineand steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21. Ox

10.6. Price, 4,600.2,311. An Iron Screw Tug, built in 1885,

classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes,two compound S j C D A engines of 45II. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke,speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79. 3x15. 9x9.3. Price, 3,500.

2,308. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register,and carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft,2 common D A S j C engines of 90 II. P.,25H-i- n. and 43-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke,cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs.working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons,consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engineand boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen-sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12, COO.

2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tonsregister, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft,bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 4 to 11knots on consumption of 8 tons per day,compound S C engines of 80 II. P.,21-i- n,

and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steeltabular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure,donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen-sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 48,500.

The above are only a few of the steamvessels that are offered at sale in GreatBritain at the present time. Almost any de-scription of steamer, and of any size de-

sired, can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary thatsome responsible party in England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of-

fered for sale before purchasing.369tf W. L. GREEN.


Contractor and Builder, i

86 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., j

(Opposite Fashion Stables)..


All work in my line faithfully done, rinns andspecifications made. Jobbing in all lirtmls doneat short notice. Good work iiihI low charci-- imy motto. ;W --d.T.i-s5

FRANK CERTZ,Importer ana Mannfaclnrer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESXT Order- - from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort St., Ho-tclu-lo.



Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New- - Zealand.CAPITAL., t 1 o.ooo.ooo

Having: Established an Agency atfor the Hawaiian Islands, Uie un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

bosses promptly adjusted fc payable.82-d- wtf WM. G. IRWIN fc CO.




fllbe above Company lint iiir esfab- -JL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawauan Islands, the undersigned is authorized toaccejand write

Merchandise, Freights. Treasure.Commissions, and Hulls.

At ruireni Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands





Fire Insurance ot all descriptionsbe Affected at Moderate Rates of Premi

am, by the undersigned.WM. O. IRWIN ft CO.

83-dA- Managers for Haw. Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets. fio.ooo,ooo


Capital. f 10,000,000


Combined Capital - 20,000,000


Assets : ,4, son ,000


Fire and Marine.Capital $200,000


SAFES!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance fc Co.

C. O. BERGER,100 my29 HONOLULU. 11. I.

SUfJ FIRE OFFICEof f. x it a? .


N!"UEANCEN EFFECTED UPON EVERYI description of property at the current ratesof premium

Total sum Insured t' 1884 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdlwlf Agon la for the Hawaiian Islands.


Ice Cream Parlor

-- And-


Uiu Street, Liuroin l,tck.

g&'A fine assortment .of CANDIES j

and CAKES alvray? on hand. Parties :

supplied. 141-tf-d-- w


All accounts for Advertising aud Job Printingat the

Pari fie Contraerelal AtttlerOffice will from this date be presented far pay.ment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 188..

. I STANLKV. johm aranaMCK.

Spruancc, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of F'.aa


4IO Front St San Frant laeo.87 If Aw

tfulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS & HAYES,


S. 3?. Taylor & Co.Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Prtprletora

Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper ls.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

til and 410 Clay street, San Francisco, Calioa jyio ly

A.. I. HALL JSd SONCommission Merchants.


Dunham, Carrigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.ly

Deming PniA Jlllin,o 0J.... o THE CAHT0L MILI

T "Ofllce"iioaant204 Davts street. Kan FrancimtManufa.'turers of and Dealetsln I'lour, tiralus oall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, l ore mealGround aud Rolled Barley, Cracked WheatCracked Corn, Buckwbeat Flour, OU l ake MealHominy, Etc., Etc. uuZB-i- y

& CO.,Importers of ,

HATS and CAPS.Nob. 28 and 28 Battery Street, H. E. Cor. of Piue,

121a'J2-8- 6 SAN FRAK CISCO.

H. H. KLUR. . HT. KJI.LKn.

ELLIS fc MILLEBWholesale and Commission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission, SAN FRA NCISCO.4T Order Solicited. 421dec!9-l- y

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- :i Front St., t t San Fmntlsre.424-d2-- ly

American Exchange Hotel,

Sanworae StreetOpposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door

from Bank of California,


This Hotel Is In the very center of the business!ortion of the city, and has been renovated audnewly furnished throughout. But one block frontthe Oregon Hteamship Company's office. Thetraveling public will find this to be the most con-venient, as well as the most comfortable and re-spectable Hotel in the city.

Board and Itoom, 91 aud SI 25 er dayHot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-liging white labor employed.


MONTGOMERY BROS.,:i50decl Proprietors.


Cures all faLv forms of dis- -

easerTVvform a of Impurity of the Mood and

nLui mi 111; 11 l hi ,J either sex. Most

powerful Belt and r only one In theworld charged with water.. Full directions sentwith belt.

Send to DR. V. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St.,Han Francisco, CaL

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351


YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, HAN


Telephone No. 5C8.

Illnc A l'lagmauii,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye.Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Hago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck-wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Be y,

Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealer In Grata and Feed of all kinds. Grinding

done t9 order. 125 aug2C ly





Of ail medicinal preparations that have been putupon the market in lecent years, the extract omalthas proved itself one of the moat valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It has receivedthe unqualified recognition and support of phy-sicians, and is freely prescribed by them in manycases, especially where the nervous or physicalsystems have been impaired by disease or over.

ork. The house of "DAVID XICHOLSOX,"of this city, has recently introduced a pure maltextract of high character, made at thtlr requestand under their suggestions by Mr. AdolphusBbsch, and which is popularly known as "XICH-OIXOX'- S

LIQUID BKEAD," from its life-givin- g

and healih-restorin- g properties. A sample sub-mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subjectof a chemical analysis by him, and the result ofhis investigations are given in the appended cer-tificate:

" Zt. Lori3, April 29, 13S1." W. F. CouLTi R, Esq., Xational Druggist Dear

Kir: Having submitted the .Nicholson m:lt ex-tract to examination, as requested, I take pleasurein reporting that I find it to be all that the pro-prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in thefollowing summary, are necesjariiy only approxi-mate, but are sufficiently accurate tor utl practicalpurposes.

"The specimens submitted ('"insisted of aneffervescing 11 u id, dark brown by direct and of adeep ruby color by transmitted lifht, resemblingIn general appearance and behavior a very supe-rior article of. porter, Ita taste was, however,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter.derived evidently from hops. The specific gravityof a sample fresh f om the bottle is 1.022 plus.Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi-metres of the fluid Is 3.9S grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.84 plus.The extractive matter Is apparently identical withthe "extractum maltis" of Trornnaer, or of theGerman Pharmacopoeia. It consists r.1 most en-tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, blng free fromfatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the fact that iteasily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch.This fact, its low percentage of alcohol, its effer-vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, Ml combineto recommend JNicnoIson's malt extract aa beings most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-nation. Respectfully,

"FRANK L. JAMES, Pli. J., M. D."

G. W. Macfadane k Co., Agents.

The ElisdoriIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard rireeu,SAX FRA XC'IKCO 'A LIFORXIA

W. H. TAYLOl;... PresidentJO. MOO BE .. superintendent

GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IX1 all its brunches; steamboat, steamship.Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of nil kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDIXARY EXGIXES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed. Speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUOAR MILLS AXD SUOAR-MAKIX- G MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron W-r- connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or sheets Rolled, Punched andTacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater l'ipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Rlvetin? Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand wock.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c

lie Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS-- . HonoTulttRoom No. 3, upstairs, spreckHs Blok.

(Agent for. Hawaiian Islands.)2J(e30-l- y



Opposite Wilder 4 Co. 'a

II. J. Noite, Propr.OPKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Oignr: and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain a:id Fjincy IIIES persouall selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Lurg" Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Kleg&et


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Publir generally

w ho may desire "


H. J. N0LTE.



Lowest Market Bates,

A I.m rge Stock ot the Moot FavoriteBrands of





THISTLE DEW WHISHT.(in cases and cask,)

PELMSSON--S ItlUNlfY,(7 and 10 y?ars old.)



Budweiser Lager Beer,For which we are the Sole Agents In the Ha

walian Islands, are particularly recommended.

Town and Country Orders FilledPromptly, and Satisfaction Guaranteed.

FVeeth. & 3?eacock.ZS Nuuana street. Honolulu, H. 1.

Telephone No. 4t. P. O. Box 162.lie iz4.a&sc

WENNER & CO.93 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

!Watchcs, Bracelets, Necklets,A II1S, 1AJCACIP,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plato,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing In all Its branches.T Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.


The Forest Meat Market,

HOTEL HT., Opposite the Fashion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietors.

Keep the best Beef and Mutton these Islands af-

ford. Also, the rery best Sausages made. Nodiscount from any other maker. Give us atrial. 38'.;dccll tf

WM. McCANDLESS,So. 6 Queen Street,

Fish Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, V L'ALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finet Herd

Famiiiesf and hipptug fsupplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from thw market are thor-ougl- y

chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FREMHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. H3-t- l



And Solicitor in Chancer-- . Office, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance onMerchant street, Heuolalu, H. I. 405 tt

TO PLANTERS.We have Just received, by the steamer ALA

MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four and five foot furnaces, complete withgrate bars, bearers and trxsh carriers. Machinesof this make are uow Jr. successful operation atSpreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and otherplantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars apply to

Win. Gr. Irwin & Co.,295tf Ag-rntis-



Quern fc Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers 1.

II A Y AXD tilt A IX.Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Itlnul rlers Solicited.



St. Laui4. Ma.

.Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. BTews.Flat and lAbel Paper.

Hinders" Boards,Twines. Ete.


203 Leldestlortr Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FR NCISCO.

X. K.-Np- eclal Atteution given toInrre Contracts. 58 tfAw



Alaltea. near tlHeen ft.-- C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.- -

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

2I-- tf

Eastman'sRoyal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smitli & Co.

Sample bottle free.THY IT. 6Stf



fVnctioneers-- AND-

General Commission Merchants.Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

i of Furniture. Stock, Real EstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agent Tor

American & European Mercbanclise.19l-t- f

T. .1. SPENCE,Special Agent for the

Midiigan " Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM S Photograph Oallery,102 FORT STREET.

Honolulu - - Hawaiian Islands.

- Where a large variety of specimens can be seenat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisit the several Islands of the group, when bewill be pleased to 6fcow specimens ana tae ordersior same. 2S;tf

Claus Spreckels. Wm. O. Irwin.




Druw Exchange ou the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general bunking andexchange business.

Deposits 'learlug interest received In their 5a vIngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc3tf

CL-- CS 8PEB0I- - wm. a. ntwiB.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTO EtS and CommlulouSUGAR Honolulu VI. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealers inImportersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Ken's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Good. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.Honolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- tf


r. XAXNme. ' w. maxktkns. r optkroeltED. HOFFSCHLAEOER & CO.,

Im iorter & Cominiawloii MercbsnU.Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. 14-- U

A. S. CLEGH0RN & Co.,and Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu St. 15-- tf



Xo. 13 Kaanuniaun Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf

31. S. Grinbaum & Co.,importers of

General SlerehandiMe and 'niiniftion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. 60 Xnuanu Street.

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf


book: binder,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


KSTBookbindlng of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,27 tf MERCIIANT STBEET.


leather, harness, saddlery,

1- - and 14 Tine street. San Francisco, Cal.

Aents for Klrby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

159se8 ly

DR. M. GOTO,Physician and Kargeou,"

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec-ialty. Office, maulca of the residence of Hon Jas.Kean.King street, Kapalsma, Honolulu. Officehours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B.

Parties on the other inlands can consult by let-te- T-

2C3 oct20s

NOTIC-i- -

MR. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FORRepresentative for NauUstrfot, Nftrtn S

haja, Hawaii. U

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38075/1886010901.pdf · 1 if--"A 9fl VOL. V.--NO. 7. BONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9,

-- 5




THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Ia now fur sale daily at the following Maces :

BE BOYS,Hawaiian Opera House.

Great Fashionable EventOF THE


January 11, 188G.

nigni to see tne ceremony, l nave neverseen the yellow cloth. I saw a bucket,flags and Joss sticks. No one tried toget out of the windows or doors. Noknives are used in worship.

Several other witnesses were examined,two in rebuttal, after which Mr. Hatchaddressed the jury at length on behalf ofthe defendants. He wa3 followed bythe Attorney General for the Crown.

His Honor, in charging the jury,explained the law in a very clear man-ner and reviewed the evidence at somelength. If the jury were satisfied theyellow cloth and other things had beenfound on the premises that night, then itwas a secret, society. The defendantsmust have the benefit of any doubt, how-

ever. His Honor stated that the lawliad undoubtedly been violated thatnight, but it was in connection with the

ere they are a dozen year old, cot Parent,

Schoolmaster and Clotlier no small amount of

us the perpltxiug question it, " What will

? What will Lin parents like ?"

answer i in.a heary atock of aubntantial


MAKERS. There are a thoaiand point about

clothing which are to be seen, Dot rad

J. M. OAT A CO Merchant streetCKYSTAX HODA WOKKS .. Hotel streetN. F. BCT.OES3 King streetVOLF fc EDWARDS .Cor King and Niiaanu iUc. j. McCarthy .......Hotel street

Five Oat per Copy.

SATURDAY January 9th.

The Honolulu Almanac axl Pirkct-6- b

y foe 1880 is now published and onBale at Oat & Co. 'a book btore and newsdepot and at the 1. C. Advektiseroffice, Me reliant street. Price, 50 centH.


We have received detaila of-- the ship-ment of PortugueHe immigrants by theStirlingshire, chartered on account of theGovernment by Mr. Hoffnunjj, II. IIM. s Charge d'Affaires, London. Thereare on board this fine iron Hhip 45G per-sons, comprising the following: Men,

- iou; women, as; minors, iweieve yearsand upwards, 48 : children between oneand twelve, 128; infants under one year,22. The expense of this party of immigrants is upwards of $40,000, which theGovernment has incurred to provide suitable labor for these Islands, with an ultimate view to . industrial emancipationfrom the Chinese.

And this brings us naturally to a review of the whole question of Portuguese

in a geueral way we hare sought to ex




he like





V" tf&S? But" . . If 11







8uch vigor and life. Call and ece our new stock


this thought in our clothing that the boy

not be a caricature of a little old man-t- hat

his infant life should not be dwarfted with

garments of maturity, bnt that there should

liuger about bis dress something of child-

like grace and simplicity. And it ia this happy

as well aa conscientious workmanship and

prices, which giTea thia part of our business

. immigration. The number of Portugueser introduced under the auspices of the





The Mutual Life Insurance Co.

ISTITIWIs the oldest active Life Insurance Company in this country.Is the la rarest Life Insurance Company In the world, iu policiei uow in force amounting to more

than 115,000.

Is the fttroiiKtt financial institution in the world, its Assets amounting to more than ,' 03,875,000.Is the safest company In which to insure, its surplus alone, as computed by the New York standard

of four and one-ha- lf per cent interest, amounting to more than $12,000,000.Is the elirnpoMt company in which to insure, its large dividend returns reducing the cost of Insur-

ance below that of any other company.And is the best company in which to Insure, as it combines all the advantages of age, large and se-

lect membership, financial strength, absolute security, and the cheapest Insurance thattahonestly possible under any contract which has a definite value to the beneficiary.

This Company Has IssuedSince its organization more than 265,000 policies.Has returned to its policy holders lit llvlleiifla over fCC,000,f00.

Has returned In surrender values over 63,000,000.

Has distributed among lis beneficiaries, in payment of death claims, endowments and annuities, over$37,000,000.

The total returned to policy holders is over f216,OOO.ooo, and It now holds as a guarantee for thepaymentof future claims, Cash Assets of $103,875,000.

It IiJi-- 1 110 stockholders to claim any part of the profits. The assets and surplus all belong tethe insured.

Its ratio of expenses to receipts is less than that of any other company.Its dividends to policy holders are greater than those of any other company.And the cost to the Insured is therefore less than In any otbercompany.

. jl- - T 1

search warrant. The Marshal gave in-

formation whereby a w.irrant was swornout to search certain j remises on Kingstreet, and it was used in another place,namely, at the Joss house on Beretaniastreet, where the doors were brokenopen. The law in regard to search war-

rants was that persons must demandadmission, and if refused reasonableforce might be used to effect an entrance.There would be an excuse for these menin resisting the officers, as it was an unwarrantable invasion of their rightsSearch warrants were dangerous weaponsIn this case the law had been grosslyabused, first by using a warrant in a dif-

ferent place than sworn to ; and secondby the use of force to gain admittance.

The jury retired at a quarter past 5

o'clock, and after being absent nineminutes returned with a verdict of notguilty, three dissenting.

Arrival of Ihs Jeamle Walker.' The long-expect- ed Hawaiian schooner

Jennie Walker, Captain II. Anderson,arrived yesterday, twenty-nin- e daysfrom Jatuit, via Likieb Island. She leftthis port on a trading voyage to theSouth Seas on August 23d, and arrivedat Jaluit September 26th after a roughpassage of thirty-fou- r days. On her arrival she found that the Missionary bark-entin- e

Morning Star had left for Honolulu the previous day. After landingsupplies at Jaluit she left there on October 2d for Makin to meet CaptainLovell of the tern Ke Au Hou, the man-aging agent of the Pacific NavigationCompany's stations in the South Seas.The Jennie Walker arrived at MakinOctober 7th, but had to wait there tilOctober 14th, on which day the tern KeAu Hou arrived from Mille.. On October21st she sailed with Captain Lovell anda number of natives for Apiang, arrivingthere after a four days' passage. On the30th she left again for Tawara and Jar

rived there the following day, finding jhenatives still on the war path. On November 7th she left for Maiana, arrivingthere the next day. Left again November 11th for Mille and arrived there onthe 17th, sailing again tne luiiuwiugiu;for Jaluit. Arrived at the latter placeNovember 20th and left Captain Lovellthere. Sailed again November 24th forMille to supply the trader, Mr. WilsonArrived there November 29th, but on arrival found that a terrific storm had vis-

ited the island the night previous andthe trading agent's copra house, togetherwith several hundred copras ready forshipment, were entirely washed away.Mr. Wilson was obliged to climb a cocoa-nu-t

tree and remain there all night toescape death. Left that island forArhno, arriving there December 6th.Took in copra and left the same day forJaluit, arriving there the following dajrand found the tern Ke Au Hou and theHawaiian schooner General Seigel atanchor. Learned that the Hawaiianschooner Kapiolani was at Ponape,having been sold to another party.On December 10th she left forHonolulu. Passed Likieb Island thesecond day out. Experienced veryheavy northeast trades for the first tendays, during which time some of hersails and her figure-hea- d were carriedaway. The vessel was hove to underreefed sails. Thence westerly winds fortwo days, and to port baffling weather.She brings 103,433 pounds copra,1,604 pounds shark fins, 16 pounds turtleshells, 16 boxes mats and native curios,2 spears, 6 cases corals, 55 clam shellsand 28 sundry packages. The JennieWalker expects to leave early next weekfor Fan ning's Island.

Forsret-Me-Brot- ."

Do not forget "Forget-me-Not- " at theHawaiian Opera House on Mondayevening, January 11th. -- The lovers ofhigh class dramatic performances havenot had such an opportunity for indulg-ing in a real treat of the legitimatedrama for a long time, and may nothave the chance soon again. "Forget-me-Not- "

is one of the strongest of themodern plays that has been produced,and its great merits are shown in thefact that Miss Ward has sustained theleading part in all the capitals of Europeand America, having played it upwardsof one thousand times. She is ably sup-ported by Mr. W. H. Vernon, an accom-plished actor of great ability, well andfavorably known to the English stage.

The amateurs, Mrs. Capt. Hayley,Mrs. J. D. Strong, Mr. MarmadukePike, Mr. L. Montgomery Mather and

Tri Holt, who have so gen- -

im. IimiJ -. J-'?P- S, th'lSerously volunteered their servtv.. .

giving the Honolulu public the chance of

seeing one of the greatest actresses of theEnglish-speakin- g stage, have given theirrespective parts much study under thescholarly tuition of Mr. Vernon, andmay be expected to acquit themselvescreditably. The appearance of such

stars of the stage, in conjunction withthe local talent, should insure a full

house and an appreciative audience. Wewould advise all to secure Beats atonce at J. E. Wiseman's, as the book-

ings are now numerous and but few

seats are left.

The Hawaiian Bell Telephone Companyhas just issued a new card which containsthe names of 413 subscribers.

At 10 o'clock thLj morning Mr. Lewis J.Levey will hold his regular cash sale, whenhe will offer a large assortment of goods.

Their Majesties the King and Queen return by the Kmau this morning. Thestaff omcers and Royal Guards will meetthem.

The annual meeting of the ReciprocitySugar Company will be held at 11 o'clocka. m. Monday next at the office of W. R.Castle, Merchant street.

The Potsmaster General ha.s forwardedto us the Post Office time table for Janu-ary, 1SSC, which is replete with informationrespecting the mails.

Remember that if you want a hack toring up Hawaiian Hotel Stables No. 32,and then you will not have to pay extrafor order Dy telephone.

Forty South Sea Islanders, whose con-

tract service time has ended, returned fromthe Ookala sugar plantation, Hamakua,Hawaii, by the steamer Lehua yesterday.

Following are the 'receipts of domesticproduce for the week ending January 8th :

Sugar, 16,972 bags; rice, 1,408 bags; ricebran, 161 bags; molasses, 72 barrels, and 16

hides.Yesterday morning George 32. Sherman,

a well-know- n saddler, died at his residenceon Maunakea street. He has lived on theIslands over thirty years, and leaves a wifeand family.

In the Supreme Court yesterday inchambers before the Chief Justice the sixthannual account of Wm. G. Brash, executorof the estate of Wm. Brash, deceased, wasexamined and approved.

The St. Paul was advertised to leave SanFrancisco on the 2d January, ami is there-fore due here on the 11th. She is adver-

tised by Messrs. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. tosail on the 15th on her return trip.

Applications for money orders on theUnited States, Great Britain, Hongkong,Portugal and her colonies, per steamshipZealandia, January 12th, should be madeat the Post Office before 12 o'clock noon onMonday.

Wednesday, January 13th, being thethirty-fift- h anniversary of the birthday ofPrincess Likelike, Her Hoyal Highness willhold a reception at her residence, Waikiki,on that day, between the hours of 2 and 5o'clock p. m.

At a meeting of the Honolulu Libraryand Beading Room Association held lastevening a communication was read fromHarmony Lodge; No. 2, I. O. O. F., askingto be admitted a. member of the Associa-

tion on payment of $100 per annum. Itwas decided to accept the proposition.Other business transacted was of the usualroutine character.) Fort-Stre- et Church.i

f At the request of Pastor Cruzan thepew-holde- rs of Fort-stre- et Church have

j gladly consented to make their pews freehereafter on Sunday evenings. Thecharacter of the service will le somewhatchanged, congregational singing, led bya cornet and other instruments and a.Uv.uo viusii, Pctng a marked feature.The new order of service with free pewsbegins Sunday evening. Pastor Cruzanwill preach a brief sermon upon "TheReasons Why." All are invited. Comeearly and secure the seat, you prefer.The theme of Mr. Cruzan's morning ser-mon will be, "Shall We Draw the Netas Well as Leash It."

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,

rtrenirth and vtholoBomonesi 3Iore economicalthon Via nnlmarv . irul4 nn.l Cinnot, 1C 8Cll in COm--petitio i with tho multitude ot to.vtest, shortweight, alum or phos phate pawJeri Sold oin.T VS

cakh. Rotal luiuxa Powitii Co.. 100 Wall-s-

N. Y.9d-- w t

Annual Meeting Notice.

rynE annual meeting of the kec- -I iprocity Sugar Company will be hell at the

office of W. R. Castle, Esq.. on MONDAY, Janu-ary ll, 1&6, at 11 o'clock a m.

K D. TENNET,2t Secretary.


FURNISHED COTTAGE BY A MARKIF.DA couple. Address "F. A.," this office. tf



1,106 Carl Griesen98,80s I,uder Osraers60,252 Konrart Pornltz89.S03 F SchloBVl65,919 H llaifst52,075 IHJritnburg5Sti i() Adolf Husnian92,586 Frauz T Bergman16.SISS Oius Alfredo Kelch

G Daniel Davis975 Prince Albert100 Quon Ying

69,058 Tons Oeng9 Kons Wo Tie

13 Cbo Bong Kee1 Cliuu Chow Kee & Co

23 Leang Piu Jan7-2t- d

Trial ofTfrentj-.tfr- Chiute for Main.taliilngr a Secret Society The Jndce'itRemarks.On the night oi the 8th of November last,

Marshal Soper with assistants made araid on a joss house on Beretania streetand captured twenty-tw- o Chinamen, to-

gether with a large quantity of parapher-nalia. The men were charged withmaintaining a secret society, and after apreliminary hearing were committed fortrial at this term of the Supreme Court.

The case was called at 10 o'clockThursday morning iefore Mr. JusticePreston and a foreign jury. The twenty- -

two defendants were ' accommodatedwith seats on the opposite side of theCourt to the jury. The Court-roo- m wasfilled with Chinese during the hearing oftho trial. The Attorney General andMajor Rosa apjeared for the Crown,and Mr. F. M. Hatch and Messrs Kin-

ney & Peterson for defendants.The law on which the charge is based

is as follows: "Chapter 57, Section 1,Session Laws of 1884 : It shall not belawful for any persons to organize, formor maintain any secret association for anypurpose whatever except under the pro-

visions in this Act set forth."The first witness called was Mr. J. H.

Soper, Marshal, who, on being sworn,testified: I am Marshal. I recognizesome of the defendants, but not all. Iidentify Ah Choy and Ah Yaw. I foundthem on Sunday evening, November 8th,at a house on Beretania street. Severalmonths ago I had information of threesecret societies in town and have beenon watch for them. In order to pay avisit to such places and gather parapher-nalia a warrant was specially preparedfrT ciiVi a rmrrutao On tri n i r t. mpn- -

tioned I left Judge Bickerton's house at11 o'clock after getting his signature,and with other officers made a raidonthe building on Beretania street. Therewere from seventy-fiv- e to a hundred Chi-

nese there. We went into an alley lead-

ing to a gateway, and followed a China-man used as a guide. When we enteredthere was a great rush made for the doorand windows. On a table was foundChinese candles, flags and a yellow cloth.This latter was covered all over with

Chinese characters, which on being in-

terpreted was shown to be rules of a se-

cret society. They were very bad rules,prescribing, among other tilings, punish-ment of death for certain violations ofthem. A cutlass was found stuck in acrack of the floor in front of the table.All of these things were produced in

Court. The witness was cross-examine- d

at length.John Good, sworn, stated: I identify

six of the defendants. When the roomwas entered I saw one Chinaman presenta knife at me, and I immediately drewmy pistol. I cannot positively statewhat was on the table. The crowd raiseda shout when I drew mv DistnL

Utiang Uiiew, being sworn, stated : Ilive in Honolulu. Was at the buildingthe night the Marshal made the raid.Tliis certificate (produced) is for mem-bership in Tong Hing Society, and isgiven if initiation fee is paid. Cross- - ex-

amined : I have no employment now. Ibelong to Hung San Society. If theChinese Government find out members

'm m WW j it 1 Voi long iiing society tney wouia De Detheaded. J

Four other witnesses were examinedand the prosecution closed. ) v

For the defense the first witness calledwas Ah Choy, who deposed: I am amember of Tong Hing Society. AmManager and had charge of the books.The other defendants are members ofthe Society. Any one joining does nottake an oath. The only requisition is $5.

It is not confined to any clan. Any per-

son, member or not, can go into the build-ing at any time. The doors are alwaysopen. The night the raid was madethe members were celebrating the birthday of a Budhist god, "San Mow ChanQuong." That is why they were therein such large numbers. The flags (produced) were placed in front of the shrineThe bucket contained wheat for stickingin Joss sticks. The knives (produced)are kept for killing pigs, fowls, etc. Afowl was killed that night. The largerone of the two was used in a processionon New Year's day. The paraphernalialias always been in sight of every oneprevious to its seizure. Chinese attendworship at the Joss house specially onbirthdays of certain gods. Cross-examine- d:

I issue certificates once to eachmember on payment of $5. That is all,and his name is entered in a book. Incase a certificate is lost a new one isissued. The ten defendants mentionedare not members; the others aremembers, but their names are not in thebooks. Some of them have promisedto pay the fee and that makes them mem-bers. I cannot tell how many havepromised to pay. I have no record ; Iremember them in my head. I do notknow whether the doors were open whenthe Marshal come. I do not know thatchopping off a rooster's head is done when

cr an oath. A rooster was killedI i ;. i.i 1 mixed witht, . ! ill iiiiu uic jijyjUL

7SJm''m:. Med round the room to"wimor.

water and sprinK.Irohave never seen thekeep away gods. 1 m.yellow cloth before, '.stated: I am a

Wnna Sins?, sworn, ociety. I readmember of Tong Hing bw. ..the rules before I joined. I made no

oath to keep secret, simply paid $5. TheSociety take3 care of the poor and sick.

I was not there at the raid. It was thebirthday of a god. The names of mem-

bers are on the wall of the room in Chi-

nese. The doors are always open. Anyone can go in. There is no password to

obtain admittance during a meeting. If

a man wishes to join and has no money

he is allowed to pay when he can, a littleat a time.

Ah Pau, being sworn, stated: I was

arrested by police that night. I am not

a member of any society. I went that




-- 1


A- -

, .uoara oi immigration since 1878 was9,415 ; and if the party now afloat on theStirlingshire arrives safely, as we trustwill be the case, the total would be 9,871 .

Of those introduced as above stated,1,439 came prior to 1882, when the Gibson Administration went into power, and7,976 havebeen introduced since thenThe immigrants by the Stirlingshire willbring the number to the credit of theGovernment up to 8,432. Doubtlesssome of the. male immigrants left the

" country for the Coast, but a great manyof them have drifted back again, and tiienatural increase has been large. ThePortuguese thrive in this country and dowell. They are very much better offhere in every respect than they couldever hope to be in their own country,and it is a knowledge of thi3 fact thatrenders thera so willing to emigrate toHonolulu.

Of course this active immigrationpolicy involves a heavy expenditure.As we have already stated, the immigrants by the Stirlingshire cost the Government over $40,000, and previous immigrants were proportionally costly. AnV1 of this head of outlay may be

. , . , to statistics of imnaitu, nprfer.tliA

auspices oi uie bureau oi immigration,which appear in the Honolulu Almanacand Directory for 1886. From 1878 toto issu mere naa been 12,233 immi-grants introduced by the Hawaiian Gov-ernment. The cost to the public treasuryfor iinmijjration from 1S64 to 1885 inclusive was $951,679 79,and to planters $567,- -

419 70, making an expenditure all toldof $1,519,129 49. The bulk of these immigrants .irrived subsequent to 1881.There is navailable record of Government immigration prior to 1878.

These figures furnish a key to the increase of tile public debt, about whichOppoation writers jmzzle their brains tosuch little - purpose. The present Ad-ministration borrowed, under the LoanActs of 1876 and 1884, in round numbers,$980,000,, has been expended in imm-igration during the last two bien-nial periods, $672,191 41, the balance ofloan being applied toother public pur-poses provided for by law. Furthermore,it is a fact that the entire funded debt ofthe Kingdom is represented by the Gov-ernment expenditure on immigration,minus $126,820 21, the figures being :

; Total national debt.. $1,078,500 00Immigration expenditure. . . . . 951,l7i) 79

Balance.... $126,820 21

There is to be added to this expendi-ture by the Government $567,449 70 ad-vanced by planters for the introductionof population through the Bureau of Im-migration, plus a further sum of $200,000and $300,000 privately expended byplanters for immigrants. This is a veryadmirable showing, and should satisfy theclass which it now displaying thegreatest hostility against the Govern- -

ment, that whatever faults may becharged against the Administration, neg-

lect of the planters' interests is not oneof them.

S. G.391 Jan 13

of goods.



WILDKR, Agent,noNOLULU, 11. r.

at last succeeded in completely realizingdoubt that this most important inventionbranches of lighting.

A, and two for sizes B and C. Th neces--be ex- -

by remittance tdT cover-th- e amount, or


The leading tragic actress of the Eugllsh-sptakio- s

stage, and

MR. W. H. VERNON,The popular London actor, will appear in the cele-

brated comedy drama of

66Forget-le-STot.- "

Mr. Captain Hayley, Mrs, J. I). Strong-- Mr. L.Montgomery Mather and Mr. Pike have kindlyvolunteered and will appear iu some of the prin-cipal characters in the drama.

Box oflice now open at the oflice of J. E. Wise-man.

Marshal's Sale.

VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIONBY Issued out of the Supreme Court, on the lttuday ot November, A. D. , against A. K. KL-- N

L'lAKEA , defendant, in favor of K. K. MILES,plaintU, lur the sum of f 170 94,1 have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front en-

trance of Aliiolani Hale, in Honolulu, Island ofOuhu. at 12 m. o'clock of WEDNESDAY, the 3dilay of February, A. D. 1836, to the highest bid-

der, all tne right, title and interest of the Huid de-

fendant, in and to the following property, unlesss.dd Judgment, interest, costs and my expenses bepreviously paid.

List f property for sale:Ad that certain piece or parcel of land situate in

LuukHha, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Cora,iiieiicing at makai west corner of large lot on Nuuanu road, and running south 63 west, 3 chain53 feet along road wall to slight angle. Thencesooth lit west 2 chains 11 10-1- 2 teet alorrg wall tomakal west corner of this lot. Thence south 30'45'. east 6 chains 56 7-- 12 feet along niatal wall ofthis lot to slight angle; thence south 35 east 2chains 17 10--12 feet along wall to makai south cor-ner of this land. Thence N. CO east 5M chainsalong wall to makai wall of old lot at east cornerof this lot. Thence north 2o 15' west 3 chains62 2 feet along wall to slight angle. Thencenorth 2!). 5. west 5 chains ,ong old lot wall toplace of commencement, Including an area Of5 0 acres. J. H. SOPEll,

MarshalHonolulu, January 4, 1886.

Marshal's Sale.

IY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIONL issued out of the Supreme Court, on the 4th

day of January, A. D. Hm6, against A. K. KUNU- -IAKEA, defendant, in favor of C. F. WOLF,plainlitr, for the sum of (220 65 I have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front en-trance of Aliiolani Hale, in Honolulu. Island ofOahu, at 12 m. o'clock of VVEDNESD VY, the 3dday of February, A. 1). 1886, to the highest bid-der, all the rlglit, title and interest of the said AK. KUNUIAKEA.defendant.luand to the following property, unless said judgment, interest,costs and my expeuses be previously paid.

List of property tor sale:All that certain piece or parcel of land situate

in Luakaba. Nnuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu.Commencing at makai west corner of large lot onNuuanu road, and ruuning south 63 west 3 chains59 5-- feet along road wall to slight angle; thencesouth 61 west 2 chains 11 18-1- 2 feet along wall tomakai west corner of this lot. Thence south 3045 eust, 6 chains 50 7-- feet along makai wall ofthis lot to slight angle; thence south 3o eastehuins 17 10-1- 2 feet along wall to makai southcorner of this land. Thence N. 60 east 6J4 chainsalong wall to makai wall of old lot at east cornerof this lot. Thence north 20 15' west, 3 chains62 8-- 12 feet along wall to slight angle. Thencenorth 29.15 west, 5 chains along old wall to placeof commencement, including an area of 5 0

iicrts. J. II. 80PER,Marshal

Honolulu, January 4, 1886.


Real Estate SaleIN

H03SrOLTTJL,UHawaiian Islands.


X ment in the Hawaiian Islands will haverare opportunity in the purchase of the RoseRanch property, lately owned by Captain JamesMakee, on the Island 01 Maui.

This estate comprises over eleven thousand (IIOOOi acres of land held in fee simple, and aboutteli thousand (10.000) acres held under le;-s- to runsix years longer. The stock on the estate comprises about 3,800 bead of well-bre- d cattle, including 100 yoke working cattle and 300 milch cowsand U0 horses and mules.

The buildings consist of a main dwelling house.guests' cottages, office, billiard room, chapel.dairy ano Deei nouses, store, overseer s houseservants' quarters, etc., etc.

There are between three and four hundred thou-sand trees ou the estate of arleties of eucalyptus,acacia, cypress, Pride of india, cedar and cin-chona.

The cisterns for water are 12 in number, theargest capable of holding 15,000 barrels.Steamers from Honolulu stop at the landing of

the estate once a week. The passage from Hono-lulu to the lauding is made in 12 hours by steamer.Hundreds of citizens of California and the EasternKtates have experienced the hospitality of the lateCaptain Makee, who will bear willing testimony tothe natural beauties of the estate and to the sa-lubrity of the climate.

ALSO TO BE SOLD,The fine residence in the city of Honolulu belong-ing to the Makee estate, together with the furni-ture belonging to the house.

1 he sale of the above-name- d properties will beheld in the city of Honolulu MARCH I, 1886.

For further particulars apply toJOH N D. H PR ECKELS BROS.,

ban Francisco,A nd to

WM. G. IRWIN A CO.,411 marl d-- w Honolulu.




ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoinin- - ,n IOBt

Office. 2G7Uwtf

BROWN, ATTORNEY-- . ANDCECIL !nblic, Campbell's Block. Merchantstreet.


LIC. Oflice with the Attorney General, Aliioiaui Hale, Honolulu, H. I. 67 mr26-12-t- f



NOTARY PUBLIC.Estate In any part or theKpHl sold and leased ou Commission

Loans Negotiated land Legal Documents Drawn.


Gazette Block. Honolulu.


Since Electricity haa been applied for lighting purposes, all efforts of inventors havebeen directed to construct a lamp for general domestic use. The reason why this prob-lem has till now not been solved, is that none of the inventors could rid themselves of theidea of gas lighting, and that all have adhered to the system of producing the electricityin some central place, or by large machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, most be portablelike an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itself, i. e., in the foot of thelamp.

The Norman Electric Light Company hasthis ideal of electric lighting, and there is nowill bring about a complete revolution in all

Oar Electric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive outlay,and is neither complicated or disagreeable in manipulation; all that is necessary is torefill it every four of five days with acid. The cost of lighting will be as cheap as gas (centa-pe- r hour), and it has before the latter the immense advantage of neither producingheat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impured. and remains at thesame degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and does not need to bekindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key, thus avoiding all danger offire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; and it must be con-ceded that this advantage alone is invaluable. .It is further preferable to any known kindof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is so simple that any child can keep it in order.2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oil lamp, from on place

to another.3. That it neither requires the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of thecylinder, as in the case of oil lamps.4. That the light produced is a Bof t and most steady one; that it never flickers, and

the flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can be regulated to any degree.5. That every danger of fire ia absolutely excluded, as the light will extinguish im-

mediately, if by any accident tho glass surrounding the burner should be broken.6. That it will burn, even in tho strongest wind, completely unaffected, thus beine

invaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.This lamp is constructed fox the present in three different sizes:A, small size. Height of complete lamp, 11 inches; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-

ing rooms, cellars, storage houses, powder magazines (or similar places where explosivesare kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens, mines or any other industrial purpose. Price,

Ter lamp delivered free to any part of the world.B, medium size. Serves all domestic purposes for lighting rooms, houses, etc. Thilamp ia elegantly decorated, and has removable white ground glass globe.Price per lamp (inclusive of bronze foot and globe, richly and elegantly constructed)

2. delivered froe to any part of the world. .C, grand size for pailor, hall, saloon, public building, etc. The lamp gives a mostbrilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefully

aud the workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Price, 4.10. .Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished.All lamps are ready for immediate use, and will be sent, securely packed in strong;

wooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals sufficient for several

Hawaiian Council, A. I, of II.At a meeting of Hawaiian Council, No.

039, A. L. of II., held last evening, thefollowing officers - were elected : Tast

r Commander, C. A. Brown ; Commander,J. F. Eckart ; Vice Commander, E. W.Tucker ; Orator, A. O. Forbes ; Secretary, store, even in rrn mi m n- - - iii,,Sc,J. A. Palmer; Collector, E. W. Peter

moiiiiis uguung, ana one extra nurner lor sizeDAI V v'Ti-'"- . itis uu uurcuaneu in anv nrnorevery inu.,.. it ---- o

chan ged, or money n:ii'i,.Vuc-- i uir writtenOn n orders for six lamps auv. uuve, i

frnm abroad filled, unless accompanied

guarantee tor one year, and willjii.ji-."t- . oTa i. ..--son Treasurer, Charles Hnsbuy

rot.f.isa references on a New York or Philadelphia house.jwrj --f- op.

The best method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or postagestamps of any country of the world. .

All orders, the smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay.

DOur Electric Lamps are protected by law, and all imitations and infringementswill be prosecuted.

0I7"Agent3, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lamps wanted every-

where. No fitucial knowledge or capital required.A fortuDo to bi m ado by active persons.


laiii'T--rCiIeiaiiue- r : uuiuc, T. F.Lansing; Warden, G. C. Stratemeyer;Sentry, Julius Asch. Mr. Charles H.EUridge lias been appointed Deputy Su-

preme Commander of this jurisdiction.

St. Andrew's cathedral.The services at this church w,

conducted by the Bishop of Honolulu,

will be : Holy Communion 6 :30 a. m.,morning prayers with sermon at 9 a. m.,Sunday School at 11 a. m. and evening

at 6 p. ml The second congregation,

conducted by Rev. George Wallace, will

hold Sunday School at 10 a. m. in thePunahou Preparatory School. Morning

prayer with sermon at 11 a. m., andevening prayer at 7 :30 p. m.

- i nWash Norton's Merrymakers are ex-

pected to arrive on the next steamer from

the Colonies.

Address : THE NOllMAN3S7marlG d-- w

Dividend TSTotice.

DIVIDEND OF TIIRF.E DOLLARS PEIlV share will be paid to the shareholders or the

interisland Steam Navigation Company at tueiroffice on Esplanade, on the 9th instant.

J.' Secretary.2t

NOTICE.rpIIE UNDERSIGNED, WHO 13 DOINGX business in rice, has sold his bakery, corner

of King and Maunakea streets, to Quong Ying Wo& Co. All amounts due him before Decembers,1885, will be collected by him, and all debts to thatday paid at his office, King street, In Mr. J. Col-burn- 's

house. Y1M QUON.Honolulu, January 6, 1886. IsbS

f ct

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38075/1886010901.pdf · 1 if--"A 9fl VOL. V.--NO. 7. BONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9,





Of tbe Hawaiian Treasury for theQuarter Endln? leeemoer 31, 13.



fb. and five (5; o'clock a. ro. tbe above rates offare shall be doubled.

24th. If any licensed vehicle shall be fouudstan lng in any place but on tbe appointed stand,f driver shall be liable to arrest by any police

cer a d1, k said driver shall be under engage-it- ;and do licensed driver wlil be permitted to

t under engagement for a fare In the vicinityany designated back stand except on the stand

it.si-If- . Nothing In this regulation, however, shallbe construed to conflict with regulations 10, 'll and12 above.

25th. Any licensed driver who, when in chargeof a licensed carriage, dray or other vehicle, shallbe Intoxicated, or who shall use Insulting orabusive language, who shall demand more thanthe authorised fare, who shall neglect upon de-mand to show a card of rates of fare, or who shah

KLC1CIPT.Balance from September

From fines, penalties andcosts- .- 1 14.631 46

From Interior Department. 67.065 22From Customs Receipts 11S,723 tM

From Internal Taxes 242,305 C2From Japanese Fund 7,370 71From Braods - 69 00From Revenue stamps 3,726 25Fram Gov't Realizations.. 120 45From Crown Commission-

ers . 4,000 00From Loan Act, August 1,

-- :o:-

1S34 22,100 CO 483, 122 04

546,515 89

Tender M'auted.Tenders for boring an artesian well at Kamalo,

on tbe Island of Molokai, will be received till 12

o'clock nuou ou Wednesday, January Utli.at tbecHl'-- e of tbe Interior Department. All particularswill be furnlsiied on application to tbe oQice oftbe Superintendent of rublic Works.

All tenders sbould be plainly marked on tbeoutside of the envelope, "Tender for Boring Arte-sian Well." CII.VS. T. GCLICK.

Minister of tbe Interior.Interior Office, January 7, 186. 3t

Valuable Keal Estate in the BusinessCenter of Honolulu

For Sale by Private Contract or at Public Auction.

contravene any of the within rules, shall upon j




complaint to any of tbe police be arrentrd, andppon conviction be liable to the penalty et forthin Section 14, of the act approved the fth day ofAugust, A. D. Iss2.

2oth. No licensed driver shall leave bis vehicle

II FKN itiTl'REM.Civil Uvi 15.731 00Permanent Settlement 712 00Judiciary Department 17,273 17Foreign Office 31,158 2Interior Department 172,25102Attorney General's Iept ... 34.208 39Finance Department 81,48 OPBoard of Education 18,812 47Board of Health 34,837 40Expenses Queen Emma's

funeral 700 00Paid ou act. Special loan 57,29140Hire of steamer C. R.

Bishop, search for schoon

-- :o:-at any wharf, public or private ball or entertainment, place of amusement or public assemblageor liquor saloon. Etc., !Ktc.2th. No licensed vehicle will be permitted toatand on any steamer wharf on the day of arrival -- BY OP.DER OF--or departure of steamers.

9300 Reward.A reward of Five Hundred DblUrs will be pid

to any persou who will give such information asmay lead to tbe detection of tbe party or partieswho robbed the Post OQice on .Saturday night,tbe 2d mutant. JNO. II. SOPER,

Marshal.Marshal's Oflice, January 4, lwli.

er Ka Mol 2,000 00 4ti4.712 46Balance cash In Treasury 81,803 43

-- stb. Any licensed vehicle, horse or banje&sfound in service at any time in an unsuitable orunsafe condition for performing tbe duties of com-mon carriers will render the owner or driver, or MESSES. H. HACKFELD & CO.,8546,515 89

treasury, December 31, lss5.J. M. KAPENA,Minister of Finance.

both, liable to arrest and prosecution.These rules shall have full force aud effect on

and after January 1, lsi6, and all former rules andregulations for the government of licensed vehicles The MlsMins; fcelioouer Dotuilila. -- AT OUK bALlSKOOilS- -

are abolished.CHAS. T. OULICK,Minister of tbe Interior, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13th,

Ile(ulatioii lor Carriage ami Itatewof Fare.

Voder and by virtue of the provision of an Actentitled "Au Act to Kegulate tbe Carrying ofPassengers and Freight, and the Letting to Hireof Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Drays and otherVehicles in tbe District of Honolulu," amendedfcud approved ou tbe 5th day of August, A. D.182, I, Cbas. T. Oulklt, Minister of tbe Interioror the Hawaiian Kingdom, do hereby make thefollowing Kults and Regulations to be observedby licensed carriers of passengers and freightin tbe District of Honolulu:1st. Every licensed carriage, dray or vehicle

must be numbered, and this number must be

M'ater Notice.

The new Hawaiian schooner Bomitila,under command of Captain J. Sanford,late of the schooner Liholiho, sailed fromthis port for Hilo, Hawaii, with 12,000feet of lumber, most of which was in thehold, on Monday, December Cth, and isconsequently 3G days out to-da- y. Theschooner Haleakala returned from Hilo

At lO o'clock --AFrom this date, till further notice, W. R. HEALEsq., is alone authorized to collect water ratesand dues on account of the Honolulu WaterWorks. :o:--

He is fully empowered to give a good and suffiyesterday, and reports that the Domitila

GROCERIES.cient receipt, and none other will be acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterhad not arrived at her destination yet

placed on a conspicuous part of tbe carriage, dray Several coasting steamers and schoonersrates, to produce to tbe Receiver their last from windward iorts returned during theor vehicle.

2d. Every licensed carriage running at nightmust exhibit two lights, and tbe number of such

receipt.Vfaiegar, in rirmljolina aud barrels,Caii'lVs, 4, 5, 6,SanliafS, Blue Mottled Soap,.Pickles. Muslanl, Pie Fruits,MarniHliule. Mushrooms, Peas,

Duret Olive Oil, Condensed Miilc,Australian Corn aud Roast Beef,Australian Beef in barrels,Salmon. Flour. Kpsoni Halt.Castor Oil, Hair Oil,Pilot and Medium Bread,Fancy Cracters, Toilet boaps.

week, but with no tidings of the missingThis Regulation does not apply to any businessrelating to the Water Works, which now is, orcarriage plaiuly shown on tbe ghiss of each lan- - vessel. The day he left tliis port the Sauces, Hull Blue, Biscuits,

Cream of Tartar, Carbonate of Soila,wind was quite strong. The schoonerLIQUORS.

Brandies, in casos and casks,"American and Irish Whisky, in caws and casks,

st. Pauii Ale, in quarts and pints,Pilsener Beer from St. Pauli Brewery,Muller's Lager Bier, Graues Beer,Khine Wine, Sherry, Port Wiue.

(Jiu, In cases and baskets.Iioyal Bataviu Gin. Schiedam SScuuapDS,

may hereafter be placed in the bands of thefor settlement.

CHAS. T. CI CLICK,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, November 5, 1835. 313 uootf

Wanted.A iuale teacher for an English day school on the

island of Lanai. To a suitable person, board,residence and tbe use af a horse will be given, anda fair salary allowed.

Apply at the office of tbe Board of Education.January 6, 1SMC. Ian8w25

Champagne, in quarts and pints,


Plus Tobacco aud Smoking Tobacco, Variuas Canaster, Chewing Tobacco,


Malolo, which left the next day, experi-enced very heavy weather, and the Cap-tain was obliged to sail under reefed sailsfor seven days. It. is generally believed thatthe Domitila has capsized. Anotherbelief is that the Captain has run awaywith the schooner to a foreign port.The owner, Mr. Joseph Paiko, who hasbeen on the vessel since she was launchedat Eenicia, California, thinks that she isable to stand rough weather. He madea trip to Hilo on her during the latestorm, and she weathered it in fine style.The Domitila has water and provisions tolast two months. Her crew numbersseven, as follows : An America Captain,an Italian mate, who has served sevenyears in the Italian navy, a Cliincsecook and four sailors one native, one

Tbe undersigned have receired instruction frota MESSRS. O. W.JIACFARLANE & CO. to oflVr for itle at auction, at oar aaltgrooms, on

MONDAY, January 25th,A.t 12 o'clock Noon,

Unless pretiouslj disposed of by private sale,

Thu whole of tbat valuable city property known aa tb BOOTH ESTATE,excepting only tbe corner lot, owned by lit. James Olds, containing in all20,990 square feet, together with houses, stores and buildings thereto be-

longing. '

Thin in the most compact aud desirable piece of property ercr offeredfor 8Ie in Honolulu. IU main frontages are 75 feet 5 iucbes to Naaanastreet, and 93 feet 6 inches to Hotel street. The rear front of the propertyextends from Nuuanu street, back of Messrs. Castle 4c Cooke's fine biickwarehouse and store, 173 feet 11 inches to Hose Lane, the side frontagalong the line of the Robinson lot to Hotel street being 112 feet 3 inches.

The value of this and the adjoining property might be greatly en-hanc- cd

by carrying Boso Lane straight through to Hotel street. Accessis had to Hotel and Nuuanu streets from the rear and center of the estateby lanes long in use on the property itself.

Situated in the heart of the retail business quarter of the city, andhaving a large area of available building space unoccupied, this propertyholds out unusual inducements to capitalists as a permanent investment.The present annual income is $4,500, or 10 per cent on $45,000 ; but asthe leases expire shortly, the rental might be increased to $6,009 a yearwithout expenditure for repairs or additions to buildings. If the estatewere sold as a whole, however, by judicious and inexpensive improve-ments which a practical eye would suggest, even this large prospectiveincome might be very considerably added to.

The Nuuanu street frontage is occupied by a row of two-stor- y build- -

iugs, the upper story being used as dwellings, and tho first floor as stores,which are always in occupation. Bestauranta and retail stores similarlyoccupy the frontage on Hotel street. -

Tho eld International Hotel is in the center of the property, and goes

with the lot. It is UBed as a lodging house and pays handsomely.'

Another advantage of this fine property as au investment is its excel- -

lent sanitary conditions. It is on the highest part of thelity makai ofBeretania street, aud is therefore easily drained.

The property, if not disposed of before date of sale, will be first putup as a whole in one lot. Failing a satisfactory purchaser, we shall thenput it up in lots, for which purpose it has been subdivided into sixteenlots. We shall offer these lots at the following upset prices, viz.:

Lot No. 1 ' ....$1,800Lot No. 2 1,800Lot No. 3 1,X)Lot No. 4... 1.000Lot No. 5 : 1,500Lot No. 6 1.500Lot No. 7 8,500Lot No. 8 1,500Lot No. 9 V 1,500Lot No. 10 3,750Lot No. 11 : 3.750Lot No. 12.. 2,750Lot No. 131 - it noa

Lot No. 15 1,500Lot No. 16.:............. ....t 1.C00

And upon the following favorable terms :

ONE THIRD CASH.Balance in one, two and three years, with interest at 7 per cent per

annum, secured by mortgage.

We solicit an examination of this property, and confidently reoom-- .mend the investment as a permanent paying one, with greater contingen-

cies for advancement than almost any other kind of property.

A Plan of the Property ru be mcu mt sue f9c or

E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auctioneers.

Butcher and Cane Knives,Wash Basins, Fry Pans,Bound aud Oval Tubs,

Steel Fence Wire, Iron Bedsteads,Vices, Saucepaus, Tea Kettles, Lamps,Sewing Machines, White Lead Paint,Wrapping Paper, Colored Priming Paper.Storm Lanterns, CC Irons,

VIENNA FURNITURE.Inning Boom Chair?, Rot king Chairs, Cane-bac- k Chairs, Sofas, Looking Glasses.

:o:Maikf-tant- l Coal Baskets,Demijohns, 1, 2, 3 and 5 gals. Carks,

W'oolpack, Burlaps, Ball Twine,Saddles, Whips,Crockery, In assorted crates.Tea Sets, Plates, Flower Pots.

Musical Instruments (Aritol'.Sj,Accordeons, Playinsr Cards,Itice aud Paddy Bugs,

tern, In figures not less than one and one-ha- lf (!,',)inches in height.

3d. Drivers of licensed vehicles must obey theorders of the police.

4tU. No licensed carriage will be allowed toatand on the tnakal side of Queen street near theFish Market, and no two or more carriages will be.lowed to stand abreast on any street.5th. On all stands set apart for licensed carriages

tbe horses must be headed parallel to the streetaud close to tbe sidewalk.

Stb. No licensed horse and carriage must be leftwithout a proper attendant, or properly secured.

7tb. No licensed1 carriage will be allowed to beleft on the street over night.8th. 8TANI9 BKT APAUT iOK UCESiED CAKK1AUES.' No. 1. Maulca side of Beretanfa street, eust sideof Maunakea street.

No. 2. Makal side of Beretanla street, from eastcorner of Nuuauu street.

No. 3. Kast side of Emma street, maukaof Ber-eta- uia

street.No. 4. Mauka siJe of Hotel street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. i. Mauka side of Hotel street, corner o.

Union street.No. 6. Makal side of Hotel street, opposite to

the entrance of Hawaiian Hotel.No. 7. Makal side of King street, opposite the

C'blnes Theater, east of road to the Prison.No. 8. Makui sid of Kir.g street, east comer of

Maunakea street.No. 9. Makal hiJe of Kins street, from west

corner of Beta 1 strert.No. W. Makai side of King street, east from E.

O. Hall fc Son's store.No. II. Makai side of King street, east corner of

Richards street.No. 12. Makai side of King street, west from

Punchbowl street.No. 13. Makal side of Merchant street, opposite

to Sailors' Home.No. 14. Makal side of Merchant street, east cor-

ner of Fort street.No. 15. Mauka side of Queen street, opposite to

Fish Market.No. 16. Makal side of Queen street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. 17. Makai Bide of Queen street, from east

corner of Fort street.

Portuguese, one Englishman and anItalian. Captain Sanford sailed. Decem "White 33ros. Portland Cement.ber 4th, contrary to Mr. J. Paiko's or

-- :o:-

The Board of Immigratioii pro-poses to rra!;e arrergemenis forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laborwill forward their applications toWm. G. Irwin & Co. the dulyappointed Agents of the Boardfor Japanese Immigration.

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that the parties orderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.

CHAS. T. GULICK.Minister of Interior arid President

Bureau of Immigration.Interior Office, Aug. 21, 1885.


X?Tlie sale will commence with Hardware and Groceries. The Liquors

ders, he having ordered him not to sailtill he returned to town. On the firsttrip to Hilo Captain Sanford had askedMr. Paiko questions jertaining to thevessel. The Domitila is 74 toii3 registerand was built at Benicia, California, byMr. M. Turner at a cost of about $7,000.

will be sold at 11 a. in. Special inducements will be offered to the trade, as theconsignments must be closed, even at a loss. The terms of credit will also be veryfavorable.

E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auctioneers.She was built both as a weather boat andfor speed. She distanced the yachtEmerald, on the way from Benicia to SanFrancisco, and. she made the best time SPECIAL NOTICE.on record for sailing vessels from CocoHead to port. The steamer JamesMalcce was unable to gain on her on theway from Koolau to port. These factsprove her superior sailing capacity. She

GEEAT CLEARANCE SALE!is insured at $4,000.

Supreme Court January Term.BEFORE MR,. JUSTICE PRESTON.

Wednesday, January Cth.J. Mana et al. vs. Aliona et al., eject

ARRIVALS.Fkibat, January 8.

Stiar Lebua, Davis, from HamakuaHaw schr Jennie Walker, Anderson, 29 days

from Jaluit, via Likieb IslaudSchr Haleakala, from Pepeekeo, Hawaiibchr Malolo, from Kaiwllahilabl

For Thirty Days Only.ment. Tried before a Hawaiian jury

u . r

r t 3 ' t

. .




" flit" . ? rJ

2 f

ft'I -


if' rr4it

r '





II. tf J

"?. '



who rendered a verdict for plaintiff with AT THEdamages to the amount of $50. Mr. F.M. Hatch for plaintiffs, Mr. S. B. Dole

DEPARTURES.Friday, January 8.

Stuir Waimanalo, Neilson, for Waimaualotso br Kawailanl, for KoolauSchr Liholibo, for WaimeaSchr Emma, for Kahului, via Koolau

for defendants. TEMPLE OF FASHION,Awa et al. vs. J. M. Horner et. al,

ejectment. Jury waived. Messrs. Kinney & Peterson for plaintiffs, Messrs. L. GBAND DISPLAYA. Thurston and A. Rosa for defendants. 61 and G3 Fort Street.

Our Entire Stock of MENS', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING,The evidence was heard and decision reserved.

Veiasels Leavliis; To-Da- y.

Stmr Kilauea Hou, Weisbarth, for Hamakuaat 5 p m

Bchr Waloll, for Kaalualu, HawaiiBchr Nettie Merrill, for Lahalna


From Jaluit, SSI, per schooner JenuieWalker, Jauuary 8th: Mr Duncan and Mi

GENTS' FURNISHING G00tS, BOOTS and SHOES has been GREATLYREDUCED, and DECIDED BARGAINS are offered in these Departments. --OF-

IUthel I'ulou Church Services.At the Bethel Union Church there GEEAT HEDXJCTIOjST HOLIDAY GOODS,will be services w, with preach-

ing by Rev. E. C. Oggel, the pastor.Subject in the morning: "Christ the

-- AT T1IKIn Our Dry and Fancy Goods Department.i,

tu. No more than ten carriages will be allowedou any one stand at any one time.

10th. Licensed carriages standing in front of tbeHawaiian Opera House shall align on the maukaaide of King street,

11th. Licensed carriages standing upon the Es-

planade, near tbe Mail Steamer Dock, shall alignupon the mauka side of the street to the corner ofKilauea street, and mauka along the east side ofKilauea street.

12tn. Licensed carriages at the GovernmentBuildiug shall enter on tbe eastern side of thedrive, and align on tbe outer side of the circleawaiting their fare.

BAT KB or l'ABK.13th. To or from any point in Beretania street

and the harbor, aud between Maunakea street andPunchbowl street, for each passenger, 10 cents.

14th. To or from any poi?i: between the secondbridge, Nuuauu Avenue, and Kunawal Lane onLUiha street and the harbor, and theReformatory School, on the Ewa road and theline of Victoria street, not exceeding one milefrom the starting point and not conflicting withRule 13, for each passenger, 25 cents. For eachpassenger to or from any steamer or sailing vesselto or from any point within the foregoing limits,25 cents.

lith. Outside these limits, not exceeding twomiles from the starting point, for each person, 50

cents; beyond two miles, 25 ceuts per mile or frac-

tion thereof, for each pat lenger.ltu. Children three years old or under, no

charge; over three years old aud not more thautea years old, half price.

17 tb. For each vehicle attending a funeral, f 3,ISUi. Wbeu called by the te.epbone the

uent commencti with the receipt of the message.Servlca In answer to call by telephone may becharged one-ba- lf fare for tbe trip to any pointbeyond the 50c. limit In addition to tbe regularcharges for subsequent services.

19th. No extra charge shall be made to any pas-

senger for ordinary hand baggage.20th. For any other than ordinary hand bag-

gage, each trunk or box, 25 cents.21st. Every licensed driver shall have a silver

or white metal badge, with his number plainlyshown on It, as per sample at the Police StationHouse; said badge to be worn so as to be distinctlyseen upon the left breast. (To insure uniformity,these badges will be furnished at tbe Station Houseat cost price.)


Judge." Praise and Gospel service at7 :30. The pastor will be assisted by the Popular Millinery House,2erDO NOT MISS' OUR CLEARANCE SALE.

S. COHEjST & CO.church choir and full chorus choir ofyoung people. Subject: "His WifeWas the Cause of It." Seats free. All Honolulu104 Fort Streetwelcome. s

Tbe largest and bent assorted stork Jn the Klmcdoiu. J'KKSENTS SUITABLE FOR YOUNOAND OLD, MALE OH FKMALK. Toilet Boxen, Hand Glasses, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar andCuff Boxes, etc., etc.MANILA CIGAES


Installation.The following officers were installed at

MyBtic Lodge on Thursday evening byDavid Dayton, D. S. C. ; J. A. Hassinger,M. at A., and M. Grossman, Acting S. T. :

P. C, J. A. Mehrtens ; C. C.,Z. K. Myers ;

V. C, G. C. Stratemeyer; M. of Ex.,H. Armitago; M. of F., J. Rothwell;K.of R. and S., J. A. Palmer; M. at A.,A. Gartenberg; I. G., E. Williams; O.G., A. O.Wood.

In Bond or Duty Paid. All colors, all kinds and all prices. Immense stwk of LADIES' HAND HATCHELS, at price thaiwill astonish you. Endless variety of Ladies' .Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lac

Collars, Fichus, 8ilk Handkerchiefs, etc,, etc., etc.

The Millinery DepartmentIs complete, all the latpst styles ef Trimmed and La trimmed Hats, Feathers, Birds, OroaoueatsWinra, ptc, at Prices to suit, at the

A very CIIOICP: LOT just received. The best in t ' market.




The steamers to arrive to-da- y are the Kinau,LikUike and MokolU from windward ports.

The tern W. S. Bowne has completed discharg-ing cargo, and has been hauled Into the stream towait for sugar.

The British barv t,ady"Bow&a stocked atthe Pacific Jtiii wharf January Stb, where sheTsnow dljclfarging 1,000 tons of Wallsend coal.

The schooner Haleakala broagbt 1,233 bagssugar from Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii, Jauuary 8th,which were put into tbe Pacific Mail Company'swarehouse.

Tbe steamer Kilauea Hou sails at noon to-da- y

with macbiuary from Hawi Sugar Mill, Hawaii.Tbe sailing of tbe steamer James Makee for

Kapaa, Kauai, has been postponed till next Mon-


The steamer Lehua returned January Itb" fromHamakua, Hawaii, with 2,975 bags sugar, whichshe discharged Into the Oceanic Company's ware-house. Reports tine weatber along the Hamakuacoast.

The schooner Waimalu is at Emiue' ship yard,having a new foremast put in.

The schooner Emma sailed January Stb, with40 tous eoal for Kahului and Olowalu, Maul, viaKoolau.

TUe schooner Malolo brought 670 bags sugarfrom Kaiwllahilabl January 8th. Reports roughweather there. Her sugar was sransferred to theBritish bark Victoria Cross, which will finish load-lu- g

sugar to-d-ay, and expects to leave tbe earlypart of the week for San Francisco.

Purser J. J. Kelley of the steamer Kilauea Houbaa resigned his position, and Mr. A. Gilflllan, latepurser of the steamer Llkellke, accepts the va-cancy for a few trips.

The following vessels arrived from foreignports during the week: Norwegian bark Lov-sprio- g

from New York, Pacific Mall steamshipsCity of Sydney and Australia from Ban Fran-cisco, aud tbe Jennie Walker from Jaluit, SouthSea Islands. The following were the departures:British bark Lizzie Iredale and American barken-tiu- e

W. II. Dimotid for San Frabclsco, PacificMall steamship City of Sydney for Hongkong, viaYokohama, and tbe steamship Australia for theColonies.

The band will play at the bicjcle contestat Central Park Skating Rink to-nig- ht.

74 par Millinery House,$1 ooOne passenger, each way

Two passengers, each way .Three passengers, each way

Cro.lit Sale.On Wednesday, January 13th, Mossrs.

E. P. Adams & Co. will hold a very im-

portant credit sale by order of H. Hack-fel- d

& Co. The goods to be offered arenumerous and comprise groceries,liquors, tobaccos, hardware, furniture,musical instruments, crockery, cement,etc. Full particulars will be found inanother column.

1 602 00


...f 3 00.... 4 00

. 5 00

One passenger, each wayTwo passengers, each way...Three passengers, each way LOST. 2,3IHOPPISa OR MAKLSO CALLS, W H tN AT LKAST ONE


IlKTIXTiUNH,Steam Candor Factory..fl 00

... 1 50.. 2 00.. 2 50

One passenger, per hourTwo passengers, per hour......Three passengers, per hour........Four passengers, per hour


fPWO OTES DRAWN BY LOO CHIT SAM,1 n favor of Kaalaia Mill Co., dated Janu-

ary 1, 1SSC, earn for the amount of f'2.350, due fSep.temherl, 1SS6: not Indorsed; have been lost De-

cember 30, isia. All persotis are warned againstdiscounting said notes. A reward of S5 will bepaid to the party who returns the notes to Chulan

Co.Honolulu, December 31 , 1S56. Iw


Concert at.Em ina Sqnare.The following is the mu.sical programme

to be given by the Royal Hawaiian Mil-

itary Band at the concert this afternoonat 4 :30 o'clock at Emma Square :

Polonaise "In Bridal Array". . .MerzdoofOverture "If I were the King" AdamGalop "Jollv Brethren" FaustWaltz "Golden Mvrtle" Fahrback

F. HORN, Practical ConfPst" CooFad BakerTS tf lHotel street. Telephone 74


Rowell, Jackson & Webster,Civil ami Mebii!el Euff'ncero, Surveyor and Draughtsmen.

Designs aud estimates prepared, etc., for all kinds of Xecbanicat, Architectural and Civil Enffineertug work.

Terms Reasonable

Song "In the Cauld Blast':. .Mendelssohn

For each additional hour 50 cents for each pas-cenge- r,

when more than one.contjS'cocs rKiviNa by thk uoc r.

One passenger, per hour........ f l 50Two passengers, per honr 2 otThree passengers, per hur 2 50Four passeugers, per hour 3 00

No driver Is compelled to take a single fare be.yond the two mile limit, except by special bar-

gain. When two or more offer, the regular rateaa per tbe above schedule must be accepted.

Licensed drivers ordered to return for passengersleft at any given point, beyond tbe 50c. limit,may charge a one-ha- lf fare for returning ia addi-

tion to tbe regular charges for subsequent services.23d. Between tbe hours of eleven (11) o'clock p.

. AbertBallet Jlu.-i-c "Astorga"Hawaii Ponoi." iROOMSJTO LET.

TEAT AND COMFOP.TABbV v vi"i rooms at No. 3 Kawaiaht ""SlftDe 'from the novernment hnlldintri Vu

The Hawaiian Hotel Car-


be no extra charge for Carriages ordered bytelephone. 429 tf

wifecan also have ndcomfortable f.unfurnished, aad l?5-tl- y

orThe stockholders of the Interisland

Steam Navigation Company are notifiedthat a dividend of $3 per share will be paidto-da-y at the company's office.

two roomscook for themselves, oup, when he

. as and take orders195-t-f fit "uiuiii uu viiuuuu( awuii iu v.auiuu xtiwva. .cutraucv go jlrrcuaDt Street. All or

Block?s? Vl0fDilr "tended to. mi





; A


Merchant I Drvr- -

- ..,1 fit. r.. (

Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38075/1886010901.pdf · 1 if--"A 9fl VOL. V.--NO. 7. BONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9,


!a&mistiiitiits. SJtitrtistDtfnis.

"The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of a medical use are an present in that supplied byMeears. J. E. PeUlaon & Co Vide Fublic Health. j

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.FOR SAN FRANCISCO.Wra. G. Invio & Co M. W. McCHESMY & SON,

have received;

May 8Ui Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages;May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,022 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,



General Business Offices



P. O. BOX 315. TfcLKPHONE 172

(Established 179.)

Rettled at Cognac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyzed.We call the attention of aU readers to the following extract from the Analyst' Report and

Opinions of the Press:Laboratory, Gresham House, Zi Holboru Viaduct, London. E. C.

This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount oftannin, derived from Btoring In oak casks, which iitlarts to tine old brandy one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of tbe greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy Is the most useful of all medicines.

SDMUND R. SOUTH BY, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two qualif es shipped "Seven and T"n Years Old" can be had in one-dore- n cases.

FEEETH & PEACOCK,lll-j- a Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


G-roceri- es Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. s"resh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofilce Box No. 145Telephone No. 92. 76 apl7



AVill be Sold av the Lowest Market IRates.

3VL W jVlcOliesney & Son,42 aud 4 i Queeu Htreet, . Honolulu.

1886. - Third Year of Publication. 1886.THE HONOLULU


For the Year of Our Lord 18SG, Containing an

Astronomical. Civil & Ecclesiastic'! Calend'r



- 1 VfV:!, PHOTO-ZNGRAV- in

ly... ..



Official and Business m1 SK


Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAW'N ISLANDS.

Is now in Course of Publication. Will be Issued the

First Week in

Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. ItWill De iouna invaiuaDie 10 men oxand is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu


Lumber and. Coal,Doors, 8ash;and Blinds. Allklndaof BUILDKKS HARDWAHE, Falntt, Oils, OlaM, MattingCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and cot bat llttlmore. 101-my2- -y


Sugars.dry granulated-i- d

Barrels .J

Half Barrels,And Boxes.

CUBEIn Half Barrels

And Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And Boxes







Salmon.CASES i-- a TINS.




Flour.FAMILY quarter sacks).

MAKER'S EXTRA'(h half sacks).

Cases Medium Bread.

Lime and Cement.



Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

aiid Boiler Covering.

25 "A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)

113 tf


We have received a consignment o the xuout

Economical aul Valuable Feed for allkinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

' " Butter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutrltlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent,

i 100 Bs. ol this meal is equal to 30O.. of oats,or SIS s. of corn, or to 767 Bs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lois to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as weU as

our usual supply of tbe best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE Sc CO.19 tf




Tbe undersigned are now prered to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom tbe mantrfacfory of Buck A Ohlandt

San Francisco:

The following ia a report of the corrj"

nent parts, as obtained by Chesrilo nptbpo- -

is: analy- -

K.F. DILLINGHAM,President aud Manager.

tries.Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates

moment.Articles of special value to tho Islands have Deen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Secretaries of Societies and Heads of Departments are respect-fully solicited to make returns of their officers, Compiler's aimbeing correctness aud perfection.

Advertising Space Limited--Larg-e CirculationGuaranteed.

LEWIS & CO.,AVholesale arid Retail Grocers,

67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

SKW GOODS JUHT RECEIVED OX ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fishand a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge


The foll.wwtf various branches of business willenable the public on tbe Islands and from abroadto (aln general Information on all matters In thefollowing departments:

Heal Estate DepartmentBays and sells Keal Estate In all parts of the

Kingdom.-- Values Real Estate and Property in city and

siibubs.Bents and leases Houses, Cottages, Booms and

lADda. -

Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing andCollecting of Rentals.

Draws legal papers of every nature SearchesTitles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of Industry

connoted with the Islands.

General Business HattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life Insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with- - the Islands coming from abroad fullyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will And this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.


the largest, gcandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AOKST for tho

t,reat Barllnsrtou Ball way Route''In America. Travelers Journeying by rail in

. America will find this route the most comfortableand most delightf ul. Tbe scenery Is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACEHLEEPINO CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason.able fare no route can excel this.

, AQENT for the

. Honolulu Royal Opera House.Managers ot Oxst-clas- a companies abroad will

address me f?r terms, etc

DEPAHTXIHIITJ3. ,Real Estate Rrker.

Cf&stam Uease XSreJker.Money Broker.

Fire m4 XJie Inaaraaee Agut.employment treat.

Railroad Agent andGeneral Business Agent



Oceanic Steamship Co.


5 The A 1 steamship

'' ST. 3?TJLi"Will leave Ilonolulu for the above port on

or about .

Jairuary 15tli,For freight or passage apply to '.'

.' . r I"

Win d. Irwin & Co.,AOENT3.

Australian Mail Service.

,7 ,.n a


- The new and splendid Al steamship

" ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

at Houolutn from Sydney and Auckland- on or about . '

January 16th..And will leave for the abeve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

Kor freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMOPATIONS, apply to

Wm. Gv Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For, Sydney and


Directory of Honolulu

January, 18S6.

Business, travelers ana tourists,

-- Mi

1,.. .


NnecessorN to Dillingham A Co. ami Samuel Xott.

Fort Street : : : Honolulu

The magniiicent steamship

AUSTEALIA ,(Broagta, Ceuimsnder,)

Will leave for the above port on or about

December 15ttuFor freight or passage apply to



Steam Navigation Co.



BATES......... Commander

WU1 run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Eonaand Kau, Hawaii.


CAMERON. ......Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawlllwill,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwill every Saturday at 4 p. m.,arilving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


FREEMAN Commander

Will run regularly to iiamoa, Maui, and Kukui- -

haele, Honokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii.


Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Walanae,Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return- -ng, leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Walalua and Walanae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Eva, hecretary. ly



STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanner;,

Leaves Honolulu an per following schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makeua,

and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and

thence on the first Monday following the arrivalof the "Alameda" and 'Mariposa," on the 8thand --- d of each mouth:

Tbe steamer Kinau will make tbe VOLCANOTRIP, reacbiDg Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourists two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and --'id of the month fall onMonday, the Kinau will leave that day., TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THEVOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYSALL CHARGES.

The KiimU' will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturduymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with tbeKinau at Mahukona.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shere.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzen, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at ." r. u. torKounakakai,Kahului, every week: Ruelo, Uana

and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aloveporta, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For malls and passengers only. .

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paaunau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onoraea


(Davles, Comninuden

Will leave regularly for same ports as KilaueaHou.


(McGregor, Commander!,

Leaves Ilonolulu each Monday ceKaunakalcal, Kamalo, inikoo.Lab 5 p. m. fornut,Halawa,Wailau, Velekunu e 10ina, Lanal, Moa-turninf- f,

leaves l'ukoo Fridajje.nd Kalaupapa.Saturday mornin a a. m. for Honolulu,

The Cons goonr--ei- Khtany ' , i,m not be responsible forfor V M OneofpaiUf es unless receipted for, nor

Afnm yirr'r packianless plainly marked. Not

soonsible for mom tcharge of the Purserjn De taken of Live Stock, but

All possible care w t assume any risk of accident.the Company wdl gf.j,. . WILDEK, Tresldent--

S. a Fort and q,,, streets.OFFICE Cornel r,-- iy atar 30

: i

XM i1 K1?'tnteliinaker,itKKT, HAS SOJ.U His Kl

sM Stock, Lease. Goodwill, to ITi ness, withr pay all debts of the 11 rm and col- -

SANtl, who winlect all bills due.-- . 2G, 1883 dc28

Honolulu. D'

JOTICE.3 :rsioxed has soli hisr"MlK I'Nllwith lease, houses, oxen, horses.JL property, ng Sing Co. of Kwa, Waihele and

and tools to Tip company will tke possession ofWtiipa.hu. Th'rom January 4, 1S8U. and all thethe property id property will be paid by under-llablliti- es

of" s. YOUNG KUA I .signed. 0, 1H3. JanS

December 3


r7,nE UNU in January. All persons havingall U OtKisthim are hereby notified to present

neot lm media t elv. HO SEE.Wiseman , aa ,ber SOt 1MS. JanSnumerous and Du- -..

V ,

-- :o:-

t :




J ;

, if

I:i :


1 :





. Ik..


HOLIDAY GOODS,JiiHt received ex nteamors

.LJSIEDL and ST. IlXJL.Latest Iciffii In





THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Have completed and offer for sale the Jollowinsr BoIIern, iz:

PPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS ISX:1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x4ft.

io5-jeJ7-- "Apply to Tlio Honolulu Iron Works Co.

GEO. ENGELHAEDT,B. J. EHLEES & CO.,Formerly with Samuel Nott.

Importer and Dealer In

JAMES G. SPENCER,Secretary and Treasurer.

importers.- Horiolu&ilLrD


in Fancy Goods Received by

Steamer. ' 230-oc- tl

1ST O T T ,

nousekeepiiiR Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

Stoves, ChandeHers

"..n --w- I TITrouse r uriusuiii iiuruwaiu,.na urn m

Agate Iron and Tinware.Agent for Kail's Safe and Lock Company.

IBeaver Block : : : : Fort Street,Store formerly occupied by K. Ntt, opposite Spreckela Co.'a Bank. 3Q4 nov3 86


All the Latest NoveltiesEvery

JOHN..f." "..I".'. '"" i.r- -'

1 1

Stoves, Ranges and


1 -- Z. . ...sit i ta;f?



No More Darkness.Just received, ex MA11THA PA VIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Water White Kerosene Oil.FOR SALK BY





One hundred dozn CiKNTS' full fush'onedsocks.

Morlev's of EomloivAt -- 'i eeuU er pair.

200 doien 1.A1HKS CKTIOX HOSK. extralong and silk clocked never excelled.

"Lonvre of Brussels,'"147 feb28 Fort Street.

ASTOR HOUSE.The undersigned, proprietor of the Vstor

House, has reopened this favorite Eestavrant,and solicits a share of public patronage, guaran-teeing flrst-las- s meals and attendance.

CHAN M'O.Hooolulu, Dec. 29, 1683. Jan29

rooster8.10 per cent

n:g"anic Matter. . 29.18 "ST?icions Matter. 4.65 " "Li me. 31.70Phosphoric Acid. 23.11Oxide of Iron . .85 "Carbonic Acid... . 1.89 "Alkali Salts .52 "

100.00Kitrogeu 2.7 per cent.

Orders Received mill have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

J-- ITTVmi rtf ftvJ XL T JU WC Jfi ,ise- c

Agents- - or the Hawaiian Is J- -

stf are now-- eeats are left.


,iri m,m?- -,

The new and line Al steel xteamship

"MAEAROA"Of the Tnion Steamship Company.'New Zealand,

Will he due at Honolulu from San Francisco j

or or about

January Q2dAnd win have prompt dispatch with maiu .ud j

passengers for the above Ports .For iceiifht or passage, uaviug ourtiuunapply to

Wm. Or. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

ASU UKALfcKS l. BMUl.IMPOP.TKRS and Pistols, Colt, Winchester, !

Kennedy aud Marlln Magazine Rifles. Remiug. i

Ballard Sporting Rifles. Agents!IVImnjphmiMng, Tin, Coppersome street, Man Francisco, t,ai. 386 ly

Washpected to arrive on tuthe Colonies.

0 w
