PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY , MAY 12, 1887. V OL. VI. NO. 112. J, tlxzxtlst mxiB. adueriisements. MvtrtistmtniZ. guslars nx&$. &&vtrti&zmtTit&. attokneys-at-law- . INTER-ISIAN- D THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHKD Every Morning: Excepf Sundays. ROYAL INSURANCE OvWPVY S. L. 8TANJLKY. jobs bfrj;ajck ion Co. Navurat Steam OF LIVERPOOL. Wm. Q. Irwin. Clans Hpreckels CLA BKKC1C w. ASH FORD. VOLNKY V ASHrOKO. LIMITED.)-- .- Astaford Jt Ashford, CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., CAPITAL. - lO.OOO.qqo ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, STEAMER W. G. HALL, (MALULANI,) Sprnance, Stanley Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUOItS 4IO Front St,, Sun Francisco. 2 tf Aw Fredericksburg Brewiog Co SAN JOSE, CAL. ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos Office. 42dAwtf UNLIMITED LIABILITY. HOBSCRIPTIONS: Uaicy f. C. ADVEBTiszB, one year........l8 00 Daily P. C. Advertises, six months-.- .. i 00 Daily P. C. Auyebthkr, three month! . 1 60 Daily P. C. Adttbtiskb, per month so Wkkkly P. O. Aivkbtisk, one year... s 00 UNION FESD CO... IMPOHTEBS a DEALEBS HAT AND GltAIHr. Telephone No. 175. 85tf Commande w- 1 ,v..n...A a nil ilpurrlnlion 1 will be effected at Moderate Rates of Prf m Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona and Kau, Hawaii. v ' BANKEE8 . r eln Sahscrlptlou, W. P. C. A. (Including um, by the undersigned. : WM. G. IRWIN A CO tx tAjf ej . ............... 6 SO Managers for Haw. Islands 20-dfc- Payable Invariably in Advance STEAMER IWALAKI, JOHN T. DARE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office No 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu 176 oct'iltf XT 1XT X O 3XJ HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FREEMAN. .. ........... Commande Will run regularly to Navillwill.'Koloa, Eleele and Waimea, Kanai. , . - A NEW BUSINESS. 4 Fire and Marine Insurance Co. .The Lager Beer of the above Brewery Was Awarded- - the First Prizes At the Expositions of 1885 and 1886. y ' - : ' MONEY MADE BY SHOWING NOTA- BLE MEN TO STRANGERS. . . Draw Exchange on the principal parte of the STEAMER C. R: BISHOP, BROWN, ATTOtXEY-AT-LA- AND CECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchant street 43lym20 Of New Zealand. CAPITAL.. t O.OOO.OOO Established an Affency at Ravine fnr t.h vraws.Iia.ii Inlands, the un- - world. ' MACAULEY.. ........ ...m, ..Commander Freeth & Peacock. Will run regularly to ITamoa, Maul, and Kukui-hael- e, Ilonokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii." EUEEKA! ri.roiimui mm nronureii tn ar-rp- risks against Fire 376 In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, HONOLULU, AGENTS Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking: and exchange business. STEAMER JAMES MAKEE, W'EIR... ..,.., Commander Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. Wo have receive a consignment o the 'most ' Economical auJ Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: M, TH0BIPS0N, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W, , Office, in Campbell's Block, corner Fort' and Merchant streets, Honolulu, U. I. .PRACTICES IN THE COURTS CSWhen desired, will give the law in a writ- ten opinion, as to the' probable result of the contention upon the facts stated - 44 tf AMERICAN CRACKER CO on favorable terms. marine nsae. on s"j freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. . Losses promptly adjusted A payable 19-d-wtf - , WM. Of. IRWIN fe O. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Deposits bearing: Interest received in their Sav lags Department subject to published rales and reflations. 17oc3tf COOKED LINSEED MEAL. Biscuit Manufacturers, T. R. FOSTER, President. J. Kka, secretary.- - COK. SAXSOJIE &' BROADWAY STS.. It Is (he greatest Fleeh former, Milk and . Butter producer m use. San FranciMco, Cal. iH?lSI vn. no Nnnniiii Street. JAMES DUNN. Supt. 486auH10 Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nu WILDERS STEAMSHIP CO:, Honolulu, IT. I. rillve matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 Bs. o this meal is equal to 300 2s. of oats, 32 tf Particular attention paid to repairing. or 318 tte. of corn, or to 767 Bs. of wheat bran. Limited claim sraaoxiu. am. m rawis. THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV .For Sale in Loin to Suit. J. M. LIONS ARR AT. ATTORNEY AT LAW . AHD NOTARY PUBLIC. Keal Estate in any part or tbe King; Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn No. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. ' 45-- tf WM. G. IRWIN & Co., SUGAR FACTORS and Commlssiou Honolulu H. I. 18-tfw-tf Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as The Risdon IGATION COMPANY, (Limited), STEAMER KIN ALT, (Lorenzc-n- , Commander), our usual supply of the best kinds o Iron & Locomotive Works, Hay, Oats, Hheat, Cora, Etc., Etc. Keep constantly "for on hand, ,llle' BIHAM, FAMILY nH Rr v,,V.. Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule T -- ""vttojuiu wAji.anc a general assortment of BAR IRON. S26 l v ouchlug at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena. Alahu- - Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, kona,KawaihaeLanpahoehoe. Hilo and Reaubou: LAITK fe CO. 3" tf ' Commencing on MONDAY, July 26, 1886, and SAN FRANCISCO . .CALIFORNIA MAOFAELANE & CO., DEALERS AND UE3 WHOLESALE in WINKst and LIQUORS. No. 13 ELaahumann Street, HONOLULU. 28-- tf on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Kinau will make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau- - WATERHOUSE & LESTER, bou on Wednesday morning, where horses and W n. TAYLOR President Importers of carriages are in waiting to convey passengers to J OS. MOORE Superintendent the VOLCANO HOUSE (Ave miles in the saddle and nine miles by carriage). - Passengers by this route will have two days Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. tttt nroo nx? OTrn.l XT4PHTVF.RV. IN ALL and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE. TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THE II UiUll4lhQ W fc. IJLAt.-- i. . 1 JZ its branches; Steamboat, Steamahip, Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure or ' - VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS 16 to 22 lleale Street. San Francisco. ALL CHARGES. TELEPHONE 55 NTEEPEIS PLANING MILL. Alakea. near Queen St. iij-.iy- a' The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sunday M. PHILLIPS & Co., And Wholesale Denlers In ImtfOrters Boots, Bfaoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street lionolctlu, H. I. 2Stf-w- tf STEAM VESSELS of all kinds bnilt complete with hulls of wood, iron or composite. i A. 0. Cook & Soil, OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING, Lace Ieather and Header Drapers, No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. 442 jan25'88 ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs coa. Sclnveitzer & Co. Importers and Jobbers of mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, wil leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at Mahukona The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers if a signal is made from the shore. structed witii reierence 10 me irue m they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and draft of wa.lir sumoteed. FLISTCY GOODS, H. HAOKFELD &-C- 0., GENERAL. COMMISSION AGENTS. Queen 8t., Honolulu, H.I. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery . ... . , - 1 J 1 A 1 ,- all 33-- tf To the Inblic. Hlaae alter me uiobi ajijituveu awu, - Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot couueuviug together.or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted. on the ground. ED. HOFPSCHLAEGER & GO., A CommigHioii Merchants. Importers Honolulu, U. I. 27-t- f HYDRAULIC . RIVETING, Boiler Work and STEAMER LIKE LIKE. (Davis, Cominanaet;, Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m lor Ki.unakakai. Kahului, , Huelo. Hana and Kipanulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu every other week. Returningr will stop at the above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers only. . . IEON-BAR- K water Pipes made Dy tms estaniisnmeui. riv- eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work being far .superior to hand ' Work. ' , i ) ' The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with the Union Feed Co. ' ' Bell Telephone 175. Mutual TelephoneJ75. ?eople Who Pay Half Dollars for Sight of Wax Image Will Fay More for a Glimpse of the Originals. Western' energy and dash was never better demonstrated than in the case of a young man who came to New York about a mouth ago to seek hl3 fortune. His capital would hardly have been sufficient to pay a two months' board bill. He an- swered innumerable advertisements and visited a number of business houses In hope of securing employment, but all his efforts in this direction were in vain. He was about to despair, and finally was try- ing to concoct some way by which he could secure transportation home, when he chanced to visit a place where the wax images of some of the famous people of the country are on exhibition. There he was seized with an idea that has resulted in his building up a paying business, and which promises before long to be lucra- tive. He noticed how Interested the people were as they viewed the images of Gen. Sherman, Col. Iugersoll and others more or less famous, when this thought struck him: If these people are willing to pay fifty cents to look at wax images they would certainly pay that or a larger amount to see the originals. Why, almost every day I couid show them fifty men whose names are a household word by taking them to the corridors of the leading ho- tels." He saw one party of gentlemen, evi- dently from the country, very much In- terested in the image of a man who can be seen almost any hour of the day in the corridor of the Fifth Avenue hoteL He made bold to ask them if they would like to have a number of flesh and blood dis- tinguished men pointed out to them. They were delighted with the idea, and immediately started off. with him to vi3it the hotel corridors. The young westerner had traveled considerably, so that he knew a, number of prominent faces. He was extremely fortunate this day in meeting a number of distinguished men, and when he got through with his party was liber- ally rewarded. This inspired him with confidence in the practicability of his scheme and he resolved to make a busi- ness of it. The next day he had caSs printed stat- ing the nature of his business and went at it in a methodical manner. At first he looked for his customers from among the people who visit the place where the wax images arc exhibited and among the second class hotels. His business now is fairly well known among the hotel employes, and it is not Infrequent for customers to come to him. HOW CUSTOMERS ABE SERVED. "I am now making a good deal more than I could as a clerk," said the young man, "and, besides, I tliink there is a good future for me in this business. I have not opened an office yet, but I expect to before long. It is certainly a very in- teresting vocation, but it has to be worked in a .systematic manner, like all other businesses. You can only find men around the hotels in the morning and evening, so that during the middle of the day I spend my time looking up custom. The morning, though, is decidedly the best time to find notables. You can usually find fifty to 100 persons of national repu- tation in the hour's . walk through the corridors. A good time to see theatrical people gathered about cafes Is In the after- noon. "There are a lot of prominent men who know my business and are generally around at certain hours so that I may be able to point them " out. There Is a dis- tinguished congressman at the Hoffman house who poses regularly every morn- ing and evening for my customers. I find that nearly, all the public men like to have people - look at them. Not long ago there , was a prominent United States senator stopping at one of the hotels, and some one made him aware of the fact that I was exhibiting him to several customers. Shortly after the senator entrapped me In a conversa- tion and began to pump me about what my customers had said and thought about him.' Their remarks had been compli- mentary, so I told the senator what had been said. He waa delighted and gave me $5 for my trouble, lie also told me con- fidentially that" whenever I had customers5 HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, M'lilteoolM, Embroideries, llandker-clile- l h. Iaceet, Ribbons, ihIIcn A Cliilureute' LUderMear. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco - 485 feblO'88 E. E, Budmam & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in SHIP STOVES, Tin, Copjer, Crockery and Sheet Iron Wares, Ship Eaiiteru and Signal Oil, 22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ship and Job Work and fctove Repairing of all kinds a specialty. 487 febio'tsa j . TO PLANTERS. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Foundation Timbers ! ! wincnes, air ana arcuKiuuj ruuijis, uiouc fffter the most approved plans. ... I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, all of wuich I will guar, an tee to execute faithfully. 3 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. WM. MeCANDLESS. ; No. S Queen Street, Fish Market. Dealer la choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Htock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. . 29 tf SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for Ithe Pa- cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler. PUMP8 Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other ' pump. J. N. S. WILLL4.MS Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block, 651marl2d&wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands. We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k Foundation Timbers. STEAMER KILAUEA HOD, fCamerou, Commander ; Will leave regularly lor Lahaina, Paauhau, Ko-holale- Kukaiau and Ookala. - ' , STE AME R""LEHU A, : , (Clark, Commander) Will leave regularly for Hakalau, Honomn and Onomea. ' ' SIZES 16x24 Inches, 12 Feet Jjong. And 14xl8ginches, 16 Feet lAng. New Photosrraph EoomsJ ej. h;. s op e r Successor to . J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 fiferehant St., Honolnln. H.I. 41 tf These timbers, as their name signifies, are nearly aa solid and durable as Iron, and for foundation purposes, or others of like nature, cannot be surpassed. STElMER MOKOLn, (McGregor, Commander), Leaves for the following ports every alternate Monday at 5 p; m.: ? ? , ; . . ; Commencing May 16th To Eaunakakai, Ka-mal- o, Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning to Lahaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakak&i. Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. m. Commencing May fth To Kaunakakal ; Lanai, Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu, Kalaupapa. Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olo- walu. Lahaina, Pukop, Kamalo, Kaunakakai. Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. m. Y. G. Irwin & Co. OVER NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET, the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port- raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GONBALVES. Wing Wo Clian 4 Co. Opposite Freeth & Peacock's, NXJXJlSrXJ ST. 311nov25tf We have on baud a onslgnment of Automatic : Trash Feeding . Furnaces, Foj four and live foot furnaces, complete with grat bars, bearers and trash carriers. MuchlneM of this make are now lr successful operation at fcpiefkelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company und other t plantations. Also, a consignment of Filter Presses, alaving ail the latest improvements. PLANTE11S AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine th above. For prices and further particulars an ply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., DR. IWAI, Physician and Surgeon, Residence and Office, 4o Emma Street. OFFICE HOURSFrom 9 to 12 a, mj BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 4C5jalnO,8 Metropolitan Market BEA7EB.SAL0O t, SO.,! fORT STRKKT. - Opposite Wilder fe Co.'s EL J. Nolte, Propr. OPEX TOM 3 A. K. TILL 10 P. M FIRST-CLAS- S Lt'A'CIIXS, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATEU, (.IX. Hi ALE, Cigrars and Tobacco! OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. ?;5 : ' ' ' J : ,' i .'I i i -- ? ' ' Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant , m.-- i - on the Premises. ..; The Pi oprietor would be pleaded to receive a call from his Friends and the Public ge a ft rally who may desire a , ( LM7NC1I. A SMOKE. OR A 2 AWE OF DII.E2AKI. 2itf AtrentM. KINO STREET, tar The Company will' not be responsible lor any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor for personal baggage unless plainly marked. Not responsible for money or jewelry unless placed In barge of the Purser. .... All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but the Company will not assume any risk of accident. , , 8AMX O. WILDER, President. . " 8. B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFTCi: Corner Fort and Queen streets. - 65-- If Mar 80 S. P. TAYLOR 6 CO., Paper4 Manufactiirers, AND DEALERS IN t v Paier Bags. Twines, Etc. j ' NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED. A Large Assortment of Magnificent EBONY and CINNAMON-WOO- D ' FUR 1ST IT U RE, Marble-to- p and Inlaid with Pearl. BOM MEAL!! G. J. "WALLER, PROPRIETOR E. !R. Mayhew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER The nnderaipmed are now prepared to re ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer' from the manufactory of Back & Ohlandt San Francisco: The following is a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy -- ALSO- Cbolceftf ideals from Fluet He d, SAN FRANCISCO 414 and 416 Clay street, 86 Hotel Street, ; Honolulu. .II 1 (Opposite Fashion- - Stables). Silks of all Varieties. sis: Water...'... Organic Matter... 8.10 per cent 29.18 " " MATTING in all colors, including a new design never seen before in this city. Silicions Matter.....;.. 4.65 Lime 81.70 Phosphoric Acid... 23.11 Oxide of Iron .85 Carbonic Acid ...... 1.89 P. O. BOX 315. BELL THLEPH ONE 53 miUea and shipping supplied on SHORT XSTInspection invited. ' 667apr29 .52 Alka Salts .NOTICE and at the Pioneer and San treronirao Paper Mills. South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Cruz County, Cal. - 441 ja25 '88 Geo. C. Shreve & Co., MANUFACTURING JEWELERS And Importers of Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Decorated Chi na, Art Brass Goods, Fans, Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc . ' Montgomery and Sntter Sts SAN FRANCISCO. 413ja25'88 asroTiCE. . . AH work in my line faithfully done. - Plans and specifications made. Jobbing In all details done' at short notice. Good work and low charges Is my motto. .... ' H. . J. N0LTK - 100.00 ' ' Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. . Orders deceived will have. Prompt and Careful Attention. W. Gr. Irwin & Co., Acenta or the Hawaiian Islands. 21tf . 34-- tf Lowest Market Prices. in tlic hotel and he Ehould not be around I might send for him, and he - would, as a matter of accommodation to me, respond. "The theatrical people xegrd it as an excellent advertisement- - or . themselves, and many of them are very glad to have me introduce them to-m- y customers. The fact that I have the entree into nearly all the theatres shows best how they appre- ciate my services. .For a business of only a month I think I have done well, but it is yet in its infancy. In the fall I expect I will have two or three assistants. Of course as I prosper I expect opposition." Washington Post. T Not to Be Doubted. A Philadelphia physician says that & ?reat deal of what passes for heart disease is only mild dyspepsia; . that nervousness Is commonly bad . t ember, and .that two-thir- ds of the so called malaria is nothing but laziness. Probably he doesn't tell Lia patients so, but there Is no doubt a good leal of truth In what he cays. American Mi&lyrt. WfiNKEfi & - CO. i 93 Fort Street, 7 Have on oand New Foreign and Homemade V Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver axxl Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver' Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE f JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing lit all Its branches. r Hole Agents for King's Eye Preawvers. J. : IVANCOVICH & CO. Importers." Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants in ' .,- - x Foreign & Domestic Fruit, 600 Washington and 601, 603 & 1505 Sannome Sts , SAN FRANCISCO. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. JOHN cook, ; House Carpenter & Builder 31 Alakea Street, WUI farn ; estimates and make contracts for any description of wood buildings. , . - Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges a low as the lowest. 87 tf All accounts for Advertising: and Job Frintl'if ' ' at tbe - -- pacific Commercial crtfwr ; T r A SIEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF V" the Mutual Telephone ' Company, held this day. it was decided to reduce the rent of instruments to" f 5 per month in the districts of Koolau. Ewa, Waianae and "Ylatalua. , ' " a. Jaeger, Secretary Mutual Telephone Co. Honolulu, January 6, 1&S7. 402-jaa-- tf This; is the oldest established house in this line of business in-Sa- n Francl!tcor and we are prepared to fill Orders of all kinds in our line. SPECIALTY in PACKING all kinds of FRUIT for long distance markets. - Tour Patronage Is Solicited 645 marlO'88, All meats delivered from ibis market are thor ougly ehilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- an Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all its Juicy propertied, and is GUARANTEE TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MkAT, 47-- tl OfSc will from this date be presented fo pny, ment monthly. Honolulu, Msich 2, 135, f

eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot

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Page 1: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot


J, tlxzxtlstmxiB. adueriisements. MvtrtistmtniZ. guslars nx&$.&&vtrti&zmtTit&.

attokneys-at-law- .INTER-ISIAN-D


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning: Excepf Sundays.


ion Co.NavuratSteamOF LIVERPOOL.Wm. Q. Irwin.Clans HpreckelsCLA BKKC1C w.




Sprnance, Stanley Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUOItS4IO Front St,, Sun Francisco.

2 tf A w

Fredericksburg Brewiog Co


ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Pos



Uaicy f. C. ADVEBTiszB, one year........l8 00Daily P. C. Advertises, six months-.- .. i 00Daily P. C. Auyebthkr, three month! . 1 60Daily P. C. Adttbtiskb, per month soWkkkly P. O. Aivkbtisk, one year... s 00



HAT AND GltAIHr.Telephone No. 175.


Commandew- 1 ,v..n...A a nil ilpurrlnlion1 will be effected at Moderate Rates of Prf m Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona

and Kau, Hawaii. v 'BANKEE8 .r eln Sahscrlptlou, W. P. C. A. (Including um, by the undersigned. :

WM. G. IRWIN A COtx tAjf ej . ............... 6 SO

Managers for Haw. Islands20-dfc-

Payable Invariably in Advance STEAMER IWALAKI,JOHN T. DARE,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Office No 12, Spreckels Block, Honolulu

176 oct'iltfXT 1XT X O 3XJ


Will run regularly to Navillwill.'Koloa, Eleeleand Waimea, Kanai. , . -A NEW BUSINESS. 4 Fire and Marine Insurance Co. .The Lager Beer of the above Brewery

Was Awarded- - the First PrizesAt the Expositions of 1885 and 1886.

y '- : '


BLE MEN TO STRANGERS. . . Draw Exchange on the principal parte of the STEAMER C. R: BISHOP,BROWN, ATTOtXEY-AT-LA- ANDCECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchant

street 43lym20

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL.. t O.OOO.OOO

Established an Affency atRavine fnr t.h vraws.Iia.ii Inlands, the un- -

world. 'MACAULEY.. ........ ...m, ..Commander

Freeth & Peacock.Will run regularly to ITamoa, Maul, and Kukui-hael- e,

Ilonokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii." EUEEKA!ri.roiimui mm nronureii tn ar-rp- risks against Fire376In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, HONOLULU, AGENTSWill receive deposits on open account, make

collections and conduct a general banking: andexchange business. STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,

W'EIR... ..,.., Commander

Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

Wo have receive a consignment o the 'most' Economical auJ Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:




Office, in Campbell's Block, corner Fort' andMerchant streets, Honolulu, U. I.


CSWhen desired, will give the law in a writ-ten opinion, as to the' probable result of thecontention upon the facts stated - 44 tf


on favorable terms. marine nsae. on s"jfreights, bottomry, profits and commissions. .

Losses promptly adjusted A payable19-d-wtf - , WM. Of. IRWIN fe O.


Manufacturing Jeweler,

Deposits bearing: Interest received in their Savlags Department subject to published rales andreflations. 17oc3tf

COOKED LINSEED MEAL. Biscuit Manufacturers,T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Kka, secretary.- - COK. SAXSOJIE &' BROADWAY STS..

It Is (he greatest Fleeh former, Milk and. Butter producer m use. San FranciMco, Cal.

iH?lSI vn. no Nnnniiii Street. JAMES DUNN. Supt. 486auH10Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nuWILDERS STEAMSHIP CO:,Honolulu, IT. I. rillve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.100 Bs. o this meal is equal to 300 2s. of oats,32 tfParticular attention paid to repairing.

or 318 tte. of corn, or to 767 Bs. of wheat bran.Limitedclaim sraaoxiu. am. m rawis. THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV.For Sale in Loin to Suit.




Keal Estate in any part or tbe King;Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. ' 45-- tf

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,SUGAR FACTORS and Commlssiou

Honolulu H. I. 18-tfw-tf

Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well asThe Risdon IGATION COMPANY,


(Lorenzc-n- , Commander),our usual supply of the best kinds o

Iron & Locomotive Works, Hay, Oats, Hheat, Cora, Etc., Etc. Keep constantly "foron hand, ,llle' BIHAM,FAMILY nH Rr v,,V..Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule T --""vttojuiu wAji.anc a generalassortment of BAR IRON. S26 l vouchlug at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena. Alahu- -Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,kona,KawaihaeLanpahoehoe. Hilo and Reaubou: LAITK fe CO.

3" tf 'Commencing on MONDAY, July 26, 1886, andSAN FRANCISCO . .CALIFORNIA


No. 13 ELaahumann Street,HONOLULU. 28-- tf

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m., the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau- - WATERHOUSE & LESTER,bou on Wednesday morning, where horses andW n. TAYLOR President Importers ofcarriages are in waiting to convey passengers toJOS. MOORE Superintendent the VOLCANO HOUSE (Ave miles in the saddleand nine miles by carriage). -

Passengers by this route will have two days Wagon LumberAnd CARRIAGE MATERIAL.

tttt nroo nx? OTrn.l XT4PHTVF.RV. IN ALL and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE.TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THEII UiUll4lhQ W fc. IJLAt.-- i. . 1

JZ its branches; Steamboat, Steamahip, LandEngines and Boilers, High Pressure or

' -VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS 16 to 22 lleale Street. San Francisco.ALL CHARGES.



Alakea. near Queen St.

iij-.iy- a'The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu SundayM. PHILLIPS & Co.,

And Wholesale Denlers InImtfOrters Boots, Bfaoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street

lionolctlu, H. I. 2Stf-w- tf

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds bnilt completewith hulls of wood, iron or composite. i

A. 0. Cook & Soil,OAK TANNED

LEATHER BELTING,Lace Ieather and

Header Drapers,No. 415 Market street, San Francisco.

442 jan25'88

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs coa. Sclnveitzer & Co.

Importers and Jobbers of

mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willeave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

structed witii reierence 10 me irue mthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of wa.lir sumoteed. FLISTCY GOODS,H. HAOKFELD &-C-



SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery. ... . , - 1 J 1 A 1 ,- all

33-- tf

To the Inblic.Hlaae alter me uiobi ajijituveu awu, -

Boiler Iron Work connected therewith.WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any

size, made in suitaoie leugius iot couueuviugtogether.or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted. on theground.


A CommigHioii Merchants.Importers Honolulu, U. I. 27-t-f


STEAMER LIKE LIKE.(Davis, Cominanaet;,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m lorKi.unakakai. Kahului, , Huelo. Hana and

Kipanulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returningr will stop at theabove ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only. . .

IEON-BAR- Kwater Pipes made Dy tms estaniisnmeui. riv-eted by hydraulic riveting machinery, thatquality of work being far .superior to hand

'Work. ' , i ) '

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Office with the Union Feed Co. ' '

Bell Telephone 175. Mutual TelephoneJ75.

?eople Who Pay Half Dollars forSight of Wax Image Will Fay Morefor a Glimpse of the Originals.

Western' energy and dash was neverbetter demonstrated than in the case of ayoung man who came to New York abouta mouth ago to seek hl3 fortune. Hiscapital would hardly have been sufficientto pay a two months' board bill. He an-swered innumerable advertisements andvisited a number of business houses Inhope of securing employment, but all hisefforts in this direction were in vain. Hewas about to despair, and finally was try-ing to concoct some way by which hecould secure transportation home, whenhe chanced to visit a place where the waximages of some of the famous people ofthe country are on exhibition. There hewas seized with an idea that has resultedin his building up a paying business, andwhich promises before long to be lucra-tive. He noticed how Interested thepeople were as they viewed the images ofGen. Sherman, Col. Iugersoll and othersmore or less famous, when this thoughtstruck him:

If these people are willing to pay fiftycents to look at wax images they wouldcertainly pay that or a larger amount tosee the originals. Why, almost everyday I couid show them fifty men whosenames are a household word by takingthem to the corridors of the leading ho-

tels."He saw one party of gentlemen, evi-

dently from the country, very much In-

terested in the image of a man who canbe seen almost any hour of the day in thecorridor of the Fifth Avenue hoteL Hemade bold to ask them if they would liketo have a number of flesh and blood dis-tinguished men pointed out to them.They were delighted with the idea, andimmediately started off. with him to vi3itthe hotel corridors. The young westernerhad traveled considerably, so that he knewa, number of prominent faces. He wasextremely fortunate this day in meeting anumber of distinguished men, and whenhe got through with his party was liber-ally rewarded. This inspired him withconfidence in the practicability of hisscheme and he resolved to make a busi-ness of it.

The next day he had caSs printed stat-ing the nature of his business and went atit in a methodical manner. At first helooked for his customers from among thepeople who visit the place where the waximages arc exhibited and among the secondclass hotels. His business now is fairlywell known among the hotel employes,and it is not Infrequent for customers tocome to him.

HOW CUSTOMERS ABE SERVED."I am now making a good deal more

than I could as a clerk," said the youngman, "and, besides, I tliink there is agood future for me in this business. Ihave not opened an office yet, but I expectto before long. It is certainly a very in-

teresting vocation, but it has to be workedin a .systematic manner, like all otherbusinesses. You can only find menaround the hotels in the morning andevening, so that during the middle of theday I spend my time looking up custom.The morning, though, is decidedly the besttime to find notables. You can usuallyfind fifty to 100 persons of national repu-tation in the hour's . walk through thecorridors. A good time to see theatricalpeople gathered about cafes Is In the after-noon.

"There are a lot of prominent men whoknow my business and are generallyaround at certain hours so that I may beable to point them " out. There Is a dis-tinguished congressman at the Hoffmanhouse who poses regularly every morn-ing and evening for my customers. I findthat nearly, all the public men liketo have people - look at them. Notlong ago there , was a prominentUnited States senator stopping atone of the hotels, and some one made himaware of the fact that I was exhibitinghim to several customers. Shortly afterthe senator entrapped me In a conversa-tion and began to pump me about whatmy customers had said and thought abouthim.' Their remarks had been compli-mentary, so I told the senator what hadbeen said. He waa delighted and gave me$5 for my trouble, lie also told me con-fidentially that" whenever I had customers5

HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS,M'lilteoolM, Embroideries, llandker-clile- lh. Iaceet, Ribbons, ihIIcn ACliilureute' LUderMear.29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco -

485 feblO'88

E. E, Budmam & Co.Manufacturers and Dealers in

SHIP STOVES,Tin, Copjer, Crockery and Sheet IronWares, Ship Eaiiteru andSignal Oil,22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.Ship and Job Work and fctove Repairing of allkinds a specialty. 487 febio'tsaj .


SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam

Foundation Timbers ! !wincnes, air ana arcuKiuuj ruuijis, uioucfffter the most approved plans. ...

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauling or moving work, all of wuich I will guar,an tee to execute faithfully.

3 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor.


No. S Queen Street,Fish Market. Dealer la choicest BEEF, VEAL

MUTTON, FISH, etc.Family and shipping Orders carefully attended

to. Live Htock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. . 29 tf

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for Ithe Pa-

cific Coast of the Heme Safety Boiler.PUMP8 Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or

city works purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any other


J. N. S. WILLL4.MS HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block,

651marl2d&wtf Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

We have just received from Australia a few Iron-bar- k

Foundation Timbers.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOD,fCamerou, Commander ;

Will leave regularly lor Lahaina, Paauhau, Ko-holale-

Kukaiau and Ookala. - '


(Clark, Commander)Will leave regularly for Hakalau, Honomn andOnomea. ' '

SIZES 16x24 Inches, 12 Feet Jjong.And 14xl8ginches, 16 Feet lAng.New Photosrraph EoomsJ

ej. h;. s op e rSuccessor to .

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.27 fiferehant St., Honolnln. H.I.

41 tf

These timbers, as their name signifies, arenearly aa solid and durable as Iron, and forfoundation purposes, or others of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

STElMER MOKOLn,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at 5 p; m.: ? ? , ; . . ;

Commencing May 16th To Eaunakakai, Ka-mal- o,

Pukoo, Lahaina, Olowalu. Returning toLahaina, Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakak&i. Arrivingat Honolulu Saturday a. m.

Commencing May fth To Kaunakakal ; Lanai,Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Pelekunu,Kalaupapa. Returning to Pukoo, Lahaina, Olo-walu. Lahaina, Pukop, Kamalo, Kaunakakai.Arriving at Honolulu Saturday a. m.

Y. G. Irwin & Co.

OVER NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREET,the Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port-

raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GONBALVES.

Wing Wo Clian 4 Co.

Opposite Freeth & Peacock's,



We have on baud a onslgnment of

Automatic : Trash Feeding. Furnaces,

Foj four and live foot furnaces, complete withgrat bars, bearers and trash carriers. MuchlneMof this make are now lr successful operation atfcpiefkelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company und other tplantations. Also, a consignment of

Filter Presses,alaving ail the latest improvements.

PLANTE11S AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine thabove. For prices and further particulars anply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,

DR. IWAI,Physician and Surgeon,

Residence and Office, 4o Emma Street.OFFICE HOURSFrom 9 to 12 a, mj

BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 4C5jalnO,8

Metropolitan Market


-Opposite Wilder fe Co.'s

EL J. Nolte, Propr.OPEX TOM 3 A. K. TILL 10 P. M



Cigrars and Tobacco!OF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety



: ,' i .'I i i -- ? ' '

Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

, m.-- i -

on the Premises...;The Pi oprietor would be pleaded to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public ge a ftrally

who may desire a ,(


2itf AtrentM.KINO STREET,

tar The Company will' not be responsible lorany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Inbarge of the Purser. ....All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but

the Company will not assume any risk of accident., , 8AMX O. WILDER, President.. " 8. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFTCi: Corner Fort and Queen streets.- 65-- If Mar 80


Paper4 Manufactiirers,AND DEALERS IN

t v Paier Bags. Twines, Etc. j'



A Large Assortment of Magnificent EBONY andCINNAMON-WOO- D '

FUR 1ST IT U RE,Marble-to- p and Inlaid with Pearl.



The nnderaipmed are now prepared to receive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer'from the manufactory of Back & OhlandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy

--ALSO-Cbolceftf ideals from Fluet He d,

SAN FRANCISCO414 and 416 Clay street, 86 Hotel Street, ; Honolulu. .II 1

(Opposite Fashion- - Stables).Silks of all Varieties. sis:Water...'...Organic Matter...

8.10 per cent29.18 " "

MATTING in all colors, including a new designnever seen before in this city.

Silicions Matter.....;.. 4.65Lime 81.70Phosphoric Acid... 23.11Oxide of Iron .85Carbonic Acid ...... 1.89

P. O. BOX 315. BELL THLEPH ONE 53 miUea and shipping supplied on SHORTXSTInspection invited. ' 667apr29

.52Alka Salts

.NOTICE and at the

Pioneer and San treronirao Paper Mills.South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Cruz

County, Cal. - 441 ja25 '88

Geo. C. Shreve & Co.,MANUFACTURING

JEWELERSAnd Importers of

Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver PlatedWare, Decorated Chi na, Art Brass Goods, Fans,Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna LeatherGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc .

' Montgomery and Sntter StsSAN FRANCISCO. 413ja25'88

asroTiCE. .

. AH work in my line faithfully done. - Plans andspecifications made. Jobbing In all details done'at short notice. Good work and low charges Ismy motto. .... '

H. . J. N0LTK

- 100.00 ' '

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. .

Orders deceived will have. Promptand Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,Acenta or the Hawaiian Islands.


. 34-- tf

Lowest Market Prices.

in tlic hotel and he Ehould not be around Imight send for him, and he - would, as amatter of accommodation to me, respond.

"The theatrical people xegrd it as anexcellent advertisement- - or . themselves,and many of them are very glad to haveme introduce them to-m-y customers. Thefact that I have the entree into nearly allthe theatres shows best how they appre-ciate my services. .For a business of onlya month I think I have done well, but it isyet in its infancy. In the fall I expect Iwill have two or three assistants. Ofcourse as I prosper I expect opposition."Washington Post.

T Not to Be Doubted.A Philadelphia physician says that &

?reat deal of what passes for heart diseaseis only mild dyspepsia; . that nervousnessIs commonly bad . tember, and .that two-thir- ds

of the so called malaria is nothingbut laziness. Probably he doesn't tell Liapatients so, but there Is no doubt a goodleal of truth In what he cays. AmericanMi&lyrt.

WfiNKEfi & - CO.i

93 Fort Street, 7Have on oand New Foreign and Homemade

V Jewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver axxl Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver' Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE f JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing lit all Its branches.r Hole Agents for King's Eye Preawvers.


Importers." Wholesale Dealers and CommissionMerchants in ' .,- - x

Foreign & Domestic Fruit,600 Washington and 601, 603 & 1505 Sannome Sts ,


MONTHLY PAYMENTS.JOHN cook, ;House Carpenter & Builder

31 Alakea Street,WUI farn ; estimates and make contracts forany description of wood buildings. , . -

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges a low as the lowest. 87 tf

All accounts for Advertising: and Job Frintl'if' 'at tbe -

--pacific Commercial crtfwr ;

T r A SIEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OFV" the Mutual Telephone ' Company, heldthis day. it was decided to reduce the rent ofinstruments to" f5 per month in the districts ofKoolau. Ewa, Waianae and "Ylatalua. ,

' "a. Jaeger,Secretary Mutual Telephone Co.

Honolulu, January 6, 1&S7. 402-jaa-- tf

This; is the oldest established house in thisline of business in-Sa- n Francl!tcor and we areprepared to fill Orders of all kinds in our line.

SPECIALTY in PACKING all kinds of FRUITfor long distance markets. -

Tour Patronage Is Solicited645 marlO'88,

All meats delivered from ibis market are thorougly ehilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- an Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all its Juicy propertied,and is GUARANTEE TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MkAT, 47-- tl

OfSc will from this date be presented fo pny,ment monthly.

Honolulu, Msich 2, 135,f

Page 2: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot


t and holes, and positively dangerous toTHE DAILYtravel. But Fort street is far from beingthe worst thoroughfare of the city. Inthe suburbs it is impossible to traversemany of the roads with a vehicle exceptat imminent risk of accident.

Bell Tel., 348. Mutual Tel., 139.

felllw Summer andPacific Commercial Aflvertiser



-- :o:- iOpitK Millinery House,TERJIS Or HJCMtSVRHTlOX,

P. O.Box 415.


Business Agency

Skilled and Unskilled LaboiFurnished.

f5 004 00

.. 50c

Her annum ....Six months- - ,

Per month.... ..

The Austrian Succession."Although the Crown Prince of Austriahas now .been married some six years hestill remains without male issue, and it isfeared that little or no hope remains of hiswishes in this respect being fulfilled.Should he die without leaving a son theimperial crown of Austria would pass tothe present emperor's brother, tho Arch-duke Carl Ludwig. According to advicesreceived in London the eldest son of thelatter, the Archkuke Otto, who only afew months ago was married to PrincessJosefa of Saxony, has behaved so shame-fully to his young wife that she has beenforced to leave him and to return to herrelatives, who are indignant at her treat-ment. It appears that the young arch-duke has shown such unmistakable signs ofmental aberration that .. his condition isbeing submitted to a careful medical ex-amination. It is feared that the hered-itary curse of the Hapsburg family,namely, epilepsy, which rendered the lateemperor unfit to govern, and which in-

capacitated his brother, the present mon-arch's father, from undertaking the gov-ernment, has developed with increasedintensity in tho young archduke, a factwhich is likely to seiionsly affect the ques-tion of his dynastic succession. --ViennaLetter.

In all scenes requiring a blush, modernactresses put the emotion on with a brushbefore the curtain rises, and produce it atthe proper moment by rubbing off thecomplexion powd er. Burlis srton FreePress.

carSnoscrlptions Payable Alwaya luAdvftnee.

Comma Dice tlon s from all parts of the KingdomwHl always be very acceptable. .

Persons residing In any part of the United Statescan remit the amount of subscription due by PostOfflce money order.

Matter Intended for publication in the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

Editor Pacrnc Commercial Advertises.'Business communication and advertisements

nould be addressed simply


And not to individuals.

104 ITort St., Honolulu.2ST. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

. ....... .

The Largest and Best Assortment of Wash Fabrics ever before displayed, and justSUITABLE FOR THIS? CLIMATE. . ..

" ; ;


Plain and Fancy Checked Kansooks.White Victoria.and Linen Lawns. ...

Whiteahd Cream Mull, in Plain and Fancy.

White and Cream Polka Dot and Flowered Swims.New Cream and White Wash Materials.

" r ' " New Printed Checked Nansooks."

Fine Printed Ljinen Lawns. ..

' . " , 1 . Fancy ' Stripad and Polka Dot Buntings.White and Colored Embroidered Wash Suits.

Embroideries arid ' Saces.White and Colored Embroidery Flounces, Skirt and, Holpku .Length.Fine Oriental Lace Flounces, in White, Cream and Ecru.Fine Black Spanish Flouncing, with Edging to match.Cream White Valencienne Flouncing.Oriental Lace Net, White, Cream and EcrtC '"" '""""


lightful locations, within easy reach: of thebusiness, part of the city, with accommodationssuited to any requirement and on most favor-able terms. .


THE "OLD CORNER." AT NTJUANU ANDstreets, for sale one of the best

business stands in the city.

IflREE PIECES OFfAT. EFT ATE IN THISoutside o: tne cili lor sale or lease.


lTur J vailed opportunities Tor profitable investment.

Full particulars given upon application at theAgency.


First-cla- ss Book-keeper- s, Carpenters, Stew-ards, Cooks, Nuises. and other skilled labordesiring employment.

502 feb23tf


Old Silas Barber's Mission A Foe to"Thistles Peculiar Delusion.

Old Silas Barber Is dead, and his lastwords were: "Don't let any thistles growupon my grave."

The announcement of his death willcause universal regret all over Ohio,where he was so well known.

. Since the days of Johnny Appleseed,Silas Barber has had more friends thanhundreds who have given him somethingto eat out of pity or charity.

For half a century he had wanderedthrough this state. His last days hespent in the Seneca county poor house.He was well known all over Wood, Erie,Lucas, Sandusky and Hancock counties.He has no relatives In the world, and noone can tell where he came from, althoughthere is a local tradition that he "camefrom Canada all alone in a boat more thanfifty years ago. , . , ......

He had but one mission, one object, onearth, and, that was to , exterminate allkinds of thistles. .For the entire half cen-tury he never relented in his warfare uponthese enemies of the farmer.- - - From dawnto darkness, with scythe, gruband hoe, hecut out and killed them. No one could tellhow he lived; he refused pay for hiswork, and none of the farmers could im-pose on him, for he would not work unlesshe could cut the thistles.

In winter it was noticed that he mi-

grated with the birds southward, butback he would come with the thistlesagain in the spring. He had one otherfailing. He imagined, sometimes, that hewas a great general; at other times hothought that he was an officer of the law,with full power to make arrests.

Years ago some practical joker sent himwith orders to arrest the chief of police atTiffin. By pretense he succeeded in get-ting the chief of police to show him intothe interior of the jail. He then, read animaginary warrant and locked the policecaptain up in a cell for a long time.

It was a more common practice to in-duce him to arrest some country swain whowas courting his sweetheart. Armed withhis imaginary warrant he would force hisway into the presence of the loving couple,and in spite of tears, protestations and en-

treaties he would make the arrest. Hewould walk a dozen miles to arrest anyman, and more than once has he aided thepolice and constables in discharging theirduties.

Judges, preachers, congressmen, whoseearly homes were in Sandusky, county, orSeneca, tell amusing, stories ot how "OldSilas" captured them. When the forestroads were fenced up Silas Barber did notapprove of it. He would tear down rodsof the fencing in order that his favoritethistle fields might remain open and thecommon property of . the ' whole world.But. the farmers always forgave him, themischief for the good that" he wrought.Conductors were kind to him and all therailroads in northwestern Ohio gave ' himfree rides over the roads. Toledo Blade.

SlduertiseiimitsTHEPacific Commercial Advertiser

fa now for sale datlt at the Following Places :

J. H. SOPER ....... Mercnani streetA. M. HEWETT Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS ... Hotel streetT. O. THRUM .. .. Fort streetHENRY WILLIAMS.: Hawaiian Hotel

Five Cents per Copy.A LARGE ASSORTMENT f)Ft

Australian Mail Service.


THURSDAY May 12th. All Over Embroideries ,'

1 tWMB.fi. MELLIS Dressmaking stabjiabinent on the premises-- .


.. . .. - .N ,gejrFI


gj,;. I 7 1'I l!i

SPECIAL I OTICE!The'new and fine Al steel steamship

".A LAMEDA,"Of tha Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

at Houelulu from Sydney and Auckland, on or about .

JUNE 3d, 1887, :o:


Wednesday, May 11th.An probate, estate "of William Hille-bran- d,

deceased. Letters of adminis-tration, with will - annexed, granted to

"ChaV. K. Bishop; under a $50,000 bond.F. M. Hatch for petitioner. The amountof the bond covers about the value of theestate.

Makalei et al. vs. Hemeni, in equity.The Court decline to hear defendant'smotion to open default this "day filedT'L".

A. Thurston for plaintiff, J. M. Pocpoefor defendant.

In re. Ah Kong, alias Lou You. Hear-

ing on the application of W. R. Castlefor a writ of habeas corpus. The pris-

oner was sentenced to two years' impris-onment and to pay .a fine of $1,000 .byJacob Kala, Police Magistrate of Lihue,Kauai, on February 21, 1887,'upon thecharge of having opium unlawfully inpossession.

Mr. Castle read the application, andthen the-Attorn- ey General read the Mar-

shal's return, and submitted the casewithout argument. . , . .. ,

On motion of Mr. Castle the Courtdischarged the prisoner from the.custodyof the Marshal.

In re. bankruptcy of John M. Kapena.Claims io the amount of $3,150 76 wereproved.

' ' : : -


Wednesday, May 11th.M. T. Weeks, Geo. Kanana and G. F.

Goodfary (assumed name) each forfeited'bail of $0. ' '

Ah Hee and Lam Kau were foundguilty of assault and battery on Kaaka-mok- u

and fined: $2. ; each , and $1 10

costs.Kaakamoku, ' for assault ' and ' battery

on Lara Kau, was . fined $2 and $1 30costs.

: "civil CASES. ' '

Wenner & Co. vs. Theresa Cartwright.Assumpsit for $50 for a watch Thecase was heard and judgment will berendered on the 13th. W. O. Smith forplaintiff, J A- - Magopn 'for. defendant.

. Wenner & Co-- vs. Thomas Xandsay,replevin'- - Judgment for defendant. "

S. Lainaholo vs.' Akuma, assumpsitfor $50 on account of rent due on March27, 1837. Plea of general issue. Re-

manded for iudgment to - the 13th.' W."

H. Sea for defendant.Jun Hee vs. John. Foster, J A. Dower

garnishee. The Court discharged thegarnishee. Costs, $3 35.

Four other suits were settled, threediscontinued and three continued to the13th.

Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society...'. i . . , .

We have . to call attention to the pro-gramme issued by 'the Royal HawaiianAgricultural Society for.its M.iow at theGovernment "Nursery, 'King street; onSaturday next. It. is to be . hoped thatthe exhibits will be airly representativeof the productions, natural and manu-factured, of the Kingdom. Havingspoken at length in previous issues ofthe importance of this show, the onlything left for us to do in this connectionis to again call attention to the fact thatthe society's programme will be foundin another part of our paper.

Decoration Day.The Rev. J. A. Cruzan, Messrs. C. II.

Eldridge, John Ross, EfankTurrill andJono. Austin, all members of the G. A.R., have been appointed a committee tomake all the necessary arrangements forthe proper observance of Memorial Day,May 30th. . . V;


The John p. Spreckels.The Oceanic Company's brigantine

John D. Spreckels leaves for' San Fran-cisco at noon to-da- y. The mail at thePast Office closes at 11 o'clock. .

And will leave for the abwve'port with mailt andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or- - passage, having SUPKKJOUACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwiii & Co.,AOKNTS.

The undersigned, F. HORN, Proprietor of the .

Pioneer Steam Candy Factory,BAKERY' & ICE CREAM PARLOR,Absolutely Pure- -


For Sydney and Auckland.' 1

Respectfully informs the public that from this day on he in fullv prepared to receive' ' V ,! "orders 'for , t;

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets, Balls,And guarantees in all cases the fullest satisfaction, as given in former years, not onlyabroad, ,bu also in Honolulu., jUaving rtferences dating as far back as the year

This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,strength and v holesomcness. More economicalthan the ordinary kinda, and cannot esc.ld in com-petit- io

of lo.vtost, shortj with the multitudeweight, alum or phosphate powders. lponltiscan! Boyax. Baki.no Powiita Co.. lu3 WaJlWV Y.gd-w- tt


MACHINE WORKSNo. 33 to 51 Fremont Street.


Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second-hand


. 1 t k3 - . - :

Emperor Akbar's Bonbon Book.Of all the Mogul emperors Akbar was

by far the ablest and greatest, but ShahJehan was the most magnificent. .TheEmperor Akbar succeeded to the thronewhen he was but 14 years of age, withonly the Punjab under his rule. He hadthe wisdom to show no distinction betweenhis Mohammedan and Hindoo subjects, andmade every effort to mold them into a com-mon nationality. Born on Indian soil, hemade every effort to give the .countryof his birth what f she has never had, anationality. He even went so far as onlyto marry into the families of the royalHindoos. His military success was re-

markable, and at his death almost allof India was firmly securiedto his empire.He loved and favored his friends, but hadno use for those who proved themselveshis enemies. His " double sided box ofbonbons is-- ' matter y. No onedared to refuse the great emperor when hewas offered a bonbon from this wellknown box, although none could tellwhether it was an evidence of favor or . ofdispleasure until "after it had been eaten.A bonbon from one side of the box meantfavors of no mean kind, while one fromthe other side meant a sudden drowsiness,soon resulting in the sleep of death. Ithas been said that he came to his owndeath by accidentally eating a bonbonfrom the wrong side of his box. IndiaCor. Baltimore Sun.

In Honolulu, having catered on all-plat- e occasions, as also for oeleot partien given bytheir late Majesties Kamehameha IV., Kamehameha V. and Lualilo, and haviug the.honor of supplying the present Royal Household with the delicacies produced iu my etablishment; having bver 40 years' practical experience in thU line of business.

.'5 WiiM& I v - f

The aew and tine A 1 steel steamship

"MAEIPOSA,"- Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

May 13, 1887.And will have prompt diapatcn with malls amipassengers for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SUPKRIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to -

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,

The late rains left the streets and roadsof this district in a deplorable condition.Nothing in the way of street cleaninghad been attempted for months, andalthough a very, large sum is reported ashaving been expended on the roads, noone knows where the money was applied."Liliha street has had attention, but as theLegislature appropriated $1,200 for thatwork' it should not count in the generalstatement of expenditure oh streets androads, amounting to nearly eighty thous-and dollars last fiscal year, not to speakof the Queen street extension grab. Agreat many specific appropriations weremade by the Legislature for roads andstreets in Kona district, Oahu, but if anyof them, exceptLHHia street, has beentouched by the Road Supervisor and hisgangs of prisoners we have not heard ofit. What is known is that traffic onstreets and highways is at once difficultand dangerous owing to continued ne-glect. . ...i.

That murmurs of discontent on thepart of the taxpayers should have passedbeyond the Interior office is hot to bewondered at. Nor is it surprising underthe circumstances that a gang of prison-ers should have been detailed to scrapethe stinking mud on. Fort. street intoheaps for removal. All that was to beexpected from the nature of the remon-strances made ; but the way the' workwas gone about yesterday was sufficientto throw ridicule 'and discredit upon theGovernment. .. The scrapers in jail liverywere slow enough, and appeared to thinkthat they were detailed for gentle manualexercise. They were followed, ta longway off, by three : or" four ' rn:h' withhorses and carts, who improved uponthe scrapers' methods. Each driverwas expected to attend to his horse andshovel mud into the cart. One of theseteams was in charge of a Kanaka boy,who played with a hoe which he swungaround his head, striking a heap of mudin its descent, and then by a backwardswing tossing- - what stuck to it into thevehicle. He succeeded in putting abouttwo shovelsful into the cart, which hedoubtless considered a load, for he drove

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Ornamcntcr--AND-


Of every description. s. Factory,. Storeand Ice Cream Parlor:AGENTS No. 71 HoterStreet, between - Fort and Nuuanu Streets.

Both Telephones Jfo. 74. 626mayl0tf Honolulu. II. I.

The Leading Millinery House-- 1

- v

Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d

WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY,Machinists 'Tools, Irrigating and Pumping Ma-

chinery, Piping,

l?ipe Fittings, Etc.Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-

cation. 629augll

A. M. KE WETT,-- OF-

Bell Telephone 172. P. O. Box 307Mutual - 372. 1



Ileal Estate, Stock and Money Bro Iters,General Business Agents.

Legal documents carefully prepared. Proper-ties leased. Rents collected. Books kept andwritten up. Accounts audited and adjusted. .

COLLECTING a specialty. ; ... . v.EMPLOYMENT. Servants provided promptly

without charge to employer. 472 febStf

Chas,.: J.,.,Fishel.

COR. . FQRT, & - HOTEL ST3. Stationer ; Newsdealer

V aViercliaiit Street,HONOLULU, II. 1.

Amy Slierwin


AMY S HER WIN, Prima Donna Soprano

Due at Honolulu per S. S. Mariposa from SanFrancisco, .on or about the . 13th instant, andwill give


Bell Telephone 02. - Mutual .iephone 871.' 524 feb28if

Every Day; tliis Week !

rOTWTTH8TANDING TnE UNFAVORABLE.iA weatber.we were crowded to such an ex-tent, tbat we were unable to accommodate thelarge number of kind patrons wbo showed bytbeir presence their appreciation br; our effortsto furnish them, ON EXTENSIVE SCALE, 'FIRST-CLAS- S MILLINEHY

AT LOW PItlCES. . fNew novelties in Ladies, Misses' and" Chil-

dren's ,HaU this week by the Australia, manu-factured expressly for our sales. Several exclu-sive styles in Ladies' and Misses' Turbans andCarriage Hats

RIBBON8" in pattems and "colorings to hifound no where else in Honolula, and the .larg-eh- t

assortment of plain aBd fancy KibhOOl.'suchas may be found. In any f well regulated ribbtipstock, at prices ai low as the lowest. -- 'A Word eu Incxpennive Millinery.

While we admit that no goods come to thiscountry for millinery purposes too fine for us tobuy, at th same tiiiie'we 'clalruf to tarry. the- 7



Xvbliala Saloon.

FRAIIIC CERTZ,;Importer aiii Manufacturer

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS (k, SHOESI3TOrders from the otter Islands solicited. '

No. 114 Fort HU, Honolulu.89 d&wtf



"Worry, Not Work, Kills."The great man," says Emerson, "is he

who in the midst of the crowd keeps withperfect sweetness the serenity of solitude.""How many of the troubles of life," asksSir John Lubbock, "are insignificant inthemselves and easily avoidable?" It isnot so much, in most cases, great sorrows,diseases or death, but rather the littledaily dyings which cloud over the sun-shine of life. "Wc most of us give ourselvesan immense amount of trouble, incumberourselves, as it were, on the journey oflife with a dead weight of unnecessarybaggage. ' In that most delightful faitytale, "Alice in Wonderland," the WhiteKnight is described a having providedhimself on starting for a journey with avariety of odds . and ends, including amousetrap, in case he was troubled bymice at night, and a beehive, in case hecame across a swarm of bees. HomoJournal. . . -

, Sparrows Made a Blessing.It is interesting to know, in connection

with the English sparrow nuisance atForest park, how these birds are treatedin Germany and made to be a blessing.Troughs are provided at the eaves of thehouses there for the accommodation of thebirds in building their nests When theyoung sparrows v are hatched. and themother goes out to procure food for themwire screens are placed over them, withinterstices large 1 enongh' to permit thepassage of food to the younglings, but toosmall to allow them to escape from thenests. As soon as they have grown largeand plump they are killed, and they makea very desirable article of food, Globe-Democr- at.

Symptomatic.A new baby had arrived at little

Johnny's residence, and the youngsterwas admitted to take his first look at thelittle stranger. He surveyed it calmlyfor a moment, and then looking up ex-claimed enthusiastically:

" His face is just the color of UncleGeorge's. Gosh, but he must be a harddrinker. Pittsburg Dispatch.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors



HAWAIIAN 0PEBA HOUSE.' MISS SHEKWIN, who has achieved normus

success in Europe, and recently In America, lk aSoprano of the highest order."

It Is hoped that arrangements may be made bywhich the Concert will be held In the evening.

BOX PtAJT now oi:nAt the office of J. E. Brown & Co. ' 623mayl0tf

' Fnncy drink of every descriptionKpeciMty.

.i y

away with it when his companionsmoved off. The others were not muchof an improvementupon him althoughthey were provided with shovels.

We mention this because it is in har-mony with everything that has beendone in the way of street work duringthe present regime. There should havebeen iwo men detailed to each cart toload the mud as fast as it was scrapedup, but it was left untouched for hoursto be scattered by the wheels of passingvehicles. Some of the carts' employed"wtre not in charge of prisoners, judgingby the garb of the men, and were prob-ably part of the hired contingent whichthe Road Supervisor is reported to em-ploy to do Government work. Towardsfive o'clock a spurt was put on, and theprison gang loaded up the . remainingheaps of dirt with commendable celerity.

It is proper to state in this connectionthat the bulk of the mud scraped off Fortstreet yesterday had been deposited therein a dry state by the Government cartsbefore the late rains set in, and wassupposed to be road metal for permanentrepairs. If there were anybody withbusiness sense or intelligence connected

Prices Paid to Doctors.The public often marvels at the prices

paid by rich persons for art objects.Greater surprise might be caused by thesums to physicians for the preservation ofhealth. It has been said that Miss Wolfe,the hopeless invalid owner of $10,000,000,pays Dr. Tod Ilelmuth $5,000 a year todoctor her. She confirms those figuges.Mrs. Alexander T. Stewart retained threedoctors at an aggregate cost of at least

40,000, and called in one of them nearlyevery day. She had what seemed like asystent by fvnich. she, abided by, the de-cision of two out of thre4 triniatter? 0diet;and medicines. Mrs. William! Astor paysto Dr. Fordyce Barker personally an aver-age of $20,000 always sending a checkfor double or treble the amount of eachbill rendered.4 ' ITer idea is that, by re-warding his skill and vigilance liberally,she will get the very best service of whichhe is capable. Mrs. Cornelius , Vander-bilt'-s

physician is Dr. W. S. Belden, andalthough her health is excellent, ho isconsulted often prevention being prefer-able to cure, doubtless; and the belief isthat the prevention costs not less than.$10,000 annually. Clara Belle's Letter.

Of generol MinifteryTpalVgtades in EteVoIuhTo those Whh do" hot bavArri'iir'h iimi nioiiINSUEANCE !

; .WWfwljr, , .

" .Proprietor.FOR SALE!ping: Do not let the idea (so industriously cir-culated y Interested partieswho keep nothingbut cheap goods, run awiy with your Judgment,that because a house is largely patronized bytbose who give a great deal of .attention to theirdress, you must necessarily pay high prices forwhat you want. As a general thing sueh peoplehave time" and .plenty of ir to. look around,' andjust as anxious to make a dollar go as far as you NOTICE!One Thousand Poundstunity to get th best ba&rainjr for1 --their raonij'.

CHAS..J, FISHEL,Leacling., Millinery , House.

f ' i.!i.

No change in the rates for the

; of TelephonesI Is contemplated bv the

A w Use for Flint.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.ASSETS, $3,055,000.

Commercial Insurance Co.Fire and Marine '


Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corpor-ation,

Fire and Marine-- - '

CAPITAL (Paid up) $2,000,000.'

South British ; Fire and MarineInsurance Conipany.

CAPITAL, - - $10,000,000.

New York Life Insurance Co.ASSETS, 975,000,000.

Teleph.one Company

An eastern man has discovered a pro-cess by the additionr tsf other cheap in-gredients of melting ordinary flint stoneat a low temperature. This discovery hasbeen covered by patents and is in the handsof an eastern syndicate. The process pro-duces a beautiful marble like composition,and will be used for making encoustictiling, Laundry and bath tubs and in theproduction of works of art; ' Its wonderfulcheapness will-enab- le its introduction be-low the cost of anything of the kind in themarket. It has been found to be superiorto either glass or rubber as an electricalnon-conduct- or, and its use in thi3 directionbids fair to be large. r-D-

etrolt Frr.e Press.

. A Sarnia, Canada, editor describes hiscontemporary as "that freak againstnature's laws sandwiched between a weaz-ened np soul and a diseased imagination."

f In

At the lowest figure; of the finest quality of

GUAVA JELLYWarranted genuine, made of the pnre Juice only

. . and guaranteed to stand


Will not deteriorate in quality for any numberof years. Large quantities exported every year,by some of the largest commercial firms pf thiscity, to different parts of the United States andthe German Empire. ; . ;


Pioneer Steam Candy Factory


F. H O R N ,Practical Confectioner. Pastry Coolc


Both Telephones No. 74. 625mayl0tf

The business of exporting apples Is in-creasing. Two years ago 220,000 barrelswere shipped from the port of New York;in 1885, 302,000 barrels, and last year,849,000 barrels. . ,

A Jacksonlan Deacon.It was an anecdote of a pious Jackson-Io- n

deacon of our county in Virginia thata Whig laid a wager that he would jus-tify Jackson even for' murder. Overtak-ing the deacon on his way to church, heentered into conversation and professed tobe just from Washington.

"Well, and what's the news at Wash-ington- ?"

asked the deacon."Nothing oh, yes, there L Gem Jack-son killed a man yesterday.""Killed a man?" cried the deacon."Yes, he was , walking bn'Pemisylvania

avenue, and told a man to get out of hisway the man. didn't, and the presidentshot hun," l J, u ' i i

The deacon meditated a, few moments.5?'' "Hurra5 'tor the general!w hy didn't tho man get out cf his way?1'Moncure D. Conwav. - . -

with the bureau of roads and bridges,such a useless expenditure . of publicmoney would not have taken place. ButMr. Alapai evidently knows nothingabout road making, and his official su-periors appear to care less than he does.Has it ever occurred to them thatpatience may become exhausted, andthat taxpayers may refuse to contributea road tax without taking guaranteesthat the money will behbnestly applied?It would be absurd to say that the roadtax and specific appropriations for roadsand bridges An this district vhave beenapplied as contemplated by the Legisla-ture last session. The appearance of theroadbed of Fort street after it wasscraped yesterday, is the strongest con-damnati- on

of the street department thatcould ho had. It ia full of 'deep ruts

ty rTTt rT2" attp' avt mC O. BEEGER," " 1 "JHONOLULU."

Gen'l Agent L,awrilan Islands. 611apr28tfdw


Av JAEGrEB,66T mar30tf , Secretary and Treasurer.

FOOK, I.XJT,Chinese and Japanese Goods

AND EJMPLOYMFlvT OFFICE,Xo. 113 Nnuatru kud

";?..-'uV4-- noxoLULU.' r' '", : '

EVery kiud.of Y'k'd6aev. " -- S '.C57 '

Gasolines Stoves

THE BT4 ARJS, s. 2

Send for Price iLlst, or-cal- l on

A. ALBRECHTi A AGENT,1043 XTarbet St., San Franeisco, Cal.

i Brass teapots are disappearing fastsince a noted physician was good enoughto say they generate a verypoisonous sub--st&tie. ...... , ':!:s -,.

f WELL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYL debts contracted wlthoutjmy-wrltte- n order.

. i ; t&UES DODD. ;

Honolulu, April 25, 187. - ' 6C8 uaay28

Page 3: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot


ZiWthistmms.THE PEARL OF PEACE. Mttxmtmtms.POUT OF HONOLULU, 11. 1.

PHY AT TTAWATTAAT:::;;uECLIPSE,?:-::- :ARRIVALS.Wiowdat, May 11.

Stmr Waimanalo. Underwoo1, from Walana W. C. PEACOCK & CO.,and Waialua8tmr Ew, from EwaScbr Wailele, from Kuau. Maul - We G. Irwin & Co

A bivalve feeding in the warm, salt seaDraws inward with the wave a sandy grain.Which, not returning with the wave again,

Remains hejee forth its secret grief to be.Day after day, so sea wise folk agree.

The creature hides it in a dew like rainOf ceaseless tears, till, hardened out of pain,

A precious pearl is fashioned perfectly.

From outer seas of passion, seas of strife,There drifts at times upon the human heart,A secret, rankling grief that day by day

We cover with tbe bitter tears of life,Till, wrought of pain, from out our nobler partThe pearl of peace remains with us alwayT i

W. W. Martin.:

: - , s


23 ISTxiiaami street - Honolulu I.SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES.


DKPARTtBEN.Wedsesoat, May 11.

Stmr J A Cummins, 'eilsen, for Waimanalo at9am ,

Am bark Colusa, Backus, for San FranciscoBchr Met Wahine. Staples, for HamakuaScbr Mary E Foster, for KauaiScbr Bob Roy, for WaimanaloScbr Heela, for Koolau, Oahu

If you want any .lacea or embroideriescall at Sachs' store, the as5w:tinent shownthere is superb.

Sugars Agricultural Society !What Col. Pat Donan Says About It.

The Vulgarly .Rich. . .- DRY GRANULATED

In Barrel ' . I

Come to-morr- ow and bring your friendsto see the mammoth bargains in-ladie- s'

hats, from 60c up, at Chas. J. Fishel's lead-

ing Millinery House. ; .. .Washington society is peculiar; It takes

Half Barrels,its tone from the White House, where allAnd nd Bozos.

Vessel JLenviuff To-IWt- y.

Stmr Waimanalo, Underwood, for Waianae,Oabu, at 9am

Stmr C E, Bishop, Cb&ney, for Kcolau -Stmr Kilauea ' lieu, Cameron, for Haaakua,

at 5 p m , - -Stmr Ewa, for EwaAm brgtne J D bpreckels, Frils, for Saa Fran--

CiscoAm bktue Ella, Bust, for San FranciscoAm bktne Kareka, H Meyers, for Saa FranciscoScbr Emma, for Kauai '

CtTBK 'iclassescolors, creed3 and conditions meetupon a sort of level, however uneven itmay be. The national mansion belongs tothe people and they feel .they have a right THE i ANNUAL SHOW

fn Half BarrelsAnd 2a-pou-

nd Boxes;POWDKBEI I tf - ? i rtojt andm it. At a presidential recem

i' - In nd Boxes.

Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Islands for


fJ." J. PELLISSON'S pure, uncolored, unsweetened OLD BRANDIES,







t&n high and low, rich and poor, white,Will be held thiii$vearin tbeJSociety's larg

It will pay the ladies of Honolulu tovisit Sachs' store and see the immense as-

sortment of wash dress materials now ex-

hibited. ''The most wonderful values in ladies' and

misses' trimmed and untrimmed hats everoffered in Honolulu are at Fishel's leadingMillinery House.

OOLUKX C. COFFjEEblack and pumpkin colored, dignitaries,exauisites and boors, sasres. cranks, saints. Hall at the Government Nursery, on King111 Ilalf Barrftesinners f and' rapscallions punch ' krmck-- i street, and adjacent grounds,

On Saturday, May 14tli,l Teas, f i i f t1 : f

Vessels In Port? From Foreign? Port.Am missionary steam tktn Morning BfarH

X Turner, from tbe South Sea IslandsH U M's training ship Kalmiloa. Geo Gres-le- y

JacksonAm bktne -- Makah, H A Thompson, from 8dney, N S W ,

Am bktne Fores? Queea, J C M Winding1, fromSan Francisco- - , .

Am brgtne John D Bpreckels, C S Frils, fromSan Francisco . .

Am bktne Eureka, II Meyers, from San Fran-cisco t

Haw bark Kalakaua', C H Henderson, from Tal- -

New summer styles in ladies1 hats andbonnets now to be seen at the PopularMUlinery House, N. S. Sachs, proprietor.

Between .the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. m.. Exhibits are invited in the various divif: !in sions named in the schedule given below.

Cbas. T. Gallelt, Xoinry ruolic. BLUE MOTTLED,

FAMILY LAL'SllRY.paraiso

Bel bk Guillermo, Sandman n. from PortTownaend, W T

holes with' their" elbows in each other'ssides and tread on each other's heels or.trails. .Cabinet Officials, foreign ministersand blacklegs; supreme court: judges andprize fighters, generals, admirals andcorner grocers, senators, congressmen,lobbyists, peddlers

f and bootblacks, titledand brocaded, dames sand tatterdemalioncrones reigning' belles and namelesswomen, Indian braves, pigtailed Chineseand nappy pated negroes, all crowd inmotlev procession to shake hands with thepresident and his wife, who owe their tem-porary greatness, to the votes of the sover-eign mob. ,

It is very democratic, rerjr Tepnblican,'very American." It" jgives to all capitalsociety a free and easiness to be foundnowhere else. has its charms', but 'ithas ; some ; drawbacks,, too. ; The gushy


local jenkinses . have lately, gone intohysterics of soft squash over young Mrs.Cleveland3 because she' has -

-- discardedgloves on j these , dmnlum gatherum occa--.

German bark Hercules; Bless, from GlasgowAm .bark Sonoma, Griffiths, from San Fran

cisco . SalmonAm bktne S N Castle, L, H Hubbard, from San : itFrancisco '

Am tsm W S Bowne, Blubm, from San FranCisco

Records searched. Abstract of Titlefurnished, and conveyances drawn on-sho- rt

notice. . .

COLLECTION AGENCY Mr. JohnGood, Jr., authorized collector.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Mr. F,.Marcos, special agent. ,


We offer for sale at.the lowest market rates, a full stock of the most favoritebrands of

Ales, Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs, Etc., Etc.

Division I. Horticulture.Prizes will be given as follows:

1. For the best variety of Fruils.2. '

,For the best special Fruits. .

2. For the beta growing Ferns.4.' For tho best (cut) Roses.5. For the best (cut) Shrubs and flower- -

: , -- ing Plants.

Cases ;CQiiied.Beef.r. - utsiV eMneiM KlJKieotei rruiu Foreijru fort.7

373 i. o. Uox no 4.Teiepbones No. 46.No. 38 Mercliant street.

Bell Telephone 348. P. O. Box 415

Cs Medium Bread.




For the best growing Palms. , V .

For the best Orchids. "

For the best Uouquet. t

For the best Floral Designs.For the best Vegetables.




Gr2?ocei?ies DProvisions and Feed. EAtiT UOKNR '

FOIST AND KING STREETS.New Ooods received by every uacitet from the Eastern States and EnroDe. rt-s- California


Am bark Timour. Brewer, sailed from BostonDec IT, due May Q

Brit bark Cerates, from Liverpool, due MayO

Haw scbr General Siegel, Banders, fromFrench Frigate Shoals, due Not 20-3- 0

Brit bk Scottish Lassie, W Singer, sailed fromLiverpool Jan 10, due May 20-3-1

Am bktne Hattie S Bangs, Terrill, from Hong-kong, due April 10-3-0

Am bark St Lucie, sailed from New York March26, due September 5--

Am bk C Wbitmore, T Thompson, from De-parture Bay, due May 20-3- 0

Am bktne John Worsier,' from Nanaimo, B C,due May 30-3- 0 ' '

Am bark Ceylon, R Calhoun, from San Fran-cisco, due Ma 1--

Am bk James S Stone, Barstow, sailed fromBos to n March 12. due July 60-3- 1

Brltbk Glengaber, from San Francisco, dueMay 1 0-- 1

Am bktne Mary Winkelman, Blake, from SanFrancisco, due May 16--

OSS Mariposa (Am), H M Hayward, from SanFrancisco, en route to tbe Colonies, due May la

Am brgtne Claus Spree ke la, P Drew, fromSan Francisco, due May 10-2-0

Am bark Charles B. Kenney, from Newcastle,NSW, due May 26-2- 1

Ger bark Gyda, from Newcastle, NSW, dueMay 10-3-0

-- And-? i i ' Lubricating

Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Woods delivered to any X'rt of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pomofltce Box No. 145Lime, and Cement-- Telephone No. 92 - ; frranlT81

sions, and meets all the legions of miscell-aneous visitors "with a --cordial clasp ofher-wairm- , baYe hands. ' advice to her-woul- d

be to wear sheet iron gauntlets orpromptly , add a liberal supply of mer-cufial'ointm-

to her toilet equipage.All official receptions' are modeled on

ttiese chief magistratic affairs. They areopen to nearly everybody, and a decent suitof clothes and a letter of introduction fromsome back county wirepuller to his gena- -

tor or representative are generally enoughto oil the hinges of more exclusive portals.This brings here hordes of nobodies, whosehighest ambition is to be mentioned in asociety report or newspaper paragraph asmixed up with the somebodies. The newlyand vulgarly rich have flocked to a fieldwhere, what seems to thenr," social dis-tinction is so5 cheap. Their pretentiousmansions overlook the most aristocraticsquares and circles. ; Their gorgeous turn-outs, with gold tipped hubs and goldplated harness outflashing the sunlight,spin along the most fashionable avenues.Their epicurean free feeds draw throngsof well bred and well known feeders, andtheir blunders and absurdities are thelaughing stock of the town that feasts at.their expense. --P. Donan in

NEW (jrOODS ! NEW GOODS!Galvanized Iron Boofin.J5i 6, 7, 8, 9, io-- t oo tlie n'gt ha .j

' Division II. --Dairy Produce.1. For the. best Firkiu of Butter, 10 lbs. or

more. - .2. For the second best ditto ditto3. Fpr the best pound of Butter, the ex- -

exhibitors being housekeepers making--

' ' - their own Butter. - !

4..' For the second best ditto ditto3. For the best Cheese.

Division III.-AifrleuItii- re.

r',': For the best Rice. '

2. :For the best Cereal (other than Rice).3. For the best Fodder Plants.4. For the best Sugar Cane.5. For the best Sugar.6. For the best Hawaiian Honey.

Division IT. Domes tie Manufactures.1. For the best variety of Mats.2. For the best exhibits of Men's Hats.

Supposed to be lost. B. F. E1LEES & CO.--Suffai Basrs.


For San Francisco, per bark Colusa, May 11thCaptain Hall. Sizes 22x36, 20x34, 20x32.


99 Eort Street,., Have just opened a new consignment of

TSTEW and SEASONABLE GOODS,C7"Inspection Invited. --4mf3

' '



Manila and Slaal, Panana Twine, Whale Lin.

Reed's Felt Steam Pipe 3. For the best exhibits of Women's Hats.4. For the best Eapa.

The Y. M. C. A. boys meet in the Asso-

ciation parlors at 2:30 o'clock this afterrnoon.

Captain Hall, late of the Mikahala, leftfor San Francisco yesterday on the barkColusa.. The ladies of the Altar Society will meetthis afternoon at 3 o'clock', at the CatholicConvent.

The Rojil Mail Steamer Mariposa is dueto-morr- from San Francisco with ninedays later news.

Mrs. Florence Williams will lecture thisevening on Faust, at Harmony Hall, Kingstreet, at 7 :45 o'clock.

This evening the Rev. J. A. Cruzan willdeliver a lecture at the Y. M. C. A. Hall;for the benefit of the W. C. T. U. ; :

An order was sent to the Station Houseyesterday to arrest Harry "Weeks, gunnerof H.M.'s training ship Kaimiloa.for deser-tion. - .

Mr. A. M. Hewett, stationer and newsdealer, received an immense stock of newgoods by the Australia. It is fast disap-pearing.

A meeting of the Women's Church AidSociety will be held this afternoon at half-pa- st

2 o'clock, at the St.Andrew's Sunday-scho- ol

room. VAt 10 o'clock this morning Mr. Lewis J.

Levey will hold his regular cash sale. Atthe same time he will sell a bankrupt stockof merchandise, etc.

The "Honolulu Almanac and Directory"for 1887 is now on sale at J. H. Soper'sand A. M. Hewett's news depots, and atthis office. Price, 50 cents.

The lecture, to have been given by Prof.L, L. Van Siyke in the Y. M. C. A. Hall to-

morrow evening has been postponed twoweeks (May 27th). The subject will beannounced in due time.

Messrs. Adams fe Co. sell the householdfurniture of J. W. Hingley, at his resi-

dence, Robello lane, at 10 o'clock hismorning; and at 12 o'clock noon will besold the lease of the premises for one yearand seven months, at a rental of $25 permonth. ' -

and Boiler Covering.

On the Verge of Insanity.Meeting an old friend, a drummer, com-

ing from one of . the depots, sachel inhand, the other day, I greeted lum cor-dially and asked him where he was fromthis time. He looked at me wearily andreplied, "Arappy tap tap, rappy tap tap.""What's that you say?" says I. "Arappytap tap, arappy tap tap, arappy tap tap,"he' replied. -- I really thought - for-- a mo-ment that . he had gone crazy, but heslipped his arm through mine and said:"I can Jiardly remember where I havebeen. I can't think of '. anything but 'arappy tap tap, arappy tap tap. You see,unfortunately,' about a year ago in one of


25 "A TENTH, (suitable for camploaua surveying: parties.)


Grocers and Provision Dealers,52 Eort Street, Honolulu.

For the' best' exhibits of Calabashesmade from Hawaiian woods.

For the best Bowls of Wood or Cocoa- -'

nuts.For the best exhibits of native-mad- e

Ornaments of any description.For the best exhibit of Artificial Flowers

and Wreaths.For the best home-mad- e Saddle.For the best home-mad-e Harness.







:o:- -


my railroad journeys I noticed the singu-lar fact that the noise made by the truckof a passenger coach in passing over therails was always like the words arappytap tap. fc '

"I had never noticed it before, but IPACIFIC FRESNO" FAMILY FLOUR.Division V. Poultry and Birds.

. Prizes will be given for exhibits of a highclass' character in ail classes of DomesticFowls and Cage Birds. .

Commercial Advertiser


Tbe steamer Ewa brought 420 bunches bananasfrom Ewa, Oahu, May 11th, which were put onboard tbe bark Colusa.

Tbe American burkentine Eureka, Captain H.Meyers, sails to-u- ay with a full cargo of sugarfor San Francisco.

The Bolivian bark Guillernio was berthed atthe Pacific Mail Company's wharf May 11th.

The barkentine Amelia will leavefor San Francisco with about 9,000 bags sugar,2,000 bags rice and 500 bunches bananas.

The bark Hercules is discharging coal near theOceanic Company's wharf.

The tern W. S. Bowne finishes unloading cargoto-da- y.

Tbe American brigantine John D. Sprecktls,Captain Charles S. Friis, sails at noon to-d- ay forSan Francisco with 7,693 bags sugar, which weretaken In May 11th.

The steamer J. "A. Cummins brought 1,000

bags sugar May loth, which were put on boardthe barkentine Amelia.

The steamer Waimanalo brought 1,500 water-melons, 110 bags taro, 20 passengers and SO

packages sundries from Waialua. She leavesthis morning for Waianae and Waialua, Gahu.

Tbe steamer Kilauea Hou sails at 6 o'clock thisafternoon for Paauhau, Eohalalels, Kukaiau andOokaW ilamak ua, Hawaii.

The American barkentine Ella, Captain E. C.

Rust, sail at 10 o'clock this morning with a fullcargo of sugar for San Francisco. .

The schooner Emma takes a cargo of coal andgeneral merchandise to Kauai to-da- y.

Tbe steamer C. It. Bishop will take about 1,800bags sugar to Koolac this afternoon to be

' ' "'milled. ".

Tbe harks Ceylon and Glengaber may be ex-

pected la arrive to-d- ay from San Francisco.The American bark "Colusa, Captain Charles

Backus, sailed out of harbor May 11th at 4:30 p.m., with 1,900 tons sugar and about 1,000 bunchesbananas for San Francisco. L

: ' -

. '"i .: I A Want Supplied.

steam book a"nd job

Superior to "Golden Gate." TRY IT.

WOODLAWN DAIRY BUTTER.In 1 lb. Bricks. FRESH from tho Dairy DAILY.

CALIFORNIA FIREWORKS CO.Tarties desiring Fireworks for the Fourthof July celebration will please place, theirorders for the'.'.'Australia"., returning MaylOthj as the factory will not fill ordera

, through other channels.

have never stopped noticing it since; andit has become very annoying to me. Ihave traveled on every railroad in everykind of passenger coach in this country,and wherever I go it i3 arappy tap tap.The Only variation ' that I have discoveredis that these sounds are sioudest when, thetrack is poorest and the fejeed the greatest,and that they are not heard at all whenthe track is good or the train is movingvery slowly. I can't imagine what pro-duces that regular succession of sounds.I have laid awake in my berth all nightthinking about it I do believe it will runme crazy. V He turned off. at the nextcorner, and as far as I could hear him hewas saying "Arappy tap tap, arappy taptap, arappy tap tap." Chicago Journal.'


I prepared tq d6 ill Jclndof' ' i , 1 ii J f 1 K

Commercial & Legal Work Special Refrigerator FacilitiesHaying just Received a Complete and Nev

; ; , SPECIAL XOT1CE."Prizes will also b6 given for meritorious

exhibits in any of the above, Divisions, al-

though not falling within the publishedclassification; also for the best exhibits ofJatns, Jellies, Picklesk and other Preserves,made in the Kingdom.

.The necessary accommodation for exhibtits will be provided, by the Society.- Notice in writing of intention to exhibitis requested. Blanks for the 'purpose canbe bad at the office of A. Jaeger, Esq., et,

or from the undersigned.- Exhibits inust be in place before the open-

ing of the Show or they will not be entitledto compete for prizes., ijAdniii8ion.50 cento, children half price.-Member- s

of the "Society , will .be admittedfree Ion. presenting their receipts for sub-scription for the current year.

- Any person can become a" member of theSociety by paying the annual subscriptionof $5.00.

.Subscriptions are payable to A. Jaeger,

A Queer Dinner. . ;Eccentricity at dh.e dinner table seems

to be the rage this season. Any startlingor unique innovation appears to be wel JoHypesjDiOrDaieDb

Home Industry.;, iIt is always interesting to watch the

growth of home industries, whether ona large scale or on a small one. Thereare several important branches of manu-factures established in Honolulu and allare patronized as they deserve to be.Among these Wenrier & Co. may bementioned as having achieved great suc- -

cess in their own especial line as ' gold'and silversmiths, manufacturing jew-elers, . etc. This firm has turned outseveral very valuable and elegant arti-cles of jewelry of late. The magnificent




'. fish '.- -

ERXJIT, &e.Received by every Steamer in the Ice House. ,

C7"Satisfaction assured to all customers favoring us with their patronage.P. O. Box 505. . ; 51Stf Both Telephone. Jfo. i:iO

Of the LiteitjStvleu. from the most' Celebra ted jfoundrieB of the; United States,

and " employing only Experiencedand,.i'a8tr, Workmen, (we.arejt .4 t.

prepared to' turn but'The "Elele" book, job and newspaper

office, corner of Queen and li streets; op-

posite office of the Board of Health, have,in connection with their already extensive i i. IShelter : Ilcails,

J! 1 i 1 rT r a

received uwniunu be worn oy rierxuajestyyueenprinting establishment, just perS. S. Australia, through Messrs. Palmer & Kapiolani at the Opera . in San

Bill Heads,; , n cirtaun,'''1"

Note Heads.Francisco, which was so greatly admired,u i Nlntetuenta,

Esq.' Acting Treasurer.By order of the Board of Managemen t.. .i ... ; .'

J.: S. WEBB,616may2tf V. - . , Secretary.

I A Superior Opportunity !

BillMof ltdiHK.

MortgraK Blanks,

come." The fresh young man who cuts ahuman- -- face --o-n an- - orange and - thensqueezes the fruit until the eyes weep andthe mouth drizzles is in his glory. Ifladies, are at the (. fable he takes greater!pleasure in exhibiting his artistic skill.' IA1few smile, some give vent to exclamationsand others; preserve a dignified silence.;Pffeling an orange geometrically is anotheraccomplishment. ; The yellow rind is cutin lines with a sharp penknife until ft re-sembles the "prisoner's puzzle," just nowattracting so much attention. .The skin isthen- - stripped from the fruit in sections,making quaint angles, made amusing by;the explanations1 1 accompanying i them.'The apple, the Malaga grape, the radishand the banana also afford much amuse--ment in the hands of accomplished artists.Indeed, one man has won such eclat by,his skill in carving vegetables andlents that-- he in society - r.s"Banana Bob." New York Cor. Kansas"City Times.

."IVhat Society Never Forgives. ;

! A man can get "all his other work doneout for him; his painting, his sculpture,his music, his law, his finance, even histhinking 'he --can get ' done Out for him,pretty cheap, too. Mr. Bennett once saidthat nothing was so dirt cheap as brains."

But he cannot get the conduct of lifedone out for hinu i If. he .prefers to leadan indolent and useless life, some fine dayhe will get np in the morning and .find allsociety with its back turned; he runs therisk; he need hope for no quarter. Societynever forgives the sins it has fostered.Mrs. John Sherwood in New York World.

Shipping; con ti4arlr,tlt

Rey, of San Francisco, direct from themanufactory. New York City, a GORDONJOB PRINTING PRESS, one of the finestand-bs- t in the world, and of the largestsize made." There is nothing in this coun-try to compare with it. To examine thisfine piece of workmanship is woith & visitto the'Elele' office. It excels inrdoing thefinest kind of work in the nhortest possibletime.

Merchants and others requiring printingof any kind done- - at short notice, and atreasonable rates, will' do well to give the"Elele" office a call. Telephone "No.544. .


if one may judge from the newspaper re-ports, was manufactured by Wenner &,

Gor Her - Majesty also took, with' herother unique specimens of the jeweler'sart by the same firm, and it is kept busyexecuting orders for residents of theKingdom, who now find they need notsend abroad for any description of workof that kind.' Of course the store ofWenner & Co., Fort street, is well filledwith the newest and best class of goodsprocurable abroad, but manufacturing toorder is a specialty.

(In Hawaiian A KngMfh)

Calendan.Blank C'htfoks,



li you want a fine CIGAR, try softie of Straiten & Storm's, which have justarrived at '

Ktork Vrtitlcat.- -- Builni Cards. a

. . . r Jfeal Cbeefea,HI Ik Ticket.

1 .; HOliLISTEE & G0.S,Bank Clieekrran on i co,

Orders,A 4k Snnann Street. BeeelptA,. I

109 Eort Street,itlarrlace Certlfleares,' Diplomas, 73

Bethel Union Church.After the devotional exercises at the

Lyceum last evening a business meetingof the congregation of the Bethel UnionChurch was held. The resignation ofthe pastor, Rev. E. C. Oggel, was ac-cepted. A committee was appointed todraft a resolution of respect. The jointcommittee) on the matter of consolidationwith the Fort-stre- et Church presented areport of their proceedings. Final actionon the matter will betaken in about amonth from now.

- Ca-aljrie- ,- -The beggars of . Ttome,lit is estimatedreceive $2,000,000 a year, and 500 are saidto be worth from $15,000 to $25,000 each. Blotting: I'tirth

Atid in fact ewrything which a first-cla- ss

office can lo.

rora Course ofXibt Lessons,Budclent ia get th pupil to reading and writinPhonograph)', 8.'--- :

For a Coniplete Ieinentary Conrse,Of 'rwenty-ftm-r lessons, f18. ' '

:. For the Reporting Course,A sufficient number of lessons to make tbe p&pilwith proper exertion on his part, a practicalreporter, 15; xr, reporting lessons may: be tak-en in courses ot twenty-fou- r lessons, for $18per course.;'. Three courses, or seventy-two les-sons, will generally suffice.

This instruction may be taken by zaail.For fall particulars inquire at the office of thispaper; ' '' '"'-

. V M9marl8d&wtf -


&on. Steel, Pipe, Mill and Mi ni ng Supplies.Ill to 113 California St.. Han Franeiseo,

The two-be- st rules for a system of - rhe-toric are, "first, have something to saytund next, say it. Emmons.'' "

Only House making specialty of Fine Groceries and Table DeUcaeia. Ner N'oveltlos always


OTELIA MAU. : - - .'

ALBERT MATJ & CO.," ; ' ' nil'cniTERs foreign ad domestic .

Fancy and Staple Groceries,Correspondence SoUcltedi ! "

- San Frsnchco, Cnl., lT. M. A., . , SOLE AGENTS FOR

Dealers in Chinese Fancy Goods, assortedSatin, Silks," Crape, Embroidered Silk

Handkerchiefs, Scarfs and Shawls, GraasCloth and Grass Cloth Handkerchiefs.


Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Case, Paper Cutter, Fans and Jew-

elry Cases, etc.


Rattan and Ebony Wood Chairs. Mat-tin- g

made ; ;'--by hand. -

' Gtnthler the Chicaf candv man. la an FOE SALE.Gordon & Dilwortb's line Preserred Frnit and Jellies Injrlass; RlchaMwon & Bobbins' CannH,Potted or Deviled Meats. Curried Oysters, Fowl, Plum Pudding; inos. jueyer & r yj

r V Sons Chocolate, Cocoatneu, etc.; d. rrann.ti RnAx Vifrt Franco-America- n French Soups, in glass ,

VegeUbles, eto.; H. O. Wilbnr feon1 TtiaAT-iit- .' Tarn Hr l"a a a Cn I

maeratigaDle collector of autographs.Not long ago he paid $5,000 for a Shake--"eperean autograph, and now has bought amummy. r. 1 t v - c j

If vl vhas 'a good man ' I like to haf derfact kept off my tombstone." Der grave-ydcrit-ic

gifs nopody credit. Call

s only genuine ,and tins-- ' Windsor Minor Pickles: Shrewsbury Tomato Ketchup Mao Urqnarh'

Honolulu Almanac and Directory.The Honolulu Almanac and directory

for 1887 is now for sale at J. H. Soper'sand A. M. Hewett's news depots and atthis office. Price 50 cents. It containscomplete statistical and - general . inforxnatioxi relating to 'these Islands. ' '

rSi HAVE A ULEQE i QUAUTTTY OP OLDV newspapers on hand, which will be sold

for 25 cents hundred. TBey are nseful forwripplog parcel, laying nnfler carpets, etc.

,i R C, ADVEBTtSEB. !i

imparted Worcestershire Sauce; Dandicolle it G anJin's trencn musarowui, Vglass; J. Mottet & Cie., prize medal pur Olive Oil; Gilibert k TeKsier's French Maccaronll. A or-- ;

micelU and Pastes; Adams' pure Maple Syrup; itattoni's Giesahubler (Karlsbad) Emprpsa of Table :

Waters; A. B. Cleveland Co. (Limited) new process Split Peas;. Merritt s Rnset Cidr: l.oi.rlNorton's Pineapple Cheege; Julius J. Wood Starch Co.; Yosemite Fruit Packing Co., Tan I tueUt o,California..- - , - .iQUU

Page 4: eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 6. 2. · Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitaoie leugius iot

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MAY 12, 1887.' : : ' ' I 71-- 77 : j .:..- '

s .

' "Thic is a Tvui bezinnlns." I saidWHEN I AM DEAD. 3&&frtistnums.


TTh6n I am dead and buried under ground,I And your dear eyes still greet the shining day,? Will you remember "Thus she used to sayAnd thus, and thus, her low voice used to sound?"Will memory wander like a ghost around

The well known paths tread the accustomedy way;

Or will you pluck fresh blossoms of the May,'And waste no rose upon my burial mound I,

I would not have your Life to sorrow wed'. Your joyous youth grief stricken for my sake:

Though black winged Care her home with youshould make--Yet

vain would be the scalding tears you shed,And though your heart for love of me should

break,I should not hear, or heed, when I am dead.

Louisa Chandler Moulton in Youth's Companion.

BEAM.nowBELLE OF BAR HARBOR. Fourth Year of Publication.

THE j30jNT01,TJ:LT7

tills girl just to-Ga- y wanted meto assert myself ? I knew her theoryof married life was closely similar toher practice as a maid. She was to rule.She was to flirt as much as she chose. Herhusband was to be a lover, a favoredlover, but not be ugly in temper to thoseless favored. Could it be her whim, Iasked myself, to have me set it crudelybefore her that I had come here to get herpromise and must have it?. The risk of afalse step was enormous just at that hourand at that conjunction. Now, and thenshe would stop, look about :her search-ingl- y,

and appearo be' listening. Wemade for the steep4.de of the island over-looking the bay and the village in order tosee the flotilla pass once more (thank: God,without us 5 before the admiral's canoe, f

. "Aren't you tired of all. that?" asked I,nodding in the direction of Bar Harbor,PKwe seated ourselves under a stuntedcedar where, unseen, we could note thecvhole bay. I had placed myself as nearas I dared, and played with the yellow

,silk tassel of the cap she had discarded. 7"Eh? What? i Bar Harbor? I think It

s puffectly splendid!" cried this exas-perating young person.

I nursed my knee and my thoughts.That abstraction was real; it was not as-

sumed. At such a moment, : in such aplace, in the company of (hm) such a man,to be distrait was indeed a symptom notalarming merely,, but crushing. Mythroat went rather dry, and I think Imust have groaned a little, for she fixedher glorious eyes full of a liquid brownfire upon me, and asked if I felt ill!

"Yes," I said, snappishly. "I do feelill. Talk to me, amuse me, sing to me!I have been paddling you about ; youmight at least do something in turn."

She straightened herself up from alounging position and looked at me care

' 'fully.'Why, you're as crazy as Tommy

Moore!"We both laughed, and then I entreated

her to sing. From being perfectly inflexible,she suddenly consented, as if a thought

gloomily, "for what I have been lookingforward to impatiently for months.!"

"Have you!'" she asked, giving me alook to take one's breath away. itappears to me that a series of letters andtelegrams were needed, to get you here atall ah, there's Turtle island!Do you know, iu all the time I've beenhere, I never Landed on Turtle islandonce!

I fancied she looked as if she expectedsomething, so I said at a venture:

'Nothing simpler. I'll paddle youthere after the review."

Was I abnormally suspicious, or did shemean anything by that remark? It wasone thing to know generally that she hadbeen sitting on the rocks with other men,going , to picnics, paddling about the baydancing, taking walks and most indubit-ably flirting for a good two months; butit was quite another to see the men them-selves and find the delicate game of intel-lectual immorality in full blast under myvery nose. ... - -

My vanity came to the rescue just thenand suggested that she was giving me oc-

casion to see her alone; for on the rugged,desolate island there was less chance ofinterruptions than, in or about Bar Har-bor, So tliinking., I cheered up visiblyand Idita watched me with swift glancesout of those Creole eyes of hers andsmiled softly to herself, humming nowand then a tantalizing air that stoppedshort, like the song of the mocking bird,just when it ? seemed about to launchdeeper into melody. Altogether Iditapresented an impish and tricky moodthat day such as ! never knew her toshow before or since.

At the meet there was the usual confu-sion, calling, laughter,-- bumping of ca-

noes, small shrieks from over excited girls,coming and going of the official boats. Iwas promptly boarded by Mrs. Gaunt,who held me with a gimlet eye while shetalked about Idita. In a few minutes Iheard more names of men who had been,

SAN JOSE. CAL.r u. 5. A.


For the Year of Onr Lord 1887, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic'l Calend'ro .


Official and Business Directory of HonoluluThe Fine Exhibit Made 'at the fair by

the EredericKsburg Brewing Co.:o: -

. v 'Oneof tho most novel and unique exhibits of the Mechanics' Fair was that of the

Fredericksburg Lager Brewing Co. It was in the form of a bower, the ruof being formedof hop vines, while around the sides were arranged the various package s of the famousFrederi ckaburgbeer. This company was the Dionter in the manufacture of lager, on the


Full Statistical and General InionnationILSr&TIHG TO THE HAW'II ISXAIJDS. Coast. After overcoming many obstacles they..hve .succeeded, in producing an export

Lager ISTot SurpassedGreat pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the meat useful and comprehen- -had struck her, and presently one after anSSS'St 8i r of the.kiDd ever published in the Hawaiian KingdomIt the fact that their

How. can they doIu th fimt plaoe

By any other made in the United Stales. A proot of this it seen ingoods are Bold as far East as Chicago, despite Eastern competition,this after paying freight over 3,000 miles of railroad,, it may be aaked.cedars of Turtle island in an uncultivated W1AI De iouna invaiuaoie to men oi Dusiness, Travelers ana tourists,

Suddenly she stoppedbut rich contralto,short.

hops are better and cheaper here than in the East; again, California barley is the bestgrown in the United States; but the chief reason in the superior quality 'of the brew. Aithey ue only the finest artesian water and the very best material, andhave all the bestand latest machinery, they are able to produce an article that ; ...And over Tommy did go just as I spoke

The canoe club was to give a receptionand review of the boats. By telegramand letter I had been summoned to MountDesert to take part In the solemn rites olthe occasion. The telegram was from theadmiral, announcing that I had beenelected a member and must show up.Now, I had never even heard there wassuch a club in existence, and probably fewmen are more childlike in their ignoranceof the paddle. The letter was from ayoung lady I knew well, whose name Ihad been pained to see mentioned in anewspaper as the "Belle of Bar Harbor."

If there is a being I loathe it is a belle.What rudeness have I not suffered fromthe pert, intolerable little girls whosehead3 have been turned by that word!What inanities have I not been forced tosmile at because long hair and a prettynose or a trunk full of Worth dresses ora claque of female relatives, have startedthe fashion of calling an otherwise harm-less young woman a belle!

I knew this belle before, however, andnever found her dull. She was a speci-.me- n

of the rich complexioned women ofMobile, languid on the surface but full ofenergy when aroused. After all, said I tomyself, as I weighed her letter in my

. hand, she has done nothing to warrantthe vulgar appellation, that I'll be bound;only, no matter how it may be hidden, theMobile rose cannot stifle its perfume. Shehas been dubbed a belle in spite of herself.Then, looking at the warm words and theimperative orders that were couched in:her peculiar long slanting characters, Ifelt it would not be in human nature todisobey.

Bar Harbor was just the same a na-ture beautiful, solemn and - marvelous inthe act of being cheapened and degradedby a mob of tow-nliug- s. The buckboardswere toiling up the steep hills, yachtswere coming and going in the harbor, allthe sophomores from college in NorthAmerica were escorting misse3 andmissuses up and down tho board walks ortalking nonsense in groups on the broadpiazzas of the most hideous of .hotels.Surveying these with the jaundiced eyesof one who could not join in the gamesave for the briefest time, one more orless in love, I may as well confess, butwho knew far too much to trust greatlyto encouragements thatought to have,meant everything, I was aware of Idita atthe top of a long flight of steps talking tothree boys and a man and managing tohalloo to a fourth, who was hurryingdown the street. It looked very muchlike a" belle, I thought, but, sighing, Iraised a sad hand of greeting all thesame. Idita saw me, and, like Camilla,skimmed downward over the unbendingsteps as if she meant to fling herself intoxny arms.

"Glad, so glad you're here!" she panted.

only it was, rather, that his canoe gotfrom under him and let him down. Like

and is gaarauteea a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to tho latestmoment. ;

-; H ' ' 1

Articles of special value to tho Islands have oeen prexared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition a ad prospect abroad.

you or me in such a case he tried to climbon the bottom of the canoe, which there

, . DEFIES COMPETITION;Their Export Lager iso perfect that it will keep any number of years in any climate,and is sold largely in Mexico, Australia, the Islands, South kAmerica,' and in shortthroughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years' their outnut has Quadrupled: last.

upon got from under him just as cleverly

were or were about to be in a state ofviolent love with that young lady than mybrain could possibly retain. Only , one im-pressed himself by reason of picturesque-nes- s.

The youth, whose name I missed,had fallen headlong a slave to the cruelMobilian, and had then and there retiredto some fastness to brood on his hopelesspassion and, so it appeared, his wrongs.For Idi ta had certainly: snubbed him out-rageously, if half what Mrs. Gaunt saidwas true. . Another the moral of it all

abided by me also. Is it necessary tostate it? I, too, would promptly undergolike treatment at those little hands I, too,would be encouraged, enjoyed, quarreledwith, snubbed and bruslled aside.

"But, my dear lady," said I, "in anyevent no mountain top or fastness in thewilds for me! No; if Idita I mean MissIdita should be so harsh to an old, old'friend, I would not go away where I couldnot see her, but stay right here andgive'; her. a good nhb myself jiow andthen!"

T 1 fr noQi vn toTb- - IIVa fViot" " ohik

as before; it is the way with canoes. Thisthing occurred five or six times before we year it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this year will exceed that amount.

inro ucriHuo- - flit, ahnvu nu lotrn fli&f tlio VrnAt-- r i r'kkim rir Ttrwinir On. nrna awarilfvlrealized that Tommy was very likely not Send in your orders for copies early.to climb any more if help was not given. the first prize, a silver medal, for the best Export Lager," also the first prize, anothersilver medal, for the " beat Keg Lager Beer."

t Journal of, Commerce; San Francisco. ' ' 1I scrambled down the hill, and had gothalf way when somebody dropped froma tree above an outlying rock, his strawhat flying as he came, sprang into - the 1876; GEO. W. LINCOLN. 1886.

XJTI D ER.water, laid hold of the canoe, seizedTommy by the neck, and held him theother side of the overturned craft until hecould get his breath. Then he began tohaul and swim toward the. shallow, and

CHaviog been appointed OLEfAGENTS for the Hawaiian Islardj for the abovecelebrated Brewing Company, we are now prepared ' to fill all order for the trade' andfamily consumption at bedrock figures. ' ' '

23 Nmianu Street, Honolulu.;presently got Tommy into safety. It wasanswered compassionately, "because it in done so quickly that my services were not 75 and 77. Kinp Street, - - - - Honoluluneeded. The man came from the sky, assures to us poor wall ; flowers who have

outgrown our youth and beauty anotheramusing episode in the unparalleled career it were a deus ex Mackinaw, as Tommy

65Bell Telephone No. 275. Bfutnnl Telephone No. 65. P. O. BOX 504.of the belle of Bar Harbor." 369 1ec23d-wt- f BOTH TELEPHONES No. 46.afterward said, when the straw hat of hisrescuer was fished out. Tommy alwaysThe she devil had divined that I hateddid make the worst puns when hysterical.that expression. I ground my teeth so

The sea at Mount Desert being icy cold,that she was' frightened. She began to PACIFIC HAEDWMI CO;; Fd;talk to somebody else, and fearing that Iwould tell Idita what she had said, set incirculation a story the point of which wasthat I could not be trusted for a moment

P r

Idita and I set to work to make a fire atonce, and called to the two sopping onesto come up. I noticed that, consideringthe danger . there had been, Idita wasstrangely moved and lightheaded, butwhen the third man came up she evidentlyknew him. So did. I. He was a long


Lumber aiid. Coal,so shocking a liar was I!

Lionfnns: to be off, l round laita in IRONMMGEESearnest talk with Tommy- - Moore, .who legged, very quiet chap from Maine, whonever went into society, hated young"Almost gave you up. Those three won't

verily looked more like a crazy man thananything else; he was furious at my goodluck and, seemed to be, saying violentthines as I came lip. It was fine to see

ladies, had a rooted dislike of southerners,believe I'm engaged for the canoe review, Doors, 8ash and . Blinds. All kind of BUILDfcBS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, GlasB,. MattlDgand regarded women who flirt as no better Fort- - Streer U onoluluana tnat man you passea lias gone to preIdita quiet and quell him, but my arrivapare hi3 boat for me. So you see you are Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement : RTFEL. KAILS, much superior to Iron, and cost but little

"more. :o:than traitors to their sex. We called himBilly Carr what his middle name andfamily were I did not know but. exceptfor prejudices of this kind he was as much

just in time." was not opportune, to say the least; heflung himself away and walked to a gra3sy"But," said I, "it strikes me that I find

you a belle! and a bad case of belle." hillock overlooking the , scene, where.heard afterward, he rolled on the turf like"jso more nonsense 1 Your canoe, oura madman and uttered curses never heardcanoe, is all prepared and I have only half John Wieland Brewman hour to dress." . . before from those gentle lips. gCo.




But the signal was given ana we emit was iu in tne morning, and 1 sur-veyed her pretty costume with raised barked. I wonder bow many of the menbrows.

liked, by those who knew him intimately,as any man I have met. "Well, Billy Carrand Idita kept looking at each other in acurious way, and finally Tommy Moorespoke, rather hoarsely:

"Billy, you saved my life just now.""Oh, that's all right.""I ought to, I wiU tell you right here

before Miss Idita. I slandered you, Billy.I told her .you were notoriously dissipated;that "you never went anywhere becausepeople wouldn't receive you. It was a

had ever been in a birch before. I hadn't."Oh, this won't do. . Now, don't be

eilly. Get into your rowing flannels andBut I knew theoretically how to work thepaddle, and was determined to die rather LACrER BEERthan let Idita see that I was what' is . vuKmeet ine just here I" And away she flew

into the hotel with an audacious word or, garly called a duffer . Fortunately rtbattwo right and left at her boyish admirers young lady was and is a round weight ; The best Beer on the Pacific Coast.Among them was one who looked very she is not loveliness in its most ethereal lie, of course; but I did hear it said. I I

aspect, so my canoe was well down in the -- :o:repeated what I heard, and didn't deny it.Will you forgive me, Billy?"water and easier to handle, r Fortunntelj',

also, the need of keeping the line made Carr held out his hand, but Idita burst SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1885. 68,059 BARRELS OF BEERprogression slow, so that I had nearlv into tears."I never, never will forgive you, Mr.half an hour in which ; to take jny first



A very full and fresh stock, 'at lowest market prices.' - 1886, 86,039lesson. Once or twice I . scattered the never 1" And she wept and

sobbed as if her heart would break.wrong kind of diamonds over that divinehead, but Idita seemed too happy to care' 66Sold more beer than the next three leading Breweries of California,I tiptoed away, beckoning Tommy to

follow, as the fire was now started andthere was nothing else to do. We wentdown to the canoe in silence; in silence we M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS,paddled to Bar Harbor; in silence I tookmy tickets by the evening steamer to BBEWEEY, SECOND ST., NEAE F0LS0M,Frenchman's bay. I have always be

W as she happy because at last I had come?Her eyes were fixed on Turtle island, andmy own heart beat fast. Is she thinkingof our agreement? I kept wondering.

We moved gayly and magnificently upthe bay and down, then turned for thegrand review with the .addition to ourranks of several score of . late comers.Among them was Tommy Moore, as 1

found to my dismay, for he jammed hiscanoe alongside mine and took a balefulpleasure in bothering me in every way hecould. When he came . in Idita'e line of

lieved since that Mobile women are the 42 and 44 Queen St.,i i HONOLULU.

43 Clay Street,SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.


W. LUCE, Vgent, Importers and Wholesale Grocers.vision that charmer merely nodded to him "HONOLULU, H. I. 578 aprUtfdw A FULL LINE OF


Viost charming but the naughtiest creat-ures in the world. "Cais" in New YorkTimes.

. Railroads Not Necessarily Ujrly. :u '

Why people fancy that a railroad mustnecessarily be an ugly bject I never havediscovered. There are railroads andrailroads; a long, straight, raised em-bankment in a flat country is ugly; but arailroad in a mountainous country addsan additional charm to the view. Fewthings are more beautiful than a brickviaduct across a valley, unless it be theline of steam which issues from a loco-motive and hangs in ' graceful curveseJong a hillside. Why they are deemedobjectionable by cesthetes, poets and suchlike persons is because they are asso-ciated with that utilitarianism which is

THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.- Have completed and offer for sale the following: Boilers, vis:

hard at me, I thought, and I puzzled mybrains to recall him. A very blonde head,blue eyes, a look of a much older manwhen you examined him, thin legs, welldeveloped shoulders, a chin in the air . andthe back of the head considerably behindbis heels there he is, a funny mixture ofstrut and deprccfion, of candor and in-sincerity. But hi glance was sincere, if Iknew anything sincere in not liking me.Why not me? Of course, the obvious thingwas that ho was in love with Idita. But,I grumbled to myself, bow is it that Idita,who is nice enough to warrant me inwell, in being very much attached to her,can support about her such wretched littleidiots as this? That was what I could notunderstand, and gave the question up asinsoluble.

Walking to the meet I ventured to putit to Idita as gently as passible, at theeatae time that I begged that she wouldbe - equally candid. She certainly lookedmarvelously beautiful in the little Tarn oShanter, with tassel of yellow silk, andthe white flannel dress embroidered in thesame manner. The coquette!

r She hadthe prettiest yellow Chinese clogs on herfeet, and did not mind a bit rolling abouta little on their small, rounded soles.

"Fact is, my dear boy, at a place likeBar Harbor it positively won't do for agirl to be seen without somebody talkingto her. The mothers keep count and telleach other " whether Kitty, Lucy, Mariahas three men with her or one, or none;and somehow the consoling words ad-dressed to the mother whose daughter isseen alone do not carry with them thecomforts of Christian consolation. Nowthat young man of whom you speak sodisrespectfully is full of merit. He is

to. begin with, and sends melovely flowers. Then he knows every-body. Then he has a tongue tipped withpoison, and everybody fears it. Besides,he is a man of infinite taste he admiresme!"

"More than he does me," said I."You don't say so!" cried Idita, whose

animation at Bar Harbor came to me as asurprise, for in town she was rather lan-guid. I attributed it. to the bracingclimate. "Does it work already? Now, 'isn't that nice of him to come to time at .

once?""See here," said I, a little savagely, and

Plantation Stores, Pork, Flour. Beans,Salnioii, Ifeef,Ikead, etc.Oallaway Boiler. 19ft. 61n;x 6ft1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS Tubular Boiler, 15Tt.61n.x6fv

lightly, as if nothing had happened out ofthe way perhaps it was an everydaymatter to her that a poor little societybaby should roll on the ground and cursehorridly on her account. I could not getrid of him till 1 bethought me of retalia-tion, and having by a skillful hoist underthe stern of his canoe given Tommy verynear to a ducking, 'that malign . youthkept a more respectful distance, and onlytried to "fascinate" Idita with his 'eye?'and express with his nose what , hethought of me and my vile paddling.

The joke was dull as we approachedTurtle island again, so I slackened up andedged away to "the furthest boat on thewing,, deaf to the call cf the commodore,and a3 the line moved abreast of the islandI did my prettiest to get round the pointto the other side, there to land there tohave Idita all to myself I Luckily, Tommywas wedged into the line so that he could

Freeh arrivals by every eteamer and Failing vessel. Special inducements offeredfto Portuguese Traders, in a variety of Fresh Good especially , '

suited Jo their, wants. , ,

1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 6 in.

f Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft, alsohateful to their mooning; unpracticalminds. London Truth. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOtt

Cigars in the Year 1812.The first cigar made in Connecticut was Dry- 1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft, x 4 ft. and (jreen Hiaes and Goat Skins.

w je27-- Apply to , 1h.o Honolulu Iron Works Co. LARGEST ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ON THE ISLAND.' '

put up in 1812. At that time 73 cents perthousand was the . price paid for theirmanufacture. They were rudely rolledby the women on the farms and were II aiia-;::GrKIIS- f:usually exchanged for groceries at thecountry stores. Chicago Times.

not see the skulkers, and I flattered myself,as we forged over into the smooth waterbehind the point, that he had not detected 43 and 44: fciifn Street, Honolulu.A Story or Xdncoin. ? S

At a dinner in Albany the other dav theour escape. How to get Idita out of theslippery canoe was tho next thing thatnearly turned my hair gray; but it wasdone well (though 'tis I who say it) at the

Hon. Andrew S. Draper told this store of Corner of I Fort and Merchant Streets.--Lincoln: 'Immediately after the battle of - .. .. FGettysburg Lincoln sat down and wrote aperemptory order to Gen. Meade to Inter -- IMPORTERS OF--

expense of one of my feet soaked with saltwater. x To feel her hand on my shoulder,to-hav- e her weight fall'on .me when shesprang from' the; big rock, are mere mat-ters of detail that recur to me just nowwith singular vividness, I know not why.

SIeus and Boys Fm Castcin-iraiia- e Clotlif gr, Fnrnfthlnc Goods,cept Lee in his .retreat, give him battle,and by this bold stroke crush the' rebelarmy and end the rebellion. . The. orderwas accompanied by a friendly note, inwhich the great patriot said to Meade:"The order I inclose is not one of' record.

unless we remember best the kindnessesthat we receive just before the final

r i itIf you succeed you need not publish theorder. If you fail, publish it. Then if "

you succeed you will have all the credit ofthe movement. If not, I'll take the re-sponsibility." New York Sun. ' "

TRUNKS, ETC. t Island ordeis eolicited and promptly attended to. Satisfaction gnaran-7- 0


,r '. ;' f - ' f ' 1

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. jY?-- " V? h "'rf '''f'i'wr",r!, " 'V ' J, .

-- :SdJ- : ;.n;-.- .. .:..,. .. :

'1 V

WIS. v - :

111 Fort Street. Importers and Dealer in, '

stopped to face her, "have you summonedme to this goose farm to play me offagainst that little gander?"

"Oh, you suspicious boy!" she answered,holding out her hand. "There, I forgiveyen; kiss it and return to your collar.For you are, remember, no less my slavehere than you were last winter in town, .

and what I say must be done. Hear, obey,and it will be well for you."

"Pshaw 1 How long are yon going tokeep this uq? Am I to see anything ofyou. or are the Tommy Moores and othsrthings going to surround yon in order thatyour mother shall be spared the remarksof her elderly friends?"

Idita walked on faster and threw meher words over her shoulder.

"Oh, you needn't bother about me afterto-da- y, if you don't want to. I did refuseall engagements for tho next few days,but a balle, you know or- - perhaps youdon't lik 3 the word? well, a girl with afair drcl cf acquaintance will be able tocet alone all the same."

breach.; ; r .

But the walk over the narrow grassborder and through the swinging walls oievergreen was-a-thin- g to --remember, too.Idita's gay spirits were gone, and Ifancied, that both of us were in the inoodof moods that runs before decisive andblissful speech. I cannot say that I hadmade up '.my rrfind; totask her to marry.If you know Idita you will never thinkthat; for.what would be the good? Anytime duiJig the preceding winter shecould have said, and it would have been.Now also was it for her to speak, accord-ing to her own, repeated : declaration ofrights. Besides, I suppose my eyes spokeall she cared to know much better thanmy tongue. And yet uld it, be pos-sible that this girl, who was so self assert-ive, who continually gave men , the alter-native to do exactly, say exactly whatshe willed or .be cast , into outer , dark-ness and cnashins of teeth, -- that

Staple and. Fanc. Groceries.

Increase of Colored People. -

Bishop Alexander VT. Wayman, thegreat leader of the colored Methodist3,asked the other day why the colored'people of the south increased so muchmore, rapidly than the white, answered:"We draw from three sources, while the.white people only draw from one everycolored woman whose husband is white,the children --axe set - down on i our side;every white woman whose husband is col-ored, which condition, exists in the north,the ' children are set down on.' our side;every offspring of pure African blood, ofcourse, is set down on our side: while the

:o:- -

Stoves, Banges MFEESH GOODSBy every steamer from California, and always on hand, a fall and complete line"d

JProvisiolis, Etc. ; ,

.61 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. Ol Box No. 29?,Plumbing, Tin; Copper and Sheeii Iron Worlrwhite people only draw from .one source,

themselves. ' ' New York Sun.