1 J - I ft L V f i y -- - J iT -- ii - - - - fc J Vol XIX HONOLULU T H SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 1904 No 2962 - Ocean The Fine Paotenger Stoamoro of Thia Lino Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Hereunder FBOEa SJ1H FNCXSCQ SONOMA OOT 6 VENTURA OOT d ALAMEDA OOT 14 ALAMEDA OOT 19 OOP 26 SIERRA OOT 25 ALAMEDA t NOV i ALAMEDA NOV 0 SIERRA 16 SONOMA NOV 15 ALAMEDA NOV 25 ALAMEDA NOV 30 SONOMA k DEO 7 VENTURA DEC 6 ALAMEDA DEO 16 ALAMEDA DEO 21 V i r 4 with the asiling of the above atoamess the Ageutn are prepared to isEao to intending panaoncsro through by any tailrond from San Frnaiaco to all poialn in the United States and from New York by any oteamahip line to oil European porta For iuithor partionlars to w i i S S fA eHji - fWi HAH rim- - r vv f J rm H Stesunsbip Company TIME TABLE nia FRANCISCO VENTURA Inoocneotioa uztfTrrjsn2 General Agents Qoesjiic Company nee uo JjpJAB FACTORS r il 8 V IHFOlTIBBS OP iersl 2leaciandise H AHD f tw T Gflaadian AustxRlian SteaaiBhip Line Britifili Foreign Marine Insurance Co Northern AcBuranca Oo FinVand Oonadian PaciSc ilaiiway Co Pionnpr of Packets Liverpool IMMffltt LIMITED AGENTS FOR Wkstbbn Suoab REFJHma Co Sav Fbanoisoo Oal BuDwm Lcook otivb Wobes Pnr pblpuia Pa Nkweli Uhitkesai Mill Go MaotifaotufPrs of NaUonal Oane Shredder New York N Y JZlUir7INE Paiwx Coupany Sah Fbanoisoo OAr CHtAKDT AND COMPANY SN FeAH OI300 Oal IPAOmO OlI THANSP0BTAT10J Co iSan Fbanoiwo Qal mil SM NOV coupon ticheta apply KM lnRVfi ilnfrAfi c Twin - j y 14 l i u r 1 V f V - - Life y Linn from i 1 CuKV3 SPIIKOKLES WM Q IRWIN Glaas 6oMb Ceo UOStOJUIiU r dfm Jrancuco jnU -- THE NEVADA NATIONAL HANK OF SAN FRANCISCO BJJT XXOBASQB 08 tAN KKAHOIBOO Tho Newdi Hlon Cunt o Han FronclBOo OUUON The Union ol London BmitUa Dcnlc Ltd KSV7 YOaK Amoilocu dzohsnss W UonnlHnni OHIO A00 Corn Exohage NnUonal Bonk PAUIQ 0odlt LyonnaiH QH3LIHnroBdnorBBnk aONOKONO AMD YOKOHAMA fln EoneABbanptaBlUankinFtCarpoistlon HKW ZHAIAHD ANI1 AUBTUALI- A- JTcnba of Nen Zenland and AnotrAlgia 7I0TORIA AND VAKOODVaU Bsnk cf Biltlrh Kortn Amerloa C aitsatt Qtntral Banking and SAta o oi Biuiiua I DtpciitB Keoalyod Lodub made on A a 071 SeonrHi Oomraorol and TrsTSl we firedit Iusned Bllln u inei cuziitRnduold sllodtlQxa 3ronpW x V W7 THE DBI0SRT1G PLATFORM OF 1901 Priiicipios Adopted For Ilia Party To Stand On In f bis Campaign Adopted in Territorial Convention on Monday August 22 1904 Reaffirm Allegiance to Democracy We the Democi atic Party o the Territory of Hawaii in convention assepibled do reaffirm our alleg- iance ¬ to the Democracy of the Main- land ¬ and to the fundamental prin- ciples ¬ upon which the Democratic party was founded and which have been consistently7 emphasized by that party ever since Pledged to Mainland Principles We pledge our hearty support to the platform of principles adopted by the St Louis Convention and to the National standard bearers of the party in the coming campaign Judge Alton B Parker and Henry G Davis Centralization of Power In dealing with Territorial mat- ters ¬ we first and foremost enter our protest against the centralization of power in the Executive branch of the Territorial government and the means adopted to secure that end The executive is an appointive one in this Territory and not responsi hle to the electorate and is already clothed with inordinate powers un- der ¬ the Organic Act Exaction of Resignations Not content with this however it seeks to own and control the Leg- islature ¬ dominating the primaries with office holders and henchmen for that purpose Though profess- ing ¬ a desire for clean government it has by the exaction of undated resignations from the heads of all Departments The refusing of government em ¬ ployment to the citizens and tax- payers ¬ of the Territory unless they sign a pledge of fealty to the Re- publican ¬ Party The forced levies of assessments froth office holders for political pur- poses ¬ creating fear of dismissal from office for supposed disloyalty to the Executive and its henchmen Hunting down and defeating Re- publican ¬ candidates for office whose independence might be a bar to the consummation of its ambitions Established graft and machine methods npver before attempted in the history of these Islands All of which we maintain is f eulated to undermine political inde ¬ pendence and the right to open cri- ticism ¬ so necessary to maintain honest government Control of Legislation Wq charge that the manifest de- sire ¬ of the Executive Department of the Territorial government to dominate the Legislature is particu- larly ¬ unfortunate as it means be- fore ¬ long the elimination of that body of intelligent independent and fair minded legislators who have always been found in the legisla- tive ¬ assemblies of these Islands in the past and who have done so much to preserve good government and the balance of power between Continued 0 4th page WALKS ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS Rid Hot Shot From Ona Of Democracys Strongest Candidate Dolivorod nt tbo Orphoum Saturday OTening October 22 1904 Fellow Citizens I am ndt an Auto- crat ¬ I am a Democrat I have identi- fied ¬ myself with what I constlcr to ht the peoples party the Democratic party a party that embraces all classes of so- ciety ¬ and believes in the doctrine of tin supreme power of the government being exercised directly by the people and not by any particular class or individual Tins doctrine derives its origin from the Declaration of Independence where- in ¬ it is enunciated Wc hold these truths to be self-evide- nt that all men arc created equal that they are endowed by their Creator wjth certain Inalienable rights that among these arc life liberty and the pursuiti of happiness That to secure these rights governments arc instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed that whenever any form of government be- comes ¬ destructive to these ends it is the right ofthc people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government lay- ing ¬ its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers iii such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness Hence we see that the form of gov- ernment ¬ conceived by the sturdy chai acters whose genius brought into being the great American Commonwealth was based upon the principle of common consent The medium through which this consent is expressed today is Iht ballotbox This box is the peopled law giver It is as much the expression of the will of God as that of man for Gods hand has been displayed in no un ¬ certain manner in the affairs of our great nation during all its past history It controls the destiny of the American government and of the American pco pic British statesmen like OConncll Grotc Macauley Cobden and Gladstone championed the cause of the ballot box in England until finally in 1872 Glad- stone ¬ secured the full introduction 5f the suffrage This is the instrument by whichthe supreme power of the govern- ment ¬ is exercised directlv by the people and the people should guard audcherish this sacred right as jealously as the gov- ernment ¬ does the specie in the vaults of the national Treasury A man who barters his vote is not fit for American citizenship It matters not whether the commodity received ill exchange for the vote is money or offi- cial ¬ position it is barter and it is brib- ery ¬ and it is a crime against liberty and against conscience and against one of the grandest institutions of the Re public and it is a direct attack upon one of the leading forces in the van ¬ guard of civilization I need only cite the Jaw on elections from the Penal Code of this Territory 11 support of these assertions Par 1491 The following persons shall he deemed guilty of jui election fraud Sixtjon 1 Every person who shall directly or -- indirectly personally or through another give procure or lend or agree or offer to give procure or lend or who shall endeavor to procure any money 0r office or place of employ ¬ ment of valuable consideration to or for any elector or to or for any person for an elector or to or for any person in oruer vo uiuuce any elector 10 vote or refrain from voting or to vote or rt frain from voting for any particular person or party or who shall do any sutli act on account of any person hav ¬ ing voted or refrained from voting for any particular person at any election Section 4 Every elector who shall before during or after any election di rectjy or indirectly personally or through another receive agree or con- tract ¬ for any money gift loan or valu ¬ able consideration office place or em ¬ ployment for himself or any other peri son for voting or agreeing to vote or for refraining to vole or agreeing to re frain from voting or for voting or re- fraining ¬ to vote for any particular per ¬ son or party Suction 6 Every person who shall directly or indirectly pcisoimlly or through another make use of or threat ¬ en lo make use ai any foice violence or restraint or inflict or threaten to in- flict ¬ any injury damage or loss jn aiy manner or in any way practice iutimir dation upon or against any person in order to induce r r compel such person to vote or refrain from voting or Jo vote or refrain from voting for any par- ticular ¬ person or party at any election or on account pf sucli person liaviiig voted or refrained from voting or voted or refrained from voting for any par- ticular ¬ person qr party or who halj by abduction distress oV any device or trivnnce impede prevent or other interfere with the free exercise ofl eiccuvc irancnisc Deprive the people of the lit exercise ot tne sultragc 1 I1PV Vtll lln fln nimJ tamper with the franchise of the il vmuai aim suppress tnc popular and it will seek relief in open violent It 1ft fllrrfnrn llicrlllv cennttql tlic department of the government cl missioned witu tnc grave duty of lorcmg tnc laws lor tne protection civil rights especially those govcrr elpcfinns zlWonif rifnrl drm1l K tirelv free from nnlilirnt liinc in v to insure fair and impartial trcatnlen tnc rights of the parties at issue in outrage of the ballot box at theTt ing election 7 Lord Chief Ttistice I TnlK nf Friiri- - thus expresses his sentiments Ton i sunrage Let the people votefai Interference with n mnne mta nte behalf of this or flip ntllnr nVfn such cases come hpfnrn m tn hn tr - VVUW 1 slnll charge the jury to makeSthe iciiucr pay wen lor it My fellow citizens I charge you ncrmit 1I0 unlawful infliipfir nA AA honorable inducement to stand hft you anu votir Honest conyictidasv elcrtinn rlnx Dnnt etiflo m t bv allowimr voursplf in 1 ltmu h into subservience to political priftclf which arc repugnant to yourbesfju ment and dont be a party tortnak aiy man a custodian ot niWicJhtert to whom yoli would never thinKojfc in Him uyuii inc Milanese 01 your1 brrJatc intrrpsCs Dnnt An t f for tiie man of your choice and fa hii election solely on the groundsof ncrsonal merits mid flip mrrlt nt nnrlv nlntfnrn Tinif f I - u un b J11L UlVlltlll JJU who will - stigmatize themselves1 tl Iiartv and the LemiIntiirpncwoll tell you candidly that I purpose ask iiu man iu jivi me nis voie unless feels morally certain that I will notf trav the trust lip fbprpliv rmncu r L lie hnllot box is n snnrliinrvitlinfMn to be cleansed it has been degraded me past 10 tne low level ot the poltt snoilsmnn nnd if rpmninc fnpitliM of moral courage 111 this commun men wno arc neither the advocates mc luuia ui jiuriy servility 10 eie and dignify it at the coming electlb One of tile fnrtnrs llinK mnfmtv lartrelv to the selection nf cnnlim for legislative bodies is Vflnpntinn t I am proud to stand Vtipon apiatfol that advocates the extension otjgl piiiinc scnooi svsicm o asto embracl comprehensive course ot manual d agricultural training and an element course in Civil Government tlfi 11 stillincr into the vonth nf Mile Tirrf the nrineinles nf inilnctrv ntiH rrnAAPZ zenship upon which the future vyelf of this Territory so much depends- - An Associated Press cablegram tof Pacific Commercial Advertiser p lished in its issue of October 21 15 reads as follows Jw Lake Mohonk Oct 2isfHaw was tnc text ot several addresses att Indian conference vesterday Goihi D Gilman of Iioston n fnrnier reditu of Hawaii said that the extension inir sunrage 10 me native people was great error Recent legislative acV the Hawaiians showed a lack bpthUfj tclligcncc and morals i Now I consider this an unguals slander of the Hawaiian people It h uuciai uiiuiii 10 every man in iniB ritory with a dron of Hawaiian- - in his veins If t were a TTnwatS would not feel like calling uponithel nle nf mv rnpp for n vnt n iUnnlt this gcntlcijiaii who ljas so Jreehf so pnuiiciy irauuceu uieir character Just as though this community ft never known such excellent Hawaia as Henry Smith Mark ItobinsoriJ jp una ttiirauam rernanuez ramwr woous jas t woods A IN KcpoO Ebcn P Low T S Inur frin tl iiiimtii j ium jiuivey JOIUl i and a host of others whose infolDa integrity and moral worth are uwiutl 4laratwl II UUIICII It behooves the Hawaiians tojstli 1n4n 111 tllrtif fllll c ill Airnact- - flaeiKJ the very best representation in the utgi Inlivp rlmmliprc nf tliic Tprrlliw II lllplll splppl lllpir lipct tnlent ift if caucus and by so doine disbartlicMI less set who after disclose of tlpfd siuii uuve iu uc iuvesugaiea ag Grand Tnrv Ynu Mimnl -- nffnaiiivV nllnw flip rpnntnfinn nf vmir ni 4 compromised by the dcportmeqtt afil lirlv irrf cnnncilitp men Xf rnirm1nii J are on trial and one of the compjplij wnnesscs nas ciiargeu you with navtil the trancluse unlawJully m posscssic i lie iveniocraiic pauv is anxious tq your advocate and all it asks asy rl tainer fee ig n vote nf confidence Stl coming ejection Will you give it j I am not here to extoll the virtuA he Hawaiians tior to capture m votes with a Jlattering tongue but J 111 11 iu iiuiusi iiKiiiusi cimrgcs YW rrc manifestly unfair to them It h 1 Pll linfnrtilnrltp fnr flirt TTniffiilnMeI their education in Civil Gpvernment h iecleft hitherto to the tender merci of the political desperado with the r n 11141 uu citiuwui YUVl is in no WI manned to represent the race has heif rravitated into lhe Lecisl itnr thrnnrJ the medium of the subprncd and rov incus men wiy censure the race iJ tuo deeds oj the few when in our pv i i Gontinwd to 4th pane

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y -- - J iT-- ii - - - - fc



The Fine Paotenger Stoamoro of Thia Lino Will Arrive and LeaveThis Port as Hereunder







4 with the asiling of the above atoamess the Ageutn areprepared to isEao to intending panaoncsro through by anytailrond from San Frnaiaco to all poialn in the United States and fromNew York by any oteamahip line to oil European porta

For iuithor partionlars towi i


eHji -


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Stesunsbip Company






uztfTrrjsn2General Agents Qoesjiic Company







iersl 2leaciandiseH


ftw T

Gflaadian AustxRlian SteaaiBhip LineBritifili Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern AcBuranca Oo FinVandOonadian PaciSc ilaiiway Co

Pionnpr of Packets Liverpool


AGENTS FORWkstbbn Suoab REFJHma Co Sav

Fbanoisoo Oal

BuDwm Lcook otivb Wobes Pnrpblpuia Pa

Nkweli Uhitkesai Mill Go

MaotifaotufPrs of NaUonal OaneShredder New York N Y

JZlUir7INE Paiwx Coupany SahFbanoisoo OAr


IPAOmO OlI THANSP0BTAT10J CoiSan Fbanoiwo Qal

mil SM


coupon ticheta



lnRVfi ilnfrAfi



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y Linn from




Glaas 6oMb Ceo





Cunt o Han FronclBOo

OUUON The Union ol London BmitUaDcnlc Ltd

KSV7 YOaK Amoilocu dzohsnss W

UonnlHnniOHIO A00 Corn Exohage NnUonal BonkPAUIQ 0odlt LyonnaiHQH3LIHnroBdnorBBnkaONOKONO AMD YOKOHAMA fln

EoneABbanptaBlUankinFtCarpoistlonHKW ZHAIAHD ANI1 AUBTUALI- A-

JTcnba of Nen Zenland and AnotrAlgia7I0TORIA AND VAKOODVaU Bsnk

cf Biltlrh Kortn Amerloa

C aitsatt Qtntral Banking and SAta o oiBiuiiua

I DtpciitB Keoalyod Lodub made on Aa 071 SeonrHi Oomraorol and TrsTSlwe firedit Iusned Bllln u ineicuziitRnduoldsllodtlQxa 3ronpW x V




Priiicipios Adopted For Ilia

Party To Stand On In

fbis Campaign

Adopted in Territorial Convention onMonday August 22 1904

Reaffirm Allegiance to Democracy

We the Democi atic Party o theTerritory of Hawaii in conventionassepibled do reaffirm our alleg-


to the Democracy of the Main-


and to the fundamental prin-


upon which the Democraticparty was founded and which havebeen consistently7 emphasized bythat party ever since

Pledged to Mainland Principles

We pledge our hearty support tothe platform of principles adoptedby the St Louis Convention and tothe National standard bearers ofthe party in the coming campaignJudge Alton B Parker and HenryG DavisCentralization of Power

In dealing with Territorial mat-


we first and foremost enter ourprotest against the centralization ofpower in the Executive branch ofthe Territorial government and themeans adopted to secure that endThe executive is an appointive onein this Territory and not responsihle to the electorate and is alreadyclothed with inordinate powers un-


the Organic Act

Exaction of Resignations

Not content with this howeverit seeks to own and control the Leg-



dominating the primarieswith office holders and henchmenfor that purpose Though profess-ing


a desire for clean governmentit has by the exaction of undatedresignations from the heads of all

DepartmentsThe refusing of government em ¬

ployment to the citizens and tax-


of the Territory unless theysign a pledge of fealty to the Re-


PartyThe forced levies of assessments

froth office holders for political pur-


creating fear of dismissalfrom office for supposed disloyaltyto the Executive and its henchmen

Hunting down and defeating Re-


candidates for office whoseindependence might be a bar to theconsummation of its ambitions

Established graft and machinemethods npver before attempted in

the history of these IslandsAll of which we maintain is f

eulated to undermine political inde ¬

pendence and the right to open cri-


so necessary to maintainhonest government

Control of Legislation

Wq charge that the manifest de-



of the Executive Departmentof the Territorial government todominate the Legislature is particu-larly


unfortunate as it means be-



long the elimination of thatbody of intelligent independent andfair minded legislators who have

always been found in the legisla-



assemblies of these Islands in

the past and who have done so

much to preserve good governmentand the balance of power between

Continued 0 4th page



Rid Hot Shot From Ona Of

Democracys Strongest


Dolivorod nt tbo Orphoum SaturdayOTening October 22 1904

Fellow Citizens I am ndt an Auto-crat


I am a Democrat I have identi-fied


myself with what I constlcr to htthe peoples party the Democratic partya party that embraces all classes of so-


and believes in the doctrine of tinsupreme power of the government beingexercised directly by the people and

not by any particular class or individualTins doctrine derives its origin from

the Declaration of Independence where-in


it is enunciatedWc hold these truths to be self-evide- nt

that all men arc created equalthat they are endowed by their Creatorwjth certain Inalienable rights thatamong these arc life liberty and thepursuiti of happiness That to securethese rights governments arc institutedamong men deriving their just powers

from the consent of the governed thatwhenever any form of government be-comes


destructive to these ends it is theright ofthc people to alter or abolish itand to institute a new government lay-ing


its foundations on such principlesand organizing its powers iii such formas to them shall seem most likely toeffect their safety and happiness

Hence we see that the form of gov-ernment


conceived by the sturdy chaiacters whose genius brought into beingthe great American Commonwealth wasbased upon the principle of commonconsent The medium through whichthis consent is expressed today is Ihtballotbox This box is the peopledlaw giver It is as much the expression

of the will of God as that of man forGods hand has been displayed in no un ¬

certain manner in the affairs of ourgreat nation during all its past historyIt controls the destiny of the Americangovernment and of the American pcopic British statesmen like OConncllGrotc Macauley Cobden and Gladstonechampioned the cause of the ballot boxin England until finally in 1872 Glad-stone


secured the full introduction 5fthe suffrage This is the instrument bywhichthe supreme power of the govern-ment


is exercised directlv by the peopleand the people should guard audcherishthis sacred right as jealously as the gov-


does the specie in the vaultsof the national Treasury

A man who barters his vote is not fitfor American citizenship It mattersnot whether the commodity received illexchange for the vote is money or offi-


position it is barter and it is brib-ery


and it is a crime against libertyand against conscience and against one

of the grandest institutions of the Republic and it is a direct attack uponone of the leading forces in the van ¬

guard of civilizationI need only cite the Jaw on elections

from the Penal Code of this Territory11 support of these assertions

Par 1491 The following personsshall he deemed guilty of jui electionfraud

Sixtjon 1 Every person who shalldirectly or --indirectly personally orthrough another give procure or lendor agree or offer to give procure orlend or who shall endeavor to procureany money 0r office or place of employ ¬

ment of valuable consideration to or forany elector or to or for any person foran elector or to or for any person inoruer vo uiuuce any elector 10 vote orrefrain from voting or to vote or rtfrain from voting for any particularperson or party or who shall do anysutli act on account of any person hav ¬

ing voted or refrained from voting forany particular person at any election

Section 4 Every elector who shallbefore during or after any election directjy or indirectly personally orthrough another receive agree or con-


for any money gift loan or valu ¬

able consideration office place or em ¬

ployment for himself or any other perison for voting or agreeing to vote orfor refraining to vole or agreeing to refrain from voting or for voting or re-


to vote for any particular per ¬

son or partySuction 6 Every person who shall

directly or indirectly pcisoimlly orthrough another make use of or threat ¬

en lo make use ai any foice violenceor restraint or inflict or threaten to in-


any injury damage or loss jn aiymanner or in any way practice iutimirdation upon or against any person inorder to induce r r compel such personto vote or refrain from voting or Jovote or refrain from voting for any par-ticular


person or party at any electionor on account pf sucli person liaviiigvoted or refrained from voting or votedor refrained from voting for any par-ticular


person qr party or who halj by

abduction distress oV any device ortrivnnce impede prevent or otherinterfere with the free exercise ofleiccuvc irancnisc

Deprive the people of the litexercise ot tne sultragc1 I1PV Vtll lln fln nimJtamper with the franchise of the ilvmuai aim suppress tnc popularand it will seek relief in open violent

It 1ft fllrrfnrn llicrlllv cennttqltlic department of the government clmissioned witu tnc grave duty oflorcmg tnc laws lor tne protectioncivil rights especially those govcrrelpcfinns zlWonif rifnrl drm1l Ktirelv free from nnlilirnt liinc in vto insure fair and impartial trcatnlentnc rights of the parties at issue in

outrage of the ballot box at theTting election 7

Lord Chief Ttistice I TnlK nf Friiri- -

thus expresses his sentiments Ton isunrage Let the people votefaiInterference with n mnne mta ntebehalf of this or flip ntllnr nVfnsuch cases come hpfnrn m tn hn tr- VVUW

1 slnll charge the jury to makeStheiciiucr pay wen lor it

My fellow citizens I charge youncrmit 1I0 unlawful infliipfir nA AA

honorable inducement to stand hftyou anu votir Honest conyictidasvelcrtinn rlnx Dnnt etiflo m t

bv allowimr voursplf in 1 ltmu hinto subservience to political priftclfwhich arc repugnant to yourbesfjument and dont be a party tortnakaiy man a custodian ot niWicJhtertto whom yoli would never thinKojfcin Him uyuii inc Milanese 01 your1brrJatc intrrpsCs Dnnt An t ffor tiie man of your choice and fahii election solely on the groundsofncrsonal merits mid flip mrrlt ntnnrlv nlntfnrn Tinif f I- u un b J11L UlVlltlll JJUwho will - stigmatize themselves1 tlIiartv and the LemiIntiirpncwolltell you candidly that I purpose askiiu man iu jivi me nis voie unlessfeels morally certain that I will notftrav the trust lip fbprpliv rmncu rL lie hnllot box is n snnrliinrvitlinfMnto be cleansed it has been degradedme past 10 tne low level ot the polttsnoilsmnn nnd if rpmninc fnpitliMof moral courage 111 this communmen wno arc neither the advocatesmc luuia ui jiuriy servility 10 eieand dignify it at the coming electlb

One of tile fnrtnrs llinK mnfmtvlartrelv to the selection nf cnnlimfor legislative bodies is Vflnpntinn tI am proud to stand Vtipon apiatfolthat advocates the extension otjglpiiiinc scnooi svsicm o asto embraclcomprehensive course ot manual dagricultural training and an elementcourse in Civil Government tlfi 11

stillincr into the vonth nf Mile Tirrfthe nrineinles nf inilnctrv ntiH rrnAAPZ

zenship upon which the future vyelfof this Territory so much depends- -

An Associated Press cablegram tofPacific Commercial Advertiser p

lished in its issue of October 21 15reads as follows Jw

Lake Mohonk Oct 2isfHawwas tnc text ot several addresses attIndian conference vesterday GoihiD Gilman of Iioston n fnrnier redituof Hawaii said that the extensioninir sunrage 10 me native people wasgreat error Recent legislative acV

the Hawaiians showed a lack bpthUfjtclligcncc and morals i

Now I consider this an ungualsslander of the Hawaiian people It huuciai uiiuiii 10 every man in iniBritory with a dron of Hawaiian- -in his veins If t were a TTnwatSwould not feel like calling uponithelnle nf mv rnpp for n vnt n iUnnltthis gcntlcijiaii who ljas so Jreehfso pnuiiciy irauuceu uieir character

Just as though this community ftnever known such excellent Hawaiaas Henry Smith Mark ItobinsoriJ jpuna ttiirauam rernanuez ramwrwoous jas t woods A IN KcpoOEbcn P Low T S Inur frin tliiiimtii j ium jiuivey JOIUl iand a host of others whose infolDaintegrity and moral worth are uwiutl4laratwl IIUUIICII

It behooves the Hawaiians tojstli1n4n 111 tllrtif fllll c ill Airnact- - flaeiKJ

the very best representation in the utgiInlivp rlmmliprc nf tliic Tprrlliw IIlllplll splppl lllpir lipct tnlent ift ifcaucus and by so doine disbartlicMIless set who after disclose of tlpfdsiuii uuve iu uc iuvesugaiea ag

Grand Tnrv Ynu Mimnl -- nffnaiiivV

nllnw flip rpnntnfinn nf vmir ni 4compromised by the dcportmeqtt afillirlv irrf cnnncilitp men Xf rnirm1nii J

are on trial and one of the compjplijwnnesscs nas ciiargeu you with navtilthe trancluse unlawJully m posscssici lie iveniocraiic pauv is anxious tqyour advocate and all it asks asy rltainer fee ig n vote nf confidence Stlcoming ejection Will you give itj I am not here to extoll the virtuA

he Hawaiians tior to capture mvotes with a Jlattering tongue but J111 11 iu iiuiusi iiKiiiusi cimrgcs YWrrc manifestly unfair to them It h1 Pll linfnrtilnrltp fnr flirt TTniffiilnMeItheir education in Civil Gpvernment hiecleft hitherto to the tender merciof the political desperado with the r

n 11141 uu citiuwui YUVl is in no WImanned to represent the race has heifrravitated into lhe Lecisl itnr thrnnrJthe medium of the subprncd and rov

incus men wiy censure the race iJtuo deeds oj the few when in our pvi i

Gontinwd to 4th pane

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14060/1904110501.pdfJ1-I ft L V f i y -- --- ii - - - - J iT fc J Vol XIX HONOLULU T H SATURDAY NOVEMBER


iI ibbusu



Itsred at the Vot Offloo at Honolulai

l -

H Ti Beoond olftas moll


rftrf- -


frTMonth anyvrhero In the Hhwnlian Islands f

tfYonr poBtpaia woibjKu uuktrlna 1 U uuW

KYtysble Invariably In Aftvanoo


iiWBBiJ T nrrIetar cn3 lUb-If


M fiinUluH l TTnnAlnlnr f JMBIUIUK UUUW4U4UIl2 4 i--

I vu nT f -








Belinate to Conaress

inrtisJPiflhn anraB if- -

41 Sana first


tCl Representatives


rtdUaEFJU Ajaa









Iff the Democrats Ret up a busi- -

ll men a parade for Monday tvb

guite confident that nearly allfirms who had sgried to join in

Republican parade today would

found thert Th idea of bankstake the deposits and do busi- -

with Democrats having theptieek to take sides against theircustomers Imagine a firm like

UHaokfeld Co in whose office the-- Gorman and Austrian consulates

Ira located allowine themselves tolv pa represenieu in a political paraue

prior to an eleotion in which no onef in the firm can oust a vote We arel1 A 1 l llUipilBOU Oil OUUU U 1UUA Ul iau

whioh we heretofore thougfit oould1

Vnot ba found in tbo European busiuess houses here But Sobaefer fc Co

will jpin tho prooession and the1 light of Italian Consul Sohaefer and

Belgian Qpunul Fooke in a parade

on correspondents Ii issafatoBayihotif tho late lamented Theophilus

H Davies had been alivo thouatuoof his business house wouid not havo

been found among parading polit ¬

icians and the Iiritlsh Consulatewould stayod wheto it belotiRsalootfrom politics Thn only bright point

in tho parading Constellation is theappearance of the consolidated SodaWorks and the Aloha Saloon A

combination of tho two will just suit

the parading Hawaiian Star Newa

paper Association

To PiTOt Bjq Disease

When a disease of the eyes be ¬

comes epidemic among Bahool chil-



tho only remedy is to closethe schools at once Years ago in

Qormany and the Scandinaviancountries a diao3Be them popularlycolled tho Egyptian eye eiokapss

with the same symptoms as Tra-

choma cause groat damage to theeyesight of the ahildren in the pub-



schools The different governmeats immediately closed all publioand private schools and after a

while the disease abated rooppearedat intervals and was finally stampedout A serious eye diseaBO in thisTerritory will Lavs most disastrousresults owing to the absence of ex

perts in opbtalmogy the carelessness of Hwaiians and Asiatics in

sanitary mstter3 and the peculiarpromiscuous intermingling of chil-



of all qlasses The Boards of

Education and Health will have thesupport of all parents even if drastiomeasures are adopted




Incompetency seems tb be at a

premium in the High Sheriffs of-



and coupled with illiteracy its

handmaiden will go hand in handto destruction

In order to keep a man constantlyemployed his salary is cut up andpaid out of a dozen or so loan itemsThais one way of defeating thewishes of tho peoples representa-




The Republican parade this even ¬

ing will ba headed by Herr Zeiglorvon D6utobland Sehnor Yida a Chi-



and SsmaroiTsky outplTaky RubbI

atsky Puritan fathers save themarkl

Tbo Bulletin claims that beoause

Notley has made an ass of himselfIaukea should not be eleeted Thelogic of Che editor of tho EveningBroyer is like the Supreme Baing Itis beyond understanding

The Advertiser seems shocked atseeing Ceoll Browns name on theDemporatio sample ballots Thereare other things in regard to Cecil

Brawn whioh will surprise Mr

Thurston on Tuesday night

We are clad to see that Iaukeais really the candidate of the Repub ¬

licans The Demoorats are thankfulfor any kind of support for their

candidal ant ca citizens we are

pleated to see that Republicanswho support IauUua have ooinp totheir ssneea and place the interestsof the T rritory ahead of pettypolitioal squabbles

in Rhonls must have looked at Re-


cheap gin or rocoived n

promise of a City cent piece Urn a

uma was never trusted at Democra-


headquarters and his desertionis neither regretted nor evau discuisod Tho Demoorats do uotv buildtheir hope of success on men ofDmaumVa caliber

With an export engineer in thePublic Worka department at a cnary of 250 a month why is it that hois allowed to employ others from S3

to 10 a day Csn anyone explainSquint into this Governor and sooif it is not an evasion of your re ¬

trenchment polioy It may be only

another scheme of helping friendsto get employment at publio expBueeand the publio is made to auffor

Talk about the Governors grandstand play of rotrenonment duringibo laatspecial session of tho Legis-



when salaries of certain employees wero cut down whioh wasonly made as a mako believe to thetaxpeyorB Under the various loanappropriation item many engineersand job inspootors are being em-



tho former at 7 to 10 a

day and the latter from 3 50 to 5

a day What does all this moan

Ono of our leading bankers amissionary of the oldest stock

oaid to a youag merchant of Englishnationality tho other day that hethought that the Territory of Ha-



that is Ihe business men ofthecommunity would never prosperuntil the islands were aolonizad by

the industrious Japanese Some oneought to muzzle Charlie C It is

not safe to let him alone at thistime as his little remarks may beused on election day

If the spending of money and theburning of torches could elect men

to the Legislature the Republicanswould win the day The good oldtimes have passed by and the Re-


are no longer dealing in

voters at 3 a weak and a bottle of

gin They are up sgeinBt American

free oitizons who vote as they see

best and as they believe will be to

the advantage of the Territory andnot for the sole benefit of a oloso

corrupt clique

Over a week ago one of the newly

laid water mains on Kukui streetbetween Nuuanu and Fort bursledand the water ran over into thestreet overflowing into tho near by

premises This comes from thepoor quality of the work donebotohwork and bears out just whatThe Independent baB repeatedlyraljed attention to It is a well

known fact that the ruth work on

the eve of an election is only a clap-


for votes and is the result ofemploying inexperienced caulkersto do the joining work

Mr Notley should withdraw from

the newspaper business He has

stated that he tho responsibleeditor is not responsible for whatothers publish in his paper Suchidiooy should certainly prove to thevoters that Notley is unfit to be a

maker of laws and still less our rep ¬

resentative in Copgress Why ourod oditor Edm Norrie has faced

nine libel suits during his jounalistiocu r anl yot he eaye he never

wr jt qi vi of the articles for which

he was prpsocuted A responsibleas Notjev will find

iJUHMUIiimimiJlMfciiununjp WM Ill7i LMTHH n jnrai

Paralysisis sometimes caused by overwork either mental or physi-cal


There arc many other exciting causes such asexposure to cold excesses emotional influences etcThe approach of the disease is generally gradual Fre-quently


the first warning is a vague feeling of headachevertigo and muscular weakness

restore the nutrition of the nerves and have cured manycases of paralysis when all other remedies and methods oftreatment have failed The record of this remedy entitlesit to a thorough trial

Ptrhnps there is no mnn bettor known In tho city of Lawrence Knnimthan Mr a H Snyder To a reporter Mr Snyder related awonderful lie sulciI am now seonty years ofnRo About tlleoenrs ago I experi ¬

enced a eoldnev or numbness In tho foot then creeping up my legs untilIt reached my body I grew ory thin In nosh my appotlto was very poorand Idldnotroliihmy robd At last 1 became sobud 1 was unable tomove about I consulted Roveral distinguished phjelclnns ono tellingme that I had locomotor ataxia another that I had crooning pnrnl vslsI took their medicines but they did me no good and 1 continued togrow worse

Ono day a friend advised mo to try Dr WillinmR Pinkpale People 1 Immediately commenced their use throwing nil othermedicines away Before 1 had finished my nrst box I found that theyw ero benefiting mo I usod tweh e loxes in nil and was perfectly cured

i rom tne Journal Lawrence KanDr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People contain in a condensed form

alt the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood andrestore shattered nerves They are an unfailing specific for such diseasesas locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St Vitus dance sciatica neuralgiarheumatism nervous headache the after effects of the grip palpitation ofthe heart pale and sallow complesions all forms of weakness eitherin male or female

Dr Williams rink Pills for Pale People are bv all dealers orvi ill sent postpaid on receipt of price 50c a box or six boxes for 2 50they are never sold in bulk or b the 100 by addressing Dr WilliamsMedicine Company Schenectady Ki Y

fTJLLWJ rtlV1T - TTyj w

District Oourt Doings

At yesterdays session Jos Auldand Kola wero found etiilty of as ¬

sault and battery Thn former wasfined 5 and the latter 10 Otn forcruolty to animal was fined 20

and Pake ltoonaans lor nelogvaruTK was nolle prossea vmAndereon for violation of Seotion370 of the Penal laws was sentencedto 21 hours imprisonment The longdrawn restaurant casus wont oyer toWednesday next as well as tire ka ¬

huna onBos

At todays session Ah Kim wasfound guilty of selling liquor with-


license and fined 100 LouisMartins for embezzlement for threemonthB on the reef three gamblerswero fined 3 each and one 10

Wbilani was discharged of burg-


in the seoond degree ManuelGoueva for truancy was reprimand-ed


and discharged Clarence McCallfor battery on a woman aad FSabater for gambling were nolleprossed Camolo for assault audbattery with a weapon was discharged all other cases went oyer

m 9 m

mtt Notloys Ploa

OharleB Notley has engaged J JDunne to defend him in thelibelcase brought by W A Kinney onbehalf of Col C P Iaukea Nptleyclaims that be was away on Mauibefore Ihe objectionable articleappeared and only asw it two hoursbefore he was arrested Mr Notloyreturned from Maui on Thursdayhowever and his paper did notappear until Friday


Democratic Sleeting

The Democrats wll hold meet ¬

ings in the Orpbeum and at AnUpark this oiening On Mondayevening the meeting will bo atPalaoe iquare

Xo Fortify Woialao

The Secretary of War Iiob sentinstructions here for the purchaseof the Waialae tract of Gear Lan ¬

sing Co upon which fortificationswill be ercoted


Notice is hereby given that theDomooratio Central Committee ofthis Territory will poy a reward ofFifty Dollars 150 00 for evidencethat will lead to the oonyiotion ofany person voting illegally orotherwise violating the election laws ofthis Territory at the oomiugeleotion

By order of the Executive Committee

W A KINNEYChairman

Pills for




k Nigra FSOFOUTiOfi

fWell now thorea the


Yorz know youll need ioa youknow its a uccsacity in hot soathorWo boliovo you aro anxious to getthat ioa which will nivo you satitfsotion sud yrod lika to tupplyyou OsfJer frora

Ha Gtia I Mb Gd

ffalophono S1B1 BIup PostoffiosHa IBM

L Fernandez SonImporters and Dealers in

Agricultural Implements

Hardware Cutlery Stoves LeatherSkins Shop Findings Fish NetsLiuen and Cotton Twipe HopeSteoland Galvanized Wire ClothPoultry Netting Rubber HosePoints Oils Colors VarnishesBrushus and General Merchan- -dioo

OSTos 44 ito soKIITGS- - STREET

Bttneon Nuuanu aud Smith Sta

KATHliy 11LOCK fl 1 OUOXSTelephone - Muin 189



Siriii ButterIt is parfootly pure and always

gives aatfofaction Wo deliver It iueat pasteboard boxes

Meat Go











t M



Mj iff

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14060/1904110501.pdfJ1-I ft L V f i y -- --- ii - - - - J iT fc J Vol XIX HONOLULU T H SATURDAY NOVEMBER




But tho poopln will decide



50 cents per

Hayseldrn is ovar from

Prof jarRor is ngain Wielding thebaton in the liRud

The Coptic edited at 9 oclockthis morning for Kan Francisco

The Alameda will Eail next Wetlnesday morning for San Franoisco

The Kilokrma Art League willgive an at home lea this after ¬


The transport Sherman will falldue here next Wednesday from San


The conoot by the band tomorrowafternoon will bs on tho Capitolgrounds

CopieB of The- - Independent ofOoober 14 15 and 27 ore wanttedat this

The Kinau left tli3 followinpsugar on Hawaii Honuapo 1473

all others done

ft Tho Kinau arrivod about 11

oclock this morning from her Majui

nndHawaii ports

The steamer Maui left nt 5

oclock yesterday afternoon forMaui and Hawaii



A cricket game botweon pickednines will bs played on the Makikigrounds this aftornoon

- The Punahou and High Schoolteams will play football this after-noon


on the Punahou field

Dr and Mrs Holidy entertained a

party of guests at dinnar At JbeHawaiian hotel last evening

A reception was tendered tho newpastor Rev J W Wadmn at theMethodist ehuroh last evenin g

The voting booth of the Tenthof the Fourth has been changed toYoung and Alexander streets

The Hawaiian band turned outfor th funeral of the late IsaacSherwood yesterday afternoon

The Friday Evening Social clubhad tome good music and danaingin Odd Fellows hall last evening

The motion for continuance in

the Naone murder case will beargued in the Circuit Court on


In tho assumpsit Buit of JohnCbprlqg Johnson against W C Acliithe court has awarded damages of

1207 55

The Good Government Club is

thinking of filling the vacancies on

its ticket with Democrats having noRepublicans at all

iIn the suit of John Eaa against

the Honolulu Investment- - Companyto reoovar 19680 tho executionhts been returned unsatisfied

Levi P Kauuoe tho Kauai post

mister charged with embrzzlomentwas sentenced to imprisonment forone year by Judge Dole yesterday

The Republicans will hold a

combined meeting ot Aak pirktyhisevening It will be preceded by a

torchlight procession through thstreets

15 L Rumsey formerly with Ben ¬

son Smith A Co has loft Arizonaand gone into Colorado Ho is

extremely feeble and his friendsexpoet the worst at any time

This is the anniversary day of theGunpowder plot otherwise knowuas Guy Fawkes day Effigies araburnt in England by boys andyoung me- - to commemorate the4py

All the Maui Republican oandi

dateB arelu the city today haviu

arrivod by the Likeliko this fore ¬

noon They iutepd to visit lheLeprSettlement from hare between now

and next Monday evening

Dr W 0 Wile the distinguishedConnecticut physician who is vis tjug tbe Islands delivered au ud

dress before physicians aud laymen

at the Paoifio club yesterday onnnHftfnni as he fouud them at the

For ForAlgn FieldsGeorgo H Paris ono of the bsst

known town Ijoys and especiallyreuiembend among tho printingand noacpaper fraternity otmlumplates loaviug the islands on abusiness visit to the MainlandParis was born ir Honolulu in 18G3

and has spent the bettor part of hislife hero being rdcoiuizd by tbecommunity as ono of nur most pro ¬

gressive aud energetic oitizens ofthe younger Generation When hoin 1889 assumed the business man ¬

agement of tho P 0 Advertiser hefaced a concern which waB decided-ly


up against it financially speak- -

ing hie put Ins shoulder to thewheel and when ho retired from theGazette compauy it was on a solidbasis and extricated from al itstroubles Paris b interested ingasoline maohinery and it is inconnection with that line of busi-ness


that ho goes to tbe Cooswhence ho may extend his ppheralater on to tho Philippines and otheroutlying parts of tho Unitod Statre

We wiBh Georgo PariB all possiblebucoobs in his enterprise and shallwatch his carec r in foreign landswith the sincere interest of an oldfriond--ev- on if The Independentand Paris Advertiser were always

moat for each other porsiflageon the part of The Indeiendent

and venom an the part of the Advertisor Aloha nui Keoki

Business Mens ParadoHa Hal How many of the Busi-


men of Honolulu were in thismons paradeT

Tho Hackfeld contingent withnow brooms gva indication ofwhere the Republicans will findthemselves on the night of Nov8tbDwopt out of sight

Gouyhlvee Go showed competi-tive


busfDOsi tact by appearing inthe parade with tho Republicancountersign carrying jugs

The Honolulu Iron Works emploveos made up the numericalstrength of the parade headed bythe man who named Ceoil Brown in

tbe Republican Convention andfinishing up with a galaxy of HomeRulers while the main body wereDemocrats Who will vote theirticket straight The Iron Worksemployees made a notable hit

One of the mounted patrol mrdehicisolf pernicioutly officious byobstructing a carriago carrying theneatest sign in the parade and read-


R H Trent Business man andDemoorai Vote for Him Hasthis government got no low as torefuse the streets to one man andnot to another

Funeral Yosterday

The funeral of the late leaseSherwood took plsco yeBterdayaftornoon Deceased was givenclue military aud fraternal honorsFollowing were the pallbearers

Lieut T P Cummins and LieutDan Kokaulike nf tho NationalGiurd Henry Vida and A St 0Piianaia for tho Fifth District Com ¬

mittee Sam Dwight and Jas LHolt for tho Order of Karaehnmeha G W Desha of tho YouugHawaiians Institute Geo W RKing for the Auditors office

Fasoongers Arrived

Per SrfOoptio Nov 1 from lhaOrient for Honolulu W M Gra-


Mrs E Jacobson Mrs UKataoka J Rosenberg Mrs JRoBenbsrg and infant W C Weedon

Per stair Kinau from Hawaii audMaui Nov 5 Hon W G Irwin J A

Buck Miss B MoLellau A RussellA L Barton H B Blanding G V

Jakiua aud wife John LyourguaGeo Ross and wife Mrs E A Jewiltandpbild S Ake Miss L Spencer H

Gorman Mrs W H Palton MissL do L Ward and child Mies ERiukard Miss Arioli Mio3 AliceMaofarlane Geo O Cooper AlfredHayselden J Kalino Philip Pali WJ Coelho Miss Belle Pickey Paul 0Whitney I H Hayseldau A LFleming

J m


Tmiuu In this city Nov 3 1904

to thewjfe of Mr D F Thrum a



The following are samples of thebillots to be used aexl TuesdayThe Democratic candidates ammarked X Tbe Senatorial ticket isfirst aud should bolt like this


Bihope I


BROWN CECIL YKikila Balauuu


Keaka Pelekane



LANE JOHN 0Keoni li




The Representative ticket for thoFourth District is as follows







JARRETT W P XUaalilio Opio













But the people will decide


Passengers Departed

Per atmr Mauna Loa for Mauiand Hawaii Nov 4 L Nishi L SAungat Mrs C L guiff Mrs J Antone and obild D Conway J WMoLoan Ms T GaToia Miss FLawronp Mjss Denver J E Gan ¬

non AS Keeuey Miss K KeeneyMiss Ermine Cross

Per Btrnr Maui for Hawaii Nov 4K SGjerdrum FL Riggs Mr

Castendyk Mrs A 0 Riggs Mrs L0 Riggs E N Dejp Philin Nioki

It spread s furtlierCovers mostsurfaoeLast longest3ST ver oxaxxkLs peelsOlxaJJLs or r mfos olT

flie Parai Hardware 0SolFORT AND MERCHANT

0 1 tJiiUJlal V MdD3s 3 SI SOiCXMLA

English BloatdlbElndoB HaddockM asicy AJUeese o

IIP mimf




3nclnoss Ccxds

AIiSjEK IIOBINSGNDzALya m Loubbh akd Coal lud

BoiLTina Matiuials or

All KniEs

Queen Street Honolulu


Attobney-ax-La- w

Southwest corner Fort and Kiug SloHonolulu T H



Loans NnaoriAxuDRents Colleotec

Campbell Block Uarahcnt Btreni1410 tf

Holllsfer Brag Ltd

Dnuas and Medioal Suppiies

No 1056 Fort St

25 Ba


Tel Min 9


JSToteiry Futollo



1010 FOE DASiK

jjf LOTS at Kallhi iBOrlOO ftbiels of Kamehameha Sohco

and Kalihi RoadFor full particulars ipquiro por


at the office of N Fernandez Marihsnt St of to N Fernandez


5 x



fn B- - Mwm Oni i

Wm CJ Irwin -John D Krrcckcls



t lresldeu t -

uow ltd 4Ciuiivu riimiri - o j TtiznizjZ-ZHM AUiitueyJr mLg - - Treasurer



iam mTi








mUJirsncJ SltfRnmefttn UnvnnB w

ff Ran TMMnlnM V1 I


15 okkt Dfs count

One Weel Only ilifHlnrl

iExtra Heavy vj

1 WEMIIK WAREII vltli i i a

insid Tea Kettles Berlin KettlesPudding Pans Pie Plates JellyOako Pans Dish Pan CollandersWash Basins LadlesBBBtingSpoonBVPaih Covered Buekes Tea and jrilCoffee Pota Coffee Bjggans fif

Lewis Co Ltd169 KING St Lewors Oooke bldg

2d0 Two Telephones 240


8rtQn ahd Rhal Esxats Agbkt

OJflwi Jthel Bnwbv over ths HawWW1 tHMMMH 1






Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14060/1904110501.pdfJ1-I ft L V f i y -- --- ii - - - - J iT fc J Vol XIX HONOLULU T H SATURDAY NOVEMBER









W i


i -




i r-









tjtit i





It ls


v I

Continued from page

the and Legislative

branches of the

Reduction of Salaries

We declare against the method

and recently by the Ex

ecutive of the Territory to re adjust

its cut down its ¬

Such was brought

fit j about by cutting down the salaries1V

of employees Dcyonu mc nvuiy

point and by other em-



to the detriment of the


Tax Incomes of the Wealthy

and declare that tlie

depleted condition of the Territorial

Treasury would have been more

justly met by taxation upon wealth

land in this connection we believe

and declare that an increase in the

rate of the income tax would have

Wi wi been more fjtir and courageous and

Jmore democratic than the method

adoptedIn with the ¬

policy in question we ¬

condemn theexercised against the non votingemployee of the in thecutting of salaries

National Legislation Neglected

We denounce the policy of theparty in the National

Congress whereby private Hawaiianwas submitted in com ¬

mittee and received attention in advance of pressing public matterwith the result tjmt after the pass- -


Upholds the Right andFearess Mgaihst Mil Comers


Its Expressions are Outspoen


Democratic Platform



financesViand ex-





connection retrench-

ment particu-

larly discrimination





Gents a

Hawaiian measures were absolutelyneglected and refused further con-


during this session ofCongress to the detriment andagainst the interests of the entireTerritory

To Apply American Land Laws

Wc declare the policy of the Re-



party in this Territorywhereby large areas of land andvaluable water rights are still beingalienated from the public domainfor the sole use and benefit of cor-



or persons already pos

sessed of large tracts of land andprivileges a positive menace to theupbuilding of an untrammeledelectorate in these Islands andpledge our delegate to Congress tosecure local application of the spir-



of American land laws prefer-



being given the landless elec-



in our Territory in any divis-



of the public domain

The Delegate Pledged

We further pledge our delegateto Congress to keep constant vigil ¬

ance over matters affecting the Ter-


Untiring effoit to secure liberalappropriations for public improvements throughout the Territory

The withdrawal of House Reso-



No 14672 granting arbitrarypower of removal to the Governor

The passage of a measure pro-



for the sale in fee on xasyterms of Jands in Punchbowl andelsewhere in the Territory nowpiincipally occupied by citizen ten ¬

ants preference being given the ac-



ocoupantsAnd to careful dissemination of

coirect information among themembers of Congress and in thePcpartmcnts at Washington rela ¬

tive to local affairs

Local Sslf Government

Having full faith in the abilityof the people of this Territory to

age of private bills the reraainmg govern themselves we denounce the



Ay j


i sfdN

Republican Party for its duplicityand breach of faith with the votersof this Territory in the miscarriageof that partys measure for Countygovernment passed by the last Legislature and pledge our earnest ef-


to secure the passage and en-


of a County law providingfor complete local self governmentLoan Fund Expenditures

We deplore the present distress-



financial condition of the Terri-tory


brought about by the Republican element in part by withhold ¬

ing from circulation large sums ofloan fund moneys that might

heretofore have been made availablehad the departments used due dili-



in prosecuting the severalworks comprised in loan fund ap-


Warrants In Place of Cash

And in extravagant administra-tion


resulting in the issuance of

government warrants to employeesand supply men a preposterouscourse whereby the taxpayers arcbeing daily mulcted in the amountof interest paid on unproductiveloans on the one hand and the loss

incidental to discounting warrantson the other

Productive Works Only

In this connection we favor thepolicy of making loan appropiiations for productive works only andwithin these restrictions advocate a

comprehensive system of publicworks throughout the TerritoryTo Revise Tax Laws

We pledge our candidates to theLegislaturCto a revision of our TaxLaws

An adjustment of our othersources of revenue including theExcise Laws and providing for thesubstitution of a Toll Bill for wharfdues thus doing away with thepresent conditions whereby the gov ¬

ernment pays exclusively for the

wraiffjgnMiMwjreexpense of maintaining the harborand private wharf owners reap thefees

Forced Sales for Taxes

An- - enactment covering forcedsales of property for taxes so as

to provide for redemption of thesame

And an appropriation bill so

framed that the annual expendit-



of the Territory shall not ex¬

ceed its income believing that any

administration incapable of so limit¬

ing its expenditures is Unworthy of

the support of the people

Pension the Queen

Wc pledge our candidates to theLegislature to aYencwal of the usu-



appropriations for Liliuokalaniand our Delegate to Congress tothe introduction and support of a

measure looking to a permanent ap-



for the same purpose

Labor To Be Protected

We favor all reasonable measureslooking to the amelioration ofJaborconditions among the citizens of

this Territory and to the upbuild i

ingof permanent homes within ourborders

We favor a more strict enforce-



of the citizen labor and eighthour laws coupled with a minimumwage on public works and an ex-



of this provision along rea-sonable- lines to embrace labor re-



under valuable franchises orother special privileges granted by

the Legislature of this TerritoryWe favor also dispensing with

the employment of prisoners on

work in competition with free citizens

Open Fishing Rights

We condemn the procrastinatingpolicy pursued by the TerritorialExecutive in relation to securing

control of the private fishing rights

in this Territory and pledge our

candidates to the Legislature to

such a course as shall most prompt-



open these fishing rights to the

general public

Extend School System

We favor the extension of the

public school system so as to em-



a comprehensive course of

manual and agricultural training

and an elementary course in civil

government thus instilling into the

youth of this Tcnitory the princi ¬

ples of industry and good citizen-



upon which the future welfare

of this Territory so much depends J

Republicans Shirked Sworn Duty

We charge that thc Republican

majority in the last Legislatureavoided its sworn ditty by abstain ¬

ing from a reapportionment of Ter-



Senators and Representa

tves as required by Chapters Sec-



55 of the Organic Act

Money for Molokal

We favor establishing under Fed

eral control and at Federal expenseappliances at the Leper Settlementin this Territory

The employment of scientists forthe purpose of careful inquiry intothe nature cause aiid possible cureof the disease of leprosy

And for the treatment of thoseafflicted with that disease and theredetained

Active Support Invoked of All

Relying implicitly upon the

soundness and integrity of the prin-



above set forth and upon thejustice and intelligence of the mas-



we present this platform to thepeople of the Territory and earnest-



invoke the active support pf all in

its vindication and success cordial-



inviting to a full and equal com ¬

munion all those of whatever poli

tical creed who recognize the jus ¬

tice of our cause in the doctrines

wc profess and who desire to participate in their trimnph

Wallers Addtess

Gonlinucd from hi page f

day and by our own boasted civilizedrace there has been sent a Tweed tothe New York Legislature a Burtonand a JolmMornssey totlvc Ameri ¬

can CongressEducation Is one of the fastnesses of

the American nation It is one of thesurest guarantees of the permanence ofits institutions and the maintenance ofits prestige among the nations of theearth A course in Civil Governmentfor the youths of this Territory wouldprovide a larger number of citizens tdiscuss the issues of the day intelligent-ly


and enable lhcm to approach the ballot-

-box on election day with a propercomprehension of the mission of thesuffrage It would foster and maturethe latent qualifications for

that tile native clement of the Ter-ritory


assuredly possesses These elements of self government can be hcaljt

ily propagated and disseminated if U

nroncr educational methods arc pursuedand a recurrence of the chapter of fol- -lies enacted during the session of thcitilast legislature will thereby be forcvcWJprecluded

Hawaiis chances for Statehood willnever be prejudiced by the spectacle ofan intelligent and impartial local legisla ¬

tive bodyOne important fact that I am anxious

to sec instilled into the minds of theHawaiian voting population is the existence m 1 iincncan politics of only Uvoreally representative parties viz tVfl

Democratic and Republican and I wantto point- - out the futility of afliliajjpnwith a party like that of the HomeRule which has no national existence

And I also want to impress upon themthe fact tliat the Democratic Party isand always has been a formidable andnot infrequently a successful rival ofthe Republican party and it is obstinate-ly


disputing the honors of the presentcampaign with the latter in both na¬

tional and local politics I feel confi-dent


that the- - outcome of the presentlocal contest it not ot the national con-test


will disabuse the minds of thoseho have been indoctrinated with the

iCtccd of OncSParty Onlyimagine tnc iircaicamcnt 01 uus com

munity if the complexion of the administratioii should be changed at the comftjig national election with our reputa ¬

tion oi being a ol Re¬

publican stronghold All the favorablelegislation wc should secure under suchconditions would be about as tangibleas the ignis fatuus

Now 1 appeal especially to you Ha ¬

waiian voters not to allow these spell-binders


to create in your minds a beliefjn such palpable absurdities I appealto you to do your own thinking in thiscampaign ifnd I ask you not to beprejudiced against the Democratic can¬

didate for Delegate to Congress MrC P Iaukea simply because he has notgot the superscription of the Republicanparty on his credentials If he has in-


and intelligence and a properconception of the Territorys real needs

which are the qualifications requiredfor the place he will command recog-nition


and can accomplish the object ojjbhis mission to the satisfaction of hisrniiQfitnpntQ nnrl nil rnnrnrnnrl T wnnt

I you to apply the same principle in yourTjestimation ot tnc Democratic candidatesfor the local legislative body and if thepersonnel of the ticket is acceptable toyou I ask you to stand behind it onelection day Never mind if tle Dcmoadtic candidates have not pledged imselves to endorse the proposed measuresif th f Executive at the coming sessionso long as they have pledged themselveslo protect the public interests andfavor no class legislation their mdc- -

guar--4enRnce ought lo furnish you aalilceof tllcir good faith and theyentitled tovoiir hearty sunnort


Icannot overlook m this connectionthe commendable attitude oftheinde- -pcuuciu licpuiuicuu acnaioriai canuidale Ur Cecil Brown The fact thathe jiJrnot a creature of the caucusshould in no way militate against hisprospects Botn he and his murierouafriends of all parties have recognizedthe fact that the caucus is not the courtof last resort in politics and he hastherefore appealed his case to theelectors of theTerritory an acknowl- -CUKllllCUl Ul lilt UUt BjllIU Ul 4KII1UU-- j

racy and of the principles of thcjJJcclaration ot independence requir¬

ing that governments shall derive tlirjust powers from the consent 6f thegoverned If you are a friend to goodmen a believer in the freedom ofAtaerican institutions and a foe to fepolitical machine you will acconj himyour cordial support

Dont be afraid to express your hon-est


convictions in the ballot box on elec ¬

tion dav Walk into the booth withouttrepidation and cast your vote for themen of your choice Dont let anybodydo your thinKine for you then Dayour own thinking Dont swallow any¬

thing that is contradicted by jour reason and at variance with the testimonyof your senses If you want to registera protest against unlawful trespass onyour franchise or if you want to uttrryour relume ugmiisi any coercivemethods that have been employed to thodetriment of the full and free exerqiseot tnc sultragc you can make thcn k

nfn i- ln ern r nf r1i V

booth Dont be intimidated Remcm- -iicr mat 10 icar tuc loe smcc tear op lprcsseth strength gives in your weak Mness strength unto your foe and io yourfollies fight against yourself Bevaliant m the fight for the establishmentof right principles of government foiiAmericanism in Hawaii and the issufcof this campaign will abundantly iustilf- -

i uie wuuoni oi your canquct m so doing