wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , ( i, 8N . r i . i-t- i JI4' && Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889. 8UD8ORIPTION BO CENTO PER MONTH :i THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed add published at the omcc, Quoon' btrobt' Honolulu, II. ovcry aftornoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cants por Month. Address nil Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc on3uro insertion, should bo handed ' before one o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of ill kinds done 'on the' most favorable onus. Ltull Tclophouo No. 250 .Mutual Tclophnno No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu uhd Island News. It is the best paper Dubllshcd in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription : Island : : : $4 00 year Foreign.. : : : G 0. ,l Commission MortuumtB. Jj,ww t . . wllm,5R1nn, ft xaLA.cxsFJEJL.u & ctf:j - Goneral Commission Agents. HONOLULU !- '- : I G. W. MACZARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I.' Queen street, - - - 1648 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. c BREWER (Limited) & COMPANY, QoNUKAL MeBCANTILB AND Commission Agents. list of ofmoehs: P; C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. U. Oaiitku. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary . dibkctoiis: Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, ' H. Watkehousk. 33d ly T. "watehhouse, John Importer, and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st.t Honolulu. 1 " - 8 N. Ca"stle.-J.B.therton- P. Castle 6 OOOKB, CASTLB Shippiugiand Commission Merchants. Importers', and, Dealers in General "Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. i . 1 Glaus Hpreckols. Wm. Q. Irwin. Vtf G. IRWIN' & COMPANY, YY Sugar' Factors and Commission AgcnU, Honolulu.- - 1 St CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of ovury kind, cor. Fort and Queen Bts., Honolulu. 1 GrEIN3AOM is CO., . V M4.S.- - Importoro of General Mer- - chandiso uiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California street, ' . tSah FrauoiBco, Ca'l. . Lovre( V. J. LOwroy' O. M. Cooko. St Oooke, (guccestors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Buildng Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER 1NMY and GRAIN, :" BlKlng Street, opposite tho Old Station " ' House. Mutual Xelepliono No. 4. 87 tf , VETERINAEY. KOWAT, Vetorlnary Surgeon, , ofllco and pharmacy ot Huwailan Hotel Stables, eorner Hotel and Uicliard Btrcdts. HclenllUc-treatmen- t in all dU-cas- of doraestio animals. Orders for V plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone 351, Pjp;jipx'320. tnh'48-fii- ) O ISGBO HAWAIIANO., LL persons who want to communi .... ui. Iia Pmtiiffueso. either . !...!... n tnf nrnp.nrlnir workmen. servantB or any other helps,, will find it tho moat' proutaulo, way to advertise In tho Luto Hawaiiano, the new organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub- lished on Hotel Btreet, and only charges reasonable ratei for advertisements. aStat' :'2sm professionals. JM. MONSARBAT, at Law & Notary Public 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAQOON, J Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. iy David Dayton Will practice in tho lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect-in- in all its branches, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him. Office 01 King Street TJ pstairs. ,Fcu59 PIONEER STMCANDI FACTOR! AND JJAOCJEIVST. P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 2T Telephone 74. Mrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage RomanBaths 160 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. doc-7-H- 8 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists Jr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, :.- - -- ' .. '...., aiiu nonoiuiu, id., x. u. M. BENSOH. a. w. surra. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericko & Scechlk'a HOMCEPAT.HIC MEDICINES, Rickiecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WINKER & CO. t . Aluunfactnrine Jewellers, i: . 03 JFOilT HT1U3ET. "Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every desoriptionof Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware;&c. 858 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specialty. Kins Street, llonolnln, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram- way Company's Office. CSyr Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Jsn-19-8- 0 Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors. Office, at King street, Telephone No. SC. Residence nelepbono No. 20Z. Ocn'l JExprcBBtncj & rrn.ylnK Piano, aud Furniture moving u specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. "' 1uly25 1y Hustace & Robertson, J JEC A. Y 1 J31 N . A LE orders for Cartage promptly at Jt. tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, noxt door to Jas. P. Morgan's auction room. 082 ly . Mutual Telephone No. 19. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY Slioeiiif? Forge, 70 A HI IUujj Htreet. Shooing, i'roni $1.50. Horses and Cattle Treated foi i i all Diseases. Residence: Chamberlain House, next Kawalahao Church. X. O, BOX 4.UB. Dell Telephone gSft" - - jmM&i'!AjM&. 9 Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours The Finest Brand of A Jfe n Always on Uand. II. J. XOJLTK, Proprietor. veuja Metropolitan "SkKjEvjI MeatCompany 81 KINO STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Eotail Batchers AND NAYY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, ITisli, Vefiretablcs, Ssc., Ssc. Always on liand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcfs), No. O luccn St., : : Fish. Slarkct, Honolulu, H. I. f3yFamily,and,Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. ilve Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. T.IMKER, BUTCHER. City market, Nuuanu Btreet. Beef, g Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. CSTHis noted Sausages aro made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna Saosages."XSa oct-5-8- 8 Anderson &Lundy, Dentists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, alluminum and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which aro a constant source of irritation to tho mouth and throat, we .would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All opeiationu performed in accordance with tho latest improvements in denial fcien'co, Teeth tixtractcd without paln: by the use of Nitrous Oxide tint. BSrOfllco at Old Tregloan Residence Hotel street. Feb-20-8- 0 emx-ajxcje- :. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Buo deDunkerque, . - Paris. Executes Indents for every description of Preuch, Belgian, Swis", German, and English Goods, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Home aim Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cnmbrics, Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluts, and Ohlna-war- Clocks, Watches, .Tewellry, Fanny Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Pans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery', Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Books Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, tc &c, 180 Iv H. PASTURE for HORSE A' T Halokou, Kancshe, Koolaupoko, b53 acres of good pasture land, all enclosed plenty of water. Apply to Charles I. Hiram, at the King's Btablek, Honolulu, or at HaUkou. f b-- Btf-l- y caiiiii, THE - GLORIOUS 4th Is approaching and now is the time to select your Hats, Bonnets & Dresses ! A full assortment can be found at tho POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. UN". S. - - 3Proprietor. Latest shape received. THE SPAR, SAILOR The very lateBt and newest shapo and only to be found at our establishment. riental Lace Dresses 1 In Cream, White & Ecru; Chantilly Lace Dresses ! In Black & Cream; Black Spanish Guipure Lace At very reasonable prices. A fino assortment of Materials for Evening Dresses ! OFFER AT BED ROCK PRICES o Califcrjjila Hay, Oats, Bran, Cake MeaJr-JLinsee- d Meal, Barley, Rolled 'Barley, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Cm, FJour. FLOUR eerAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas- - FOUK Telephones, No. 175. Boll Teloplioiio, SO -- 8 fi HAWAIIAN Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. -- Have on hand and For just Oil All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA, V In Bulk or Caso; , SSCOTCH and IRISH TIIISICY, In Glass and Stono Jars; FRENCH BRANDIES, Very Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted ; .GINS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, STONE JUGS; Old ODotn. Gin, Best Brand In the Mnrlcot; EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk and Case. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc., In Pints and Quarts; Finest Brands of Champagnes, and AS Port, T All of which will bo sold 2170 w - y Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. Mutual Telephone, &V I WINE GO., Sale a Full Assortment of- - Madeira, Riesling, Etc., Eto, 0 AT LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Manager, B:' In Pints Quarts. Bitters, Liquors Absinthe, Apollinari Water, BLummrfs, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES, FOLLOWS: Zinfundel, Malaga, Tokay, Sherry, m4,M Hooks, The Best Company THE MLTJXUAt. Life Insurance Co. OIT NEW YORK. Richard A, McCnrdy, President, The Largest Company in tho World Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S. It Givos tho Most Liboral Policies AND Pays the Larflost D'tvidonds. Claims paid to policy holders in the Hawaiian Islands, during the past ten years, Over : 8100.000 OO. tSS" For rates, apply to S. 11. KOSE, General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian Tulnnda. nc).fl-88-1- Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation of Funds, - $28,602,205.00 Firo risks taken at current rates and settlement mado in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July Union KIro Jk. Ilarlno Insurance Company of N. Z. Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Firennd Marine risks, taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent. july 2088-l- y 8tIN Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. 'JuEST S. WALKER, Agent. July U(V88-l- y ' MEGDBBUBG - General Insurance Company. Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes,-Freigh- t and Commissions at current rates. I JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent JUIJf LADIES' NUKSE. M R8. MONROE,, ladies nurse.has removed to JNo. B, Jiukui lane. FeU-14- 9 A. H..RASEMANN, BookVbimier, Paper-rule- r & Blank book Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ' nct.l-88-l- y .s PrP HONOLULU' IRON WORKS, SriEabaStcam'englncs', sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, braps, and lead cast- ings; mnchinery of. every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. 5&L Flohr, Lock 6l Gunsmith. Next door to Hoffschlaceor & Co., Dampn Block, Bclhel'strcct. All kinds of Safos & Soalos repaired Alto, Sewlnc Slachlnea at reason-abl- o rateH. Bell Tel. 424. P. O.-B- . 490. E NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. I AJultou, near accn 8U Telepbone SB. , WALKEE & EEDWABD, Contractors A: Builders. Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 10 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 428. ap LUCAS, Contractor tsirafil& and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, ispla nade, Honolulu, Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-wor- k finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plw-u- g, Mortiolng and Tenanting, Orders uromntly attended to and work (guaranteed. Orders from the other' - LIFE, MARINE INSUKANDE. Hartford Fire Iniuranee Co. AbscU, $Al888,0f0 Commercial Iiurar&nea Co. (Fire and Marine) AsMto, $4K.000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Oorporatiwi (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $86,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society D0Kfl Ar- - LARGER BUSINESS HOLD Larger Surplus, -- OIVB Si-- BETTER CONTRACT -- AHTW-, Payslts ItJSSflsmojeJnBIptiy THAK AlfT OTBEKx Life Assurance Company ! HB WOBLDrf- -- A. J. CARTWRIGH Oeoeral Arent for Hawalloa loloado. June li'iy CASTLE SL COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insur'po Agente. AOEMTB 0 Tbe Hew 'kosluad MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y i ij.'' i. of Boston, Tho JEtna Fire InBuranc 0n of Hartford, Cono.' ' f ' Tbe Union JPlre and Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cola. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Gonnj'f EaxADLienKD 1816, Capital .'. .. 0,000,000 RelebMUU undersigned, haTinr been an. pointed acent of the above Compa for tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared to aceppt risks, against JTirCupn Bulldia,l Furnituro, Merchandise; ruce, Surtr " Mills etc., on tho tnost"FaVorab1e rrerma Louei Promptly Aijuilod and Payable Honolulu. H. RIEMEBCHNEIDBK, jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder Op's. " ... ' "I,' I. In II 4 i Pioneer Shirt Factory. Of Honolulu, No. 1 7 Emma SL The undersigned begs to Inform the public of theso Islands that he istaaktng BUitrtM. by AIt)iteiiiVeiuoat r 'Directions for self.measiiremerit will be given,ou application, WhlteSbirts, 0TersMrUOtGM A fit guarantee by'mklnMaiia, Shirt to every- - brtler-.,,'i;7- :! Island order Wly : . A. M. MKJLI4B8I. J- - i.n

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , (i, 8N . r i. i-t-i JI4'& & Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , (i, 8N . r i. i-t-i JI4'& & Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889

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h. ,


8N . ri



JI4' & & Jv & Jl' iUlV





Is printed add published at the omcc,

Quoon' btrobt' Honolulu, II. ovcry

aftornoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cants por Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc on3uro insertion,should bo handed ' before one o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing OfficeNewspaper, Book and Job Printing ofill kinds done 'on the' most favorableonus.Ltull Tclophouo No. 250

.Mutual Tclophnno No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 33 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu uhd IslandNews. It is the best paper Dubllshcdin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription :

Island : : : $4 00 yearForeign.. : : : G 0. ,l

Commission MortuumtB. Jj,ww t . . wllm,5R1nn,

ft xaLA.cxsFJEJL.u & ctf:j

- Goneral Commission Agents.HONOLULU

!- '- :



Honolulu. H. I.'Queen street, - - -1648


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

c BREWER(Limited)



Commission Agents.

list of ofmoehs:P; C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. U. Oaiitku. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

. dibkctoiis:Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,

' H. Watkehousk.33d ly

T. "watehhouse,John Importer, and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st.t Honolulu. 1

" -

8 N. Ca"stle.-J.B.therton- P. Castle6 OOOKB,CASTLB Shippiugiand Commission

Merchants. Importers', and, Dealers inGeneral "Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. i . 1

Glaus Hpreckols. Wm. Q. Irwin.

Vtf G. IRWIN' & COMPANY,YY Sugar' Factors and Commission

AgcnU, Honolulu.- - 1

St CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof ovury kind, cor. Fort and Queen Bts.,Honolulu. 1

GrEIN3AOM is CO., . V


Importoro of General Mer- -chandiso uiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California street,' . tSah FrauoiBco, Ca'l.

. Lovre( V. J. LOwroy' O. M. Cooko.

St Oooke,(guccestors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Buildng Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1



:" BlKlng Street, opposite tho Old Station" ' House.

Mutual Xelepliono No. 4.87 tf ,

VETERINAEY.KOWAT, Vetorlnary Surgeon,

, ofllco and pharmacy ot HuwailanHotel Stables, eorner Hotel and UicliardBtrcdts. HclenllUc-treatmen- t in all dU-cas-

of doraestio animals. Orders forV plantation and ranch stock promptly

attended to. Mutual Telephone 351,

Pjp;jipx'320. tnh'48-fii- )


LL persons who want to communi.... ui. Iia Pmtiiffueso. either

. !...!... n tnf nrnp.nrlnir workmen.servantB or any other helps,, will find ittho moat' proutaulo, way to advertise In

tho Luto Hawaiiano, the new organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-

lished on Hotel Btreet, and only chargesreasonable ratei for advertisements.

aStat' :'2sm


JM. MONSARBAT,at Law & Notary Public

149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAQOON,J Attorney at Law & Notary Public173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. iy

David DaytonWill practice in tho lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collect-in-

in all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him.

Office 01 King Street TJ pstairs.,Fcu59


AND JJAOCJEIVST.P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- 2T Telephone 74.

Mrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage RomanBaths

160 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.doc-7-H- 8


Druggists & TobacconistsJr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

:.- - --' .. '....,aiiu nonoiuiu, id., x.

u. M. BENSOH. a. w. surra.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericko & Scechlk'a

HOMCEPAT.HIC MEDICINES,Rickiecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WINKER & CO.t . Aluunfactnrine Jewellers,

i: . 03 JFOilT HT1U3ET."Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every desoriptionof Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware;&c.

858 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specialty.

Kins Street, llonolnln, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-

way Company's Office.

CSyr Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. Jsn-19-8- 0

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, Proprietors.

Office, at King street, Telephone No. SC.

Residence nelepbono No. 20Z.

Ocn'l JExprcBBtncj & rrn.ylnKPiano, aud Furniture moving u specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers. "'

1uly25 1y

Hustace & Robertson,

J JEC A. Y 1 J31 N .A LE orders for Cartage promptly at

Jt. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, noxt door to Jas. P. Morgan'sauction room.082 ly . Mutual Telephone No. 19.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Slioeiiif? Forge,70 A HI IUujj Htreet.

Shooing, i'roni $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated foii i

all Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain House, nextKawalahao Church.

X. O, BOX 4.UB.

Dell Telephone gSft"

- - jmM&i'!AjM&.

9Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

The Finest Brand of

AJfe nAlways on Uand.

II. J. XOJLTK, Proprietor.veuja

Metropolitan "SkKjEvjI

MeatCompany81 KINO STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Eotail Batchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,ITisli, Vefiretablcs, Ssc., Ssc.

Always on liand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcfs),

No. O luccn St., : : Fish. Slarkct,Honolulu, H. I.

f3yFamily,and,Shipping Oiders care-fully attended to. ilve Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8


City market,Nuuanu Btreet.

Beef, g Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

CSTHis noted Sausages aro made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna Saosages."XSaoct-5-8- 8

Anderson &Lundy,Dentists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which aro a constantsource of irritation to tho mouth andthroat, we .would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All opeiationuperformed in accordance with tho latestimprovements in denial fcien'co, Teethtixtractcd without paln: by the use ofNitrous Oxide tint.

BSrOfllco at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20-8- 0


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Buo deDunkerque, . - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof Preuch, Belgian,Swis", German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Home aim Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cnmbrics,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gluts, andOhlna-war- Clocks, Watches,.Tewellry, Fanny Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Pans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery', Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, tc &c,

180 Iv H.


A'T Halokou, Kancshe, Koolaupoko,b53 acres of good pasture land, all

enclosed plenty of water. Apply toCharles I. Hiram, at the King's Btablek,Honolulu, or at HaUkou. f b-- Btf-l- y


THE - GLORIOUS 4thIs approaching and now is the time to select your

Hats, Bonnets & Dresses !A full assortment can be found at tho

POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

UN". S. - - 3Proprietor.Latest shape received.

THE SPAR, SAILORThe very lateBt and newest shapo and only to be found at our


riental Lace Dresses 1

In Cream, White & Ecru;

Chantilly Lace Dresses !

In Black & Cream;

Black Spanish Guipure LaceAt very reasonable prices. A fino assortment of

Materials for Evening Dresses !


Califcrjjila Hay, Oats, Bran,Cake MeaJr-JLinsee-d Meal,

Barley, Rolled 'Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Cm, FJour.FLOUR eerAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas- - FOUK

Telephones, No. 175.

Boll Teloplioiio, SO -- 8 fi


Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.

--Have on hand and For



All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

V In Bulk or Caso; ,

SSCOTCH and IRISH TIIISICY,In Glass and Stono Jars;

FRENCH BRANDIES,Very Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted ;

.GINS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Old ODotn. Gin, Best Brand In the Mnrlcot;


In Bulk and Case. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc.,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,and



T All of which will bo sold


w -


Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Mutual Telephone, &V I


Sale a Full Assortment of--

Madeira,Riesling, Etc., Eto,





In Pints Quarts.

Bitters, Liquors Absinthe,Apollinari Water, BLummrfs,


Zinfundel, Malaga, Tokay,Sherry,



The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.OIT NEW YORK.

Richard A, McCnrdy, President,

The Largest Company in tho World

Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Givos tho Most Liboral PoliciesAND

Pays the Larflost D'tvidonds.

Claims paid to policy holders in theHawaiian Islands, during the

past ten years,

Over : 8100.000 OO.

tSS" For rates, apply to

S. 11. KOSE,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Tulnnda. nc).fl-88-1-

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation of Funds, - $28,602,205.00

Firo risks taken at current rates andsettlement mado in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July

Union KIro Jk. Ilarlno

Insurance Company of N. Z.

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Firennd Marine risks, taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent.july 2088-l- y

8tINInsurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

'JuEST S. WALKER, Agent.July U(V88-l- y

'MEGDBBUBG -General Insurance Company.

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes,-Freigh- t

and Commissions at current rates.



MR8. MONROE,, ladies nurse.hasremoved to JNo. B, Jiukui lane.

FeU-14- 9

A. H..RASEMANN,BookVbimier, Paper-rule- r & Blank

book Manufacturer.

No. Merchant street. Up stairs.'

nct.l-88-l- y .s

PrP HONOLULU' IRON WORKS,SriEabaStcam'englncs', sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, braps, and lead cast-ings; mnchinery of. every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. 5&L Flohr,Lock 6l Gunsmith.

Next door to Hoffschlaceor & Co.,Dampn Block, Bclhel'strcct.

All kinds of Safos & Soalos repairedAlto, Sewlnc Slachlnea at reason-abl- o

rateH.Bell Tel. 424. P. O.-B- . 490.


PLANING MILL. IAJultou, near accn 8UTelepbone SB. ,


Contractors A: Builders.Brick, Stono and Wooden Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 10 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 428. ap

LUCAS,Contractor tsirafil&

and Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, isplanade, Honolulu,

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-wor- k

finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing aud Plw-u- g,

Mortiolng and Tenanting,Orders uromntly attended to and work

(guaranteed. Orders from the other'



INSUKANDE.Hartford Fire Iniuranee Co.

AbscU, $Al888,0f0

Commercial Iiurar&nea Co.(Fire and Marine)

AsMto, $4K.000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Oorporatiwi

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $86,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly


Life Assurance Society

D0Kfl Ar- -


Larger Surplus,--OIVB Si--


Payslts ItJSSflsmojeJnBIptiy


Life Assurance Company

! HB WOBLDrf- --

A. J. CARTWRIGHOeoeral Arent for Hawalloa

loloado.June li'iy

CASTLE SL COOKE,Life, Fire & Marino Insur'po Agente.

AOEMTB 0Tbe Hew 'kosluad


of Boston,

Tho JEtna Fire InBuranc 0nof Hartford, Cono.' ' f '

Tbe Union JPlre andMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cola.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Gonnj'f

EaxADLienKD 1816,

Capital .'. . . 0,000,000 RelebMUU

undersigned, haTinr been an.pointed acent of the above Compa

for tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared toaceppt risks, against JTirCupn Bulldia,lFurnituro, Merchandise; ruce, Surtr "Mills etc., on tho tnost"FaVorab1e rrerma

Louei Promptly Aijuilod and PayableHonolulu.

H. RIEMEBCHNEIDBK,jly-8- 7 ly at Wilder Op's." ... ' "I,' I. In II

4 i

Pioneer Shirt Factory.Of Honolulu, No. 1 7 Emma SL

The undersigned begs to Inform thepublic of theso Islands that he istaaktngBUitrtM. by AIt)iteiiiVeiuoat r'Directions for self.measiiremerit will

be given,ou application,

WhlteSbirts, 0TersMrUOtGMA fit guarantee by'mklnMaiia,

Shirt to every- - brtler-.,,'i;7- :!

Island order

Wly : . A. M. MKJLI4B8I.

J- - i.n

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , (i, 8N . r i. i-t-i JI4'& & Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889



" "" .grr- -

Water Notice.In accordance with Sec. I. of chap-

ter XXVII. of the Laws of 1880.

All per eon s holding water privi-

leges or thoso paying water rates, archereby notified that tho water rateslor the term ending December31, 1$S9 will bo due and payable t

$ xxm. office of tho Honolulu Water"Work bn tho first of July, 1889.

All such rates remaining unpaidfor fifteen days after they are due,frill be, subjeet to an additional 10per cent.

parties paying rates will pleasepresent their last receipt.

Bates are payablo at the office oftho Water Works in the KapuaiwaBuilding.

The statute allowing no discretionstrict enforcement of this clause willbe rnade.

CHA8. B. WILSON.Supt. Hono. Water Works.

Honolulu, June 18, 1889. 278 tw

Notice io Personal Tax-paye- rs

The undersigned Assessors andCollectors of Taxes for the GeneralTaxation Divisions of the Kingdomwould respectfully call tha attentionof the tax-paye- to the New Law inregard to tho payment of personaltaxes, Section 58a, Chapter f8 of tiieSession Laws of A. D. 1888.

"All personal taxes shall be dueand payable on and after the 1st dayof July of each year, and may becollected by the proper oilicers atany time after such date."

C. A. BROWN, ABsessor &. Col-lector of Taxes, 1st Division.

H. O. TKEADWAY, Assessor &Collector of Taxes, 2nd Division.

H. C. AUSTIN, Assessor fc Col-lector of Taxes, 3rd Division.

.T. K. FAKLEY, Assessoi & Col-lector of Taxes, 4th Division,

271 4w

THEatTg fjjtttnftn

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But ettablithed for the benefit of all.

FRIDAYS, JUNE 28, 1889.


The sketch given, in Thursday'sissue of this paper, of the improve-

ments that have been made in Ka-piola- ni

Park, within a very shortperiod of years, must be convincingof the expenditure of a great dealof intelligent energy bj the ParkAssociation. This body in truthhas not much else to spend unless itmjkes periodical raids Qn the pri-rat- e

p6Cits its' members, forthe Legislature has in several ses-

sions granted it but two thousandfive, hundred dollars a year to im-

prove and maintain the' park with.Perhaps this "ligid economy" hasbeen justifiable in the past from thefact that the.park.has been practi-cally inaccessible to all but tke com-

paratively wealth classes. Nowthat the tramway carries people at avery low rate to the entrance of thepark, the latter is available to the

. masses as & rendezvous for rest, re-

creation, and fresh air. It is there-for- e

reasonable to anticipate thatpopular interest in Kapiolani Parkshould intensify, and that the Legis-

lature ,will be given to understandthat aid to this object will he forthe general public benefit. Then a.

more liberal appropriation than pre-

vious ones ought to be forthcoming.To bring the park to the degree ofperfection which weukl be credita-ble to our capital city, much remainsto be effected in addition to thevery efficient forestry, landscapegardening, and road building al-

ready done. There should be alarge garden at some eligible point,with a neat pavilion for rest and re-

freshment, also a band stand. Alarge proportion of the present al-

lowance from the treasury could boapplied advantageously to cleaningand dredging the stream. The lackof water adverted to In our report'requires more money ts remedythan can be afforded out of thelegislative pittance hitherto granted.Making a play ground in the centre

. of tho racing arena will take a fur-

ther amount. It Is Burely needlesstf this day to urge upon intelligent

people the desirability of havingcommodious and well made andkept public parks in and about

nJorge twns. Honolulu is not badly: off, considering its population, in

having Thomas, Emma and Palacesquares as breathing places within

. tho city, 'but it should have the bestadvantage taken of the splendidnatural conditions and txcellent be- -

v dint(ng, to in&ka Kapiolani Park aperennial joy to both residents andtrangers.


Late Forita News.

(PerS. S. Umatilla.)

HA9T.OAN TRl'.ATY HRXKDThe Samoan treaty was signed by

all the members of the conferencein Berlin on June 14th. Its provi-sions nro us previously published inthe Bulletin, except that there is astipulation that tho Germans shallreceive money indemnity for theirlosses, and a special court ill bemftntntml tn flpnt wit.ll till Inllfl

question. Tho indemnity matter iswhat caused the hesitation at Wash- -

ington. The American Commis-sioners made their adhesion condi-tional upon a ratification of thetreaty by the U. S. Senate. Statusquo will therefore prevail in Samoatill December. The treaty will notbe published uutil signecl by theAmerican Government.

AlIBIUCA.C. P. Huntington has subscribed

$50,000 for the Congo railway outof admiration for King Leopold'swork.

Le Caron, the British spy expos-ed ia the Farnell iuquiiy, has beenexpelled by W. S. Hancock Post,G. A. R., Chicago.

The prohibition amendment hasbeen defeated in Pennsylvania by188,449 majority.

The Chippewa Indians murderedseven men in Minnesota and threat-ened other qettlers.

The Sultan of Tuikcy has donated200 to the Johnstown sufferers.The prohibition amendment to the

Rhode Island Constitution, adoptedin 1886, was repealed June 20th bya vote of 28,449 approve and 9,853reject or more than three-fifth- s oftho vote necessary to cany theamendment.

The Nicaragua Canal Co. ap-

proved the repoit of last year's ex-

pedition, elected directors and ad-

journed.John Gilbert, the veteran actor,

was buried at Boston on the 20th.Discontented woikmen arc mak-

ing disturbance at Johnstown, Pa,

mjkofi:.Balfour calls the new gospel of

home rule, that would include Scot-land and Wales, "some kind ofbastard imitation of the federalgovernment of America.

Pasteur's agents complain bitteilyof unjust treatment in Australiaand have laid their case before theFrench Ambassador in London.

Loid Dunraven is confident theValkyrie will win the America cup.

The wedding of Grand Duke PaulAlexandiovitch and Princess Alex-andria of Greece was celebrated inthe chapel of the Winter Palace, St.Petersburg, June 1C, before a brill-iant gathering of oflicers, diplomaticrepresentatives and ladies.

OTJir.it i,a:vi.PiesidcntBlancjj ims been bounc-

ed iv Ytneuela by a peaceful reo- -

lution, after a reign of 19 years.Hippolyte continues victorious

without inteiruption in Ilayti.The Gcicest agitation in Canada

for twenty years rages, without re-

gard to old party lines, against theFederal Goveonment for refusing toveto an Act of the Quebec Legisla-ture, which lecognizes the authority

"Of the Pope of Rome and giants$400,000 to the Jesuits as compen-sation for lands taken from them atthe British conquest.

The burning of Lu-cho- China,is confirmed, but only 1,200 personswere killed instead of 10,000. Thelatter figuie is the" number madehomeless.

Lord Cecil, the British evangelist,was drowned in Canada June 12.

The Mexico-Japa- trtaty is rati-fied.


The supply of Hawaiian bananasin this rnaiket is to be regulatedhereafter, so far as possible, accord-ing to the actual demands. An ar-rangement has been entered into bya leading importer and other localdealers with the piincipal growersin the Iblands, whereby all the goodfruit will he taken, not in excess ofthe local market requirements. Allpoor stock is to bo rejected withoutloss to the local parties. The ob-

ject of j,the agreement, which is forlhe yeais, is to establish uniformand reasonable prices, and to putonly the best fruit on this markot.

S. F. Examiner.

A Chlcogo Diploma Dullard Isee the oldttman Killmcr has takento doctoring. Is lie having any suc-cess?' llilghtly Success! Why, liecured twenty-eigh- t hams last winter.

Money goes no one knows ;

Wlioie it goetb no one showethjHere and there, everywhere;

Run, run;Dun, dun;Spend, spend;Lend, lend;

cnd, fiend.Flush abort ;

Notes to pay, borrow, borrow j

How it goes no one knows;Where it gouth, no one sboweth.

Some one says that a womanshould never allow a man to proposemarriage to her unless she is willingto become his wife. Some peoplewould depiivo tho women in thisworld of ull their fun.

Somebody asks, "Why don't ouryoung tucn come to the front?"Because tho baldbcadcd men gettho seats first.



Fiudat, June 28th.The Hawaiian Government vs.

William II. Cornwell. Ejectment.Jury waived April term, 1889.Plaintiff sues to recover possessionof lands known as Kaincharocikiand Pulehuiki, and Waiakoa, Kuln,Makawao, JMnui. Ileal d and deci-sion lescrved. Attorney-Gener- al

O. W. Ashford for plaintiff ; P. Neu-mann aud C. L. Carter for defend-ant.

In the matter of the estate ofAnderson O ForbcB, fate of Hono- -

lu'u. ""'..deocased, Intestate. Pe- -

tltion of Willi am J. Forties, tho administrator, for allowance of ac-

counts, dUchuigc nnd final older ofdistribution. Ordered that petitionbe grautcd, and that his bond becancelled upon his .filing final re-

ceipt. W. O. Smithfor petitioner;petitioner in person.


TiiuitsDAT, June 27.C. L. Aliona vs. M. Kekaalua.

Deserting contract service. Achifor plaintiff ; Kaulukou for defend-ant. Plaintiff's appeal fiom Hono-lulu Police Court. Continued tillnext term day.

C. A. Brown, Tax Collector, vs.Wong Kcaui. Personal tuxes.Creighton for plaintiff; Achi for de-

fendant. Continued as last.W. C. Parke, assignee, vs. C. O.

Beruer. Assumpsit 155.90. De-

fendant's appeal. W. A. Whitingfor defendant. Ordered to standover till some one is appointed inplaco of Mr. Paikc, deceased.

Jo9o M. Pedro vs. J. It. Holt, jr.Assumpsit $3G. Defendant's ap-

peal from Police Court. J. A. Ma-Koo- n

for plaintiff ; A. Rosa for defendant. Counsel announce casewill ptobably be settled during theday out of Court.

F. II. Bedwaid vs. E. B. Thomas.Assumpsit 6191.50. Plaintiff's ap-

peal from Police Court. W. O.Smith for plaintiff ; P. Neumann fordefendant. Heard and taken intoconsideration.

E. B. Thomas vs. F. II. Redward.Assumpsit $76.95. Appeal f'omPolice Court. Neumann for plain-tiff; Smith for defendant. Heardand taken iuto consideration.

Hamilton Johnson vs. Joao d'Oliveira. Assumpsit $87.80. Ap-

peal fiom Police Court by plaintiff.Creighton for plaintiff ; V. V. Ash-

ford for defendant. Counsel statediscontinuance will be filed.

The King vs. Sam. Holburn. As-

sault and battcr3. A. P. Petersonfor the Crown; Kaulukou for de-

fendant. Appeal from Police Court.Continued till

The King vs. Aclnona. Assaultand batterj Peteison ior theCrown ; V. V. Ash'oru for defend-ant. Appeal frum Police Court.

orAiiUGl 'until a hearing can bearranged.

Tha King vs. Win. Crews. Drunkon May 27. Appeal from PoliceCourt. Peteison for the Ciown;Kuulukou for defendant. Judg-ment suspended until moved on bythe prosecution.


THE undersigned intending to leaveKingdom requests all persons

having claims aj,'iiiu3t the linn of F.llaticrmnrher & Co., to prusent pamc tohim nt once'.2d7 It F. HABERMACHER.


TO purchase on one of thelliUMiiinn Islands a

Tract of Liiat, 10,100 aerefr,more or less. Leave ofl'ernwith Btntement of price, put):

"A. S. 89," Bulletin Olllcc. 237 lrn


A GOLD Brooch with small pearl incenter, either on King .strret cars

or on Kurt Htrect. Tho flmlir will lio

properly rewarded on 'caving at thibofllce. 284 tf

Corporation Notice.MEETING of tho stockholders ofA the Hawaiian Carriage Mimufnc.

tu.ing Co will he held on MONDAY,July 1. lflHti, nt o'idock r. m., at thoolllce of W. O. bmilh. fid Fort street.

Per order. W. O. SMITH,Seerttan H. O. M Co.

Honolulu. June 27. 1889. 2-- 3t


dividend of ThrroA(UARTEKLY will be paid totho stockholder of Wilder's SteamtldpCo. on SA'IUIIDAY, 2!ith inM.

8. B. ROSE,becrcttiry.

Honolulu, Juno 20, 188!. V?85 8t


TVTRS. K. CAYFORD is removingXiX from tho 'Chiinibprliiin From).ses," King Btreet, to no. M AlaKca street,wheie Hie will he glad to receive herold nnd new roomcrB on or about July2,1889. 284 lw


DURING my ulisenco from this King,Mr. O. A. Peacock will net

for mo' in ull mutters uudir full powerof attorney. W. C. PEACOCK.

Honolulu, June 27, 1HM) 280 at


1PERSONS who nro willing to sub.frrll'o towimlH defraying Iheix.

peiiFcs of tho 4lh of July Celebrationand have not hem railed upon by theFlnnt.re Committee, w ill llnd n fstibcrlp.tlon lint with Mr. F. K. Mtlinls, nt thellnwalian NewB Co 's ttore. Merrhuntfctroot. J. G. SPENCER,

Ohnlrmau Finiiuco Oominlttoe.281 td

Auction Sales by Jaunts P. Morgttu,

For Sale at FiHlc AictioaAt tho auction room of James F.


On Montlny, July 1, 8t,AT 1 O'CLOCK A. M.,

By order of Ututlo & Cooke,

Twenty-On- e SharesOf the New Issue of

Pala Plantation (Consolidated) StockWithout Dividends from Present Crop.

Tho Pain Plantation issues 8,05fl nowShares on acquiring Grovo Ranch Plan.tillon, making lt totnl issue 7,f00Shares, of the pnr value or $100 nach,of which nw Issue the above 31 fharesarc for ta c. 278 lit

Notice to Policy Holders- IN TIIE-- -

Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United Stntcs.

YOU aro respectfully requested innny stiitcmuits are mndo by

agents of other companies against theEquitable or iu mt'tlio is, io lay thomatter promptlv hoforo

A. J. OAimVRIGHT,281 tf General Anent for Haw ts.

For San Francisco.The Font Hnlllns Ilnrucntlno

i4S. G. WILDER,"CArT. Ukifkitiis.

Will have quick dispatch for tlionlovepoils

On SATURDAY, Juno 29th, at noon.

iSf For freight or nsac:e apply to

F. A. SCHAEFEE. & CO.,2RJ5 St Agents.

KOTICE of REMOVAL.E. C. KOtVE. P.iintrr. hasM moved bii pl.tic of ru'-lnis- s into

the building lutelv occuphd by thePucillc Hose Co., Kinir. street, near Fort.

271 Ira


ALL persons lining claims or de.munds ngmnst the undersigned

aro requested to present them to JosephO. Cnrter for settlement Oj or before the1st day of July ni'Xt

HALAlvI ADAMS.Honolulu June 11, lBS'J. 281 2w

Lost or Mislaid.

CERTIPIOATR No 24 Lfor-2- 0 sharesblock Btandinu

in, the uanic of V. K. btillmnn, on whichtransfer his been .stopped. Finder pleasereturn to Mr. O. K. Stillmmi or to theBt'LLKTIN 0111 c. 271d O'.u.tf

Notice to Shippers.j-- riMlK Steamer "1'elc,"PJriL' "'" hereaftei c.iry

SBeSsi&Ms all freights for the follow- -

ing ports in ICon i, i7: ! ni'iia, ilolun- -loa, Kcitihou, IC,i:i aloa and N'upoopoo.

Per Onler, J. ENA,SecretaivT. I. S. N. Co.

Honolulu, Juno 20, 188!) 2 0 2t

Notice to Shippers.

HLltr'AFTERnofieightthe Steamer " Jllknhala, "

after 4 o'clock p. in , on this day of sail-in- ".

Per Order,J. EXA,

Sccictiry I. I. S.N. i'oHonolulu, June 20, 880. 2S0 2t

Ants, Mice, Moths & Roaches

IN this country, especially where Ants,Mice. Mo lis 'and Koiuhes infest

your I'uiiios to the Ue.tructlon ol uiesame, and the unnoyuuee of all calledupon to use them, it would be well tnpliicc your inttiiimenls in Mil. J. W.YAKNDLEY'a cure, who will eirectuully clear them ol all destructive iusects, eto, aud cleanse the strings andtuning pins from rust Sec to thisbefore it is too lute!

Let Mu YARNDLEY tuno yourPianos mill kep them in tuno ManyPianos biiiler greatly nnd become worthless lor neid of intelligent nnd mornfrequent attention in regard lo thoabove.

tOnlcrs leceived at the ofllce oftho Hawaiian Nmvs Co.. Merchantstreet, will bo promptly attended to.

27.) 2w

Supreme Court of the Hawaiianislands At Chambers.


tho matter of tho Bankruptcy ofIN . F. Cooke. Onh r on petition ofUimkiupt for diKchargo fmtn Ida debts.

Upon reading nnd flllnc tho petitionof AMOS FRANCIS COOKE, of Bonolulu, Uuhu, tillering that more than hlxmonths have clup&cri blui e lie wax adju-dicated a bankrupt and praingforadischarge fiom ull his debts.

It I ordered Unit TUESDAY, the 2ndday of July. A D 1H8, nt 10 . M. oftt at dny, ui tlio Court Room in AliioliiniHale, Honolulu, he unil is hereby ap-pointed the time nnd place for hcuringof said petition when mid where all ere.dilors who have proved their claimsugninst slid Bankrupt may appear andshow cause if any thoy hnve why thopinyer of said Bmkrupt should not liegranted.

And it is further ordered that noticebo given by udvcitUcmcut in tho DailyBulletin, published in said Honolulufor two wieks, of the time untl place ofsuch hearing aud tint tho Clerk of theHupreme Court mnil notioiB of tho timeii ml plnro of such hoiirlng to all ere.ill tors of said Bankrupt w ho huvu provedtheir debts.

EDWARD PRESTON,JukIilu Supi emu Court.

Attest: Aii'iiicu W. Oaiitku,Becond Deputy Clojk.

Dated Honolulu, Juno 14, 1880. 270 td

!&fe4g3$g$Royal NayvaVlan

OPERA HOUSELewis .1. Levey Lessee.

IHoIc'm Hmvyer'8Colored Minstrels!

FOIt A- -"-

Season of Four Nights-- COMMENCINO O- N-

Saturday, June 29th.tST'Dox plan for ecu on tickets now

open.tSTBox plnn for secured ients for the

opening ntlit will lie opt n nt 0 o'clockTiiurcriiiy morning, June 27th, nt L. IiLevey'- - olllcc.

CSy'l'ositlvuly no noltro can betakenfor scats except on pereonnl application.

277 td

18B9 4th JULY 1889.


Fireworks of Every Description

Just reoelvid from tho

Cnlifornin Fireworks Comp'yFon sale rtv

LEWIS J. LEVEY,2P0 2w Corner of Queen & Fort st9.


FOK SALEEgg' "V) V '"!Tho Entire Plnnt of the


Is offered For Side. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and conahsl of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrlc- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers 6xZ0f- -

1 Doublo Effect 6 and 7 Icot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan 6 feet with Blako Pump,3 Weston Ccntnlugals and Engine,

Together with the usual of

Glarifiers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Mnchlncry usually foundin a well appointed mill

Also, a number of

kCane Carts & Gen'l Plantation

Impli meiUs.

Delivery will be piven after nex1 cro;hit been harvested, suy about Jul 1,1889.

GgpFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HEHD,Manager Star Mil), Knliala. Hawaii

iny.'2I--- ' --jiino.21 80


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $90,000,000.00

" Facts are Stubborn Things."

Jit every age, on every premiumituhle, and in every year, tho ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontino Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co

hao been LARGER than tboso OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

"For particulars apply to

V. O. MK1CGI-1K- ,

Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Iblands.283 tf


jfoififr-- IN ALL- -


35G tf

Third and Last Call t

MRbA. S. HARTWELL is requestedus to uring legal proceedings

on all liillR not paid liy JunnliOth. Werespectfully request those who urn owingand intend to pay not to miko it neces-sary to bring oults.

EGAN fc CO.Honolulu, June 15, 1689. 877 td


Carriage Manufacturing Go.

Carriages, n&i Breaks

em--' --FOR SAJLE AT

All Kinds of CarriapSolicited at Very

Our TATENT BREAKS originated in llonolulu by us have bceiiReduced 25 Per Cent in Price.


Second Growth White Oak Spokes,Hubs, Felloes, Rims,

Planketc, Heavy Hiclcory "Wngon,Single & Double Trees, Etc.,






The Finest Line of.SUCH AS

Unt rimmed Hate for Misses' and Children,Flowers, Tips, Hat Trimmings, Fancy RibbonB, Etc.,

Wire Hat Frames, Wire Bonnet Frames,la ull tvJcw Shades;

Silk Laces, Silk Nettings, Gauges; Silk Laces, New Mate-rials, in white, plain and figured ; Boy's Shirt Waists,

Lamb's Wool Under Flnnnel Conta nnd VcstmAll-wo- Oversliirts, Etc., Etc., just received by the "Umatilla" by ,

CHAS. J. FBSHEP,,The Leading Millinery House, cor. Fort & Hotel sts.

New Zealand Jams !;

JUST received a conaignment of NewJams, assorted cases. Fdr

sale at low price hvJ. E. BROWN & CO.,

227 tf 28 Merchant street.


NEW & WhiteA Or jun with eight stop SifTTa'dcfor tchool or chiiich A. fine instrumeat. Apply nt 57 Punchbowl firci topposite N 1'. Mi"hion Insiinite 278 tf


1 appaJ. riitii-wi- li i ainuiu Micro-cop- e offix ponei-i- , Eiin ondeoser etc , ull com-pute A powerful and hinily insliument. For fuither piriieuhir-- inquireof CIIAS. HUSTACE,277 2w 'KinghHeit


ANKT Cot' ace on Mcr.Ptrcet. near Ala- -

kca. Apph io27(1 tt W. McCANDL"ESS.


THE Store lately occupiedE O. Rowe, Way's

Block, King strei t. at reuson- -

aide runtul. Possesion given at oucoApply to108 it J. G. ROTHWELL.


FURNISHED Rooms to let,corner of

Punchbowl and Beietuuiuwould ho very convenient for a

fciwill family. 255 Cm

Stables & Pasturage To Let.

EXCELLENT. Cottagecon

und 7 ucreb Pasiuro Lund, onoouiii blreet, near King, foimerly oecu.pied by Mr. White, proprietor of theI'.ilnma Bus. To let on ery moderateterm-- . Appiy to

E. BROWN & CO.,255 tf 23 Merchant street.


THE 'Emerson Homestead,'beautifully slluuted In

Waialua, Oiihu, II. I., comnriMng n largo uouse with 10 rooms,klehen, pantry, barn etc,, 11 acres otchoice land now partly in taro and othervegetables, and a rich pasture of (ljacres half a mile. Pure water isbioughl to the lioubo and grounds fromnever failing springs, the supply ofwhich can bo indefinitely increased Inquuntity. There 1b a good carrlago roadto Honolulu, 28 miks distant, also to thosteiiin bout landing, less than half nmile dibtunt, where steamers from thocity touch three times n week. Tho pic-turesque tcenery, fine climate and un.rivalled water privilego iniiko this amost dHBirahlo place for a country re-treat and sanitarium. Terras moderate.For further information upnly to

J. A. MAGOON,257 tf Honolulu.

Carriage For Sale Cheap.NEW Cutuudcr Car.1 rinco lust ilnlhiipfi

und htindsoinedy trimmedin first cIubs stylo must be immediatelysold to close un assignment, can be seenat W. H. Page's curiage manufactory.No. 123 Fort





All-ov- Wash

Fine wear,




Hit, Etc., Etc.


& fagon RepairingLow Prices.


Millinery Goods !


NOMINATIONS will ho received byof the Hawaiian

luckcy Club up to June CO, 1889, asfollows:

FUTUU1TY STAKES of 1891 For 3yeiir olds Hawaiian Bred Horses;sweep-take- s of $50, added. FirBtinstallment on naming 5 eueli.

HAWAIIAN DKRliY of 1892 For 3year olds Hawaiian Bred Hotses;bweepsiukes of $100, Hawaiian JockeyClub Cun added. First installment onmiming $ t each.

The following installments arc alsodue on June 80, 18S9:Firnrily Makes of 190 2nd -

incut $15 00Huw.iiiin Uuiby of IMO, 2nd

ment $15 00Unw.uiin Ucrl.y of 1891, 2nd Insi'd!.

ment $15 00-- C. O. BERQER,

275 14t Secretory ii. J. C.

v .


Paauiiad PlaKtation )Hawau, March 0, 1888

IUttdnn Iron &. lincomotlve WorkHuu FrunciHco.Gentlemen: yo have used two of

your Filter Prestct jhisBeabon. They are convenient, easilyhandled and are working entirely toour satisfaction. I can recommend noImprovement on them.

Very respectfully yours,(Signed) A. MOORE,Manager Puauhau Plantation.

These Pressoa are made extra hsavyfor hick pressures, occupies a florspace ill feet by 4 feet, and presents afiltering euriuce of 240 square feet.

A limited uumber in stock in Hono .

lulu aud are sold at very low prices.Eisdon Iron & loco. Works.

Ban Francisco.

CSTFor particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER, nonoluln,

Room No. 3 bpreektls' Block,2250 tf w. 0. Irwin & Cc-Agent- a.


Clippe. Cifler iA Delicious Summer Drink I

Dellwed at 60 and 75 cts dmt

Tahiti Lemonade Worka

X E. BROWN & Cp.,307 j 33 Merchant Street. ji

C"" im 'CjpJk!$.iKL. J 0 i &ukk&&m&&k p " 4L .ijiaabdiBfic- -







- fe


Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , (i, 8N . r i. i-t-i JI4'& & Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889

ipit " i.

pi &



i t




j. itw rr ., rv, fcifi .ri-La- az

pwnUu. Ittlliffitt

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1889.

AnniVALs..Tunc 28

Ecbr Twilight, 47 days from HollandIslaud

Stmr Waialeale from Knual8 tin r Klnuu from Hawaii and Maul

'Stmrlwalanl from llamiikiia S Umatilla from tan Fiauclsco


Stuir VT O Ilall for Lnlinlua, Maalaea,Kaua. Kan' and thu Yoleauo at 19o'clock a ax

VESSELS LEAVINGStmr Pcle for Hawaii at Id n inBk Alex McNeil for Ban FranciscoBktrw 3 Q Wilder for San FranciscoJJk C I) Bryant, for Ban FranciscoBktue John Woriter for San Frauclsco

PASSENGERS.From Mdul and Urtwail'pcr stmr Kl-na- u,

June 281 apt W Mat-o- n, ChunLung, Itev K G Poller, W S Terry, EStout, W K Low, Mis C McLennan, MrsKroeger, O Gcrtz, Jaa Kenton, S Ma-caul-

II II Webb, Geo Blcknell,ChiingSec, SAlimee, v Gaitenberg, M J Mc-Lean, Geo E Richardson, fl Laws, DrAOraue, H A licen, .Miss Kaula Shaw,Mrs Is Shaw, Mrs II Kapakahi, and 81deck.

For Maul and Hawaii per stmr W GIlall, Juno 28 Mrs P Lee, W A Hnrdy,E W Fuller, T W Everett, F S Dunn,Kauhaae (4), Mts Thompson, MissEmma Martin, Miss B Martin, Koptka,Pauabi, farah and Maggie Martin, DrN B Emerson, Miss Pilipo, J W Knlua,Mrs J M Israel, Miss Dcnnison, lv Kat-su- ra,

Dr Kawado, Ah Sam, F Macom-bc- r,

Kaaina, and 75 deck.From Haw nii per stmr lwalanl, June

28 W1I Hiekard, wife and 4 children,C K' Menger8on,E Kleimau, John Dyer,Mrs 11 id all, 2 Chinese and 9 duck.

From Kauai per stmr Waialeale, June28-- 7H F Glade, G fl Wilcox, and Ar-thur Tibbs.

From San Francisco per 3 S UmatillaJuno 28 Mrs Lillle, Miss A II I'arke,W 0 Parke, ir, Mrs O L Bell, Miss GEddy, I Q Tewksbury, L B Kerr, TMay, Hon A S leghorn, F A Sihaefer,K B Brenham, J M Williams, Rev A CWalkup, J L Torbert. J H Lantry and10 steerage.

SHIPPING NOTES.The lwalanl brought this morning

5,308 bagsof sugar.The Pele sails at 10 o'clock

for Kallua, Holualoa, Keauhou,Ka waloa and Napoopoo.

The LiUlike ai lived at IIllo lastWednesday evening. She is due here

The Kluau brought 13,047 bags sugar,4 horses, 110 bagH spuds, 10 bags corn,160 bdW hides, 17 bags ginger, )3 pigs,65 bxs pineapples, and 130 pkgs sun-dries.

The Waialeale biought from Kauaito-d- 33G0 bags of sugar.


June 15 -- Bktne Amelia 174 days fromHilo; lli schr Anna, 18 days from Ka-hul-

bi ig Geo II Douglass, 27 davsfrom Honolulu; bk C O Whitinoie, 29days from Honolulu; 17 bk F SThompson, 19 days fiom Kahulul.

. UEPAUTURES FKOM SAN FKANCISCO:June 18 U S S Adams for Honolulu;

10- - brig W G Irwin for Honolulu; b.uk"W B Godfrey lor Honolulu.

A CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT.On Monday, July 1st, at 10

o'clock a. m., at his sales room,Queen street, Mr. J. F. Morgan willsell at public auction, 21 shares oftbo Dew issue of Puia Sugar Stock,par value $100. The shares will buput up in small lots, thereby giving

, parties a chance to invest in a gooddividend payingstock.

' OPIUM SEIZURE.A few minute before eight

o'clock this morning two Chinamen,Ah Yang and AU Sain were takingfive, barrels of poi on a handcart forshipment to Hawaii by the steamerW. G. Hall, Tf hen they were stoppedby Police Captain Hopkins, who onexamining the barrels found twenty-fou- r

tints, of opiuinjfq'one addressedto P. M.', Houua'po, Kau. The twomen" along with the opium weretaken to the Station house.


Tho Royal Hawaiian MilitaryBand will give a complimentary con-

cert tDCupt. Clarke and officers of"HV'Mr S. Espiegle this evening,

Juno-28t- h '(52d anniversary QueenVictoria's ascension to tlio throne),at the Hawaiian Hotel at 7:80:

PAivr i.Overture Fetial BachReminiscences of Balfe GodfreyWaltz-Jubi- lee CootoGrand National Fautasla Kappey

Ala Iliki Mai. Ipo Lauae.PAltT II.

Fantasia Robeit Bruco (new)Bonnissrau

Gavotte Queen's Own AmilllonJL'olua Royal Hussars i . ...Hotel

God Save the Queen.Star Spangled ltauncr.

Chilean Anthem.3 Hawaii Ponol,


The American schoosr Twilight,Capt. Larsen, arrived this morning47 days from Howland Island with200 ton's of guano for Honolulu and144 logs of toi wood for San Fran-

cisco. She left here December 26th,1888, for Howland Island with Mr,John T. Arundel on board. Meetingwith bad weather was a month mak-

ing tie trip. Then went to CarolinoIslands stayed a month ; thence toTahiti and Flint Island. Laid atthe latter place'a month nnd thenstarted for Honolulu, but encounter-ing contrary winds made for How-la-

Island where Mr, Arundel wa8oft' In good health. He was to visit

Samoa and then go to .New Zealand,passing through Honolulu in tbe fallon his way to England. The Twi-

light will discharge her guano hereand thon go to Su Francisco.


tax King ltftvei for Maul on Tues-day.

About 10,000 acres of land arewanted.

Fncsa frozen oysters at Nolto'a re-

ceived by tho Umatilla.

The Umatilla brought $50,500 ingold coin for Bishop & Co.

Nkw Custom House offices and astorehouse nro to bo erected.

The Duko of Portland's colt Dono-van won the English Derby.

Til if U. S. S. Adams left San Fran-cisco June 18th, for Honolulu.

Mn.J.T. Waterhousc has been talk-ing cable for all ho was worth.

Fifty-tw- o years ago to-da- y QueenVictoria was crowned nt Westmin-ster.

Puiuer Edw. A. Kcil has tho bestthanks of tho Bulletin for late SanFrancisco papers.

In another column appears theofficial programme of the regatta fortbo Fourth of July.


The Owl will bo outmorning. Tbo Colonel promis.es itwill be the best issue yet.

The R. M. S. Alameda will boalong this evening or earlymorning from the Colonies en routeto San Francisco.

We understand that responsibleparties hae takan up tho matter ofa parachute jump on the 4th. Nojump, no pay.

Suoi.it for 96 test remains at 8centB. New York June 20th, SugarRefinery Company's certificates werequoted at 114 J.

A complimentary band concertwill be given this evening at theHotel to the Captain and officers ofH. B. M. S. Espiegle.

. tA good game of ball may be look-

ed for afternoon betweenthe Itamehamehas and Kaiulanis, asthe latter club has been strengthened


The regular quarterly exhibitionsof Sunday bchools will bo held attho Kaumakapili and Kawaiabaochurches, Sunday morning, at 10o'clock.

In the report of Kapiolani Parkyesterday tbo name of Hon. CecilBrown, Vice-Preside- was inadver-tently omitted from the list ofofficers. .

The British, American and Chileanmen of.war were dressed with bunt-ing to-da- in honor of the 52d anni-versary of Queen Victoria's ascensionto the thfcme of England.

Catt. Matson of tbo Lurline ar-rived on the Kinau this morningfrom Hilo, and goes to the Coist bythe Alameda. Tho fust officer willtake charge of the Lurline.

A meeting of the Amateur Musi-cal Society will be held this evening,at 7:30 o'clock, at tho Y. M. C. A.for the purpose ofand election of officers. Everyoneinterested in vocal music shouldnuke a point of attending.

Mr. J. H. Maby writes to tho Wil-der- 'i

S. S. Co. from the Volcanohouso under date of June 23d, thattho Dana lake has been very activeduring the weok. Highest tempera-ture 74, lowest 60. Rainfall duiingthe week 5 61-10- 0.

The Kimberly reception commit-tee met this morning and adoptedthe report on resolutions. The com-

mittee of three will go out on the pi-

lot boat to meet tho Alameda. It isso arranged that if the Adipiral is onboard, his Hag will bo hoisted on themizzon mast of tho U. S. S. Alert. Assoon as that is done tho Espiegle willsalute the llagv


Service at St.Andrew's Cathedral,at 7.

Band concert at the HawaiianHotel at 7:30.

Drill King's Own, at 7:30.Drill Co. D Honolulu Rifles, at

7:30.Hawaiian Council No. 689 A. L.

of H.,at7:30.Meeting Amateur Musical Society

at 7:30.Pacific Degree Lodge No. 1, D.

of R., at 7:30.


The steamship Kinau arrived thismorning from windn'ard, with a goodlist of passengers and 13,047 bags ofsugar. Purser Beckley reports fineweather; the Lurline arrived at Hilotho 2oth, nineteen days from SanFrancisco with ten cabin passengers j

the Dora liluhm arrived at Mahu-kon- a

the 22d and leaves ou Satur-day with a full load of sugar for SanFrancisco.


This morning His Majesty theKing gave a breakfast at lolaniPalace to Hon. Samuel and Mrs.Parker. Unfortunately Mrs. Parkerand the Hon. J. P. Parker and wifewere unable to be pi esent owing toindisposition. Those who sat downwere Their Majesties the King andQueen, II. H. Prince Kawananakoa,Hon. S. Parker, Misses Kva andHelen Parker, and Mr. J. W. Rob-ertson, Vice - Chamberlain. Theband was in attendance.

.Tho first impulse of a boy with anew natch is to assure himself that.none of ita 175 parts are missing.


'I.H.'.1Olpttus BpereUan of tho Prpften,

tory.'Pnbllp Exhibition of tho(Senior (School.

The closing exercises of thoPreparatory School and

the exhibition of the KarachamchaSchool took placo yesterday after-noon and evening.

Those at the Preparatory bcIioo!were held at two o'clock in the af-

ternoon. The two scliool-ioom- s

thrown into one were tastily deco-rated for tho occasion. Over theplatform hung a portrait of Hon.Chas. R. Bishop festooned with leisand wreaths of ovi greens. Thebright little pupils, somo 37, wcrejfscaled at their desks, and their neatappearance and excellent behaviorwere very favorably commended on,Among those present were noticed:Messrs. J. O. Carter and U. M.Cooke, Trustees; Rev. W. D. andMrs. Westervclt, Rev. II. and Mrs.Bingham, Mis. G. P. Castle, Mrs.A. Fuller, Miss F. II. Bishop, Rev.O. P. Emerson, Dr. N. B. Emerson,Hon. S. M. and Mrs. Damon, Rev.Dr. E. G. Bcckwith, Misses CarrieCastle, Pcpoon, Chamberlain, Davisand Cushman, Mrs. E. W. Jordan,Mrs. Dr. J. M. Whitney, Mis. J.M. Cooke, Mrs. Pinncy, Mr. A. T.Atkinson, InspectorGeneral ofSchools; Mrs. C. A. Brown, Mrs.T. G. Gribble, Mrs. H. S. Town-sen- d,

Messrs. F. W. Damon, S. D.Fuller and S. Edw. Damon.

The exercises opined with thechanting of psalms followed withprayer by Rev. W. D. Westervclt.The programme which occupied alittle over an hour consisted ofdeclamations, songs, choruses, aduet, essay, quotations, a reading,and gymnastic exercise. It wasevident as the exercises proceededthat there had been very careful andfaithful work on the part of theteachers of the institution, Themajority of the little boys were un-able to pronounce a word of Engilshwhen they entered the school but atthe exercises they showed rapid ad-

vancement in that language. Theclass room woik, conducted byMIbscs Iliglit and Lyman, was ex-

ceedingly interesting, the boysforming short sentences, includinga word given by the teacher. Thedrawing on the blackboards was welldone. Miss Hight had charge ofthe music, all of which was verynicely rendeied, one little boy sing-ing a solo from the Mikado. FredMaby read an essay in which he re-

ferred with pride to the Kameha-mch- a

baseball nine. He said thepreparatory schoolboys did not be-

long to the league but they cheeredwith all their might when the Kame-meh- as

beat the Honolulus. At theconclusion of the exercises many ofthe visitois inspected the interior ofthe building and were loud in theirpraise of the neatness of the dormi-tories and the comfort provided forthe boys. K

The greatest credit is due theprincipal, Miss C. A. Raemer, andher associates, Misses I light andLyman, for the gratifying results ofthe fust year's work of this nobk-institutio-

It is. to be recrcttedthat the Hon. C. R. Bishop whoerected the building was not pre-


Kawaiabao church has seldom con-

tained so many people as gatheredthere last evening on the occasion ofthe exhibition by the pupils of theschool. The body of the churchwas crowded in every pait, also thelarge galleiies, many people beingobliged to stand. Among thosepresent were noticed II. R. H.Princess Liliuokalani, Hon. J. O.Dominis, His Honor Chief JusticeJudd, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Mc-Cull-

His Ex. Jona. Austin, Minis-ter of Foreign Affairs; Mr. J. O.Carter, Hon. W. D. Alexander,Rev. 11. and Mrs. Bingham, Prof.W. T. Brigham, Rev. S. E. Bishop,Prof, M. M. Scott etc..

The decointions in rear of thelarge platform were unique. Onthe front of the organ just abovethe keyboard was a largo picture ofthe late Hon. Mrs. Bernice Bishop,the founder of the Kumehamehaschools, draped with a Hawaiian flagand festooned with wreaths of evei-green- s.

On the choir desk werespecimens of carpenter work doneby the boys, such as the frame for ahouse, croquet set of polished koa,a bridge, dumb bells, etc. In rearof the platform were largo black-boards. The pupils looked exceed-ingly neat in their uniform of groyand black.

The Rev. W. B. Olceon, the prin-cipal, had charge of the exerciseswhich opened with prayer by thoRev. J. Waiamau. This was fol-

lowed by the singing of a Te Deumarranged by Buck, by the wholeschool under direction of Hon. II.S. Townsend. It was well rendered,though an organ or piano accom-paniment would not have been outof place. During the evening severalmusical selections were sung, someby the entire school, others by four-teen, ten and six of the boys. Theone that pleased best was ".Bright.Sparkles" which was oxcellontlysung. The patience of tho uuisfoteacher, Mr. Townsend, has beenwell rewarded, fur on tho whole thesinging of the school was highlycreditable.

Some very smart work was shownby seven of the boys in working outexamples of fractions on the black-board. The blackboard exercise inpenmanship by eighteen boys was areally fine display, anniuut toacher remarking hu had notseen better in the country. Rapid

M. fe M .. .aH .Vfi. tf MM It MAIIA.4.. M.. . .4.kfci uiuitij .if .ij w r ji7BtJBi mm mmui fiuiwMaeiiiTttHffi m u mwn r.m ttu

it Vii ' Hi in' ihni 'Wiiii in t ai- . - TWtill' ii iwi i wirt i

hv ilii wJiflli wbaiUWith J, Witt as tcQQhtr, uRid tinaudience very much. The Indianclub exercises and calisthenicsshowed that the physical training ofthe boys has not been neglected.The various movements were exe-

cuted with precision and neatnessand wpto loudly applauded. A com-position on "Early Training" bySamuel Kauhane, was exceedinglycreditable and full of good points.W. Spencer's composition on "ThoRoyal Line of Kamehamcha," eulo-gised the noble Kamcbatnehas fromthe 1st to Lunalllo. .But of all theKamehamchas he thought the nameor ucrnicc Paualu Bishop should betko most honored for tho magnificentschools founded by her munificence.Some capital drawing of animalsand figures were done on tho black-boards, while Editor Wise read thecontents of the ''Kamehatneha Sent-inel." The articles and contribu-tions in the latter were rather amus-ing. Seven recitations were givenby different boys, but owing to thenoise in the back part of the churchit was difficult to hear them. Theexhibition was a great success andtho large audience went away muchpleased.


The Umatilla, Capt. E. W.Holmes, arrived at 3 o'clock thisafternoon with 15 cabin and tensteerage passengers, and 912 tonsof caigo. She left San FranciscoJune 21st at noon, First two daysmoderate N. W. winds and swell,rest of voyage light winds from thenorthwest and smooth sea. She isdocked at Robinson's wharf.


Tuesday, June 18th, a fire brokeout in the steward's pantry on thesteamship Australia, which has beenundergoing extensive repairs in SanFrancisco. It is not known how itstarted but the lire gutted the wholesteerage on the main deck betweenthe muzen and jigger masts. Thewoodwork will have to be complete-ly renewed, and also tho deck, theplank being charred and the irondeck warped. The damage is esti-mated to be between 84000 andS5000. The Australia has receivedextensive repairs, besides new boil-ers and engines. She was to havebeen ready to go into commissionby the 19th inst., but the damageoccasioned by the fire will delayher.

"Have you ever stopped to con-sider what is the chief end of ourexistence on this mundane sphere?"asked the solemn old gentlemanwith the shining garb. "Dividend,"replied the oil speculator.


TR. DODD his just received ctLYJL " Uiimliil.i" another lot of tlia''PHILADELPHIA BEER"in kegs, which lie is offering to hiscustomers. 287 lw

and Dilicioub Hoslon UrcamFRESH every Tuesday and Saturdayt P. HoilN'd. 285 41

and French Candlc-- i freshPLAIN every day bpecial agree.nents mailu for largu orders at the Pio.

nei-- r Sliam Candy Factory & Bakeryioiel between Fort and Nuuanu s tree is

285 It

ESTABLISHED 1803. The onljKnglbh liutlor

OLOtch in Honolulu Is Foluly manufac-tured by F. UoilN, Proprlutor Pioneerileum Candy Factory & Bakery. HothTelephone No 7L 285 It

fHART&CO.B Fl N E Ice Cream Cakesnnd Candles at the

honolulu "Elite Ice Cream Parlors."283 lw


BY Energetic Man who understandsGerman and English languages, a

situation in a store, or drlvct of deliverywagon or wholesale house Best of re.ftrences given Anply at this office.

285 lw

Fresh Frozen

(On Ico)

JUST RECEIVEDPer 8. S. Umatilla,

At The Beaver SaloonII. J. NOITE, Proprietor.

237 31


Steamship Compy


"UMATILL A,"Will leave Honolulu for tho above

port on

Friday, July 5th,A.T 3V001V.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. Q. IEWIN & CO., Agenta.287 lw



JCJ3L.Y 4tli, 1889.Under the auspices bf th


ASSOCIATION.Commonclng at 8 o'clock a. m.

Official List of Races and Frizes:

1 SIX-OAItE- GIG KACE. Slid-ing Scats. Free to all. Prize,

Donated hy the 4th JulyCelebration Committee.

CourtsE : From starling line out thochannel (keepiuR between the buoys),leaving Spar Buoy on port side,thence to and around Bell Buoy,keeping same on port side in rounding, and back to starting point, keeping Spar Buoy on starboard aide.2 GALLEY on GIG KAOE. Six

oars. Stationary Scats. Frco toall. 1st prize, $f0; 2nd prize,$25; 3rd prize, saves stakes.

Couiise: Same as in No. I.3 YACHT RACE. Open to all

Yachts over 5 tons and not ex-

ceeding 10 tons in measurement,provided, howevor, that this limi-tation shall not apply to Yachtsnow in Hawaiian waters andthat enter for the race this yar.

rnizc.'Hawaiian Challenge Cap" &

Poimant for 1889.Donated by tho H. R. A. Y. A. to besailed for conditionally and annuallyunder its auspices. In addition to theabove prize the 4th July CelebrationCommittee have donated the sum of$50 to tho boat taking second placeat tho finish,

Course: 1. From an imaginarylino drawn from tho Honolulu Har-bor Light-hous- e to the ImmigrationDepot wharf on the east sido of thoharbor, out the channel, keeping be-

tween the Spar anil Barrel .Buoys atthe entrance to the harbor.

2. From tho Spar Buoy, passingoutside of the Bell Buoy to and tack-ing around a stako boat anchored inthe Bay opposite tho residence ofW. G. Irwin near Diamond Head.

I). From this stake boat, passingIH8IDK of the Bell Buoy, to and tack-ing around a stake boat anchored offthe reef, about half-a-mil- e south ofthe cntranco to Pearl Harbor, at apoint where the north end of theWaianae Mountains comes in linewith an old house situate in a grovoof tiees.

i. From this stake boat, to andtacking around the Boll Buoy.

6. From tho Bell Buoy, passing be-

tween the Spar and Barrel Buoys,and finishing at and across an imagi-nary line drawn from the Can Buoyin the harbor to a White Flag on theO. S. S. Co.'h whari.i YACHT KACE. Open to all

yachts below 5 tons measure-ment. 1st prize, $75; 2d prize,$50; 3rd prize, $25. Donated bytho 4th of July committee

Course: 1. From an imaginary linedrawn from tho Honolulu harborlighthouse to the Immigration de-

pot wharf on the east sido of the har-bor, out tho ohanuM, keeping be-

tween the Spar and Barrel buoys atthu entrance to tho harbor.

2. From the Spar buoy passingoutside of the Bell buoy to and tack-ing around a stake boat anchored intho bay opposite the residence of V.G. Irwin near Diamond Head.

3. From this stake boat, passinginside of the Bell buoy to and tack-ing around a stake boat anchored offtho Quarantine Grounds.

4. From this stake boat to andtacking around the Bell buoy.

5. From the Bell buoy, passingbetween the Spar and Barrel buoysand finishing at and across an imag-inary line drawn from the Can buoyin the harbor to a white flag ou theO. S. S. Co.'s dock.

All races will bo governed by therules adopted by the Association.

In all races where two prizes aregiven, three boats at leaht must start;where 11 prizes arc awarded 5 boatsmust stait. In saving stakes 4 boatsmust start.

Two or more boats must start tomako u racu.

Kowing boats will be first called inlino by tho firing of a gun aud willstart in the various laces by theword "GO."

Tho yachts will make a (lying start.Time allowance to bo computed inaccordanoe with tho rules of theAssociation. No restrictions as toquantity of sail.

Boats and yachts not keeping tothe designated course will bo disqual-ified.

No one will be allowed on theJudges' stand except by special per-mission of tho conunitteo.

Each boat and yacht niUBt bo pro-vided with a distinguishing color.

Positions will bo assigned to thocoxswains of rowing boats by thoJudges.

Bowing boats in Race 1 will assem-ble at tho starting point at 8 a. in.sharp, and those in Itaco 2 at 8 :30.

Yachts in Rare 3 will asscmblo offthe Pacific Mail dock at 0 a. m. Apreparatory gun will bo fired on thJudges' boat at 'J:15 a m. The start-ing gun will bo fired nt 9 :80 a. m.sharp.

Notice to asscmblo tho yacliU inRace 1 will bo given by tho firing ofa gun from tho Judges' boat, one halfhour before the starting gun.

Printed rules and regulations maybo obtained of tho Secretary on andafter Monday, tho 1st prox.

t)F List of entries will be oponat the office of the Haw. NowbAgency on Merchant street, until U

a. in., ill" .mi IIBt.O. B. WILSON, ) Rogatta0. P. IAUKEA Commiteo,J. M. DOWSE )

W. M. GIFFARD,287 5t Secretary



Hawa. Ron YachtinffCORNER HOTEL


Over 1,000 Pieces of White fi Fancy Embroideries,

Torchong Laces, Oriental Laoes.

Also, Larp Lies of Lace Trimmings !


K3? Immense DRediuction 51

Qieat Bargains can bo obtained by calling at tho Tomplo of Fashion theabove Goods.

Sale Commence Monday, June 17,

Dec-l-8- 8



Hotel Fort



Corner Streets.

Great Inducements Offered to the PublicThe Balance Our Stock will

Sold during tho Month jt JunoAT -- 25 - PER -- CENT- BELOW -- COST







2230 tf

75 & 77 St




N. Onour






& H. I.








i. b. SMrrnr, Aaont

15th, MIBB OLABK cIiwml w

The Manufacturers' Shoe Go.

ss & so Hotel at.

Wholesale & Retail Boots & Shoes.Correct Styles gjB Latest Designs J& All Fricoi.




B. and aiter Mayoi Drmmaking Eomi.


The will



CO Honolulu,



03PEJIVir-- OF-

will have


f &



k. .!j. . . tjlA .i V- - tjtt-iji- v Jfeswtifta,s i Jjitii-"- . w4.


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu€¦ · wtf jgrasftft it &'. I" h. , (i, 8N . r i. i-t-i JI4'& & Jv & Jl' iUl V es Vol. XIV.No. 2287. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1889


sl- -







hi; :


r.- :.rK reB1 trf' "Mi-ll " K


Kfjs, -




v E


,jgfe$g3!Telephoud M6.'"a',B8A:'iM''j-t5tot,--''i;- - ' "'P Ot Boi flirt

LEWIS & CO., HI Fort Street,7



BSr o 3N" i o is --iaBy oach steamer ot tho O. S. S. Co. from California '

fresli Cala. Roll Butter, FfSzen Oysters & Fresli Gala. Fruits,

A complote line of Crosso & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always oti band. Also, 'just received a frC9h lino of


2crniou Pates & lottcd Meats & ltottlcil 1'rcHcrveil Frultn,Lewi & 8e.'a Maltese Brand Sugar Cured IIm9 & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Uream Wheat Flakes,f plclly Lemons& Cain. Riverside Oranses,''' "Oregon Burhauk Potatoes,' Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction. l. 87


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every



Packet Eastern- States and Europe

Kit Salmon Belliea, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Haw &Bacon', Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Noreugian Salt Herring,MihKCal. Cheese,, Atinores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin .Soup, .Sugar Raisins. Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,"Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereolino Flakes,

CAPE COD CRAISBERKIKS,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all( kinds,;, .Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloqn Pilot and MediumBread, 'Wheat, 'Flour, Butter, Plura Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

nh-D- J " Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- l 86

acific Hardware Co., L'd,: ,



Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than ever before. New invoice of


Just Received

3VovoltIc mc "Fancy Goods, In Hiargro Variety.aup-818- 8

i. JOHN JOIT, lo. 8 Kaaliiann Street

WW-- yS?Pi?l



.... Ill lM


f '...

fa? , .

f ,

:..WUh lvoran-- We almost lurgn llili .a,inB when we

Bg.f' g tome

?vKvt ' t.,eSt wro t "TrM tic h a ' vK. !T "idem kitchen,from med k'htim i .ut hrthaVe

"&e!k. ' "".K"1'"! JifKleet yhen he limit htr ie- -V T k'V. Jny hpm. owe. a Uri-- ran


from tho






Imported Direct from Ilavana.

'.70 1m


TX7E take Photos for f5 per dozen,T and aro telling line island views

for 3.00 per Uozo.i, with llm very hestfinish. J. A.'gCOlm jaii Fort street.

; 'j v -- i 'Vf :Illlllar'd Pariors in

cltyfand fitted un,ln the mostapproved Four tallies with all thelatest

J. P. BOWEN & CO,,270 tf

Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,




&.mam. !?. AN INVOICE OF





JillifR9L.io.VJ5?S? V"lue-fcenMiul-

0."dlr5,h"1 'lom.HKj iMnl- -

K4f I""'"'".

iKMBOggh-'aiaiaaBiaSte:JM:AkJ- g







European Billiard Parlors,

THE Hamisornest





ANDIron Work.






Per " Royal Alice"125 days from LivorpooL

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

unphnnr oiid niQOomppn I

A large assortment.



Can-i-n jyo Lumps,Sugar &




Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.



American andPortuguese




Rock,Liverpool and

Biggin's Dairy.:

Oils ! Oils !

Boiled & Raw Lin6eed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,'



Trypans, Etc., Etc.


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Rarhed,

Patent Btcel Rarhed."

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLEEY,


California Groceries

Of all varieties, always In stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour

Thso.H.Davies&Co.,May n HONOLULU. 1889

ai'iZ -ijs m

i ipmm it iM



M-Apn-al Competition !

rVOK THE,-- "-.


ills kociatiQ&


To bo held on their Range, on Kingstreet, opposite the Govern-

ment Nursery,

On THURSDAY, July 4, 1889,

At 9 o'clock a. m. sharp.


Valued at 100. for the highest aggre-gate souru in matches Xos. 1, li and '3,

to become the property of the marlis-uia- n

wiimiiii! it three times at the regu-lar meetings' of the II. It. A.

Won July 5, 1S80. by J. Hrodle, M.D.Won .limitary 1, 1887, by m. Utigcr."Won July 28, 1887, by ,1. Kothwoll.Won January 2, 1S88. by O. U Wilson.Won uly 4, 1S88, by F. Hustuee.Won January 1, 1889, by J. W. Pratt.


Valued at 50; also, second prizc,$6;third prize, $2.o0. olid tions of thematch: Open to all members of tho As-

sociation and members of the regularand volunteer military companies of theKingdom, to become the property of thomai Ksnmn winning it tlireo times at thercular meetings of the II. K A.

Dist.uice, 20O yards: rounds, 10; anymilitary title under the rules; limitedto one eu'try to each competitor. En-trance fee, 91

Won January 1, 1S80, by AVm. Uuger.V on July 5, 1880, by C. B. ilson."Won January 1. 1887,bv C,B.-W- i son."Won July 23, 1887. by T McDennott"Won January 2, ISoS, by Dr. B'rodie.Won July 4, 1888, by J II. ! lshcr.Won January 1, 1889, by J. H. Fisher


Valued at $100; also, a second prizeof 5; third prize, $2.S0. Conditiolts:Open to all comers; to become the pro-perty of the marksman winning It threetimes nt the regular meeting of the-M- .

R. A.; 2 strings of 10 sbots each at 500yard ranges; any military ritle underthe rules; limited to one entry for eachcompetitor. Entrance fee, 81.

Won July 5, 8SG. by J. Brodie, M D.Won .lanuary 1. 1887, by W (!. King.Won July 23, 18&7, by J. Rothwell.Won January --'. 188S, by W. O, King.A'ou Julv 4, 1SS8, by K. Hustace. '

"Won January 1, 1889, by J. W. Prate.

III. H. K. A. TROPHY.Valued at $150. Competitors limited

to members of the Association. Condi-tions: For the highest aggregate scoreat 200 and f,00 yards; 10 rounds at eachdistance; any military rifle under therules; to become the property ot themarksman winning It three "times atregular meetings of the II. R. A.



For Association Badge. To he wornoy the winner until his score Is beatenat any regular meeting of the II. R. A.Limited to members of the Association;10 rounds at 500 and 600 yards. En-trance fee, $1.

"Won July 4, 1888, by J Rothwell.Won January 20, 1889, by Lieut.

Ashe, II. B M. S. Hyacinth.


Presented by Hon J. A. Cummins,To bo shot for at 200 and 500 yards. 10shots at each distance'. Open to mem-bers who have never won a first classprize. To become tho property of themarksman winnipg'it three times. M

fee, SI. ,Won January 1, 1889, by J. W. Pratt.


Presented by Lieut. E. P. Ashe, Dr.R. K. Ycoand Lieut. ,A. D. DouglasHamilton.' I'o become the property ofthe marksman winning it twice.' 7shots at 200, 500 and COO yards. Mili-tary rlllo; any position. Entrance fee,81. No sighting .shots allowed. .

won January 1, 1889, by C. B. Wilson.


200 yards. Open to all comers. Anyriilo, Unlimited entries. Nohairotlscttriggers allowed. Entrniice fee, 91.First prize, 920; 2nd, $10; 3d, $5.


Some very valuable prizes, and nprize for everybody. Any riflu; 5rounds; dlstunce, 200 yards. No hair ors t triggers allowed. Entries unlimited,Kntiance fee, 91.

No entries will ho made before theday of tho mutch, and persons willshoot according to the number on theirticket.

All members of tho Association whohave made over 80 ner cent, at anv cen.oral meeting of the II. R. A. will not bo Jallowed to compete.

Committee on Citizens' prizes:J. II. h'Ol'EIt,It. J. LlM.lK,D. Lyons.

J. BRODIE. M. D.,President.

J, ROTHWELL,Secretary pro tern. 283 9t

- , ' .(j- -

iWM. jw WSSL.,T.viai-!Sw?Si'Sw?S;r- 3 WwtSSSSSts1itjSiSS

HSisllU'ttMi M mirffwc'Virfffif -


New Books 1 New Books I


JUST RECEIVEDA largo consignment of tho

Best SelectionsOD1'- -





All the Standard Worksm- -


These BOOKS aro offered at

Very Low Prices !

And Defcriptlvo'Catalogncs will hofurnished to 'those deslr- -

lug them.

SST Country Orders Solicitod"

125C lm

mm flDRRAH





Come out and take

An Exhilarating Ride !

A Glorious Plunge !


Healthful 3SatU !


8ST"Gool accommodations and promptattuutiou.

C. J.. 81IE1UV001,208 tf Proprietor.


Fori Street, next Lucas' Mill,

KilS'r,r. "


W. W. WRIGHT,Nos. 79 and 81 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmhhing, Drays, 'Carls fc

Wagon Building as specialty.

Ever;v description of work in thenoovo lines, pcrtornicd in a fird-clau- s

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.IST Orders from' the other islands'

solicited. Will be pleated to see ,allour old customers, us well as new onesMutual Telephone No 575.


WALL PAPER,Borders & Decorations,

A. Lni'Bo Xiot !

latest tyleu X

Just Itooolvod !

And for salo at reduced prices.t

WILDjE'R&dO.230 .Urn


HOLDING an fiuctloneer's license, Ipropiircd to act in that

capacity anywhere In this disirict. Iwill uUo attend, to the collecting ofrents, also of bills, pn this and the.pthcrIslands, My terms will ,be moderate,and! shall by strict attention to busi.ness, hope to receivo a share of thepublic patronage.

II. B. BAILEY.Kawaapae, Makawao, Maui, June 14.

1881). 278 1m


NOTICE is heroby given to all per.having claims against tho

estate of A Kaumu, 1 ceased, to presentthosamo tovt(6 undersigned executors,within six months from the date of thisnotice or they will be frirever Imrie'd,


Wailuku, Maul, June 1, 1880. 372 lmI

awtffi wwBJWww WfliHi


Arrivo at Honolulu:

Australia Juno 28Zcnlandia '. July 6AuBtntlia .July 2GAlameda August 3Australia, .August 23Mariposa August 31Australia September 20Zealaudia September 28Australia '.October 18Alumetla October 20Australia .'. .'.November' 15

Loavo Honolulu:

Alameda June 21)

Australia July 5Mariposa July 27Australia Augufil 2Zcalandia .August 24Australia August 30

'Alameda September 21Australia SeptemberMariposa OctoberAustralia OctoberZcalandia NovemberAustralia NovemberAlameda December

218 tf

R. W. WlliCOX,Civil Engineer and Surveyor

Also sole agent for the'Mafiic"VVindowScreens, Combined Bevel Squares. Stan,dard, Goodrich, etc., Bowing Machines,mcycics, Tricycles, velocipedes, etc.Ofllc?, corner of Bethel and KingstR,upstairs. Apr.l7.89-l- y

Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

So. 20 Snnaun Mt.,Ml work guaranteed. Lowost prices

Tho very best leather kept on hand.238 3m

J. E. BROWN M.,XH 3Icrchnnt St., Ilonolnln, JX.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Solo Agcnjs for the Burlington RouttAcross America, and to tho Azores.

Bole Aaents for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters. ,

Sole Agents for "Ma6efleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods'. I

Special Agents for Leading New Zeolana and Ausralinn Mercantile Firms

Special Agents for the California LandAssociatlon.- -

Speeial Agents for the Honolulu Busijness Directory. , ,

Also, Other Special Agencies,

5" Customs' Entries Passed. Propeities Managed. Assignees and Audi-tors' Work. , clone p'oniptly. - HousesLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business Solicited-


Boll Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tclo. No. 360.Uec-- S Post Office Box 4G9. 68-- lj

P. O. Box 351. -- W Bell Tele. S74.

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, 11. 1.

GENERAL AGENT?,Accouiitnnts &"Coilcctor


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentFOB TH- K-i

ii Nupepa Kuokoa,DEPARTMENTS; ,of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special attcn.tion,and returns promptly made;

HearEstato bduglit,,tdl(t apd leased,Tax'esteiut and propcrty'Bafely insuredHouses. Collages Rooms iahd Offices',

leated and rented, and rdnta collected., fife end Lllo, Insurance e(l'ecttd, in flrsU

claa.InbUraucqConipanlua. rConvoyancing a Specially Records

scatched lind .correct Abbtructs, of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription, carefully Urawa pnd. hand.Bomely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all'languagcsin ucneral use in this Kingdom.

.Custom House" Business transacted withaccuracy and dispatch"."

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.'Gold, Silver and Certificates bought und

polil.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli,

cited for puhlfshfrs.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.AnvArllcIo purchased or sold,Inlertlsland Orders will rccolve parti

culur attentionTo Lei, furnished and Unfurnished, Co-

ttages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals, ; .

Several Valuable Properiloi in andaround tljo city now for sale, and leaseon easy terras,

8-- business entrusted to our carewill recolvo prompt and faithful attemHon at modorato charges Fel4-8-


FOIt SAN FRANCISCO,Tho now and fine Al itcel steamship

" Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Uompnny, will

bo duo" at Honolulu from Bydnoyand Auckland ou or about

June 29, 1839.And will loavo1 for tli" above port withmallB and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IEWIN fk'GO, Agenti

For Sydney arid -- Auckland,.

Tho ncv nd' uho Al steel atcMnohl

lk Zealandia."Of tho Oceanlo Steamship Company, wil

be duo at Honolulu from SimFrancisco on or about

July 6, 1889.And will have prompt dhpatch withmalls and passengers for tho above ports. For' freight .or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, appivto .37 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Aecnts

THE0. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,


.PrlntlnR Done lor Amntonrs,Caljlnets .$9 jl Doz. Work. Guaranteed.

BSf Entrance oil Fortf Street, -- tel122 tf ;

JHoppMo.,74 King st. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

'ianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting .ana1 Carpets. Laid.

QQBff IPS EOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.ip.88

TO LEASE!The Beautiful Seaside Resort at "VVai.

kiki (formerly o of Col.G. W., Macfarlane), known as


Park Beach Hotel


ThcTremi'ses1 consist of

A riain Building,Containing a

Lanal 40x40, pining. Room, Pantry,'Kijcben &,6,,BefXrooms,

All partially- - furnished.

One, B.uilclJL-ng-

Containing -Bowling Alley, Billiard JBoom and 3


Oiie Obttiaig'ej,--With-

2 Large Bedrooms, & Dressing .Rooms. ,

.' "l.,'"L'


One Building pn beach,Containing

gif,-- 'Balh Hou8e8,.'Wa8h ilcarns, EtcVi w. ;.

Large and Commodious

Stables with Carriage House.

Upper Floor fitted with Large AiryRooms, Builoble for servants,

etc., etc, Thore'aro

Large & WelMaid-ou- t Grounds,

Connected with tho Premises on whichcould bo erected cottfiges for visitors,should tho place bo converted, into ahotel, for which it is admirably adapted.Tho Bathing facilities equal the 'bestalong the line of beach.

Sgy-Tlie- so Premises will bo leased fora term of years to responsible parties.For further particulars apply to ':

W. G. IRWIN & CO.A Snrintrflnld Gas Mnrh nn li

on iu? Prcmises.uuU tho, pipes ad intoall tho aboye Building', apr.2&tt

alistf .,i tL.I-- M



v.- -.








H- --


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