Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 1 - EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III NAME: ____________________ CLASS: _________ SEC: ______ 1. Name three animals that can wings. _________________________________ 2. Name two animals eat the grass. _________________________________ 3. Name two animals seen on branches. _________________________________ 4. Name two animals seen on leaves. _________________________________ 5. Name three animals that have a tail. _________________________________ 6. Name two animals seen on the trunk. _________________________________ 7. Name any four activities which you can do without water. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Name two animals seen around the tree. _________________________________ 9. Name two animals seen in the pond. _________________________________ 10. Give two examples for plant grow in deserts. __________________________________________ 11. Give two examples for plant grow in cold and hilly areas. ________________________________ 12. Name three animals that can fly. _________________________________ 13. Name three animals that can crawl. _________________________________ 14. Name three animals that can hop. _________________________________ 15. Write the names of any four rivers of our country. ______________________________________________________________________________ 16. Fill in the blanks: Birds have ________ to fly. Insect have _______ feet. Birds, reptiles and insects lay ________. Rabbits live in ______________ in the ground. 17. Does any river flows in your city? Write its name. ______________________________________________________________________________

EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

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Page 1: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 1 -


NAME: ____________________ CLASS: _________ SEC: ______

1. Name three animals that can wings. _________________________________

2. Name two animals eat the grass. _________________________________

3. Name two animals seen on branches. _________________________________

4. Name two animals seen on leaves. _________________________________

5. Name three animals that have a tail. _________________________________

6. Name two animals seen on the trunk. _________________________________

7. Name any four activities which you can do without water.


8. Name two animals seen around the tree. _________________________________

9. Name two animals seen in the pond. _________________________________

10. Give two examples for plant grow in deserts. __________________________________________

11. Give two examples for plant grow in cold and hilly areas. ________________________________

12. Name three animals that can fly. _________________________________

13. Name three animals that can crawl. _________________________________

14. Name three animals that can hop. _________________________________

15. Write the names of any four rivers of our country.


16. Fill in the blanks: Birds have ________ to fly.

Insect have _______ feet.

Birds, reptiles and insects lay ________.

Rabbits live in ______________ in the ground.

17. Does any river flows in your city? Write its name.


Page 2: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 2 -

18. Poonam saw many animals on the tree. Which animals can you spot on the tree? Write their name.


19. Which animals did Poonam see at the pond?


20. Name any four trees near you school. ____________________________________________

21. Name any four small plants you have seen. ________________________________________

22. Who am I

Banana is what I love eating I spend my time jumping and leaping. _________________

On the walls webs I weave where insects cannot leave. _________________

I remain awake the whole night and go to sleep in brand daylight. _________________

Croak, Croak, Croak is my sound in water or on land I am found. _________________

I appear after rainfall. Have no feet so I crawl _________________

Slow and steady is my pace I always win where there is a race. _________________

23. Write any four natural sources of water.



24. Match the following:

Root Make food

Stem Produces fruit

Leaf Absorbs in water and mineral salts

Flower Carries food

Fruit Grows into a new plant

Seeds Protects seeds

25. Name any four activities which you cannot do without water.


26. Fill in the blank:

On cooling water changes into ________

Animals need water for _____________ and ____________

Too much rain causes __________

27. Who all live with you in you house?


Page 3: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 3 -

28. Fill in the blank:

We all need a ___________ to live safely.

Our house is made up of ________, __________ and __________

We must keep our house ______ and clean.

In places where it rains having the houses are built with __________ roots.

Thousand of people can live in ____________

29. Match the following:

Bedroom For cooking food

Drawing room For taking bath

Store room For sleeping

Kitchen room For storing things

Bathroom For welcoming guest

30. Name the different parts of your house?


31. How do you keep your house clean?




32. Who all help you to clean the house?


33. Is there any special way in which decorate you house. How and when?



34. Name the things with which you decorate you house?


35. Name any five vegetables.


36. Write the name of any six-food items you eat?


37. Name the products of milk.


Page 4: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 4 -

38. What can they eat:

Child – ______________________________________________________________

Young – ______________________________________________________________

Old – ______________________________________________________________

39. Fill in the blank:

Food provide us ____________.

We got our food from _________ and __________.

Food should be _________ and ________ to keep away from diseases.

We should drink _______ glasses of water everyday.

40. Write the name of three food items you like to eat.


41. Write the names of two food items you dislike to eat.


42. Write what all can be prepared from rice and wheat.



43. Write the name of some food items you have never eaten before.


44. How many sense organs do we have? Name them



45. Match the following:

Sense of sight Tongue

Sense of hearing Eye

Sense of taste Nose

Sense of smell Skin

Sense of touch Ear

46. Fill in the blank:

We have _________ sense organs.

Sign language is based on different __________

In dance hands and face are used to convey __________

We see with our ______

We taste with our ________

Page 5: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 5 -

47. Match the following:

People who cannot see Deaf

People who cannot hear Handicap

People who cannot speak Blind

People who lack one or more body parts Dumb

48. Fill in the blank:

The bird flies with the help of its ________.

A bird body is covered with __________.

Peacock have a __________ on its head.

The long and flat feathers, which from the wings and tail help the birds to fly, are called


The ________ is a balancing organ of birds.

49. Write the name of birds in correct column:

Hen, Ostrich, Sparrow, Crow, Eagle, Duck, Penguin, Cock, Vulture, Pigeon, Kiwi

Water birds: ___________________________________________________

Birds that do not fly: ___________________________________________________

Birds that fly at great height: ___________________________________________________

A bird that fly at low height: ___________________________________________________

Birds that fly over great distance : ___________________________________________________

Birds that fly over short distance : ___________________________________________________

50. Match the following:

Parrot Broad and flat

Sparrow Curved beak

Duck Strong hooked beak

Eagle Strong chiseled beak

Woodpecker Strong horny beak

51. Name two birds which cannot fly. _______________________________________________

52. Name two birds which can fly very high. __________________________________________

53. Other than birds which are the other animals that can fly?


54. What would happen if birds could not fly but only walk?


55. What is preening?


Page 6: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 6 -

56. What is rainbow? Write its colours.



57. What are perching birds?


58. From where do the plants growing around your house get water?


59. Have you see animals drinking water and where?


60. Have you ever see a rainbow? Where?


61. Apart from clouds what do you see when it rains?


62. Fill in the blanks:

Cooking improves _________ and ________ of food.

Rice and vegetables are cooked by ________ in the water.

Idli and dhokla are cooked by ___________.

Poori and kachawdi are cooked by __________.

63. Write the name of two things cooked by each method:

Cooking method Name of things






64. Fill in the blanks:

The main source of water is ________.

Dye to rain the temperature ________.

The process of change of water into water vapour due to heating is called ____________.

In rainy weather we use _________ and _____________.

65. Name some of cooking utensils.


Page 7: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 7 -

66. What are utensils made of?


67. State one of the beneficial effects of cooking food?


68. Name the other things prepared without cooking.




Identify the birds from the riddles:

Long and grooved is my tail, High up in the sky I sail, ___________________ I pick and eat all the mice.

My feathers are green, My beak’s red, Guava and green chilli, I’m fed, ___________________

In trunk of trees holes I make, Hidden insects I intake, ___________________

69. Identify the pictures and write their names:







Page 8: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 8 -













Page 9: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 9 -

70. Classify the following animals as: Mammals, Birds, insects and Reptiles Crow, Butterfly, Cat, Lizard, pigeon, dog, cockroach, chameleon, parrot, horse, goat, duck, elephant, housefly, turtle, sparrow, spider.

Mammals Birds Reptiles Insects

71. Match the following:

Sense of sight Tongue

Sense of hearing Eye

Sense of taste Nose

Sense of smell Skin

Sense of touch Ear

72. Write what all can be prepared from rice and wheat.

73. How do you keep your house clean?





Page 10: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 10 -

74. Name the other things prepared without cooking.

Lemon water

75. Write the name of two things cooked by each method:

Cooking method Name of things






76. Write any four natural sources of water.


77. Write the colours of rainbow.



78. Name any four foods we get from animals


Identify the birds from the riddles:

Long and grooved is my tail,

High up in the sky I sail, ___________________

I pick and eat all the mice.

My feathers are green, My beak’s red,

Guava and green chilli, I’m fed, ___________________

Koohu-Koohu is my sound, Everywhere I am found,

My sweet voice gives me fame, ___________________

My beak is very special, I use it like a needle,

Stitching leaves I make my home, ___________________

Page 11: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 11 -

In trunk of trees holes I make,

Hidden insects I intake, ___________________

By identifying the beaks write the name of birds


____________________ Name the things with which you decorate your house? __________________________________________________________________________ Who am I

Banana is what I love eating I spend my time jumping and leaping. _________________

On the walls webs I weave where insects cannot leave. _________________

I remain awake the whole night and go to sleep in brand daylight. _________________

Croak, Croak, Croak is my sound in water or on land I am found. _________________

I appear after rainfall. Have no feet so I crawl _________________

Slow and steady is my pace I always win where there is a race. _________________

Complete the senetences:

When I am sad, I go to my _____________

When I want to know about past, I go to my ________________

My father’s father is my ________________

When I did wrong, I go to my ____________

Write the relation:

My mother’s mother: _______________

My father’s mother: _______________

My father’s father: _______________

Page 12: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 12 -

Write the names of the animals:

Can crawl: __________, ____________, _____________

Can hop: __________, ____________, _____________

Have feet: __________, ____________, _____________

Have a tail: __________, ____________, _____________

Found on branches: __________, ____________

Found on leaves: __________, ____________

Found on trunk: __________, ____________

Found on the ground: __________, ____________

Write the four names of trees. __________________________________________________________________________ 79. Draw the picture of water cycle.

80. Draw a beautiful house of your imagination.

Page 13: EVS WORKSHEET CLASS – III · Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 - 81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts. Who am I Croak, Croak, Croak is my

Prepared by: M. S. KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page - 13 -

81. Draw a beautiful picture of a plant and label its parts.

Who am I

Croak, Croak, Croak is my sound in water or on land I am found. _________________

On the walls webs I weave where insects cannot leave. _________________

Slow and steady is my pace I always win where there is a race. _________________

Banana is what I love eating I spend my time jumping and leaping. _________________

I appear after rainfall. Have no feet so I crawl _________________

I remain awake the whole night and go to sleep in brand daylight. _________________

Put a round on one which is different:

a) River Mountain Lake Pond Spring b) Car Boat Bus Train Bicycle

Tick (√) the activities for which water is needed To play To sing To row a boat To write To make tea To knead dough To bath To drink To clean the house Tick (√) the activities for which water is not needed To play To sing To row a boat To write To make tea To knead dough To bath To drink To clean the house